A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E W E L L N E S S C O U N C I L O F A M E R I C A W E L C O A’ S N AT I O N A L W E L L N E S S C OM P E N SAT I O N R E P O R T WE LCOA .ORG About WELCOA For 30+ years, WELCOA has served as the source of information and inspiration to propel the workplace wellness profession forward. WELCOA provides a thriving community of wellness enthusiasts, comprehensive training led by the nation’s top experts, and access to an expansive library of effective tools and templates. WELCOA’s mission is to be a transformative force that improves the health and well-being of all working people. As a purpose-driven, nonprofit organization, we are squarely and solely focused on generating health and prosperity for our members, their companies, and the places we all call home. Learn more at welcoa.org. WELCOA .ORG 2 of 37 Table of Contents Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 4 Survey Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 5 Survey Sample & Data Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 6 Part I: Descriptive Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 7 A. Demographic Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 7 B. Occupational Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 12 C. Influence & Impact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 19 F. Financial Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 23 G. Median Salary Comparisons Across Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 29 Part II: Statistical Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 35 A. Aggregate Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 35 B. Salary by Position Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 36 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 37 WELCOA .ORG 3 of 37 Executive Summary WELCOA’s National Wellness Compensation Report shines a light on the key demographic, occupational, financial, worksite health management, professional development, and quality of life insights reported by survey respondents. The original survey, first conducted in 2012, was believed to be the first-ever compensation survey conducted on a cross-section of worksite wellness and affiliated health management personnel. Since then, the field of worksite well-being, and the professional roles and responsibilities of the career track, have changed dramatically. It’s time to take another deep dive. This report includes a 10-year comparative analysis of the 2012 survey results, as well as implications and applications of the insights. This report serves to establish wage differentials between roles and identify trends in both wages and the need for specific skills. It assesses not only base salary, but total compensation including incentives and benefits value. Recruitment firms, career advisors in educational institutions, students and recent graduates, employers, and aspiring professionals alike are invited to use this report to understand the going wage, salary, and benefits scales of specific occupations and to achieve an equitable supply and demand equation. WELCOA .ORG 4 of 37 Survey Design WELCOA’s National Wellness Compensation Survey consists of 32 questions. The original survey was subjected to a series of external peer reviews by outside experts including approximately 100 WELCOA Faculty. This process included various content revisions based on feedback obtained in the peer review process to ensure that the final survey had a high level of content validity and construct validity. » Content validity represents the degree to which a survey has included all of the variables that are likely associated with the key variable (salary). » Construct validity represents the degree to which a survey is actually measuring what it is supposed to measure (e.g. association of a person’s salary with other variables) TABLE 1. SURVEY QUESTIONS Survey Question What is your age? What is your gender? In what type of organization are you currently employed? In which region of the U.S. is your job position based? How many full-time employees currently work in your organization? Which best describes your job position (on-site, hybrid, remote)? What is your current position: full-time or part-time? Which of the following would best describe your current position (entry-, mid-, senior-level)? In your current position, how many hours do you work per week? How many years have you worked in your current position? In which of the following areas is your primary type of work? In which of the following areas is your secondary type of work? In which of the following areas is your third type of work? How many employees do you supervise in your job position? Which best describes your role in the industry (internal vs external)? How many years have you worked in the field of worksite health management? Which of the following titles best describes your primary job function related to worksite health management? What is the extent of your responsibilities for employee wellness in your organization (or those that your serve as a consultant)? If you work as an independent wellness/health/benefits consultant, do you own your own business? Which best describes your primary motivation for entering the field of worksite health management? In your current position, how many hours are devoted to worksite health management? In your worksite (or those that you serve as a consultant), how are employee wellness programs viewed by management? In your organization (or those that you serve as a consultant), how is your position viewed by employees and management? What level of satisfaction do you feel in your current position? What is the highest level of education you have completed? How often do you engage in professional development activities such as attending conferences and/or webinars, earning certifications, etc.? What is your current salary without bonuses and incentives? When it comes to your current salary, what is your level of satisfaction? In your current position, how does your salary compare to others? In five years, what annual base salary would you like to earn? Last year, what was the annual value of your bonus and incentives? Last year, what was the annual value of your employee benefits package? WELCOA .ORG 5 of 37 Survey Sample & Data Analysis The level of response to both the 2012 and the 2022 surveys is associated with a confidence interval of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. 