VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Belgaum,Karnataka-590014 A Project Report on “Social connect and responsibilities” Submitted in partial fulfillment the requirement for the 3rd semester BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN ISE INFORMATIONSCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Submitted by Anish Jarusha J (1SP21IS005) Under The Guidance Of Assistant Prof, Mr.AmitKumar Dept OF ISE ,S.E.A.C.E.T S.E.A .COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY BANGALORE-49 S.E.A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EktaNagar ,Basavanpura ,VirgonagarPost, K.R.Puram,Bengaluru 560049,karnataka DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE This is to Certify that Anish Jarusha J(1SP21IS005) has completed his 3rdsemester in partial fulfillment forthe award of B.E in ISE Information Science And Engineering Of the Visvesvaraya TechnologicalUniversity, Belgaum, during the academic year 2021-22 under my supervision. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been in the Report deposited in the Departmental library. The Reporthas been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements. Mr.AMITKUMAR Signature of the Guide Dr. NIJAGUNA.G.S Signature of the HOD Dr.B .VENKATANARAYAN Signature o fthe Principal ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, We thank the Management Lt. Shri A Krishnappa, Chairman of S.E.A. College of Engineeringand Technology for Providing the Necessary infrastructure and creating a good environment. We would like to express profound thanks to our respected principal Dr. B Venkata Narayan for the encouragement and support given to him. We would like to express profound thanks to our. We are thankful for the support rendered by the internship guide and coordinator Mr.Amit kumar sir for his valuable suggestions. We also obliged the faculty members of the ISE Department who rendered their valuable assistance to the internship. Finally, We would like to express heart-full gratitude to friends and all those whohave extended their help throughout myproject. Anish Jarusha J (1SP21IS005) ABSTRACT Corporate responsibility for consumption-related issues has been on the business ethics agenda for several decades. However, some recent consumption-related issues, such as obesity, differ qualitatively from the traditional product liability cases. This study proposes an alternative responsibility concept, referred to as the social connection corporate responsibility (CR). A detailed conceptualization of the social connection CR is presented and subsequently contrasted with the liability approach to CR. Then, a social connection logic to the case of obesity is applied, followed by an examination of how fast-food chains are socially connected to obesity and of what kind of responsibilities such a social connection implies. The social connection model of responsibility says that all agents who contribute by their actions to the structural processes that produce injustice have responsibilities to work to remedy these injustices. I distinguish this model from a more standard model of responsibility, which I call a liability model. I specify five features of the social connection model of responsibility that distinguish it from the liability model: it does not isolate perpetrators; it judges background conditions of action; it is more forward looking than backward looking; its responsibility is essentially shared; and it can be discharged only through collective action. Social responsibility is a component of economic and social sustainability that influences the quality of life of communities. Therefore, people must be the starting point, as they participate in solving the problems of society. In this process, the universities have a fundamental role because in them there is a relationship between academia and reality and they are agents of social change. In this way, university social responsibility emerges as a policy of performance, of students, professors and managers by influencing the loyalty, satisfaction and perception they have of HIEs. Consequently, it is a reflection of the curricula and substantive functions of universities (research, projection and extension). 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility TABLEOFCONTENTS SLNO CHAPTER NAME PGNO. 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. PLANTATION AND ADOPTION OF A TREE 2 3. HERITAGE WALKS AND CRAFTS CORNER 9 4. ORGANIC FARMING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT. 5. WATER CONCERVATION. 