COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 i *TENSION - -- - TEST* - .. ' ' I Aim: To d e.--t:eTm i ne ul-l;im(:\te, styess; of a me-f:a\ · °' O.b, ect"t ve : To ~on du Ct' -t:-ensi I e test o ri vavious metal specimen~ and "' d eteYm in e. fotlowi ni' oroPeY-8es : a.> Limi-b of pyopo-r-tional i~. .._. , u h>ES- las-f;i c Limi-1:· - c.> Y1et d s-tven( tl--i· . d> l? 1-t:T m q-f:;-e stve n ~ th . e) Youn,( 's modulus of e\ cts-e cT i:tf . \J f) fen:enta ~e elon~a.tion- (> reY-Cent<tR"'e -reduet-io n in Ao.,11Ya+11~: I I ~> un ive'r'"SQI a_yeq. Tes+-in{' M a chi h e (_ UT M") 0 - .b> Mei:Ql s pect mens c> VeYn ieY- ca. ti i peY d> Sof-hoa re. io p/0-l ., StY€SS- Si:YQ in c.t..Ltve e> .Scqle. _£ .. 'Diap--ram: '.JI • Wtc ~ a 4rip se.ction o.f- Qrip se ~ f;-i fl Y) ' ~ r-,....,__ oi£B'.l'} te _ 1,/w Sl']_ot.t.lcle.irs I ' / I 1 ·~ I I~ ~ I ~ . (\ ,. ' ' ar"ll Ff~ it -s · Len.9-t:h .. I --......._ ove..-t:tll \{lnq-t;h - • l A· s pedm~n t.,0f-l.h dYculct"\" etoss- sec-t:io \'; ~ .- r/ /A I V/./41 I . /.: g I I I I -· I I- fret R • - S9E? t- rm ~r, ())f t h Y-ectan.E_'LI lo)' (YOSS- S~t+ i On I I COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE •-- ... ~,,. ~s . __ l.. Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 .Spedfic(l tions~ . Machi ng 4) C'C\Pa cit\\. Model b) u I< N ( 40T) : 400 ~ UTI<- 40 i Vol+a (e : 4+0 \I (AC) c) I I Theo'r'-;{: \J The tEmsrle -f::es-t is ma;-c a.001ie d or>e,o f all med•,anict::t l i;-es-tsb) In -this i-es-t ~nds of -t:-es+ piece. ave fixed in-t:o g-rips cor>rieci;ed 4) 4:-0 ~ s-tv-afn in~ olevice a.nd +o a. (octd m eqsu yt n~ d evi c.e- c) 1 f ,l-he I . is smqtl e.nou!"h , -t:-he defm-m q-tfOh 0~ an~ -s,ol id is en-!JYellj el ct~+i c- An ~tf CQ\l 4 JefOYm e d. solid to f l\ ..J -re t-u 'rY> tO i tr S oYi ~ihQI fo-rm qs .soon as I oa. d is "f'emove.d · s-i~ev~ a p Plied. V l octd V if the Io ct d is ioo laY-~e, +he mq-¼;eYia.1 ct:tn be d efo"(m ed pe'Yme~hil'J• d) The. in i ti oJ pa, "rt Of -f::he ttr>si Oh tu-Yve whic.h ;s "'~ covera. b I e \J i rn m e cl i o {el w u.nload in~ is +eyrne d a.s II e.tas-t-k" c:1.nd. i-h e 'fest o.f the cuvve wh r ch 'fe. pyeserH:s -the rno.nneY ;n c.oh 1" c h so lid underi (oes f> (as-tic deform ~t1on is-{e~ med a.s 11 plqs+ic.". e) The stYess betot..0 wh1~h -\:-he ciefo-rm~-t:-ions- essen-l-iQtl\j. €h·tfvel ~ 11-f-t-~Y ...J u. -the "'ma. -t;e >--i 4-I · f) elas~)c ,•s !<nowt> hy a. sudde n dYop in /oct d ind i cq-l:-f n .{' both 411 u. p per a n d ct l ow eJY 4eilcl point· HoUJ-evev, some ma-teYi ct Is do nbt t.x 1-, i b Ti ct s h a.-r(' 'lti/d point· V V ~J . V • as the ~ield. ,S"tY-en.e---t:-h" of lb some m a -{;eY i ~ I i-h e O n s e-c- of r l asti c d efo"("m q+i on is de n oted d.Ye . I Durin g rtas1;ic. det°ormq-Hon., Qt la'r~ey e~-t:-ensTons s-traTh naY-d eri fn £ ccrY> r ~nscttion does not ove~co me dec-rea s e. i n seciion cn,cl -f;nllS -che loa.d f)o_sses i,nrou rh q ma.xim~m a.nct-t:hen be~ins -t:o dee,,,-ease . h) Ai- above. siq,re -t:ne tt l.1 li-ima-t:e wen_~-t:h" r..vbi ch ts deft ned qs the yqtJ' b of the toad on ihe Spec;rr-,eh it> wr{'in cd C'YOSS- sec·t}o nq/ O.'Y€Q, recneq s ~ m~im um Vi:tlu e, Furihe-r- /octdfne-- L011I even-tt!QltV c ctUSe 1111ech''' fO'Y ma rO n § rtt p4;t! rr e · + - COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 3 f1 o ce. d u Ye ~ 1:) Mectstt-re -l:he 07r~ in~ I le 11 ~th o. r> c¼ dTct.rY>eie Y of the s~ men· Th€. te~-¼J V Ien ,r-t::-h of tu o.,~e sec-t:-To n C L1') w n t c.h ~ m t:i 'Y k ec{ ma.