Research Title: Lack of Awareness about Climate Change For Final Project Technical Report Writing Ideas in Action- What can ‘We’ do for our Society Phase III Submission Submitted to Ma’am Sana Iliyas Submitted by Hamza Tariq (17-0490) Usman Shahbaz (17-0457) Hamza Shakir (16-0504) December 16, 2020 1|Page Chapter 1 Introduction Pakistan is one of the country’s most vulnerable to climate change. A basic understanding of public perception on vulnerability, attitude, and the risk in relation to climate change will provide direction for government policy and the development of community-based guidelines. The likely effect of climate change on common residents of Pakistan with comparison to the world is expected to be terribly high considering Pakistan’s low adaptive capacity due to certain factors such as a high poverty rate, limited financial resources, and low literacy rate. World Economic Forum has perceived climate change as the most serious threat facing society [1]. But the biggest concern for developing countries like Pakistan is the recognition of climate change as an issue. The objective of this study was to collect data on peoples’ knowledge and perception of climate change to help analyze the level of awareness. The result of this survey will provide information level ad public perception of climate change, specifying the well-known topics and those with a lack of knowledge. Furthermore, the survey will identify the key incentives for and challenges to environmental and climate-conscious behavior. Chapter 2 Literature Review Introduction Researchers have proposed many theories for increasing climate change. Although the literature covers a wide variety of such theories, this review will focus on the lack of awareness about climate change and how it is a significant barrier to climate change adaptation in developing countries. As the climate continues to change, millions of people face greater challenges in terms of extreme events, food security, migration, water security, cultural identity, and other related risks. 2|Page Body Reason behind the lack of awareness According to research humans are naturally inclined to disregard issues that are not directly present in their life [2]. There are also people who are aware of these crises but do not believe it presents a real problem. Some people may not realize the magnitude of the problem because they have not directly witnessed its effect. This is why media is an important factor affecting environmental/climate change awareness however, currently; its role has been very negative as it creates misinformation about climate change that leads to less awareness of the issue. Nunn found in his study that the media focused on disastrous situations and extreme future climatic predictions of what might happen [3]. This does not raise climate change awareness but rather created misunderstanding about climate change. Previous Surveys Many previous pieces of research have shown that people don’t consider climate change as a real threat. A research was conducted in Lahore where 150 local officials were selected for a detailed survey [4]. Almost half of the respondents (53%) were not aware of the phenomenon of climate change meaning that only 71 out of 150 respondents were aware of climate change phenomena. Almost half of the local officials who claimed to be aware of climate change knew nothing beyond the phrase climate change. It shows a very high level of climate ignorance. This ignorance however is not restricted to Pakistan only. A recent survey conducted by Rocky in America revealed that more than half of Americans lack awareness on the issue of climate change [5]. The survey polled 1500 American adults, ranging from ages 18 to 55+. When the responders were asked if global warming will have deleterious effects in their own lifetime, 34% of respondents disagreed with 7% claiming that global warming was a ‘hoax’ outright. While researchers agree about the lack of awareness they disagree about the reasons behind it. Government role Different factors are involved in climate change in Pakistan such as, excessive release of greenhouse gases, industrial wastes, air pollution, increased number of transportation, expansion of cities to the rural areas moreover; the previous studies show that no efficient 3|Page stapes are taken to avoid the challenges against the climate change [6]. With so little attention given to threat individual actions become more important. Individual action Dr. Isaac Hankes – a meteorologist and weather research analyst at Refinitiv claims that “the Paris climate agreement is as political as it is scientific, and even if fully embraced will not offset much more than about 0.1°C of warming”. This highlights the importance of personal action by anyone concerned about the effects of warming to make a difference. However, in order to act on a threat, it is essential to acknowledge the threat. Different studies demonstrate that enhancing environmental awareness leads to better outcomes in the planning and management of environmental resources. Importance of education Education is positively associated with environmental awareness such as climate change. According to [7] educated people are more concerned about their surrounding environment and they have better access to information about the environment. This proves the importance of education. Pakistan falls significantly behind many countries in providing access to education with a literacy rate of 58% [8]. Increased awareness assists in preparing and implementing climate change adaptation measures, such as adjustments in natural and manmade systems to reduce the likely impacts of climate change Chapter 3 Research Methodology The questionnaire was conducted in simple English language to reduce the risk of ambiguity. It was composed of 17, mostly close-ended questions. Fist few questions were asked to collect the socio-demographic information including their age and education. This is an important segment of any research as demographic questions help describe the characteristics of the participants. 4|Page Research Method In general two types of research methods are being used quantitative and qualitative. The main objective of this research was to explore the level of awareness regarding climate change therefore quantitative data collection method was employed. Quantitative research can be faster as compared to qualitative. As our research is being done for academic purposes and is time limited so that is why we used a quantitative approach. Data Collection We used a questionnaire as our primary data collection method as our respondents are geographically scattered and it could facilitate the respondents. The questionnaire was hosted on Google forms which is an interactive online platform. Google forms provide automatic analysis of some of the answers provided by the participants. Figure 1 is the interface of the automatic result analysis from the response page of the survey. Figure 1: Interface of the response page of the survey Research Participants The questionnaire was distributed through various messenger applications and mailing lists, including recipients from FAST National University. Keeping in view the limitation of time and resources we the survey was being run for 10 days and a total of 50 participants took part in the survey. 