Pgthon sogsammng ourse 0bectives and Caeat mantin Se and Leasn Sytan Fwnchona O Rhon Hande Stslnas and Fler n thon Undestand expxessfona LIsts, Dichonaefen avd Kequlas n thon. Implemet Obiect Oieded odgramma Concapt în Pthon. Buld KWeb Sevius and thoduction to Netosk Qud Data base psvasamming n OIT- Tchrduceten lo hon Rhon a FosSum and Compule Sente, Jelkslandi . Ma1hamadica iko * developed by uido Van Insdhats Reseasch Nadfonma oas woa languay uthon sdeived C, C++, Usis shell etc. Rithon is *IH f's a usea hgh- a 00 anguagR. open Sounce lananae Pntespoete \ Code Sowa level pooqramm in to o Convesting mackne Code 0fente an and * suppoa psocecore D8paamminq orienled ohfect Seadable ts kiahly *Rthen laquagr - usea EalRsh kauuoo%ds * hon s Pafthon Ptkon and . Case-Sensiftve n natws Contains useul awbmatic deelpig gasbage Collecion. Web appleationa. hon eatusA high Jthen s thom a level oaMming T s eAatlem to lea obsect obie t osfeuled povqsamnüng, poDtacuusa psoqsawmiva pobvidea aDaches. follouong pyton. nauo g suppo ane te dunamic wemoxy allotatt exential fealluu KThon: tCode ohtn Cod ohen and leain to s easy eas Pthon to olket popqaamauiua lanouagen. cOwposed wuch Same ad Enalh. No sedcolon &ux bsackes T mCpenSou fs an dlouonloaded and trec opem-Souo so d lanquage Tt Can be be I t Ca and be skaied Cast Can Supcat Objec Oxrded fhon 0bienlad pDqsammi Suppod ckiet fealuan Such aa: obech Classes encapsulation innetants ett )Postable and Pladfoaw nde pendeut: Hthon fs potabe n notuu..oseovea, luthon Cod tn Can be u n any envisonmeth ka Oindows, Lnux, wac etc. IteqsatdLanguoJ ge V Pthon Can be iteqaled witk olhau lanque JO Such aa , Ct+ ett vLxtexpseladLa rtThon usex Sowo Code o Purthon Cooe s be come an irter paetes o convediq The macdine Coole. whi meane exeuta e eas to debug te by le. Hlee, and sole Vi)Huae Stawdasd bxax thon has alakge umbet heCordtain bsoves psedelined moodules and uncdowa coxtain taska. Moxeow, lbaasy s pstable and Csoss-plat1sn Covmpadilole vit)ravfcalllped: . not be nead Vatable pfhem tupe I Pyhen od tsel, detider Intetpxder delfntd. Sn-4tne Scalable Python povides acod Suppt 1 lakge SDasamS awell. xSuppol KUI PSDqsammng o vasious UT Cveadtia Suppils Putkon Pthon appliaona. I t ha mooules ke t s , & Tk thabugh wkich Pthon C4, P qaphita fndealaco a Calad Thon e ution Mode: Pylhon pavqaaMmng not sequîsed. But a is Sunfime Stxucuxe ython indeu Kouolecdap kasic undastavdina SnecoMasy to Knou PDCCM cpapaam enacutian PVM m-pC -P **** Souno Kuntwme Bute Coole 8) Puthon Rst Py Sougte Pyton Compiledle -fis st pye 101010110o 110O110)1o Machine Bu Cooe Compwo Coode ode eneuom mool, n st Souste Compile usng pufhon comilee. a Byte Cooe. Thea 1 b - Coole cod genonales ho luad Machine (PVM) + uStna using genekate a mackine PVM is Cod. zntime engene PVM tesalen thaough h me -bu-one to hon bate-Code fustrud Cary out th opesotione ttoms s Chetpe But n obet typea od Sywtan used thon ss shouon in Table. Evey ttka patwMed fn pyttam poDgsawM is a Kend olseet Obect Type Exawple Lteuh/Cxekan. Nambets 34, 3.14-15, 3+4 Decal, fsation. Stavs Spam,Naiks", bahxdic' Li'sts 1,5, ['te, 1, spam, a,'u, 3:s). Tuples DPchionasiesa Flea Sets Ofas Cose types Fstqpam Uhit types