6.. FOOD WALK DeptofISE 13 PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility INTRODUCTION Social connect and Responsibility Social responsibility is a term that has been used in different contexts, including the economy, education, politics, and religion. Social responsibility is challenging because it encompasses so many aspects, and there is no single definition of social responsibility. In simple words, social responsibility is the responsibility of an individual to act in a way that promotes social well-being. This means that a person has a sense of obligation to society and sacrifices for the good of others. BYJU’S essay on social responsibility explains the importance of being a socially responsible citizen. A society’s responsibility to the individuals in that society can be seen through the various social programmes and laws. Governments try to create a better world for their citizens, so they implement various social programmes like welfare, tax assistance, and unemployment benefits. Laws are also crucial to a society because they enforce practical actions by its citizens and punish harmful actions. DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility MODULE 1 PLANTATION AND ADAPTATION TREE Roses – A RED ROSE is an expression of love, longing, or desire. Red roses can also be used to show respect, admiration, or devotion. A deep red rose can be used to show regret and sorrow. The number of red roses given has a special meaning as well. 12 red roses is the most popular number to give; Rose belongs to the family Rosaceae and genus Rosa; the latter contains about 150 species . SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION:. Kingdom:Plantae Division:Magnoliophyta. Class:Magnoliopsida Order:Rosales Family:Roseacea Genus:ROSA Species:RUBIGINOSA DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 ROSES IN FOLKLORE AND LITERATURE Roses appear frequently in literature, particularly in poetry, often as a metaphor for something else. It is a popular symbol of love, beauty and virtue in poetry, literature, music and art. According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, gave the rose its name in honor of her son Eros by rearranging just one letter in his name. In time Eros gave the rose to Harpocrates, god of silence, as a bribe to conceal the weakness of the gods. From there, rose became symbolic of secrecy, silence and love. Fossil records show rose to be one of the most ancient of flowers. It probably originated in Central Asia but spread and grew wild over nearly the entire northern hemisphere. Two historical geographical groupings of roses can be made: 1) European/Mediteranean roses, which includes the Gallicas, Albas, Damasks, Damask Perpetuals, Centifolias and Mosses, and 2) Oriental roses, which are represented by the China and Tea roses. The cultivation of roses likely began in Asia about 5000 years ago and they have been an intimate part of human civilization ever since. Confucius wrote of growing roses in the Imperial Gardens about 500 B.C. and mentioned that the emperor’s library contained hundreds of books on the subject of roses. Later, members of the Han dynasty were so obsessed with roses that their parks devoted to this flower took up so much land as to threaten the food supply, so the emperor ordered some to be plowed under. Paintings on walls and other artifacts depicting roses were found in 5th century Egyptian tombs. It is said that Cleopatra was a fancier of roses and used them to try and seduce Mark Anthony. Reportedly she had her fountain filled with rose water and her chamber filled with two feet of rose petals in an attempt to win his affection. Additionally, the Persian King Nebuchadnezzar is said to have slept on a mattress filled with rose petals. Centuries later, rose became synonymous with the lav ish excesses often characteristic of the Romans, who associated rose with love, beauty, purity and passion. Roman emperors filled their baths with rose water and sat on carpets of rose petals for their feasts. Rose petals were used as confetti and Nero was said to be especially fond of having them fall from the ceiling at banquets (to the point dinner guest sometimes suffocated in their excess). So insatiable was the demand for roses that peasants often were forced to grow them instead of food just to satis fy the Roman DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 aristocracy. K On average, a tree offsets 20 kg of carbon and produces 118 kg of oxygen every year upon maturity. The trees reverse the effect of adverse climatic conditions and natural phenomena, thus, protecting the community at risk. The project will aid in the restoration of vegetation that was lost due to Cyclone Fani. It will help in groundwater recharge, improving wildlife habitat and reducing soil erosion. One of the tree species, Karanj, which is also a medicinal plant, will not only produce organic litter by leaf shedding but will also act as a source of pollen and nectar for the production of dark honey. It is increasingly used for oil production due to its use in biodiesel. Furthermore, the project will generate 20,000+ workdays of employment for the rural communities. DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility Adoption of plants Through the photosynthesis process, trees take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and give out oxygen which supports our breathing. All living