5|Page Chapter 4 Results Demography Age: According to the demography profile 78% of respondents were aged between 18-24 years while 10% were aged between 25-34 years. Figure 2 shows the complete age distribution of respondents. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 39 5 2 Below 17 18 - 24 Years Old 25 - 34 Years Old 0 2 2 35 - 44 Years Old 45 - 54 Years Old Above 55 Figure 2: Respondents by Age Education: The study was conducted with 50 respondents, between 52% of respondents are high school students, 40% of respondents are bachelor students, 2% of respondents are master’s students and only 6% of respondents had completed their PhDs. Figure 3 illustrates the respondents by their respectable education. 30 26 25 20 20 15 10 5 1 3 0 High School Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Ph.D or higher Figure 3: Respondents by Education Table 1 shows the response of the participants on their climate change knowledge. The majority (40) of the research participants acquired knowledge about climate change from some source and 10% had not heard of climate change at all. When asked about what caused climate change more than half (52%) of 6|Page the research participants believe humans are the main cause for climate change. Response varied from pollution (20.6%) to industrialization (21.2%). As many as 22.2% believed that deforestation is one of the causes and 36% attributed climate change to be a natural phenomenon. Table 1 Variable Frequency Have you heard of what ‘Climate Change’ means from any source? Yes 80% No 10% Somewhat 10% Is Climate Change caused by humans? Yes 52% No 22% Maybe 26% In terms of the source of knowledge, the internet was the most commonly mentioned (73%), followed by television (69%). Figure 4 illustrates the complete distribution of sources as per the respondents. None 4 School 1 Internet 35 Blog 19 Newspaper 17 33 Television 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Figure 4: What is the main source of your information on climate change? We also asked all the participants climate change related questions in order to assess their seriousness about the threat. 30% participants believe there are more important issues than climate change. Figure 5 shows how participants ranked possible threats to our society, where 5 mean the most serious and 1 the least serious threat. We can see that most of the votes were allocated to unemployment as the most serious threat, followed by overpopulation. Participants were least concerned about climate change. 7|Page Figure 5: Ranking the possible threats to the society In addition to the environmental elements, participants’ knowledge of climate change related policies was also very limited where most of the participants (67.3%) were completely unaware about the climate change related activities and policies. Figure 6 demonstrates participants’ level of knowledge regarding policies. Figure 6: Are you aware about the environmental policies in your country? Majority participants believe individuals hold most responsibility to tackle climate change followed by government. The complete response is demonstrated in figure 7. When asked if they are satisfied with the initiatives taken by the industries and corporations to reduce climate change, only 31.3% participants were satisfied. 8|Page Figure 7: On a scale of 1-to-5 (5 being strongest) how much responsibility each hold to tackle climate change? Most of the participants (83%) had taken part in some activity out of concern for climate change. In terms of actions, plantation was the most commonly mentioned response followed by plastic avoidance and water conservation. Asked if they will be willing to pay more for energy produced from low carbon resources or renewable energy, only 30% participants agreed to pay more while 32% disagreed and 38% were unsure. Chapter 5 Discussion & Analysis This study is a small-scale quantitative attempt to assess the knowledge and perception of the population of one of the most vulnerable country about climate change. The findings provide important insights into what people think and believe from their experiences. Around 63 percent population of Pakistan comprises youth aged between 15 and 33 Since we distributed the survey through various messenger applications and mailing lists, most of the participants were bachelors and masters students. The majority of participants were youth aged between 18 and 34 and unlike the previous studies they have a basic understanding about climate change. In our research, participants with higher level of education were more likely to be aware of climate change than those with lower education levels. Previous studies also support our findings [7]. Out of 50 participants, eighty percent knew what ‘Climate Change’ is whereas in the previous survey almost half of the respondents (53%) were not aware of the phenomenon of climate change [4]. One big difference in the two surveys was the level of education of the respondents. In the previous research 150 local officials from rural background were selected for questionnaire while most of the respondents in our survey were from urban educated background. From our study, of those who had knowledge about climate change, the majority named internet and television as their source. Very few people mentioned hearing about climate change from teachers. This indicates that internet ad media are important source of information whereas schools are yet to play their part in creating awareness about climate change. Interestingly majority participants blame humans for the climate change and believe individuals hold most responsibility to tackle climate change. With regards to causes or reasons for climate change, most 9|Page of our participants mentioned deforestation followed by industrialization and pollution. Only a small fraction of participants think climate change is a natural phenomenon. However participants themselves were least concerned about climate change and were unaware about the environmental policies and activities in their country. This finding has important implications for local level planning and policy development as it shows the information