SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age Part A - General Laboratory Chemicals & Solvents 95237 81658 68175 18439 72690 90868 90868 90868 85801 85801 93602 Acetamide pure, 98% Acetanilide extrapure, 99% Acetanilide ExiPlus™, 99% Acetic Acid 1N Aq. Solution Acetic Acid 2.5M Aq. Solution Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure, 99.5% Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure, 99.5% Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure, 99.5% Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure AR, 99.9% Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure AR, 99.9% Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% Acetic Acid Glacial extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% Acetic Acid Dried, 99.9%, water 0.05% Acetic Acid Dried, 99.9%, water 0.05% Acetic Acid for HPLC, 99.9% Acetic Acid for HPLC, 99.9% Acetic Acid Glacial for molecular biology, 99.9% 60-35-5 103-84-4 103-84-4 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1000 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 64-19-7 2500 ml 1400 Part A 29152100 18 RT 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 64-19-7 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 100 ml 449 840 600 1000 600 29152100 29152100 29152100 29152100 29152100 59788 Acetic Acid Glacial for molecular biology, 99.9% 64-19-7 500 ml 31566 31566 31566 31566 66951 66951 15168 15168 15168 27648 27648 27648 35007 35007 89140 89140 89140 11340 11340 11340 12312 12312 27498 27498 27498 27498 12972 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 67-64-1 666-52-4 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 10 ml 93602 73215 73215 32532 32532 59788 Acetone pure, 99% Acetone pure, 99% Acetone pure, 99% Acetone pure, 99% Acetone extrapure, 99% Acetone extrapure, 99% Acetone extrapure AR, 99.5% Acetone extrapure AR, 99.5% Acetone extrapure AR, 99.5% Acetone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Acetone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Acetone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Acetone Dried, 99%, water 0.005% Acetone Dried, 99%, water 0.005% Acetone GC-HS, 99.9% Acetone GC-HS, 99.9% Acetone GC-HS, 99.9% Acetone for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% Acetone for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% Acetone for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% Acetone electronic grade, 99.9% Acetone electronic grade, 99.9% Acetone for molecular biology, 99.8% Acetone for molecular biology, 99.8% Acetone for molecular biology, 99.8% Acetone for molecular biology, 99.8% Acetone-d6 for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D Page 1 of 321 691 915 1416 557 557 260 1250 11800 299 1320 330 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 1800 Part A 280 550 1269 10751 290 1314 347 675 1472 369 698 1517 426 1531 566 1019 1359 465 760 1721 749 1584 341 511 792 2716 7712 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29242990 29242910 29242910 38220090 38220090 29152100 29152100 29152100 29152100 29152100 29152100 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29152100 18 RT 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 29141100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age 75185 Acetone-d6 (with 1% TMS) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D 49967 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure, 99% 49967 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure, 99% 49967 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure, 99% 84578 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure AR, 99.5% 84578 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure AR, 99.5% 82745 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 82745 Acetonitrile (ACN) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 90135 Acetonitrile (ACN) GC-HS, 99.9% 90135 Acetonitrile (ACN) GC-HS, 99.9% 90135 Acetonitrile (ACN) GC-HS, 99.9% 58209 Acetonitrile (ACN) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 58209 Acetonitrile (ACN) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 24899 Acetonitrile (ACN) Gradient grade for HPLC, 99.9% 666-52-4 10 ml 75-05-8 75-05-8 75-05-8 75-05-8 75-05-8 75-05-8 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 75-05-8 2500 ml 3021 Part A 29269000 18 RT 75-05-8 75-05-8 75-05-8 75-05-8 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 636 954 1802 848 29269000 29269000 29269000 29269000 75-05-8 2500 ml 3445 Part A 29269000 18 RT 75-05-8 1000 ml 1802 Part A 29269000 18 RT 24899 Acetonitrile (ACN) Gradient grade for HPLC, 99.9% 75-05-8 2500 ml 3922 Part A 29269000 18 RT 62006 Acetonitrile (ACN) for molecular biology, 99.9% 75-05-8 250 ml 658 Part A 29269000 18 RT 62006 Acetonitrile (ACN) for molecular biology, 99.9% 75-05-8 500 ml 997 Part A 29269000 18 RT 75-05-8 75-05-8 2206-26-0 1000 ml 2500 ml 10 Gms 2061 Part A 4866 Part A 7442 Part A 98-86-2 98-86-2 98-86-2 98-86-2 98-86-2 123-54-6 123-54-6 123-54-6 3244-88-0 3244-88-0 123334-10-1 123334-10-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 79-06-1 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 62076 Acetonitrile (ACN) for DNA synthesis, 99.9% 62076 Acetonitrile (ACN) for DNA synthesis, 99.9% 26483 Acetonitrile-d3 for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8 Atom %D 67418 Aceto Orcein 15873 Acetophenone extrapure, 99% 15873 Acetophenone extrapure, 99% 22506 Acetophenone extrapure AR, 99.5% 22506 Acetophenone extrapure AR, 99.5% 22506 Acetophenone extrapure AR, 99.5% 96169 Acetylacetone extrapure, 99% 24212 Acetylacetone extrapure AR, 99.5% 24212 Acetylacetone extrapure AR, 99.5% 39522 Acid Fuchsin 39522 Acid Fuchsin 50190 Acid Fuchsin Calcium Salt (Acid Rubin), 60% 50190 Acid Fuchsin Calcium Salt (Acid Rubin), 60% 22794 Acrylamide extrapure, 99% 22794 Acrylamide extrapure, 99% 89314 Acrylamide 1x cryst. extrapure, 99.5% 89314 Acrylamide 1x cryst. extrapure, 99.5% 15657 Acrylamide 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.9% 15657 Acrylamide 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.9% 15657 Acrylamide 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.9% 15657 Acrylamide 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.9% Page 2 of 321 7938 Part A HS code 615 2756 25440 647 2894 753 401 630 2514 458 1599 3654 1444 834 1999 595 1999 3338 12237 646 5328 401 1554 834 3496 5881 23850 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29141100 18 2-8C 29269000 29269000 29269000 29269000 29269000 29269000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29269000 18 RT 29269000 18 RT 29269000 18 2-8C 38220090 29143910 29143910 29143910 29143910 29143910 29141990 29141990 29141990 32041214 32041214 32041214 32041214 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 61346 Acrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.9% 79-06-1 100 Gms 945 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 61346 Acrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.9% 79-06-1 500 Gms 4038 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 61346 Acrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.9% 79-06-1 1 Kg 7101 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 61346 Acrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.9% 79-06-1 5 Kg 25513 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 29787 Acrylamide 40% aq. solution for molecular biology 79-06-1 250 ml 2774 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 29787 Acrylamide 40% aq. solution for molecular biology 79-06-1 500 ml 4994 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 30 Gms 1055 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 200 Gms 5525 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 30 Gms 1055 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 200 Gms 5525 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 30 Gms 1055 Part A 38220090 12 RT 200 Gms 5525 Part A 38220090 12 RT 100 ml 1444 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 24263 Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Premix Powder, Ratio 19:1 24263 Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Premix Powder, Ratio 19:1 10762 Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Premix Powder, Ratio 29:1 10762 Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Premix Powder, Ratio 29:1 74379 Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Premix Powder, Ratio 37.5:1 74379 Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Premix Powder, Ratio 37.5:1 67394 30% Acrylamide / Bis-acrylamide Mix Solution (Ratio 29:1) 60452 Acrylic Acid pure, 99% 60452 Acrylic Acid pure, 99% 41666 Acrylonitrile pure, 99% 41666 Acrylonitrile pure, 99% 60064 Adipic Acid pure, 99% 38573 Adipic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 84210 Silica Gel Fumed 200 (Hydrophilic) 84210 Silica Gel Fumed 200 (Hydrophilic) 84210 Silica Gel Fumed 200 (Hydrophilic) 19661 Agar powder regular grade for bacteriology 19661 Agar powder regular grade for bacteriology 19661 Agar powder regular grade for bacteriology 19661 Agar powder regular grade for bacteriology 19661 Agar powder regular grade for bacteriology 85473 Agar powder for tissue culture 85473 Agar powder for tissue culture 85473 Agar powder for tissue culture 85473 Agar powder for tissue culture 24970 Agar powder Bacto grade 24970 Agar powder Bacto grade 51942 Agar Granulated Bacto grade 51942 Agar Granulated Bacto grade 26741 Ajowan Seed Oil extrapure 26741 Ajowan Seed Oil extrapure 48863 ß-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% 79-10-7 79-10-7 107-13-1 107-13-1 124-04-9 124-04-9 112945-52-5 112945-52-5 112945-52-5 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 8001-99-8 8001-99-8 107-95-9 Page 3 of 321 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 2.5 Kg 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms Price 612 2774 546 2387 535 646 425 900 6000 951 2052 3942 7776 37800 1296 2268 4320 41040 1512 6048 5006 8900 1187 4931 274 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29161100 29161100 29269000 29269000 29171200 29171200 28399090 28399090 28399090 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 33012590 33012590 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 48863 48863 71178 71178 71178 71178 71777 71777 71777 50683 50683 87279 87279 35652 35652 17996 17996 99564 99564 99564 19093 19093 69098 69098 69098 73056 73056 73056 92459 92459 45262 54568 54568 64132 83147 61315 Product Name ß-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% ß-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Alanine for tissue culture, 99% L-Alanine for tissue culture, 99% L-Alanine for tissue culture, 99% L-Alanine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Alanine ExiPlus™, 99% Alberts Stain A Solution Alberts Stain A Solution Alberts Stain B Solution Alberts Stain B Solution Aliquat 336, 88% Aliquat 336, 88% Alloxan Monohydrate extrapure, 98% Alloxan Monohydrate extrapure, 98% Alloxan Monohydrate extrapure, 98% Allyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% Allyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% Allylamine pure, 99% Allylamine pure, 99% Allylamine pure, 99% Allyl Bromide pure, 98% Allyl Bromide pure, 98% Allyl Bromide pure, 98% Allyl Chloride pure, 98% Allyl Chloride pure, 98% Almond Oil pure Aluminium Acetate Basic Hydrate (Aluminium Subacetate) extrapure, 98% Aluminium Acetate Basic Hydrate (Aluminium Subacetate) extrapure, 98% Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate Dodecahydrate pure, 99% Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 61315 Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 93606 Aluminium AAS Standard Solution in 1N HCl 90015 Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate pure 23700 Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 35543 Aluminium Hydroxide Gel extrapure AR, ExiPlus Date :16-04-2021 Packing 107-95-9 107-95-9 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 56-41-7 63393-96-4 63393-96-4 2244-11-3 2244-11-3 2244-11-3 107-18-6 107-18-6 107-11-9 107-11-9 107-11-9 106-95-6 106-95-6 106-95-6 107-05-1 107-05-1 8007-69-0 142-03-0 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 125 ml 500 ml 125 ml 500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 ml 100 ml 250 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 935 7989 200 500 2100 4000 250 600 2400 680 2600 140 373 140 373 1725 6731 334 745 2774 629 2936 926 1447 2893 1222 2331 4505 412 1803 6305 980 142-03-0 500 Gms 2392 Part A 29152990 18 RT 7784-26-1 500 Gms 210 Part A 28333010 18 RT 7784-26-1 500 Gms 306 Part A 28333010 18 RT 7784-26-1 500 Gms 328 Part A 28333010 18 RT 7784-26-1 5 Kg 3250 Part A 28333010 18 RT 7784-13-6 7784-13-6 250 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 1905 Part A 618 Part A 1030 Part A 38220090 12 RT 28273200 18 RT 28273200 18 RT 21645-51-2 500 Gms 418 Part A 28183000 18 RT Page 4 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29239000 29239000 29362940 29362940 29362940 29052900 29052900 29211990 29211990 29211990 29032900 29032900 29032900 29032900 29032900 15159099 29152990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 35543 Aluminium Hydroxide Gel extrapure AR, ExiPlus CAS Number 21645-51-2 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 5 Kg 1947 Part A 28183000 18 RT 12283 Aluminium Isopropoxide (powder) extrapure, 98% 555-31-7 500 Gms 845 Part A 28182090 18 RT 57395 Aluminium Metal powder, 99%, -325 mesh 92309 Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate extrapure, 98% 7429-90-5 7784-27-2 500 Gms 500 Gms 600 Part A 400 Part A 76031090 18 RT 28342990 18 RT 19302 Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98.5% 58095 Aluminium Nitride pure, 98% 66289 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Acidic) (Alumina) 7784-27-2 500 Gms 1803 Part A 28342990 18 RT 24304-00-5 1344-28-1 5 Gms 500 Gms 14466 Part A 520 Part A 28500020 18 RT 28182010 18 RT 66289 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Acidic) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 5 Kg 5000 Part A 28182010 18 RT 66289 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Acidic) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 25 Kg 24000 Part A 28182010 18 RT 71461 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Acidic) (Alumina) ExiPlus™ 71461 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Acidic) (Alumina) ExiPlus™ 34321 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Basic) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 500 Gms 540 Part A 28182010 18 RT 1344-28-1 5 Kg 5300 Part A 28182010 18 RT 1344-28-1 500 Gms 411 Part A 28182010 18 RT 34321 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Basic) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 5 Kg 3888 Part A 28182010 18 RT 34321 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Basic) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 25 Kg 18360 Part A 28182010 18 RT 61492 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Basic) (Alumina) ExiPlus™ 61492 Aluminium Oxide Activated (Basic) (Alumina) ExiPlus™ 39882 Aluminium Oxide activated (Neutral) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 500 Gms 437 Part A 28182010 18 RT 1344-28-1 5 Kg 4025 Part A 28182010 18 RT 1344-28-1 500 Gms 432 Part A 28182010 18 RT 39882 Aluminium Oxide activated (Neutral) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 5 Kg 4104 Part A 28182010 18 RT 39882 Aluminium Oxide activated (Neutral) (Alumina) 1344-28-1 25 Kg 19575 Part A 28182010 18 RT 62690 Aluminium Oxide G (Neutral) (Alumina G) 62690 Aluminium Oxide G (Neutral) (Alumina G) 34641 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure, 99% 34641 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure, 99% 42889 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 42889 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 42550 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 1344-28-1 1344-28-1 7784-24-9 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 580 Part A 5500 Part A 220 Part A 28182010 18 RT 28182010 18 RT 28333030 18 RT 7784-24-9 2.5 Kg 850 Part A 28333030 18 RT 7784-24-9 500 Gms 270 Part A 28333030 18 RT 7784-24-9 2.5 Kg 1100 Part A 28333030 18 RT 7784-24-9 500 Gms 355 Part A 28333030 18 RT Page 5 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 42550 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 7784-24-9 2.5 Kg 1500 Part A 28333030 18 RT 53016 Aluminium Sulphate Octadecahydrate extrapure, 98% 11820 Aluminon extrapure 11820 Aluminon extrapure 11820 Aluminon extrapure 55745 Amaranth (Acid Red 27) (C.I. 16185), 85-95% 55745 Amaranth (Acid Red 27) (C.I. 16185), 85-95% 57432 4-Aminoantipyrine (Ampyrone) extrapure AR, 99% 7784-31-8 500 Gms 177 Part A 28332210 18 RT 569-58-4 569-58-4 569-58-4 915-67-3 915-67-3 83-07-8 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 350 800 6696 160 580 1100 57432 4-Aminoantipyrine (Ampyrone) extrapure AR, 99% 83-07-8 100 Gms 3800 Part A 6-Aminocaproic Acid extrapure, 99% 6-Aminocaproic Acid extrapure, 99% 6-Aminocaproic Acid extrapure, 99% Aminocaproic Acid IP Aminocaproic Acid BP, 98.5-101% Aminocaproic Acid USP, 98.5-101% Ammonia Solution extrapure AR, 25% Ammonia Solution extrapure AR, 25% Ammonia Solution extrapure AR, 30% Ammonia Solution extrapure AR, 30% Ammonium Acetate extrapure AR, 98% Ammonium Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 78844 Ammonium Acetate for HPLC, 99% 37829 Ammonium Acetate for molecular biology, 98% 60-32-2 60-32-2 60-32-2 60-32-2 60-32-2 60-32-2 1336-21-6 1336-21-6 1336-21-6 1336-21-6 631-61-8 631-61-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 631-61-8 631-61-8 500 Gms 100 Gms 580 Part A 280 Part A 29152990 18 RT 29152990 18 RT 37829 Ammonium Acetate for molecular biology, 98% 631-61-8 500 Gms 800 Part A 29152990 18 RT 26757 Ammonium Bicarbonate extrapure AR (Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate), 99% 26757 Ammonium Bicarbonate extrapure AR (Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate), 99% 38586 Ammonium Dichromate pure, 98% 67077 Ammonium Dichromate extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 1066-33-7 500 Gms 216 Part A 28369990 18 RT 1066-33-7 5 Kg 2074 Part A 28369990 18 RT 7789-09-5 7789-09-5 500 Gms 500 Gms 793 Part A 954 Part A 28415090 18 RT 28415090 18 RT 13664 Ammonium Bifluoride pure, 98% 13664 Ammonium Bifluoride pure, 98% 95407 Ammonium Bismuth Citrate extrapure AR, 43-46% Bi 95407 Ammonium Bismuth Citrate extrapure AR, 43-46% Bi 46813 Ammonium Bromide pure, 99% 40553 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate extrapure AR, 99% 40553 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate extrapure AR, 99% 42077 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 1341-49-7 1341-49-7 31886-41-6 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 495 Part A 4259 Part A 1233 Part A 28261990 18 RT 28261990 18 RT 29181590 18 RT 31886-41-6 500 Gms 4706 Part A 29181590 18 RT 12124-97-9 16774-21-3 16774-21-3 16774-21-3 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 713 1010 2242 1346 28275990 28342990 28342990 28342990 82623 82623 82623 85996 99093 50445 78719 78719 14388 14388 44683 62778 Page 6 of 321 1100 3500 17000 37000 37000 42000 190 590 230 650 300 360 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29189900 29189900 29189900 32129090 32129090 29339900 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 29339900 18 RT 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 28142000 28142000 28142000 28142000 29152990 29152990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 42077 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 42725 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate 0.05N Solution 38134 Ammonium Ceric Sulphate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 38134 Ammonium Ceric Sulphate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 23757 Ammonium Ceric Sulphate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 23757 Ammonium Ceric Sulphate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 25103 Ammonium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5% 25103 Ammonium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5% 25103 Ammonium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5% 96452 Ammonium Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 16992 Ammonium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.5% 16774-21-3 250 Gms 2801 Part A 28342990 18 RT 16774-21-3 10378-47-9 500 ml 100 Gms 334 Part A 1261 Part A 38220090 12 RT 28332990 18 RT 10378-47-9 500 Gms 3808 Part A 28332990 18 RT 10378-47-9 100 Gms 1486 Part A 28332990 18 RT 10378-47-9 500 Gms 4146 Part A 28332990 18 RT 12125-02-9 12125-02-9 12125-02-9 12125-02-9 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 12125-02-9 500 Gms 802 Part A 28271000 18 RT 35309 Ammonium Chloride for tissue culture, 99.5% 12125-02-9 500 Gms 880 Part A 28271000 18 RT 11505 Ammonium Citrate Tribasic (Triammonium Hydrogen Citrate) extrapure AR, 98.5% 35442 Ammonium Ferric Citrate pure, 16.5-22.5% 63571 Ammonium Ferric Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure, 98% 29168 Ammonium Ferric Sulphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 89944 Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate Hexahydrate extrapure, 98% 84937 Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 61732 Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 11605 Ammonium Fluoroborate pure, 98% 11605 Ammonium Fluoroborate pure, 98% 49813 Ammonium Fluoride pure, 98% 38431 Ammonium Fluoride ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 25142 Ammonium Formate pure, 98% 27858 Ammonium Formate extrapure AR, 98% 50504 Ammonium Formate extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 98% 3458-72-8 500 Gms 842 Part A 29181590 18 RT 1185-57-5 7783-83-7 500 Gms 500 Gms 501 Part A 284 Part A 29181550 18 RT 28333020 18 2-8C 7783-83-7 500 Gms 338 Part A 28333020 18 2-8C 7783-85-9 500 Gms 219 Part A 28333020 18 RT 7783-85-9 500 Gms 332 Part A 28333090 18 RT 7783-85-9 500 Gms 356 Part A 28333090 18 RT 13826-83-0 13826-83-0 12125-01-8 12125-01-8 540-69-2 540-69-2 540-69-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 890 2170 696 1133 406 428 495 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28402090 28402090 28261990 28261990 29151290 29151290 29151290 18 51775 51775 23185 23185 15068 Ammonium Iodide pure, 99% Ammonium Iodide pure, 99% Ammonium Metavanadate extrapure, 98% Ammonium Metavanadate extrapure, 98% Ammonium Metavanadate extrapure AR, 99% 12027-06-4 12027-06-4 7803-55-6 7803-55-6 7803-55-6 50 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1680 3138 709 2949 794 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28276090 28276090 28419000 28419000 28419000 18 15068 Ammonium Metavanadate extrapure AR, 99% 7803-55-6 500 Gms 3062 Part A 28419000 18 RT 94314 Ammonium Metavanadate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 7803-55-6 100 Gms 964 Part A 28419000 18 RT Page 7 of 321 Price 300 2837 12014 312 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28271000 28271000 28271000 28271000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 94314 Ammonium Metavanadate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 69429 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 7803-55-6 500 Gms 3516 Part A 28419000 18 RT 12054-85-2 100 Gms 894 Part A 28417090 18 RT 69429 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 12054-85-2 250 Gms 2000 Part A 28417090 18 RT 69429 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 12054-85-2 500 Gms 3780 Part A 28417090 18 RT 10299 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10299 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10299 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 82615 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 82615 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 82615 Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 32910 Ammonium Dimolybdate extrapure, 99%, 56.5% Mo 32910 Ammonium Dimolybdate extrapure, 99%, 56.5% Mo 85044 Ammonium Nickel Sulphate Hexahydrate pure, 98% 55517 Ammonium Nickel Sulphate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 98% 85084 Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 12054-85-2 100 Gms 1024 Part A 28417090 18 RT 12054-85-2 250 Gms 2200 Part A 28417090 18 RT 12054-85-2 500 Gms 4158 Part A 28417090 18 RT 12054-85-2 100 Gms 1306 Part A 28417090 18 RT 12054-85-2 250 Gms 2500 Part A 28417090 18 RT 12054-85-2 500 Gms 4400 Part A 28417090 18 RT 27546-07-2 100 Gms 1400 Part A 28417090 18 RT 27546-07-2 250 Gms 2800 Part A 28417090 18 RT 7785-20-8 500 Gms 1050 Part A 28332990 18 RT 7785-20-8 500 Gms 1800 Part A 28332990 18 RT 6009-70-7 500 Gms 320 Part A 29171190 18 RT 72913 Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 53621 Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 82381 Ammonium Persulphate pure, 98% 82381 Ammonium Persulphate pure, 98% 84569 Ammonium Persulphate extrapure AR, 99% 84569 Ammonium Persulphate extrapure AR, 99% 29534 Ammonium Persulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 29534 Ammonium Persulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 28575 Ammonium Persulphate for electrophoresis, 99% 6009-70-7 500 Gms 350 Part A 29171190 18 RT 6009-70-7 500 Gms 400 Part A 29171190 18 RT 7727-54-0 7727-54-0 7727-54-0 7727-54-0 7727-54-0 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 7727-54-0 5000 Gms 4025 Part A 28334000 18 2-8C 7727-54-0 25 Gms 199 Part A 28334000 18 2-8C 28575 Ammonium Persulphate for electrophoresis, 99% 7727-54-0 100 Gms 622 Part A 28334000 18 2-8C 65553 Ammonium Persulphate for molecular biology, 99% 65553 Ammonium Persulphate for molecular biology, 99% 7727-54-0 25 Gms 219 Part A 28334000 18 2-8C 7727-54-0 100 Gms 550 Part A 28334000 18 2-8C Page 8 of 321 345 3209 382 3300 415 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28334000 28334000 28334000 28334000 28334000 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 65553 Ammonium Persulphate for molecular biology, 99% 30468 Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 7727-54-0 500 Gms 1800 Part A 7783-28-0 500 Gms 478 Part A 28352990 18 RT 65984 Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 61563 Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic extrapure AR, 99% 58611 Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ , 99% 24678 Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic for HPLC, 99% 7783-28-0 500 Gms 495 Part A 28352990 18 RT 7722-76-1 500 Gms 484 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7722-76-1 500 Gms 506 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7722-76-1 500 Gms 1050 Part A 28352200 18 RT 50012 Ammonium Sulphamate (High Purity) ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 50012 Ammonium Sulphamate (High Purity) ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 62419 Ammonium Sulphamate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 62419 Ammonium Sulphamate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 88064 Ammonium Sulphate extrapure AR, 99.5% 88064 Ammonium Sulphate extrapure AR, 99.5% 88064 Ammonium Sulphate extrapure AR, 99.5% 88004 Ammonium Sulphate for tissue culture, 99.5% 7773-06-0 100 Gms 461 Part A 28429090 18 RT 7773-06-0 500 Gms 2231 Part A 28429090 18 RT 7773-06-0 100 Gms 598 Part A 28429090 18 RT 7773-06-0 500 Gms 2749 Part A 28429090 18 RT 7783-20-2 7783-20-2 7783-20-2 7783-20-2 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 224 1650 8910 233 28332990 28332990 28332990 28332990 88004 Ammonium Sulphate for tissue culture, 99.5% 7783-20-2 5 Kg 1800 Part A 28332990 18 RT 26339 Ammonium Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 26339 Ammonium Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 92567 Ammonium Sulphate Enzyme grade, 99.5% 92567 Ammonium Sulphate Enzyme grade, 99.5% 82126 Ammonium Sulphate for molecular biology, 99.5% 7783-20-2 500 Gms 246 Part A 28332990 18 RT 7783-20-2 5 Kg 2000 Part A 28332990 18 RT 7783-20-2 7783-20-2 7783-20-2 250 Gms 1 Kg 250 Gms 340 Part A 1212 Part A 660 Part A 28332990 18 RT 28332990 18 RT 28332990 18 RT 82126 Ammonium Sulphate for molecular biology, 99.5% 7783-20-2 500 Gms 1300 Part A 28332990 18 RT 82126 Ammonium Sulphate for molecular biology, 99.5% 7783-20-2 5 Kg 12041 Part A 28332990 18 RT 95876 Ammonium Tartrate Dibasic pure, 99% 95876 Ammonium Tartrate Dibasic pure, 99% 56357 Ammonium Tartrate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 3164-29-2 3164-29-2 3164-29-2 250 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 618 Part A 1178 Part A 663 Part A 29181390 18 RT 29181390 18 RT 29181390 18 RT 56357 Ammonium Tartrate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 3164-29-2 500 Gms 1290 Part A 29181390 18 RT 81016 Ammonium Thiocyanate extrapure AR, 99% 70158 Ammonium Thiocyanate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 67550 Amyl Acetate pure, 98% 67550 Amyl Acetate pure, 98% 28605 n-Amyl Alcohol pure, 99% 1762-95-4 1762-95-4 500 Gms 500 Gms 635 Part A 663 Part A 28429090 18 RT 28429090 18 RT 123-92-2 123-92-2 71-41-0 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 514 Part A 1776 Part A 780 Part A 29153990 18 RT 29153990 18 RT 29054290 18 RT Page 9 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number Stor age 28334000 18 2-8C 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 71-41-0 71-41-0 71-41-0 71-41-0 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 3100 1050 4000 1200 71-41-0 2500 ml 4500 Part A 28983-56-4 28983-56-4 62-53-3 62-53-3 142-04-1 142-04-1 542-16-5 542-16-5 104-94-9 104-94-9 120-12-7 120-12-7 120-12-7 120-12-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 250 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 61273 Anthracene (High Purity) scintillation grade, 99.7% 120-12-7 100 Gms 4716 Part A 29029090 18 RT 61273 Anthracene (High Purity) scintillation grade, 99.7% 120-12-7 250 Gms 13034 Part A 29029090 18 RT 78531 78531 97400 66105 12042 84-65-1 84-65-1 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 25 Gms 500 Gms 250 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 313 1067 2062 759 2018 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 28300-74-5 10 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 4713 Part A 9703 Part A 1401 Part A 81109000 18 RT 81109000 18 RT 29181390 18 RT 28300-74-5 100 Gms 406 Part A 29181390 18 RT 28300-74-5 500 Gms 1680 Part A 29181390 18 RT 10025-91-9 10025-91-9 10025-91-9 10025-91-9 10025-91-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 596 2522 651 2746 898 28273990 28273990 28273990 28273990 28273990 10025-91-9 500 Gms 3081 Part A 28273990 18 RT 1309-64-4 1309-64-4 1309-64-4 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1600 Part A 580 Part A 1800 Part A 28258000 18 RT 28258000 18 RT 28258000 18 RT 31906 83344 83344 22285 22285 46774 46774 69980 69980 36381 36381 41010 41010 41010 61273 67577 67577 47448 83896 83896 60274 60274 63365 63365 97628 97628 37157 98063 98063 n-Amyl Alcohol pure, 99% n-Amyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99% n-Amyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99% n-Amyl Alcohol (1-Pentanol) extrapure AR, ACS, 99% n-Amyl Alcohol (1-Pentanol) extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Aniline Blue (water soluble) (Methyl Blue) Aniline Blue (water soluble) (Methyl Blue) Aniline extrapure AR, 99.5% Aniline extrapure AR, 99.5% Aniline Hydrochloride pure, 99% Aniline Hydrochloride pure, 99% Aniline Sulphate pure, 98% Aniline Sulphate pure, 98% p-Anisidine pure, 98% p-Anisidine pure, 98% Anthracene extrapure, 99% Anthracene extrapure, 99% Anthracene extrapure, 99% Anthracene (High Purity) scintillation grade, 99.7% Anthraquinone pure, 98% Anthraquinone pure, 98% Antimony AAS Standard Solution in 2N HCl Antimony Metal Lumps, 98% Antimony Metal Powder extrapure, 99%, -200 mesh Antimony Metal Ingots ultrapure, 99.999% Antimony Metal Ingots ultrapure, 99.999% Antimony Potassium Tartrate Hemihydrate pure, 98% Antimony Potassium Tartrate Hemihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% Antimony Potassium Tartrate Hemihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% Antimony Trichloride pure, 98% Antimony Trichloride pure, 98% Antimony Trichloride extrapure AR, 99% Antimony Trichloride extrapure AR, 99% Antimony Trichloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Antimony Trichloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Antimony Trioxide extrapure, 99% Antimony Trioxide extrapure AR, 99% Antimony Trioxide extrapure AR, 99% Page 10 of 321 Price 639 2248 515 2369 657 1166 721 1339 301 1391 777 2443 11427 1222 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28605 22557 22557 31906 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT 29054290 18 RT 32049000 32049000 29214110 29214110 29214120 29214120 29214190 29214190 29222990 29222990 29029090 29029090 29029090 29029090 29146100 29146100 38220090 81109000 81109000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Antimony Trisulfide pure, 98% Arachis Oil pure Arachis Oil pure L-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Arginine for tissue culture, 99% L-Arginine for tissue culture, 99% L-Arginine for tissue culture, 99% L-Arginine (free base) ExiPlus™, 99% L-Arginine (free base) ExiPlus™, 99% L-Arginine (free base) ExiPlus™, 99% L-Arginine Hydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 1345-04-6 68425-36-5 68425-36-5 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 74-79-3 1119-34-2 500 Gms 250 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 55453 L-Arginine Hydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 1119-34-2 100 Gms 636 Part A 29224990 18 RT 55453 L-Arginine Hydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 1119-34-2 1 Kg 5527 Part A 29224990 18 RT 50-81-7 50-81-7 50-81-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 330 Part A 1400 Part A 360 Part A 29362700 18 RT 29362700 18 RT 29362700 18 RT 50-81-7 500 Gms 1500 Part A 29362700 18 RT 50-81-7 50-81-7 50-81-7 50-81-7 5743-28-2 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 220 500 260 600 1281 29362700 29362700 29362700 29362700 29362700 5743-28-2 500 Gms 5334 Part A 29362700 18 RT 134-03-2 134-03-2 617-45-8 56-84-8 56-84-8 56-84-8 56-84-8 56-84-8 2465-27-2 2465-27-2 2465-27-2 543-80-6 543-80-6 543-80-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 330 1600 515 386 1648 3108 424 3275 150 400 1500 702 878 1228 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29362700 29362700 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 32041321 32041321 32041321 29152990 29152990 29152990 18 250 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1680 1169 433 618 Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 28275990 28366000 28366000 12 7791-28-8 513-77-9 513-77-9 23006 L-Ascorbic Acid extrapure AR, 99.7% 23006 L-Ascorbic Acid extrapure AR, 99.7% 40704 L-Ascorbic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7% 40704 L-Ascorbic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7% 14116 L-Ascorbic Acid for molecular biology, 99.7% 14116 L-Ascorbic Acid for molecular biology, 99.7% 32488 L-Ascorbic Acid for tissue culture, 99.7% 32488 L-Ascorbic Acid for tissue culture, 99.7% 12535 L-Ascorbic Acid Calcium Salt Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 12535 L-Ascorbic Acid Calcium Salt Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 65265 L-Ascorbic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% 65265 L-Ascorbic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% 64848 DL-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 84025 L-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 84025 L-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 84025 L-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 81245 L-Aspartic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 81245 L-Aspartic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 78087 Auramine O 78087 Auramine O 78087 Auramine O 10013 Barium Acetate extrapure, 98% 16985 Barium Acetate extrapure AR, 99% 45569 Barium Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 56009 32005 35145 58434 Barium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Barium Bromide Dihydrate extrapure, 98% Barium Carbonate pure, 98.5% Barium Carbonate extrapure AR, 99% Page 11 of 321 Price 3108 1179 1885 256 807 7201 285 913 6619 325 923 7835 278 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 82829 24766 24766 66637 66637 66637 16178 16178 16178 17863 17863 17863 55453 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 28309020 15089099 15089099 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 18 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 513-77-9 500 Gms 927 Part A 28366000 18 RT 10326-27-9 10326-27-9 500 Gms 500 Gms 282 Part A 322 Part A 28273990 18 RT 28273990 18 RT 92996 Barium Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 49669 Barium Chromate pure, 98% 86732 Barium Fluoride pure, 97% 85499 Barium Hydroxide Octahydrate pure, 98% 43469 Barium Hydroxide Octahydrate extrapure AR, 98% 10326-27-9 500 Gms 360 Part A 28273990 18 RT 10294-40-3 7787-32-8 12230-71-6 12230-71-6 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 84482 Barium Hydroxide Octahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 10290 Barium Nitrate extrapure, 98% 10290 Barium Nitrate extrapure, 98% 88030 Barium Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 80355 Barium Sulphate extrapure, 97% 90115 Barium Sulphate extrapure AR, 98% 40251 Barium Sulphate extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 98% 12230-71-6 500 Gms 10022-31-8 10022-31-8 10022-31-8 7727-43-7 7727-43-7 7727-43-7 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 362 3449 568 220 450 500 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28342930 28342930 28342930 28332700 28332700 28332700 18 24031 82949 35003 35003 92118 37278 37278 37278 34087 34087 82149 82149 43648 8012-89-3 876 300 200 500 314 575 2362 19089 712 2664 935 3108 435 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 15219010 38220090 38220090 38220090 25081010 29122100 29122100 29122100 29122100 29122100 29122100 29122100 29239000 18 66323 Barium Carbonate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 78118 Barium Chloride Dihydrate pure, 99% 68554 Barium Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% Bees Wax pure Benedict`s Reagent Quantitative Benedict`s Reagent Qualitative Benedict`s Reagent Qualitative Bentonite pure Benzaldehyde pure, 99% Benzaldehyde pure, 99% Benzaldehyde pure, 99% Benzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% Benzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% Benzaldehyde extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Benzaldehyde extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Benzalkonium Chloride (BKC), 50% soln in water 1302-78-9 100-52-7 100-52-7 100-52-7 100-52-7 100-52-7 100-52-7 100-52-7 68391-01-5 500 Gms 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 43648 Benzalkonium Chloride (BKC), 50% soln in water 68391-01-5 5 Ltr 87688 87688 99515 99515 99515 16410 16410 58857 58857 95582 95582 36823 36823 68438 Benzamide pure, 98% Benzamide pure, 98% Benzene extrapure (Sulphur free), 99% Benzene extrapure (Sulphur free), 99% Benzene extrapure (Sulphur free), 99% Benzene extrapure AR, 99.7% Benzene extrapure AR, 99.7% Benzene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7% Benzene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7% Benzene GC-HS, 99.9% Benzene GC-HS, 99.9% Benzene for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Benzene for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Benzene scintillation grade, 99.9% 55-21-0 55-21-0 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 71-43-2 Page 12 of 321 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml Price 1346 1335 270 731 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A 842 Part A 3160 Part A 325 1391 280 1000 10500 320 1130 330 1200 596 950 438 827 330 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28366000 28269000 28164000 28164000 Stor age 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT 28164000 18 RT 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29239000 18 RT 29251900 29251900 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 29022000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 68438 Benzene scintillation grade, 99.9% 69981 Benzene Dried, 99.7%, water 0.005% 31332 Benzene-d6 for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D 71-43-2 71-43-2 1076-43-3 1000 ml 1000 ml 10 ml 501 Part A 702 Part A 8000 Part A 29022000 18 RT 29022000 18 RT 29022000 18 RT 27094 27094 27094 36805 36805 64239 64239 10105 Benzethonium Chloride extrapure, 98% Benzethonium Chloride extrapure, 98% Benzethonium Chloride extrapure, 98% Benzoic Acid pure, 99.5% Benzoic Acid pure, 99.5% Benzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99.9% Benzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99.9% Benzoic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 121-54-0 121-54-0 121-54-0 65-85-0 65-85-0 65-85-0 65-85-0 65-85-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 1736 4628 8677 392 3399 618 5047 927 29239000 29239000 29239000 29163110 29163110 29163110 29163110 29163110 10105 Benzoic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 65-85-0 5 Kg 56626 56626 56518 56518 51448 42810 98101 98101 98101 92300 92300 92300 92300 97005 97005 97005 84758 93-97-0 93-97-0 119-53-9 119-53-9 119-61-9 119-61-9 95-14-7 95-14-7 95-14-7 100-51-6 100-51-6 100-51-6 100-51-6 100-51-6 100-51-6 100-51-6 100-51-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 5562 Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29163110 18 RT 100-51-6 2500 ml 4404 Part A 29062100 18 15-20C 120-51-4 120-51-4 5892-10-4 7787-60-2 99-26-3 99-26-3 7440-69-9 7440-69-9 7440-69-9 7440-69-9 7440-69-9 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 50 Gms 100 Gms 612 2443 937 1558 1375 5550 800 3500 2200 6000 1600 29163120 29163120 28369990 28273990 29182990 29182990 81060090 81060090 81060090 81060090 81060090 29444 Bismuth AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 72918 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure, 98% 10035-06-0 250 ml 100 Gms 1753 Part A 579 Part A 84199 84199 41322 51451 82797 82797 80053 80053 24008 24008 72217 Page 13 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 Stor age Benzoic Anhydride pure, 98% Benzoic Anhydride pure, 98% Benzoin extrapure, 99% Benzoin extrapure, 99% Benzophenone extrapure, 99% Benzophenone ExiPlus™, 99% Benzotriazole pure, 97% Benzotriazole pure, 97% Benzotriazole pure, 97% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99% Benzyl Alcohol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7%, aldehyde 100ppm Benzyl Alcohol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7%, aldehyde 100ppm Benzyl Benzoate pure, 99% Benzyl Benzoate pure, 99% Bismuth (III) Carbonate Basic pure, 80% Bismuth (III) Chloride pure, 99% Bismuth (III) Gallate Basic ExiPlus, 52-57% Bismuth (III) Gallate Basic ExiPlus, 52-57% Bismuth Metal Lumps, 99.5% Bismuth Metal Lumps, 99.5% Bismuth Metal Ingots ultrapure, 99.99% Bismuth Metal Ingots ultrapure, 99.99% Bismuth Metal Powder extrapure, 99%, -325 mesh 84758 1335 4673 457 702 800 900 390 723 2774 591 1122 2165 17354 660 1195 2664 1032 HS code % CAS Number Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29163190 29163190 29143940 29143940 29143930 29143930 29270090 29270090 29270090 29062100 29062100 29062100 29062100 29062100 29062100 29062100 29062100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 15-20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 38220090 12 RT 28342990 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 72918 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure, 98% 10035-06-0 500 Gms 2670 Part A 28342990 18 RT 19737 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, 98.5% 19737 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, 98.5% 84869 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98.5% 84869 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98.5% 89049 Bismuth (III) Oxide extrapure, 99% 89049 Bismuth (III) Oxide extrapure, 99% 32915 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Basic extrapure AR, 79% BiNO3 32915 Bismuth (III) Nitrate Basic extrapure AR, 79% BiNO3 18473 Bismuth (III) Sulphate pure, 90% 18473 Bismuth (III) Sulphate pure, 90% 17798 Biuret extrapure AR, 97% 17798 Biuret extrapure AR, 97% 56580 Borax Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 56580 Borax Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 56580 Borax Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 38631 Borax Decahydrate extrapure, 99% 38631 Borax Decahydrate extrapure, 99% 19486 Borax Decahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 19486 Borax Decahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 77668 Borax Decahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 77668 Borax Decahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 18952 Boric Acid extrapure, 99.5% 18952 Boric Acid extrapure, 99.5% 80266 Boric Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 80266 Boric Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 61871 Boric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 10035-06-0 100 Gms 646 Part A 28342990 18 RT 10035-06-0 500 Gms 3115 Part A 28342990 18 RT 10035-06-0 100 Gms 735 Part A 28342990 18 RT 10035-06-0 500 Gms 3560 Part A 28342990 18 RT 1304-76-3 1304-76-3 1304-85-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 750 Part A 3500 Part A 1224 Part A 28259090 18 RT 28259090 18 RT 28342990 18 RT 1304-85-4 500 Gms 5118 Part A 28342990 18 RT 7787-68-0 7787-68-0 108-19-0 108-19-0 1330-43-4 1330-43-4 1330-43-4 1303-96-4 1303-96-4 1303-96-4 1303-96-4 1303-96-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 1375 5331 950 3450 1236 2781 9085 237 1800 350 3100 380 28332990 28332990 29241900 29241900 28401100 28401100 28401100 28401900 28401900 28401900 28401900 28401900 1303-96-4 5 Kg 10043-35-3 10043-35-3 10043-35-3 10043-35-3 10043-35-3 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 61871 Boric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 10043-35-3 5 Kg 22311 22311 22311 64765 52519 10043-35-3 10043-35-3 10043-35-3 Boric Acid for molecular biology, 99.5% Boric Acid for molecular biology, 99.5% Boric Acid for molecular biology, 99.5% Boron AAS Standard Solution in H2O Boron Trifluoride Ethyl Etherate pure, 48-50% BF3 52519 Boron Trifluoride Ethyl Etherate pure, 48-50% BF3 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 3300 Part A 28401900 18 RT 320 2700 420 3400 450 28100020 28100020 28100020 28100020 28100020 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT 4200 Part A 28100020 18 RT 109-63-7 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 250 ml 500 ml 450 750 1400 1633 1333 28100020 28100020 28100020 38220090 29420090 109-63-7 2500 ml 4994 Part A 29420090 18 2-8C 100 ml 125 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 500 ml 340 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 82076 Bouins Picro Formal Fixing Solution (Bouins Fluid & Reagent) 82076 Bouins Picro Formal Fixing Solution (Bouins Fluid & Reagent) Page 14 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 12 18 RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 49617 49617 49617 74183 93883 Product Name 55551 55551 77644 44669 Brilliant Green Brilliant Green Brilliant Green Brilliant Yellow Indicator Papers Brij-30® (Polyethylene Glycol Dodecyl Ether, BrijL4) Brij-30® (Polyethylene Glycol Dodecyl Ether, BrijL4) Brij-35® (Main Component) (Polyoxyethylene Lauryl Ether, Brij-L23) Brij-35® (Main Component) (Polyoxyethylene Lauryl Ether, Brij-L23) Brij-35® (30% Aq. solution) (Polyoxyethylene Lauryl Ether, Brij-L23) Brij-35® (30% Aq. solution) (Polyoxyethylene Lauryl Ether, Brij-L23) Brij-58® (Polyethylene Glycol Cetyl Ether, Cetomacrogol 1000, C16H20) Bromocresol Green (BCG) extrapure AR Bromocresol Green (BCG) extrapure AR Bromocresol Green (BCG) extrapure AR Bromocresol Green (BCG) ACS, ExiPlus Bromocresol Green (BCG) ACS, ExiPlus Bromocresol Green Sodium Salt (water soluble) ACS Bromocresol Green Sodium Salt (water soluble) ACS Bromocresol Purple Bromocresol Purple Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt for molecular biology Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt for molecular biology Bromocresol Purple ACS, ExiPlus™ Bromocresol Purple ACS, ExiPlus™ Bromoform extrapure, 98% Bromoform Specially Purified extrapure, 99% 11458 11458 93676 93676 42888 42888 42888 48214 48214 72752 72752 11902 44798 Bromophenol Blue extrapure AR Bromophenol Blue extrapure AR Bromophenol Blue ACS, ExiPlus™ Bromophenol Blue ACS, ExiPlus™ Bromopyrogallol Red extrapure AR Bromopyrogallol Red extrapure AR Bromopyrogallol Red extrapure AR Bromothymol Blue Bromothymol Blue Bromothymol Blue ACS, ExiPlus™ Bromothymol Blue ACS, ExiPlus™ Bromothymol Blue Indicator Papers Bromothymol Blue Solution 93883 89429 89429 97698 97698 43808 64062 64062 64062 52512 52512 11456 11456 17375 17375 24836 24836 Date :16-04-2021 Packing 633-03-4 633-03-4 633-03-4 9002-92-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 10 Books 500 ml 9002-92-0 1000 ml 2443 Part A 34021300 18 RT 9002-92-0 250 Gms 650 Part A 34021300 18 RT 9002-92-0 500 Gms 1100 Part A 34021300 18 RT 9002-92-0 100 ml 556 Part A 34021300 18 RT 9002-92-0 500 ml 888 Part A 34021300 18 RT 9004-95-9 500 Gms 1333 Part A 34021900 18 RT 76-60-8 76-60-8 76-60-8 76-60-8 76-60-8 62625-32-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 190 657 3115 712 3338 601 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 38220090 62625-32-5 25 Gms 2553 Part A 38220090 12 RT 115-40-2 115-40-2 62625-30-3 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 258 Part A 879 Part A 260 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 62625-30-3 25 Gms 650 Part A 38220090 12 RT 115-40-2 115-40-2 75-25-2 75-25-2 5 Gms 25 Gms 250 ml 250 ml 334 1000 3838 3950 Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 38220090 29033920 29033920 12 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Books 100 ml 190 700 240 850 712 2774 5328 301 1151 345 1200 295 119 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29329900 29329900 29329900 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 38220090 38220090 18 115-39-9 115-39-9 115-39-9 115-39-9 16574-43-9 16574-43-9 16574-43-9 76-59-5 76-59-5 76-59-5 76-59-5 76-59-5 Page 15 of 321 Price 215 639 5491 326 1388 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 32049000 32049000 32049000 38220090 34021300 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 76-59-5 2386-54-1 500 ml 10 caps 10 caps 10 caps 10 caps 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 2386-54-1 25 Gms 1269 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-54-1 100 Gms 4839 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-54-1 250 Gms 10368 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-54-1 5 Gms 498 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-54-1 25 Gms 1212 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-54-1 100 Gms 4610 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-54-1 250 Gms 10196 Part A 29041090 18 RT 123-86-4 123-86-4 123-86-4 123-86-4 123-86-4 123-86-4 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 414 1545 13305 601 2387 666 29153300 29153300 29153300 29153300 29153300 29153300 30389 Butyl Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 123-86-4 2500 ml 2720 Part A 29153300 18 RT 78487 78487 78487 47364 47364 19147 Butyl Acetate GC-HS, 99.9% Butyl Acetate GC-HS, 99.9% Butyl Acetate GC-HS, 99.9% n-Butyl Acrylate pure, 99% n-Butyl Acrylate pure, 99% n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) pure, 99% 123-86-4 123-86-4 123-86-4 141-32-2 141-32-2 71-36-3 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 869 1458 2649 578 2443 360 29153300 29153300 29153300 29161210 29161210 29051300 19147 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) pure, 99% 71-36-3 2500 ml 1600 Part A 29051300 18 RT 19147 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) pure, 99% 71-36-3 25 Ltr 14500 Part A 29051300 18 RT 72768 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) extrapure AR, 99.5% 72768 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) extrapure AR, 99.5% 15612 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 71-36-3 500 ml 430 Part A 29051300 18 RT 71-36-3 2500 ml 1700 Part A 29051300 18 RT 71-36-3 500 ml 470 Part A 29051300 18 RT 74887 74887 74887 99919 99919 99919 99919 28118 28118 28118 80870 80870 30389 Bromothymol Blue Solution Buffer capsules pH 4 (10 capsules) Buffer capsules pH 6 (10 capsules) Buffer capsules pH 7 (10 capsules) Buffer capsules pH 9.2 (10 capsules) Buffer solution pH 4 Buffer solution pH 7 Buffer solution pH 9.2 Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Butane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Butyl Acetate pure, 99% Butyl Acetate pure, 99% Butyl Acetate pure, 99% Butyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99.5% Butyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99.5% Butyl Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Page 16 of 321 Price 360 190 190 190 190 318 318 318 521 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 44798 87767 95323 18533 74399 45899 97409 52031 74887 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29041090 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 15612 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 83903 n-Butyl Alcohol GC-HS (1-butanol, n-butanol), 99.9% 83903 n-Butyl Alcohol GC-HS (1-butanol, n-butanol), 99.9% 43706 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 43706 n-Butyl Alcohol (1-butanol, n-butanol) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 95725 sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% 95725 sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% 95725 sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% 58308 sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99.5% 58308 sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99.5% 99336 Sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 71-36-3 2500 ml 1800 Part A 29051300 18 RT 71-36-3 250 ml 570 Part A 29051300 18 RT 71-36-3 1000 ml 1800 Part A 29051300 18 RT 71-36-3 500 ml 700 Part A 29051300 18 RT 71-36-3 1000 ml 1250 Part A 29051300 18 RT 78-92-2 78-92-2 78-92-2 78-92-2 78-92-2 78-92-2 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 99336 Sec-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 78-92-2 2500 ml 21835 21835 21835 70816 70816 41609 75-65-0 75-65-0 75-65-0 75-65-0 75-65-0 75-65-0 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 75-65-0 2500 ml 1750 Part A 29051490 18 RT 75-65-0 109-73-9 109-73-9 109-73-9 75-64-9 75-64-9 75-64-9 25013-16-5 25013-16-5 128-37-0 128-37-0 128-37-0 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 1700 500 2250 620 650 3100 750 778 2400 600 5200 720 29051490 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29093019 29093019 29071290 29071290 29071290 90248 76035 76035 54997 12302 12302 55005 60004 60004 38033 38033 82010 tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure, 99% tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99.5% tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99.5% Tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% tert-Butyl Alcohol for HPLC, 99.7% n-Butylamine pure, 99% n-Butylamine pure, 99% n-Butylamine extrapure AR, 99% tert-Butylamine pure, 99% tert-Butylamine pure, 99% tert-Butylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) ExiPlus, 98% Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) ExiPlus, 98% Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) pure, 99% Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) pure, 99% Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) ExiPlus™, 99% Price 410 1600 15000 450 1800 500 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 2000 Part A 360 1400 13500 380 1600 400 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 41609 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT 29051490 18 RT 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT 82010 Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) ExiPlus™, 99% 128-37-0 5 Kg 6000 Part A 29071290 18 RT 32701 tert-Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ) extrapure AR, 99% 32701 tert-Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ) extrapure AR, 99% 79927 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether pure, 98% 79927 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether pure, 98% 19465 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, 99.5% 19465 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, 99.5% 1948-33-0 250 Gms 800 Part A 998718 18 RT 1948-33-0 2.5 Kg 7800 Part A 998718 18 RT 1634-04-4 1634-04-4 1634-04-4 1634-04-4 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml Page 17 of 321 450 1832 594 2586 Part A Part A Part A Part A 29091990 29091990 29091990 29091990 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 65701 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 65701 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 91087 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether for HPLC, 99.5% 91087 tert-Butyl Methyl Ether for HPLC, 99.5% 81503 n-Butyric Acid extrapure, 99% 81503 n-Butyric Acid extrapure, 99% 55964 n-Butyric Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 55964 n-Butyric Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 82749 Cadmium Acetate Dihydrate pure, 98% 84627 Cadmium Acetate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 1634-04-4 500 ml 734 Part A 29091990 18 RT 1634-04-4 2500 ml 2856 Part A 29091990 18 RT 1634-04-4 1634-04-4 107-92-6 107-92-6 107-92-6 107-92-6 5743-04-4 5743-04-4 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 Gms 100 Gms 1600 3300 440 1800 290 900 1320 441 29091990 29091990 29156010 29156010 29156010 29156010 29152990 29152990 84627 Cadmium Acetate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 5743-04-4 500 Gms 1650 Part A 29152990 18 RT 250 ml 1964 Part A 38220090 12 RT 98469 Cadmium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 25442 Cadmium Carbonate pure, 97% 25442 Cadmium Carbonate pure, 97% 15411 Cadmium Chloride Dried Anhydrous pure, 97% 513-78-0 513-78-0 10108-64-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 389 Part A 1641 Part A 1663 Part A 28369990 18 RT 28369990 18 RT 28273990 18 RT 15411 Cadmium Chloride Dried Anhydrous pure, 97% 10108-64-2 500 Gms 6761 Part A 28273990 18 RT 99643 Cadmium Chloride Dried Anhydrous ACS, 99% 10108-64-2 100 Gms 1979 Part A 28273990 18 RT 99643 Cadmium Chloride Dried Anhydrous ACS, 99% 10108-64-2 500 Gms 7912 Part A 28273990 18 RT 48076 Cadmium Chloride Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 35658-65-2 100 Gms 420 Part A 28273990 18 RT 48076 Cadmium Chloride Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 35658-65-2 500 Gms 1900 Part A 28273990 18 RT 87355 87355 48392 48392 85545 7790-80-9 7790-80-9 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 800 2600 400 1679 2200 28276090 28276090 81079090 81079090 81072000 7440-43-9 250 Gms 6000 Part A 81072000 18 RT 10022-68-1 500 Gms 1100 Part A 28342990 18 RT 1306-19-0 1306-19-0 1306-19-0 1306-19-0 1306-19-0 7790-84-3 7790-84-3 7790-84-3 7790-84-3 1306-23-6 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 380 900 1700 650 1400 481 1228 550 1900 750 28259020 28259020 28259020 28259020 28259020 28332990 28332990 28332990 28332990 28309010 85545 70434 29996 29996 29996 39818 39818 15806 15806 43019 43019 98002 Cadmium Iodide pure, 99% Cadmium Iodide pure, 99% Cadmium Metal Rods, 99% Cadmium Metal Rods, 99% Cadmium Metal Powder extrapure, 90%, -200 mesh Cadmium Metal Powder extrapure, 90%, -200 mesh Cadmium Nitrate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Cadmium Oxide pure, 99% Cadmium Oxide pure, 99% Cadmium Oxide pure, 99% Cadmium Oxide extrapure AR, 99.7% Cadmium Oxide extrapure AR, 99.7% Cadmium Sulphate 8/3Hydrate pure, 98% Cadmium Sulphate 8/3Hydrate pure, 98% Cadmium Sulphate 8/3Hydrate ACS, 98% Cadmium Sulphate 8/3Hydrate ACS, 98% Cadmium Sulphide Orange extrapure, 99% Page 18 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 98002 Cadmium Sulphide Orange extrapure, 99% 22905 Cadmium Sulphide Orange ultrapure, 99.995% 1306-23-6 1306-23-6 500 Gms 5 Gms 1900 Part A 5000 Part A 28309010 18 RT 28309010 18 RT 22905 Cadmium Sulphide Orange ultrapure, 99.995% 1306-23-6 25 Gms 10100 Part A 28309010 18 RT 19267 19267 19267 47633 47633 44509 44509 28162 70214 Caffeine anhydrous pure, 98% Caffeine anhydrous pure, 98% Caffeine anhydrous pure, 98% Caffeine Anhydrous ExiPlus™, 98.5% Caffeine Anhydrous ExiPlus™, 98.5% Calamine pure, 98% Calamine pure, 98% Calamine ExiPlus™, 98% Calcium Acetate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 58-08-2 58-08-2 58-08-2 58-08-2 58-08-2 8011-96-9 8011-96-9 8011-96-9 5743-26-0 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 600 1350 2500 650 1550 591 1122 834 876 21606 Calcium Acetate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 58056 Calcium Acetate Hydrate extrapure AR, 99% 58056 Calcium Acetate Hydrate extrapure AR, 99% 60934 Calcium Acetate Hydrate ultrapure, 99.9965% 60934 Calcium Acetate Hydrate ultrapure, 99.9965% 96493 Calcium Alginate ex. Brown Algae pure 18% ash, 15% moisture 96493 Calcium Alginate ex. Brown Algae pure 18% ash, 15% moisture 96493 Calcium Alginate ex. Brown Algae pure 18% ash, 15% moisture 36920 Calcium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 67162 Calcium Carbonate extrapure, 98% 67162 Calcium Carbonate extrapure, 98% 87293 Calcium Carbonate extrapure AR, 99% 87293 Calcium Carbonate extrapure AR, 99% 87293 Calcium Carbonate extrapure AR, 99% 37683 Calcium Carbonate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 37683 Calcium Carbonate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 70650 Calcium Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 5743-26-0 500 Gms 1082 Part A 114460-21-8 114460-21-8 114460-21-8 114460-21-8 9005-35-0 500 Gms 5 Kg 5 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 9005-35-0 500 Gms 3092 Part A 39131090 18 RT 9005-35-0 5 Kg 21012 Part A 39131090 18 RT 471-34-1 471-34-1 471-34-1 471-34-1 471-34-1 471-34-1 250 ml 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 471-34-1 5 Kg 3605 Part A 28365000 18 RT 10035-04-8 500 Gms 328 Part A 28272000 18 RT 10035-04-8 500 Gms 505 Part A 28272000 18 RT 10035-04-8 100 Gms 280 Part A 28272000 18 RT 10035-04-8 500 Gms 1300 Part A 28272000 18 RT 10035-04-8 500 Gms 900 Part A 28272000 18 RT 10043-52-4 10043-52-4 5785-44-4 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 190 Part A 1376 Part A 496 Part A 28272000 18 RT 28272000 18 RT 29181590 18 RT 31944 Calcium Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 97080 Calcium Chloride Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 97080 Calcium Chloride Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 56949 Calcium Chloride Dihydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% 84336 Calcium Chloride Fused pure, 90-95% 84336 Calcium Chloride Fused pure, 90-95% 77838 Calcium Citrate Tribasic Tetrahydrate pure, 98% Page 19 of 321 Price 480 4200 3296 10094 1485 1905 176 1339 222 1545 6438 454 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29393000 29393000 29393000 29393000 29393000 28369990 28369990 28369990 29152910 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29152910 18 RT 29152910 29152910 29152910 29152910 39131090 38220090 28365000 28365000 28365000 28365000 28365000 28365000 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 97388 Calcium Citrate Tribasic Tetrahydrate ExiPlus™, 98% 57055 Calcium Fluoride extrapure, 97% 57055 Calcium Fluoride extrapure, 97% 52434 Calcium Formate pure, 98% 85610 Calcium Hydroxide extrapure AR, 96% 74471 Calcium Hydroxide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 96% 31549 Calcium Iodate Anhydrous (Lautarite) pure, 98% 5785-44-4 500 Gms 562 Part A 29181590 18 RT 7789-75-5 7789-75-5 544-17-2 1305-62-0 1305-62-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 277 990 515 716 827 28269000 28269000 29151290 28259040 28259040 7789-80-2 100 Gms 1648 Part A 28276090 18 RT 31549 Calcium Iodate Anhydrous (Lautarite) pure, 98% 7789-80-2 250 Gms 3502 Part A 28276090 18 RT 96342 Calcium Metal Granular (10-20mesh) extrapure, 98% 96342 Calcium Metal Granular (10-20mesh) extrapure, 98% 94212 Calcium Iodide Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 94212 Calcium Iodide Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 56571 Calcium Iodide Hydrate pure, 98% 56571 Calcium Iodide Hydrate pure, 98% 79225 Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 16807 Calcium Oxide Powder pure, 95% 16807 Calcium Oxide Powder pure, 95% 51007 Calcium Phosphate Monobasic Monohydrate extrapure, 95% 34878 Calcium Phosphate Tribasic, 90% 34878 Calcium Phosphate Tribasic, 90% 59781 Calcium Propionate pure, 97% 94044 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate pure, 98% 12955 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 7440-70-2 100 Gms 500 Part A 29381000 18 RT 7440-70-2 500 Gms 2200 Part A 29381000 18 RT 10102-68-8 10102-68-8 71626-98-7 71626-98-7 13477-34-4 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 3090 4120 2781 7210 277 28276090 28276090 28276090 28276090 28342990 1305-78-8 1305-78-8 10031-30-8 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 220 Part A 1548 Part A 460 Part A 28259090 18 RT 28259090 18 RT 28352610 18 RT 7758-87-4 7758-87-4 4075-81-4 10101-41-4 10101-41-4 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 350 3300 448 280 343 28352620 28352620 29155000 28332990 28332990 10101-41-4 500 Gms 76-22-2 76-22-2 334-48-5 334-48-5 110-42-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 512 2503 801 3773 1669 110-42-9 1000 ml 5340 Part A 29159090 18 RT 142-62-1 142-62-1 142-62-1 124-07-2 124-07-2 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 380 1135 4771 1055 5547 223 612 5275 242 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159020 29159020 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 69095 Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 64813 Camphor pure, 96% 64813 Camphor pure, 96% 23764 Capric Acid pure, 99% 23764 Capric Acid pure, 99% 51840 Capric Acid Methyl Ester (Methyl Decanoate) extrapure, 99% 51840 Capric Acid Methyl Ester (Methyl Decanoate) extrapure, 99% 89028 Caproic Acid extrapure, 99% 89028 Caproic Acid extrapure, 99% 89028 Caproic Acid extrapure, 99% 88889 Caprylic Acid pure, 99% 88889 Caprylic Acid pure, 99% 15343 Carbinol pure, 99% 15343 Carbinol pure, 99% 15343 Carbinol pure, 99% 82911 Carbinol extrapure AR, 99.8% Page 20 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 400 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28332990 18 RT 29142390 29142390 29159030 29159030 29159090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 4197-24-4 4197-24-4 9003-01-4 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 9003-01-4 1 Kg 4223 Part A 39069090 18 RT 9003-01-4 500 Gms 2448 Part A 39069090 18 RT 9003-01-4 1 Kg 4223 Part A 39069090 18 RT 9004-32-4 500 Gms 890 Part A 39123100 18 RT 9004-32-4 500 Gms 890 Part A 39123100 18 RT 9004-32-4 500 Gms 890 Part A 39123100 18 RT 1390-65-4 1390-65-4 8001-79-4 8001-79-4 120-80-9 120-80-9 8000-27-9 8000-27-9 8000-27-9 1562-90-9 91053-39-3 91053-39-3 1306-38-3 1306-38-3 10294-42-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 30 ml 125 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 681 3231 533 2357 412 990 663 1811 3621 2884 453 856 1280 5340 668 92425 Ceric Sulphate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10294-42-5 100 Gms 2225 Part A 28461090 18 RT 92425 Ceric Sulphate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10294-42-5 500 Gms 9456 Part A 28461090 18 RT 61414 Ceric Sulphate 0.1N Solution 13590-82-4 500 ml 535 Part A 38220090 12 RT 93049 51159 51159 93797 59938 35298 97048 97048 16145 16145 26080 26080 31018 31018 31018 60705 82523 82523 23505 23505 92425 Carbinol extrapure AR, 99.8% Carbinol extrapure AR, 99.8% Carbinol GC-HS, 99.9% Carbinol GC-HS, 99.9% Carbinol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Carbinol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Carbinol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Carbinol electronic grade, 99.8% Carbinol Dried extrapure AR, 99.8% Carbinol Dried extrapure AR, 99.8% Carbinol for molecular biology, 99.5% Carbinol for molecular biology, 99.5% Carbinol for molecular biology, 99.5% Carbol Fuchsin Carbol Fuchsin Carbopol 934 (Carboxy Vinyl Polymer 934) extrapure Carbopol 934 (Carboxy Vinyl Polymer 934) extrapure Carbopol 940 (Carboxy Vinyl Polymer 940) extrapure Carbopol 940 (Carboxy Vinyl Polymer 940) extrapure Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Sodium Salt, (Medium Viscosity 250-350 CPS) Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Sodium Salt, (High Viscosity 400-800 CPS) Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Sodium Salt, (High Viscosity 1100-1900 CPS) Carmine Carmine Castor Oil pure Castor Oil pure Catechol (Pyrocatechol) extrapure, 99% Catechol (Pyrocatechol) extrapure, 99% Cedarwood Oil Natural for microscopy Cedarwood Oil Natural for microscopy Cedarwood Oil Natural for microscopy Celestine Blue, 98%-102% Celite 545, size 20-40 micrometer Celite 545, size 20-40 micrometer Ceric Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% Ceric Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% Ceric Sulphate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% Page 21 of 321 Price 468 666 666 1278 334 456 884 1089 325 452 834 1499 3219 340 927 2448 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 82911 82911 85902 85902 63713 63713 63713 68990 12903 12903 34883 34883 34883 39058 39058 93049 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 32049000 32049000 39069090 32050000 32050000 15153090 15153090 29072990 29072990 33012916 33012916 33012916 32041264 25120090 25120090 28461010 28461010 28461090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 66676 Cerous Chloride Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 18618-55-8 25 Gms 760 Part A 28461090 18 RT 66676 Cerous Chloride Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 18618-55-8 100 Gms 2200 Part A 28461090 18 RT 66676 Cerous Chloride Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 18618-55-8 500 Gms 7143 Part A 28461090 18 RT 57320 Cerous Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99.9% 10294-41-4 100 Gms 1210 Part A 28461090 18 RT 81586 Cetrimide extrapure AR (Tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide), 99% 81586 Cetrimide extrapure AR (Tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide), 99% 33001 Cetostearyl Alcohol pure 40629 Cetyl Alcohol pure, 97% 40629 Cetyl Alcohol pure, 97% 83438 Charcoal Activated (280) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 83438 Charcoal Activated (280) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 83438 Charcoal Activated (280) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 55192 Charcoal Activated (400) Superior extrapure AR 1119-97-7 100 Gms 649 Part A 29239000 18 RT 1119-97-7 500 Gms 2163 Part A 29239000 18 RT 8005-44-5 36653-82-4 36653-82-4 7440-44-0 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 501 480 4200 216 29051490 29051700 29051700 38029019 7440-44-0 500 Gms 465 Part A 38029019 18 RT 7440-44-0 5 Kg 4000 Part A 38029019 18 RT 7440-44-0 100 Gms 250 Part A 38029019 18 RT 55192 Charcoal Activated (400) Superior extrapure AR 7440-44-0 500 Gms 700 Part A 38029019 18 RT 55192 Charcoal Activated (400) Superior extrapure AR 7440-44-0 5 Kg 6000 Part A 38029019 18 RT 48088 48088 84795 64905 64905 64905 29611 29611 89370 89370 89370 46364 46364 46364 10124 7440-44-0 7440-44-0 7080-50-4 7080-50-4 7080-50-4 95-51-2 95-51-2 108-90-7 108-90-7 108-90-7 108-90-7 108-90-7 108-90-7 108-90-7 500 Gms 5 Kg 10 Books 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 250 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 108-90-7 2500 ml 1887 Part A 29039110 18 RT 3114-55-4 1 ml 6592 Part A 29039110 18 RT 3114-55-4 5 ml 20600 Part A 29039110 18 RT 250 Gms 500 Gms 1000 Part A 1665 Part A 29071290 18 RT 29071290 18 RT 35680 35680 33023 33023 Charcoal Activated (950) Granular extrapure Charcoal Activated (950) Granular extrapure Chlorine Test Indicator Papers Chloramine-T Trihydrate extrapure AR, 98% Chloramine-T Trihydrate extrapure AR, 98% Chloramine-T Trihydrate extrapure AR, 98% o-Chloroaniline extrapure, 99% o-Chloroaniline extrapure, 99% Chlorobenzene extrapure, 99% Chlorobenzene extrapure, 99% Chlorobenzene extrapure, 99% Chlorobenzene extrapure AR, 99.5% Chlorobenzene extrapure AR, 99.5% Chlorobenzene extrapure AR, 99.5% Chlorobenzene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Chlorobenzene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Chlorobenzene-d5 for NMR spectroscopy, 99 Atom %D Chlorobenzene-d5 for NMR spectroscopy, 99 Atom %D p-Chloro-m-Cresol (PCMC) pure, 98% p-Chloro-m-Cresol (PCMC) pure, 98% 59-50-7 59-50-7 Page 22 of 321 Price 500 4500 355 600 1300 2400 646 3115 364 1404 10413 213 666 1504 490 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 10124 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 38029019 38029019 38220090 28353900 28353900 28353900 29214190 29214190 29039110 29039110 29039110 29039110 29039110 29039110 29039110 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 80908 4-Chloro-3,5-Dimethylphenol (PCMX) extrapure, 99% 80908 4-Chloro-3,5-Dimethylphenol (PCMX) extrapure, 99% 96712 Chloroform extrapure, 99% 96712 Chloroform extrapure, 99% 96712 Chloroform extrapure, 99% 84155 Chloroform extrapure AR, 99.5% 84155 Chloroform extrapure AR, 99.5% 32022 Chloroform extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.8% 88-04-0 100 Gms 800 Part A 29081900 18 RT 88-04-0 500 Gms 2800 Part A 29081900 18 RT 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 32022 Chloroform extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.8% 67-66-3 2500 ml 1050 Part A 29031300 18 RT 96764 Chloroform for molecular biology, 99.8% 