ACCRA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY COLUMN STUDY OF ACCRA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (ATU) HOSTEL BOREHOLE WATER TREATED WITH HYDRATED LIME (Ca(OH)2) By OMARI CHARLES ASEIDU (01201691B) OPOKU ACHEAMPONG GIDEON (01201618B) RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT/ THESIS Submitted to the DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the AWARD OF BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (BTECH) DEGREE In PROGRAMME TITLE SEPTEMBER, 2022 DECLARATION This project is submitted as part of fulfilment for the award of a BTech in Medical Laboratory Science: The work is a result of our investigation. All section of the text and results which have been obtained from other works/ sources are fully referenced. I understand that cheating and plagiarism constitute a breach of Accra Technical University and will be dealt with accordingly. NAME SIGNATURE DATE OMARI CHARLES ASEIDU ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… (CANDIDATE) OPOKU ACHEAMPONG GIDEON (CANDIDATE) DECLARATION BY SUPERVISOR I hereby confirm that the above student is a B.Tech. Students in the Department of Civil Engineering under my academic and research supervision in accordance to the requirements in Accra Technical University. The student is currently in the final year of study and is expected to complete in 2022. NAME SIGNATURE Ing. Dr. Mrs. Sarah F.H. Duncan ……………… DATE ……………… DEDICATION I dedicate this book to the Most High God, my lovely parents, my siblings, my friends and all my lecturers for their support assistance throughout my training. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I will take this opportunity to show my gratitude to everyone who made this project a success. However, it will not have been possible without the kind support and help of my classroom colleagues. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I am highly indebted to my Supervisor, HOD, Lecturer One, Lecturer Two etc. for their guidance and constant supervision providing necessary information regarding the project and also their support in completion. I will like to express my gratitude towards my mom for her kind cooperation and encouragement which helped in the completion of this project. ABSTRACT Ground water is among the few of the natural that might be unpolluted. Increase in municipal, agricultural, industrial, and other extreme land use, has been found recently as the activities that contaminate groundwater. The process of assisting in modification, condition, or removal of unwanted materials from water to make it acceptable and safe for drinking is known as Ground Water treatment. This Project seeks to investigate into the borehole`s quality at the Hostels and Clinics of ATU the borehole water will be treated with hydrated lime using column test. Samples of borehole water were taken at the Hostels and Clinics which serves as sampling locations. After the pH adjustment, there was an improvement in water quality which resulted in Chloride and pH levels that meets the standard of WHO and GBS drinking water standard. Table of Contents DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ 2 DECLARATION BY SUPERVISOR ............................................................................................ 2 DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ 4 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 9 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Background of Study........................................................................................................ 9 1.2 Problem Statement ......................................................................................................... 10 1.3 Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 11 1.4 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................... 11 1.5 Scope of Study ............................................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................... 12 2.1 BOREHOLES .................................................................................................................. 12 2.1 Groundwater ........................................................................................................................ 13 2.1.1 Springs .......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.2 Hand-dug Wells ............................................................................................................ 14 2.1.3 Infiltration Galleries ..................................................................................................... 15 2.2 OCCURANCE OF GROUNDWATER .............................................................................. 16 2.3 GROUNDWATER QUALITY ........................................................................................... 17 2.3.1 PHYSICAL WATER QUALITY ................................................................................. 18 2.3.2 CHEMICAL WATER QUALITY ............................................................................... 20 2.4 GROUNDWATER USE ..................................................................................................... 24 2.5 TREATMENT OF BOREHOLE ........................................................................................ 25 2.5.1 Reverse Osmosis........................................................................................................... 25 2.5.2 Ultra filtration in Groundwater Treatment ................................................................... 27 2.6 Column Study...................................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 30 3.0 3.1 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 30 PREPARATION OF 0.1M HYDROCHLORIC ACID SOLUTION ............................ 30 3.2 PREPARATION OF 0.1M SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION .............................. 31 3.3 PREPARATION OF DISTILLED WATER ...................................................................... 32 3.4 PREPARATION OF HYDRATED LIME SOLUTION .................................................... 32 3.5 PREPARATION OF FILTER MEDIA (Acid-Base wash) ................................................. 