ATR 72-600 Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator IMPORTANT NORMAL PROCEDURES (SIMPLIFIED) ENGLISH This checklist is designed for a efficient operation flow for one pilot, but I tried to keep it as close as possible to the real procedures. The procedures are intentionally simplified in some regards, to make this guide accessible for beginners. Making these checklists has become very time consuming for me. So if you really like them, please consider a donation via (even the smallest donation would be helpfull. Many Thanks. DEUTSCH Die Checkliste ist für einen effizienten Bedienungs Flow für einen Piloten gemacht, aber ich versuche immer so dicht wie möglich an den realen Prozeduren zu bleiben. Die Prozeduren sind teilweise absichtlich vereinfacht, um es zugänglicher für Anfänger zu machen. Das Erstellen dieser Checklisten ist für mich zu einer sehr zeitaufwendigen Sache geworden. Falls du die Checklisten wirklich magst, ziehe bitte eine Spende via in Betracht (selbst die kleinste Spende hilft weiter). Vielen Dank. CHECKLIST LEGEND (MP / MP-L / MP-R) (GS) (OH) (OHP) (CC/CP) (LP) (RP) (BP) abcdefg (bold) abcdefg abcdefg abcdefg *) **abcde AS REQ / DES (d.o.w) Main Panel (Left & Right) Glare Shield Panel Overhead Panel Center Console/Center Pedestal Left Panel / Right Panel Back Panel most important items for a quick start Navigation & ATC Gameplay / EFBs / UI Features usually done by F/O or Pilot Not Flying see Notes Sections not modelled/simulated yet or not possible as required / desired depending on aircraft actual gross weight LIMITS & SPECS Max. T.O. Weight Max. LDG Weight 23.000 kg / 50.700 lbs 22.350 kg / 49.272 lbs Vfe 15° Vfe 30° Vl retraction/extension/extented 185 KIAS 150 KIAS 160 / 170 / 185 KIAS Service Ceiling 25.000 ft NOTES PFD MFD EWD EEC PEC ATPCS by JayDee v1.32.2 Primary Flight Display Multi Function Display Engine And Warning Display Engine Electronic Control Propeller Electronic Control Automatic Takeoff Power Control System HOTEL MODE Engine 2 is running with Propeller Brake ON, which prevents the Propeller from turning. Gives DC Power and Bleed Air for Packs. POWER LEVER Power Lever (PL): The Power Lever stays in NOTCH during Takeoff, Climb and Cruise. Power is managed by PWR MGT Knob. During Descent, Approach and Landing - Power Lever is set manually to maintain desired Speed. FMS Speeds in AUTO Mode are advisory only execept in IAS AP Mode. NOSE WHEEL STEERING Seems to be bugged right now. FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY - NUR FÜR DEN FLUGSIMULATOR PREFLIGHT & COCKPIT PREPERATION Fuel/Load-Toolbar Panel EFB Options / Throttle Calibration EFB Ground Power / Doors / Chocks SAFETY CHECK Battery (OHP) Wipers (OHP) **Circuit Breaker Panels (OHP) Propeller Brake (OHP) EEC & ATPCS (MP) PEC (MP) Landing Gear Lever (MP) Weather Radar (CP) Parking Brake (CP) Power Levers Gust Lock (Power Lever) Condition Levers Flaps Lever **Circuit Breaker Panel (BP) Internal Lights SET SET SET AS DESIRED ON BOTH OFF CHECK OFF all 3 ON both ON DOWN OFF SET GI (Ground Idle) ENGAGED (aft) Fuel SO (Shut-Off) IN AGREEMENT CHECK AS REQ A) POWER UP WITH GPU (preferred) DC EXT PWR Available Light (OHP) DC EXT PWR (OHP) AC WILD EXT PWR (OHP) verify ON ON ON B) POWER UP IN HOTEL MODE (no GPU available) Propeller Brake (OHP) SET - verify Gust Lock is engaged - verify green „READY“ on Prop BRK Panel is illuminated - if necessary use AUX HYD PUMP Pb on Pedestal - Prop BRK Switch → ON - verify blue „PROP BRK“ Message in EICAS Engine 2 Fire Test (OHP) PERFORM - depress SQUIB TEST pb and checkt Lights - select TEST sw on FIRE and verify Warnings - select TEST sw on FAULT and verify Lights Fuel Pump 2 (OHP) ON DC Generator 2 (OHP) ON Engine 2 START - set ENG START selector (OHP) to A+B, A or B - press START 2 pb and verify ON Light illuminates - on 10% NH → right Condition Lever → FTR - on 45% NH verify START 2 ON Light extinguishes - on stabilzed Engine verify DC GEN2 Fault Light = OFF - set ENG START selector to OFF/ABORT OVERHEAD PANEL Fuel Pumps both ON Landing Gear Lights verify 3 GREEN Engine 1 Fire Test PERFORM - depress SQUIB TEST pb and checkt Lights - select TEST sw on FIRE and verify Warnings - select TEST sw on FAULT and verify Lights Nav Light ON Logo Lights AS REQ ENG Start Selector OFF DC Generators both ON Emergency Exit Lights ARM Windshield HTG both ON Probes HTG all 3 ON ACW Generators both ON Hydraulic Pumps all 3 ON Oxygen Main Supply ON Oxygen Pax Supply OFF Engine 2 Fire Test PERFORM (if not done already) Verify no white OFF Lights on Overhead Panel Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 1 ATR 72-600 Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator COCKPIT PREPERATION (cont) ATIS & ATC Clearance (IFR) STARTING ENGINE AS REQ FMS/MCDU SETUP MCDU MENU → FMS 1 → INIT → FPLN INIT → ROUTE - enter FROM/TO and FLIGHT ID, the press EXEC - verify you are now on FPLN Page - enter Enroute Waypoints - enter Departure by selecting respective Airport >LSK - enter Arrival by selecting respective Airport >LSK (optional at this Stage) - delete FPLN DISCONTINUITIES with CLR and >LSK - press EXEC when done with or after you made changes PERF → PERF INIT → WEIGHT - enter ZFW (see EFB) or LONG CLICK on LSK - enter Fuel On Board (see EFB) or LONG CLICK on LSK → RETURN or PERF → PERF INIT - enter CRZ ALT - choose CRZ MODE (Max or Longe Range) → RETURN or PERF - verify V1, VR, V2 are filled - verify or set Transition Altitude MAIN PANEL Takeoff Data (MFD - PERF Page) Fuel Used (MFD - PERF Page) Transponder (MFD - SURV Page) PFD, MFD & EWD (EICAS) Altimeter / Baro Knob STBY Altimeter PWR MGT Selectors Landing Gear Lights by JayDee v1.32.2 CONFIRM RESET SET & STBY SET AS DES SET LOCAL SET LOCAL T.O. verify 3 GREEN FGCP PANEL (AP PANEL) FD verify ON NAV Source AS DES HDG DEP RWY HDG ROLL MODE (HDG/NAV) AS DES PITCH MODE (IAS/VS) AS DES ALT Preselector CRUISE or ATC CLEARED ALTITUDE Speed Mode (FMS/MAN) (pb left of CPT PFD) AS DES Speed Selector if MAN MODE (left of CPT PFD) AS DES PEDESTAL Weather Radar STBY Idle Gate verify GROUND (pulled) Aileron & Rudder Trim ZERO Elevator Trim SET FOR T.O. (see EFB or MCDU WEIGHT) ATPCS Test PERFORM - set rotary Selector to either ENG and verify Warnings - repeat for other Side EWD - Call „FINAL COCKPIT PREPARATION“ Checklist ATC Clearance (Engine Start / Pushback) AS REQ Parking Brake SET Doors (EFB) CLOSED Beacon ON Passenger Signs ON Power Levers GI Condition Levers FUEL SO EWD - Call „BEFORE PROPELLER ROTATION“ Checklist A) ENGINE START WITH GPU (NO HOTEL MODE) Engine 2 START - set ENG START selector (OHP) to A+B, A or B - press START2 Pb and verify ON Light illuminates - on 10% NH → right Condition Lever → FTR - on 