ADAMSON UNIVERSITY College of Engineering Electronics and Communications Engineering Department 7 Experiment No. Smith Chart Monday, 7:00AM – 10:00AM 3 SCHEDULE TRANSMISSION MEDIA AND ANTENNA SYSTEM (LABORATORY) Group No. ATTENDANCE SUBJECT NAME CONTRIBUTION Conclusion & Questions Analysis, Questions & History Questions Questions & Q&P Questions Definitions, Application & Questions NERIE, TRISHA CAMILLE L. March 21, 2022 REMARKS Compilation, Discussion & Q&P GIRON, GERICO G. GUEVARRA, JOHN MICO R. LANSANG, JOANA SONETTE B. LORZANO, DARYL KHENT A. LUYUN, JORGE MATTHEW V. MADRIGAL, JOHN FRANCIS S. D.O.P. Grade D.O.S. BERNADETH B. ZARI, PECE Instructor April 18, 2022 SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 INTRODUCTION TO SMITH CHART I. DEFINITION OF SMITH CHART For arbitrary impedance, it's a polar plot of the complex reflection coefficient. It was created to solve complicated math problems involving transmission lines and matching circuits, but it was replaced by computer software. However, the Smith charts method of displaying data has maintained its popularity over time, and it is still the preferred approach for illustrating how RF parameters react at one or more frequencies, with tabulating the data as an option. II. HISTORY OF SMITH CHART Inventor: Philip H. Smith Date developed: January 1939 Source: III. APPLICATION OF SMITH CHART Calculations of impedance on any transmission line with any load. Calculations of admittance on any transmission line, with any load. Calculation of the length of a short circuited transmission line in order to achieve the requisite capacitive or inductive reactance. Determine VSWR Impedance matching SMITHS CHART IV. ACTIVITY 1 ATTACH COPY OF SMITH CHART Figure 1. Smith Chart (developed by P. H. Smith, useful for transmission line analysis). SMITHS CHART V. ACTIVITY 1 IDENTIFY AND DISCUSS THE PARTS OF SMITH CHART I. Define normalizing Normalizing is a process of dividing impedances by the line's characteristic impedance. It is used to plot on smith chart to find the input impedance as a function of the length of the line. Smith charts are in what is called normalized form, with R 5 1 at the prime center. Users customize the Smith chart for specific applications by assigning a different value to the prime center. II. Write down the formula in normalizing impedance. (Define the variables used) 𝑍𝐿 z= Zo Where: z = Normalized impedance ZL = Load impedance Zo = Characteristic impedance III. Write down the formula in normalizing admittance. (Define the variables used) y= 𝑌𝐿 Yo Where: y = Normalized admittance YL = Load admittance Zo = Characteristic admittance Reference: Miller, G. (Modern Electronic Communication, 9 th Edition) SMITHS CHART IV. ACTIVITY 1 Normalize and plot the given load impedance. Note: The characteristic of the line (Zo) is normally 50Ω. A. 100 + j25 Ω (Giron, Gerico) Plate 1.1. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 100 + j25 Ω Solution: z= ZL 100 + j25Ω = = 2+j0.50 Ω Zo 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 B. 50 + j75 Ω (Guevarra, John Mico) Plate 1.2. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 + j75 Ω Solution: z= ZL 50 + j75 Ω = =1+j1.5 Ω ZO 50 Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 C. 150 + j75 Ω (Lansang, Joanna Sonette) Plate 1.3. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 150 + j75 Ω Solution: z= ZL Zo = 150 + j75 Ω = 3+j1.5 Ω 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 D. 50- j50 Ω (Lorzano, Daryl Khent) Plate 1.4. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 – j50 Ω Solution: z= ZL 50-j50Ω = = 1-j1 Ω Zo 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 E. 25 – j100 Ω (Luyun, Jorge Matthew) Plate 1.5. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 25 – j100 Ω Solution: 𝑍 z = 𝑍𝐿 = 𝑜 25 – j100 Ω 50 = 0.5 - j2 Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 F. 100 - j50 Ω (Madrigal, John Francis) Plate 1.6. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 100 – j50 Ω Solution: z= ZL 100 - j50Ω = = 2+j1 Ω Zo 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 G. 75 + j100 Ω (Nerie, Trisha Camille) Plate 1.7. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 75 + j100 Ω Solution: ZL 75 + j100 = = 1.5+j2 Ω Z0 50 SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 V. SWR DETERMINATION: To determine the SWR draw a circle through the point and use the chart center as the circle’s center. If the load is resistive and matched to the characteristic impedance of the line, the standing wave ratio is 1. This is plotted as a single point at the prime center of the Smith chart. Wherever the circle drawn through ZL for a transmission line crosses the right hand horizontal line through the chart center, that point is the VSWR that exists on the line. The circle drawn through a line’s load impedance is often called its VSWR circle. The linear scales printed at the bottom of Smith charts are used to find the SWR, dB loss, and reflection coefficient. For example, to use the linear SWR scale, simply draw a straight line tangent to the SWR circle and perpendicular to the resistance line on the left side of the Smith chart. Figure 2. Smith Chart Linear Scales (SWR) Figure 3. Example of Smith Chart SWR determination (the SWR is 2) SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Determine the VSWR using Smith chart of the given load impedance above. A. 100 + j25 Ω (Giron, Gerico) Plate 2.1. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 100 + j25 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (100+j25Ω)-50Ω = =0.3676∠0.2985 ZL+Z0 (100+j25Ω)+50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.3676| = = 2.1626 1-|Γ| 1-|0.3676| SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 4. The measured SWR is 2.16 Table 1.1. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 2.16 2.1626 0.12 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 B. 50 + j75 Ω (Guevarra, John Mico) Plate 2.2. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 + j75 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (50+j75Ω)-50Ω = =0.6 ∠ 53.13o ZL +Z0 (50+j75Ω)+50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.6 | = =4 1-|Γ| 1-|0.6 | SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 5. The measured SWR is 4.00 Table 1.2. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 4.00 4.00 0% SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 C. 150 + j75 Ω (Lansang, Joanna Sonette) Plate 2.3. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 + j75 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (150+j75Ω)-50Ω = =0.5852 ∠ 16.3139o ( ) ZL +Z0 150+j75Ω +50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.5852 | = = 3.8216 1-|Γ| 1-|0.5852 | SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 6. The measured SWR is 3.82 Table 1.3. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 3.82 3.8216 0.04 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 D. 50- j50 Ω (Lorzano, Daryl Khent) Plate 2.4. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 – j50 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (50-j50Ω)-50Ω = =0.4472 ∠-63.43 ZL +Z0 (50-j50Ω)+50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.4472 | = = 2.6179 1-|Γ| 1-|0.4472 | SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 7. The measured SWR is 2.62 Table 1.4. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 2.62 2.6179 0.08 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 E. 25 – j100 Ω (Luyun, Jorge Matthew) Plate 2.5. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 25 – j100 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (25-j100Ω)-50Ω = =0.8246 ∠ -50.9061 ZL+Z0 (25-j100Ω)+50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.8246 | = = 10.4025 1-|Γ| 1-|0.8246 | SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 8. The measured SWR is 10.40 Table 1.5. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 10.40 10.4025 0.02 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 F. 100 – j50 Ω (Madrigal, John Francis) Plate 2.6. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 100 – j50 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (100 – j50Ω)-50Ω = =0.45∠-63.43 ZL +Z0 (100 – j50Ω)+50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.45 | = = 2.64 1-|Γ| 1-|0.45 | SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR given the load impedance, 𝑍𝐿 = 100 − 𝑗50 𝛺; 𝑍𝑜 = 50 𝛺 𝑍′𝐿 = 2 − 𝑗1 𝑧 = 0.4 + 𝑗0.2 𝑍𝑖𝑛 = 50(0.4 + 𝑗0.2)𝛺 = 20 + 𝑗10 𝛺 𝑽𝑺𝑾𝑹 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝟓 𝛤 = 0.45 Table 1.6. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 2.65 2.64 1.55 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 G. 75 + j100 Ω (Nerie, Trisha Camille) Plate 2.7. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 75 + j100 Ω (determining the SWR) Computation: Γ= ZL - Z0 (75 + j100Ω)-50Ω = =0.6439∠-114.6236 ZL +Z0 (75 + j100Ω)+50Ω SWR = 1+|Γ| 1+|0.6439| = = 4.6164 1-|Γ| 1-|0.6439| SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 9. The measured SWR is 4.62 Table 1.7. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference SWR 4.62 4.6164 0.08 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 VI. REFLECTION COEFFICENT DETERMINATION A. Discuss the determination of reflection coefficient using Smith chart We all know that the reflection coefficient is the ratio of reflected wave to incident wave. This value varies from -1 (for short load) to +1 (for open load), and becomes 0 for matched impedance load. To determine this using smith chart, same as the SWR, draw a circle plotted as a single point at the prime center of the Smith chart. From the VSWR circle, draw a straight line tangent to the SWR circle and perpendicular to the resistance line on the left side of the Smith chart until the line passes the reflection coefficient linear scales. Figure 10. Smith Chart Linear Scales (Reflection Coefficient) Figure 11. Example of Smith Chart Reflection Coefficient determination (the Reflection Coefficient is 0.64) SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 B. Determine the Reflection Coefficient of the given load impedance above. A. 100 + j25 Ω (Giron, Gerico) Plate 3.1. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 100 + j25 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (100+j25Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.3676∠0.2985 ZL + Z0 (100+j25Ω) + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the Reflection Coefficient in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 12. The measured Reflection Coefficient is 0.37 Table 2.1. Data obtained for the Reflection Coefficient measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.37 0.3676 0.65 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 B. 50 + j75 Ω (Guevarra, John Mico) Plate 3.2. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 + j75 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (50+j75Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.6 ∠ 53.13o ZL + Z0 (50+j75Ω) + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the Reflection Coefficient in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 13. The measured Reflection Coefficient is 0.60 Table 2.2. Data obtained for the Reflection Coefficient measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.60 0.60 0% SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 C. 150 + j75 Ω (Lansang, Joanna Sonette) Plate 3.3. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 150 + j75 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (150+j75Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.5852 ∠ 16.3139o ( ) ZL + Z0 150+j75Ω + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the Reflection Coefficient in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 14. The measured Reflection Coefficient is 0.59 Table 2.3. Data obtained for the Reflection Coefficient measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.59 0.5852 0.81 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 D. 50- j50 Ω (Lorzano, Daryl Khent) Plate 3.4. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 50 – j50 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (50-j50Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.4472 ∠-63.43 ZL + Z0 (50-j50Ω) + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the Reflection Coefficient in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 15. The measured Reflection Coefficient is 0.45 Table 2.4. Data obtained for the Reflection Coefficient measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.45 0.4472 0.62% SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 E. 25 – j100 Ω (Luyun, Jorge Matthew) Plate 3.5. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 25 – j100 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (25-j100Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.8246 ∠ -50.9061 ZL + Z0 (25-j100Ω) + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the Reflection Coefficient in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 16. The measured Reflection Coefficient is 0.82 Table 4.5. Data obtained for the Reflection Coefficient measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.82 0.8246 0.56 % SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 F. 100 – j50 Ω (Madrigal, John Francis) Plate 3.6. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 100 – j50 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (100-j50Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.45∠-63.43 ZL + Z0 (100-j50Ω) + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the Reflection Coefficient given the load impedance, ZL = 100 - j50 Ω; Zo = 50 Ω Z'L = 2 - j1 z = 0.4 + j0.2 Zin = 50(0.4 + j0.2)Ω = 20 + j10 Ω VSWR = 2.65 Γ = 0.45 Table 4.6. Data obtained for the Reflection Coefficient measurement of the given load impedance. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.45 0.45 0% SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 G. 75 + j100 Ω (Nerie, Trisha Camille) Plate 3.7. Smith Chart Plot for 𝑍𝐿 = 75 + j100 Ω (determining the Reflection Coefficient) Computation: Γ= (75 + j100Ω) - 50Ω ZL - Z0 = = 0.6439∠-114.6236 ZL + Z0 (75 + j100Ω) + 50Ω SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Measuring the VSWR in the simulation given the load impedance, Figure 17. The measured Reflection Coefficient is 0.64 Table 4.7. Data obtained for the SWR measurement of the given load impedance. VI. Parameter Measured Calculated % Difference Reflection Coefficient 0.64 0.6439 0.61% QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS Questions 1. What is the impedance chart developed by P. H. Smith, useful for transmission line analysis? Answer: Smith Chart 2. What is the process of dividing impedances by the line's characteristic impedance? Answer: Normalizing 3. What do the two types of lines represent in a Smith Chart? Answer: The first set of lines representing constant resistance are circular and are all tangent to each other at the right-hand end of the horizontal line through the center of the chart. Meanwhile, the second set of lines represents arcs of constant reactance. These arcs are also tangent to one another at the right-hand side of the chart. SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Problems 1. A load ZL = 100 + j50 Ω is connected across a TL with Zo = 50 Ω. Find the Normalized load impedance. Solution: z= ZL 100 + j50 = = 2+j1 Zo 50 Answer: z = 2 + j1 2. A slotted line measurement on an air-filled TEM line yields a VSWR of 1.6 at a frequency of 1 GHz. When the load is replaced by a short, the voltage minimum