~ ~itl,e'Y be \J specimen with q o n prese-t: punch lar) -t:he +t)t£tl len~-1:h of "the I ' sp~ci met) (_L) . ~·) \\0SeY--t t\0e · specimen in-lo g--ri ps of t;he -beS-f:: mach ir> e q_nd. stYl\ r h -mecguyrn( devfa_ tO i ,t tf'f" else corm ec+ i-l -f:;O q tta. ~ 1-1 softu,a.'l'"e in arder iO rY\easure s-tr~tn vatu e~ ~ r tsel f· " 3·) Be.~in f-ne load. aDDliCation and y-e~rd lo ctd veysus e tong-a ti ol'\ da-t:a. · - ~~ 't-) T d. f< e -re~d i n,e-s 5-)Met:tSUYe mo'Y'e fyett,uen-l:-ly a.s t.Jield. poin-!: is ... ~lon~a,&-ion values wi.f:h-the, he-Ip of ~-) coo-1:;inue the, -1::,~St Q opr-~~ c.h ed- \I J(vide-r-..s a.nd Q. Yu ler - .(;ill -frac4:-u'V'€ . o~cUYS· bYoken halves of -t:he specimen -lo~e-theY ., 11·) Bu..., i"inin~ - .J.-ht +c.oo rneasl.1 re -the +inlll \ene--!-h a.n d cfr a.mete Y of s pe ci rn en • ~ · 'DescYi ption of LJTM : / ... ~ A] Loadint" Unii:- J-1: marnly,, c:.onsis-f: o.f hudYctulic c~linder ~ i t h -robu s ~ bctse • '-' inside. The Dr s-i:o t> UJbich moves b4 e.let-l:;'ric rr, o+oY " -+ ,he scrretD "' • The a.n ol JoLOh U..P c.h a.i n J Y1ven which is fi i.-¼:ed on left ha.nd side. - column mainto.ihed in -ch~ base. cah be YO~-t;e.d above atYqn.remeni o+ cho_Tn . Each nU.t t.0h i ~h i.s f-i -tted in -ch e to r..oeY col Lt lYl n 1>, ctSS e.s C'roSS 1...t.s in~ -t:-h v o ll !' h -the m<l in he.a.d · ce,mected -1:o main pi-9i0n -l:hY~U !'" h ab ct 11 ctnd the bq 11 seed: is i o i ned i6 ens u ve a..')(rC\I loadi" e" · -rheY€ is a.. cenne c.,:;i on b(W I b we.,v- +able qnd unnPY hea.d qssernbly -l:hc:t-l- mc:1v ~ u.p a.nd do u:> h ~ The toUJeY -t-Qble V (JJ i-l-h ois-tot'\ . u ' measuremet'J-t: o-t- .J:-his a.~sembl';I is cq 'Y'Yi e d out by nun, ber- of bea r1 n 2"S t.0 h i ch -.S'lides over- i-he columns. ~Tl-)e, V COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PU NE • ~...._~,~ -- Wellesly Road , Shivajlnagar, Pune - 411 005 "s~--lill! 4- ---,) The teS t SPe.c.imen Q.ctd1 fi,<e d in the job is l'\'nt>LDO Q.S ,;;J To fi,e. ~P the s l!>ecime n i-1' ~h-t:l ';i J a.cll ieve d he \i 00.t\4 b;1 u +he (Y)o\/e. 11 Ja.cK Jo b'' · I I me.)rl. o f i a.. cI< j o b ; s ..., h 0..11 dI~· I I I 8] C.on t:YOI ra.nel ·.-)It foy I °' cons rs-t:s of oil -t:o.r>I~ hav r h~ h ud yq td i c oi I !eve \ si.~h-t ~ lc:::t .SS u che .cki n( -t::he oil leve l· The pum p is disp ta.c emt .n-l ¾1pe pum p of ho.v in~ fYe.e p\ ur, ~e-r-s . i;-hose ht~ h pYe. e. nsu. re -fo y I p fs-c0n . c.o n -ti n u (t-c n - 16 4 ...J ~ The. PU m P is ff')(ed -to -8,e -l-ctnKfYOYY> bo HoY'f'I ·Th e su c-tio h q ve'ru 'lq.lve a. Y-e +i-t:.t.e.d {o -t:-he PLLm P neo..Y -t:,a..nk E. t e c..-\:."r i <1 a mo ~y d•riVeh the PUrY lt>iS m oun te cf on tcu r -s'tU ds w hi rs c.h f-i-l:-ted on -t:-he Y-i _ ( 'n+ side of -che t;<J..n I<• ~ Thev-e.. is cth ~'r'Y a.n~ n-t: for tocs in e (o'Y) titf' hte ntn ,!I of -the v ~Ive , The fou Y vo_lv es on con-\:Y-o l ,, a. nel. eot')-b-o I th e. o i I .s -l::'Yo Ke i h -Y1e h '-'cl ya_ u I i c S'Lu-1-e.rri · The. tood·;ri~ S4si:e.rn U)O'r t1 a..s des o·i bed u be.tow. \J V u ~ l I The ve tu'\' n va..