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80 Marks exam finals

1 march Economics
1. Basic concepts in economics
2. Money
3. Partition values
4. The economy of Maharashtra
5. Rural development in india
6. Population in india
7. Unemployment in india
8. Poverty in india
9. Economic policy of india since 1991
10.Economic planning in india
Paper pattern economics
Q1 A Choose the correct option
5 marks
B Give economic term 5 marks
C Complete the correlation 5 marks
D Assertion and Reasoning _ Choose the
correct answer from the following 5 marks
Q2 A. Identify and explain the concept (Any3)
6 marks
Q2 B. Distinguish between (Any 3) 6 marks
Q3 Answer the following questions (Any 3) 12
Q4 State with reason whether you agree or
disagree with the following statements (Any
3) 12 marks
Q5 Study the following table, figure and
passage answer the questions given below it:
(Any 2) 8 marks
Q6 Answer the following in detail: (Any 2) 16
4 march Accounts
1. Ledger
2. Subsidiary books (pb, sb, pr, sr)
3. Bank reconciliation statement
4. Final accounts
5. petty cash book
Paper pattern Accounts
Objective 20
Final accounts 15
ledger 15
subsidiary 10
petty cash book 10
BRS 10
8 march maths
Maths 1
1. Sets and relations (1 and 2)
2. Functions (1)
3. Complex numbers (1,2 and 3)
4. Sequences and series (1,2,3 and 4)
5. Locus and straight line (1)
6. Determinants (1 and 3)
7. Limits (question based on formula only)
8. Continuity (question based on formula
9. Differentiation (1 and 2)
Maths 2
1. Partition values (1 and 2)
2. Measures of dispersion (1 and 2)
3. Skewness (1)
4. Bivariate frequency distribution and chi
square statistic (1 and 2)
5. Correlation (1)
6. Permutation and combination (1 and 2)
7. Probability (1,2 and 3)
8. Linear inequation (1)
Paper pattern maths
11 march Hindi
1. प्रे रणा
2. लघु कथाएँ (both chapter)
3. पंद्रह अगस्त
4. मेरा भला करने वाल ं से बचाएँ
5. मध्ययुगीन काव्य (both chapter)
6. स्वागत है !
7. तत्सत
8. गजलें (both chapter)
9. महत्त्वाकां क्षा और ल भ
10. नक्कड़ नाटक (both chapter)
11. हहं दी में उज्ज्वल भहवष्य की संभावनाएँ
12. रे हिय जॉकी
13. ई-अध्ययन : नई दृहि
14. व्याकरण - रस ,अलं कार ,काल पररवततन
मुहावरे (pg no 103) पाररभाहिक शब्द(pg no 107प्रशासहनक 48 से pg no108 कम्प्यूटर 80 तक)
वाक्य शुद्ध कीहजए ।
Paper pattern Hindi
14 march ocm
1. Introduction of commerce and business
2. Trade
3. Small scale industry and business
4. Forms of business organisation - I
5. Forms of business organisation – II
6. Business environment
7. Introduction to management
Paper pattern ocm
16 march English
1. Being Neighborly
2. On to the summit
3. The call of the soil
4. Pillars of democracy
5. Mrs. Aids
6. Tiger hills
7. Cherry tree
8. The Sower
9. There is another sky
10. Upon Westminster bridge
11. Nose versus eyes
12. Expansion of ideas
13. Blog writing
14. Email writing
15. Interview
16. Film review
17. The art of compering
18.History of English drama
19. The rising of the moon
20. extracts of drama
A. A midsummer – Night’s dream
b. An enemy of the people
21 Writing skills
• appeal notes
• leaf lets
• film review
• view and counterview
• speech
• dialogue writing
• interview
• note making
• mind mapping
• summary
Paper pattern English