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Education Planning and Administration Dr. Radhika Kapur

Education Planning and Administration
Dr. Radhika Kapur
This research paper, education planning and administration provides relevant
information regarding the development and preparation of education. The
researcher has made an attempt to emphasize that what are all the crucial areas that
form an integral part of education planning and administration. In an educational
institution, what kinds of norms, values, policies, procedures, rules and regulations
have to be taken into account in order to implement appropriate planning and
administration. The planning and administration of education is not a simple and a
straightforward task, it requires number of factors that are required to get
investigated, analyzed and put into practice. In the area of education planning and
administration, it is important to formulate measures and procedures to prevent the
students from dropping out of schools, there have been number of reasons due to
which individuals drop out from schools, hence retaining of students is an
important area of education planning and administration. Another vital area that
needs to be taken under consideration is implementation of the leadership roles by
the academic managers within educational institutions, the teachers are required to
effectively implement the professional values and personal commitment towards
their tasks, duties and responsibilities.
Keywords: Education Planning, Administration, Economic System,
Fundamentals, Manpower, Professional Values, Personal Commitment,
Education is considered to be a norm, a policy, and an institution; it is
something that is imperative for the survival of the human being. A human being
who is not educated will certainly face problems and difficulties in accomplishing
the goals and targets which are essential for existence. Education means possessing
the knowledge, information, in other words, becoming aware of the ideas, values
and the notions. Education is even considered to be a lifelong process, there is no
age of education, and an individual can even get enrolled in an institution at the
age of sixty or above. There have been various stages of education, at the initial
stage, an individual undergoes preschool education, then comes the primary
education, upper primary education, secondary education, higher secondary,
college and university education. University education is always considered to be
optional; it is up to the individual to decide whether he wants to pursue a degree
after schooling.
Besides the stages of education, there have been different kinds of education
such as early childhood care and education, adult education, distance education,
continuing education, formal education, informal education, primary education,
special needs education, lifelong learning, secondary education, tertiary education
and so forth. All kinds of education need to be appropriately planned, organized
and administered; procedures have to be followed in order to formulate curriculum
and instructional methodologies, teaching methods, policies, rules and regulations
of the educational institutions, technological requirements etc. In other words, the
area of education does require scheduling, arrangement, direction and management;
therefore, it is essential to understand education planning and administration.
Education Planning
Planning is the prescribed procedure of making decisions for the future of
individuals and organizations. Planning consists of dealing with goals and
objectives, selecting accurate approaches and series to achieve the endeavors,
determining and allocating the resources required and ensuring that plans are
communicated to all concerned. Plans are statement of articles to be performed and
the progression and timings in which they should be done in order to achieve the
desired end. There are two basic kinds of planning: strategic and operational.
Strategic planning, also known as long term, wide-ranging, assimilated, general
and administrative planning, has three dimensions: the classification and
assessment of future opportunities, intimidations and consequences; the process of
scrutinizing an organization’s surroundings and developing well-matched
objectives along with the appropriate strategies with policies capable of achieving
those objectives; and the amalgamation of the various components of planning into
an overall structure of plans so that each unit of the organization knows in advance
what must be done when and by whom. Operational planning, also known as
divisional planning; is concerned with the accomplishment of the larger goals and
strategies that have been determined by strategic planning; it is also concerned
with enhancing existing procedures and with the distribution of sources through the
operating budget (Aggarwal & Thakur, 2003).
With respect to an educational institution, there are various kinds of
planning that need to be implemented in accordance with the occurrence of
situations and circumstances. Macro planning, it deals with the broad plans, such
as aggregates, averages as National income, Per Capita Income etc. micro planning,
comprises of retaining students in schools, whether capable students achieve
scholarships on time, and how schools can be provided in individual surroundings.
