The Efficacy of Air Traffic Control Tower Used in Communication Transmission in WCC-ATC Airfield Operation A Research Presented to the Senior High School Department of WCC-Aeronautical and Technological College Binalonan Campus In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Agbayani, Kurt L. Almerol, Rowyna Adel C. Fama, Jazzlyn B. Pagal, Keian James G. Quiming, Clark Lloyd O. Sales, Jetboy D. DECEMBER 2022 ACKNOWLEDGMENT To Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, for providing wisdom, strength, support, and knowledge in exploring things, for guiding us through all the trials we faced, and for providing the determination to pursue our study and make this study possible. The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who assisted in any way, and contributed their time and knowledge to make this research a reality. Whatever has been accomplished and whatever the outcome of every endeavor, there is a great source of all effort, striving, guidance, and gracious blessings without whom this task would be impossible. The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Ma’am Rosalyn Fonacier Navalta, their Research adviser, for her unwavering support of their study and research, as well as her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and vast knowledge. Her advice has been invaluable throughout the writing of this research. We could not have asked for a better adviser and mentor for our research project. The researchers would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to their Reading and Writing Teacher, Ma’am Razhimae Khyle Tangalin, she was influential in bringing this study to fruition. The researchers are truly grateful for her expertise in overcoming what appears to be an impossible task. Thank you for your time, advice, and support. Providing us with the information we require toconduct this research. To the researcher's adoring parents, for their moral support, financial assistance, and spiritual guidance on every path the researchers take. I DEDICATION This humble work is lovingly dedicated to the researcher's parents, who serve as their inspiration, as well as to our friends and classmates who have always made us happy and inspired throughout this writing. To, Engineer Delfina V. Gacula, Ms. Rosalyn Fonacier Navalta, and Ms. Razhimae Khyle Tangalin who were the key to making our research paper a reality. And, most notably, to our ALMIGHTY GOD, who serves as a source of strength and knowledge, because everything is futile without him. This Research Paper is dedicated to you. II ABSTRACT Effective communication has been a great factor for every industry, specifically, the Aviation Industry. It is one of the backbones of the welfare of this industry, it has a massive contribution for the safety and security of every activity that has been going around. Without having the right equipment when communication, there would be a massively negative result that would have a great impact. The main purpose of this quantitative pragmatic research study is to identify the effectiveness and the right usage of the tower equipment for the communication transmissions.With the estimated resources used in maintaining the management of the aviation industry every year, a handful of tragedy is still present mainly due to poor management or insufficient knowledge in the usage of communication transmissions. In conducting this research study, its main purpose is to truly enhance the effectiveness of the tower equipment used in communication transmission. With proper instructions to the people responsible in the management involved. Furthermore, this research paper may also succor future studies when they are collecting data for their study, and it can also benefit the other organizations to know more about this study. III Title: The Efficacy of Air Traffic Control Tower Used in Communication Transmissions in WCC-ATC Airfield Operation Researchers: Agbayani, Kurt L. Almerol, Rowyna Adel C. Fama, Jazzlyn B. Pagal, Keian James G. Quiming, Clark Lloyd O. Sales, Jetboy D. Adviser: Ms. Rosalyn Fonacier Navalta Track: STEM (AMT/Avionics/Aero Eng’g) Institution: WCC-Aeronautical and Technological College, Binalonan Campus Keywords: Air Traffic Control Tower, Communication Transmissions TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DEDICATION ABSTRACT …………….……………….……………….……………..…….. I …………….……………….……………….………….……………..…….. II …………….………………..…….……………….……….…………..…….. TABLE OF CONTENTS …………….…...………….……………….……………..…….. III IV CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study …………….……………….……………….……………...…….. 1-2 Theoretical Framework …………….………………….……………….……………..…….. 3 Conceptual Framework …………….………………….………….…….……………..…….. 4 Research Paradigm …………….………………….…………………….…………..…….. ... 5 Statement of the Problem ………….….……………….……………….……………..…….. 6 Scope and Delimitations ……..……….……………….……………….……………..…….. 7 Hypothesis …………….……………….……………………………….……………..…….. 7 Significance of the Study Definition of Terms ………….….……………….……………….……………..…….. …………….…………..………….……………….…………….. ….. 7 8-9 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Related Literature …………….……………….……………….……………..……...….. 10-13 IV Related Studies ………….……….……………….……………….……………..…….. 14-16 Synthesis of the Study ………….……….……………….……………….………………. .. 17 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY Research Design ………………….….……………….……………….……………..…….. Locale and Population of the Study …………….……………….……………….....…….. 19 …………….……………….……………….…………...……..…….. 19 …………….……………….……………….……………...………..…….. 19 Research Instrument Sources of data 18 Data Gathering Procedure …………….…………….……………….………..……..…….. Statistical Tools for Data Analysis Ethical Considerations 20 …………….……………….………..…………………. 20 …………….……………….……………….……...………..……... 22 CHAPTER IV: SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data …………….…………….………….…. 23-32 CHAPTER V: SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION Summary of Findings …………….…………………….……...………..