Uploaded by Michelle Hernandez

Functional Communication Profile

Functional Communication Profile-Revised
The Functional Communication Profile – Revised was utilized to assess and rate the major
categories of Student’s communication, regardless of the form of communication (sign,
nonverbal, augmentative). There is no scoring system. Rather, the profile gives an overall
inventory of the individual's communication abilities, mode of communication, and degree of
independence. The profile yielded the following information in these areas:
Sensory Motor: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Attentiveness: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Receptive Language: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Expressive Language: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Pragmatic/Social Language: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Speech: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Voice: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Oral: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Fluency: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
Non-Oral Communication: Student was able to
. He/She demonstrated difficulties
The Functional Communication Profile-Revised (FCP-R) yields an overall inventory of the
individual’s communication abilities, mode of communication (e.g. verbal, sign, nonverbal,
augmentative) and degree of independence. Clients are assessed and rated in the major skills
categories of communication through direct observation, teacher and caregiver reports and one
on one testing. The results for Student include:
Skill Evaluated
Skill to Copy/Paste for Strengths/Weaknesses
___________ with hearing or visual skills
SENSORY/MOTOR___________eye contact
auditory, visual, gross___________ being physically guided
motor, and fine-motor skills Imitates motor movements _____________
and behavior
Inappropriate behaviors observed and reported:
ATTENTIVENESSattention span, alertness,
response levels,
cooperation, and level of
________ attention span when engaged in developmentally
appropriate tasks/activities
_________ distractible
________ level of alertness
_________ when responding, especially to picture-pointing tasks
____________ awareness of others
__________ awareness of environmental events
___________ cooperation
LANGUAGEUnderstands Basic concepts:
comprehension of verbal Responds to his name ______
and nonverbal language and
basic concepts, interest in Responds to attention commands (e.g., “No”, “Stop”, “Look”) _____
pictures and objects,
Looks at pictures _______
following commands, and Accepts objects presented ________
object and two-dimensional Gives objects to speaker _____________
Environmental commands ___________
Comprehends: _________
Identifies objects _____________
Recognizes _________
Verbal status is ______________
Expressive level is __________
Methods of communication are ___________
LANGUAGE- verbal and
Expresses about ______
nonverbal communication,
Quality of self-expression is _________
manner and modality of
Appropriate object use _________
communication, quality of
Operates items for cause and effect __________
self-expression, object use
Descriptive language: _____
and interactions, cause and
Uses gestures ___________
effect, vocabulary,
Grammatical skills is _____________
grammar, and phrase length
Vocabulary is ____________
LANGUAGEcommunicative intent;
questioning skills;
conversational skills; turntaking; topic initiation,
maintenance, and
appropriateness of
writing/spelling, and
Communicative intentions include ___________
Initiates communication _______
Answers Who, What, & Where Questions ___________
Answers When, Why, & How Questions ____________
Answers Yes/No Questions ____________
Conversational Skills _____________
Conversation topics are ___________
Turn-taking ____________
Topic initiation __________
Topic maintenance ___________
Topic elaboration ___________
Cause-effect reasoning ____________
______________ appropriateness of communication
Intelligibility __________
SPEECH- intelligibility of Understood by _____________
sounds produced, dentition, Adjusts speech to improve understanding ____________
and oral-motor imitation
Sounds produced ____________
Dentition is _____________
Loudness is ____________
VOICE- loudness, vocal
Vocal Quality is ____________
quality, and pitch
Pitch is _________
ORAL- mouth breathing,
drooling, tongue thrust, and
FLUENCY- fluency, rate
of speech, and rhythm and
of sign language, twodimensional expression,
yes/no, fine motor abilities,
and effectiveness of current
augmentative or alternative
communication disorders
Mouth breather ___________
Drooling ____________
Tongue thrust _____________
Fluency ____________
Rate of speech ______
Rhythm & inotation ____________
Use of sign language ___________
Meaning of signs ___________
Level of signs __________
Two-dimensional expression ______________
Express Yes/No ___________
Fine-motor abilities ______________