gap and lack of engagement from the government. There are several strengths of our research. Participants of our survey were from various different geographical locations from Pakistan. This makes the findings from this study more relevant and reliable. The results may be used as the basis for a potential analysis of cohorts. There were a few limitations to the study, including the urban bias, as we relied on our survey with all participants belonging to an urban educated background. Rural population In Pakistan was reported at 63.09% in 2019 according to World Bank,compiled%20from%20officially%20reco gnized%20sources. References [1] E. G. Franco, "The Global Risks Report 2020," World Economic Forum, Genevea, 2020. [2] Duraiappah, "Lack of Awareness The Problem," Convention on biological diversity, 2011. [3] P. D. Nunn, "Responding to the challenges of climate change in the Pacific Islands: management and technological imperatives," Inter-Research Science Publisher, 2009. [4] Z. Shahid and A. Piracha, "Awareness of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation at Local Level in Punjab, Pakistan," in Water Science and Technology Library, vol. 72, Springer, 2016. [5] Y. Bhandari, "US Survey Finds Lack of Awareness on Global Warming," Inter Press Service , Wisconsin, 2019. [6] M. Hussain, A. R. Butt, F. Uzma, R. Ahmed and H. Ullah, "Divisional disparities on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Punjab, Pakistan: local perceptions, vulnerabilities, and policy implications.," 2 September 2019. [7] S. Oskamp and T. Mainieri, "Green Buying: The Influence of Environmental Concern on Consumer Behavior," The Journal of Social Psychology , vol. 137, no. 2, 2010. [8] M. E. HALEPOTO, "Literacy rate," The Nation, Jamshoro, 2020. [9] M. Oxley, "Pakistan Floods : Preventing Future Catastrophic Flood Disasters," 2010. 10 | P a g e Appendix Sample Questionnaire 1. What is your age? Under 17 years old Ο Under 17 years old Ο 18 – 24 years old Ο 25 – 34 years old Ο 35 – 44 years old Ο 45 – 54 years old Ο 55 years or older 2. What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed? Ο High School Ο Bachelor's Degree Ο Master's Degree Ο Ph.D. or higher 3. Have you ever heard of what 'Climate Change' means from any source? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Somewhat 4. On which of the following platforms, have you heard about climate change? Ο Television Ο Newspaper Ο Blog Ο Internet Ο None Ο School 5. Is climate change caused by humans Ο Yes 11 | P a g e Ο No Ο Maybe 6. Assuming climate change is happening, what do you think it is caused by? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. How worried are you about climate change? Not at all worried 1 2 3 4 Ο Ο Ο Ο 5 Ο Very worried 8. Are you aware about the environmental policies in your country? Ο Yes Ο No 9. How much do you think climate change threatens your personal health and safety? Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο To a great extent 10. Are you satisfied with the initiatives taken by corporations and industries to reduce climate change? Ο Yes Ο No 11. Please rate, which issues are of more concern in your opinion, 5 being most concerning? 1 2 3 4 5 Climate change Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Overpopulation Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Unemployment Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο 12. On a scale of 1-to-5 (5 being strongest) how much responsibility each hold to tackle climate change? Government 12 | P a g e 1 2 3 4 5 Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο International Organisation Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Individuals Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο 13. Please state your level of agreement or disagreement for the following statements regarding climate change? a. Each one of us can reduce the effects of climate change Ο Agree Ο Neutral Ο Disagree b. Climate change is a natural phenomenon Ο Agree Ο Neutral Ο Disagree c. Climate change topic is exaggerated by the media Ο Agree Ο Neutral Ο Disagree d. There are more important matters than climate change Ο Agree Ο Neutral Ο Disagree 14. Do you follow climate change related activities and policies? Ο Yes Ο No 15. Have you ever taken, or do you regularly take, any action out of concern for climate change? If yes, what did you do/ are you doing? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 13 | P a g e 16. Would you be willing to pay more for energy produced from low carbon resources or renewable energy? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Maybe 17. Will the remedies to climate change drive more people into poverty with higher costs? Ο Yes Ο No Ο Maybe This survey was designed to understand public perception about climate change and to identify key factors, challenges, and barriers to environmental and climate-conscious behaviour. The objective of this survey was to understand how well the audience is aware of the topic ‘Climate change’. Understanding audience opinion is critically important, which can help in formulating future environment policies. Conclusion The basic knowledge of the study participants on climate change was more than our assumption (80%) however there’s still great lack of awareness about the policies and activities against climate change. Lack of funds and government awareness are the main barriers that need to be removed in promoting awareness about climate change among the public. Other 14 | P a g e barriers include the lack of government interest, corruption and lack of planning. True solution lies in effectuating a change in the habits of individuals, rather than of entities. Our study suggest education sector needs to be engaged more for increasing knowledge on climate change. Education is an essential element of the global response to climate change. It helps people understand and address the impact of global warming, increases “climate literacy” among young people, encourage changes in their attitude and behaviour, and help them adapt to climate change related trends. According to M. Oxley increased sense of awareness and interest in disaster preparedness through developing and forecasting early warning and evacuation systems [9]. Teachers and imams of mosques need formal training on climate change and its impact so that they can translate that knowledge into students and play their part in fight against climate change. Based on these key findings, policy makers can develop effective communication strategies to raise the level of awareness. The hope is to raise awareness of the facts and trust the collective consciousness will evolve to reflect them because only then would the earth and its inhabitants stand a chance. 15 | P a g e