…………………… 33 Conclusion …………….…………….………….……………….……………..…………….. 34 Recommendation …………….…………….………….……………….……………..……… 34 IV APPENDIX Letter to the Principal …………….……………….……………….……………..…………. I Letter to the Respondents …………….……………….……………….……………..…….. I Survey Questionnaire…………….……………….……………….……………..…………….. I BIBLIOGRAPHY References List of Tables …………….……………….……………….………….……………..………… …………….………………..…….……………….……….…………..…….. II III IV CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Global demand for more capacity in air traffic management systems is increasing. At the same time there is growing demand for quality of the service provided by the Air Navigation Service Providers as well as for lower charges. Moreover, this has led to efforts by the European Union to increase the efficiency of Air Traffic Management in Europe. An analysis and evaluation of the metrics that are currently used to measure the performance of Air Navigation Service Providers and to develop a system of performance metrics for the Air Traffic Management System is presented. The usefulness of a system is determined by the concepts of efficiency and performance. Both terms have common features but are not identical. The performance of the system is the full set of its features related to its ability to meet established and presumed needs. Thus, one of the most crucial tasks in the industry is communicating with air traffic control, as the majority of pilots and aviation enthusiasts are aware. Pilots and passengers are both kept safe by air traffic controllers, who also maintain the system’s efficiency. Air traffic controllers have been using ATC system for more than 30 years (Lange, Hjalmarsson, Cooper, Ynnerman, & Duong, 2015). Also, the computations of the ATC system are used to maintain separation distance between aircraft and to improve the routing of aircraft in airspace. The major importance of communication in aviation is to increase the level of safety and reduce accidents that could be prevented. (Sapir 2006) states that communication is purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, 1 emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. Throughout these three decades, ATC systems have continuously evolved and improved to meet the increasing demands of the global aviation industry. The introduction of sophisticated radar systems, advanced communication tools, and data processing technologies has significantly enhanced the capabilities of air traffic controllers. These systems enable controllers to effectively monitor the position and movements of aircraft, provide timely instructions and clearances, and maintain appropriate separation distances between aircraft to prevent any potential conflicts. The ATC system's longevity demonstrates its proven track record in ensuring the safety of flight operations. Over the years, air traffic controllers have successfully managed countless flights, adapting to various situations and weather conditions. Furthermore, the ATC system's continuous use and evolution over the past three decades have provided valuable insights and lessons that have contributed to its ongoing improvement. Through thorough analysis of past incidents, feedback from controllers, and advancements in technology, the ATC system has been refined to address emerging challenges and enhance operational efficiency further. Through this study, we will examine the efficacy of the Air Traffic Control at WCC Binalonan by giving full attention to the feedback of each personnel/worker, taking time to apprehend the factors being made that causes hazards and risk that is solve with precision instruments, aviation equipment or specialized machinery for equipment validation test to ensure that their safety management operation persistently perform inside a given paramete 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The air traffic control system is set up in such a way that controllers can accept aircraft into their airspace and handoff aircraft leaving their airspace with little collaboration from other pilots. This system is intended to manage safety via constraints based on prohibitions and safeguards that limit the scope of action. We argue that the emphasis on constraints has led us to overlook how controllers actively and collaboratively manage safety. In ATC, a collaborative framework is proposed to guide the research. Furthermore, different types of plan modification (replanning, plan amendment, and building plans) and negotiation strategies (deferential, preferential, and generational) could be identified. ATC procedures and training programs are frequently based on limited safety and are largely silent on how controllers actively manage safety. As a result, we must take into account how controllers operate. (Donald Gyles, 2017) We believe that applying these theories will lead to a better understanding on how professional Air Traffic Controller work. Together, these theories were used to give people perspective on the kind of workplace they want to work in. 3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The figure below depicts the Air Traffic Control plan for aiming and efficiency. Aircraft turnaround time is critical for on-time flights and smooth passenger flow. Many factors come into play, including aircraft type, local procedures, maintenance requirements, flight capacity, and others, and each situation should be viewed individually. There are, however, standardized procedures in place that make aircraft turnaround extremely efficient and safe. Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study 4 Figure 2. Research Paradigm 5 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objective of this quantitative pragmatic research is to determine the Efficacy of Air Traffic Control Tower used in Communication Transmissions in WCC ATC Airfield Operation. As conclusions succeed this research, The following questions will be addressed by this study: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: a. Gender b. Year Level c. Pilot License 2. What is the level of efficiency of air-to-air communication of WCC Control tower based on: a. Pronunciation b. Services c. Equipment 3. Is there a significant difference among the factors of air-to-air communication of WCC Control tower? Hypothesis: Based on the ANOVA results, there is a significant difference among the factors of air-to-air communication of WCC Control Tower. 