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Partner 2 Lap Run: Cardiovascular Fitness Lesson Plan

Cardiovascular Fitness Lesson
Partner 2 Lap Run
Physical Education
2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each
week. (High School Course 1)
3.9 Recognize and evaluate the role of cooperation and positive interactions
with others when participating in physical activity. (High School Course 1)
Objective: ​
Students will be able to estimate pacing time for each lap with a partner for a
partner 2 lap run.
Equipment: ​
Track and stopwatch.
Rubric: ​
Each runner runs 2 laps, Together the pair will run 4 laps total.
The pattern is as follows. A, B, A, B
To receive credit: (it can be for the amount of points. Standard is a 20 point run)
Boys= Under 7:30= Extra Credit (25/20)
9:01 or more= (10/20) or use your own discretion based on student effort
Girls= Under 8:30= Extra Credit (25/20)
9:31­10:00= (15/20)
10:01 or more=(10/20) or use your own discretion based on student effort.
Warm up:
­Take Roll while students stretch on their roll call numbers.
Stretches: One student leads a stretch, need 10 students total. Students lead stretches for 2
weeks and then line leaders switch. All students stretch and all students count to 10.
(sitting stretches)
1. Right leg tucked in, left leg straight out, reach for toe. Switch legs.
2. Both feet straight out, reach for toes.
3. Pretzel. Right leg crossed over straight left leg. Rotate torso to the right. Switch legs.
4. Right arm across chest. Switch arms.
5. Right arm over head. Right hand rests on right shoulder blade. Gently pull arm back
with left hand. Switch arms.
(standing up stretches)
6. Flamingos. Right leg. Switch legs.
7. Lunges. Right leg. Switch legs.
8. Ankle rolls. Right foot. Switch.
9. Five squats. (Stretch leader says, “five squats, ready, down, 1, down, 2, etc.)
10. Ten jumping jacks. (Stretch leader says “jumping jacks. Ready, begin. All students
count out 10 jacks)
­One set of bleachers.
­Students will select a partner. It can be same gender of mixed. Sit back to back.
­Students select who will be partner A and who will be partner B.
­Partner A goes first on the track. Partner B stands on the infield of the track.
­Partner A runs one lap. When they approach the end of the lap partner B steps on the track
with hand out.
­They must high five hands before partner B can take off. Partner A stands on the outside of
the track (against a fence if available) to help keep separate runner A and B.
­The sequence goes as follows
­A, B, A, B,
­See above for rubric. Read the rubric to the students.
­When partner B finishes their 2nd lap, they and their partner stand in a designated spot until
everyone is finished. Students need to remember their times and share that time with their
­Record times for each group for grading.
­Students walk one lap on the track as a cool down and perform the warm­up stretches once