ELLIER ULTRASONIG PHASED ARRAY TOFD % HELLIER TOFD Hellier NDT NDTf¡aining and Certiication a Rockwood Company % HELLIER INTRODUCTION 2 NDTTrairing and Cen¡6cátion a Rockwood Company Terminology of TOFD . HELLIER D-scan: Scan that shows the data collected when scanning the probe pair normal to the direction of the beam along a weld or flaw. B-scan: Scan that shows data collected when scanning the probe pair in the direction of the beam transversely across the weld or flaw Lateral Wave: Wave that runs directly between two TOFD probes on a flat or convex surface. Back Wall Echo: Echo due to the wave reflected from the rear sudace. . . . r % and cerflfrc¿tion a Rockwood company LNDTTT¿inin9 History of TOFD . . . . 4 % HELLIER The Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic lesting method is relati"vely new and vüas firsi developed qt Harwell laboratory-in the late 1977's by Maurice Silk (1). ln the 1980's digital systems were available but not very portable. limiting TOFD in the field. lnitiallv TOFD was onlv developed and used as a sizing tool. it was expected ihat the flaws would be detected by the conventional techniques and then TOFD used for more accurate sizing. TOFD was invented in the UK in the 1970s initially as a research tool.l3l The use of TOFD enabled crack sizes to be measured more accurately, so that expensive components could be kept in operation as long as posdible with minimal risk of failure. NDTTmining and Ce¡tifi.¿tion a Rockwood company % HELLIER . Responsibilities 5 NDTTTa¡ning and Certifr.¿tion PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION of Level of Certification ¿ Rockwood Company w HELLIER . SNT-TC-14 . CP IB9 . NAS 410 . lso 9712 . ACCP . CGSB . CSWIP AWS-NDE NDTTráinins ¿nd certifcatlon I 6 a Bo.kwood Company NDT Personnel Qualification and Certification w HELLIER . Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A: a set of guidelines to assist the employer in developing uniform procedures for the qualification and certification of NDT personnelto satisfy the employer's specific requirements. (Published by ASNT) NDrrlainiñs and celtifcation 7 a Rockwood Company I NDT Personnel Qualification and Certification ' w HELLIER Certification Standards: - - Certification Standard CP-'l 89: minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. (Published by ASNT) NAS-410: minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. (Published by Aerospace lndustries Association of America) 8 NDTTraining and Certi6calion a Rockwood Compañy % NDT Personnel Qualifi cation and Certification HELLIER . Written Practice: Employer's procedure for the control and administration of NDT training, examinat¡on, and certification of personnel responsible for conducting nondestructive tests. NDllrainins and certifrc¿tion 9 a Rockwood Company ] % NDT Personnel Qualification and Certifi cation . HELLIER Qualification: - Levels of Qualification: Levels l, ll and lll - Qualification Requirements: Education, Training, Experience & Examinations . verified by demonstrated knowledge and skill, documented training, and documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties of a specific job. l0 ] NDrrrainins and Cert¡ñ<ation a Rockwood company % HELLIER NDT Personnel Qualification and Certification Emolover Certification . Certification: a written testimony of qualification. . Certifying Agency: the employer of the . I personnel being certified. Certifying Authority: the person or persons properly designated in the written practice to sign certifications on behalf of the employer. ll NDTrrainins and certifrcatloñ a Rockwood company NDT Personnel Qualification and Certification % HELLIER -ECIplsyerce4if!§at'en . Outside Agency: a company or individual who provides NDT Level Ill services and whose qualifications to provide these services have been reviewed by the employer engaging the company or individual. 12 ] NDTrrái¡ins and certifrcation a Rockwood Company % NDT Personnel Qualification and Certification - Central Certification . ' . HELLIER Certification: a written testimony of qualification. Certifying Agency: An independent organization that has no vested interest in whether the candidate passes. Certlfving Authority: The organization designated as the Certifying Agency. 1l a Rockwood Company NDTTraining añd certifi.ation I % PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION HELLIER . SNT-TC-1A--] . NAS410 ! a . CP 189 . ISO 9712 . ACCP Employer Certification r l .! a . CGSB . CSWIP AWS-NDE Central Certification 14 NDTTraining and certifi.¿tion ] a Rockwood Company LEVEL . . I Z HELLIER Should be qualified to properly perform specific calibrations, specific NDT, and specific evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations accord ing to written instructions and to record results. Should receive the necessary instruction or supervision from a certified NDT Level ll or lll individual. 15 NDTTrai.ing and Certif cation LEVEL II á Ro(kwood Company % HELLIER Should be oualified to set up and calibrate eouioment ánd to interoret ánd evaluate rebults with resoect to applicable codes, standards, and'specificátions Should be thorouqhlv familiar with the scope and limitationé of the method Should exercise assiqned responsibilitv for on-the-iob traininq an'il quidarice of traineeé and Levél I peréonnel Organize and report results of NDT 16 NDTrráinin9 and certin.ation L a Rockwood Company LEVEL . . III % HELLIER Should be capable of developing, qualifying, and approving procedures; establishing and approving techniques for inspection; interpreting codes, standards, specifications and procedures; and designating the particular NDT methods, techniques and procedures to be used. Should be responsible for NDT operations for which qualified and assigned and be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standards and specifications. 11 NDTTráinin9 and Certiácation LEVEL . . . II¡ a Rockwood Company % HELLIER Should have sufficient practical background in materials, fabrication and product technology to establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria when none is otherwise available. Should have general familiarity with other appropriate NDT methods Be capable of training and examining Level I and ll personnel for certification 18 NDrrraiñin9 and certilcatlon L a Rockwood Company FORMAL TRAINING V HELLIER - Requirement varies with the level . Level I UT - J0 hours . Level II UT - 40 hours .TOFD - 40 hours 19 NOTTraining ¿nd Certificat on GRADING CRITERIA Score of 70 required on closed-book final exam a Rockwood Company Z HELLIER IIELLIER SOUTH CENTRA.L 20 NDTTrainins and cert¡ñcarion I a Rockwood company TRAINING CERTIFICATE % HELLIER w :<42*I 4e:- W4HEI-T-TER NDT 2l a Rockwood Company rrainine ¿nd cert,ñcation L EXPERIENCE w HELTIER . Level I UT - 210 hours . Level II UT - 630 hours . Total : 840 hours ofwork experience in ultrasonic testing 22 NDTrraining and Certincatioñ á Ro.kwood company PERSONNET