4. Prepare lessons in speech laboratory to improve the English communication Skills of the Student Flying Pilots. 6 SCOPE AND DELIMITATION This study focuses on the performance of a total of 60 Air Traffic Controllers and WCC Student Pilots from World Citi College Binalonan during the School Year 2022-2023. Thus, this is a pragmatic study in which the researchers incorporate operational decisions based on 'what will work best' in finding answers to the research questions, allowing pragmatic researchers to conduct research in innovative anddynamic ways to find solutions to research problems. This research looks into how to truly improve the effectiveness of communication tower equipment. With proper instructions given to the people in charge of the management involved. This research cannot be applied to all workplace organizations. The study's findings will greatly help some College Interns and other students understand how to efficiently use and relate their theoretical and conceptual performance to identify the effectiveness and proper usage of the tower equipment for communication transmissions at WCC Binalonan. HYPOTHESIS H0: There is no significant difference among the factors encountered by the respondents in flight operations. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Students. The findings of the study will broaden one’s understanding of how each student's personnel’s experiences as they overcome different hazards and risk in the workplace, given that in today's world, nearly everyone prioritize safety. Air Traffic Personnel. Hence, this is concerning because it has been a critical field since 7 it requires an enormous amount of safety management. The performance of every personnel has also been a great factor in the safety of this industry. Readers. Thus, it is important to conduct this study for the readers and other researchers to gain insights on how competent the Air Traffic Control is used in communication when facing safety risks and challenges in the aviation industry. Future researchers. This study will help them determine the factors that contribute to the performance of the personnel on the efficacy of Air Traffic Control for communication. It is very important to know or understand those instances in order to properly evaluate the people in charge in this particular field for it also contributes to the outcome regarding the safety of aviation. Future studies. This may also help future studies when they are collecting data for their study, and it can also benefit the next generations to know more about this problem. DEFINITION OF TERMS The facilitate the understanding of the study, different terms are defined herein. 1. Air Traffic Controller (ATC). As use in this study, this refers to personnel in charge of managing an aircraft in controlled airspace throughout its flight, taking responsibility for the aircraft's safety and making the flight as efficient as possible. (SKYbrary Aviation Safety, 1935) 2. Enormous. This refers to extraordinarily great size, number, or degree especially: exceeding usual bounds or accepted notions. (The Oxford English Dictionary, 1531) 3. Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP). It is defined as an organisation that provides navigation services to aircraft in the airspace or in the maneuvring area. (Frequentis, 1993) 4. Management. It shall refer to a person or group of people who challenges and supervises another person or group of people in order to achieve desired goals and objectives (Jim Wilkinson, 1999) 5. Crucial. This refers to matters that may cause anxiety or other emotions for it is extremely important or necessary 8 6. Efficiency. It is defined as doing things right in a workplace rather than being effective. (Peter Drucker, 2016) 7. Efficacy. It refers to accomplishing tasks It is the ability to produce a desired amount of a desired effect, or achievement of a given goal. (, 1520) 8. Underpinning. It shall refer to action of supporting or strengthening from beneath. (The Oxford English Dictionary, 1580) 9. Automation. Defined as technology development and application to produce and deliver goods andservices with minimal human intervention. (, 1946) 10. Intervene. It refers to meddling with the outcome or course of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning. (The Oxford English Dictionary,1600) 11. Cognitive. It is defined as the ability to think, learn, and remember clearly is an essential component of carrying out daily tasks. (Dr. Richard J. Hodes, Director of Department of Health and Human Services, 2022) 12. Safety. As use in this study, this refers to matter of life and death. It is the sum of our contributions to safety management that determines whether the people we work with live or die. (Sir Brian Appleton, Technical Adviser to the Enquiry on Piper Alpha Accident, 1988) 13. Transmission. It is expounded as the act of moving something from one location to another. (The Oxford English Dictionary,1610) 14. Framework. It shall specify as a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for the building of something that expands the structure into something useful. (The Oxford English Dictionary,1640) 15. Competent. This refers by keeping your head in a crisis, persevering with a task even when it appears hopeless, and coming up with good solutions to difficult problems when every second counts. (Col.ChrisHadfield,2022) 9 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE This chapter introduces and discusses the various ideas, concepts, and research findings that are relevant in