33 3.6 SETUP AND PROCEDU ................................................................................................... 35 3.6.1 SETUP .......................................................................................................................... 35 3.6.2 PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 35 CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 37 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSIONS ........................................................................................ 37 REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 39 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 46 CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study Groundwater contamination is one of the most prevalent and challenging environmental issues. Groundwater contamination from dangerous compounds including heavy metals, oil, chemicals, and other contaminants has significantly increased the amount of organic matter and colour in the water, necessitating costly and time-consuming treatment before it can be used for human consumption. Boreholes make water more freely available and help to promote the use of high-quality water for health. Boreholes continuously give fresh water that is clean for drinking, washing dishes, and other household chores. When water is temporarily unavailable, having a good groundwater source like a borehole ensures the health and happiness of all living things.Borehole water, which has not been treated or tempered in any manner, has a lot of naturally occurring minerals. Boreholes provide a continuous supply of water when the municipal pipeline is momentarily stopped by issues like main breaks, pipeline maintenance, or a lack of municipal water output.Borehole water is suitable for consumption by people, companies, and institutions. Borehole water helps to increase the pressure on municipal water supply. Even in situations where the municipal water supply is under danger, borehole water keeps our homes cool. Water has always been treated to eliminate undesirable and hazardous compounds, diseasecausing elements, odours, and flavours. Whether it is utilised for drinking, residential, recreational, or agricultural purposes, safe and easily accessible water is crucial for maintaining public health. Because particles are naturally filtered out of groundwater, it seems pure and pristine. Groundwater is contaminated by both natural and man-made substances. As groundwater percolates through the earth, metals like iron and manganese are dissolved, and significant concentrations of these metals can subsequently be found in the water.Industrial discharges, urban activities, agriculture, groundwater pumping, and waste disposal can all have an impact on groundwater quality. Water treatment reduces concentrations while removing pollutants and undesired elements, making it safe to drink. Water quality is improved by groundwater treatment, making it safe to drink.Groundwater treatment aims to reduce the concentration and eliminate impurities and unwanted components, making it safe to drink. Groundwater can be made safer to drink by being treated. 1.2 Problem Statement A study entitled "Treatment of Accra Technical University Hostel Groundwater Using Hydrated Lime (Ca(OH)2)" by Daniel Owiredu, a 2021 BTech graduate from Accra Technical University, found that the water includes a lot of chlorides, resulting in low pH values, rendering the borehole samples acidic. Daniel Owiredu ran the water using a batch test approach, however this had a drawback because the water being treated in a batch test is static, making it simple for lime to treat the water. However, the water is constantly running in real life situations or on the treatment field. We are starting this project to treat the running water using a different method called a "column test" to check if the results will be the same as those from a batch test. 1.3 Research Questions i. What is the quality of the borehole water? ii. What would be the effect of using hydrated lime on the borehole water in a column test? iii. Would column study be effective in treating the water? 1.4 Significance of the Study The analysis and treatment of the borehole water with Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) will help to balance the pH to the WHO and GSB recommended value for drinking water, hence reducing chloride levels. 1.5 Scope of Study The research is based on sampling of water, laboratory testing, andATU boreholes treatment utilizing a Column Experiment for existing borehole. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 BOREHOLES Small diameter holes called boreholes are often drilled into the earth vertically. Boreholes are sometimes known as wells or tube wells. In comparison to hand-dug wells, they may be drilled faster and deeper, enabling the extraction of deeper and frequently more sustainable groundwater. In addition, they may be bored through solid rocks and are simpler to maintain than hand-dug wells. There are many different types of borehole drilling techniques, some of which are better suited to specific hydrogeological circumstances. Motorized drilling rigs are frequently used by professional drillers.Groundwater is water that is present underground in cavities and cracks in rock, sand, and soil. It can be drained into lakes or streams, naturally blown up by springs, or both from layers of porous rock and/or sediment known as aquifers that can store water. Despite being underground, groundwater helps to restore and maintain surface water levels as it rises to the surface or flows into the rivers, lakes, and streams that we are all familiar with. Groundwater makes our rivers more untamed. Although groundwater is used for drinking by around 80% of Ghanaians, it is primarily used for agricultural production and crop irrigation. 