2022 2012 1000 966 800 785 600 400 » Confidence level represents how often the true percentage of the population who would pick an answer lies within the confidence interval. 200 0 » Confidence interval, otherwise known as the “margin of error,” represents the relative likelihood that a specific percentage of the sampled population would have answered a particular question similarly to that of the entire population. RESPONDENTS Survey data provided by the respondents were subjected to both (1) descriptive and (2) statistical analyses. Financial compensation (e.g. median annual salary) is the primary dependent variable. The statistical analysis determines which variable(s) in the descriptive analysis are directly related to financial compensation. Chi-square analysis using the K Independent Sample Median Test was used to examine the difference in median annual salary across the sample of targeted independent variables. The Median Test is used to test for location differences between two or more independent populations (e.g. female vs male). The Median Test does not take into account the distance from the median; it only takes into account which side of the median the observations lie on (above the median or equal/below the median). Statistical analysis based on median (instead of mean or average) is preferred for compensation evaluation in which equity is of concern because it limits the impact of outliers on the interpretation of the data, resulting in more accurate analysis. Median salaries were not included in the analyses in any category where there were fewer than five respondents, due to skewing effect. The thresholds established for statistical significance were set at the: » p<.05 level: the distribution of scores which appear above and below the median are due to chance or error in fewer than 5 of every 100 cases (e.g., 95% reliability). » p<.01 level: the distribution of scores which appear above and below the median are due to chance or error in fewer than one of every 100 cases (e.g., 99% reliability). » p<.001 level: the distribution of scores which appear above and below the median are due to chance or error in fewer than one of every 1,000 cases (e.g., 99.99% reliability) WELCOA .ORG 6 of 37 Part I: Descriptive Analysis DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE » What is your gender? » What is your age? » What is the highest level of education you have completed? » In what type of organization (industry) are you currently employed? » In which region of the US is your job position based? » Which best describes your job position? (on-site, hybrid, remote) » How many full-time employees currently work in your organization? GENDER Professionals who identify as male increased by 67% compared to 2012, from 16% of subjects in 2012 to 27% of subjects in 2022 identifying as male. Additionally, in 2022, 1% of subjects indicated they prefer not to answer or that their gender identity was not listed in the possible answers. In 2012, this survey question only supplied “Male” and “Female” as possible selections. FIGURE 1. GENDER CLASSIFICATION Male 27% Female 72% WELCOA .ORG Not Listed/Prefer Not to Answer 1% 7 of 37 AGE GROUP Distribution by age group skews significantly younger compared to results from 10 years ago, with nearly 60% of professionals under 40 years of age. FIGURE 2. AGE GROUP IN 10-YEAR INTERVALS 2022 2012 40% 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 27% 19% 21% 17% 25% 25% 15% 4% 0.31% 0% Less than 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 6% 0.72% 1% 60-69 70+ LEVEL OF EDUCATION Compared to 2012, more professionals have associate or master’s degrees, although those with bachelor’s or master’s still represent over 80% of respondents. FIGURE 3. LEVEL OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 2022 2012 48% 50 41% 40 40% 38% 30 20 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 13% 4% 5% High School 6% Associate Degree (2 Year) 2% Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree 3% Doctoral Degree/M.D. 8 of 37 INDUSTRY TYPE Although there is considerable variability among type of organization, the top 7 have not changed since 2012. FIGURE 4. INDUSTRY OF EMPLOYED ORGANIZATION 18.53% s Wellnes Health/ are/ Health C es er vic Social S nc e /Insura Finance ment Govern o Educati 17.60% 12.63% 10.04% 9.94% n cturing 6.42% ing Consult nal/ Professio al ic h c /Te n Science ction Constru 6.31% Manufa 2.90% 2.28% 1.86% Utilities des s (Exclu Ser vice ment) Govern r tation Transpo ad Retail Tr le e/Who 1.86% 1.76% 1.35% sale 1.24% nt r tainme Ar t/Ente s/ odation Accomm Ser vice Food tion Informa 0.83% est ure/For 0.62% gy 0.52% ecif y) 0.52% s 0.52% Technolo M 0.83% ofit N on - Pr Agricult Other (P 1.04% lease Sp e nt C an a g em ompanie Real Esta 0.31% Mining te/Rent 0.10% 0 WELCOA .ORG 05 10 15 20 9 of 37 ORGANIZATION SIZE WELCOA’s Well Workplace Process can be used to implement and develop an employee well-being strategy for any size organization. Over the last 10 years, more organizations with 5,000+ employees rely on WELCOA’s framework. FIGURE 5. ORGANIZATION SIZE BY # OF FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES 20 17.2% 15 10 16.8% 11.5% 10.2% 8.8% 12.5% 7.6% 6.7% 5.7% 5 3.0% 0 25 1- 0 -10 6 2 50 -2 1 10 00 -5 1 25 00 -1, 1 50 0 -4 01 0 , 1 ,99 9 0 5,0 9 9,9 0- 9 0 ,0 10 0 ,9 -14 99 0 ,0 15 0 4,9 -2 99 0 ,0 25 0+ GEOGRAPHIC REGION Generally speaking, WELCOA’s network has grown nationally over the last decade resulting in more even regional distribution. FIGURE 6. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION BY JOB POSITION 2022 50 2012 42% 40 30 28% 18% 20 15% 14% 10% 10 11% 9% 11% 9% 9% 7% 6% 8% 2% 0 WELCOA .ORG North Central South Atlantic Pacific South Central Middle Atlantic New England Mountain 2% My job is based outside the U.S. 10 of 37 However, the ability to work remotely from anywhere in the nation is a recent trend. When asked “In which region is your job position based?” the respondent is indicating their place of residence, which is not necessarily the same as where their employer’s regional office or headquarters are located. 23% of respondents indicated their position is fully remote. Another 37% are hybrid which in some cases may offer the ability to work and live in different regions. In fact, only 40% of respondents indicated their role is onsite. Through this lens of modern remote work, we see more distribution in the pacific and south-central regions of the United States. FIGURE 7. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF REMOTE PROFESSIONALS 30 25 2022 28% 2022 - Remote 23% 20 19% 18% 18% 14% 15 11% 12% 11% 11% 10 9% 11% 6% 5 0 5% 2% North Central South Atlantic Pacific South Central North Central (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin) Middle Atlantic New England Mountain 1% My job is based outside the U.S. FIGURE 8. JOB LOCALE South Atlantic (Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia) Pacific (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington) South Central (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas) Middle Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania) Remote 23% On-Site 40% New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) Mountain (Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming) Hybrid 37% WELCOA .ORG 11 of 37 OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE » What is your current employment status: full-time or part-time? » Which best describes your current position: entry-, mid-, or senior-level? » How many years have you worked in your current position? » How many years have you worked in the field of employee health/wellness management? » How many hours do you work per week in your current position? » How many hours per week are devoted to employee health/wellness management? » Which occupational area is a primary, secondary, vs tertiary responsibility in your current role? » Which title best describes your primary job function related to employee health/wellness management? EMPLOYMENT STATUS Of the 966 subjects, 96% reportedly are full-time with the remaining 39 subjects classified as part-time. FIGURE 9. EMPLOYMENT STATUS Full-Time 96% Part-Time 4% WELCOA .ORG 12 of 37 LEVEL OF CURRENT POSITION The expertise required of workplace well-being professionals has advanced over the last decade. In response, more subjects report being in mid-level or senior-level positions compared to 10 years ago. FIGURE 10. LEVEL OF CURRENT POSITION 2022 2012 70 59% 60 54% 50 40 36% 30 24% 20 17% 10% 10 0 Entry-Level Professional Mid-Level Manager Senior-Level Executive PROFESSIONAL TENURE 60% of professionals have been in their current position for 5 years or less. 11% of professionals who have been in the field for at least 6 years, changed jobs in the last year. Compared to 10 years ago, the average professional in the field today has more tenure. FIGURE 11. PROFESSIONAL TENURE Years in Current Position 50 46% 40 34% 28% 29% 30 20 10 0 WELCOA .ORG Years in Field 14% 14% Less Than 1 Year 8% 7% 5% 3% 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years 16-20 Years 6% 5% 1% 21-25 Years 1% 25 Years or More 13 of 37 WEEKLY TIME COMMITMENT Employee well-being professionals have a variety of responsibilities and, in many cases, are not fully dedicated to health and wellness management within their organization. Only 37% of respondents indicate that 100% of their time at work is dedicated to health and wellness management. FIGURE 12. NUMBER OF HOURS WORKED PER WEEK VS OTHER DUTIES Total Hours Worked Hours Devoted to Workplace Health and Wellness Management 50 43.8% 40 30 24.8% 20 18.9% 18.4% 10 0 7.5% 1.0% Less Than 15 26.1% 2.1% 16-20 10.9% 9.2% 5.4% 2.7% 2.5% 21-25 8.9% 6.1% 5.6% 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 2.4% 0.4% 51-55 1.1% 0.1% 0.6% 1.4% 56-60 61 or More INDUSTRY ROLE External wellness professionals work with multiple organizations and focus on improving the health of multiple populations. They may work in insurance brokerages firms, for insurance or health plans, as independent consultants, or in government roles. In this study, there was equal representation from each audience segment. This question was not included in the 2012 survey. FIGURE 13. INDUSTRY ROLE External 50% WELCOA .ORG Internal 50% External - I work with multiple organizations and focus on improving the health of multiple populations Internal - I work directly with one primary employer and focus on one employee population 14 of 37 TITLE Elevated Leadership: Distribution in title has shifted away from the “specialist/coordinator” role and toward “program manager”. This shift is indicative of more responsibility and higher positional level. External Wellness Professionals: Over the last decade, WELCOA’s resources and assessment tool – The WELCOA Checklist – has been increasingly leveraged by more consultants and coaches as the gold standard in how to design and measure organizational change management in support of employee well-being. 