supporting to the research design from both foreign and local viewpoints. Effective communication has been a great factor for every industry, specifically, the Aviation Industry. It is one of the backbones of the welfare of this industry, it has a massive contribution for the safety and security of every activity that has been going around. Without having the right equipment when conduction a communication, there would be a massively negative result that would have a great impact. With good communication transmissions, the security or the safety in the aviation industry is more enhanced. In addition to this, a good management in the communication area is also needed to achieve safety. Determining the procedures in producing effective tower equipment should be more assessed by the aviation management. Foreign Literature Transportation Engineering The Air Traffic Control Tower is very important in the aviation industry, especially for communication and assessing safety risks. Every member of staff should be capable of handling situations like this, with sufficient knowledge and professionalism. The air traffic control system is a complex human-machine system. It provides knowledge bases as well as precise satellite-derived 10 navigational information. European Civil Aviation Conference Delays caused by ATC capacity increased by 76% in 2018 compared to 2017, while delays caused by ATC staffing increased by 186%. A Flight Traffic Controller's primary responsibility is to ensure safe and efficient air traffic. Every commercial flight follows a predetermined route that includes way points between the departure and arrival airports. Throughout the flight, the aircraft is under the control of traffic control/air traffic services (ATC/ATS), which provides communication, navigation, and surveillance services. Surveillance services manage separation from other aircraft and obstacles by providing aircraft location and identification. Surveillance can also be used to track aircraft. Working in air traffic control is a process and a set of decisions that requires a high level of professionalism. Personnel decisions must be made with care. The work processes of frontline air operators are represented as a continuous set of decisions. They are generated and implemented in both stealth and obvious ways. (Longbiao Li, 2020). As air transport demand continues to outpace system capacity, efficient and effective capacity management becomes critical to the operation of the future global air traffic system. Despite significant progress in relevant research held over the last two decades, such as air traffic control management and airport capacity modeling, research loopholes in air traffic control management still exist, and links between different research areas are required to improve the system performance of air traffic management. (Cheng-Lung Wu, 2018) The efficient and safe operation of the airspace system relies heavily on the skilled 11 coordination between air traffic control (ATC) personnel and flight desk personnel. As satellitebased navigation technology and automation systems in flight desks continue to advance rapidly, there is a growing suggestion among researchers to increase the level of automation within ATC to meet the evolving safety and efficiency requirements. Automation in ATC can offer several potential benefits. It can improve the accuracy and precision of aircraft tracking, enabling more efficient routing and optimized use of airspace. Automated systems can also assist in detecting and resolving potential conflicts, enhancing situational awareness for both controllers and pilots. Moreover, automation can help reduce human error and workload, allowing controllers to focus on higher-level tasks such as strategic planning and decision-making. (Robert E. Caves, et al., 2015) However, it is essential to strike a balance between automation and human involvement to ensure that critical decision-making, adaptability to unforeseen events, and effective communication between stakeholders are not compromised. While the potential benefits of increased automation in ATC are evident, careful considerations, thorough testing, and human factors analysis are necessary to effectively implement automation while maintaining a high level of safety and preserving the vital role of human controllers in managing the complex airspace system. (Young Wayne, et al., 2015) Local Literature The Civil Aviation Regulations-Air Navigation Services Regulations The Civil Aviation Regulations-Air Navigation Services Part 11 governs air traffic service within the Manila Flight Information Region, according to. The procedures embodied herein are issued by the Director General of the CAAP and will be followed by all parties involved. "Appropriate Authority," as defined in Part 11 of the Civil Aviation Regulations. (Manuel Antonio 12 L. Tamayo, 2018) The procedures outlined in this document apply to all members of the air traffic services unit in charge of air traffic control, flight information, and alerting. When there is an apparent conflict between the instructions/guidelines in this CARANS Part 11 and instructions/guidelines in other agency issuances, a request for clarification will be made to the appropriate air traffic service authority. (Edgardo Diaz, 2018) Airports are integral part of the aviation industry in the Philippines. Millions of passengers and billions of cargos have been moved from point to point since its existence. The industry is responsible for insurmountable economic activity and various technical jobs that entail decisive and challenging civil aviation management. The increasing number of aircraft intended for direct inter-regional transport, the trend toward liberalization, and the growing transport volumes, increase the pressure on airport management and air traffic control. (Kazda & Caves, 2015). 