QUALTF\CAT\ON m Summary of Requirements per SNT-TC1A for ULTRASONIC TESTING LEVEL TRAINING I Il To hours 40 hours 40 210 hours io 630 hours 1áC I'."" r,; Fl-, NDrr,aintns and ] EXPERIENCE i..o., r: certifcation a aocmooa comisany c E RT t F t CAT t O N EXA M t N ATTONS . GENERAL (written) . SPECIFIC (written) w« . PRACTICAL (hands-on, performance) . VISION (near vision acuity & color contrast) NDTTraining and Cer!ifi .ation 24 a Rockwood Company CERTIFICATION LEVELS I & II . % HELLIER Passing composite grade of 80 %, with minimum of 70% . Valid for a maximum period of three or five years. - period depends upon employer's written practice ] NDrrrain¡ns ¿nd certirc¿tion a coctwoo¿ comi5any % HELLIER . Basic Principles of TOFD ,6 NDTTTa¡nins and cedification I a Rockwood Company w Review of ultrasonic wave theory, refracted lonqitudinal waves HELLIER . Refracted longitudinalwaves are used because they provide the strongest signal and the quickest velocity compared to shear WAVES. . LW in Carbon Steel: .2320 ps . SW in Carbon Steel: 0.1280 ps ,7 NDrrrainins añd certi6catlon | SOUND a Rockwood company Z HELLIER . Sound -the passage of mechanical energy through a medium (i.e., vibrations in motion) 28 NDTfraining and Cert¡ication a Rockwood company % SOUND HELLIER . Ability to propagate depends upon: -material composition -sonic wavelength, which depends on . velocity . frequency 29 NDTTrainlns and certifcatio¡ a Rockwood Company I DISTANCE EVALUATION . Time/Distance - - % HELLIER Relationships sound travels at different speeds in different materials but speed of sound is consfanf in a given homogeneous (uniform) material therefore we can measure distance by measuring sound travel time NDTTraiñlng añd Certi6.¡tion 30 a Rockwood Company Wavelength and lts Elements: Velocity V HELLIER . Velocity depends on: -material properties: . density (p) and Elasticity -wave mode: . Longitudinal . Shear . Surface - material temperature I NDTTrai¡in9 añd certincation 31 ¿ Rockwood Company w . Wavelength ()") is defined AS: - the distance from one point on a wave tra¡n to the next identical point the distance sound travels within the duration of one complete cycle 32 NDrrraini¡9 ¿nd cen$catlon I á Rockwood Company w HELLIER . Wavelength ()") is defined AS: - 33 ]NDTTrainins the distance from one point on a wave tra¡n to the next ¡dentical point the dlstance sound travels within the duration of one complete cycle ¿nd cert¡fication The Sound Beam a Rockwood Company Z HELLIER The sound beam consists of a near field (Fresnel zone) and a far field (Fraunhofer zone) - The end of the near field (and the beginning of the far field) is called the Yo Point. NDTTraining ¿nd Certi6catlon 34 a Ro.kwood company % The Sound Beam HELLIER The varying phase relationships in the near field cause varying wave amplitudes - therefore, it is difficult to estimate reflector size in the near field 35 a Rockwood Company Z The Sound Beam HELLIER . The far field provides a predictable and correctable decrease in sound pressure as distance from the transducer increases - therefore, reflector size can be estimated in the far field 36 NDTTraining a a Rockwood Compañy % The Sound Beam . :7 Point sources: Sound originates on the crystal surface as a number of individual point sources radiating spherical waves INDTTTáinin9 and certifcation The Sound Beam As the waves progress outward from the transducer, they interfere with each other 3B NDTTraining and Certlficatlon HELLIER I a Rockwood Company Z HELL¡ER The Sound Beam % HELLIER At the yo point, waves combine into a single spherical wave front Huygens Principle: a given waveform can be constructed from a number of individual elementary waves r9 NDTT¡aining a.d Cert¡fc¿!io¡ The Sound Beam a Rockwood Compa.y % HELLIER Inténsi Exponential Decay I NDIlrainlns and certlncat¡on 40 a Rockwood Company w The Sound Beam HELLIER . The length of the near field can be calculated from the following formula: D'r.f ¡r4xV Where: (mm) D : Crystal Diameter (mm) N:NearField Le¡gth f: Frcquency (MHz) V: Veloci§ (Km/sec) 41 NDT Tr¿inin9 and Certif cation a Rockwood Company w Sound Beam HELLIER 1/- D'" f 4xV ínck¡re< * o¡?t)'¡! ' 's 4.3qlr.(l ¡.5tJmm - 4,0.240in I ps NDTTraininq ¿nd Celtllicat¡o¡ t t 42 a Rockwood Company % The Sound Beam HELLIER . Beam Divergence can be calculated from the following formula: '2, r\ '' zo- s¡, lt la'7 I Wlrere: A¡gle D: Crysial Diameter (mm) y = Beam DiverSerce f= v Frequency (MHz) = Velocity 0i¡/sec) 43 ] a Rockwood Company NDTTraini¡s and ceriilcation % The Sound Beam 0=Si a = .i* HELLIER ,'l t.2 2_xtV ^ X D ,f -'[ 1 .22 x 0. 2-.3 0.75 x 7 .5 )= "" 44 NDTTraining and Celtlncatioñ a Sockwood company % Reflection Principles . HELLIER Sound reflects when it strikes an acoustic interface NDTTraining añd Certif cation 45 a 8o(kwood Company w Reflection Principles HELLIER . An acoustic interface is the boundary between two materials of different acoustic impedance 46 á Rockwood Company Reflection Principles . Z HELLIER Sound will be reflected at the interface and transmitted across the interface Reflected Transmitted ] NDTIr¿ini.g ¿nd certifcation Reflection Principles 47 a Rockwood Company % HELLIER Reflection - Echo - Acoustic Interface - Acoustic lmpedance - Reflection Factor - Factors Affecting Reflection NDT I Trainins and certifcation 48 a Rockwood Company % Reflection Principles A. Echo is reflected from B. HELLIER AN ACOUSTIC ¡NTERFACE Acoust¡c inteiace wh¡ch is a boundary of two med¡a C. Acoustic impedance ri ¿ ftrr{t¿,r ú rh¿ ilrBsii0¡ ¿ h}.dprit ül&ro jú 1.) b$n,a r¡nmirs is the opposition of the passage of sound rE*! (V=ZD ) D. Reflect¡on factars is a percent of the energy be¡ng reflected away,transmifted reflectivity is affected by Size - ' . . . shape orientation material NDT Traininq and 49 a Rockwood Company ced¡f cation % Reflection Principles HELLIER Formula for calculating reflected energy (RE): %RE ,1oo -('.-',1 z, \2,+ ) where: Z, : impedance of material through which sound is traveling Z, : impedance of material sound strikes at the interface Note: Due to the Law of Conservation ofEnergy, Transmitted Energy : 100% - Reflected Energy NDTfraining and Cerliá.ation i0 a Ro.kwood company % Reflection Principles o/"RE _ l7 7 .l \ =l't '2 | >,100 \2,+2,) %RE i HELLIER -i 0.00047 6 .4 5 0.00047 ; 6 .4 5 )-" NDr16inins and certifr<ation "^ ts 5l Rolkwood Company % HELLIER Ultrasonic lnstrument Functions . Narrow band display improves test sensitiv¡ty . provides an 1Ms06i) improved signal to noise ratio 52 NDrrr¿inins and certification J a Rockwood Company % HELLIER Ultrasonic lnstrument Functions . Broad band display provides high resolution - enhances separat¡on of reflectors : E 0 ,rr"l 1,, irii ,..,, i .,: 24§3 a Rockwood Company 53 NDITráinin9 and certifr(¿tio. I % HELLIER Ultrasonic I nstrument Functions Randwidth Narrow Broad Damping Ringing Sensitivity Resolution Low High Long High Low Short Low High ] I i4 ] NDrrrainlns añd certin.at¡on a