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Errata File (April 2018)
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Seventh Edition
William Stallings
------------------------------SYMBOLS USED------------------------------| ti = ith line from top; bi = ith line from bottom; Fi = Figure i
| X -> Y = replace X with Y; Ti = Table i; Pi = Problem i
------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: for international edition, add 18 to the page number
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April List -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE
288 t16: Cd - -> Cd
380 b3: 150,000 -> 250,000
457 F15.1: lower left box: (RA) -> (CSP)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 Footnote: Part Three, asymmetric
46 6 lines below Equation 2.10: Equation 2.3 -> Equation 2.5
49 shaded box: last two
End of last sentence
It is sufficient for
is squarefree if its
equal signs in both rows should be ≡
before footnote:
Equation 2.13 that n is squarefree. An integer
prime decomposition contains no repeated factors.
55 t6: Mi -> M1
63 P2.18a: Second sentence should read: Show that
( )
Pr ⎡gcd a, b = d ⎤ =
⎦ d2
65 t17: replace the sentence that begins "In each case" with:
For each of the above expressions, the value is the remainder that
results when the left-hand term is divided by the right-hand term
(see Equation 2.1).
68 t12: Part One -> Part Two
73 b18: Part Two ->
Part Three
108 F4.3: The input to each LEi should be directly from REi–1, not
the output of F. Corrected figure at
128 b4: There should be a multiply sign included inside the brackets, as
is done in the first line of Section 5.3
130 t2: Table 2.5 -> Figure 5.2
149 t5: (g4 + g3 + g2 + 1) -> (g4 + g3 + g2 + g)
169 t10: Equation (4.14) -> Equation (5.6)
170 b3: Appendix 5A -> Appendix 6A
174 The table in the middle of the page is ambiguous. Corrected table at
191 F7.1a: For decryption, interchange K1 and K2
F7.1b: For decryption, interchange K1 and (K3 or K1)
220 t3: (B) -> (X)
279 F9.5: Decryption by Alice with Alice’s Public Key -> Decryption by
Alice with Alice’s Private Key
F9.5: In the first box Calcuate should read calculate
294 P9.17: [E/2] -> ⎣E/2⎦
310 t11: Section 4.4 -> Section 2.3
373 t2: function C -> function MAC
377 b1: left -> right
408 t4: change = to
413 b17: 320 bytes -> 320 bits
missing references:
KOBL94 Koblitz, N. A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1994.
ORE76 Ore, O. Number Theory and Its History. New York: Dover, 1976
-----------------------------------------------------------------------A current version of this file, named Errata-Crypto7e-mmyy,
is available at https://www.box.com/Crypto-Errata