13 REVIEW AND RELATED STUDIES Foreign Studies The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Radio Security The American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers address the design of a secure and fault-tolerant air transportation system in the presence of attempts to disrupt the system via satellite-based navigation systems in Manhattan, New York, United States. Adversarial aircraft are assumed to transmit incorrect position and intent information, potentially resulting in aircraft separation violations. Furthermore, the organization proposes a framework for identifying adversaries and malicious aircraft, as well as for air traffic control in the presence of such intentionally erroneous data. The framework includes three mechanisms that enable each aircraft to detect attacks and resolve conflicts: fault detection and defense techniques to improve GPS/inertial navigation, detection and defense techniques based on Doppler/received signal strength, and a fault-tolerant control algorithm. (K.J. Ray Liu, 2018) Electrical engineers propose a technique for aircraft localization based on the Doppler effect and received signal strength from neighboring aircraft to verify aircraft position via GPS/inertial navigation. The control algorithm is intended to reduce flight times while maintaining safety. To compensate for the uncertainty of surveillance information in the presence of adversaries, additional separation is introduced. We simulate the impact of air traffic surveillance attacks on 14 system performance. The results show that the proposed mechanism detects and corrects faults caused by malicious data injection. Furthermore, the proposed control algorithm constantly adapts operations to mitigate the effects of these faults. The proposed approaches' ability to defend against attacks enables reliable air traffic operations even in highly adversarial surveillance environments. (Stephen Welby, 2018) The primary safety concern for human-computer interaction, according to Li, Wen-Chin, et al. (2018), is effective visual scanning by air traffic controllers. This is due to the goal of multiple remote tower operation (MRTO), which is for a single controller to perform air traffic management tasks previously performed by up to four air traffic controllers (ATCO) with comprehensive technological support. This suggests that increased pupil dilation and decreased eye movement amplitude during a visual search task are related to tactical adaptation to the tasks' requirements for MRTO by a single ATCO. The main issue with human-computer interaction in single ATCOs performing multiple monitoring tasks is the distribution of visual attention among display systems. According to Lin Yi (2021), understanding spoken instructions is essential because they are primarily used to predict impending traffic dynamics and to detect communication errors that could pose a safety risk. It not only improves the current ATC system's information source, but it also has the capability of issuing reliable alerts before the pilot follows an incorrect instruction. Air traffic control (ATC) is a complex and dynamic system in which operational safety is a well-studied topic. Mechanical maintenance, resource management, and air traffic control are all aspects of air traffic operation that have an impact on air traffic control. There is no doubt that every effort should be made to improve ATC safety. 15 According to Hwan-Kyun-Lee (2018), it is critical that the aviation community effectively deal with such challenges in preparation for the coming century, such as the establishment of Air Traffic Management. Furthermore, Engr. Cecilio Ortiz (2016), "we need the help of flying schools and pilots to introduce CNS/ATM," and "awareness is important because it will ensure success." Local Studies Modernized Air Traffic Navigation Safety The Philippines' constant growth in air travel has had significant consequences for air traffic congestion. Given limited resources, major airports attempt to address this issue while taking into account various factors affecting air transportation in general. To identify the most critical attributes in the commercial aviation industry, this paper uses a fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory-analytic network process (DEMATEL-ANP). To demonstrate the proposed approach, a case study was conducted with key experts from Ninoy Aquino International Airport. The fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP model performed well because it could extract the global priority vectors of attributes in a fuzzy environment. The findings revealed that aviation safety is the most important, as evidenced by the significant influence it has on other attributes. (Miriam F Bongo and Lanndon A Ocampo, 2017) According to Agcaoli (2013), in his article in the Philippine Star, DOTC spokesman Michael Arthur Sagcal stated that the state-of-the-art systems would modernize aviation safety and security capabilities, increase airport capacity, and minimize flight delays and aircraft collisions by providing safety alerts and warnings, managing the use of the airspace and air traffic flow, andenhancing the Civil Aviation Authority's communications and monitoring capabilities. 16 SYNTHESIS OF THE STUDY The above collection of both foreign and local references related to the importance of maintaining the undeniable efficiency that must be managed. It will provide assurance that these components are equally capable of making it easier for employees to complete the tasks that are required. And, despite the fact that this has occurred, the economy and society will have significant consequences. The data provided demonstrates how important effective communication is in the ATC industry. Communication effectiveness and efficiency are the most important pillars for maintaining and improving safety in all airline operations, and proper precautions must be taken to minimize or avoid miscommunications that could lead to an aircraft disaster. The link between pilot and controller can be a strong bond or it can be broken with surprising speed and disastrous results. Discussion herein provides basic procedures for new pilots and also highlights safe operating concepts for all pilots. All subsequent messages should assist the operational context by following the sequential order of the actions required, by grouping related instructions in transmissions and by limiting the number of directives in each transmission. 