1.3 Booking • contentType: Booking(string) • contentMIME: JSON (string) • tags: (string array) Filed Name Description M/O/C Occurrence 1 2 3 4 5 6 awbNo awbPrefix origin destination jobID status AWB Identification Airline Prefix Airport/City Code (of origin) Airport/City Code (of destination) Reference Id Booking message status M M M M O M [1…1] [1…1] [1…1] [1…1] [0…1] [1…1] 7 8 forwarderEmail isAllowSendFFR Booking creator’s email Indicate whether allow send in behalf of forwarder M M [1…1] [1…1] • Data Type Sample Value nnn +n[8] nnn AAA AAA Free text Draft/Confirmed/Wait List/Sent/ Cancelled / Rejected text True /False 6181234567 618 SIN SYD Draft mkk2@ccn.com.sg False encodedContent: (string, Encode to Base64 format) Below is Booking JSON specification which before encoding: FIELD NAME M/O/C DESCRIPTION OCCURRENCE SAMPLE VALUES DATA TYPE 1 "messageID": text M Unique identifier for this booking [1…1] "WTGFFR201787791210100" 2 "origin": text M 3 letter origin [1…1] "SIN" aaa 3 "destination": text, M 3 letter destination [1…1] "SYD" aaa 4 "pieces": integer, M Piece count [0…1] 100 n..[4]a 5 "weight": text, M Airline code(decimal) [1…1] "1" n[…7]p 6 "volume": text O Volume (decimal) [0…1] "0" n[…9]p 7 "goodDescription": text, M Goods description [1…1] "test" t[…15] 8 "remarks": O t[...250] [0…N] 8.1 "text": text, M Additional comment of shipment 8.2 "dateCreated": text, M Remark created Datetime 8.3 "author": M "name": text, M Remark creator user name [1…1] "Tester" "email": text, M Remark creator cube registered email [1…1] "testacct9090@yahoo.com" 9 "dateCreated ": text, M Booking doc created datetime [1…1] "2022-09-19T15:47:53.863" 10 "flights": M 10.1 "carrierCode": text, M Airline code [1…1] "SQ" mm 10.2 "number": text, M Flight number [1…1] "1217" nnn(n)(a) 10.3 "date": text M Flight date of sector [1…1] "2022-10-20T00:00:00Z" 10.4 "departure": text M Board point [1…1] "SIN" aaa 10.5 "arrival": text, M Off point [1…1] "SYD" aaa 10.6 "allocationCode": text, M Latest Space allocation code: 'CA' for Allotment booking, 'NN' for non-allotment booking. (example: NN, HN, etc) [1…1] "NN" (new booking) "specialHandlingCodes": O “code” M 8.3.1 8.3.2 11 11.1 12 [1…1] "100" [1…1] "2022-10-20T07:40:38.407" [0…1] [1…N] aa [0…9] 3 letter SPH code [1…1] “XPS” aaa "dimensions": O 12.1 "length": integer M Default UOM to 'CMT' [1…1] "111" n[...5] 12.2 "width": integer M Default UOM to 'CMT' [1…1] "111" n[...5] 12.3 "height": integer M Default UOM to 'CMT' [1…1] "111" n[...5] 12.4 "unit”: text M Default UOM to 'CMT' [1…1] "CMT" m[...3] 12.5 "pieces": integer M Piece count [1…1] "2" n[...4] 12.6 "weight": decimal M Default UOM to K [1…1] "10.5" n[…7]p 12.7 "volume": decimal M 13 "awbPrefix": text, M AWB Prefix [1…1] "618" nnn 14 "awbSuffix": text, M AWB Suffix [1…1] "11111752" 15 "lastUpdatedDatetime": text, M Latest document updating datetime [1…1] "20/10/2022 3:45:00 PM" 16 "lastUpdatedAuthor": M 16.1 "name": text, O User name [0…1] “Test Acct 9090” 16.2 "emails": text M User cube account email [1…1] "testacct9090@yahoo.com" 17 [0…N] [1…1] [1…1] "owner ": M 17.1 "name": text, M User name [1…1] “Test Acct 9090” 17.2 "email": text, M User cube account email [1…1] "testacct9090@yahoo.com" "osi" O [0…3] "info": text M [1…1] "ssr" O [0…3] "info": text M 18 18.1 19 19.1 20 20.1 "ulds": O "uld":text M n[8] [1…1] SSR description [1…1] "ULD-1AAD -" t..65 ULD type [1…1] "AAD" amm 20.2 "number": integer M ULD quantity – Number of ULD [1…1] “1” [0…1] "L3" [1…1] "20" [0…1] "AOG" [0…1] "24" 20.3 "contour":text O ULD Contour - only applicable for SQ ICMS 20.4 "weight":decimal M Weight 20.5 "commodityCode":text O 21 "densityGroup": text O 22 ULD Commodity Code - only applicable for SQ ICMS Density group code (2 