Bockwood Company % HELLIER Angle Beam Theory 55 NDTTTa¡nins and ce¡tifcation a Ro.kwood ComPanY I Whal h-¿ppsns when th-e- incident sound wave strikes w IELIIl an acoustic interface at an angle other than 90o? Reflection Transmission Refraction Mode Conversion 56 NDT I fraininq and certiiicat,oñ a Rockwood CompañY ANGLE BEAM THEORY Z HELLIER Three things occur when the longitudinal sound beam is incidence upon the interface of the test material at an angle other than 0" (normal incidence). tr tr tr i NDTTrajn n9 and Certiñcation Reflection Reflection; Refraction; Mode conversion; 51 a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . Angle of Reflection = Angle of lncidence NDT Training and Certi6catioñ 58 á Rock!,,/ood Company lncidence wave other than normal (at riqht anqle) to sufface. % HEltrER 59 NDTTraiñins ¡nd certifcario. a Ro.kwood Company I V lncidence wave (not at 90o) HELLIER Shear Mode Conversion NDT I Tra¡nins and certiication 60 a Rockwood Company % lncident Wave (not at 90o) HELLIER Tncident wave Interface Transmitted wave The sound is reftacted due to differences in sound velocity in lhe 2 materials. 61 NDT a Ro.kwood Compañy Training and certifi cation w Refract¡on . HELLIER Change in angular direction of a wave as it passes (at an incident angle other than zero) through an interface between two materials of different acoustic velocities. . The greater the difference in velocities, the greater the refracted angle. 62 NDTTraini¡9 and certircation | a Rockwood Company w MODE CONVERSION HELLIER Tncident wave Tnterface Ref¡acted Long. Wave Mode Converted Shear Wave Some ofthe sound energy is converted to a shear wave. ] NDT Traininq and 63 a Rockwood Coñpany certircatio¡ % HELLIER EIF:FrEC T IVE ANGLES IN STEEL V{S). W EtDGIE ANGLES IN PLASTIC \1 h :! {l- I e"i .t .", 64 N DT Tr¿ining ¿nd Certi a Rockwood company % Snell's Law HELLIER Maferiql l Plexglass Material 2 Steel1020 NDT 65 TÉinlng añd Celtifcaiion a Rockwood Company Z Snell's Law HELLIER Plexiglass 46.7 NDf Training and Cert¡i.átion 66 a Ro.kwood Company % Snell's Law HELLIER Plexglass 67 NDI T'ain n9 ¿nd Cerrifcátion Snell's Law NDTTraining and Cert¡f catio¡ a Rockwood company w HELLIER 68 a Rockwood company zz Snell's Law HELLIER 69 NDr T,aln,¡s ¿nd certi6c¿ton a Rockwood Company I 1st CriticalAngle % HELLIER Longitudinal wave refracted at 90 degrees '10 NDTfraining and Cert¡ication a Rockwood company % Snell's Law HELLIER '71 NDrrrainins and certifcátjon a Rockwood Company I % Snell's Law HELLIER Plexglass 72 NDTTr¿ining añd Ce(i6cation a Rockwood Company % Snell's Law HELLIER Plexglass NDTTraining ¿ñd Certifr 73 .¿tio. a Rockwood Company w HELLIER 2nd CriticalAnqle S (Surface Wate) Shear wave refracted at 90 degrees. Suface wave develops. 74 NDTTraiñlnq and Certiñcation á Rockwood Company STIMMARYM When incident angle is behueen normal inc¡dence and the 1st Critical Angle Both longitudinal and shear waves will exist in the test píece. NDrrraining ¿ñd certifcation 75 a Rockwood Company L SUMMARYM At the l"t Critical Angle L. Wave is refracted at 90o. Beyond 1't Critical Angle only a shear u ave u ill exist ln test specimen. NDrrrainins and certlncation I 16 a Rockwood Company SUMMARY w HELLIER Beyond the I "r Critical Angle: L . Wave is reflected at fhe i¡terface. s S. Wave only exists in the specimen. NOT Training and certifcation 77 a Rockwood Company SUMMARYM At the 2nd Critical Angle: S. Wave is refracted at 90o. Rayleigh Wave begins to develop. 78 NDTTrainins and certifrcaiion I a Rockwood company Z Skip Distance HELLIER The distance along the surface from the Beam Index Point to the point where the sound retuffrs to the surface after reflecting off the bottom surface. Skip Distance 79 NDrrrainine and certifcatio¡ a Rockwood Coñpany L % Skip Distance HELLIER SKD:2TXTanO What is the skip distance Skip Distance NDTfráinin9 and Cenificat o¡ ifT : 2.5 inches and P = 45"? SKD:5X 1- 5 inches 80 a Rockwood Company lntroduction to TOFD Concepts and Theory w HELLIER Diffraction Process: When an ultrasonic wave interacts with a long crack-like flaw it results in the production of diffracted waves from crack tips, in addition to any ultrasonic waves reflected from the surface of the crack. The diffracted waves are much weaker than reflected waves used for conventional ultrasonic inspection, but they radiate from the tips in all directions along the same plane as the incident ultrasonic waves. & NOTTTa¡nln9 aod Certif.ation Huygen's Principle a Bockwood company % HELLIER . Each point on a wave front may be regarded as a new source of waves. Hence, each point on the surface (on a scale smaller than the wavelength) acts as a reflection point and produces waves. Then as the separate wave cross each other interference takes place and as explained by Young in 1802 for light "the resultant displacement is the sum of the displacements dues to each separate wave" and in this case the result is a reflected plane wave. However, at the edge of the surface the waves from the tip are Ieft and produce so called diffraction waves M NDTTraini¡g and Certiñ€ation a Rockwood company % Tip Diffraction HELLIER . The phenomenon of tip diffraction is just another technique in ultrasonics. The use of tip diffraction signals has long been used in pulse-echo sizing estimations since it often enhances the signalwhen the probe is opposite the end of the defect and used in this was it is sometimes called the maximum amplitude technique or backward scatter tip diffraction. ú I NDTrrainins a.d certiñ(ation a Rockwood Company Z Technique Limitations HELLIER . Need access to both sides of the weld . Near surface indications could be hidden . Root area indications could be missed . AII the TOFD inspection data has to be visually analyzed in order to select the reportable defects. & NDTTraining and Cefification a Rockwood Company % Technique Limitations . . . e HELLIER TOFD is no more accurate in estimating flaw length than standard pulse-echo techniques, although by using various softvvare algorithms(SAFT) the accuracy can be improved Since a considerable operator effort is involved in the analysis of the TOFD data experience and training are essential. TOFD is that these diffracted defects signal responses are exaggerated in length on the on-line display as a consequence of being scanned across by the wide beam envelope. Consequently even an isblated gas pore will appear initially as a linear response on the created image. . NDI Training and Certif.ation Technique Limitations a Rockwood Compañy w HELLIER . Temperature Limitations: TOFD is not significantly different to other contact - inspection methods when it comes to its usability on - - s6 | components at elevated temperature. the effectiveness of a suitable couplant medium often being the limiting factor. By using high temperature tolerant probe construction materials, water cooling techniques and high temperature grease for coupling, it is possible to apply TOFD at