Another type of planning is strategic planning, it is maintaining a connection
between an institution’s objectives and resources and it’s environmental
opportunities; next is contingency planning, this determines the actions to be
implemented by the individuals at times of occurrences of uncharacteristic
opportunities or circumstances. Corporate planning is a technique that aims to
integrate all the planning functions of the institution and relate them to the best
objectives; manpower planning is an essential planning function, capable
manpower needs to be recruited within the institutions that possess all the required
knowledge, awareness and abilities; process planning is the planning that
determines how the process or the function or the procedure needs to be put into
operation in order to accomplish the desired goals and objectives and finally comes
the indicative planning or the participative planning, it is the planning by
agreement and sign of desirable goals and targets rather than by obligation or
declaration (Aggarwal & Thakur, 2003).
Overview of Education Planning and Administration
In education planning and administration, there are the following points that
need to be taken under consideration: (Martin, 2009).
1. The relationship between public administration, state planning and
management of education needs to be recognized and acknowledged; there
should be identification of the strengths and weaknesses.
2. Determining command and the application of the planning function in the
education sector.
3. The terms and conditions that have been developed between administration
and the management in the education sector.
4. In the education sector, it is vital to be professional in all the dealings and
implications; professionalism is mandatory while dealing with students,
teachers, parents and even colleagues and employers.
5. Strategic planning in educational settings, every educational institution has
goals and objectives to achieve, for the purpose of the achievement of
objectives, it is essential to analyze the environmental opportunities
accessible and the availability of resources and reserves within the
6. Conceptions of the value chain and business process in relation to the
planning and management of resources in the education sector; it is crucial
to plan and appropriately manage the resources so that there is not any kind
of misuse.
7. Re-engineering and the management of educational organizations.
Educational institutions need to be organized, planned and managed in an
accurate manner so that there can be even appropriate ways to deal with
predicaments and difficult situations.
8. Stakeholder analysis and educational planning. The analysis of the
stakeholders and accurate planning of the instructional methods, rules,
polices, curriculum and teaching-learning methodologies etc comes under
education planning and administration.
9. Output, outcomes, and impact measurement in the education sector, its
administration and implications for planning.
10.Public accountability, availability of stipends, scholarships for capable
students, provision of other benefits such as mid-day meals in some schools,
even organization of activities, picnics, events, and competitions are all
essential features that need to be taken under consideration in educational
planning, administration and management.
Fundamentals of Educational Planning
Educational planning is a comprehensive area that needs to take under
consideration number of factors that those factors have been stated as
follows: (Prinborgne, 2002).
Education and Development – In the case of education and development, as
it has been stated above a number of factors need to be taken under
consideration such as course content, syllabus, lesson plans, curriculum and
instructional strategies, teaching methodologies, functions and activities
within the school and so forth. The development is mainly concerned with
the overall development of the students, their goals, objectives and
personality; therefore, this factor is considered to be fundamental to
educational planning.
Equity Considerations – This is also considered to be an imperative concept;
in some of the schools in Rajasthan in rural areas, teachers do discriminate
and feel that students are incapable of learning and accomplishing major
goals; there should not be any kind of discriminatory treatment amongst the
students or on the part of the school authorities on the basis of factors such
as class, caste, gender, religion, ethnicity or socioeconomic background. It is
illegal to discriminate between students and educators should feel that every
student should be capable of learning and achieving if they are trained
appropriately and they work meticulously.
Quality of Education – The quality of imparting instruction and learning to
the students also is a matter of great concern; the quality of education should
be in accordance with the standards, appropriate teaching and learning
methods should be adopted; for example, when imparting teaching to the
students, the instructors have to make sure that they have understood well;
making them read on their own, explaining to them in writing rather than
orally, dictating notes of the students are all helpful instructional techniques
that would enhance the quality of education. Besides classroom instruction,
organization of extracurricular activities, competitions, picnics, events and
so forth are also helpful ways to improve the quality of education.
Structure, Administration and Management of Education – Under the
structure, administration and management of education, number of factors
need to be taken under consideration such as physical environmental
conditions of the institution as well as the classroom; proper ventilation,
seating arrangement, desks, technological devices and so forth. Teachers
should be best trained and should possess relevant knowledge of all the
required lesson plans and course content, their main priority should be the
development of their students. Courses, subjects and lesson plans should be
in accordance with the standards and educational norms; students should be
treated appropriately and harsh attitude should be prohibited against the
students. Education is best managed in an appropriate manner by recruiting
hard working professional educators who are dedicated towards their work
duties and who aim to impart learning and instruction in the best possible
manner. The hierarchy of individuals within an educational institution from
the principal to the teaching assistants should be administered by
establishing proper rules, regulations, policies and principles.