\ve is dos e, oil d.e.\ive-v-e.d bl.% the f'Urn p +h-r-ou.g: h " -f::he flot. 0 tont -rol va \\/E'S -l:;o -the rulinc:¼e.Y Gtn d Pi ~-t;t) t') ~oe s Lt p . u ~ fyes su re S't(l r-bs d.e.v e.lop fn~ £. ~i thei r -t:he s s> e.dr neri b 'r e_q_ l-<S O"r ..... J the. loo.d .....~ Ma:~,· mum l9 a. lu.e. is c oh -l:;'Yo l \ ed. u.::i r lh -ch e. b~s e cl Lf n l:t m e-l:-e.rrs c.o n s isti n 2" i n o. c.u li n de -r i n w h , c.h -ch e p is t<:1 n ,., IJ \] ..,. e.d P"fo0 Q.4:- es • The. .sw i tc.he.s Lt eev oJ1cl lOUJ tY ~ LtSh a. -l --l:-h e c.o n-tro l po. n e \ fo v- -t-h e dotn hwo .vd ~ u.~l.A)a'rd (Y) O.f--l::h e mov e h eQd · ,ne. on £.,o ff Stn i ~h pyovided. on -\:h e c.on-l:,Y'o \ pc,.n ...., ~ I o..nd tV> e Pilo t /Cl.YY>P .S nO LO~ the 1:,Ya.r>S (Y) j SS j Oh of mct in ~ l I S ll PP lu . 0 I I I - COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Puna - 411 005 5 ( M hod o ~OTonns e-t:;c_, .. e)(: A s ~~cu.Y-a.te Y~sult ecimen (,Oi-f;h of wet h-cS of- of 6 -t:or>ns 't"'a.n e of cq ~a.n I0Tonns,2bTonns, 8Tonns c(l of 1() Tonhs c • , d Jq( endulum tJJi-lh :- Be fo v-e -t:. e.s-tJ n of the. --bes-I: i,e ives m ~ re. ·e ins-f::-ectd of10T Qd. Uste.d on th€. 0 setectoY kY>ob· Tn e l con-l:'YO ~ndLtlU.w, a. r-e qd u.s-t:ed toY'ret-H • The. in I< shtiuld be. 0 e ,~ ---t--i_n_~-=-'Y.:. . '. .-. :t. . e=d:;:______:_i_n.:. . . . . i:.-e:= . .n:___.:....: :. . h-=o:-= I d=--e::.. Y .:~ o.f.!. ._--=r--=e~c=-o--r-=-d_1:_ n ~~LL.::e. . .r---=.:. a -=-ro.:..u::.=.n . . :. . a:=---1 --=-=--e th -=----cl.. Y . . :.-= LL~rn ____:=+--+es-!: r h -l::h t "rt> es is s-l:.a.. Y-1:ed. de.. c.e ss tensom~4:;e:r :- Th Ts ins i.s a.n ~-H:-a.chrne n-t: to Unfve-rsql{ Te.nsTle T~s-Hn I ~c.e on Ioa_d Ma.chines• This"'-es the elon a-f:;ion of- a.. -t::esi:. -R,r-r measu.remen+ en -t:h . "The \ea.St ctiun4:. of s-e.-t:. i;h,e O•otmm, a.nd m o_-ximu.m eton • ct-ti on meq_s ure rnent u..p-1:e 3mm . This e.\on a.tTon'Y" he.I s rn fincH n ~of StYess a. t th~ the €.Y-te.t'>"t°'- e elon o u.-l. e1. t:f on· the. ins-b'umer,.f::~- th ( blw 1 ,he i-he !2. ed e.s, le e-r f{old. -B,es ecirner, r'h the ~ Position The u.. to ja.t.oS t.t"r bSe.• cf Te.nsi le./1.;nrve.r- ex-t:er>somete'r on "Ches ecirne.t1 , pre s-s uppeY kni fe ed.g:es on -thespedrnE!.ll w; 11 be. r,oU) f-ixe.d 1:0 t;~e. s dme.n b _s y-1' n Ioqdinf i\,e ~ ecime h o..n cl. .£A k'e -the Yec:tdi n u.iYed ctd'us-lrnen-!:. vided fo-r-t:hiS is the is sei; e-r cl~l1)p ± o ~xi:ehSMY>N;; e,y o.-f: ,ye 12.0) ~pe" a.ricl lou,0Y Ma.d')ine • fosi-f:-ion sa.l Tes-!:-in 9() ~trm tfbn of Ioctd on the met c.h i ne. err- +he ~Jof) cttfon c:1.1 ,e (v-ed loa.d, ~· I' I ~ COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE • Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 IS> Fo'rte se-f:-cerr ac-cura ci es rneah of both .f::-"">e dtq\ ~ct("t "fe.C\.d.i n ~ shou.tJ. be ttt I< ~n ct .si e Ion ra. -l:-i o n • I lr us t n '£ ~ ~-t:~nsom t ~ no 4:-~ to --rem ~ ..,.. ,e, i-l befoye sped"'>e n b-rea.k.s o -ch e. r- u., is e ~~nsome.