creatures need oxygen to survive and because the trees play an impressive role of availing oxygen, it is imperative to plant a tree today for a sustainable future. The solution to catastrophic events like wildfires, floods and pandemics lies in restoring green cover and restoring the balance in nature. Planting or adopting trees can help safeguard jobs, human health and essential natural resources for millions of people Plants and trees are our natural capital. They are fundamental to life on earth, offering food, medicine and shelter. They also sequester carbon, fight pollution and bind the soil. The solution to catastrophic events like wildfires, floods and pandemics lies in restoring green cover and restoring the balance in nature. Planting or adopting trees can help safeguard jobs, human health and essential natural resources for millions of people. DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility Roses DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Benefits Of Trees: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Biomass For Cooking Fuel: In The Panchmahal District (The Location Of Our First Planting Program),aStudyFoundThatTheVillagersWouldHaveToSpend40%OfTheirCashIncomeOnCookingFuel AloneIfTheyDid Not GetTwigs And Branches From Trees. Rural Jobs: Grow-Trees.Com Is Creating Rural Jobs, In Remote Areas Where Jobs Are Rare, In TheNursery, Planting And Post-Planting Activities, Amongst Tribals And Scheduled Caste Women (SeePhotos On Our Website). For Every 20,000 Trees Planted By Grow-Trees.Com, Between 1,500 And1,800WorkdaysOfJobsAreCreatedInTheNurseryAndPlantingActivitiesAlone!AccordingToThe U.S.Forest Service , Recreational-Visitor Spending In National Forests Amounted To Nearly $11BillionIn 2012, Sustaining About 190,000 Jobs. Economic Value: Indian Biologist, Vol Xi No 1-2, 1979, Estimated The Value Of a Medium-Size Tree,Without The Value Of Its Timber Or Fruits And Flowers, In 1979 At Rs 1.55 Million !! Production OfOxygen Rs 250,000; Humidity Control & Recycling Of Water Rs 300,000; Air Pollution Control Rs500,000; Controlling Soil Erosion And Fertility Rs 250,000; Sheltering Birds, Squirrels, Insects &PlantsRs250,000.( FromNatureInterpretationCenter,MinistryOfEnvironmentAndForests,RanthamboreTigerReserve) Improving Fishery Revenues: Scientists At Scripps Institution Of Oceanography At University OfCalifornia, San Diego, Found That Mangroves Demonstrably Boost Fishery Yields By An Average OfAbout$37,500 Per YearPer Hectare. Air/Water Improvement: The United States Department Of Agriculture's Forest Service Estimates ThatOver a 50-Year Span, a Tree Generates $ 162,000 In Benefits - $31,250 Worth Of Oxygen, $62,000Worth Of Air Pollution Control, Recycles $37,500 Worth Of Water, And Controls $31,250 Worth OfSoilErosion.Tree RootsRemove NutrientsHarmfulToWater EcologyAnd QualityAmericanForests, How Trees Fight Climate Change, 1999. The Economic Value Of a Tree In Terms Of ItsOxygenProductionIsRs2.372MillionPerYear(NgoDelhiGreens,TimesOf India,Aug20, 2013) Oxygen Generation - A Typical Person Consumes About 386 Lb Of Oxygen Per Year. A Healthy Tree,Say a 32 Ft Tall Ash Tree, Can Produce About 260 Lb Of Oxygen Annually " Two Trees Supply TheOxygen Needs Of a Person Each Year! - Center For Urban Horticulture, University Of Washington .One Acre Of Forest Absorbs Six Tons Of Carbon Dioxide And Puts Out Four Tons Of Oxygen. U.S.Department Of Agriculture. There Is No Known Non-Biological Process That Can Produce OxygenFromCommonMaterialsInSufficientQuantityLikePhotosynthesis -TheEconomist,June9-16,2012 . Decarbonising The Atmosphere: Planting Trees Remains One Of The Cheapest, Most Effective MeansOfDrawingExcessCo2FromTheAtmosphere . Prow,Tina.,"ThePowerOfTrees",HumanEnvironmental Research Laboratory At University Of Illinois . A Tree Can Absorb As Much As 48Pounds(22 OfCarbonDioxide Per Year(Www.Earthshare.Org) DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Cost-Benefit Of Urban Trees - A 2005 Study Of Municipal Trees In Boulder, Co, Estimated The CityGets a $3.67 Return On Every Dollar Spent On The Urban Forest.* This Arises From Reducing StormWaterManagementCosts;SavingInWasteWaterTreatment;ImprovingAirQuality;ReducingEnergy Requirement For Cooling " Christian Science Monitor, Story By Ethan Gilsdorf, April 26, 2006OnWhatIs TheValueOf aTree? Sound Absorption, Windbreaks - T Rees Provide Sound Buffers And Act As Windbreaks In UrbanAreas - Enviro News/Louisiana Gateway 2020, Spring/Summer 1993, Vol Iv. A U.S. Department OfEnergy Study Reports That Trees Reduce Noise Pollution By Acting As a Buffer And Absorbing 50%OfUrbanNoise. CoolingUrbanAreas :ATreeCanBeaNaturalAirConditioner.TheEvaporationFromaSingleLarge Tree Can Produce The Cooling Effect Of 10 Room Size Air Conditioners Operating 20 Hours aDay . ( Us Department Of Agriculture Pamphlet # Fs-363) . A Mature Tree Canopy Reduces AirTemperaturesByAbout5To10F,InfluencingTheInternalTemperaturesOfNearbyBuildings." Center For Urban Horticulture, University