Curriculum – The curriculum is a comprehensive term which comprises of
number of factors such as courses, programs of study, syllabus, prospectus
and set of courses. The curriculum course content is required to be
formulated by the curriculum and instructional professionals; they need to
take under consideration a number of factors while formulating the
curriculum such as the class standards, the students requirements and
priorities, the exercises and materials in the lesson plan that are appropriate
for the students of a particular class. For example, the subject mathematics,
the mathematical concepts taught to the students in class five should be in
accordance with the capabilities of the students of class five; the
mathematics textbook of class six cannot be used in class five, because they
would certainly find the concepts difficult to understand. Therefore, the
formulation of curriculum should be in accordance with the standards.
Cost and Financing of Education – In most cases, in rural areas students
drop out of school or are unable to go to school because of the cost and
financial problems; approaches and strategies have been formulated in order
to help the capable students in financing their education such as availability
of stipends, scholarships, grants, educational loans or in some cases waiver
of fees. These programs are available for capable students and especially
girls. Every student if he dedicates himself towards his studies is capable to
scoring good grades; only things that they are required to possess are
knowledge, diligence and aptitude. Cost and financing of education does
turn out to be a major problem for poverty stricken and economically weaker
sections of the society but there are schools that do not charge fees or charge
minimal fees hence making education affordable.
Planning Techniques and Approaches – There are certain techniques and
approaches in the planning of education; the educational institution has to
frame certain laws, rules and policies for enhancing education, there should
be regulation and control in all the methodologies and strategies that are
conducted within the institution; prohibition of harsh and abusive treatment,
conflicts and disputes resolution techniques, organization of functions so
that students render their effective participation and even learn to develop
leadership skills within themselves; organizing, directing, leadership and
recruitment of trained and proficient educators and instructors are the
essential functions that are required to be adequately implemented in order
to lead to smooth progress of education.
Information Systems, Monitoring and Evaluation – For the purpose of
education planning and administration, it is essential to utilize the
information systems and technology; the usage of technology has enhanced
the quality of education and made learning effectual and less time
consuming. In the system of education, it is essential to monitor, supervise
and scrutinize learning in concern with the students. Performance appraisal
and evaluation systems, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the
students, conducting class tests and assessments are essential requirements.
When implementing the performance appraisal and evaluation systems, the
instructors come to know the weaknesses of the students, then they can
investigate means of improving them. Every educational institution is
fulfilled with the conduct of assessments and evaluation systems after
imparting the teaching of concepts.
The Role of the Economic System in Financing of Education and
Absorbing the Educated Manpower
An economic system is the structure of production, distribution of economic
outputs, and consumption of goods and services in an economy. It is a set of
establishments and their social relations. Alternatively, it is the set of standards by
which problems of economics are concentrated upon, such as the economic
problem of scarcity through allocation of predetermined productive resources. An
economic system is made up of people and institutions comprising their
relationships to productive resources, such as through the convention of property.
Examples of contemporary economic systems include capitalist system, communist
system, socialist system and mixed economy (Economics of Education, n.d.).
The principal role played by the state in the financing, regulation and
provision of primary and secondary education reveals the widespread belief that
education is necessary for personal and societal well-being. The economic
organization of education depends on political as well as market methods to
determine issues that arise because of contrasting views on such matters as income
inequality, social mobility and multiplicity. Today, some capitalists have been the
owners of or direct controlling authorities of the institutions of higher education;
most of the companies do provide financial support to higher education, besides,
capitalist also influences higher education in an indirect manner. The most
important influence of capitalism on higher education is the survival of the
capitalist system itself; the reason being that it is a major system of power in
society, people and social structures become accustomed to capitalism. On the
other hand, in a communist society, financing of education is done by the state. In
the mixed economy, financing of education is shared both by individuals and the
state. Similarly, in a capitalist society, educated manpower is absorbed by the
economy depending on demand for and supplies of the skills and abilities of the
individuals i.e. the market forces. On the other hand, in a communist society, the
state decides what type of manpower is required and accordingly, education is
provided to individuals and thereafter, they are absorbed by the economy. In a
mixed economy, the individual depends on market forces for acquiring services
(Economics of Education, n.d.).