-t:e'<' (,Oi ll g--e. -l: d Cl m q g-e J. · 6 > As q Sqf-te~., wh i I e -t::-e Sti n f(' f""rem q fi~ed SLUPO'r-c -1:-h ~ ins t--ru. me. t> i- ma.L\ be ke.p-t:- h ctng-i ng, 0 a. -sli g:-htly 1o~se thve.q d · b~ u u s,ere9S - strcti t1 grrq_ph o-f Mild - ~e,t- - '~ ~l~P:: ~rery~l<1.S+ic ~./,(; I~/ V") V J w. ~ /4 ½ i r:>r11 H ~6 fractu "'e f O1 h-L- -J.: op"'-th n ,ti "'1-- - .,.,~ ~I'\ ... \j. I ~ 0 s u t-cimqte t:~ns1 1e ~ s-o-eri ~ih lf Lowe; jel ld l / TYl l-t/ -I ~ J o• ~ , -. -,. -0•2 0 • 6 :) • ?. i·O ·1 , 2 1· 1-r 1· 6 1· 8 ' ~ -0 ~ ELO i'!r:'rA TI O 7'! •/• , I\ I I I . A C1'.V~ ~~ I ..-B I I I I II / II / '// I? - /"'"'- / -------- ....C. I) str a f. n , - r COEP TECHNO LOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE • s:,...- -- .... ·~---ill'?: Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ~ ::r-> In secon·d __., cuvve 'A' snows a.. l:n·T+·tl e l>ecc:t use. the-re. by i -e-l::-l e. tplas-t:-ic s; tYess ma -l:£ -r i Q I is ct lso .s-tY"on~ m ct t eYi ~ 1- Th is is ( i t-tl e. L~-tra. il"l -Foy a. h T£h s-tress. The -h-a ~-f q_ is su.dden a.nd ~qi:a.£4:Yophic ., t.0ith little ~YJ no defor"mqtf'on. BYi~e r'ndteYials"\" unde,y te.ns ion o..n d. -the m~+e~i al a.Yound inc, -t::h e cYa.ckS · Ora.c~s p Yop Q. ~~ t€ Less u.Yl de111 ~ com press, on. I ,.., "-4 Cu -rve. •8' is s-t;n,n r{ Cl is duc.t;tle · s-\:eel UJh~ suddenly• The .... e ca.n be q_(Ot of !'YICl -eel' i a I c..oh ich r,o-t; s-cv-eith ve-r~ I ittte, and b-req/-, '-' d .1-f:: LO •I I l • u e(Qgi1C ener~Y i h ct s-{:eeJ c...0 i "re u..nder -ce ns, on Cln u II w h r ,, / ,, if r -l: bvea.ks - The ends aY~ -<a;tDY shci-r p a.nd such a. fi::1. i I ure is ve"~ da.ntf'er ous i ndeed . I.J ~ is ct' uc.+i\ e rn a te'Y i a. l • d Q e C.ur v l a.t g-e St"ra. j h V erv-~ cuYve rv, is a. " l as-t1 c met {;-er i a. I . t-J 01:;i ce ..., ~ C.U'rV e ' D' i £ tl.. p l c:ts+ i c. rn a+eir i q I · N l> t i ce a vev-;t lay ~e s-t:Ya in -fO r " ctsm~II s-b(es~ · i h e. m a teYi a I LO r II n o -l ~o Pa. cl< -t;o it 'S O"Y i' g- i n ctl ~ ) °' l en ~-th- .,- f] r I I r Hocke~ L a.uJ :- for mos-t rr,q,beiria.lS, -4:-he ini-t;ta.l po')'+j Or> o-F the. -bt.s-c LO i I l exhibi-l- a.. \inea-r "felo.-f;io n sh t p b/LO the q t>P\ ied -for c.e e lo n g- a ti o n e.xhi bi-bed ~u B-ie specimen - In loY) Io ad a.n d +he. Ii neq,y "6'e~iot1., -\:v,e. l i r> -e o bet..t.s -!:he "fe t q +i o n.s hi p de+ined 1:h is '-"- ct s u Hooke 1s lA.. LD ,, - -0 CJ.) h eve_ -t::ne I con s-t:an-l., . OY I= - (J E is of s-t::v-€55 -1-.o .s~a in is C\. _c;-l ooe 0 f- .\::he line tn-lhiS .,-~ 1:;iO -t:h e e,j a.nd is re 2"', o n t.oh eYe sttes s L<r) is p n, po "r-t--i o n Q I -t:o s -(:Ya i h Ct) L<:rr) n 1ou n~'s Mod Lll ll s '' • c°' tl ed. the u ModlllllS of t: t as-+f ci-~( I . I I I - . . ..I g COE P TEC HNO LOG ICAL UNIVERSITY, PUN E • -- Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 GJ Mod~ lus of ~la.s-!:ici'~:- The modu lus of elos-h ici-lY. is o. measu -re of [- - - -- -t~ -c=-h_e_ __:__:_ m..:...:a=-+~ ev~i~ ::.I:_'s=---.s! s ~+c.i.:. ...J_ +~f -=-n.:. . e::....:s~s~--=w::=:.....:.. h_i -=c..:h--=. . .: o.:n_ . .:. l~-tt-~a~-r~ ..i:..: Pl'. . .i--=: e-= s _ t:._r,....:____: -+:.:...:h:....:e:____:_t_n_: +:_i_a...:. . .1:. . - ~ l i h e Q v r .Q. ~ i or> o f- th e c1..1 v v e. . W i -lh i n th is l r n ea Y Y e ~ i o n -t;h ~ -l::.ensfle. load wr11 v-elu, ..n ca.n be --removed fyoni the specim er, Ce, -the -;,,c:d:;e.