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English Vocabulary Acquisition: Unit 1 Exercises

UNIT 1 (chapters 1, 2, 3)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Practice pronouncing the following words:
composure, repose, explanation, refuge, remonstrance, sufficient, drapery, gingham,
sympathy, anxiously, opportunity, question, toward
2. Give the English for the following Russian expressions:
убежище, сострадание, портьеры, обладать достаточно сильным характером,
гордиться чем-либо, укрепить самообладание, приготовить радушный прием,
протест (возражение), задавать вопросы обеспокоенно, полосатое (или
клетчатое) платье, преданный слуга, спокойные манеры, быть одиноким (сам по
себе), требовать объяснений, найти возможность, благожелательно принимать
сочувствие, преданный слуга, быть в наилучших отношениях, удостовериться,
обладать достаточно сильным характером, неприятная неожиданность, делать
что-либо в помощь, гордиться чем-либо, исполнять свой долг, сострадание,
искренняя гордость за семью, утюг, непрерывный поток пояснений и вопросов
3. Explain the meaning of the following words and collocations. Use them in
composure, remonstrance, aching sympathy, refuge, to perform one’s duty, to be by
oneself, to make sure, to do smth toward smb’s support, to be on the best of terms,
sufficient strength of character, opportunity, unpleasant surprise
4. Translate the following collocations into English:
to pride oneself on doing something, to add to one’s composure, to ask for attention,
remonstrance, an uninterrupted string of comments and questions, to demand
anxiously, to find an opportunity, to perform one’s duty, to be on the best of terms, to
make sure, honest pride in the family, an unpleasant surprise, to have sufficient
strength of character
5. Attribute the following word combinations to characters and situations:
to perform one’s duty, a loyal servant, aching sympathy, to prepare a welcome for, an
unpleasant surprise, to ask for explanation, repose of manner, to do something toward
somebody’s support, to be by oneself, to make sure, to find an opportunity, to ask for
attention, to welcome somebody’s advice
Make up situations, using three expressions, given below:
to find an opportunity, an unpleasant surprise, to ask for explanation
to pride oneself on, to perform one’s duty, aching sympathy
prepare a welcome for, to make sure, to be on the best of terms,
to add to one’s composure, to demand anxiously, to be by oneself
to do something toward somebody’s support, refuge, to find an opportunity
 a loyal servant, to perform one’s duty, to ask for attention
 to add to one’s composure, remonstrance, to have sufficient strength of
 honest pride in the family, to welcome somebody’s sympathy, to find an
 an uninterrupted string of comments and questions, to ask for explanation to
demand anxiously
 an unpleasant surprise, to have a sufficient strength of character, repose of
 to be by oneself, to have a sufficient strength of character, to welcome
somebody’s sympathy
 to find an opportunity, to do something toward somebody’s support, to
welcome somebody’s sympathy
 to welcome somebody’s advice, to make sure, to ask for explanation
 to ask for advice, to add to one’s composure, to pride oneself on doing
7. Render the following statements in English:
1. Мисс Полли жила одиноко. Казалось, она не испытывала нужды в чьей-либо
компании или в чьем-то совете. Она была сильной женщиной, спокойной и
гордой. 2. Приезд племянницы оказался для нее неприятной неожиданностью.
Но она считала необходимым выполнить свой долг. 3. Поли гордилась тем, что
она решила как-то помочь девочке, оставшейся без родителей. Ее дом должен
был стать убежищем для племянницы. Она намеревалась честно исполнить
свой долг. 4. Нельзя сказать, что девочке был приготовлен хороший прием.
Комната ее была в мансарде под крышей. В ней не было красивой мебели и
штор. И это стало для нее неприятным сюрпризом: ее ожидания тепла и уюта
не оправдались. 5. В доме Мисс Поли всегда был порядок. Она требовала
внимания и повиновения от слуг, которые были ей преданны и выполняли свои
обязанности с усердием. 6. У Поллианны был хороший характер. Она всегда
находила возможность чем-то заняться. Она живо интересовалась всем
происходящим и могла долго играть одна. 7. Поллианна быстро подружилась с
прислугой. Она всегда с удовольствием слушала советы кухарки. А та, в свою
очередь, старалась облегчить жизнь девочки в не особенно гостеприимном
доме тети Поли. 8. Мисс Поли не особенно нравилось, что в ее доме поселилась
племянница. Девочка задавала много вопросов. Она беспрестанно о чем-то
говорила и вносила хаос в когда-то мирное существование тети Поли. 9. Нэнси
глубоко сострадала девочке. И вскоре между ними установились очень
дружеские отношения. К тому же у Поллианны был очень сильный характер.
10. Нэнси всегда старалась сделать что-нибудь, чтобы помочь Поллианне
приспособиться к жизни в чужом доме. Она искренне сочувствовала девочке. А
та, в свою очередь, благожелательно относилась к ее сочувствию. 11. У
Поллианны была игра – искать во всем хорошее. Это помогало ее укрепить
самообладание даже в очень сложных ситуациях. Поэтому со всеми
окружающими она всегда была в самых лучших отношениях. 12. Поллианна
привыкла жить небогато, поэтому рассказы о доме и состоянии ее тети
пробудили в ней интерес и надежду на лучшее. Она нуждалась в заботе и тепле.
И Нэнси, зная характер Мисс Поли сама постаралась приготовить девочке
теплый прием. 13. Нэнси искренне сострадала Поллианне. Однако ее
бесконечные разговоры и вопросы могли утомить кого угодно. Но Нэнси была
горничной и выполняла все свои обязанности хорошо.
Character study
1. Introduce the characters and account for the impression they produce:
Polly Harrington, Pollyanna Whittier, Nancy, Tom (the gardener), Timothy
Focus on the text
1. Outline the situation: say what is in the centre of the intrigue and describe the
foregoing events, predetermining the present situation
2. Describe the place of the action: its location, nature, accommodations
3. Answer the questions:
1. What made Pollyanna leave her home place and join her aunt Polly?
2. Did she have to travel a far way?
3. Who helped the girl to reach the destination?
4. Who met her at the station?
5. Why do you think Miss Polly didn’t go to meet her niece herself?
6. What anticipations did the girl cherish on her way to the new residence?
7. Was she eager to meet her new relative? How is it made evident?
8. What did she experience on learning that Nancy was not her aunt?
9. Was she easy to console? Why?
10.What were Nancy’s feelings toward the girl?
11.How did she express her attitude to the girl’s destiny?
12.Was Pollyanna a cheerful little creature? What helped her to keep her temper
so well-conditioned?
Reproduce the situations:
Miss Polly learns about her niece’s arrival
Nancy is making preparations for the girl’s appearance
Nancy is meeting Pollyanna at the station
Comment on
Miss Polly’s attitude to the situation
The servants’ view of the situation
Pollyanna’s perception of the situation
6. Single out the most important happenings revealed in the second chapter.
Arrange them in a chronological order.
When marking off and wording the events described, it is important to keep in mind
that all the points of the outline should be formulated on a unified structural pattern.
 in sentences:
1. Polly Harrington gets a letter, notifying of her niece’s arrival.
2. She considers the situation and admits of her duty towards the girl.
3. Miss Polly orders Nancy to clear the room in the attic.
4. Nancy feels sympathy toward the girl and intends to prepare a warm welcome
for her.
 in nominative phrases:
1) Polly Harrington’s irritation at receiving a letter
2) Miss Polly’s decision to do her duty;
3) preparations for meeting the niece
 in participial constructions:
1) getting a letter and feeling an unpleasant surprise;
2) recalling bygone grievance;
3) making a decision;
4) giving orders about the house
7. Express and explain your impressions of the situation.
UNIT 2 (chapters 4, 5)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the English for the following Russian expressions:
иметь удовольствие, (боязливо) затаить дыхание, с искренним удивлением, с
очевидным напряжением для собственного тщеславия, смотреть сразу во все
стороны, поразительно захватывающая проблема, сделать замечательное
открытие, слушать сосредоточенно, переживать последствия, научиться быть
пунктуальным, радостно, ликующе скакать, весело пообещать, видеть в чем-то
неприятную проблему, смелые попытки, заявить раздраженно, торжествовать,
отстаивать с энтузиазмом, обнять восторженно / нежно, рассчитывать на
2. Explain the meaning of the following words. Think of examples with these
Vanity, wonder, consequences, discovery, cheerfully, triumphantly, affectionate,
intently, frank, trouble, attempts
3. Give the missing derivatives and grammatical forms of the words
in table I
Derivation is the process of forming a new word on the basis of an existing word by
adding up affixes – suffixes like in the following examples: time – timely, timeless; or
prefixes: pleasure – displeasure. The resulting outcome is called a derivative.
Grammatical formations are built up with the help of inflections, like in the following
cases: to remember – remembering, remembered.
Table I
to breathe
grammatical forms
participle I participle II
to suffer
to declare
to declare
4. Translate the following collocations into Russian:
to listen intently, to look in all directions (at once), to promise cheerfully, to give a
rapturous hug, to learn to be punctual, to exult triumphantly, in frank wonder,
wondrously exciting problem, to count on, to make a wonderful discovery, to
maintain enthusiastically, to have the pleasure of , to draw one’s breath
(tremulously), evident strain of vanity, to see trouble about,
to suffer the
consequences, to declare irritably, to skip gleefully, brave attempts, to give an
affectionate hug
5. Attribute the following collocations to characters and situations:
to look in all directions (at once), to give an affectionate hug, to have the pleasure of,
to learn to be punctual, to make a wonderful discovery, to maintain enthusiastically,
to suffer the consequences, in frank wonder, brave attempts, to count on
6. Make up situations, using expressions, given below:
to promise cheerfully, brave attempts, to have the pleasure of , to see trouble about,
to suffer the consequences, to make a wonderful discovery, to exult triumphantly,
wondrously exciting problem, to count on, to look in all directions
Focus on the text
1. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the formulas of
agreement and disagreement.
It’s true;
I’m afraid, it’s not so;
I fully agree with (you / the statement / I cannot accept this;
this opinion);
I don't think so;
I’m of the same opinion;
No way (strong);
I think so (too)
I'm afraid I disagree;
Exactly so;
I totally disagree (strong);
What a coincidence (of opinions / ideas) Not necessarily;
As far as I am concerned;
I'd say the opposite (strong);
The way I see it;
No, I'm not so sure about that;
In my opinion;
That’s not the case;
That's just the case
I wouldn’t say so
duality or doubt
On the one hand … on the other ….;
There is something in what you say;
I am not sure about it;
I am in two minds;
It’s nonsense (strong);
This is only partially true.
1. Miss Polly Harrington was an elderly lady with a big family to take care of. 2. She
was on the best of terms with her kin and in-laws. 3. She was stern and demanding
with her domestics. 4. Brought up with three younger children in the family, Nancy
was glad to welcome Pollyanna thinking of the happiness children brought to
relations. 5. Miss Polly shared her mood and asked her to prepare the best room for
her recently orphaned niece. 6. Miss Polly read and reread the letter informing her of
her niece’s arrival, which came as a surprise. 7. Though she liked being by herself,
and preferred quiet, the girl’s appearance might relieve the monotony of her life. 8.
She delegated the task of meeting Pollyanna to her maid Nancy because she wanted
to concentrate on the task of welcoming the girl at home. 9. She was absolutely sure
that it was her duty to help the little girl who had found herself in a predicament. 10.
The old gardener was also glad to see the girl though he couldn’t fancy how Polly
Harrington would cope with the task of child upbringing. 11. He used to know
Pollyanna’s Jennie and he seemed to love her. 12. He also witnessed Miss Polly’s
better days when she was young, pretty and happy.
