BOMET UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (A Constihrent College of Moi University) DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT P.O Box 701 * 20400 BOMET - KENYA TEL:0722612361 Email: dchesaro&) 25,h ,2023 The Principal RE: ARRANGEMENT FOR TEACHING PRACTICE FROM MAYTO AUGUST, 2023 Teaching Practice for Bomet University College is scheduled for May to August, 2023. t( provide Teaching Practice opportunity to our student-teachers in your 'l'he opportunity will enable the sfudent-teacher to acquire relevant teaching school during this period. experience under the supen,ision of both the School and the University. We request you to assist our student-teachers with respect to their accommodation where possible. We hereby request you Kindly complete the table helow in duplicate with details about the shrdents you have accepted. Thank you. Dr. Daniel K. Chesaro Teaching Practice Coordinator SI NAME REG. NO N GE SUBJECTS N ACCOMO DATION 1 2 J 4 5 Key: A - O{fered Accomodation; B I agree to offer Teaching above.Principal:_ Tel.No: School Postal Address: Pr - Arranged Accomodation; C - Own Accomodation actice opportunity to students of Bomet University College as indicated Sign:_