-r-io..l -le -l:-he ex:qci : same cDndi- t::ion i t had been jhpYiO' Y' -l 0 1:he loa.d being - app\i ed · At {J,,f.s poin-t : L-Ohen -!;he cuY-ve is no lon~e Y lThear 9 devfa tes trom s+roi ,~ h-l-li r>e "f€l~+ ionshr p.} Hook e's loLO no longe" t o.pp1ies ~som e pe"rrr >ahen + de-f0>-ma+i 0 n _ o~u..- s ~n -!;he specf meh . -rhis poin+ is cqlled -t:-he l l etast f c. (af) p..,.op&-!=ional limft " • fyol'n -1:1irs pornt e,r> jn B-,e {:e.ns i\e u\0s-b ressed A b o f 1> ~> I 1, c.ond itio n if -the \cad is --remo ved · ta -lib ns : Aer-o s,~c.e : Au-l:;omo-1=-ive: Turbi he . see1.tbe1-l.s /Burri peYs /Mud+ 8po-r-t: - f rr eta. u-l;io ns: 1> The specim en should l:e pyepa'>'"ed in P)"Of€,'r dimen srons . ~ The s~e ci men -shou td be p r-ope,,r-ty -tP ~ -l: be.-b-oe~n the. i QL..OS· ' 'b> T 4 k e "f' e a. d i n If ca "" e-fu I l Y. · ~ 1 • COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE -- Wellesly Road , Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 9 Fo-rmu I ae sheet: ~\as-tic 1) . .t = L1 (r) 1 loa.d ctt e.fas-bic lirnrt o ·d g- j n a. I cvoss --s e c+t o n a Yea. "'Imm~ M a>e rmum rensfle streng--0, ~/mm 2 ~> U H:ima-le. sty-en g: -l h = orfg-i n~ I a. "re ct of ~s-secl-1011 .-e 3 > 'loun is Modulus= be\ OLD p v o po,- -t::i o n a I i-t.:i coYYe5pond lng-- lSlftt&fJ.l!J s-f:'?fain stress N/rnrrt'2 I Lt> •/• of el on g--a -t-i on : -fin~ l Ien !-1 ih Ca-b fYac-t::u ve)-o"'i8i nql len34-½ ~_ttc·J . ..., o-ri3inql ,~n~th I I 5) 0 J, "( €d u tH O n r h a. rre ct ; err is in q I Cl 'Ye q a -t: 'frd. tf;U ye - -8' n a.\ aJ6"ea '!.. l oo ·/ . c:rri~1nal ctJrea. 6> Yfe1d -• S +-rPns;r<th = 'i ei I d loctd aol~, n~ I a.rreq obV J r-t , fl) VY) 2 ds : =!-> L1rn1'-t: of- p-rop01'-l:-f on = Load q-t;- I Im i-f: of- pro po_ -r·H on~ Ii -8j ~ri~i nq I c' ~ire q I I I COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE • s,..~~ -- Wellesly Road , Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 •s•--;jll! (0 o b.sel'va-l-ion: I M(tte.Yial O 'f i(i n q·I oT me nsion of s~ed men 4auge o i o.mete.A Y-e a. Mild .s-f:ee. I,) (mm) (. m n,'2.) 3RO '10 ·5 330-063 fi ntll o1 mensi .b nS ct aug-e len.q+h niame-te~ (J'Yl m) UY>IY\) &'4b3 I '2. Areq tmm2..) 119• CCff I ~- I ' Obse.Yva-t:ion Tl\ble: s p~dme.n: Mild stee./ (_,MT so_rnple) SY• P'l"o pe~ttt ,-JO · I uni-bS V(llUe. " ~- M 0-)(. LO<l. d l'32.·7Sb kN U ltl mate st'Yess 6 • ltO 2. k N /tnrr,'l "b• 'Dfsplac~m-en{ O.t mo.x 3g•4 1· I rr,m Load. Lj. 5· 6· -=T-· g. Mo.~- otsplacement Sq,g Y re1d 112• '.l Load ~ ield st'Yes s 'IS I uTS UTS/'fS 3· F rno_\ C'YbSS-sec~on AYe.o.._ mm - '"' N 0·34 KN /rn rr,'- O·R45 ' -- I· 18 3 118 ·t ' tr)W) ) '2. Redllc-tiOh in N,ea. •f- 65·73~ - I\· r r r>q.l 8~3-0 YY)>?'J l 'l. • tlongatfO h • I. I 'l.1 ·~'12. - - 10· C.a u 't'e le~tr-, , '. r - ' --, - ~ ~ COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE lfi -- Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 "" ll *COMPRESSION -- Aim: To cbmpresston peyfoYm I OYl .. +-:es-t on Aluminium a.nd c~"t'a..mic UTM• Obj e t!-ive ~ To tondu t-l a.. ...,, a..Y? TEST~ - d de-le"rmihe 1.,.-.~.. -folloLO in ( com P"res~io n -les-t: on p-roper-f;iE?S! - ~tveY> spedmen.s Q) Ma.~t mum \Olld b> t.H-limq-t:e -Si:Y-ess c>'itie1d S-l""ess AppavatUS: a.