Exam 2 Study Guide *Study guide questions will be addressed in class during our review session. Wk. 6 Family Violence: Factors associated with domestic violence Myths about the factors associated with domestic violence Be able to correlate a person’s clinical presentation with possible abuse. Also be able to discern what type of abuse a person may be suffering from. Be able to differentiate between the types of child, adult (domestic/intimate partner violence), elderly abuse and who is typically involved with each type Understand what constitutes abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, neglect, etc) Mandated reporter Upstream approach Be able to explain/identify the cycle of abuse Identify what the “window of opportunity” is Be very familiar with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their impacts on someone’s life through adulthood Primary ways to mitigate/prevent the negative effects of ACEs Gender and Sexuality: Polycystic ovarian syndrome Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Intersex Gender fluid Differentiate cisgender vs transgender Interventions for the suicide ideation patient Treating intersex children Etiquette and appropriate interventions when caring for LGBTQ+ populations Mental illness and LGBTQ+ Wk. 7 Homelessness guest speaker lecture Factors contributing to chronic illness/mental in homeless populations Health outcomes of homeless populations Barriers to helping them access quality healthcare Wk. 8 Human Trafficking guest speaker lecture Characteristics of those who are being trafficked/ risk factors Potential barriers in helping those who are being trafficked/ trying to get them out of the situation Be familiar with “survivors of torture” and why they may not seek help Wk. 9 U.S Healthcare Systems Medicare and Medicaid, the history, and the purpose these programs serve in the U.S Understand Medi-Cal Insurance programs for children What healthcare systems exist and how much do they spend? Who is the highest spender? ACA 2010; know the history of it and its biggest impacts to healthcare systems Healthcare Across Nations Where does the U.S stand on healthcare spending and overall health of its population What country has the lowest neonate mortality rates and also spends little on health care Be familiar with America’s neonatology mortality rates and the causes How nurses can be actively involved in changing policies Populations at risk of being underinsured or underinsured Wk. 10 Ethics Be able to identify and explain the core ethical principles that were discussed in class Be able to identify and differentiate between ethical frameworks that were discussed in class Wk. 11 Environmental Health Understand the relationship between risk and exposure Allergens and household products that exacerbate respiratory conditions Purpose of healthy people 2030; Global and national initiative Be able to explain in detail the significance of epigenetics How much chemical waste is found in natural environments Common chemicals that end up in natural bodies of water and why Medications: Acetaminophen (what it is, how it works, max safe dose, complications associated with overdose) Narcan Atorvastatin & contraindications Metformin (what it is, how it works, max safe dose, complications associated with overdose) Happy Studying!