Of Washington. Trees Properly Placed Around BuildingsCan Reduce Air Conditioning Needs By 30 Percent And Can Save 20-50 Percent In Energy Used ForHeating." Usda Forest Service Air Cleansing: Cooler Air Temperatures Created By Tree Canopies Reduce Smog Levels By Up TreesFor Wildlife™ - Trees Support The Lives Of Many Large Organisms . Trees Are Used For Food,Shelter, And As Sites For Reproduction. Many Animals Also Use Trees For Resting, Nesting And ForPlacesFromWhichToHuntOrCapturePrey. DuringTimesOfExtreme Heat OrPrecipitation, Animals Seek Shade And Shelter Under The Trees Without Being Away From TheirFoodSource; TheShadeHelps ThemRegulateTheir Body Temperatures. Fig 4:Benefitoftrees DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility MODULE-2 HERITAGE WALK AND CRAFTS CORNER Bangalore city is popularly known as a Silicon City of India for its development in the last 2 decades in the IT sector and infrastructure. A modern posh city with the presence of most international brands has not lost its sheen of heritage. The heritage cluster of Bangalore still attracts many tourists from across the globe. Even the residents are always looking at exploring the heritage and history of the city. The concept of ‘Be a tourist in your own city’ holds good here. Heritage Tour in Bangalore takes you to the old-world charm and the rich heritage and history of the state. The authentic food trails and places of heritage and traditional values in Bangalore will leave you in awe. The ageold history, be it a temple or a monument or even an authentic old joint to eat those authentic masala Dosa and IdlyVada is something you will relish and will recommend to everyone coming to the city. Popular with writers, film producers, directors, actors, politicians, and even the students residing in the area, this 60-plus-year-old New Modern Hotel in Sheshadripuram has maintained its authentic, delectable taste and the quality of south Indian breakfast they serve. The lip-smacking Badam Halwa served only on weekends gets over in no time. Big Bull and Ganesha Temple An architectural marvel, estimated to have been built in the year 1537 by the founder of Bengaluru, Kempe Gowda. The temple dedicated to Nandi is carved from a single granite stone and is a spectacular piece of art. Nandi is a devotee of Lord Shiva. The temple is an excellent site for pilgrims, history buffs, and those who love to study architecture and archaeology. DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility Heritage walk WHAT IS A HERITAGE WALK ? Heritage walk is a tool to explore the unexplored and neglected richness of the country It plays an important role for the development of history and character of the city through generating interests and involvement of the local community in the urban conservation activity. The main aim of heritage walk is to provide directions and make it easier for tourists to link themselves to interesting places and important nodes so that tourists become aware of the great historical and cultural value of the old urban nucleus and also of the importance the old fort ton along economic generation. A comprehensive, integrated and clear construction of signposts and guidance system should be adopted along the heritage walk. The walk begins with the statue junction where the eastern fort gate existed during the ancient period, since this is the entry to the suggested walk it has to be made vibrant, attractive and welcoming. This following strategies can be incorporated for the statue junction regeration. (figure) • Restoring the old image of the town by reconstructing the fort gate. This junction can be transformed into a place of meeting, exchange, information and culture for tourists as well as local inhabitants. • Liveliness and sociability of the s[ace enhance with active and programmed events related to local and regional cultural themes. • A historic town will benefit from developing a clear cut retail development and marketing strategy. Such strategy should foster quality retailers and shops of regional producers. Hence few retail shops of handicrafts (e.g. temple models, coir products, books, ayurvedic items), local products and catering should be located near the entry point. • Furthermore, installation of information kiosks and electronic virtual DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Crafts Corner DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. Benefits of Arts and Crafts 1) Self-Expression and Managing Feelings. 2) Improves Confidence and Self-Esteem. 3) Fine Motor Skills. 4) Patience. 