temperatures up to 200" and, where 'local' cooling is permitted, at operating temperatures in the region of 350' C. NDrrrainins and certification a Rockwood Company Technique Limitations w HELLIER Materials As with all other non-invasive techniques where the measurement of transmitted signals is used to determine condition, TOFD is susceptible to the effects of energy dissipation through diffusion, absorption, attenuation, and because very small changes in signal response provide the basis of detection, the technique is arguably Iess suited to use on very coarse grain material than its counterpafts. e NDrrraiñrns and certificátion a Rockwood company J Technique Limitations . Z HELLIER Continuous Condition Monitoring: . Where known defects exlst, and are consldered to be safety and reliability critical, they can be regularly or even continuously monitored using strategically positioned TOFD transducers coupled to a remote instrument capable of monitoring change characteristics of the signal waveform signature. Output immediate hard copy evidence or alarm signal.. B NDTTraining and Certi6cation a Rockwood Company Technique Limitations Z HELLIER . Safety - e Clearly the technique is safer than any form of industrial radiography and more environmenially acceptable. ln terms of overall safety it could be argued and demonstrated that the improved defect reporting accuracy and reliability of TOFD is a very powerful tool in the risk assessment equation and that, as such, it is in itself an important safety device. NDT Iráining and Certilcatlon a Rockwood company % HELLIER Equipment ,o NDrrra¡ninS and certincation ] a Rockwood Company Computer Based Systems $ NDTTraining and ce¡tiÍcation I HELLIER a Rockwood Compañy TD Focus . HELLIER The TD Focus-Scan is our flagship multi-function ultrasonic inspeciion system. Desioned and manufactured bV lechnoloqv Desrgn to the niost exact¡no international standards, thé system is designed to seamlessly performl I\Iulti-channel Phased Array Time-of-Fliohi Diffraction {ToFD) Pu se Echo Corroslon I\,4apping ASI\,'lE compliant Girth/Seam wel.l exanriñat ons in everv- area of engineering endeavor e NDTTraining ¿nd Ceñificat¡on o ^uL¡wvuu !wmPáñy Omniscan . . . . . . . . HELLIER fhe new Omniscan Mx2 UT2 module from OlvmDUs reoresents a Dowedul. vet áffór.l¿Éle'solLrh.in for TOFó insoectioh Several hardware and sofiware improvements makeweld inspection usinq the TOFD iechniouefaster añd easier. Leadino class siohal-to-no se ratro provrdei opt muñ data qua üy for ToFD nspeclton. lmprovements TOFD \Mzard PCS calibration C sper B-scan MUIIFTOFD layoLts Laterál Wave straightening Higher PRF on TOFD groups Hrgher voltage (up to 340 \4 e ir¡inates the need for preamplilers NDTTraining and e3 V ceriiñ.atio¡ a Rockwood Compa¡y ] Sonatest - Veo . ea I w HELLIER Integrated Help and Wizards guide the user through scan set up whilst Optimisation Tips ensure the Veo always performs at the highest level. Fast and efficient wizards for sound velocity, wedge delay, TCG, DAC, TOFD setup and Encoder calibration are all provided as standard NDTrraiñinq and certificát on a Rockwood Company Zetec - Topaz Z HELLIER The 700 MB data file size capability allows efficieni inspections on ¡arge comoonents. Create as manv inspáction groups as needed with up to 512 focal laws. Ultravision TouchrM embedded The embedded advanced foca¡ law calcu¡ator with visual feedback allows easy setup preparat¡on. On-board volumetric merge and measurement tools enable oowerful data analvsis and inspection report g'eneration. q5 LNDTTrainlng and certircation Processors . a Rockwood Company % HELLIER The basic storage location of a computer is one bit which can be inbne of two states and can be used to represent numbers 0 or 1 . ln ultrasonic systems a collection of 8 bits(one byte) has frequently been used to represent the amplitude of one sample, however, §ome are now using '10 or 12 bits to represent the amplitude. . I Bit of data = 6dB of Dynamic Range . 8 Bit Data = 42dB of Dynamic Range (0-100%) . 10 Bit Data = 54db of Dynamic Range (0-200%) . 12Bit Data = 66dB of Dynamic Range (0-400%) . '16 Bit Data = 90dB of Dynamic Range (0-800%) s6 NDTTrálnlng ¿nd Ce¡ti6c¿tion a Rockwood company V Digitization HELLIER The conversion of the analog A-scan into a string of numbers is known as digitization and consists of sampling the analog wave form at regular sampling intervals. The amplitude of each stored sample along with the position and phase information is passed to the computer for storage. Therefore the information is stored in the computer is a string of numbers representing the A-scan which can be recalled to reconstruct the A-scan for an A-scan display or by stacking together consecutive A-scan and B-scan can be reconstructed. s7 NDfTraining añd Certifr.ation a Rockwood Company % Control panel including input and output sockets HELLIER . P'l is used for Transmitting . R1 is used for Receiving ,s NDrrraini¡S and cert¡n.¿tion I ¿ Rockwood Company Block diagram showing basic internal circuit mod ules s NDTTraining and Certifrc¿tion Portable battery operated versus full computer-based systems Z HELLIER a Rockwood Compañy % HELLIER Computer Based Systems roo NDTTraining and cértif.¿tion a Rockwood company % Beam Profile Tools HELLIER . Eclipse Scientific - ES Beamtool: a Rockwood Company 1ol i NDTTTa¡n¡ns and certificalion ¡ Probe Center Separation(PCS) calculators for FIat material/components PCS = 4l3T X Tan (0) PCS at a specific deptf = 2T X Tan(0) . iD T0FDPoFl V HELLIER i0FD Pllbe l O = angle NDTTraining and Ce¡t¡ncation a Rockwood Compañy Probe Center Separation(PCS) calculators curve roi surfaces NDTTr¿inrng and certifc¿t on for % HELLTER a Rockwood Company Z Beam Spread Effects and Control HELLIER FA FV Sin O =; Of Sln O =DF A- Wavelength of sound in medium D = Crystal Diameter F = Factor depending on the choice of cut-off factorat the beam edge, eg. 6dB F= 0.51 and for 20dB = 1.08 loa NDTTraining and certifrc¿tioñ a Bockwood Company % Beam Spread HELLIER . To calculate the beam spread in the metal: 1. 2. 3. 4. i05 N DT For the chosen beam center angle in the metal calculate the angle in the probe shoe, theta shoe Calculate the beam spread, X degrees, in the shoe Work out the range of angles in the shoe, 0"¿,, + y and O"nor- y Use snells law to work out the corresponding beam edge angles in the metal for the two angles 0shoe * y and Qr¡r"- y in the shoe. Training añd Certilcation a Rockwaod Company Z Beam Spread HELLIER . Beam spreads for 60 degrees: ¡."rt!", L.--: Frequency, Mhz f. t"ot iZoil¡ Beam Spread for center angle of 60 degrees in steel D=6mm D = 10mm d = 1smm 3 402-94 473-440 51 5 47 .3 10 3.2 r06 Nur llarnrn9 áño Lefrncanon - 1-72.2 A4 51.9 - 70.6 54.5 - 66.5 68.5 55.8 - 64.8 57.1 - 63.1 - a Rockwood Company % Beam Spread HELTIER . Effective volume of coverage for 45 and 60 . degree probes 40mm thiCkneSS 2r.a"t.