This is a list of generic research topics for the students: Make proposals based on these topics. 1. Collaborative signal processing in Networks 2. Decentralized, Self-Organized and Adaptive Communications 3. Communication Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks 4. Software Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks 5. Test bed Design and Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks 6. Modeling Tools and Analysis of Decentralized Large-scale Networks 7. Advanced Iterative Coding Systems 8. Code Design on Graphs for Communication channels 9. Multi-antenna Space-Time Coding for Wireless MIMO Systems 10. Co-operative Diversity Techniques in Communications 11. Advanced array signal processing and Beam forming techniques 12. Statistical Inference and Estimation under communication constraints 13. Advanced Optimization for problems in Communications and Signal Processing 14. Adaptive processing algorithms for Communication Systems 15. Advanced Multidimensional Signal, Image and Video Processing 16. Novel Statistical Processing Algorithms for Wireless Communications 17. Advanced Channel estimation Techniques 18. Cognitive Radios 19. Optimization of Self-Organized networks based on Game Theory 20. Software-Defined Radios 21. Wide-Band and Ultra-Wide-Band Communications 22. Fundamental performance limits in Communications 23. Network Information Theory 24. Robust and Adaptive algorithms for Capacity maximization in Communications 25. Stochastic Modeling and Exact Stochastic Simulation 26. Cross-Layer design for ad-hoc Networks 27. Distributed Algorithms for Detection, Estimation and Control in Networks 28. Heterogeneous Networks, Interconnection and Network Co-operation 29. Decentralized MAC and Synchronization Algorithms 30. Intelligent and Adaptive Routing Algorithms 31. Advanced Network Tomography and Network Traffic Sampling 32. Design and Analysis of novel compact antennas for wireless networks