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Yegor Menovchshikov CV

Curriculum Vitae
Yegor Menovchshikov
Mordialloc Secondary College
DOB: 04/04/2006
Year of arrival: 2012 from Kazakhstan
I am a black belt in Taekwondo
I am playing piano and flute as a solo player and as a
part of my school band
I am part of the Taekwondo demonstration and
leadership team in Bentleigh Taekwondo Club. My role is
to assist the trainer to run sessions and mentor junior
I am also running a club over Zoom calls teaching primary school kids how to solve a
Rubik’s cube
My proudest achievement at school has to be when I achieved the 94.59th percentile in a
year 9 difficulty SEAMO (Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad) in 2019 (I was in year 7
at the time) against thousands of other students. I haven’t competed in any mathematics
competitions before, however, I have “unintentionally” been practicing for it. Between
grade 4 and year 8, I have been completing the Kumon program. At the time it was just a
part of my daily routine, so I have never truly appreciated nor understood how far ahead it
has put me in mathematics.
Last year I applied to Melbourne High School, with equal optimism as I had when I applied
to the SEAL program that I'm a part of right now. I had significantly underestimated the
level of competition and preparation that I would have to have, and I had realised too late
that I should’ve begun revising significantly earlier rather than when I actually did.
Moreover, I had overestimated my capabilities into believing that the questions would be
proportionally equally difficult (partly true). After reflecting on the questions in the test I
realized that there is a general trend among all school assignments based on speed rather
than difficulty, and so, I would have to learn to solve problems faster, rather than learning
to solve more difficult ones. Reflecting back on this test for JMSS, I’ve spotted a similar
trend and presume that the practice has paid back now that I’m at the interview.
I’ve always found young and successful people to be very inspiring. No matter what their
field of work, I recognise the sheer amount of effort that they had to put in at one time in
order to achieve the success that they're at now. Although partially irrational, I’ve had the
idea fixated in my mind that since results need action, with a constant reminder of what is
technically possible, I’ve found to have increased motivation in areas of interest. Effectively
anyone better than me in some area of interest is a form of motivation/inspiration for me.
Current idols that I have now are Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos within their younger years, due
to both of them becoming incredibly successful while starting off with practically nothing.
I believe my superpower to be the ability to hyperfocus on most activities, especially the
ones that I enjoy. Oftentimes, in my areas of interest (subject-wise) I'm easily able to get
carried away into producing high quality work. For example: in a science assignment, I’d
unintentionally write multiple times more than required, going off into much more detail
and information, hence resulting in higher marks. Paired with overthinking and
perfectionism I’d go over my work many times more in order to make it as best as possible.
As a downside I often go to the limits of unintentionally providing unnecessary information
that doesn’t contribute to the guidelines of the work. Another example with hobbies rather
than schoolwork: I would be fully engulfed in the hobby, it being the only one I have for a
while, until I reach a stage of perfectionism after achieving desired results. Then I would
further go into unnecessary regions of the hobby that provide no real value to it and only
out of curiosity, after which switching to another hobby and repeating. If timed properly
and at interesting subjects then it’s very rare that I would produce subpar work.
A brand new hobby that I have begun for myself during last year's lockdown was streaming
my Minecraft gameplay on an online platform called Twitch. It was a brand new experience
that I had never considered partaking in, requiring me to talk, interact and engage with
strangers; As an introvert, this took me out of my comfort zone as I had never wanted to
initiate conversations and especially disliked small talk. Whilst I still don’t particularly
enjoy it, I feel much more calm when meeting new people or even in generally social areas
requiring me to speak one on one with people.
As for my involvement in science beyond the general school curriculum, I’m attending a
computer science class outside of school; there I’ve learnt to program in Python, Microbit
and Arduino. I am also attending an additional online course where I’ve learnt HTML, CSS,
Javascript and the React and Redux libraries. With my current level of knowledge I am able
to make an interactive website from scratch as well as understand the structure and modify
an existing site. In my spare time I often program in a game engine called Unity. I make my
own models for the game in a 3D software called Blender, transfer the files into Unity and
proceed with programming the game. I have also recently gotten access to the Open AI /
GPT-3 API, the world's most advanced Artificial Intelligence engine to date, and am
experimenting on the possibilities of it trading cryptocurrencies for maximum profit.
Please also see following certificates / awards attached:
- Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad 2019 - Certificate of Achievement GOLD
(top 8%)
- ICAS ASSESSMENT 2020 - Digital Technologies - Distinction (top 6%)
- ICAS ASSESSMENT 2020 - Science - Distinction (top 9%)
- KUMON medals (2016 to 2019) - continuous being 5+ years ahead
- PSYCHOLOGY ASSESSMENT SUMMARY - cognitive profile is indicative of
Intellectual Giftedness (top 2%)