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NRS 3012 Syllabus Newton 2021

Oakland University School of Nursing
NRS 3012
Research for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
Course Number & CRN: NRS 3012 (CRN 13327)
Semester: Winter 2022
Number of Credits: 3
Class Day & Time: Thursday & Friday 12:30-3:00 p.m.
Class Delivery Method: in-person/face-to-face
Range of Class Duration: March 7 – April 18, 2022
General Education Requirement: This course satisfies the university general education
requirement for a writing intensive course in the major.
Name: Sarah Newton, PhD, RN, Associate Professor
Office Location: 115 AFC
My office hours: By appointment; Thursday and Friday after class
The best way to reach me: Internal email on course Moodle site
This course prepares the baccalaureate student for evidence-based nursing practice. Emphasis is
placed on the research process and use of scientific evidence to answer clinical questions. Focus
is placed on the analysis and synthesis of evidence to answer a clinical question relevant to
nursing practice and patient centered care.
Students will be able to:
1. Examine the inter-relationship among theory, evidence-based practice, and research.
2. Differentiate between quality improvement, research and evidence-based practice.
3. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methods, and processes.
4. Identify principles and models of evidence-based practice.
5. Use strategies to retrieve, appraise, and synthesize evidence to address a clinical issue.
6. Explore the importance of collaboration and interprofessional representation in the
evidence-based practice process.
7. Evaluate the credibility of sources of evidence.
8. Examine how evidence is used to inform and support the development of healthcare
policies; standards and practices; and quality and safety measures.
Writing Intensive Course Requirements
Pre-requisite: WRT 1060
One-third of grade is based on substantive
writing assignments.
Use of more than one writing format.
Writing assignments emphasize critical
inquiry, including gathering, interpreting, and
evaluating information.
Written work should be evaluated for format,
organization, style, grammar, and punctuation
as well as content.
One assignment involves revision after
instructor feedback.
One out-of-class assignment of at least 500
Minimum accumulation of 10 pages or 2,500
words in writing assignments.
University Learning Outcomes (ULOs)
Critical Thinking: Students will identify a
nursing phenomenon, write a research
question, and evaluate and synthesize
evidence-based literature to develop critical,
reasoned positions.
Information Literacy: Students will
integrate high-quality, credible, relevant
sources to develop ideas that are appropriate
for the discipline and genre of writing.
Effective Communication: Students will
apply effective communication skills
(reading, writing, speaking, listening, and
visual) that they can purposefully apply in
various settings and contexts.
Assignment Examples
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the Evidence-Based Paper
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the EBP.
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the EBP.
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the EBP.
This is satisfied by the EBP.
This is satisfied by the EBP.
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the EBP.
Assignment Examples
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the EBP.
This is satisfied by the Reference List
assignment and the EBP.
This is satisfied by the course assignments, as
well as in class assignments/group work.
American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (7th ed.). Author.
Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2019). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based
practice (7 ed.). Elsevier.
REQUIRED ARTICLES (on course Moodle site)
Ford, L. G., & Melnyk, B. M. (2019). Editorial. The underappreciated and misunderstood PICOT
question: A critical step in the EBP process. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing,
16(6), 422-423. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12408
Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Zellefrow, C., Tucker, S., Thomas, B., Sinnott, L. T., & Tan,
(2018). The first U.S. study on nurses’ evidence-based practice competencies indicates
major deficits that threaten healthcare quality, safety, and patient outcomes. Worldviews
on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(1), 16-25. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12269
Snyder, M., Egan, E. C., & Nojima, Y. (1996). Defining nursing interventions. Image: Journal of
Nursing Scholarship, 28(2), 137-141.
• Students
are expected to know the Nursing Process (American Nurses Association, 2021)
and how to apply it to clinical nursing phenomena.
• Students are expected to know how to search the literature using the CINAHL database.
• Students are expected to know how to write a formal paper using APA (7 ed.) format.
• Course assignments are to be submitted as an MS Word document (not pdf).
• Assignments will not be accepted/read/graded if submitted after the due date/time (per the
time stamp), and the student will receive a grade of zero (0) on the assignment.
• Once an assignment has been submitted for grading, no re-writes, revisions, or extra credit
will be allowed. Be proactive!
● A PC or Mac (laptop computer)
● A stable internet connection.
with the ability to download Google Chrome.