3. Answer the questions:
1. How did Miss Polly meet her niece? 2. What were her motives to accept the girl in
her home? Was it out of pity, the kinship feelings or social and moral duty? 3. How
did she treat the girl? Was she right in this approach to treating a child? How can it be
explained? 4. Was Pollyanna enthusiastic about the perspective of residing with her
aunt? What did she exult at in this situation? 5. What hopes did the girl cherish on
entering the house and later climbing the stairs? 6. Why do you think Miss Polly
forbade Pollyanna to speak about her father? 7. Were there things that irritated Miss
Polly about Pollyanna’s behaviour? 8. How did Polly Harrington try to justify her
choice of the worst room in the house for тук niece’s bedroom? 9. Did Pollyanna like
her bedroom? Why so? 10. Who helped Pollyanna to unpack? 11. What attire did the
girl bring with her? Were the dresses new and beautiful? What does this fact show?
12. What consolation did Pollyanna find on a more detailed inspection of the room?
Did it cheer her up in some way? 13. What discovery did she make on looking out of
the window? Did it add up to her consolation? How and why? 14. What decision did
she make on this discovery? 15. What was the general order of serving supper in
Miss Polly’s house? 16. What causes her irritation this time? How can you account
for it? 17. How did she attempt to teach her niece to be punctual? Do you think this
measure was a success? Why? 18. How did Nancy find Pollyanna?
4. Give an outline of the plot development of chapters 4 and 5. Formulate
the points of the plot in complete sentences or nominative phrases.
follow the patterns : A. 1. Polly Harrington gets a letter
2. Nancy prepares a welcome
B. 1. Miss Harrington’s surprise at getting a letter
2. Pollyanna’s arrival
5. Compose two right and two wrong statements on the contents of
chapters 4 and 5.
6. Discuss your statements with the classmates.
UNIT 3 (general revision)
Vocabulary revision
1. Give the English for the following Russian collocations:
требовать объяснения, неприятный сюрприз, быть в наилучших отношениях,
выражение протеста, благожелательно принимать совет, исполнять свои
обязанности, удостовериться, непрерывный поток пояснений и вопросов,
сострадание, найти возможность, иметь удовольствие, с искренним
удивлением, смотреть сразу во все стороны, поразительно захватывающая
проблема, сделать замечательное открытие, научиться быть пунктуальным,
видеть в чем-то неприятную проблему, переживать последствия, смелые
попытки, отстаивать с энтузиазмом, рассчитывать на
2. Say in what situation a person may or may not have to:
welcome smb’s advice, perform one’s duty, ask for explanation, listen intently, learn
to be punctual, maintain something enthusiastically, exult triumphantly, make brave
attempts, look in all directions, suffer the consequences
3. Read and translate the sentences with the active vocabulary:
1) Miss Polly did not usually make hurried movements; she specially prided
herself on her repose of manner. 2) Miss Polly took out once more the letter
which she had received two days before from the faraway Western town, and
which had been so unpleasant a surprise to her. 3) There were people who had
openly pitied her lonely life, and who had urged her to have some friend or
companion to live with her; but she had not welcomed either their sympathy or
their advice. 4) Miss Polly was glad that she was a good woman, and that she not
only knew her duty, but had sufficient strength of character to perform it. 5) It
was when Timothy was unloading the trunk that Nancy found an opportunity to
mutter her reprimand in his ear. 6) ‘Pollyanna,’ said her aunt sharply, ‘there is
one thing that might just as well be understood right away at once; and that is, I
do not care to have you keep talking of your father to me.’ The little girl drew in
her breath tremulously. 7) Most eagerly of all her mind turned to the
wondrously exciting problem about to be solved: behind which of all these
fascinating doors was waiting now her room—the dear, beautiful room full of
curtains, rugs, and pictures, that was to be her very own? 8) Pollyanna had made
a wonderful discovery—against this window a huge tree flung great branches. 9)
No, Nancy, you need not call Pollyanna’ Miss Polly added severely, as Nancy
made a move toward the hall door. ‘I told her what time supper was, and now
she will have to suffer the consequences. 10) She may as well begin at once to
learn to be punctual. When she comes down she may have bread and milk in the
kitchen.’ 11) “ Well, I like bread and milk, and I’d like to eat with you, Nancy. I
don’t see any trouble about being glad about that,’ Pollyanna declared cheerfully.
12) Quite as a matter of course, Pollyanna came straight to her aunt’s side and
gave her an affectionate hug.
Grammar consolidation
1.В английском предложении прямой порядок слов. Это значит, что на первом
месте всегда стоит подлежащее, на втором сказуемое, на третьем дополнение.
bread and milk
Простое нераспространенное определение стоим перед определяемым
словом. The girl was wearing
a simple dress
2.Сказуемое может быть простым и составным. Простое сказуемое – это
сказуемое, выражаемое полнозначным глаголом: Nancy met Pollyanna at the
station. Составное сказуемое может быть составным именным и составным
существительным, прилагательным, причастием или числительным: Pollyanna
was Miss Polly's niece. She was naïve. Miss Polly was unmarried.
Составное глагольное сказуемое образуется двумя глаголами. Один глагол
передает основное значение действия или процесса, другой может быть
фазовым (to begin, to start, to wind up), модальным (can, may, might etc.) или
передавать значение желания, намерения принятия решения и т.д. (wish, want,
decide, intend, etc.): Pollyanna began crying. Pollyanna could not understand many
things about Miss Polly’s order of life. Nancy wanted to prepare a good welcome for
Pollyanna. Aunt Polly decided to place Pollyanna in the attic room.
3.Временная система английского глагола образуется тремя простыми
временными формами, выражающими действие как факт:
VERB + S (3d prs. sng.)
Эти формы характерны для всех типов сказуемого. В простом глагольном
сказуемом изменению подвергается полнозначный глагол.
She liked her game. She likes her game
Everyone will like this game
В составном именном сказуемом изменению подвергается глагол-связка.
Miss Polly was stern. She is on her own.
She will be kinder soon
В составном-глагольном – глагол, стоящий перед основным полнозначным
Pollyanna decided to explore the neighborhood.
Pollyanna wants to please her aunt.
Miss Polly will want to teach Pollyanna many things
Сложной видовой формой (ASPECT), передающей длительное действие:
Pollyanna was exploring the neighborhood.
Nancy is preparing a welcome for Pollyanna.
Pollyanna will be helping Nancy about the kitchen
Сложной формой временной соотнесенности (ТАКСИС), передающей
предшествование одного действия (события) другому
Before she came to aunt Polly Pollyanna had lived with her father
We meet Miss Polly when she is reading a letter which she has just received
Nancy will have prepared the room by the evening
В ответах на поставленный вопрос следует (как правило) использовать
временную форму глагола вопросительного предложения:
Was Nancy a loyal servant? – Yes, she was.
Did Pollyanna expect a warm welcome? – Yes, she did.
Will the girl be happy with her aunt? – No, she won’t
1. Complete the sentences, following the pattern:
Pollyanna is a pretty little girl
Nancy is…
Aunt Polly ……..
Tom is …….
Miss Polly’s house ……
Pollyanna’s room ……….
The garden, surrounding the house ………
Pollyanna’s disposition ………
The view from the window ……
The girl’s expectations …….
Miss Polly’s intentions …….
2. Turn these sentences into the past tense form
3. Translate the sentences into English:
1) Мисс Поли была рада, что поселила Полианну в мансарде. 2) Нэнси
объяснила Мисс Поли, что она не нашла Полианну в своей комнате. 3)
Садовник сказал, что девочка убежала в поле. 4) Полианна сказала Нэнси, что
отец научил ее играть в замечательную игру. 5) Она рассказала, как это все
произошло. 6) Полианна была рада, что приехала к тете Поли. 7) Тетя Поли не
сожалела о том, что на ужин девочка поела только хлеб с молоком. 8) Полианна
не расстроилась, что ей пришлось ужинать в кухне. 9) Она сказала тете, что она
всегда любила молоко и хлеб. 10) Мисс поли была очень удивлена, что девочка
пришла ее поблагодарить за скудный ужин.
4. Make up short stories on the following situations:
1)Pollyanna’s arrival; 2) Pollyanna’s expectations; 3) Pollyanna’s disappointment; 4)
Pollyanna’s positive thinking ; 5) Pollyanna’s memories of her family ; 6) Miss
Polly’s irritation on reading the letter; 7) Miss Polly’s household; 8) circumstances in
Nancy’s family; 9) Nancy’s attitude to her job; 10) Nancy’s reaction to Pollyanna’s
suggestion of the Good game.
* Be careful about the grammar patterns you use
Focus on the text
1. Answer the questions:
1. What is Miss Polly’s family name? 2. How old is she? 3. How old she was when
her family split up? 4. What was the reason of this break? 5. In what state did Miss
Polly live? 6. How old was Pollyanna? 7. What was Pollyanna’s mother’s name? 8.
What was Pollyanna’s family name? 9. What was the date of Pollyanna’s arrival? 10.
At what time was the train due? 11. What was the family name of the people who
helped Pollyanna to travel the far way? 12. What was the organization that had taken
care of Pollyanna before she came to Beldingsville? 13. What could Pollyanna see
from her room window? 14. What was Pollyanna’s wonderful discovery? 15. At what
time did they have supper at Miss Harrington’s?
2. Recall the details of:
the Harrington family break
the circumstances that made Nancy look for a job
Timothy and Nancy meeting Pollyanna
Nancy’s refusal to leave the job at Miss Polly’s
the aunt and the niece’s firs meeting
Pollyanna’s first impression of the house
Pollyanna’s consolation
Nancy getting to know the Glad Game
 Pollyanna’s learning the Glad Game
 supper in the kitchen
3. Discuss the following:
 the family quarrel over Jennie’s marriage
 Miss Polly’s turns of the fate (as told by the gardener)
 Miss Polly’s demands for obedience
 Pollyanna’s flexibility in adjusting to circumstances
Focus on reading
1. Practice reading the following combinations of words. Observe the
rules of pronunciation.
the nearest tree-branch, at the back of the house, at the top of which, beside the huge
rock, at the moment, in the world, the top of that big rock, out of breath, the path that
ran, through the open field, she was thinking, she was thinking
2. Listen to the recorded text and mark the intonation.
Pollyanna had made a wonderful discovery—against this window a huge tree
flung great branches. To Pollyanna they looked like arms outstretched, inviting her.
Suddenly she laughed aloud. ‘I believe I can do it,’ she chuckled. The next moment
she had climbed nimbly to the window ledge. From there it was an easy matter to step
to the nearest tree-branch. Then, clinging like a monkey, she swung herself from limb
to limb until the lowest branch was reached. The drop to the ground was — even for
Pollyanna, who was used to climbing trees — a little fearsome. She took it, however,
with bated breath, swinging from her strong little arms, and landing on all fours in the
soft grass. Then she picked herself up and looked eagerly about her.
She was at the back of the house. Before her lay a garden in which a bent old
man was working. Beyond the garden a little path through an open field led up a
steep hill, at the top of which a lone pine tree stood on guard beside the huge rock. To
Pollyanna, at the moment, there seemed to be just one place in the world worth being
in — the top of that big rock. With a run and a skilful turn, Pollyanna skipped by the
bent old man, threaded her way between the orderly rows of green growing things,
and — a little out of breath — reached the path that ran through the open field. Then,
determinedly, she began to climb. Already, however, she was thinking what a long,
long way off that rock must be, when back at the window it had looked so near!
Fifteen minutes later the great clock in the hallway of the Harrington
homestead struck six. At precisely the last stroke Nancy sounded the bell for supper.