16% of consultants identify their role in the industry as “internal” consultants. This question was not included on the 2012 survey. While a trend cannot be identified, it is worth noting the demand for internal consulting. Collaboration in Support of Well-Being: More wellness volunteers/volunteer committee members participated in the survey in 2022 compared to a decade ago. This trend is a good sign that well-being professionals are not only engaging cross functionally, but that the employees who volunteer to contribute their time and talents identify as being an integral part of the industry. FIGURE 14. DISTRIBUTION BY TITLE 2022 30% 30 25 2012 25% 26% 20% 20 16% 15% 15 12% 11% 11% 11% 10 7% 5 0 WELCOA .ORG 4% Program Manager Program Specialist/ Coordinator Consultant Program Director Wellness Volunteer/ Volunteer Committee Member Wellness Coach 6% 5% Other 15 of 37 FORMAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEE WELL -BEING The increased percentage of professionals who are given (assigned) tasks relating to employee well-being (vs being official responsible) is additional clear evidence that workplace well-being is often delivered by an employee (or many employees) who wears many hats. Although only 11% of respondents identified as wellness volunteers/volunteer wellness committee members, 53% of them identify as being officially responsible for employee wellness and another 35% are given (assigned) wellness program tasks. As it is best practice for employers to create safe spaces for employees to voice their opinions and to be a part of implementation of solutions, this is a healthy sign of systemic change within the industry. FIGURE 15. RESPONSIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING Officially Responsible Given (Assigned) Tasks Ask to be Involved 9% 10% 10% 2022 65% WELCOA .ORG 25% 2012 81% 16 of 37 OCCUPATIONAL DISCIPLINE While the trifecta of Wellness, Benefits, and Human Resources has remained the most common top-3 occupational disciplines of workplace well-being professionals, the likelihood of Occupational Health, Risk Management, Safety, and/or EAP being secondary or tertiary priorities has increased substantially in the last decade. Of those who selected “Other”, these open-ended Occupational Disciplines were commonly described: » Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging » Financial Care and Pay Equity » On-site Clinical Care » Work-Life Services beyond EAP (e.g. on-site child care centers, concierge, tuition reimbursement, lactation support, eldercare, etc.) » Social Responsibility » Data Analytics » Talent Development » Organizational Change Management & Business Strategy » Community Care WELCOA’s Well Workplace Process establishes that Organizational Change Management and Business Strategy are best practice within the occupation of workplace well-being, as are many of the disciplines that respondents defined as “Other”. As the definition of well-being expands for employers and the employees they serve, the lines may blur between how occupational discipline is labeled. In terms of community care, many respondents report that they are not only responsible for the well-being of employees, but also students in educational settings, and the community at large in healthcare, education, government and non-profit organizations. It’s important to note that all employers have the ability to influence well-being in the communities they serve, however, some industries have formally adopted that responsibility into their business model. FIGURE 16. OCCUPATIONAL DISCIPLINE Primary 80 70 Secondary Tertiary 69% 60 50 40 33% 30 20 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 22% 19% 21% 20% 23% 32% 29% 27% 18% 9% Wellness Benefits Human Resources 21% 23% 19% Occupational Health 13% Risk Management 21% 26% 23% 20% 15% Safety 14% EAP 9% 8% Other 17 of 37 SUPERVISORY DUTIES The proportion of professionals with supervisory duties has increased as expected with more professionals who identified as mid-level managers and senior-level executives than a decade ago. Additionally, those with supervisory responsibilities are more likely to have a higher quantity of direct reports. FIGURE 17. EXTENT OF SUPERVISORY DUTIES 2022 2012 60 54% 50 40 39% 30 21% 20 17% 11% 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 19% 13% 12% 7% 0 1 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 10 7% 11 or More 18 of 37 INFLUENCE AND IMPACT » Which best describes your primary motivation for entering the field of employee well-being? » In your worksite (or those you serve externally), how are employee well-being programs viewed by management? » In your worksite (or those you serve externally), how is your position viewed by employees and management? » What level of satisfaction do you feel in your current position? » How often do you engage in professional development activities such as attending conferences and/or webinars, earning certificates, etc.? MOTIVATION FOR ENTERING THE FIELD Helping others and moving organizations forward are still leading motivations for entering the field of employee well-being. However, it’s notable that making money is a trending motivator compared to a decade ago. Interestingly, those who work externally (work with multiple organizations and focus on improving the health of multiple populations) are more likely to be motivated by money than those who work internally (work directly with one primary employer and focus on one employee population). FIGURE 18. PRIMARY MOTIVATION FOR