2.1 Groundwater Because recharge water is thoroughly filtered through the soil layers, groundwater is a natural resource that cannot be polluted. However, an increase in some activities—both natural and manmade contamination—such as nitrogen, bleach, salts, pesticides, industrialisation, agriculture, or extreme land use activities—has contributed to groundwater pollution. The symptoms of contaminated groundwater include an unpleasant odour, a salty taste, haziness, an unattractive flavour, and hardness, which necessitates specific treatment to make it drinkable. One of the biggest challenges of protecting groundwater is that it naturally occurs underground. Since groundwater levels cannot be seen with the naked eye, supplies may be mistakenly contaminated or even overdrawn, which would mean that more water would be taken out of the ground than could be sustainably replenished. Groundwater pollution can be caused by a variety of things, including excessive fertilizer and pesticide use, septic tanks, leaky underground gas tanks, and landfills. There are, however, methods for recharging and replenishing groundwater.Inadvertently, it can occur when people build canals, basins, or ponds to redirect water so that it will be absorbed into the ground, or it can happen naturally when rain and snowmelt soak down into the cracks and fissures beneath the surface of the soil. Groundwater reserves will be more important to preserving our access to clean, drinkable water as climate change progresses. Growing reliance on groundwater is a result of both the effects of climate change on water availability and demand as well as the increased need for water for human requirements like food, energy, and other purposes. The quality of the water is compromised in many regions where groundwater is being used up more fast than it is being restored by nature. If humans and other natural systems ultimately depend on water, "mining" groundwater might not be a good idea.While groundwater from deeper and saltier aquifers is being examined for addressing future drinking water needs, aquifers are also being considered as storage areas for waste streams from energy and desalination processes, as well as sites for carbon sequestration. The most prevalent types of groundwater sources include drilled boreholes, hand-dug wells, and wells fed by springs. 2.1.1Springs Springs are naturally occurring groundwater flows that originate in the sediment or rock under the surface. Springs' nature and production are incredibly variable and rely on the properties of the underlying rocks. They frequently occur in particular hydrogeological settings. Springs are susceptible to contamination because their source is open. No machinery is required to create a spring, but springs can be enhanced and made less susceptible to contamination and drought through a number of innovations, such as building a tank to collect spring water and covering the spring head. 2.1.2Hand-dug Wells Groundwater has been accessed for thousands of years using hand-dug wells. Only soft materials, such as unconsolidated silt like sand and gravel, worn foundation, or limestone, can be used for their excavation. They are only suitable in areas with shallow groundwater levels (water tables). They can be wider and considerably deeper, although they are typically less than 20 m deep and 1-2 m in diameter. Building a well requires little to no specialized equipment—just a tool for digging and a means of disposing of the waste. Wells frequently need to be lined with materials like brick, stones, concrete rings, or even truck tyres in order to keep them open.Open wells should have a concrete apron installed around the top to protect them from surface contamination. Wells normally only draw shallow groundwater, thus they are more susceptible to drought because of their enormous storage capacity, but longer or drier droughts can lead them to dry up. 2.1.3 Infiltration Galleries An infiltration gallery, which is a horizontal trench or drain excavated below the water table to extract shallow groundwater, typically from unconsolidated alluvium, including sand rivers, or windblown deposits. The trench empties into a sump, where water is collected. To keep it open, the gallery may need to be lined. It gathers water from underground sources. A perforated pipe or an open jointed pipe can be used to create the horizontal drain. You can transport the gathered water to a sump, a storage container, or a collection well. The infiltration galleries function best when they are surrounded by soil that is sufficiently porous to allow the gallery to conveniently collect water.One such permeable soil component that easily allows water to travel to the infiltration gallery is gravel. Gravel also aids in the capture of big particles that may obstruct holes. To fulfill the rising demand for water, infiltration galleries are built in conjunction with other water delivery systems. The demand of a large population cannot be met by the gallery alone. Typically, one or more galleries are built, and they all connect to a central feature, such as a hand-dug well or a spring box. Thus, collector wells are the name given to these center point water gathering devices. Infiltration galleries are built in such a way that contamination cannot occur. The standard safe distance between latrines and any hazardous places is 30 meters. The sage distance varies depending on the environment and is site-specific. Unfiltered surface water cannot enter infiltration galleries because of the way they are built. Depending on where the collector well is located, the infiltration galleries might range in length from a few meters to several kilometers. 2.2OCCURANCE OF GROUNDWATER Practically everywhere has groundwater present. The water table can vary in depth and height depending on a number of different factors. The water table may rise as a result of heavy rains or may decline as a result of intensive groundwater pumping. Rain replenishes or recharges groundwater supplies by permeating the land's surface fissures and crevices. Due to the groundwater depletion outpacing its natural restoration, there are significant water shortages in various parts of the world. In many different areas, groundwater has been contaminated by human activity. There is groundwater in a wide range of geological formations. Regardless of their type, age, or place of origin, nearly all rocks in the upper part of the Earth's crust include pores or voids. Voids are the spaces between the grains in granular, unconsolidated materials; they can be reduced through compaction and cementation. The only spaces in consolidated rocks may be small cracks or fissures, which can grow