One, two, three minutes passed. Miss Polly frowned and tapped the floor with
her slipper. A little jerkily she rose to her feet, went into the hall, and looked upstairs, plainly impatient. For a minute she listened intently; then she turned and swept
into the dining room.
3. Read the text out loud.
UNIT 4 (chapters 6, 7)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Pronounce the following words:
Apologize, irresistible, enthusiasm, vouchsafe, experience, relaxation, precipitation,
porte-cochere, rapturous, triumphant, consequences, wondrously, conglomerate
2. Give the English for the following Russian expressions:
особая награда за заслуги, очевидное нежелание, подталкиваемый
непреодолимой силой, затаить дыхание, извиниться застенчиво, величественно
пересечь комнату, вспышка сильного воодушевления, разнородные предметы,
делать по очереди, удостоить (соизволить), дерзкий, волнующий опыт, чувство
безвольного расслабления, восхитительный разговор, делать что-то бездумно,
веранда для загара над входом в дом, кожаное пальто, давать приятное
ощущение, вздох удовлетворения, с одинаковой опрометчивостью,
3. Explain the meaning of the following expressions:
to catch one’s breath, visible reluctance, conglomerate garments, to take turns, portecochere, with (equal) precipitation, to do something without thinking
4. Translate the following collocations into Russian
to apologize timidly, to do something without thinking, to give a pleasant sensation, a
special reward of merit, with equal precipitation, to be impelled by irresistible force,
to cross the room majestically, to take turns, a sigh of content, sun parlor built over
the porte-cochere, impertinent, visible reluctance, to catch one’s breath, conglomerate
garments, to vouchsafe, the feeling of limp relaxation, an exciting experience,
sealskin coat, a delightful talk
5. Do a substitution drill, filling in the marked position of the collocation:
 to give a sigh of content (relief, dissatisfaction, gratitude, understanding,
support, grief, expectation, boredom, joy, disagreement)
 to give / produce / arouse a pleasant sensation (strange, unexpected, surprising,
wonderful, boring, tiresome, frightening, calming, intriguing)
 to promise cheerfully (enthusiastically, calmly, tiredly, reluctantly, warmly,
eagerly, straightforwardly, clearly, unexpectedly, abruptly, convincingly)
 to maintain enthusiastically (eagerly, secretly, devotedly, enthusiastically,
clearly, wholeheartedly, persistently, openly, reluctantly, persuasively)
6. Compile a sentence with one of the practiced collocations and expand it
into a situation, giving the reasons of the described state.
Follow the pattern: The sight behind the window was pleasing the eye. A
carefully groomed garden lay before her. Huge trees flung great branches. Beyond
the garden a little path through an open field led up a steep hill, at the top of which a
lone pine tree stood on guard beside the huge rock. It aroused a surprising sensation
of inviting tranquility.
7. Give the three forms of the verbs:
Table 2
Past Simple
Participle I
начать(ся) внезапно
оставлять, покидать
вести машину
8. Give the negative form of the following adjectives:
hopeful - ___________, kind - __________, graceful - __________resistible _______________, tiresome - ___________, interesting - _______________,
approving - __________, tactful - __________, excited - ____________, shameful _____________, proper - ____________, grateful - ______________
9. Supply the missing derivatives and grammatical forms of the words:
Table III
Participle I
Participle II
to presume
to concentrate
to think
10.Translate the sentences into English:
1. Поллианна любила хлеб с молоком и не видела никакой беды в том, что тетя
оставила ее без нормального ужина. 2. Поллианна научила Нэнси своей игре и с
энтузиазмом доказывала, что это здорово. 3. Нэнси очень сомневалась, что у
нее все получится и просила Полианну не очень то рассчитывать на нее. 4.
Вечером Поллианна зашла пожелать тёте спокойной ночи и нежно обняла ее. 5.
Необходимость читать книги Поллианна встретила с большим энтузиазмом. 6.
Когда тётя Поли велела ей закончить чтение, девочка отложила книгу с явной
неохотой. 7. Они занялись тем, что разбирали разнородный предметы одежды
Поллианны. 8. Женщины из благотворительного общества учили Поллианну
готовить по очереди. 9. Покупка новых вещей оказалась восхитительным
удовольствием для девочки, всегда носившей чужие платья. 10. Мисс Поли
удивляло, что Поллианна принимала то, что она считала наказанием, как
особую награду.
11. Attribute the following expressions to the exact situations in which they
are used in the text:
a burst of eager enthusiasm, conglomerate garments, an exciting experience, to do
without thinking, to give a pleasant sensation, special reward of merit
Vocabulary extension: figurative language
cast bread upon the waters = act out of good feelings not
expecting any reward
cry over spilt milk
= be unhappy about something
that cannot be undone or returned
the land of milk and honey = an imaginary place where
there is more than enough of everything
apply these idioms to appropriate situations from the book
Focus on the text
1. Worming up. Answer the questions:
1. What were the names of Nancy’s brother and Sisters? 2. Why didn’t Nancy like
her name? 3. What was the usual time for supper in Polly Harrington’s house? 4.
What did Miss Polly remonstrate with Pollyanna about? 5. Why did Pollyanna catch
her breath when talking to Tom? 6. What for did Pollyanna always have to apologize
to her aunt? 7. What was the source Pollyanna’s clothing? 8. Who was the school
principal in Beldingsville? 9. Who taught Pollyanna to cook? 10. What did she learn
to cook? 11. Where did Pollyanna found a suitable place for her first night stay in
Aunt Polly’s house?
2. Give a précis of chapter VI
A précis is a way of making a summary in which the peculiarities of the summarized
text are retained. The length of a précis may vary, though the common
recommendation is that ее should not exceed one-sixth of the original text.
In making a précis it is helpful to always read the text with a pencil in hand, so as
to take notes of the most essential points or underline key sentences. Composing an
outline is a worthy method as well. The next step consists in summarizing each part
of the text on the basis of the outlined points, or the key sentences, just completing
them with another sentence or two. If properly linked, they will make a coherent
It is important that a précis though concise should embrace the important
information. Do not express your opinion or debate the points.
To make your précis concise and logical
make sure
 the important events in the story are mentioned and clearly explained
 the logic of relaying them is strictly observed
 the body of the précis is complete and coherent
 the paragraphs of the précis are adequately linked
 the final sentence ties together all that you have summarized
 giving illustrations, examples, details
 supporting or questioning the author’s arguments
 interjecting personal opinions
Character study
1. Trace the events described in chapter VII. Arrange them in a sequential
order. State which of them are more important for character drawing of
Pollyanna and Miss Polly.
2. Give your opinion on these two characters’ essential traits of character
 Duty as Polly Harrington’s life principle
 Naïveté, cheerfulness and unpredictability as Pollyanna’s
distinctive features
UNIT 5 (chapters 8, 9, 10)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Read the following words:
Leisure, exhausted, vaguely, accordance, privilege, earnest, difference, conciliation,
hospitality, inexplicable, imminent
2. Give the English for the following words and expressions:
испытывать неясное сожаление, попросту говоря, работать ловко, найти время
для удовольствий, свободное время, неожиданная смена темы, абсурдный
(нелепый), иметь секреты, передумать, торопливое примирение, говорить
серьезно, неизбежный риск, абсолютно изнуренный, нести свой крест,
необъяснимая причина, замешательство (смущение, недоумение), выглядеть
одиноким, усесться поудобнее, привести в порядок, быть благодарным, просить
(умолять) разрешения, работать проворно, в соответствии с указаниями, не
делать разницы (не иметь значения),
уладить дела, гостеприимство дома,
холодец, предсказывать (пророчить), искать
3. Give expressions contrary in meaning to those, listed below:
working time, full of energy, to make no difference, to work slowly and lazily, true to
reason, a system of identical items (things), unfriendliness, to stick to one’s decision,
to explain in a complicated way, clear reason
4. Explain the meaning of the following collocations:
to settle into order, in accordance with order, leisure time, preposterous, hospitality of
the place, to change one’s mind, imminent risk, to prophesy, to have a skeleton in
one’s closet, to make the difference, to take one’s cross
7. Give the English for the for the following Russian words and spell the
English counterpart:
(недоумение), обессиленный (измученный, истощенный), опрометчивость
(стремительность), ощущение, опыт (жизненный), смесь (набор разнородных
объектов), непреодолимый (неопровержимый), разница
8. Say in what cases we may assert that a person:
 is impertinent / punctual / at imminent risk
 has or has had an exciting experience / sufficient strength of character /
suffered the consequences
 does one’s duty / something without thinking
 works deftly
 looks lonesome / wholly exhausted
 remonstrates
9. Form the missing derivatives and grammatical forms of the words:
Table IV
Participle I
Participle II
to direct
to prophesy
to bewilder
8. Write a quiz on vocabulary lists of lessons 1, 2, 4
Character study
1. By now you have met several people who are well introduced by the
authoress. From the description given to them and foregrounding their most
prominent likes and dislikes, their preferences, their hopes and frustrations. What
they idealize and what they hate is shown by way of mentioning the slightest details
bypassing, out of which the personality arises alive and vibrant. By which of the few
words given below you may define their dominant moods and the principles of their
Match the descriptive word and the character:
Chart I
Polly Harrington
Pollyanna Whittier
Mrs. Snow
John Pendleton
adaptable, affectionate, agreeable, amiable, bright, communicative, positive
careful, compassionate, conscientious, considerate, courageous, creative,
decisive, determined, diligent, easygoing, energetic, generous, hardworking, helpful, inventive, optimistic, orderly, persistent, rational,
reserved, sensible, sociable, sympathetic, straightforward, warmhearted
aggressive, arrogant, belligerent, boring, bossy, cantankerous, Negative
conservative, foolish, impatient, inconsistent, indecisive, inflexible,
moody, narrow-minded, naughty, nervous, obstinate, overemotional,
patronizing, pessimistic, possessive, quarrelsome, resentful, rude,
secretive, self-centered, vague
2. In chapter 8 Pollyanna gets acquainted with two new people. She calls her first
acquaintance “the Man”.
 describe this person
 assess him, say what impression he produced on Pollyanna and what
impression he produces on you
 complete character description of John Pendleton, basing it on Nancy’s story
about him in chapter 9
The other acquaintance is Mrs. Snow.
 reveal the prehistory of this acquaintance
 describe Mrs. Snow the way Nancy saw her
 say in what way Nancy’s assessment of Mrs. Snow differs from that of
 comment on Mrs. Snow’s attitude to Pollyanna
Focus on the text
Discuss the following :
Pollyanna’s daily schedule as planned by Miss Polly
Pollyanna’s visits to Mrs. Snow
Duty as the most important principle of Polly Harrington’s life
Changes in home arrangements of Polly Harrington’s
UNIT 6 (chapters 11, 12, 13)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the English for the following collocations:
как само собой разумеющееся, последовательный опрос, абсолютно
неправильно понять, задохнувшись от испуга (смятения), в ошеломляющем
потрясении, под чьим-либо руководством, безутешный (печальный,
несчастный), приятель своего возраста, озарение прекрасной идеей, проводить
кого-либо без колебаний, предстать перед (противостоять кому-либо)
безбоязненно, безапелляционный (категорический, высокомерный) жест,
заставляющий замолчать, изложить существо вопроса кому –либо, найти
(изыскать) деньги, чувство опустошенности, достичь цели, оказаться на
запретной территории, несмотря на разочарование, получить доверие, знать по
опыту, изложить причину, быть в смятении, доставить сообщение, (желанная,
приятная) замена кому-либо / чему либо
2. Read the following words:
Questioning, entirely, dumbfounded, disconsolate, companion, hesitate, amazement,
peremptory, desolation, experience, systemic, disappointment, notwithstanding
3. Give the negative forms of the following words:
4. Supply the derivatives and word-forms:
to instruct
to substitute
to confront
5. explain the meaning of the following collocations:
under somebody’s instruction, the dawning of a wonderful idea, to pilot smb. into, to
confront smb. fearlessly, to lay the case before smb, to get credit, to find oneself on a
forbidden ground, to raise money, to give reasons for
Vocabulary extension: figurative language
 A broken leg? Oh, Mr. Pendleton, how perfectly awful!