5) Organisational Skills. DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility Module 3 Organic Farming and Waste Management Organic Farming Organic farmers do not use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, one of the primary contributors of greenhouse gases. Healthy soils help crops obtain nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients from organic soil organic matter. Organic farming has mushroomed drastically in importance and influence worldwide from its modest beginnings in the first half of the last century. Organic farming is production of food and livestock without the use of herbicides, pesticides, weedicides, fertilizers or genetically modified organism and use natural resources such as manure and compost instead. In other words, it is a production system which maintains the quality of soil ecosystem as well as human beings. The chemicals were not used for farming before World War 2. A number of munitions used in farming have contributed to field of agriculture. For instance, ammonium nitrate used as ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Benefits of Organic Farming Advantages of Organic Farming Economical: In organic farming, no expensive fertilisers, pesticides, or HYV seeds are required for the plantation of crops. Therefore, there is no extra expense. Good return on Investment: With the usage of cheaper and local inputs, a farmer can make a good return on investment. High demand: There is a huge demand for organic products in India and across the globe, which generates more income through export. Nutritional: As compared to chemical and fertiliser-utilised products, organic products are more nutritional, tasty, and good for health. Environment-friendly: The farming of organic products is free of chemicals and fertilisers, so it does not harm the DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility environment. Disadvantages of Organic Farming Incompetent: The major issue of organic farming is the lack of inadequate infrastructure and marketing of the product. Less production: The products obtained through organic farming are less in the initial years as compared to that in chemical products. So, farmers find it difficult to accommodate large-scale production. Shorter shelf life: Organic products have more flaws and a shorter shelf life than that of chemical products. Limited production: Off-season crops are limited and have fewer options in organic farming. Waste Management Waste management or waste disposal includes the processes and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal.[1] This includes the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process and waste-related laws, technologies, economic mechanisms. Waste can be solid, liquid, or gases and each type has different methods of disposal and management. Waste management deals with all types of waste, including industrial, biological, household, municipal, organic, biomedical, radioactive wastes. In some cases, waste can pose a threat to human health.[2] Health issues are associated throughout the entire process of waste management. Health issues can also arise indirectly or directly: directly through the handling of solid waste, and indirectly through the consumption of water, soil and food. Waste is produced by[3] human activity, for example, the extraction and processing of raw materials.[4] Waste management is intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on human health, the environment, planetary resources and aesthetics. The aim of waste management is to reduce the dangerous effects of such waste on the environment and human health. A big part of waste management deals with municipal solid waste, which is created by industrial, commercial, and household activity. DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Types of Waste Management: Landfills Incineration/Combustion Recovery and Recycling Plasma gasification Composting Waste to Energy (Recover Energy) Avoidance/Waste Minimization Why Waste Management is Important? Its Protects the environment Recycling helps you to get money Reduces all types of waste Saves the earth and conserves energy Advantages of Waste Management 1.Practice is highly lucrative. 2.Keeps the environment clean and fresh. 3.Saves the Earth and conserves energy. 4.Reduces environmental pollution. 5.Waste management will help you earn money. DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Disadvantages of Waste Management 1.Process is not always cost-effective. 2.The resultant product has a short life. 3.Needs More Global Buy-In. 4.The sites are often dangerous. 5.Practices are not done uniformly. DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility Module 4 Water Conservation What is Water Conservation? Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. According to Fresh Water Watch, water conservation is important because fresh clean water is a limited resource, as well as a costly one. Benefits to Conserving water : ⚫ If you save water it can save your money bills. ⚫ Reduction in interior water use cuts waste water flows, especially overflowing of gutters which contaminates the environment. ⚫ Environment benefits include eco system and habitat protection. ⚫ Water conservation helps in improving the quality of your drinking water ⚫ Saves money ⚫ Protects drinking water resources ⚫ Minimizes water pollution and health risks DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility ⚫ Reduces the need for costly water supply and new wastewater treatment facilities 2022-2023 ⚫ Maintains the health of aquatic environments ⚫ Saves energy used to pump, heat, and treat water How To Conserve Water: 1. Check your toilet for leaks. Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the coloring begins to appear in the bowl., you have a leak that may be wasting more than 100 gallons of water a day. 2. Stop using your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket Every cigarette butt or tissue you flush away also flushes away five to seven gallons of water. 3. Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank Put an inch or two of sand or pebbles in the bottom of a one liter bottle to weigh it down. Fill the rest of the bottle with water and put it in your toilet tank, safely away from the operating mechanism. In an average home, the bottle may save five gallons or more of water every day without harming the efficiency of the toilet. If your tank is big enough, you may even be able to put in two bottles. 4. Take shorter showers A typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute. Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash down and rise off. 5. Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors Your hardware or plumbing supply store stocks inexpensive shower heads or flow restrictors that will cut your shower flow to about three gallons a minute instead of five to ten. They are easy to install, and your showers will still be cleansing and refreshing. 6. Take baths A partially filled tub uses less water than all but the shortest showers. 7. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth Before brushing, wet your brush and fill a glass for rinsing your mouth. 8. Turn off the water while shaving Fill the bottom of the sink with a few inches of warm water in which to rinse your razor. 9. Check faucets and pipes for leaks:Even a small drip can waste 50 or more gallons of water a day. DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 10. Use your automatic dishwasher for full loads only:dishwasher less often saves water and money 2022-2023 Benefits to Conserving water : ⚫ If you save water it can save your money bills. ⚫ Reduction in interior water use cuts waste water flows, especially overflowing of gutters which contaminates the environment. ⚫ Environment benefits include eco system and habitat protection. ⚫ Water conservation helps in improving the quality of your drinking water ⚫ Saves money ⚫ Protects drinking water resources ⚫ Minimizes water pollution and health risks ⚫ Reduces the need for costly water supply and new wastewater treatment facilities ⚫ Maintains the health of aquatic environments ⚫ Saves energy used to pump, heat, and treat water DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Water is the lifeblood of our planet. We rely on it for our health, food, manufacturing, energy, agriculture, transportation, and more. Water also has a tremendous environmental value DeptofISE PageNo. 2022-2023 Socialconnect andresponsibility Module 5 Food Walk Food Walk: During a food walk, you usually go out with a group of people, led by a local expert who is a food lover too. You walk down a locality and try to get under its skin through its food. You don't always have to 'walk' though. There could be variations. Bangalore Street Food Walk Trip Overview A 2-hour walking food tour through the buzzing streets of VV Puram. Let the sweet aroma of delicious street food arouse your senses and dive into the scrumptious world of food and let your taste buds guide you. Highlights Enjoy the delicious South Indian food walk Witness the preparation of most popular dishes of Bangalore. Taste more than 7 mouthwatering and authentic delicacies of royal Bangalore DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Detailed Overview We will begin exploring the rich and royal delicacies of Bangalore on this food walk, you can witness the preparation, get an in-depth understanding of local food culture and the things that influenced the development of these cuisines. You will taste more than 7 mouthwatering and authentic delicacies of royal Bangalore on this food tour, if you are a food lover and enjoy experiencing a different kind of foods, then you should not miss this walking tour because trust us, you will surely regret it later. Itinerary The guests are requested to report at VB Bakery, Sajjan Rao Circle, V V Puramat the selected time slot. The host cum guide for the tour will meet the guests here and after a quick briefing session, the tour will start. Walking through the lanes with the oldest food shop of the old town Bangalore, taste variety of local dishes, tangy chats, Mouthwatering desserts. DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 The street is famous for south Indian foods like varieties of Dosa, Idli, Holige (Karnataka's special sweet). Witness the preparation of bright colourful local