Possible Points
Reference List Assignment
Evidence-Based Paper Assignment
3 x 20 = 60
Total possible
Due Date
#1 = 3/24/22
#2 = 4/7/22
#3 = 4/15/22
Link to Course
- Introduction to Nursing
Research and its
Importance in Building an
Evidence-Based Practice
Week 1
APA manual (7th ed.)
Week 1 – 3/9/22
Introduction to Course
Moodle site
Ford & Melnyk (2019)
- Discipline specific
writing and use of APA
(7th ed.)
Melnyk et al. (2017)
Introduction to Course
Snyder et al. (1996)
Grove & Gray (GG):
Chapters 1
- Introduction to
Quantitative Research
Week 2
GG: Ch. 2 & 3
- Introduction to
Qualitative Research
-Examining Ethics in
Nursing Research
Week 3
GG: Ch. 4, 5, & 6
-Understanding and
Critically Appraising the
Literature Review
-Understanding Theory
Week 4
and Research Frameworks GG: Ch. 7 & 8
-Clarifying Quantitative
Research Designs
Introduction to writing
for the discipline of
nursing (APA &
Week 1 – 3/10/22
Lecture Chapter 1
Week 2 - 3/17/22
Lecture Chapter 2 &
How to write the EBP
Week 2 – 3/18/22
Lecture Chapter 3 &
How to search in
-Examining Research
Problems, Purposes, and
EBP team & PICO due
by 11:59 p.m. 3/18/22
(One student submits the
information in the text of
an Internal email)
Week 3 – 3/24/22
Quiz # 1, Modules 1-2
(All Required Readings)
Lecture Chapter 4
Week 3 – 3/25/22
Lecture Chapters 5 & 6
Week 4 – 3/31/22
Lecture Chapters 7 & 8
Reference List
assignment due by 11:59
p.m. 3/31/22 (submit as
an attachment to an
Internal email)
NO CLASS 4/1/22 –
this day is for working
on the EBP assignment
-Examining Populations
and Samples in Research
Week 5
GG: Ch. 9, 10, & 11
-Clarifying Measurement
and Data Collection in
Quantitative Research
Lecture Chapter 9
EBP draft due by 11:59
p.m. 4/7/22 (one student
submits as an attachment
to an Internal email).
-Understanding Statistics
in Research
-Critical Appraisal of
Quantitative and
Qualitative Research for
Nursing Practice
-Building an EvidenceBased Nursing Practice
Week 5 – 4/7/22
Quiz # 2, Modules 3-4
(All Required Readings)
Week 6
GG: Ch. 12 & 13
Week 5 – 4/8/22
Lecture Chapter 10 & 11
Week 6 – 4/14/22
Lecture Chapter 12 & 13
Week 6 – 4/15/22
Quiz # 3, Modules 5-6
(all required readings)
ONLINE: Available
from 12 noon thru 3:30
*Optional EBP
assignment appts with
Dr. Newton at AFC
from 12 noon thru 4:00
Week 7 – 4/21/22
EBP Assignment due by
12 noon 4/21/22 (one
student submits as an
attachment to an Internal
email). *The score
earned is given equally
to both members of the
The reference list assignment is designed to assess each student's ability to search the CINAHL
(Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health literature) database and use the APA (7 ed.)
student writing format to develop a reference list.
Directions: Each student is to search the CINAHL database to locate five (5) original reports of
research related to the use of aromatherapy as a nursing intervention. The articles must come
from the CINAHL database, be on the “official” nursing journals link (on the course Moodle
site), and be published between 2017-2022. Next, you will prepare and submit a Reference list
that adheres to the APA (7 ed.) student format. The assignment will contain a Title page (page
1) and the reference list (page 2).
Any element in the Reference list assignment, including page numbers, margins, spacing, font,
doi, etc., that is missing or is done incorrectly will receive a .10-point deduction wherever it is
missing or incorrect. A missing Title page will result in a 1-point deduction. The 5 references
must all have a doi. There are two ways to write the doi, and they are both correct/acceptable.
Please recognize that the doi will not have “kl.oakland.edu” in it. Please make sure you have
the correct doi before submitting the assignment. **If the Reference list assignment is not
submitted by the designated due date/time, it will receive a score of zero (0).
The course has three quizzes. The first two quizzes will be administered in-person online during
a scheduled class period. The third quiz will be administered online. Each quiz consists of 20
questions and is worth 20 points. If a quiz is not taken on the date scheduled, it will receive a
score of zero (0).
Directions: Quiz instructions are on the course Moodle site. Please read them prior to Quiz #1.