96764 Chloroform for molecular biology, 99.8% 30792 Chloroform for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 435 Part A 1887 Part A 428 Part A 29031300 18 RT 29031300 18 RT 29031300 18 RT 30792 Chloroform for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 67-66-3 1000 ml 723 Part A 29031300 18 RT 30792 Chloroform for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 67-66-3 2500 ml 1400 Part A 29031300 18 RT 14423 14423 14423 51126 51126 51126 90603 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 67-66-3 865-49-6 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 557 950 1794 456 888 1999 8215 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 865-49-6 100 ml 8677 Part A 29031300 18 2-8C 865-49-6 100 ml 8446 Part A 29031300 18 2-8C 937-14-4 25 Gms 529 Part A 29163990 18 RT 937-14-4 100 Gms 1776 Part A 29163990 18 RT 937-14-4 500 Gms 6990 Part A 29163990 18 RT 128-09-6 128-09-6 128-09-6 1667-99-8 1667-99-8 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 10 Gms 25 Gms 250 ml 607 1166 3903 1339 2266 1883 29251900 29251900 29251900 32041264 32041264 38220090 57034 39657 39657 39657 59271 59271 59271 47048 47048 86183 Chloroform GC-HS, 99.9% Chloroform GC-HS, 99.9% Chloroform GC-HS, 99.9% Chloroform Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Chloroform Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Chloroform Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Chloroform-d (w/o TMS) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8 Atom %D Chloroform-d(with 1% TMS) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8 Atom %D Chloroform-d (with 0.03% TMS) for NMR spectroscopy,99.8 Atom %D 3-Chloroperoxybenzoic Acid (mCPBA) pure, 5575% 3-Chloroperoxybenzoic Acid (mCPBA) pure, 5575% 3-Chloroperoxybenzoic Acid (mCPBA) pure, 5575% N-Chlorosuccinimide extrapure, 98% N-Chlorosuccinimide extrapure, 98% N-Chlorosuccinimide extrapure, 98% Chromeazurol S (Chromazurol S) Chromeazurol S (Chromazurol S) Chromium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Price 270 1000 10000 345 1200 420 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 20996 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 29031300 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT 74767 Chromium (III) Nitrate Nonahydrate pure, 96-98% 7789-02-8 500 Gms 1223 Part A 28342990 18 RT 72232 Chromium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 98% 10060-12-5 500 Gms 927 Part A 28273990 18 RT Page 23 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 21295 Chromium (III) Sulphate Basic extrapure, 22.5% Cr 39380-78-4 500 Gms 451 Part A 28332290 18 RT 21295 Chromium (III) Sulphate Basic extrapure, 22.5% Cr 39380-78-4 2.5 Kg 2131 Part A 28332290 18 RT 57555 Chromium Powder, 99% -100 mesh 21817 Chromium (VI) Oxide pure (Chromium Trioxide), 99% 21817 Chromium (VI) Oxide pure (Chromium Trioxide), 99% 61365 Chromium (VI) Oxide ACS, ExiPlus™ (Chromium Trioxide), 99% 61365 Chromium (VI) Oxide ACS, ExiPlus™ (Chromium Trioxide), 99% 36505 Chrysoidine R 36505 Chrysoidine R 31126 Chrysoidine Y 31126 Chrysoidine Y 29955 Cinnamic Acid extrapure, 99% 29955 Cinnamic Acid extrapure, 99% 23277 Cinnamic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 78213 Citric Acid Anhydrous extrapure, 99% 78213 Citric Acid Anhydrous extrapure, 99% 36890 Citric Acid Anhydrous for tissue culture, 99% 16842 Citric Acid Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 16842 Citric Acid Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 49897 Citric Acid Monohydrate extrapure, 99.5% 49897 Citric Acid Monohydrate extrapure, 99.5% 43667 Citric Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.7% 43667 Citric Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.7% 53884 Citric Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7% 53884 Citric Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.7% 49393 Cobalt (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 7440-47-3 1333-82-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 946 Part A 600 Part A 81122900 18 RT 28191000 18 RT 1333-82-0 1 Kg 1500 Part A 28191000 18 RT 1333-82-0 500 Gms 700 Part A 28191000 18 RT 1333-82-0 1 Kg 1600 Part A 28191000 18 RT 4438-16-8 4438-16-8 532-82-1 532-82-1 140-10-3 140-10-3 140-10-3 77-92-9 77-92-9 77-92-9 77-92-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 250 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 184 538 184 538 796 2884 1776 270 2300 550 450 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29163910 29163910 29163910 29181400 29181400 29181400 29181400 77-92-9 5 Kg Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 3700 Part A 29181400 18 RT 240 2100 380 3500 440 29181400 29181400 29181400 29181400 29181400 5949-29-1 5949-29-1 5949-29-1 5949-29-1 5949-29-1 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5949-29-1 5 Kg 4000 Part A 29181400 18 RT 6147-53-1 100 Gms 950 Part A 29152990 18 RT 49393 Cobalt (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 6147-53-1 250 Gms 2000 Part A 29152990 18 RT 49393 Cobalt (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 6147-53-1 500 Gms 4200 Part A 29152990 18 RT 75141 Cobalt (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 75141 Cobalt (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 66112 Cobalt AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl 37917 Cobalt (II) Carbonate Basic pure, 45-50% Co 37917 Cobalt (II) Carbonate Basic pure, 45-50% Co 37917 Cobalt (II) Carbonate Basic pure, 45-50% Co 99412 Cobalt (II) Chloride Hexahydrate pure, 99% 99412 Cobalt (II) Chloride Hexahydrate pure, 99% 6147-53-1 100 Gms 1050 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6147-53-1 250 Gms 2200 Part A 29152990 18 RT 12602-23-2 12602-23-2 12602-23-2 7791-13-1 7791-13-1 250 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2337 1458 3400 6400 720 3300 38220090 28369990 28369990 28369990 28273990 28273990 Page 24 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Packing Stor age 7791-13-1 100 Gms 900 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7791-13-1 500 Gms 3700 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7791-13-1 100 Gms 1050 Part A 28273990 18 RT 36018 Cobalt (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 36018 Cobalt (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 88282 Cobalt (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 88282 Cobalt (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 14386 Cobalt Metal Powder, 99.5%, -325mesh 14386 Cobalt Metal Powder, 99.5%, -325mesh 14941 Cobalt (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 97% 7791-13-1 500 Gms 4200 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 10026-22-9 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 3000 Part A 6000 Part A 800 Part A 81052010 18 RT 81052010 18 RT 28342990 18 RT 14941 Cobalt (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 97% 10026-22-9 500 Gms 2600 Part A 28342990 18 RT 85942 Cobalt (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 85942 Cobalt (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 85942 Cobalt (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 21722 Cobalt (II,III) Oxide pure, 99% 21722 Cobalt (II,III) Oxide pure, 99% 25710 Cobalt (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 98% 25710 Cobalt (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 98% 42752 Cobalt (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 42752 Cobalt (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 46069 Cocktail ‘O’ scintillation grade 46069 Cocktail ‘O’ scintillation grade 48656 Cocktail ‘T’ scintillation grade 48656 Cocktail ‘T’ scintillation grade 38087 Cocktail ‘W’ scintillation grade 38087 Cocktail ‘W’ scintillation grade 36672 Collodion Flexible pure 54494 Congo Red Indicator Papers 57380 Copper AAS Standard Solution in 1N HNO3 72033 Copper Metal powder extrapure, 99.5%, -200 mesh 42577 Copper Metal Turnings, 99.5%, 40-100 mesh 42577 Copper Metal Turnings, 99.5%, 40-100 mesh 28007 o-Cresol pure, 98% 28007 o-Cresol pure, 98% 77744 m-Cresol pure, 99% 48620 m-Cresol extrapure, 99% 63997 p-Cresol pure, 98.5% 89599 Cresol Red 89599 Cresol Red 21442 Cresyl Violet Acetate, 70% 21442 Cresyl Violet Acetate, 70% 28376 Crystal Violet 10026-22-9 100 Gms 950 Part A 28342990 18 RT 10026-22-9 250 Gms 2100 Part A 28342990 18 RT 10026-22-9 500 Gms 3800 Part A 28342990 18 RT 1308-06-1 1308-06-1 10026-24-1 10026-24-1 10026-24-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1447 5562 579 2781 691 28220010 28220010 28332990 28332990 28332990 10026-24-1 500 Gms 3226 Part A 28332990 18 RT 834 1665 777 1610 1704 3981 1333 295 1866 1650 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29420090 38220090 38220090 74061000 12 7440-50-8 1000 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 10 Books 250 ml 500 Gms 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 95-48-7 95-48-7 108-39-4 108-39-4 106-44-5 1733-12-6 1733-12-6 10510-54-0 10510-54-0 548-62-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 440 1500 612 2893 1388 1499 978 210 626 620 2350 401 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 74061000 74061000 29071290 29071290 29071290 29071290 29071210 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 18 Page 25 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 28376 28376 17610 17610 17610 94666 94666 94666 94666 74472 74472 87431 67912 Product Name Crystal Violet Crystal Violet Crystal Violet ACS, ExiPlus™ Crystal Violet ACS, ExiPlus™ Crystal Violet ACS, ExiPlus™ 18-Crown-6-Ether pure, 99% 18-Crown-6-Ether pure, 99% 18-Crown-6-Ether pure, 99% 18-Crown-6-Ether pure, 99% Cumin Seed Oil extrapure, aldehyde 28% Cumin Seed Oil extrapure, aldehyde 28% Cupric Acetate Monohydrate pure, 98% Cupric Acetate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 57060 Cupric Acetate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 11204 Cupric Bromide pure, 99% 11204 Cupric Bromide pure, 99% 13945 Cupric Carbonate Basic pure, 95% 92315 Cupric Chloride pure, 98% 89797 Cupric Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 92272 Cupric Chloride 0.3M Solution 92272 Cupric Chloride 0.3M Solution 87367 Cupric Nitrate Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 87367 Cupric Nitrate Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 46704 Cupric Nitrate Trihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 51120 Cupric Oxide pure, 79% Cu 51120 Cupric Oxide pure, 79% Cu 38869 Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate pure, 99% 38869 Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate pure, 99% 61298 Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 61298 Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 71244 Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 71244 Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 90445 Cupric Sulphate 0.1M Solution 29497 Cuprous Bromide pure, 98.5% 29497 Cuprous Bromide pure, 98.5% 26375 Cuprous Chloride pure, 96% 93095 Cuprous Iodide extrapure AR, 99% 93095 Cuprous Iodide extrapure AR, 99% 83086 Cuprous Oxide pure, 86% Cu 83086 Cuprous Oxide pure, 86% Cu 97461 Curcumin (Turmeric Yellow) 97461 Curcumin (Turmeric Yellow) 20259 Cyclohexane extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 548-62-9 548-62-9 548-62-9 548-62-9 548-62-9 17455-13-9 17455-13-9 17455-13-9 17455-13-9 8014-13-9 8014-13-9 6046-93-1 6046-93-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 500 Gms 250 Gms 6046-93-1 250 Gms 1569 Part A 29152990 18 RT 7789-45-9 7789-45-9 12069-69-1 7447-39-4 10125-13-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 900 3800 1300 949 1010 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28275990 28275990 28369990 28273990 28273990 18 10125-13-0 10125-13-0 10031-43-3 10031-43-3 10031-43-3 500 ml 1000 ml 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 602 1103 461 886 1010 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 38220090 28342990 28342990 28342990 12 1317-38-0 1317-38-0 7758-99-8 7758-99-8 7758-99-8 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 420 1537 568 5229 640 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28255000 28255000 28332500 28332500 28332500 18 7758-99-8 5 Kg 6119 Part A 28332500 18 RT 7758-99-8 500 Gms 798 Part A 28332500 18 RT 7758-99-8 5 Kg 7282 Part A 28332500 18 RT 7758-99-8 7787-70-4 7787-70-4 7758-89-6 7681-65-4 7681-65-4 1317-39-1 1317-39-1 458-37-7 458-37-7 110-82-7 1000 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 500 ml 435 650 1900 1107 1905 8960 550 2100 600 1100 350 38220090 28275990 28275990 28273940 28276090 28276090 28255000 28255000 33019014 33019014 29021100 Page 26 of 321 Price 1395 6665 431 1516 7200 279 824 2678 12360 2684 12419 1325 1136 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29239000 29239000 29239000 29239000 33012945 33012945 29152990 29152990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Cyclohexane extrapure, 99% Cyclohexane extrapure, 99% Cyclohexane extrapure AR, 99.5% Cyclohexane extrapure AR, 99.5% Cyclohexane GC-HS, 99.9% Cyclohexane GC-HS, 99.9% Cyclohexane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 110-82-7 110-82-7 110-82-7 110-82-7 110-82-7 110-82-7 110-82-7 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 46300 Cyclohexane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 110-82-7 1000 ml 800 Part A 29021100 18 RT 46300 Cyclohexane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 110-82-7 2500 ml 1700 Part A 29021100 18 RT 92604 Cyclohexane Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 92604 Cyclohexane Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 34781 Cyclohexane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 110-82-7 110-82-7 110-82-7 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 432 Part A 853 Part A 500 Part A 29021100 18 RT 29021100 18 RT 29021100 18 RT 34781 Cyclohexane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 110-82-7 2500 ml 1600 Part A 29021100 18 RT 108-94-1 108-94-1 108-94-1 108-94-1 108-94-1 108-94-1 108-91-8 108-91-8 108-91-8 108-91-8 91771-62-9 91771-62-9 52-90-4 52-90-4 52-90-4 52-90-4 52-90-4 52-90-4 7048-04-6 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 250 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 7048-04-6 100 Gms 801 Part A 29309040 18 RT 7048-04-6 500 Gms 3275 Part A 29309040 18 RT 7048-04-6 1 Kg 5491 Part A 29309040 18 RT 301 1002 9345 346 1091 4895 695 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 29349900 31726 31726 31726 89635 89635 89635 12183 12183 45658 45658 85606 85606 95322 95322 95322 95322 25961 25961 69029 69029 69029 69029 35751 35751 35751 83172 83172 83172 13886 Cyclohexanone extrapure, 99% Cyclohexanone extrapure, 99% Cyclohexanone extrapure, 99% Cyclohexanone extrapure AR, 99.5% Cyclohexanone extrapure AR, 99.5% Cyclohexanone extrapure AR, 99.5% Cyclohexylamine pure, 99% Cyclohexylamine pure, 99% Cyclohexylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Cyclohexylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Cypriol Oil extrapure, 99% Cypriol Oil extrapure, 99% L-Cysteine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cysteine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cysteine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cysteine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cysteine for tissue culture, 99% L-Cysteine for tissue culture, 99% L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate ExiPlus, 99% L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate ExiPlus, 99% L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate ExiPlus, 99% L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate ExiPlus, 99% L-Cystine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cystine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cystine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Cystine for tissue culture, 99% L-Cystine for tissue culture, 99% L-Cystine for tissue culture, 99% Cytosine extrapure, 99% 56-89-3 56-89-3 56-89-3 56-89-3 56-89-3 56-89-3 71-30-7 Page 27 of 321 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms Price 1300 12000 400 1480 380 1100 500 497 973 2331 535 983 2443 456 745 247 445 8000 40000 374 1246 5600 34742 602 1180 235 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 20259 20259 46616 46616 23292 23292 46300 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29021100 29021100 29021100 29021100 29142200 29142200 29021100 29142200 29142200 29142200 29142200 29142200 29142200 29213010 29213010 29213010 29213010 33012990 33012990 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 29309040 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Cytosine extrapure, 99% Cytosine extrapure, 99% Cytosine ExiPlus™, 99% Cytosine ExiPlus™, 99% Cytosine ExiPlus™, 99% Devardas Alloy (45% Al, 50% Cu, 5% Zn) extrapure 71-30-7 71-30-7 71-30-7 71-30-7 71-30-7 8049-11-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 3085 8654 757 3275 9097 536 93995 Devardas Alloy (45% Al, 50% Cu, 5% Zn) extrapure 8049-11-4 500 Gms 2163 Part A 74032900 18 RT 37163 Devardas Alloy (45% Al, 50% Cu, 5% Zn) extrapure AR 37163 Devardas Alloy (45% Al, 50% Cu, 5% Zn) extrapure AR 61500 Dextrin (White) practical 42738 Dextrose extrapure 42738 Dextrose extrapure 51758 Dextrose extrapure AR, ACS 51758 Dextrose extrapure AR, ACS 51758 Dextrose extrapure AR, ACS 16191 Dextrose Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 16191 Dextrose Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 16191 Dextrose Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 40799 Diammonium Hydrogen Citrate Anhydrous (Ammonium Citrate Dibasic) ACS, 98% 40799 Diammonium Hydrogen Citrate Anhydrous (Ammonium Citrate Dibasic) ACS, 98% 40799 Diammonium Hydrogen Citrate Anhydrous (Ammonium Citrate Dibasic) ACS, 98% 81434 Dibutyl Phthalate pure, 98% 81434 Dibutyl Phthalate pure, 98% 12088 Dichloroacetic Acid pure, 99% 12088 Dichloroacetic Acid pure, 99% 12088 Dichloroacetic Acid pure, 99% 52153 o-Dichlorobenzene pure, 99% 61012 o-Dichlorobenzene extrapure AR, 99% 61012 o-Dichlorobenzene extrapure AR, 99% 61012 o-Dichlorobenzene extrapure AR, 99% 79510 1,2-Dichloroethane extrapure, 99% 79510 1,2-Dichloroethane extrapure, 99% 69566 1,2-Dichloroethane extrapure AR, 99.5% 69566 1,2-Dichloroethane extrapure AR, 99.5% 69566 1,2-Dichloroethane extrapure AR, 99.5% 87988 1,2-Dichloroethane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 87988 1,2-Dichloroethane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 63462 1,2-Dichloroethane Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 8049-11-4 100 Gms 721 Part A 74032900 18 RT 8049-11-4 250 Gms 1545 Part A 74032900 18 RT 9004-53-9 50-99-7 50-99-7 50-99-7 50-99-7 50-99-7 14431-43-7 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 14431-43-7 5 Kg 2276 Part A 17023031 18 RT 14431-43-7 25 Kg 9984 Part A 17023031 18 RT 3012-65-5 100 Gms 338 Part A 29181590 18 RT 3012-65-5 500 Gms 753 Part A 29181590 18 RT 3012-65-5 25 Kg 31704 Part A 29181590 18 RT 84-74-2 84-74-2 79-43-6 79-43-6 79-43-6 95-50-1 95-50-1 95-50-1 95-50-1 107-06-2 107-06-2 107-06-2 107-06-2 107-06-2 107-06-2 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 445 2109 2165 5547 18858 912 325 1089 2387 353 1135 412 777 1610 945 29173910 29173910 29154020 29154020 29154020 29039120 29039120 29039120 29039120 29031500 29031500 29031500 29031500 29031500 29031500 107-06-2 1000 ml 1583 Part A 29031500 18 RT 107-06-2 1000 ml 1388 Part A 29031500 18 RT Page 28 of 321 Price 268 263 2174 279 2609 11347 242 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 13886 13886 10323 10323 10323 93995 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 74032900 35051090 17023031 17023031 17023031 17023031 17023031 17023031 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 79126 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein (DCF) extrapure AR, ACS, 90% 79126 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein (DCF) extrapure AR, ACS, 90% 56825 Dichloromethane (DCM) pure, 99% 56825 Dichloromethane (DCM) pure, 99% 56825 Dichloromethane (DCM) pure, 99% 24532 Dichloromethane (DCM) extrapure AR, 99.5% 24532 Dichloromethane (DCM) extrapure AR, 99.5% 45368 Dichloromethane (DCM) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 45368 Dichloromethane (DCM) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 29103 Dichloromethane (DCM) GC-HS, 99.9% 29103 Dichloromethane (DCM) GC-HS, 99.9% 58628 Dichloromethane (DCM) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 58628 Dichloromethane (DCM) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 58628 Dichloromethane (DCM) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 43551 Dichloromethane (DCM) Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 43551 Dichloromethane (DCM) Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 41512 Dichloromethane (DCM) for molecular biology, 99.9% 41512 Dichloromethane (DCM) for molecular biology, 99.9% 41512 Dichloromethane (DCM) for molecular biology, 99.9% 93075 Dichloromethane-d2 (DCM-d2) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D 55287 2,6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% 55287 2,6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% 55287 2,6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% 35551 2,6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 35551 2,6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 35551 2,6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 31499 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) for tissue culture, 98% 31499 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) for tissue culture, 98% 31499 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) for tissue culture, 98% CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 76-54-0 5 Gms 567 Part A 29420090 18 RT 76-54-0 25 Gms 2443 Part A 29420090 18 RT 75-09-2 75-09-2 75-09-2 75-09-2 75-09-2 75-09-2 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 75-09-2 2500 ml 1610 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 75-09-2 75-09-2 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 412 Part A 1610 Part A 456 Part A 29031200 18 RT 29031200 18 RT 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 1000 ml 750 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 2500 ml 1665 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 500 ml 368 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 1000 ml 723 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 100 ml 445 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 250 ml 1000 Part A 29031200 18 RT 75-09-2 500 ml 1776 Part A 29031200 18 RT 1665-00-5 10 ml 16500 Part A 29031200 18 RT 620-45-1 1 Gms 280 Part A 32049000 18 RT 620-45-1 5 Gms 1100 Part A 32049000 18 RT 620-45-1 25 Gms 4500 Part A 32049000 18 RT 620-45-1 1 Gms 300 Part A 32049000 18 RT 620-45-1 5 Gms 1225 Part A 32049000 18 RT 620-45-1 25 Gms 4800 Part A 32049000 18 RT 94-75-7 25 Gms 618 Part A 29189900 18 RT 94-75-7 100 Gms 1144 Part A 29189900 18 RT 94-75-7 500 Gms 4635 Part A 29189900 18 RT Page 29 of 321 325 1222 10439 390 1550 401 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29031200 29031200 29031200 29031200 29031200 29031200 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 77833 Dicyandiamide pure, 98% 61335 Dicyclopentadiene extrapure (Stabilized with BHT), 93% 61335 Dicyclopentadiene extrapure (Stabilized with BHT), 93% 71164 Diethanolamine pure, 98% 47001 Diethanolamine ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 47001 Diethanolamine ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 59161 5M Diethanolamine Substrate Buffer(5M DEA w/ 2.5mM MgCl2) for phosphatase 31255 Diethylamine pure, 99% 31255 Diethylamine pure, 99% 31255 Diethylamine pure, 99% 31255 Diethylamine pure, 99% 64912 Diethylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% 64912 Diethylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% 64912 Diethylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% 64912 Diethylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% 28298 Diethylamine for HPLC, 99.5% 77141 2-Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) extrapure, 99% 461-58-5 77-73-6 500 Gms 100 ml 680 Part A 334 Part A 29269000 18 RT 29420090 18 RT 77-73-6 500 ml 1610 Part A 29420090 18 RT 111-42-2 111-42-2 111-42-2 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 463 512 2165 2060 Part A Part A Part A Part A 29221200 29221200 29221200 38220090 18 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 109-89-7 100-37-8 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 380 745 1722 14173 390 490 945 1944 1887 650 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29211200 29211200 29211200 29211200 29211200 29211200 29211200 29211200 29211200 29221990 18 77141 2-Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) extrapure, 99% 100-37-8 2500 ml 59351 44369 36303 36303 83040 83040 83040 68811 68811 93616 91-66-7 91-66-7 105-58-8 105-58-8 111-46-6 111-46-6 111-46-6 111-46-6 111-46-6 112-36-7 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 112-36-7 500 ml 2050 Part A 29094400 18 RT 111-90-0 500 ml 545 Part A 29094400 18 RT 111-90-0 2500 ml 2083 Part A 29094400 18 RT 96-22-0 105-53-3 105-53-3 105-53-3 105-53-3 95-92-1 95-92-1 6283-63-2 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 1366 719 3275 945 3551 435 1887 3000 29141990 29171970 29171970 29171970 29171970 29171140 29171140 29215190 6283-63-2 100 Gms 8500 Part A 20882 20882 53422 98389 98389 39378 39378 61252 61252 75995 75995 N,N-Diethylaniline pure, 98% N,N-Diethylaniline extrapure AR, 99% Diethyl Carbonate extrapure, 99% Diethyl Carbonate extrapure, 99% Diethylene Glycol (Digol) pure, 98% Diethylene Glycol (Digol) pure, 98% Diethylene Glycol (Digol) pure, 98% Diethylene Glycol (Digol) extrapure AR, 99% Diethylene Glycol (Digol) extrapure AR, 99% Diethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether (Ethyl Diglyme, DEGDEE) pure, 99% Diethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether (Ethyl Diglyme, DEGDEE) pure, 99% Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (DGMEE) pure, 98% Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (DGMEE) pure, 98% Diethyl Ketone extrapure, 99% Diethyl Malonate extrapure, 99% Diethyl Malonate extrapure, 99% Diethyl Malonate extrapure AR, 99.5% Diethyl Malonate extrapure AR, 99.5% Diethyl Oxalate pure, 99% Diethyl Oxalate pure, 99% N,N-Diethyl-p-Phenylenediamine Sulphate Salt (DEPPDA Sulphate) extrapure, 98% N,N-Diethyl-p-Phenylenediamine Sulphate Salt (DEPPDA Sulphate) extrapure, 98% Page 30 of 321 Price Part 2900 Part A 657 1154 501 2337 371 1339 10815 423 1751 500 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 93616 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29221990 18 RT 29214222 29214190 29209099 29209099 29053990 29053990 29053990 29053990 29053990 29094400 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29215190 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Diethyl Phthalate pure, 99% Diethyl Phthalate pure, 99% Diethyl Sulphate extrapure, 99% Diethyl Sulphate extrapure, 99% Diisopropylamine pure, 98% Diisopropylamine pure, 98% Diisopropylamine pure, 98% Diisopropylether pure, 98% Diisopropylether pure, 98% Diisopropylether extrapure AR, 99% Diisopropylether extrapure AR, 99% Diisopropylether Dried, 99%, water 0.0025% Diisopropylether Dried, 99%, water 0.0025% N,N-Diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA) extrapure, 98% N,N-Diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA) extrapure, 98% N,N-Diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA) extrapure, 98% 1,2-Dimethoxyethane (Monoglyme, EGDME) extrapure, 99% 1,2-Dimethoxyethane (Monoglyme, EGDME) extrapure, 99% 1,2-Dimethoxyethane (Monoglyme, EGDME) extrapure AR , 99.5% N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure, 99% 84-66-2 84-66-2 64-67-5 64-67-5 108-18-9 108-18-9 108-18-9 108-20-3 108-20-3 108-20-3 108-20-3 108-20-3 108-20-3 7087-68-5 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 100 ml 7087-68-5 250 ml 834 Part A 29211990 18 RT 7087-68-5 1000 ml 3219 Part A 29211990 18 RT 110-71-4 500 ml 1400 Part A 29094900 18 RT 110-71-4 2500 ml 7300 Part A 29094900 18 RT 110-71-4 500 ml 2200 Part A 29094900 18 RT 127-19-5 500 ml 445 Part A 29241900 18 RT 80675 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure, 99% 127-19-5 1000 ml 723 Part A 29241900 18 RT 80675 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure, 99% 127-19-5 2500 ml 1554 Part A 29241900 18 RT 80675 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure, 99% 127-19-5 25 Ltr 11569 Part A 29241900 18 RT 60991 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 60991 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 60991 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 79220 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 79220 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 70926 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) GC-HS, 99.9% 127-19-5 500 ml 529 Part A 29241900 18 RT 127-19-5 1000 ml 867 Part A 29241900 18 RT 127-19-5 2500 ml 1776 Part A 29241900 18 RT 127-19-5 500 ml 612 Part A 29241900 18 RT 127-19-5 2500 ml 2109 Part A 29241900 18 RT 127-19-5 250 ml 452 Part A 29241900 18 RT 70926 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) GC-HS, 99.9% 127-19-5 500 ml 869 Part A 29241900 18 RT 70926 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) GC-HS, 99.9% 127-19-5 1000 ml 1613 Part A 29241900 18 RT 98189 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) for HPLC, 99.8% 127-19-5 500 ml 760 Part A 29241900 18 RT 91837 91837 61125 61125 94378 80675 Page 31 of 321 Price 529 2165 445 2170 701 3400 32000 412 1665 490 1876 890 1613 445 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 16150 16150 78652 78652 77205 77205 77205 67519 67519 63282 63282 89299 89299 91837 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29173990 29173990 29209099 29209099 29211990 29211990 29211990 29091990 29091990 29091990 29091990 29091990 29091990 29211990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 98189 N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMA) for HPLC, 99.8% 127-19-5 1000 ml 1222 Part A 29241900 18 RT 10652 Dimethylamine 40% Solution pure 10652 Dimethylamine 40% Solution pure 14003 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% 124-40-3 124-40-3 100-10-7 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 440 Part A 800 Part A 857 Part A 29211190 18 RT 29211190 18 RT 29122990 18 RT 14003 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% 100-10-7 1 Kg 8232 Part A 29122990 18 RT 77086 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 77086 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 12566 N,N-Dimethylaniline pure, 98% 20364 N,N-Dimethylaniline extrapure AR, 99.5% 16616 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure, 99% 100-10-7 100 Gms 980 Part A 29122990 18 RT 100-10-7 1 Kg 9345 Part A 29122990 18 RT 121-69-7 121-69-7 68-12-2 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 546 Part A 657 Part A 400 Part A 29214223 18 RT 29214190 18 RT 29211110 18 RT 16616 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure, 99% 68-12-2 2500 ml 1850 Part A 29211110 18 RT 16616 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure, 99% 68-12-2 25 Ltr 17500 Part A 29211110 18 RT 21974 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure AR, 99.5% 21974 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure AR, 99.5% 79121 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.8% 79121 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.8% 50591 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 50591 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 46165 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) GC-HS, 99.9% 68-12-2 500 ml 425 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 2500 ml 2000 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 500 ml 460 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 2500 ml 2150 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 500 ml 560 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 1000 ml 950 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 500 ml 680 Part A 29211110 18 RT 46165 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) GC-HS, 99.9% 68-12-2 1000 ml 1100 Part A 29211110 18 RT 93186 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 93186 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 24017 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) for molecular biology, 99.9% 24017 N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) for molecular biology, 99.9% 52794 N,N-Dimethylformamide Dimethylacetal extrapure, 97% 52794 N,N-Dimethylformamide Dimethylacetal extrapure, 97% 81890 Dimethylglyoxime extrapure AR, 99% 81890 Dimethylglyoxime extrapure AR, 99% 68-12-2 500 ml 480 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 1000 ml 890 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 100 ml 378 Part A 29211110 18 RT 68-12-2 500 ml 1050 Part A 29211110 18 RT 4637-24-5 100 ml 600 Part A 29225090 18 RT 4637-24-5 500 ml 2850 Part A 29225090 18 RT 100 Gms 500 Gms 750 Part A 3100 Part A 29420090 18 RT 29420090 18 RT 95-45-4 95-45-4 Page 32 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 95-45-4 100 Gms 850 Part A 29420090 18 RT 95-45-4 500 Gms 3300 Part A 29420090 18 RT 75006-64-3 250 Gms 969 Part A 29420090 18 RT 80-73-9 100 ml 1089 Part A 29332990 18 RT 33158 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) pure, 99% 80-73-9 500 ml 4606 Part A 29332990 18 RT 33158 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) pure, 99% 80-73-9 2500 ml 22630 Part A 29332990 18 RT 35161 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) GC-HS, 99.9% 35161 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) GC-HS, 99.9% 60496 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) ExiPlus™, 99% 60496 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) ExiPlus™, 99% 43404 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure, 99% 43404 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure, 99% 43404 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure, 99% 28580 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure AR, 99.5% 80-73-9 100 ml 1274 Part A 29333100 18 RT 80-73-9 500 ml 4860 Part A 29333100 18 RT 80-73-9 100 ml 1444 Part A 29332990 18 RT 80-73-9 500 ml 4994 Part A 29332990 18 RT 67-68-5 67-68-5 67-68-5 67-68-5 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 28580 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure AR, 99.5% 67-68-5 2500 ml 4150 Part A 29309099 18 RT 28580 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure AR, 99.5% 67-68-5 25 Ltr 38000 Part A 29309099 18 RT 66444 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.9% 66444 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.9% 12767 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) GC-HS, 99.9% 12767 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) GC-HS, 99.9% 30239 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 30239 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 66120 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 24075 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) for molecular biology, 99.8% 24075 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) for molecular biology, 99.8% 24075 Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) for molecular biology, 99.8% 47809 Dimethyl Sulphoxide-d6 (DMSO-d6) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8 Atom %D 67-68-5 500 ml 980 Part A 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 2500 ml 4300 Part A 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 67-68-5 67-68-5 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1100 Part A 1800 Part A 1050 Part A 29309099 18 RT 29309099 18 RT 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 1000 ml 1950 Part A 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 500 ml 1020 Part A 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 100 ml 600 Part A 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 250 ml 1500 Part A 29309099 18 RT 67-68-5 500 ml 2200 Part A 29309099 18 RT 2206-27-1 25 Gms 10500 Part A 29309099 18 RT 19711 Dimethylglyoxime extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 19711 Dimethylglyoxime extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 92574 Dimethylglyoxime Disodium Salt Octahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 33158 1,3-Dimethyl-2-Imidazolidinone (DMI) pure, 99% Page 33 of 321 Price 800 3900 36000 900 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 69545 Dimethyl Sulphoxide-d6 (with 0.03% TMS) (DMSOd6 w/ 0.03% TMS) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8 Atom %D 42009 N,N-Dimethylurea (1,3-Dimethylurea) extrapure, 99% 42009 N,N-Dimethylurea (1,3-Dimethylurea) extrapure, 99% 43981 Dioctyl Phthalate pure, 98% 56353 Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate (DOSS) ExiPlus, 98% 2206-27-1 25 Gms 9800 Part A 29309099 18 RT 96-31-1 500 Gms 459 Part A 29241900 18 RT 96-31-1 5 Kg 4200 Part A 29241900 18 RT 117-81-7 577-11-7 500 ml 500 Gms 418 Part A 1536 Part A 29173920 18 RT 34029019 18 RT 56353 Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate (DOSS) ExiPlus, 98% 577-11-7 5 Kg 14462 Part A 34029019 18 RT 43324 43324 43324 88797 88797 95536 1,4-Dioxane pure, 99% 1,4-Dioxane pure, 99% 1,4-Dioxane pure, 99% 1,4-Dioxane extrapure AR, 99.5% 1,4-Dioxane extrapure AR, 99.5% 1,4-Dioxane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 578 2197 18562 634 2553 712 29329990 29329990 29329990 29329990 29329990 29329990 95536 1,4-Dioxane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 123-91-1 2500 ml 3108 Part A 29329990 18 RT 29469 79218 79218 43294 1,4-Dioxane Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 1,4-Dioxane GC-HS, 99.9% 1,4-Dioxane GC-HS, 99.9% 1,4-Dioxane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 574 556 2002 1002 29329990 29329990 29329990 29329990 43294 1,4-Dioxane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 123-91-1 1000 ml 1536 Part A 29329990 18 RT 65679 65679 65679 82736 82736 98342 98342 41149 1,4-Dioxane scintillation grade, 99.5% 1,4-Dioxane scintillation grade, 99.5% 1,4-Dioxane scintillation grade, 99.5% 1,3-Dioxolane extrapure AR, 99% 1,3-Dioxolane extrapure AR, 99% Diphenylamine extrapure AR, 99% Diphenylamine extrapure AR, 99% Diphenylamine extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 123-91-1 123-91-1 123-91-1 646-06-0 646-06-0 122-39-4 122-39-4 122-39-4 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 612 1166 2664 997 2662 260 800 300 29329990 29329990 29329990 29329900 29329900 29214410 29214410 29214410 41149 Diphenylamine extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 122-39-4 500 Gms 950 Part A 29214410 18 RT 62567 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (mixture with Diphenylcarbazide) extrapure AR, ACS 62567 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (mixture with Diphenylcarbazide) extrapure AR, ACS 62567 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (mixture with Diphenylcarbazide) extrapure AR, ACS 75522 2,5-Diphenyloxazole scintillation grade (PPO), 99% 538-62-5 5 Gms 501 Part A 29280090 18 RT 538-62-5 25 Gms 2220 Part A 29280090 18 RT 538-62-5 100 Gms 8044 Part A 29280090 18 RT 92-71-7 25 Gms 1280 Part A 29349900 18 RT 75522 2,5-Diphenyloxazole scintillation grade (PPO), 99% 92-71-7 100 Gms 4450 Part A 29349900 18 RT 75522 2,5-Diphenyloxazole scintillation grade (PPO), 99% 92-71-7 500 Gms 20580 Part A 29349900 18 RT Page 34 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 89595 2,5-Diphenyloxazole scintillation grade (PPO) ExiPlus™, 99% 89595 2,5-Diphenyloxazole scintillation grade (PPO) ExiPlus™, 99% 43478 Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (Mixture of Isomers) extrapure, 99% 43478 Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (Mixture of Isomers) extrapure, 99% 21636 Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate (SAPP) extrapure, 98% 21636 Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate (SAPP) extrapure, 98% 88738 Disodium Tartrate Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 16261 Disodium Tartrate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 16261 Disodium Tartrate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 12852 Disodium Tartrate Dihydrate Calibration Standard (For Karl Fischer Titration), 99.5% 25821 Dodecane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 25821 Dodecane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 25821 Dodecane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 56085 1-Dodecanol (Dodecyl Alcohol, Lauryl Alcohol) pure, 98% 56085 1-Dodecanol (Dodecyl Alcohol, Lauryl Alcohol) pure, 98% 93498 1-Dodecanol (Dodecyl Alcohol, Lauryl Alcohol) ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 88147 DPX Mountant for histology 88147 DPX Mountant for histology 88147 DPX Mountant for histology 85675 Dragendorff's Reagent 71867 Emulsifying Wax pure 29391 Eosin Yellow (water soluble) 29391 Eosin Yellow (water soluble) 29391 Eosin Yellow (water soluble) 22115 Epichlorohydrin pure, 98% 22115 Epichlorohydrin pure, 98% 73317 Epichlorohydrin extrapure AR, 99% 73317 Epichlorohydrin extrapure AR, 99% 40876 Eriochrome Black T extrapure AR 40876 Eriochrome Black T extrapure AR 76512 Eriochrome Cyanine R 76512 Eriochrome Cyanine R 98188 Erioglaucine Disodium Salt 98188 Erioglaucine Disodium Salt 69059 Erythrosin B, 90% 69059 Erythrosin B, 90% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 92-71-7 100 Gms 5340 Part A 29349900 18 RT 92-71-7 500 Gms 23361 Part A 29349900 18 RT 34590-94-8 500 ml 524 Part A 29094900 18 RT 34590-94-8 2500 ml 2331 Part A 29094900 18 RT 7758-16-9 100 Gms 666 Part A 28353900 18 RT 7758-16-9 500 Gms 2220 Part A 28353900 18 RT 6106-24-7 6106-24-7 500 Gms 250 Gms 890 Part A 612 Part A 29181390 18 RT 29181390 18 RT 6106-24-7 500 Gms 1113 Part A 29181390 18 RT 6106-24-7 100 Gms 5305 Part A 29181390 18 RT 2386-53-0 1 Gms 898 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-53-0 5 Gms 2578 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2386-53-0 25 Gms 12320 Part A 29041090 18 RT 112-53-8 500 ml 612 Part A 29051700 18 RT 112-53-8 2500 ml 2276 Part A 29051700 18 RT 112-53-8 500 ml 757 Part A 29051700 18 RT 67762-27-0 17372-87-1 17372-87-1 17372-87-1 106-89-8 106-89-8 106-89-8 106-89-8 1787-61-7 1787-61-7 3564-18-9 3564-18-9 3844-45-9 3844-45-9 16423-68-0 16423-68-0 Page 35 of 321 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 125 ml 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms Price 346 657 1136 1558 556 270 782 3838 501 2387 690 3052 312 954 759 1766 564 1400 720 2600 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29420090 29420090 29420090 38220090 34049090 32049000 32049000 32049000 29103000 29103000 29103000 29103000 32049000 32049000 32041990 32041990 32041259 32041259 32041213 32041213 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 73961 Eschka's Mixture extrapure AR, 38% 73961 Eschka's Mixture extrapure AR, 38% 40942 Ethanolamine (2-Aminoethanol, Monoethanolamine) pure, 98% 40942 Ethanolamine (2-Aminoethanol, Monoethanolamine) pure, 98% 57100 Ethanolamine (2-Aminoethanol, Monoethanolamine) extrapure AR, 99% 74683 Ethanolamine (2-Aminoethanol, Monoethanolamine) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 17220 Ethidium Bromide extrapure, 98% 17220 Ethidium Bromide extrapure, 98% 93079 Ethidium Bromide for molecular biology, 99% 8007-09-8 8007-09-8 141-43-5 250 Gms 1 Kg 500 ml 5562 Part A 21136 Part A 490 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 29221110 18 RT 141-43-5 2500 ml 1899 Part A 29221110 18 RT 141-43-5 500 ml 591 Part A 29221110 18 RT 141-43-5 500 ml 634 Part A 29221110 18 RT 1239-45-8 1239-45-8 1239-45-8 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 535 Part A 2331 Part A 578 Part A 29420090 18 RT 29420090 18 RT 29420090 18 RT 93079 Ethidium Bromide for molecular biology, 99% 1239-45-8 5 Gms 2553 Part A 29420090 18 RT Ethidium Bromide Solution (10mg/ml) Ethyl Acetate pure, 99% Ethyl Acetate pure, 99% Ethyl Acetate pure, 99% Ethyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99.5% Ethyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99.5% Ethyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99.5% Ethyl Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 10 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2553 279 1046 8986 306 601 1388 390 38220090 29153100 29153100 29153100 29153100 29153100 29153100 29153100 62952 Ethyl Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 141-78-6 2500 ml 1554 Part A 72598 72598 73106 73106 26614 Ethyl Acetate Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Ethyl Acetate Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Ethyl Acetate GC-HS, 99.9% Ethyl Acetate GC-HS, 99.9% Ethyl Acetate for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 141-78-6 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 362 702 567 857 435 26614 Ethyl Acetate for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 141-78-6 1000 ml 634 Part A 29153100 18 RT 26614 Ethyl Acetate for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 141-78-6 2500 ml 1444 Part A 29153100 18 RT 22636 22636 33123 33123 37810 37810 87095 87095 30166 30166 65428 65428 65428 141-97-9 141-97-9 75-04-7 75-04-7 74-96-4 74-96-4 110-80-5 110-80-5 1678-91-7 1678-91-7 107-15-3 107-15-3 107-15-3 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr Ethyl Acetoacetate pure, 99% Ethyl Acetoacetate pure, 99% Ethylamine Solution 70% in water pure Ethylamine Solution 70% in water pure Ethyl Bromide extrapure, 99% Ethyl Bromide extrapure, 99% Ethyl Cellosolve pure, 99% Ethyl Cellosolve pure, 99% Ethylcyclohexane extrapure, 99% Ethylcyclohexane extrapure, 99% Ethylene Diamine pure, 99% Ethylene Diamine pure, 99% Ethylene Diamine pure, 99% Page 36 of 321 Price 615 2430 512 2448 813 1577 418 1755 1423 5525 464 2009 19210 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 16201 89362 89362 89362 66183 66183 66183 62952 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29153100 18 RT 29153100 29153100 29153100 29153100 29153100 29183020 29183020 29211990 29211990 29033920 29033920 29094900 29094900 29021900 29021900 29212100 29212100 29212100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Ethylene Diamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Ethylene Diamine extrapure AR, 99.5% EDTA Free Acid extrapure, 99% EDTA Free Acid extrapure, 99% EDTA Free Acid extrapure, 99% EDTA Acid Free Acid extrapure AR, 99% EDTA Acid Free Acid extrapure AR, 99% EDTA Acid Free Acid extrapure AR, 99% EDTA Free Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 107-15-3 107-15-3 60-00-4 60-00-4 60-00-4 60-00-4 60-00-4 60-00-4 60-00-4 250 ml 1000 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 73816 EDTA Free Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 60-00-4 5000 Gms 25102-12-9 25102-12-9 25102-12-9 25102-12-9 25102-12-9 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 6381-92-6 500 Gms 800 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 5 Kg 6000 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 100 Gms 280 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 500 Gms 980 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 5 Kg 6800 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 100 Gms 390 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 500 Gms 1200 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 1000 Gms 2050 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 5 Kg 9000 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 100 Gms 290 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 500 Gms 1224 Part A 29212100 18 RT 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 6381-92-6 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 44478 44478 62196 62196 62196 12070 12070 12070 40088 40088 40088 50027 50027 50027 43272 43272 43272 43272 35108 35108 96540 96540 48960 48960 35888 35888 73557 EDTA Dipotassium Salt pure, 98% EDTA Dipotassium Salt pure, 98% EDTA Dipotassium Salt extrapure AR, 99% EDTA Dipotassium Salt extrapure AR, 99% EDTA Dipotassium Salt extrapure AR, 99% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate pure, 98% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate pure, 98% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate pure, 98% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% EDTA Disodium Salt 0.1M Solution EDTA Disodium Salt 0.1M Solution EDTA Disodium Salt 0.01M Solution EDTA Disodium Salt 0.01M Solution EDTA Disodium Salt 0.5M Solution EDTA Disodium Salt 0.5M Solution EDTA Disodium Salt 0.05M Solution Page 37 of 321 Price 392 1319 243 857 6595 279 1051 9984 1166 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 70790 70790 40648 40648 40648 18240 18240 18240 73816 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 10538 Part A 29212100 18 RT 282 1066 294 1111 10640 200 570 5000 239 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 29212100 334 612 390 779 390 779 167 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Price Packing 73557 EDTA Disodium Salt 0.05M Solution 41000 EDTA Magnesium Disodium Complex (EDTA Mg) pure 41000 EDTA Magnesium Disodium Complex (EDTA Mg) pure 59389 EDTA Ferric Monosodium Salt extrapure, 12-14% Fe 59389 EDTA Ferric Monosodium Salt extrapure, 12-14% Fe 15078 EDTA Tetrasodium Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 15078 EDTA Tetrasodium Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 78036 EDTA Tetrasodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 78036 EDTA Tetrasodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 45247 EDTA Tetrasodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 45247 EDTA Tetrasodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 24377 EDTA Tetrasodium Tetrahydrate extrapure, 99% 6381-92-6 14402-88-1 1000 ml 100 Gms 296 Part A 203 Part A 38220090 12 RT 29212100 18 RT 14402-88-1 500 Gms 898 Part A 29212100 18 RT 15708-41-5 100 Gms 238 Part A 29212100 18 RT 15708-41-5 500 Gms 842 Part A 29212100 18 RT 10378-23-1 10378-23-1 10378-23-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 290 Part A 904 Part A 811 Part A 29212100 18 RT 29212100 18 RT 29212100 18 RT 10378-23-1 500 Gms 2200 Part A 29212100 18 RT 10378-23-1 100 Gms 1389 Part A 29212100 18 RT 10378-23-1 500 Gms 3876 Part A 29212100 18 RT 13235-36-4 100 Gms 319 Part A 29212100 18 RT 24377 EDTA Tetrasodium Tetrahydrate extrapure, 99% 13235-36-4 500 Gms 881 Part A 29212100 18 RT 47471 47471 47471 95361 95361 27466 27466 82832 Ethylene Glycol pure, 98% Ethylene Glycol pure, 98% Ethylene Glycol pure, 98% Ethylene Glycol extrapure AR, 99% Ethylene Glycol extrapure AR, 99% Ethylene Glycol Monophenylether pure, 99% Ethylene Glycol Monophenylether pure, 99% Ethylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether extrapure, 99% 107-21-1 107-21-1 107-21-1 107-21-1 107-21-1 122-99-6 122-99-6 2807-30-9 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 82832 Ethylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether extrapure, 99% 2807-30-9 2.5 Ltr 368 1554 13127 452 1655 777 3052 2500 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 25049 25049 25049 64665 64665 83416 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29053100 29053100 29053100 29053100 29053100 29094900 29094900 29094900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 11000 Part A 29094900 18 RT 401 1610 13666 456 1876 501 29091100 29091100 29091100 29091100 29091100 29091100 Ethyl Ether pure, 99% Ethyl Ether pure, 99% Ethyl Ether pure, 99% Ethyl Ether extrapure AR, 99.5% Ethyl Ether extrapure AR, 99.5% Ethyl Ether extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 60-29-7 60-29-7 60-29-7 60-29-7 60-29-7 60-29-7 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 83416 Ethyl Ether extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 60-29-7 2500 ml 1944 Part A 29091100 18 RT 83131 83131 83131 68329 60-29-7 60-29-7 60-29-7 60-29-7 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 491 936 2058 3773 29091100 29091100 29091100 29091100 60-29-7 60-29-7 109-94-4 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2114 Part A 3996 Part A 640 Part A Ethyl Ether Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Ethyl Ether Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Ethyl Ether Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% Ethyl Ether for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 87796 Ethyl Ether GC-HS, 99.9% 87796 Ethyl Ether GC-HS, 99.9% 36979 Ethyl Formate pure, 98% Page 38 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29091100 18 RT 29091100 18 RT 29151290 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 109-94-4 109-94-4 7705-08-0 7705-08-0 3522-50-7 3522-50-7 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 500 ml 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 10025-77-1 500 Gms 430 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7782-61-8 500 Gms 670 Part A 28342990 18 RT 1309-37-1 15244-10-7 15244-10-7 15244-10-7 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 14621 Ferric Sulphate Hydrate extrapure AR, 19-21% Fe 15244-10-7 5 Kg 5200 Part A 28332990 18 RT 74871 Ferric Sulphate Hydrate for tissue culture, 19-21% Fe 74871 Ferric Sulphate Hydrate for tissue culture, 19-21% Fe 57888 Ferroin solution AR 37323 Ferroin Solution AR, ExiPlus™ 82984 Ferrous Chloride Hydrate extrapure, 98% 93668 Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% 31929 Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 98% 97868 Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 53072 Formamide pure, 98.5% 53072 Formamide pure, 98.5% 53072 Formamide pure, 98.5% 71714 Formamide extrapure AR, 99.5% 71714 Formamide extrapure AR, 99.5% 74841 Formamide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 15244-10-7 500 Gms 800 Part A 28332990 18 RT 15244-10-7 5 Kg 6600 Part A 28332990 18 RT 14634-91-4 14634-91-4 13478-10-9 7782-63-0 100 ml 100 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 854 886 550 368 7782-63-0 7782-63-0 500 Gms 500 Gms 218 Part A 348 Part A 75-12-7 75-12-7 75-12-7 75-12-7 75-12-7 75-12-7 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 512 1755 17239 612 2997 750 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 18 75-12-7 75-12-7 75-12-7 75-12-7 64-18-6 57-48-7 57-48-7 57-48-7 57-48-7 57-48-7 57-48-7 110-17-8 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1055 1999 2498 4383 556 187 648 4728 19467 279 1263 535 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29151100 17025000 17025000 17025000 17025000 17025000 17025000 29171950 18 72655 87144 69325 39102 39102 14621 30349 30349 83256 83256 62673 42868 42868 42868 42868 68823 68823 86364 Ethyl Formate pure, 98% Ethyl Formate pure, 98% Fehling`s solution A Fehling`s solution B Ferric Chloride Anhydrous pure, 98% Ferric Chloride Anhydrous pure, 98% Ferric Citrate Trihydrate pure, 18-20% Fe Ferric Citrate Trihydrate for tissue culture, 18-20% Fe Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 97% Ferric Nitrate Nonahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98% Ferric Oxide Red extrapure, 95% Ferric Sulphate Hydrate pure, 19-21% Fe Ferric Sulphate Hydrate pure, 19-21% Fe Ferric Sulphate Hydrate extrapure AR, 19-21% Fe Formamide for molecular biology, 99.5% Formamide for molecular biology, 99.5% Formamide for UV Spectroscopy, 99% Formamide for UV Spectroscopy, 99% Formic Acid extrapure AR, 98% D-Fructose extrapure D-Fructose extrapure D-Fructose extrapure D-Fructose extrapure D-Fructose for tissue culture D-Fructose for tissue culture Fumaric Acid pure, 99% Page 39 of 321 Price 2774 20246 290 435 254 2131 624 713 402 390 3500 580 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 36979 36979 89474 12603 72287 72287 18831 92273 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29151290 29151290 38220090 38220090 28273990 28273990 29181590 29181590 28211010 28332990 28332990 28332990 38220090 38220090 28274190 28332910 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28332910 18 RT 28332910 18 RT 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 86364 79503 79503 97328 14277 14277 62967 24016 13142 13142 42306 42306 83740 Product Name CAS Number Packing 110-17-8 110-17-8 110-17-8 110-17-8 632-99-5 632-99-5 Fumaric Acid pure, 99% Fumaric Acid extrapure AR, 99% Fumaric Acid extrapure AR, 99% Fumaric Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Fuchsin Basic Fuchsin Basic Fusion Mixture extrapure Fusion Mixture extrapure AR Gallic Acid pure, 98% Gallic Acid pure, 98% Gallic Acid ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Gallic Acid ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Gelatin Powder ex. Porcine (Type B), 120g Bloom 5995-86-8 5995-86-8 5995-86-8 5995-86-8 9000-70-8 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 83740 Gelatin Powder ex. Porcine (Type B), 120g Bloom 9000-70-8 5 Kg 95110 95110 95110 24367 24367 24367 94857 94857 94857 45881 45881 72402 72402 72402 20149 20149 20149 50277 50277 18376 18376 23229 23229 23229 42595 42595 42595 77453 77453 Gibberellic Acid (GA3), 90% 77-06-5 Gibberellic Acid (GA3), 90% 77-06-5 Gibberellic Acid (GA3), 90% 77-06-5 Gibberellic Acid (GA4+7), 90% 468-44-0, 510-75-8 Gibberellic Acid (GA4+7), 90% 468-44-0, 510-75-8 Gibberellic Acid (GA4+7), 90% 468-44-0, 510-75-8 Gibberellic Acid (GA3) for tissue culture, 90% 77-06-5 Gibberellic Acid (GA3) for tissue culture, 90% 77-06-5 Gibberellic Acid (GA3) for tissue culture, 90% 77-06-5 Giemsa Stain 51811-82-6 Giemsa Stain 51811-82-6 Giemsa Stain Solution Giemsa Stain Solution Giemsa Stain Solution L-Glutamic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid for tissue culture, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid for tissue culture, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 56-86-0 L-Glutamic Acid Monosodium Salt Monohydrate 6106-04-3 (MSG) extrapure, 99% L-Glutamic Acid Monosodium Salt Monohydrate 6106-04-3 (MSG) extrapure, 99% L-Glutamic Acid Monosodium Salt Monohydrate 6106-04-3 (MSG) extrapure, 99% Glycerol Anhydrous pure, 99% (anhydrous) 56-81-5 Glycerol Anhydrous pure, 99% (anhydrous) 56-81-5 Glycerol Anhydrous pure, 99% (anhydrous) 56-81-5 Glycerol Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 56-81-5 (anhydrous) Glycerol Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 56-81-5 (anhydrous) Page 40 of 321 1 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms Date :16-04-2021 Price 4994 217 806 867 251 702 390 491 1111 3330 1388 3773 1224 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code 29171950 29171950 29171950 29171950 32049000 32049000 38220090 38220090 29182910 29182910 29182910 29182910 35030090 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 10902 Part A 35030090 18 RT 124 1212 9651 1002 4120 16995 140 1358 10346 550 2100 279 557 1002 256 405 6914 718 3216 445 777 425 38089330 38089330 38089330 29322090 29322090 29322090 38089330 38089330 38089330 32049000 32049000 38220090 38220090 38220090 29224210 29224210 29224210 29224210 29224210 29224210 29224210 29224220 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 5 Kg 4000 Part A 29224220 18 RT 25 Kg 18000 Part A 29224220 18 RT 351 1401 12636 375 29054500 29054500 29054500 29054500 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml Part A Part A Part A Part A 1596 Part A 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT 29054500 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 59991 Glycerol Anhydrous extrapure AR ACS. ExiPlus™, 99.5% (anhydrous) 59991 Glycerol Anhydrous extrapure AR ACS. ExiPlus™, 99.5% (anhydrous) 62417 Glycerol for molecular biology, 99.5% 62417 Glycerol for molecular biology, 99.5% 25853 Glycine pure, 99% 66327 Glycine extrapure AR, 99.5% 66327 Glycine extrapure AR, 99.5% 66327 Glycine extrapure AR, 99.5% 66327 Glycine extrapure AR, 99.5% 64072 Glycine for molecular biology, 99.5% 64072 Glycine for molecular biology, 99.5% 64072 Glycine for molecular biology, 99.5% 64072 Glycine for molecular biology, 99.5% 72938 Glycine for tissue culture, 99.5% 72938 Glycine for tissue culture, 99.5% 52574 Glycine for electrophoresis, 99.5% 52574 Glycine for electrophoresis, 99.5% 69422 Glycine extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 69422 Glycine extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 40682 Glycine IP 74072 Glycine BP 37449 Glycine USP 38063 Glycolic Acid extrapure, 70% 38063 Glycolic Acid extrapure, 70% 27194 Gold AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl 59611 Gold Chloride Hydrate (Tetrachloroauric Acid) ultrapure, 99.99%, ~49% Au 59611 Gold Chloride Hydrate (Tetrachloroauric Acid) ultrapure, 99.99%, ~49% Au 12023 Gold Chloride Trihydrate (Tetrachloroauric Acid) pure, ~49% Au 12023 Gold Chloride Trihydrate (Tetrachloroauric Acid) pure, ~49% Au 93281 Gold Potassium Chloride (Potassium Tetrachloroaurate (III)) extrapure, 99.99% 93281 Gold Potassium Chloride (Potassium Tetrachloroaurate (III)) extrapure, 99.99% 10436 Gram`s Iodine, 33% I 10436 Gram`s Iodine, 33% I 10436 Gram`s Iodine, 33% I 59538 Graphite Synthetic (Type 1) pure, 98% C, 50mesh Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 56-81-5 500 ml 400 Part A 29054500 18 RT 56-81-5 2500 ml 1616 Part A 29054500 18 RT 56-81-5 56-81-5 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 56-40-6 79-14-1 79-14-1 16961-25-4 100 ml 500 ml 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 Mg 16961-25-4 1 Gms 14889 Part A 28433000 18 RT 16961-25-4 500 Mg 7050 Part A 28433000 18 RT 16961-25-4 1 Gms 11247 Part A 28433000 18 RT 13682-61-6 500 Mg 8265 Part A 28433000 18 15-20C 13682-61-6 1 Gms 14585 Part A 28433000 18 15-20C 7782-42-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 59538 Graphite Synthetic (Type 1) pure, 98% C, 50mesh 7782-42-5 2.5 Kg 1242 Part A 38011000 18 RT 19123 Graphite Synthetic (Type 2) pure, 97% C, 100mesh 7782-42-5 500 Gms 378 Part A 38011000 18 RT 19123 Graphite Synthetic (Type 2) pure, 97% C, 100mesh 7782-42-5 2.5 Kg 1782 Part A 38011000 18 RT Page 41 of 321 400 1300 671 248 841 7271 32400 269 983 1679 7829 1080 9720 1455 6152 1008 8390 1034 2142 4000 1389 6711 4138 8630 280 620 2000 270 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29054500 29054500 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29224910 29181190 29181190 38220090 28433000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38011000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 12 12 12 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 26870 Graphite Synthetic (Type 3) pure, 96% C, 325mesh 7782-42-5 500 Gms 594 Part A 38011000 18 RT 26870 Graphite Synthetic (Type 3) pure, 96% C, 325mesh 7782-42-5 2.5 Kg 2862 Part A 38011000 18 RT 59345 Graphite Synthetic (Type 4) pure, 96% C, 625mesh 7782-42-5 500 Gms 972 Part A 38011000 18 RT 59345 Graphite Synthetic (Type 4) pure, 96% C, 625mesh 7782-42-5 2.5 Kg 4536 Part A 38011000 18 RT 86601 86601 54542 54542 54542 54542 25722 593-85-1 593-85-1 50-01-1 50-01-1 50-01-1 50-01-1 50-01-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 100 Gms 50-01-1 500 Gms 2800 Part A 29252990 18 RT 50-01-1 1 Kg 4800 Part A 29252990 18 RT 50-01-1 5 Kg 21000 Part A 29252990 18 RT 50-01-1 100 Gms 700 Part A 29252990 18 RT 50-01-1 500 Gms 3200 Part A 29252990 18 RT 50-01-1 1 Kg 5500 Part A 29252990 18 RT 50-01-1 5 Kg 24000 Part A 29252990 18 RT 593-84-0 100 Gms 800 Part A 29252990 18 RT 593-84-0 500 Gms 3500 Part A 29252990 18 RT 593-84-0 1 Kg 7500 Part A 29252990 18 RT 593-84-0 5 Kg 32000 Part A 29252990 18 RT 9000-30-0 9000-01-5 9000-01-5 9000-01-5 9000-01-5 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 560 505 4429 21630 773 13023230 13012000 13012000 13012000 13012000 25722 25722 45539 45539 45539 45539 80272 80272 80272 80272 20222 90970 90970 90970 90938 Guanidine Carbonate extrapure, 99% Guanidine Carbonate extrapure, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) pure, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) pure, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) pure, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) pure, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) for molecular biology, 99.5% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) for molecular biology, 99.5% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) for molecular biology, 99.5% Guanidine Hydrochloride (GHC) for molecular biology, 99.5% Guanidine Thiocyanate (GTC) for molecular biology, 99% Guanidine Thiocyanate (GTC) for molecular biology, 99% Guanidine Thiocyanate (GTC) for molecular biology, 99% Guanidine Thiocyanate (GTC) for molecular biology, 99% Guar Gum extrapure Acacia (Gum Acacia) extrapure Acacia (Gum Acacia) extrapure Acacia (Gum Acacia) extrapure Acacia (Gum Acacia) (enzyme free) extrapure AR Price 500 2178 400 1300 2500 12000 600 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 25722 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 Stor age 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 5 5 5 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 39758 Hematoxylin solution (Delafield's) for microscopy 125 ml 445 Part A 38220090 12 RT 78631 Hematoxylin solution (Ehrlich) for microscopy 125 ml 445 Part A 38220090 12 RT 40362 Hematoxylin solution (Harris) for microscopy 48441 Hematoxylin solution (Mayer`s) for microscopy 125 ml 100 ml 591 Part A 247 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT Page 42 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing n-Heptane extrapure, 99% n-Heptane extrapure, 99% n-Heptane extrapure, 99% n-Heptane extrapure AR, 99% n-Heptane extrapure AR, 99% n-Heptane extrapure AR, 99% n-Heptane extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% n-Heptane extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% n-Heptane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.5% 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 142-82-5 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 90731 n-Heptane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.5% 142-82-5 1000 ml 1887 Part A 29011000 18 RT 25 Gms 1100 Part A 29041090 18 RT 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 25 Gms 1100 Part A 29041090 18 RT 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 500 ml 1195 Part A 29051990 18 RT 94373 Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous 22767-50-6 for HPLC, 99% 94373 Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous 22767-50-6 for HPLC, 99% 94373 Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous 22767-50-6 for HPLC, 99% 55272 Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate 207300-90-1 for HPLC, 99% 55272 Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate 207300-90-1 for HPLC, 99% 55272 Heptane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate 207300-90-1 for HPLC, 99% 55120 n-Heptanol (n-Heptyl Alcohol) extrapure, 98% 111-70-6 Price 657 3258 23138 757 1499 3608 945 4106 969 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 19241 19241 19241 94979 94979 94979 96979 96979 90731 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 55120 n-Heptanol (n-Heptyl Alcohol) extrapure, 98% 111-70-6 2500 ml 4883 Part A 29051990 18 RT 60805 Hexachloroethane pure, 99% 60805 Hexachloroethane pure, 99% 36027 Hexachloroplatinic Acid Hexahydrate (Platinum Chloride Hexahydrate) ACS, 38-40% Pt 67-72-1 67-72-1 18497-13-7 500 Gms 5 Kg 250 Mg 834 Part A 7213 Part A 3090 Part A 29031990 18 RT 29031990 18 RT 28439019 18 RT 36027 Hexachloroplatinic Acid Hexahydrate (Platinum Chloride Hexahydrate) ACS, 38-40% Pt 18497-13-7 1 Gms 7210 Part A 28439019 18 RT 36027 Hexachloroplatinic Acid Hexahydrate (Platinum Chloride Hexahydrate) ACS, 38-40% Pt 18497-13-7 5 Gms 35226 Part A 28439019 18 RT 390 279 476 556 2664 22598 916 1499 3275 657 3052 25286 29212910 29212910 29212910 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 81451 92391 92391 91454 91454 91454 65764 65764 65764 77045 77045 77045 Hexamine pure, 99% Hexamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Hexamine extrapure AR, 99.5% n-Hexane pure, 95% n-Hexane pure, 95% n-Hexane pure, 95% n-Hexane for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane pure, 99% n-Hexane pure, 99% n-Hexane pure, 99% 100-97-0 100-97-0 100-97-0 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 Page 43 of 321 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 110-54-3 2832-45-3 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 678 3164 867 4106 955 1577 3795 978 2886 1222 2387 1100 2832-45-3 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 2832-45-3 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207300-91-2 25 Gms 1100 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207300-91-2 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207300-91-2 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 107-41-5 107-41-5 107-41-5 351-50-8 351-50-8 71-00-1 71-00-1 71-00-1 71-00-1 71-00-1 71-00-1 5934-29-2 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 28061 L-Histidine Hydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 5934-29-2 100 Gms 2392 Part A 29224990 18 RT 28061 L-Histidine Hydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 5934-29-2 1 Kg 22805 Part A 29224990 18 RT 53931 53931 99313 99313 33243 33243 78110 7803-57-8 7803-57-8 10034-93-2 10034-93-2 10034-93-2 10034-93-2 10034-93-2 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 835 4005 301 1391 557 2281 2392 10035-10-6 10035-10-6 500 ml 2500 ml 737 Part A 3500 Part A 49346 49346 78597 78597 78597 70389 70389 70389 38885 38885 94495 94495 94495 42437 42437 42437 28061 n-Hexane extrapure AR, 99% n-Hexane extrapure AR, 99% n-Hexane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% n-Hexane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% n-Hexane for HPLC, 99% n-Hexane for HPLC, 99% n-Hexane for HPLC, 99% n-Hexane GC-HS, 99.9% n-Hexane GC-HS, 99.9% n-Hexane Dried, 99%, water 0.005% n-Hexane Dried, 99%, water 0.005% Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Hexane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Hexylene Glycol pure, 99% Hexylene Glycol pure, 99% Hexylene Glycol pure, 99% D-Histidine extrapure, 99% D-Histidine extrapure, 99% L-Histidine (base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Histidine (base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Histidine (base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Histidine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Histidine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Histidine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Histidine Hydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% Hydrazine Hydrate extrapure, 80% Hydrazine Hydrate extrapure, 80% Hydrazine Sulphate pure, 98% Hydrazine Sulphate pure, 98% Hydrazine Sulphate extrapure AR, 99% Hydrazine Sulphate extrapure AR, 99% Hydrazine Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 21435 Hydrobromic Acid pure, 48-49% in water 21435 Hydrobromic Acid pure, 48-49% in water Page 44 of 321 Price 515 1545 14420 2772 12522 888 2774 26633 1222 3108 27477 646 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 12534 12534 27226 27226 33823 33823 33823 40501 40501 29114 29114 49346 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29041090 29053990 29053990 29053990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 28251020 28251020 29280090 29280090 29280090 29280090 29280090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28111990 18 RT 28111990 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 30106 Hydrobromic Acid pure, ~33% in glacial acetic acid 10035-10-6 500 ml 1120 Part A 28111990 18 RT 30106 Hydrobromic Acid pure, ~33% in glacial acetic acid 10035-10-6 2500 ml 4000 Part A 28111990 18 RT 99790 99790 62889 62889 30988 30988 87039 87039 80096 80096 65955 65955 34472 34472 17560 17560 79661 79661 40918 40918 56059 56059 66164 Hydrochloric Acid 0.1N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.1N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 1N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 1N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.5N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.5N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 2N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 2N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 3N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 3N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 4N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 4N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 5N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 5N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 6N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 6N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.05N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.05N Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.01M Aq. Solution Hydrochloric Acid 0.01M Aq. Solution Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride pure, 98% Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride pure, 98% Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 99% 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 7647-01-0 5470-11-1 5470-11-1 5470-11-1 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 140 257 268 496 162 301 301 568 324 602 357 668 380 702 401 741 179 329 179 329 300 1200 450 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28251090 28251090 28251090 66164 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 99% 5470-11-1 500 Gms 1540 Part A 28251090 18 RT 65508 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 65508 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 13877 Hydroxylamine Sulphate pure, 99% 13877 Hydroxylamine Sulphate pure, 99% 83032 Hydroxylamine Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 5470-11-1 100 Gms 550 Part A 28251090 18 RT 5470-11-1 500 Gms 1700 Part A 28251090 18 RT 10039-54-0 10039-54-0 10039-54-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 190 Part A 594 Part A 238 Part A 28251040 18 RT 28251040 18 RT 28251090 18 RT 83032 Hydroxylamine Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 10039-54-0 500 Gms 756 Part A 28251090 18 RT 622-40-2 100 ml 350 Part A 29349900 18 RT 622-40-2 500 ml 1300 Part A 29349900 18 RT 148-24-3 100 Gms 845 Part A 