dishes like Rotti, Dosa, Vada, Samosa, Pav Bhaji and other dishes Move through the lane of pani-puri and chat stalls in this delightful walk and taste the lipsmacking Indian street food The 2-hour food tour ends nearby the starting point. Food walks form an integral part of culinary tourism across the world today. During a food walk, you usually go out with a group of people, led by a local expert who is a food lover too What's a food walk, you ask? Food walks form an integral part of culinary tourism across the world today. It's a fun concept to take part in if you are a food lover and are interested in understanding people and their lives through the lens of food, while munching your way through some delicious treats. DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 During a food walk, you usually go out with a group of people, led by a local expert who is a food lover too. You walk down a locality and try to get under its skin through its food. You don't always have to 'walk' though. There could be variations. You can cycle your way down local restaurants, or use motorized transport such as a bus food walk is that you get to try out loads of food, carefully chosen by resident food experts, and that you get to do so in a 'strategic' manner. Walks like these typically last for two or three hours, during which, the person doing the food walk will take you to restaurants of their choice, which are usually eateries which best represent the food culture of the neighbourhood that you might be visiting. Fig:Benefits of food walk DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 Here are the 5 benefits: 1.Eating seasonally locally grown food 2.Supporting the local economy 3.Getting personalized tips 4.Planned Itineraries 5.Learning about local history, culture and architecture Disadvantages of food walk • Increased costs and management time of the host community and restaurants • Language barrier if traveling to foreign country • Tourist may be dissatisfied with food DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 • People would rather be doing and spending money on other things than just food while a particular destination Food tourism includes activities such as taking cooking classes; going on food or drink tours; attending food and beverage festivals; participating in specialty dining experiences; shopping at specialty retail spaces; and visiting farms, markets, and producers DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 . Conclusion Social responsibility is related to the concept of ethics. Ethics is the discipline that deals with moral duties and obligations.The purpose of corporate social responsibility is to give back to the community, take part in philanthropic causes, and provide positive social value. Businesses are increasingly turning to CSR to make a difference and build a positive brand around their company.Social connection is important for people’s health and well-being. Social isolation arising from a lack of meaningful connection with others can result in deterioration of well-being with negative consequences for health. For people living with multiple long-term conditions, the building and maintaining of social connection may be challenging. The aim of this study was to explore with people with long-term conditions how they perceive they maintain and develop social connections. We undertook semi-structured interviews with seventeen adults, and analyzed the data for themes. Themes were “Meaningful connection”, “Wherewithal for social connection” and “Impact of a major change in life course”. The findings suggest that social connection is valued, and facilitates meaningful ways to reciprocate support with others, thus enabling access to knowledge and resources for better health and well-being. However, people with long-term conditions can experience challenges to developing and maintaining social connectedness after a major change in life course. The focuses of these studies include how social processes promote the use of ICTs, how social processes influence procedural and institutional governance simultaneously emerging with the growth of Internet use, and how social processes were involved in the early design of various technological systems. By combining the results derived from the previous chapters, this chapter summarizes the important points and plots them in a wider framework to arrive at how a research agenda regarding social and technical mediation could be further developed. DeptofISE PageNo. Socialconnect andresponsibility 2022-2023 References Module 1:plantation and adoption of tree ScienceDirect › pii Adoption of precision agriculture technologies in India Module 2:Heritage walks and Crafts corner › 2020/02/18 My 10 Heritage walk experiences Module 3:Organic farming and waste management › org_farm ORGANIC FARMING :: Recycling of Farm Waste - TNAU Agritech Portal Module 4:Water Conservation › wiki Water conservation Module 5:Food walk › ... Food walk DeptofISE PageNo.