For the Evidenced-Based Paper (EBP), students will work in a team of two. The EBP topic
must be submitted in the form of a PICO statement (refer to Appendix B), and must be
approved by Dr. Newton. Using the date in the Course Schedule (pp. 4-7) at the latest, each
writing team is to send Dr. Newton an Internal email telling her the names of the students who
comprise the writing team and the team’s proposed topic/PICO. Refer to the PICO examples
on pages 9-10 and please know that it may take more than one submission for your PICO to be
approved. **The PICO does not go in the actual EBP assignment.
Directions: Each writing team is responsible for submitting one formally written EBP. The EBP
is an evidence-based literature review related to a nursing phenomenon (Think Nursing
diagnosis!) and an independent nursing intervention that generalist nurses can implement to
address the phenomenon (refer to the EBP Instructions PPT on the course Moodle site).
The EBP assignment must include the following sections: Title page, Introduction, Purpose
statement, Review of the Literature, Summary, Nursing Implications, Conclusion, and a
Reference List (refer to the EBP Instructions PPT), and use APA (7 ed.) student format. A
minimum of four original reports of research must be cited in the paper; no other type of
reference is allowed. Two studies/reports of research must be in the Review of the Literature
section. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. are expected, and will be graded.
The EBP assignment is 8 pages in length, double-spaced, including title page and reference list.
All references must be original reports of research from the nursing literature (meaning
from “official” nursing journals). Any reference that does not satisfy the EBP inclusion criteria
(e.g. in the Reference List) will receive a score of zero (0).
Each writing team will have the opportunity to submit one draft of their EBP for feedback from
Dr. Newton prior to the assignment’s final submission (refer to date in the Course Schedule). It is
expected that each writing team will use the feedback to revise their EBP prior to submitting it
for grading. No additional EBP drafts/revisions/changes will be read by Dr. Newton. The EBP
assignment is due by the date/time specified; exceptions WILL NOT BE GRANTED. If the EBP
assignment is not received by the designated due date/time, it will receive a score of zero (0).
Evidence Based Paper Grading Rubric
​3 points
Purpose statement
​2 points
Review of the Literature
​10 points
​2 points
TOTAL = 30
points possible
Nursing Implications
​5 points
​3 points
​2 points
​3 points
Go to the OU website; Click on “Library” at the top of the page
Click on “Databases”
Click on “C”; go to CINAHL complete
Enter one search term per box; one should be Nursing
The best way to become proficient in formulating researchable clinical nursing questions is to 1)
think of a clinical nursing issue/phenomenon, and 2) learn to phrase it using the PICO format.
Read the Ford & Melnyk (2019) article (on course Moodle site). There is also a lot of
information about the use of PICO (and its importance to EBNP) on the Internet.
There are quantitative questions (e.g. related to etiology, diagnosis, prevention, and prognosis)
and qualitative questions (e.g. to determine understanding, to appreciate a person’s experience, or
to understand the influence of culture on health). Whatever the question, the components must be
phrased correctly to find strong evidence in the nursing literature.
Questions usually have four components termed PICO: 1) patient population of interest, 2)
nursing intervention tested, 3) comparison intervention, and 4) outcome of interest.
The patient population (P) needs to be an explicit description of who comprises the group of
interest. Limiting the population to patients in a certain age group, ethnic group, or other type of
group (e.g. the elderly and restraint use; adolescents and tobacco use) is appropriate.
The nursing intervention (I) may include any intervention implemented by nurses on behalf of
patients to facilitate positive patient outcomes (e.g. music therapy for sleep promotion;
distraction therapy to minimize the pain of injections).
The comparison (C) intervention is the current standard nursing care that patients receive.
Identifying the outcome (O) before searching the nursing literature will help you locate evidence
related to the outcome you are interested in studying (e.g. sleep quantity; pain level; etc.) and not
some other outcome.
Among young children undergoing needle-stick procedures (P), does the use of distraction as a
nursing intervention (I) lead to decreased pain and anxiety (O) compared to standard care (C)?
Among new mothers (P), does use of Kangaroo care immediately after birth (I) lead to higher
rates of breastfeeding post-discharge (O) compared to standard care (C)?
