Uploaded by Aquino Ivan I.

Fluid Mechanics Homework: Pressure & Similitude

Aquino, Ivan I.
BSME 3-1
1. Derived the below equation. Use water as the liquid.
2. Compute the pressure in psi at the bottom of each column and explain why they have different
Aquino, Ivan I.
BSME 3-1
Since their specific gravities differ, they have the same static head but varying pressure. As
illustrated in Figure 1, we have several liquid varieties. salt water, water, and gasoline are a few
examples. As a result, these liquids' specific gravity is determined by their density. Despite
having the same static head in feet, each distinct liquid has a different pressure because of its
unique specific gravity.
1. What is similitude? (15 pts)
Similitude is essentially the degree to which a model resembles its prototype in every
way. It implies to us that the properties of the model and the prototype will be similar,
or we may argue that similitude explains that the model and prototype would be same
in every way.
2. What is the difference between model and the prototype? (15 pts)
• Prototype is the physical structure for which engineering design is required. The
predictions are made for the prototype to work under actual field conditions.
Model is the scale down representation of any physical structure.
A model is smaller than the prototype so as to conduct laboratory studies and it is less
expensive to construct and operate. Sometimes size of model can be larger than the
prototype if amplified and more focused studies have to be carried out.
3. What are the three types of similarities? Explain each briefly. (50 pts)
Three types of similarities must exist between model and prototype. These are the:
a. Geometric similarity – it is the similarity of shape. Geometric similarity is said to
exist between model and prototype, if the ratio of all respective linear dimension in
model and prototype are equal.
A model and prototype are geometric similar if and only if all body dimensions
in all three coordinates have the same linear-scale ratio. It requires that the
model and the prototype be of the same shape and that all the linear
dimensions of the model be related to corresponding dimensions of the
prototype by a constant scale factor. Usually, one or more of these pi terms will
involve ratios of important lengths, which are purely geometrical in nature.
b. Kinematic Similarity – it is said to exist between model and prototype, if the ratios of
velocity and acceleration at a point in model and at the respective point in the
prototype are the same.
The motions of two systems are kinematically similar if homogeneous particles
lie at homogeneous points at homogeneous times. In a specific sense, the
velocities at corresponding points are in the same direction and are related in
magnitude by a constant scale factor. This also requires that streamline patterns
must be related by a constant scale factor. The flows that are kinematically
Aquino, Ivan I.
BSME 3-1
similar must be geometric similar because boundaries form the bounding
streamlines. The factors like compressibility or cavitation must be taken care of
to maintain the kinematic similarity.
c. Dynamic Similarity – it is said to exist between model and prototype, if the ratios of
corresponding forces acting at the corresponding points are the same.
When two flows have force distributions such that identical types of forces are
parallel and are related in magnitude by a constant scale factor at all
corresponding points, then the flows are dynamic similar. For a model and
prototype, the dynamic similarity exists, when both of them have same lengthscale ratio, time-scale ratio and force-scale (or mass-scale ratio).
4. What is the significance of doing similitude? (20 pts)
The importance of similitude comes from its capacity to offer a regulated, affordable
method of studying the behavior of large-scale systems without the need for costly, timeconsuming full-scale experiments.
Engineers and scientists can examine the behavior of a system under different
circumstances and make predictions about how the system will act at full scale by building a
scaled model of the system. This is made possible by similitude, which maintains crucial
physical relationships between the scaled model and the full-scale system, including the
ratio of forces, velocities, and other pertinent properties.
Similitude also enables the evaluation of various system designs and alterations without the
need for costly and time-consuming full-scale studies. In addition to saving time and money,
this can give important insights into how the system behaves. Similitude can also be used to
examine physical phenomena that are challenging or impossible to see firsthand, such as
the behavior of fluids in turbulent flow.