Noun verb adjective adverb phrase chin meaning accumulation accumulate accumulativ e accumulatively / 累積 limit limit / / / 限制 compulsivene ss / compulsive compulsively / 強制性的 spree / / / / 瘋狂/狂歡 depression depress depressed depressing / 傷心/不開心 vicious circle / / / / 惡性循環 / clutter cluttered / / 混亂的 / / unnecessary / / 冇必要 affluence / affluent / / 富有的 swipe swipe / / / / adopt / / / 採用 responsibility / responsible responsibly / 有責任地 emissions emit / / / 排放 elimination eliminates / / / 排除/廢除 / / outrageous outrageously / 生氣/暴躁 / / / / free up 騰空 alternative alter alternative alternatively / 另一個 / / / / on the brink of disaster 在災難的邊緣 sustainability sustain sustainable/ sustained sustainably / 持續的 / / strict / / 嚴謹的/嚴厲的 Sentences 1. accumulate: As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.隨著人們累積更多的財富,他們傾向於花費更大比例的收入。 2.limit: We set a time limit of 30 minutes for the test.我們為測試設置了 30 分鐘的時間限制。 3.compulsive: Her latest book is compulsive reading. 她的最新一本書是強迫性閱讀。 4.spree: I went on a drinking/shopping/spending spree on Saturday. 在星期六我繼續喝酒/購物/ 消費。 5.depressed: He seemed a bit depressed about his work situation. 他似乎對自己的工作狀況有 些沮喪。 6.vicious circle: Many people get trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.許多人陷 入節食和體重增加的惡性循環。 7.cluttered: The floor is cluttered with hoses, tools and buckets.地板上堆滿了軟管、工具和水桶。 8.unnecessary: I thought a lot of the violence in the movie was totally unnecessary. 我認為電影 中的很多暴力都是完全沒有必要的。 9.affluent: We live in an affluent neighborhood.我們住在富裕的社區。 10.swipe: She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.她打開窗戶,用捲起的報紙拍打蒼蠅,讓它們飛出去。 11.adopt: They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adopt.他們沒有自己的孩子, 但他們希望領養。 12. responsibly: When he saw the crash, the young boy acted very responsibly and called the police. 當他看到墜機時,這個小男孩表現得非常負責任,並報了警。 13. emissions: We all need to do more to reduce carbon emissions. 我們都要加倍努力減少碳排 放。 14.eliminates: A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease. 養成健康的飲 食習慣有助於消除心臟病誘因。 We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident. 我們排除了這或許是一埸意外 事故的可能性。 15. outrageous : It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes. 這些大樓空著,而成千上萬的人卻無家可歸,這真是令人難以容忍。 These prices are just outrageous (= much too high). 這些價格高得嚇人。 16. free up:I need to free up some time this weekend to finish the report.這個週末我需要騰空時 間來完成這份報告。 17. alternative: An alternative venue for the concert is being sought. 正在尋找其他可舉辦音樂會 的地方。 18. on the brink of disaster: Our company was on the brink of disaster, but after our latest product came out, we've been doing better than ever before! 我們公司瀕臨倒閉邊緣,但當我們 最新產品發售時,我們的業績比之前更好! 19. sustainable: A large international meeting was held with the aim of promoting sustainable development in all countries. 召開了一個旨在促進所有國家永續發展的大型國際會議。 20. strict: My parents were very strict with me when I was young. 小時候父母對我要求非常嚴 格。