17 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN The quantitative study of cross-sectional research design was used in this study to examine each student's point of view. At a single point in time, cross-sectional research collects data from many different individuals. In cross-sectional research, variables are observed without being influenced. The descriptive cross-sectional research design will be used for this study because it is much cheaper and less time- consuming than many other types of studies, and it allows you to easily collect data that can be used as a basis for further research. In addition, cross-sectional descriptive research evaluates how frequently, widely, or severely the variable of interest occurs across a specific demographic by analyzing data about a population at a specific point in time. Typically, these studies are used to assess the prevalenceof health outcomes and describe population characteristics. Thus, researchers notice that cross-sectional analysis research evaluates problems in a single instance with a defined start and stop point, as opposed to longitudinal studies, wherevariables can change over time. Furthermore, this research design allows researchers to focus on one independent variable and one or more dependent variables as the focus of the cross-sectional study. 18 LOCAL AND POPULATION OF THE STUDY This study will be conducted in WCC Aeronautical and Technological Colleges. The 60 students, particularly the ATC students that are enrolled in WCC ATC Binalonan for the S.Y. 2022-2023 will be our respondents, mainly because these students can provide a plentitude of different significant information, ideas, and distinct opinions from their own experiences in WCC ATC. These students can also gain knowledge or ideas when conducting this research study. RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS The researcher will use questionnaires with three (3) parts to collect the necessary data. Part I will inquire about the respondents' demographics. The researcher created the profile tool, which will determine the sex/gender, year and level, and pilot licenses. In addition, Part II is a tool for determining the level of performance of Tower control operating procedures and analyzing Air Traffic Control Tower tasks. The researchers used Likert- scale with the correspondence, 1-1.18 (Strongly Agree), 1.9-2.6(Agree), 2.7-3.4(Neutral), 3.54.2(Agree) and 4.3-5(Strongly Agree). Furthermore, Part III is a standardized questionnaire that will be used to determine the level of performance of the organization. SOURCES OF DATA The primary and secondary sources were used to collect the necessary data for this study. The chosen 60 respondents were the primary source of data. While books, articles, unpublished theses, and theinternet served as secondary sources of information. 19 DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE After obtaining all of the formal permissions that the researchers need from the Air Traffic Control personnel at WCC Binalonan, as well as the location where the data will be collected, the researcher will dive into the survey, gathering the data needed on the respondents' profile, performance, organizational citizenship behavior, workplace spirituality, organizational cynicism, and work locus of control. The researcher has set aside two weeks to collect and compile all of the necessary data. STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR DATA ANALYSIS The researchers will use the Mean formula to analyze the data they collect to determine The Efficacy of Air Traffic Control Tower used in Communication Transmissions in WCC ATC Airfield Operation. The weights are numbers that measure the relative importance (n.d.). The researchers applied this statistical tool to the data collected from the problem's second statement. Finally, the researchers used the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to answer the problem's third statement. ANOVA, according to Scribbr, is a statistical test used to compare the means of more than two groups (2022). The following is the formula for the weighted mean, frequency and percentage distribution: 1. FOR PERCENTAGE: %= Percentage score 𝒇 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵 Score interpretation 20 75% to 100% High 54% to 74% Moderate 0% to 49% Low 2. FOR WEIGHTED MEAN: w= ∑ 𝑭𝑾/N Where: WM = Weighted mean Σ = Summation symbol F = Frequency for each option W = Assigned weight N = Total number of frequencies 3. ANOVA 𝐹= 𝑀𝑆𝐵 𝑀𝑆𝑊 Where, F is the Freedom MSB is the Mean Squares Between Groups MSW is the Mean Squares Within Groups 21 ETHICAL CONSIDERATION Throughout this inquiry, ethical concerns are prioritized during the time of data collecting objectivity, mindful management, and Status Strategy are all important factors to consider. The researchers used regulation in their research during the research, by maintaining a developed and sustained neutrality, the researcher demonstrated impartiality answer that was not overly influenced by their interests, sentiments, or affiliations. The study's positive impact on lodging facilities was ensured by the researchers. comprehending the advantages of technology to their organizations, which leads to increased productive guest encounter each participant is informed about the study after all relevant consents have been obtained. The name of the researcher, as well as the purpose and logic of the study. The investigators, the study's expected advantages as well as the study's significance were reviewed participant's function. 