SHREE RADHA GOVIND CONVENT SCHOOL LUDHPURA SISHAT ROAD JASWANT NAGAR SUMMER VACATION HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS: I English 1. Daily one page handwriting on homework copy. 2. Read chapter 1 and 2 3. Learn and write one and two chapters and write on homework copy. G.K. 1. Learn and write chapter 2 question answer in a Homework notebook. 2. Learn and write wonderful bird names on a homework notebook. 3. Learn and write chapter 3 on a holiday homework notebook. Hindi 1. प्रतितिन एक पेज सुलेख तलखखए। 2. पाठ एक व िो के शब्दार्थ एवं प्रश्नोो्तर तलखकतर याि कीतजए। [2 times] 3. संज्ञा की परतरभाषा उिाहतरण सतहि तलखखए औतर याि कीतजए। [2 times] 4. स्वतर, अन्य व्यंजन, व्यंजन औतर संयुक्त व्यंजन तलखखए औतर याि कीतजए। [2 times] 5. 12 महीनों के नाम तलखखए। [2 times] 6. शतरीतर के अंगों के नाम तलखखए। [2 times] Mathematics 1. Write the backward counting from 100 to 1. [2 times] 2. Learn and write the table of 2 to 15. [2 times] 3. Write the addition (+) 4. Write the subtractions (-) 5. Write the number's name from 1 to 50. [2 times] 6. Draw different types of shapes and write their name. E.V.S. 1. Learn chapter 1 and 2 word meaning and question answers. 2. Write the season's name. [2 times] 3. Write the fruit's name. [2 times] 4. Write the body parts name. [2 times] 5. Write the water animal's name. [2 times] 6. Write the vegetables name. [2 times] 7. Draw a beautiful solar system on a chart paper. Drawing Draw the mango, National flag and lotus.