ENTERING FIELD 2022 70 60 2012 64% 59% 50 40 30 25% 20% 20 12% 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 7% 7% 2% 1% I want to help others I want to move our organization forward I want to make money I want to be healthy myself 2% I want to work in a social environment 19 of 37 ORGANIZATIONAL PRIORITIZATION Effective employee well-being strategies have the power to positively influence business outcomes such as retention, recruitment, and productivity even during challenges such as economic downturn and global health crises. In response, over the last 10 years, we have seen this work take a higher level of priority and the professionals who execute this work have become a more essential part of the organization. FIGURE 19. HOW MANAGEMENT PRIORITIZES EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING STRATEGIES 2022 60 51% 50 40 2012 54% 41% 35% 30 20 10 0 8% High Priority Moderate Priority 11% Low Priority Nearly 1.5X more respondents agree that their position is viewed as an integral (essential) part of the organization compared to a decade ago. However, this sentiment is lower (42% vs 47%) among professionals who work internally and higher (51% vs 47%) among professionals who work externally. FIGURE 20. HOW EMPLOYEES & MANAGEMENT VIEW YOUR POSITION 2022 59% 60 50 2012 47% 47% 40 30 32% 20 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 6% Integral (essential) part of the organization Important (but not essential) element 8% I feel like I’m “on the outside looking in” 20 of 37 PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL SATISFACTION Generally, level of satisfaction in current position has decreased compared to 2012. Satisfaction increases for those who have been in their current position and in the industry longer. FIGURE 21. LEVEL OF SATISFACTION IN CURRENT POSITION 2022 60 2012 54% 49% 50 40 30 28% 30% 20 17% 14% 10 5% 0 Highly Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied 2% Very Dissatisfied FIGURE 22. LEVEL OF SATISFACTION IN CURRENT POSITION VS. # OF YEARS IN CURRENT POSITION Highly Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 60 56% 55% 53% 50% 50 40 47% 46% 44% 41% 35% 36% 35% 30 28% 27% 20 25% 26% 19% 18% 16% 13% 10 9% 4% 0 WELCOA .ORG 6% 5% 6% 0% Less Than 1 Year 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years 16-20 Years 0% 0% 21-25 Years 0% 25 Years or More 21 of 37 FIGURE 23. LEVEL OF SATISFACTION IN CURRENT POSITION VS. # OF YEARS IN THE INDUSTRY Highly Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 70 63% 60 56% 52% 50% 50 50% 48% 42% 40 30 33% 31% 29% 32% 31% 26% 22% 20 17% 18% 15% 11% 10 6% 4% 0 18% Less Than 1 Year 5% 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 5% 11-15 Years 9% 9% 4% 16-20 Years 21-25 Years 7% 6% 25 Years or More PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Given the sheer amount of content available on-demand and virtually, the dramatic decrease in frequency of professionals participating in development opportunities is striking. Noting the decrease in job satisfaction, it is likely that workload and subsequent burnout has impacted professionals’ capacity and willingness to participate in extracurricular commitments. In addition, there are fewer opportunities to attend live events as the professional development landscape evolves in response to the global COVID-19 crisis. FIGURE 24. FREQUENCY OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 100 80 2022 2012 6% 4% 90% 68% 60 40 25% 20 0 WELCOA .ORG At Least Once a Year Once Every 2-3 Years 2% Once Every 4-5 Years 2% 2% Less Than Once Every 5 Years 22 of 37 FINANCIAL PROFILE » What is your current salary without bonuses and incentives? » Last year, what was the annual value of your bonus and incentives? » Last year, what was the annual value of your employee benefits package? » When it comes to your current salary, what is your level of satisfaction? » In your current position, how does your salary compare to others? » In five years, what annual base salary would you like to earn? DISTRIBUTION BY SALARY Median salary across all variables is $75,000. In 2012, the median salary was $55,000. When adjusted for inflation ($55,000 in 2012 is equivalent to $71,030 today), today’s median salary is $3,970 higher annually compared to 10 years ago. FIGURE 25. DISTRIBUTION BY CURRENT SALARY RANGE 35 33% 30 25% 25 20 15% 15 11% 10 5 0 WELCOA .ORG 6% 3% < $25,000 $25,000 $49,999 $50,000 $74,999 $75,000 $99,999 $100,000 - $125,000 $124,999 $149,999 3% 3% $150,000 $174,999 > $175,000 23 of 37 SATISFACTION AND GROWTH It is encouraging to see that professionals are more highly satisfied with their current salary today than they were 10 years ago. Perhaps those who are motivated monetarily (Figure 26.) have found success negotiating for the salary they feel is fair for their role. FIGURE 26. SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT SALARY 2022 60 2012 57% 53% 50 40 30 20 21% 19% 21% 15% 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 8% Highly Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied 7% Highly Dissatisfied 24 of 37 When asked about desired income in the next 5 years, the median desired increase is 34% more than the respondent’s current salary. FIGURE 27. LEVEL OF ANNUAL SALARY DESIRED IN 5 YEARS 25 23% 20 18% 17% 15 16% 12% 11% 10 5 3% 0 Less Than $51,000 $51,000 $70,000 $71,000 $90,000 $91,000 $110,000 $111,000 $130,000 $131,000 $150,000 More Than $150,000 While satisfaction with one’s current salary is driven by many factors, perception of fairness is a key component. Only 22% of respondents feel their salary is below what others make, which is a substantial improvement compared to a decade ago. FIGURE 28. SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT SALARY 2022 60 