29334900 18 RT 148-24-3 500 Gms 3605 Part A 29334900 18 RT 148-24-3 100 Gms 979 Part A 29334900 18 RT 44439 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)morpholine (4-HEM) extrapure, 99% 44439 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)morpholine (4-HEM) extrapure, 99% 91113 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol) extrapure, 99.5% 91113 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol) extrapure, 99.5% 23264 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol) extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% Page 45 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 148-24-3 500 Gms 4120 Part A 29334900 18 RT 6303-21-5 500 ml 755 Part A 28092010 18 RT 92379 Hypophosphorous Acid extrapure AR, 50% in water 64556 Ichthammol pure, 50% 65712 Imidazole pure, 99% 65712 Imidazole pure, 99% 32822 Imidazole extrapure AR, 99% 32822 Imidazole extrapure AR, 99% 32822 Imidazole extrapure AR, 99% 78496 Imidazole extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 78496 Imidazole extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 61510 Imidazole for molecular biology, 99.5% 61510 Imidazole for molecular biology, 99.5% 61510 Imidazole for molecular biology, 99.5% 10722 Imidazole for tissue culture, 99.5% 73017 Immersion Oil Synthetic for microscopy 73017 Immersion Oil Synthetic for microscopy 73017 Immersion Oil Synthetic for microscopy 73017 Immersion Oil Synthetic for microscopy 72874 Indicator Papers pH 1.0 - 14.0 12794 Indicator Papers pH 1.0 - 10.0 47603 Indicator Papers pH 2.0 - 4.5 27671 Indicator Papers pH 2.0 - 10.5 84794 Indicator Papers pH 3.5 - 6.0 82811 Indicator Papers pH 3.8 - 5.3 98044 Indicator Papers pH 3.8 - 5.4 36120 Indicator Papers pH 5.0 - 7.5 61169 Indicator Papers pH 6.5 - 9.0 94744 Indicator Papers pH 8.0 - 10.5 63214 Indium AAS Standard Solution in 1N HCl 96788 Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) for tissue culture, 98% 6303-21-5 500 ml 1166 Part A 28092010 18 RT 8029-68-3 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 288-32-4 8000-27-9 8000-27-9 8000-27-9 8000-27-9 87-51-4 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 30 ml 125 ml 500 ml 5 Ltr 10 Books 4 Books 10 Books 10 Books 10 Books 10 Books 4 Books 10 Books 10 Books 10 Books 250 ml 5 Gms 96788 Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) for tissue culture, 98% 87-51-4 25 Gms 2200 Part A 38220090 12 RT 96788 Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) for tissue culture, 98% 87-51-4 100 Gms 6600 Part A 38220090 12 RT 88318 88318 88318 18676 18676 18676 60289 Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) pure, 98% Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) pure, 98% Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) pure, 98% Indole-3-Acetonitrile pure, 99% Indole-3-Acetonitrile pure, 99% Indole-3-Acetonitrile pure, 99% Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) for tissue culture, 98% 87-51-4 87-51-4 87-51-4 771-51-7 771-51-7 771-51-7 133-32-4 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 60289 Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) for tissue culture, 98% 133-32-4 25 Gms 2400 Part A 38220090 12 RT 60289 Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) for tissue culture, 98% 133-32-4 100 Gms 7500 Part A 38220090 12 RT 23264 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol) extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 26356 Hypophosphorous Acid pure, 30-32% in water Page 46 of 321 Price 5225 334 1335 501 1892 77868 612 2137 557 1669 6452 1780 289 663 2337 22248 361 719 389 346 346 361 361 346 346 375 2957 589 394 1269 4495 1454 5445 19233 686 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29033990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 39100090 39100090 39100090 39100090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29333919 29333919 29333919 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 40407 40407 40407 35095 35095 67892 67892 67892 66098 66098 40415 40415 52539 52539 37524 37524 68017 68017 59802 12445 84644 36388 70031 70031 70031 52228 52228 14891 89830 89830 22157 22157 50716 50716 50716 84425 64857 64857 64857 90354 90354 57020 Product Name Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) pure, 98% Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) pure, 98% Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) pure, 98% Indole-3-Carboxylic Acid pure, 99% Indole-3-Carboxylic Acid pure, 99% Iodine Monochloride extrapure, 98% Iodine Monochloride extrapure, 98% Iodine Monochloride extrapure, 98% Iodine Monochloride Solution (1M in Acetic Acid) (Wij's Solution) extrapure Iodine Monochloride Solution (1M in Acetic Acid) (Wij's Solution) extrapure Iodine Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99% Iodine Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99% Iodine Resublimed AR, 99.8% Iodine Resublimed AR, 99.8% Iodine Resublimed AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% Iodine Resublimed AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% Iodine 0.01N Solution Iodine 0.01N Solution Iodine 1N Solution Iodine 0.1N Solution Iodine Trichloride extrapure, 97% Iodoform pure, 99% N-Iodosuccinimide extrapure, 99% N-Iodosuccinimide extrapure, 99% N-Iodosuccinimide extrapure, 99% Seralite SRA-400 Seralite SRA-400 Seralite SRC-120 Seralite WRC-50 Seralite WRC-50 Iridium Metal Powder extrapure, 99.9% Iridium Metal Powder extrapure, 99.9% Iridium Trichloride Hydrate extrapure, 99% Iridium Trichloride Hydrate extrapure, 99% Iridium Trichloride Hydrate extrapure, 99% Iron AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Iron Metal Powder (Electrolytic), 99.5%, mesh ~200 Iron Metal Powder (Electrolytic), 99.5%, mesh ~200 Iron Metal Powder (Electrolytic), 99.5%, mesh ~200 Isatin extrapure AR, 99% Isatin extrapure AR, 99% Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) pure, 99% 57020 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) pure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 133-32-4 133-32-4 133-32-4 771-50-6 771-50-6 7790-99-0 7790-99-0 7790-99-0 7790-99-0 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 250 ml 7790-99-0 500 ml 12029-98-0 12029-98-0 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 7553-56-2 865-44-1 75-47-8 516-12-1 516-12-1 516-12-1 7439-89-6 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 250 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 ml 500 Gms 7439-89-6 1 Kg 909 Part A 72052910 18 RT 7439-89-6 5 Kg 4160 Part A 72052910 18 RT 91-56-5 91-56-5 123-51-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 938 Part A 3245 Part A 360 Part A 29337900 18 RT 29337900 18 RT 29051990 18 RT 123-51-3 2500 ml 1600 Part A 29051990 18 RT 7439-88-5 7439-88-5 14996-61-3 14996-61-3 14996-61-3 Page 47 of 321 Price 473 1613 5070 1153 4610 890 1613 3671 579 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 1057 Part A 2751 5501 1447 6675 1569 6897 473 890 1502 1224 2448 8906 394 1401 5378 524 989 603 576 1112 10331 19447 4862 12762 49832 1648 645 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 38220090 38220090 38220090 29333919 29333919 28129000 28129000 28129000 38220090 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 38220090 12 RT 28112990 28112990 28012000 28012000 28012000 28012000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28012000 29033990 29291090 29291090 29291090 39140090 39140090 39140090 39140090 39140090 71104100 71104100 28439019 28439019 28439019 38220090 72052910 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 3 3 18 18 18 12 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 69931 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) extrapure AR, 99% 69931 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) extrapure AR, 99% 69931 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) extrapure AR, 99% 88719 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus , 99% 88719 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus , 99% 88719 Isoamyl Alcohol (Isopentyl Alcohol) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus , 99% 69412 Isobutanol pure, 99% 69412 Isobutanol pure, 99% 69412 Isobutanol pure, 99% 69412 Isobutanol pure, 99% 98646 Isobutanol extrapure AR, 99.5% 98646 Isobutanol extrapure AR, 99.5% 98646 Isobutanol extrapure AR, 99.5% 34159 Isobutanol GC-HS, 99.9% 34159 Isobutanol GC-HS, 99.9% 34159 Isobutanol GC-HS, 99.9% 52497 Isobutyl Acetate extrapure, 98% 52497 Isobutyl Acetate extrapure, 98% 52497 Isobutyl Acetate extrapure, 98% 41867 Isobutyraldehyde extrapure, 99% 41867 Isobutyraldehyde extrapure, 99% 53502 Isooctane extrapure, 99% 53502 Isooctane extrapure, 99% 57075 Isooctane extrapure AR, 99.5% 57075 Isooctane extrapure AR, 99.5% 81399 Isooctane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 81399 Isooctane extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 68930 Isooctane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 68930 Isooctane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 68930 Isooctane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 98605 Isooctane Dried, 99.5%, water 0.005% 67800 Isopropanol (IPA) pure, 99% 67800 Isopropanol (IPA) pure, 99% 67800 Isopropanol (IPA) pure, 99% 62986 Isopropanol (IPA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 62986 Isopropanol (IPA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 11768 Isopropanol (IPA) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 11768 Isopropanol (IPA) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 38445 Isopropanol (IPA) for molecular biology, 99.8% 123-51-3 500 ml 520 Part A 29051990 18 RT 123-51-3 1000 ml 920 Part A 29051990 18 RT 123-51-3 2500 ml 1900 Part A 29051990 18 RT 123-51-3 500 ml 600 Part A 29051990 18 RT 123-51-3 1000 ml 1100 Part A 29051990 18 RT 123-51-3 2500 ml 2300 Part A 29051990 18 RT 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 78-83-1 110-19-0 110-19-0 110-19-0 78-84-2 78-84-2 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 540-84-1 67-63-0 67-63-0 67-63-0 67-63-0 67-63-0 67-63-0 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 1 Ltr 2.5 Ltr 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2.5 Ltr 500 ml 2.5 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1 Ltr 2.5 Ltr 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2.5 Ltr 500 ml 67-63-0 2500 ml 2099 Part A 29051220 18 RT 67-63-0 100 ml 612 Part A 29051220 18 RT 38445 Isopropanol (IPA) for molecular biology, 99.8% 67-63-0 500 ml 1499 Part A 29051220 18 RT Page 48 of 321 325 634 1333 11299 406 768 1610 510 926 1621 585 2675 24585 402 1782 789 3773 990 4329 1035 4661 1250 2220 4661 1887 518 1731 14653 561 1799 683 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29051490 29153300 29153300 29153300 29121990 29121990 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29051220 29051220 29051220 29051220 29051220 29051220 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 38445 Isopropanol (IPA) for molecular biology, 99.8% 67-63-0 1000 ml 2197 Part A 29051220 18 RT 10140 Isopropanol (IPA) GC-HS, 99.9% 10140 Isopropanol (IPA) GC-HS, 99.9% 44036 Isopropanol (IPA) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 44036 Isopropanol (IPA) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 44036 Isopropanol (IPA) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% 48906 Isopropanol (IPA) electronic grade, 99.5% 13627 Isopropenyl Acetate extrapure, 99% 13627 Isopropenyl Acetate extrapure, 99% 35858 Isopropylamine (MIPA) extrapure, 99% 35858 Isopropylamine (MIPA) extrapure, 99% 73716 Isopropyl Myristate pure, 90% 73716 Isopropyl Myristate pure, 90% 32009 Isopropyl Myristate ExiPlus™, 90% 32009 Isopropyl Myristate ExiPlus™, 90% 42822 Isopropyl Myristate extrapure AR (0.2um filtered), 98% 42822 Isopropyl Myristate extrapure AR (0.2um filtered), 98% 36494 Jack Bean Meal ex. Urease extrapure 36494 Jack Bean Meal ex. Urease extrapure 20489 Janus Green B (JG-B), 65% 20489 Janus Green B (JG-B), 65% 86543 Jenners Stain (Eosin-methylene blue) 86543 Jenners Stain (Eosin-methylene blue) 57080 Kaolin extrapure 34469 Karl Fischer Reagent (Pyridine free) 34469 Karl Fischer Reagent (Pyridine free) 62878 Lactic Acid for tissue culture, 85% 93762 Lactic Acid pure, 85% 41242 Lactic Acid extrapure AR, 85% 21206 Lactic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% 54492 Lactic Acid 0.1N Solution 54492 Lactic Acid 0.1N Solution 41158 Lactic Acid 1N Solution 41158 Lactic Acid 1N Solution 25957 Lactose Monohydrate extrapure AR 25957 Lactose Monohydrate extrapure AR 33525 Lactose Monohydrate for tissue culture 67091 Lactose Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ 67-63-0 67-63-0 67-63-0 500 ml 1 Ltr 500 ml 853 Part A 1595 Part A 666 Part A 29051220 18 RT 29051220 18 RT 29051220 18 RT 67-63-0 1 Ltr 1148 Part A 29051220 18 RT 67-63-0 2.5 Ltr 2086 Part A 29051220 18 RT 67-63-0 108-22-5 108-22-5 75-31-0 75-31-0 110-27-0 110-27-0 110-27-0 110-27-0 110-27-0 2.5 Ltr 250 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2.5 Ltr 500 ml 2.5 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1888 979 1803 536 2163 784 3612 879 3885 1665 29051220 29153990 29153990 29211990 29211990 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 110-27-0 2.5 Ltr 67091 Lactose Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ 9002-13-5 9002-13-5 2869-83-2 2869-83-2 62851-42-7 62851-42-7 1332-58-7 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code Stor age 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 7235 Part A 29159090 18 RT 246 1113 691 2781 576 2186 180 1648 1648 1335 713 768 867 229 424 385 713 490 4307 658 535 12089000 12089000 32129090 32129090 32049000 32049000 25070029 38220090 38220090 29181110 29181110 29181110 29181110 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 17021110 17021110 17021110 17021110 50-21-5 50-21-5 50-21-5 50-21-5 50-21-5 50-21-5 50-21-5 50-21-5 64044-51-5 64044-51-5 64044-51-5 64044-51-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2 x250 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 64044-51-5 5 Kg 4771 Part A 17021110 18 RT 250 ml 2471 Part A 38220090 12 RT 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 597 Part A 2292 Part A 29159010 18 RT 29159010 18 RT 19459 Lanthanum AAS Standard Solution in 2N HNO3 70514 Lauric Acid pure, 99% 70514 Lauric Acid pure, 99% Price % CAS Number 143-07-7 143-07-7 Page 49 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 5 5 18 18 18 18 5 12 12 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 1335-32-6 1335-32-6 1335-32-6 6080-56-4 10099-74-8 7758-95-4 1309-60-0 1309-60-0 7783-46-2 10099-74-8 7446-14-2 7550-35-8 7550-35-8 7550-35-8 7550-35-8 7550-35-8 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 250 ml 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 250 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 ml 250 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 7550-35-8 25 Gms 554-13-2 554-13-2 554-13-2 554-13-2 554-13-2 554-13-2 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 250 Gms 520 1100 2100 600 1200 1400 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28369100 28369100 28369100 28369100 28369100 28369100 18 7447-41-8 7447-41-8 7447-41-8 7447-41-8 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 700 1400 2700 800 Part A Part A Part A Part A 28273990 28273990 28273990 28273990 18 76359 Lithium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 7447-41-8 250 Gms 1500 Part A 28273990 18 RT 58259 Lithium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 58259 Lithium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 26341 Lithium Chloride 1M Solution in Acetic Acid 20003 Lithium Chloride 1M Solution in Ethanol 81034 Lithium Fluoride pure, 98.5% 7447-41-8 100 Gms 950 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7447-41-8 500 Gms 3300 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7447-41-8 7447-41-8 7789-24-4 250 ml 250 ml 25 Gms 1169 Part A 1280 Part A 612 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 28269000 18 RT 33662 73154 73154 73154 19558 19558 74884 39692 39692 39692 76359 Lead Subacetate extrapure, Pb content 33% Lead Subacetate extrapure, Pb content 33% Lead Subacetate extrapure, Pb content 33% Lead (II) Acetate Trihydrate pure, 99% Lead AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Lead (II) Chloride Anhydrous extrapure, 98% Lead Dioxide (Lead Peroxide) extrapure, 95% Lead Dioxide (Lead Peroxide) extrapure, 95% Lead (II) Fluoride pure, 98% Lead (II) Nitrate extrapure, 99% Lead (II) Sulphate extrapure, 98% Leishman Solution Leishman Stain Leishman Stain Leishman Stain L-Leucine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Leucine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Leucine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Leucine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Leucine extrapure CHR, 99% Lime Water Saturated Solution Lithium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Lithium Bromide Anhydrous pure, 99% Lithium Bromide Anhydrous pure, 99% Lithium Bromide Anhydrous extrapure, 99% Lithium Bromide Anhydrous extrapure, 99% Lithium Bromide Anhydrous ultrapure, 99.999% , 10mesh Lithium Bromide Anhydrous ultrapure, 99.999% , 10mesh Lithium Carbonate pure, 98% Lithium Carbonate pure, 98% Lithium Carbonate pure, 98% Lithium Carbonate extrapure AR, 99% Lithium Carbonate extrapure AR, 99% Lithium Carbonate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Lithium Chloride Anhydrous pure, 99% Lithium Chloride Anhydrous pure, 99% Lithium Chloride Anhydrous pure, 99% Lithium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 12627-53-1 12627-53-1 12627-53-1 61-90-5 61-90-5 61-90-5 61-90-5 61-90-5 1305-62-0 Page 50 of 321 Price 785 3338 6230 480 1766 751 445 1136 1391 506 632 218 602 2281 10568 124 301 888 4440 7213 254 1766 567 2060 701 2472 4800 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 14000 Part A HS code % CAS Number 90346 90346 90346 72518 69586 69789 87373 87373 60843 64972 60795 68015 82184 82184 82184 63007 63007 63007 63007 63007 75333 75105 11748 11748 31665 31665 33662 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29152990 29152990 29152990 29152990 38220090 28273990 28249000 28249000 28269000 28342990 28332990 38220090 32049000 32049000 32049000 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 38220090 38220090 28275990 28275990 28275990 28275990 28275990 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28275990 18 RT 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 81034 Lithium Fluoride pure, 98.5% 81034 Lithium Fluoride pure, 98.5% 44318 Lithium Hydroxide Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7789-24-4 7789-24-4 1310-65-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 1224 Part A 4673 Part A 1000 Part A 28269000 18 RT 28269000 18 RT 28252000 18 RT 44318 Lithium Hydroxide Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 1310-65-2 100 Gms 2000 Part A 28252000 18 RT 44318 Lithium Hydroxide Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 1310-65-2 500 Gms 7500 Part A 28252000 18 RT 52019 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate pure, 99% 52019 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate pure, 99% 48204 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 48204 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 89966 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 89966 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 82712 Lithium Nitrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 1310-66-3 1310-66-3 1310-66-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 420 Part A 1900 Part A 480 Part A 28252000 18 RT 28252000 18 RT 28252000 18 RT 1310-66-3 500 Gms 2100 Part A 28252000 18 RT 1310-66-3 100 Gms 550 Part A 28252000 18 RT 1310-66-3 500 Gms 2300 Part A 28252000 18 RT 7790-69-4 100 Gms 954 Part A 28342990 18 RT 82712 Lithium Nitrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 7790-69-4 500 Gms 3866 Part A 28342990 18 RT 17864 Lithium Nitrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 17864 Lithium Nitrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 88181 Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 7790-69-4 100 Gms 1233 Part A 28342990 18 RT 7790-69-4 500 Gms 4259 Part A 28342990 18 RT 10102-25-7 100 Gms 731 Part A 28332990 18 RT 88181 Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10102-25-7 250 Gms 1738 Part A 28332990 18 RT 88181 Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10102-25-7 500 Gms 3361 Part A 28332990 18 RT 39478 Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 39478 Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 11373 Lithium Tetraborate extrapure AR, 98% 11373 Lithium Tetraborate extrapure AR, 98% 76345 Litmus Blue Indicator Papers 67562 Litmus Red Indicator Papers 78724 Lugols Iodine 1% Solution (Conc) 78724 Lugols Iodine 1% Solution (Conc) 42603 Lugols Iodine 5% Solution (Conc) 42603 Lugols Iodine 5% Solution (Conc) 72349 D-Lysine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 72349 D-Lysine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 30163 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 10102-25-7 100 Gms 1010 Part A 28332990 18 RT 10102-25-7 500 Gms 4706 Part A 28332990 18 RT 12007-60-2 12007-60-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Books 10 Books 125 ml 500 ml 125 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 30163 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7274-88-6 7274-88-6 56-87-1 56-87-1 Page 51 of 321 25 Gms Price 2170 10568 267 267 160 530 680 2200 2134 8038 1175 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 2781 Part A HS code % CAS Number 28402090 28402090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29224100 29224100 29224100 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 29224100 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 30163 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 56-87-1 100 Gms 10290 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 22527 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous for tissue culture, 98% 22527 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous for tissue culture, 98% 15942 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous ExiPlus™, 98% 56-87-1 10 Gms 1381 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 56-87-1 25 Gms 3226 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 56-87-1 10 Gms 1385 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 15942 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous ExiPlus™, 98% 56-87-1 100 Gms 11289 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 85187 L-Lysine Monohydrate (base) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% 85187 L-Lysine Monohydrate (base) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% 85187 L-Lysine Monohydrate (base) extrapure for biochemistry, 99% 76199 L-Lysine Monohydrate (Base) ExiPlus™, 99% 76199 L-Lysine Monohydrate (Base) ExiPlus™, 99% 76199 L-Lysine Monohydrate (Base) ExiPlus™, 99% 45976 L-Lysine Monohydrate (base) for molecular biology, 99% 89361 L-Lysine Monohydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 39665-12-8 10 Gms 720 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 39665-12-8 25 Gms 1710 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 39665-12-8 100 Gms 6107 Part A 29224100 18 2-8C 39665-12-8 39665-12-8 39665-12-8 39665-12-8 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 834 1833 6768 2774 29224100 29224100 29224100 29224100 657-27-2 100 Gms 217 Part A 29224100 18 RT 89361 L-Lysine Monohydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% 657-27-2 500 Gms 927 Part A 29224100 18 RT 77872 L-Lysine Monohydrochloride ExiPlus™, 99% 77872 L-Lysine Monohydrochloride ExiPlus™, 99% 35443 Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure, 98% 657-27-2 657-27-2 16674-78-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 330 Part A 1133 Part A 600 Part A 29224100 18 RT 29224100 18 RT 29152920 18 RT 35443 Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure, 98% 16674-78-5 5 Kg 5400 Part A 29152920 18 RT 53888 Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 64328 Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 50488 Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate for molecular biology, 99% 50488 Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate for molecular biology, 99% 52917 Magnesium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 16674-78-5 500 Gms 900 Part A 29152920 18 RT 16674-78-5 500 Gms 1200 Part A 29152920 18 RT 16674-78-5 100 Gms 500 Part A 29152920 18 RT 16674-78-5 500 Gms 2600 Part A 29152920 18 RT 250 ml 1883 Part A 38220090 12 RT 28935 Magnesium Bromide Hexahydrate pure, 98% 63818 Magnesium Carbonate Basic Light, 40-45% MgO 13446-53-2 39409-82-0 500 Gms 250 Gms 1558 Part A 450 Part A 28275910 18 RT 28369920 18 RT 63818 Magnesium Carbonate Basic Light, 40-45% MgO 39409-82-0 500 Gms 750 Part A 28369920 18 RT 31196 Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7786-30-3 100 Gms 725 Part A 28273100 18 RT 31196 Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7786-30-3 500 Gms 1140 Part A 28273100 18 RT Page 52 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 31196 Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7786-30-3 5 Kg 7768 Part A 28273100 18 RT 39750 Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous for tissue culture, 98% 39750 Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous for tissue culture, 98% 69396 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 69396 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 54269 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 54269 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 91417 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 91417 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 16203 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% 28577 Magnesium Chloride 0.5M Solution 28577 Magnesium Chloride 0.5M Solution 23772 Magnesium Chloride 1M Solution 23772 Magnesium Chloride 1M Solution 58742 Magnesium Citrate Nonahydrate pure, 97% 25349 Magnesium Fluoride pure, 95% 45149 Magnesium Metal coarse powder, 99.8%, -36 mesh 45149 Magnesium Metal coarse powder, 99.8%, -36 mesh 19684 Magnesium Metal Ribbon extrapure AR, 99.5% 7786-30-3 100 Gms 1059 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7786-30-3 500 Gms 2538 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 500 Gms 264 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 5 Kg 1959 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 500 Gms 294 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 5 Kg 2285 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 250 Gms 864 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 500 Gms 1350 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 500 Gms 1620 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7791-18-6 7791-18-6 7791-18-6 7791-18-6 153531-96-5 7783-40-6 7439-95-4 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 200 373 229 429 1346 696 258 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29181590 28261910 81043020 7439-95-4 500 Gms 1030 Part A 81043020 18 RT 7439-95-4 25 Gms 248 Part A 81041900 18 RT 7439-95-4 7439-95-4 7439-95-4 13446-18-9 250 Gms 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 500 Gms 7487-88-9 500 Gms 405 Part A 28332940 18 RT 7487-88-9 2.5 Kg 1903 Part A 28332940 18 RT 7487-88-9 500 Gms 434 Part A 28332940 18 RT 7487-88-9 2.5 Kg 2065 Part A 28332940 18 RT 10034-99-8 500 Gms 288 Part A 28332100 18 RT 10034-99-8 500 Gms 313 Part A 28332100 18 RT 10034-99-8 500 Gms 1269 Part A 28332100 18 RT 94410 94410 94410 77697 50014 50014 64187 64187 85611 26129 74440 Magnesium Metal Turnings, 99.8% Magnesium Metal Turnings, 99.8% Magnesium Metal Turnings, 99.8% Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Dried extrapure AR, 62-70% MgSO4, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Dried extrapure AR, 62-70% MgSO4, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Dried extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 62-70% MgSO4, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Dried extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 62-70% MgSO4, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% Page 53 of 321 428 773 3605 360 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 81043010 81043010 81043010 28342920 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 83890 Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% 90046 Magnesium Sulphate 0.1M Solution 90046 Magnesium Sulphate 0.1M Solution 10301 Magnesium Sulphate 0.5M Solution 10301 Magnesium Sulphate 0.5M Solution 29811 Magnesium Sulphate 1M Solution 29811 Magnesium Sulphate 1M Solution 78222 Magnesium Stearate ExiPlus 85850 Magnesium Oxide Heavy extrapure, 98% 85850 Magnesium Oxide Heavy extrapure, 98% 15547 Magnesium Oxide Light extrapure, 98% 15547 Magnesium Oxide Light extrapure, 98% 64741 Malachite Green Oxalate 64741 Malachite Green Oxalate 97890 Maleic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 97890 Maleic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 97890 Maleic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 68589 Maleic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 68589 Maleic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 17289 Maleic Hydrazide extrapure, 98% 17289 Maleic Hydrazide extrapure, 98% 24226 DL-Malic Acid pure, 99% 24226 DL-Malic Acid pure, 99% 73638 Maltodextrin ExiPlus 73638 Maltodextrin ExiPlus 90827 Maltodextrin for tissue culture, 16.5-19.5% De 10034-99-8 500 Gms 10034-99-8 10034-99-8 10034-99-8 10034-99-8 10034-99-8 10034-99-8 557-04-0 1309-48-4 1309-48-4 1309-48-4 1309-48-4 2437-29-8 2437-29-8 110-16-7 110-16-7 110-16-7 110-16-7 110-16-7 123-33-1 123-33-1 6915-15-7 6915-15-7 9050-36-6 9050-36-6 9050-36-6 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 59338 D-Maltose Monohydrate for bacteriology and biochemistry 59338 D-Maltose Monohydrate for bacteriology and biochemistry 59338 D-Maltose Monohydrate for bacteriology and biochemistry 42844 D-Maltose Monohydrate for tissue culture 42844 D-Maltose Monohydrate for tissue culture 42844 D-Maltose Monohydrate for tissue culture 97526 Manganese (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate pure, 97% 6363-53-7 100 Gms 245 Part A 29400000 18 RT 6363-53-7 500 Gms 982 Part A 29400000 18 RT 6363-53-7 5 Kg 7828 Part A 29400000 18 RT 6363-53-7 6363-53-7 6363-53-7 6156-78-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 78017 Manganese (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 94486 Manganese AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl 6156-78-1 500 Gms 530 Part A 29152930 18 RT 250 ml 1708 Part A 38220090 12 RT 45757 Manganese (II) Carbonate pure, Mn content 4246% 75113 Manganese (II) Chloride Tetrahydrate extrapure, 97% 75113 Manganese (II) Chloride Tetrahydrate extrapure, 97% 12551 Manganese (II) Chloride Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 598-62-9 500 Gms 426 Part A 28369990 18 RT 13446-34-9 500 Gms 490 Part A 28273990 18 RT 13446-34-9 5 Kg 4500 Part A 28273990 18 RT 13446-34-9 500 Gms 600 Part A 28273100 18 RT Page 54 of 321 Price Part 385 Part A 229 424 246 457 262 485 473 940 9000 930 8300 133 482 227 593 2627 263 866 598 5047 576 4525 279 2448 201 299 1236 10094 420 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number Stor age 28332100 18 RT 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29157090 25199040 25199040 25199040 25199040 32049000 32049000 29171910 29171910 29171910 29171910 29171910 29339900 29339900 29171990 29171990 35051090 35051090 35051090 29400000 29400000 29400000 29152930 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 5 5 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 12551 Manganese (II) Chloride Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 73970 Manganese Metal Powder pure, 99%, ~325 mesh 13446-34-9 5 Kg 5500 Part A 28273100 18 RT 7439-96-5 250 Gms 803 Part A 81110010 18 RT 58011 Manganese (II) Sulphate Monohydrate pure, 98% 10034-96-5 500 Gms 357 Part A 28332940 18 RT 58011 Manganese (II) Sulphate Monohydrate pure, 98% 10034-96-5 5 Kg 3115 Part A 28332940 18 RT 12386 Manganese (II) Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 12386 Manganese (II) Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 78822 Manganese (II) Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 78822 Manganese (II) Sulphate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 38593 Manganese (IV) Oxide pure, 80% 24248 D-Mannitol extrapure, 98.5% 24248 D-Mannitol extrapure, 98.5% 24248 D-Mannitol extrapure, 98.5% 24248 D-Mannitol extrapure, 98.5% 79887 D-Mannitol extrapure AR, 99% 79887 D-Mannitol extrapure AR, 99% 79887 D-Mannitol extrapure AR, 99% 21304 D-Mannitol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 10034-96-5 500 Gms 503 Part A 28332940 18 RT 10034-96-5 5 Kg 4951 Part A 28332940 18 RT 10034-96-5 500 Gms 696 Part A 28332940 18 RT 10034-96-5 5 Kg 6286 Part A 28332940 18 RT 1313-13-9 69-65-8 69-65-8 69-65-8 69-65-8 69-65-8 69-65-8 69-65-8 69-65-8 500 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 25 Kg 250 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 21304 D-Mannitol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 64370 64370 69892 69892 83759 Menthol Synthetic pure Menthol Synthetic pure 2-Mercaptoethanol pure, 99% 2-Mercaptoethanol pure, 99% 2-Mercaptoethanol for molecular biology, 99% 69-65-8 2216-51-5 2216-51-5 60-24-2 60-24-2 60-24-2 5 Kg 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 650 779 1502 6953 33372 473 890 8343 1057 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 10012 Part A 1335 3226 470 2000 702 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28201000 29054300 29054300 29054300 29054300 29054300 29054300 29054300 29054300 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29054300 18 RT 29061100 29061100 29309099 29309099 29309099 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT 83759 2-Mercaptoethanol for molecular biology, 99% 60-24-2 250 ml 1512 Part A 29309099 18 RT 83759 2-Mercaptoethanol for molecular biology, 99% 60-24-2 500 ml 2268 Part A 29309099 18 RT 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 79306 79306 79306 80243 80243 80243 58263 58263 25699 25699 Mercuric Acetate pure, 98% Mercuric Acetate pure, 98% Mercuric Acetate pure, 98% Mercuric Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Mercuric Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Mercuric Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Mercuric Bromide extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Mercuric Bromide extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Mercuric Chloride extrapure, 98% Mercuric Chloride extrapure, 98% 1600-27-7 1600-27-7 1600-27-7 1600-27-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 779 2781 6564 835 1600-27-7 100 Gms 3115 Part A 28521000 18 RT 1600-27-7 250 Gms 7120 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7789-47-1 7789-47-1 7487-94-7 7487-94-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1169 3894 779 2781 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 Page 55 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 25699 Mercuric Chloride extrapure, 98% 25699 Mercuric Chloride extrapure, 98% 29828 Mercuric Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 29828 Mercuric Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 29828 Mercuric Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 29828 Mercuric Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 98926 Mercuric Iodide Red pure, 99% 98926 Mercuric Iodide Red pure, 99% 98926 Mercuric Iodide Red pure, 99% 36881 Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure AR, 99% 36881 Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure AR, 99% 36881 Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure AR, 99% 93383 Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 93383 Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 93383 Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 68434 Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 7487-94-7 7487-94-7 7487-94-7 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 6786 Part A 13349 Part A 835 Part A 28521000 18 RT 28521000 18 RT 28521000 18 RT 7487-94-7 100 Gms 2893 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7487-94-7 250 Gms 7064 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7487-94-7 500 Gms 13905 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7774-29-0 7774-29-0 7774-29-0 7774-29-0 7774-29-0 7774-29-0 7774-29-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 863 3171 7787 946 3393 8010 1057 7774-29-0 100 Gms 3671 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7774-29-0 250 Gms 8900 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7783-34-8 25 Gms 890 Part A 28521000 18 RT 68434 Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 7783-34-8 100 Gms 3226 Part A 28521000 18 RT 68434 Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 7783-34-8 250 Gms 8010 Part A 28521000 18 RT 89168 Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98.5% 89168 Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98.5% 89168 Mercuric Nitrate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98.5% 62847 Mercuric Oxide Red pure, 99% 62847 Mercuric Oxide Red pure, 99% 62847 Mercuric Oxide Red pure, 99% 60178 Mercuric Oxide Red ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 60178 Mercuric Oxide Red ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 60178 Mercuric Oxide Red ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 86666 Mercuric Oxide Yellow extrapure, 99% 86666 Mercuric Oxide Yellow extrapure, 99% 86666 Mercuric Oxide Yellow extrapure, 99% 37053 Mercuric Oxide Yellow extrapure AR, ACS, 99.3% 7783-34-8 25 Gms 946 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7783-34-8 100 Gms 3393 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7783-34-8 500 Gms 16130 Part A 28521000 18 RT 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 21908-53-2 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 890 3671 8900 1002 3838 9345 890 3671 17799 1169 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 37053 Mercuric Oxide Yellow extrapure AR, ACS, 99.3% 21908-53-2 100 Gms 4228 Part A 28521000 18 RT 37053 Mercuric Oxide Yellow extrapure AR, ACS, 99.3% 21908-53-2 500 Gms 20580 Part A 28521000 18 RT 32543 Mercuric Sulphate pure, 99% 32543 Mercuric Sulphate pure, 99% 7783-35-9 7783-35-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 779 Part A 2615 Part A 28521000 18 RT 28521000 18 RT Page 56 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Mercuric Sulphate pure, 99% Mercuric Sulphate pure, 99% Mercuric Sulphate extrapure AR, 99% Mercuric Sulphate extrapure AR, 99% Mercuric Sulphate extrapure AR, 99% Mercuric Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Mercuric Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Mercuric Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Mercuric Thiocyanate pure, 98% Mercuric Thiocyanate pure, 98% Mercuric Thiocyanate extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 98% 7783-35-9 7783-35-9 7783-35-9 7783-35-9 7783-35-9 7783-35-9 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 7783-35-9 100 Gms 3338 Part A 28521000 18 RT 7783-35-9 250 Gms 8010 Part A 28521000 18 RT 592-85-8 592-85-8 592-85-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 1057 Part A 3783 Part A 1169 Part A 28521000 18 RT 28521000 18 RT 28521000 18 RT 93119 Mercuric Thiocyanate extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 98% 592-85-8 100 Gms 4116 Part A 28521000 18 RT Mercurous Chloride pure, 98% Mercurous Chloride pure, 98% Mercurous Chloride pure, 98% Mercurous Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 10112-91-1 10112-91-1 10112-91-1 10112-91-1 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 37921 Mercurous Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 10112-91-1 100 Gms 3894 Part A 28273920 18 RT 37921 Mercurous Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 10112-91-1 250 Gms 10012 Part A 28273920 18 RT 36004 36004 36004 44682 14836-60-3 14836-60-3 14836-60-3 14836-60-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 946 3671 9178 1057 14836-60-3 100 Gms 3838 Part A 28342990 18 RT 14836-60-3 250 Gms 9400 Part A 28342990 18 RT 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 108-67-8 108-67-8 108-67-8 79-41-4 79-41-4 75-75-2 75-75-2 75-75-2 75-75-2 124-63-0 124-63-0 124-63-0 124-63-0 250 ml 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 43302 43302 48274 48274 93119 47184 47184 47184 37921 44682 44682 84229 53383 53383 43665 43665 43665 86556 86556 87726 87726 87726 87726 46989 46989 46989 46644 Mercurous Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure, 97% Mercurous Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure, 97% Mercurous Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure, 97% Mercurous Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98% Mercurous Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98% Mercurous Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 98% Mercury AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Mercury Metal extrapure, 99% Mercury Metal extrapure, 99% Mesitylene extrapure, 98% Mesitylene extrapure, 98% Mesitylene extrapure, 98% Methacrylic Acid extrapure, 99% Methacrylic Acid extrapure, 99% Methanesulphonic Acid pure, 99% Methanesulphonic Acid pure, 99% Methanesulphonic Acid pure, 99% Methanesulphonic Acid pure, 99% Methanesulphonyl Chloride pure, 98% Methanesulphonyl Chloride pure, 98% Methanesulphonyl Chloride pure, 98% Methanesulphonyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Page 57 of 321 Price 6230 12237 835 3004 7342 1013 946 3671 17799 1057 2337 7787 14462 925 1400 3350 800 3800 334 1111 4161 34707 301 945 4161 445 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 32543 32543 20846 20846 20846 43302 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28273920 28273920 28273920 28273920 28342990 28342990 28342990 28342990 38220090 28054000 28054000 29029090 29029090 29029090 29161310 29161310 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Methanesulphonyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Methanesulphonyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Methanol pure, 99% Methanol pure, 99% Methanol pure, 99% Methanol extrapure AR, 99.8% Methanol extrapure AR, 99.8% Methanol extrapure AR, 99.8% Methanol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 124-63-0 124-63-0 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 37152 Methanol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 67-56-1 1000 ml 490 Part A 29051100 18 RT 37152 Methanol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 67-56-1 2500 ml 745 Part A 29051100 18 RT 87655 87655 79345 79345 79345 10036 62456 Methanol GC-HS, 99.9% Methanol GC-HS, 99.9% Methanol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Methanol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Methanol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Methanol electronic grade, 99.8% Methanol Dried extrapure AR, 99.8%, water 0.02% 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 62456 Methanol Dried extrapure AR, 99.8%, water 0.02% 67-56-1 1000 ml 96446 96446 96446 21944 Methanol for molecular biology, 99.5% Methanol for molecular biology, 99.5% Methanol for molecular biology, 99.5% Methanol-d4 for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8 atom%D 67-56-1 67-56-1 67-56-1 811-98-3 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 10 Gms 834 1499 3219 8000 Part A Part A Part A Part A 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 18 19305 19305 19305 65167 65167 38200 38200 38200 60451 60451 46985 L-Methionine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Methionine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Methionine extrapure CHR, 99% Methyl Cellosolve extrapure, 99% Methyl Cellosolve extrapure, 99% Methyl Cellosolve extrapure AR, 99.5% Methyl Cellosolve extrapure AR, 99.5% Methyl Cellosolve extrapure AR, 99.5% Methyl Cyclohexane extrapure, 99% Methyl Cyclohexane extrapure, 99% Methyl Red Sodium Salt (water soluble) ACS, 95% 63-68-3 63-68-3 63-68-3 109-86-4 109-86-4 109-86-4 109-86-4 109-86-4 108-87-2 108-87-2 845-10-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 297 1089 10538 479 1944 535 881 2052 578 2387 246 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29304000 29304000 29304000 29094900 29094900 29094900 29094900 29094900 29021900 29021900 32049000 18 46985 Methyl Red Sodium Salt (water soluble) ACS, 95% 845-10-3 500 Gms 4394 Part A 32049000 18 RT 38862 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide (bis-Acrylamide) pure, 98% 38862 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide (bis-Acrylamide) pure, 98% 38516 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide (bis-Acrylamide) 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.5% 38516 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide (bis-Acrylamide) 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.5% 110-26-9 100 Gms 945 Part A 29241900 18 RT 110-26-9 500 Gms 2664 Part A 29241900 18 RT 110-26-9 25 Gms 490 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 110-26-9 100 Gms 1554 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C Page 58 of 321 Price 1166 4440 223 612 5275 242 468 666 290 635 1124 334 456 884 1089 325 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 452 Part A HS code % CAS Number 46644 46644 59029 59029 59029 65524 65524 65524 37152 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29041090 29041090 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 29051100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29051100 18 RT 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 110-26-9 500 Gms 6436 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 110-26-9 25 Gms 529 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 110-26-9 100 Gms 1665 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 110-26-9 250 Gms 4106 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 110-26-9 500 Gms 7878 Part A 29241900 18 2-8C 110-26-9 25 ml 3330 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 110-26-9 100 ml 8875 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 7220-79-3 7220-79-3 74-88-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 125 ml 250 ml 100 ml 400 1500 133 227 4949 32049000 32049000 38220090 38220090 29033930 77248 Methyl Iodide (Iodomethane) extrapure, 99% 74-88-4 250 ml 64889 15926 15926 61929 Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol extrapure, 98% Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) pure, 98% Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) pure, 98% Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) extrapure AR, 99.5% Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) extrapure AR, 99.5% Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) extrapure AR, 99.5% Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) for UV spectroscopy, 99.5% 4-Methyl Morpholine pure, 99% 4-Methyl Morpholine pure, 99% Methyl Orange Methyl Orange N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) extrapure, 99.5% 108-11-2 108-10-1 108-10-1 108-10-1 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 108-10-1 500 ml 546 Part A 29141300 18 RT 108-10-1 1000 ml 1000 Part A 29141300 18 RT 108-10-1 500 ml 1112 Part A 29141300 18 RT 109-02-4 109-02-4 547-58-0 547-58-0 872-50-4 250 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 600 1150 184 515 1058 29333919 29333919 32049000 32049000 29142990 51369 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) extrapure, 99.5% 872-50-4 2500 ml 4945 Part A 29142990 18 RT 86263 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) extrapure AR, 99.5% 86263 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) extrapure AR, 99.5% 11118 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 11118 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 25903 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) GC-HS, 99.9% 25903 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) GC-HS, 99.9% 872-50-4 500 ml 1265 Part A 29142990 18 RT 872-50-4 2500 ml 5175 Part A 29142990 18 RT 872-50-4 500 ml 1380 Part A 29142990 18 RT 872-50-4 2500 ml 5405 Part A 29142990 18 RT 872-50-4 872-50-4 500 ml 1000 ml 1840 Part A 3450 Part A 29142990 18 RT 29142990 18 RT 38516 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide (bis-Acrylamide) 3x cryst. extrapure AR, 99.5% 67320 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.5% 67320 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.5% 67320 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.5% 67320 N,N-Methylene Bisacrylamide 3x cryst. for molecular biology, 99.5% 58779 N,N'-Methylene Bisacrylamide 2% aq. solution for molecular biology 58779 N,N'-Methylene Bisacrylamide 2% aq. solution for molecular biology 60363 Methylene Blue Trihydrate 60363 Methylene Blue Trihydrate 97866 Methylene Blue 1% aq. Solution 97866 Methylene Blue 1% aq. Solution 77248 Methyl Iodide (Iodomethane) extrapure, 99% 61929 61929 10416 72387 72387 70280 70280 51369 Page 59 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 10428 Part A 945 412 1644 301 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 12 12 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 29033930 18 RT 29051490 29141300 29141300 29141300 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 10331 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) for HPLC, 99.5% 872-50-4 1000 ml 2990 Part A 29142990 18 RT 89975 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) for molecular biology, 99.5% 44055 Methyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate (Methyl Paraben) ExiPlus, 98-102% 44055 Methyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate (Methyl Paraben) ExiPlus, 98-102% 60905 Methyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate Sodium Salt (Methyl Paraben Sodium) ExiPlus, 95-102% 60905 Methyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate Sodium Salt (Methyl Paraben Sodium) ExiPlus, 95-102% 49449 Methyl Red extrapure AR 49449 Methyl Red extrapure AR 40431 Methyl Red ACS, ExiPlus™ 40431 Methyl Red ACS, ExiPlus™ 40431 Methyl Red ACS, ExiPlus™ 99983 2-Methyl Tetrahydrofuran pure, 98% 99983 2-Methyl Tetrahydrofuran pure, 98% 99983 2-Methyl Tetrahydrofuran pure, 98% 37689 Methyl Violet 37689 Methyl Violet 90121 Metol extrapure, 99% 90121 Metol extrapure, 99% 98254 Molecular Sieve 3A (0.3nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 98254 Molecular Sieve 3A (0.3nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 98254 Molecular Sieve 3A (0.3nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 72866 Molecular Sieve 4A (0.4nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 72866 Molecular Sieve 4A (0.4nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 72866 Molecular Sieve 4A (0.4nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 75690 Molecular Sieve 5A (0.5nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 75690 Molecular Sieve 5A (0.5nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 75690 Molecular Sieve 5A (0.5nm) (1.6-3mm Beads) 27764 Molecular Sieve 13X (2-4mm Beads) 27764 Molecular Sieve 13X (2-4mm Beads) 27764 Molecular Sieve 13X (2-4mm Beads) 38717 Molybdenum AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N H2SO4 31444 Molybdenum Trioxide extrapure, 99.5% 31444 Molybdenum Trioxide extrapure, 99.5% 31444 Molybdenum Trioxide extrapure, 99.5% 72615 Molybdenum Trioxide extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 872-50-4 250 ml 690 Part A 29142990 18 RT 99-76-3 500 Gms 980 Part A 29183090 18 RT 99-76-3 5 Kg 9122 Part A 29183090 18 RT 5026-62-0 500 Gms 1085 Part A 29183090 18 RT 5026-62-0 5 Kg 10568 Part A 29183090 18 RT Part HS code Stor age 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 250 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 250 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 250 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 250 ml 226 814 414 1000 6553 330 1200 5250 195 476 768 3441 500 1400 5600 500 1400 5600 550 1500 6000 500 1400 5600 2062 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29329900 29329900 29329900 32041341 32041341 29071990 29071990 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 28399090 38220090 18 1313-27-5 1313-27-5 1313-27-5 1313-27-5 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1200 3100 5200 1500 Part A Part A Part A Part A 28257010 28257010 28257010 28257010 18 72615 Molybdenum Trioxide extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 1313-27-5 250 Gms 3500 Part A 28257010 18 RT 72615 Molybdenum Trioxide extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 1313-27-5 500 Gms 5500 Part A 28257010 18 RT 49664 49664 98466 98466 7782-91-4 7782-91-4 7782-91-4 7782-91-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1346 5154 1458 5713 28257020 28257020 28257020 28257020 Molybdic Acid pure, 85% Molybdic Acid pure, 85% Molybdic Acid extrapure AR, 85% Molybdic Acid extrapure AR, 85% 493-52-7 493-52-7 493-52-7 493-52-7 493-52-7 96-47-9 96-47-9 96-47-9 8004-87-3 8004-87-3 55-55-0 55-55-0 308080-99-1 308080-99-1 308080-99-1 70955-01-0 70955-01-0 70955-01-0 70955-01-0 70955-01-0 70955-01-0 63231-69-6 63231-69-6 63231-69-6 Price % CAS Number Page 60 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 71772 Molybdic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% 7782-91-4 100 Gms 1680 Part A 28257020 18 RT 71772 Molybdic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% 7782-91-4 500 Gms 6274 Part A 28257020 18 RT 44630 44630 44630 96740 96740 11287 110-91-8 110-91-8 110-91-8 110-91-8 110-91-8 110-91-8 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 250 ml 500 ml 500 ml 98293 Murexide extrapure AR (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 98293 Murexide extrapure AR (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 98293 Murexide extrapure AR (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 98293 Murexide extrapure AR (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 99571 Murexide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 99571 Murexide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 99571 Murexide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 99571 Murexide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ (Ammonium Purpurate), 98% 13280 Naphthalene extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 13280 Naphthalene extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 13280 Naphthalene extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 26320 Naphthalene scintillation grade, 99% 26320 Naphthalene scintillation grade, 99% 26320 Naphthalene scintillation grade, 99% 89740 Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (NAA) extrapure, 99% 3051-09-0 5 Gms 238 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 25 Gms 898 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 100 Gms 3418 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 500 Gms 15121 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 5 Gms 282 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 25 Gms 999 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 100 Gms 3585 Part A 29335400 18 RT 3051-09-0 500 Gms 16577 Part A 29335400 18 RT 91-20-3 91-20-3 91-20-3 91-20-3 91-20-3 91-20-3 86-87-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 89740 Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (NAA) extrapure, 99% 86-87-3 100 Gms 580 Part A 38220090 12 RT 89740 Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (NAA) extrapure, 99% 86-87-3 500 Gms 2594 Part A 38220090 12 RT 75928 Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (NAA) for tissue culture, 99% 75928 Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (NAA) for tissue culture, 99% 75928 Naphthalene-1-Acetic Acid (NAA) for tissue culture, 99% 84226 a-Naphthol pure, 99% 84226 a-Naphthol pure, 99% 36309 a-Naphthol extrapure AR, 99.5% 36309 a-Naphthol extrapure AR, 99.5% 36309 a-Naphthol extrapure AR, 99.5% 30585 a-Naphthol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 86-87-3 25 Gms 238 Part A 38220090 12 RT 86-87-3 100 Gms 600 Part A 38220090 12 RT 86-87-3 500 Gms 3000 Part A 38220090 12 RT 90-15-3 90-15-3 90-15-3 90-15-3 90-15-3 90-15-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 338 1355 191 473 1833 567 29071510 29071510 29071510 29071510 29071510 29071510 Morpholine extrapure, 99% Morpholine extrapure, 99% Morpholine extrapure, 99% Morpholine extrapure AR, 99.5% Morpholine extrapure AR, 99.5% Morpholine extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Page 61 of 321 Price 567 2664 20246 333 644 1000 279 501 945 327 612 1166 187 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29333917 29333917 29333917 29333917 29333917 29333917 29029040 29029040 29029040 29029040 29029040 29029040 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 30585 74770 74770 19261 19261 86079 20379 23058 36248 36248 36248 90691 90691 90691 18559 18559 73342 Product Name Packing 90-15-3 135-19-3 135-19-3 135-19-3 135-19-3 2010 311 1278 362 1499 119 133 119 600 1400 5100 450 850 3000 700 1550 759 2900 Part A 75022030 18 RT 2337 612 2225 4116 38220090 29152990 29152990 28369990 553-24-2 553-24-2 553-24-2 553-24-2 553-24-2 553-24-2 553-24-2 553-24-2 12635-27-7 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 125 ml 125 ml 125 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 73342 Nickel Aluminium Alloy powder, 50% Ni, 50% Al 12635-27-7 500 Gms 58481 58481 84421 84421 27303 Nickel AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 250 ml Nickel (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 6018-89-9 100 Gms Nickel (II) Acetate Tetrahydrate pure, 98% 6018-89-9 500 Gms Nickel (II) Carbonate Basic Hydrate extrapure, 44- 958638-02-3 500 Gms 47% Ni Nickel (II) Carbonate Basic Tetrahydrate extrapure, 12607-70-4, 39430-27-8 500 Gms 44-47% Ni Nickel (II) Carbonate Basic Tetrahydrate extrapure, 12607-70-4, 39430-27-8 5 Kg 44-47% Ni Nickel (II) Chloride Hexahydrate pure, 98% 7791-20-0 500 Gms Nickel (II) Chloride Hexahydrate pure, 98% 7791-20-0 5 Kg Nickel (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 7791-20-0 100 Gms Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number a-Naphthol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% ß-Naphthol extrapure AR, 99% ß-Naphthol extrapure AR, 99% b-Naphthol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% b-Naphthol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Neissers Stain A (Methylene Blue) Neissers Stain B (Crystal Violet) Neissers Stain C (Chrysoidine) Neutral Red (High Purity), 85% Neutral Red (High Purity), 85% Neutral Red (High Purity), 85% Neutral Red extrapure AR, 60% Neutral Red extrapure AR, 60% Neutral Red extrapure AR, 60% Neutral Red (High Purity) ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% Neutral Red (High Purity) ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% Nickel Aluminium Alloy powder, 50% Ni, 50% Al 48615 42591 42591 66489 Date :16-04-2021 29071510 29071520 29071520 29071520 29071520 38220090 32049000 38220090 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 75022030 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2392 Part A 28369990 18 RT 22248 Part A 28369990 18 RT 1391 Part A 12793 Part A 501 Part A 28273500 18 RT 28273500 18 RT 28273500 18 RT 27303 Nickel (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 7791-20-0 500 Gms 1780 Part A 28273500 18 RT 10081 Nickel (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 10081 Nickel (II) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 75546 Nickel Metal powder extrapure, 99.5%, ~100 mesh 7791-20-0 100 Gms 579 Part A 28273500 18 RT 7791-20-0 500 Gms 1947 Part A 28273500 18 RT 7440-02-0 100 Gms 1002 Part A 75040000 18 RT 75546 Nickel Metal powder extrapure, 99.5%, ~100 mesh 7440-02-0 500 Gms 3894 Part A 75040000 18 RT 57709 Nickel (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate pure, 98% 30795 Nickel (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 13478-00-7 13478-00-7 500 Gms 250 Gms 1224 Part A 880 Part A 28342990 18 RT 28342990 18 RT 30795 Nickel (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 13478-00-7 500 Gms 1659 Part A 28342990 18 RT 33568 Nickel (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 13478-00-7 250 Gms 1002 Part A 28342990 18 RT Page 62 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 33568 Nickel (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 49487 Nickel (II) Oxide pure, 77% Ni 49487 Nickel (II) Oxide pure, 77% Ni 12125 Nickel (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 98% 93377 Nickel (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 48105 Nickel (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 48105 Nickel (II) Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 61397 Nickel (II) Sulphate Hexahydrate ACS, 99% 61397 Nickel (II) Sulphate Hexahydrate ACS, 99% 61397 Nickel (II) Sulphate Hexahydrate ACS, 99% 86097 Nicotinic Acid (Pyridine-3-Carboxylic Acid) pure, 99% 86097 Nicotinic Acid (Pyridine-3-Carboxylic Acid) pure, 99% 67066 Nigrosin (water soluble) 67066 Nigrosin (water soluble) 75529 Nigrosin (alcohol soluble) 75529 Nigrosin (alcohol soluble) 71131 Nigrosin 10% w/v Solution 36317 Nile Blue Chloride 62887 Nile Blue Sulphate 62887 Nile Blue Sulphate 47353 Nile Red 47353 Nile Red 55058 Ninhydrin extrapure AR, 99% 55058 Ninhydrin extrapure AR, 99% 55058 Ninhydrin extrapure AR, 99% 93940 Ninhydrin extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 93940 Ninhydrin extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 93940 Ninhydrin extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 48081 Nitrilotriacetic Acid (NTA) extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 13478-00-7 500 Gms 1914 Part A 28342990 18 RT 1313-99-1 1313-99-1 10101-98-1 10101-98-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1892 8343 1236 2163 28254000 28254000 28332400 28332400 10101-98-1 100 Gms 773 Part A 28332400 18 RT 10101-98-1 500 Gms 2472 Part A 28332400 18 RT 10101-97-0 10101-97-0 10101-97-0 59-67-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 59-67-6 500 Gms 8005-03-6 8005-03-6 11099-03-9 11099-03-9 2381-85-3 3625-57-8 3625-57-8 7385-67-3 7385-67-3 485-47-2 485-47-2 485-47-2 485-47-2 485-47-2 485-47-2 139-13-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 48081 Nitrilotriacetic Acid (NTA) extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 139-13-9 500 Gms 15319 34003 99409 69114 o-Nitroaniline extrapure, 99% m-Nitroaniline extrapure, 99% p-Nitroaniline extrapure, 98% p-Nitroaniline (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 88-74-4 99-09-2 100-01-6 100-01-6 250 Gms 250 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 69114 p-Nitroaniline (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 100-01-6 100 Gms 55410 55410 75010 75010 40208 98-95-3 98-95-3 98-95-3 98-95-3 98-95-3 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml Nitrobenzene pure, 98% Nitrobenzene pure, 98% Nitrobenzene extrapure AR, 99% Nitrobenzene extrapure AR, 99% Nitrobenzene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Page 63 of 321 Price 515 2163 20600 380 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 1400 Part A 160 470 178 485 107 1222 739 1499 4329 34386 579 1224 4228 724 1502 4450 210 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 820 Part A 657 1558 595 301 Part A Part A Part A Part A 777 Part A 412 1610 473 1833 512 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28332400 28332400 28332400 29362920 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29362920 18 RT 32041978 32041978 32041231 32041231 38220090 38220090 32041359 32041359 29223900 29223900 29142990 29142990 29142990 29142990 29142990 29142990 29224990 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29224990 18 RT 29214190 29214225 29214226 29214226 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT 29214226 18 RT 29042010 29042010 29042010 29042010 29042010 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 40208 Nitrobenzene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 98-95-3 2500 ml 1944 Part A 29042010 18 RT 20509 20509 20509 50337 25170 Nitromethane ACS, 98% Nitromethane ACS, 98% Nitromethane ACS, 98% p-Nitrophenol pure, 98% p-Nitrophenol (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 75-52-5 75-52-5 75-52-5 100-02-7 100-02-7 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 25 Gms 945 1665 3885 835 369 29042090 29042090 29042090 29071190 29071190 25170 p-Nitrophenol (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 100-02-7 100 Gms 1055 Part A 29071190 18 RT 25170 p-Nitrophenol (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 100-02-7 500 Gms 4673 Part A 29071190 18 RT 59687 p-Nitrophenol (High Purity) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 59687 p-Nitrophenol (High Purity) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 49301 p-Nitrophenol for Spectrophotometry, 99.5% 49301 p-Nitrophenol for Spectrophotometry, 99.5% 54373 Nonane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 98% 54373 Nonane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 98% 67956 Octane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 67956 Octane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 67956 Octane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 72554 Octane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% 72554 Octane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% 72554 Octane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% 38732 n-Octyl Alcohol pure, 98% 38732 n-Octyl Alcohol pure, 98% 52761 Octyl Sulphate Sodium Salt for HPLC, 99% 52761 Octyl Sulphate Sodium Salt for HPLC, 99% 87572 Oleic Acid extrapure 87572 Oleic Acid extrapure 28460 Oleic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 28460 Oleic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 87519 Oleylamine pure, 95% 87519 Oleylamine pure, 95% 87519 Oleylamine pure, 95% 79576 Olive Oil 79576 Olive Oil 79576 Olive Oil 13756 Orange G 13756 Orange G 100-02-7 25 Gms 424 Part A 29071190 18 RT 100-02-7 100 Gms 1166 Part A 29071190 18 RT 100-02-7 100-02-7 35192-74-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 1669 Part A 4228 Part A 2690 Part A 29071190 18 RT 29071190 18 RT 29041090 18 RT 35192-74-6 25 Gms 12320 Part A 29041090 18 RT 5324-84-5 25 Gms 1100 Part A 29041090 18 RT 5324-84-5 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 5324-84-5 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207596-29-0 25 Gms 1100 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207596-29-0 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207596-29-0 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 111-87-5 111-87-5 142-31-4 142-31-4 112-80-1 112-80-1 112-80-1 112-80-1 112-90-3 112-90-3 112-90-3 8001-25-0 8001-25-0 8001-25-0 1936-15-8 1936-15-8 500 ml 2500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 912 3941 2137 9064 441 1824 1648 3914 646 2165 4661 637 1238 3958 232 739 29051690 29051690 29209099 29209099 29161590 29161590 29161590 29161590 29211990 29211990 29211990 15099090 15099090 15099090 32049000 32049000 Page 64 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number Stor age 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 5 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 66366 Orcinol Anhydrous extrapure (3,5dihydroxytoluene), 99% 66366 Orcinol Anhydrous extrapure (3,5dihydroxytoluene), 99% 66366 Orcinol Anhydrous extrapure (3,5dihydroxytoluene), 99% 49330 Orcinol Monohydrate extrapure (3,5dihydroxytoluene monohydrate), 99% 49330 Orcinol Monohydrate extrapure (3,5dihydroxytoluene monohydrate), 99% 49330 Orcinol Monohydrate extrapure (3,5dihydroxytoluene monohydrate), 99% 36916 Orcinol Monohydrate ExiPlus™ (3,5dihydroxytoluene monohydrate), 99% 36916 Orcinol Monohydrate ExiPlus™ (3,5dihydroxytoluene monohydrate), 99% 36916 Orcinol Monohydrate ExiPlus™ (3,5dihydroxytoluene monohydrate), 99% 36678 Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure, 85% 36678 Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure, 85% 36678 Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure, 85% 50056 Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 85% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 504-15-4 5 Gms 1499 Part A 29072100 18 RT 504-15-4 25 Gms 3773 Part A 29072100 18 RT 504-15-4 100 Gms 9430 Part A 29072100 18 RT 6153-39-5 10 Gms 888 Part A 29072100 18 RT 6153-39-5 25 Gms 2109 Part A 29072100 18 RT 6153-39-5 100 Gms 6546 Part A 29072100 18 RT 6153-39-5 10 Gms 1089 Part A 29072100 18 RT 6153-39-5 25 Gms 2443 Part A 29072100 18 RT 6153-39-5 100 Gms 6990 Part A 29072100 18 RT 7664-38-2 7664-38-2 7664-38-2 7664-38-2 500 ml 2500 ml 20 Ltr 500 ml 50056 Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 85% 7664-38-2 2500 ml 2997 Part A 28092010 18 RT 83577 Osmic Acid extrapure, 99% 40510 Oxalic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% 72425 Oxalic Acid Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 64056 Palladium (II) Acetate (Palladium Diacetate) extrapure, 99%, 47% Pd 64056 Palladium (II) Acetate (Palladium Diacetate) extrapure, 99%, 47% Pd 64056 Palladium (II) Acetate (Palladium Diacetate) extrapure, 99%, 47% Pd 59548 Palladium (II) Acetylacetonate (Pd(acac)2) extrapure, 34.7% Pd 59548 Palladium (II) Acetylacetonate (Pd(acac)2) extrapure, 34.7% Pd 69263 Palladium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl 33080 Palladium (II) Chloride pure, 99%, 59-60% Pd 33080 Palladium (II) Chloride pure, 99%, 59-60% Pd 33080 Palladium (II) Chloride pure, 99%, 59-60% Pd 96917 Palladium (II) Chloride ACS, ExiPlus™, 99%, 59-60% Pd 96917 Palladium (II) Chloride ACS, ExiPlus™, 99%, 59-60% Pd 96917 Palladium (II) Chloride ACS, ExiPlus™, 99%, 59-60% Pd 19694 Palladium (II) Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure, 99%, 40% Pd 20816-12-0 6153-56-6 6153-56-6 1 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 7000 Part A 346 Part A 390 Part A 28259090 18 RT 29171110 18 RT 29171110 18 RT 3375-31-3 250 Mg 3050 Part A 28439019 18 RT 3375-31-3 1 Gms 11800 Part A 28439019 18 RT 3375-31-3 5 Gms 56000 Part A 28439019 18 RT 14024-61-4 250 Mg 3200 Part A 28439019 18 8-25C 14024-61-4 1 Gms 9800 Part A 28439019 18 8-25C 7647-10-1 7647-10-1 7647-10-1 7647-10-1 250 ml 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 7647-10-1 1 Gms 16200 Part A 28439019 18 RT 7647-10-1 5 Gms 75000 Part A 28439019 18 RT 32916-07-7 250 Mg 2700 Part A 28439019 18 RT Page 65 of 321 512 2053 14346 646 4074 3800 15500 72000 3950 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28092010 28092010 28092010 28092010 38220090 28439019 28439019 28439019 28439019 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 19694 Palladium (II) Nitrate Dihydrate extrapure, 99%, 40% Pd 92345 Palladium 5% On Asbestos 92345 Palladium 5% On Asbestos 57033 Palladium 10% On Asbestos 57033 Palladium 10% On Asbestos 44002 Palladium 5% On Activated Charcoal 44002 Palladium 5% On Activated Charcoal 45685 Palladium 5% On Activated Charcoal (50% wet) 32916-07-7 1 Gms 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 1 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 45685 Palladium 5% On Activated Charcoal (50% wet) 7440-05-3 10 Gms 8500 Part A 38151210 18 RT 52944 Palladium 10% On Activated Charcoal 52944 Palladium 10% On Activated Charcoal 46494 Palladium 10% On Activated Charcoal (50% wet) 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 1 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 3200 Part A 24000 Part A 1800 Part A 38151210 18 RT 38151210 18 RT 38151210 18 RT 46494 Palladium 10% On Activated Charcoal (50% wet) 7440-05-3 10 Gms 12000 Part A 38151210 18 RT 3000 14000 6000 23000 3776 14000 320 38151900 38151900 28259090 28259090 28439019 28439019 27129090 40822 40822 32049 32049 81249 81249 18211 18211 79167 79167 86715 Palladium 10% on Calcium Carbonate 7440-05-3 1 Gms Palladium 10% on Calcium Carbonate 7440-05-3 5 Gms Palladium (II) Oxide pure, 85% Pd 1314-08-5 250 Mg Palladium (II) Oxide pure, 85% Pd 1314-08-5 1 Gms Palladium (II) Sulphate extrapure, 99% 13566-03-5 250 Mg Palladium (II) Sulphate extrapure, 99% 13566-03-5 1 Gms Paraffin Liquid Light (Mineral Oil Light) extrapure,8012-95-1, 8042-47-5 500 ml 25-80mPas Paraffin Liquid Light (Mineral Oil Light) extrapure,8012-95-1, 8042-47-5 2500 ml 25-80mPas Paraffin Liquid Heavy (Mineral Oil Heavy) 8012-95-1, 8042-47-5 500 ml extrapure, 110-23mPas Paraffin Liquid Heavy (Mineral Oil Heavy) 8012-95-1, 8042-47-5 2500 ml extrapure, 110-23mPas Paraffin Wax Pellets (Type 1 - 56-58) extrapure 8002-74-2 500 Gms 10000 Part A 28439019 18 RT 2200 10000 2800 18000 1800 12000 1200 38151290 38151290 38151290 38151290 38151210 38151210 38151210 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 1150 Part A 27129090 18 RT 370 Part A 27129090 18 RT 1450 Part A 27129090 18 RT 390 Part A 27129090 18 RT 86715 Paraffin Wax Pellets (Type 1 - 56-58) extrapure 8002-74-2 1000 Gms 724 Part A 27129090 18 RT 47994 Paraffin Wax Pellets (Type 2 - 58-60) extrapure 8002-74-2 500 Gms 390 Part A 27129090 18 RT 47994 Paraffin Wax Pellets (Type 2 - 58-60) extrapure 8002-74-2 1000 Gms 724 Part A 27129090 18 RT 84381 Paraffin Wax Pellets (Type 3 - 60-62) extrapure 8002-74-2 500 Gms 390 Part A 27129090 18 RT 84381 Paraffin Wax Pellets (Type 3 - 60-62) extrapure 8002-74-2 1000 Gms 724 Part A 27129090 18 RT 74193 74193 60536 45057 45057 45057 96096 8002-74-2 8002-74-2 8002-74-2 9000-69-5 9000-69-5 9000-69-5 109-66-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 ml Paraffin Wax White Soft pure Paraffin Wax White Soft pure Paraffin Yellow pure Pectin pure Pectin pure Pectin pure n-Pentane extrapure, 99% Page 66 of 321 164 401 564 750 3500 6000 550 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 27129090 27129090 27129090 13022000 13022000 13022000 29011000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 96096 96096 41730 41730 94510 94510 49135 49135 47040 47040 18486 18486 18486 90760 90760 90760 26312 26312 11778 11778 26440 26440 58415 58415 58415 36651 36651 15340 15340 15340 15590 15590 52226 52226 69031 69031 69031 