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Electronics Assignment: Logic Circuits & Boolean Algebra

Information and Communications University
School of Engineering
Department of Electrical/Electronics
Electronics for Computing 1
Due on 30th April 2023
Submit question 2 to question 5 on aims
And submit question 1 to my email
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1. A seven-segment display is a form of electronic display device for
displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot
matrix displays. With this device, anything can be printed and shown on its
display. that been the case, with the guide below on how letters are printed on
the display. Derive the expressions and logic circuit that with print ‘’ICU’’.
Use the software Proteus to simulate.
2. Esphera Construction company has just completed a skyscraper building with 15
stories and hands it over to Shatech Engineering. Shatech CEO decides that, not all
stories should be accessed by the customers as this is its Head office. Therefore, he
gives a restriction to certain levels. You as a programmer you are subcontracted to
come and programme a lift such that it opens only on the following levels that are open
to the public such as ground, 1,3,6,8,13,14. After you programme the lift, draw the
logic circuit that will respond to the programme you’ve fed in the lift. Test the lift by
means of a truth table if it’s responding to the programme.
3. State and prove all the Boolean Algebraic rules and laws and, on each rule and law
give the corresponding logic circuit.
4. Simplify and draw the logic circuit for each Boolean expression
M = XY + XZ + YZ(X+X)
5. Deduce the boolean expression from the logic circuit given below.