-, . i tt.!:.. Beam Spread, degrees in steel ,ú NDrrr¿iniie Angles, Degrees D=6mm D = lomm D = 15mm 45 340-57 38.8 51.8 408-499 60 47.3-84 51.9 - 70.6 54.5 - 66.5 70 54.0 59.6 90 62 6 - 82.1 - 90 and certi6calion | Multiple Zone Coverage and Limitations - a Ro.kwood Company % HELLIER . On materials with thick walls, one pair of TOFD probes will not be sufficient to cover the entire materialthickness. ln this instance two or more pairs of transducers are used to inspect the entire volume. ros NDrrraining and certification ] a Rockwood Company Multiple Zone Coverage and Limitations roq NDTTr¿inrn9 and Certifc¿tlon % HELLIER a Rockwood Company % Probes HELLIER Accuscan "S" - The Accuscan S series is intended to provide excellent sensitivity where axial resolution is not of primary importance. Typically a longer wave duration and relatively narrow frequency bandwidth Centrascan "C" - Provide excellent sensitivity with a high signalto-noise ratio in difficult-to-penetrate materials. Videoscan "V" - Untuned transducers that provide heavily dampened broadband performance. Best for applications where good axial or distance resolution is necessary or in tests that require improved signalto-noise in attenuating or scattering materials. 1ro NDTTrainlng and Cefi6.ation a Rockwood Company Composite Materials % HELLIER . Barium titanate BaTiO3 - Better Transmitter . Lithium Sulfate - Better Sensitivity . Quartz - Not very sensitive 111 NDTTÉining and Certiication Dampening Characteristics a Rockwood Compa¡y V HELLIER . The backing is usually a highly attenuated, high density material that is used to control the vibration of the transducer. 112 NDTTraining and Certificat on a Rockwood Company % Selection of FrequencY and Diameter , HELLIER a Rockwood CoñPanY NDITr¿inlng ¿nd Certlfc¿t¡on Wedges fl :ir-41! s-i1451-ltic srt-4il'iHc 4' sl1-60i sT2.i0L q0 sfi.ó01-lHc s12-5GL-tHa 60 §f1-l0L s12,41 70 sti7oL'iaa sr?-?oi- Jc '10 ira NDrTraining and certincatio¡ 1 ¿ Rockwood ComPanY % Scanners NDTTráinln9 and Cenincation HELLIER a Rockwood Company w Mechanized HELLIER Use of automatic TOFD inspection has a great advantage where require higher POD, greater accuracy, more méasurements, faster procedures and elimination of human involvement Automatic TOFD may offer a solution by taking multiple readings and averaging results: errors are reduced and may even be eliminated. Also automated TOFD is a fasier procedure where measurements entail complicated settincj up, triggering, result interrogation and evaluation proceáules m-áual-measurement éystems are inevitably slow. Automated system, on the other hand can perform better scan in the same surfaces due to their constant speed and constant force contact. i,6 NDTTr¿inins and certifc¿t on I ¿ Rockwood Company % Semi-Automated HELLIER Uses probes fixed to a scanner with wheels but controlled manually Flex Scanner Chain Scanner Compact Scanner r17 NDTTraining and ceñilcatlon a Rockwood Company Semi-Automated: Compact Scanner . Z HELLIER Smalland versatile manual one-axis encoded scanner. It can be used with up to four probes on plates and for circumferential scans on pipe as small as 4 in. schedule(4.5in. OD) - iis NDT I Traiñins ¿nd certircation a Rockwood Compary Semi-Automated: Flex Scanner . Z HELLIER The HSMT-Flex is intended for manual one axis encoded inspection of circumference welds on pipes of 4.5 in. OD and greater. The scanner can be fitted with up to 8 probes using optional probe holders, thanks to its capacity to bend in the center. iie I NDTTraininq and certincatlon a Rockwood Compañy I Semi-Automated: Chain Scanner Z HELLIER The CHAINTM scanner is the optimum, manual pipe-inspection solution for a pipe range with outside diameter of 45 mm to 965 mm (1.75 in. to 38 in.) and the possibility of two encoded axes. The scanner, which is held by chain Iinks instead of magnetic wheeis, js able to inspect ferromaqnetic or non-feffor¡aqnetic surfaces. Main applications are: C¡rcumferential-pipe weld inspections with phased a..ay, TOFD, or conventional UT Corros¡on mapping of small areas with Dhased arrav or conveni¡onal UT (üsing XY; 2 éncoder models) 1,o NDrrráinin9 and ceftifr€ation I a Rockwood Company Automated - Weld Rover . r2r % HELLIER The WeIdROVER is a simple, industrialstrength, one-axis encoded motorized scanner that provides fully automated data acquisition. lt makes efficient phased array weld inspections on ferromagnetic piping or vessel using up to 6 probes. UT, TOFD, PA. NDTfra¡ninq and certiication Automated - Pipe Wizard a Rockwood Company % HELLIER The PipeWIZARD is an automated girth weld inspection system using phased array and conventional UT techniques (AUT). Specially designed for in-site weldlo-weld inspection in extreme environments, onshore and off-shore. r,, I NDTTraini¡s ¿nd certifrcation ¿ Rockwood Company % Manual HELLIER Manual test may introduce many errors, because measurements are taken once, at a s¡ngle t¡me. Human involvement means these orocesses must be undertaken at human speed; Using Manual system it is very diffcult to ma¡ntain the constant speed and the constani force aoniacl where the surfaces are not smóoth. Due to variable speed and non-constant force cbntact, in many cases, usinq Manual system ¡t is impossible to scan non-smooth surfaces properly. r-i NDT-Ir¿iniñ9 and certiñc¿tion a Fockwood company w HELLIER Testing Techniques 1r.a I NDTTráinln9 and certiñcation a Rockwood Company Line Scans(single tandem probe setups) . rb certlfcation Line Scans(multiple probe setups) r26 HELLIER One probe is setup on one side of the weld, the other is setup on the other side of the weld using a pitch catch technique through the weld using angle beam longitudinal wedges. I NDTTraininq and j % NDT Tralning and Certrficaiion á Rockwood Company % HELLIER Z Raster Scans HELLIER . Raster Scans are done by indexing the probe along each pass. z NDTTraining ánd cedifi.¿tion a Rockwood Company % HELLIER Calibrations r2a NDTTrainlng and Certi6catioñ a Rockwood Company % Material Velocity Calculations HELLIER _ zls"+d") -zs .V=-\";;"1: ILb_LL) . Tt* =?7 + 2to . Tb*='&* *rro a Rockwood Company 12s NDTfraining and Certiñcatioñ Combined probe delay(s) calculations . HELLIER r¡.following formúlae are used to calcu,ate the IOFD beams: . Wedged Delay- ¡0, irf . . w p)! i¿ - ,.-" 'r ,., LW = time taken for lateral wave to iravel from probe to probe (Us) s - oist¿nce of probe to welo cenle- li_e c = material velocity (mm/ps) io = wedge delay (ps) D = materia thlckness TbñE Ime at backwall NDTTr¿inin9 and Certi6.