17080 Product Name n-Pentane extrapure, 99% n-Pentane extrapure, 99% n-Pentane extrapure AR, 99% n-Pentane extrapure AR, 99% n-Pentane extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% n-Pentane extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% n-Pentane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99% n-Pentane for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99% 1,2-Pentanediol pure, 98% 1,2-Pentanediol pure, 98% Pentane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Pentane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Pentane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% Pentane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Pentane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Pentane Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% Periodic Acid extrapure, 99% Periodic Acid extrapure, 99% Petroleum Ether 40-60 extrapure Petroleum Ether 40-60 extrapure Petroleum Ether 40-60 extrapure AR Petroleum Ether 40-60 extrapure AR Petroleum Ether 60-80 pure Petroleum Ether 60-80 pure Petroleum Ether 60-80 pure Petroleum Ether 60-80 extrapure AR Petroleum Ether 60-80 extrapure AR Petroleum Ether 60-80 for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy Petroleum Ether 60-80 for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy Petroleum Ether 60-80 for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy Petroleum Ether 80-100 pure Petroleum Ether 80-100 pure Petroleum Ether 100-120 extrapure Petroleum Ether 100-120 extrapure Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) pH 8.0 for molecular biology Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) pH 8.0 for molecular biology Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) pH 8.0 for molecular biology Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (125:24:1) pH 4.5 for molecular biology Date :16-04-2021 Packing 109-66-0 109-66-0 109-66-0 109-66-0 109-66-0 109-66-0 109-66-0 109-66-0 5343-92-0 5343-92-0 22767-49-3 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 25 ml 250 ml 25 Gms 22767-49-3 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 22767-49-3 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207605-40-1 25 Gms 1100 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207605-40-1 100 Gms 4000 Part A 29041090 18 RT 207605-40-1 250 Gms 9800 Part A 29041090 18 RT 10450-60-9 10450-60-9 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 700 2550 440 1833 497 2082 301 1135 9631 346 1265 556 28111990 28111990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 8032-32-4 1000 ml 1000 Part A 27101990 18 RT 8032-32-4 2500 ml 2331 Part A 27101990 18 RT 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 8032-32-4 136112-00-0 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 364 1466 380 1388 1320 27101990 27101990 27101990 27101990 38220090 136112-00-0 250 ml 2997 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 136112-00-0 500 ml 4074 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 100 ml 2448 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C Page 67 of 321 Price 2600 22000 640 2800 700 3000 1100 1800 2443 11648 1100 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29011000 29053990 29053990 29041090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 17080 Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (125:24:1) pH 4.5 for molecular biology 79030 Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (49.5:49.5:1) pH 6.7 for molecular biology 79030 Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (49.5:49.5:1) pH 6.7 for molecular biology 36976 Phenol:Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol (49.5:49.5:1) pH 8.0 for molecular biology 36976 Phenol:Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol (49.5:49.5:1) pH 8.0 for molecular biology 28104 Phenol Crystalline pure, 99% 28104 Phenol Crystalline pure, 99% 28104 Phenol Crystalline pure, 99% 14892 Phenol Crystalline extrapure AR, 99.5% 14892 Phenol Crystalline extrapure AR, 99.5% 97745 Phenol Crystalline extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 97745 Phenol Crystalline extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 17286 Phenol Crystalline for molecular biology, 99.5% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 500 ml 8343 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 100 ml 2559 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 500 ml 8788 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 100 ml 2670 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 500 ml 9456 Part A 38220090 12 2-8C 108-95-2 108-95-2 108-95-2 108-95-2 108-95-2 108-95-2 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 500 Gms 108-95-2 2.5 Kg 2700 Part A 29071110 18 8-25C 108-95-2 100 Gms 400 Part A 29071110 18 2-8C 17286 Phenol Crystalline for molecular biology, 99.5% 108-95-2 500 Gms 1500 Part A 29071110 18 2-8C 47484 Phenol Equilibrated with 0.1M Citrate Buffer pH 4.5 for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer 47484 Phenol Equilibrated with 0.1M Citrate Buffer pH 4.5 for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer 12692 Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer 12692 Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer 12692 Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer 78348 Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/o Stabilizer 78348 Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/o Stabilizer 83275 Phenol Saturated w/ 10% water for molecular biology (Phenol Liquid w/ 10% water), 90% 108-95-2 100 ml 933 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 500 ml 3782 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 60 ml 1281 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 100 ml 1747 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 500 ml 4770 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 100 ml 1747 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 500 ml 4770 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 108-95-2 100 ml 786 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 83275 Phenol Saturated w/ 10% water for molecular biology (Phenol Liquid w/ 10% water), 90% 108-95-2 500 ml 2793 Part A 29071190 18 2-8C 90179 90179 90179 74785 Phenolphthalein extrapure AR, 99% Phenolphthalein extrapure AR, 99% Phenolphthalein extrapure AR, 99% Phenolphthalein extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 77-09-8 77-09-8 77-09-8 77-09-8 50 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 350 540 2592 648 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 74785 Phenolphthalein extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 77-09-8 500 Gms 2754 Part A Page 68 of 321 497 2300 18900 561 2500 620 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29071110 29071110 29071110 29071110 29071110 29071110 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT 38220090 12 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 79563 Phenolphthalein Indicator 1% Soln in Ethanol 77-09-8 125 ml 145 Part A 38220090 12 RT 79563 Phenolphthalein Indicator 1% Soln in Ethanol 77-09-8 500 ml 400 Part A 38220090 12 RT 48758 90817 90817 68313 68313 59462 Phenolphthalein Indicator Papers Phenol Red Phenol Red Phenol Red ACS, ExiPlus™ Phenol Red ACS, ExiPlus™ Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS (water soluble), 95% 143-74-8 143-74-8 143-74-8 143-74-8 34487-61-1 10 Books 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 59462 Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS (water soluble), 95% 34487-61-1 25 Gms 594 Part A 32049000 18 RT 59462 Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS (water soluble), 95% 34487-61-1 100 Gms 2268 Part A 32049000 18 RT 40919 40919 40919 67602 67602 85081 85081 85081 85081 85081 40170 40170 40170 30319 673-06-3 673-06-3 673-06-3 150-30-1 150-30-1 63-91-2 63-91-2 63-91-2 63-91-2 63-91-2 63-91-2 63-91-2 63-91-2 1806-34-4 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 400 1600 6000 646 2204 135 313 945 3496 6713 990 3629 6990 3296 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29349900 1806-34-4 25 Gms 100-63-0 100-63-0 100-63-0 100-63-0 100-63-0 59-88-1 59-88-1 59-88-1 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 12109 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 99% 59-88-1 250 Gms 2200 Part A 29280090 18 RT 26892 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 26892 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 64732 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride Superior extrapure AR, 99% 64732 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride Superior extrapure AR, 99% 59-88-1 100 Gms 1216 Part A 29280090 18 RT 59-88-1 250 Gms 2835 Part A 29280090 18 RT 59-88-1 5 Gms 824 Part A 29280090 18 RT 59-88-1 100 Gms 2163 Part A 29280090 18 RT 30319 64975 64975 64975 31804 31804 40555 40555 12109 D-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% D-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% D-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Phenylalanine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Phenylalanine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Phenylalanine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Phenylalanine ExiPlus™, 99% 1,4-bis(5-Phenyloxazol-2-yl) Benzene (POPOP) scintillation grade 1,4-bis(5-Phenyloxazol-2-yl) Benzene (POPOP) scintillation grade Phenylhydrazine pure, 98% Phenylhydrazine pure, 98% Phenylhydrazine pure, 98% Phenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% Phenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride pure, 99% Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride pure, 99% Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 99% Page 69 of 321 329 485 1698 547 1916 206 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 11759 Part A 29349900 18 RT 668 3171 14684 1444 5328 695 1563 926 29280090 29280090 29280090 29280090 29280090 29215990 29215990 29280090 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Packing Stor age 138-24-9 100 Gms 567 Part A 29239000 18 RT 28022 Phenyltrimethylammonium Chloride (PTMAC) pure, 97% 28022 Phenyltrimethylammonium Chloride (PTMAC) pure, 97% 82322 Phosphomolybdic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 138-24-9 500 Gms 2575 Part A 29239000 18 RT 51429-74-4 25 Gms 1000 Part A 28111990 18 RT 82322 Phosphomolybdic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 51429-74-4 100 Gms 3200 Part A 28111990 18 RT 78861 Phosphorous Acid Crystals (Phosphonic Acid) extrapure, 99% 78861 Phosphorous Acid Crystals (Phosphonic Acid) extrapure, 99% 72656 Phosphorus Red pure 97% 80653 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate extrapure 80653 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate extrapure 80653 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate extrapure 57855 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate extrapure AR 57855 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate extrapure AR 57855 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate extrapure AR 67397 Phthalic Acid pure, 99% 32624 Phthalic Anhydride pure, 97% 44745 Phytic Acid Sodium Salt Hydrate (InsP6) extrapure, 70% 44745 Phytic Acid Sodium Salt Hydrate (InsP6) extrapure, 70% 94847 Picric Acid extrapure, 99% 94847 Picric Acid extrapure, 99% 47998 Picric Acid extrapure AR, 99.8% 47998 Picric Acid extrapure AR, 99.8% 16462 Platinum (IV) Oxide Hydrate extrapure, 76-80% Pt 13598-36-2 500 Gms 557 Part A 28111990 18 RT 13598-36-2 2.5 Kg 2003 Part A 28111990 18 RT 7723-14-0 12501-23-4 12501-23-4 12501-23-4 12501-23-4 12501-23-4 12501-23-4 88-99-3 85-44-9 17211-15-3 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 17211-15-3 25 Gms 88-89-1 88-89-1 88-89-1 88-89-1 52785-06-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Mg 16462 Platinum (IV) Oxide Hydrate extrapure, 76-80% Pt 52785-06-5 1 Gms 41175 41175 79133 87919 61213 30970 30970 30970 76937 67429 26029 64651 46505 75727 75727 75727 33817 9000-55-9 9000-55-9 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25322-68-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 100 Gms Podophyllum Resin pure Podophyllum Resin pure Polyethylene Glycol 400 (PEG 400) Polyethylene Glycol 400 (PEG 400) ExiPlus Polyethylene Glycol 3350 (PEG 3350) ExiPlus Polyethylene Glycol 4000 (PEG 4000) Polyethylene Glycol 4000 (PEG 4000) Polyethylene Glycol 4000 (PEG 4000) Polyethylene Glycol 4000 (PEG 4000) ExiPlus Polyethylene Glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) Polyethylene Glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) ExiPlus Polyethylene Glycol 9000 (PEG 9000) Polyethylene Glycol 9000 (PEG 9000) ExiPlus Polyethylene Glycol 20000 (PEG 20000) Polyethylene Glycol 20000 (PEG 20000) Polyethylene Glycol 20000 (PEG 20000) Polyethylene Glycol 20000 (PEG 20000) ExiPlus Page 70 of 321 2157 612 2058 10012 834 2774 12203 501 386 3233 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 14539 Part A 334 945 401 1278 4200 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28047020 28419000 28419000 28419000 28419000 28419000 28419000 29173930 29173500 29199090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29199090 18 RT 29089990 29089990 29089990 29089990 28259090 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT 13400 Part A 28259090 18 RT 5244 15724 456 535 745 456 4450 21136 546 501 591 1109 1333 1055 5216 9984 1222 13019029 13019029 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 29054290 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 33817 Polyethylene Glycol 20000 (PEG 20000) ExiPlus 25322-68-3 500 Gms 41098 41098 28599 28599 28599 33712 23610 65296 Polyphosphoric Acid extrapure, 83-85% Polyphosphoric Acid extrapure, 83-85% Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) extrapure Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) extrapure Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) extrapure Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) for tissue culture Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) ExiPlus Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) for molecular biology 8017-16-1 8017-16-1 9005-64-5 9005-64-5 9005-64-5 9005-64-5 9005-64-5 9005-64-5 500 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 65296 Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) for molecular biology 9005-64-5 500 Gms 31453 62539 12502 12502 86878 28940 28940 28940 95188 95188 95188 41030 41030 41030 65155 65155 44333 44333 79156 40480 Polysorbate 40 (Tween 40) extrapure Polysorbate 40 (Tween 40) ExiPlus Polysorbate 60 (Tween 60) extrapure Polysorbate 60 (Tween 60) extrapure Polysorbate 60 (Tween 60) ExiPlus Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) extrapure Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) extrapure Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) extrapure Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) ExiPlus Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) ExiPlus Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) ExiPlus Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30) Commercial Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30) Commercial Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30) Commercial Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30) ExiPlus™ Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30) ExiPlus™ Potassium Acetate pure, 99% Potassium Acetate pure, 99% Potassium Acetate extrapure AR, 99% Potassium Acetate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 96248 Potassium Acetate for molecular biology, 99.5% 9005-66-7 9005-66-7 9005-67-8 9005-67-8 9005-67-8 9005-65-6 9005-65-6 9005-65-6 9005-65-6 9005-65-6 9005-65-6 9003-39-8 9003-39-8 9003-39-8 9003-39-8 9003-39-8 127-08-2 127-08-2 127-08-2 127-08-2 250 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 127-08-2 100 Gms 702 Part A 29152990 18 RT 96248 Potassium Acetate for molecular biology, 99.5% 127-08-2 500 Gms 1512 Part A 29152990 18 RT 81955 81955 99644 80823 80823 66453 25707 127-08-2 127-08-2 7758-01-2 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 800 1800 927 646 6119 758 946 29152990 29152990 28299020 28275120 28275120 28275120 28275120 7758-02-3 100 Gms 3706 Part A 28275120 18 RT 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 1441 Part A 262 Part A 485 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 87005 93649 93649 Potassium Acetate for tissue culture, 99.5% Potassium Acetate for tissue culture, 99.5% Potassium Bromate pure, 99.5% Potassium Bromide pure, 98.5% Potassium Bromide pure, 98.5% Potassium Bromide extrapure AR, 99.5% Potassium Bromide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Potassium Bromide Powder for IR & FTIR spectroscopy, 99.5% Potassium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl Potassium Bromide 0.1M Solution Potassium Bromide 0.1M Solution Page 71 of 321 Price Part 5658 Part A 768 3219 777 3399 30591 1057 945 1444 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 2331 Part A 556 1000 435 969 1101 834 6119 27810 955 7231 34485 378 1508 43200 420 2000 438 3900 600 680 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 13873 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Stor age 29054290 18 RT 28092020 28092020 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 34021900 18 RT 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 34021900 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29152990 29152990 29152990 29152990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 7758-02-3 298-14-6 298-14-6 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 285 529 306 552 439 663 87272 Potassium Carbonate anhydrous extrapure, 99% 584-08-7 500 Gms 357 Part A 28364000 18 RT 87272 Potassium Carbonate anhydrous extrapure, 99% 584-08-7 5 Kg 3115 Part A 28364000 18 RT 83342 Potassium Carbonate anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 83342 Potassium Carbonate anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 38630 Potassium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5% 38630 Potassium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5% 38630 Potassium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5% 50016 Potassium Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 50016 Potassium Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 84984 Potassium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.5% 584-08-7 500 Gms 412 Part A 28364000 18 RT 584-08-7 5 Kg 3560 Part A 28364000 18 RT 7447-40-7 7447-40-7 7447-40-7 7447-40-7 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 280 2100 9800 310 28273990 28273990 28273990 28273990 7447-40-7 5 Kg 2400 Part A 28273990 18 RT 7447-40-7 500 Gms 820 Part A 28273990 18 RT 84984 Potassium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.5% 7447-40-7 1 Kg 1250 Part A 28273990 18 RT 71088 84390 93448 31751 Potassium Chloride for tissue culture, 99.5% Potassium Chromate pure, 99% Potassium Chromate extrapure AR, 99.5% Potassium Chromate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 49890 Potassium Citrate extrapure AR, 99% 74176 Potassium Citrate extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 7447-40-7 7789-00-6 7789-00-6 7789-00-6 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 700 842 909 1010 28273990 28415090 28415090 28415090 6100-05-6 6100-05-6 500 Gms 500 Gms 451 Part A 519 Part A 29181510 18 RT 29181510 18 RT 13250 Potassium Dichromate pure, 99.5% 80233 Potassium Dichromate extrapure AR, 99.9% 55353 Potassium Dichromate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 52403 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate pure, 99% 7778-50-9 7778-50-9 7778-50-9 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 898 Part A 921 Part A 1066 Part A 28415090 18 RT 28415090 18 RT 28415090 18 RT 7778-77-0 500 Gms 451 Part A 28352400 18 RT 52403 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate pure, 99% 7778-77-0 5 Kg 4146 Part A 28352400 18 RT 52403 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate pure, 99% 7778-77-0 25 Kg 18911 Part A 28352400 18 RT 50451 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate extrapure AR, 99.5% 50451 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate extrapure AR, 99.5% 78297 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 7778-77-0 500 Gms 552 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 5 Kg 5266 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 500 Gms 630 Part A 28352400 18 RT Potassium Bromide 0.5M Solution Potassium Bromide 0.5M Solution Potassium Bromide 1M Solution Potassium Bromide 1M Solution Potassium Bicarbonate extrapure, 99% Potassium Bicarbonate AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% Page 72 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 79982 79982 29988 29988 24794 57674 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28369990 28369990 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 78297 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 54358 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for molecular biology, 99.5% 54358 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for molecular biology, 99.5% 54358 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for molecular biology, 99.5% 30955 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.5% 30955 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.5% 32360 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for tissue culture, 99.5% 32360 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for tissue culture, 99.5% 32360 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for tissue culture, 99.5% 77012 Potassium Ethyl Xanthate (PEX) extrapure, 98% 7778-77-0 5 Kg 5881 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 250 Gms 709 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 500 Gms 1252 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 5 Kg 7743 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 500 Gms 900 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 5 Kg 8750 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 500 Gms 835 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 1 Kg 1502 Part A 28352400 18 RT 7778-77-0 5 Kg 6786 Part A 28352400 18 RT 140-89-6 100 Gms 854 Part A 29309099 18 RT 77012 Potassium Ethyl Xanthate (PEX) extrapure, 98% 140-89-6 500 Gms 2348 Part A 29309099 18 RT Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure, 98% Potassium Ferricyanide ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Potassium Ferricyanide ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Potassium Ferrocyanide extrapure AR, 99% Potassium Ferrocyanide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 97535 Potassium Fluoride Anhydrous pure, 97% 91489 Potassium Hexachloroplatinate (IV) pure, 40% Pt 13746-66-2 13746-66-2 13746-66-2 14459-95-1 14459-95-1 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1261 1290 2186 974 1078 28372020 28372020 28372020 28372030 28372030 7789-23-3 16921-30-5 500 Gms 250 Mg 966 Part A 2100 Part A 28261990 18 RT 28439019 18 RT 91489 Potassium Hexachloroplatinate (IV) pure, 40% Pt 16921-30-5 1 Gms 6800 Part A 28439019 18 RT 91489 Potassium Hexachloroplatinate (IV) pure, 40% Pt 16921-30-5 5 Gms 32500 Part A 28439019 18 RT 42414 Potassium Hexafluorophosphate extrapure, 99% 17084-13-8 25 Gms 835 Part A 28269000 18 RT 42414 Potassium Hexafluorophosphate extrapure, 99% 17084-13-8 100 Gms 1947 Part A 28269000 18 RT 42414 Potassium Hexafluorophosphate extrapure, 99% 17084-13-8 500 Gms 9178 Part A 28269000 18 RT 40180 40180 40180 37466 37466 80633 16919-27-0 16919-27-0 16919-27-0 16923-95-8 16923-95-8 877-24-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1066 2354 8402 1066 2131 651 28269000 28269000 28269000 28269000 28269000 29173990 877-24-7 500 Gms 15766 59558 59558 32294 12914 Potassium Hexafluorotitanate pure, 98% Potassium Hexafluorotitanate pure, 98% Potassium Hexafluorotitanate pure, 98% Potassium Hexafluorozirconate pure, 97% Potassium Hexafluorozirconate pure, 97% Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate extrapure AR, 99.9% 29467 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% Page 73 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 696 Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29173990 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 877-24-7 500 Gms 800 Part A 29173990 18 RT 7646-93-7 500 Gms 400 Part A 28332990 18 RT 7646-93-7 500 Gms 580 Part A 28332990 18 RT 868-14-4 1310-58-3 1310-58-3 1310-58-3 1310-58-3 500 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 78269 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, 85% 1310-58-3 1 Kg 909 Part A 28152000 18 RT 78269 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, 85% 1310-58-3 5 Kg 3469 Part A 28152000 18 RT 18543 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% 18543 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% 26035 Potassium Hydroxide Powder extrapure, 85%, 80100 mesh 26035 Potassium Hydroxide Powder extrapure, 85%, 80100 mesh 26035 Potassium Hydroxide Powder extrapure, 85%, 80100 mesh 67864 Potassium Iodate pure, 99.5% 11041 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, 99.9% 11041 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, 99.9% 11041 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, 99.9% 11041 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, 99.9% 10809 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 10809 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 10809 Potassium Iodate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 78240 Potassium Iodide pure, 99% 78240 Potassium Iodide pure, 99% 78240 Potassium Iodide pure, 99% 78240 Potassium Iodide pure, 99% 27874 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, 99.8% 27874 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, 99.8% 27874 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, 99.8% 27874 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, 99.8% 97028 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 97028 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 97028 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 1310-58-3 500 Gms 534 Part A 28152000 18 RT 1310-58-3 5 Kg 3841 Part A 28152000 18 RT 1310-58-3 500 Gms 354 Part A 28152000 18 RT 1310-58-3 1 Kg 663 Part A 28152000 18 RT 1310-58-3 5 Kg 2881 Part A 28152000 18 RT 7758-05-6 7758-05-6 7758-05-6 7758-05-6 7758-05-6 7758-05-6 100 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 100 Gms 7758-05-6 49017 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 65031 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate (Potassium Bisulphate) pure, 99% 10942 Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 76131 Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate pure, 98% 84749 Potassium Hydroxide pellets extrapure, 85% 84749 Potassium Hydroxide pellets extrapure, 85% 84749 Potassium Hydroxide pellets extrapure, 85% 78269 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, 85% Price 1055 374 621 2829 482 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code 29181390 28152000 28152000 28152000 28152000 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 28299030A 28299030A 28299030A 28299030A 28299030A 28299030A 12 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT 250 Gms 2503 Part A 28299030A 12 RT 7758-05-6 500 Gms 4673 Part A 28299030A 12 RT 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 435 1280 3115 5785 501 1447 3282 5952 612 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 7681-11-0 100 Gms 1669 Part A 28276010 18 RT 7681-11-0 250 Gms 3671 Part A 28276010 18 RT Page 74 of 321 890 1002 2337 4561 22248 1335 Part % CAS Number Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28276010 28276010 28276010 28276010 28276010 28276010 28276010 28276010 28276010 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 97028 Potassium Iodide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 11677 Potassium Iodide 0.1M Solution 11677 Potassium Iodide 0.1M Solution 74567 Potassium Iodide 1M Solution 74567 Potassium Iodide 1M Solution 26645 Potassium Iodide 3M Solution 26645 Potassium Iodide 3M Solution 39535 Potassium Hexaiodoplatinate (IV) pure, 18-19% Pt 7681-11-0 500 Gms 6397 Part A 28276010 18 RT 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 7681-11-0 16905-14-9 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 250 Mg 663 1280 1275 2443 3282 6119 1800 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28439019 39535 Potassium Hexaiodoplatinate (IV) pure, 18-19% Pt 16905-14-9 1 Gms 93842 13413 13413 86742 4429-42-9 7790-21-8 7790-21-8 7790-21-8 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 4600 Part A 28439019 18 RT 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 410 1430 6589 1650 28322010 28299030 28299030 28299030 7790-21-8 500 Gms 7220 Part A 28299030 18 RT 6487-48-5 6487-48-5 500 Gms 500 Gms 458 Part A 507 Part A 29171190 18 RT 29171190 18 RT 6487-48-5 500 Gms 529 Part A 29171190 18 RT 7722-64-7 7722-64-7 7722-64-7 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 613 Part A 4800 Part A 668 Part A 28416100 18 RT 28416100 18 RT 28416100 18 RT 51470 Potassium Permanganate extrapure AR, 99.5% 7722-64-7 5 Kg 5800 Part A 28416100 18 RT 26500 Potassium Permanganate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 26500 Potassium Permanganate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 10322 Potassium Persulphate extrapure, 97% 52254 Potassium Persulphate extrapure AR, 98% 48319 Potassium Persulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 90654 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous pure, 99% 27387 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 31964 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 41295 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous for HPLC, 99.5% 57419 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous for tissue culture, 99% 15914 Potassium Phosphate Tribasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 37423 Potassium Pyroantimonate extrapure, 98% 7722-64-7 500 Gms 724 Part A 28416100 18 RT 7722-64-7 5 Kg 6000 Part A 28416100 18 RT 7727-21-1 7727-21-1 7727-21-1 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 470 Part A 550 Part A 600 Part A 28334000 18 2-8C 28334000 18 2-8C 28334000 18 2-8C 7758-11-4 500 Gms 540 Part A 28352990 18 RT 7758-11-4 500 Gms 704 Part A 28352990 18 RT 7758-11-4 500 Gms 760 Part A 28352990 18 RT 7758-11-4 500 Gms 1210 Part A 28352990 18 RT 7758-11-4 500 Gms 1224 Part A 28352990 18 RT 7778-53-2 500 Gms 979 Part A 28352990 18 RT 12208-13-8 100 Gms 673 Part A 28419000 18 RT 86742 77407 43176 40707 36903 36903 51470 Potassium Metabisulphite pure, 95% Potassium Periodate extrapure AR, 99.8% Potassium Periodate extrapure AR, 99.8% Potassium Periodate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% Potassium Periodate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% Potassium Oxalate Monohydrate pure, 99% Potassium Oxalate Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% Potassium Oxalate Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% Potassium Permanganate extrapure, 99% Potassium Permanganate extrapure, 99% Potassium Permanganate extrapure AR, 99.5% Page 75 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 37423 Potassium Pyroantimonate extrapure, 98% 94527 Potassium Pyroantimonate extrapure AR, 99% 12208-13-8 12208-13-8 500 Gms 100 Gms 3081 Part A 842 Part A 28419000 18 RT 28419000 18 RT 94527 Potassium Pyroantimonate extrapure AR, 99% 12208-13-8 500 Gms 3474 Part A 28419000 18 RT 50862 50862 86344 86344 44277 52182 26253 73900 Potassium Pyrophosphate extrapure, 98% Potassium Pyrophosphate extrapure, 98% Potassium Ricinoleate extrapure Potassium Ricinoleate extrapure Potassium Sulphate extrapure, 99% Potassium Sulphate for tissue culture, 99% Potassium Sulphate extrapure AR, 99.5% Potassium Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 66691 Potassium Tellurite Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7320-34-5 7320-34-5 7492-30-0 7492-30-0 7778-80-5 7778-80-5 7778-80-5 7778-80-5 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 7790-58-1 10 Gms 1648 Part A 28429010 18 RT 66691 Potassium Tellurite Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7790-58-1 25 Gms 3078 Part A 28429010 18 RT 66691 Potassium Tellurite Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 7790-58-1 100 Gms 12085 Part A 28429010 18 RT 35889 Potassium Tellurite Monohydrate extrapure, 90% 123333-66-4 10 Gms 2200 Part A 28429010 18 RT 35889 Potassium Tellurite Monohydrate extrapure, 90% 123333-66-4 25 Gms 4615 Part A 28429010 18 RT 35889 Potassium Tellurite Monohydrate extrapure, 90% 123333-66-4 100 Gms 17028 Part A 28429010 18 RT 16273 Potassium Tetrachloroplatinate (II) pure, 47% Pt 10025-99-7 250 Mg 2600 Part A 28439019 18 RT 16273 Potassium Tetrachloroplatinate (II) pure, 47% Pt 10025-99-7 1 Gms 8000 Part A 28439019 18 RT 16273 Potassium Tetrachloroplatinate (II) pure, 47% Pt 10025-99-7 5 Gms 38000 Part A 28439019 18 RT 34570 34570 99928 99928 48218 41027 59115 14484-69-6 14484-69-6 14075-53-7 14075-53-7 333-20-0 333-20-0 333-20-0 500 Gms 5 Kg 250 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 880 6594 496 1310 827 1169 1391 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28261200 28261200 28269000 28269000 28429090 28429090 28429090 18 9005-25-8 9005-25-8 344-25-2 344-25-2 344-25-2 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 500 Gms 5 Kg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 325 2886 501 1166 4440 383 946 8064 134 491 1892 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 11081300 11081300 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 12 Potassium Tetrafluoroaluminate pure, 98% Potassium Tetrafluoroaluminate pure, 98% Potassium Tetrafluoroborate pure, 98% Potassium Tetrafluoroborate pure, 98% Potassium Thiocyanate pure, 97% Potassium Thiocyanate extrapure AR, 99% Potassium Thiocyanate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Potato Starch pure Potato Starch pure D-Proline extrapure CHR, 99% D-Proline extrapure CHR, 99% D-Proline extrapure CHR, 99% L-Proline extrapure CHR, 99% L-Proline extrapure CHR, 99% L-Proline extrapure CHR, 99% L-Proline for tissue culture, 99% L-Proline for tissue culture, 99% L-Proline for tissue culture, 99% Page 76 of 321 Price 737 3407 1103 10012 342 479 374 397 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 69285 69285 95365 95365 95365 35139 35139 35139 56073 56073 56073 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 28352690 28352690 29159090 29159090 28332990 28332990 28332990 28332990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing L-Proline for tissue culture, 99% L-Proline ExiPlus™, 99% L-Proline ExiPlus™, 99% L-Proline ExiPlus™, 99% Proline BP L-Proline USP n-Propanol pure, 99% n-Propanol pure, 99% n-Propanol extrapure AR, 99.5% n-Propanol extrapure AR, 99.5% n-Propanol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 147-85-3 71-23- 8 71-23- 8 71-23-8 71-23-8 71-23-8 500 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 53790 n-Propanol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 71-23-8 2500 ml 2220 Part A 29051210 18 RT 42328 42328 45909 85994 52111 52111 12931 12931 43883 43883 42263 n-Propanol GC-HS (1-propanol), 99.9% n-Propanol GC-HS (1-propanol), 99.9% n-Propanol for HPLC, 99.8% n-Propanol Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water Propionaldehyde (Propanal) pure, 97% Propionaldehyde (Propanal) pure, 97% Propionic Acid extrapure, 99% Propionic Acid extrapure, 99% Propionic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% Propionic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% Propionic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 71-23-8 71-23-8 71-23-8 71-23-8 123-38-6 123-38-6 79-09-4 79-09-4 79-09-4 79-09-4 79-09-4 250 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 500 ml 546 1733 2443 1554 723 2443 387 1738 290 529 640 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29051210 29051210 29051210 29051210 29309099 29309099 29155000 29155000 29155000 29155000 29155000 18 52810 52810 21587 21587 85159 Propionic Anhydride extrapure, 98% Propionic Anhydride extrapure, 98% Propionyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Propionyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Propionyl Chloride extrapure AR (Specially purified), 99.5% n-Propylamine pure, 99% Propylene Glycol pure, 99% Propylene Glycol pure, 99% Propylene Glycol pure, 99% Propylene Glycol extrapure AR, 99.5% Propylene Glycol extrapure AR, 99.5% Propylene Glycol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ (1,2Propanediol), 99.5% Propylene Glycol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ (1,2Propanediol), 99.5% Propyl Gallate extrapure, 98% Propyl Gallate extrapure, 98% Propyl Gallate IP Propyl Gallate BP Propyl Gallate NF Propyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate (Propyl Paraben) ExiPlus, 98-102% Propyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate (Propyl Paraben) ExiPlus, 98-102% 123-62-6 123-62-6 79-03-8 79-03-8 79-03-8 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 750 3400 250 750 1100 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29155000 29155000 29155000 29155000 29155000 18 107-10-8 57-55-6 57-55-6 57-55-6 57-55-6 57-55-6 57-55-6 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 500 825 3950 38000 925 4150 1020 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29211190 29053200 29053200 29053200 29053200 29053200 29053200 18 57-55-6 2500 ml 121-79-9 121-79-9 121-79-9 121-79-9 121-79-9 94-13-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 500 Gms 94-13-3 5 Kg 28849 30754 30754 30754 53054 53054 95961 95961 40011 40011 47638 14086 16067 53898 53898 Page 77 of 321 Price 5618 1153 9216 33406 10368 10943 435 1810 546 2053 612 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 4350 Part A 1000 3900 11847 12925 14002 1224 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 10902 Part A HS code % CAS Number 56073 96877 96877 96877 61988 68128 39236 39236 24501 24501 53790 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29051210 29051210 29051210 29051210 29051210 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29053200 18 RT 29182930 29182930 29182930 29182930 29182930 29182990 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 29182990 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Packing 52950 Propyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate Sodium Salt (Propyl Paraben Sodium) ExiPlus, 94-102% 52950 Propyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate Sodium Salt (Propyl Paraben Sodium) ExiPlus, 94-102% 61808 Pyridine extrapure, 99% 61808 Pyridine extrapure, 99% 61808 Pyridine extrapure, 99% 51952 Pyridine Dried, 99.5%, water 0.01% 83329 Pyridine for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.5% 83329 Pyridine for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.5% 75453 Pyridine (For Karl Fischer Titration), 99.5% 92665 Pyridine AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 92665 Pyridine AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 92665 Pyridine AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 48918 Pyridinium Chlorochromate (PCC) extrapure, 98% 35285-69-9 500 Gms 1669 Part A 29182990 18 RT 35285-69-9 5 Kg 13905 Part A 29182990 18 RT 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 110-86-1 26299-14-9 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 412 777 3441 950 1100 2000 875 474 886 3662 451 48918 Pyridinium Chlorochromate (PCC) extrapure, 98% 26299-14-9 100 Gms 1233 Part A 29333990 18 RT 48918 Pyridinium Chlorochromate (PCC) extrapure, 98% 26299-14-9 500 Gms 5489 Part A 29333990 18 RT 13584 Pyridinium Dichromate (Cornforth Reagent, PDC) extrapure, 98% 13584 Pyridinium Dichromate (Cornforth Reagent, PDC) extrapure, 98% 13584 Pyridinium Dichromate (Cornforth Reagent, PDC) extrapure, 98% 71646 Pyrogallol extrapure AR, 99% 71646 Pyrogallol extrapure AR, 99% 30205 Pyrogallol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 30205 Pyrogallol extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 58050 Rhodamine B 58050 Rhodamine B 75420 Ruthenium Metal Powder extrapure, 99% 60633 Ruthenium Red, 99% 60633 Ruthenium Red, 99% 75268 Ruthenium (III) Trichloride Hydrate pure, 38-40% Ru 75268 Ruthenium (III) Trichloride Hydrate pure, 38-40% Ru 77862 Salicylaldehyde pure, 99% 77862 Salicylaldehyde pure, 99% 77862 Salicylaldehyde pure, 99% 24922 Salicylaldehyde extrapure AR, 99.5% 24922 Salicylaldehyde extrapure AR, 99.5% 63504 Salicylaldehyde extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 20039-37-6 25 Gms 673 Part A 29333990 18 RT 20039-37-6 100 Gms 1851 Part A 29333990 18 RT 20039-37-6 500 Gms 8120 Part A 29333990 18 RT 87-66-1 87-66-1 87-66-1 87-66-1 81-88-9 81-88-9 7440-18-8 11103-72-3 11103-72-3 14898-67-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 14898-67-0 5 Gms 1832 8616 1907 8940 220 790 7939 4000 18000 2200 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333100 29333990 29072990 29072990 29072990 29072990 32041342 32041342 71104100 28439019 28439019 28439019 Stor age 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 3 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 9600 Part A 28439019 18 RT 666 1339 4635 979 3296 1055 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 90-02-8 90-02-8 90-02-8 90-02-8 90-02-8 90-02-8 100 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 63504 Salicylaldehyde extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 90-02-8 250 ml 2109 Part A 29122990 18 RT 63504 Salicylaldehyde extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 90-02-8 500 ml 4217 Part A 29122990 18 RT 11453 Salicylic Acid pure, 99% 69-72-7 500 Gms 724 Part A 29182110 18 RT Page 78 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Packing 69-72-7 69-72-7 69-72-7 69-72-7 69-72-7 69-72-7 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 250 ml 6897 33372 779 3783 869 4116 2739 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29182110 29182110 29182110 29182110 29182110 29182110 38220090 18 300 700 2000 900 3000 169 550 1800 200 700 2100 750 2200 476 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 28112200 18 Salicylic Acid pure, 99% Salicylic Acid pure, 99% Salicylic Acid extrapure AR, 99.9% Salicylic Acid extrapure AR, 99.9% Salicylic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 99.9% Salicylic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 99.9% Selenium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 53457 53457 53457 24425 24425 84131 84131 84131 63503 63503 63503 84494 84494 85148 D-Serine extrapure, 99% D-Serine extrapure, 99% D-Serine extrapure, 99% DL-Serine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Serine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Serine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Serine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Serine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Serine for tissue culture, 99% L-Serine for tissue culture, 99% L-Serine for tissue culture, 99% L-Serine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Serine ExiPlus™, 99% Silica Gel 5-8 mesh Blue (Self Indicating) (Coarse) 312-84-5 312-84-5 312-84-5 302-84-1 302-84-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 56-45-1 112926-00-8 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 85148 Silica Gel 5-8 mesh Blue (Self Indicating) (Coarse) 112926-00-8 5 Kg 71548 71548 65856 65856 65856 40449 40449 95178 95178 95178 63025 63025 63025 96671 96671 96671 36834 36834 51849 51849 51849 52797 52797 52797 38062 38062 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg Page 79 of 321 Price Part 4536 Part A 735 7128 447 4246 19980 539 4860 447 4246 19980 539 5076 24300 594 5724 27000 762 1415 519 4752 22680 519 4752 22680 3289 30618 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 11453 11453 42568 42568 62657 62657 27769 Silica Gel 5-8 mesh Orange (Self Indicating) Silica Gel 5-8 mesh Orange (Self Indicating) Silica Gel 60-120 mesh Silica Gel 60-120 mesh Silica Gel 60-120 mesh Silica Gel 60-200 mesh Silica Gel 60-200 mesh Silica Gel 100-200 mesh Silica Gel 100-200 mesh Silica Gel 100-200 mesh Silica Gel 200-400 mesh Silica Gel 200-400 mesh Silica Gel 200-400 mesh Silica Gel 230-400 mesh Silica Gel 230-400 mesh Silica Gel 230-400 mesh Silica Gel 400-700 mesh Silica Gel 400-700 mesh Silica Gel G for TLC Silica Gel G for TLC Silica Gel G for TLC Silica Gel H for TLC Silica Gel H for TLC Silica Gel H for TLC Silica Gel GF254 Silica Gel GF254 Date :16-04-2021 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28112200 18 RT 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 28112200 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Silica Gel HF254 Silica Gel HF254 Silicon Antifoaming Agent 30% (Non-ionic) Silicon Antifoaming Agent 30% (Non-ionic) Silicone Oil 330-370 CPS Silicone Oil 330-370 CPS Silicone Oil 330-370 CPS Silicotungstic Acid extrapure AR, 99% Silicotungstic Acid extrapure AR, 99% Silicotungstic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 112926-00-8 112926-00-8 63148-62-9 63148-62-9 63148-62-9 12027-43-9 12027-43-9 12027-43-9 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 ml 500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 67134 Silicotungstic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 12027-43-9 100 Gms 563-63-3 563-63-3 7785-23-1 7785-23-1 534-16-7 534-16-7 7783-90-6 7783-90-6 1470-61-7 1470-61-7 1470-61-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 1470-61-7 25 Gms 7783-97-3 7783-97-3 7783-96-2 7783-96-2 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 5000 19000 5100 21000 2200 4750 18500 90000 2600 6000 2400 4950 19500 94000 5250 96045 Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 7761-88-8 100 Gms 21000 Part A 28432100 18 RT 96045 Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 7761-88-8 500 Gms 98000 Part A 28432100 18 RT 51535 Silver Nitrate 0.1N Solution 51535 Silver Nitrate 0.1N Solution 54023 Silver Nitrate 0.02N Solution 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2127 Part A 4133 Part A 840 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 85160 85160 32737 77701 77701 90097 90097 80647 80647 14417 14417 16810 16810 86633 86633 24607 24607 32814 32814 32814 32814 91233 91233 94118 94118 94118 94118 96045 Silver Acetate pure, 98% Silver Acetate pure, 98% Silver AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HNO3 Silver Bromide extrapure, 97% Silver Bromide extrapure, 97% Silver Carbonate pure, 99% Silver Carbonate pure, 99% Silver Chloride extrapure AR, 99% Silver Chloride extrapure AR, 99% Silver Diethyldithiocarbamate extrapure AR Silver Diethyldithiocarbamate extrapure AR Silver Diethyldithiocarbamate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ Silver Diethyldithiocarbamate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ Silver Iodate extrapure, 99% Silver Iodate extrapure, 99% Silver Iodide extrapure AR, 99% Silver Iodide extrapure AR, 99% Silver Nitrate extrapure, 99.5% Silver Nitrate extrapure, 99.5% Silver Nitrate extrapure, 99.5% Silver Nitrate extrapure, 99.5% Silver Nitrate for tissue culture, 99.5% Silver Nitrate for tissue culture, 99.5% Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, 99.9% Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, 99.9% Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, 99.9% Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, 99.9% Silver Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% Page 80 of 321 Price 3289 30618 313 991 500 1900 4550 777 2856 862 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 3233 Part A 5500 20000 4000 5600 18000 6200 24000 6200 24000 1566 6120 1941 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 7756 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29774 29774 81618 81618 82045 82045 82045 71290 71290 67134 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 28112200 28112200 39100090 39100090 39100020 39100020 39100020 28399090 28399090 28399090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28399090 18 RT 28432900 28432900 38220090 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28273990 28273990 28432900 28432900 28432900 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 28432900 18 2-8C 28299030 28299030 28432900 28432900 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 28432100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 54023 47262 47262 49430 69668 69668 63976 63976 86887 86887 60112 60112 17929 17929 17929 59940 59940 38119 38119 31378 31378 74537 Product Name Silver Nitrate 0.02N Solution Silver Nitrate 0.05N Solution Silver Nitrate 0.05N Solution Silver Nitrate 1N Solution Silver Oxide pure, 99% Silver Oxide pure, 99% Silver Phosphate extrapure, 98% Silver Phosphate extrapure, 98% Silver Phosphate extrapure AR, 99% Silver Phosphate extrapure AR, 99% Silver Sulfadiazine ExiPlus, 98% Silver Sulfadiazine ExiPlus, 98% Silver Sulphate pure, 98.5% Silver Sulphate pure, 98.5% Silver Sulphate pure, 98.5% Silver Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Silver Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Soda Lime with Indicator extrapure AR Soda Lime with Indicator extrapure AR Sodium Acetate Anhydrous pure, 98% Sodium Acetate Anhydrous pure, 98% Sodium Acetate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% CAS Number Packing 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 7761-88-8 20667-12-3 20667-12-3 7784-09-0 7784-09-0 7784-09-0 7784-09-0 22199-08-2 22199-08-2 10294-26-5 10294-26-5 10294-26-5 10294-26-5 10294-26-5 8006-28-8 8006-28-8 127-09-3 127-09-3 127-09-3 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms Date :16-04-2021 Price 1544 1083 2006 24065 7000 27000 2431 6199 2674 6685 3672 11013 2400 5150 20000 5300 21000 450 4700 280 2200 422 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 28432900 38249090 38249090 29152990 29152990 29152990 % 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 74537 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 127-09-3 5 Kg 3300 Part A 29152990 18 RT 51483 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 22342 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99% 22342 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99% 70509 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99% 54966 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 127-09-3 500 Gms 454 Part A 29152990 18 RT 127-09-3 100 Gms 473 Part A 29152990 18 RT 127-09-3 250 Gms 818 Part A 29152990 18 RT 127-09-3 500 Gms 1200 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6131-90-4 500 Gms 268 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6131-90-4 500 Gms 290 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6131-90-4 250 Gms 546 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6131-90-4 500 Gms 1000 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6131-90-4 500 Gms 1613 Part A 29152990 18 RT 6131-90-4 9005-38-3 9005-38-3 500 Gms 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 250 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1650 1780 8343 1807 658 3115 980 4005 29152990 39131010 39131010 38220090 28500049 28500049 28500049 28500049 44981 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 88035 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 88035 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 84658 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate for tissue culture, 99.5% 56315 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate for HPLC, 99.5% 80726 Sodium Alginate pure 80726 Sodium Alginate pure 75063 Sodium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl 84070 Sodium Azide extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 84070 Sodium Azide extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 17782 Sodium Azide for molecular biology, 99% 17782 Sodium Azide for molecular biology, 99% 26628-22-8 26628-22-8 26628-22-8 26628-22-8 Page 81 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing Sodium Benzoate pure, 99% Sodium Benzoate pure, 99% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure, 99% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure, 99% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure, 99% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 89399 Sodium Bicarbonate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 36328 Sodium Bicarbonate for molecular biology, 99.7% 532-32-1 532-32-1 144-55-8 144-55-8 144-55-8 144-55-8 144-55-8 144-55-8 144-55-8 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 144-55-8 5 Kg 2053 Part A 28363000 18 RT 144-55-8 100 Gms 301 Part A 28363000 18 RT 36328 Sodium Bicarbonate for molecular biology, 99.7% 144-55-8 500 Gms 1222 Part A 28363000 18 RT 92957 Sodium Bicarbonate for tissue culture, 99.7% 92957 Sodium Bicarbonate for tissue culture, 99.7% 93982 Sodium Borohydride (powder) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 93982 Sodium Borohydride (powder) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 93982 Sodium Borohydride (powder) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 93982 Sodium Borohydride (powder) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 43471 Sodium Borohydride (crystals) extrapure, 98% 144-55-8 144-55-8 16940-66-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 557 Part A 1669 Part A 512 Part A 28363000 18 RT 28363000 18 RT 28500010 18 RT 16940-66-2 100 Gms 1091 Part A 28500010 18 RT 16940-66-2 500 Gms 4895 Part A 28500010 18 RT 16940-66-2 5 Kg 37266 Part A 28500010 18 RT 16940-66-2 25 Gms 540 Part A 28500010 18 RT 43471 Sodium Borohydride (crystals) extrapure, 98% 16940-66-2 100 Gms 1121 Part A 28500010 18 RT 43471 Sodium Borohydride (crystals) extrapure, 98% 16940-66-2 500 Gms 5280 Part A 28500010 18 RT 32769 32769 43327 84486 Sodium Bromate extrapure AR, 99% Sodium Bromate extrapure AR, 99% Sodium Bromide extrapure, 99% Sodium Cacodylate Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 7789-38-0 7789-38-0 7647-15-6 6131-99-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 232 963 742 3115 28299020 28299020 28275110 29319090 84486 Sodium Cacodylate Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 6131-99-3 25 Gms 42215 42215 42215 50090 81340 89382 89382 89382 51938 1984-06-1 1984-06-1 1984-06-1 1984-06-1 1984-06-1 497-19-8 497-19-8 497-19-8 497-19-8 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 1 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 497-19-8 5 Kg 65171 65171 56398 56398 56398 45437 45437 45437 89399 Sodium Caprylate extrapure, 99% Sodium Caprylate extrapure, 99% Sodium Caprylate extrapure, 99% Sodium Caprylate BP, 99-101% Sodium Caprylate NF, 99-101% Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous pure, 99.5% Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous pure, 99.5% Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous pure, 99.5% Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99%, 80-100mesh 51938 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99%, 80-100mesh Page 82 of 321 Price 400 3300 201 1442 7004 223 1776 7565 257 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29163140 29163140 28363000 28363000 28363000 28363000 28363000 28363000 28363000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 5118 Part A 29319090 18 RT 612 1166 2109 8211 8099 205 1600 7400 295 29159020 29159020 29159020 29159020 29159020 28362010 28362010 28362010 28362010 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 2750 Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28362010 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 497-19-8 500 Gms 279 Part A 28362010 18 RT 497-19-8 5 Kg 2448 Part A 28362010 18 RT 497-19-8 25 Kg 11681 Part A 28362010 18 RT 497-19-8 500 Gms 313 Part A 28362010 18 RT 497-19-8 5 Kg 2893 Part A 28362010 18 RT 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 189 364 1187 5507 201 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 25010090 25010090 25010090 25010090 25010090 0 0 RT RT RT RT RT 7647-14-5 1 Kg 389 Part A 25010090 0 RT 7647-14-5 5 Kg 1236 Part A 25010090 0 RT 7647-14-5 500 Gms 600 Part A 25010090 0 RT 33205 Sodium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.9% 7647-14-5 1 Kg 1100 Part A 25010090 0 RT 33205 Sodium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.9% 7647-14-5 5 Kg 5100 Part A 25010090 0 RT 26416 26416 76154 83407 Sodium Chloride for tissue culture, 99.9% Sodium Chloride for tissue culture, 99.9% Sodium Chloride for HPLC, 99.9% Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 6132-04-3 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 750 1400 440 300 Part A Part A Part A Part A 25010090 0 RT 25010090 0 RT 998718 18 RT 29181520 18 RT 83407 Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 6132-04-3 1 Kg 520 Part A 29181520 18 RT 85919 Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 85919 Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 94968 Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 67331 Sodium Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99% 43819 Sodium Cobaltinitrite extrapure AR, ACS 43819 Sodium Cobaltinitrite extrapure AR, ACS 43819 Sodium Cobaltinitrite extrapure AR, ACS 12680 Sodium Cyanoborohydride pure, 95% 12680 Sodium Cyanoborohydride pure, 95% 12680 Sodium Cyanoborohydride pure, 95% 94963 Sodium Dichromate Dihydrate pure, 98% 54750 Sodium Dichromate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 6132-04-3 500 Gms 400 Part A 29181520 18 RT 6132-04-3 5 Kg 2800 Part A 29181520 18 RT 6132-04-3 500 Gms 508 Part A 29181520 18 RT 6132-04-3 250 Gms 580 Part A 29181520 18 RT 13600-98-1 13600-98-1 13600-98-1 25895-60-7 25895-60-7 25895-60-7 7789-12-0 7789-12-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 64079 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.9% 64079 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.9% 64079 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.9% 93857 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 93857 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 41721 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.9% 41721 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.9% 41721 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.9% 41721 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.9% 76945 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 76945 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 76945 Sodium Chloride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 33205 Sodium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.9% Page 83 of 321 Price 961 2242 6401 747 2348 8746 763 831 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28429090 28429090 28429090 29420090 29420090 29420090 28413000 28413000 Stor age 0 0 0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 11996 Sodium Dichromate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 11226 Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Trihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 11226 Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Trihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 22607 Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Trihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 22607 Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Trihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 10961 Sodium Ferrocyanide Decahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10961 Sodium Ferrocyanide Decahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 57010 Sodium Fluoride pure, 98% 57010 Sodium Fluoride pure, 98% 29821 Sodium Fluoride extrapure AR, 99% 29821 Sodium Fluoride extrapure AR, 99% 40544 Sodium Fluoride extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 86307 Sodium Formate pure, 98% 86307 Sodium Formate pure, 98% 84439 Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate Hydrate (Rongalite) pure, 98% 11407 Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate Hydrate (Rongalite) ExiPlus, 98% 54762 Sodium Hexafluorosilicate pure, 99% 54762 Sodium Hexafluorosilicate pure, 99% 32537 Sodium Hexametaphosphate extrapure AR, 6570% 32537 Sodium Hexametaphosphate extrapure AR, 6570% 98060 Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate (Sodium Bisulphate Monohydrate) extrapure AR, 99% 96311 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets purified, 97% 96311 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets purified, 97% 96311 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets purified, 97% 68151 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, 98% 68151 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, 98% 13913 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 13913 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 39700 Sodium Hydroxide Powder extrapure, 96%, 80-100 mesh 39700 Sodium Hydroxide Powder extrapure, 96%, 80-100 mesh 39700 Sodium Hydroxide Powder extrapure, 96%, 80-100 mesh 13994 Sodium Hydroxide 0.1N Solution 13994 Sodium Hydroxide 0.1N Solution Date :16-04-2021 Packing 7789-12-0 500 Gms 909 Part A 28413000 18 RT 20624-25-3 100 Gms 551 Part A 29302000 18 RT 20624-25-3 500 Gms 2315 Part A 29302000 18 RT 20624-25-3 100 Gms 637 Part A 29302000 18 RT 20624-25-3 500 Gms 2835 Part A 29302000 18 RT 14434-22-1 500 Gms 334 Part A 28372040 18 RT 14434-22-1 5 Kg 2781 Part A 28372040 18 RT 7681-49-4 7681-49-4 7681-49-4 7681-49-4 7681-49-4 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 567 5100 778 7565 869 28261990 28261990 28261990 28261990 28261990 141-53-7 141-53-7 149-44-0 500 Gms 5000 Gms 500 Gms 280 Part A 2200 Part A 515 Part A 29151210 18 RT 29151210 18 RT 29309099 18 8-25C 149-44-0 500 Gms 624 Part A 29309099 18 8-25C 16893-85-9 16893-85-9 68915-31-1 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 445 Part A 2109 Part A 432 Part A 28269000 18 RT 28269000 18 RT 28353900 18 RT 68915-31-1 5 Kg 3200 Part A 28353900 18 RT 10034-88-5 500 Gms 400 Part A 28331910 18 RT 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 1310-73-2 5000 Gms 2387 Part A 28151190 18 RT 1310-73-2 500 Gms 279 Part A 28151190 18 RT 1310-73-2 1 Kg 512 Part A 28151190 18 RT 1310-73-2 5 Kg 1887 Part A 28151190 18 RT 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 500 ml 1000 ml 140 Part A 248 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT Page 84 of 321 Price 257 1665 7954 279 2053 297 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28151190 28151190 28151190 28151190 28151190 28151190 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Sodium Hydroxide 0.2N Solution Sodium Hydroxide 0.2N Solution Sodium Hydroxide 1N Solution Sodium Hydroxide 1N Solution Sodium Iodate extrapure, 99% Sodium Iodate extrapure, 99% Sodium Iodate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium Iodate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium Iodide pure, 99% Sodium Iodide pure, 99% Sodium Iodide pure, 99% Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate (SLES, AES), 28-30% 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 1310-73-2 7681-55-2 7681-55-2 7681-55-2 7681-55-2 7681-82-5 7681-82-5 7681-82-5 9004-82-4 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Ltr 11004 Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate (SLES, AES), 28-30% 9004-82-4 5 Ltr 1780 Part A 34021900 18 RT 46821 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (Needle-shaped) extrapure, 95% 46821 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (Needle-shaped) extrapure, 95% 14374 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate ExiPlus, 85% 14374 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate ExiPlus, 85% 54468 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 151-21-3 500 Gms 557 Part A 34029019 18 RT 151-21-3 5 Kg 4918 Part A 34029019 18 RT 151-21-3 151-21-3 151-21-3 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 567 Part A 5173 Part A 1224 Part A 34029019 18 RT 34029019 18 RT 34029019 18 RT 54468 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 151-21-3 250 Gms 2670 Part A 34029019 18 RT 54468 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 151-21-3 500 Gms 4895 Part A 34029019 18 RT 54468 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 151-21-3 1 Kg 9456 Part A 34029019 18 RT 99671 99671 99671 99671 32096 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for HPLC, 99% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for HPLC, 99% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for HPLC, 99% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for HPLC, 99% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% 151-21-3 151-21-3 151-21-3 151-21-3 151-21-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 32096 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% 151-21-3 100 Gms 1669 Part A 34029019 18 RT 32096 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% 151-21-3 500 Gms 5507 Part A 34029019 18 RT 32096 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% 151-21-3 1 Kg 10457 Part A 34029019 18 RT 35825 35825 85369 87547 34378 21705 21705 21705 52693 151-21-3 151-21-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 1 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 737 1921 1388 1921 6227 250 2000 13500 280 34029019 34029019 38220090 38220090 34029019 28321090 28321090 28321090 28321090 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate High Purity, 99.5% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate High Purity, 99.5% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 10% Solution Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 20% Solution Sodium Lauryl Sulphate BP, 85% Sodium Metabisulphite extrapure AR, 98% Sodium Metabisulphite extrapure AR, 98% Sodium Metabisulphite extrapure AR, 98% Sodium Metabisulphite extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 151-21-3 7681-57-4 7681-57-4 7681-57-4 7681-57-4 Page 85 of 321 Price 145 258 155 279 1331 6374 1440 6757 721 1442 3811 668 1474 4039 8343 20580 535 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 27382 27382 69978 69978 98760 98760 71964 71964 77758 77758 77758 11004 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28299030 28299030 28299030 28299030 28276020 28276020 28276020 34021900 34029019 34029019 34029019 34029019 34029019 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 7790-28-5 100 Gms 1200 Part A 28299030 18 RT 7790-28-5 500 Gms 5200 Part A 28299030 18 RT 7790-28-5 100 Gms 1350 Part A 28299030 18 RT 7790-28-5 500 Gms 5400 Part A 28299030 18 RT 7790-28-5 100 Gms 1450 Part A 28299030 18 RT 7790-28-5 500 Gms 5600 Part A 28299030 18 RT 10213-79-3 500 Gms 334 Part A 28391100 18 RT 10213-79-3 1 Kg 612 Part A 28391100 18 RT 10213-79-3 5 Kg 2893 Part A 28391100 18 RT 13517-24-3 500 Gms 257 Part A 28391100 18 RT 13517-24-3 1 Kg 491 Part A 28391100 18 RT 13517-24-3 5 Kg 2225 Part A 28391100 18 RT 124-41-4 10102-40-6 10102-40-6 10102-40-6 10102-40-6 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 665 750 1500 2800 820 29224990 28417020 28417020 28417020 28417020 18108 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10102-40-6 250 Gms 1900 Part A 28417020 18 RT 18108 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10102-40-6 500 Gms 3400 Part A 28417020 18 RT 70851 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 70851 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 70851 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 44618 Sodium Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 44618 Sodium Nitrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 28182 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate pure, 98% 28182 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate pure, 98% 71750 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 71750 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 58403 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 10102-40-6 100 Gms 1000 Part A 28417020 18 RT 10102-40-6 250 Gms 2100 Part A 28417020 18 RT 10102-40-6 500 Gms 3800 Part A 28417020 18 RT 7631-99-4 7631-99-4 13755-38-9 13755-38-9 13755-38-9 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 360 3500 742 3399 804 28342990 28342990 28372050 28372050 28372050 13755-38-9 500 Gms 3605 Part A 28372050 18 RT 13755-38-9 100 Gms 907 Part A 28372050 18 RT 51153 Sodium Metaperiodate (Sodium Periodate) pure 99% 51153 Sodium Metaperiodate (Sodium Periodate) pure 99% 23621 Sodium Metaperiodate (Sodium Periodate) extrapure AR, 99.5% 23621 Sodium Metaperiodate (Sodium Periodate) extrapure AR, 99.5% 30037 Sodium Metaperiodate (Sodium Periodate) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 30037 Sodium Metaperiodate (Sodium Periodate) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 94601 Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate (Sodium Silicate Hydrated) extrapure 94601 Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate (Sodium Silicate Hydrated) extrapure 94601 Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate (Sodium Silicate Hydrated) extrapure 20660 Sodium Metasilicate Nonahydrate (Sodium Silicate Hydrated) extrapure 20660 Sodium Metasilicate Nonahydrate (Sodium Silicate Hydrated) extrapure 20660 Sodium Metasilicate Nonahydrate (Sodium Silicate Hydrated) extrapure 41670 Sodium Methoxide Powder pure, 98% 13547 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate pure, 98% 13547 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate pure, 98% 13547 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate pure, 98% 18108 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% Page 86 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 58403 Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 36176 Sodium Oxalate pure, 99% 57554 Sodium Oxalate extrapure AR, 99.9% 36984 Sodium Oxalate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.9% 97295 Sodium Persulphate pure, 98% 53046 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure, 99% 66273 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 66273 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 45932 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 45932 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 21669 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99.5% 32080 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 87258 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 87027 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 87027 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 87027 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5% 86858 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for HPLC, 99.5% 57085 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dodecahydrate extrapure, 98.5% 57085 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dodecahydrate extrapure, 98.5% 22249 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 98336 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous for HPLC, 99% 59443 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99% 91826 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous for tissue culture, 99% 27092 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 40597 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 40597 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 79088 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 13755-38-9 500 Gms 3811 Part A 28372050 18 RT 62-76-0 62-76-0 62-76-0 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 381 Part A 418 Part A 490 Part A 29171190 18 RT 29171190 18 RT 29171190 18 RT 7775-27-1 7558-79-4 500 Gms 500 Gms 445 Part A 435 Part A 28334000 18 RT 28352200 18 RT 7558-79-4 500 Gms 490 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-79-4 5 Kg 4550 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-79-4 500 Gms 646 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-79-4 5 Kg 5328 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-79-4 250 Gms 973 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 500 Gms 412 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 500 Gms 537 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 250 Gms 789 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 500 Gms 1444 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 5 Kg 12203 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 500 Gms 760 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10039-32-4 100 Gms 140 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10039-32-4 500 Gms 424 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-80-7 500 Gms 556 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-80-7 500 Gms 869 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-80-7 250 Gms 888 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7558-80-7 250 Gms 2225 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 500 Gms 380 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 500 Gms 424 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 5 Kg 3996 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 500 Gms 490 Part A 28352200 18 RT Page 87 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 93494 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99% 93494 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99% 93494 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99% 93494 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99% 61707 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99% 97768 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Monohydrate for HPLC, 99% 78535 Sodium Phosphate Tribasic Anhydrous extrapure AR, 98.5% 62381 tri-Sodium Orthophosphate Dodecahydrate pure, 98% 62381 tri-Sodium Orthophosphate Dodecahydrate pure, 98% 73670 tri-Sodium Orthophosphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 73670 tri-Sodium Orthophosphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 69199 tri-Sodium Orthophosphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 69199 tri-Sodium Orthophosphate Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99% 63059 Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate pure, 99% 63059 Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate pure, 99% 18241 Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 18241 Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 88662 Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 88662 Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 33650 Sodium Propionate pure, 99% 58568 Sodium Ricinoleate extrapure 58568 Sodium Ricinoleate extrapure 43874 Sodium Salicylate extrapure, 99% 36590 Sodium Salicylate extrapure AR, 99.5% 36590 Sodium Salicylate extrapure AR, 99.5% 62399 Sodium Selenate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 13472-35-0 100 Gms 445 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 500 Gms 945 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 1 Kg 1887 Part A 28352200 18 RT 13472-35-0 5 Kg 6657 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10049-21-5 500 Gms 473 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10049-21-5 500 Gms 869 Part A 28352200 18 RT 7601-54-9 500 Gms 460 Part A 28352200 18 RT 10101-89-0 500 Gms 260 Part A 28353100 18 RT 10101-89-0 5 Kg 2100 Part A 28353100 18 RT 10101-89-0 500 Gms 320 Part A 28353100 18 RT 10101-89-0 5 Kg 2600 Part A 28353100 18 RT 10101-89-0 500 Gms 380 Part A 28353100 18 RT 10101-89-0 5 Kg 3200 Part A 28353100 18 RT 6381-59-5 500 Gms 802 Part A 29181390 18 RT 6381-59-5 5 Kg 7680 Part A 29181390 18 RT 6381-59-5 500 Gms 961 Part A 29181390 18 RT 6381-59-5 5 Kg 8200 Part A 29181390 18 RT 6381-59-5 500 Gms 1004 Part A 29181390 18 RT 6381-59-5 5 Kg 9600 Part A 29181390 18 RT 137-40-6 5323-95-5 5323-95-5 54-21-7 54-21-7 54-21-7 13410-01-0 500 Gms 500 Gms 1000 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 497 668 1325 802 2220 4217 1000 29155000 29159090 29159090 29182190 29182190 29182190 28429090 62399 Sodium Selenate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 13410-01-0 100 Gms 3000 Part A 28429090 18 RT 83627 Sodium Starch Glycolate ex. Maize (SSG) ExiPlus 9063-38-1 500 Gms 557 Part A 29420090 18 RT Page 88 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 83627 Sodium Starch Glycolate ex. Maize (SSG) ExiPlus 9063-38-1 5 Kg 5006 Part A 29420090 18 RT 36313 Sodium Succinate Hexahydrate Dibasic extrapure, 99% 36313 Sodium Succinate Hexahydrate Dibasic extrapure, 99% 87578 Sodium Succinate Hexahydrate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 87578 Sodium Succinate Hexahydrate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 59977 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 6106-21-4 100 Gms 167 Part A 29171990 18 RT 6106-21-4 500 Gms 624 Part A 29171990 18 RT 6106-21-4 100 Gms 324 Part A 29171990 18 RT 6106-21-4 500 Gms 1558 Part A 29171990 18 RT 7757-82-6 500 Gms 255 Part A 28331100 18 RT 59977 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 7757-82-6 1 Kg 410 Part A 28331100 18 RT 59977 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 7757-82-6 5 Kg 1950 Part A 28331100 18 RT 74725 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 74725 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 25365 Sodium Sulphide Flakes extrapure, 60% 32246 Sodium Sulphite Anhydrous extrapure AR, 98% 7757-82-6 500 Gms 280 Part A 28331100 18 RT 7757-82-6 5 Kg 2200 Part A 28331100 18 RT 27610-45-3 7757-83-7 500 Gms 500 Gms 250 Part A 334 Part A 28301000 18 RT 28321090 18 RT 7757-83-7 500 Gms 380 Part A 28321090 18 RT 13755-29-8 143-66-8 500 Gms 10 Gms 546 Part A 779 Part A 28269000 18 RT 29319090 18 RT 143-66-8 25 Gms 1892 Part A 29319090 18 RT 143-66-8 100 Gms 6798 Part A 29319090 18 RT 143-66-8 10 Gms 845 Part A 29319090 18 RT 143-66-8 100 Gms 7416 Part A 29319090 18 RT 540-72-7 540-72-7 7772-98-7 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 557 Part A 890 Part A 340 Part A 28429090 18 RT 28429090 18 RT 28323010 18 RT 10102-17-7 500 Gms 223 Part A 28323010 18 RT 10102-17-7 500 Gms 247 Part A 28323010 18 RT 10102-17-7 500 Gms 257 Part A 28323010 18 RT 7772-98-7 7772-98-7 7785-84-4 500 ml 1000 ml 100 Gms 170 Part A 299 Part A 2165 Part A 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 28353900 18 RT 29814 Sodium Sulphite Anhydrous extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 58581 Sodium Tetrafluoroborate pure, 98.5% 54285 Sodium Tetraphenyl Borate (Kalignost) extrapure AR, 99.5% 54285 Sodium Tetraphenyl Borate (Kalignost) extrapure AR, 99.5% 54285 Sodium Tetraphenyl Borate (Kalignost) extrapure AR, 99.5% 30888 Sodium Tetraphenyl Borate (Kalignost) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 30888 Sodium Tetraphenyl Borate (Kalignost) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 94408 Sodium Thiocyanate pure, 98% 21444 Sodium Thiocyanate extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 89728 Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5% 52304 Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate extrapure, 99% 49479 Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 62148 Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 33737 Sodium Thiosulphate 0.1N Solution 33737 Sodium Thiosulphate 0.1N Solution 40023 Sodium Trimetaphosphate extrapure AR, 95% (STMP) Page 89 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 85124 Sodium Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (STPP) extrapure, 57-59% as P2O5 85124 Sodium Tripolyphosphate Anhydrous (STPP) extrapure, 57-59% as P2O5 81499 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 81499 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 81499 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 49110 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 7758-29-4 1000 Gms 440 Part A 28353100 18 RT 7758-29-4 5000 Gms 2100 Part A 28353100 18 RT 10213-10-2 10213-10-2 10213-10-2 10213-10-2 100 Gms 250 Gms 2.5 Kg 100 Gms 49110 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10213-10-2 250 Gms 2443 Part A 28418090 18 RT 46215 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 46215 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 85446 Solochrom Dark Blue (Calcon), 50% 85446 Solochrom Dark Blue (Calcon), 50% 59985 Sorbic Acid pure, 98% 62016 Sorbitan Monolaurate (SPAN 20®) extrapure 62016 Sorbitan Monolaurate (SPAN 20®) extrapure 78338 Sorbitan Monooleate (SPAN 80®) extrapure 78338 Sorbitan Monooleate (SPAN 80®) extrapure 36179 Sorbitan Monostearate (SPAN 60®) extrapure 10213-10-2 100 Gms 1089 Part A 28418090 18 RT 10213-10-2 250 Gms 2664 Part A 28418090 18 RT 2538-85-4 2538-85-4 110-44-1 1338-39-2 1338-39-2 1338-43-8 1338-43-8 1338-41-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 307 900 1278 718 3505 724 3282 679 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 32041267 32041267 29161960 34021300 34021300 34021300 34021300 34021300 18 D-Sorbitol Powder extrapure, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder extrapure, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder extrapure, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder for tissue culture, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder for tissue culture, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder ExiPlus™, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder ExiPlus™, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder ExiPlus™, 98% D-Sorbitol Powder for molecular biology, 98% 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 50-70-4 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 480 946 4587 557 1002 567 1095 4897 1385 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29054400 29054400 29054400 29054400 29054400 29054400 29054400 29054400 29054400 18 99103 D-Sorbitol Powder for molecular biology, 98% 50-70-4 1 Kg 2651 Part A 29054400 18 RT 99103 D-Sorbitol Powder for molecular biology, 98% 50-70-4 5 Kg 8870 Part A 29054400 18 RT 23647-14-5 1 Gms 330 Part A 32049000 18 RT 23647-14-5 5 Gms 1375 Part A 32049000 18 RT 23647-14-5 25 Gms 3811 Part A 32049000 18 RT 23647-14-5 23647-14-5 23647-14-5 7646-78-8 7646-78-8 7646-78-8 7646-78-8 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 361 1499 4017 1389 6017 1133 4120 32049000 32049000 32049000 28273940 28273940 38220090 38220090 14281 14281 14281 33320 33320 63443 63443 63443 99103 38195 SPADNS (Sulfanilic Acid-azochromotrop) extrapure AR 38195 SPADNS (Sulfanilic Acid-azochromotrop) extrapure AR 38195 SPADNS (Sulfanilic Acid-azochromotrop) extrapure AR 47886 SPADNS extrapure AR, ACS 47886 SPADNS extrapure AR, ACS 47886 SPADNS extrapure AR, ACS 30467 Stannic Chloride anhydrous extrapure, 99% 30467 Stannic Chloride anhydrous extrapure, 99% 79862 Stannic Chloride 1M in Dichloromethane 79862 Stannic Chloride 1M in Dichloromethane Page 90 of 321 945 2197 21076 1000 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 28418090 28418090 28418090 28418090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Stannic Chloride 1M in Heptane Stannic Chloride 1M in Toluene Stannous Chloride Dihydrate pure, 97% Stannous Chloride Dihydrate pure, 97% Stannous Chloride Dihydrate pure, 97% Stannous Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 7646-78-8 7646-78-8 10025-69-1 10025-69-1 10025-69-1 10025-69-1 100 ml 100 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 2369 2369 700 1600 3000 820 23329 Stannous Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10025-69-1 250 Gms 1700 Part A 28273990 18 RT 23329 Stannous Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% 10025-69-1 500 Gms 3300 Part A 28273990 18 RT 89673 Stannous Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 89673 Stannous Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 89673 Stannous Chloride Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 58254 Starch Corn pure 58254 Starch Corn pure 86106 Starch Hydrolysed extrapure 86106 Starch Hydrolysed extrapure 27893 Starch Indicator Papers 75672 Starch Iodide Indicator Papers 14418 Starch Soluble extrapure 64698 Starch Soluble extrapure AR 76601 Starch Soluble extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™ 91944 Strontium AAS Standard Solution in 0.5N HCl 67911 Strontium Carbonate extrapure, 98% 67911 Strontium Carbonate extrapure, 98% 61832 Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 98% 10025-69-1 100 Gms 920 Part A 28273990 18 RT 10025-69-1 250 Gms 1800 Part A 28273990 18 RT 10025-69-1 500 Gms 3550 Part A 28273990 18 RT 9005-25-8 9005-25-8 9005-84-9 9005-84-9 1633-05-2 1633-05-2 10025-70-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Books 10 Books 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 250 ml 250 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 155 268 936 4450 441 355 945 1000 1222 1692 390 777 301 11081200 11081200 35051090 35051090 38220090 38220090 35051090 35051090 35051090 38220090 28369200 28369200 28273930 61832 Strontium Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 98% 10025-70-4 500 Gms 29563 29563 96330 96330 85752 85752 62321 10042-76-9 10042-76-9 110-15-6 110-15-6 110-15-6 110-15-6 110-15-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 279 445 270 515 380 1500 420 62321 Succinic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 110-15-6 500 Gms 1700 Part A 29171930 18 RT 10917 10917 84973 84973 84973 90701 90701 90701 123-56-8 123-56-8 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 435 1597 260 1700 8000 400 750 3600 29251900 29251900 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 Strontium Nitrate Anhydrous extrapure, 98% Strontium Nitrate Anhydrous extrapure, 98% Succinic Acid extrapure, 99% Succinic Acid extrapure, 99% Succinic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% Succinic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% Succinic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Succinimide (Butanimide) extrapure AR, 99% Succinimide (Butanimide) extrapure AR, 99% Sucrose pure Sucrose pure Sucrose pure Sucrose extrapure AR, ACS Sucrose extrapure AR, ACS Sucrose extrapure AR, ACS 9005-84-9 9005-84-9 9005-84-9 Page 91 of 321 Price Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 545 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 60006 98017 91068 91068 91068 23329 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 38220090 38220090 28273990 28273990 28273990 28273990 12 12 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28273930 18 RT 28500049 28500049 29171930 29171930 29171930 29171930 29171930 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Sucrose extrapure AR, ACS Sucrose for molecular biology Sucrose for molecular biology Sucrose for molecular biology Sucrose for tissue culture Sucrose for tissue culture Sucrose for tissue culture Sucrose IP Sucrose BP Sucrose NF (USP) (Non-Parenteral Use) Sudan IV for microscopy (C.I. No. 26105), 95% Sudan IV for microscopy (C.I. No. 26105), 95% Sudan IV for microscopy (C.I. No. 26105), 95% Sudan Black Sudan Black Sudan Black Sulphamic Acid pure, 99% Sulphamic Acid pure, 99% Sulphamic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% Sulphamic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% Sulphamic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Sulphamic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Sulphanilamide extrapure AR, 99% Sulphanilamide extrapure AR, 99% Sulphanilamide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Sulphanilamide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Sulphanilic Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 85-83-6 85-83-6 85-83-6 4197-25-5 4197-25-5 4197-25-5 5329-14-6 5329-14-6 5329-14-6 5329-14-6 5329-14-6 25 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 1 Kg 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 5329-14-6 500 Gms 1335 Part A 28111990 18 RT 63-74-1 63-74-1 63-74-1 63-74-1 121-57-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1103 4394 1224 4895 501 29359090 29359090 29359090 29359090 29214234 97979 Sulphanilic Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 44445 5-Sulphosalicylic Acid extrapure, 99% 44445 5-Sulphosalicylic Acid extrapure, 99% 92635 Talc Powder Fine ExiPlus, -325 mesh 92635 Talc Powder Fine ExiPlus, -325 mesh 92101 Tannic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 92101 Tannic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 92101 Tannic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 52931 Tartrazine, 87% 52931 Tartrazine, 87% 52931 Tartrazine, 87% 20428 Terephthalic Acid pure, 98% 20669 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide pure, 98% 20669 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide pure, 98% 20669 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide pure, 98% 57594 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide extrapure AR, 99% 121-57-3 100 Gms 5965-83-3 5965-83-3 14807-96-6 14807-96-6 1401-55-4 1401-55-4 1401-55-4 1934-21-0 1934-21-0 1934-21-0 100-21-0 1643-19-2 1643-19-2 1643-19-2 1643-19-2 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 567 1000 150 1200 1101 2165 3885 112 368 3551 360 338 528 954 561 57594 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide extrapure AR, 99% 1643-19-2 500 Gms 2411 Part A 81645 65404 65404 19689 19689 93360 Page 92 of 321 Price 16000 520 1088 4143 400 700 3000 704 1557 1604 133 264 744 1101 2472 8986 268 2281 296 1057 390 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 612 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 90701 27580 27580 27580 92696 92696 92696 82958 38142 56799 57335 57335 57335 47256 47256 47256 24073 24073 42773 42773 81645 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 17019990 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 28111990 28111990 28111990 28111990 28111990 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29214234 18 RT 29182190 29182190 998718 998718 32019030 32019030 32019030 32041982 32041982 32041982 29173600 29239000 29239000 29239000 29239000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29239000 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 54423 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide for HPLC, 99.5% 1643-19-2 25 Gms 316 Part A 29239000 18 RT 54423 Tetrabutylammonium Bromide for HPLC, 99.5% 1643-19-2 100 Gms 663 Part A 29239000 18 RT 37256 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate (TBADP) extrapure AR, 98% 37256 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate (TBADP) extrapure AR, 98% 78262 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate (TBADP) for HPLC, 99% 78262 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate (TBADP) for HPLC, 99% 84444 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate, 0.1M in HPLC Water 57968 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate, 0.5M in HPLC Water 57968 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate, 0.5M in HPLC Water 57968 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate, 0.5M in HPLC Water 53856 Tetrabutylammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate, 1M in HPLC Water 50283 Tetrabutylammonium Fluoride Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 50283 Tetrabutylammonium Fluoride Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 91958 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) pure, 98% 91958 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) pure, 98% 83955 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) extrapure AR, 99% 83955 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) extrapure AR, 99% 83955 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) extrapure AR, 99% 10778 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 99% 88383 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) for HPLC, 99.5% 88383 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) for HPLC, 99.5% 88383 Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate (TBAHS) for HPLC, 99.5% 52162 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 0.1N aq. solution extrapure AR 28342 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 0.1N in Isopropanol extrapure AR 94836 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 1M aq. solution ACS 5574-97-0 5 Gms 3400 Part A 29239000 18 2-8C 5574-97-0 25 Gms 12000 Part A 29239000 18 2-8C 5574-97-0 5 Gms 4200 Part A 29239000 18 2-8C 5574-97-0 25 Gms 14300 Part A 29239000 18 2-8C 5574-97-0 100 ml 3500 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 5574-97-0 10 ml 2268 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 5574-97-0 100 ml 10260 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 5574-97-0 500 ml 45360 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 5574-97-0 50 ml 9500 Part A 38220090 12 8-25C 87749-50-6 25 Gms 1469 Part A 29239000 18 RT 87749-50-6 100 Gms 4351 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 100 Gms 567 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 250 Gms 1084 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 25 Gms 520 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 100 Gms 1500 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 500 Gms 7000 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 100 Gms 1800 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 25 Gms 600 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 100 Gms 1650 Part A 29239000 18 RT 32503-27-8 500 Gms 8000 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 1607 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 1836 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 2308 Part A 38220090 12 RT Page 93 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 94836 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 1M aq. solution ACS 41728 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 10% aq. solution extrapure 15134 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 10% in methanol extrapure 41715 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 20% aq. solution extrapure 41715 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 20% aq. solution extrapure 54722 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 25% aq. solution extrapure 54722 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 25% aq. solution extrapure 68032 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 40% aq solution pure 68032 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 40% aq solution pure 30064 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 54-56% aq. solution extrapure AR 30064 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 54-56% aq. solution extrapure AR 13656 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 25% in Methanol extrapure 13656 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 25% in Methanol extrapure 74212 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 40% in Methanol extrapure 74212 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 40% in Methanol extrapure 40878 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 0.1N in Methanol for non-aqueous titration extrapure AR 2052-49-5 500 ml 11305 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 1416 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 1536 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 1952 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 8076 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 2193 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 10902 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 3894 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 18355 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 8736 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 33821 Part A 38220090 12 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 2252 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 9228 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 3924 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 17799 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 500 ml 1760 Part A 29239000 18 RT 45205 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 0.1N in Methanol/Toluene extrapure AR 90493 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 10% in Methanol/Toluene extrapure 44991 Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide 20% in Methanol/Toluene extrapure 28051 Tetrabutylammonium Iodide (TBAI) extrapure AR, 99% 28051 Tetrabutylammonium Iodide (TBAI) extrapure AR, 99% 62390 Tetrabutylammonium Iodide (TBAI) extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 99% 62390 Tetrabutylammonium Iodide (TBAI) extrapure AR, ExiPlus, 99% 26158 Tetra-N-Butyl Orthotitanate (TNBT) extrapure, 2324% TiO2 26158 Tetra-N-Butyl Orthotitanate (TNBT) extrapure, 2324% TiO2 2052-49-5 500 ml 1387 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 1663 Part A 29239000 18 RT 2052-49-5 100 ml 2193 Part A 29239000 18 RT 311-28-4 25 Gms 495 Part A 29239000 18 RT 311-28-4 100 Gms 1738 Part A 29239000 18 RT 311-28-4 25 Gms 536 Part A 29239000 18 RT 311-28-4 100 Gms 1906 Part A 29239000 18 RT 5593-70-4 100 ml 1002 Part A 29051990 18 RT 5593-70-4 500 ml 2893 Part A 29051990 18 RT Page 94 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 26158 Tetra-N-Butyl Orthotitanate (TNBT) extrapure, 2324% TiO2 69105 Tetrachloroethylene pure, 99% 69105 Tetrachloroethylene pure, 99% 25058 Tetrachloroethylene extrapure AR, 99.5% 25058 Tetrachloroethylene extrapure AR, 99.5% 74438 Tetrachloroethylene for UV spectroscopy, 99.5% 5593-70-4 2500 ml 8677 Part A 29051990 18 RT 127-18-4 127-18-4 127-18-4 127-18-4 127-18-4 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 397 1613 512 2003 779 29032300 29032300 29032300 29032300 29032300 74438 Tetrachloroethylene for UV spectroscopy, 99.5% 127-18-4 1000 ml 1447 Part A 29032300 18 RT 48448 Tetrachloroethylene GC-HS, 99.5% 48448 Tetrachloroethylene GC-HS, 99.5% 70427 Tetradecylammonium Bromide extrapure AR, 99% 127-18-4 127-18-4 14937-42-9 250 ml 1000 ml 5 Gms 900 Part A 3450 Part A 3115 Part A 29032300 18 RT 29032300 18 RT 29239000 18 RT 70427 Tetradecylammonium Bromide extrapure AR, 99% 14937-42-9 25 Gms 13349 Part A 29239000 18 RT Tetraethylammonium Bromide pure, 98% 71-91-0 Tetraethylammonium Bromide pure, 98% 71-91-0 Tetraethylammonium Bromide pure, 98% 71-91-0 Tetraethylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate 16873-13-5 extrapure, 99% Tetraethylammonium Hydrogen Sulphate 16873-13-5 extrapure, 99% Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) extrapure, 98%, 2878-10-4 28.8% SiO2 Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) extrapure, 98%, 2878-10-4 28.8% SiO2 Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) extrapure, 98%, 2878-10-4 28.8% SiO2 Tetraheptyl Ammonium Bromide extrapure, 99% 4368-51-8 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 10 Gms 64674 93314 93314 93314 21957 Price 424 2003 3560 1906 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 67902 67902 67902 64674 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29239000 29239000 29239000 29239000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 25 Gms 4120 Part A 29239000 18 RT 100 ml 900 Part A 29209090 18 RT 500 ml 1600 Part A 29209090 18 RT 2500 ml 6200 Part A 29209090 18 RT 5 Gms 2058 Part A 29239000 18 RT 21957 Tetraheptyl Ammonium Bromide extrapure, 99% 4368-51-8 25 Gms 7676 Part A 29239000 18 RT 21957 Tetraheptyl Ammonium Bromide extrapure, 99% 4368-51-8 100 Gms 27810 Part A 29239000 18 RT 82863 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) pure, 99.5% 109-99-9 500 ml 770 Part A 29321100 18 RT 82863 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) pure, 99.5% 109-99-9 2500 ml 3820 Part A 29321100 18 RT 82863 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) pure, 99.5% 109-99-9 25 Ltr 37500 Part A 29321100 18 RT 74497 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) extrapure AR, 99.5% 74497 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) extrapure AR, 99.5% 83642 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 83642 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Stabilized) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.5% 32661 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) GC-HS, 99.9% 32661 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) GC-HS, 99.9% 109-99-9 500 ml 850 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 2500 ml 4100 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 500 ml 950 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 2500 ml 4200 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 109-99-9 250 ml 1000 ml 713 Part A 2398 Part A 29321100 18 RT 29321100 18 RT Page 95 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 94842 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 94842 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 94842 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 59167 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water 109-99-9 500 ml 1100 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 1000 ml 2100 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 2500 ml 5100 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 500 ml 1050 Part A 29321100 18 RT 59167 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water 109-99-9 1000 ml 1900 Part A 29321100 18 RT 92562 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) for molecular biology, 99.8% 92562 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) for molecular biology, 99.8% 22698 Tetrahydrofuran-d8 (THF-d8) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D 11088 Tetralin pure, 98% 11088 Tetralin pure, 98% 91496 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 10% aq. solution pure 91496 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 10% aq. solution pure 94620 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 25% aqueous solution pure 94620 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 25% aqueous solution pure 94620 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 25% aqueous solution pure 21371 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 25% in methanol pure 21371 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 25% in methanol pure 21371 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 25% in methanol pure 42209 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 0.1N in isopropanol/ methanol extrapure 56874 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 1M aq. solution ACS 56874 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide 1M aq. solution ACS 29740 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Pentahydrate extrapure, 98% 29740 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Pentahydrate extrapure, 98% 29740 Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Pentahydrate extrapure, 98% 84666 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) extrapure AR, 99% 84666 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) extrapure AR, 99% 109-99-9 250 ml 650 Part A 29321100 18 RT 109-99-9 500 ml 1200 Part A 29321100 18 RT 1693-74-9 5 ml 15000 Part A 119-64-2 119-64-2 75-59-2 500 ml 2500 ml 50 ml 1391 Part A 6452 Part A 844 Part A 29029090 18 RT 29029090 18 RT 38220090 12 RT 75-59-2 250 ml 3290 Part A 38220090 12 RT 75-59-2 100 ml 2830 Part A 38220090 12 RT 75-59-2 250 ml 5340 Part A 38220090 12 RT 75-59-2 500 ml 10346 Part A 38220090 12 RT 75-59-2 100 ml 2893 Part A 29239000 18 RT 75-59-2 250 ml 5562 Part A 29239000 18 RT 75-59-2 500 ml 10568 Part A 29239000 18 RT 75-59-2 250 ml 1848 Part A 29239000 18 RT 75-59-2 100 ml 1272 Part A 38220090 12 RT 75-59-2 250 ml 2943 Part A 38220090 12 RT 10424-65-4 5 Gms 758 Part A 29239000 18 RT 10424-65-4 25 Gms 1335 Part A 29239000 18 RT 10424-65-4 100 Gms 4506 Part A 29239000 18 RT 110-18-9 100 ml 777 Part A 29212990 18 RT 110-18-9 250 ml 1278 Part A 29212990 18 RT Page 96 of 321 29321100 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 84666 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) extrapure AR, 99% 84198 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 84198 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 52145 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) for molecular biology, 99.5% 52145 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) for molecular biology, 99.5% 80909 Tetrapropylammonium Chloride extrapure, 98% CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 110-18-9 500 ml 2109 Part A 29212990 18 RT 110-18-9 100 ml 888 Part A 29212990 18 RT 110-18-9 500 ml 2331 Part A 29212990 18 RT 110-18-9 25 ml 501 Part A 29212990 18 RT 110-18-9 100 ml 1020 Part A 29212990 18 RT 5810-42-4 10 Gms 4706 Part A 29239000 18 RT 80909 Tetrapropylammonium Chloride extrapure, 98% 5810-42-4 50 Gms 15680 Part A 29239000 18 RT 70177 Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate Anhydrous (TSPP anhy) extrapure, 95% 49473 Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate Decahydrate (TSPP Decahyd) extrapure AR, 99% 49473 Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate Decahydrate (TSPP Decahyd) extrapure AR, 99% 56135 Theophylline anhydrous pure, 99% 56135 Theophylline anhydrous pure, 99% 17942 Thioacetamide extrapure AR, 99% 17942 Thioacetamide extrapure AR, 99% 17942 Thioacetamide extrapure AR, 99% 48979 Thioacetamide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 7722-88-5 500 Gms 890 Part A 28353900 18 RT 13472-36-1 500 Gms 1887 Part A 28353900 18 RT 13472-36-1 2.5 Kg 7213 Part A 28353900 18 RT 29395900 29395900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 58-55-9 58-55-9 62-55-5 62-55-5 62-55-5 62-55-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 334 945 556 1999 8875 777 48979 Thioacetamide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 62-55-5 100 Gms 2664 Part A 29241900 18 RT 48979 Thioacetamide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% 62-55-5 500 Gms 10871 Part A 29241900 18 RT 75493 Thioflavin T for microscopy (C.I. No. 49005), 90% 2390-54-7 5 Gms 1375 Part A 32041329 18 RT 75493 Thioflavin T for microscopy (C.I. No. 49005), 90% 2390-54-7 25 Gms 2997 Part A 32041329 18 RT 35357 35357 74118 74118 80599 80599 74681 74681 74681 58658 58658 88196 88196 16994 16994 20491 68-11-1 68-11-1 68-11-1 68-11-1 78338-22-4 78338-22-4 79-19-6 79-19-6 79-19-6 79-19-6 79-19-6 62-56-6 62-56-6 62-56-6 62-56-6 62-56-6 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1289 5216 1333 5437 2186 9111 361 1236 4326 618 1648 567 5356 505 773 979 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 32041969 32041969 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309010 29309010 29309010 29309010 29309010 Thioglycolic Acid pure, 80% Thioglycolic Acid pure, 80% Thioglycolic Acid ExiPlus, 80% Thioglycolic Acid ExiPlus, 80% Thionin Acetate, 90% Thionin Acetate, 90% Thiosemicarbazide pure, 98% Thiosemicarbazide pure, 98% Thiosemicarbazide pure, 98% Thiosemicarbazide extrapure AR, 99% Thiosemicarbazide extrapure AR, 99% Thiourea pure, 98% Thiourea pure, 98% Thiourea extrapure AR, 99% Thiourea extrapure AR, 99% Thiourea extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Page 97 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 20491 27179 27179 79617 79617 40817 24474 24474 19710 56283 56283 24737 24737 42780 42780 37139 37139 55788 55788 55788 91482 Product Name CAS Number Packing 62-56-6 76-61-9 76-61-9 76-61-9 76-61-9 Date :16-04-2021 Price % Stor age 7440-31-5 7440-31-5 7440-31-5 7440-31-5 7440-31-5 7440-31-5 31011-57-1 31011-57-1 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 3087-36-3 5 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 125 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 250 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 100 ml 91482 Titanium Ethoxide (ET) extrapure, 33-35% TiO2 3087-36-3 250 ml 2997 Part A 29051490 18 RT 56993 Titanium Isopropoxide (TTIP) extrapure, 27.828.6% TiO2 56993 Titanium Isopropoxide (TTIP) extrapure, 27.828.6% TiO2 56993 Titanium Isopropoxide (TTIP) extrapure, 27.828.6% TiO2 70472 Titan Yellow, 65% 70472 Titan Yellow, 65% 70472 Titan Yellow, 65% 47556 Toluene pure, 99% 47556 Toluene pure, 99% 47556 Toluene pure, 99% 39984 Toluene (Sulphur free) extrapure, 99.5% 39984 Toluene (Sulphur free) extrapure, 99.5% 85577 Toluene extrapure AR, 99.5% 85577 Toluene extrapure AR, 99.5% 95227 Toluene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 95227 Toluene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 17213 Toluene Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water 17213 Toluene Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water 17213 Toluene Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water 80156 Toluene Dried Special (Low Benzene, 25ppm), 99.5%, 0.005% water 80156 Toluene Dried Special (Low Benzene, 25ppm), 99.5%, 0.005% water 83662 Toluene GC-HS, 99.9% 83662 Toluene GC-HS, 99.9% 546-68-9 100 ml 556 Part A 29051990 18 RT 546-68-9 500 ml 1082 Part A 29051990 18 RT 546-68-9 2500 ml 5047 Part A 29051990 18 RT 1829-00-1 1829-00-1 1829-00-1 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 10 Gms 25 Gms 50 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 108-88-3 1000 ml 1550 Part A 29023000 18 RT 108-88-3 108-88-3 500 ml 1000 ml 846 Part A 1603 Part A 29023000 18 RT 29023000 18 RT Page 98 of 321 389 838 1437 317 1222 10439 334 1388 390 1444 456 1833 435 777 1644 470 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code Thiourea extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Thymol Blue Thymol Blue Thymol Blue ACS, ExiPlus™ Thymol Blue ACS, ExiPlus™ Thymol Blue Solution (0.1% in methanol) Thymolphthalein ACS, ExiPlus™ Thymolphthalein ACS, ExiPlus™ Tin AAS Standard Solution in 2N HCl Tin Metal Granular extrapure, 99% Tin Metal Granular extrapure, 99% Tin Metal Granular extrapure AR, 99% Tin Metal Granular extrapure AR, 99% Tin Metal Powder pure, 99% Tin Metal Powder pure, 99% Titanium (IV) Chloride THF Complex Titanium (IV) Chloride THF Complex Titanium Dioxide extrapure, 98% Titanium Dioxide extrapure, 98% Titanium Dioxide extrapure, 98% Titanium Ethoxide (ET) extrapure, 33-35% TiO2 125-20-2 125-20-2 9064 201 925 251 1101 148 170 700 2157 1124 5451 1335 5952 1169 2670 2559 9901 490 923 3885 1944 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29309010 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 38220090 29420090 29420090 38220090 80011090 80011090 80011090 80011090 80011090 80011090 28273990 28273990 28230010 28230010 28230010 29051490 32049000 32049000 32049000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 108-88-3 108-88-3 108-88-3 2037-26-5 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 10 ml 33635 m-Toluidine extrapure, 99% 33635 m-Toluidine extrapure, 99% 82225 p-Toluenesulfonamide (PTSamide) pure, 98% 108-44-1 108-44-1 70-55-3 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 515 Part A 2060 Part A 280 Part A 29214390 18 RT 29214390 18 RT 29350090 18 RT 82225 p-Toluenesulfonamide (PTSamide) pure, 98% 70-55-3 500 Gms 1100 Part A 29350090 18 RT 29423 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Monohydrate pure, 98% 6192-52-5 500 Gms 473 Part A 29041090 18 RT 29423 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Monohydrate pure, 98% 6192-52-5 5 Kg 3608 Part A 29041090 18 RT 77948 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 77948 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% 55580 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Monohydrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 55580 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Monohydrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 86763 p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 98% 6192-52-5 100 Gms 290 Part A 29041090 18 RT 6192-52-5 500 Gms 1166 Part A 29041090 18 RT 6192-52-5 100 Gms 567 Part A 29041090 18 RT 6192-52-5 500 Gms 2053 Part A 29041090 18 RT 657-84-1 500 Gms 1695 Part A 29041090 18 RT 73222 73222 21559 21559 74315 74315 91094 91094 91094 91094 15886 15886 15886 90544 90544 60677 102-76-1 102-76-1 102-82-9 102-82-9 126-73-8 126-73-8 6138-23-4 6138-23-4 6138-23-4 6138-23-4 6138-23-4 6138-23-4 6138-23-4 76-03-9 76-03-9 76-03-9 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 60677 Trichloroacetic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% 76-03-9 500 Gms 31445 31445 54290 15106 92390 92390 76-03-9 76-03-9 76-03-9 79-01-6 79-01-6 79-01-6 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml Toluene for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Toluene for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Toluene for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.8% Toluene-d8 for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D Triacetin pure, 99% Triacetin pure, 99% Tributylamine extrapure, 99% Tributylamine extrapure, 99% Tributylphosphate extrapure, 99% Tributylphosphate extrapure, 99% D-Trehalose Dihydrate extrapure CHR D-Trehalose Dihydrate extrapure CHR D-Trehalose Dihydrate extrapure CHR D-Trehalose Dihydrate extrapure CHR D-Trehalose Dihydrate for tissue culture D-Trehalose Dihydrate for tissue culture D-Trehalose Dihydrate for tissue culture Trichloroacetic Acid extrapure, 99% Trichloroacetic Acid extrapure, 99% Trichloroacetic Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 99.5% Trichloroacetic Acid 10% solution Trichloroacetic Acid 10% solution Trichloroacetic Acid 20% solution Trichloroethylene extrapure, 99% Trichloroethylene extrapure AR, 99.5% Trichloroethylene extrapure AR, 99.5% Page 99 of 321 Price 496 890 1772 12500 702 2664 396 1055 1166 4725 334 1169 3894 22805 501 1780 4339 157 646 268 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 890 Part A 180 390 412 424 445 1776 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 29490 29490 29490 85590 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29023000 29023000 29023000 29023000 29157090 29157090 29211990 29211990 29199090 29199090 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29154030 29154030 29154030 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29154030 18 RT 38220090 38220090 38220090 29032200 29032200 29032200 12 12 12 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 86976 Trichloroethylene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 86976 Trichloroethylene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 76338 Trichloroethylene electronic grade, 99.5% 76338 Trichloroethylene electronic grade, 99.5% 97681 Trichloroethylene for UV spectroscopy, 99.5% 79-01-6 500 ml 490 Part A 29032200 18 RT 79-01-6 2500 ml 1944 Part A 29032200 18 RT 79-01-6 79-01-6 79-01-6 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 728 Part A 1776 Part A 470 Part A 29032200 18 RT 29032200 18 RT 29032200 18 RT 97681 Trichloroethylene for UV spectroscopy, 99.5% 79-01-6 1000 ml 887 Part A 29032200 18 RT 42943 Trichloroethylene Dried, 99.5%, 0.005% water 79-01-6 1000 ml 1665 Part A 29032200 18 RT 20779 20779 29306 29306 29306 75198 75198 95205 95205 67352 67352 55221 37817 37817 96475 96475 86570 86570 81085 81085 78984 78984 78984 65415 Triethanolamine pure, 98% Triethanolamine pure, 98% Triethylamine pure, 98% Triethylamine pure, 98% Triethylamine pure, 98% Triethylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Triethylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% Triethylamine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Triethylamine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Triethylamine for HPLC, 99.5% Triethylamine for HPLC, 99.5% Triethylamine for molecular biology, 99.5% Triethylene Glycol extrapure, 99% Triethylene Glycol extrapure, 99% Triethylene Glycol extrapure AR, 99% Triethylene Glycol extrapure AR, 99% Triethylenetetramine pure, 97% Triethylenetetramine pure, 97% Triethyl Orthoformate extrapure, 99% Triethyl Orthoformate extrapure, 99% Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) pure, 99% Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) pure, 99% Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) pure, 99% Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 102-71-6 102-71-6 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 121-44-8 112-27-6 112-27-6 112-27-6 112-27-6 112-24-3 112-24-3 122-51-0 122-51-0 76-05-1 76-05-1 76-05-1 76-05-1 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 65415 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 76-05-1 250 ml 3100 Part A 29159093 18 RT 65415 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) extrapure AR, 99.5% 76-05-1 500 ml 4000 Part A 29159093 18 RT 67869 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 67869 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 82818 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 82818 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 82818 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy, 99.9% 76-05-1 100 ml 2100 Part A 29159093 18 RT 76-05-1 500 ml 4300 Part A 29159093 18 RT 76-05-1 25 ml 800 Part A 29159093 18 RT 76-05-1 100 ml 2371 Part A 29159093 18 RT 76-05-1 500 ml 4600 Part A 29159093 18 RT Page 100 of 321 454 1803 773 3708 36050 850 3914 2112 4532 1339 3193 1442 512 1944 565 1071 753 3356 1892 8677 1186 3718 14040 1800 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29221990 29221990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29212990 29212990 29212990 29212990 29212990 29212990 29212990 29053990 29053990 29053990 29053990 29212990 29212990 29151300 29151300 29159093 29159093 29159093 29159093 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 40801 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for molecular biology, 99.9% 40801 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for molecular biology, 99.9% 23947 Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) for HPLC & Sequencing, 99.9% 78716 Trifluoroacetic Acid-d (TFA-d1) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom %D 82395 Trimethyltetradecylammonium Chloride extrapure, 99% 82395 Trimethyltetradecylammonium Chloride extrapure, 99% 38476 Triphenylmethane pure, 99% 38476 Triphenylmethane pure, 99% 71033 Tris Buffer AR, ACS for molecular biology, 99.9% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 76-05-1 100 ml 2500 Part A 29159093 18 RT 76-05-1 500 ml 8500 Part A 29159093 18 RT 76-05-1 10 x1 ml 18000 Part A 29159093 18 RT 599-00-8 10 ml 7400 Part A 29153990 18 RT 4574-04-3 25 Gms 4482 Part A 29239000 18 RT 4574-04-3 100 Gms 11424 Part A 29239000 18 RT 519-73-3 519-73-3 77-86-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1101 Part A 4550 Part A 675 Part A 29029090 18 RT 29029090 18 RT 29211190 18 RT 71033 Tris Buffer AR, ACS for molecular biology, 99.9% 77-86-1 500 Gms 3240 Part A 29211190 18 RT 71033 Tris Buffer AR, ACS for molecular biology, 99.9% 77-86-1 5 Kg 28000 Part A 29211190 18 RT 79420 Tris Buffer Superior extrapure AR, ACS, 99.9% 77-86-1 100 Gms 950 Part A 29211190 18 RT 79420 Tris Buffer Superior extrapure AR, ACS, 99.9% 77-86-1 500 Gms 4200 Part A 29211190 18 RT 79420 Tris Buffer Superior extrapure AR, ACS, 99.9% 77-86-1 5 Kg 32000 Part A 29211190 18 RT 37969 Tris Buffer Superior for molecular biology, 99.9% 77-86-1 100 Gms 1016 Part A 29211190 18 RT 37969 Tris Buffer Superior for molecular biology, 99.9% 77-86-1 500 Gms 5075 Part A 29211190 18 RT 37969 Tris Buffer Superior for molecular biology, 99.9% 77-86-1 5 Kg 37278 Part A 29211190 18 RT 1400 6000 12000 725 29211190 29211190 29211190 29211190 56995 56995 16622 99438 Tris Buffer for HPLC, 99.9% Tris Buffer for HPLC, 99.9% Tris Buffer USP, 99-101% Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) extrapure AR, 99% 77-86-1 77-86-1 77-86-1 1185-53-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 100 Gms 99438 Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) extrapure AR, 99% 1185-53-1 500 Gms 3500 Part A 29211190 18 RT 99438 Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) extrapure AR, 99% 1185-53-1 5 Kg 31000 Part A 29211190 18 RT 89781 Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) for molecular biology, 99% 89781 Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) for molecular biology, 99% 89781 Tris Hydrochloride (Tris HCl) for molecular biology, 99% 30190 Triton X-100 extrapure for scintillation 30190 Triton X-100 extrapure for scintillation 64518 Triton X-100 for molecular biology 64518 Triton X-100 for molecular biology 1185-53-1 100 Gms 882 Part A 29211190 18 RT 1185-53-1 500 Gms 3800 Part A 29211190 18 RT 1185-53-1 1 Kg 6800 Part A 29211190 18 RT 9002-93-1 9002-93-1 9002-93-1 9002-93-1 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 600 2900 800 1200 29420090 29420090 29157020 29157020 Page 101 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 55219 55219 55219 64315 64315 10233 10233 10263 10263 10263 49102 49102 49102 48288 48288 26579 26579 10726 45438 70600 70600 10342 10342 16796 16796 16796 16796 18917 18917 91772 91772 91772 91772 62762 69120 69120 69120 86854 86854 51459 51459 21113 21113 21113 44255 44255 12859 12859 12859 55269 55269 Product Name Triton X-405 (70% solution) extrapure Triton X-405 (70% solution) extrapure Triton X-405 (70% solution) extrapure Tropaeolin O Sodium Salt Tropaeolin O Sodium Salt DL-Tryptophan extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Tryptophan extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tryptophan extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tryptophan extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tryptophan extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tryptophan for tissue culture, 99% L-Tryptophan for tissue culture, 99% L-Tryptophan for tissue culture, 99% L-Tryptophan ExiPlus™, 99% L-Tryptophan ExiPlus™, 99% D-Tryptophan (base) extrapure, 99% D-Tryptophan (base) extrapure, 99% Tungsten AAS Standard Solution in H20 Turmeric Indicator Papers D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% DL-Tyrosine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Tyrosine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tyrosine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tyrosine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tyrosine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tyrosine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Tyrosine for tissue culture, 99% L-Tyrosine for tissue culture, 99% L-Tyrosine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Tyrosine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Tyrosine ExiPlus™, 99% L-Tyrosine ExiPlus™, 99% Urea extrapure, 99% Urea extrapure AR, 99.5% Urea extrapure AR, 99.5% Urea extrapure AR, 99.5% Urea extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Urea extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Urea specially purified, 99.5% Urea specially purified, 99.5% Urea for molecular biology, 99.5% Urea for molecular biology, 99.5% Urea for molecular biology, 99.5% Urea for tissue culture, 99.5% Urea for tissue culture, 99.5% L-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Valine for tissue culture, 99% L-Valine for tissue culture, 99% CAS Number Packing 9036-19-5 9036-19-5 9036-19-5 547-57-9 547-57-9 54-12-6 54-12-6 73-22-3 73-22-3 73-22-3 73-22-3 73-22-3 73-22-3 73-22-3 73-22-3 153-94-6 153-94-6 100 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 250 ml 10 Books 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 100 Gms 556-02-5 556-02-5 556-03-6 556-03-6 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 60-18-4 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 57-13-6 72-18-4 72-18-4 72-18-4 72-18-4 72-18-4 Page 102 of 321 Date :16-04-2021 Price 2220 4716 7213 580 2100 445 2114 236 802 2536 324 1057 4005 982 2766 3226 7028 2215 412 666 2331 665 2964 290 945 4383 8433 380 1280 325 1055 4661 9097 251 472 4482 21525 499 4718 779 6452 869 1558 7231 1002 1669 313 992 7835 368 1141 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code 38220090 38220090 38220090 32041212 32041212 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 38220090 38220090 29224990 29224990 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29225015 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 % 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 55269 L-Valine for tissue culture, 99% 42749 Vanadium AAS Standard Solution in 2N H2SO4 76132 76132 76132 83822 83822 83822 83080 83080 98842 98842 98842 20563 20563 20563 49456 49456 49456 14553 14553 76911 76911 92605 64236 64236 23749 23749 29280 24923 24923 54717 54717 54717 63797 63797 63797 75122 75122 75122 49672 49672 Vanadium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.5% Vanadium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.5% Vanadium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.5% Vanadium Pentoxide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Vanadium Pentoxide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Vanadium Pentoxide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99.5% Vanillic Acid extrapure, 99% Vanillic Acid extrapure, 99% Vanillin pure, 99% Vanillin pure, 99% Vanillin pure, 99% Vanillin extrapure AR, 99% Vanillin extrapure AR, 99% Vanillin extrapure AR, 99% Vanillin extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Vanillin extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Vanillin extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Vitamin A Acetate (Retinyl Acetate, Vitamin B3) for tissue culture Vitamin A Acetate (Retinyl Acetate, Vitamin B3) for tissue culture Vitamin A Palmitate (Retinyl Palmitate) for tissue culture, 1.615-1.860MIU/g Vitamin A Palmitate (Retinyl Palmitate) for tissue culture, 1.615-1.860MIU/g Water for HPLC Xanthan Gum ExiPlus Xanthan Gum ExiPlus o-Xylene pure, 98% o-Xylene pure, 98% m-Xylene pure, 98% p-Xylene pure, 99% p-Xylene pure, 99% Xylene pure, 99% Xylene pure, 99% Xylene pure, 99% Xylene Cyanol FF Xylene Cyanol FF Xylene Cyanol FF Xylene Cyanol FF extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ Xylene Cyanol FF extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ Xylene Cyanol FF extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ p-Xylenol Blue extrapure AR, 95% p-Xylenol Blue extrapure AR, 95% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 72-18-4 500 Gms 250 ml 4561 Part A 1816 Part A 29224990 18 RT 38220090 12 RT 1314-62-1 1314-62-1 1314-62-1 1314-62-1 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 279 869 4005 324 28253010 28253010 28253010 28253010 1314-62-1 100 Gms 1280 Part A 28253010 18 RT 1314-62-1 500 Gms 4673 Part A 28253010 18 RT 121-34-6 121-34-6 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 121-33-5 127-47-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 1169 4005 250 750 3300 270 900 3800 303 1020 3950 779 29189990 29189990 29124100 29124100 29124100 29124100 29124100 29124100 29124100 29124100 29124100 29362100 127-47-9 25 Gms 3338 Part A 29362100 18 8-25C 79-81-2 5 Gms 779 Part A 29362100 18 8-25C 79-81-2 25 Gms 3338 Part A 29362100 18 8-25C 7732-18-5 11138-66-2 11138-66-2 95-47-6 95-47-6 108-38-3 106-42-3 106-42-3 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 2650-17-1 2650-17-1 2650-17-1 2650-17-1 2650-17-1 2650-17-1 125-31-5 125-31-5 1000 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms Page 103 of 321 Price 366 394 800 380 1444 563 578 2553 325 1355 9954 1625 5992 16223 1625 5992 18720 501 2337 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28530010 39139090 39139090 29024100 29024100 29024200 29024300 29024300 29024400 29024400 29024400 32041248 32041248 32041248 32041248 32041248 32041248 32049000 32049000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 49992 Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR 3618-43-7 5 Gms 567 Part A 32049000 18 RT 49992 Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR 3618-43-7 10 Gms 927 Part A 32049000 18 RT 31557 Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 31557 Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus 96240 Xylene Sulphur Free extrapure, 98% 96240 Xylene Sulphur Free extrapure, 98% 96240 Xylene Sulphur Free extrapure, 98% 90998 Xylene extrapure AR, 99.8% 90998 Xylene extrapure AR, 99.8% 89159 Xylene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 89159 Xylene extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.8% 45122 Xylene for molecular biology, 99.5% 45122 Xylene for molecular biology, 99.5% 45122 Xylene for molecular biology, 99.5% 85471 Xylene Dried, 99.8%, 0.005% water 46561 Yttrium (III) Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 46561 Yttrium (III) Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 76192 Zinc Acetate Dihydrate extrapure, 98.5% 76205 Zinc Acetate Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 53174 Zinc Acetate Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 43758 Zinc AAS Standard Solution in 1N HNO3 97765 Zinc Carbonate Basic Dihydrate pure, 58% Zn 97765 Zinc Carbonate Basic Dihydrate pure, 58% Zn 99367 Zinc Citrate Dihydrate pure, 98% 67514 Zinc Chloride for tissue culture, 98% 87288 Zinc Chloride pure, 97% 86783 Zinc Fluoride pure, 98% 86783 Zinc Fluoride pure, 98% 27008 Zinc Metal Dust pure, 99%, -325 mesh 20050 Zinc Metal Dust extrapure AR, 99.5%, -325 mesh 3618-43-7 10 Gms 1185 Part A 32049000 18 RT 3618-43-7 25 Gms 2678 Part A 32049000 18 RT 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1330-20-7 1314-36-9 1314-36-9 5970-45-6 5970-45-6 5970-45-6 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 1000 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 346 1388 10279 412 1499 456 1722 368 666 1999 646 485 1133 535 668 801 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 29024400 28469090 28469090 29152990 29152990 29152990 18 2157 360 600 1135 1558 401 1554 5328 779 913 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 38220090 28369990 28369990 29181590 29152990 29152990 28269000 28269000 79031000 79031000 12 5263-02-5 5263-02-5 5990-32-9 7646-85-7 7646-85-7 7783-49-5 7783-49-5 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 250 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 73932 Zinc Metal Dust extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5%, -325 mesh 73932 Zinc Metal Dust extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5%, -325 mesh 75001 Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99% 24693 Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% 87531 Zinc Oxide extrapure, 99% 87531 Zinc Oxide extrapure, 99% 67062 Zinc Oxide extrapure AR, 99.5% 67062 Zinc Oxide extrapure AR, 99.5% 51508 Zinc Oxide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 7440-66-6 500 Gms 980 Part A 79031000 18 RT 7440-66-6 2.5 Kg 4617 Part A 79031000 18 RT 10196-18-6 10196-18-6 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 570 500 4500 650 5300 720 28342990 28342990 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 51508 Zinc Oxide extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 1314-13-2 5 Kg Page 104 of 321 Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A 5800 Part A 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 28170010 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Packing 67106 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate for tissue culture, 99% 7446-20-0 500 Gms 468 Part A 28332990 18 RT 67106 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate for tissue culture, 99% 7446-20-0 1 Kg 835 Part A 28332990 18 RT 76455 76455 76455 78494 62294 47482 47482 75738 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 99% Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 99% Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate pure, 99% Zinc Sulphite Anhydrous extrapure, 80% Zinc Sulphite Dihydrate extrapure, 98% Zinc Sulphide extrapure, 98% Zinc Sulphide extrapure, 98% Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 7446-20-0 7446-20-0 7446-20-0 13597-44-9 7488-52-0 1314-98-3 1314-98-3 7446-20-0 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 75738 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 7446-20-0 5000 Gms 3458 Part A 28332990 18 RT 35243 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 35243 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 12077 Zirconium Oxychloride Octahydrate extrapure, 99.5% 12077 Zirconium Oxychloride Octahydrate extrapure, 99.5% 22047 Zirconium Oxychloride Octahydrate ACS, 99.5% 7446-20-0 500 Gms 473 Part A 28332990 18 RT 7446-20-0 5 Kg 4495 Part A 28332990 18 RT 13520-92-8 100 Gms 450 Part A 28273990 18 RT 13520-92-8 250 Gms 1100 Part A 28273990 18 RT 13520-92-8 100 Gms 550 Part A 28273990 18 RT 22047 Zirconium Oxychloride Octahydrate ACS, 99.5% 13520-92-8 250 Gms 1400 Part A 28273990 18 RT 38028 Zirconium Sulphate extrapure, 99.5% 47985 Zirconyl Nitrate Hydrate ExiPlus™, 99.5% 47985 Zirconyl Nitrate Hydrate ExiPlus™, 99.5% 14644-61-2 13826-66-9 13826-66-9 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1776 Part A 1166 Part A 4440 Part A 28332990 18 RT 28342990 18 RT 28342990 18 RT 278 480 2306 1147 1103 600 2000 359 Part Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A Part A HS code % CAS Number 28332990 28332990 28332990 28322090 28322090 28309010 28309010 28332990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT Part B - Bioreagents, Biochemicals & Specialty Fine Chemicals 44284 Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (Diglyme, DEGDME) pure, 99% 44284 Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (Diglyme, DEGDME) pure, 99% 66308 (+)-Abscisic Acid Natural (S-ABA) for tissue culture, 98% 66308 (+)-Abscisic Acid Natural (S-ABA) for tissue culture, 98% 66308 (+)-Abscisic Acid Natural (S-ABA) for tissue culture, 98% 31240 (+/-)-Abscisic Acid Synthetic (ABA) for tissue culture, 98% 31240 (+/-)-Abscisic Acid Synthetic (ABA) for tissue culture, 98% 40157 ABTS extrapure AR (2,2-Azino-bis (3ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) Diammonium Salt), 98.5% 40157 ABTS extrapure AR (2,2-Azino-bis (3ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) Diammonium Salt), 98.5% 111-96-6 500 ml 800 Part B 29094900 18 RT 111-96-6 2500 ml 3600 Part B 29094900 18 RT 21293-29-8 25 Mg 1400 Part B 38089340 18 -20C 21293-29-8 100 Mg 3900 Part B 38089340 18 -20C 21293-29-8 500 Mg 18000 Part B 38089340 18 -20C 14375-45-2 25 Mg 1600 Part B 38089340 18 -20C 14375-45-2 100 Mg 4100 Part B 38089340 18 -20C 30931-67-0 100 Mg 4652 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 30931-67-0 500 Mg 10466 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C Page 105 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 28042 ABTS extrapure (2,2-Azino-bis (330931-67-0 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) Diammonium Salt), 98% 28042 ABTS extrapure (2,2-Azino-bis (330931-67-0 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) Diammonium Salt), 98% 28042 ABTS extrapure (2,2-Azino-bis (330931-67-0 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) Diammonium Salt), 98% 83088 ABTS Peroxidase Stop Solution (5% SDS solution) suitable for molecular biology 83088 ABTS Peroxidase Stop Solution (5% SDS solution) suitable for molecular biology 33108 ABTS Substrate Solution (Single Solution) 33108 ABTS Substrate Solution (Single Solution) 65457 Acarbose extrapure, 95% 56180-94-0 65457 Acarbose extrapure, 95% 56180-94-0 66822 ACES Buffer extrapure, 99% 7365-82-4 66822 ACES Buffer extrapure, 99% 7365-82-4 62316 Acetone Sodium Bisulfite pure, 98% 540-92-1 89204 AEBSF Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 98% 30827-99-7 89204 AEBSF Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 98% 30827-99-7 89204 AEBSF Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 98% 30827-99-7 59750 PUGNAc extrapure, 95% 132489-69-1 20140 3-(Acetamidomethylthio)propanoic Acid 52574-08-0 (MPA(Acm)) extrapure, 98% 12052 4-Acetamido-2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl 14691-89-5 (Acetamido TEMPO) pure, 97% 12052 4-Acetamido-2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl 14691-89-5 (Acetamido TEMPO) pure, 97% 12052 4-Acetamido-2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl 14691-89-5 (Acetamido TEMPO) pure, 97% 34437 Acetobromo-D-Glucose extrapure for 572-09-8 biochemistry, 98% 28590 Acetobromo-D-Galatose extrapure for 3068-32-4 biochemistry, 98% 43717 1-Acetonaphthone pure, 98% 941-98-0 43717 1-Acetonaphthone pure, 98% 941-98-0 21009 2-Acetonaphthone pure, 98% 93-08-3 21009 2-Acetonaphthone pure, 98% 93-08-3 24168 Acetylcholine Bromide extrapure, 98% 66-23-9 24168 Acetylcholine Bromide extrapure, 98% 66-23-9 17884 N-Acetyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 97-69-8 17884 N-Acetyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 97-69-8 70538 N-Acetyl-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 997-55-7 70538 N-Acetyl-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 997-55-7 23157 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzoyl-b-D-Ribofuranose 6974-32-9 extrapure, 98% 23157 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzoyl-b-D-Ribofuranose 6974-32-9 extrapure, 98% 500 Mg 4376 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 1 Gms 8307 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 5 Gms 25691 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 25 ml 1552 Part B 38220090 12 RT 100 ml 4266 Part B 38220090 12 RT Page 106 of 321 25 ml 100 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 500 Mg 5 Mg 1 Gms Price 1552 3303 6093 19047 2581 9461 3783 1088 3379 16058 15450 5006 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 38220090 38220090 29321990 29321990 29214290 29214290 28322090 29214990 29214990 29214990 29420090 29309099 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C 0-4C 1 Gms 1854 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 5 Gms 4120 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 25 Gms 9785 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 10 Gms 7000 Part B 29400000 18 -20C 5 Gms 6200 Part B 29400000 18 -20C 1303 2531 890 2003 2400 8000 1188 4800 2659 7753 2770 29029090 29029090 29029090 29029090 29420090 29420090 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29420090 100 ml 250 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 11628 Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 23598 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzoyl-b-L-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 23598 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzoyl-b-L-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 41439 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzoyl-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 41439 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzoyl-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 72981 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzyl-b-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 95% 72981 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzyl-b-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 95% 32993 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzyl-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 32993 1-O-Acetyl-2,3,5-Tri-O-Benzyl-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 62929 Acetylcholine Chloride extrapure, 99% 53182 Acetylcholine Chloride ExiPlus™, 99% 71332 Acetylcholine Iodide extrapure, 99% 71332 Acetylcholine Iodide extrapure, 99% 71332 Acetylcholine Iodide extrapure, 99% 26904 Acetyl Coenzyme A Trilithium Salt extrapure, 90% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 3080-30-6 1 Gms 11628 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 3080-30-6 5 Gms 37650 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 14215-97-5 5 Gms 2327 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 14215-97-5 25 Gms 10521 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 91110-24-6 50 Mg 21593 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 91110-24-6 200 Mg 47616 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 58381-23-0 50 Mg 21593 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 58381-23-0 200 Mg 47616 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 60-31-1 60-31-1 2260-50-6 2260-50-6 2260-50-6 75520-41-1 25 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Mg 26904 Acetyl Coenzyme A Trilithium Salt extrapure, 90% 75520-41-1 25 Mg 11048 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 26904 Acetyl Coenzyme A Trilithium Salt extrapure, 90% 75520-41-1 100 Mg 38486 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 47866 47866 47866 99328 99328 59012 59012 59012 59012 50241 50241 68761 68761 13149 13149 13149 56115 56115 76097 76097 26124 26124 26124 90430 616-91-1 616-91-1 616-91-1 14215-68-0 14215-68-0 7512-17-6 7512-17-6 7512-17-6 7512-17-6 1188-37-0 1188-37-0 2490-97-3 2490-97-3 2620-63-5 2620-63-5 2620-63-5 543-24-8 543-24-8 1188-21-2 1188-21-2 65-82-7 65-82-7 65-82-7 68-95-1 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 10 Gms 50 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 424 980 3560 2391 7187 887 2493 4376 19934 467 4071 1467 4641 2200 3545 6204 979 4069 979 4048 770 3214 11257 1485 29224990 29224990 29224990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ExiPlus™, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ExiPlus™, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ExiPlus™, 99% N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine extrapure, 98% N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine extrapure, 98% N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine extrapure AR, 99% N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine extrapure AR, 99% N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine extrapure AR, 99% N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine extrapure AR, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-Glycinamide extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-Glycinamide extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-Glycinamide extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl Glycine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl Glycine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Proline extrapure, 98% Page 107 of 321 5429 6425 1497 2881 5649 2809 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29420090 29420090 29239000 29239000 29239000 29349900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing N-Acetyl-L-Proline extrapure, 98% N-Acetyl-L-Proline extrapure, 98% N-Acetylimidazole extrapure AR, 99% N-Acetylimidazole extrapure AR, 99% N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine extrapure, 99% N-Acetylneuraminic Acid extrapure (NANA), 98% 68-95-1 68-95-1 2466-76-4 2466-76-4 1115-47-5 1115-47-5 131-48-6 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 86419 N-Acetylneuraminic Acid extrapure (NANA), 98% 131-48-6 500 Mg 1780 Part B 29159090 18 2-8C 86419 N-Acetylneuraminic Acid extrapure (NANA), 98% 131-48-6 1 Gms 3449 Part B 29159090 18 2-8C 10197 10197 14507 14507 38998 2-Acetyl Pyridine extrapure, 99% 2-Acetyl Pyridine extrapure, 99% 3-Acetyl Pyridine pure, 99% 3-Acetyl Pyridine pure, 99% S-Acetylthiocholine Iodide extrapure AR, 99% 1122-62-9 1122-62-9 350-03-8 350-03-8 1866-15-5 25 ml 100 ml 25 ml 100 ml 1 Gms 1759 5207 1282 2793 1442 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29309099 38998 S-Acetylthiocholine Iodide extrapure AR, 99% 1866-15-5 5 Gms 6093 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C 38998 S-Acetylthiocholine Iodide extrapure AR, 99% 1866-15-5 25 Gms 24364 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C 99703 99703 11644 11644 48861 48861 51031 51031 98070 98070 16756 88-15-3 88-15-3 1218-34-4 1218-34-4 1218-34-4 1218-34-4 87-32-1 87-32-1 537-55-3 537-55-3 36546-50-6 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 2460 11177 1345 5822 1552 5760 2163 8034 1979 7560 5583 29143990 29143990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 36546-50-6 10 Gms 96-81-1 10127-02-3 10127-02-3 10127-02-3 10127-02-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 2567 1372 2245 3989 779 10127-02-3 10 Gms 1391 Part B 32041391 18 RT 10127-02-3 25 Gms 2670 Part B 32041391 18 RT 10127-02-3 100 Gms 10235 Part B 32041391 18 RT 10127-02-3 5 Gms 1280 Part B 32041391 18 RT 16756 61942 97412 97412 97412 37751 37751 37751 37751 62255 2-Acetyl Thiophene pure, 99% 2-Acetyl Thiophene pure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Tryptophan ExiPlus™, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Tryptophan ExiPlus™, 99% N-Acetyl-DL-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-DL-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (ATEE) extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (ATEE) extrapure, 99% N-Acetyl-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Acridine Orange hemi (Zinc Chloride) Salt Acridine Orange hemi (Zinc Chloride) Salt Acridine Orange hemi (Zinc Chloride) Salt Acridine Orange hemi(Zinc Chloride) Salt for molecular biology Acridine Orange hemi(Zinc Chloride) Salt for molecular biology Acridine Orange hemi(Zinc Chloride) Salt for molecular biology Acridine Orange hemi(Zinc Chloride) Salt for molecular biology Acridine Orange hemi(Zinc Chloride) Salt for tissue culture Page 108 of 321 Price 5600 14891 1873 5731 175 734 779 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 10466 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 90430 90430 81977 81977 32414 32414 86419 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29379020 29379020 29332990 29332990 29379020 29379020 29159090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C -20C 29379020 18 -20C 29379020 32041391 32041391 32041391 32041391 18 18 18 18 18 -20C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 62255 Acridine Orange hemi(Zinc Chloride) Salt for tissue culture 82407 Acridine Orange Hydrochloride Hydrate for molecular biology, 99% 82407 Acridine Orange Hydrochloride Hydrate for molecular biology, 99% 42070 Acridine Yellow G 42070 Acridine Yellow G 42428 Acriflavine Neutral for molecular biology, 98% 10127-02-3 25 Gms 4283 Part B 32041391 18 RT 65-61-2 1 Gms 1335 Part B 32041391 18 RT 65-61-2 5 Gms 5841 Part B 32041391 18 RT 135-49-9 135-49-9 8048-52-0 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 1494 Part B 5150 Part B 1552 Part B 32041399 18 RT 32041399 18 RT 38249090 18 RT 42428 Acriflavine Neutral for molecular biology, 98% 8048-52-0 100 Gms 4433 Part B 38249090 18 RT 39309 28269 28269 44597 Actin extrapure, 99% Actinomycin D (AMD) extrapure, 98% Actinomycin D (AMD) extrapure, 98% Acylase 1 (ACY1) ex. Porcine Kidney, 1000U/mg 51005-14-2 50-76-0 50-76-0 9012-37-7 1 Mg 2 Mg 5 Mg 50 Mg 44597 Acylase 1 (ACY1) ex. Porcine Kidney, 1000U/mg 9012-37-7 250 Mg 9158 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 44597 Acylase 1 (ACY1) ex. Porcine Kidney, 1000U/mg 9012-37-7 1 Gms 28779 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 37690 37690 83468 83468 35609 50300 50300 87583 87583 81951 81951 81951 56603 56603 54865 54865 94149 84910 26239-55-4 26239-55-4 7415-22-7 7415-22-7 41689-31-0 73-24-5 73-24-5 321-30-2 321-30-2 321-30-2 321-30-2 321-30-2 321-30-2 321-30-2 58-61-7 58-61-7 58-61-7 37063-35-7 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 25 Mg 37063-35-7 100 Mg 10214 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 60-92-4 100 Mg 4303 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 60-92-4 500 Mg 11828 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 16178-48-6 500 Mg 833 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 16178-48-6 1 Gms 1442 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 98333 98333 43801 43801 ADA Buffer extrapure, 98% ADA Buffer extrapure, 98% ADA Monosodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% ADA Monosodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% ADA Disodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% Adenine extrapure, 98% Adenine extrapure, 98% Adenine Sulphate extrapure, 99% Adenine Sulphate extrapure, 99% Adenine Sulphate for tissue culture, 99% Adenine Sulphate for tissue culture, 99% Adenine Sulphate for tissue culture, 99% Adenine Sulphate ExiPlus™, 99% Adenine Sulphate ExiPlus™, 99% Adenosine extrapure, 99% Adenosine extrapure, 99% Adenosine ExiPlus™, 99% Adenosine-2’,3’ Cyclic Monophosphate Sodium Salt extrapure, 98% Adenosine-2’,3’ Cyclic Monophosphate Sodium Salt extrapure, 98% Adenosine-3’,5’-Cyclic-Monophosphoric Acid extrapure, 98% Adenosine-3’,5’-Cyclic-Monophosphoric Acid extrapure, 98% Adenosine-5-Diphosphate Disodium Salt (ADPNa2) extrapure, 98% Adenosine-5-Diphosphate Disodium Salt (ADPNa2) extrapure, 98% Page 109 of 321 Price 31007 5356 12566 2619 1098 2327 4433 8862 3766 304 1227 705 1911 1002 2448 9233 2112 7036 324 1276 1774 3334 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 84910 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 35040099 29419090 29419090 35079099 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29241900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age -20C -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 43801 Adenosine-5-Diphosphate Disodium Salt (ADPNa2) extrapure, 