The collocation “perfectly awful” is defined as oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure
of speech that juxtaposes contradictory, logically incompatible words. As many other
literary and rhetorical devices oxymorons are used for a variety of purposes. In this
case it creates a humorous effect.
Grammar consolidation
Правило согласования времен
Сложная система видовременных форм глагола в английском языке требует
согласованного их употребления в сложных предложения и в
последовательности простых предложений.
1. В соответствии с системой языковых значений, формы категории
временной соотнесенности (The Perfect Forms)
всегда выражают
предшествование: Present Perfect выражает предшествование настоящему
моменту (или моменту речи): In the first chapters of the book the readers see
Pollyanna, who has just come to her aunt’s. Past Perfect выражает
предшествование прошедшему событию или, действию или моменту в
прошлом: Before she came to Beldingsville, Pollyanna had lived with her father in a
far-away town. Future Perfect выражает предшествование какому-либо действию
или моменту в будущем: By the end of summer Pollyanna will have won the hearts
of the neighbors.
* В случае простого перечисления событий или действий используются
формы Present / Past / Future Simple: Nancy met Pollyanna at the station, brought
her home and introduced her to aunt Polly.
2. Для выражения действия, которое представляется как будущее по
отношению к прошедшему в английском языке используется форма Future-inthe Past, которая образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола would /
should (рдко) и соответствующей формы (длительного вида или перфекта)
смыслового глагола: Aunt Polly said that Pollyanna would practice reading and
would learn to sew and cook.
** Правило не действует в придаточных предложениях образа действия,
причины и следствия, в придаточных определительных, а также в том случае,
если в придаточное дополнительное отражает общеизвестный факт.
3. В придаточных предложениях условия и времени действие в будущем
передается формами настоящего: If Pollyanna is late for supper again, she will be
*** Придаточные условия и времени необходимо отличать от придаточных
дополнительных, которые присоединяются к главному предложению союзами
if и when: I cannot say if Pollyanna will finally get accustomed to her life with aunt
Polly and when it will happen.
Focus on the text
1. Answer the questions:
1. Where did Pollyanna go after she had left the chapel? 2. Why did she go there? 3.
Did she like to walk on her own? 4. What did she call the days when there were no
sewing or cooking lessons? 5. Why did she want the Ladies’s Aiders to have a walk
in Pendleton Hill? 6. What surprised Pollyanna in the dog’s behavior? 7. What
happened to Mr. Pendleton? 8. What did Mr. Pendleton ask Pollyanna to do for him?
9. Was she quick to fulfill the task? 10. What impression did Mr. Pendleton’s house
produce on her? 11. What surprised Mr. Pendleton in Pollyanna’s actions and words?
12. What did Pollyanna think about Mr. Pendleton? 13. How did she explain to him
that in fact he was a good man? 14. How did she try to help him while they were
waiting for the help to come?
2. Reproduce the episodes (reproduction implies a comprehensive rendering of
the story, relaying the content of the text in full with strict accuracy and
exactness, exposing dialogues indirectly)
 Pollyanna trying to persuade Jimmy that there is a way out of his predicament
 Pollyanna’s preparations for the Ladies Aid meeting
 Pollyanna’s attempts to reason with the ladies about helping Jimmy Bean
 Pollyanna’s bewilderment at the ladies’ arguments on making the decision
3. Comment on the following happenings: (the commentary should be based on
the assumption that everybody present is acquainted with the development of
the intrigue, that is why you have only to mention the basic issue by way of
introduction and then offer your own perception, approval or disapproval of a
person’s actions and your reasons for the kind of assessment you have)
Pollyanna bringing home a cat and a dog
Pollyanna’s wish to help Jimmy Bean
Aunt Polly rejecting to accept Jimmy and giving him a shelter
Pollyanna’s decision to lay the case of Jimmy Bean before the Ladies’ Aiders
Character study
There is a general conception that some characters perform central roles while
the roles of the others are qualified as supporting. So it seems important firstly to
attribute the degree of importance to the participants of the actions relayed in the
novel. This may be drawn from your speculations on point 3 of the general review
1. Define the central characters. Support your choice using the text facts.
Writers have got quite an arsenal of means to give their characters an all-round
presentation and make them look real. It is widely recognized that at first
introduction a character’s appearance and some traits of disposition are stated
directly, or described. The latter are further moulded through the characters actions,
attitudes, behavior in the occurring situations. This is an indirect way of creating a
character, because in this case the reader is called upon to form one’s own judgment.
Another means of making the picture complete is through the dialogue, since it is
generally accepted that a person’s speech reveals one to the best. There also exist
other ways of making a palpable image. They comprise exposing the person’s
thoughts and ideas (internal speech), other characters’ talks and judgments, the
writer’s digressions, in which the writer expresses a personal opinion of the
2. Give presentations of the characters
Aunt Polly
Miss Snow
Mr. Pendleton
Jimmy Bean
This task is meant to be done as project work
Project work is a creative activity of a team chosen at random. From among the
team members choose the coordinator – a person who will be responsible for the
order of work and leading the group discussion. By a corporate effort define the
major points for discussion and arrange them logically. Discuss these points (in
English) thoroughly. Make the plan of your presentation and follow it when exposing
the achieved results.
UNIT 7. (general revision)
Warming up
 Recall the data and answer the questions promptly:
1. Was it spring or summer when the events described in the book were developing?
What were the months? 2. What phrase did Aunt Polly use to repeat when speaking
of Pollyanna? 3. In what part of Beldingsville was Miss Polly’s house located? 4. On
what day did Miss Polly “do her duty” to Mrs. Snow? 5. How old was Mrs. Snow? 6.
How long did she have to stay in bed because of her illness? 7. What was Mrs.
Snow’s daughter’s name? 8. How did Pollyanna manage to attract the Man’s
attention? 9. What was his name? 10. How and why did Pollyanna surprise Mrs.
Snow one day? What dishes did she bring? 11. Why did Miss Polly visit Pollyanna’s
room one day? Was it a planned visit or did it happen by chance? 12. What caused
her decision to move Pollyanna to a better room? 13. Did Miss Polly like pets? 14.
Did Polly Harrington appreciate the idea of taking a strange boy into her home? 15.
What other steps did Pollyanna undertake to settle Jimmy bean’s life problem? 16.
Do you think she will finally find a place for Jimmy? What makes you think so?
Vocabulary extension
1. Read the following words using the appropriate intonation pattern:
 leisure, vaguely, accordance, privilege, earnest, difference, conciliation,
hospitality, inexplicable , imminent
 apologize, irresistible, enthusiasm, vouchsafe, experience, relaxation,
precipitation, rapturous, triumphant, consequences, wondrously, conglomerate
 pleasure, breath, tremulously, vanity, directions, discovery, exciting, punctual,
cheerfully, enthusiastically
 composure, explanation, unpleasant, remonstrance, sympathy, sufficient,
strength, honest, drapery, questions, anxiously, opportunity
 dismay, questioning, amazement, disconsolate, unhesitatingly, peremptory,
desolation, notwithstanding, substitution, gasp, forbidden, disappointment
3. Read and translate the following collocations:
as a matter of course, systemic questioning, to misunderstand (smth., smb.) entirely,
with a gasp of dismay, in a dumbfounded amazement, under somebody’s instruction,
disconsolate, a companion of one’s own age, the dawning of a wonderful idea, to
pilot smb. into … unhesitatingly, to overcome smb., to confront smb. fearlessly, with
a peremptory gesture of silence, to lay the case before smb, to raise money, to gain
the point, a sense of desolation, to find oneself on a forbidden ground, to get credit, to
know by experience, notwithstanding the disappointment, to give reasons for, to be in
a whirl, to deliver a message, a (welcome) substitution for
4. Give the English for the following Russian words and spell them:
опрос, непонимание, ошеломляющий, потрясение, смятение, безутешный, без
колебаний, безапелляционный, опустошенность, запретный, разочарование,
замена, несмотря на
5. Define the following notions:
systemic, misunderstanding, disconsolate, companion, dawning, unhesitatingly,
peremptorily, desolation, disappointment, substitution, whirl, fearless, experience
6. Give the three forms of the irregular verbs:
Table V
The Infinitive
толкать, протыкать
ломать, бить
вести машину
The Past Indefinite
Participle II
Translate the following participial collocations into English:
опавшие листья
разбитое сердце
пойманный взгляд
запрещенные действия
выросшее дерево
забытое обещание
ощутимая симпатия
преподанный урок
отправленная телеграмма
8. Render the following situation in English using your active vocabulary:
Тетя Полли разрешила Поллианне взять в дом собаку. Но она запретила
принять в дом мальчика, которого привела Поллианна. Это разбило надежду
девочки иметь рядом друга своего возраста. Джимми почувствовал отношение
Мисс. Хэррингтон и вышел из комнаты. Поллианна кинулась за ним. Она
забыла про хорошие манеры, которым ее учила тетя Полли. Она поймала
Джимми у калитки и объяснила ему свой план действий.
На следующий день она изложила ситуации благотворительному обществу.
Она думала, что они помогут Джимми. Но женщины из благотворительного
общества решили, что это мисс Хэррингтон послала девочку. Возможно,
поэтому они решили оказать помощь не тому кто, нуждаясь в ней, был рядом с
ними, а неизвестному ребенку в далекой стране.
Character study
1. Identify the person by the given description
1. She was an angel straight out of Heaven, but the old master and
missus knew her as their oldest daughter. She was twenty when she
married and went away from her parents’ home long years ago.
2. He was a good-natured youth, and a good-looking one, as well.
Short as had been Nancy’s stay at the house, the two were already
good friends.
3. She was a slender little girl in the red-checked gingham with
two fat braids of flaxen hair hanging down her back. Beneath the
straw hat, an eager, freckled little face turned to the right and to the
left, plainly searching for some one.
4. He wore a long black coat and a high silk hat — two things that
the ‘just men’ never wore. His face was clean shaven and rather
pale, and his hair, showing below his hat, was somewhat gray. He
walked erect, and rather rapidly, and he was always alone.
5. She was forty and quite alone in the world. For years, now, she
had been sole mistress of the house and of the thousands left her by
her father. There were people who had openly pitied her lonely
life, and who had urged her to have some friend or companion to
live with her; but she had not welcomed either their sympathy or
their advice. She was not lonely, she said. She liked being by
herself. She preferred quiet.
6. Meanwhile the woman, frowning prodigiously, and openly
scoffing at the whole procedure, was, in spite of herself, beginning
to tingle with a feeling perilously near to excitement. ‘Humph!’
grunted the woman, eyeing her reflection in the mirror severely.
7. He was an old man. In his dim blue eyes, as he faced the house,
there was the loyal servant’s honest pride in the family he has
served and loved for long years. He told Pollyanna wonderful
things of her mother, that made her very happy indeed.
2. Assess Pollyanna’s instant reaction to the situation in the following cases:
 Encounter with Jimmy Bean
 Jimmy’s frustration at aunt Polly’s rejection to let him in the family
Focus on the text
1. State which events make the landmarks of the plot development
Speak about the intrigue development. Say between who and who it evolves.
Describe the setting and the time of the action.
