PLTW ICS App Creators Lesson 1.5 Programming Worksheet

Name: ______CJ Norman___________
Date: ______2/16/23____________
Period: _____5____________
PLTW ICS App Creators
Lesson 1.5 Decision Time
Programming Worksheet Assignment
For this GRADED Lesson 1.5 Worksheet you must:
Download (select the hyperlink) and save the worksheet to your folder
Enter your name, date and period
Answer all worksheet questions (where appropriate, full sentences are required)
Download the A1_5_GermGuide.aia program and save it to your folder
Modify the program as directed in the lesson (include a minimum of three comments)
Complete the worksheet
Test and debug the program as necessary
Name the program as follows: LastName_FirstInitial_A1_5_GermGuide.aia
Example: Miller_J_A1_5_ GermGuide.aia
9) Submit both files (Word document and .aia program file) via eCampus:
a. Submit the Worksheet via eCampus
b. Submit the program via eCampus
You will find the supporting coarse material for this worksheet in the PLTW App Creators Unit 1
(Let’s Create an App) / Lesson 1.5 (Decision Time).
Please change the font color of your answer text.
Any drawings may be created using a drawing app of your choice, such as Paint.
1. Provide a detailed description of how you are supposed to modify the
program for this assignment.
To make a pause button for the program.
2. Provide a detailed description of how the app should operate when
It should have a pause button to pause others when one is playing.
3. When complete how many screens should you have and what are their
4, Screen 1, vectorscreen, waterscreen, crowdingscreen.
4. Provide a flowchart for Measles Button operation, which includes required
actions for checking to see if the: 1) Meningitis audio is playing; and 2)
Measles audio is playing.
5. Provide an image of the Designer Page Viewer for each screen.
a. Home Screen:
b. Waterborne Diseases:
c. Diseases Associated with Crowding:
d. Vector-borne Diseases:
6. Provide an image of the Blocks Page Viewer for each screen (be sure to
have your comments open and visible in your code blocks).
a. Home Screen:
b. Waterborne Diseases:
c. Diseases Associated with Crowding:
d. Vector-borne Diseases:
7. What was your most difficult programming challenge during this
Making conditional statements for each screen.
8. When finished, submit your completed Lesson 1.5 Decision Time
Programming Worksheet Assignment and the AC_1_5GermGuide.aia file
via eCampus.