átion a Rockwood Company Combined probe delay(s) calcu Iations % HELLIER BW = timetaken lor ihe sound to iravel from the probe to baclovall back to prcbe (gs) s = distence of probe lo weld ceniér line c = maie.ial velocity (mmlps) D = ñraterial f,iclsless {mm) t0 = wedge deiay (us) As wdl as ülese fundamental formulae, basic Snell's láw and bea§r spread calculations are used to caiculate and ploi the 6dB beam divergence from the beam center line. NDTTrainlng and certifr cation Velocity Calculation a Eockwood Company Z HELLIER . V= z(sz +az)s -zs {tn-t) i3, NDTfrainins I ¿nd certincatioñ a Rockwood Company Z Digitization rates and sampling HELLIER Digitizing Frequency: Usually set between 5 and 12 times the probe frequency. Determines the resolution on the AScan(number of samples vs. the range) The larger the number the better the A-scan resolution rr3 NDTTkini¡q ¿nd Cenific¿tion a Rockwood Company V Digitization rates HELLIER Digitiing f¡eqüerey: F,xar4le: 25 MHz _-I 1a NDTTraiñin9 and certifr(ation 5 MI{z probe) 50 MHz r¿¿J.pr.. 100 MHz zae stpres a Ro.kwood Company Digitizer Size * % Data Sampling HELLIER . The number selected indicates the resolution . of the amplitude digitization; this resolution influences the size of an elementary data sample, and therefore the size of the resulting data file; 8 bits: this option generates ultrasonic data with 255 different amplitude levels. NDI1É¡nlns and certifr.atio¡ 135 a Rockwood compa¡y I V SignalAveraging HELLIER Averaging: Defines the number of A-Scans recorded per acquisition step; the displayed A-Scan is an averaging of those signals Adjusting Averaging will affect scanning . speed The larger the number the better the image t __ u i36 | NDTTrálnins and ce¡tifrcation '-.-.--'-. -.- t u lÁ....o.d rsrsnar I _t a Rockwood Company Pulse width control % HELLIER The pulse width is impodant when using TOFD in that it helps to optimise the shape of the received signal. +\/oltage: Defines thte applied voltage( sa.ne for all charrnels) .* Pr.¡lse \rvidth: P*' : ( P r o b e FTe ¿auenc), { L4 d z) )=, r37 NDTTrai¡in9 and Certiication PCS and angle selection . a Rockwood company V HELLIER Focus 2/3 ¡nto the part PCS = 4/3 T x Tan (e) - . Focus at gpecif¡c depth - r3s 2TxTan(e) This formula is used to improve the image to evaluate an indication. NDTTráining and Certi6cation a Rockwood Compa¡y % Sensitivity . 13e I HELLIER Sensitivity is normally done on the base metal of the area being inspected NDrrr¿inin9 and Certincation a Ro(kwood Compañy Z Pre-amplifiers HELLIER . Diffracted signals in . general are low in amplitude requiring pre-amplifies to amplify them. Required to amplify diffracted signals r40 NDTfrainlng and Ce¡ti6cation 5682-lct01 a Rockwood Company Z Effects of curvature , I HELLIER As seen above the top of the material is not being inspected NDTrrá ¡rn9 ¿nd certLfcátioñ a Rockwood company Z HELLIER Data collection 1a, NDrrrainins and certincation I a Rockwood Company Single Probe Setups Z HELLIER Different single probe scanners are available. This setup has a probe on each side of the weld. 1a3 NDfT.aining and Certifcatlon Multiple Probe Setups r14 NDTTralnlng and certifrcation a Rockwood Compa¡y Z HELLIER a Roclwood company Non-encoded scans % HELLIER . Time-based data storage - - Data is not collected, through screen displays can be saved and reported. ln some manual units, it is possible to collect scans using time-based data collection; however, this data is inherently unreliable compared with encoded data since the measured defect length will depend on the operator's scanning speed, and lengths not calibrated For some circumstances 2D images can improve defect assessment and data storage. Some applications e.g. Hydrogen lnduced Cracking, a beam sweeping unit may be adequate. 145 NDTLaining añd Cerlilcation a Rockwood Coñpany Encoded Scans . . Line Scans % HELLIER - One line Scan - Parallel - Non-Parallel 1a6 LNDTTTai¡¡ns and ce¡tification a Rockwood Company Encoded Scans % HELLIER . Raster Scans r47 NDTTraining and Certitcation Probe offsets and indexing a Rockwood Compañy % HELLIER For 213 through the Material: u 4/3(T) X Tan 0 For a specific Depth: -PCS=2TXTan0 r4a NDT Traini¡g and Certifi.ation a Rockwood company w HELLIER Proced u res rae NDTTraini¡g and CeIt¡f!a!ion Specific Applications a Rockwood Coñpany % HELLIER Base material scans As with all other non-invasive techniques where the measurement of transmitted signals is used to determine condition, TOFD is susceptible to the effects of energy dissipation through diffusion, absorption and attenuation and, because very small changes in signal response provide the basis of detection, the technique is arguably less suited to use on very coarse grain material than its counterparts. r50 NDTTrainlng and aertinc¿tion a Ro.kwood Company Z HELLIER Weld Inspect ons NDrrraining and certitcation 15r ] a Bockwood Company Z Detection and evaluation of fabrication weldinq flaws HELLIER . Detection and evaluation of fabrication welding flaws 15, I NDrrrainlns añd cert¡frc¿tion a Rockwood compány % Weld lnspections - Cracks HELLIER TOFD is generally accepted as be¡ng part¡cularly sensit¡ve to 'tight' vertlcally orientated planar defects such as cracks and 30 degrees LOF, where the disposition of the discontinuity is off normal to the main beam axis. All d¡scontinuit¡es absorb and radiate the mechanical energy induced bv ultrason¡c excitation (vibration). Because TOFD emolovs á discreet transmitter and receiver, the maioritv of radiatéd (reflected) energy is ignored and only the ('diffrácted) signals emanating from the peripheries of defects are detected. This applies irrespective of size. type. orientation or position and, orovidino the defects fall within the effective beam envelope, the ivery lorñ amplitude) signals diffracted from iis edges will be capfured and displayed in correct relative position. i 1$ NDrÍainins and Cefif.atio¡ ] a Rockwood Company Z Weld lnspections Laminations HELLIER . Horizontal Planar Defects - Laminations . TOFD detects the presence of such defects as laminations and lack of inter-run fusion but is also capable of accurately depth posit¡on¡ng and area sizing them. rs4 NDTTraining and Certifcation a Rockwood Company Weld Inspections - Transverse Defect, %(^ . Because defects radiate diffracted signals in all directions and because the characteristic wide beam fans both horizontaland vertical planes, TOFD is equally sensitivity to most transverse defects - even when axial scanning is performed where the main beam axis lies in the same plane as the defect itself. r55 NDrTrainins and certifcation | Weld lnspections lnclusions a Roclwood company % HELLIER . !nclusions . lt is commonly believed that TOFD cannot resolve slag and porosity. This is not the case - but with particularly poor quality welding where the incidence of such defects is high. r56 NDrrraining añd | certilcatlon a Rockwood Company % Weld lnspections - Root Erosion and lncomplete Penetration HELLIER . Detection of volumetric loss such as weld root erosion and partial penetration weld d imensional verifications i' NDTTrainins aod celtifcat¡on I a Ro(kwood Compány % Weld Inspections Geometric Limitations HELLIER . Geometric Limitations . Transitions . lnsulation on the pipe or component i5s NDTrrainins and certincation I a Rockwood Company Weld lnspections Cladding Thickness . % HELLIER Cladding Thickness and integrity evaluations r5, NDrr¡aining and