moves 3 cm towards the load. Find the wavelength. Solution: c 3x108 m⁄s λ= = = 30cm f 1x109 Hz Answer: 30cm 3. From the problem 2, find the normalized load impedance. Solution: The shift in the voltage is 0.1 𝜆 Locate the voltage minimum at the impedance minimum, z min = 0.625 and move 0.1 𝜆 toward the load to a position an integral number of half-wavelengths from the load. The impedance there, zL = 0.77 - j0.39, is the same as that of the load. SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 Figure 18. The measured normalized load impedance Answer: zL = 0.77 - j0.39 SMITHS CHART VII. ACTIVITY 1 ANALYSIS In this activity, the group were able to compute the parameters and plot it in the Smith Chart. Each member of the group is given a respective letter which contains the value of load impedance needed to determine the Normalized Impedance using the formula 𝑍 Zn = 𝑍𝑜𝐿 where ZL is the load impedance and ZO is the characteristic Impedance, the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio using the formula, VSWR = 1 + |Γ| 1 − |Γ| coefficient and the Reflection Coefficient can be obtained by Γ = where Γ is the reflection 𝑍𝐿 − 𝑍𝑂 𝑍𝐿 + 𝑍𝑂 . The given values of load impedance are a)100 + j25 Ω, b)50 + j75 Ω, c)150 + j75 Ω, d)50 - j50 Ω, e)25 j100 Ω, and f)100 - j50 Ω. The output of the parameters mentioned are individually represented by circles, arcs, and lines, which position and size is in accordance to its computed value. By marking the line that represents the resistance depending on the value of the first digit of the result of computed normalized impedance, tracing the impedance grid from the marked point in the Smith Chart will form a circle. The second digit of the normalized impedance then determined the reactance. If imaginary number “j” is negative, reactance is capacitive, the arc that will form is in the lower side of the resistance line and if positive then the reactance is inductive, the arc that will form is in the upper side of the resistance line. The normalized impedance computed in a is 2 + j0.5 Ω, in b is 1 + j1.5 Ω, 3 + j.15 Ω in letter c, 1 – j1 Ω in letter d, 0.5 – j2 Ω in letter e, and 2 – j1 Ω in letter f. To identify the VSWR and Reflection Coefficient, other circle is formed where its center is the center of the line and it must reach the intersection of the resistance and reactance. From the left side of newly drawn circle, a line is drawn down to the radially scaled parameters. The computed VSWR and Reflection Coefficient are compared to its measured value which yielded 0% to approximately 0% differences. SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 VIII. CONCLUSION In conclusion of this experiment, the group was able to learn, understand, and demonstrate the useful applications of Smith Chart and the basic principles behind it. The Smith Chart was found to be a very useful tool in solving complicated math problems involving transmission lines and matching circuits with arbitrary impedances known. Given for any transmission line with any load, it is possible to calculate for impedances, admittances, and the length of a short circuited line, the requisite capacitive or inductive reactance, the VSWR, or impedance matching. The use of the chart involves a series of plotting methods by taking given known values and plotting it on the Smith Chart following a strict procedure to acquire the corresponding value required to be calculated. In most cases, normalizing the given impedances or admittances would be the first step. Doing so, allows the user to plot the normalized value on the chart. From there, a circle tangent to the intersection of the components of the normalized value, with its center on the center of the chart, can be used as reference to determine the calculated values from the scale below the chart. By drawing a vertical line downwards, tangent to the left-most side of this reference circle, this line matches to a specific corresponding value on the scale below to determine the VSWR and reflection coefficient as well. Moreover, users can customize the Smith Chart for specific applications by assigning a different value to this reference circle or to the prime center. By following these steps, it was proven to be a much easier method of solving complex calculations involving transmission line parameters that are found crucial to various applications of transmission lines. Overall, the experiment was found and proven to be a success as most students acquire a significantly zero value for percent difference of theoretical and actual values of VSWR and Reflection Coefficient for each respective given complex load impedances. SMITHS CHART ACTIVITY 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY Miller G. (2014). The Smith Chart. Modern Electronic Communication (Ninth Edition). pp. 534 Frenzel L. (2016). The Smith Chart. Principles of Electronic Communication Systems (Fourth Edition). pp. 490 Smithchart Amateur Radio Society (n.d.). P.H.Smith and the Smith Chart. Retrieved from URL: Odunlade E. (2019). Basics of Smith Charts and how to use it for Impedance Matching. Retrieved from URL: Microwaves 101 (n.d.). Smith Chart Tool. Retrieved from URL: