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Pastoral Counseling Annotated Bibliography Template

PASM-464 Assignment 2.4a
(This assignment should be used as a spring board in your research for your major paper. Use the
following template for the completion of this assignment. Delete highlighted material and
replace with your own material.)
Statement of Topic
Tell the reader the topic of your research paper.
Bibliography Information for Resource #1
Smith, Mark A. “Religion, Divorce, and the Missing Culture War in America.” Political
Science Quarterly 125, no. 1 (2010): 57–85.
Brief statement regarding the author and his/her credentials as an authority
The author, Mark A. Smith, is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Adjunct Professor
of Communication at the University of Washington. His research generally consists of political
waves in America but not intended to influence the government one way or another. His intent is
rather to educate cultural and political trends in America. His intended audience is working
professionals in counseling and sociology.
A crisp statement regarding the relevance of this article for your topic
This article compares the conservative and liberal arguments on how divorce has impacted the
American Christian Family and the culture in which we survive. This particular argument in how
the church, and Christians at large, are responding to divorce and how the “liberals” are using
this against the values of Christians and the families affected by divorce. This is relevant to my
research, as I am looking at the cause and affect divorce has on the family, church, and
community and in order to do so I am looking at the history of divorce and its dissolution over
the past 100 years.
A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to
write an essay on this topic.
Quotes: “With the underlying causes affecting Christians and non-Christians alike, the national
divorce rate reached nearly 20 percent by the 1920s as a rising wave of marital breakups more
over and around barriers build by religious institutions.”1
Mark A. Smith, “Religion, Divorce, and the Missing Culture War in America,” Political Science
Quarterly 125, no. 1 (2010): 68-69.
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PASM-464 Assignment 2.4a
Bibliography Information for Resource #2
Bray, Gerald. L. The Doctrine of God. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1993.2
Brief statement regarding the author and his/her credentials as an authority
Gerald Bray, D.Litt. University of Paris-Sorbone, is a professor of Divinity History and Doctrine
at Beeson Divinity School in Alabama. In 2006 his position at the seminary became a research
position where he focuses on research, writing, and speaking.3
A crisp statement regarding the relevance of this article for your topic
A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to
write an essay on this topic.
Continue for Resources 3–7
Submit this assignment by 11:55 PM ET on the last day of Unit 2.
Make sure that you are using the writing style based on the requirements of your chosen major (APA or
Turabian). It is vitally important that you are able to format your papers correctly.
Beeson Divinity School, “Gerald L. Bray,” http://www.beesondivinity.com/geraldlbray [retrieved August
11, 2011].
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