56% 2012 54% 50 40 30 20 10 0 WELCOA .ORG 34% 23% 22% 12% Above What Others Make Consistent With What Others Make Below What Others Make 25 of 37 NON-SALARY COMPENSATION Nearly all respondents in both 2012 and 2022 indicated they received compensation in the form of bonus and incentives in the previous year. FIGURE 29. LEVEL OF ANNUAL BONUS AND INCENTIVES 35 32% 30 25 22% 20 15 14% 12% 10 6% 5 0 < $1,000 $1,000 $5,000 $5,001 $10,000 $10,001 $25,000 $25,001 $50,000 4% 5% 4% $50,001 $75,000 $75,001 $100,000 > $101,000 Value of employee benefits package had the widest range of responses of any question in this survey as evidenced by the average value being $106,404 with a median of $11,500 annually. FIGURE 30. VALUE OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PACKAGE 35 33% 30 25 20 16% 15 15% 9% 10 5% 5 0 WELCOA .ORG 8% Up to $5,000 $5,001 $10,000 $10,001 $15,000 4% 6% 4% $15,001 - $20,001 - $25,001 - $30,001 - $40,001 - > $50,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 26 of 37 10-YEAR COMPENSATION COMPARISON The following 2012 values have been adjusted for inflation in order to make an accurate comparison in terms of today’s value. The CPI calculator available through the Bureau of Labor Statistics website was used to evaluate the 2012 data through the lens of the modern workplace. The calculator not only factors in the year being compared but also the month. In 2012, data was collected in May. In 2022, data was collected from June through December. Table data is provided including both average and median salary. This data shines a light on how statistical analysis based on median (instead of mean or average) is preferred for compensation evaluation, as using median limits the impact of outliers on the interpretation of the data, resulting in more accurate analysis. FIGURE 31. SALARY RANGE 10-YEAR COMPARISON 2022 2012 - Adjusted for Inflation 50 43% 40 39% 38% 30 27% 20 17% 12% 10 0 7% 6% 4% 1% 1.2% 1% 7 ,28 2 3 <$ 4, $6 7 ,28 2 $3 3 57 4, $6 4 57 0 ,86 6 9 -$ 1% 0.4% 9 33 06 46 ,71 ,4 ,0 9,1 3 1 6 2 6 19 22 $1 $1 -$ -$ 174 0 6 4 3 8 ,1 72 6, 1,4 29 3, 6 1 9 $9 1 $ $ $1 1% 0.3% 6,0 22 $ > 06 TABLE 2. 2022 VS 2012 ANNUAL SALARY WELCOA .ORG Year Average Median 2022 $83,595 $75,000 2012 - Adjusted for Inflation $74,351 $71,030 27 of 37 FIGURE 32. ANNUAL BONUS AND INCENTIVES 10-YEAR COMPARISON 2022 60 2012 - Adjusted for Inflation 53% 50 40 36% 30 21% 20 23% 14% 10 14% 8% 0 <$1,300 $1,300$6,460 11% 6% $6,461$12,915 5% $12,916$32,287 5% 5% $32,288$64,573 >$64,573 TABLE 3. 2022 VS 2012 ANNUAL BONUS AND INCENTIVES Year Average Median 2022 $21,689 $5,000 2012 - Adjusted for Inflation $14,688 $646 FIGURE 33. VALUE OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PACKAGE 10-YEAR COMPARISON 2022 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 36% 2012 - Adjusted for Inflation 33% 18% 23% 20% 16% 11% 11% 7% Up to $6,460 $6,461$12,915 16% 5% $12,916$19,372 $19,373$25,829 4% $25,830$32,287 >$32,287 TABLE 4. 2022 VS 2012 BENEFITS PACKAGE WELCOA .ORG Year Average Median 2022 $106,404 $11,500 2012 - Adjusted for Inflation $14,654 $12,915 28 of 37 MEDIAN SALARY COMPARISONS ACROSS VARIABLES In this section, median salaries for various demographic, geographic, and occupational variables were combined in order to easily compare how salary relates to selected variables. AGE, GENDER, AND EDUCATION $82,000 $70,000 $65,000 $58,100 $60,000 $70,000 + 70 $75,000 $82,240 69 $75,000 $79,500 $82,177 $80,000 $80,000 $62,500 $100,000 $75,000 FIGURE 34. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY AGE, GENDER, AND EDUCATION $98,000 Salary generally increases with age and with higher education. Unlike in 2012, there is no difference in median salary between men and women. There were 4 respondents who indicated their gender was “Not Listed”; the median for these individuals was $56,500. An additional 7 respondents indicated they preferred not to answer the question relating to gender; the median for these individuals was $80,000. In Figure 34., these non-binary responses were combined. Although the sample size is small, it’s worth noting that the median is less than those who selected a binary gender. A larger sample size is needed to determine statistical significance. $40,000 $20,000 $0 9 -2 0 2 30 39 40 49 50 59 60 No WELCOA .ORG . r) ol er ee ee .D ea ho gr gr sw M Y c e e n / S D D A (2 ee gh r’s r’s gr t to ee e o r t l e Hi o g as N he lD De M ra ac f er e o t B e t c Pr c ia Do d/ so s e t A L is m Fe t al e M al e 29 of 37 INDUSTRY TYPE The industries at the top of the pay scale have shifted in the last 10 years. Services (excluding government), management companies, and consulting are among the industries that have shifted resources to well-being professionals. Construction, transportation, and professional/science/technical are among the industries that have shifted resources away from well-being professionals. FIGURE 35. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY INDUSTRY TYPE Services (Excludes Government) $107,000 Technology $105,000 Utilities $99,450 Non-Profit $99,150 Consulting $96,000 Information $87,500 $81,000 Professional/Science/Technical Accommodations/Food Service $79,000 Health Care/Social Services $78,750 Finance/Insurance $75,750 Retail Trade/Wholesale $75,000 Health/Wellness $72,500 Manufacturing $70,000 Education $70,000 Art/Entertainment $68,750 Government $68,000 Transportation $67,000 Agriculture/Forest $65,000 Industry: Other Management Companies Construction Real Estate/Rent Mining $0 $60,000 $52,000 $49,000 $45,000 $71,000 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000$0$100,000$0$120,000 Mining & Real Estate/Rent had fewer than five respondents. WELCOA .ORG 30 of 37 TABLE 5. 