larger with solution. The porosity of the rock a measure of how many of these openings or pores there are in a given volume of the rock determines how much water is present there. Greater pore spaces result in higher porosity and more water being stored. In fully saturated pores, just a small percentage of the water may be removed and used. Part of the water drains from the pores when the water level drops owing to gravity, while the remaining water is held in place by surface tension and molecular processes. The specific yield of a material is generally expressed as a percentage and is defined as the ratio of the volume of water that would drain under gravity from an initially saturated rock mass to the total volume of that rock (including the confined water). In most cases, groundwater does not remain still but rather moves through the rock. The ease with which water can pass through a rock mass depends on the size of the pores and how closely they are related. This phrase alludes to the rock's permeability. Water can easily pass through permeable materials, whereas it can only pass through impermeable materials very slowly or not at all. A layer of rock known as an aquifer is porous enough to store water and permeable enough to allow water to flow through it in quantities suitable for commercial use. For instance, in a jointed sandstone or limestone, groundwater may flow through cracks, voids between the grains, or a combination of the two. It is necessary to establish whether inter-granular or fissure flow predominates in order to comprehend the hydrogeology and construct monitoring systems for any aquifer, particularly for point source pollution episodes. 2.3 GROUNDWATERQUALITY It is impossible to overstate the significance of water quality for human health. A healthy society must have social, economic, agricultural, and other forms of development. Every other industry would be negatively impacted if society is unhealthy. A household borehole's quality must be determined, especially if it will be used for drinking (Khan et al., 2003). Investigation of the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of the borehole water is the key to determining the quality of household borehole water. The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of groundwater make up its quality. The list of physical water quality parameters includes temperature, turbidity, color, taste, and odor. Since most ground water lacks any discernible flavor, odor, or color, we normally focus on its chemical and biological characteristics. Although items made from spring water or groundwater is sometimes marketed as "pure," their water quality is not the same as that of pure water. Mineral ions are present in groundwater naturally. When water flows over mineral surfaces in the pores or cracks of the unsaturated zone and the aquifer, these ions slowly dissolve from soil particles, sediments, and rocks. These substances are known as dissolved solids. Some of the dissolved solids may have come from the river or precipitation water that recharges the aquifer. The depth of the soils and subsurface geological formations that ground water is in contact with affects the natural chemical composition of ground water. The majority of the country's groundwater is generally of acceptable quality and appropriate for drinking, farming, or industrial uses. The majority of the ground water in shallow aquifers is of the mixed and calcium bicarbonate types and is generally appropriate for use for a variety of applications. But there are other kinds of water too, such water with sodium chloride. Deeper aquifers' quality varies from location to location and is typically considered acceptable for everyday uses. The coastal tracts are plagued by salinity issues. Most of the country's groundwater is potable. However, scattered areas around the nation have reported having some water quality problems. Arsenic, fluoride, iron, and salinity levels in ground water are higher than average due to natural geological occurrences. These geogenic pollutants can be detected in groundwater. Heavy metal and nitrate contamination is the result of human-made activities including mining, the disposal of industrial waste, and untreated home trash. 2.3.1PHYSICAL WATER QUALITY The physical and chemical characteristics of water are combined to form its physico-chemical characteristics. All of the characteristics of water that can be felt, tasted, seen, and smelled by humans are considered to be physical characteristics. Color, taste, odor, temperature, suspended solids, and other factors are among these criteria. All substances that dissolve or are soluble in water have a chemical quality.They are difficult to detect except through laboratory testing. They may also make it difficult to use the water as planned. Dissolved cations and anions, poisonous metals, organic and inorganic chemicals, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and others are examples of these characteristics. Some of these substances are found in concentrations that are harmful to human health (Huat et al., 2011). i. Temperature Water temperature is a crucial factor in determining whether or not it is suitable for human use, industrial use, and aquatic ecosystem function (Subramani et al., 2012). Although it is not directly utilized to assess potable water, it greatly influences the types of biological organisms that are present and their rates of activity (Al-Layla et al., 1978). Additionally, it affects how easily gases dissolve in water and the majority of chemical processes that take place in natural water systems. Depending on the aquifer's depth and other factors, groundwater has a range of temperatures. ii. pH Consumers are not directly impacted by ph. It is one of the most crucial operational water quality parameters that decide whether water is suitable for a variety of uses, with an ideal pH range of 7 to 8.5. It establishes whether water is acidic or alkaline (Ramesh and Elango, 2006). Water with a pH below 6.5 is typically acidic, soft, and corrosive. iii. Electrical Conductivity (EC) Electrical conductivity, which is directly connected to the quantity of ionized chemicals in water, is the ability of electrical current to flow through water (Singh et al., 2011). EC is a good indicator of salinity risk to crops and is used to measure the salt concentration in water (Ishaku et al., 2011). If there is too much of it, plants' osmotic activity is reduced, which interferes with their ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. iv. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) The weights of residue remaining after a water sample has been evaporated to dryness are used to indicate TDS in water, which provides information about the general quality of groundwater and the level of contamination (Ramesh and Elango, 2006). They are soluble in water complexes of organic and inorganic materials. TDS concentrations in water vary significantly across geological regions due to variations in the solubility of minerals (ketata-Rokbani et al., 2011). Natural water typically has a dissolved solids concentration of less than 500 mg/l, which is suitable for both residential usage and numerous industrial processes like the production of plastics, pulp paper, and textile dyes (Karthikeyan et al., 2013). v. Turbidity The amount of light dispersed or absorbed by suspended material in water is referred to as turbidity. Since it is cloudy, visibility is limited (Agunwamba, 2000). It is caused by plant fibres and the erosion of several colloidal substances, including clay, silt, rock pieces, etc. Turbidityrelated colloidal materials offer adsorption sites for potentially dangerous substances and living things that produce unpleasant tastes and odours (Wilkes Environmental Center, 2008). 2.3.2 CHEMICAL WATER QUALITY i. Total Hardness Calcium and magnesium, as well as anions like carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, and sulphate, are the main contributors to total hardness in water. It is described as the total of their concentration in milligrams per liter. Scale formation in the distribution system, boilers, and irrigation pipelines is possible when water hardness is more than 200 mg/l (Ishaku et al.,2011). Groundwater that exceeds the 300 mg/l threshold is regarded as being extremely hard and may result in heart disease and kidney issues (WHO, 2008). The usage of water in home, industrial, and agricultural processes is restricted by its hardness. To make foam or lather with hard water, a lot of soap is needed. ii. Alkalinity Water's alkalinity may result from the presence of one or more ions, including hydroxides, carbonates, and bicarbonates. It describes how effectively water can neutralise acid. In humans, excessive alkalinity can irritate their eyes, and in plants, it can lead to chlorosis (Sisodia and Moundiotiya, 2006). To assess how corrosive water is, alkalinity and pH measurements must be made (Nicholas, 2007). iii. Chloride Chloride in drinking water includes naturally occurring element that is common in most natural waters and is most as a component of salt (sodium chloride) or in combination of with calcium or potassium in some cases. Sources such as salt-bearing geological formation, soil weathering, deposition of salt spray, salt used for road de-icing, intrusion of sea water into borehole water source, etc. contribute to the presence of chloride in borehole water. In PEI, borehole water has relatively low level of chloride but can rise in surroundings near the cost. High chloride content in drinking water associated with elevated sodium levels are the most concerns however, chloride in drinking water is not harmful. (Prince Edward Island, 2018) iv. Total Iron Iron is a potentially harmful chemical in water sources. Iron is one of the planet's most abundant resources and accounts for at least 5% of the crust. Iron is dissolved by rainwater infiltration into the soil and underlying geological formations, causing it to flow into aquifers that provide groundwater for wells. Despite the fact that iron is a component of drinking water, it is rarely found in amounts more than 10 mg/L, or 10 ppm. However, even 0.3 mg/l can cause water to turn a reddish brown tint. (Illinois Department of Public Health, Dec 2010) v. Fluoride Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is emitted into the land, water, and air from rocks. Fluoride is an element found in all water. Normal water fluoridation levels are insufficient to stop tooth decay, although some groundwater and natural spri ngs may contain naturally high fluoride concentrations. It has been demonstrated that fluoride guards against tooth decay. When a person consumes sweet foods, oral bacteria in the mouth release acid. By removing minerals from the tooth's surface, this acid weakens the tooth and raises the risk of cavities. The tooth's enamel surface is strengthened and rebuilt with the aid of fluoride. Fluoridation of water prevents tooth decay by exposing people to little amounts of fluoride on a regular basis. (Griffin SO, Regnier E, Griffin PM, Huntley VN 2007) vi. Nitrate Nitrate as a compound occurs naturally and has also many artificial sources. In Minnesota, Nitrate can be found in some rivers, lakes, and groundwater. in water nitrate cannot be seen,taste or smell. Too much consumption of nitrate can be harmful for babies especially. Land use and hydro geological activities affect the levels of nitrate in water. (Water Contamination Fact Sheet- Nitrate, 2019) 2.3.3BIOLOGICAL WATERQUAÏTY i. Total Coliform The term "biological quality" denotes the presence of bacteriological pollution, or diseasecausing organisms. These organisms are often tiny in size. They are tiny living things found in water that, when swallowed, do great harm to the consumer. Estimating total and fecal coliform as part of a bacterial examination helps determine if water is fit for consumption and helps prevent water-borne illnesses. The amount of coliforms that can be counted in a litre of water indicates the water's quality. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the need for high-quality drinking water, particularly in developing nations like Ghana. ii. E. Coli E. coli belongs to the faecal coliform group and is the only member that is specific to the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. E. coli is the most reliable indicator of enteric diseases and is therefore the indicator of choice to identify recent faecal contamination in drinking water systems. When a water sample is tested for the presence of E. coli, results refer to mainly nonpathogenic strains of bacteria. (Sophie Verhille. National Collaborating Center for environmental Health, Jan 2013). iii. Viable Plate Count A count of viable or live cells is known as the viable plate count, often known as the plate count. It is predicated on the idea that when viable cells are cultured under conditions appropriate for the material, they will reproduce and form visible colonies. 2018 (OpenStax CNX). A liquid culture is inoculated onto a plate in a precise quantity. The plate is incubated, and the resulting colonies are tallied. Because more than one cell may have landed on the same place to create a single colony, the results are typically presented as colony-forming units per mililitre (CFU/mL) rather than cells per mililitre. Furthermore, it is challenging to distribute bacteria samples that form chains or clusters, and a single colony may be made up of numerous initial cells. Although they cannot grow in culture and cannot form colonies on solid media, certain cells are described as viable. The viable plate count is regarded as a modest estimate of the actual number of living cells for all of these reasons. The approach, which provides estimates of live bacterial populations, is nevertheless valuable despite these drawbacks. 2018 (OpenStax CNX) The pour plate and spread plate techniques are the two most often used methods for inoculating plates for viable counts. Both of these procedures begin with a serial dilution of the culture, even if the final inoculation process varies. 2018 (OpenStax CNX). The number of cells in even a slightly turbid culture is too high to result in discrete colonies that can be counted on a plate, necessitating serial dilution. 2.4GROUNDWATER USE The majority of fresh groundwater was used to irrigate crops, including the delectable eggplants, squash, and rutabagas that kids love to eat for dinner. Fresh groundwater was used for a variety of significant uses. Local city and county water departments take a lot of groundwater out of the ground for public uses like delivering it to homes, businesses, and industries as well as for community uses like firefighting, water services at public buildings, and keeping neighborhood swimming pools full of water to keep residents happy. Groundwater was also extensively utilised by businesses and mining operations. Groundwater sources provided the majority of the water used for household (homeowners who provide their own water, typically by a well) and animal reasons. 2.5TREATMENT OF BOREHOLE The treatment's objectives are to rid the water of undesirable elements and to make it suitable for industrial or medical purposes or safe to drink. The removal of contaminants like fine particles, microorganisms, certain dissolved inorganic and organic compounds, or environmental persistent pharmaceutical pollutants is possible using a wide range of approaches. The choice of approach will be influenced by the nature of the water that needs to be treated, the cost of the treatment procedure, and the quality requirements for the treated water. 2.5.1 Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis was one of the first membrane applications for the use of membrane technology, turning seawater into drinkable water (RO). An RO system uses a semipermeable membrane to separate dissolved solutes (including single charged ions like Na+ and Cl-) from water. The membrane allows water to flow through but not the solute. Diffusion can be thought of as a diffusion-controlled process in which the mass transfer of ions via RO membranes is regulated. An RO membrane may not have any physical holes, setting it apart from other filtration systems. Water will easily permeate into and out of the polymer structure of the RO membrane since it is highly hydrophilic.According to Taylor and Jacobs (1996), a RO membrane can reject pollutants as tiny as 0.001 m. For RO membrane, four different module types are used: spiral wound, hollow fibre, plate and frame, and tubular. The spiral-wound element, however, is by far the most used for the generation of drinking water. Systems with one stage, two stages, and two passes are examples of RO configurations. The required quality of the product water determines the configuration to choose. The pass method produces a product with the highest level of purity, making it ideal for making makeup boiler water. The single stage system is the most straightforward design and is frequently used in a variety of desalination applications. For brackish water use, when it is important to raise the total recovery ratio, the two-stage method is typical (Fawzi & Al-Enezi, 2002). Nowadays, RO systems are a common water treatment method in industries that need to separate dissolved solutes from their solvent (water), including desalination, as well as in homes to enhance water quality and get rid of potentially harmful impurities. By enabling the use of brackish waters for the supply of potable water, RO has improved the water supply. In many dry places, especially rural areas where fresh water is scarce, desalination utilizing RO has emerged as a key source of fresh water production. Recent developments, particularly in the pre-treatment and enhancement of the membrane materials, have made RO desalination economically viable even at seawater concentrations (Buckley & Hurt, 1996).By today's standards, plants with a capacity greater than 19,000 m3/d are not unusual (Buckley & Hurt, 1996). The simplicity and economy of RO technology's operation have been the main factors in its development. From the initial cellulose acetate membrane, which required 28 bar, to contemporary polyamide thin-film membranes, which only require 7 bar net driving pressure, RO membrane technology has rapidly advanced to new membranes working at lower pressure and increasing salt rejection. Salt rejection of RO membranes increased from 97 to 99.5%, with some unique membrane types displaying even higher separation efficiency (Nicolaisen, 20020. Bryne (1995) also remarked that newer membranes have higher energy efficiency due to their capacity to reject more salts and pass more water at a given pressure. One of the most appealing aspects of the RO system is its simplicity in comparison to the largescale thermal desalination procedure. The production capacity can be easily increased because to its modular architecture. RO has a modest specific electricity requirement of only 5 kWh/m3. The pumping power for the two main thermal desalination processes, MSF and ME, is roughly the same as this amount (Fawzi & Al-Enezi, 2002). However, the majority of RO membranes now on the market are not strong enough to function directly on seawater fed from the surface (Ebrahim et al., 2001). In comparison to thermal desalination methods, RO membranes are more vulnerable to fouling, scaling, chemical, and biological attack. One serious flaw of RO membrane is its sensitivity to fouling. Because of the demands of pre-treatment, RO has evolved into an energy-efficient substitute for thermal processes, but it still faces competition. 