> Un tve:,rse\l Te54:1ng"' IY'ktd1ih~ (UTM) b> c'cllindri col a.nd tubicetl s'r,qped s1>e ci mer.> a.nd. ce_ryarn ic c> 'f es p ect-i v el t.A- Ve.'f"n ie-r cct.\li peY g-uag-e a.nd e).. sof-cu:ict. ')'"e +o p to-!; c.l> Di al ~ ~ I of A\um•,niu.m sca.l e - dis p la. ce met?t cuYve Theo"ft.f: \J 0 tl) TheO"r€tl c.a.\\4 J ~ \J i-en sion -!:es-t: T½e com ~y-ess ion {:es+ is mey~\y the op pos i-!:e ma. c.h i nes S'De.cio.l -\:he di v-ec.-t:-i or> of o._ppl ied s-\:'Yess. -t::e.s-\:. CClh be done on -t:-he same UTM OY cQn q\So be. used • LO i -\:; h roM p-ressi"o h e+ the -r e.s p-e.c-l {;o I I b-r i -t:-+I e. rn q t€ 'Y i a IS a re. ~oocl in cempress ton -t::-h o..n ft+e.n~ fon an cl +h e'r'e fa"('e 4::-h el!. aYe. usecl ftYlS' co MPressive. \o<tdS· o pue {.a -t: his., C'OO') t)reSS i O\') -les-4: is mct.inty used -lO -Les+ b·d -t:-\::-\ e. .b) In ft'er>e•n::\. I., V V rna.-l::eri Q IS __such a.s ca.s-t:: j'rtln .J c.on~Ye{;e., s1:cnes., bricks., c~ry--a.mrc..s., ( timPOS i ,:es d) Du. r r n g·H·-,~ire-foYe. J -f:::O the etC.•· · 1:;es--bf n f!' , f ya c-B-t re +h ~ cc cur.s r I? bri Hl e ul H m£1 -t:-e. S-tYene-l:-h is f'l'Clttu Ye point. YYl ct-herr, Cl Is a. V1 d. de-\:e~m1ned ctrrres ponding' ' ' ' - 1'L COE P TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE • -- Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 e.) f'\0 f Y'<\ C-lU. -re ductF \e m~-beYia. l a.nd nence uH-i mate is toun cl ou-\: f<:rr some a:r \, i -t 'f o. r y a. m o u n-l o.f d e.f-6rma tf o n · s-t:ren e'"-lh f-') th OCC'U YS fo Y- s e>edme Yls The.. -he sl C'loss- sec{.fon ; bu.1: a.. p p \ i cq -l-i o h of u ca.n be Sct.uaYe, seetio n ci'rc~I a Y rs ci,..t.u la.. ir d, tf eYen-i tY>~-beY i q ls I p-Yefe-,y-e d foY uni form loCld · I !() The \en~-l:-h t0 d.ia.rn~-l:e"rS (' .i./ 0) ewi pl "<' e CtO. n~u l ~ -r <n1 o d. {;i 0 •IS b I U) I· s bui- a ra-{:;i o o-f 2. is ll nd 10 -fo-r tbrnm on \4 IJ o~ed • u b) f o-c \ on ~eY s Decim ens ( i·~ .t/o >10) bend in 'f rs rv, crre UJ \-:d C h ~e.dLLt es -¼:he com pres srv e st::Yehg- -t:1--i °'11d fov 5hoY1: ;e'Y sp~c.i mehs L i ·€. ..t / o <. I • 5 ) f 'r t c-\: i o na l e. ffec-t:;s a...\: -t:;h e ends \:>e.corne Y"'rHTY e, i rn J'c,"t' tan t t.,.1h i c.h ., nerea .ses -the CJ!) m pyes s iv e Stre.n ~ -t:;h (AsTM E ~) . EY'YOY..S in Test :a.> s r n t~ th~ tor o..nd bo-8:Pm faces Of--f::-he qi>&irnel') a:rese \dorn I a r~ 11 e I lo otheir o.nd. tne"f'e is ~, t..Oa.~s Q. ,{:end ~n Clf. 'v ,. behdi t,~ of the -~pee, men d uY-i nT-t:e s-tin(, i 4: t"s V~4. peyfec -tl 4 u 1l V foY IJ d. iff i tu lt -¼:9 tlOr\lu t'O' U· 1~ Q x i a 1 loqds, V a b) Th~ f-r i c-l:-i o n bf LO the e,n d.S o-f the sipeci me.h Q.hd h ea. ds 0~ -les-t:-f n g- tne 1>Yeven-1: -ch e d e-fo'Y m a -li o n o-f 4:-h e sped m e n (J. Y) jfoT m ly_ tv)'r OU ~n Ou-t: +-he \erie---th• This 'fesu 1-t is rn O"'t" e. V I d.-l:-e:r q I ex1>andon ~ivin (' a. bav~I i i, ~e n-trq I y e.P--ion -t:h a. n -the o -\:h PY y-e g-10 n..s Ii ke sh a_ pe SPe.c.i Me Y). d I lF .. I ~ ln it i <t ll~ c:u bi cal 'I ., I I J f1• t'1> Q~\ lf barref shctped. I r I 1, -- - - ---· -· . ----;;;: - . -- ·• COEP TECHN OLOGI CAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE • -- Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 I~ c) since the ten~-H, of (n0-t rv>trre -lha n i -l: is d iffi tul d) ro" t enou.g h is keP-l- c.o,, _Q+{] t?