Roles of Leadership by Academic Managers within an Educational
The academic managers have to assume roles of a leader of an institution
and implement their roles and responsibilities from the leadership perspective.
There is a strong connection between student learning and leadership performance,
in some cases, the educators and the staff members within the schools are
considered to be the leaders in whose hands the educational requirements, the
developmental aspects, the norms, rules, regulations, policies and procedures are
vested. Between all these aspects and the learning that takes place within the
schools by the students, there is a strong correlation. It is all a matter of
commitment and dedication to the strong and comprehensive leadership support
system which is aimed at strengthening the connection between learning and
leadership by defining what the leaders should know, what they should be aware of
and what should they be able to do by providing them with the tools and feedback
needed to improve and ultimately excel (Mezzacappa, Holland, Willen, Colvin &
Feemster, 2008).
The main objective of the leaders, the school and the educators is that the
students should learn and perform well within the school when they come; for this
purpose, they are taught all the aspects which are necessary such as discipline,
obedience, control, motivation, dedication and how to put in all the hard work so
that they could give their best. In order to accomplish the desired aims and
objectives, there has to be initiative and the feeling of inventiveness on both the
sides of the leaders as well as the students. In the recent past, as notions of school
leadership have increasingly emphasized learning and school improvement, ideas
about leadership assessment have emphasized leaders’ performance and results
rather than qualities and characteristics; aimed at ascertaining how well leaders and
their performance meet criteria defined by professional bodies and by the policy;
served influential as well as cumulative purposes, often aiming at leaders’ learning
and further development; and assumed that leaders’ work was dependent on
perspective and could be best understood in relation to particular kinds of
organizational and community contexts (Mezzacappa, Holland, Willen, Colvin &
Feemster, 2008).
Ways of Preventing School Dropouts
The educational institutions need to devise measurements and ways to
prevent the students from dropping out of schools. These ways have been
stated as follows: (Balfanz, 2007).
1. The schools should provide the students with good education, including
academics, extracurricular activities, good civic engagement and
personalized attention should be paid by the teachers towards all students so
that they are able to learn more and correct their flaws and deficiencies.
2. It is essential to formulate appropriate norms, standards, policies, rules and
regulations within the schools and students should be taught how to abide by
them. In other words, it is essential to inculcate the sense of discipline
amongst them.
3. Within the schools, the educators should not be insensitive and unforgiving
towards the students. Even negative feedback should be provided to them in
a constructive manner, students should possess academic/cognitive skills,
social-emotional supports and behavioral expectations that they need to
succeed at each level of schooling.
4. The behavioral conduct of the teachers and the school environment should
be approachable so that the students do not indoctrinate amongst themselves
the attitude of disinterest and vulnerability. Learning should be a joyful
experience for the students.
5. In order to succeed in pursuance of an educational program, it is essential to
be able to read well. For this purpose, high quality pre-k programs should be
available for them; secondly, a series of reading benchmarks should be
established. When students encounter difficulties in reading benchmarks it
results in decrease in student-teacher ratio, hence to prevent dropouts it is
necessary for the teacher to provide one-to-one instruction to the students so
that they develop interest and enthusiasm.
6. High poverty environmental conditions develop the feelings of insecurity
and cause stress and tension in the lives of young students. Schools have to
be recognized by the students as places where they are safe and enjoy
learning different kinds of lessons.
7. Within the educational institutions, there should be a balance between
academics and extra-curricular activities. Schools should be full of activities
like singing, dancing, games, sports, artworks, drawing, painting, craft
activities so that the children obtain pleasure from learning and attending
8. The class size should be limited and should not be too large, because in
larger classes, more students will require extra attention and the teachers
might get overwhelmed; therefore, the teachers should wisely adopt methods
to have class size reductions to prevent dropouts. In high poverty areas, class
size reductions can lead to a 10% reduction in the dropout rate.
