Propagation of New Power Waves On a Complex Impedance Transmission Line Ronald H Johnston Dept. of Elect. & Comp. Engg. University of Calgary Calgary, AB, Canada Michal Okoniewski Dept. of Elect. & Comp. Engg. University of Calgary Calgary, AB, Canada Abstract— Travelling waves for real and complex reference impedance are reviewed. New power waves are defined and their behavior on a lossy transmission line are examined. (7) ࡽ = ݆(aܾ כെܽ )ܾ כ. For a real Zo Eqns (6) and (7) are exact. If Zo has a imaginary component both of these equations are incorrect. Keywords— Travelling power waves, real and complex Zo, new power waves. B. PowerWaves,ComplexZo To deal with the cases where Zo is complex, Youla-Kurokawa developed other definitions [3]. I. INTRODUCTION The traditional power waves are briefly reviewed and then “New Power Waves” are developed and their behaviors on a transmission line are examined. II. POWERWAVE REVIEW The concept of the existence of travelling voltage waves on a uniform transmission line (constant Zo) is simple and intuitive. In passive transmission lines forward and reverse travelling voltage waves are attenuated and phase delayed as they travel in their respective directions. This leads to simple and compact equations. The two travelling waves may be summed at any given location to give voltage (V(x)). A. PowerWaves,RealZo The forward and reverse voltage waves may be divided byඥܼ to convert them into “Power Waves” [1,2]. They are defined as: ܽ = (ܸ + ܼܫை )/(2ඥܼ ) (1) ܾ = (ܸ െ ܼܫ )/(2ඥܼ ) (2) ܽ௬ = (ܸ + ܼܫை )/(2ඥܴ݁(ܼ )) ܾ௬ = (ܸ െ ܼܫை) כ/(2ඥܴ݁(ܼ )) It is interesting to note that if we substitute ܽ௬ and ܾ௬ into (5) we will obtain the correct result for the real power but the wrong value for the reactive power. III. NEW POWER WAVE DEFINITIONS It is the principle intent of this paper to introduce new power wave definitions that will remove problems noted with the above two definitions of power waves. It is informative to rewrite (5) using an impedance (ܼ) and an admittance (ܻ). ࡿ = ܫ| = כ ܫ · ܼܫଶ |ܼ ࡿ = V · (VY) ܸ| = כଶ |ܻ כ ܽே = (ܸ ඥܻ כ+ ܫඥܼ )/2 ܾே = (ܸ ඥܻ כെ ܫඥܼ )/2 (3) (4) One can now determine the complex power (Watts and VARs) at specific location in a transmission line or a circuit. ࡿ = ࡼ + ࡽ = ܸכ ܫ (5) By noting that Zo is real only, one can substitute (3) and (4) into (5) and obtain a simple and intuitive result. The real and imaginary powers are: (6) ࡼ = |ܽଶ | െ |ܾ ଶ |, 978-1-5090-2886-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE (10) (11) From these expressions we can note that the magnitude of current squared times the impedance and that magnitude of voltage squared times the conjugate of admittance both relate to power. Therefore we can try a new definition for forward and reverse power waves [4]. and this calculation may be reversed. ܸ = (ܽ + ܾ)ඥܼ ܽ( = ܫെ ܾ)ඥܼ (8) (9) (12) (13) If values from (12) and (13) are substituted into (6) and (7) correct values are obtained for the real and imaginary power. The above expression shows the symmetry of the two terms in each equation. These two equations differ from each other only by the choice of positive current direction as is the case for the power wave Eqns. (3) and (4). The reflection coefficient of a load can be shown to be: 1607 ߁ே = (ܼ െ |ܼ |)/(ܼ + |ܼ |) (14) AP-S 2016 Note that a complex Zo TL has a self-reflection ߁ௌோ coefficient. Calculated reflection coefficients based on this equation can be plotted on a Smith chart without giving a reflection coefficient larger than one as long