mplenentaton velotad tupe manqo :so, aste yump myile = open eags, 3 set (nbc), f'a', b, e'. Sooleav, tupes, NaN hunctomvA, Nodule, Classes Compilad cocla, Stack taacabacka. Fmstant) to pealAm text patlean classes ase use scsfpt+ng netuovk Such a Oofectn n wftk stale mant creal matchiug and patfean obfecta socket cbiata unchons, modules tm. T aa a Creaed epses&ona de unctionu Class clam wpo ambda. Psntive Standaao Obieet lypes: evey Thinq O SPns SPnt so an poDte SSed obiect. Heaa, dadu in Hthon ypes ane PodgaamM prsoqsam actually classe. and Vaxablea ak instane(object) clas ses. standasd ox ) Numexfc ) Sequente lupe. built in dada tupe Plhon 1) Soolean iv) Dectfommy v Set Pomitive Pathon-DataTapes Boo lean Set Dictonary Num eaPc Complex INumbeu JSequanta Type. Stings LstTuple Standard type pytton, Yene ente cxeadng Fucteges nudve nstaudiadion. and ae not sthfhg classea. olkea not Othe Bult in da-lupea? Iadden to standaad datatypes, Pthon haa oltet bullt in dadatupez Tha aAa 12ted Thosy llows: ) Type 1 NoneNull 0biect 1 Fle iv) Functon Mefhod Module vi) Class vi Class Tnstata Tpe) type () buftî unetion takes obiect and Setuwn ts tupe Tha xetusn cbject fs type a obett ye (obect) tupe(a) >int ype tpe ("Hello Woxld) ctype stn 4tpe type ) Nova Niull Pithen ha a Special obiec knoCn a l l obiedt. 11ha only Vaue =None ons type(Nona Null obiect do o Nonc have buit-in unhioms. Non ans aluoys evaluale it) Furdions: uncticrua ase is any har to hae euos no atbues false Valus a nteusled to pexld&m a Speuic task. functoun Can etusn def abRon (a, b) C a+b setun C addihon (10, IS ) a Value Itevnal Data ypea Irteanal data tupesused n t axe biel shouon Rthon lana hha * Code * same * saceback * slice *Elipsis sange Code obfect is () Compile u-buftfncton when calles code objech oaa Cseatas. These ae executalble pfecos Pthon that asebuta Theae obieds a e appropråte Cxacudion by efta erec & by eval () )Fsame objecta: Compiled. Sepsese n exochon statk rame Pthon. IH cotain alnmaron Tk Python ntespreleg heccda to Kiow du duina Su ime enocutriey Ye Stults in ame a obiec new C a Call mcton Cal! aame obiect and l eacdh Stack aae 's Cxeahd ach i) Tsaceback Cbed J Cxto pion is saised when eos OCCu Thon.Texcoptioma a handled Rnlaspselas exits Tsaceback (innesmast last): nOT Caugtor o wmesso.g Fle in", fne N?, n ??2 Exso8Name: exzor KaSon ) slRa cCbiecta J .Sle obed ah Crealad using exterded slite Sunta stside indeting mut dfmensfenal vdenun. :c)Elfpsis îndeat Seguence., stast1 end 4| Sequence Staat1:end1, Stata: enda Tuhon Elipsis Obieda: extendec in used These aR These Sequnte Stat1 : endi CIlitpsts olje ets also kaue a singlo Ellps's v Xsange and hae a sle notartian nama boolean TRUE a imes. Ol i s Csecles usfin arast sane () Sibla Sange C) It s used ohen memog slfnte SanaeC) aeaale a lanqe lata set. Standaxo lupe pekatoxs aValue Compaxisoni Compasison opeRatoss a equality two dlata Vaucr wed to delorwie Cchpaxison yytelds ielals TRUE os FALSE Valuor opeicdors is ire opeaduss evpx < Cxps List uncrcn expsa epr expy is les than exp- exp 1 s grea Hex1 is less than epx1>= expo2 epo ep exsi d Comporian expr ox cqualto Cap is qveaa a equelto evgra is equal to eup. ex1 is not equal to eps a. Elamples .q6=8.33 S+H4>=-3 abc= xy2 abc ta cpra y 2 abc 2 3,'abc']== |3, abc bTdentits Compasison Pafkon Suppta dinecthy Companng obiect Thamsehes. Obacda Can be assiond to otkes (by selsana) Vasiobles EMaple) oo1 to0 = 4- 3 Seante te Same obiect Exaple oo1 Soog dieclt = 43 ooafoo Tho Sama obiect 3 Exople 3 Re)ponte dnpant obect foo = 4-3 fooR 3 +3.0 Foo1 quo shouastoo d'sRnct Though bot chjects have O04 i Goo) dfeca) inkaa& neated usnaSoolean and, 'or ad not. The ase logfcal opesadia opeaato) ha Opecos not ep and epsa ahert paecadonca wnhio Logica NoT expr(ngadin) Coica AND eupoa expoA even Vauua. 43 Eupressfona expo1 SaIme 4 4-3 cBoolean not obed obiec eapo And (onunchon). Logital OR exps4 ug expo (lisfunctn). Exaple: not ( < S.o) (xe s.o) 6%y>. 718) <s-o) and (y&:718). Staundasd pe Sut-in-Funchana Along Alou with qenerie Phm ao lhom opeactoss pxbviolea bult-Pn. }uncfiova ha Con be plid he og applRd to all basie obect types Cmp) Seps) stsC) *typeC) Operatiom. diaM Cmp (olk, ola) Compares and seruan mtesen ohisoba chi4obia cb1= =obja. epz(obj ) "d st etusns evaluattble stba sepsetedaios c she (ob) setuana paftale sting sepoe sertatton type (olg) « Deteaia pe objand setukn type objeet TpeC t n- unction nhon bui a setuana ype t okiect satype (objet) ype (4) tpe int »type ("Hello Oosb") < type 'skinas tye (tyeta)) type 4upe two ompalos obeet and setusna teqer9 a,b - 4 l a Cmp (a,b) Cmp (b,a) Cmp (a, b) ab abc', 'xyz Cmp(a,b) Cmp(ba) 1 a i) stx() Sts() ad Xepx ) and seps) nctoyma opekato ( Sepse sesntadon buill n & sngle back & xe veue quote quote J ) a used to xe-Cxeae an ooject thsouah evaluasim. st (qS3 -a sis () sts ([o,s,9,9]) sepaCo,s,,11) [o,5,9,9] qS3- o,s, 9,1 o.5,9,1 [o,,, Staucdesdype Opetatoxs od Buitin-dunt Opekcbs FunctoM Deacihiorm Re sud. stiae pxesentaone Stoing sepse tentate ste Burt n funchon Cmp (obja, obja) sepr (ob;) st (obi) type (oli) Compas ho objetn Sting sepxesestadom Str * Deteien obied type tupe i) Valuo Cowpaxisona len kan gseaua h00 lex tta ox cqwl to b00 great Ohec Copaisoa s snot ar d qual % boo qato b00 not equal to hot equal to boo Same bool aa boo not the Same a Boolean Operadon: not and logica negaion logeal Cojunchim logcal djundn beo boo tho Standosd Cateqoaizîng The hoe Yeladionskip modeto Cate qoiz Each moca Shows 1 typer. Standar ae a oliHelt thsee as lypes bethoean tke ypes. Te molelh +ollows: ) Storoge mecel i) Updat moda in) Accos modal. all t Te shous dexet meodel Dota lype utes tupes, 1% categonttaton. Stosage Mooe stavalasd Threc Accen Mod Upeat Mndes . Direct Scaak mmutalble Stongs Scalas mutable Sequanta Lists Loroaned Mutable Sequanls Tuples Containe MTnu tab le DIctonaes Containe Mutable Numbers Sequene Mappir Stosage moole isst o sst0 to Catecpsiza t many obfet An can be stoses in an atomic Single Rtesal object how obect. oo Scala Stala stoso > Condaina Stosag CCompesite Compound obiect MuHiple obiectn Ptton pe stotage Model Scalax by is wkich hos objecttupe * tupe Numbosn (all numuic tyen) atom string (all are lteaale) Rsts, tuples, Retionaries 9Cortaine Sstha ou Self containedteas etawe ython doe no kae a chaxactet tpe "Python" SPylkon S so) s [o) P = "T' Cor i)olata Model Anofket by aslang way to Cateqore standardtypen