45% NH verify START2 ON Light extinguishes - on stabilzed Engine verify DC GEN2 Fault Light = OFF - right Condition Lever → AUTO DC EXT PWR (OHP) OFF AC WILD EXT PWR (OHP) OFF GPU (EFB) REMOVED Chocks & Tail Prop (EFB) REMOVED PUSHBACK IF REQ Engine 1 START - verify or set ENG START selector (OHP) to A+B, A or B - press START1 pb and verify ON Light illuminates - on 10% NH → left Condition Lever → FTR - on 45% NH verify START1 ON Light extinguishes - on stabilzed Engine verify DC GEN1 Fault Light = OFF - left Condition Lever → AUTO - set ENG START selector to OFF/ABORT B) ENGINE START FROM HOTEL MODE Chocks & Tail Prop (EFB) REMOVED PUSHBACK IF REQ Engine 2 Propeller START - press AUX HYD Pump Pb on Pedestal - Prop Brake Switch → OFF - verify Propeller RPM NP% → positive - right Condition Lever → AUTO Engine 1 START - verify or set ENG START selector (OHP) to A+B, A or B - press START 1 pb and verify ON Light illuminates - on 10% NH → left Condition Lever → FTR - on 45% NH verify START 1 ON Light extinguishes - on stabilzed Engine verify DC GEN1 Fault Light = OFF - left Condition Lever → AUTO - set ENG START selector to OFF/ABORT AFTER STARTING ENGINES / BEFORE TAXI Overhead & Main Panel verify no OFF OR FAULT LIGHTS ENG START Selector verify OFF Anti Icing AS REQ Anit Skid Test PERFORM Flaps 15° Cockpit Door DENY EWD - Call „BEFORE TAXI“ Checklist ATC Clearance (Taxi) AS REQ Taxi Lights ON Parking Brake RELEASE T.O. Config Test (Pedestal) PUSH and verify no Alert EWD - Call „TAXI“ Checklist FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY - NUR FÜR DEN FLUGSIMULATOR Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 2 ATR 72-600 Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator TAXI CRUISE - use ND Map Mode for Airport Diagram if desired - release PARKING BRAKE - test BRAKES during taxi - verify working Flight Instruments (i.e. Turn Corrdinator) PWR MGT Selector Navigation Top Of Descent (TOD) BEFORE TAKEOFF Gust Lock (Power Levers) RELEASE (fwd) Condition Levers verify both AUTO PACK Flow verify NORM PFD, MFD AS DES FMA verify AP Modi set as desired PWR MGT verify T.O. Transponder ON TCAS AS DES Weather Radar AS DES Flight Controls CHECK FULL & FREE MOVEMENT ATC Clearance (Departure) REPLAY TOOL AS REQ AS REQ Strobes Landing Lights EWD - Call „BEFORE TAKEOFF“ Checklist ON ON NORMAL TAKEOFF LATEST 20-30 NM BEFORE TOD - enter Approach and Landing Data into FMS - enter ILS Frequencies into both Nav Radios EWD - Call „DESCENT“ Checklist DESCENT PROFILE Power Lever = AS REQ / PWR MGT = CRZ SPEED = 240 KIAS (MAN Mode) / VNAV Profile 3° DESCENT Anti Icing AS REQ @ TRANSITION FLIGHT LEVEL Altimeters SET LOCAL @ 10.000 ft Landing Lights Passenger Signs Cabin Pressure ILS Frequencies EWD - Call „APPROACH“ Checklist ON AS DES CHECK SET Approach at ~ 3.000 ft above Destination Elevation or use proper Procedure Altitudes. 