10-YEAR PERCENT CHANGE IN MEDIAN SALARY BY INDUSTRY Industry 2022 2012* Percent Change Construction $49,000 $72,241 -32% Transportation $67,000 $90,629 -26% Professional/Science/Technical $81,000 $105,077 -23% Manufacturing $70,000 $85,376 -18% Accommodations/Food Service $79,000 $91,943 -14% Government $68,000 $73,554 -8% Finance/Insurance $75,750 $78,808 -4% Health/Wellness $72,500 $70,927 2% Information $87,500 $85,376 2% Education $70,000 $66,987 4% Health Care/Social Services $78,750 $74,868 5% Agriculture/Forest $65,000 $61,733 5% Retail Trade/Wholesale $75,000 $70,927 6% Art/Entertainment $68,750 $61,733 11% Utilities $99,450 $88,003 13% Consulting $96,000 $80,122 20% Management Companies $52,000 $42,031 24% Services (excludes Government) $107,000 $80,122 34% *2012 Median Annual Salary has been adjusted for inflation. WELCOA .ORG 31 of 37 GEOGRAPHIC REGION $72,000 $73,750 North Central South Atlantic South Central $80,000 $71,000 $68,000 $80,000 $66,368 $100,000 $77,000 FIGURE 36. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION $85,120 The northeast and west coast remain the leaders in median salary. Salary by region remains consistent with the composite cost of living index regionally in the US. The respondents who indicated their job is outside of the US (n=16) were asked to provide their salary data in terms of US dollars. $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 My job is Mountain based outside the U.S. Middle Atlantic New England Pacific POSITION LEVEL AND SUPERVISORY DUTIES Salary levels increase with an advanced level of position and more supervisory responsibility. FIGURE 37. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY POSITION LEVEL AND # OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED 3 to 5 $85,500 $75,000 1 to 2 $85,000 $77,000 $70,000 $62,500 $60,000 $80,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000 6 to 10 11 or More $40,000 $20,000 $0 WELCOA .ORG Entry-Level Mid-Level Senior-Level Professional Manager Executive 0 32 of 37 TITLE As expected, higher titles command higher median annual salaries in general. However, the title of Program Specialist/Coordinator was the only title category to see a decline in pay compared to a decade ago, equating to a 29% decline. FIGURE 38. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY TITLE $60,000 $72,200 $73,500 $75,000 $60,000 $78,000 $85,000 $80,000 $98,000 $100,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Program Director Consultant Program Wellness Volunteer/ Title: Other Manager Volunteer Committee Member Wellness Coach Program Specialist/ Coordinator JOB LOCALE AND INDUSTRY ROLE These variables were not considered in the 2012 survey for comparison. The median annual salary of on-site professionals is about 4% less than their hybrid and remote peers. FIGURE 39. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY JOB LOCALE AND INDUSTRY ROLE $76,000 $75,000 $75,000 $72,650 $60,000 $76,000 $80,000 Remote External Internal $40,000 $20,000 $0 WELCOA .ORG Hybrid On-Site 33 of 37 PROFESSIONAL TENURE Generally, those who have been in the field of wellness and health management longer, have higher median annual salaries. Those who have been in their current position for 25 or more years see the highest pay. FIGURE 40. MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY BY # OF YEARS IN POSITION/FIELD Field of WHM $80,900 $72,000 $84,000 $71,000 $76,750 $73,300 $80,000 $76,423 $70,000 $74,750 $80,000 $62,500 $100,000 $76,500 $120,000 $85,000 $112,000 Current Position $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 WELCOA .ORG Less Than 1 Year 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years 16-20 Years 21-25 Years 25 or More Years 34 of 37 Part II: Statistical Analysis AGGREGATE RESULTS Statistical significance indicates if a variable has a legitimate influence on median salary. While a distribution chart in the previous section may indicate an increase or decrease in salary within a particular variable, statistical analysis is necessary to understand if that observed trend has a causal relationship to the variable. Table 6. shows that most of the selected independent variables have some level of significant relationship with median annual salary. In particular, the findings indicate that salary levels among respondents tend to: » Increase with age and may level off thereafter » Increase with education level » Increase with number of years worked in the field of worksite health and well-being management, but show no statistically significant difference for years in current position » Show no statistically significant difference between males and females (unlike 10 years ago) » Correlate with cost of living indexes by region » Increase if employed by larger organizations » Be highest in organizations classified as Services (excluding Government), Technology, and Utilities » Increase as position level advances (entry, mid, senior) » Be highest for Program Directors and Consultants and lowest for Program Specialists/Coordinators » Increase as supervisory duties increase » Show no statistically significant difference between Internal vs External well-being professionals TABLE 6. LEVEL OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEDIAN SALARY AND INDEPENDENT VARIABLES AMONG ALL RESPONDENTS 1 WELCOA .ORG Independent Variable Significance Age p<.001 Education Level p<.001 Gender p=0.774 (not significant) Geographic Region p<.001 Industry Role (External vs Internal) p=0.602 (not significant) Title p<.001 Organization Size p<.001 Industry1 p<.01 Position Level p<.001 Supervisory Duties p<.001 Years worked in current position p=0.303 (not significant) Years worked in field of WHM p<.001 Fewer than five respondents for industries: Mining, Real Estate/Rent 35 of 37 SALARY BY