as the load does not have a negative real part. The magnitude of the complex ܼ should be the normalizing impedance of the Smith chart. A short has a reflection coefficient of exactly -1.0 and an open has a reflection coefficient of exactly 1.0. We can calculate the node voltage and branch current in a similar manner to (3) and (4). V = (ܽே + ܾே )ඥܼכ I = (ܽே െ ܾே )ඥܼ (15) (16) IV. NEW POWER WAVES ON A TRANSMISSION LINE The determination of the forward and reverse New Power waves on a uniform transmission line is mathematically simple but lengthy. The most general expressions for voltage and current on a TL use hyperbolic functions. Fig.1. ܽே (solid lines) and ܾே (dashed lines) on a TL with a Zo EODFN DQGíȍ UHG WHUPLQDWLRQV+RUL]RQWDOVFDOHVDUH in radians (a) Vertical scale is magnitude in dB, (b) vertical scale is in degrees. The phases of the waves of the íȍ UHG termination only are shown. terminations, the first termination is ܼ (essentially making the line to appear to very long) and the second termination is a negative resistance with a value of -1.25 ɏ. The magnitudes of (17) ܸ(ܸ = )ݔ (cosh(ߛ )ݔ+ ܼ sinh(ߛ )ݔ/ܼ ) ܽே and ܾே for both terminations are plotted in Fig. 1a and (18) ܫ = )ݔ(ܫ (cosh(ߛ )ݔ+ ܼ sinh(ߛ )ݔ/ܼ ) the phases of ܽே and ܾே are plotted in Fig. 1b. These plots show that ܽே is exponentially attenuated and delayed as it Equations 15 & 16 should be substituted in (17) and (18) and travels left to right but the self reflection of the TL produces a the results should be expanded into exponential terms and then ܾே (right to left) that is equal to ܽே times ߁ௌோ . Near the substituted into (12) and (13). Simplification of those results highly reflective termination ܾே is much larger than the ܽே give (19) and (20) which also defines a Transfer (T) matrix. and it is travelling right to left. The ܾே is large enough that it produces a component ܽே that interacts with the component of (19) ܽே (( = )ݔห݇ଶ ห݁ ఊ௫ +|݇ଶ |݁ ିఊ௫ )ܽே + ܽே coming from the source. In the middle of the TL, the ܾே כ ି כఊ௫ ఊ௫ (݇ ݇ ݁ + ݇ ݇ ݁ ) ܾே has two sources which are not in phase alignment thereby (20) causing constructive and destructive interferences. ܾே (݇( = )ݔ ݇ ݁ כఊ௫ + ݇݇ כ ݁ ିఊ௫ ) ܽே + ଶ |݁ ఊ௫ ଶ ିఊ௫ +|݇ |݁ )ܾே (|݇ V. CONCLUSIONS Where Definitions for “New Power Waves” are presented. These ݇ = (ܼ כ/|ܼ | +1)/2 and ݇ = (ܼ כ/|ܼ | -1)/2 The best way provide an understanding of the behavior of the New Power Waves is to plot some examples of the waves on a lossy and complex impedance TL. This transmission line has values of ߛ = ͳסͺͲ.91° nepers and radians per unit length and ܼ = 1ס-9.09° Ohms. The TL is given two different waves produce correct real and imaginary power calculations for complex reference impedances. On a TL it is found that the forward power wave generates a continuously reflected reverse power wave due to the self-reflection property of the complex ܼ transmission line. ACKNOWLEDGMENT NSERC discovery grant funding is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES C.G. Montgomery, R.H. Dicke, and E.M. Purcell (eds), PrinciplesofMicrowaveCircuits, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1948. [2] R.E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. [3] D. C. Youla, “On Scattering Matrices Normalized to Complex Port Numbers”, Proc. IRE, vol. 49, no. 7, Jul. 1961, p. 1221. [4] R.H. Johnston.”New Power Waves Simplify Complex Impedance S-Parameter Network Analysis”, Paper submitted to IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, Dec., 2015. [1] 1608