20 - 15 NM OUT (latest at 3.000 ft AGL) - descelerate to ~ 200 - 210 KIAS - verify ILS Freqencies are set (at least in NAV 1) @ ACCELERATION ALTITUDE (1.000 ft) - lower Nose to accelerate to 170 KIAS if flying manually - Power Levers → maintain in NOTCH - PWR MGT → select CLB - select Speed 170 KIAS on SPD Selector if not in FMS Mode - @ VmLB/F Speed ~130-140 KIAS → FLAPS UP CLIMB PROFILE Power Lever = NOTCH / PWR MGT = CLB SPEED = 170 KIAS / use IAS Mode on Autopilot for Climb AFTER TAKE OFF & CLIMB Landing Gear verify UP Flaps verify UP Taxi Lights OFF PWR MGT Selector CLB Yaw Damper ON Air Condition AS REQ Anti Icing AS REQ EWD - Call „AFTER TAKEOFF“ Checklist @ TRANSITION ALTITUDE SET STANDARD @ 10.000 ft Landing Lights Passenger Signs CRZ (after reaching CRZ Speed) CHECK DETERMINE / CROSS CHECK ILS APPROACH & LANDING - line up & brake - release Brakes - Power Levers → NOTCH - @ VR slowly rotate ~ 3° per sec → ~ 9-10° Pitch - @ postive Rate → GEAR UP - Yaw Damper → ENGAGE - maintain at least V2+5 KIAS - Autopilot → ON at own Discretion Altimeters by JayDee v1.32.2 OFF AS DES CRUISE PROFILE Power Lever = NOTCH / PWR MGT = CRZ SPEED = 245 KIAS FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY - NUR FÜR DEN FLUGSIMULATOR 15 - 12 NM OUT - activate APPROACH SPEEDS in MCDU PERF Page - descelerate to 170 KIAS - Intercept Localizer - on LOC Intercept Course - Switch to HDG Mode - select V/LOC1 as NAV Source - select APP Mode on AP - maintain 170 KIAS until Glides Slope or 2.000 ft AGL ON GLIDE SLOPE (latest at 2.000 ft AGL) - Power Levers FLIGHT IDLE - set FLAPS 15° - LANDING GEAR DOWN (below 170 KIAS) - set FLAPS 30° (below 150 KIAS) - stabilize at VAPP - select Missed Approach Altitude & - PWR MGT set to T.O. EWD - Call „BEFORE LANDING“ Checklist @ 1.000 FT AGL (~3 NM OUT) - be stabelized and fully configured, otherwise GO AROUND - stable on LOC and GS (max. 1 DOT deviation) - max. 20 Knots more than VAPP Landing Gear verify DOWN 3 GREEN Flaps verify 30°/FULL PWR MGT verify T.O. Landing Lights ON AP & Yaw Damper OFF (latest @ 500 ft AGL) @ THRESHOLD - at 30 ft Callout → Power Levers IDLE - at 20 ft Callout → slowly start Flaring - after Mainwheels touched down, slowly push the Nose down - Power Levers into Ground Idle and then REVERSE - keep slight Pressure on Controls to keep the Nose down - REVERSE OFF at ~ 40 KIAS, use Brakes if required Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 3 ATR 72-600 Guide – Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v1.32.2 GO-AROUND - Press GO-AROUNG Pb on Power Levers - Power Levers → RAMP - Flaps 15° - retract Landing Gear at positive Rate of Climb - maintain min. VGA - select AP Mode (HDG/IAS) - retract Flaps at Safe Altitude and Speed (~ 140-150 KIAS) AFTER LANDING Taxi Lights ON Landing Lights OFF Strobe Lights OFF Probes & Windshield HTG OFF Anti Icing OFF Flaps UP Trims RESET Gust Lock ENGAGED Transponder STBY Weather Radar STBY TCAS AUTO/OFF EWD - Call „AFTER LANDING“ Checklist PARKING Parking Brake SET Power Levers GI (Ground Idle) Condition Levers FTR Taxi Lights OFF EFB GPU AS DES Engine 2 HOTEL Mode or EXT PWR AS DES - Propeller Brake → ON or EXT PWR ON Engine 2 Shutdown PERFORM (if not in HOTEL Mode) - right Condition Lever → Fuel SO Engine 1 Shutdown PERFORM - left Condition Lever → Fuel SO Fuel Pumps OFF ( exept Pump 2 if in HOTEL Mode) Passenger Signs OFF EWD - Call „PARKING“ Checklist EFB Doors / Chocks SET AS DESIRED LEAVING THE AIRCRFAT Oxygen Main Supply OFF Anti-Icing OFF Exterior Lights OFF Weather Radar OFF Engine 2 Shutdown PERFORM (if in HOTEL Mode) - Fuel Pump 2 → OFF Emergency Exit Lights DISARM EWD - Call „LEAVING A/C“ Checklist EXT Power (if used) OFF Batteries OFF FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY - NUR FÜR DEN FLUGSIMULATOR Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 4