98% 99118 Adenosine-5-Diphosphate Monopotassium Salt Dihydrate (ADP-K) extrapure, 97% 90697 Adenosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (AMPNa2) extrapure, 99% 90697 Adenosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (AMPNa2) extrapure, 99% 84878 Adenosine-5’-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (ATPNa2) extrapure vanadium free, 98% 84878 Adenosine-5’-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (ATPNa2) extrapure vanadium free, 98% 84878 Adenosine-5’-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (ATPNa2) extrapure vanadium free, 98% 46600 S-(5-Adenosyl)-L-Homocysteine extrapure, 99% 16178-48-6 5 Gms 7199 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 72696-48-1 500 Mg 1669 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 4578-31-8 5 Gms 800 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 4578-31-8 25 Gms 3490 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 34369-07-8 1 Gms 201 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 34369-07-8 5 Gms 833 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 34369-07-8 25 Gms 2868 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 979-92-0 10 Mg 35436 Part B 29225090 18 -20C 85934 (S)Adenosyl-L-Methionine DisulphateTosylate, 98% 85934 (S)Adenosyl-L-Methionine DisulphateTosylate, 98% 96146 S-(5-Adenosyl)-L-Methionine-p-Toluenesulfonate Salt extrapure, 95% 96146 S-(5-Adenosyl)-L-Methionine-p-Toluenesulfonate Salt extrapure, 95% 40257 Adipic Acid Dihydrazide (ADH) extrapure, 95% 97540-22-2 500 Mg 1751 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 97540-22-2 1 Gms 3296 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 17176-17-9 1 Gms 1957 Part B 29225090 18 -20C 17176-17-9 5 Gms 6922 Part B 29225090 18 -20C 1071-93-8 25 Gms 2670 Part B 29280090 18 -20C 40257 Adipic Acid Dihydrazide (ADH) extrapure, 95% 1071-93-8 100 Gms 11013 Part B 29280090 18 -20C 75101 75101 60645 60645 60645 36601 36601 36601 36601 36601 23287 488-81-3 488-81-3 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 10 Gms 1057 4172 1669 6007 28923 612 1224 3894 17799 35041 724 29400000 29400000 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 9012-36-6 25 Gms 1558 Part B 13021915 18 RT 9012-36-6 100 Gms 4561 Part B 13021915 18 RT 9012-36-6 500 Gms 20580 Part B 13021915 18 RT 9012-36-6 1 Kg 38934 Part B 13021915 18 RT 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 2003 Part B 5785 Part B 23361 Part B 13021915 18 RT 13021915 18 RT 13021915 18 RT 23287 23287 23287 23287 10423 10423 10423 Adonitol (Ribitol) extrapure, 99% Adonitol (Ribitol) extrapure, 99% Agarose High EEO for molecular biology Agarose High EEO for molecular biology Agarose High EEO for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO Superior Grade for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO Superior Grade for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO Superior Grade for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO Superior Grade for molecular biology Agarose Low EEO Superior Grade for molecular biology Agarose Medium EEO for molecular biology Agarose Medium EEO for molecular biology Agarose Medium EEO for molecular biology Page 110 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 10423 27813 27813 27813 27813 32417 32417 32417 32417 78711 78711 78711 52734 52734 52734 93419 67900 76171 12375 19339 19339 52821 64422 64422 96244 96244 96244 54984 32344 32344 11180 11180 28760 28760 25696 25696 94518 17737 64048 94349 Product Name Agarose Medium EEO for molecular biology Agarose UltraPhor for molecular biology Agarose UltraPhor for molecular biology Agarose UltraPhor for molecular biology Agarose UltraPhor for molecular biology Agarose Low Melting for molecular biology Agarose Low Melting for molecular biology Agarose Low Melting for molecular biology Agarose Low Melting for molecular biology Agarose Low-6 Agarose Low-6 Agarose Low-6 Agarose Low-8 Agarose Low-8 Agarose Low-8 Agarose TAE mix 1.0% Agarose TAE mix 2.0% Agarose TBE mix 1.0% Agarose TBE mix 2.0% Ajmalicine pure, 98% Ajmalicine pure, 98% Ajmaline pure, 98% D-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% D-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Alanine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Alanine extrapure OAS, 99.5% D-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Free Base extrapure, 97% D-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Free Base extrapure, 97% ß-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 99% ß-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 99% D-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 99% D-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 99% L-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 98% L-Alanine7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 98% L-Alanine Benzyl Ester p-Toluene Sulfonate extrapure, 98% L-Alanine Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Alanine-ß-Naphthylamide Hydrobromide extrapure, 98% L-Alanyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 9012-36-6 483-04-5 483-04-5 4360-12-7 338-69-2 338-69-2 302-72-7 302-72-7 302-72-7 302-72-7 77471-41-1 500 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 50 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 10 Mg 77471-41-1 25 Mg 19768 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 201847-54-3 10 Mg 11744 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 201847-54-3 25 Mg 24018 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 201847-52-1 10 Mg 8457 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 201847-52-1 25 Mg 16431 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 96594-10-4 25 Mg 5624 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 96594-10-4 100 Mg 16065 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 42854-62-6 25 Gms 5932 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 5557-83-5 25 Gms 5150 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 3513-56-2 100 Mg 6048 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 1948-31-8 100 Mg 3838 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C Page 111 of 321 Price 45609 3177 6098 13973 50807 3300 6230 15267 51296 3596 14245 48353 3465 13592 47047 7753 7753 7753 7753 3214 12183 3072 999 3103 190 578 4873 216 10873 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 13021915 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 94349 31622 31622 46620 46620 73721 31550 Product Name L-Alanyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% L-Alanyl Glycine extrapure, 99% L-Alanyl Glycine extrapure, 99% L-Alanyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% L-Alanyl-L-Leucine-L-Phenylalanine extrapure CAS Number Packing 1948-31-8 39537-23-0 39537-23-0 687-69-4 687-69-4 3303-34-2 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 100 Mg Date :16-04-2021 Price 18419 800 2400 3546 16810 8867 7613 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29379020 29224290 29224290 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 97088 L-Alanyl Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 97088 L-Alanyl Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 97088 L-Alanyl Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 41859 L-Alanyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% 38211 Alar extrapure AR, 99% 38211 Alar extrapure AR, 99% 38211 Alar extrapure AR, 99% 97350 Albumin Bovine (pH 5.2) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 97350 Albumin Bovine (pH 5.2) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 97350 Albumin Bovine (pH 5.2) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 97350 Albumin Bovine (pH 5.2) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 97350 Albumin Bovine (pH 5.2) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 83803 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 83803 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 83803 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 83803 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 83803 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 85171 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for molecular biology (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 2491-20-5 5 Gms 1220 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 2491-20-5 25 Gms 4873 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 2491-20-5 100 Gms 16611 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 3061-88-9 1596-84-5 1596-84-5 1596-84-5 9048-46-8 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 3028 444 1884 7975 909 9048-46-8 10 Gms 1476 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 50 Gms 6582 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 100 Gms 12255 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 250 Gms 28934 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 5 Gms 610 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 10 Gms 1164 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 25 Gms 2770 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 100 Gms 9569 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 250 Gms 23442 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 5 Gms 721 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 85171 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for molecular biology (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 10 Gms 1331 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 85171 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for molecular biology (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 25 Gms 2992 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 85171 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for molecular biology (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 100 Gms 9912 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C Page 112 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29379020 38089340 38089340 38089340 38220090 18 18 18 18 12 -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 85171 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for molecular biology (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 500 Gms 48172 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 14438 Albumin Bovine (pH 6.5-7.5) fraction V Lipid Enhanced (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 25 Gms 7231 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 14438 Albumin Bovine (pH 6.5-7.5) fraction V Lipid Enhanced (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 100 Gms 22026 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 32257 Albumin Bovine (pH 6.5-7.5) fraction V for tissue culture (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 5 Gms 2114 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 32257 Albumin Bovine (pH 6.5-7.5) fraction V for tissue culture (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 9048-46-8 25 Gms 8010 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 65186 Albumin Bovine (pH 7) fraction V Reagent Grade (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 99% 65186 Albumin Bovine (pH 7) fraction V Reagent Grade (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 99% 65186 Albumin Bovine (pH 7) fraction V Reagent Grade (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 99% 93630 Albumin Bovine (pH 7) fraction V Cohn Analog (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 96% 93630 Albumin Bovine (pH 7) fraction V Cohn Analog (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 96% 93630 Albumin Bovine (pH 7) fraction V Cohn Analog (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 96% 19007 Albumin Bovine Solution (20mg/ml) 19007 Albumin Bovine Solution (20mg/ml) 77761 Albumin Bovine Solution 10% Diluent Solution in PBS (BSA 10% Diluent/Blocking Solution in PBS) 9048-46-8 10 Gms 4652 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 25 Gms 8419 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 100 Gms 18274 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 10 Gms 4652 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 25 Gms 8196 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 100 Gms 18274 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 9048-46-8 9048-46-8 1 ml 5 x1 ml 10 ml 2770 Part B 13291 Part B 4652 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 38220090 12 2-8C 38220090 12 2-8C 45017 45017 56587 56587 21840 Albumin Egg Powder extrapure, 78% Albumin Egg Powder extrapure, 78% Albumin Egg Flakes extrapure, 85% Albumin Egg Flakes extrapure, 85% Albumin Human Serum (Lipid Enhanced), 95% 9006-59-1 9006-59-1 9006-59-1 9006-59-1 70024-90-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 21840 Albumin Human Serum (Lipid Enhanced), 95% 70024-90-7 1 Gms 9720 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 21840 Albumin Human Serum (Lipid Enhanced), 95% 70024-90-7 5 Gms 18360 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 80879 r-Albumin Human - Type Standard ACF ex. Plants, 97% 80879 r-Albumin Human - Type Standard ACF ex. Plants, 97% 55955 r-Albumin Human - Type EG ex. Yeast, 99% 55955 r-Albumin Human - Type EG ex. Yeast, 99% 83428 r-Albumin Human - Type LE ex. Yeast, 98% 83428 r-Albumin Human - Type LE ex. Yeast, 98% 48261 Alcian Blue 70024-90-7 100 Mg 4536 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 70024-90-7 1 Gms 35640 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 70024-90-7 70024-90-7 70024-90-7 70024-90-7 33864-99-2 100 Mg 1 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 9180 45360 4752 37800 1780 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 32049000 Page 113 of 321 Price 861 4248 1614 7381 3780 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 35021900 35021900 35021900 35021900 38220090 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 48261 46822 46822 90008 67482 86220 86220 86220 29186 29186 60352 95786 95786 12151 97534 97534 58020 58020 46287 35401 35401 73583 61973 61973 61973 74880 81396 81396 81396 81396 18036 18036 98062 98062 40182 40182 62360 62360 35418 35418 35418 46832 86936 68384 Product Name Alcian Blue Alcian Blue for tissue culture Alcian Blue for tissue culture Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ALD) ex. Bakers Yeast, 300U/mg protein Alexidine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 96% Alginic Acid pure, 19-25% Alginic Acid pure, 19-25% Alginic Acid pure, 19-25% Alizarin Red S Alizarin Red S Alizarin Red S for tissue culture Alizarin Yellow GG, 90% Alizarin Yellow GG, 90% Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) ex. Calf Intestine Mucosa, 2.0U/mg solids Alkalophilic Proteinase ex. Streptomyces Sp., 20U/mg Alkalophilic Proteinase ex. Streptomyces Sp., 20U/mg Allopurinol extrapure, 98% Allopurinol extrapure, 98% ß-D-Allose extrapure, 98% L-Allose extrapure, 97% L-Allose extrapure, 97% L-Alpha Glycerophosphate Oxidase (GPO) ex. Microorganism, 15U/mg D-Altrose extrapure D-Altrose extrapure D-Altrose extrapure 7-Amino-4-Methylcoumarin (7-AMC) extrapure, 99% Amikacin (AMK) free base, 98% Amikacin (AMK) free base, 98% Amikacin (AMK) free base, 98% Amikacin (AMK) free base, 98% Amikacin Sulphate (AMKS) Amikacin Sulphate (AMKS) p-Aminoacetanilide pure, 98% p-Aminoacetanilide pure, 98% p-Aminoacetophenone extrapure AR, 99% p-Aminoacetophenone extrapure AR, 99% D-a-Amino Adipic Acid extrapure, 98% D-a-Amino Adipic Acid extrapure, 98% L-a-Amino Adipic Acid extrapure, 98% L-a-Amino Adipic Acid extrapure, 98% L-a-Amino Adipic Acid extrapure, 98% Amino Acids Kit L-Amino Acids Kit D-Amino Acid Oxidase (DAA, DAO, DAMOX) ex. Porcine Kidney, 6000U/g CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % 33864-99-2 33864-99-2 33864-99-2 9031-72-5 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 7500 Units 3338 3449 15797 4228 Part B Part B Part B Part B 32049000 32049000 32049000 35079099 18 22573-93-9 9005-32-7 9005-32-7 9005-32-7 130-22-3 130-22-3 130-22-3 584-42-9 584-42-9 9001-78-9 250 Mg 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 5006 360 854 1612 605 2179 1296 600 1200 6180 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29252990 39131010 39131010 39131010 32049000 32049000 32049000 32041261 32041261 35079099 18 315-30-0 315-30-0 7283-09-2 7635-11-2 7635-11-2 9046-28-0 1990-29-0 1990-29-0 1990-29-0 26093-31-2 37517-28-5 37517-28-5 37517-28-5 37517-28-5 39831-55-5 39831-55-5 122-80-5 122-80-5 99-92-3 99-92-3 7620-28-2 7620-28-2 1118-90-7 1118-90-7 1118-90-7 9000-88-8 Page 114 of 321 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C 100 Units 34329 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 200 Units 64227 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 25 Mg 50 Mg 500 Units 824 3142 7368 12061 20770 5006 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29335990 29335990 29400000 29400000 29400000 35079099 18 25 Mg 14008 Part B 100 Mg 53596 Part B 200 Mg 119493 Part B 1 Gms 2884 Part B 29400000 29400000 29400000 29322010 18 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 29242990 29242990 29143990 29143990 29171200 29171200 29171200 29171200 29171200 38220090 38220090 35079099 18 50 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Kit 1 Kit 50 Units 2218 4985 13843 53154 2194 9414 479 1725 809 2868 2926 10842 2559 8162 25581 3546 4022 10234 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 68384 D-Amino Acid Oxidase (DAA, DAO, DAMOX) ex. Porcine Kidney, 6000U/g 98437 p-Aminoazobenzene pure, 98% 98437 p-Aminoazobenzene pure, 98% 79793 m-Aminobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 79793 m-Aminobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 74004 m-Aminobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 74004 m-Aminobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 99839 p-Aminobenzoic Acid pure, 99% 99839 p-Aminobenzoic Acid pure, 99% 19196 p-Aminobenzoic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 56960 2-Aminobenzophenone pure, 98% 56960 2-Aminobenzophenone pure, 98% 26345 4-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 26345 4-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 65081 DL-a-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% 65081 DL-a-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% 10498 2-Amino-5-Chlorobenzophenone pure, 98% 10498 2-Amino-5-Chlorobenzophenone pure, 98% 18125 1-Amino-1-Cyclopropanecarbonitrile extrapure, 98% 18125 1-Amino-1-Cyclopropanecarbonitrile extrapure, 98% 18125 1-Amino-1-Cyclopropanecarbonitrile extrapure, 98% 68678 3-Amino-9-Ethyl Carbazole (AEC), 95% 68678 3-Amino-9-Ethyl Carbazole (AEC), 95% 44285 4-Amino-3-Hydrazino-5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazole (AHMT), 98% 44285 4-Amino-3-Hydrazino-5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazole (AHMT), 98% 44285 4-Amino-3-Hydrazino-5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazole (AHMT), 98% 94283 2-Amino-3-Hydroxypyridine pure, 97% 33864 5-Amino Levulinic Acid Hydrochloride extrapure, 97% 33864 5-Amino Levulinic Acid Hydrochloride extrapure, 97% 33864 5-Amino Levulinic Acid Hydrochloride extrapure, 97% 19902 DL-3-Aminoisobutyric Acid extrapure, 98% 19902 DL-3-Aminoisobutyric Acid extrapure, 98% 86898 DL-3-Aminoisobutyric Acid Hydrate extrapure, 98% 86898 DL-3-Aminoisobutyric Acid Hydrate extrapure, 98% 86898 DL-3-Aminoisobutyric Acid Hydrate extrapure, 98% 87907 5-Aminoisophthalic Acid (5-AIPA) pure, 99% 87907 5-Aminoisophthalic Acid (5-AIPA) pure, 99% 50407 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol pure, 95% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 9000-88-8 100 Units 60-09-3 60-09-3 99-05-8 99-05-8 99-05-8 99-05-8 150-13-0 150-13-0 150-13-0 2835-77-0 2835-77-0 56-12-2 56-12-2 2835-81-6 2835-81-6 719-59-5 719-59-5 127946-77-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 127946-77-4 5 Gms 16058 Part B 29420090 18 RT 127946-77-4 25 Gms 65333 Part B 29420090 18 RT 132-32-1 132-32-1 1750-12-5 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 1614 Part B 12000 Part B 1881 Part B 29349900 18 RT 29349900 18 RT 29309099 18 RT 1750-12-5 5 Gms 6576 Part B 29309099 18 RT 1750-12-5 10 Gms 11257 Part B 29309099 18 RT 16867-03-1 5451-09-2 100 Gms 500 Mg 5349 Part B 4321 Part B 29333919 18 RT 29224990 18 -20C 5451-09-2 1 Gms 6535 Part B 29224990 18 -20C 5451-09-2 5 Gms 26578 Part B 29224990 18 -20C 144-90-1 144-90-1 214139-20-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Mg 5539 Part B 19380 Part B 2107 Part B 29379020 18 RT 29379020 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 214139-20-5 100 Mg 4433 Part B 29224990 18 RT 214139-20-5 250 Mg 6646 Part B 29224990 18 RT 99-31-0 99-31-0 124-68-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 1133 Part B 3605 Part B 1391 Part B 29173990 18 RT 29173990 18 RT 29211990 18 RT Page 115 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age 17907 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 560 2177 479 2037 723 2793 470 987 2538 4210 12404 324 801 1774 5317 3576 17474 4985 29270090 29270090 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29143990 29143990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29143990 29143990 29420090 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Packing 50407 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol pure, 95% 91085 5-Aminonaphthalene-1-Sulphonic Acid pure, 90% 124-68-5 84-89-9 2500 ml 25 Gms 6675 Part B 2500 Part B 29211990 18 RT 29214590 18 RT 91085 5-Aminonaphthalene-1-Sulphonic Acid pure, 90% 84-89-9 100 Gms 9000 Part B 29214590 18 RT 98372 5-Aminonaphthalene-2-Sulphonic Acid pure, 98% 119-79-9 25 Gms 2800 Part B 29214590 18 RT 98372 5-Aminonaphthalene-2-Sulphonic Acid pure, 98% 119-79-9 100 Gms 9500 Part B 29214590 18 RT 79911 1-Amino-2-Naphthol-4-Sulphonic Acid (1,2,4-Acid) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 79911 1-Amino-2-Naphthol-4-Sulphonic Acid (1,2,4-Acid) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 21407 2-Amino-5-Nitrobenzophenone extrapure, 98% 116-63-2 25 Gms 490 Part B 29214590 18 RT 116-63-2 100 Gms 1648 Part B 29214590 18 RT 1775-95-7 25 Gms 2670 Part B 29329900 18 RT 21407 2-Amino-5-Nitrobenzophenone extrapure, 98% 1775-95-7 100 Gms 8788 Part B 29329900 18 RT 58513 2-Aminophenyl-Acetonitrile pure, 97% 58513 2-Aminophenyl-Acetonitrile pure, 97% 33993 (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) extrapure, 98% 33993 (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) extrapure, 98% 17081 2-Aminopurine extrapure, 98% 17081 2-Aminopurine extrapure, 98% 17081 2-Aminopurine extrapure, 98% 65377 2-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 65377 2-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 65377 2-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 29786 3-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 29786 3-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 29786 3-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 16104 4-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 16104 4-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 16104 4-Aminopyridine pure, 98% 12920 4-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole pure, 98% 12920 4-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole pure, 98% 34324 Ammonium 15N Chloride, 98% 40057 Ammonium Phosphomolybdate Hydrate extrapure, 61% Mo 40057 Ammonium Phosphomolybdate Hydrate extrapure, 61% Mo 31438 Ammonium Tetrachloropalladate (II) extrapure, 98% 31438 Ammonium Tetrachloropalladate (II) extrapure, 98% 32285 Ammonium Tetrachloroplatinate (II) extrapure, 99% 32285 Ammonium Tetrachloroplatinate (II) extrapure, 99% 24645 Amoxicillin Trihydrate (AMOT), 97% 2973-50-4 2973-50-4 919-30-2 250 Mg 1 Gms 100 ml 5429 Part B 13843 Part B 2225 Part B 29269000 18 RT 29269000 18 RT 29319090 18 RT 919-30-2 500 ml 8900 Part B 29319090 18 RT Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code Stor age 452-06-2 452-06-2 452-06-2 504-29-0 504-29-0 504-29-0 462-08-8 462-08-8 462-08-8 504-24-5 504-24-5 504-24-5 584-13-4 584-13-4 39466-62-1 54723-94-3 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 25 Gms 54723-94-3 100 Gms 3800 Part B 28429090 18 RT 13820-40-1 250 Mg 6500 Part B 28429090 18 RT 13820-40-1 1 Gms 12000 Part B 28429090 18 RT 13820-41-2 250 Mg 4800 Part B 28439019 18 RT 13820-41-2 1 Gms 9000 Part B 28439019 18 RT 61336-70-7 1 Gms 278 Part B Page 116 of 321 3059 6579 22183 646 1502 5562 1153 4146 18726 445 946 3226 2210 8373 46508 2500 Part % CAS Number 29349900 29349900 29349900 29333911 29333911 29333911 29333911 29333911 29333911 29333911 29333911 29333911 29332910 29332910 28271000 28429090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 29411030 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 61336-70-7 61336-70-7 1397-89-3 1397-89-3 1397-89-3 69-52-3 69-52-3 69-52-3 69-52-3 5 Gms 10 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 26647 Ampicillin Sodium Salt (AMP-Na) for tissue culture 69-52-3 5 Gms 1625 Part B 29411020 18 2-8C 26647 Ampicillin Sodium Salt (AMP-Na) for tissue culture 69-52-3 25 Gms 6397 Part B 29411020 18 2-8C 7177-48-2 7177-48-2 7177-48-2 68399-79-1 68399-79-1 29883-15-6 29883-15-6 29883-15-6 9000-90-2 9000-90-2 9000-90-2 9000-92-4 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 100 Gms 9000-92-4 500 Gms 123-11-5 123-11-5 123-11-5 100-09-4 100-09-4 100-66-3 100-66-3 105-13-5 105-13-5 90-44-8 90-44-8 90-44-8 90-44-8 90-44-8 68956-68-3 68956-68-3 9087-70-1 9087-70-1 9087-70-1 9087-70-1 10323-20-3 10323-20-3 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 ml 500 ml 5 Mg 10 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 82904 82904 82904 96459 96459 85441 85441 85441 95114 95114 28588 46504 46504 89119 89119 89119 90820 90820 70940 64447 75797 75797 96476 96476 96476 63714 63714 44089 44089 62179 62179 62179 62179 23848 23848 Amoxicillin Trihydrate (AMOT), 97% Amoxicillin Trihydrate (AMOT), 97% Amphotericin B (AMT) Amphotericin B (AMT) Amphotericin B (AMT) Ampicillin Sodium Salt (AMP-Na) Ampicillin Sodium Salt (AMP-Na) Ampicillin Sodium Salt (AMP-Na) Ampicillin Sodium Salt (AMP-Na) for tissue culture Ampicillin Trihydrate (AMP) Ampicillin Trihydrate (AMP) Ampicillin Trihydrate (AMP) AMPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% AMPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% D-Amygdalin extrapure, 97% D-Amygdalin extrapure, 97% D-Amygdalin extrapure, 97% a-Amylase ex. Porcine Pancreas, 5U/mg a-Amylase ex. Porcine Pancreas, 5U/mg a-Amylase ex. Porcine Pancreas, 10-25U/mg a-Amylase ex. Malt 1:2000 (Fungal Diastase ex. Aspergillus Oryzae) a-Amylase ex. Malt 1:2000 (Fungal Diastase ex. Aspergillus Oryzae) Anisaldehyde extrapure, 99% Anisaldehyde extrapure, 99% Anisaldehyde extrapure, 99% p-Anisic Acid extrapure, 98% p-Anisic Acid extrapure, 98% Anisole extrapure, 99% Anisole extrapure AR, 99.5% p-Anisyl Alcohol pure, 98% p-Anisyl Alcohol pure, 98% Anthrone extrapure AR, 98% Anthrone extrapure AR, 98% Anthrone extrapure AR, 98% Anthrone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Anthrone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% Appleseed oil Appleseed oil Aprotinin ex. Bovine Lung, 5400U/mg Aprotinin ex. Bovine Lung, 5400U/mg Aprotinin ex. Bovine Lung, 5400U/mg Aprotinin ex. Bovine Lung, 5400U/mg D-Arabinose extrapure D-Arabinose extrapure Page 117 of 321 Price 1220 2218 1224 4673 22805 361 1646 5982 435 305 1343 2439 4005 13349 1362 4199 8510 890 3115 3783 484 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 2043 Part B 380 890 1736 555 2327 615 958 840 2928 501 827 2916 886 3167 2307 4320 1780 3452 6404 22289 464 1339 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 24645 24645 54713 54713 54713 61314 61314 61314 26647 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29411030 29411030 29419090 29419090 29419090 29411020 29411020 29411020 29411020 29411020 29411020 29411020 29214290 29214290 29269000 29269000 29269000 35079062 35079062 35079062 35079062 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C 35079062 18 -20C 29124910 29124910 29124910 29163190 29163190 29093019 29093019 29062990 29062990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 15159099 15159099 35079099 35079099 35079099 35079099 29400000 29400000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 23848 52392 52392 52392 52384 74926 74926 74926 91121 91121 20975 Product Name D-Arabinose extrapure L-Arabinose extrapure L-Arabinose extrapure L-Arabinose extrapure L-Arabinose ExiPlus™ D(+)Arabitol (D-Arabinitol) extrapure 99% D(+)Arabitol (D-Arabinitol) extrapure 99% D(+)Arabitol (D-Arabinitol) extrapure 99% L-(-) Arabitol (L-Arabinitol) extrapure 99% L-(-) Arabitol (L-Arabinitol) extrapure 99% Arachidonic Acid (non-animal) extrapure, 99% CAS Number Packing 10323-20-3 87-72-9, 5328-37-0 87-72-9, 5328-37-0 87-72-9, 5328-37-0 87-72-9, 5328-37-0 488-82-4 488-82-4 488-82-4 7643-75-6 7643-75-6 506-32-1 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 10 Mg Date :16-04-2021 Price 4944 412 906 3399 1132 695 2893 9835 1101 4918 3399 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29157090 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C 20975 Arachidonic Acid (non-animal) extrapure, 99% 506-32-1 25 Mg 7210 Part B 29157090 18 -20C 20975 Arachidonic Acid (non-animal) extrapure, 99% 506-32-1 100 Mg 13390 Part B 29157090 18 -20C 497-76-7 497-76-7 497-76-7 157-06-2 157-06-2 157-06-2 157-06-2 36589-29-4 10 Gms 25 Gms 50 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 6097 12467 21239 2261 6777 9035 15808 1210 35040099 35040099 35040099 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 36589-29-4 25 Gms 4696 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 36589-29-4 100 Gms 15293 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 26340-89-6 5 Gms 1089 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 26340-89-6 25 Gms 4295 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 26340-89-6 100 Gms 14220 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 520-10-5 1 Gms 970 Part B 29270090 18 RT 17299 Arsenazo I Trisodium (Neothorone) extrapure AR 520-10-5 5 Gms 4100 Part B 29270090 18 RT 47014 Arsenazo III Free Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, 85% 47014 Arsenazo III Free Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, 85% 57656 L-Ascorbate Oxidase (Type 1) ex. Cucumber, 150U/mg 60402 L-Ascorbate Oxidase (Type 2) ex. Acremonium Sp., 350U/mg 27999 Asiatic Acid pure, 97% 27999 Asiatic Acid pure, 97% 11479 D-Asparagine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 11479 D-Asparagine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 1668-00-4 1 Gms 5500 Part B 29270090 18 RT 1668-00-4 5 Gms 26000 Part B 29270090 18 RT 9029-44-1 2500 Units 8900 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9029-44-1 1000 Units 6786 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 464-92-6 464-92-6 5794-24-1 5794-24-1 50 Mg 200 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 13492 13492 13492 89184 89184 89184 89184 34537 34537 34537 11249 11249 11249 17299 p-Arbutin extrapure, 98% p-Arbutin extrapure, 98% p-Arbutin extrapure, 98% D-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% D-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% D-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% D-Arginine (free base) extrapure CHR, 99% L-Arginine Ethyl Ester Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Arginine Ethyl Ester Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Arginine Ethyl Ester Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Arginine Methyl Ester Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Arginine Methyl Ester Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Arginine Methyl Ester Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% Arsenazo I Trisodium (Neothorone) extrapure AR Page 118 of 321 3894 13683 668 3614 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29161990 29161990 29224990 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 11479 D-Asparagine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 86883 L-Asparagine Monohydrate extrapure CHR, 99% 5794-24-1 5794-13-8 100 Gms 25 Gms 14453 Part B 348 Part B 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 86883 L-Asparagine Monohydrate extrapure CHR, 99% 5794-13-8 100 Gms 940 Part B 29224990 18 RT 86883 L-Asparagine Monohydrate extrapure CHR, 99% 5794-13-8 1 Kg 7859 Part B 29224990 18 RT 92468 L-Asparagine Monohydrate for tissue culture, 99% 5794-13-8 25 Gms 407 Part B 29224990 18 RT 92468 L-Asparagine Monohydrate for tissue culture, 99% 5794-13-8 100 Gms 1358 Part B 29224990 18 RT 92468 L-Asparagine Monohydrate for tissue culture, 99% 5794-13-8 500 Gms 6174 Part B 29224990 18 RT 44444 44444 44444 90601 90601 90601 90601 90601 71353 5794-13-8 5794-13-8 5794-13-8 1783-96-6 1783-96-6 1783-96-6 1783-96-6 1783-96-6 16115-68-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 16115-68-7 5 Gms 3917 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 16115-68-7 25 Gms 12804 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 16115-68-7 100 Gms 42252 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 32213-95-9 1 Gms 1004 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 32213-95-9 5 Gms 3752 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 32213-95-9 25 Gms 11525 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 32213-95-9 100 Gms 39180 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 1405-69-2 10 Mg 2060 Part B 35021900 18 -20C 1405-69-2 25 Mg 4841 Part B 35021900 18 -20C 1405-69-2 100 Mg 16480 Part B 35021900 18 -20C 320-67-2 320-67-2 320-67-2 320-67-2 76801-85-9 76801-85-9 932-53-6 7303-50-6 25 Mg 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 100 Mg 535 1662 12632 53680 2148 5083 5562 4519 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29415000 29415000 29349900 29379020 71353 71353 50144 50144 50144 50144 21505 21505 21505 34476 34476 34476 34476 59070 59070 81947 13131 L-Asparagine Monohydrate ExiPlus™, 99% L-Asparagine Monohydrate ExiPlus™, 99% L-Asparagine Monohydrate ExiPlus™, 99% D-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% D-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% D-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% D-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% D-Aspartic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% L-Aspartic Acid Diethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Diethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Diethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Diethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Dimethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Dimethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Dimethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% L-Aspartic Acid Dimethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% Avidin ex. Egg White for molecular biology, 10U/mg Protein Avidin ex. Egg White for molecular biology, 10U/mg Protein Avidin ex. Egg White for molecular biology, 10U/mg Protein 5-Azacytidine extrapure, 98% 5-Azacytidine extrapure, 98% 5-Azacytidine extrapure, 98% 5-Azacytidine extrapure, 98% Azaerythromycin (AZAE) Azaerythromycin (AZAE) 6-Azathymine extrapure, 98% DL-7-Azatryptophan Hydrate extrapure, 98% Page 119 of 321 Price 388 1116 8210 121 499 2035 7340 24276 1004 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 71353 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C -20C -20C -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing DL-7-Azatryptophan Hydrate extrapure, 98% 3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine extrapure, 99% 3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine extrapure, 99% 3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine extrapure, 99% 3-Azido-3-Deoxythymidine extrapure, 99% Azithromycin Dihydrate (AZA), 96% Azithromycin Dihydrate (AZA), 96% Azithromycin Dihydrate (AZA), 96% 2,2-Azobis(2-Methylpropionamidine) Dihydrochloride (AAPH) extrapure, 98% 2,2-Azobis(2-Methylpropionamidine) Dihydrochloride (AAPH) extrapure, 98% 2,2-Azobis(2-Methylpropionamidine) Dihydrochloride (AAPH) extrapure, 98% 2,2-Azobis Isobutyronitrile pure, 98% 2,2-Azobis Isobutyronitrile pure, 98% Azoalbumin (Bovine) prepared from Bovine fraction V powder extrapure Azoalbumin (Bovine) prepared from Bovine fraction V powder extrapure Azoalbumin (Bovine) prepared from Bovine fraction V powder extrapure Azocasein extrapure, 98% Azocasein extrapure, 98% Azomethine H Monosodium Salt Hydrate, 97% 7303-50-6 30516-87-1 30516-87-1 30516-87-1 30516-87-1 117772-70-0 117772-70-0 117772-70-0 2997-92-4 1 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 2997-92-4 25 Gms 4032 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 2997-92-4 100 Gms 6521 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 78-67-1 78-67-1 102110-73-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Mg 1123 Part B 5355 Part B 3253 Part B 29269000 18 2-8C 29269000 18 2-8C 38220090 12 -20C 102110-73-6 500 Mg 6211 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 102110-73-6 1 Gms 11856 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 102110-74-7 102110-74-7 206752-32-1 250 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 4293 Part B 7340 Part B 964 Part B 35019000 18 0-4C 35019000 18 0-4C 29222190 18 2-8C 37020 Azomethine H Monosodium Salt Hydrate, 97% 206752-32-1 5 Gms 3840 Part B 29222190 18 2-8C 37020 Azomethine H Monosodium Salt Hydrate, 97% 206752-32-1 25 Gms 12760 Part B 29222190 18 2-8C 13741 11730 11730 62151 62151 25003 25003 25003 17327 17327 52571 29090 78110-38-0 100 Mg 531-55-5 25 Gms 531-55-5 100 Gms 37247-10-2 10 Gms 37247-10-2 25 Gms 531-53-3 10 Gms 531-53-3 25 Gms 531-53-3 100 Gms 1405-87-4 50000 Units 1405-87-4 250000 Units 250 ml 6211-24-1 5 Gms 47138 47138 11029 11029 95426 95426 95426 21070 21070 37020 Aztreonam (AZN), 96% Azur I (B) Azur I (B) Azur II Azur II Azur A Azur A Azur A Bacitracin (BCT) ex. Bacillus Licheniformis Bacitracin (BCT) ex. Bacillus Licheniformis Barfoed's Reagent Barium Diphenylamine Sulphonate extrapure AR 29090 Barium Diphenylamine Sulphonate extrapure AR 6211-24-1 25 Gms 78095 78095 27297 27297 28242 4733-39-5 4733-39-5 4733-39-5 4733-39-5 52698-84-7 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg Bathocuproine (BCP) extrapure AR, 99% Bathocuproine (BCP) extrapure AR, 99% Bathocuproine (BCP) extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Bathocuproine (BCP) extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Bathocuproinedisulphonate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% Page 120 of 321 Price 19196 3954 10164 19196 32744 1019 4406 7340 2373 6777 801 2859 319 636 384 776 2925 1369 3455 576 290 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 913 Part B 1358 3115 1569 3560 1890 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 13131 61898 61898 61898 61898 17156 17156 17156 47138 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29379020 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29419090 29419090 29419090 29270090 29420090 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29420090 29420090 38220090 29214490 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 Stor age 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C RT RT 29214490 18 RT 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 28242 Bathocuproinedisulphonate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% 50221 Bathophenanthroline extrapure AR, 99% 50221 Bathophenanthroline extrapure AR, 99% 50221 Bathophenanthroline extrapure AR, 99% 98680 Bathophenanthroline Disulphonate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% 98680 Bathophenanthroline Disulphonate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% 98680 Bathophenanthroline Disulphonate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% 36333 9-BBN Triflate Solution (0.5M in hexanes) pure 52698-84-7 250 Mg 5019 Part B 29335990 18 RT 1662-01-7 1662-01-7 1662-01-7 52746-49-3 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 100 Mg 1335 2225 4050 3164 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 52746-49-3 250 Mg 6777 Part B 29335990 18 RT 52746-49-3 1 Gms 16373 Part B 29335990 18 RT 21205-91-4 500 ml 7429 Part B 29011000 18 RT 36333 9-BBN Triflate Solution (0.5M in hexanes) pure 21205-91-4 1000 ml 12142 Part B 29011000 18 RT 74710 82142 82142 93014 661-19-8 94-41-7 94-41-7 206752-36-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 206752-36-5 25 Gms 3050 Part B 29252990 18 2-8C 206752-36-5 100 Gms 9599 Part B 29252990 18 2-8C 93-98-1 93-98-1 98-09-9 98-09-9 91-00-9 91-00-9 495-18-1 495-18-1 134-81-6 76-93-7 76-93-7 51-17-2 51-17-2 51-17-2 441-38-3 441-38-3 5350-57-2 5350-57-2 93-91-4 93-91-4 2645-08-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 50 Gms 1 Gms 2645-08-1 5 Gms 2825 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 2645-08-1 25 Gms 11856 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 93014 13740 13740 42689 41035 57730 57730 17851 17851 17192 93528 93528 35034 35034 35034 31398 31398 44371 44371 47554 47554 76356 76356 76356 Behenyl Alcohol extrapure, 98% Benzalacetophenone pure, 98% Benzalacetophenone pure, 98% Benzamidine Hydrochloride Hydrate extrapure, 98% Benzamidine Hydrochloride Hydrate extrapure, 98% Benzamidine Hydrochloride Hydrate extrapure, 98% Benzanilide pure, 98% Benzanilide pure, 98% Benzenesulphonyl Chloride pure, 98% Benzenesulphonyl Chloride ExiPlus™, 98% Benzhydrylamine pure, 97% Benzhydrylamine pure, 97% Benzohydroxamic Acid extrapure, 99% Benzohydroxamic Acid extrapure, 99% Benzil extrapure, 98% Benzilic Acid extrapure, 99% Benzilic Acid extrapure, 99% Benzimidazole extrapure, 99% Benzimidazole extrapure, 99% Benzimidazole extrapure, 99% a-Benzoinoxime extrapure AR, 99% a-Benzoinoxime extrapure AR, 99% Benzophenone Hydrazone pure, 99% Benzophenone Hydrazone pure, 99% 1-Benzoylacetone pure, 98% 1-Benzoylacetone pure, 98% N-a-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride (BAEE) extrapure AR, 99% N-a-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride (BAEE) extrapure AR, 99% N-a-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride (BAEE) extrapure AR, 99% Page 121 of 321 Price 1113 1602 7283 1244 560 2195 691 792 2297 10712 4295 8407 800 1212 2990 227 701 3296 421 1255 2892 11494 2096 8026 611 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 93014 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29051990 29143990 29143990 29252990 29215990 29215990 29041090 29041090 29213090 29213090 29242990 29242990 29143990 29163190 29163190 29332990 29332990 29332990 29420090 29420090 29143940 29143940 29143990 29143990 29379020 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 96249 N-a-Benzoyl-DL-Arginine-4-Nitroanilide Hydrochloride (BANI, L-BAPNA) extrapure, 98% 911-77-3 100 Mg 2373 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 96249 N-a-Benzoyl-DL-Arginine-4-Nitroanilide Hydrochloride (BANI, L-BAPNA) extrapure, 98% 911-77-3 250 Mg 3558 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 96249 N-a-Benzoyl-DL-Arginine-4-Nitroanilide Hydrochloride (BANI, L-BAPNA) extrapure, 98% 911-77-3 1 Gms 7115 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 51003 N-a-Benzoyl-DL-Arginine-ß-Naphthylamide Hydrochloride (BANA) extrapure, 97% 51003 N-a-Benzoyl-DL-Arginine-ß-Naphthylamide Hydrochloride (BANA) extrapure, 97% 46170 N-(Benzoyloxy)Succinimide (Bz-OSu) extrapure, 99% 46170 N-(Benzoyloxy)Succinimide (Bz-OSu) extrapure, 99% 46651 6-Benzyladenine (6-BAP) extrapure AR, 99% 46651 6-Benzyladenine (6-BAP) extrapure AR, 99% 46651 6-Benzyladenine (6-BAP) extrapure AR, 99% 38728 Benzylamine pure, 99% 38728 Benzylamine pure, 99% 38728 Benzylamine pure, 99% 64554 Benzylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% 64554 Benzylamine extrapure AR, 99.5% 91695 4-Benzyloxy-Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 913-04-2 250 Mg 2781 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 913-04-2 1 Gms 8788 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 23405-15-4 500 Mg 10367 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C 23405-15-4 1 Gms 14398 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C 1214-39-7 1214-39-7 1214-39-7 100-46-9 100-46-9 100-46-9 100-46-9 100-46-9 146631-00-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 91695 4-Benzyloxy-Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 146631-00-7 5 Gms 5421 Part B 29319090 18 RT 91695 4-Benzyloxy-Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 146631-00-7 25 Gms 16092 Part B 29319090 18 RT S-Benzyl-L-(+)-Cysteine extrapure, 98% O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 99% O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 99% O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 99% O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 99% 3-(Benzylthio)-Propionic Acid extrapure, 98% 3054-01-0 472696-9 472696-9 472696-9 472696-9 2899-66-3 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 16615 1577 5768 11121 25333 3390 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29399900 50562 3-(Benzylthio)-Propionic Acid extrapure, 98% 2899-66-3 5 Gms 9035 Part B 29399900 18 RT 75036 5-(Benzylthio)-1H-Tetrazole (BTT Activator) extrapure, 99% 75036 5-(Benzylthio)-1H-Tetrazole (BTT Activator) extrapure, 99% 29161 Benzyltriethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% 21871-47-6 5 Gms 2003 Part B 29339900 18 RT 21871-47-6 25 Gms 6675 Part B 29339900 18 RT 56-37-1 100 Gms 269 Part B 29239000 18 RT 29161 Benzyltriethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% 56-37-1 500 Gms 769 Part B 29239000 18 RT 29161 Benzyltriethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% 56-37-1 1 Kg 1505 Part B 29239000 18 RT Page 122 of 321 Price 602 890 3164 1048 2019 4857 1046 1957 1357 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 47102 26862 26862 26862 26862 50562 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 38089340 38089340 38089340 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 29319090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 98924 Benzyltrimethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% 56-39-9 100 Gms 250 Part B 29239000 18 RT 98924 Benzyltrimethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% 56-39-9 500 Gms 1119 Part B 29239000 18 RT 60168 Benzyltrimethylammonium Chloride ExiPlus™, 98% 60168 Benzyltrimethylammonium Chloride ExiPlus™, 98% 30307 Benzyltrimethyl Ammonium Hydroxide 40% in Methanol extrapure 30307 Benzyltrimethyl Ammonium Hydroxide 40% in Methanol extrapure 18437 Bergamot Oil extrapure 18437 Bergamot Oil extrapure 34489 BES Buffer extrapure, 99% 34489 BES Buffer extrapure, 99% 34489 BES Buffer extrapure, 99% 59299 BES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 59299 BES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 59299 BES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 59299 BES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 83710 Bial’s Reagent 39849 BICINE Buffer extrapure, 99% 39849 BICINE Buffer extrapure, 99% 39849 BICINE Buffer extrapure, 99% 66466 Big CHAPS, 95% 66466 Big CHAPS, 95% 66466 Big CHAPS, 95% 64839 Bilirubin extrapure AR, 99% 64839 Bilirubin extrapure AR, 99% 66915 Bilirubin Oxidase ex. Myrothecium, 1.2U/mg 66915 Bilirubin Oxidase ex. Myrothecium, 1.2U/mg 66915 Bilirubin Oxidase ex. Myrothecium, 1.2U/mg 18888 D-Biotin extrapure, 99% 18888 D-Biotin extrapure, 99% 18888 D-Biotin extrapure, 99% 89932 D-Biotin for tissue culture, 99% 89932 D-Biotin for tissue culture, 99% 89932 D-Biotin for tissue culture, 99% 92196 Biphenyl extrapure, 99% 92196 Biphenyl extrapure, 99% 79363 2,2-Bipyridyl extrapure AR, 99.5% 79363 2,2-Bipyridyl extrapure AR, 99.5% 79363 2,2-Bipyridyl extrapure AR, 99.5% 37025 Bis(Acetonitrile)Dichloropalladium (II) extrapure, 99%, 40-41% Pd 37025 Bis(Acetonitrile)Dichloropalladium (II) extrapure, 99%, 40-41% Pd 98369 1,3-Bis(3-Aminophenoxy) Benzene (APB) pure, 98% 56-39-9 100 Gms 345 Part B 29239000 18 RT 56-39-9 500 Gms 1256 Part B 29239000 18 RT 100-85-6 100 ml 1176 Part B 29239000 18 RT 100-85-6 500 ml 3864 Part B 29239000 18 RT 8007-75-8 8007-75-8 10191-18-1 10191-18-1 10191-18-1 66992-27-6 66992-27-6 66992-27-6 66992-27-6 Price Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code Stor age 150-25-4 150-25-4 150-25-4 86303-22-2 86303-22-2 86303-22-2 635-65-4 635-65-4 80619-01-8 80619-01-8 80619-01-8 58-85-5 58-85-5 58-85-5 58-85-5 58-85-5 58-85-5 92-52-4 92-52-4 366-18-7 366-18-7 366-18-7 14592-56-4 500 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 250 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 25 Units 50 Units 100 Units 1 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Mg 14592-56-4 1 Gms 12884 Part B 28439019 18 RT 10526-07-5 5 Gms 5340 Part B 29215990 18 RT Page 123 of 321 5388 9697 1176 4346 19964 1880 3502 13505 25599 589 600 1400 6800 9396 16441 52839 824 6695 4519 9599 18067 611 4617 8900 735 5135 11180 444 3216 638 2631 7455 7050 Part % CAS Number 33012540 33012540 29214290 29214290 29214290 29221990 29221990 29221990 29221990 38220090 29224990 29224990 29224990 29420090 29420090 29420090 38220090 38220090 35079099 35079099 35079099 29362950 29362950 29362950 29362950 29362950 29362950 29029090 29029090 29029090 29029090 29029090 28439019 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C 2-8C -20C -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 10526-07-5 25 Gms 19801 Part B 29215990 18 RT 13080-89-2 5 Gms 3226 Part B 29221990 18 RT 13080-89-2 25 Gms 12237 Part B 29221990 18 RT 14220-64-5 500 Mg 4120 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 14220-64-5 1 Gms 9270 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 542-88-1 542-88-1 140-95-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 9147 Part B 21453 Part B 700 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 38220090 12 2-8C 29241900 18 2-8C 52119 N,N-Bis(hydroxymethyl)urea (DMU) pure, 95% 140-95-4 100 Gms 1800 Part B 29241900 18 2-8C 52119 N,N-Bis(hydroxymethyl)urea (DMU) pure, 95% 140-95-4 500 Gms 6000 Part B 29241900 18 2-8C 26477 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl) Acetamide (BSA) extrapure, 95% 26477 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl) Acetamide (BSA) extrapure, 95% 26477 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl) Acetamide (BSA) extrapure, 95% 57677 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl) Trifluoro Acetamide (BSTFA) extrapure, 99% 57677 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl) Trifluoro Acetamide (BSTFA) extrapure, 99% 57677 N,O-Bis-(Trimethylsilyl) Trifluoro Acetamide (BSTFA) extrapure, 99% 52353 BSA+TMCS(3-5%), 93-97% 52353 BSA+TMCS(3-5%), 93-97% 22555 BSA+TMCS+TMSI, (3:2:3) 22555 BSA+TMCS+TMSI, (3:2:3) 46976 N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoro acetamide, Trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA+TMCS) (99:1) 46976 N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoro acetamide, Trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA+TMCS) (99:1) 46976 N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoro acetamide, Trimethylchlorosilane (BSTFA+TMCS) (99:1) 31817 Bisphenol A pure, 97% 25417 BIS-TRIS Buffer extrapure, 99% 25417 BIS-TRIS Buffer extrapure, 99% 25417 BIS-TRIS Buffer extrapure, 99% 15893 BIS-TRIS Hydrochloride Buffer extrapure, 98% 10416-59-8 25 ml 850 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 10416-59-8 100 ml 2825 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 10416-59-8 250 ml 6777 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 25561-30-2 5 ml 510 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 25561-30-2 25 ml 1808 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 25561-30-2 100 ml 6438 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 25561-30-2 10 ml 25 ml 10 x1 ml 25 ml 10 x1 ml 2670 5340 5006 7676 5006 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 25561-30-2 25 ml 2225 Part B 29319090 18 0-4C 25561-30-2 100 ml 7787 Part B 29319090 18 0-4C 80-05-7 6976-37-0 6976-37-0 6976-37-0 124763-51-5 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 15893 BIS-TRIS Hydrochloride Buffer extrapure, 98% 124763-51-5 25 Gms 5286 Part B 29214290 18 RT 15893 BIS-TRIS Hydrochloride Buffer extrapure, 98% 124763-51-5 100 Gms 13505 Part B 29214290 18 RT 98369 1,3-Bis(3-Aminophenoxy) Benzene (APB) pure, 98% 47063 4,4-Bis(4-Aminophenoxy)Diphenyl Sulfone pure, 98% 47063 4,4-Bis(4-Aminophenoxy)Diphenyl Sulfone pure, 98% 11866 Bis(benzonitrile)palladium(II) Dichloride extrapure, 27.4% Pd 11866 Bis(benzonitrile)palladium(II) Dichloride extrapure, 27.4% Pd 24637 Bis(chloromethyl) Ether pure, 96% 24637 Bis(chloromethyl) Ether pure, 96% 52119 N,N-Bis(hydroxymethyl)urea (DMU) pure, 95% Page 124 of 321 Price 439 1187 4349 20324 2821 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29072300 29252990 29252990 29252990 29214290 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 10-15C 10-15C 8-25C 8-25C 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 15893 BIS-TRIS Hydrochloride Buffer extrapure, 98% 124763-51-5 250 Gms 22311 Part B 29214290 18 RT 49084 49084 77031 20899 20899 22649 64431-96-5 64431-96-5 9041-93-4 9041-93-4 1871-22-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 ml 10 Mg 50 Mg 1 Gms 4171 14445 199 5760 24841 1300 29221990 29221990 38220090 29419090 29419090 29270090 1871-22-3 5 Gms 7764-95-6 7764-95-6 15761-38-3 15761-38-3 28875-17-4 28875-17-4 4248-19-5 4248-19-5 4248-19-5 73874-95-0 73874-95-0 23680-31-1 23680-31-1 2130-96-3 2130-96-3 35897-34-8 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kit 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 3244 7300 677 1616 7577 13259 800 1800 6000 28743 3265 11964 24861 43500 10443 18272 4384 61900 BOC-L-Arginine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98.5% 35897-34-8 100 Gms 12338 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 12202 BOC-L-Aspartic Acid-4-Benzylester extrapure, 98% 7536-58-5 10 Gms 2289 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 12202 BOC-L-Aspartic Acid-4-Benzylester extrapure, 98% 7536-58-5 25 Gms 8097 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 75647-01-07 75647-01-07 7536-55-2 7536-55-2 7536-55-2 62396-48-9 62396-48-9 13726-67-5 13726-67-5 13726-67-5 19746-37-3 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 19746-37-3 25 Gms 27667 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 5068-28-0 5068-28-0 10 Gms 25 Gms 10872 Part B 19021 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 86204 86204 42849 42849 50483 50483 75597 75597 75597 23875 50647 50647 33534 33534 12320 12320 61900 19362 19362 67012 67012 67012 38230 38230 30394 30394 30394 35516 BIS-TRIS Propane Buffer extrapure, 99% BIS-TRIS Propane Buffer extrapure, 99% Biuret Reagent Solution ExiPlus™ Bleomycin Sulfate (BLM-S), 90% Bleomycin Sulfate (BLM-S), 90% Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (BTC, Tetrazolium Blue Chloride) extrapure AR Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (BTC, Tetrazolium Blue Chloride) extrapure AR BOC-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Alanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Alanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC Amide pure, 98% BOC Amide pure, 98% BOC Amide pure, 98% BOC-L-Amino Acids Kit N-BOC-4-Aminopiperidine pure, 97% N-BOC-4-Aminopiperidine pure, 97% N-BOC-O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 98% N-BOC-O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 98% N-BOC-O-Benzyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% N-BOC-O-Benzyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Arginine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98.5% BOC-D-Aspargine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Aspargine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Aspargine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Aspargine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Aspargine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Aspartic acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Aspartic acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Aspartic acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Acetamidomethyl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% 35516 BOC-L-Acetamidomethyl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% 44054 BOC-L-Benzyl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% 44054 BOC-L-Benzyl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% Page 125 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 5648 Part B 4280 9973 968 2161 8193 3549 7991 957 2129 8012 15812 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 22649 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 12 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 29270090 18 0-4C 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29241900 29241900 29241900 38220090 29333200 29333200 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 53340 53340 14930 14930 92584 92584 69376 69376 69376 82284 82284 45737 45737 46975 46975 46975 71943 71943 44986 44986 10733 10733 38544 38544 74956 74956 74956 55665 55665 39190 39190 22237 22237 25833 25833 88985 88985 57147 57147 69681 81350 81350 91418 Product Name BOC-Cyclopropylamine extrapure, 98% BOC-Cyclopropylamine extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Cystine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Cystine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamic acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamic acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamic acid extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamic Acid-5-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Glutamic Acid-5-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% BOC-Glycine extrapure, 99% BOC-Glycine extrapure, 99% BOC-Glycine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-Glycine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Histidine extrapure, 98.5% BOC-L-Histidine extrapure, 98.5% BOC-L-Hydroxyproline extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Hydroxyproline extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% BOC-Isonipecotic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-Isonipecotic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-Isonipecotic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-Isonipecotic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Leucine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Leucine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% Na-BOC-Ne-Z-L-Lysine (BOC-Lys(Z)-OH) extrapure, 98% Na-BOC-Ne-Z-L-Lysine (BOC-Lys(Z)-OH) extrapure, 98% N-a-e-T-BOC-L-Lysine-Dicyclohexylammonium Salt extrapure, 99% N-a-e-T-BOC-L-Lysine-Dicyclohexylammonium Salt extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Lysine extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Methionine extrapure, 98.5% BOC-L-Methionine extrapure, 98.5% BOC-Nipecotic Acid extrapure, 99% CAS Number Packing 132844-48-5 132844-48-5 10389-65-8 10389-65-8 34404-28-9 34404-28-9 2419-94-5 2419-94-5 2419-94-5 13574-13-5 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 13574-13-5 25 Gms 61348-28-5 61348-28-5 13726-85-7 13726-85-7 13726-85-7 4530-20-5 4530-20-5 31954-27-5 31954-27-5 17791-52-5 17791-52-5 13726-69-7 13726-69-7 13139-16-7 13139-16-7 13139-16-7 84358-13-4 84358-13-4 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 ml 25 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms Date :16-04-2021 Price 9553 16716 957 2129 4925 11073 968 2161 8193 11203 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29319090 29319090 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 19599 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 5907 13289 957 2129 8012 1890 5687 7381 12912 4038 7825 4763 10773 1078 2423 8178 5802 10147 9294 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29159090 29159090 29159090 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 25 Gms 16256 Part B 29159090 18 0-4C 16937-99-8 16937-99-8 13139-15-6 13139-15-6 2389-45-9 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 5081 11073 893 2940 3811 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29319090 2389-45-9 25 Gms 10887 Part B 29319090 18 0-4C 15098-69-8 10 Gms 5290 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 15098-69-8 25 Gms 9252 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 2418-95-3 2488-15-5 2488-15-5 88495-54-9 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms Page 126 of 321 5897 3577 11023 5802 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29379020 29379020 29379020 29159090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 91418 BOC-Nipecotic Acid extrapure, 99% 82933 BOC-Nipecotic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 88495-54-9 1487631-41-1 25 Gms 10 Gms 10147 Part B 10213 Part B 29159090 18 0-4C 29159090 18 0-4C 82933 BOC-Nipecotic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 1487631-41-1 25 Gms 17869 Part B 29159090 18 0-4C BOC-Nitro-L-Arginine extrapure, 99% BOC-Nitro-L-Arginine extrapure, 99% BOC-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 98% BOC-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 98% BOC-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine Ethyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine Ethyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 2188-18-3 2188-18-3 33305-77-0 33305-77-0 7535-56-0 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 5110 9617 5962 10435 10574 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 7535-56-0 25 Gms 18505 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 18942-49-9 18942-49-9 13734-34-4 13734-34-4 13734-34-4 35909-92-3 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 4783 10751 1131 2601 8386 11859 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 25694 BOC-D-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 35909-92-3 25 Gms 20752 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 60090 BOC-L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 51987-73-6 10 Gms 9225 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 60090 BOC-L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 51987-73-6 25 Gms 16140 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 46437 40931 40931 53665 53665 41311 BOC-D-Phenylglycine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Phenylglycine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Phenylglycine extrapure, 99% BOC-Pipecolic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-Pipecolic Acid extrapure, 99% BOC-Pipecolic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 33125-05-2 2900-27-8 2900-27-8 26250-84-0 26250-84-0 132910-79-3 1 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 1365 4943 8647 5341 9340 11923 29379020 29379020 29379020 29159090 29159090 29159090 41311 BOC-Pipecolic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 132910-79-3 25 Gms 20868 Part B 29159090 18 0-4C 12098 12098 32298 32298 43977 43977 43977 93481 93481 91894 91894 91894 71026 71026 31641 31641 57260-71-6 57260-71-6 79099-07-3 79099-07-3 35150-07-3 35150-07-3 35150-07-3 37784-17-1 37784-17-1 15761-39-4 15761-39-4 15761-39-4 733323-65-6 733323-65-6 59936-29-7 59936-29-7 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 2504 5439 1416 5439 3846 11531 16653 3244 7300 1131 2601 8386 15218 26632 13835 24209 29335990 29335990 29142990 29142990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 76600 40474 40474 23293 23293 23293 25694 1-BOC-Piperazine extrapure, 99% 1-BOC-Piperazine extrapure, 99% 1-BOC-4-Piperidone extrapure, 99% 1-BOC-4-Piperidone extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Proline extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Proline extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Proline extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Proline extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Proline extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Proline Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Proline Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Proline Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Proline Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% Page 127 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 53717 53717 14910 14910 76600 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing BOC-D-Serine extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Serine extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Serine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Serine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Serine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Serine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Serine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Threonine extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Threonine extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Tryptophane extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Tryptophane extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tryptophane extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tryptophane extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tryptophane extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Tyrosine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Tyrosine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-D-Valine extrapure, 99% BOC-D-Valine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Valine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Valine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Valine extrapure, 99% BOC-L-Valine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOC-L-Valine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% BOP Reagent extrapure AR, 98% BOP Reagent extrapure AR, 98% BOP Reagent extrapure AR, 98% BOP Reagent extrapure AR, 98% Boron Trifluoride in Methanol (50%) Complex 6368-20-3 6368-20-3 3262-72-4 3262-72-4 3262-72-4 2766-43-0 2766-43-0 55674-67-4 55674-67-4 2592-18-9 2592-18-9 2592-18-9 5241-64-5 5241-64-5 13139-14-5 13139-14-5 13139-14-5 3978-80-1 3978-80-1 3978-80-1 4326-36-7 4326-36-7 22838-58-0 22838-58-0 13734-41-3 13734-41-3 13734-41-3 58561-04-9 58561-04-9 56602-33-6 56602-33-6 56602-33-6 56602-33-6 2802-68-8 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 ml 25 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 50 ml 24790 Boron Trifluoride in Methanol (50%) Complex 2802-68-8 250 ml 18711 Part B 38220090 12 RT 48847 48847 48847 19219 19219 51195 373-57-9 373-57-9 373-57-9 4406 6211 11681 444 1220 3913 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29329900 Boron Trifluoride in Methanol (14%) Solution Boron Trifluoride in Methanol (14%) Solution Boron Trifluoride in Methanol (14%) Solution Bradford Reagent for Proteins Bradford Reagent for Proteins Brassinolide (BR) synthetic technical grade, 90% 76962-43-7 25 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 25 Mg 51195 Brassinolide (BR) synthetic technical grade, 90% 76962-43-7 100 Mg 64222 64222 93473 93473 6104-58-1 6104-58-1 6104-59-2 6104-59-2 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms Brilliant Blue G-250 for molecular biology Brilliant Blue G-250 for molecular biology Brilliant Blue R-250 for molecular biology Brilliant Blue R-250 for molecular biology Page 128 of 321 Price 12316 27708 2083 4682 14560 7910 13835 4280 9973 1078 2423 8178 5580 12550 1422 3293 11836 2302 4853 15442 9225 16140 4925 11073 624 1248 4536 6655 11646 385 1138 4465 15684 3969 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 15423 Part B 560 2100 520 2000 Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 91810 91810 77874 77874 77874 20256 20256 73138 73138 77340 77340 77340 61017 61017 86659 86659 86659 61475 61475 61475 77170 77170 35049 35049 80577 80577 80577 97810 97810 59946 59946 59946 59946 24790 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 29329900 18 8-25C 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 84778 Brilliant Blue R Staining Solution (Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 solution) 75824 Brilliant Cresyl Blue 75824 Brilliant Cresyl Blue 75824 Brilliant Cresyl Blue 60343 Bromelain ex. Pineapple Stem, 2400 GDU/g 60343 Bromelain ex. Pineapple Stem, 2400 GDU/g 36953 Bromoacetaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal pure (Stabilized), 97% 36953 Bromoacetaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal pure (Stabilized), 97% 36953 Bromoacetaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal pure (Stabilized), 97% 96141 2-Bromoacetamide pure, 97% 96141 2-Bromoacetamide pure, 97% 25038 p-Bromoacetanilide pure, 98% 25038 p-Bromoacetanilide pure, 98% 39903 Bromoacetic Acid pure, 99% 39903 Bromoacetic Acid pure, 99% 15180 4-Bromoacetophenone pure, 98% 15180 4-Bromoacetophenone pure, 98% 30930 3-Bromoacetophenone extrapure, 99% 30930 3-Bromoacetophenone extrapure, 99% 47085 m-Bromoaniline pure, 97% 47085 m-Bromoaniline pure, 97% 22912 p-Bromoaniline pure, 98% 22912 p-Bromoaniline pure, 98% 47405 3-Bromoanisole pure, 98% 47405 3-Bromoanisole pure, 98% 47405 3-Bromoanisole pure, 98% 54364 4-Bromoanisole pure, 98% 54364 4-Bromoanisole pure, 98% 27879 Bromobenzene extrapure, 99% 27879 Bromobenzene extrapure, 99% 61714 Bromobenzene extrapure AR, 99% 20107 3-Bromobenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% 20107 3-Bromobenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% 20107 3-Bromobenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% 17833 p-Bromobenzophenone pure, 98% 17833 p-Bromobenzophenone pure, 98% 17833 p-Bromobenzophenone pure, 98% 69530 p-Bromobenzyl Bromide pure, 98% 79118 2-Bromo-4-Chloro Acetophenone pure, 98% 88685 1-Bromo-4-Chloro Benzene pure, 98% 88685 1-Bromo-4-Chloro Benzene pure, 98% 11447 1-Bromo-2-Chloroethane pure, 97% 11447 1-Bromo-2-Chloroethane pure, 97% 83788 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Acetate (X-3-Acetate, X-Acetate) extrapure, 98% 83788 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Acetate (X-3-Acetate, X-Acetate) extrapure, 98% Packing 100 ml Date :16-04-2021 Price Part 2847 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B % Stor age 38220090 12 RT 81029-05-2 81029-05-2 81029-05-2 9001-00-7 9001-00-7 7252-83-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 7252-83-7 100 ml 3100 Part B 29121990 18 2-8C 7252-83-7 500 ml 14200 Part B 29121990 18 2-8C 683-57-8 683-57-8 103-88-8 103-88-8 79-08-3 79-08-3 99-90-1 99-90-1 2142-63-4 2142-63-4 591-19-5 591-19-5 106-40-1 106-40-1 2398-37-0 2398-37-0 2398-37-0 104-92-7 104-92-7 108-86-1 108-86-1 108-86-1 585-76-2 585-76-2 585-76-2 90-90-4 90-90-4 90-90-4 589-15-1 536-38-9 106-39-8 106-39-8 107-04-0 107-04-0 3252-36-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 50 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 ml 1000 ml 250 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Mg 1800 6000 1229 5408 700 3100 412 1133 850 2500 1621 5829 1412 5384 721 1236 5459 876 2781 628 2385 681 770 1603 5248 1021 3338 10568 5821 4608 683 2724 2781 13349 3840 29242990 29242990 29242990 29242990 29152990 29152990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29214190 29214190 29214190 29214190 29093011 29093011 29093011 29093090 29093090 29033920 29033920 29033920 29163190 29163190 29163190 29143990 29143990 29143990 29039990 29143990 29039990 29039990 29031990 29031990 29333990 3252-36-6 250 Mg Page 129 of 321 1098 3715 12913 1042 2430 950 HS code Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 15808 Part B 32049000 32049000 32049000 35079099 35079099 29121990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT -20C -20C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT RT RT 0-4C 29333990 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 49199 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Caprylate (XCaprylate) extrapure, 98% 49199 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Caprylate (XCaprylate) extrapure, 98% 82860 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-Caprylate (Magenta Caprylate) extrapure, 97% 82860 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-Caprylate (Magenta Caprylate) extrapure, 97% 93775 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-a-DGalactopyranoside (X-a-Gal) for molecular biology, 99% 93775 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-a-DGalactopyranoside (X-a-Gal) for molecular biology, 99% 93775 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-a-DGalactopyranoside (X-a-Gal) for molecular biology, 99% 74021 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside (X-a-Glc) for molecular biology, 98% 129541-42-0 10 Mg 5873 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 129541-42-0 25 Mg 12422 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 209347-94-4 25 Mg 2503 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 209347-94-4 100 Mg 6119 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 107021-38-5 25 Mg 6777 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 107021-38-5 100 Mg 14114 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 107021-38-5 500 Mg 47986 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 108789-36-2 50 Mg 10902 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 90349 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-D-Cellobioside (XCellobioside, X-B-D-Cel) extrapure, 99% 177966-52-8 25 Mg 5083 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 90349 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-D-Cellobioside (XCellobioside, X-B-D-Cel) extrapure, 99% 177966-52-8 100 Mg 8470 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 45904 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for tissue culture, 98% 7240-90-6 100 Mg 1502 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 45904 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for tissue culture, 98% 7240-90-6 500 Mg 7120 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 45904 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for tissue culture, 98% 7240-90-6 1 Gms 13794 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 10513 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for molecular biology, 98% 10513 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for molecular biology, 98% 10513 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for molecular biology, 98% 