cerriñ<ation a Rockwood Company I Complex Geometries w HELLIER Transitions, nozzles, branch connections, tees, saddles, etc. Because of its nuclear origins, TOFD has been developed and proven for use in some very complex geometric conditions. These include flange to vesselwelds hemispherical components, nozzles (including the detection and sizing of radial cracks propagating from the'crotch' area) and other forms of set in and set on penetrations. rú NDrrr¿inl¡s I and certifcation a Rockwood Company Complex Geometries Transitions V HELLIER This type of configuration maybe difficult to inspect because the change in materialthickness. r6r NDfTra¡ning añd Certifcation Complex Geometries Nozzles 16, NDTTraining and Cert¡icatioñ a Rockwood Compañy Z HELLIER ¿ Ro.kwood Company Complex Geometries Branch connections - V HELLIER . Probes can be mounted on the branch connection. r$ NDTfraining ¿nd Cert¡frca!ion Complex Geometries Tees r6a NDTTrainino and Certifr.ation a Rockwood Compnny w HELLIER a Rockwood Comp¿ny Data Presentations % HELLIER . A-Scan . D-Scan Gray scale imaging and Bscans V HELLIER With TOFD data the succession of A-scans collected along a scan are displayed as a B- or D-scan. Bscan generally means a scan across a weld D-scan - a scan along the weld. Both have the same appearance and are made up of a succession of A-scans and for the following description ihe general term B-scan will be used. Because the TOFD diffraction signals are very weak the may not be easily seen on an individual A-scan but in the B-scan display they are generally easily recognizable since the eye is very efficient at picking out patterns in the data. r66 NDrrraining and cerlilication | a Ro.kwood Company w Data Presentations HELLIER róp lc€.án, vl.w 167 NDTTraining and Certillcation Data Evaluation a Rockwood Company V HELLIER Codes/StandardsiSpecifications: ASME Section V Article 4 -ASME Section Vlll -ASME Section Xl _ASME 2235 - _ASTM 513 - EN 583/6 BS 7706 NDrrr¿inin9 añd cerrific¿tion rba I a Rockwood Compány Codes (la.áte it :* tD,rn ri,lá á s 2q4ti€¡rL fd:ai.t:1 a D-*a) (,14tion pazxél aadaB s #É) s dd. rne Pr2rc of r¡- 1á 6: Ludcop-i prctE, i¡asducá, Éords {. =)-ial <.+,4 táre. talü:1r1r4q r1ei€rt S@. 1o def¡e fla* depris s65¡rgieñed@ icg (a !d ñ tar-I) ad ag¿iGr Ei¡e roFl) 6 eini'8{Guid.li'rs f.d tatrins euidé -e srE-ceste¿ - Sil.i.e <á?Elr;ñe]*(ñlr¡jÑ r6e NDTfraini¡g and Certiñcatlon a Rockwood Company Codes HELLIER 3Bidae srre:ád;¡e sbd p¡lls. ¡leEd @&e l,@eta 1-¡rcir€ di*§!:s g€@e&1.. ñ :<rid€tiG -gi\€: n{Ec .@ditiors, lrób¿ a¡d spátiál ,átetss.tdpúál '.$lriir4 *itia.¡§= eé dieilÉius ;tipulafes 2 fróts+, seecr:d. ieqrrác-i'*-itbi! 'a 2o'-lq Ptr=. :-id:h 6t to cced ? --'tls t qD-. ¿rle ir- oaa.cáass ó Eúe Eobe sp-:ng ad ácodéd ¡siúoaiog of tñtE Ed 2@c-1_ l'itri r€qE i !o ¿Érece ljc must tE t'ittliÁ IoGl.Ófdoó.cafese@ ;rEi¿¡ 4oté ir s.<i@ 7 sts of ,rcbes 5át1!e @-ea@ts roaided á. r\.-OT1Édár.ft, :@ideG pstc Iffi.tdn iieiti< aY¡dd1-, s.Gitil:B-, sca :etúio!- @srreeil. ad -heckis, RÉp{¿rrs d -{€eptar¡c€ 8pe 1r-- cú¡-áine 1Éi6 ed s rdjded \ain a Ed. dea qü* D 3é*ipE@ 4d á ¡- t,Ié ir Fi--€ clajl3€ oaaal: aereed <.§.m Éf.fñff. L.{}dane d Accettue 6r.e o b¿ zere6l t¡)d bY c6Eadi--s ,dtt6 B*ic i.forááta@ G ;rcdded d tle orpü¡*e rá¡sis áiñr-. flal{ eit@s Tl]I< --r,§*acáii]G óf bteár.iDg 1- Top SrrAc.']4: SE&ce tre].iág 2- Botre i- tr-act=aEcd r70 NDfTraining añd certifr.ation a Rockwood Company Codes \ spcciá] s<aio4 §<tilE a is d¿¿tcd o á gss¿¡ ?.t cipl6 it a a ó€bild ,.s€rptl@ ñ. ae]ld€ <it-g is rña_iden in sdi.E I 3G1I* oafiñ de;nl á.d .§edi re @a*d ia.hé sde sdi@ ei :s€ti@ al I rliÉ iddlr.di@ ia fb. t@ E*iÉi6 211 sizirg d¿ rtoaid§ :qEtiG fd dep.h e¡Eis 'siñ¡- to .}1e fdr¿d * 857706 ro *r. i.ctt@ 4, 6'dpt* ü: _egúds =§ to lecrie 1t .onc ltie q-y l-tte ¡at a(órnd €e iÉ.@cis a¡ arr. hr<ed ia ÁId§ B i¡regi:* l'1oc1s be l'Ie s--é ñ¡t-13ts Ed r&i.lñ6s ol1É€ t6t tIee slreg.* trat trr¡lñr \:-et üB d Side Dlilted trgets aaols a4. 1ré rsrd e ¿i*dú rtrc !_áiabl€ i-tia 10 diss§ .@s i¿ ú- alffi<¡- óf =Ei¡g E1ái- <;ng 2-d llúia :ártia § a¡so @de to td -ffñr< tr:.ÑlEed'Éó!úi@ Anúrs ToED --ith-rn D¿ta :e@r¿ing i¡ .stai! si&i)le r€túi.g to c@f@ to 5¡ ia3 1 s @lieb¡e 3!o.13 be of ih. tre !¡ááia¡ 6 ¡aee a {án l1idúc§ eqB2l tó ú e!<¿É 1rtáa adiÉr r:l1 oa:est ¡]at 1¡:i&¡ úd lágtt! oatüock Ed t€ rdeq»ate fd 1rclr. doi.ee* 3lo.lrs ñÉ 17r NDTT'aining and cernfcation a Rockwood Company Codes A(hfotmathE Spidel Tectuiqebae{onTOID A(oomaür§Refuace blo.k thfüm¿tilt) Áppticaüonof 10ID ad rryortogcritsia B (idonralit.e) Sqgestd§teps tonz¡ds dr¡¿ctsis¡tiol of fl áit C echoei inTOID D {isformrjre) hmplm of tifalscans 8(i¡fomatn4 §uggestd fuinnl'olk for teidrc ¡ld r7, NDITraining and certincation I a Rockwood company % Codes HELLIER This proposes a table of acceptance criteria for all indications that are detected(prEN 583-6). Lm¿{ 5¡lg < di.§¡tn D 2.i 1 3e< d llinr¡i tim< d ,t 40n:n {Sn&<d,{ 60m tomr<d11&m D 3 I 15 3 ) ,1 2 l5 i0 ) ) 3 ?0 6 J l00m< D> rz hl tli.ktress Rtrse d tr 200nr$ ?00m,t I NDT Tráinins and Certif calion Data Evaluation a Rockwood Company % HELLIER Flaw Characterization r7a ] NDTl¡aining and certincation á Ro.kwood Compañy Z HELLIER . Patterns for Surface Breaking Defects - - For Surface breaking cracks the expected TOFD B or D-scan will be modified. Thus if the defect breaks the upper surface the lateral wave will normally be For cracks open to ihe backwall the resultant Dscan, the effect on the back wall depends on the height of the crack. ,?5 NDrrrainins and certifc¿tion ] Data Evaluations - Cracks a nockwood company Z HELLIER . For cracks with small penetration into the metal . . r o the diffraction signal should be seen just above the back wall with normally no change in the appearance of the backwall signal. lf the crack penetrates in somewhat further the backwall signal may lose some amplitude and have a dip due to the longer path for sound at the edge of the beam still being reflected from the backwall and getting to the receiver. lf the crack penetrates sufficiently far the back wallsignalwill be cut off. \rD fra r ng and Ce4:ncat on a Rockwood Companv Loss of Couplant . . . iz % HELLIER During scanning its very easily to lose good contact with the. Loss of couplant removes signals from the A-scan(lateral and backwall) and should not be confused with loss of part of the signal. Loss of the lateral wave but with the lateral wave still present indicates a surface opening crack Loss of back wall but with lateral wave still present indicates a rear surface opening crack. NDTTrainins añd certifi.atlon ] Plate Laminations NDTTraining and ce¡tif catlon a Rockwood Compary Z HELLIER ¿ Rockwood Company Clad Vessel NDTTrainlns and certilcatio¡ ] Tank Corrosion NDT Traiñing ¿ñd certifrcation % HELLIER a Rockwood Company Z HELLIER a Rockwood Compary Hydrogen Blistering NDT Train n9 and Certif.¿tlon Weld Root Erosion I NDTTraiñlns añd certificarion % HELLIER a Rockwood company % HELLIER a Rockwood Company Weld Root Erosion NDr rráiñi¡s ánd cerr¡ncation ] Steel Forgings ] NDrrraining and.