Among postoperative patients (P), does the use of aromatherapy as a nursing intervention (I) lead
to decreased nausea and vomiting (O) compared to standard care (C)?​
Professional Behavior
Students in the SON are educated in the classroom/online, laboratory, simulation, and clinical
settings that constitute professional learning environments. The American Nurses Association
(2021), Nursing: Scope and Standards identify the behaviors that are expected of registered
nurses/student nurses. As part of the student nurse’s professional development, it is imperative
that the standards be demonstrated in all professional learning environments. Students are also
expected to adhere to all policies outlined in the SON Undergraduate Student Handbook.
Technical Skills Required
Students enrolled in this course should feel comfortable doing the following:
● Using your chosen computer operating system and a web browser.
● Following online directions.
● Troubleshooting basic computer problems.
● For help using Moodle, use the Get Help link at the top of the Moodle page.
● For technology assistance, call or visit the Student Technology Center.
Respect Rules of Netiquette
a. Respect your peers and their privacy.
b. Use constructive criticism.
c. Refrain from engaging in inflammatory comments.
Academic Conduct Policy
All members of the academic community at Oakland University are expected to practice and
uphold standards of academic integrity and honesty. Academic integrity means representing
oneself and one’s work honestly. Misrepresentation is cheating since it means students are
claiming credit for ideas or work not actually theirs and are thereby seeking a grade that is not
actually earned. For more information, review OU’s Academic Conduct Regulations.
Behavioral Code of Conduct
Appropriate behavior is required in class and on campus. Disrespectful, disruptive and dangerous
behavior are not conducive to a positive learning environment and may result in consequences.
See the Student Code of Conduct for details.
Accommodation and Special Considerations
Counseling and Mental Health Services
Oakland University is committed to advancing the mental health and well-being of its students.
If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of support,
services are available. For help, contact The OU Counseling Center at Graham Health at (248)
370-3465. Student resources can also be found on the Dean of Students website by clicking on
Student Health & Safety Resources.
Disability Support Services
Oakland University is committed to providing everyone the support and services needed to
participate in their courses. Students with disabilities who may require special accommodations
should make an appointment with campus Disability Support Services (DSS). If you qualify for
accommodations because of a disability, submit to your professor the letter from DSS in a timely
manner so your needs can be addressed. DSS determines accommodations based on documented
disabilities. Contact DSS at 248-370-3266 or by e-mail at dss@oakland.edu. For information on
additional academic support services, visit Study Aids on the DSS website.
Excused Absence Policy
The policy for university excused absences applies to participation as an athlete, manager, or
student trainer in NCAA intercollegiate competitions, or participation as a representative of OU
at academic events or artistic performances approved by the Provost. A student must notify the
professor and make class arrangements in advance. See Academic Policies and Procedures.
Religious Observances
Although OU, as a public institution, does not observe religious holidays, it will make reasonable
efforts to help students avoid negative academic consequences when their religious obligations
conflict with academic requirements. Students should discuss their situation with the professor
at the beginning of the semester. See The OU Diversity Calendar.
Preferred Name Policy
OU’s Preferred Name Policy ensures a student’s university records can use a name that reflects
the student’s identity.
Sexual Misconduct
Faculty and staff are responsible for creating a safe learning environment for students, and that
includes a mandatory reporting responsibility if students share information regarding sexual
misconduct/harassment, relationship violence, or information about a crime that may have
occurred on campus. In such cases, the professor will report information to the campus Title IX
Coordinator (Chad Martinez, chadmartinez@oakland.edu or 248-370-3496). Students who wish
to speak to someone confidentially can contact the OU Counseling Center at 248-370-3465 or
students can speak to a confidential source at Haven 24 hours a day at 248-334-1274.
The university Add/Drop policy will be explicitly followed. It is the student’s responsibility to be
aware of the OU deadline dates for dropping courses.
Emergency Preparedness
In the event of an emergency arising on campus, the OU Police Department (OUPD) will notify
the campus community via the emergency notification system. The professor of your class is not
responsible for your personal safety; it is the responsibility of each student to know the
evacuation and “lockdown” guidelines to follow when an emergency is declared.
● OU uses an emergency notification system through text, email, and landline. These
notifications include campus closures, evacuations, lockdowns and other emergencies.
Register for these notifications at oupolice.com.
● Based on the class cellphone policy, ensure that one cellphone is on in order to receive
and share emergency notifications with the instructor.
● If an emergency arises on campus, call the OUPD at (248) 370-3331. Save this number in
your phone, and put it in an easy-to-find spot in your contacts.
● Review protocol for evacuation, lockdown, and other emergencies via the classroom’s red
books (hanging on the wall) and oupolice.com/emergencies with the professor.