character numeric in CIMP) n[…2] m(m) n[…7]p n[…2] "agentDetails" O 22.1 "name": text M Agent company name [0…1] [1…1] "DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING SINGAPORE PT" 22.2 "iataCode": text O IATA Agent Code [0…1] "3231696" n[…7] 22.3 "cassCode": text O CASS Code [0…1] "1234" nnnn 22.4 "airlineCode": text O Airline Agent Code [0…1] "XXXXXXXXXXXX" t[…14] 22.5 "cityName": text O Company location name [0…1] "SINGAPORE" t[…17] 23 "commodityInfo": text O [0…1] 24 "productServiceCode": text O [0…1] 25 shipper O [0…1] 25.1 code M Location code of airport, freight terminal, seaport, rail station. UN/LOCODE city code (5 letter) or IATA airport code (3 letter) 25.2 accountNo O Shipper account number [0…1] "XXX" t[...14] 25.3 name M Shipper company Name [1…1] "Shipper Co" t[...35] 25.4 address M Company address [1…1] "ADDR 01" t[…35] 25.5 city M Company place or city [1…1] "XXX" t[...17] 25.6 state O Company state or province [0…1] "XXX" t[…9] 25.7 country M Company country code(2 letter) [1…1] "XX" aa 25.8 postalCode O Company postal code [0…1] "XXX" t[…9] 25.9 contactNo O Contact person phone number [0…1] "XXX" m[...25] 25.10 faxNo O Contact person fax number [0…1] "XXX" m[…25] consignee O 26 [1…1] "SIN" aa / aaaaa [0…1] 26.1 code M Location code of airport, freight terminal, seaport, rail station. UN/LOCODE city code (5 letter) or IATA airport code (3 letter) 26.2 accountNo O Consignee account number [0…1] "XXX" t[...14] 26.3 name M Consignee company Name [1…1] " Consignee Co" t[…35] 26.4 address M Company address [1…1] "ADDR 01" t[...35] 26.5 city M Company place or city [1…1] "XXX" t[…17] 26.6 state O Company state or province [0…1] "XXX" t[…9] 26.7 country M Company country code(2 letter) [1…1] "XX" aa 26.8 postalCode O Company postal code [0…1] "XXX" t[..9] 26.9 contactNo O Contact person phone number [0…1] "XXX" m[...25] 26.10 faxNo O Contact person fax number [0…1] "XXX" m[…25] Sample Booking JSON { " messageID ": "2eecc56d-09eb-4f4b-b23d-bb3ff009e8bf", "origin": "SIN", "destination": "CGK", "pieces": 10, "weight": "1", "volume": "0", "goodsDescription": "test", "remarks": [{ "text": "test ", "dateCreated": "2022-10-20T07:40:38.407", "author": { "name": "Test Acct 9090", "email": "testacct9090@yahoo.com" } }, { "text": "test 2", "dateCreated": "2022-10-20T07:45:00.373", "author": { "name": "Test Acct 9090", "email": "testacct9090@yahoo.com" } } ], "dateCreated": "2022-09-19T15:47:53.863", "flights": [{ "carrierCode": "SQ", "number": "1217", "date": "2022-10-20T00:00:00Z", "departure": "SIN", "arrival": "CGK", "allocationCode": "NN" } ], "specialHandlingCodes": [], [1…1] "SIN" aa / aaaaa "dimensions": [], "awbPrefix": "618", "awbSuffix": "31827386", "lastUpdatedDatetime": "20/10/2022 3:45:00 PM", "last_Updated_Author": { "name": "Test Acct 9090", "emails": ["testacct9090@yahoo.com"] }, "owner": { "email": "testacct9090@yahoo.com", "name": "Test Acct 9090" }, "ssr": [{ "info": "ULD-1AAD -" } ], "ulds": [{ "uld": "AAD", "number": "1", "contour": "Q6", "weight": 10.0, "commodityCode": "AOG" } ], "density_Group": "24", "agent_Details": { "name": "DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING SINGAPORE PT", "iata_Code": "3231696", "cass_Code": "0000", "airline_Code": "1234567", "cityName": "SINGAPORE" }, "commodityInfo": "AOG" "shipper": { "code": "SHP01", "accountNo": "11", "name": "TEST SHIPPER 011", "address": "ADDR 01", "city": "CITY01", "state": "STATE001", "country": "US", "postalCode": "12344", "contactNo": 2182311, "faxNo": 23232 }, "consignee": { "code": "CNE01", "accountNo": "091234", "name": "TEST CONSIGNEE 01", "address": "ADDR CNE 01", "city": "CITY01", "state": "STATE001", "country": "NL", "postalCode": "90999", "contactNo": 9980, "faxNo": 8990 } }