10513 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-DGalactopyranoside (X-Gal) for molecular biology, 98% 19185 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolyl b-D-Glucopyranoside (Magenta-Glc) for molecular biology, 98% 7240-90-6 100 Mg 940 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 7240-90-6 500 Mg 4106 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 7240-90-6 1 Gms 7154 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 7240-90-6 5 Gms 32832 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 93863-89-9 250 Mg 7231 Part B 29400000 18 -20C Page 130 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 19185 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolyl b-D-Glucopyranoside (Magenta-Glc) for molecular biology, 98% 93863-89-9 1 Gms 21692 Part B 29400000 18 -20C 16651 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Sodium Anhydrous (X-Gluc Sodium) extrapure, 98% 16651 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Sodium Anhydrous (X-Gluc Sodium) extrapure, 98% 16651 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Sodium Anhydrous (X-Gluc Sodium) extrapure, 98% 16651 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Sodium Anhydrous (X-Gluc Sodium) extrapure, 98% 55702 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Sodium Salt Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 129541-41-9 25 Mg 2825 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 129541-41-9 100 Mg 6675 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 129541-41-9 250 Mg 12237 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 129541-41-9 1 Gms 26698 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 370100-64-4 25 Mg 2825 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 55702 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Sodium Salt Trihydrate extrapure, 98% 370100-64-4 100 Mg 9035 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 20402 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-Gluc CHX) extrapure, 99% 20402 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-Gluc CHX) extrapure, 99% 20402 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-Gluc CHX) extrapure, 99% 20402 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-Gluc CHX) extrapure, 99% 20077 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-Gluc CHX) for tissue culture, 20077 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-Gluc CHX) for tissue culture, 59056 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt extrapure, 99% 114162-64-0 25 Mg 1558 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 114162-64-0 100 Mg 3115 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 114162-64-0 250 Mg 5562 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 114162-64-0 1 Gms 14462 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 114162-64-0 100 Mg 5785 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 114162-64-0 500 Mg 13127 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 144110-43-0 10 Mg 5083 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 59056 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt extrapure, 99% 144110-43-0 50 Mg 13551 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 82224 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-B-DGalactopyranoside (Magenta-beta-D-Gal) extrapure, 99% 62949 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-D-Glucopyranoside (X-Glu, X-Glc) for tissue culture, 99% 93863-88-8 50 Mg 5083 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 15548-60-4 25 Mg 1558 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C Page 131 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 62949 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-b-D-Glucopyranoside (X-Glu, X-Glc) for tissue culture, 99% 15548-60-4 100 Mg 4673 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 51683 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside (X-Glu, X-Glc) for molecular biology, 99% 15548-60-4 25 Mg 2003 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 51683 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside (X-Glu, X-Glc) for molecular biology, 99% 15548-60-4 100 Mg 2582 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 51683 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside (X-Glu, X-Glc) for molecular biology, 99% 15548-60-4 500 Mg 8900 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 51683 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside (X-Glu, X-Glc) for molecular biology, 99% 15548-60-4 1 Gms 12793 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 24714 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate Disodium Salt (BCIP) extrapure, 98% 24714 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate Disodium Salt (BCIP) extrapure, 98% 24714 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate Disodium Salt (BCIP) extrapure, 98% 24714 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate Disodium Salt (BCIP) extrapure, 98% 66620 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate Disodium Salt (BCIP) for tissue culture, 98% 66620 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate Disodium Salt (BCIP) for tissue culture, 98% 14847 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolylphosphate-p-Toluidine Salt (BCIP Red) extrapure, 95% 14847 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolylphosphate-p-Toluidine Salt (BCIP Red) extrapure, 95% 14847 5-Bromo-6-Chloro-3-Indolylphosphate-p-Toluidine Salt (BCIP Red) extrapure, 95% 45366 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate p-Toluidine Salt (BCIP p-toluidine salt) for molecular biology, 102185-33-1 100 Mg 2615 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 102185-33-1 250 Mg 5451 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 102185-33-1 500 Mg 10902 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 102185-33-1 1 Gms 16464 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 102185-33-1 100 Mg 3115 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 102185-33-1 500 Mg 11736 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 6769-80-8 25 Mg 1335 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 6769-80-8 100 Mg 3894 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 6769-80-8 500 Mg 11959 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 6578-06-9 25 Mg 2225 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 45366 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate p-Toluidine Salt (BCIP p-toluidine salt) for molecular biology, 6578-06-9 100 Mg 4784 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 45366 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate p-Toluidine Salt (BCIP p-toluidine salt) for molecular biology, 6578-06-9 500 Mg 12237 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 518033-33-5 100 ml 100 ml 25 Mg 16130 Part B 2058 Part B 18343 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 38220090 12 0-4C 29333919 18 0-4C 518033-33-5 100 Mg 52400 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 518033-33-5 250 Mg 104799 Part B 29333919 18 0-4C 75531 BCIP Red/NBT Solution A (BCIP Red Solution) 73654 BCIP Red/NBT Solution B (NBT Solution) 71007 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Ribofuranoside extrapure, 95% 71007 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Ribofuranoside extrapure, 95% 71007 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Ribofuranoside extrapure, 95% Page 132 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 45924 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-myo-Inositol-1Phosphate Ammonium Salt (X-Phos-Inositol, X-IP) extrapure, 45924 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-myo-Inositol-1Phosphate Ammonium Salt (X-Phos-Inositol, X-IP) extrapure, 62861 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-a-D-NAcetylneuraminic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure (XNANA.Na), 98% 62861 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-a-D-NAcetylneuraminic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure (XNANA.Na), 98% 37869 1-Bromo-3-Chloropropane pure, 98% 37869 1-Bromo-3-Chloropropane pure, 98% 78388 1-Bromodecane pure, 98% 78388 1-Bromodecane pure, 98% 14433 Bromodifluoroacetyl Chloride extrapure, 97% 38209 38209 99734 99734 28503 57418 57418 57418 57418 11849 11849 59866 59866 59866 94471 71170 71170 71170 58421 58421 52240 52240 52240 26459 26459 25036 25036 25036 25036 54635 1-Bromo-2,4-Difluorobenzene pure, 98% 1-Bromo-2,4-Difluorobenzene pure, 98% Bromodiphenylmethane pure, 98% Bromodiphenylmethane pure, 98% 1-Bromododecane pure, 98% 5-Bromo-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 5-Bromo-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 5-Bromo-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 5-Bromo-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 5-Bromo-2-Deoxyuridine ExiPlus™, 98% 5-Bromo-2-Deoxyuridine ExiPlus™, 98% 2-Bromoethylamine Hydrobromide extrapure AR, 99% 2-Bromoethylamine Hydrobromide extrapure AR, 99% 2-Bromoethylamine Hydrobromide extrapure AR, 99% 2-Bromo Ethyl Ether pure, 98% 4-Bromo-2-Fluorobiphenyl pure, 98% 4-Bromo-2-Fluorobiphenyl pure, 98% 4-Bromo-2-Fluorobiphenyl pure, 98% 1-Bromoheptane pure, 98% 1-Bromoheptane pure, 98% 1-Bromohexadecane pure, 98% 1-Bromohexadecane pure, 98% 1-Bromohexadecane pure, 98% 1-Bromohexane pure, 99% 1-Bromohexane pure, 99% 4-Bromo Indole pure, 96% 4-Bromo Indole pure, 96% 4-Bromo Indole pure, 96% 4-Bromo Indole pure, 96% 5-Bromoindole pure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Packing Stor age 212515-11-2 20 Mg 4673 Part B 29333919 18 -20C 212515-11-2 100 Mg 17799 Part B 29333919 18 -20C 160369-85-7 2 Mg 15367 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 160369-85-7 5 Mg 25608 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 109-70-6 109-70-6 112-29-8 112-29-8 3832-48-2 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 1 Gms 668 2781 1049 2492 8000 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29039990 29039990 29033920 29033920 29420090 18 348-57-2 348-57-2 776-74-9 776-74-9 143-15-7 59-14-3 59-14-3 59-14-3 59-14-3 59-14-3 59-14-3 2576-47-8 25 ml 100 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 ml 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 6841 24424 3128 14264 2793 932 2910 5002 20934 6400 22098 890 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29039990 29039990 29039990 29039990 29033920 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29039990 18 2576-47-8 100 Gms 2003 Part B 29039990 18 8-25C 2576-47-8 500 Gms 5118 Part B 29039990 18 8-25C 592-55-2 41604-19-7 41604-19-7 41604-19-7 629-04-9 629-04-9 112-82-3 112-82-3 112-82-3 111-25-1 111-25-1 52488-36-5 52488-36-5 52488-36-5 52488-36-5 10075-50-0 250 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms Page 133 of 321 15801 3490 5818 12213 992 2224 2394 5701 6979 764 2478 2386 10118 19189 34891 382 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29091900 29089990 29089990 29089990 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT -20C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 54635 5-Bromoindole pure, 99% 38092 5-Bromo-3-Indolyl-B-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt (X-GlcA CHX salt) extrapure, 97% 27348 5-Bromo-3-Indolyl-B-D-Galactopyranoside (BluoGal) for molecular biology, 99% 27348 5-Bromo-3-Indolyl-B-D-Galactopyranoside (BluoGal) for molecular biology, 99% 43675 5-Bromoindoxylacetate extrapure AR, 99% 43675 5-Bromoindoxylacetate extrapure AR, 99% 85999 5-Bromo-3-Indoxyl Phosphate p-Toluidine Salt extrapure, 98% 82645 1-Bromo-3-Methylbutane pure, 98.5% 82645 1-Bromo-3-Methylbutane pure, 98.5% 89943 1-Bromonaphthalene pure, 98% 89943 1-Bromonaphthalene pure, 98% 97167 2-Bromonaphthalene pure, 98% 97167 2-Bromonaphthalene pure, 98% 95479 6-Bromo-2-Naphthoic Acid pure, 98% 95479 6-Bromo-2-Naphthoic Acid pure, 98% 99876 6-Bromo-2-Napthol pure, 98% 22753 6-Bromo-2-Naphthyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 86429 6-Bromo-2-Naphthyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 86429 6-Bromo-2-Naphthyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 79945 6-Bromo-2-Naphthyl-a-D-Mannopyranoside extrapure, 98% 79945 6-Bromo-2-Naphthyl-a-D-Mannopyranoside extrapure, 98% 51879 5-Bromo-5-Nitro-1,3-Dioxane extrapure, 99% 51879 5-Bromo-5-Nitro-1,3-Dioxane extrapure, 99% 93052 2-Bromo-2-Nitro-1,3-Propanediol (Bronopol, BNPD) ExiPlus, 99-101% 93052 2-Bromo-2-Nitro-1,3-Propanediol (Bronopol, BNPD) ExiPlus, 99-101% 31868 1-Bromooctane pure, 98% 31868 1-Bromooctane pure, 98% 31868 1-Bromooctane pure, 98% 64493 1-Bromooctadecane pure, 98% 64493 1-Bromooctadecane pure, 98% 10459 1-Bromopentane pure, 98% 10459 1-Bromopentane pure, 98% 78478 3-Bromophenol pure, 98% 78478 3-Bromophenol pure, 98% 78478 3-Bromophenol pure, 98% 45609 p-Bromophenol pure, 99% 45609 p-Bromophenol pure, 99% 62771 Bromophenol Red (BPR), 90% 62771 Bromophenol Red (BPR), 90% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 10075-50-0 18656-96-7 25 Gms 25 Mg 1339 Part B 14526 Part B 29333919 18 8-25C 29333919 18 0-4C 97753-82-7 100 Mg 4450 Part B 29333919 18 -20C 97753-82-7 1 Gms 22026 Part B 29333919 18 -20C 17357-14-1 17357-14-1 80008-69-1 100 Mg 500 Mg 250 Mg 2114 Part B 9790 Part B 9599 Part B 29333919 18 8-25C 29333919 18 8-25C 29333990 18 0-4C 107-82-4 107-82-4 90-11-9 90-11-9 580-13-2 580-13-2 5773-80-8 5773-80-8 15231-91-1 15572-30-2 250 ml 500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 15548-61-5 100 Mg 2555 Part B 29420090 18 -20C 15548-61-5 500 Mg 11420 Part B 29420090 18 -20C 15548-61-5 25 Mg 10567 Part B 29420090 18 -20C 15548-61-5 100 Mg 39089 Part B 29420090 18 -20C 30007-47-7 30007-47-7 52-51-7 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 1335 Part B 3338 Part B 435 Part B 29329900 18 8-25C 29329900 18 8-25C 29053990 18 RT 52-51-7 500 Gms 1803 Part B 29053990 18 RT 111-83-1 111-83-1 111-83-1 112-89-0 112-89-0 110-53-2 110-53-2 591-20-8 591-20-8 591-20-8 106-41-2 106-41-2 2800-80-8 2800-80-8 100 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 536 1049 4071 1631 7910 1049 1631 1282 3259 9770 1367 5930 2781 5674 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29089990 29089990 29089990 29071190 29071190 29349900 29349900 Page 134 of 321 Price 2289 4477 1669 4005 1357 4519 2825 10164 10553 5785 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29033920 29033920 29039990 29039990 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29071590 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code CAS Number Packing 4-Bromophenylboronic acid extrapure, 97% 4-Bromophenylboronic acid extrapure, 97% 4-Bromophenylboronic acid extrapure, 97% 4-Bromophthalic Anhydride pure, 97% 4-Bromophthalic Anhydride pure, 97% 2-Bromopyridine-5-boronic acid extrapure, 95% 5467-74-3 5467-74-3 5467-74-3 86-90-8 86-90-8 223463-14-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 98418 2-Bromopyridine-5-boronic acid extrapure, 95% 223463-14-7 5 Gms 11632 Part B 35675 35675 35675 88783 88783 98418 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price 1398 4653 18144 2003 6675 2910 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29319090 29319090 29319090 29173990 29173990 29319090 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 2-8C 29319090 18 2-8C 93829 N-Bromosuccinimide pure, 98% 93829 N-Bromosuccinimide pure, 98% 51059 N-Bromosuccinimide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 128-08-5 128-08-5 128-08-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 346 Part B 1425 Part B 457 Part B 29251900 18 RT 29251900 18 RT 29251900 18 RT 51059 N-Bromosuccinimide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 128-08-5 500 Gms 1759 Part B 29251900 18 RT 22628 22628 55570 55570 55570 46714 46714 46714 11521 11521 92125 92125 52250 52250 27964 27964 27964 12211 42338 32202 112-71-0 112-71-0 1003-09-4 1003-09-4 1003-09-4 872-31-1 872-31-1 872-31-1 95-46-5 95-46-5 591-17-3 591-17-3 106-38-7 106-38-7 51-20-7 51-20-7 51-20-7 957-75-5 7128-64-5 250 ml 1000 ml 10 ml 50 ml 100 ml 10 ml 25 ml 100 ml 25 ml 100 ml 10 ml 25 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Mg 25 Gms 5 Gms 7128-64-5 25 Gms 109-65-9 109-65-9 78-76-2 78-76-2 507-19-7 507-19-7 98-29-3 98-29-3 98-29-3 870-46-2 870-46-2 507-20-0 507-20-0 500 ml 1000 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 32202 34186 34186 58390 58390 33781 33781 88194 88194 88194 91666 91666 22942 22942 1-Bromotetradecane pure, 98% 1-Bromotetradecane pure, 98% 2-Bromothiophene pure, 98% 2-Bromothiophene pure, 98% 2-Bromothiophene pure, 98% 3-Bromothiophene pure, 98% 3-Bromothiophene pure, 98% 3-Bromothiophene pure, 98% 2-Bromotoluene pure, 98% 2-Bromotoluene pure, 98% 3-Bromotoluene pure, 98% 3-Bromotoluene pure, 98% 4-Bromotoluene extrapure, 99% 4-Bromotoluene extrapure, 99% 5-Bromouracil extrapure, 99% 5-Bromouracil extrapure, 99% 5-Bromouracil extrapure, 99% 5-Bromouridine extrapure, 99% Borax Carmine (Grenacher) 2,5-bis(5-tert-Butylbenzoxazol-2-yl)Thiophene (BBOT) scintillation grade, 99% 2,5-bis(5-tert-Butylbenzoxazol-2-yl)Thiophene (BBOT) scintillation grade, 99% n-Butyl Bromide pure, 98% n-Butyl Bromide pure, 98% sec-Butyl Bromide pure, 98% sec-Butyl Bromide pure, 98% tert-Butyl Bromide pure, 98% tert-Butyl Bromide pure, 98% p-tert-Butyl Catechol pure, 98% p-tert-Butyl Catechol pure, 98% p-tert-Butyl Catechol pure, 98% tert-Butyl Carbazate extrapure, 98% tert-Butyl Carbazate extrapure, 98% tert-Butyl Chloride extrapure, 99% tert-Butyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Page 135 of 321 4356 16008 1514 6400 11865 1224 2445 10351 1398 4929 876 2009 927 4120 406 1736 6017 5011 2266 1957 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29033920 29033920 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29039990 29039990 29349900 29349900 29349900 29333919 32030090 29349900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C 8-25C 7304 Part B 29349900 18 8-25C 946 1780 612 1558 2233 5209 346 557 1057 1797 5764 1186 2317 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29072990 29072990 29072990 29280090 29280090 29031990 29031990 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 32431 tert-Butylchlorodiphenylsilane (TBDPSCl) extrapure AR, 98% 32431 tert-Butylchlorodiphenylsilane (TBDPSCl) extrapure AR, 98% 32431 tert-Butylchlorodiphenylsilane (TBDPSCl) extrapure AR, 98% 32431 tert-Butylchlorodiphenylsilane (TBDPSCl) extrapure AR, 98% 90611 N-tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Imidazole (TBDMSIM) pure, 97% 90611 N-tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Imidazole (TBDMSIM) pure, 97% 29972 n-Butyl Iodide extrapure, 98% 29972 n-Butyl Iodide extrapure, 98% 48792 sec-Butyl Iodide pure, 98% 28791 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (BMIM Cl) extrapure, 98% 28791 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (BMIM Cl) extrapure, 98% 28791 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (BMIM Cl) extrapure, 98% 50807 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Dicyanamide (BMIM.DC) pure, 98% 50807 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Dicyanamide (BMIM.DC) pure, 98% 15748 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (BMIM PF6) extrapure, 98% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 58479-61-1 10 ml 1075 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 58479-61-1 25 ml 2373 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 58479-61-1 100 ml 9035 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 58479-61-1 500 ml 44034 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 54925-64-3 1 ml 1852 Part B 29332990 18 RT 54925-64-3 5 ml 8677 Part B 29332990 18 RT 542-69-8 542-69-8 513-48-4 79917-90-1 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 10 Gms 79917-90-1 25 Gms 3390 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 79917-90-1 250 Gms 23147 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 448245-52-1 5 Gms 6017 Part B 29332990 18 8-25C 448245-52-1 25 Gms 25453 Part B 29332990 18 8-25C 174501-64-5 5 Gms 3164 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 15748 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (BMIM PF6) extrapure, 98% 174501-64-5 25 Gms 9937 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 15748 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (BMIM PF6) extrapure, 98% 174501-64-5 100 Gms 30485 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 84903 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrachloroaluminate (BMIM AlCl4) extrapure, 95% 84903 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrachloroaluminate (BMIM AlCl4) extrapure, 95% 84903 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrachloroaluminate (BMIM AlCl4) extrapure, 95% 92656 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate (BMIMBF4) extrapure, 98% 80432-09-3 10 Gms 5083 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 80432-09-3 25 Gms 7340 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 80432-09-3 50 Gms 10503 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 174501-65-6 5 Gms 3164 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 174501-65-6 25 Gms 9260 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 92656 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate (BMIMBF4) extrapure, 98% Page 136 of 321 2337 10680 3538 1695 Part B Part B Part B Part B 29033930 29033930 29033930 29339900 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 61005 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (BMIM Otf) extrapure, 95% 61005 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (BMIM Otf) extrapure, 95% 61005 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (BMIM Otf) extrapure, 95% 46178 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BMP TFSI) extrapure, 98% 46178 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BMP TFSI) extrapure, 98% 82426 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Chloride extrapure, 98% 82426 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Chloride extrapure, 98% 52735 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Hexafluorophosphate (BMP FP6) extrapure, 97.5% 174899-66-2 1 Gms 2710 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 174899-66-2 5 Gms 6098 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 174899-66-2 25 Gms 21340 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 223437-11-4 5 Gms 5083 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 223437-11-4 25 Gms 12985 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 479500-35-1 5 Gms 2225 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 479500-35-1 25 Gms 10012 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 330671-29-9 5 Gms 3954 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 52735 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Hexafluorophosphate (BMP FP6) extrapure, 97.5% 330671-29-9 25 Gms 10050 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 88656 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate (BMP BF4) extrapure, 97% 88656 1-Butyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate (BMP BF4) extrapure, 97% 34317 p-tert-Butyl Phenol pure, 98% 80049 O-tert-Butyl-L-Serine extrapure, 97% 80049 O-tert-Butyl-L-Serine extrapure, 97% 80049 O-tert-Butyl-L-Serine extrapure, 97% 12749 n-Butyric Anhydride pure, 98% 16490 n-Butyric Anhydride extrapure AR, 99% 16490 n-Butyric Anhydride extrapure AR, 99% 51971 Y-Butyrolactone extrapure, 99% 51971 Y-Butyrolactone extrapure, 99% 29850 Butyryl Chloride extrapure, 98% 29850 Butyryl Chloride extrapure, 98% 60400 Butyrylcholine Chloride extrapure, 96% 60400 Butyrylcholine Chloride extrapure, 96% 82366 S-Butyrylthiocholine Iodide extrapure, 98% 82366 S-Butyrylthiocholine Iodide extrapure, 98% 82366 S-Butyrylthiocholine Iodide extrapure, 98% 95546 Cadaverin Free Base extrapure, 97% 95546 Cadaverin Free Base extrapure, 97% 50375 Cadmium Telluride ultrapure, 99.99% 50375 Cadmium Telluride ultrapure, 99.99% 65201 Calcein Reagent extrapure AR (Fluorescein Complexone) 345984-11-4 1 Gms 2881 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 345984-11-4 5 Gms 10050 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 98-54-4 18822-58-7 18822-58-7 18822-58-7 106-31-0 106-31-0 106-31-0 96-48-0 96-48-0 141-75-3 141-75-3 2963-78-2 2963-78-2 1866-16-6 1866-16-6 1866-16-6 462-94-2 462-94-2 1306-25-8 1306-25-8 1461-15-0 500 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 ml 5 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 591 1143 3219 11281 2058 612 2448 935 4383 662 3151 2148 7454 1700 5900 25000 2741 9724 3245 10066 234 29071190 29379020 29379020 29379020 29159090 29159090 29159090 29143990 29143990 29159090 29159090 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29420090 29420090 28045020 28045020 32049000 Page 137 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 65201 Calcein Reagent extrapure AR (Fluorescein Complexone) 65201 Calcein Reagent extrapure AR (Fluorescein Complexone) 99100 Calciferol (Vitamin D2), 97% 99100 Calciferol (Vitamin D2), 97% 99100 Calciferol (Vitamin D2), 97% 47700 Calcium Caseinate extrapure, 90% Protein 47700 Calcium Caseinate extrapure, 90% Protein 31269 Calcium-D-Pantothenate pure, 98% 31269 Calcium-D-Pantothenate pure, 98% 31269 Calcium-D-Pantothenate pure, 98% 65326 Calconcarboxylic Acid extrapure AR 65326 Calconcarboxylic Acid extrapure AR 66406 Calconcarboxylic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ 1461-15-0 5 Gms 691 Part B 32049000 18 8-25C 1461-15-0 25 Gms 2893 Part B 32049000 18 8-25C 50-14-6 50-14-6 50-14-6 9005-43-0 9005-43-0 137-08-6 137-08-6 137-08-6 3737-95-9 3737-95-9 3737-95-9 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 66406 Calconcarboxylic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ 3737-95-9 100 Gms 3147-14-6 3147-14-6 3147-14-6 3144-16-9 3144-16-9 3144-16-9 3144-16-9 3144-16-9 35963-20-3 35963-20-3 8007-47-4 8007-47-4 1135-40-6 1135-40-6 1135-40-6 73463-39-5 73463-39-5 102601-34-3 102601-34-3 102601-34-3 4800-94-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Mg 42532 42532 42532 94340 94340 94340 25421 25421 20940 20940 74616 74616 64210 64210 64210 39271 39271 71222 71222 71222 66964 Calmagite AR Calmagite AR Calmagite AR D-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid pure, 99% D-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid pure, 99% D-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid pure, 99% D-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid ExiPlus, 99% D-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid ExiPlus, 99% L-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid pure, 99% L-10 Camphor Sulphonic Acid pure, 99% Canada Balsam Natural Canada Balsam Natural CAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPSO Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPSO Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% CAPSO Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% Carbenicillin Disodium Salt for tissue culture, 90% 2225 3449 14680 796 2742 368 861 2843 178 736 792 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 2825 Part B 193 623 7792 779 2114 10012 2281 10902 946 3004 341 1669 1019 3164 12422 1528 4873 2468 5755 16441 1780 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29362940 29362940 29362940 35019000 35019000 29362400 29362400 29362400 29270090 29270090 29270090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29270090 18 RT 29270090 29270090 29270090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 29041090 13012000 13012000 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 38220090 38220090 38220090 29419090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 66964 Carbenicillin Disodium Salt for tissue culture, 90% 4800-94-6 1 Gms 2593 Part B 29419090 18 2-8C 66964 Carbenicillin Disodium Salt for tissue culture, 90% 4800-94-6 5 Gms 5841 Part B 29419090 18 2-8C 10566 10566 32943 32943 98536 88515 4800-94-6 4800-94-6 638-23-3 638-23-3 500 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Kit 1 Kit 800 1316 906 2825 3727 7340 29419090 29419090 29309040 29309040 38220090 38220090 Carbenicillin Disodium Salt, 90% Carbenicillin Disodium Salt, 90% Carbocysteine extrapure, 98% Carbocysteine extrapure, 98% Carbohydrates Kit Type I Carbohydrates Kit Type II Page 138 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 12 12 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Packing Stor age 67852 N,N-Carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) extrapure AR, 98% 530-62-1 25 Gms 463 Part B 29332990 18 2-8C 67852 N,N-Carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) extrapure AR, 98% 530-62-1 100 Gms 1803 Part B 29332990 18 2-8C 67852 N,N-Carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) extrapure AR, 98% 530-62-1 500 Gms 8010 Part B 29332990 18 2-8C 87379 3-Carboxybenzeneboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 25487-66-5 1 Gms 2720 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 87379 3-Carboxybenzeneboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 25487-66-5 5 Gms 7752 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 87379 3-Carboxybenzeneboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 25487-66-5 25 Gms 17354 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 51171 4-Carboxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 14047-29-1 1 Gms 1267 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 51171 4-Carboxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 14047-29-1 5 Gms 4067 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 35982 35982 24352 24352 24352 85641 85641 71953 5-Carboxyuracil extrapure, 98% 5-Carboxyuracil extrapure, 98% L-Carnitine extrapure, 99% L-Carnitine extrapure, 99% L-Carnitine extrapure, 99% ß-Carotene extrapure, 90% ß-Carotene extrapure, 90% Casein Protein Rich Alkali Soluble extrapure, 80% Protein Casein Protein Rich Alkali Soluble extrapure, 80% Protein Casein Fat Free Ultrapurified, 0.2% Fat Casein acc. to Hammarsten, 95% Protein Casein acc. to Hammarsten, 95% Protein Casein acc. to Hammarsten, 95% Protein Catalase (CAT) (Type 1) ex. Bovine Liver, 11700U/mg Catalase (CAT) (Type 1) ex. Bovine Liver, 11700U/mg Catalase (CAT) (Type 2) ex. Bovine Liver, 20005000U/mg protein Cefaclor (CFC), 95% Cefadroxil Monohydrate (CFD), 95% Cefadroxil Monohydrate (CFD), 95% Cefoperazone Sodium (CFZ, Cefaperazone Sodium) 23945-44-0 23945-44-0 541-15-1 541-15-1 541-15-1 7235-40-7 7235-40-7 9000-71-9 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Gms 9000-71-9 5 Kg 9000-71-9 9000-71-9 9000-71-9 9000-71-9 9001-05-2 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Mg 9001-05-2 100 Mg 6908 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-05-2 1 Gms 6300 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 53994-73-3 66592-87-8 66592-87-8 62893-20-3 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 1305 1575 5250 1100 29419090 29420011 29420011 29419090 85254 Cefoperazone Sodium (CFZ, Cefaperazone Sodium) 62893-20-3 5 Gms 4500 Part B 29419090 18 0-4C 14299 14299 13910 13910 58597 58597 58597 27164-46-1 27164-46-1 125110-14-7 125110-14-7 33564-30-6 33564-30-6 33564-30-6 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 4030 6908 840 2310 1728 3456 5758 29420090 29420090 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 71953 27012 23845 23845 23845 42168 42168 78695 92063 15689 15689 85254 Cefazolin Sodium Salt (CFZL), 89-110% Cefazolin Sodium Salt (CFZL), 89-110% CefiximeTrihydrate (CFX), 95-101% CefiximeTrihydrate (CFX), 95-101% Cefoxitin Sodium Salt (CTX), 94% Cefoxitin Sodium Salt (CTX), 94% Cefoxitin Sodium Salt (CTX), 94% Page 139 of 321 3198 6196 2463 9366 25491 2806 9635 1300 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29362100 29362100 35011000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C -20C -20C RT 11510 Part B 35011000 18 RT 2500 2382 10490 18711 3141 35011000 35011000 35011000 35011000 35079099 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT -20C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 80223 Cefsulodin Sodium Salt (CFS) extrapure, 97% 80223 Cefsulodin Sodium Salt (CFS) extrapure, 97% 79364 Ceftriaxone Disodium Salt Hemiheptahydrate (CFTZ) 79364 Ceftriaxone Disodium Salt Hemiheptahydrate (CFTZ) 84755 Cefuroxime Sodium Salt, 86-100% 84755 Cefuroxime Sodium Salt, 86-100% 84755 Cefuroxime Sodium Salt, 86-100% 85294 D-Cellobiose extrapure 85294 D-Cellobiose extrapure 85294 D-Cellobiose extrapure 95382 Cellulase ex. Aspergillus Niger (Meicellase), 13000CMC U/g 95382 Cellulase ex. Aspergillus Niger (Meicellase), 13000CMC U/g 95382 Cellulase ex. Aspergillus Niger (Meicellase), 13000CMC U/g 32970 Cellulase Onozuka FA ex. Trichoderma Viride, 2500U/g 32970 Cellulase Onozuka FA ex. Trichoderma Viride, 2500U/g 24801 Cellulase Onozuka R-10 ex. Trichoderma Viride, 10000U/g 24801 Cellulase Onozuka R-10 ex. Trichoderma Viride, 10000U/g 65480 Cellulase Onozuka RS ex. Trichoderma Viride, 16000U/g 45662 Cellulose Acetate Phthalate extrapure 45662 Cellulose Acetate Phthalate extrapure 33340 Cellulose microcrystalline pure for TLC, 98% 33340 Cellulose microcrystalline pure for TLC, 98% 56338 Cephalexin Hydrate (CFL), 95-103% 56338 Cephalexin Hydrate (CFL), 95-103% 56338 Cephalexin Hydrate (CFL), 95-103% 36413 Cephalothin Sodium Salt (CF), 97% 36413 Cephalothin Sodium Salt (CF), 97% 19660 Cephotaxime Sodium Salt (CFT), 98% 19660 Cephotaxime Sodium Salt (CFT), 98% 19660 Cephotaxime Sodium Salt (CFT), 98% 40111 Cerium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 40111 Cerium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 54784 Cesium Bromide extrapure AR, 99.5% 54784 Cesium Bromide extrapure AR, 99.5% 95125 Cesium Carbonate extrapure, 99% 95125 Cesium Carbonate extrapure, 99% 22966 Cesium Chloride extrapure AR for molecular biology, 99.9% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 52152-93-9 52152-93-9 104376-79-6 10 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 2835 Part B 6804 Part B 1575 Part B 29419090 18 2-8C 29419090 18 2-8C 29419090 18 0-4C 104376-79-6 5 Gms 5250 Part B 29419090 18 0-4C 56238-63-2 56238-63-2 56238-63-2 528-50-7 528-50-7 528-50-7 9012-54-8 2 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 9012-54-8 1 Gms 7253 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-54-8 5 Gms 25380 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-54-8 1 Gms 5527 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-54-8 5 Gms 21294 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-54-8 1 Gms 5780 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-54-8 5 Gms 23588 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-54-8 1 Gms 10935 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9004-38-0 9004-38-0 9004-34-6 9004-34-6 15686-71-2 15686-71-2 15686-71-2 58-71-9 58-71-9 64485-93-4 64485-93-4 64485-93-4 76089-77-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 25 Kg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 681 2835 559 18711 2018 7483 17612 2880 7367 1268 5205 7806 3800 39121190 39121190 39129090 39129090 29419020 29419020 29419020 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 28469090 76089-77-5 25 Gms 7787-69-1 7787-69-1 534-17-8 534-17-8 7647-17-8 10 Gms 50 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms Page 140 of 321 Price 1130 4376 9210 1000 4400 18000 1317 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 12600 Part B 1252 5717 1200 4200 1050 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29419090 29419090 29419090 29400000 29400000 29400000 35079099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 28469090 18 RT 28275990 28275990 28369990 28369990 28273990 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 7647-17-8 100 Gms 3950 Part B 28273990 18 RT 7647-17-8 25 Gms 1400 Part B 28273990 18 RT 7647-17-8 100 Gms 6000 Part B 28273990 18 RT 13400-13-0 13400-13-0 7789-17-5 7789-17-5 7789-17-5 10294-54-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 2267 8019 815 1280 2999 1088 28261990 28261990 28276090 28276090 28276090 28332990 10294-54-9 25 Gms 2317 Part B 28332990 18 RT 10294-54-9 100 Gms 8566 Part B 28332990 18 RT 122-18-9 100 Gms 690 Part B 140-72-7 140-72-7 6004-24-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1300 Part B 6000 Part B 630 Part B 29239000 18 RT 29239000 18 RT 29239000 18 RT 59088 Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) extrapure, 98% 6004-24-6 500 Gms 2900 Part B 29239000 18 RT 99698 Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) ExiPlus, 98% 99698 Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) ExiPlus, 98% 66302 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) extrapure AR, 99% 66302 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) extrapure AR, 99% 59771 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 59771 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 12779 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) for molecular biology, 99% 12779 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) for molecular biology, 99% 23595 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) extrapure AR, 99% 23595 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) extrapure AR, 99% 23595 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) extrapure AR, 99% 68623 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) for molecular biology, 99% 68623 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) for molecular biology, 99% 87868 CHAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% 87868 CHAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% 6004-24-6 6004-24-6 57-09-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 720 Part B 3400 Part B 425 Part B 29239000 18 RT 29239000 18 RT 29239000 18 RT 57-09-0 500 Gms 1800 Part B 29239000 18 RT 57-09-0 100 Gms 464 Part B 29239000 18 RT 57-09-0 500 Gms 2118 Part B 29239000 18 RT 57-09-0 100 Gms 485 Part B 29239000 18 RT 57-09-0 500 Gms 2292 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-02-7 25 Gms 1836 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-02-7 100 Gms 5400 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-02-7 500 Gms 8100 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-02-7 25 Gms 2700 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-02-7 100 Gms 7344 Part B 29239000 18 RT 1 Gms 5 Gms 768 Part B 3716 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 29420090 18 8-25C 22966 Cesium Chloride extrapure AR for molecular biology, 99.9% 32355 Cesium Chloride ultrapure for molecular biology, 99.9% 32355 Cesium Chloride ultrapure for molecular biology, 99.9% 36117 Cesium Fluoride extrapure AR, 99% 36117 Cesium Fluoride extrapure AR, 99% 73254 Cesium Iodide ultrapure, 99.99% 73254 Cesium Iodide ultrapure, 99.99% 73254 Cesium Iodide ultrapure, 99.99% 57455 Cesium Sulphate extrapure for molecular biology, 99.9% 57455 Cesium Sulphate extrapure for molecular biology, 99.9% 57455 Cesium Sulphate extrapure for molecular biology, 99.9% 40649 Benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium Chloride (BDHDAC) pure, 97% 77040 Cetylpyridinium Bromide (CPB) pure, 98% 77040 Cetylpyridinium Bromide (CPB) pure, 98% 59088 Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) extrapure, 98% 75621-03-3 75621-03-3 Page 141 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT 29239000 18 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing CHAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% CHAPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5% CHAPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5% CHAPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5% CHAPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% CHAPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% CHES Buffer extrapure, 99% CHES Buffer extrapure, 99% Chitin (Poly-(b1-4)-N-acetyl glucosamine) extrapure Chitin (Poly-(b1-4)-N-acetyl glucosamine) extrapure Chitosan (Low MW) extrapure, 10-150m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (Low MW) extrapure, 10-150m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (Low MW) extrapure, 10-150m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (Medium MW) extrapure, 150-500m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (Medium MW) extrapure, 150-500m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (Medium MW) extrapure, 150-500m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (Medium MW) extrapure, 150-500m.Pas, 90% DA Chitosan (High MW) extrapure, 800m.Pas, 90% DA 75621-03-3 75621-03-3 75621-03-3 75621-03-3 82473-24-3 82473-24-3 103-47-9 103-47-9 1398-61-4 10 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 1398-61-4 100 Gms 9210 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 25 Gms 867 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 100 Gms 2823 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 500 Gms 10245 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 10 Gms 520 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 25 Gms 1026 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 100 Gms 3341 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 500 Gms 11051 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 9012-76-4 25 Gms 1928 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 96266 Chitosan (High MW) extrapure, 800m.Pas, 90% DA 9012-76-4 100 Gms 7371 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 96266 Chitosan (High MW) extrapure, 800m.Pas, 90% DA 9012-76-4 500 Gms 36288 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 44097 Chitosan Oligosaccharide (water soluble) extrapure, 90% DA 44097 Chitosan Oligosaccharide (water soluble) extrapure, 90% DA 44097 Chitosan Oligosaccharide (water soluble) extrapure, 90% DA 59811 Chitosan Dimer extrapure, 98% 59811 Chitosan Dimer extrapure, 98% 19363 Chitosan Trimer extrapure, 98% 62506 Chitosan Tetramer extrapure, 98% 80517 Chitosan Pentamer extrapure, 98% 36824 Chitotriose Hexamer extrapure, 98% 11975 a-Chloralose pure, 98% 50146 Chloranitine Fast Red BB 50146 Chloranitine Fast Red BB 28812 Chloramphenicol (CFP) for tissue culture, 98-102% 148411-57-8 10 Gms 3954 Part B 29211990 18 -20C 148411-57-8 25 Gms 7002 Part B 29211990 18 -20C 148411-57-8 100 Gms 11856 Part B 29211990 18 -20C 577-76-4 577-76-4 41708-93-4 117399-50-5 35061-50-7 41708-95-6 15879-93-3 2829-43-8 2829-43-8 56-75-7 5 Mg 10 Mg 5 Mg 5 Mg 5 Mg 5 Mg 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 22912 43991 52617 29204 14102 58407 2696 3084 4320 990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29211990 29329900 32041429 32041429 29414000 28812 Chloramphenicol (CFP) for tissue culture, 98-102% 56-75-7 25 Gms 98507 27391 27391 27391 18824 18824 18824 18824 96266 Page 142 of 321 Price 7077 1062 5013 9613 5030 19985 2268 8165 3110 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 2300 Part B HS code % CAS Number 87868 21420 21420 21420 66903 66903 18081 18081 98507 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29213090 29213090 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C -20C -20C -20C -20C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 0-4C 29414000 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Chloramphenicol (CFP), 98-102% Chloramphenicol (CFP), 98-102% Chloramphenicol (CFP), 98-102% p-Chloroacetanilide extrapure AR, 99% p-Chloroacetanilide extrapure AR, 99% p-Chloroacetanilide extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 56-75-7 56-75-7 56-75-7 539-03-7 539-03-7 539-03-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 750 2100 5200 570 1751 1863 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29414000 29414000 29414000 29242940 29242940 29242940 18 2-Chloroactophenone pure, 97% 2-Chloroactophenone pure, 97% 2-Chloroactophenone pure, 97% p-Chloroacetophenone extrapure, 98% p-Chloroacetophenone extrapure, 98% p-Chloroacetophenone extrapure, 98% m-Chloroaniline (MCA) pure, 99% m-Chloroaniline (MCA) pure, 99% o-Chlorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% o-Chlorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% o-Chlorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% p-Chlorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% p-Chlorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% p-Chlorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% 4-Chlorobenzhydrol pure, 98% 4-Chlorobenzhydrol pure, 98% o-Chlorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% o-Chlorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% o-Chlorobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% o-Chlorobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99.5% m-Chlorobenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% m-Chlorobenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% m-Chlorobenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% p-Chlorobenzoic Acid pure, 99% p-Chlorobenzoic Acid pure, 99% p-Chlorobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99.7% p-Chlorobenzophenone extrapure, 99% p-Chlorobenzophenone extrapure, 99% 2-Chlorobenzylamine pure, 98% 2-Chlorobenzylamine pure, 98% 4-Chlorobutyronitrile pure, 98% 4-Chlorobutyronitrile pure, 98% 4-Chlorobutyryl Chloride pure, 98% 4-Chlorobutyryl Chloride pure, 98% 4-Chlorobutyryl Chloride pure, 98% Chlorocholine Chloride (CCC) extrapure, 98% Chlorocholine Chloride (CCC) extrapure, 98% 2-Chloro-4,6 Dimethoxy-1,3,5 Triazine extrapure, 99% 10231 2-Chloro-4,6 Dimethoxy-1,3,5 Triazine extrapure, 99% 10231 2-Chloro-4,6 Dimethoxy-1,3,5 Triazine extrapure, 99% 42687 1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene extrapure, 99% 532-27-4 532-27-4 532-27-4 99-91-2 99-91-2 99-91-2 108-42-9 108-42-9 89-98-5 89-98-5 89-98-5 104-88-1 104-88-1 104-88-1 119-56-2 119-56-2 118-91-2 118-91-2 118-91-2 118-91-2 535-80-8 535-80-8 535-80-8 74-11-3 74-11-3 74-11-3 134-85-0 134-85-0 89-97-4 89-97-4 628-20-6 628-20-6 4635-59-0 4635-59-0 4635-59-0 999-81-5 999-81-5 3140-73-6 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 50 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 100 ml 500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 1514 3956 19539 1282 5235 9885 1137 5006 453 1032 4628 620 1179 2223 3338 5841 346 1391 445 2003 735 2751 8672 320 1288 1002 693 3145 1494 4841 2741 11937 1286 2542 4031 1725 4839 1109 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29214190 29214190 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29051990 29051990 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29143990 29143990 29214290 29214290 29269000 29269000 29156010 29156010 29156010 29239000 29239000 29211990 18 3140-73-6 25 Gms 4800 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 3140-73-6 100 Gms 17502 Part B 29211990 18 8-25C 97-00-7 500 Gms 666 Part B 70179 70179 70179 40585 40585 40585 92804 92804 43265 43265 43265 17927 17927 17927 91019 91019 69159 69159 30519 30519 34366 34366 34366 24711 24711 97199 53378 53378 98001 98001 95074 95074 29440 29440 29440 23843 23843 10231 Page 143 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number 97686 97686 97686 37281 37281 77863 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 29042090 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 69297 1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene extrapure AR, 99% 97-00-7 25 Gms 165 Part B 29042090 18 RT 69297 1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene extrapure AR, 99% 97-00-7 100 Gms 514 Part B 29042090 18 RT 93937 1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 93937 1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 17691 2-Chloro-3,5-Dinitropyridine extrapure AR, 99% 97-00-7 100 Gms 549 Part B 29042090 18 RT 97-00-7 500 Gms 2328 Part B 29042090 18 RT 2578-45-2 1 Gms 4653 Part B 29333919 18 8-25C 17691 2-Chloro-3,5-Dinitropyridine extrapure AR, 99% 2578-45-2 5 Gms 14289 Part B 29333919 18 8-25C 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 1631 Part B 6747 Part B 1169 Part B 29319090 18 RT 29319090 18 RT 38089340 18 RT 250 ml 2225 Part B 38089340 18 RT 38825 4-Chlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 1679-18-1 38825 4-Chlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 1679-18-1 22654 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid (ETHREL, Ethephon) 16672-87-0 40% soln. 22654 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid (ETHREL, Ethephon) 16672-87-0 40% soln. 10455 3-Chloro-4-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 367-21-5 10455 3-Chloro-4-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 367-21-5 17703 2-Chloro-4-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2252-51-9 36393 2-Chloro-5-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2252-50-8 36393 2-Chloro-5-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2252-50-8 84538 2-Chloro-6-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 434-75-3 84538 2-Chloro-6-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 434-75-3 33676 3-Chloro-2-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 161957-55-7 33676 3-Chloro-2-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 161957-55-7 85563 Chloroform : Isoamyl Alcohol (24:1) for molecular biology 85563 Chloroform : Isoamyl Alcohol (24:1) for molecular biology 41117 3-Chloro-1-Phenyl Propanone pure, 98% 936-59-4 41117 3-Chloro-1-Phenyl Propanone pure, 98% 936-59-4 72928 Chlorophosphonazo III for Spectrophotometry 1914-99-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 100 ml Price 733 3326 4851 2670 13905 2503 5863 4071 6979 1019 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29214190 29214190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29071190 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 500 ml 2148 Part B 29071190 18 RT 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 2148 Part B 7906 Part B 3800 Part B 29143990 18 8-25C 29143990 18 8-25C 29299000 18 RT 72928 Chlorophosphonazo III for Spectrophotometry 1914-99-4 500 Mg 16000 Part B 51562 Chlorogenic Acid Hemihydrate extrapure, 98% 6001-76-9 100 Mg 433 Part B 29181990 18 2-8C 51562 Chlorogenic Acid Hemihydrate extrapure, 98% 6001-76-9 1 Gms 3410 Part B 29181990 18 2-8C 10310-21-1 10310-21-1 159954-35-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 50 Mg 1724 Part B 6887 Part B 9734 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29400000 18 -20C 135313-63-2 100 Mg 5497 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C 138182-21-5 100 Mg 3090 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C 138182-21-5 500 Mg 5974 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C 78193 6-Chloroguanine extrapure, 98% 78193 6-Chloroguanine extrapure, 98% 99721 6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-Caprylate (Salmon Caprylate) for molecular biology, 98% 79621 4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 98551 6-Chloro-3-Indolyl ß-D-Galactopyranoside (Salmon Gal) extrapure, 98% 98551 6-Chloro-3-Indolyl ß-D-Galactopyranoside (Salmon Gal) extrapure, 98% Page 144 of 321 29299000 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 82947 6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt extrapure, 98% 82947 6-Chloro-3-Indolyl-ß-D-Glucuronide Cyclohexylammonium Salt extrapure, 98% 89432 6-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside (Salmona-D-Glc) extrapure, 98% 89432 6-Chloro-3-Indoxyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside (Salmona-D-Glc) extrapure, 98% 25898 4-Chloromercuribenzenesulphonic Acid Monosodium Salt (pCMBS) extrapure, 95% 26004 p-Chloromercuribenzoic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure, 98% 26004 p-Chloromercuribenzoic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure, 98% 81929 4-Chloro-1-Naphthol Substrate Grade extrapure, 99% 81929 4-Chloro-1-Naphthol Substrate Grade extrapure, 99% 81929 4-Chloro-1-Naphthol Substrate Grade extrapure, 99% 85267 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene pure, 98% 85267 1-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzene pure, 98% 77459 2-Chloro-5-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% 77459 2-Chloro-5-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% 77459 2-Chloro-5-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% 21259 2-Chloro-4-Nitrophenyl a-L-Fucopyranoside (CNPF) extrapure, 98% 48958 2-Chloro-4-Nitrophenyl a-D-Maltotrioside (CNPG3) extrapure, 95% 48958 2-Chloro-4-Nitrophenyl a-D-Maltotrioside (CNPG3) extrapure, 95% 41107 3-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 41107 3-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 41107 3-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 94280 o-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 94280 o-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 94280 o-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 74230 p-Chlorophenol pure, 98% 18344 Chlorophenol Red 18344 Chlorophenol Red 87976 Chlorophenol Red-ß-D-Galactopyranoside (CPRG) extrapure, 90% 21524 Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid (4-CPA) for tissue culture, 98% 21524 Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid (4-CPA) for tissue culture, 98% 21524 Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid (4-CPA) for tissue culture, 98% 91145 2-(3-Chlorophenoxy)-Propionic Acid (3-CPA) technical grade, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 138182-20-4 10 Mg 3692 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 138182-20-4 50 Mg 12303 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 467214-46-6 100 Mg 4450 Part B 29333919 18 -20C 467214-46-6 500 Mg 15797 Part B 29333919 18 -20C 14110-97-5 10 Mg 27810 Part B 29122990 18 -20C 138-85-2 1 Gms 3078 Part B 29163190 18 8-25C 138-85-2 5 Gms 11138 Part B 29163190 18 8-25C 604-44-4 2.5 Gms 2386 Part B 29071590 18 0-4C 604-44-4 5 Gms 3614 Part B 29071590 18 0-4C 604-44-4 25 Gms 17502 Part B 29071590 18 0-4C 121-73-3 121-73-3 2516-96-3 2516-96-3 2516-96-3 157843-41-9 250 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Mg 118291-90-0 10 Mg 1669 Part B 29389090 18 0-4C 118291-90-0 25 Mg 3560 Part B 29389090 18 0-4C 108-43-0 108-43-0 108-43-0 95-57-8 95-57-8 95-57-8 106-48-9 4430-20-0 4430-20-0 99792-79-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Mg 122-88-3 25 Gms 402 Part B 29163990 18 8-25C 122-88-3 100 Gms 1442 Part B 29163990 18 8-25C 122-88-3 500 Gms 6695 Part B 29163990 18 8-25C 101-10-0 10 Gms 2690 Part B 29155000 18 8-25C Page 145 of 321 Price 490 940 325 954 3636 7678 760 2561 12213 800 1570 3034 814 562 2209 7708 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29042090 29042090 29163190 29163190 29163190 29095090 29081900 29081900 29081900 29071190 29071190 29071190 29071190 32049000 32049000 29095090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age 91145 2-(3-Chlorophenoxy)-Propionic Acid (3-CPA) technical grade, 99% 28272 4-Chlorophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 28272 4-Chlorophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 40881 Chlorogenic Acid extrapure, 98% 40881 Chlorogenic Acid extrapure, 98% 40881 Chlorogenic Acid extrapure, 98% 23727 2-Chloropropionic Acid pure, 97% 23727 2-Chloropropionic Acid pure, 97% 50217 S-2-Chloropropionic Acid pure, 98% 50217 S-2-Chloropropionic Acid pure, 98% 50217 S-2-Chloropropionic Acid pure, 98% 70774 3-Chloropropiophenone pure, 98% 70774 3-Chloropropiophenone pure, 98% 70774 3-Chloropropiophenone pure, 98% 53313 4-Chloropropiophenone pure, 98% 53313 4-Chloropropiophenone pure, 98% 62020 6-Chloropurine extrapure, 99% 62020 6-Chloropurine extrapure, 99% 62020 6-Chloropurine extrapure, 99% 57430 6-Chloropurine Riboside extrapure 57430 6-Chloropurine Riboside extrapure 26176 5-Chlorosalicylic Acid pure, 98% 26176 5-Chlorosalicylic Acid pure, 98% 59838 p-Chlorotoluene pure, 98% 59838 p-Chlorotoluene pure, 98% 97389 Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) for tissue culture, 97% 101-10-0 25 Gms 1878-66-6 1878-66-6 327-97-9 327-97-9 327-97-9 598-78-7 598-78-7 29617-66-1 29617-66-1 29617-66-1 34841-35-5 34841-35-5 34841-35-5 6285-05-8 6285-05-8 87-42-3 87-42-3 87-42-3 2004-06-0 2004-06-0 321-14-2 321-14-2 106-43-4 106-43-4 67-97-0 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 5 ml 25 ml 100 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 1 Gms 97389 Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) for tissue culture, 97% 67-97-0 5 Gms 54181 54181 54181 54181 38615 57-88-5 57-88-5 57-88-5 57-88-5 57-88-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 57-88-5 25 Gms 3502 Part B 29061310 18 0-4C 57-88-5 100 Gms 13390 Part B 29061310 18 0-4C 9026-00-0 10 Mg 9476 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9028-76-6 500 Units 6777 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9028-76-6 2500 Units 29357 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 604-35-3 604-35-3 81-25-4 81-25-4 81-25-4 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 773 3452 2225 7787 37822 29061390 29061390 29181990 29181990 29181990 38615 38615 51626 85091 85091 77645 77645 54908 54908 54908 Cholesterol extrapure AR, 99% Cholesterol extrapure AR, 99% Cholesterol extrapure AR, 99% Cholesterol extrapure AR, 99% Cholesterol Reference Standard Grade for molecular biology, 99% Cholesterol Reference Standard Grade for molecular biology, 99% Cholesterol Reference Standard Grade for molecular biology, 99% Cholesterol Esterase (CE) ex. Porcine Pancreas, 35U/mg solids Cholesterol Oxidase ex. Streptomyces Sp., 15U/mg solids Cholesterol Oxidase ex. Streptomyces Sp., 15U/mg solids Cholesteryl Acetate extrapure, 99% Cholesteryl Acetate extrapure, 99% Cholic Acid extrapure, 98% Cholic Acid extrapure, 98% Cholic Acid extrapure, 98% Page 146 of 321 6292 Part B HS code 1156 4003 454 3954 17502 1224 5340 890 2781 10012 2561 9306 40704 2567 11603 792 2825 11179 1957 6641 515 1494 1185 2009 1091 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 4839 Part B 525 2300 8500 35000 1169 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29155000 18 8-25C 29163400 29163400 29181990 29181990 29181990 29155000 29155000 29155000 29155000 29155000 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29182190 29182190 29039990 29039990 29362990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT RT 2-8C 29362990 18 2-8C 29061310 29061310 29061310 29061310 29061310 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 53645 53645 53645 93319 93319 31723 31723 31723 72580 72580 72580 72580 35085 35085 35085 35085 87063 87063 87063 87063 88213 88213 26591 26591 78079 78079 29965 29965 13294 13294 35417 35417 78746 78746 Product Name Cholic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 99% Cholic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 99% Cholic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 99% Chromotrope 2R Chromotrope 2R Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, 99% Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% Chromotropic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99% a-Chymotrypsin (3x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 7500ATEE U/mg (1000NF U/mg) a-Chymotrypsin (3x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 7500ATEE U/mg (1000NF U/mg) a-Chymotrypsin (3x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 7500ATEE U/mg (1000NF U/mg) a-Chymotrypsin (3x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 7500ATEE U/mg (1000NF U/mg) a-Chymotrypsinogen A (5x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 45U/mg a-Chymotrypsinogen A (5x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 45U/mg a-Chymotrypsinogen A (5x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 45U/mg a-Chymotrypsinogen A (5x cryst) ex. Bovine Pancreas, 45U/mg Cinnamonitrile extrapure, 97% Cinnamonitrile extrapure, 97% Cinnamoyl Chloride pure, 98% Cinnamoyl Chloride pure, 98% Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate (CPFX), 98102% Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate (CPFX), 98102% Citral pure, 95% Citral pure, 95% Citronella Oil extrapure, 34% Citronella Oil extrapure, 34% L-Citrulline extrapure CHR, 99% L-Citrulline extrapure CHR, 99% Clove Oil extrapure, 80% Clove Oil extrapure, 80% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 361-09-1 361-09-1 361-09-1 4197-07-3 4197-07-3 5808-22-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 5808-22-0 25 Gms 1578 Part B 29089990 18 RT 5808-22-0 100 Gms 6192 Part B 29089990 18 RT 5808-22-0 10 Gms 936 Part B 29089990 18 RT 5808-22-0 25 Gms 2053 Part B 29089990 18 RT 5808-22-0 100 Gms 7752 Part B 29089990 18 RT 5808-22-0 500 Gms 28499 Part B 29089990 18 RT 9004-07-3 250 Mg 1109 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9004-07-3 500 Mg 2148 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9004-07-3 1 Gms 3390 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9004-07-3 5 Gms 14680 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9035-75-0 100 Mg 2598 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9035-75-0 250 Mg 5478 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9035-75-0 1 Gms 15243 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9035-75-0 5 Gms 73389 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 1885-38-7 1885-38-7 102-92-1 102-92-1 86393-32-0 25 ml 100 ml 100 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 792 2373 2150 8520 400 86393-32-0 5 Gms 1500 Part B 29419030 18 0-4C 5392-40-5 5392-40-5 8000-29-1 8000-29-1 372-75-8 372-75-8 8000-34-8 8000-34-8 100 ml 500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 525 2537 2493 4580 1241 2925 1011 4378 29121990 29121990 33011910 33011910 29224990 29224990 33012928 33012928 Page 147 of 321 Price 2392 9011 42272 555 1112 673 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29181990 29181990 29181990 32049000 32049000 29089990 29269000 29269000 29163950 29163950 29419030 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 68320 CP-OSU (N(Cyclopentyloxycarbonyloxy)succinimide) extrapure, 99% 68320 CP-OSU (N(Cyclopentyloxycarbonyloxy)succinimide) extrapure, 99% 68636 Cloxacillin Sodium Monohydrate (CSX), 95-102% 128595-07-3 5 Gms 713 Part B 29251900 18 0-4C 128595-07-3 25 Gms 2847 Part B 29251900 18 0-4C 7081-44-9 1 Gms 1500 Part B 29419090 18 0-4C 68636 Cloxacillin Sodium Monohydrate (CSX), 95-102% 7081-44-9 5 Gms 5000 Part B 29419090 18 0-4C 31104 Coelenterazine Native (CLZN) ex. Aequorea Sp., 95% 31104 Coelenterazine Native (CLZN) ex. Aequorea Sp., 95% 40804 Coenzyme A Free Acid extrapure, 90% 40804 Coenzyme A Free Acid extrapure, 90% 40804 Coenzyme A Free Acid extrapure, 90% 95225 Coenzyme A Sodium Salt Hydrate (CoA Na2) for molecular biology, 85% 95225 Coenzyme A Sodium Salt Hydrate (CoA Na2) for molecular biology, 85% 64147 Coenzyme A Trilithium Salt ex. Yeast extrapure, 90% CoA 15039 Coenzyme Q10 extrapure, 99% 15039 Coenzyme Q10 extrapure, 99% 15039 Coenzyme Q10 extrapure, 99% 15039 Coenzyme Q10 extrapure, 99% 17701 Colchicine extrapure, 98% 17701 Colchicine extrapure, 98% 17701 Colchicine extrapure, 98% 93156 Colchicine ExiPlus™, 98% 93156 Colchicine ExiPlus™, 98% 45830 Colchicine for tissue culture, 98% 45830 Colchicine for tissue culture, 98% 51681 Colistin Sulphate (CLS) 51681 Colistin Sulphate (CLS) 51681 Colistin Sulphate (CLS) 90443 Collagen ex. Marine Fish extrapure, 95% 90443 Collagen ex. Marine Fish extrapure, 95% 51581 Colloidal Protein Staining Solution 94278 2,4,6-Collidine pure, 98% 94278 2,4,6-Collidine pure, 98% 24275 Congo Red ACS, 75% 24275 Congo Red ACS, 75% 24275 Congo Red ACS, 75% 10408 Co-Trimoxazole (CTX), 95% 10408 Co-Trimoxazole (CTX), 95% 42074 Coumarin pure, 98% 42074 Coumarin pure, 98% 76072 Creatine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 76072 Creatine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 55779-48-1 250 µg 12985 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 55779-48-1 1 Mg 21453 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 3004 5006 15574 5000 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 Stor age 85-61-0 85-61-0 85-61-0 55672-92-9 (anhy) 10 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 10 Mg 55672-92-9 (anhy) 25 Mg 8800 Part B 29335990 18 -20C 18439-24-2 25 Mg 5500 Part B 29335990 18 -20C 303-98-0 303-98-0 303-98-0 303-98-0 64-86-8 64-86-8 64-86-8 64-86-8 64-86-8 64-86-8 64-86-8 1264-72-8 1264-72-8 1264-72-8 9007-34-5 9007-34-5 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 108-75-8 108-75-8 573-58-0 573-58-0 573-58-0 8064-90-2 8064-90-2 91-64-5 91-64-5 6020-87-7 6020-87-7 Page 148 of 321 659 2195 5044 9867 1669 8010 15574 2025 9546 1892 9122 1500 3000 9000 2400 9000 3084 2283 10840 150 280 800 2300 16000 537 2486 306 934 Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29399900 29399900 29399900 29399900 29399900 29399900 29399900 29419090 29419090 29419090 35030090 35030090 38220090 29333919 29333919 32041421 32041421 32041421 29419090 29419090 29322010 29322010 29224990 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 25758 Creatine Phosphate Disodium Salt Tetrahydrate extrapure, 99% 25758 Creatine Phosphate Disodium Salt Tetrahydrate extrapure, 99% 25074 Creatininase ex. Recombinant E.Coli, 500U/mg 71519-72-7 1 Gms 1133 Part B 29199090 18 0-4C 71519-72-7 5 Gms 3914 Part B 29199090 18 0-4C 9025-13-2 2 K.Units 6119 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 25074 Creatininase ex. Recombinant E.Coli, 500U/mg 9025-13-2 5 K.Units 13349 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 65142 65142 19428 19428 19428 15353 15353 15353 62000 60-27-5 60-27-5 60-27-5 60-27-5 60-27-5 60-27-5 60-27-5 60-27-5 37289-15-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 250 Units 623 1695 341 708 2373 1244 3954 22582 8900 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 29252990 35079099 18 596-27-0 596-27-0 596-27-0 2411-89-4 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 137 522 2035 350 Part B Part B Part B Part B 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 18 2411-89-4 5 Gms 1200 Part B 29332990 18 RT 2411-89-4 25 Gms 4500 Part B 29332990 18 RT 94442-10-1 1 Gms 1200 Part B 29329900 18 RT 94442-10-1 5 Gms 5000 Part B 29329900 18 RT 2303-01-7 2303-01-7 107-93-7 107-93-7 107-93-7 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Mg 230 1032 566 995 1866 10727 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 32049000 32049000 29163990 29163990 29163990 38220090 18 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 2.5 Kg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 679 2281 10568 20246 44830 2598 8470 27664 1221 3050 12703 6211 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29333990 18 29121 29121 29121 64982 64982 64982 72278 72278 31393 31393 60837 60837 60837 51665 12295 12295 12295 12295 12295 37870 37870 37870 86320 86320 86320 51458 Creatinine extrapure CHR, 99% Creatinine extrapure CHR, 99% Creatinine extrapure AR, 99% Creatinine extrapure AR, 99% Creatinine extrapure AR, 99% Creatinine for molecular biology, 99% Creatinine for molecular biology, 99% Creatinine for molecular biology, 99% Creatinine Deiminase ex. Microorganism, 10U/mg solids o-Cresolphthalein AR, 95% o-Cresolphthalein AR, 95% o-Cresolphthalein AR, 95% o-Cresolphthalein Complexone (Phthalein Purple) extrapure AR, 80% o-Cresolphthalein Complexone (Phthalein Purple) extrapure AR, 80% o-Cresolphthalein Complexone (Phthalein Purple) extrapure AR, 80% o-Cresolphthalein Complexone Disodium Salt extrapure o-Cresolphthalein Complexone Disodium Salt extrapure m-Cresol Purple extrapure AR m-Cresol Purple extrapure AR Crotonic Acid pure, 99% Crotonic Acid pure, 99% Crotonic Acid pure, 99% r-CRP ex. E.Coli (Recombinant C-reactive protein) extrapure Cuelure pure, 95% Cuelure pure, 95% Cuelure pure, 95% Cuelure pure, 95% Cuelure pure, 95% 4-Cyanophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 4-Cyanophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 4-Cyanophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 3-Cyanophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 3-Cyanophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 3-Cyanophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 1-Cyano-4-Dimethylaminopyridinium Tetrafluoroborate (CDAP) extrapure, 97.5% 3572-06-3 3572-06-3 3572-06-3 3572-06-3 3572-06-3 126747-14-6 126747-14-6 126747-14-6 150255-96-2 150255-96-2 150255-96-2 59016-56-7 Page 149 of 321 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 59016-56-7 250 Mg 14114 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 59016-56-7 1 Gms 54760 Part B 29333990 18 0-4C 879866-74-7 5 Gms 6017 Part B 29332990 18 8-25C 879866-74-7 25 Gms 25453 Part B 29332990 18 8-25C 506-68-3 506-68-3 506-68-3 506-68-3 5457-28-3 5457-28-3 15861-24-2 15861-24-2 7585-39-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 736 1947 906 2204 2598 10727 24027 59625 802 28371990 28371990 28371990 28371990 29339900 29339900 29339900 29339900 29420090 83244 ß-Cyclodextrin, base (BCD) for tissue culture, 98% 7585-39-9 500 Gms 76496 76496 76496 98395 98395 37594 37594 37594 55799 55799 31668 ß-Cyclodextrin, base (BCD), 98% ß-Cyclodextrin, base (BCD), 98% ß-Cyclodextrin, base (BCD), 98% Cyclohexanecarboxaldehyde pure, 97% Cyclohexanecarboxaldehyde pure, 97% 1,4-Cyclohexanedione pure, 99% 1,4-Cyclohexanedione pure, 99% 1,4-Cyclohexanedione pure, 99% Cyclohexanol extrapure, 99% Cyclohexanol extrapure, 99% Cyclohexene (Tetrahydrobenzene) pure, 99% 7585-39-9 7585-39-9 7585-39-9 2043-61-0 2043-61-0 637-88-7 637-88-7 637-88-7 108-93-0 108-93-0 110-83-8 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 31668 Cyclohexene (Tetrahydrobenzene) pure, 99% 110-83-8 2500 ml 4745 Part B 29021100 18 RT 86620 86620 86620 95581 95581 95581 38772 Cycloheximide extrapure, 94% Cycloheximide extrapure, 94% Cycloheximide extrapure, 94% Cycloheximide for tissue culture, 94% Cycloheximide for tissue culture, 94% Cycloheximide for tissue culture, 94% Cyclopentanone (Keto Cyclopentane) pure, 99% 66-81-9 66-81-9 66-81-9 66-81-9 66-81-9 66-81-9 120-92-3 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 400 2000 8500 650 2400 9800 420 29242190 29242190 29242190 29242190 29242190 29242190 29143990 38772 Cyclopentanone (Keto Cyclopentane) pure, 99% 120-92-3 500 ml 1300 Part B 29143990 18 RT 38772 Cyclopentanone (Keto Cyclopentane) pure, 99% 120-92-3 2500 ml 4800 Part B 29143990 18 RT 88410 Cyclopentyl Methyl Ether (CPME) extrapure AR, 99% 88410 Cyclopentyl Methyl Ether (CPME) extrapure AR, 99% 5614-37-9 250 ml 1582 Part B 29092000 18 RT 5614-37-9 500 ml 2995 Part B 29092000 18 RT 51458 1-Cyano-4-Dimethylaminopyridinium Tetrafluoroborate (CDAP) extrapure, 97.5% 51458 1-Cyano-4-Dimethylaminopyridinium Tetrafluoroborate (CDAP) extrapure, 97.5% 57902 1-(3-Cyanopropyl)-3-Methylimidazolium Dicyanamide (CPMIM.DC) pure, 98% 57902 1-(3-Cyanopropyl)-3-Methylimidazolium Dicyanamide (CPMIM.DC) pure, 98% 65291 Cyanogen Bromide pure, 98% 65291 Cyanogen Bromide pure, 98% 31787 Cyanogen Bromide ExiPlus™, 98% 31787 Cyanogen Bromide ExiPlus™, 98% 94952 3-Cyanoindole pure, 98% 94952 3-Cyanoindole pure, 98% 33202 5-Cyanoindole pure, 98% 33202 5-Cyanoindole pure, 98% 83244 ß-Cyclodextrin, base (BCD) for tissue culture, 98% Page 150 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 2337 Part B 501 2170 4228 3164 12309 748 1176 10139 554 2354 984 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 35051090 35051090 35051090 29122990 29122990 29146990 29146990 29146990 29061200 29061200 29021100 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 88410 Cyclopentyl Methyl Ether (CPME) extrapure AR, 99% 74083 Cyclopropanecarboxylic Acid pure, 98% 74083 Cyclopropanecarboxylic Acid pure, 98% 62160 Cyclopropylboronic Acid Monohydrate extrapure, 97% 62160 Cyclopropylboronic Acid Monohydrate extrapure, 97% 41269 D-Cycloserine (D-CSR) 41269 D-Cycloserine (D-CSR) 73383 D-Cysteine (base) extrapure, 99% 98973 Cytidine extrapure, 99% 98973 Cytidine extrapure, 99% 87600 Cytidine-5-Monophosphate (5-CMP) extrapure, 99% 87600 Cytidine-5-Monophosphate (5-CMP) extrapure, 99% 48666 Cytidine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (5-CTPNa2) extrapure, 97% 48666 Cytidine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (5-CTPNa2) extrapure, 97% 81551 Cytochrome C (Oxidized) (Type 1) ex. Horse Heart extrapure, 90% 81551 Cytochrome C (Oxidized) (Type 1) ex. Horse Heart extrapure, 90% 81551 Cytochrome C (Oxidized) (Type 1) ex. Horse Heart extrapure, 90% 90777 Cytochrome C (Oxidized) (Type 2) ex. Horse Heart, 95% 90777 Cytochrome C (Oxidized) (Type 2) ex. Horse Heart, 95% 62682 Cytosine Arabinoside extrapure, 98% 62682 Cytosine Arabinoside extrapure, 98% 75543 DABCYL-N-Succinimidyl Ester extrapure, 98% 75543 DABCYL-N-Succinimidyl Ester extrapure, 98% 31920 Daidzin extrapure, 98% 31920 Daidzin extrapure, 98% 90441 Danofloxacin Mesylate (DM), 98% 64018 Dansyl Chloride (DNSCI) extrapure, 99% 64018 Dansyl Chloride (DNSCI) extrapure, 99% 18668 DAPI Dihydrochloride (4,6-Diamidino-2Phenylindole Dihydrochloride) for molecular biology, 95% 18668 DAPI Dihydrochloride (4,6-Diamidino-2Phenylindole Dihydrochloride) for molecular biology, 95% 28488 DAPI Dihydrochloride (4,6-Diamidino-2Phenylindole Dihydrochloride) for tissue culture, 95% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 5614-37-9 1000 ml 4969 Part B 29092000 18 RT 1759-53-1 1759-53-1 411235-57-9 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Gms 3045 Part B 7478 Part B 2204 Part B 29163990 18 2-8C 29163990 18 2-8C 29163990 18 RT/-20C 411235-57-9 5 Gms 6786 Part B 29163990 18 RT/-20C 68-41-7 68-41-7 921-01-7 65-46-3 65-46-3 63-37-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 2083 6364 2781 535 1709 557 29379020 29379020 29309040 29349900 29349900 29349900 63-37-6 5 Gms 2225 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 81012-87-5 100 Mg 1470 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 81012-87-5 500 Mg 6664 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 9007-43-6 100 Mg 4450 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9007-43-6 500 Mg 19189 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9007-43-6 1 Gms 36710 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9007-43-6 100 Mg 10012 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9007-43-6 500 Mg 35597 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 147-94-4 147-94-4 146998-31-4 146998-31-4 552-66-9 552-66-9 119478-55-6 605-65-2 605-65-2 28718-90-3 100 Mg 500 Mg 50 Mg 250 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Mg 