22 CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered from the answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field. The said data were presented in tabular form in accordance with the specific questions posited on the statement of the problem. Data presented, analyzed, and interpreted using statistical measures based on the specific problems stated in Chapter 1. PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS The profile variables considered in this study appraise the respondent's sex, year level, and pilot’s licenses. The data regarding the first three profile variables of the chosen population and locale are presented using the frequency count and percentage distribution. PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS Table 1 Profile of the Respondents in terms of Sex Sex Frequency(f) Percentage (%) Rank Female 30 50% Neutral Male 30 50% Neutral 23 Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of sex. Both sexes have the percentage of 50, therefore, there is no majority in the whole population. The data states that both male and females are equal. Table 2 Profile of the Respondents in terms of Year Level Year and Level Frequency(f) Percentage (%) Rank 1st year 15 25% Neutral 2nd year 15 25% Neutral 3rd year 15 25% Neutral 4th year 15 25% Neutral Table 2 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of year level. It states that all of the respondents in all four-year levels have the equal percentage. Therefore, there is no majority in all of the respondents. Table 3 Profile of the Respondents in terms of Pilot Licenses Licenses Frequency(f) Percentage (%) Rank SPL 45 75% 1 PPL 15 25% 2 Table 3 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of licenses. The table states that the majority is the SPL which has the percentage of 75%. This concludes that the majority of 24 the respondents are working on Special Pilot License (SPL) and while the minority are working on Private Pilot License (PPL) which has the percentage of 25%. Legend: (4.3 - 5) Strongly Agree- The students strongly agree with the statement. (4.2 – 3.5) Agree- The students agree with the statement. (3.4 – 2.7) Neutral- The students are neutral with the statement. (2.6 – 1.9) Disagree- The students disagree with the statement. (1.8- 1) Strongly Disagree- The students strongly disagree with the statement. 25 Quality of Pronunciation Mean Verbal Interpretation 1. Have a clear understandable 4.25 Strongly Agree 4.25 Strongly Agree 4.08 Agree 4.03 Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree 4.32 Strongly Agree pronunciation. 2. Use appropriate patterns of stress, rhythm, and intonation. 3. Produce language following the grammatical structure. 4. Have a wide range of vocabulary that allows participating in conversation of diverse topics. 5. Follow the topic of a conversation and participate accordingly. Average Table 4: Evaluation of Results Based on Pilots in Coordination Factors in Air Traffic Control Efficiency in terms of Pronunciation Table 4 shows the qualitative interpretation of the level of efficacy of pronunciation in-flight operation. Based on the table, results are highly effective during flight operations, 26 Unclear pronunciation causing difficulty of hearing quality signal from the radar during flight operations is infrequently experienced by the students. Hence, they strongly agree with other factors producing quality signaling of commands from radar including appropriate patters of speech, wide range of vocabulary, and language that has a grammatical structure that pilots were using during flight operations. The general weighted mean, 4.32, shows that the students usually experience quality of pronunciation from the air traffic control during Flight Operations. 27 Quality of Services Mean Verbal Interpretation 1. I receive the right amount of 4.83 Strongly Agree 4.83 Strongly Agree 3. I receive accurate air navigation 4.83 Strongly Agree guidance from the assigned Air Traffic Controller. 2. I am appropriately recognized when I ask for a radar signal. signal when on operation. 4. My department provides all the 4.92 Strongly Agree equipment, supplies, and resources necessary for me to perform my duties. 5. The management makes changes 5 Strongly Agree based on my suggestions and feedback. Average 4.88 Strongly Agree Table 5: Evaluation of Results Based on Pilots in Coordination Factors in Air Traffic Control Efficiency in terms of Services Table 5 shows the qualitative interpretation of the level of efficacy of services in-flight operation. Based on the table, results were all strongly effective primarily because the provided questions about services were properly handled by the Air Traffic Controllers during flight 28 operations. The general weighted mean, 4.88, shows that the students agree on experiencing these services during flight operations provided by the Air Traffic Controllers. Quality of Equipment Mean Verbal Interpretation 1. Surface movement and 4.08 Agree 4.25 Strongly Agree 4.17 Agree 5 Strongly Agree surveillance radars always emit a signal which reflects the target. 2. Voice communication control systems function properly even though the internet connection goes down. 3. Flight data information display equipment is always accurate and well-organized during and after the operation. 4. Navigation and surveillance systems do not encounter privacy issues and crime due to lack of security. 29 5. Ultra-high frequency and very 4.82 Strongly Agree 4.46 Strongly Agree high frequency communication systems perform efficiently without becoming short range and signal interference when raining. Average Table 6: Evaluation of Results Based on Pilots in Coordination Factors in Air Traffic Control Efficiency in terms of Equipment Table 6 shows the qualitative interpretation of the level of efficiency of the equipment used during flight operation. Based on the table, the WCC Pilot students strongly agree that the Air Traffic Officers continuously inspect and upgrade their equipment to produce quality radar signals as per the ATC guidelines and instructions. While they agree that there are high frequency communication systems perform efficiently without becoming short range and signal interference in any weather conditions and marking the weighted mean showed that the students strongly agree about the properly organization of the equipment during pre-flight and post-flight operations. The general weighted mean, 4.46, shows that the students strongly agree that the equipment efficiently work during pre-flight and post-flight. 