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IEM PI Essay Questions

Essay 1.
As a young engineer, you are instructed by your employer to prepare a bankable report for a
prospective project based on the information provided by your employer. You have no access to
ascertain the reliability of the information provided. In light of the IEM Regulations on Professional
Conduct, how do you advise your employer so that you may complete your assignment with
1. Introduction
a. Talk about the challenges of the current situation
2. Advise the adverse effects of current situations
a. May under design / lack of engineering
b. Wrong basis of design
c. Inadequate BOQ/ MTO
d. Reputation of company at stake
e. Adverse HSE effects – public and environment
f. Possible under quotation at this state – change order later
3. How to advise your company
a. Inform employer that information is inadequate
b. Give opinion to your own technical ability. Further information required for better
engineering judgement and decision.
c. Be fair, honest and in good faith when discharging your duty as engineer – delivering
the report/ proposal.
d. Advice solutions to employer
i. Official enquiry on other information through company to the project owner
ii. Use the available avenue in the tendering/ project proposal process such as
clarification with the project owner for further information
4. Conclusion
Essay 2:
You are assigned to prospect an area for an extractable mineral(s). However, in your course of
works, you discover no such minerals but some other valuable minerals which your employer is (are)
not interested. On the other hand, the information you have is of great importance to the adjoining
interest. As an engineer can you release the particular information which you have to the other
party so that the minerals may be explored. Please discuss taking into consideration of the IEM
Regulations on Professional Conduct.
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. Talk on the above paragraph w.r.t. responsibilities and general adverse effects of it
2. The answer is that you can release such information unusable to your company but of
benefit to others.
3. From aspects of Regulations on Professional Conduct
a. Shall not disclose information
b. Duty to employer is to inform on the findings.
c. If employer is not interested to pursue, suggest to employer to share this
information with other engineering companies or organizations which could put this
minerals into good use, ultimately for the community.
d. Respect other engineers. Such information should be disclosed to others through
proper channel.
e. Public interest is the paramount if the minerals can be used for advancement and
development of the public.
f. Use of new minerals may contribute to development of the engineering profession
i.e. new fields, new technology, new innovations, etc.
g. Not to waste any natural resources – it would be a waste if such minerals can be
harvested and put into good use.
Essay 3 Mr X is a project engineer for a project contracted to Y company owned by Mr Z. Mr Z told
Mr X that he is ordering latest model of electronic gadget for his company staff and he can get a
set for Mr X at the company discounted price. Mr X agrees and pays on delivery. Did Mr X breach
the IEM Regulations of Professional Conduct?
“It is the responsibility of every engineer to give highest regard to his profession and conduct himself
with integrity when executing his tasks. “ Discuss this statement in detail within the context of the
Malaysian environment.
1. Introduction
2. Key points
a. Mr. Z should give discount directly and officially to company Y instead of through
Mr. X via tendering process in company Y.
b. Engineer shall disclose such information to his company
c. His duties and obligations are to his company
d. He should accept remuneration only from his employer Y.
e. He shall not solicit work through this manner.
f. Inform to employer Y on such conflict of interest.
g. Must be honest, fair and in good faith when discharging his duties.
h. His obligation is to company Y only.
i. He should not act on behalf of company Y on matters of payment/ purchasing.
j. HSE is paramount – selection of product must be through open bidding and proper
technical evaluation under company Y. This ensure product chosen is safe.
Essay 4 Professionalism cannot be taught by regurgitating (repeatedly speaking) the IEM Regulations
of Professional Conduct nor by memorizing a set of rules. Do you agree with the statement and why?
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. It is just a set of regulations/ basic qualifying requirements
2. Key points
a. Own self-awareness – walk the talk
b. Be responsible and understand the regulations/ code of ethics.
c. Do it for the sake of professional development and respect.
d. Do it not to injure other engineers and the profession.
e. Continuous professional development for own competence.
f. Every eng. must promote good practice and network.
3. Conclusion
Essay 5: Self Promotion & Advertisement
The IEM Regulations of Professional Conduct speaks against active self promotion and
advertisement. In what ways should such restraint enhance the stature of engineers as
professionals? More importantly, given the advent (arrival) of information technology age where
virtual reality is becoming norm, how would any violation of the IEM Regulations of Professional
Conduct be detected and dealt with?
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. What is self-laudatory?
2. How restraining enhance the profession?
a. Not to say something that we are incapable of delivering
b. Resources for such advertisements shall not go to waste
c. HSE would not be jeopardized if work awarded not based on true capability of the
engineer/ consultant firm.
d. It will avoid unhealthy competition.
e. May provide collaboration among engineers – experts of many fields working
3. How to detect:
a. Perform audits – governing bodies (IEM, BEM), internal auditors, local government
b. Detail profile check of the company
4. How to deal with it?
a. Audit checks by bodies or certified 3rd party auditors
b. Enhance competency – Continuous professional development
c. Whistle blower policy – within company or through regulatory bodies informing on
false claims.
d. Regulations in terms of controlling such adverts.
