SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSAL. TITLE; INVESTIGATION OF VARIATION AMOUNT OF COMPOUNDS EXTRACTED FROM COMMIPHORA SWYNNERTONII AT DIFFERENT TIME OF DAY IN SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE MAZIMBU-MOROGORO JUMA MOHAMEDI HAMISI EPC/D/2020/0013 GEORGE HESRON ERNEST ECB/D/2020/0141 PAULO MARTHA A ECB/D/2020/0128 NAME OF SUPERVISOR: DR FAITH MABIKI. 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Medicinal plants are worldwide valuable sources of herbal drugs. There are over 1300 medicinal plants used in Europe, of which 90 % are harvested from wild resources; in the United States, about 118 of the top 150 prescription drugs are based on natural sources. Furthermore, up to 80 % of people in developing countries are totally dependent on herbal drugs for their primary healthcare, and over 25% of prescribed medicines in developed countries are derived from wild plant species (Chen et al. 2016). World Health Organization (WHO) (1996) recognizes medicinal plants as the primary source of health care to more than 80% of developing countries. Among of these medicinal plants are commiphora species founding in Asia and Africa. Commiphora Swynnertonii is among the plants that have been used by some Tanzanian tribes to treat various diseases in humans and animals (Bakari et al., 2011, Mkangara et al., 2014). In Tanzania commiphora plant is used by several tribes for treatment purpose for example Maasai tribe use this for combating against various ectoparasites affecting livestock acaricidal agents for killing ticks in cattle. The genus Commiphora has been demonstrated to exhibit a wide range of biological activities such as anti-inflammatory and analgesic anti-hyperglycemia and antioxidant hepatoprotective, antibacterial and anticancer activities. Commiphora species have also been demonstrated to have anti-ulcer, anti-fungal molluscicidal and antischistosomal activities (Willbrord et al 2014). However, many studies which have been conducted about the importance or effect of compounds produced with Commiphora Swynnertonii as medicinal plants no studies reported the variation number of different compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii at a different time of a day. The aim of this study is to investigate the variation amount of compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii at different time of a day. 1.2 Problem statement and justification. People have limited knowledge on how light intensity age of plants contributes to variation of amount of compounds extracted from it. Also, the amount of compounds needed for treatment may be extracted in excess or insufficiency, this may to lead partial recovering of patient or increase of disturbance in the body of a patient due to introducing of excess new substances. Due to this problem, the aim of this study is to investigate the variation of different compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii at different time of a day. This study if successful conducted will provide information that may help people such as traditional physicians and scientists to be aware of the specific amount of compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii at a certain time in order to be used for treatment and other uses like scientific research so as to avoid the effects like insufficiency of compounds required for investigation in pharmaceutical activity, the use of proper dose so as to avoid effects like hormonal disturbance and metabolism imbalance and also, may lead to increases the capability of a patient to recover in time. 2 1.3 1.3.1 Objective General objectives The main purpose of this study is to understand the variation number of different compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii at different time of a day. 1.3.2 Specific objectives i. To determine how light intensity affects types of compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Basing on recent studies different scholars work on the same plant species but on other way of interest. Commiphora swynertonii has been researched aiming at determining and solving various research problem. According to David Credo et al (2022) conducted a research on activity of sterols isolated from the leaves of Commiphora Swynnertonii against nosomial infections bacteria and findings of study shown that the presence of antibacterial active compound on leaves of commiphora swynertonii and further confirm and claimed traditional uses of this plant in the treatment of bacterial infections. Another finding from Garmary et al (2012) studied the effect of resinous extract from commiphora swynertonii on experimental coccoidal infection in chickens and their results of findings show that indicated that resinous extract from commiphora swynertonii has significant anti-coccidial effect infections in chickens. According to Bakari Kaoneka and Margaret Mollel (2012) carried out a research based on acaricidal activities of commiphira swynnertonii against the brown ear tick (Rhipicephalus) and their findings shown that commiphora swnnertonii extract it induce mortalities of 71% and 54% respectively around two weeks old nymphs. Also according to Bakari et al (2015) carried a research study on effect of commiphora swnnertonii resin extract on various physiological parameters in chickens and the findings reveal that an administration of resin extract in chickens which caused no undesirable effect at lower doses but when the dose is increased more the effect is clear seen and observed. Also another research carried out by Yakob et al (2016) based on a study on trypanocidal activity of ethanolic extracts of commiphora swynntornii on trypanosoma congelense but this research finding provide the evidence that ethanolic stem bark extracts of Commiphora Swynnertonii possess trypanocoidal activity against trypanosoma colengence. Although different scholars conducted many research concern on commiphora swynertonii plant on various research topics but no research has been conducted on investigation of variations of compounds extracted from commiphora swynertonii resin at different time of a day. Among the problem confronting this research is about awareness of people to understand what compounds present in excess amount from commiphora swynertonii plant at a different time of a day and by considering age factor of a plant. 