-1-: ILI .._, sh O"r'-c dia mete'r) -to avoid i-t::.s bucK Ir n g-., SPE:!cfn,er, H:1S -buJ1c.S -tO obto i h S*Ya. j h rn ells ttY0'Y> e r,{-s £:t CtU YCI -let~ · \J to a cons 4:an 1: len~-l:h l¾;er (.t/D) -rq-tiO, \en _g--{:n c,an be " yo po iy .+ ro n a -i e - i h c-r ea.s e jn d ia.rvH!te'Y'• Howeve-r, i h creC1s ed (J) i th fo-r- -lesti n ~ l~Y~e di a m ~ -t:e'Y s p e c. rm ens > high c.a..fa.ti ~ rn Ci. en ,ne5 a:re re q,u.i red· -f:,es-ti n ~ V I I H - I . ' TuoeS of Fya C tU 'Ye •• u' a.) fhi-t:-tle rn a -t€'Y i a) s ccrf\M on I y f Y a. c.tU -r e bl-\ shea.v _, I e. itf,er a.tone(' · V a. di a. ~nq a. cone r.,\, cv- u:>i-4:h I I OY a. C%fr l'J...,-1 l i n th· i ca. I s p e c. rrn ens ) i:>L\rimad~ I (fOY · S'q__ua'>"e specimen s) shq_ped fraciuv-€ , -...J some +r mes fa.i ls a cct l led hou¥g-lcts.s fya cluYe. ca.s-h j't"On usua. Ill{ u tonE' a.n jndined a.nd c:flnc,y-e-t:e shoLOS t h e. toY.>e ____, a.b -k.\ Pe of fr~ t-t:ure. u ' ! .i i 1 I\ ) { 71 ' J .:7 i .i . l ,: ~, ... ,& ,,..... ,.). tone ,/1 HoUY£"lqSS ..., ' / / / CY l l : J I ; I l I ' J l I l I· i t rt ()Acrr-l:a ,.- . I ~ I/ she.tty j I I ! i I / I / ;{e I/" I '· . \ (r(' s~ne ~ube.s) rt i i T sheQ-r i:> Cta.St iron d1' e;onc..,.e-ce) rr i i shear cone t.ef th s pI i H•• he-- ct bov e Ceo ncYete ) I 'l µ, I L I lCOEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shlvajlnagar, Pune - 411 005 a~rs. Hou,ever , du.e to .si-l;-tor> s f-r~c-t;u,ye ca.ti ~ in-l::eYhql fYi cl:ion , non- hbmog-~neous compo - uc,t;u~e o.tid fyfc-i:ioh a-t:4=he ends Df s ecime n.,-ch e 1s b/t.0 50°a.n d 60 6 -t0 load a,<is- \o.nQ not develo c.0i-t:-nYn 1t's len -l:.h., jhl'Yea sed a.nd other reci n-ush in t'hen -l:he s tfenf1:.h a.flur es .su ch i5 a _g i--- occ.u...t · d) nuc-t fle \as-t;ic m~4:; eria Is bul e (~it-ra II a.n d t;a. l"\'e ct b~'r"r tl sh e o.s- +rie com ye~se .d, -rovid ed lhes €3cimeh doe.s no-I; bend o...- buckl e- 1)ue to -chis, i:he. com ess ive s-uegg to con-1;- inue~ the"Ye. is TeSt a.) no fl'lc-rease ~lrnos .\: iluve o{-- c.,0fthot..ti ctn ma.-l::e~fa.l • s ef ifica-l ;ion of ()10.ehrnes Gtnol s~ - com t"essron -best ca.n be tirrd -cs uch a_g s ecime r> Je-bl1 1s~ e-rfo Y- med on UTM the e---- ---+- -be'-- s_-l:_-+-ie._c_e_ -=o-L.!. .-. .Cb_a_s--= ::. e=---b_l_t>_c_k_ o._ n_d_ m_o_:_v_ i n~~d::Lo~ w =--:.h~ th ~ ec.. .___.:c:...:e=--n----=-b-:__.. .t:t.:::..:.I_ _,, lo a.d b) A com Tession -l:-€s-t:- ca.n ~tso 'o e errf<rr'med on con,rr essfo Y) -\::e.sit1 h m a ch Tn ~ Cc. TM) • c) A C.TM hct.s b com v-e ss ron l ~{;-es /heads - ,he uppe-r r,,ova.b le t0r>ile -ch e lou1Qy h ea.d ~s sta+io n ~-v- • d) one o-f .f:he t,t.oo hea. ds i s e e d t.-C T,:h Cl he.mis h erd ca.\ 1, eQ 'r j n tes-\:; - °' to r ece O bt a j h · lJ h If 01r VY> ends . A I bad lied lottd- d js-tr f bLt B b t) O ,f itte 4 tYY l O a. d OV € Y 'l"e coTd in th e t he COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 )5 r-ro ceduYe ·. a.) of -hes+ piece oimensrons a.Ion~ i-cs her ~h-l: CYOSS-seetion arr-ea.. pl cu~~s ~-!: thYee d \ f fe -re.r> -b is mea~uv~d I I en g--l:h 1:0 de-f;e-rrnine -t:he qverll .~ e specimen ~hcul d be p lo. ne -fo,t -cha.-t th-e ends a.