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Module 1: Coral Reefs & Social Institutions - Course Outline

Monday, Wednesday and Friday is module 1
Geographical phenomenon(coral reef)Tomorrow, Thursday
Presenting project on Monday(The holiday
Group project)- So come prepared for that.
Next week Wednesday- social institutions
The impact of social institutions on the
societyDevelop a play around that topic and
present- due Thursday, January 26
Group 1- Family
Group 2- Church
Group 3- Education
Group 4- Justice
Remember to finish the questionnaire.
Please to print the project before Monday
Don't wait on Merl Grove cause Merl Grove
full of disappointments and mi nuh waa hear
nuh excuse Monday
Anybody who come and gih mi excuse, mi
jus ago close mi eyes and- weh miss Collins
And mek she send unu through the door
~ Said by, Mrs. Williams Bennett.