5. Conclusion.
Essay 6 : Health, Safety & Environment
You are an engineer and it is known that your project activities/ plant production had cause an
adverse health, safety and/ or environmental (HSE) impact. To improve the HSE quality, you have to
cease your project activities/ production for a period, resulting in the inability to meet the schedule
and targets. How would you handle in a situation where there is a conflict between the IEM
Regulations on Professional Conduct and commercial consideration?
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. Do not compromise HSE and public interest.
b. They are the paramount of engineering interest.
2. Key points
a. Inform employer on the dangers immediately.
b. Provide alternative solutions and mitigations for the current HSE issue.
c. OSHA 1994 or company PTW system on STOP WORK policy.
d. Inform dangers to the public and government through employer.
e. Provide rectification plan and schedule.
f. Show the commitment. Don’t wait until issues worsen.
g. Mitigation plans to ensure HSE issues are settle and they won’t happen again.
h. Gain trust and belief from stakeholders – public/ environment. Engagement sessions
with them.
3. Conclusion
Essay 7:
Very often codes of practice suggest discretion of engineering judgment. There are merits and
demerits of international codes of practice and standards as opposed to national documents within
the context of the Malaysian industry and practices.
Discuss by giving examples of engineering judgment whereby such decision does not conform to an
international (?) code of practice and how it is justified. Is international conformity always desirable?
1. Introduction
a. What is engineering codes and practices – international and Malaysian.
2. Key points
a. In any project, conform with the order of precedence for specifications: local
regulations, project engineering specifications, international standards, Malaysian
standards, other international standards.
b. Provide example:
i. All equipment in process area to use Zone 2 protection even though
Hazardous Area Class shows it is safe area.
c. Merits
i. Most local standards are not detailed enough and not kept up abreast with
the latest technologies and changes in the international standards.
ii. International standards may be a better reference for those engineering
decisions, where the local standards are not adequately addressing them.
d. Demerits
i. International or local standards may be too stringent, depending on the
situation. Give example of your own.
ii. Local standards and practice may not be standardized from state to state
even though they are referring to the same regulations/ rules.
e. How to go about justification in using local or international standard?
i. What is the issue about?
ii. Refer to ITB documents and order of precedence.
iii. Else if not found, perform risk assessment.
iv. Obtain best industrial practice.
v. Obtain proper approval depending on the situation or issue. Require local
authority approval?
f. Conclusion
Essay 8: Corruption and Unethical Practice*
Engineers are always entrusted with the responsibility of implementing large-scale projects involving
millions of dollars. In view of the large amount of money changing hands, the integrity and ethical
standards of engineers are being put to test. What measures can an engineer take to prevent
corruption and unethical practice of cutting corners in order to safeguard the good image of the
engineering profession?
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. Public interest and HSE impacts are paramount in any engineering decision.
2. Key points
a. Adhere to Code Of Ethics
b. Keep to the design and standards and not desire of the company (given if company
only desires to complete the work by cutting corners).
c. All the work discharged shall avoid HSE and injury.
d. Advice dangers to employer doing design and construction.
e. Have proper execution procedure i.e. field engineering notice to document and
address any field changes, engineering and construction management plan.
f. Be transparent at all working levels.
g. Avoid any conflict of interest. Declare to employer or report if there is any.
h. Establish a weekly or monthly engineering/ construction committee for a
wholesome construction decision.
i. If one’s capability is not enough to make a decision, reach out to other senior
engineers or outside experts of the particular field.
j. Perform audits, routine checks, site spot checks and establish proper QA QC plan.
k. Apply Zero Tolerance policy in company.
l. Continue Professional development to increase competency to inculcate better
engineering decisions in the future.
3. Conclusion
Essay 9:
‘Conflict of professional interest frequently arises in the working environment of an engineer’.
Discuss the statement and propose the appropriate solutions for overcoming the problems.
1. Introduction
a. Definition of COI
b. Engineers shall not be influenced by COI.
2. Key points
a. Dangers/ Impacts of COI
i. Bribery
ii. Low quality of work
iii. Jeopardize HSE
iv. Complacency arises.
v. Improper decision/ judgement by contractor
vi. Profession degradation.
b. Solutions
i. Declarations of COI to employer but may be ineffective.
ii. Audit program by internal and external parties.
iii. Re-arrange project team. Assign those with COI to other projects or with
minimal involvement.
iv. Whistle blower policy.
v. Upheld the profession and keep to the aspirations of the Regulations of
Professional Conduct.
vi. One shall not accept remuneration from other sources other than those
from his employer only.
3. Conclusion
Essay 10: Code of Ethics (Appointment)
Most projects are awarded on competitive bidding basis. Supposing you had been the designated
engineer of one of the bidders that was not awarded with the letter of intent by the Client. You are
then approached by the ‘winner’ to join the Consultant Team. Should you accept the second
appointment? If yes, describe the situations, which might be seen as conflict of interests. If no,
describe the reasons and/ or clear cut situations why you should decline the second appointment.
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. Yes I will join.
b. Certain things must be considered 1st prior to joining.
2. Key points
a. Completion of duty and responsibility to current employer
b. Inquiry on why the current engineer is not able to follow through with the ‘winning’
c. Shall not disclose any information from previous employer when joining the winning
consultant. If required, approval shall be obtained from previous approval for
release of information.
d. Eng. shall take all responsibility under him.
e. Respect other engineers. Design of the previous engineer under the winning
company will be reviewed. Enhance it if necessary as I will discharge my duties
accordingly to the new employer.
f. Situations that might be seen as conflict of interest.
i. The winner might not have done thorough engineering during the proposal
but have quoted low and won the contract. There is possibility of the winner
trying to engage one to obtain that extra information which was not
obtained earlier during tendering. This may seem as COI as I may have that
information, which I could use to my advantage. This could equate into
further acts of non-conformance to the code of ethics.
ii. I may be much more inexperienced as compared to the former engineer
who prepared for the proposal. Since the company may want to reduce the
cost, they may be offering me this job at a salary lower than what they are
paying now. The company may have all the necessary information prepared
by the former engineer, and thinks that any engineer can continue towards
completing the work. This is an indication of CoI for the company.
3. Conclusion
a. You decide…
Essay 11
11. You are in a position of responsibility administering an institution of higher learning with limited
resources. You have been assigned to revise the engineering curriculum and directed to increase the
number of graduates. From the standpoint of professional conduct, describe the necessary
curriculum contents which must be included so as not to compromise the engineering standards.
1. Introduction
a. Talk about your job as the administrator.
b. Plans for the curriculum.
2. Key points
a. The curriculum could be introduced as engineering mandatory courses such s:
i. HSE
1. What is HSE about
2. Impact we have as engineers to HSE and public
3. What are our responsibilities
4. Introduce OSHA, etc at this stage.
ii. Course on design, codes and standards
1. Talk on available standards, local regulations an etc.
2. What standards are relevant to each discipline
iii. 1 or 2 days course for all engineers on Codes of Ethics/ Regulations on
Professional Conduct
iv. Engineering management course
1. Talk on engineering management plan
2. How each discipline engineer integrate and synergize with other
discipline engineers for a given project.
3. Framework on engineering for consultancy, operation and
v. Final year project to be enhanced with:
1. Problem solving technique
2. Teamwork focus
3. Conclusion – Summarize the key points
Essay 12
12. Corruption has undermined integrity in professional practice in the engineering industry. The
professional engineer who steadfastly embraces the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct is left
in a dilemma. His option is that he could just ignore it or turn whistle blower. Explain how you would
handle this problem.
Definition of corruption
Definition of whistleblower
A whistleblower (whistle-blower or whistle blower)[1] is a person who exposes misconduct,
alleged dishonest or illegal activity occurring in an organization. The alleged misconduct may
be classified in many ways; for example, a violation of a law, rule, regulation and/or a direct
threat to public interest, such as fraud, health and safety violations, and corruption.
Whistleblowers may make their allegations internally (for example, to other people within
the accused organization) or externally (to regulators, law enforcement agencies, to the
media or to groups concerned with the issues).
Whistleblowers frequently face reprisal, sometimes at the hands of the organization or
group which they have accused, sometimes from related organizations, and sometimes
under law.
Questions about the legitimacy of whistleblowing, the moral responsibility of
whistleblowing, and the appraisal of the institutions of whistleblowing are part of the field
of political ethics.
Bring issue/attention to Direct Authority for rectification, else hire up to management or
other bodies.
Involves a privileged information, information may lie out of the member’s area of
Guide:o Make any objections to the unethical practices promptly.
o Focus on issues and proceed in tactful and low key manner – avoid personnel
o Keep supervisors informed of your actions
o Be accurate in observations and claims, keep formal record
o Raise problem through organizational channels
o Consult colleagues for advices and avoid silo work.
o Consult with Institution through the CEO.
o Seek legal advices concerning potential legal liabilities.
Company / government policy on whistle blowing
Essay 13: Ethical behaviour (project awards)
Assuming that you are the principal partner of a reputable engineering-based firm in a small state in
the country. Your family is very well reputed, respected and influential, having lived and worked in
the state for decades.
Leaders of certain political party approach you seeking your assistance to campaign for them in the
forthcoming state by-elections, they have promised to award your company with all the major
projects awarded by the state government. It is desirable for your firm to secure new projects.
Discuss critically on your actions, taking account of the IEM’s regulations on Professional Conduct.
(The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY prior to his sitting for PI on Feb 2014. It is
shared here for reference of other candidates.)
1. Introduction
a. Talk about your family and connection to the community
b. What is your role in the engineering firm
2. Key points – To relate to your actions on:
a. Uphold the engineering profession
b. Do not solicit work through this manner. If you decide to represent the political
party, declare to the company and public on the conflict of interest.
c. Respect other engineers. Do not obtain work through this manner i.e. via politician.
Let it be through an honest and open tendering.
d. Public interest is paramount and not the interest of the politician.
e. Be transparent – declare your involvement. Participate through open tender
f. Continuous professional development – let your engineering firm deliver what it is
able to deliver i.e. because of the competency that you have and not through
winning just because you are connected to the politician.
3. Conclusion
a. Up to you..