Give a short account of the events of the part under discussion
Say what problems are in the focus of the writer’s attention
Comment on the message of the story and the impact it may have on the
Developing reproductive skills
Learn to retell dialogues
Sentences may not merely relay events or describe people and
situations. Often they “perform actions” like invitations (I invite you to a
baby-shower party), suggestions (I suggest that we visit the exhibition),
punishments (I forbid you to watch animations today), warnings (The root
of the expedition is dangerous). When people have a talk it is usually
purposeful. The aim may be to share news, ideas, opinions, as well as to
make the interlocutor or the audience do something or act special way. It
may also imply apology, sorrow, readiness to help and the like.
1. Read the following dialogue and find words matching the actions. Choose
the most suitable from those given below:
to ask / reques; to give details / information, / to offer explanation / to
explain / to argue / to give arguments; to object / to instruct; to wonder / to
inquire / to be puzzled / anxious; to agree / disagree; to account for / to
reason; to promise; to advise; to offer / to suggest
1. Mr. Pendleton! Oh, are you hurt?’
2. ‘Hurt? Oh, no! I’m just taking a siesta in the sunshine,’ snapped the man
irritably. ‘See here, how much do you know? What can you do? Have you got any
Pollyanna caught her breath with a little gasp, but—as was her habit—she
answered the questions literally, one by one. 3. ‘Why, Mr. Pendleton, I—I don’t
know so very much, and I can’t do a great many things; but most of the Ladies’
Aiders, except Mrs. Rawson, said I had real good sense. I heard ‘them say so one
day—they didn’t know I heard, though.’ The man smiled grimly. 4. ‘There, there,
child, I beg your pardon, I’m sure; it’s only this confounded leg of mine. Now
listen.’ He paused, and with some difficulty reached his hand into his trousers
pocket and brought out a bunch of keys, singling out one between his thumb and
forefinger. 5. ‘Straight through the path there, about five minutes’ walk, is my
house. This key will admit you to the side door under the porte-cochere. Do you
know what a porte-cochere is?’
6. ‘Oh, yes, sir. Auntie has one with a sun parlor over it. That’s the roof I
slept on—only I didn’t sleep, you know. They found me.’
7. ‘Eh? Oh! Well, when you get into the house, go straight through the
vestibule and hall to the door at the end. On the big, flat-topped desk in the
middle of the room you’ll find a telephone. Do you know how to use a
8. ‘Oh, yes, sir! Why, once when Aunt Polly—
9. ‘Never mind Aunt Polly now,’ cut in the man scowlingly, as he tried to
move himself a little. ‘Hunt up Dr. Thomas Chilton’s number on the card you’ll
find somewhere around there—it ought to be on the hook down at the side, but
it probably won’t be. You know a telephone card, I suppose, when you see one!’
10. ‘Oh, yes, sir! I just love Aunt Polly’s. There’s such a lot of queer
11. ‘Tell Dr. Chilton that John Pendleton is at the foot of Little Eagle Ledge
in Pendleton Woods with a broken leg, and to come at once with a stretcher and
two men. He’ll know what to do besides that. Tell him to come by the path from
the house.’ ‘
12. A broken leg? Oh, Mr. Pendleton, how perfectly awful!’ shuddered
Pollyanna. ‘But I’m so glad I came! Can’t I do—‘
13. ‘Yes, you can—but evidently you won’t! WILL you go and do what I ask
and stop talking,’ moaned the man, faintly.
2. Consider the dialogue between Polly Harrington and Pollyanna. Find
words to render the actions performed by speech. Render the subject-matter of
the dialogue.
It was about a week after the accident in Pendleton Woods that Pollyanna said to
her aunt one morning:
1. ‘Aunt Polly, please would you mind very much if I took Mrs. Snow’s calf’sfoot jelly this week to some one else? I’m sure Mrs. Snow wouldn’t—this once.’
2. ‘Dear me, Pollyanna, what ARE you up to now? Sighed her aunt. ‘You ARE
the most extraordinary child!’
Pollyanna frowned a little anxiously. 3. ‘Aunt Polly, please, what is extraordinary? If
you’re Extraordinary you can’t be ORdinary, can you?’
‘You certainly can not.’
‘Oh, that’s all right, then. I’m glad I’m EXtraordinary,’ sighed Pollyanna, her face
clearing. 4. ‘You see, Mrs. White used to say Mrs. Rawson was a very ordinary
woman—and she disliked Mrs. Rawson something awful. They were always fighting
I mean, WE had more trouble keeping peace between them than we did between any
of the rest of the Aiders,’ corrected Pollyanna.
5. ‘Yes, yes; well, never mind,’ interposed Aunt Polly, a trifle impatiently. ‘You
do run on so, Pollyanna, and no matter what we’re talking about you always bring up
at those Ladies’ Aiders!’
6. ‘Yes’m,’ smiled Pollyanna, cheerfully, ‘I reckon I do, maybe. But you see
they used to bring me up, and—‘
7. ‘That will do, Pollyanna,’ interrupted a cold voice. ‘Now what is it about this
8. ‘Nothing, Aunt Polly, truly, that you would mind, I’m sure. You let me take
jelly to HER, so I thought you would to HIM—this once. You see, broken legs aren’t
like—like lifelong invalids, so his won’t last forever as Mrs. Snow’s does, and she
can have all the rest of the things after just once or twice.’
9. ‘Him’? ‘He’? ‘Broken leg’? What are you talking about, Pollyanna?’
Pollyanna stared; then her face relaxed.
10. ‘Oh, I forgot. I reckon you didn’t know. You see, it happened while you
were gone. It was the very day you went that I found him in the woods, you know;
and I had to unlock his house and telephone for the men and the doctor, and hold his
head, and everything. And of course then I came away and haven’t seen him since.
But when Nancy made the jelly for Mrs. Snow this week I thought how nice it would
be if I could take it to him instead of her, just this once. Aunt Polly, may I?’
11. ‘Yes, yes, I suppose so,’ acquiesced Miss Polly, a little wearily. ‘Who did
you say he was?’
12. ‘The Man. I mean, Mr. John Pendleton.’
Miss Polly almost sprang from her chair. ‘JOHN PENDLETON!’
13. ‘Yes. Nancy told me his name. Maybe you know him.’
Miss Polly did not answer this. Instead she asked:
14. ‘Do YOU know him?
Pollyanna nodded. 15. ‘Oh, yes. He always speaks and smiles—now. He’s only
cross OUTSIDE, you know. I’ll go and get the jelly. Nancy had it ‘most fixed when I
came in,’ finished Pollyanna, already halfway across the room.
16. Pollyanna, wait! Miss Polly’s voice was suddenly very stern. I’ve changed
my mind. I would prefer that Mrs. Snow had that jelly to-day—as usual. That is all.
You may go now.’
Pollyanna’s face fell. 17. ‘Oh, but Aunt Polly, HERS will last. She can always
be sick and have things, you know; but his is just a broken leg, and legs don’t last—I
mean, broken ones. He’s had it a whole week now.’
18. ‘Very well, Pollyanna,’ she said at last , still in that queer voice, so unlike
her own; ‘you may you may take the jelly to Mr. Pendleton as your own gift. But
understand: I do not send it. Be very sure that he does not think I do!’
‘Yes’m—no’m—thank you, Aunt Polly,’ exulted Pollyanna.
Focus on the text
Discuss the situations
 Say if Pollyanna’s positive disposition influenced her aunt. Prove
your point of view with examples.
 Comment on how Pollyanna taught people to play the “Glad Game”
 Explain Pollyanna’s motifs and aims in helping people out of
difficulties (from psychological and social standpoints)
 Think and say if the life in Beldingsville changed with Pollianna’s
appearance. Support your ideas with examples.
 Prove or disprove that in Pollyanna’s naivety there is a lot of good
will and a great desire to make people happy. Give your arguments.
UNIT 8 (chapters 14, 15, 16)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the English for the following Russian words and expressions:
в ошеломляющем потрясении, под чьим-либо руководством, изыскать деньги,
изложить существо вопроса кому-либо, безапелляционный жест, оказаться в
запретной зоне, получить доверие, несмотря на разочарование, замена, знать по
опыту, доставить сообщение, изложить причину, чувство опустошенности,
предстать перед к-л безбоязненно, охватить, как само собой разумеющееся,
безутешный (печальный, несчастный), достичь цели, абсолютно неправильно
понять, приятель своего возраста, быть в смятении, озарение прекрасной
идеей, задохнувшись от смятения, проводить кого-либо без колебаний,
последовательный опрос
2. Read words and expressions and translate them into Russian:
remorseful memories, at the appointed place, to show keen disappointment, no matter
what, to meet with an accident, to shift impatiently from one foot to the other, a slight
delay, imperturbably, an extensive personal acquaintance, a wonder-working tonic,
overwhelming unquenchable gladness for everything, a sumptuously furnished
(bed)room, till doomsday, to look at smth from a certain standpoint, on account of, to
deny oneself smth, open skepticism, to tell smb. outright that, in absurd fashion, an
odd throb of joy, alight with excitement and surprise, to forget one’s determination,
bedecked, to get the prescription filled, to consider smth for a moment
3. Explain the meaning of the given expressions:
to meet with an accident, imperturbably, wonder-working, overwhelming, till
doomsday, to deny oneself smth, skepticism, absurd fashion, disconsolate, dawning,
to get some (give somebody) credit, to be in a whirl
4. Make up situations, using one of the given expressions:
till doomsday, to deny oneself smth, the dawning of a wonderful idea, to find oneself
on a forbidden ground, to have a skeleton in one’s closet, to change one’s mind
5. Fill in the boxes of the table with adjectival derivatives – positive (+) and
negative ( – ):
Table VI
Vocabulary extension: figurative language
have one’s hands full = be very busy
keep one’s nose clean = stay out of trouble
lend someone a hand = help someone
pick somebody’s brain = borrow ideas
pull someone’s leg
= play a joke by
saying something that is not true
 apply these idioms to appropriate situations from the book
Focus on the text
1. Recall and reproduce the exact situations in which the expressions given
below are used:
To render direct speech indirectly make use of
introductory words, stating the kind of action
the interlocutors perform by uttering their
sentences. They may be
- asking for permission
- trying to persuade smb. or explain
- letting other people do smth.
- inquiring
- arguing
- apologizing
- disagreeing
meet with an accident
wonder-working tonic
till doomsday
to get the prescription filled
2. Chapter XIV may be split into four parts with the following headings:
Pollyanna discussing the appropriateness of the Glad Game
Pollyanna inventing a new way of helping Jimmy Bean
Pollyanna bringing forth the idea of feeding up Mr. Pendleton
Miss Polly consenting to Pollyanna’s appeal
Comment on these situations, paying special attention to
 maturation of Pollyanna’s reasoning
 Pollyanna’s resourcefulness
 Pollyanna’s persuasiveness and her aunt’s intractability
 the motivation of Miss Polly’s final approval of Pollyanna’s plan
3. Chapter XV also comprises several episodes. Frame these episodes:
Single out and discuss the messages of these episodes:
4. Give a summary of chapter XVI
As distinct from a précis (which is a brief rendering of the text, that summarizes its
contents in such a way that gives the producer an opportunity to quickly introduce
the readers or listeners into the situation and acquaint them with a large body of the
story), as well as from an outline (which clearly reveals a logical, sequential,
temporal or hierarchical structure of the text) a summary is the type of short
retelling in which one may give examples, use quotations, draw comparisons and
express opinions.
It is advisable that only the most important points of the text
should be covered so that they make a string of landmarks and details skipped.
A précis differs from an outline in being a logical arrangement of complete and
interconnected statements.