Violence/Active Shooter
If an active shooter is in the vicinity, call the OUPD at (248) 370-3331 or 911 when it is safe
to do so and provide information, including the location and number of shooter(s),
description of shooter(s), weapons used and number of potential victims. Consider your
options: Run, Hide, or Fight.
RUN: If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to leave the premises. Have an escape
route and plan in mind; leave your belongings behind; follow instructions of police officers.
HIDE: If running is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely
to find you. Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view; provide protection; lock the doors;
block entry into your hiding place; silence your phone, close window blinds if available, wait
for law enforcement to send an “all clear” message.
FIGHT: As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt
and/or incapacitate the shooter by: Acting as aggressively as possible against her/him;
yelling; throwing items and improvising weapons; and commit to your action.
Unit: Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing Theory, and Nursing
Unit Objectives:
1. Discuss the significance of nursing research and evidence-based practice (EBP) to the
profession of nursing.
2. Examine the relationships among theory, research, and EBP.
3. Examine how evidence is used to inform and support the development of healthcare policies;
standards and practices; and quality and safety measures.
Content Topics:
a. The inter-relationships among theory, research, and EBP
b. Significance of nursing research
c. Evidence based practice principles and models
d. Healthcare policies, standards and practices
Unit: EBP and the Role of the Baccalaureate-prepared Nurse
Unit Objectives:
1. Understand the role of the BSN-prepared nurse in developing, evaluating, & utilizing EBP.
2. Understand the role of the nurse in collaboration and interprofessional representation in the
EBP process.
3. Discuss how EBP and practice guidelines may be modified to meet sociocultural norms of
specific groups and populations.
4. Identify barriers to EBP
Content Topics:
a. Role of the BSN-prepared nurse in research and EBP
b. Collaboration and interprofessional representation
c. Patient preferences and sociocultural norms
d. Evidence based practice barriers (lack of EBP skills and knowledge; negative attitude; lack
of resources/mentors; lack of autonomy over practice; and resistance to change)
Unit: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Unit Objectives:
1. Identify the components of the research process.
2. Identify quantitative research methods, processes, and outcomes.
3. Identify qualitative research methods, processes, and outcomes.
Content Topics:
a. The research process
b. Quantitative and Qualitative research
Unit: Types of Evidence
Unit Objectives:
1. Empirically-based original reports of research.
2. Differentiate between research and non-research sources.
3. Identify quality indicators used for informing patient care.
Content Topics:
a. Non-research sources of evidence
b. Quality indicators (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality National Healthcare Quality
Report; National Quality Forum; and National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators)
Unit: Searching for Evidence
Unit Objectives:
1. Identify sources of evidence.
2. Evaluate the credibility of sources of evidence.
3. Illustrate how to use the PICO/T framework to answer a clinical question.
4. Demonstrate how to locate appropriate resources of evidence to answer a clinical question.
5. Know the nursing and healthcare research database (CINAHL).
Content Topics:
b. Sources of evidence/credibility of evidence
c. Databases
and search strategies
Unit: Critically Appraising Quantitative Evidence
Unit Objectives:
1. Describe the Hierarchy of Evidence.
2. Identify principles of quantitative studies.
3. Differentiate between types of quantitative research studies.
4. Appraise quantitative evidence for clinical decision-making.
5. Assess the validity and reliability of quantitative studies.
6. Appraise the strength and quality of evidence.
7. Synthesize quantitative evidence findings to answer a practice/clinical question.
Content Topics:
a. Hierarchy of Evidence
b. Types of quantitative research
c. Validity and Reliability
d. Sampling
e. Data collection & analysis procedures
f. clinical significance, statistical significance
g. Implications/Generalizability
Unit: Critically Appraising Qualitative Evidence
Unit Objectives:
1. Differentiate between types of qualitative research designs.
2. Know when qualitative methods are the most appropriate research design.
3. Appraise qualitative evidence for clinical decision-making.
4. Assess the rigor in qualitative studies and applicability to practice.
Content Topics:
a. Types of qualitative studies
b. Rigor
c. Sampling
d. Data collection & analysis methods
e. Interpretation of data
Unit: Dissemination of Findings
Unit Objectives:
1. Identify strategies nurses use to disseminate EBP findings.
Content Topics:
a. Poster and paper presentations at professional meetings
b. Journal clubs
c. Clinical rounds
d. Manuscripts/articles
Syllabus, NRS 3012, ASD Winter 2022