2.5.2Ultra filtration in Groundwater Treatment Different chemicals can dissolve in and be contained by water. For industrial or domestic purposes, fresh water from surface water or groundwater is used, either for potable or nonpotable consumption. A water treatment facility is required to meet the demands for treated water because of the intended uses. According to Kurita (1985), a standard water treatment plant typically consists of chemical treatment (pH adjustment, coagulation-flocculation process, oxidation-reduction process, and adsorption process) as well as physical treatment (screening, sedimentation, flotation, and filtration). The quality of the raw water source and the demand for treated water both influence how sophisticated the treatment plant is. Water is utilized in a variety of applications that call for various water quality in industrial processing.Cooling water, water for chemical manufacture and rinsing, boiler feed water, filtered water, injection water, etc. are some examples of varied uses. Population expansion, rising treatment and distribution costs, contamination of fresh water sources, and end-user sophistication all contribute to the need for better water treatment technologies (Anselme & Jacobs, 1996). Comparing ultrafiltration (UF) to traditional treatments, it has been demonstrated to be competitive. Chemical precipitation, adsorption, sedimentation, and filtration are frequently needed in order to produce clear, sparkling water that is safe from disease (Anselme & Jacobs, 1996).To ensure the whole process performs at its best, each step of the process must be managed, creating a complicated control system (Clever, et al. 2000). UF, which is described as a clarification and disinfection membrane operation, is now utilized to replace the clarification step in conventional water treatment plants, which includes coagulation, sedimentation, and filtering. Although UF membranes are permeable, all particle pollutants, including macromolecules and viruses and bacteria, are rejected. The primary benefits of low-pressure UF membrane processes over traditional clarification (direct filtration, settling/rapid sand filtration, or coagulation/sedimentation/filtration) and disinfection (post chlorination) processes include the lack of chemical requirements, sizeexclusion filtration as opposed to media depth filtration, good and consistent quality of treated water in terms of particle and microbial removal regardless of raw feed water quality, process and plant compatibility, and cost savings.Performance of UF membranes is directly impacted by source water quality. Therefore, in actuality, UF can be run as a single operation, in combination with other processes (coagulation, adsorption, etc.), or as a hybrid membrane system (UF/MF), depending on the quality of input water. UF can be used in water applications as the primary process or as a pre-treatment, such as in a RO system. The discussion in this section will only focus on UF as the primary process, with a brief discussion of UF as pre-treatment in the following section. Today, low-pressure membranes, such as microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration, are used to produce more than 2 million m3/d (750 mgd) of drinking water globally. Worldwide, there are more than 50 UF plants producing drinking water from surface water (Delgrange-Vincent, et al., 2000) 2.6Column Study Column experiments investigate the transport behavior, sorption, and degradation of a specific compound or group of substances. The boundary conditions and experimental setup can be varied to best address particular research questions or compounds. The fundamental idea behind column experiments is the regulated solution flow via a column made of a specific porous material. Usually, different-sized columns are used for steady-state flow up-and-down studies.Scientists are increasingly using column experiments to investigate the transport of organic micropollutants, but little is known about how these experiments should be carried out - or how they should be set up if they are not already being used in this way. Water column experiments are carried out to investigate the transport and attenuation of a specific compound within a specific sediment or substrate. The transport of (organic) solutes in groundwater is influenced by the chemical and physical properties of the compounds, the solvent, and the substrate. In organic chemistry, column experiments are very different from batch experiments where all processes are observed until equilibrium is reached in the substratesolution system. Time (or flow velocity) is an important factor, and variations in boundary conditions can have a marked influence on the transport and degradation of micropollutants. (Stefan Banzhaf, Klaus H HebigSep 2016) CHAPTER THREE 3.0METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the experimental setups that were used towards the achievement of the said objectives. The following strategies were utilized in order to fulfil the project's goal: i. Preparation of 0.1M Hydrochloric Acid Solution ii. Preparation of 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide Solution. iii. Preparation 0.1M Hydrated Lime Solution. iv. Preparation of Distilled Water v. Preparation of Sand, Gravel media (Filter) vi. Column Study Setup 3.1 PREPARATION OF 0.1M HYDROCHLORIC ACID SOLUTION Procedure for preparing 0.1MHCl Solution i. According to the market availability of 37% HCl, the following molarity estimations have been made: ii. Dilute 370 ml of HCl (37% solution) with 1000 ml of distilled water. iii. 1.19 g/l is the density of HCl. iv. HCL has an average molecular weight of 36.5 370 x 1.19 = 440.3g/l. v. As a result, the HCl's molarity is 440.3 / 36.5, which equals 12.0630 M or 12 M. vi. Calculate the amount of HCl needed to make the 0.1M HCl solution using the formula M1 V1 = M2 V2 0.1 x 1000 = 12 x V2 V2 = 0.1 x 1000 / 12 = 8.3333ml. vii. Therefore, to make 0.1M HCL solution, you need 8.3ml of 37% HCl in 1000ml of water. 