UNIT 9 (chapters 17, 18, 19)
Vocabulary revision
1. Read words and collocations and translate them into Russian:
remorseful memories, to shift impatiently from one foot to the other, an extensive
personal acquaintance, overwhelming unquenchable gladness for everything, to find
oneself on a forbidden ground, the dawning of a wonderful idea, under somebody’s
instruction, to raise money, in a dumbfounded amazement, with a peremptory gesture
of silence, to be in a whirl, to pilot smb. into … unhesitatingly, to get (a bit of / some)
credit, a (welcome) substitution for, a sumptuously furnished (bed)room, with a gasp
of dismay, to overcome smb., a companion of one’s own age, to misunderstand
(smth., smb.) entirely, as a matter of course (fact)
2. Give the English for the following Russian words and word-combinations:
в назначенном месте, не важно (независимо о того), что / как, небольшая
задержка, невозмутимо, до Судного дня, смотреть на что-то с определенной
позиции (точки зрения), по причине, отказывать себе в чем-то, высказать
прямо, в абсурдной манере, выполнять предписание, как само собой
разумеющееся, безутешный (печальный, несчастный), предстать перед
(противостоять кому-либо) безбоязненно, знать по опыту, изложить причину
(мотив, оправдание, основания), несмотря на разочарование, оказаться в
запретной зоне (на запретной территории), чувство опустошенности, изложить
существо вопроса кому –либо, доставить сообщение, украшенный (нарядный),
открытый скептицизм, попасть в аварию (несчастный случай), забыть о своем
твердом намерении, чудодействующее тонизирующее средство, достичь цели
3. Give the English for the words listed below and spell them:
ошеломленный, безутешный, несмотря на, без колебаний, безапелляционный,
опустошенность, опыт, замена, сожалеющий (полный раскаяния), несчастный
случай, невозмутимо, неугасимый, роскошный, скептицизм, волнение,
4. write a Quiz
Translate the word-combinations into English:
1. как само собой разумеющееся
2. задохнувшись от смятения
3. в ошеломляющем удивлении
4. безутешный
5. предстать перед к-л. безбоязненно
6. безапелляционный жест
7. чувство опустошенности
8. оказаться в запретной зоне
9. знать по опыту
10.несмотря на разочарование
11. воспоминания полные раскаяния
12. небольшая задержка
13. невозмутимо, преспокойно
14. чудодействующее тонизирующее средство
15. по причине
16. отказывать себе в чем-то
17. забыть о своем твердом намерении
18. украшенный, нарядный
19. выполнять предписание
20. обдумывать (взвешивать) минуту
5. Give the three forms of the verbs:
Table VI
The Infinitive
оставлять, покидать
рисовать, чертить
The Past Simple
Participle II
разразиться, взорваться
вести машину
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the English for the following Russian words and word-combinations:
Прощающий человек, неблагодарное отношение, иногда (редко), утонченный,
нервная раздражительность, трепетный (благоговейный) голос, поглядеть
презрительно, возбужденно настаивать, казаться недоверчивым, непрошенные
(нежеланные) домочадцы, перевести разговор на другой объект, семейный
доктор, быть не в духе (не в ладах с…), обслуживать, предварительные
экзамены, быть хорошо развитым, признаваться, дремать, продвинуться дальше
введения, слабое сомнение, передозировать, раздражаться (роптать) по поводу
правил и предписаний, принести счастье в чью-то жизнь, мерцать
2. Define the notions expressed by the following word combinations:
a family physician, to be out of sorts with, preliminary examinations, to be well
advanced, once in a while, to turn the conversation to another subject, to confess
3. Say in what situations we may assess a person’s reaction or behavior as:
ungrateful, nervous, awestruck, scornful, fretful, incredulous, forgiving, exquisite
Vocabulary extension: figurative language
 The following collocations – nervous fretfulness, awestruck voice, lonely life,
fascinated eyes – used by the authoress, exemplify enallage.
Enallage [ɪˈnæləɡɪ] is a figure of speech, the type of metonymy, consisting in the
transfer of an attribute or an epithet from one word to another through association
by contiguity with the function of emphasizing the described phenomenon.
 Her rapt eyes were still on the dancing flecks of color from the prism pendants
swaying in the sunlit window. <…> For a moment there was silence. Then a low
voice from the bed said unsteadily: ‘Perhaps; but I’m thinking that the very
finest prism of them all is yourself, Pollyanna.’
“a low voice said” is a (trite) metonymy, a figure of speech that consists of the use
of the name of one object for that of another to which it is related (“trite” means
lacking originality or borrowed, not coined on an immediate impulse.)
“”the very finest prism is yourself” is a metaphor, a figure of speech in which an
implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something
in common.
Grammar consolidation
Types of questions
Общий вопрос – это вопрос ко всему предложению, требующий ответа «да»
или «нет». Он образуется постановкой глагола-связки, вспомогательного или
модального глагола, в позицию перед подлежащим. Например:
1. Preliminary examinations showed that Pollyanna was well advanced girl.
Did preliminary examinations show that Pollyanna was well advanced girl?
2. Mr. Pendleton was such a funny man.
Was Mr. Pendleton
a funny man?
3. Pollyanna could not give her friends much time when school began.
Could Pollyanna
give her friends much time when school began?
Разделительный вопрос также ставится ко всему предложению и требует
ответа «да» или «нет». Он образуется на основе исходного повествовательного
предложения последовательным выполнением следующих действий:
1) заменой подлежащего соотносимым с ним местоимением и постановкой его
в позицию в конце предложения перед вопросительным знаком:
The doctor gave a sudden exclamation, …..... he?
2) определением вспомогательного глагола временной формы сказуемого и
постановкой его после запятой, отделяющей исходное предложение от
собственно вопросительной части:
The doctor gave a sudden exclamation, did …he?
3) если исходное предложение утвердительное, вспомогательный (связочный,
модальный) глагол должен стоять в отрицательной форме:
The doctor gave a sudden exclamation, didn’t he?
4) наоборот: если исходное предложение отрицательное, вспомогательный
(связочный, модальный) глагол должен стоять без отрицания:
Pollyanna could not see her friends often, could she?
There isn’t any more to-day that – that Aunt Polly didn’t send, is there?
Вопрос к подлежащему образуется постановкой вопросительного
местоимения в позицию перед подлежащим. Например:
1. Pollyanna entered school in September.
entered school in September?
2. Pollyanna was very much of a surprise to school.
a surprise to school?
3. The dreary room had become a fairyland.
had become a fairyland?
Focus on the text
1. Define the following statements as right or wrong and explain your reasons:
Chart 2
the statement
right (+) wrong (-)
Mr. Pendleton often sent for Pollyanna when he was
bedridden. He seemed to need her, though when she came
he showed neither happiness no gratitude
To improve the situation Pollyanna immediately started to
teach the bedridden man to play the “glad game” at which
he excelled very fast
Mr. Pendleton always welcomed Pollyanna’s stories about
her Aunt Polly thus admitting he liked the lady and the
memories of her were dear to him.
When one day Pollyanna fell ill she came to know that
their family physician was not Dr. Chilton. She also
became aware that Aunt Polly did not welcome any
reference to that man.
There is no denying though that Pollyanna had a very good
influence on Mr. Pendleton. Even when he was out of sorts
with the world she managed to cheer him up and encourage
him to change his pessimistic views.
Pollyanna was a mischievous child. She liked to finger the
antique objects in Mr. Pendleton’s house and once she
broke a wonderful candlestick with crystal pendants.
On one occasion Pollyanna told Mr. Pendleton about her
game. Her inspiration to do so came with the shimmering
lights from the swinging prisms that gave a rainbow hues
in the sun.
Mr. Pendleton was so eager to please Pollyanna that he did
not spare the most precious belongings of his
2. Develop the following sentences into situations:
 For Pollyanna this visit to Mr. Pendleton was certainly a delightful one
 After supper that evening, Pollyanna told Nancy all about Mr. John Pendleton’s
wonderful carved box, and the still more wonderful things it contained.
 It was after Mr. Pendleton found out Pollyanna was Miss Polly’s niece that he
said he didn’t ever want to see her again.
 Most probably Pollyanna reminded Mr. Pendleton of something he wanted to
3. Complete the sentences:
As the warm August days passed, Pollyanna…
He talked to her and he showed her many strange and beautiful things…
As for telling him the ‘glad game,’ and trying to get him to play it, Pollyanna ..
She talked to Mr. Pendleton about her aunt…
Aunt Polly seemed particularly bitter against Dr. Chilton….
It was toward the end of August that Pollyanna, making an early morning call
on John Pendleton….
7. Suddenly a new thought came to John Pendleton…
8. The room had become a fairyland …
9. Pollyanna told Mr. Pendleton the story of how she had wanted a doll…
4. Bring all of the sentences you’ve got together and link the sentences with
special connectors (so, as a result of it, in the long run, finally, that is why,
most probably) to make a coherent retelling of chapter XVIII.
5. Answer the following disjunctive questions:
 Pollyanna was not very busy at school and could still pay much attention to her
friends, couldn’t she?
 One day Mr. Pendleton proposed that Pollyanna should move to his house
instead of living at Aunt Polly’s, didn’t he?
 At first Pollyanna didn’t agree to this proposal, did she?
 Then she attributed Mr. Pendleton’s desire to his long cherished love of Aunt
Polly, didn’t she?
 So she was glad they both would join Mr. Pendleton, wasn’t she?
 There were few things to discuss about the proposal, were there?
 But Mr. Pendleton had no intention to invite Polly Harrington and make him
company in his house, did he?
 Pollyanna could not figure out what it all might mean, could she?
 When D. Chilton came to visit his patient he could hardly guess what made Mr.
Pendleton’s heart beat so wildly, could he?
 Mr. Pendleton confessed it was because of Pollyanna, didn’t he?
UNIT 10 (chapters 20, 21, 22)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the Russian for the following English words and collocations:
a special request, sudden decision, to get everything settled, to puzzle out, an
ungratified wish, to lose one’s patience, a very dutiful woman, with a clean
conscience, to put one’s fingers on, a faithful dog, inaudible, to brace oneself, to
make the exchange, to touch smb’s heart, in tumult, wagging tongues, the last straw,
conscientious workers, to be acutely aware of, a hypocrite, a bitter denunciation,
plague, listlessly, encouragement, contagious
2. Answer the questions and give your arguments:
1. In what cases a person may lose patience? Is it the result of a reasonable thinking
or rather an emotional reaction? Is it excusable? 2. Whom can we call a dutiful
person? Is this trait of character inborn or may it be developed in a person by way of
upbringing? What happens when it is brought to excess? 3. In what situations a
person may need to brace oneself? Is this an easy action? What should one do to
control one’s attitude to the happenings? 4. What may touch a person’s heart? Is this
notion of a sentimental value? Is it necessarily a positive event or may it also be
negative? If it happens so, what response may there be? 5. When do we say “the last
straw breaks the camel’s back”? Does it mean that the event is too much for a
person’s endurance? Who then is responsible for the situation’s occurrence: a person
oneself, when one bites off more than one can chew, or the circumstances in which a
person happens to find oneself? 6. Do you think people need encouragement? Is
encouragement a better stimulus than reproach? 7. Who, when and why do we call
faithful? Who or what may a person be faithful to? Is faithfulness a virtue, a
necessary quality in friendship and deals, a useless sentiment? 8. Do you think that
wagging (“wagging tongues”) is just annoying or is it a dishonourable conduct?
Vocabulary extension: figurative language
have a finger in every pie = interfere in all activities
not lift a finger
= make no efforts
all fingers thumbs
= a clumsy person
hold one’s tongue
= say nothing
tongues are wagging
= spread rumours
on the tip of one’s tongue = have difficulty in
expressing something one knows well
 apply these idioms to appropriate situations from the book
Focus on the text
3. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. Supply
supporting arguments.