9. Schools should formulate financial assistance programs for at least
outstanding students so that they do not dropout on the basis of their
financial crisis. Scholarships, financial assistance, loans and grants are ways
that could help in retaining the students who drop out because of financial
problems. Providing transportation facilities to the students who reside at a
distance can also be a remedy to preventing dropouts.
10.Students with special needs or the ones who face difficulties in a particular
area such as mathematics or science should be provided with extra classes
and attention so that they overcome the barriers that they are undergoing in
their educational program.
Professional Values and Personal Commitments of all Teachers
To enhance teaching leadership, it is important to be professional and
proficient in all aspects. A personal commitment has been rendered towards the
intellectual, ethical, personal growth and well being of all the learners. In the area
of teaching leadership, the following are the points that are at the core of
professional values and personal commitments of being a teacher: (SLM, 2012).
Social Justice – Approval of the educational and social values of
sustainability, equality and justice and recognizing the rights and responsibilities of
future as well as current generations; commitment to the principles of democracy
and social justice through reasonable, transparent, inclusive and sustainable
practices in relation to: age, disability, gender and gender identity, race, religion,
belief and sexual orientation. Valuing as well as respecting, social, cultural and
ecological diversity and promoting the principles and practices of local and global
citizenship for all learners comes under social justice. Demonstration of a
dedication to engage learners in real world issues to enhance learning experiences
and outcomes and to encourage learning our way to a better future. Finally, it can
be stated that respecting the rights of all learners and their entitlement to be
included in their learning experiences.
Integrity - Demonstrating, honesty, courage and wisdom. Integrity means
thoroughly examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs and
challenging our own hypothesis and skilled practice. Systematically examining the
links between personal and professional attitudes and beliefs, values and proficient
practices to inform and shape personal and professional development, effective
improvement and, when appropriate bringing about transformative change in
Trust and Respect - Acting and behaving mannerisms should enlarge a
culture of trust and respect through, for example, being trusting and respectful of
others within the school community, and with all those involved in influencing the
lives of learners in and beyond the school. Provision of a safe and secure
environment for all learners should be built on an ethos of care. There should be
demonstration of a commitment to motivating and inspiring learners while also
acknowledging their uniqueness, individuality and specific learning needs. The
mutual environment of trust and respect is a must to maintain in order to develop
an appropriate learning environment. Amiable and friendly relations with the
teachers make students of all ages as well as backgrounds less vulnerable and they
can share their problems with the teachers without restraint.
Professional Commitment - This involves getting engaged with all aspects
of professional practice and all members of our educational communities with
interest, adaptableness and productive criticality. The learners are taught in this
case that one should get committed to lifelong enquiry, learning and professional
development as a core aspect of professionalism and collaborative practice.
Learning is a lifelong process and individuals have to commit themselves to
learning throughout their lives to bring out their professional development and also
to develop into a good human being.
In order to enhance teaching leadership, it is essential for the educators and
teachers to master certain areas which have been stated as follows: (SLM, 2012).
Strategic Vision - This element is concerned with the leader's professional
values and commitment to learners, equality of opportunity, ethical practice,
democratic values sustainability and career-long learning. Leaders illustrate in their
private and practiced life, and in the way they lead the learning society, the
visualization and traditions they seek to develop throughout the school. Leaders
guide the creation and the sharing of the strategic vision ethos and aim for the
school, which inspire and motivate learners, staff and all members of the school
community and its partners and sets high expectations for every learner. Central to
the development and demonstration of this strategic vision, all leaders entrust to
and model career-long learning as a 'leading learner'; and thus persuade others to
engage in career-long learning to augment their professionalism.