3.2 PREPARATION OF 0.1M SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION There are two ways to prepare 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution i. Preparation of 0.1M Solution by using sodium hydroxide pellets ii. Dilute the solution from 1.0 M solution Procedure for Preparation of 0.1M Solution by using sodium hydroxide pellets i. Take a 1000 ml volumetric flask that has been thoroughly cleaned and dried. ii. Add pellets of sodium hydroxide weighing 4 grammes or 4.2 grammes to the mixture. iii. The sodium hydroxide pellets will dissolve in the flask after 100ml of distilled water is added and the flask is shaken. iv. Allow the solution to cool to room temperature (solution will be hot after the addition of water) v. Fill the volume with distilled water to a maximum of 1000 ml, then thoroughly mix the mixture. vi. The solution should be left to cool at room temperature for an hour. 3.3 PREPARATION OF DISTILLED WATER Both at home and in a lab, distilled water can be made. This distilled water was created in the lab due to the enormous quantity needed. Procedure At 1000 C, raw water was heated. The steam then rises and passes through a glass tube to enter the condensation chamber. The steam subsequently cools and becomes clear distilled water. Gallon containers were used to collect the pure distilled water. Through a capillary tube, the extra steam will be let out. 3.4 PREPARATION OF HYDRATED LIME SOLUTION Using distilled water and slake lime, hydrated lime solution was chemically created in the lab. Procedure: Distilled water and a specified amount of slake lime (10g) were combined. To create the hydrated lime solution, the lime was thoroughly combined with the distilled water. Hydrated lime preparation 3.5 PREPARATION OF FILTER MEDIA (Acid-Base wash) The preparation of sand and stone gravel media used in pilot columns is intended to be inert. However, in their natural condition, they are frequently bound to ions and organic substances, which might hinder the adsorption process or have an impact on the water's quality. These ions and organic compounds are removed from the media by washing it with acid and base, which also reduces the effect on the overall water quality. Procedure The coarser aggregate was placed at the bottom of the medium, followed by the less coarse aggregate, and lastly the fine aggregate was placed on top. The media's particle sizes range from coarse sand (2mm-500um), gravel (2mm-10mm), to fine sand (45-75um). The medium rinsed in 1m HCL and dried for roughly 12 hours before being used. It was then cleaned with distilled water. After that, the media wad was submerged in 1M NaOH for 12 hours. After that, the media rinsed in distilled water until the pH reached 7.2. After that, the media was overnight dried. Filtration media preparation 3.6 SETUP AND PROCEDU 3.6.1 SETUP The setup for the running of raw water and lime 3.6.2 PROCEDURE Raw water from the ATU borehole was collected, and a pH metre was used to measure the pH to 5.5. A plastic container with a stopcock was positioned 170 cm above ground level with the raw water inside. A little tube was attached to the container's stopcock and guided toward the mixing chamber by gravity. The raw water was flowing at a rate of 0.5 ml per minute. The stopcockequipped plastic container containing the hydrated lime was filled with the solution, which was then gravity-fed into the mixing chamber. The hydrated lime flowed at a rate of 0.25 ml per minute. Both the raw water and the hydrated lime drain into a beaker that is suspended in the mixing area. The beaker uses a hydraulic jump mechanism to stir the lime and raw water together by creating turbulence. The mixture is expelled from the beaker through a tube and onto a turbine. The mixture is whirled and rotated by the turbine, which also facilitates additional mixing in the mixing chamber. The mixing chamber was positioned 143 cm above the ground. The water exits the mixing chamber through a tap onto a second turbine on the filter media, which rotates and whirls the water for more mixing. The turbine also aids in distributing water uniformly across the media surface. The precipitate of iron and lime is trapped by the media, which also aids in water filtration. The water then drains through the different media sections before passing via a tap and flowing into a collection chamber. The pH of the water was measured after it was collected at intervals of 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 20:00, 30:00, 45:00, 60:00, 120:00, 180:00, 240:00, 300:00, and 360:00 minutes into labelled plastic bottles. CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSIONS This chapter covers the analysis and discussions of data obtained from the experiment in the laboratory. The study was undertaken to ascertain the possibility of adjusting the pH level from 5.5 which is acidic to meet standardization by the regulatory body (WHO), which is between 6.5 and 8.5. Table of pH values against time Tine in Minutes pH 0 0 5 8.5 10 8.4 20 8.4 30 8.4 45 8.5 60 8.5 120 8.5 180 7.6 240 8.5 300 8.5 360 7.5 The table above indicates the pH at certain intervals which were recorded during the running of the water. At various time interval the pH results were taken and recorded and sample of the water during the pH reading were taken and labeled to be taken to the Ghana Water Company for further test to be carried out. Parameters such as iron, magnesium, copper, zink, potassium, etc would be tested at the lab at Ghana water company. 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