¥e t~s-4ed an a becrr in e-- Dl llte · ~l)eci men is ,:,laced ce tJ-tY"a It ~ ,bl L.O -l:he -b-,oo com ~-re~sion c.) The ' P l q_t-eS.) such i-ha i- -\:he ce n-b---e O-fMOYIY)~ heqd i.s V e"r--ri t;a_ l l Y '..J a. bo v e ihe centre o.f specimen , 'd) Loa. d is a.pp\ied o n s,p e ti me n · bt.,.\ m o v Y n ~ -\:h e. m o v e1. 1 l e. ne_a_d · ihe loq~ ~ corv-espon d ih~ ~o n-tya ~r Oh aYe measured ct t:- dit\/' i h -t-e'Yv a IS• The loctd ,· n-t;e YvaJ mq.4 be a.s s-ook g-• bJ En d.s of t:he . ' ...- \J 0 • Lo ct. 4 ,s C\t>r>I ,-ed e.) Effect of stre.n~-t:h d-r" o-r I vari~ble Lorn pYe ssiv e. • ~ V S<=LU 0. 're s i>e.d men fa. i IS· a.nd. shq_pe of sPe~i mens ot'l -t:he sii.e In i:h~ ma.jO'T i-\:\j ....- l ,the • JS 11f cctses., comp-c-es;ion -l,;es4:: sPed m e n s a 'Ye e H::heY cul~T in cvoss- sec-{::f on and h ence i::h e. i rn po Y t<l. n -t le n ~th - to - w ~ d th tne l en ~ -lh - to - d ia rn etetY g-tYen(i:h cl ecYea ses- This f s AS ( O"'( Ieng-4:h - -lo -d i o..m eterr-) 'Y'ct tro • in C'Y eqses., (_ .l/'D) 0 d.tiO due. t0 t n tYe.a.~e d a.h-lot.t n-t \,ending- -Si're ~s es< I\ I I \ \ corf) i ve s-tr e. n g- try u- ' "-i Lll'B{:h to 1. 3 Li oia me t &Y C.Q)D) Yatt o tei rn s ... I pye ssi v e of - -- ~~ ·~--iii"! \b - - ~ COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE • ... "- ~- Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 r-re C' Q U ti O ns : 1> s pe ci m Q r, snould be pyepa."red \n pYO re..- dimer>s1ot1~> specimen should be pYope,-1~ to ~e-l blLO the con-ip-ression -plq-bf>S• !>> 1q_\1'e Yeltdin~ c ct ve -f u. I I ~ . '-t > Af-te'V' fa. i ILUt e of -s,pe dm -en stop rn i .-, e · 0 Obse.'YVq-1:ior,: I I of s pecimer, ~- orig-in4I or m ~nsions Ma.te-rilt I 4a.u(e Al~mf nium C~Ya. m•IC' I en~ -f:h tm r,,) 'D i a rn e telr cmm) '-I =f- 16 2.0 • 5 - meq /Wlq-f:h c_mm'lJ V cmm) - /'2. ·sG 6 2 q H·65 2.0· 5 bYeadB-) tmm) HeT~n4 crnm) - - lq, 5 15 ( l.-X b) -- ' - ' observ q-b9 on e: 5 "t" . f>Yo pEW bi, 'l.. Ce'Y a Yn V NO· 1· - Mo_~ Lt>Q d o Iti ml'lte s t,,es.5 rC .l I Aluvn1nturry l- Uni-l. I 7· 2.~g fq • g3 ( 0•02'1 ~- 039 KN k N/rr, n,'.l. I 3· ma.~ lj. r.{i:t)( d fs pI atern~-l: Vef14 Lbq ~ 6· - 'lei Id s-tr-ess '8. 'fs/u rs UTS 5"· 1 '>'Ylh) road• S· -,. b•t> orsr>I acernen-+: c\t /'/S b•n 2•3.0,lt' 0 ,90g O• ~18 ~.,Lt(:. 5·1 7" ., g 0•03~ 0 · 38r 2.•s& 3 mm kN t< N /mm1 - - ~.. COEP TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, PUNE ~ -- Wellesly Road , Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 1-=t R~su l -ct I AJ Te.r>sfon Tes-¼:~(_ L MT) · ~ -+ we. penfcrrrn eel 'Tensioh -les-+ on mild I I re obi:ain ~ l i) U It f ma {;e s-t"Yes.s - O cii) 0· 3~ J<N/r-nm2.. Yiet cl criiJ s-t,--ess ·J. ved u c+t on f n els A'Y€Q tiv) . I. BJ == ~ :: E I o n ~ ca. t-i o t, •Lf : S-• 01 kNI h,Y>, I aJ1__d ~ =,-~~ 1'11·8'-t'.l-- com p1'"e ss ion Te S'i :- we pe-rfo'rmed com press ion tes+ Alum in iu m cctA l rn d e.rr) -> ~ Or> cwYarn i c (tu be) a.n d - tJ FCS¥ ci) t-- ce'ra. mi c :- stv-e~.s = 0·02.'1 KN/m~ 'l -; o,ooi 1<1\J/rrmJ1 stress Ultfmate di) Yietd (iii) MC\X• =- =r- 2.i.,-s K N '2.] Fen'" A I um,• n,.. u. m :c. i) lJ ltf rn ate str ess = O · 09 9 k N /n,V)') 2 I tii) yield {iii) Ma:>(• stress lo - t> • o ~ t I< N /tn VY, 'l. = I q.g~6 KN I