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Cybersecurity Infrastructure Assignment for CBB Bank

Assignment1 cse1acf
The scenario:
The CBB Bank is rolling out the service which enables business and personal customers
to trade wind and solar energy, as the CSO, what kind of cybersecurity infrastructures
and algorithms will you be considering?
The CBB bank has started to roll out services which enable businesses and personal customers to
trade solar and wind energy for money in return. I will show my ideas of a cyber security
infrastructures and algorithms to help CBB Bank in protecting their data and software and how they
will protect. Some ideas would be encryption to all data, usernames and passwords, VPN, and some
other infrastructures that can protect CBB Bank.
Encryptions will play a major part for protecting data for CBB Bank. An encryption is to hide data and
protect it from malware (malicious software) that will try and steal data and use it to their own
CBB can use password protected data bases will help in reducing the risk of someone entering the
database and stealing data. Password protected will only allow access to user that have authority to
access the database such as employees some customers and other business partnerships and keep
unwanted visitors out.
CBB Bank can use a VPN which will hep hide and secure their data. A VPN known as a virtual private
network can secure their data from attacker while making business transactions and choices. It helps
secure the data so their trace can be harder to track.
The CBB bank can use a hierarchy of authority to have different type of access. Like a level one can
only see the data a level 2 can access and change customer data like email address and home level 3
can access customer and employee data and change their data. And a level 4 has access to
everything delete databases manipulate it and create new ones.
Using a backup will save CBB Bank from after a threat has occurred. A back up is used to save data
after it has been lost. So, if customer data or employee data has been manipulated or stolen or lost
and deleted the backup can save the data and bring it back up.
This flow chart will show the process of going through the CBB bank. The user starts so the
encryption will start. It will ask are you an employee or customer. if you select customer it will ask
are you business or personal. If you chose business enter username and password if username or
password is wrong, it will ask again. If it is correct it will ask if you want to trade wind or solar and
end. If you choose personal it will do the same thing. If you select employee, you will be asked to
enter username and password if wrong it will ask again if correct it will bring you to your level of
authority and finish.
With this cyber security infrastructure CBB bank can be protected and secure from attackers and
other threats.
These sites gave me some ideas on the infrastructure of the CBB banks.
Style Harvard referencing:
website tittle: cbb.gov.bh
URL: https://www.cbb.gov.bh/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Final-OM-Enhancements-forCybersecurity-Vol-1.pdf
Name of book: Central Bank of Bahrain Rulebook volume 1 conventional banks.
Author: Central Bank of Bahrain.
website tittle: cbb.gov.bh
URL: https://www.cbb.gov.bh/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Vol-3_RM-Chapter-on-CyberSecurity.pdf
Name of book: Central Bank of Bahrain Rulebook volume 3 risk management .
Author: Central Bank of Bahrain.