Introduce your own statements expressing consent or the difference of
opinion using special clichés: I don’t think that…, It doesn’t seem true to
affirm that…, I’ve got a different idea about…, Frankly speaking, I don’t
share the opinion that…, the statement doesn’t seem to reveal the true
situation… OR This is really so…, I am totally on your side…, That’s what
it seems to be…, Apparently, this is right…
1. It seems that at her age Pollyanna should have grown out of that
childish naïvety of hers. In some situations the girl is too imposing
with her “glad game” and may annoy people.
2. Anyway, she gradually starts realizing that there are cases in which
one cannot offer a person to find good about absolutely anything.
3. Pollyanna’s curiosity sometimes brought her to awkward situations.
4. Her mind is undoubtedly analytical, and her wrong guesses about
people’s relations may be ascribes to age-specific understanding and
lack of life experience.
5. There are numerous examples showing that when facing the problem
of choice Pollyanna is unhesitant in her decisions.
6. Irritability and impatience were utterly contrary to Pollyanna’s
nature. She intuitively knew how to find her way with people. That is
why many of those who knew her loved her.
7. Since Pollyanna’s arrival her relations with Aunt Polly haven’t
changed to the better. Miss Harrington remained stern and distant,
which made Pollyanna think of accepting John Pendleton’s proposal.
8. Pollyanna’s desire to help Jimmy was granted. Finally there turned
out many people who wanted to adopt the boy. And John Pendleton
felt discouraged on learning that he was outstipped.
4. Reproduce situations:
Dr. Chilton giving Pollyanna a lift to the Harrington Estate
John Pendleton’s proposal
Pollyanna’s refusal and a return offer
Pollyanna’s encounter with Paul Ford
5. Comment on the change in Miss Polly and Pollyanna’s relations
6. Discuss the following statement:
“Men and women need encouragement. Their natural resisting powers should be
strengthened not weakened… Instead of always harping on a man’s faults, tell him
of his virtues. <…> Hold up to him his better self, his real self so that he can dare
and do and win out”
UNIT 11 (General revision)
Vocabulary revision
1. Translate the given words and word combinations into English (to be done
on cards)
*требовать объяснения
*смелые попытки
*особая награда за заслуги
*работать ловко проворно
*иметь секреты
*достичь цели
*абсолютно неправильно понять
*до Судного дня
*семейный доктор
* всепоглащающая, неугасимая радость
to ask for explanation
brave attempts
a special reward of merit
to work deftly
to have a skeleton in one’s closet
to gain the point
to misunderstand entirely
till doomsday
a family physician
overwhelming unquenchable gladness for
*требовать внимания
*обнять восторженно
*очевидное нежелание
*найти возможность сделать ч-л *быть
*изложить причину
to ask for attention
to give a rapturous hug
visible reluctance
to find occasion to do smth.
to be grateful
to give a reason (reasons) for
*небольшая задержка
*выполнять предписание *признаваться
*волнующая странная радость
*неприятный сюрприз
*обнять нежно
*волнующий опыт
*говорить серьезно
*торопливое примирение
*знать по опыту
*не важно, что
*в абсурдной манере
*непрошенные домочадцы
*смотреть на что-то с определенной
*выражение протеста
*рассчитывать на
*подталкиваемый непреодолимой
*не иметь разницы (значения) *искать
*быть в смятении
*открытый скептицизм
*смотреть на что-то с определенной
точки зрения
*раздражаться, роптать по поводу
правил и предписаний
* по причине
*обладать сильным характером
*проявление сильного воодушевления
*абсурдный, нелепый
*найти время для удовольствий
*озарение прекрасной идеей
*быть не в духе, не в ладах с
* светящееся от волнения и удивления
*исполнять обязанности
*научиться быть пунктуальным
*затаить дыхание
*нести свой крест
*неблагодарное отношение
a slight delay
to get the prescription filled
to confess
an odd throb of joy
an unpleasant surprise
to give an affectionate hug
an exciting experience
to be in earnest
hasty conciliation
to know by experience
no matter what
(in) absurd fashion
unwelcome members of the household
to look at smth from a certain standpoint
to count on
impelled by irresistible force
to make no difference
to look for
to be in a whirl
open skepticism
to look at smth from a certain standpoint
to chafe under the rules and regulations
on account of
to have sufficient strength of character
to exult triumphantly
a burst of eager enthusiasm
to find time to enjoy things
the dawning of a wonderful idea
to be out of sorts with
to overdose
alight with excitement and surprise
to perform one’s duty
to learn to be punctual
to catch one’s breath
to take one’s cross
an ungrateful treatment
preliminary examinations
*предварительные экзамены
*перевести разговор на другую тему
*обвинять к-л
*поглядеть насмешливо, *украшенный,
* преданный слуга
*поддерживать с энтузиазмом
*давать приятное ощущение
*в соответствии с указаниями
*оказаться в запретной зоне
*доставить сообщение
*отказывать себе в чем-то
*украшенный, нарядный
*иногда, редко
*выразить глубокое разочарование
*найти возможность
*смотреть во все стороны
*с одинаковой стремительностью
*уладить дела
*предсказывать, пророчить
*как само собой разумеющееся
* высказать прямо
*обдумывать недолго
*легкое сомнение
*принести счастье в чью-то жизнь
*переживать последствия *делать чтото бездумно
*получить доверие
*несмотря на разочарование
*безапелляционный жест
*забыть о твердом намерении *человек,
который прощает *трепетный,
благоговейный голос
№ 10
*гордиться чем-либо
*очевидное напряжение тщеславия
*попросту говоря
*чувство опустошенности
*по причине
*выразить глубокое разочарование
*странная волнующая радость
*принести счастье в чью-то жизнь
*возбужденно настаивать
to turn the conversation to another subject
to blame smb
to give smb. a scornful glance
loyal servant
to maintain enthusiastically
to give a pleasant sensation
in accordance with orders
to find oneself on a forbidden ground
to deliver a message
to deny oneself smth
once in a while
to show keen disappointment
to find an opportunity
to look in all directions
with equal precipitation
to settle the things
to prophesy
as a matter of course (fact)
to tell smb. outright
to consider smth for a moment
a faint doubt
to bring happiness into somebody’s life
aching sympathy
to suffer the consequences
to do smth without thinking
to get credit
notwithstanding the disappointment
a peremptory gesture
to forget one’s determination a forgiving
an awestruck voice
to pride oneself on smth
evident strain of vanity
in plain words
to change one’s mind
a sense of desolation
on account of
to show keen disappointment
an odd throb of joy
to bring happiness into somebody’s life
to urge excitedly
№ 11
*укрепить самообладание
*весело пообещать
*выглядеть одиноким *гостеприимство
*длительное личное знакомство
*роскошно обставленная комната
*быть хорошо развитым
* поглядеть насмешливо
№ 12
*с искренним удивлением
*разнородные предметы
*абсолютно изнуренный *неожиданная
смена темы
*под чьим-либо руководством
*приятель своего возраста
*попасть в аварию
*продвинуться дальше введения
№ 13
*быть в наилучших отношениях
*слушать сосредоточенно
*восхитительный разговор
*время отдыха
*необъяснимая причина
*в ошеломляющем потрясении
*в назначенном месте
*чудодействующее тонизирующее
*обслуживать, прислуживать
* нервная раздражительность
№ 14
*приготовить хорошую встречу
*иметь удовольствие
*делать по очереди
*привести в порядок
*неизбежный, неминуемый
*риск последовательный опрос
*воспоминания полные раскаяния
*казаться недоверчивым
* раздражаться, роптать по поводу
правил и предписаний
to add to one’s composure
to promise cheerfully
to look lonesome
the hospitality of the place
an extensive personal acquaintance
a sumptuously furnished room
to be well advanced
to give smb. a scornful glance
to make sure
in frank wonder
conglomerate garments
wholly exhausted
an abrupt change of subject
under somebody’s instruction
a companion of one’s own age
to meet with an accident
to get beyond the beginning
to be on the best of terms
to listen intently
a delightful talk
leisure time
inexplicable reason
in a dumbfounded amazement
at the appointed place
a wonder-working tonic
to wait on smb.
nervous fretfulness
to prepare a welcome for to have the
pleasure of
to take turns
to settle into order
imminent risk
systemic questioning
to overcome smb.
remorseful memories
to look incredulous
to chafe under the rules and regulations
2. Exchange your cards in a clockwise order. Choose four expressions out of
ten given on the card and make up situations to relay one episode from the
3. Exchange your cards again. Choose one expression. Make up a very short
situation so as to make your group-mates guess the expression you have
meant to use.
4. Give expressions synonymous to the following:
*to reach one’s aim
*to be by oneself
*to do smth by obligation
*to see no way
*to be very friendly
Chart 3
*against one’s wish
*pleasant conversation
*random inquiry
*to bring to order
5. Express in one word:
Chart 4
*richly decorated
*persistent in achieving something
*engulfing and keeping under the spell
*performing/creating a miracle
*questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, or opinions
*remaining calm, even in disturbing or dangerous situations
*feeling very guilty and sorry about having done wrong
*wildly unreasonable, illogical, and inappropriate
*the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment
of one's hopes or expectations
* something that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally,
typically resulting in damage or injury
6. Supply the missing derivatives and grammatical forms:
Table VIII
Participle I
Participle II
Focus on the text
1. Enumerate the plot building events
Remember that all the points should be written in one style (Either in complete
sentences, or in nominative phrases. For example:
1. Pollyanna’s appearance in Beldingsville
2. Pollyanna’s adaptation to the new environment
1. Coming to the Harrington Estate
2. Getting acquainted with the neighborhood
1. Polly Harrington takes care of the orphaned niece
2. Pollyanna is enchanted with the surroundings
2. Develop the formulated points into a more detailed outline
The unwinding of the main points of the text will lead to creating its outline. An
outline presents a picture of the main ideas and the subsidiary ideas of a text or a
topic. It shows the order of the various events, the relative importance of each, and
the relationship between the various parts.
There exist several ways to arrange different parts of text outlining. It may be a
chronological arrangement or a spatial arrangement. The most common order in
outlines is to go from the general to the specific.
When writing an outline bear in mind
 to concentrate on the basic themes
 to be straightforward
 to eliminate irrelevant information
 to choose concise words to trigger the concept
Please, follow the pattern and use the given example :
1. Pollyanna’s appearance in Beldingsville
1.1. The delivery of the letter
1.2. Preparations for the girl’s arrival
1.3. The journey to the station
1.4. Pollyanna’s expectations and the reality
An outline is a good way to organize thoughts.
Joint project work
Join in pairs. Choose the event marking the turning point in plot development
The development of the story relayed by E.H. Porter is very even and calm. Yet as in
every literary work, as well as in true life there are culminations, which expose the
most important happenings, that are apt to change the established order of things.
Explain why you consider it significant.
3. Comment on the following statements:
 Instead of always harping on a man’s faults, tell him of his virtues
 The influence of a beautiful, helpful, hopeful character is contagiou
UNIT 12 (chapters 23, 24)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the English for the following Russian words and word-combinations:
по чьей-то просьбе, улыбнуться печально, весьма слабое оправдание,
неестественный (вынужденный), несомненно лестный акцент, незначительные
последствия (результат), чужие тревоги, прийти в сознание, безрезультатная
попытка, под благословенным воздействием, бесцельно, заразное заболевание,
бесполезное занятие, рассуждать здраво, причинять беспокойство, закрыться
как устрица (замкнуться в себе), ненамеренный (непроизвольный), на
безопасном расстоянии, быть отчужденно спокойным (хладнокровным),
сделать кого-либо своим наследником
2. Fill in the blank boxes with the necessary word-derivatives:
Table IX
Participle I
Participle II
3. When do we say that:
a person has made an ineffectual attempt?
somebody is making an unmistakable flattering attempt?
words sound as a pretty poor apology?
the happenings are of slight consequence?
a person is doing something in an aimless fashion?
the whole affair is a wild-goose chasing?
a person shuts up like an oyster?
somebody is making trouble?
4. Make up situations to use the following expressions:
Under the blessed influence, to talk plain horse sense, to be impersonally cool, at
somebody’s request, at a safe distance, other people’s troubles, to be of slight
consequence, to be impersonally cool
5. Explain the psychological aspect of the following states:
troublemaking, wild-goose chasing, doing things in aimless fashion, shutting like an
oyster, getting under somebody’s influence, being constrained
Vocabulary extension: Learning word-mapping
*a word map is a combinability scheme which represents words and
expressions arranged around a central key word
*A semantic map shows the relationships among a set of connected
concepts and ideas. It is a graphical "map" of how one views a particular topic. The
ideas most central to a concept are displayed closest to the main topic and details
and linkages are formed to display the depth, breadth, and interconnectedness within
the concept.
 follow the given example and make a map of the given words supplying
verbs and adjectives that may combine with these nouns:
Focus on the text
1. Recall and reproduce the exact situations in which the following
expressions are used:
 pretty poor apology
 to be of slight consequence
 under the blessed influence
 in an aimless fashion
 to shut like an oyster
2. Comment on the following statement:
Don’t let other people’s troubles worry your head
3. Answer the questions:
1. Pollyanna often asked people very personal questions. Could they be attributed to a
mere childish innocence or to the lack of a proper upbringing? 2. Why do you think
people don’t get annoyed at her questioning? Is it because they make allowances for
her age oк because the girl has brought a breath of new current into their lives? 3.
What suppositions can be made as to the car accident and its consequences? Was the
girl’s state just the result of a shock, concussion or do you think the injuries were
hard and needed a serious treatment? 4. How can you account for Pollyanna’s own
attitude to the situation and her state? Was it the outcome of a customary “glad game”
a brave attempt to console herself, or the cherished hopes of a quick recovery? 5.
How did the accident change Miss Polly’s mode of life and thinking?
4. Discuss the following aspects of Mr. Pendleton’s decision to make
Pollyanna his heir (team work):
 Mr. Pendleton’s motifs and interest
 Pollyanna’s gains and losses
 Miss Polly’s inward state change and a drastic outlook revision
UNIT 13 (chapters 25, 26, 27)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Read the words after the teacher
request, special, patience, conscience, faithful, truthful, confusion, conscientious,
denunciation, plague, acutely, confusion, verdict, question, gesture, despair, control,
experience, extraordinary, embarrass
2. Give the English for the following Russian words:
явное удивление
дни ожидания
несмотря на
3. explain the meaning of the following words and expressions:
dignity, unavoidable, imitation, innumerable, perturbation, verdict, to be out of the
question, an extraordinary opportunity, to bemoan, to lose self-control, to give all the
world for
Give synonyms for the following expressions:
postponement that cannot be evaded
copying somebody / something very close to the original
obvious astonishment
to be ruled out
a person one feels compassion for
to fall out of self-possession
an exceptional chance
to say directly
to puzzle somebody with inquiries
to make somebody display initiative
say whether (if):
there is anything worth giving the whole world for
it is easy to lose self-control in a difficult situation
it is easy to regain self-control in all situations
extraordinary opportunities occur often
you are able to stir people to action
6. Give the three forms of the verbs:
Table X
Past Simple
Participle II
причинять боль
дарить, поразить
7. Render the passage given below in English:
Make use of the following expressions: to fall silent / quiet – замолкать, to get tired
– уставать, to grow irritated / impatient – становиться раздраженным, to strike
one (it strikes me that…) – приходить в голову, to go weak – слабеть, to get better
– выздоравливать (становиться лучше), keep to bed – оставаться в постели,
shake head – покачать головой, turn desperate – отчаяться, to grow suspicious –
заподозрить (начать подозревать)
Дни шли, а Поллианне не становилось лучше. Она по-прежнему оставалась в
постели. Правда, она не отчаивалась, полагая, что скоро выздоровеет и сможет
пойти в школу. Тогда мисс Полли пришла идея пригласить для консультации
другого врача. Когда она начала этот разговор, Поллианна подумала, что тетя
Полли имеет в виду доктора Чилтона. Но она ошиблась. Казалось, что даже
упоминание имени доктора Чилтона причиняло боль мисс Хэррингтон. Она
становилась раздражительной и молчаливой. И в этот раз она лишь покачала
Character study
Three doctors are involved in the plot development: Dr. Chilton, Dr. Warren and Dr.
Mead. Comment on:
 reasons that bring them to the scene
 the ways and situations in which they are introduced
 relations with people they come into contact with
 the impression they produce
Focus on the text
1. Answer the questions:
1) Why did Miss Polly decide to invite another specialist for a consultation on
Pollyanna’s case?
2) Who of the doctors did Pollyanna rely on?
3) Why was the new doctor’s visit delayed?
4) Was Dr. Mead’s supposition of Pollyanna’s recovery very optimistic?
5) What was Dr. Mead’s verdict?
6) How did Pollyanna learn it?
7) What was her first reaction to this news?
8) Had she been more hopeful in planning her future life before she learned it?
9) What was most distressing for Pollyanna in this situation?
10) Did the news of Dr. Mead’s diagnosis spread fast?
11) What was the citizens’ reaction to this news?
12) What surprised Miss Polly in the citizens’ behavior and attitude to her niece?
13) How did Polly Harrington try to make her niece’s life pleasanter?
14) Did the medicine prescribed by Dr. Mead give the expected results?
2. Recall and reproduce the exact situations in which the following
expressions are used:
with a touch of stern decision, days of waiting, with her usual truthfulness, in spite
of perturbation, to be out of the question, an extraordinary opportunity, poor little
lamb, to proclaim the goodness of everyday experience, to stir somebody to
action, to lose self-control, give all the world for
3. comment on the following statements:
 It’s easy to tell people how to be glad but it is not the same thing when you are
in an identical situation yourself.
 Only a woman’s hand and heart or a child’s presence could make a home.
Writing an essay
An essay is a piece of writing that analyses and evaluates the given issue.
Fundamentally, an essay is designed to get a student’s academic opinion on a
certain theme or problem.
Structurally an essay usually falls into five parts (paragraphs), each having a
particular aim.
In the Introductory Paragraph the theme of the essay is introduced and the basic
statement of opinion is worded.
The First Supporting Paragraph is aimed at giving initial remarks which prove the
rightness of approach and the standpoint from which the theme is viewed and
The Second Supporting Paragraph supplies examples and illustrations.
In the Third Supporting Paragraph it would be right to view the pros and cons of the
accepted approach.
Logically, the Final Paragraph should offer an argumentative conclusion.
The key structure components of an essay
Write a two hundred character essay on the following topic:
“Is proclaiming the gladness of everyday experience reasonable and helpful in
creating a positive outlook?”
UNIT 14 (chapters 28, 29, 30, 31, 32)
Vocabulary acquisition
1. Give the English for the following Russian words and expressions:
наводить справки, разъяснять что-либо, нервозная разговорчивость, при
условии, необычайная беседа, по разговорам, заходить (в гости), плохо
скрываемое упорство, предпринимать длительные оздоровительные прогулки,
явное огорчение, с неожиданной горечью, получить развод, приводящие в
замешательство визиты, напрягать нервы, делать прогресс, начинать, быть
бесспорным, обеспечивать, предписанное лечение, провести обследование,
забыть о гордости, иметь серьезное значение, поддерживать контакты, быть
обреченным на, рискнуть (затеять, начать)
2. Explain the following phenomena:
nervous volubility, ill-concealed determination, long walks for health, disconcerting
visits, making headway, making examination, swallowing one’s pride, keeping in
touch, sounding matter-of-fact
3. Give situations in which people may:
make inquiries, conceal determination, take walks for health, expose obvious distress,
get a divorce, strain nerves, make examination, swallow pride
4. Give synonyms for the following words and expressions:
to want tо know and try to find out =
to explain =
in condition that =
to visit =
evident upset / grief =
to progress =
to sound indisputable =
to be very important =
to be unavoidable / inevitable =
to abase oneself / to turn humble =
5. Give antonyms for the following words and expressions:
to keep secret / to keep under one’s hat / to conceal a commonplace conversation to exposed unwillingness hidden satisfaction to get married –
to feel calm and comfortable –
to sound disputable –
to degrade –
to be of no value –
to stay dignified –
6. Supply the missing derivatives:
Table XI
Participle I
Participle П
Focus on the text
1. Write an outline of the events described in this part of the book:
More if any
2. Give a précis of the text under consideration
3. Recall and reproduce the exact situations in which the following
expressions are used:
remarkable discourse, ill-concealed surprise, take long walks, get a divorce, make
headway, be matter-of-fact
Discussing the issues
When people face a problem to solve or have to make a decision, they often
experience embarrassment and find it difficult to organize thoughts because 1)
emotional reactions to a situation may dominate, 2) there is some uncertainty as to
how to approach a problem and what to start with, 3) the goals are numerous and the
information to keep in mind is voluminous which causes confusion. To help
overcome these difficulties a British scientist Edward de Bono invented a method
which he described in his book “Six Thinking Hats”. The hats are of different
colours, each hat (each colour) performs a special role, and is responsible for a
special approach and hence a special way of thinking.
* The White Hat sets a person exposing the known facts only.
* The Red Hat governs emotions. In this case people are apt to make guesses relying
on their intuition and share emotions.
* The Yellow Hat determines only positive thinking, which means one has to view all
the advantages of the discussed matter.
* The Black Hat switches on critical thinking thus bringing forth all the drawbacks
and disadvantages of the issue.
* The Green Hat imparts one creative thinking. This is where new (sometimes crazy)
ideas are born and shared.
* The Blue Hat governs the whole process, starting it (setting goals and ways to
achieve them) and bringing it to a logical conclusion (probably giving assessment
This design is meant to help bring order to the process of thinking and evade
4. The point to discuss is the “good game”
The mode of work:
1. split into two groups
2. choose a mediator
3. “try on” the hats in an established order and put down your judgments
4. formulate the conclusion
*** use the cited quotations as tips for the possible foci (focuses)
1) Pollyanna? The little girl who was so frickin’ positive about everything, she
drove everyone crazy?
2) What if her attitude toward life was actually the most practical and
productive approach?
3) There are people who never see an opportunity without a problem. Contrast
them with the eternal optimist, Pollyanna, who never sees a problem without
an opportunity.
4) a Pollyanna type is an incredibly hopeful person, the incurable optimist
5) These days, “Pollyanna” is often used pejoratively, referring to somebody
whose optimism reflects naivete, ignorance or stubborn refusal to face the
facts of a situation.
6) What's wrong with being a Pollyanna? Absolutely nothing, according to the
experts who say a positive mental attitude can benefit everyone as we age -physically and emotionally.
Joint project work and presentations
1. The theme of an orphan-child in the
Jean Webster “Daddy-long-legs”
Mark Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”
Charlotte Bronte “Jane Eyre”
Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist”
Jane Porter “Pollyanna”
2. The Picture of the world through Pollyanna’s eyes
Dreams and wishes
3. The Glad Game as means of evading reality (creating another reality)
4. Pollyanna as paragon of positive thinking