Professional Knowledge and Understanding – This element identifies the
complex knowledge and understanding of educational thinking and developments
in society, schooling, schools, education and teaching and learning which are
required by successful leaders. Leaders that are involved in the teaching field have
to keep up to date information regarding the knowledge and the research that is
occurring currently and ensure that development has been applied well in the
improvement of outcomes of learners. Knowledge and understanding of research
and developments need to be thoroughly applied to education policy, schools and
schooling in order to maintain school development. The developments which are
taking place within the community such as developments in society, digital
improvements, changing family patterns, work patterns, media, technology,
information and communications systems, leisure and politics also have to be
known by the educators in order to influence teaching leadership. Leadership
aspects and managerial aspects have to be known by the leaders in the field of
education so that they could manage their educational system in an organized
Personal Dispositions and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities – These are
the skills that the leaders possess in order to create maximum positive impact and
to lead and manage effectively. First is demonstrating self-awareness and inspiring
and motivating others. Leaders incessantly develop self-awareness; they regularly
inquire regarding their practice through processes of reflection and critical enquiry.
They administer self and others effectively, with a dedication to idealistic practice.
They assemble and sustain personal credibility by representing their commitment
to career long professional learning, integrity and ethical practice, thus increasing a
culture of trust and respect. They exhibit assurance and audacity in the way they
deal with disparagement and inconsistencies. Leaders persuade the development of
leadership qualities in others and cultivate trust and respect among colleagues by
promoting leadership opportunities across the school.
Leaders need to analyze and define situations clearly, wisdom is essential
while making any kind of judgment. They take a positive solution focused
approach to work towards resolution. Leaders are aware of the appropriate decision
making time and opportunity. Leaders need to get engaged in dialogue and
promote constructive ways of achieving improvement, displaying an awareness of
the ethical use of power and authority.
Leaders demonstrate and communicate their deep commitment to the
education and well-being of learners in their daily practices. They are effective
communicators within the school and the wider community and build effective
relationships across networks. They listen; express their ideas and feelings clearly,
engage in professional discussion and productive response and institute successful
organizational communication. They make use of a multiplicity of proper media in
doing so.
Leaders have a superior understanding of the dynamics of political power
and influence in the relationship between schools and society, and the
consequential insinuation for the work of their organization. They comprehend the
political and social circumstances and the ways in which these impacts upon the
schools and those within schools, taking account of this in their leadership and
management practices the leaders will be able to formulate better understanding of
the political practices among the learners.
Planning and administration are the tasks that are required in all the areas. In
the education sector, these functions
are considered necessary as education is regarded as imperative for the existence
of the individual. There have been numerous areas in the education field that
requires planning and administration. The establishment of educational institutions
in the urban as well as the rural areas, the setting up of the classrooms, machinery
and equipment, infrastructural facilities, technical devices, water supplies, play
grounds, fields and so forth constitute the physical environmental conditions of the
schools; another crucial area is considered to be the school authorities, the staff
members, they have to possess the required education, be proficient and should
possess all the relevant knowledge and information in their dealings with the
students, parents, superiors, subordinates and colleagues; it is essential to formulate
appropriate curriculum and instructional methodologies in accordance with the
standards so that the students understand the concepts in a better way and they
should feel that learning is proving to be beneficial to them.
For the effective functioning of the institutions, proper rules and policies
should also be formulated for instance, prohibition of harsh treatment on the part of
the teachers towards the students, availability of stipends, scholarships and
financial assistance for girls and capable students, equity and no discrimination
between students on the basis of caste, religion, gender, ethnicity, race, or
socioeconomic background. Certain rules are also essential in case of teachinglearning methods such as completion of homework assignments on time allotted to
the students by the teachers, avoiding plagiarism and academic dishonesty,
speaking and communicating with each other in a polite manner, showing respect
and gratitude towards the instructors and not being indecorous towards anybody. In
the planning and administration of the education sector, the main functions of
controlling, organizing, directing, leadership and management have to be
implemented with respect to the educational institution. Finally, it can be stated
that the main objective of the educational institution is making provision of
education to the students, leading to their progress and development as they are the
future citizens of the country, therefore, main emphasis has to be laid upon the
quality of education and other proceedings and events such as extracurricular
activities and so forth so that learning becomes pleasurable for the students and
they enjoy coming to school.
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