Uploaded by Ashmini Prasad

Conversation Transcript: Math & Communication

00:04:07Sheleena Juman:thanks sir
00:13:13Okel Fordyce :My = ?in and ?im
00:46:58Okel Fordyce :They have a negative connotation
00:47:30Okel Fordyce :Shape and form
00:55:14Kashnarine Seepersad:the number in a set of numbers that appears the most often
00:55:21Kashnarine Seepersad:Mode
00:56:42Kashnarine Seepersad:Dropping the y to I
01:04:33MARCELLA ANTHONY:can yall hear me?
01:04:53MARCELLA ANTHONY:my net is quite unstable
01:07:02MARCELLA ANTHONY:if yall speaking am not hearing