GLOBAL TAPESTRY Period 1 C. 1200-1450 Unit 1 Context Theme: State Building o By the year 1200, many empires had risen and fallen across the world, paving the way for new states to emerge, new religions to flourish, and new trading ties to form. o These phases of state building would not have been possible without the agricultural revolution (the neolithic revolution and the spread of agriculture). o State Building: How states built themselves and maintained control over their people o State: a nation or territory organized under one government o Nebraska, France, Canada, the USA, Kentucky – all states Big Picture • Technology: gunpowder & paper • small states decline & civilizations grow • Religion spreads, but local religion declines Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Unit 1.7 Learning Objective In what ways was the process of state-building in various parts of the world btwn 1200-1450 similar & different? Complete this chart during the presentation with the Learning Objective in mind. . Mongols France Spain Byzantine Mi Strait of Malacca a jay ivi Sr ara ag ahi Champa Khmer n ya a Inc Sw Delhi Sultanate a Vij li C oas t Mali Aztec Maya Korea Japan Son g d asi b b A Mamluk ss iss n ippia England Holy Roman Empire Maja Great Zimbabwe MEET THE GLOBAL TAPESTRY Period 1 C. 1200-1450 pahi t Unit 1.1 Context: East Asia College Board refers to China as being in East Asia East Asia also includes: Korea & Japan Until the 1200s, world mostly decentralized, but China had been experiencing strong centralized control which made them prosper and was experiencing a Golden Age since the Tang. Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Unit 1.1 Context: East Asia Qin Dynasty unified state walls into a Great Wall, standard currency, uniform writing system & legal code, Emperor built Terracotta Army Han Dynasty created civil service exam to organize gov’t, extended Chinese territory, Silk Road opened to connect to west, paper & porcelain invented, medicine codified Sui Dynasty (581-618) began construction of the grand canal Tang* Dynasty (718-906) improved agriculture, highways, and canals, facilitating international trade & allowing Song China to become world's economic powerhouse in the post-1200 period. During the Song many continuities (uninterrupted events which remained the same) Chinese Dynasties song (5 mins) Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Major Dynasties Qing 221-206 BC Han 206 BC -220 AD Sui 581-648 AD Tang 618 – 907 AD Song 960-1279 AD Yuan 1271-1368 AD Ming 1368 – 1644 AD Qing 1644 – 1911 AD Unit 1.1 Song China China’s Golden Age since Tang Dynasty continued into Song, led by Zhao Kuangyin (Taizu): (1) Technological Progress: • First invented in 9th century in attempt to create elixir of life, then used a fireworks for imperial court, then Song turned gunpowder into guns & it went global • Wood Block printing 🡪 printed booklets on how to farm efficiently • Improved Grand Canal (since Sui dynasty): connect N & S China, boosted trade btwn different religions & maintained a consistent Chinese culture throughout • Champa Rice discovered in Vietnam • Grew in dry soil, matured early, could resisted droughts and floods, & could be harvested 3x annually 🡪more food🡪 population explosion • Freeman Video on Champa (15 mins) • created & traded porcelain & silk • Steel & iron produce = farm tools more efficient • Led to proto-industrialization: fewer people farmed & more Confucian Beliefs Without human relationships, there would be no self, therefore: People have duties dependent on their position, to ensure social order you must accept your place in society 🡪 treat each relationship w/kindness 🡪 harmony in the country Education road to advancement 5 Basic Relationships (filial piety: subordinate to male & to ruler, this is what kept people loyal to the Dynasty Emperors for 20000 years) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ruler & Subject Elder Friend & Junior Friend Elder Sibling & Junior Sibling Husband & Wife Parent & Child Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Do onto others, what you would have done to you (Golden Rule) People are naturally good Unit 1.1 Song China China’s Golden Age since Tang Dynasty, included: (2) Cultural Progress: revival of Confucianism • Confucianism a cultural stabilizer since teachings outlined how society should be organized • Revival & expansion of civil service exam (from Han) • had to take this exam to work in imperial bureaucracy • Be well versed in Confucian classics to pass • No longer needed to be a noble to work in bureaucratic gov’t positions • Thus, gov’t work became meritocracy: promotions based on merit • Freeman Video East Asia (5 mins) • Confucianism & Mandate of Heaven kept dynasty going (if things are going well, you have the Mandate of Heaven, once things go poorly, you’ve clearly lost in Period 1 Comparison: State Building 1200-1450 Unit 1.1 Song China • Scholar gentry new social class from bureaucratic gov’t, included Confucian landowners who inherited their wealth • Foot Binding: common for aristocratic families. Girls had feet wrapped so tightly bones didn’t grow naturally since small feet were more attractive. Video (3 mins) • Women couldn’t walk with deformed feet & had to be carried • Since lower classes needed their feet to work in the fields, it signified an upper class woman • signified social status, something suitors desired • Spread to all classes over time • Neo-Confucianism: syncretic blend of Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism • Emphasized ethics rather than mysteries of God & nature Comparison: State Building in Period 1 • Popular in Japan, Korea, Vietnam scholar gentry farmers artisans merchants peasants 1200-1450 Unit 1.2 Abbasid Caliphate • Fractured by invaders and falling apart • New Muslim states still arose India is S. Asia • Delhi Sultanate (India) • Established by Muslim Turks • Gained power in India, but had difficult time converting Indians to Islam • Mamluk Sultanate (North Africa) • But Mamluks overthrew the gov’t & established own state: Mamluk Sultanate • Freeman Video on Mamluks (15 mins) • Freeman Video Dar Al-Islam (3 mins) Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 ks • Egyptians had enslaved Mamluks who weren’t Muslims & forced them to serve in military. lu • It was a slave empire! (Unsullied – GOT anyone?) am M • Mamluk = slave 🡪 Comparison: Song Dynasty vs Abbasid Caliphate Song flourishing socially, politically, economically �� Abbasid Caliphate dying socially, politically, economically (fragmenting) �� To simplify, think of it this way: King = Sultan = Sultanate (more secular) Pope = Caliph = Caliphate (more religious) Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Unit 1.3 South Asia mosque built on the ruins of a Hindu temple 🡪 Chola Vijayanagara Vijayanagara & Chola Kingdom & Srivijaya Empire (major Buddhist trading hub) & in South Asia Srivijaya controlled straight of Malacca, taxed all trade ships Freeman Srivijaya Empire Video (16 mins) Srivijaya declined and replaced with Majapahit (Hindu) Wealthy from trade, military conquest, political marriages Built states & expanded influence via trade Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Dehli sultanate was more land-based AztecsUnit in 1.4 The Americas Inca in Andes Mesoamerica Mexico City’s center was once Tenochtitlan Machu Picchu in Peru located on lake Texcoco, Aztecs built Chinampas, floating gardens 🡪 more food 🡪 more people Human sacrifice as way to legitimize power In Mesoamerican Aztecs built an empire by ruling remotely, via a tribute system Tribute system: a payment conquered people have to pay for the privilege of remaining conquered payment goods or services System enforced through military Inca used Mit’a system: compelled citizens into mandatory public service Made them build extensive road system 🡪 led to more unified state Freeman Video SE Asia & Americas (3 mins) Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Unit 1.5 Africa: Mali Empire of Ghana (not same place as present day Ghana) became 🡪 Kingdom of Mali Founded by Sundiata (think Lion King) Grandnephew, Mansa Musa, gained control of Mali & was devote Muslim, who grew Timbuktu as center of learning Mali rulers centralized power more than Ghana did, exported salt & gold & grew wealthy Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca, poured so much gold into Egypt along the way he wrecked their economy Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Unit 1.6 Developments in Europe Kings Europeans had more regional system of state building: feudalism Only unifying factor in Europe was Christianity (Catholic Church) rather than a gov’t land protection Nobles 3 field system promoted agriculture: crops rotated through 3 fields: 1. Wheat/rye 🡪 food 2. Legumes (peas, lentils, beans) 🡪 made fertile soil (added nitrogen) 3. Knights land protection Fallow (unused for a year) Peasants Eventually, Feudal lords lost much power to rise of more powerful centralized monarchs Pope Urban sent people off to the Crusades to defend Jerusalem, which reintroduced Europe to trade routes & kick-started Europe again Food/goods Freeman Video Africa & Europe (5 mins) Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Serfs protection Comparison 1.2 East Asia: Japan Japan was an outliner during this time While other states in Europe, South Asia, SE Asia, Africa, Americas were growing more centralized, Japan grew more decentralized through their feudal system similar to Europe’s lords 🡪 knights 🡪 serfs Shoguns an Jap is E sia A . Daimyos (nobles) protection Emperor would be above shogun, but had little power. The Shoguns actually ruled Japan Samurai (knights) land Farmers, Fisherman, Craftsmen (peasants) Daimyos were the wealthy landowners. Merchants were the lowest class, because they didn’t make anything themselves. They took what was made from Farmers or Craftsman and sold it. land protection Food/goods Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Merchants (serfs) protection Comparision: Religion Unit 1.1 East Asia Unit 1.2 Abbasid Caliphate o Religion key to state building worldwide o Confucianism factor in flourishing of Song China o Islam created a system of shared beliefs and language (Arabic) which united the o Rulers used principles of Confucians to justify it’s rule over China regions throughout Afro-Eurasia o All bureaucratic workers studied Confucianism because they had to pass a civil service exam which was Confucian Big Picture • Technology: gunpowder & paper • small states decline & civilizations grow • Religion spreads, but local religion declines Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Comparison: Religion Hinduism Cycle of reincarnation soul Escape from reincarnation cycle Divine being a part of all reality Through Samsara the atman seeks moksha to escape from the material world and become one with brahman, but the pace of this progress depends on karma. Total of life’s choices: if you were good, you’ve collected good karma & are closer to moksha Indian’s believe your karma assigns you to your place in the caste system Buddhism o aim of Buddhism to to liberate sentient beings from suffering. o Life often involves suffering, because we want things to be a certain way. o The cure is to rise above the desire by following the noble 8-fold path. o (1) right view (2) right resolve (3) right speech (4) right action (5) right livelihood (6) right effort (7) right mindfulness (8) right concentration o Leads us to the complete liberation from suffering and desire In the Hindu or Buddhist religions, this can represent Samsara or Karma Before Hitler, the German nationalists were already using the symbol to represent creating and effecting life For the Nazis, the symbol spins right on ss ed Le us Pa Wait a minute…what’s this?? Comparision: Religion Unit 1.6 Europe Unit 1.3 Hinduism/Buddhism o Like China w/Confucianism, Abbasid w/Islam, Asian leaders relied on principles of Hinduism & Buddhism to consolidate power o Especially Hinduism’s teaching of the caste system o During this time, individual European states were relatively weak via feudalism. o States weren’t strengthened w/ religion like they were elsewhere, but Catholic Church still attempted to organized society o However, during this period some powerful political states emerged in France & the Holy Roman Empire which led to a struggle for power btwn church & state Big Picture • Technology: gunpowder & paper • small states decline & civilizations grow • Religion spreads, but local religion Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Comparison & Effects: Religion All major world religions spread (5 mins) during this period: ● Christianity l Islam l Buddhism ● conversionist religions (tried to convert people) ● Spread of religions weakened local indigenous religions ● Many Hindu’s converted to Islam to avoid caste system Conversion via 3 Ms: Missionaries, Military, Merchants, MISSIONARIES: All 3 sent missionaries & converted huge portions of world’s population MILITARY: Muslims invaded northern India & established Delhi Sultanate & converted about 25% of Indian population to Islam Muslims didn’t order people to convert, but people converted to (1) avoid paying jizya (tax for not being a Muslim) or (2) get greater opportunity in gov’t or business MERCHANTS: due to trade across Sahara & Indian Oceans, Merchants weren’t just carrying goods, but also whole cultural structures Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Effects: Technology from China Champa Rice 🡪 Population boom Paper making (2 mins) from China 🡪 West led to spike in literacy rates in Europe, SW Asia, N. Africa 🡪 learning in medicine & math 🡪 House of Wisdom in Bagdad House of Wisdom: Abbasid dynasty, place of study & translation of European & Asian works of the past Scholars at an Abbasid library. The House of Wisdom and its contents were destroyed in the Siege of Baghdad in 1258, leaving little archaeological evidence, thus many historians question the existence of the House of Wisdom Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Effects & CCOT: Nomadic People Mongols: pastoral people from central Asian steppe, & ruled over huge Empire stretching across afro-Eurasia Vast empire led to political stability & safety 🡪 increased trade among silk road 🡪 cross-cultural interactions Turks: also from Central Asian steppes, but unlike Mongols who built empire as coordinated campaign w/unified Mongol clans, Turkish groups built separate empires: Seljuk & Ottoman Turks In Mediterranean Other Turks in Persia area Prior to this nomads had huge role in transfer of technology & culture among different states, but from 1200-1450 (period 1) influence of nomadic people began to decline since merchants and traders arose Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Unit 1 FREEMAM-PEDIA Map Summary FREEMAN-PEDIA Unit 2 Map Study Mr. Freeman’s map for a quick overview of the spread of religions, goods, technology, etc. Pay attention to the key at the bottom of the map. Mr. Freeman – PERIODIZATION Video (3 mins) • • • • 1200-1450 TRADE 1450-1750 EMPIRES 1750-1900 REVOLUTION & INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 1900-Present DEATH: War, Disease, Genocide, Bombs, Climate Change, Terrorism HTS: Argumentation Create a claim (a thesis statement) and support it with evidence Learning Objective In what ways was the process of state-building in various parts of the world btwn 1200-1450 similar & different? Review the regions in your completed chart and create a claim using a historical thinking skills listed with Example Comparison Claim: Many rulerseach wereregion. similar in that they used religion to legitimize their rule. (even better would be to list which rulers, instead of stating “many”) Evidence: • The Abbasid empire & Mali used Islam to legitimize rule • Similarly, Song Dynasty used Confucianism, people adhered to social order w/values like filial piety & 5 key relationships which ensured people remained loyal to emperor since they were taught to respect him • Likewise Hinduism used in Vijayanagar & Majaphit • As well as Buddhism in Srivijaya Phrase it as a Comparison Claim: HTS: Argumentation Create a claim (a thesis statement) and support it with evidence Learning Objective In what ways was the process of state-building in various parts of the world btwn 1200-1450 similar & different? Review the regions in your completed chart and create a claim using a historical thinking skills listed with Example Comparison Claim: Many rulerseach wereregion. different in that they used religion to legitimize their rule. Evidence: Many rulers used religion to legitimize their authority, which set them apart. Unlike the Song Dynasty and the Abbasid Caliphate, which used simple cultural and religious values to legitimize government authority, Europe was decentralized, so Christian beliefs united the people socially through the Catholic Church in a way that no controlling government did at the time. Phrase it as a Comparison Claim: similar use words like similarly, likewise different use words like differently, alternatively, whereas Learning Objective Check In what ways was the process of state-building in various parts of the world btwn 1200-1450 similar & different? Review the regions in your completed chart to answer these questions. Q: How did states use belief systems to gain Q: How did states promote innovation and legitimacy? exchange? A: • Aztecs w/sacrifice • Dehli Sultanate encouraging Islam over Hinduism • Song Dynasty & Confucianism values of filial piety to remain loyal to emperor & merit to establish bureaucracy A: • Song Dynasty was urban w/massive cities, eliminate curfews, people started exploring • House of wisdom in Bagdad, caliphates directly funding scholarship • Americas with chimpanas system A: How did states benefit from trade? • Srivijaya taxed people to pass through trading ports • Mansa Musa capitalized on Saharan Trade routes Comparison: State Building in Period 1 1200-1450 Learning Objective Check In what ways was the process of state-building in various parts of the world btwn 1200-1450 similar & different? Review the regions in your completed chart and create a claim using a historical thinking skills listed with Q: In what ways was the process of state-buildingeach region. Q: In what ways was the process of state-building similar? different? A: In Europe, 3-field crop rotation & Champa rice in China promoted larger populations A: Song China had a large bureaucracy to rule, but Japan very feudal and regional. A: Mali Kingdom & Abbasid Caliphate used Islam to unite previously united people, and South and SE Asia used Hinduism & Buddhism to consolidate power A: Abbasid Caliphate used religion to help solidify power, but Western European kingdoms separate from power of Roman Catholic Church. A: The world saw an increase in religious diversity via missionaries, military, and merchants. A: Swahili Coast interconnected to trade routes, and Silk Road connected Song China & Abbaasid Caliphate, but Western Europe was slow to develop because it was outside these trade routes. A: Papermaking led to an increase in learning medicine & math in Afro-Eurasia and South and SW A. Inca had to pay tribute, Aztec had mit’a system Comparison: State Building in Period 1 public 1200-1450 Asia. (mandatory service) Learning Objective Check In what ways was the process of state-building in various parts of the world btwn 1200-1450 similar & different? Review the regions in your completed chart and identify the historical thinking skills listed with each region. Q: Give an example of where states in some areas grew larger, while states in other areas grew weaker. Q: Explain how the increase in cross-cultural exchanges impacted regions throughout Afro-Eurasia A. Cultural & technology progress 🡪 states grew. I.e. Song China, Chola Kingdom & Vijayanager Empire via trade. Smaller states declined due to lack of innovation. A. Crop innovation technology influence trade, I.E. Champa rice from Vietnam to China 🡪 Song population grew, supported by proto-industrialization 🡪 steel, silk, porcelain, iron increased. Paper went to Europe, SW Asia, N. Africa & increased literacy & learning of math & medicine. Conflict due to transferring knowledge & religion along trade networks. Cross-cultural interactions & transfers intensified & several contacts btwn Europe & China facilitated by Mongols. Q: How was the role of religion in empire and state building similar or different throughout Afro-Eurasia? A. SAME: Islamic & African world: Islam legitimized rulers, Song Dynasty used Confucianism, Buddhism & Hinduism in S & SE Asia A. DIFFERENT: European states weak during middle ages, Catholic church used diff. structure for organizing society, but eventually France & Holy Roman Empire emergence and challenged church Q: Explain how the role of nomads changed over time in the process of state building. A. Mongol dominance over Asia/E. Europe brought political stability & expansion of trade. Same w/ Seljuks & Ottoman Turks. Their declined as merchants trading impact Comparison: State Building in Period 1 impact 1200-1450 Videos Unit Heimler Freeman Crash Course Misc 1.1 East Asia Song China (7 mins) Champa Rice (15 mins) East Asia (5 mins) Chinese History (12 mins) Chinese Dynasties (5 mins) 1.2 Dar al-Islam Dar al-Islam (6 mins) Mamluks (15 mins) Dar Al-Islam (3 mins) Islam & the Quran (13 mins) 1.3 S. & SE Asia India & S. Asia (5 miins) Srivijaya (16 mins) Buddha & Ashoka (12 mins) Americas & Africa (5 mins) SE Asia & Americas (3 mins) 1.4 Americas 1.5 Africa Aztec Life (12 mins) Inca (4 mins) Maya (4 mins) Mansa Musa (11 mins) 1.6 Europe Europe (6 mins) 1.7 Review Review (9 mins) Africa & Europe (5 mins) The Dark Ages (12 mins) The Crusades (12 mins) Little Ice Age (10 mins) Magna Carta Rap Battle (3 mins) Unit 1 Review by Gorges (30 mins)