Onte Cealad, objei be ouestioa. changed/updatkd R thon lupe Upaede Moe LAsts, Dectienasics Murable Numbeta, Stings, luples mmutable nmutabled: Pyhon numbeu and Stsing = = ase muctalble ?12 what ive? id (x) 2 8 »id(f) etk Mutobles: ammonia', 83, 8S, lady 8S A)= L[a]+ 1 L)- "steco" »append ('candly appewd +1) n Accen Model: Accem wmodel helps to aciom tka stored data. Catecpsos Vauun aCcon mode a Pthon upes Actwn ode Disect NumbeA Sequante (slia) shings, lisk, fupe Mappi 1fctionaien In dichoraaiea, elamath (Valuwn) aki' un-o%clesacd and accOMed Mapping types paiss with a key a set his This akos hasha ke-Valu Unsuppoted ypes Rst fupes fhadt a T not suppAld n O Patken a chax byte Puthen byte do no hawe chos a to hold tu singa cholad 8-bit degea ) Pointe lhon NO t nood to manages memory, Ioe actos obtodn addses poinlo addseea use obiect's Ts s 0aoee olencht ty. e idc). i) int Vs shoat Vs long: Pthon's plan teqera ake The integer type. Use ony a Singe tue, Pthon degeu when Compaled wi c (int, shdty ad lona). Uivelsa stavdad f8 example, utplyng hoo lage nambers rthon ves a long back insteas ovekouoro with a ed. ) float Vs Deuble Chas bólh single pretsfon loat type aadd dnulle psefsion 'eouble tpe. =C dosle - Pythen'sAeat tupe P then loes not suppt floccing poit ype. a Singe pae sfon NumMBERS Numbera ppvfdo Scalas stoxagp Gnd dkvct acten. Numbe ha Serehal Tntee is a immutable tupe Thon numai upen gena 31 ta-1): Plain Indages Long Tntegea (Supeset oYotee Boolea Exomples: h e x a Lteae OlOl, 84,-234, Ox8O, 014 Ox 9& Iweaet 16384 Poan Ox 4-E8L OS144-36+L, , -680 -21474836422 91794-S8A OcDECADEBEAPEL, -S432lbla34L and Falke Bool ean Nambesa at FHoadig Psec?sin 1) Double Floaing detimal pont Nalues a e chdD point (-) sepxesendg and an denotes optionas ScfondiR notation. u e by "suH Exanple: 2eS -777. 00 -90-0 3.14-16 -1. Go9E 19 42E-10 9.3B4e-13 6 .09ea3 -S-SSS 6I19. omplex Numbess Combiuirq a umbea m a Eaanples: sca umber th an imagnaiy enh a noon a 64-375+a 93-g.S G-3341- 9-8066-S-243-I3 X O 693+1S 693 a O p len urwbe ma a Coniugato () 63+1:S 0.93-8.SS} peiafina a Mited orle PTen Suppdts mied mode perakina betuen numet tpe*. ie add nteqe and lent. (2+ l3). thom Solvea te poblem usirq "numeAic coescion'. fs Comventeto Hexe ono TL opexarel olle opeAdundupe START (wfth bok nuwbe ER No NO NOlong/ float omplex /ERkar Yed Yed Botk /otk NO NO NO org floa Conplex ConveRt non-Complex| Ys to Complex Convet non-ffoat toFoat YedTonveT on-lovg tq long - ey&m tke desîsesd nameic Qud STOP. Coptatian A mati easie nuw.elic becauge no Coexcio Con veekion dathe. qlhon pmoviele makoa prDqan is seqwed Coexce) buit in nchin Ex Automahic CoeRcion Add itegek und'foot 1 + 0+S SS Plocod is Supextet) OPERATORS Numetic thpes supt gg Aom Cxeahom stanclosd opeAat6a Vaaieta peradbiy teopeaoba to wio specx numbers standa ypeCpekus Standad tpe opeatka weaic tpea. t compaxer \ al i Valuo wdk ft to dota tupes and setuswa TRUE ExAUNple os FALSE. S ==Sa -719> 233. S+4-e>= 2-3e (a&s) and (s<9) 77>6 = = 66 (77>66) and (64=60) (-I<) ox (1<-1) o A x i t h m e t i c OpesatoxS Patton Suppåt loth Unaxy opeaad6a neqaion no Such aa chag) LBinasy + aExponediation * l , %,*4, S useo eponotianon. 