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Skill Development for Economic Growth

Name of Participant: AnupamaLamba
Class: XII Commerce C
Gender: F
Differently Abled: No
Name of the School with complete address: BCM School Chandigarh Road
(A Senior Secondary School of BCM Foundation, Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi)
Sector 32-A, Urban Estate, Ludhiana, Punjab
Name of City/Village: Ludhiana
State: Punjab
Contact Number of participant/parent(whichever is applicable): 7986561094
Contact No. of School: 0161-2225133
Email address of participant(whichever is applicable): anupamalamba9g@gmail.com
Skill Development for Inclusive And Sustainable Economic Growth
"If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career lives, you must become a worthwhile person in your
own self-development."
The importance of skill development in today’s fast-paced, constantly evolving environment cannot be overstated. Due to the quick
development of technology and the shift in the global economy towards knowledge-based industries, people urgently need to continuously
learn and enhance their abilities.
In this context,
Role of Schools: While learning is the goal of education, applying what is learned is a skill, something that is self-developed rather than
traditionally taught. The ultimate goal of today’s kids is to become self-sufficient. Skill development is a systemized process that churns
out previously learned material and aids in gaining subject matter expertise, expanding one’s knowledge base, increasing efficiency and
effectiveness, and more. According to Rotraut Walden (2004), the physical school environment can be considered a school’s "third
teacher," after other children in the class and teachers themselves. According to the Kothari Commission (1964), it is the right of every
child to receive education until the eighth grade. The schools must facilitate education for all, thus promoting inclusivity.
Skill-Based Education: The significance of skill-based education istaken lightly. Like, the root of the tree is hidden underground but is
still its sole survival reason, similarly, the skills of a human are not visible but, when applied, serve the purpose of a successful human life.
It must not be taken as a right to use whatever the country is providing us, but we must pay attention to the fact that we are borrowing from
our coming generations. So, from a future point of view, skill development is very important. Things should start in the ‘bud’ stage so that
a ‘flower’ of skills blooms beautifully. No doubt, the environment in which the child breathes has a great impact, but schools also play an
important role as the government is trying to move the nation towards the state of being ‘Vishwa Guru’.
Modification of Curriculum: The process of developing skills in an individual is a precise task that needs to be done systematically
through the execution of planned reforms in the curriculum. It’s the need of the hour to establish comprehensive and interpersonal skills,
which work as a foundation for other skills. There is a need to change the curriculum at the school level and introduce vocational courses to
provide a conducive growth environment for the students—an environment where they don’t beg for jobs but earn them through their
Employment: It is globally known that India is a country where almost everyone needs employment because a multitude of people have a
lot of degrees. But it is really hard to find an employable person. Skills are what fuel an economy at the root level. If the citizens of a nation
are not skilled in their work but just have degrees for show sake, the economy of that country is bound to collapse in the near future. If a
person lacks the necessary skills, then there is no chance for him to get employed. He won't be able to spare a penny for his survival, let
alone raise his ‘standard of living'. If everyone is like this, how will the economy of that country shoot up? How will the GDP rise? How
will the country get the title of ‘Vishwa Guru’?
Right Person at the Right Place: One of the main functions of management is to appoint the right personnel at the right job with
appropriate qualifications, because when a person is working at his best place according to his caliber and skills, he will be able to work
stress-free, thereby leading to the perfect economic growth of a country.
Role of Government: It is rightly asserted that "laws are never respected nor enforced in India'. There are innumerable policies that we
usually hear about but, most of the time, ignore because there is no strict action for any policy. There is a need for revolution at the panglobal level. At first, the governments of countries need to be fully efficient and effective. Suppose the finance minister of our country is
not skilled in its operation; how will it prepare the budget and economic policies? It's we, the people, who ultimately select a skilled
Sustainable Economic Growth: "The child is a father of man" (William Wordsworth) What he acquires as a skill is what he provides to
society in the future. The skills—like programming and coding skills, managerial skills, and communication skills—are all what develop a
person. He acts as his country's representative at the global level. Skills act as the basis for sustainable economic growth. People who know
what they are doing are the torchbearers of the economy, taking it to new milestones and beyond. The skills, when applied properly at the
right place, decrease unemployment. Multiple skills in a person provide him with various sources of income, which can raise his standard
of living, and when a nation as a whole experiences this, it would result in ideal economic growth.
Equality: The skill present in an individual or a set of people phases out the existence of discrimination on any account—wealth, creed,
color, gender, etc.—thereby leading to inclusivity.
Conclusion: If God has equally distributed the world to everyone without any discrimination, then why do we divide it on the basis of rich
and poor? Any person can be skillfully talented; there is just the need to identify the skill, develop it, and redirect. Truly, India is a
developing country full of talent and skills. Diving deep into the core, some so-called economically developed countries have recognized
their citizens' talent and have thought differently so as to come into the limelight. It is important to bring everyone to the same platform,
and this would be the first step towards sustainable economic growth.
In a nutshell, as Mr. Narendra Modi rightly cited, "Our mission is skill development. There can be no development with a satiated system".