érrinc¿tion % HELLIER a Rockwood Compañy V HELLIER a Rockwood Company % lncomplete Root Penetration HELLIER @l1r-r '2 Note the two signals from the top & bottom NDTTraiñi¡9 ánd cert frc¿tion a Rockwood Compañy Z Lack of Root Penetration HELLIER ,\*""--*-{|tfliljlfu Note the inverted phase behareen LW and defect I NDTr¡áinin9 and certircation a Rockwood Company % Lack of Fusion - Side Wall HELLIER -f^-*{[n, Note the two signals from the top & bottom NDTfraining and certifi c¿rion a Rockwood Company % Porosity HELLIER Porosity may image in many forms whether individual or cluster I NDTTraininq and I cenincatlon a Rockwood Company Transverse Crack zzl HELLIER ln the LW we can observe the wide beam effect on the crack NDTTraining añd Certilc¿tlon a Rockwood Company w Concave Rooi HELLIER Distortion of back-wall echo NDTTraininq and Certin.atior a Rockwood Company Lack of Fusion - lnterpass NDT Training and certiicatlon ] Root Crack % HELLIER a Rockvvood Company % HELLIER Z Data Evaluation HELLIER . Flaw Dimensioning: - - One suggestion is to measure the iime at a crossover point when the cycle changes from positive to negative. The sample nearest point to an amplitude of zero should be chosen. lf the lateral wave starts with say a positive cycle take the reading at the start of the cycle. The equivalent time at the back wall signal will then be, because of the phase change, the start of the second negative cycle has been chosen because the amplitude is much greater and there are more cycles. 193 NOTT¡aining and ceñifcation a Rockwood Company w - Software Tools Lateral Wave Synchronization HELLIER . Lateral/back wall synchronization Straightens the image of the Lateral wave giving an improved image and sizing. €a NDrr,a¡nins and cer,,o."É9éfore I After a Rockwood comp¿ñy % - Software Tools Lateral Wave Removal HELLIER . Removes the Lateral Wave as to improve resolution of near surface indications Before re5 NDTTraini¡q ¿nd certifcation Software Tools - SAFT Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique(SAFT) is a computer enhanced imaging technique for the detect¡on and characterizat¡on of discontinuiiies. The technique takes advantage of the nonlinear ohase shift of a reflection ás a discontinuity ¡s Iinearly scanned. lmoroved lateral resolution and a liiqher s¡gnat-to-noise ratio are achieved by using phased shift, mathematically simulating the focusing of an ultrasonic lens that is focused on every point in an inspected part. r$ NDTTraining:ndCelt16€ation After a Rockwood Compány Z HELLIER Z Parabolic Cursors HELLIER Parabolic Cursors are used to size indications in height and length. These curve because of the time variation between the surface and the backwall. re INDTTT¿inin9 and certificat¡on a Rockwood Company % Reporting HELLIER lmaging Outputs One can take screenshots instead of generating a report in the equipment. €s NDrrrá¡nins and certilcation ] a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . . Open the lndication table lnform the customer that the table can be turned on/off without losing data and can be saved with or without screen images a Rockwood Company NDTTrainl¡g and Cerrifr catlon Analysis=ReportTable . . . - HELLTF- Add the defect into the report using the cursor positions applied earlier. Repeat process for one additional defect. Also add a comment to one of the defects as applicable- LOF, porosity etc ] NDT Tr¿ininq and l , % certifc¿tion a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . . . Reporting is a very important conclusion to a weld inspection. Often conventional reports are nothing more than a hand written form signed by the operator. Highlighting the completeness and overall value of the OmniScan report is very important. NDTTraining añd Certilca!ion Repoding '- Overv-iew . Formatting Reports . Modifying Report Fields . Building and Previewing . Saving report and data . Custom Reports I NDrTrainlng and certincation a Ro.kwood Company w HELLIER " a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . . . The Table report is a detailed report which can include multiple indications. The Complete layout will only allow for one screenshot to be entered. El For practical purposes you can always use the table format and turn on all sections. NOT Traiñing and Certific¿fon a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . Highlight the different User Fields, Note, Headers, and addit¡onal parameters that can be added into the report. . . lf time allows, enter information into one of the user fields. Try to highlight the flexibili§ for them to generate information that is important to them d¡rectly into the report. NDTTrainins ánd ceñifcation I a Rockwood Company the Report Z "I!LL!!R Take this opportunity to name the report Explain how the File name is applied to each different file type Explain the d ifferent ways to save data N Dr rraining and cert,ncatlon I a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . Recall the report and review each section quickly, focusing on the Defect Table . Mention the fact that the Olympus Logo can be changed to lead into custom reporting capability. I NDrr'ainins and ceni¡cation a Rockwood Company Repoding = Universal Formatting . . Z HELLIER Highlight the universal format used for reports(HTML). This format makes it easy to send reports to the end customer and enables it to be opened with Windows and other major operating systems. Can be converted to .pdf and sent via email. a Rockwood company NDr r.áinins and ceriiñcation I w HELLIER . Equipment and Software Details- Basic lnfo oLYMPt S. orni§oh RepoÉ Customer Generated User Fields . Probe lnfo . FFT info if FFT performed ,oa NDTTráiñlnS añd certincation I a Rockwood Company % HELLIER . Basic Setup and UT parameters Gate Positions and Thresholds Focal Law Calculator/Beam pa rameters ,m NDrrrainins i Reporfing - Repol . Part Parameters . Scan Parameters . Defect Table I a Rockwood €ompany and certificátion NDrTrainins añd certification Sections % IELLIEI a Rockwood Company Z HELLIER . . Individual indication entries with readings and comments as applicable Screenshots of indication entries NDrrráinins and certifcation a Rockwood Company J Z . A report is a good wrap up ofthe entire presentation they can use with other decision makers to explain the features they were Dresented across different bepartments in a single easy to transmit document. alyMPl.!'s' The reoort from the demo is one of the best visual reminders of the OmniScan strengths Send the reDort to the customer and provide' any necessary follow up NDITrainrng ¿nd Certiñc¿tioñ i::'* :- ai: l d nucKwuou ru,,.pd¡ry Reporting w HELLIER Plotting, ACAD, etc...scan plan The scan plan can be generated in the equipment or by an offline beam simulation software. ,r3 NDrrraining and certiñcation | a Bo(kwood Company % HELLIER 2ra NDTTraining and Certlfication a Rockwood Company