3 -3x 4-0 *-|.o O -3)x *a 6leosDvision / i s USe fcos divitkenopelake T tsuntales teaacRon and souda t heat Sunale st ohole uwbe touond le) t uwbee faaples 1-2-0 cModuls| Remakdes dpexados fs wsed Eaople modulut. 8% 3 7% 1 72% 3. 0 79999 103 & Cat be a qsDup 3 ity Bttuoise Operatoss Fton abo SuppA 6toise OpeRotdar/ Invsfom, bwise AAN, OR, XDR, let and Btofse Opeaator unchon. num Tnvet bit u m num1 umi rum l t skitad by u UwMa umi & uma Mum 1 um1 EXolest num 1 bitwise An0 it numa numa num1 bitwise oR wsth numa num num1 XOR 30 45 O1110 101 IO I O 0 3 0 & 4-S 30 let sliltd by nuw 4-S S&G0 63 44 oftk Nma, NN 30 I 4-S 0 60 IS O0 304.S4S SI 30 =-(o1 0+1) 11.11 31 > N4-S = Oli0 1) (1o1 161+1) (10 0) Buft n funcAba Standasd Tpe Funcde Bullt Aunchins cmpC), sts) and TypeC) as ppled 1 all standasd tpe. numbesa, on unetiona wrll Compas wuw.belA, ComveAt to Stainasand predief tpe umben sespetivey Cxamplee Cmp (-6,a) Cmp(-4-2 331,-2.718 281) Cmp (0xFF, ass) O st (SS3ea) type (oxFF ss30.6 tpe n t ' 76Sy 1210 L) 21018 (98H6s43 tupe <type longid type(-1) etype 'Coplals b) Nuwe ye Functova; Rthon Suppdt, d}exont set ouilt fn uvbt wwelic Soma Co vet tupes type to andlkes whil peua Soma Esanles 4 on velsn8 numge othota ao cpeaadiona, alulasitna. pe numelic on pe Convea s fana fat (4aSSSs) onaomga-a) Hoot (4) Complea (4) q-+0 Comolexa4, -8) . Complex . -8 (a-3e-10, 4S.3e) . 30-10+YS3O0o Opexotiomod tton ho Ave operafional built n wncta iabs) Coexce ) iit) dvmod() fv) poutC) V) sOmd ). absC): CxAple abs(-1) absabs(10.) abs (t -2-t -2421)1:2-2-1VI-X1 & CoeRce C): Coexe Coesca 4.4 - 2-1X2:-1X +4- (1,3) (L, a) l3,134-L) C1.3,13q-6) Coeate (1, 134-L 4-, 134-L) Coekte (4,134-L) (1, (134 +01)) Coence(toa3-4,134L) ((1-23-41),taq+o3)) . divmod ombinea divison and maoulus opesa wnction aud setuana palr (quohut, semainde). divmod (10,3) divmod 3,10) (3,1) o,3) divmod10, a s) (-0, ) divmod(aS,1o) (0-0, 2.s) )pouot powC)and X peum expont adkon poo a, s 3 pow (s,a) pou 2S (3-41592,a) 9-869%60 a1446- poo(1+1j, a) 2+2) Sound)e Inosmalysownda a loctna poit nuwmbet to tta ngak AtttAlee nteqra! numbe nd J sesulta a a dloat Sound (3) 3.0 ound (3.45) sound (3.499999 3.0 3.0 ond (3.4199999,1) 3S EE a IEE E O Sequente tupe al shae SAma altom model ie %deked set uottk seqnoutiall ndexe). ffause shows houo sequente elewonla oveStosed and ac oMed. Numbeing schehme stals }om Zero (o) 1 -2 N D Seqente N -N-)-(-a) ' - 1 Ne= lenqih Sequonta= len(seqwent) U n a Sequene bu usng slie ultiple elemont aaselecte operadoxs. Sequovo pe Cpelatoss: Sequeto opelatobr Fwntin located a naex ind Seg Cmd) Elemeut SaPnd1 : inda Elemela o Se*eapa Sea 1 +Sea ob in seq ob nst in Se Sea o Sea fnd1 but not incluce nda. epeala ex tmor ConCatenabs sequSe1 s 2| Testk t Te obj is a mensbes s e ob fs no a mewbe Sequento Mewmbea skip (fn, not fn) : Memberskip test opetadox a i usedto detewine okalhe an elkmes Ps A i a Membet d Oe sequent. T Doolean in nadwAe ob not J in and not in opeed aud aetu Tsue |False-| segunc. i)Concadenadion(+) I allows to onto0 sequontes The ype Sequena +Sequana a. ti) Repeto(*): I fs use) hen Conse tudie Copren Sequeunte elamot ako alesfxe Sequonte* Copies_int itege. Hello S Same sktesti, [:1, t:)): Sequontn tn an ae datu shuchus cosdetuo manno. tad hol obied Slie a c o n ndvidua elemau ad pai bsnckob Sequone fndex Can to be med nde Stings Stings Sings a sequonte o chasa ders enclosed n Single ox double quotes" "', Shings alo iMmutable. Via sliing shin Stinas aR actomedseqondall Sh -equlas shig (str) Uncoale Cseat Stangvnicoda Assiqn Stiq Cseating sts ) unhion. Ea a a stng and Hello s Smple & assqn t orld msg Pthon paint (msg) is Cool S St (sanael4) o, 4,3, 3 oa wse t Variabe. i) Accem Strina To tta elemenla a Shing Use bxackal [] along wih The altes ka Squase The Inalices & hdex to obtan Sub-Stin 1234-s 6 8 1 a Hello Woxlo H a [o a [i:s] aL6: ello' wWoxlo i) Upelak St An enisRa Stsing supaatad ba e-asStgning a vasable. to OUolher Stag stain Hello Woxld a-neu a:6]+ Pathon bdPaatstaing altogeltat iv) emeve chatadey Shina stings immutabe aAe Cannot be semoved So fndvianal chasaceu om an existirg staing To dsop d rewove one chaiatae a Hello hwoxld aal:3]+a [a:] a Te clea &semove a Helo World Stain e t y shing de a delee Stia. St and pexatoxs )Stonsax ye Cpeadoxs: A to Most Exaple Opekatoxs that applt Ppli Umbe nclded cbieda aa a abc' b standad type mn C a in xyz b b C )Compaxd usinr Asci Val a<Cad b=*y2 Ordat. false Methodse n Buslt >Staing Stsung me1koos add new unttinalit to Stoivng a mooula. Descxiptron Method Name Sthinq. Capitalzet) stoing slouwex () a Copatali Ast letles e, si Retuswa tsue han atleast 4: Cased pyhon". shing. isdit t) chanactes and all cosed chaiodlen a 1234S stsing- loues () ahe louwes Cane. -Retuaw taue sting ondy dits contain Sting isnuwerict) sttr -Retuatse Sting- Contain ony numeic chasala -Conve a uppe Caae t owel Cane String uppes C) Convela looes CaAe fo ppe Cae stia ttle C) AU wOsals beqin ik pe Case aud sest ao lowea Can Stsirg suoapcase) Pylhon PyTHON sting staip ([ol)) a py lon Tnvert case 8 all lelleu n stiv Pexyama both Lstipt) xstpl) on Stoing. ad Stsing sipC) a 1/ Pyon Rewoven all toailfn white spate ostinq stsivq-stipt) Removea all leadina iote.spates n Stin stsingisspale Retusna Tsw Pyn a=" contains only white spale cha stinaisde imal() a Ret sthirg.Psalpha () a= Pythn sthinq epanata bs ( shina nd) a Retusn toue ateaat A thasactes a alphahenic. Pyfhn puasa Mir a.ends sih(" fnq") a-nd ("s") J stinq.fnoe Tsu Stina Cotaln only deimal oligg laSS stn endsuoYlh ( stina ). shing encode). sthina Cowtes ) Stong Cot ) Stoina exdeud ) a .index(y Q.entoca C) bpyten a-cextes(10) sPyke S a. Cot"P") LISTS: List aso psvvicla Sequendial stosage 1hsuh Rst a lcom can be Singla 8 an inoex . Conselutive elemenl hadug shea listnchce stavaard Lt uset delied pe. Soxted and evelie ephy, cbct phad types Cau O weu a ePopulatad, Lfst s upalalad mwtable n .e elamont Con be nseslas & semoved Cseota st: Rst is simpleLists a e CoeatioM a use baackata & delimted by Squae hcton ta List(). 183, 'abc', 4-S6, 'innel,'1st 9-13,(,1,10) ewyoty ist. st (python) i) Accem List: is doo usin Squar Lfst acuM aud nde. Srtla to Ex boackol stina aton 3 U: 'abc', q6, Linnea', '1t ia3, 'abc qs6]. Lst i)Updat. Lh: te m and suppdt mutable Sina 1Pst is witk Elementa Can be addea assianments. appevdC) = 123, 'abe, ['inner, 'List], (7-93) L abc 1)-4-S6. 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