POSITION LEVEL In addition to the chi-square analyses that were performed on each of the independent variables listed in Table 6. above, analyses were conducted by position level (see Table 7. below). This depth of analysis determines if there is any significant difference in median annual salary by (1) position level (entry-level professional vs. mid-level manager vs. senior-level executive) and (2) selected independent variables. Medians for annual value of last year’s bonus and incentive only and annual value of employee benefits package were not computed or compared because the values for those two variables had very wide variance and many inconsistencies. The results in Table 7. show that mid-level management has the most statistically significant relationships between the selected variables. Education level, title, and organization size showed statistical significance among all three position levels. Industry role, supervisory duties, and years worked in current position showed no statistical significance in any of the three position types. TABLE 7. LEVEL OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEDIAN SALARY BY POSITION LEVEL AND INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Independent Variable Entry-Level Mid-Level Senior-Level Age1 Not significant Not significant p<.05 p<.001 p<.001 p<.05 Not significant Not significant p<.01 Not significant p<.01 Not significant Industry Role Not significant Not significant Not significant Title p<.05 p<.001 p<.05 p<.05 p<.001 p<.05 Not significant p<.05 Not significant Not significant Not significant Not significant Not significant Not significant Not significant p<.01 p<.01 Not significant Education Level 2 Gender Geographic Region 3 Organization Size4 Industry 5,6,7 Supervisory Duties Years worked in current position 8,9,10 Years worked in field of WHM11 Median salaries were not included in the analyses in any category where there were fewer than five respondents, due to the skewing effect. The following were excluded from the analyses: 1 Age – 70+ | Entry & Senior levels 2 Education – Doctoral Degree/M.D. | Entry & Senior levels 3 Geographic Region – Outside the US | Senior level 4 Organization Size – 5,000-25,000 employees | Senior level 5 Industry – retail trade/wholesale, Construction, Agriculture/Forest, Services (excludes Government), Accommodations/Food Service, Transportation, Other, Technology, Utilities, Non-Profit, Art/Entertainment, Information | Entry Level 6 Industry – Non-profit, Management Companies, Technology, Agriculture/Forest, Mining, Other, Real Estate/Rent | Mid level 7 Industry – Art/Entertainment, Construction, Non-profit, Utilities, Retail Trade/Wholesale, Agriculture/Forest, Mining, Accommodations/Food Service, Transportation, Other, Management Companies | Senior level 8 Years in Current Position – 16 or more years | Entry level 9 Years in Current Position – 21 or more years | Mid level 10 Years in Current Position – 21-25 years | Senior level 11 Years in Field of Worksite Health and Well-being Management – 21-25 Years | Entry level WELCOA .ORG 36 of 37 Conclusion WELCOA has a mission to develop the professionals of this industry, and an important component of that is ensuring fair compensation. This report centralizes the data that professionals need to understand how their role is – or is not – being valued in the marketplace, and even how the role is evolving to meet the demands of modern work. Compared to a decade ago, a lot has changed. Representation from men in the profession increased by 67% and the pay inequity observed between males and females in 2012 is not observed today. More than half of respondents work in positions that allow for a hybrid or remote arrangement. The average professional is younger, with more tenure, and more supervisory duties. More employers are engaging volunteer wellness committee members who, by design, identify as being an integral part of the strategy to create environments in which employees can thrive. Industries including Services (excludes Government), Management Companies, and Consulting value employee wellbeing expertise more than they did 10 years ago, while others have shifted resources away from this expertise overtime. The expertise required in the field is evolving. The definition of well-being is broadening to encompass areas such as DEI&B, financial care and pay equity, safety, and community care. With that broadening scope, the priority of employee well-being is rising for managers and business leaders, and the professionals who execute this work are a more essential part of the organization. The broadening definition of employee well-being, along with a shift in who within the organization is assigned or officially responsible for change management, supports the growing movement to create a seat at the executive table for well-being in the form of a Chief Well-Being Officer (or equivalent). Organizational structures that provide clear leadership for strategic planning and execution across the organization will see the greatest beneficial impacts and related advantages in the marketplace. Likely due to increased pressure and responsibility, professionals cite being slightly less satisfied in their current position compared to those surveyed in 2012. However, satisfaction with compensation has increased. This report revealed how median annual salary is associated with specific variables such as age, education, geography, title, and others. Our hope is that this body of work will help organizations appropriately value the professional expertise that WELCOA’s community has in the marketplace. WELCOA .ORG 37 of 37 17 0 0 2 M A R C Y S T R E E T , S U I T E 1 4 0 | O M A H A , N E 6 8118 4 0 2 . 8 2 7. 3 5 9 0 | W E L C O A . O R G