3 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Area of study Identification the variation amount of different compounds extracted from Commiphora Swynnertonii at different time of a day. 3.2 Research design The experimental design that will be used to carry out the research is quasi-experimental design since there will be no randomization of sample collection in Commiphora Swynnertonii resin extract. 3.3 collection and instrument Commiphora Swynnertonii saps will be collected and taken to the laboratory for further experimental investigations. 3.4 Sample preparation and extraction The Commiphora swynnertonii resin and other parts will be collected as sample, separation and identification of different compounds will be studied using thin layer chromatograph and UVlamp technique 3.5 The following are the materials used. Organic sample solution, developing solvent (Hexane, Methanol, ethyl acetate, πΆπ»2πΆπ2), TLC stunning reagent, TLC plates (Aluminum, Glass or plastic), UV-lamp, Diamond tipped Glass cutter, TLC chamber, test tube, Sharped knife, filter paper and beaker 3.6 Experimental procedures. Thin layer chromatography and UV-lamp will be used as separation and identification of different compounds from Commiphora Swynnertonii. The principle of separation technique using thin layer chromatograph relies on the relative affinity toward both phases, that is compounds in mobile phase will move over stationary phase and experimental procedure explained as follow: TLC plate will be marked at the bottom with the aid of pencil then the plate dipped into Commiphora Swynnertonii sample resin. Methanol as mobile phase will be poured into TLC chamber then plate will be immersed into TLC chamber that contain methanol in such a way that the sample resin faces the methanol then the chamber closed with a lid. Development of spots will be waited and once spots are developed the plates will be taken out and dried. Then sample spots will be visualized under a UV-lamp. Example- the leaves, roots, resin and barks will harvested then… 3.7 Data Analysis and presentation. The data will be analyzed through quatitative data analysis methods, SPSS method and presented through charts, graphs and word. 4 4 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES AND DURATION 27.12.2022 15.02.2023 06.04.2023 26.05.2023 15.07.2023 PROPOSAL WRITING PROPOSAL ASSESMENT DATA COLLECTION DATA ANALYSIS REPORT WRITING REPORT SUBMISION RESEARCH PRESENTATION Starting date RESEARCH REPORT REPORT PRESENTATI SUBMISION WRITING ON 25.07.2023 16.07.2023 17.06.2023 Duration (days) 5 12 6 DATA ANALYSIS 28 DATA PROPOSAL PROPOSAL COLLECTION ASSESMENT WRITING 01.06.2023 20.02.2023 01.02.2023 27.12.2022 14 99 17 34 SOURCE OF FUNDS AND BUDGETS The source of money that will needed during our conducting research will be provided by our parents and department which is about 145000/=’ ACTIVITY AMOUNTY LABORATORY 15000/= STATIONARY 50000/= EMERGENCY 30000/= TOTAL 145000/= 5 6 REFFERENCE i. Bakari, G. G., Max, R. A., Mdegela, R. H., Phiri, E. C., & Mtambo, M. (2012). Antiviral activity of crude extracts from Commiphora Swynnertonii against Newcastle disease virus in ovo. Tropical animal health and production, 44(7), 1389-1393. ii. Bakari, G., Max, R., Mdegela, R., Phiri, E., & Mtambo, M. (2011). Antibacterial and antifungal activity of Commiphora Swynnertonii (Burtt) against selected pathogens of public health importance. Res J Biol Sci, 6, 175-9. iii. Chen, S. L., Yu, H., Luo, H. M., Wu, Q., Li, C. F., & Steinmetz, A. (2016). Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects. Chinese medicine, 11(1), 110. iv. Kalala, W., Magadula, J., & Mdegela, H. (2014). Evaluating Acaricidal activity of Commiphora Swynnertonii (Burtt.) bark exudates against common ticks in Tanzania. Int J Herb Med, 2, 19-25. v. Kevin, B. (2017 Effect of climate change on availability, access and use of medicinal plants in the Nadowli Kaleo district of the upper west region of Ghana (doctoral dissertation, university of Ghana, region). vi. Maghembe, R. S., Mpemba, J. A., & Alfred, M. (2016). Effect of resin extract from Commiphora Swynnertonii (Burseraceae) on biochemical parameters in in rats. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 19(3), 249-255. vii. Mkangara, M., Chacha, M., & Kazyoba, P. (2014). Antimicrobial and cytotoxicity efficacy of Commiphora Swynnertonii (burtt) extracts. Int. J. Sci. Res, 3, 1611-5. viii. Mkangara, M., Erasto, P., & Chacha, M. (2014). Acaricidal activity of Commiphora Swynnertonii (Burtt) stem bark extracts against adult Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus newman and Amblyomma Variegatum. American Journal of Research Communication, 2(9), 82-92. ix. Rotimi, K., Edeh, F. K., Aiden, J., Itiola, A. J., & Obamiro, K. (2022). Factors that influence pharmacists' efforts in addressing substance use in Nigeria: An exploratory study. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 8, 100189. x. Willbrord, M. K., Joseph, J. M., & Robinson, H. M. (2014). Ethnobotanical use of Commiphora swynertonii Burrt amongst Dorobo people in Tanzania. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 8(23), 820-828. 6 7 SIGNATURE OF STUDENTS AND SUPERVISOR Student’s signature 1 Student’s signature 2 Student,s signature 3 Supervisor’s signature SUBMISSION: January 2023 7