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Student Name 1
Regulation of AI
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience of the need to regulate AI.
Central Idea: AI has become a major issue, with multiple causes, and we must have regulations
for this technology.
1. Gain attention – How would you feel if your face was used without your consent. How
would you feel if your face was plastered onto videos or images without you even
2. Reveal topic – We may not even realize it anymore, but we are living in a technological
renaissance, with new forms of technology being made each day. Which would include
AI which is being used in negative ways.
3. Establish credibility and goodwill – We have all witnessed over the last few years,
especially currently, how dangerous AI can be when left unchecked.
4. Preview the body – Today I will be discussing the problem with AI, the causes of those
problems, and the solutions to those problems.
Connective: I would like to start off by discussing what AI has been used for, and some of the
problems it causes.
Problem – AI’s capabilities have been used to make deep fakes of people.
A. In Early 2023, large female streamers learned that their faces were being deep faked
onto porn without their knowledge. (Court, 2023)
B. With the increasing improvement of this technology, it makes it hard for people to
distinguish between reality and fiction. This leaves the victims in a distress situation
as they have these pictures being posted online and sent to their family. (Court, 2023)
C. Sensity AI has tracked online deepfake videos since December of 2018, finding that between
90% and 95% of them are nonconsensual porn, and about 90% of that is nonconsensual porn
of women. (Hao, 2021)
D. "The perpetrator had uploaded these non-intimate images—holiday and pregnancy photos
and even pictures of her as a teenager—and encouraged other users to edit her face into
violent pornographic photos. While some were shoddily Photoshopped, others were chillingly
realistic. When she began researching what had happened, she learned a new term: deepfakes,
referring to media generated and manipulated by AI." (Hao, 2021)
Connective: The problems with this usage of AI are plentiful, but it’s important to recognize the
main causes for this problem in the first place.
Cause – The use of AI currently is caused by the lack of regulations.
A. One of the major hurdles is that it is seen as infringing on the First Amendment.
(Hao, 2021)
B. Previous bills introduced have also been too broad in the regulation of. (Hao, 2021).
C. The usage of AI porn is banned in only two states with the other 48 states having no inclusion
of AI generated media. (Hao, 2021).
Connective: Recognizing the main causes of negative AI usage can help us focus on solutions to
stop it.
Solution – Laws should be put in place to regulate AI.
A. The United States government should enact laws that make the use of nonconsensual
images for deep fakes illegal.
B. AI should be regulated in that taking images of people without their knowledge for deep fake
porn will get you fined or jailed.
Connective: Now that we have covered actions that could be taken to solve this issue, I would
like to close my thoughts.
1. About to end speech: AI being used for deep fakes towards nonconsenting women is a
major, and much more prominent issue in the United States.
2. Reinforce central idea: It has been made very clear that AI can do horrible things, with
regards to deep fakes stemming from the lack of regulations, and this needs to be
3. Call to action: So today, I hope that my speech was able to give you some new reasons
as to why AI should be regulated. AI should not be used to make porn from
nonconsenting women and should not be used without the knowledge of the people,
whose images you are using. After all, how are we going to let these actions proliferate in
society? It is critical that each of us, as people, recognize the dangers of AI and contact
our local congressman to lobby for regulations regarding AI.
Archive, View Author, et al. Twitch Star Tearfully Reveals She’s Victim of Deepfake Porn: “F-k the Internet.” 6 Feb. 2023, nypost.com/2023/02/06/twitch-star-tearfully-reveals-shesvictim-of-deepfake-porn-f-k-the-internet/
Hao, Karen. “Deepfake Porn Is Ruining Women’s Lives. Now the Law May Finally Ban It.”
MIT Technology Review, 12 Feb. 2021,