Agustin, Feiyan Jie B. Grade 7 English Quarter 3 Learning Competencies: EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7 Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual recounts Topic: Multimedia Resources Week 1 Day 1 Learning Objectives Duration of Session: 60 minutes At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to: Knowledge Identify multimedia resources Skills Classify different types of multimedia resources Attitude express appreciation on the use of appropriate multi-media resources. Resources Needed Reference: Quarter 3- Module 1 Resources: PowerPoint Presentations, Hand-outs, Laptop, Pictures Elements of the Plan Methodology Priming Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity (3 minute) Good morning class! Good morning ma’am. How was your day? Great ma’am. That’s good to hear! So, does that mean I could have your100% participation this morning? Yes ma’am! (Students vary their answer.) Great! Now, what will you do when the teacher is talking in front of a class? Very good! All of your answers are correct. That will be our agreement as we go on with our discussion. Is that okay? Yes ma’am! That’s nice to hear. I hope that you are all doing good. Before we start our discussion, may I remind you to please observe netiquette during discussion. Motivation (5 minutes) Raise your hand if you want to recite Listen attentively Before we begin in our lesson, can you tell what are the following devices flash in your screens? Let us see how many you know. So what do you call on this picture It is a television, Ma’am. Great! How about on this picture? It is a radio, Ma’am. That is correct. Next picture Amazing! How about on this next picture? It is a camera, Ma’am. It is a cellphone, Ma’am. Great! Next picture! And how about this picture? It is a laptop, Ma’am. Good job! You were able to identify all of them. Presentation Lesson (15 minutes) of the Now the pictures I had presented to you earlier have something to do with our topic today. Putting all those pictures together they create what we call multimedia. DO you have any idea, what is multimedia class? None, ma’am! If none. Kindly read the definition of Multimedia? Multimedia means that computer information can be presented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media. Kindly read another definition of multimedia. The word multimedia comes from two Latin roots, multi and media. Multi means several or many and media means in the middle. This multimedia definition tells us that materials on the Internet or in your school and business presentations involve several forms of communication to connect, that is, to be in the middle of the sender and receiver. Also, multimedia can be recorder for played-back on computers, laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices. Before we proceed on the different concepts related to Multimedia, first we have to talk about the different factual texts or types of texts. What are these factual texts? Factual texts inform the reader about a particular subject. They should give useful information and focus on facts. Example of Factual Texts: Kindly read the first example. Recount- journal, diary, newspaper article, historical recount, letter, log, timeline. When we say recount, it is to retell a series of events. If you recount a story or event, you tell or describe it to people. Another example, kindly read the slide. Means, to instruct someone on how to do something. Procedureinstruction, recipe, directions. Explanationscientific writing, spoken presentation Another example of factual text, kindly read what is on the slide. Description- observation, speech, analysis. Meaning to explain how or why something occurs. So, for the last example of factual text? Meaning to describe the characteristics or features of a thing or a phenomenon. So, they were the four factual texts to be used in the different types of multimedia. Do you understand, class? Now let us proceed to the Multimedia resources. Multimedia Resources: 1. Text materials -simplest and oldest form of any piece of written materials which is still primary to transmit information -Can be used in writing instructions, making announcements, giving information, narrating events, and many others. 2. Photographs and still images -oldest form of media -Can be used in writing instructions, making announcements, giving information, narrating events, and many others. 3. PowerPoint Slides -developed by Microsoft and is usually used for educational purposes -comprised of slides which may contain images, texts, etc. 4. Audio Files Yes, ma’am. -a record of captured sound that can be played back -anything related to sound in terms of receiving, transmitting or reproducing or its specific frequency. 5. Video Presentations - a presentation that can be shared and viewed as a video. - a video in which multiple slides are used along with audio, video narration along with animation, images to communicate certain specific information with an audience in an engaging manner 6. GIFS and Animations -Graphic image files -small files that present a single image or rapidly display of sequence of few images to give the appearance of motion. Activity 1 Activity 1 ( 5 minutes) Direction: Identify the multimedia resources used in the following tasks. Refer to the options inside the box for your answers. 1. Discuss water cycle to your classmates. 2. Film yourself doing the exercise routine in MAPEH. 3. Add some moving objects as design in your slides. 4. Record your singing voice. 5. Submit a printed output projecting as one of the characters in Greek Mythology, wearing that character’s emblem. 6. Write a persuasive essay about the importance of wearing mask in this time of pandemic. 7. Make a food vlog 8. Submit a summary of “Ibong Adarna”. 9. Paste a family picture in your Portfolio. 10. Present and explain the difference between Enhanced Community Quarantine and General Community Quarantine. Analysis (5 minutes) Among all the multimedia resources that you learned today, which of them is the most helpful to you as a students, specially now that we are in the 21st century education? For me the most helpful multimedia resources for us students is the power point slides because it enhances learning by providing a better understanding of the topic as well as motivating as students. Abstraction Amazing, answer. As we all know class, PowerPoint presentation is really helpful for you students as well as to us, your teachers, because it keeps our presentation organized, create a consistent format, and guide the class through the lecture. Congratulations, class! (3 minutes) What is multimedia again class? Multimedia means that computer information can be presented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media. What are the different types of factual Recount, Procedure, texts? Explanation and Description ma’am. What are the different types of multimedia resources? Text materials, Photographs and still images, Audio Files, PowerPoint Slides, Video Presentations, GIFS and Animations It seems that you have understand our discussion for today! Application Group Task ( 5 minutes) Perform the task assigned to your group and identify what type of multimedia resource in it. Group 1 Film yourselves while doing an exercise routine in MPAEH Group 2 Using PowerPoint slides present and explain the difference between evaporation and condensation Group 3 Write a persuasive essay about the importance of COVID 19 vaccines among minors (children below 18 years old) Group 4 Choose your favorite song from your favorite singer and record yourselves while singing the song Rubrics: Content- 5 pts. Presentation- 5 pts. Creativity- 5 pts. Participation- 5 pts. Total: 20 pts Presentation of Outputs ( 5 minutes) Time is up class. Select one representative of the group and he/she will be the one to present your group activity. (Students Very good everyone, you have a outputs) commendable output. I think you really understood what we had present their discussed today and you already know on how to react asserted text. Evaluation (10 minutes) Test A. Read and answer the following questions. 1. Which multimedia resource is useful to students? a. TikTok b. Instagram c. Google d. Facebook 2. Which of the following is NOT a multimedia resource? a. Messenger b. Viber c. Online dictionary d. Marvel comics magazine 3. Which multimedia resource is used in researching? a. Waze b. Google c. Spotify apps d. Lazada apps 4. Which of the following is NOT an example of text and graphics? a. Diagrams b. Infographics c. Podcast d. Slideshow 5. Which is the proper way of researching in a web browser like Google? a. Type the subject and click enter. b. Type your name and click enter. c. Type the name of the teacher and click enter. d. Type completely the topic and click enter. Agreement Follow up: (5 minutes) Directions: Interview the members of your family on the importance of family in this world we live in. Make a video presentation describing the results of the interview. Sample Interview Question: a. How will you describe your family in one word? b. How important is your family especially during the time of the pandemic? c. What are some of the things you love to do together with your family? Prepared by: FEIYAN JIE B. AGUSTIN Secondary Practice Teacher Approved by: REGINALD G. GAMMAD Cooperating Teacher