30 INDICATORS General Weighted Verbal Mean Interpretation 1. Quality of Pronunciation 4.32 Strongly Agree 2.Quality of Services 4.88 Strongly Agree 3. Quality of Equipment 4.46 Strongly Agree Table 7: Evaluation of Results Based on Pilots in Coordination Factors in Air Traffic Control Efficiency in terms of Quality of Pronunciation, Services and Equipment Table 7 shows the qualitative interpretation of the level of efficiency of the pronunciation, services, and equipment used during flight operation. Based on the table, majority of the respondents in WCC ATC has put the verbal interpretation, strongly agree. Therefore, all of the indicators regarding the coordination factors in ATC are highly efficient. 31 ANOVA Sum of Mean Squares df Square F Sig. Between Groups .582 2 .291 4.718 .031 Within Groups .741 12 .062 Total 1.323 14 Ftab/Fcri=3.89 alpha 0.05 Table 8: Evaluation of Results on ANOVA The Analysis of Variance shows that the computed F-value, 4.718, is greater than the Fcritical 3.89. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, which means there is significant difference among the factors. Therefore, the T.Test will be utilized: Pronunciation vs. Equipment Pronunciation vs. Services Equipment vs. Services 0.05832159 1 0.05832159 2.16 2.16 2.16 Table 9: Evaluation of Results on T.Test The results of T.Test shows that the Tcomputed in all factors are less than the Tcritical. Therefore, there is no significant difference among the facors in effective communication in WCC Air Tower Control. 32 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter includes the summary of findings that the researches have analysed, documented conclusion and recommendation that will help in enhancing students writing quality, in upgrading the curriculum and for the future researches. SUMMARY The main objective and purpose of this research is to identify the Efficacy of Air Traffic Control Tower Used in Communication Transmission in WCC-ATC Airfield Operation. The findings of the data are derived from the analysis of the data. The data shows that the percentage of the respondents from first year students to fourth year students are equal, thus, there is no majority in terms of year and level. The findings of the data regarding coordination factors in the air traffic control tower shows that the quality of the pronunciation is highly effective during flight operations. Regarding statistical power, the simulation study shows that there is a minute difference between these three factors but at the same time, they were strongly efficient during flight operations. There were no apprehensions about the services, as well as the quality of pronunciation are being overpowered and well-maintained, and equipment were unsubstantiated for improvement. Therefore, the data’s result regarding quality of service are all strongly effective, followed by the quality of equipment, the data shows that WCC student pilots strongly agree that the pronunciation, equipment, and services were highly effective and performs efficiently throughout the flight operations. Upon further testing, the ANOVA shows a significant difference among the 3 factors that tests the efficacy of the air-to-air traffic control, since the computed F-value, 4.718, is greater than 33 the alpha level of 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. CONCLUSION After deliberating the findings of risk-associated hazards, the researchers concluded that, student pilots of WCC ATC in each level comprise the most significant percentage of research participants since more students in the population and location strongly agree that the air-to-air traffic control workplace protocols/factors used by the student pilots throughout the operations were highly effective. In deliberating, the researchers concluded that the data in the Quality of Services which has the general weighted mean of 4.88 is the highest of all where in every question has a Strongly Agree interpretation. Next is the data regarding the Quality of Equipment which has the general weighted mean of 4.46, got the 2nd place, followed by the data regarding the Quality of Pronunciation which has the general weighted mean of 4.32. Therefore, the Air traffic Control Tower Protocols Used in Communication Transmission in WCC-ATC Airfield Operation were highly effective and efficient. RECOMMENDATIONS Upon completion of the study, the following recommendations were made by the findings suggested by the respondents: 1. Personnels in the Air Traffic Control tower should properly learn languages, grammar, and the structure used in communicating. 2. The radars in the Air Traffic Control tower should always be in good condition. 3. The control tower should have the most efficient equipment and that it should be always well-organized. 34 4. Programs like 5S frequently provide beneficial organizational improvements that can lead to less clutter. Ensure that radar equipment is stored safely and that spills are cleaned up as soon as possible. Conduct regular inspections to look for potential hazards like tangled cords, cluttered floors, and disorganized tools. 5. To maintain an open dialogue about health and safety concerns, the Organization must hold regular meetings on workplace safety. It's never a bad idea to be overly prepared. Regular meetings to review safety rules and discuss prevention keep workplace safety at the forefront of everyone's minds, so that when something does go wrong, everyone knows what to do right away. 35