1041 3296 5083 16711 6007 20302 6211 4223 19761 3954 29349900 29349900 29337900 29337900 29389090 29389090 29420090 29214590 29214590 29339900 28718-90-3 25 Mg 8131 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C 28718-90-3 100 Mg 4895 Part B 29339900 18 0-4C Page 151 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C RT 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C -20C -20C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 80145 DAPI Dihydrochloride (4,6-Diamidino-2Phenylindole Dihydrochloride) Solution (1mg/ml in H2O) 80145 DAPI Dihydrochloride (4,6-Diamidino-2Phenylindole Dihydrochloride) Solution (1mg/ml in H2O) 22499 DAST (Diethylamino Sulfurtrifluoride) extrapure AR, 95% 22499 DAST (Diethylamino Sulfurtrifluoride) extrapure AR, 95% 40396 DDAPS (N-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1propanesulfonate, Lauryl sulfobetaine) extrapure, 98% 40396 DDAPS (N-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1propanesulfonate, Lauryl sulfobetaine) extrapure, 98% 40396 DDAPS (N-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1propanesulfonate, Lauryl sulfobetaine) extrapure, 98% 47478 DEAE Cellulose 11 analytical grade for molecular biology 47478 DEAE Cellulose 11 analytical grade for molecular biology 57136 DEAE Cellulose 23 analytical grade for molecular biology 57136 DEAE Cellulose 23 analytical grade for molecular biology 92321 DEAE Cellulose 32 analytical grade for molecular biology 92321 DEAE Cellulose 32 analytical grade for molecular biology 10529 DEAE Cellulose 52 analytical grade for molecular biology 10529 DEAE Cellulose 52 analytical grade for molecular biology 10529 DEAE Cellulose 52 analytical grade for molecular biology 54665 Decalin (Decahydronaphthalene) pure, 98% 54665 Decalin (Decahydronaphthalene) pure, 98% 72007 1-Decanethiol pure, 95% 72007 1-Decanethiol pure, 95% 91106 Decanoyl Chloride pure, 98% 91106 Decanoyl Chloride pure, 98% 48467 Decyl Alcohol pure, 99% 48467 Decyl Alcohol pure, 99% 48467 Decyl Alcohol pure, 99% 43940 Decyltrimethylammonium Bromide (DTMAB) extrapure, 98% 43940 Decyltrimethylammonium Bromide (DTMAB) extrapure, 98% 40133 Deoxy Big CHAPS extrapure, 95% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 28718-90-3 1 ml 779 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 28718-90-3 5 x1 ml 3671 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 38078-09-0 1 Gms 679 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 38078-09-0 5 Gms 3277 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 14933-08-5 2 Gms 897 Part B 29239000 18 0-4C 14933-08-5 10 Gms 2686 Part B 29239000 18 0-4C 14933-08-5 50 Gms 16775 Part B 29239000 18 0-4C 9013-34-7 5 Gms 2225 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 25 Gms 9122 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 5 Gms 2503 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 25 Gms 10568 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 5 Gms 3115 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 25 Gms 13127 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 5 Gms 1968 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 25 Gms 9141 Part B 39129090 18 RT 9013-34-7 100 Gms 31815 Part B 39129090 18 RT 91-17-8 91-17-8 143-10-2 143-10-2 112-13-0 112-13-0 112-30-1 112-30-1 112-30-1 2082-84-0 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 10 Gms 1132 4519 5083 22582 835 4005 250 700 3400 3600 29029090 29029090 29309099 29309099 29159090 29159090 29051990 29051990 29051990 29239000 2082-84-0 25 Gms 8000 Part B 86303-23-3 500 Mg 22582 Part B Page 152 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29239000 18 RT 29420090 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 16373-93-6 16373-93-6 2922-74-9 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 1153 Part B 5138 Part B 2609 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 1927-31-7 10 Mg 2598 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 1927-31-7 25 Mg 4959 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 951-77-9 951-77-9 951-77-9 13085-50-2 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 500 Mg 13085-50-2 1 Gms 23712 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 13085-50-2 5 Gms 112341 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 102783-51-7 10 Mg 2598 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 102783-51-7 25 Mg 4959 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 102783-51-7 100 Mg 18067 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 102783-51-7 500 Mg 84115 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 1949-89-9 1949-89-9 154-17-6 154-17-6 154-17-6 154-17-6 312693-72-4 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 100 Mg 4406 16937 906 1808 8808 16937 2361 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29349900 22350 2-Deoxyguanosine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 312693-72-4 500 Mg 7296 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 22350 2-Deoxyguanosine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 312693-72-4 1 Gms 12337 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 22350 2-Deoxyguanosine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 312693-72-4 5 Gms 38954 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 25695 2’-Deoxyguanosine -5’-Monophosphate Sodium52558-16-4, 33430-61-4 500 Mg 15243 Part B Salt (dGMP) extrapure, 98% 25695 2’-Deoxyguanosine -5’-Monophosphate Sodium52558-16-4, 33430-61-4 1 Gms 27098 Part B Salt (dGMP) extrapure, 98% 25695 2’-Deoxyguanosine -5’-Monophosphate Sodium52558-16-4, 33430-61-4 5 Gms 124196 Part B Salt (dGMP) extrapure, 98% 66280 Deoxyguansine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 93919-41-6 10 Mg 2598 Part B (dGTP), 97% 66280 Deoxyguansine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 93919-41-6 25 Mg 4959 Part B (dGTP), 97% 66280 Deoxyguansine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 93919-41-6 100 Mg 18067 Part B (dGTP), 97% 29349900 18 0-4C 83158 2’-Deoxyadenosine extrapure, 98% 83158 2’-Deoxyadenosine extrapure, 98% 39192 2’-Deoxyadenosine-5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (dAMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% 51839 Deoxyadenosine Triphosphate Disodium Salt (dATP-Na2), 97% 51839 Deoxyadenosine Triphosphate Disodium Salt (dATP-Na2), 97% 49092 2-Deoxycytidine extrapure, 98% 49092 2-Deoxycytidine extrapure, 98% 49092 2-Deoxycytidine extrapure, 98% 55193 2’-Deoxycytidine -5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (dCMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% 55193 2’-Deoxycytidine -5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (dCMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% 55193 2’-Deoxycytidine -5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (dCMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% 12646 Deoxycytidine Triphosphate Disodium Salt (dCTP), 98% 12646 Deoxycytidine Triphosphate Disodium Salt (dCTP), 98% 12646 Deoxycytidine Triphosphate Disodium Salt (dCTP), 98% 12646 Deoxycytidine Triphosphate Disodium Salt (dCTP), 98% 84476 2-Deoxygalactose extrapure, 98% 84476 2-Deoxygalactose extrapure, 98% 43421 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose extrapure 43421 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose extrapure 43421 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose extrapure 43421 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose extrapure 22350 2-Deoxyguanosine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% Page 153 of 321 Price 713 2035 3277 13042 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 66280 Deoxyguansine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt (dGTP), 97% 16516 2’-Deoxyinosine extrapure, 98% 16516 2’-Deoxyinosine extrapure, 98% 16516 2’-Deoxyinosine extrapure, 98% 61824 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 1A (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 1800Kunitz U/mg 93919-41-6 500 Mg 890-38-0 890-38-0 890-38-0 9003-98-9 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 10000 Units 566 1334 4744 2893 61824 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 1A (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 1800Kunitz U/mg 9003-98-9 50000 Units 8010 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 15409 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 1B (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 1800Kunitz U/mg 9003-98-9 10 Mg 4450 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 15409 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 1B (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 1800Kunitz U/mg 9003-98-9 100 Mg 20024 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 14658 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 2A (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for MB, 180Kunitz U/mg, 85% Protein 9003-98-9 5000 Units 995 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 14658 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 2A (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for MB, 180Kunitz U/mg, 85% Protein 9003-98-9 50000 Units 5083 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 14658 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 2A (DNase I) ex. Bovine Pancreas for MB, 180Kunitz U/mg, 85% Protein 9003-98-9 100000 Units 9599 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 10 Mg 557 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 100 Mg 5340 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 1 Gms 20024 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 5 Gms 1500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 10 Gms 2961 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 25 Gms 6000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 100 Gms 21000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 5 Gms 1600 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 25 Gms 6500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 100 Gms 27294 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 25 Mg 2500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 52942 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 2B (DNase I) ex. Bovine 9003-98-9 Pancreas for MB, 180Kunitz U/mg 52942 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 2B (DNase I) ex. Bovine 9003-98-9 Pancreas for MB, 180Kunitz U/mg 52942 Deoxyribonuclease I - Type 2B (DNase I) ex. Bovine 9003-98-9 Pancreas for MB, 180Kunitz U/mg 74322 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Degraded Free Acid 100403-24-5 ex. Fish Sperm 74322 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Degraded Free Acid 100403-24-5 ex. Fish Sperm 74322 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Degraded Free Acid 100403-24-5 ex. Fish Sperm 74322 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Degraded Free Acid 100403-24-5 ex. Fish Sperm 30295 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (DNA Sodium9007-49-2, 68938-01-2 Salt) ex. Salmon Milt 30295 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (DNA Sodium9007-49-2, 68938-01-2 Salt) ex. Salmon Milt 30295 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (DNA Sodium9007-49-2, 68938-01-2 Salt) ex. Salmon Milt 68451 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (DNA Sodium 73049-39-5 Salt Highly Polymerized) ex. Calf Thymus extrapure Page 154 of 321 Price Part 84115 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Stor age 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 29349900 29349900 35079099 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 68451 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (DNA Sodium Salt Highly Polymerized) ex. Calf Thymus extrapure 73049-39-5 100 Mg 4800 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 68451 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (DNA Sodium Salt Highly Polymerized) ex. Calf Thymus extrapure 73049-39-5 250 Mg 10000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 2-Deoxy-D-Ribose extrapure 533-67-5 2-Deoxy-D-Ribose extrapure 533-67-5 2-Deoxy-D-Ribose extrapure 533-67-5 Deoxythymidine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 18423-43-3 (dTTP), 98% Deoxythymidine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 18423-43-3 (dTTP), 98% Deoxythymidine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 18423-43-3 (dTTP), 98% Deoxythymidine Triphosphate Trisodium Salt 18423-43-3 (dTTP), 98% 2’-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 951-78-0 2’-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 951-78-0 2’-Deoxyuridine-5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt 42155-08-8 (dUMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% 2’-Deoxyuridine-5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt 42155-08-8 (dUMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% 2’-Deoxyuridine-5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt 42155-08-8 (dUMP-Na2) extrapure, 98% Deoxycholic Acid extrapure, 99% 83-44-3 Deoxycholic Acid extrapure, 99% 83-44-3 Deoxycholic Acid extrapure, 99% 83-44-3 Deoxycholic Acid Sodium Salt (Sodium 302-95-4 Deoxycholate) Bacto grade, 99% Deoxycholic Acid Sodium Salt (Sodium 302-95-4 Deoxycholate) Bacto grade, 99% Deoxycholic Acid Sodium Salt (Sodium 302-95-4 Deoxycholate) Bacto grade, 99% Deoxycholic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate 145224-92-6 (Sodium Deoxycholate Monohydrate) Bacto grade, 99% Deoxycholic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate 145224-92-6 (Sodium Deoxycholate Monohydrate) Bacto grade, 99% Deoxycholic Acid Sodium Salt Monohydrate 145224-92-6 (Sodium Deoxycholate Monohydrate) Bacto grade, 99% Dess Martin Periodinane extrapure, 97% 87413-09-0 Dess Martin Periodinane extrapure, 97% 87413-09-0 Dess Martin Periodinane extrapure, 97% 87413-09-0 Dess Martin Periodinane extrapure, 97% 87413-09-0 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 10 (9-11) 9004-54-0 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 10 (9-11) 9004-54-0 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 10 (9-11) 9004-54-0 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 40 (35-45) 9004-54-0 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Mg 42197 42197 42197 92627 92627 41602 41602 41602 41143 41143 41143 24417 24417 24417 96876 96876 96876 43767 43767 43767 43767 47601 47601 47601 41570 Page 155 of 321 Price 454 1808 6664 2598 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 84384 84384 84384 42197 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29400000 29400000 29400000 29349900 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 25 Mg 4959 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 100 Mg 18067 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 500 Mg 84115 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 250 Mg 1 Gms 100 Mg 2090 Part B 7589 Part B 6551 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 500 Mg 29357 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 1 Gms 55889 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 1728 6588 32400 2000 29181990 29181990 29181990 29181990 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 100 Gms 7200 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 500 Gms 35200 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 25 Gms 2200 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 100 Gms 7400 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 500 Gms 37000 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 230 540 2268 8600 1398 5309 18436 6425 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 39139090 39139090 39139090 39139090 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 41570 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 40 (35-45) 35270 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 110 (100-120) 9004-54-0 9004-54-0 25 Gms 5 Gms 21620 Part B 1398 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 39139090 18 2-8C 35270 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 110 (100-120) 9004-54-0 25 Gms 5309 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 35270 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 110 (100-120) 9004-54-0 100 Gms 17877 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 62753 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 250 (225-275) 9004-54-0 5 Gms 15084 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 19301 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 500 (450-550) 9004-54-0 10 Gms 4917 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 19301 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 500 (450-550) 9004-54-0 25 Gms 7263 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 19301 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 500 (450-550) 9004-54-0 100 Gms 22904 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 19301 Dextran ex. Leuconostoc Sp. - Tech 500 (450-550) 9004-54-0 500 Gms 60331 Part B 39139090 18 2-8C 28354 82575 57356 14420 67045 83826 83826 33434 87915-38-6 87915-38-6 87915-38-6 87915-38-6 87915-38-6 9015-73-0 9015-73-0 9064-91-9 500 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 19553 19553 19553 19553 19553 8800 22625 3647 35051090 35051090 35051090 35051090 35051090 39140090 39140090 39140090 9064-91-9 25 Gms 10685 Part B 39140090 18 -20C 9064-91-9 100 Gms 39593 Part B 39140090 18 -20C 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 60842-46-8 9011-18-1 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 6000 13000 6500 15000 6000 13000 5900 12000 6637 21786 4407 32129090 32129090 32129090 32129090 32129090 32129090 32129090 32129090 35051090 35051090 29420090 76203 Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 30-50 (DSS 35-50) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology 9011-18-1 25 Gms 10245 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 76203 Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 30-50 (DSS 35-50) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology 9011-18-1 100 Gms 38556 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 99629 Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 500 (DSS 500) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology 9011-18-1 10 Gms 4247 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 33434 62250 62250 36454 36454 92901 92901 82221 82221 65163 65163 76203 Dextran Blue 5 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. Dextran Blue 40 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. Dextran Blue 110 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. Dextran Blue 500 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. Dextran Blue 2000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. DEAE-Dextran 500 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. DEAE-Dextran 500 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. DEAE-Dextran Hydrochloride ex. Leuconostoc Sp. 500 DEAE-Dextran Hydrochloride ex. Leuconostoc Sp. 500 DEAE-Dextran Hydrochloride ex. Leuconostoc Sp. 500 FITC-Dextran 4000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 4000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 40000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 40000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 70000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 70000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 2000000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. FITC-Dextran 2000000 ex. Leuconostoc Sp. Dextran Phenyl 40 (30-50) Dextran Phenyl 40 (30-50) Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 30-50 (DSS 35-50) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology Page 156 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 33434 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 99629 Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 500 (DSS 500) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology 99629 Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 500 (DSS 500) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology 99629 Dextran Sulphate Sodium Salt 500 (DSS 500) ex. Leuconostoc Sp. for molecular biology 17379 DHP Linker (3,4-Dihydro-2H-Pyran-2-Methanol) extrapure, 98% 17379 DHP Linker (3,4-Dihydro-2H-Pyran-2-Methanol) extrapure, 98% 34224 Diacetone-D-Glucose (DAG) extrapure, 98% 34224 Diacetone-D-Glucose (DAG) extrapure, 98% 34224 Diacetone-D-Glucose (DAG) extrapure, 98% 72352 Diacetylmonoxime extrapure AR, 99% 72352 Diacetylmonoxime extrapure AR, 99% 72352 Diacetylmonoxime extrapure AR, 99% 10006 1,4-(Diacryloyl) Piperazine extrapure, 99% 62736 L-2,4 Diaminobutyric Acid Monohydrochloride extrapure, 98% 62736 L-2,4 Diaminobutyric Acid Monohydrochloride extrapure, 98% 62736 L-2,4 Diaminobutyric Acid Monohydrochloride extrapure, 98% 94524 3,3-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) pure, 98% 94524 3,3-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) pure, 98% 94524 3,3-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) pure, 98% 18897 3,3-Diaminobenzidine Buffer (DAB Buffer) 17076 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride Hydrate (DAB.4HCl.xH2O) extrapure AR, 98% 17076 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride Hydrate (DAB.4HCl.xH2O) extrapure AR, 98% 17076 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride Hydrate (DAB.4HCl.xH2O) extrapure AR, 98% 98465 3,3-Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride (DAB.4HCl) Buffer Substrate Solution for Peroxidase 17758 3,5-Diaminobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 17758 3,5-Diaminobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 20723 3,5-Diaminobenzoic Acid Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% 16368 trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N,N Tetraacetic Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR (CDTA), 99% 16368 trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N,N Tetraacetic Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR (CDTA), 99% 16368 trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N,N Tetraacetic Acid Monohydrate extrapure AR (CDTA), 99% 85122 2,4-Diaminophenol Dihydrochloride (Amidol) extrapure, 98% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 9011-18-1 25 Gms 9945 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 9011-18-1 100 Gms 36312 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 9011-18-1 250 Gms 68152 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 3749-36-8 5 ml 11165 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 3749-36-8 25 ml 40278 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 582-52-5 582-52-5 582-52-5 57-71-6 57-71-6 57-71-6 6342-17-2 1482-98-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 2373 7227 27098 445 1436 7009 15808 2261 29400000 29400000 29400000 29420090 29420090 29420090 29339900 29156010 1482-98-0 5 Gms 10727 Part B 29156010 18 8-25C 1482-98-0 25 Gms 41211 Part B 29156010 18 8-25C 91-95-2 91-95-2 91-95-2 868272-85-9 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 ml 1 Gms 1492 5963 20743 6777 1187 29215990 29215990 29215990 38220090 29215990 868272-85-9 5 Gms 5760 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 868272-85-9 25 Gms 25969 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 100 ml 6777 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 535-87-5 535-87-5 618-56-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 835 Part B 3783 Part B 5006 Part B 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 125572-95-4 10 Gms 1280 Part B 29153990 18 RT 125572-95-4 25 Gms 2893 Part B 29153990 18 RT 125572-95-4 100 Gms 10680 Part B 29153990 18 RT 137-09-7 25 Gms 8470 Part B 29222990 18 RT Page 157 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 2,6-Diaminopurine extrapure, 98% 2,6-Diaminopurine extrapure, 98% 2,6-Diaminopurine extrapure, 98% o-Dianisidine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% 1904-98-9 1904-98-9 1904-98-9 20325-40-0 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 13261 o-Dianisidine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 98% 20325-40-0 25 Gms 94912 94912 90405 38201 38201 38201 23144 23144 96661 96661 88749 43589 33384 33384 31575 31575 34890 34890 34890 96763 82-22-4 82-22-4 9001-18-7 120-46-7 120-46-7 120-46-7 103-49-1 103-49-1 103-50-4 103-50-4 106-37-6 110-52-1 106-93-4 106-93-4 626-41-5 626-41-5 109-64-8 109-64-8 109-64-8 24424-99-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Units 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 Gms 250 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 24424-99-5 100 Gms 612 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 24424-99-5 500 Gms 2337 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 24424-99-5 5 Kg 21804 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 16980-89-5 25 Mg 5083 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 16980-89-5 100 Mg 12422 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 1918-00-9 1918-00-9 74124-79-1 250 Mg 1 Gms 25 Gms 5083 Part B 16937 Part B 3275 Part B 29189900 18 2-8C 29189900 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 62578 Di-(N-Succinimidyl) Carbonate extrapure, 95% 74124-79-1 100 Gms 10515 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 62578 Di-(N-Succinimidyl) Carbonate extrapure, 95% 74124-79-1 500 Gms 40224 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 29154 29154 29154 29154 94453 2234-16-4 2234-16-4 2234-16-4 2234-16-4 541-73-1 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 250 ml 96763 96763 96763 69246 69246 26414 26414 62578 1,1-Dianthrimide extrapure AR, 98% 1,1-Dianthrimide extrapure AR, 98% Diaphorase ex. Clostridium Sp., 30U/mg Dibenzoylmethane extrapure, 98% Dibenzoylmethane extrapure, 98% Dibenzoylmethane extrapure, 98% Dibenzylamine pure, 98% Dibenzylamine pure, 98% Dibenzyl Ether pure, 97% Dibenzyl Ether pure, 97% 1,4-Dibromobenzene pure, 98% 1,4-Dibromobutane pure, 98% 1,2-Dibromoethane pure, 98% 1,2-Dibromoethane pure, 98% 3,5-Dibromophenol pure, 98% 3,5-Dibromophenol pure, 98% 1,3-Dibromopropane pure, 99% 1,3-Dibromopropane pure, 99% 1,3-Dibromopropane pure, 99% Di-tert-Butyldicarbonate (BOC Anhydride, DiBOC) extrapure, 99% Di-tert-Butyldicarbonate (BOC Anhydride, DiBOC) extrapure, 99% Di-tert-Butyldicarbonate (BOC Anhydride, DiBOC) extrapure, 99% Di-tert-Butyldicarbonate (BOC Anhydride, DiBOC) extrapure, 99% N6,2-O-Dibutyryl-Adenosine-3,5-CyclicMonophosphate Sodium Salt, 97% N6,2-O-Dibutyryl-Adenosine-3,5-CyclicMonophosphate Sodium Salt, 97% DICAMBA extrapure, 95% DICAMBA extrapure, 95% Di-(N-Succinimidyl) Carbonate extrapure, 95% 2,4-Dichloroacetophenone pure, 96% 2,4-Dichloroacetophenone pure, 96% 2,4-Dichloroacetophenone pure, 96% 2,4-Dichloroacetophenone pure, 96% m-Dichlorobenzene extrapure, 99% Page 158 of 321 Price 3390 6777 22582 2479 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 34124 34124 34124 13261 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29349900 29349900 29349900 32041949 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 12450 Part B 32041949 18 2-8C 2800 12000 4846 1765 5554 13652 779 3671 822 2983 2096 1631 1236 4120 2670 12126 1460 3149 5835 234 29223900 29223900 35079099 29029090 29029090 29029090 29213090 29213090 29093019 29093019 29033920 29033920 29033920 29033920 29089990 29089990 29033920 29033920 29033920 29420090 909 1751 3502 6038 501 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29039990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C -20C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 541-73-1 50-45-3 50-45-3 50-84-0 50-84-0 51-44-5 51-44-5 4091-99-0 1000 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Mg 4091-99-0 100 Mg 16373 Part B 29322020 18 -20C 84-58-2 25 Gms 1335 Part B 29143990 18 2-8C 84-58-2 100 Gms 4784 Part B 29143990 18 2-8C 84-58-2 500 Gms 23361 Part B 29143990 18 2-8C 4885-02-3 4885-02-3 89-61-2 89-61-2 120-83-2 87-65-0 87-65-0 87-65-0 68716-47-2 25 ml 100 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 250 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 3954 14453 334 635 1019 286 656 2238 1019 29091900 29091900 29042090 29042090 29071190 29071190 29071190 29071190 29319090 42180 2,4-Dichlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 68716-47-2 5 Gms 2825 Part B 29319090 18 RT 42180 2,4-Dichlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 68716-47-2 25 Gms 9881 Part B 29319090 18 RT 93611 3,4-Dichlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 151169-75-4 1 Gms 951 Part B 29319090 18 RT 93611 3,4-Dichlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 151169-75-4 5 Gms 2373 Part B 29319090 18 RT 93611 3,4-Dichlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 151169-75-4 25 Gms 8470 Part B 29319090 18 RT 101-38-2 5 Gms 1526 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 101-38-2 25 Gms 6211 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 85048 86428 86428 86428 52979 52979 88912 88912 52039 87188 87188 87188 42180 m-Dichlorobenzene extrapure, 99% 2,3-Dichlorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,3-Dichlorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,4-Dichlorobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 2,4-Dichlorobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 3,4-Dichlorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 3,4-Dichlorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH) extrapure, 97% 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH) extrapure, 97% 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-Dicyano-1,4-Benzoquinone (DDQ) pure, 98% 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-Dicyano-1,4-Benzoquinone (DDQ) pure, 98% 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-Dicyano-1,4-Benzoquinone (DDQ) pure, 98% Dichloromethyl Methyl Ether pure, 97% Dichloromethyl Methyl Ether pure, 97% 2,5-Dichloronitrobenzene pure, 99% 2,5-Dichloronitrobenzene pure, 99% 2,4-Dichlorophenol practical grade, 95% 2,6-Dichlorophenol extrapure, 99% 2,6-Dichlorophenol extrapure, 99% 2,6-Dichlorophenol extrapure, 99% 2,4-Dichlorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% Price 1690 2035 6211 324 1104 2188 9701 4179 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 94453 91427 91427 62122 62122 66481 66481 85048 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29039990 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29322020 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 33017 2,6-Dichloroquinone-4-Chlorimide (Gibbs Reagent) extrapure AR, 99% 33017 2,6-Dichloroquinone-4-Chlorimide (Gibbs Reagent) extrapure AR, 99% 33017 2,6-Dichloroquinone-4-Chlorimide (Gibbs Reagent) extrapure AR, 99% 38762 2,4-Dichloro-1,3,5-Triazine pure, 98% 38762 2,4-Dichloro-1,3,5-Triazine pure, 98% 57262 Dicyclohexylamine pure, 99% 57262 Dicyclohexylamine pure, 99% 79596 N,N-Dicyclohexyl Carbodiimide (DCC) pure, 99% 101-38-2 100 Gms 20324 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 2831-66-5 2831-66-5 101-83-7 101-83-7 538-75-0 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 16802 56003 781 3614 246 29336990 29336990 29213010 29213010 29251900 79596 N,N-Dicyclohexyl Carbodiimide (DCC) pure, 99% 538-75-0 100 Gms Page 159 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 612 Part B 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 2-8C 29251900 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 79596 N,N-Dicyclohexyl Carbodiimide (DCC) pure, 99% 538-75-0 500 Gms 2781 Part B 29251900 18 2-8C 95525 2,3-Dideoxyadenosine (ddA) extrapure, 98% 47248 2,3-Dideoxycytidine (ddC) extrapure, 98% 73273 2,3-Dideoxyinosine (ddI, ddIno) extrapure, 98% 4097-22-7 7481-89-2 69655-05-6 5 Mg 25 Mg 25 Mg 2800 Part B 3000 Part B 3000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 29349900 18 -20C 29349900 18 -20C 73273 2,3-Dideoxyinosine (ddI, ddIno) extrapure, 98% 69655-05-6 500 Mg 9500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 22328 2,3-Dideoxythymidine (3-Deoxythymidine, ddT) extrapure, 98% 17412 2,3-Dideoxyuridine (ddU) extrapure, 98% 17412 2,3-Dideoxyuridine (ddU) extrapure, 98% 16312 DEPBT (3-(Diethoxyphosphoryloxy)-1,2,3benzotriazin-4(3H)-one) extrapure, 98% 16312 DEPBT (3-(Diethoxyphosphoryloxy)-1,2,3benzotriazin-4(3H)-one) extrapure, 98% 86283 p-Diethylaminobenzaldhyde pure, 99% 19885 2-Diethylaminoethyl Chloride Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 19885 2-Diethylaminoethyl Chloride Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 33684 Diethyl Aminoethyl Hexanoate (DA-6) technical grade, 98% 33684 Diethyl Aminoethyl Hexanoate (DA-6) technical grade, 98% 64699 Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid (DTPA) extrapure AR, 99% 64699 Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid (DTPA) extrapure AR, 99% 81346 Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid Pentasodium Salt (DTPA) extrapure, 40% (Liquid) 3416-05-5 25 Mg 6000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 5983-09-5 5983-09-5 165534-43-0 25 Mg 100 Mg 5 Gms 8000 Part B 24000 Part B 3500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 29349900 18 -20C 29420090 18 RT 165534-43-0 25 Gms 9750 Part B 29420090 18 RT 120-21-8 869-24-9 100 Gms 25 Gms 2479 Part B 343 Part B 29122990 18 8-25C 29221990 18 2-8C 869-24-9 100 Gms 1186 Part B 29221990 18 2-8C 10369-83-2 5 Gms 2090 Part B 38089390 18 2-8C 10369-83-2 25 Gms 7340 Part B 38089390 18 2-8C 67-43-6 100 Gms 462 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 67-43-6 500 Gms 1811 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 140-01-2 500 ml 670 Part B 29224990 18 8-25C 81346 Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid Pentasodium Salt (DTPA) extrapure, 40% (Liquid) 140-01-2 1000 ml 1296 Part B 29224990 18 8-25C 17598 Diethylenetriamine pure, 98% 17598 Diethylenetriamine pure, 98% 46791 Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) for molecular biology, 99% 46791 Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) for molecular biology, 99% 46791 Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) for molecular biology, 99% 46791 Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) for molecular biology, 99% 84254 N,N-Diethyl-m-Toluidine pure, 98% 84254 N,N-Diethyl-m-Toluidine pure, 98% 99823 2,4-Difluoroaniline extrapure, 99% 99823 2,4-Difluoroaniline extrapure, 99% 29553 1,3-Difluorobenzene (MDFB) extrapure, 99% 29553 1,3-Difluorobenzene (MDFB) extrapure, 99% 111-40-0 111-40-0 1609-47-8 500 ml 2500 ml 5 ml 650 Part B 3000 Part B 1404 Part B 29212990 18 RT 29212990 18 RT 29209099 18 2-8C 1609-47-8 25 ml 2382 Part B 29209099 18 2-8C 1609-47-8 100 ml 8449 Part B 29209099 18 2-8C 1609-47-8 500 ml 40824 Part B 29209099 18 2-8C 91-67-8 91-67-8 367-25-9 367-25-9 372-18-9 372-18-9 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 100 ml Page 160 of 321 Price 955 2997 1275 4556 946 2003 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29214390 29214390 29214190 29214190 29033990 29033990 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code CAS Number Packing 1,3-Difluorobenzene (MDFB) extrapure, 99% 2,4-Difluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,4-Difluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,4-Difluoronitrobenzene extrapure, 99% 2,4-Difluoronitrobenzene extrapure, 99% 2,4-Difluoronitrobenzene extrapure, 99% 2,4-Difluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 372-18-9 1583-58-0 1583-58-0 446-35-5 446-35-5 446-35-5 144025-03-6 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 90309 2,4-Difluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 144025-03-6 10 Gms 53755 53755 48712 48712 48712 91374 11024-24-1 11024-24-1 20830-75-5 20830-75-5 20830-75-5 28230-32-2 100 Mg 1 Gms 50 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 28230-32-2 25 Gms 110-87-2 110-87-2 110-87-2 89-84-9 89-84-9 490-78-8 490-78-8 490-78-8 699-83-2 699-83-2 699-83-2 699-83-2 89-86-1 89-86-1 89-86-1 83-56-7 83-56-7 575-38-2 575-38-2 582-17-2 582-17-2 582-17-2 116313-85-0 25 ml 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 63370 3,4-Dihydroxy-5-Nitro Benzaldehyde pure, 98% 116313-85-0 100 Gms 33878 33878 33878 16517 16517 608-25-3 608-25-3 608-25-3 14894-18-9 14894-18-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 10 Mg 25 Mg 29553 72081 72081 10670 10670 10670 90309 91374 86580 86580 86580 65437 65437 41384 41384 41384 58494 58494 58494 58494 15395 15395 15395 41110 41110 65796 65796 33580 33580 33580 63370 Product Name Digitonin (Digitin) extrapure, 50% Digitonin (Digitin) extrapure, 50% Digoxin extrapure, 95% Digoxin extrapure, 95% Digoxin extrapure, 95% 3,4-Dihydro-3-Hydroxy-4-Oxo-1,2,3-Benzotriazine (DHOBT, DHBT) extrapure, 98% 3,4-Dihydro-3-Hydroxy-4-Oxo-1,2,3-Benzotriazine (DHOBT, DHBT) extrapure, 98% 3,4-Dihydro-2H-pyran (3,4-DHP) pure, 98% 3,4-Dihydro-2H-pyran (3,4-DHP) pure, 98% 3,4-Dihydro-2H-pyran (3,4-DHP) pure, 98% 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,5-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,5-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,5-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,6-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,6-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,6-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,6-Dihydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 99% 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid pure, 98% 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid pure, 98% 1,5-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 98% 1,5-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 98% 1,7-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 97% 1,7-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 97% 2,7-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 98% 2,7-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 98% 2,7-Dihydroxynaphthalene pure, 98% 3,4-Dihydroxy-5-Nitro Benzaldehyde pure, 98% 2-Methylresorcinol pure, 98% 2-Methylresorcinol pure, 98% 2-Methylresorcinol pure, 98% DL-Dihydrozeatin (DHZ) pure, 98% DL-Dihydrozeatin (DHZ) pure, 98% Page 161 of 321 Date :16-04-2021 Price 9456 2148 7340 1808 4293 19761 5196 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 9035 Part B 3024 25920 1645 3838 7455 1800 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 6200 Part B 668 1558 5785 659 2105 1495 6667 23855 1347 2433 5342 18631 902 1780 6820 2392 9233 5648 20324 1236 2472 5459 3390 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 8470 Part B 1232 3692 9059 6211 10276 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29033990 29163990 29163990 29033919 29033919 29033919 29319090 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29319090 18 RT 29420090 29420090 29389010 29389010 29389010 29339900 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 29339900 18 2-8C 29041090 29041090 29041090 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29163190 29163190 29163190 29072910 29072910 29072990 29072990 29072910 29072910 29072910 29122990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 29122990 18 2-8C 29072910 29072910 29072910 29339900 29339900 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 693-13-0 25 Gms 1019 Part B 29251900 18 2-8C 693-13-0 100 Gms 3727 Part B 29251900 18 2-8C 693-13-0 500 Gms 17163 Part B 29251900 18 2-8C 10 Gms 6574 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 4064-06-6 10 Gms 6574 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 304-55-2 1 Gms 1648 Part B 29171990 18 -20C 304-55-2 5 Gms 5459 Part B 29171990 18 -20C 1072-71-5 25 Gms 1200 Part B 29349900 18 RT 1072-71-5 500 Gms 7000 Part B 29349900 18 RT 1201-38-3 1201-38-3 93-02-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 7602 Part B 29623 Part B 950 Part B 29143990 18 RT 29143990 18 RT 29122990 18 8-25C 40824 2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde (2,5-DMB) pure, 98% 93-02-7 100 Gms 3000 Part B 29122990 18 8-25C 24116 2,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 98% 613-45-6 25 Gms 2250 Part B 29121990 18 RT 24116 2,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 98% 613-45-6 100 Gms 4250 Part B 29121990 18 RT 66053 66053 66053 84774 77-76-9 77-76-9 77-76-9 58-15-1 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 476 773 1413 1600 29011000 29011000 29011000 29333990 58-15-1 100 Gms 6000 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 43913 N,N-Diisopropyl Carbodiimide (DIPC) extrapure, 99% 43913 N,N-Diisopropyl Carbodiimide (DIPC) extrapure, 99% 43913 N,N-Diisopropyl Carbodiimide (DIPC) extrapure, 99% 95423 1,2,3,4-Di-O-Isopropylidene L-Arabinopyranoside extrapure 94784 1,2,3,4-Di-O-Isopropylidene a-DGalactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 10232 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid (DMSA, Succimer) extrapure, 98% 10232 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid (DMSA, Succimer) extrapure, 98% 98526 2,5-Dimercapto-1,3,4-Thiadiazole (Bismuthiol, DMTD) pure, 98% 98526 2,5-Dimercapto-1,3,4-Thiadiazole (Bismuthiol, DMTD) pure, 98% 76620 2,5-Dimethoxyacetophenone pure, 99% 76620 2,5-Dimethoxyacetophenone pure, 99% 40824 2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde (2,5-DMB) pure, 98% Price Part Stor age 2,2-Dimethoxypropane pure, 99% 2,2-Dimethoxypropane pure, 99% 2,2-Dimethoxypropane pure, 99% 4-Dimethylaminoantipyrine (Aminopyrine) extrapure, 99% 84774 4-Dimethylaminoantipyrine (Aminopyrine) extrapure, 99% 42442 5-(4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene) Rhodanine pure, 98% 58451 p-Dimethylamino-Cinnamaldehyde extrapure, 98% 536-17-4 5 Gms 1852 Part B 29341000 18 2-8C 6203-18-5 5 Gms 2575 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 58451 p-Dimethylamino-Cinnamaldehyde extrapure, 98% 6203-18-5 25 Gms 10992 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 58048 2-Dimethylaminoethanol extrapure, 98% 58048 2-Dimethylaminoethanol extrapure, 98% 18814 2-Dimethylaminoethyl Chloride Hydrochloride pure, 98% 18814 2-Dimethylaminoethyl Chloride Hydrochloride pure, 98% 49235 1-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-3-Ethyl Carbodiimide Hydrochloride (EDC.HCl, EDAC.HCl) extrapure, 99% 108-01-0 108-01-0 4584-46-7 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 544 Part B 2485 Part B 628 Part B 29221990 18 RT 29221990 18 RT 29221990 18 RT 4584-46-7 1 Kg 4175 Part B 29221990 18 RT 25952-53-8 25 Gms 927 Part B Page 162 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 2-8C 29251900 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 49235 1-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-3-Ethyl Carbodiimide Hydrochloride (EDC.HCl, EDAC.HCl) extrapure, 99% 25952-53-8 100 Gms 3142 Part B 29251900 18 0-4C 49235 1-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-3-Ethyl Carbodiimide Hydrochloride (EDC.HCl, EDAC.HCl) extrapure, 99% 25952-53-8 500 Gms 12360 Part B 29251900 18 0-4C 93088 4-Dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) extrapure, 98% 1122-58-3 25 Gms 512 Part B 29333990 18 8-25C 93088 4-Dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) extrapure, 98% 1122-58-3 100 Gms 1335 Part B 29333990 18 8-25C 93088 4-Dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) extrapure, 98% 1122-58-3 500 Gms 4228 Part B 29333990 18 8-25C 50593 50593 33029 33029 86330 86330 21800 21800 10192 2,4-Dimethylaniline pure, 98% 2,4-Dimethylaniline pure, 98% 2,6-Dimethylaniline pure, 99% 2,6-Dimethylaniline pure, 99% Dimethyl Carbonate pure, 99% Dimethyl Carbonate pure, 99% Dimethyl Dichlorosilane (DMDCS) pure, 98% Dimethyl Dichlorosilane (DMDCS) pure, 98% N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine N-Oxide Solution (DDAO) pure, 30% N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine N-Oxide Solution (DDAO) pure, 30% N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine N-Oxide (DDAO) extrapure, 95% N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine N-Oxide (DDAO) extrapure, 95% N,N-Dimethyl Glycine Hydrochloride pure, 98% 95-68-1 95-68-1 87-62-7 87-62-7 616-38-6 616-38-6 75-78-5 75-78-5 1643-20-5 250 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 100 ml 600 3600 700 2500 412 1613 1512 2463 2910 29214223 29214223 29214223 29214223 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 38220090 1643-20-5 500 ml 5482 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 1643-20-5 5 Gms 8724 Part B 29291090 18 8-25C 1643-20-5 25 Gms 36343 Part B 29291090 18 8-25C 2491-06-7 10 Gms 2003 Part B 29224990 18 8-25C 70976 N,N-Dimethyl Glycine Hydrochloride pure, 98% 2491-06-7 50 Gms 7787 Part B 29224990 18 8-25C 83177 83177 22247 22247 35047 35047 20923 Dimethyl Malonate pure, 98% Dimethyl Malonate pure, 98% 3,3-Dimethylnaphthidine extrapure AR, 98% 3,3-Dimethylnaphthidine extrapure AR, 98% Dimethyl 5-Nitroisophthalate pure, 99% Dimethyl 5-Nitroisophthalate pure, 99% 3,5-Dimethyl-4-Nitroisoxazole extrapure, 98% 108-59-8 108-59-8 13138-48-2 13138-48-2 13290-96-5 13290-96-5 1123-49-5 250 ml 500 ml 500 Mg 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 20923 3,5-Dimethyl-4-Nitroisoxazole extrapure, 98% 1123-49-5 25 Gms 8010 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 98950 2,5-Dimethyl Phenol pure, 98% 93287 N,N-Dimethyl-p-Phenylenediamine (DMPPDA) pure, 98% 93287 N,N-Dimethyl-p-Phenylenediamine (DMPPDA) pure, 98% 93287 N,N-Dimethyl-p-Phenylenediamine (DMPPDA) pure, 98% 67318 Dimethyl Terephthalate pure, 99% 91273 Dimidium Bromide extrapure, 98% 95-87-4 99-98-9 100 Gms 5 Gms 1892 Part B 2373 Part B 29071950 18 8-25C 29215190 18 8-25C 99-98-9 25 Gms 4744 Part B 29215190 18 8-25C 99-98-9 100 Gms 15582 Part B 29215190 18 8-25C 120-61-6 518-67-2 500 Gms 100 Mg 642 Part B 361 Part B 29173700 18 8-25C 29420090 18 8-25C 58764 58764 70976 Page 163 of 321 Price 510 882 41040 9600 1236 2472 2503 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 10192 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29171990 29171990 29214590 29214590 29173990 29173990 29319090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 91273 91273 84846 84846 58586 58586 66764 66764 87464 Date :16-04-2021 CAS Number Packing Price 518-67-2 518-67-2 97-02-9 97-02-9 99-34-3 99-34-3 99-34-3 99-34-3 99-34-3 500 Mg 1 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1700 2781 1019 4293 501 2003 646 2726 758 Part % Stor age Dimidium Bromide extrapure, 98% Dimidium Bromide extrapure, 98% 2,4-Dinitroaniline pure, 98% 2,4-Dinitroaniline pure, 98% 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 87464 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 56569 Dinitrodiaminepalladium (II) extrapure, 45-50% Pd 99-34-3 500 Gms 2948 Part B 29163190 18 RT 14323-43-4 250 Mg 5000 Part B 28439019 18 RT 56569 Dinitrodiaminepalladium (II) extrapure, 45-50% Pd 14323-43-4 1 Gms 17000 Part B 28439019 18 RT 88639 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% 119-26-6 25 Gms 202 Part B 29280090 18 RT 88639 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% 119-26-6 100 Gms 668 Part B 29280090 18 RT 88639 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% 119-26-6 500 Gms 3243 Part B 29280090 18 RT 85387 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 85387 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 75477 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine Reagent Solution 119-26-6 25 Gms 251 Part B 29280090 18 RT 119-26-6 100 Gms 850 Part B 29280090 18 RT 100 ml 228 Part B 38220090 12 RT 10253 10253 38707 38707 13313 37187 37187 54164 57719 57719 23957 23957 90574 609-99-4 609-99-4 609-99-4 609-99-4 609-99-4 102-04-5 102-04-5 86-29-3 91-01-0 91-01-0 101-84-8 101-84-8 536-46-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 1000 ml 10 Gms Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29420090 29420090 29214190 29214190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic Acid pure, 98% 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic Acid pure, 98% 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic Acid Reagent Solution 1,3-Diphenylacetone extrapure, 98% 1,3-Diphenylacetone extrapure, 98% Diphenylacetonitrile pure, 98% Diphenylcarbinol pure, 99% Diphenylcarbinol pure, 99% Diphenyl Ether pure, 98% Diphenyl Ether pure, 98% N,N-Dimethyl-p-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (DMPPDA.2HCl) pure, 98% 90574 N,N-Dimethyl-p-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (DMPPDA.2HCl) pure, 98% 66525 1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-Hexatriene (DPH) pure, 98% 536-46-9 50 Gms 15808 Part B 29215190 18 8-25C 1720-32-7 1 Gms 5421 Part B 29029090 18 2-8C 66525 1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-Hexatriene (DPH) pure, 98% 1720-32-7 5 Gms 14680 Part B 29029090 18 2-8C 34747 5,5-Diphenylhydantoin pure, 98% 78190 Diphenylhydrazine Hydrochloride, 97% 78190 Diphenylhydrazine Hydrochloride, 97% 57-41-0 530-47-2 530-47-2 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 507 Part B 1567 Part B 4566 Part B 29332100 18 8-25C 29215990 18 8-25C 29215990 18 8-25C Page 164 of 321 649 2373 1247 4554 603 3250 13000 797 402 1545 691 1335 3614 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29182190 29182190 29182190 29182190 38220090 29143990 29143990 29269000 29051490 29051490 29093090 29093090 29215190 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 41855 Diphenylmethane pure, 98% 41855 Diphenylmethane pure, 98% 29128 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) extrapure, 95% 29128 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) extrapure, 95% 29128 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) extrapure, 95% 52196 Diphenyl Thiourea pure, 98% 52196 Diphenyl Thiourea pure, 98% 12781 DIPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% 12781 DIPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% 16722 DIPSO Buffer Sodium Salt extrapure, 98% 93634 2,2-Biquinoline (2,2-Diquinolyl, Cuproine) extrapure AR, 99% 93634 2,2-Biquinoline (2,2-Diquinolyl, Cuproine) extrapure AR, 99% 32363 5,5’-Dithiobis(2-Nitro Benzoic Acid) extrapure (DTNB), 98% 32363 5,5’-Dithiobis(2-Nitro Benzoic Acid) extrapure (DTNB), 98% 32363 5,5’-Dithiobis(2-Nitro Benzoic Acid) extrapure (DTNB), 98% 32363 5,5’-Dithiobis(2-Nitro Benzoic Acid) extrapure (DTNB), 98% 27956 Dithioerythritol (DTE) extrapure, 99% 27956 Dithioerythritol (DTE) extrapure, 99% 53384 Dithioerythritol (DTE) extrapure for molecular biology, 99% 53384 Dithioerythritol (DTE) extrapure for molecular biology, 99% 53384 Dithioerythritol (DTE) extrapure for molecular biology, 99% 48086 Dithiooxamide (Rubeanic Acid) extrapure AR, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 101-81-5 101-81-5 1898-66-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Mg 691 Part B 2153 Part B 4860 Part B 29029020 18 2-8C 29029020 18 2-8C 29280090 18 2-8C 1898-66-4 1 Gms 8208 Part B 29280090 18 2-8C 1898-66-4 5 Gms 32616 Part B 29280090 18 2-8C 779 2337 5698 19043 6675 964 29309099 29309099 29214290 29214290 29214290 29334100 102-08-9 102-08-9 68399-80-4 68399-80-4 102783-62-0 119-91-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT 8-25C 119-91-5 5 Gms 4406 Part B 29334100 18 8-25C 69-78-3 1 Gms 1109 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 69-78-3 5 Gms 3265 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 69-78-3 10 Gms 6211 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 69-78-3 25 Gms 14114 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 6892-68-8 6892-68-8 6892-68-8 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 897 Part B 4364 Part B 784 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 29309099 18 0-4C 29309099 18 0-4C 6892-68-8 1 Gms 1205 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 6892-68-8 5 Gms 4978 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 79-40-3 1 Gms 1132 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 48086 Dithiooxamide (Rubeanic Acid) extrapure AR, 99% 79-40-3 5 Gms 4067 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 48086 Dithiooxamide (Rubeanic Acid) extrapure AR, 99% 79-40-3 25 Gms 15808 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) extrapure, 98% DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) extrapure, 98% DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) extrapure, 98% DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) extrapure, 98% DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) ExiPlus™, 98% DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for molecular biology, 98% 3483-12-3 3483-12-3 3483-12-3 3483-12-3 3483-12-3 3483-12-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 544 1950 9200 40000 2150 653 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 17315 DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for molecular biology, 98% 3483-12-3 5 Gms 2300 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 17315 DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for molecular biology, 98% 3483-12-3 25 Gms 10800 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 84834 84834 84834 84834 46220 17315 Page 165 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 3483-12-3 100 Gms 45000 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 15248 DL-Dithiothreitol 0.1M Solution (DTT Solution) 10 ml 927 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 15248 DL-Dithiothreitol 0.1M Solution (DTT Solution) 100 ml 3914 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 1854 5768 874 931 4219 1077 4475 1648 4069 2148 7906 515 1648 4228 38220090 38220090 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29042090 29042090 29159090 29159090 29221990 29221990 29339900 17315 DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for molecular biology, 98% 16927 16927 97980 89257 89257 46141 46141 37237 37237 80704 80704 93089 93089 85985 85985 85755 85755 24940 24940 42020 42020 77201 77201 87943 87943 87943 87943 45462 45462 45462 65094 DL-Dithiothreitol 1M Solution (DTT Solution) DL-Dithiothreitol 1M Solution (DTT Solution) Dithizone pure, 70% Dithizone extrapure AR, 85% Dithizone extrapure AR, 85% Dithizone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% Dithizone extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 85% Divinyl Sulfone (DVS) pure, 96% Divinyl Sulfone (DVS) pure, 96% Dodecanoyl Chloride pure, 99% Dodecanoyl Chloride pure, 99% Dodecylamine (Laurylamine) pure, 98% Dodecylamine (Laurylamine) pure, 98% 1-Dodecyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (DMIM.PF6, C12MIMPF6) extrapure, 98% 1-Dodecyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (DMIM.PF6, C12MIMPF6) extrapure, 98% n-Dodecyl-ß-D-Maltopyranoside (DDM) extrapure, 99% n-Dodecyl-ß-D-Maltopyranoside (DDM) extrapure, 99% Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (DOTAB) pure, 99% Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (DOTAB) pure, 99% Dodecyltrimethylammonium Chloride (DOTAC) pure, 98% Dodecyltrimethylammonium Chloride (DOTAC) pure, 98% L-Dopa extrapure, 99% L-Dopa extrapure, 99% DL-Dopa extrapure, 99% DL-Dopa extrapure, 99% DL-Dopa extrapure, 99% DL-Dopa extrapure, 99% Dopamine Hydrochloride (Dopamine HCl) extrapure, 98% Dopamine Hydrochloride (Dopamine HCl) extrapure, 98% Dopamine Hydrochloride (Dopamine HCl) extrapure, 98% Doxycycline hyclate (DXH) for biochemistry & microbiology Price Part Stor age 60-10-6 60-10-6 60-10-6 60-10-6 60-10-6 77-77-0 77-77-0 112-16-3 112-16-3 124-22-1 124-22-1 219947-93-0 10 ml 50 ml 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 ml 25 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 219947-93-0 25 Gms 16130 Part B 69227-93-6 500 Mg 6000 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 69227-93-6 1 Gms 11000 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 1119-94-4 25 Gms 702 Part B 29239000 18 RT 1119-94-4 100 Gms 1402 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-00-5 100 Gms 1552 Part B 29239000 18 RT 112-00-5 500 Gms 6395 Part B 29239000 18 RT 59-92-7 59-92-7 63-84-3 63-84-3 63-84-3 63-84-3 62-31-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 880 4005 309 735 3338 8455 300 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29222990 62-31-7 5 Gms 1000 Part B 29222990 18 2-8C 62-31-7 25 Gms 3500 Part B 29222990 18 2-8C 24390-14-5 1 Gms 2148 Part B 29413010 18 0-4C Page 166 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT 29339900 18 RT 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 65094 Doxycycline hyclate (DXH) for biochemistry & microbiology 65094 Doxycycline hyclate (DXH) for biochemistry & microbiology 78985 DPPB (1,4-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Butane) extrapure, 98% 78985 DPPB (1,4-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Butane) extrapure, 98% 48237 DPPE (1,2-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Ethane) extrapure, 98% 48237 DPPE (1,2-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Ethane) extrapure, 98% 23660 DPPF (1,1-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Ferrocene) extrapure, 98% 24390-14-5 5 Gms 4179 Part B 29413010 18 0-4C 24390-14-5 10 Gms 6211 Part B 29413010 18 0-4C 7688-25-7 5 Gms 1695 Part B 29029090 18 8-25C 7688-25-7 25 Gms 6777 Part B 29029090 18 8-25C 1663-45-2 5 Gms 906 Part B 29031110 18 8-25C 1663-45-2 25 Gms 4519 Part B 29031110 18 8-25C 12150-46-8 1 Gms 914 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 23660 DPPF (1,1-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Ferrocene) extrapure, 98% 12150-46-8 5 Gms 3423 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 23660 DPPF (1,1-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Ferrocene) extrapure, 98% 12150-46-8 25 Gms 11681 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 34103 DPPP (1,3-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Propane) extrapure, 98% 34103 DPPP (1,3-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Propane) extrapure, 98% 34103 DPPP (1,3-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Propane) extrapure, 98% 75470 Dulcitol (D-Galactitol) extrapure, 99% 75470 Dulcitol (D-Galactitol) extrapure, 99% 62813 EEDQ extrapure, 99% 62813 EEDQ extrapure, 99% 62813 EEDQ extrapure, 99% 17398 Ehrlich's Aldehyde Reagent 99640 Ehrlich's Amino Sugar Reagent 81802 Elaidic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 81802 Elaidic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 11814 Elastase (ELA, PPE) ex. Porcine Pancreas, 10U/mg Protein 19764 Emamectin Benzoate extrapure, 90% 19764 Emamectin Benzoate extrapure, 90% 73363 Emodin extrapure, 95% 73363 Emodin extrapure, 95% 90310 Emulgen B-66 (Eumulgin B66) 90310 Emulgen B-66 (Eumulgin B66) 20790 Enrofloxacin (EFX), 98% 59508 Epiprogoitrin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 80% 97857 Epirubicin Hydrochloride (EPR.HCl), 97% 97857 Epirubicin Hydrochloride (EPR.HCl), 97% 49470 EPPS Buffer extrapure, 99.5% 49470 EPPS Buffer extrapure, 99.5% 6737-42-4 1 Gms 679 Part B 29029090 18 8-25C 6737-42-4 5 Gms 2035 Part B 29029090 18 8-25C 6737-42-4 25 Gms 9035 Part B 29029090 18 8-25C 608-66-2 608-66-2 16357-59-8 16357-59-8 16357-59-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 100 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Mg 1389 4744 1357 2710 10164 144 167 6695 20600 7565 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29400000 29400000 29420090 29420090 29420090 38220090 38220090 29161590 29161590 35079099 18 2400 6000 5562 12481 3894 14907 1852 25049 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29420090 29420090 29146990 29146990 34029019 34029019 29419090 29420090 18 93106-60-6 21087-74-1 100 Mg 1 Gms 25 Mg 500 Mg 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 10 Mg 56390-09-1 56390-09-1 16052-06-5 16052-06-5 10 Mg 25 Mg 10 Gms 50 Gms 5083 10164 1763 5638 Part B Part B Part B Part B 29339900 29339900 29335990 29335990 18 112-79-8 112-79-8 39445-21-1 155569-91-8 155569-91-8 518-82-1 518-82-1 Page 167 of 321 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT -20C -20C -20C RT RT 0-4C 0-4C RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 49470 EPPS Buffer extrapure, 99.5% 50062 N-(epsilon-Maleimidocaproyloxy) Succinimide extrapure, 98% 50062 N-(epsilon-Maleimidocaproyloxy) Succinimide extrapure, 98% 50062 N-(epsilon-Maleimidocaproyloxy) Succinimide extrapure, 98% 41120 Erbium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% 41120 Erbium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% 54788 Erbium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 16052-06-5 55750-63-5 100 Gms 10 Mg 11156 Part B 4863 Part B 29335990 18 RT 29251900 18 -20C 55750-63-5 50 Mg 8894 Part B 29251900 18 -20C 55750-63-5 100 Mg 23475 Part B 29251900 18 -20C 10025-75-9 5 Gms 3000 Part B 28469010 18 RT 10025-75-9 25 Gms 7500 Part B 28469010 18 RT 13476-05-6 5 Gms 3000 Part B 28469010 18 RT 54788 Erbium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 13476-05-6 25 Gms 7500 Part B 28469010 18 RT 29831 Erbium (III) Oxide ultrapure, 99.99% 29831 Erbium (III) Oxide ultrapure, 99.99% 12485 Erbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 12485 Erbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 56488 Erythritol extrapure, 99% 56488 Erythritol extrapure, 99% 56488 Erythritol extrapure, 99% 48535 Erythromycin for tissue culture 48535 Erythromycin for tissue culture 51114 Esculin Sesquihydrate extrapure, 98% 51114 Esculin Sesquihydrate extrapure, 98% 77688 Ethambutol Dihydrochloride (ETB.2HCl), 98% 77688 Ethambutol Dihydrochloride (ETB.2HCl), 98% 89737 1,2-Ethanedithiol extrapure, 98.5% 89737 1,2-Ethanedithiol extrapure, 98.5% 89737 1,2-Ethanedithiol extrapure, 98.5% 16844 7-Ethoxycoumarin extrapure, 98% 16844 7-Ethoxycoumarin extrapure, 98% 96669 Ethyl Chloroacetate pure, 98% 96669 Ethyl Chloroacetate pure, 98% 95953 Ethyl 2-Chloropropionate practical grade, 95% 12061-16-4 12061-16-4 139177-64-3 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 3000 Part B 7500 Part B 3400 Part B 28469010 18 RT 28469010 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 139177-64-3 25 Gms 11000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 149-32-6 149-32-6 149-32-6 114-07-8 114-07-8 531-75-9 531-75-9 1070-11-7 1070-11-7 540-63-6 540-63-6 540-63-6 31005-02-4 31005-02-4 105-39-5 105-39-5 535-13-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 500 ml 25 Mg 100 Mg 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 495 1442 4738 357 1558 1224 5665 713 1892 1750 6000 28000 1695 4519 435 2114 1199 29054290 29054290 29054290 29415000 29415000 29400000 29400000 29051410 29051410 29309099 29309099 29309099 29322010 29322010 29153990 29153990 29155000 92052 Ethyl Cyanoacetate extrapure, 98% 92052 Ethyl Cyanoacetate extrapure, 98% 62858 Ethylene Glycol-O-O-bis-(2-Aminoethyl) N,N,N,NTetraacetic Acid (EGTA) extrapure, 98% 105-56-6 105-56-6 67-42-5 500 ml 2500 ml 10 Gms 745 Part B 3496 Part B 2710 Part B 29153990 18 RT 29153990 18 RT 29153990 18 2-8C 62858 Ethylene Glycol-O-O-bis-(2-Aminoethyl) N,N,N,NTetraacetic Acid (EGTA) extrapure, 98% 67-42-5 25 Gms 5309 Part B 29153990 18 2-8C 78214 78214 32021 32021 149-57-5 149-57-5 104-76-7 104-76-7 250 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid extrapure, 99% 2-Ethylhexanoic Acid extrapure, 99% 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol pure, 99% 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol pure, 99% Page 168 of 321 Price 195 745 464 792 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29159090 29159090 29051620 29051620 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Packing Stor age 104-76-7 124-03-8 2.5 Ltr 25 Gms 1695 Part B 1350 Part B 29051620 18 RT 29239000 18 RT 124-03-8 100 Gms 4500 Part B 29239000 18 RT 32021 2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol pure, 99% 69647 Ethylhexadecyldimethylammonium Bromide (EHDDMAB) extrapure, 98% 69647 Ethylhexadecyldimethylammonium Bromide (EHDDMAB) extrapure, 98% 69647 Ethylhexadecyldimethylammonium Bromide (EHDDMAB) extrapure, 98% 71407 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate extrapure, 99% 71407 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate extrapure, 99% 91018 Ethylidene Glucose extrapure, 90% 91018 Ethylidene Glucose extrapure, 90% 10674 Ethyl Iodide extrapure, 99% 10674 Ethyl Iodide extrapure, 99% 78503 N-Ethylmaleimide extrapure, 99% 78503 N-Ethylmaleimide extrapure, 99% 78503 N-Ethylmaleimide extrapure, 99% 81176 N-Ethylmaleimide ExiPlus™, 99% 81176 N-Ethylmaleimide ExiPlus™, 99% 81176 N-Ethylmaleimide ExiPlus™, 99% 85108 Ethyl Methanesulphonate (EMS) extrapure, 99% 124-03-8 500 Gms 12000 Part B 29239000 18 RT 103-11-7 103-11-7 13224-99-2 13224-99-2 75-03-6 75-03-6 128-53-0 128-53-0 128-53-0 128-53-0 128-53-0 128-53-0 62-50-0 500 ml 2500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 554 2447 3894 10012 6153 12929 702 2035 7906 792 2373 8470 639 29161290 29161290 29420090 29420090 29033930 29033930 29251900 29251900 29251900 29251900 29251900 29251900 29041090 85108 Ethyl Methanesulphonate (EMS) extrapure, 99% 62-50-0 100 Gms 5459 Part B 29041090 18 8-25C 10 Gms 1950 Part B 29041090 18 8-25C 5 Gms 3558 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 25 Gms 11266 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 100 Gms 43864 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 5 Gms 2018 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 25 Gms 6521 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 5 Gms 1780 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 27035 Ethyl Methanesulphonate (EMS) for tissue culture, 62-50-0 99% 15371 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (EMIM Cl) 65039-09-0 extrapure, 98% 15371 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (EMIM Cl) 65039-09-0 extrapure, 98% 15371 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (EMIM Cl) 65039-09-0 extrapure, 98% 10956 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Ethyl Sulfate (EMIM 342573-75-5 EtOSO3) extrapure, 99% 10956 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Ethyl Sulfate (EMIM 342573-75-5 EtOSO3) extrapure, 99% 34543 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium 155371-19-0 Hexafluorophosphate (EMIM PF6) extrapure, 97% Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 34543 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (EMIM PF6) extrapure, 97% 155371-19-0 25 Gms 7708 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 34543 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate (EMIM PF6) extrapure, 97% 155371-19-0 100 Gms 27149 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 96150 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrachloroaluminate (EMIM AlCl4) extrapure, 95% 96150 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrachloroaluminate (EMIM AlCl4) extrapure, 95% 80432-05-9 5 Gms 2966 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 80432-05-9 25 Gms 10553 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C Page 169 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 60887 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate (EMIM BF4) extrapure, 97% 143314-16-3 5 Gms 4508 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 60887 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate (EMIM BF4) extrapure, 97% 143314-16-3 25 Gms 5810 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 60887 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate (EMIM BF4) extrapure, 97% 143314-16-3 100 Gms 21934 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 90329 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (EMIM Otf), 98% 90329 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (EMIM Otf), 98% 90329 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (EMIM Otf), 98% 49544 5-Ethyl-2-Methylpyridine pure, 97% 49544 5-Ethyl-2-Methylpyridine pure, 97% 64770 1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (EMP TFSI) extrapure, 99% 64770 1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (EMP TFSI) extrapure, 99% 64770 1-Ethyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (EMP TFSI) extrapure, 99% 70945 Ethyl Oleate pure 24489 2-Ethylphenylboronic Acid pure, 95% 24489 2-Ethylphenylboronic Acid pure, 95% 42676 N-Ethyl Piperazine pure, 99% 42676 N-Ethyl Piperazine pure, 99% 72424 Ethyl p-Toluenesulfonate pure, 98% 72424 Ethyl p-Toluenesulfonate pure, 98% 59863 5-(Ethylthio)-1H-Tetrazole(ETT Activator) extrapure,99% 59863 5-(Ethylthio)-1H-Tetrazole(ETT Activator) extrapure,99% 65770 Ethyltriphenylphosphonium Bromide pure, 97% 145022-44-2 1 Gms 2847 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 145022-44-2 5 Gms 7708 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 145022-44-2 25 Gms 14821 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 104-90-5 104-90-5 223436-99-5 100 ml 250 ml 1 Gms 811 Part B 1447 Part B 4151 Part B 29333919 18 RT 29333919 18 RT 29339900 18 8-25C 223436-99-5 5 Gms 14821 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 223436-99-5 25 Gms 58683 Part B 29339900 18 8-25C 111-62-6 90002-36-1 90002-36-1 5308-25-8 5308-25-8 80-40-0 80-40-0 89797-68-2 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 25 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 89797-68-2 5 Gms 4228 Part B 29339900 18 RT 1530-32-1 25 Gms 457 Part B 29239000 18 RT 65770 Ethyltriphenylphosphonium Bromide pure, 97% 1530-32-1 100 Gms 1140 Part B 29239000 18 RT 57056 57056 24820 24820 93050 69553 69553 98345 121-32-4 121-32-4 109-92-2 109-92-2 8000-48-4 97-53-0 97-53-0 13759-92-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 250 ml 100 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 1158 5562 668 1662 2114 1300 4900 2200 29124200 29124200 29091900 29091900 33012924 29095090 29095090 28469090 Ethyl Vanillin extrapure, 98% Ethyl Vanillin extrapure, 98% Ethyl Vinyl Ether pure, 98% Ethyl Vinyl Ether pure, 98% Eucalyptus Oil extrapure, 60% Eugenol extrapure, 99% Eugenol extrapure, 99% Europium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Page 170 of 321 Price 684 2100 9000 1542 5337 724 6155 2003 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29161590 29319090 29319090 29335990 29335990 29051990 29051990 29339900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT 2-8C 2-8C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 98345 Europium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% 98345 Europium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% 97625 Europium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% 97625 Europium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% 44088 Europium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% 44088 Europium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% 91883 Europium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 91883 Europium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 46650 Evans Blue 46650 Evans Blue 33138 Exton's Reagent 66977 Fast Blue B Salt (DBB) 66977 Fast Blue B Salt (DBB) 94315 Fast Blue BB Salt Hemi Zinc Chloride Salt, 99% 13759-92-7 5 Gms 5900 Part B 28469090 18 RT 13759-92-7 25 Gms 17000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 10031-53-5 5 Gms 5900 Part B 28469090 18 RT 10031-53-5 25 Gms 17000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 1308-96-9 1308-96-9 52093-25-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 1400 Part B 5000 Part B 1900 Part B 28469090 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 52093-25-1 5 Gms 4800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 14263-94-6 14263-94-6 5486-84-0 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 1603 3804 216 828 3050 2289 32049000 32049000 38220090 32041947 32041947 32049000 94315 Fast Blue BB Salt Hemi Zinc Chloride Salt, 99% 5486-84-0 10 Gms 3813 Part B 32049000 18 2-8C 94315 Fast Blue BB Salt Hemi Zinc Chloride Salt, 99% 5486-84-0 25 Gms 5718 Part B 32049000 18 2-8C 62003 62003 60339 60339 79950 79950 14977 14977 14977 38082 38082 38082 60096 60096 60096 45460 45460 45460 87939 14726-29-5 14726-29-5 2353-45-9 2353-45-9 89453-69-0 89453-69-0 102-54-5 102-54-5 102-54-5 69898-45-9 69898-45-9 69898-45-9 1135-24-6 1135-24-6 1135-24-6 26873-85-8 26873-85-8 26873-85-8 146-14-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 146-14-5 100 Mg 6551 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 146-14-5 250 Mg 11293 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 146-14-5 500 Mg 20324 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C Fast Blue RR Salt Fast Blue RR Salt Fast Green FCF (Food Green 3), 85% Fast Green FCF (Food Green 3), 85% Fast Red TR Salt Hemi Zinc Chloride Salt Fast Red TR Salt Hemi Zinc Chloride Salt Ferrocene extrapure, 99% Ferrocene extrapure, 99% Ferrocene extrapure, 99% Ferrozine Monosodium extrapure, 97% Ferrozine Monosodium extrapure, 97% Ferrozine Monosodium extrapure, 97% Ferulic Acid pure, 98% Ferulic Acid pure, 98% Ferulic Acid pure, 98% Ficoll 400® for molecular biology Ficoll 400® for molecular biology Ficoll 400® for molecular biology Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (FAD) extrapure, 95% 87939 Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (FAD) extrapure, 95% 87939 Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (FAD) extrapure, 95% 87939 Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (FAD) extrapure, 95% 314-13-6 314-13-6 Page 171 of 321 4339 20580 373 1447 2542 10164 686 1335 4005 2003 8900 42272 788 2292 8099 1979 9035 33873 2035 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 32041944 32041944 32049000 32049000 32041938 32041938 29336990 29336990 29336990 29336990 29336990 29336990 29153999 29153999 29153999 38220090 38220090 38220090 29349900 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing Flavone extrapure Flavone extrapure Flavone extrapure Florisil 60-100 mesh for chromatography Florisil 60-100 mesh for chromatography Florisil 60-100 mesh for chromatography Fluconazole (FLC), 98% Fluconazole (FLC), 98% 9-Fluorenylmethyl Chloroformate (FMOC Chloride, FMOC-Cl) extrapure, 99% 54083 9-Fluorenylmethyl Chloroformate (FMOC Chloride, FMOC-Cl) extrapure, 99% 54083 9-Fluorenylmethyl Chloroformate (FMOC Chloride, FMOC-Cl) extrapure, 99% 29175 9-Fluorenylmethanol (FMOC-OH) extrapure, 98% 525-82-6 525-82-6 525-82-6 1343-88-0 1343-88-0 1343-88-0 86386-73-4 86386-73-4 28920-43-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Kg 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 28920-43-6 25 Gms 2213 Part B 29151290 18 0-4C 28920-43-6 100 Gms 7241 Part B 29151290 18 0-4C 24324-17-2 25 Gms 3799 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 29175 9-Fluorenylmethanol (FMOC-OH) extrapure, 98% 24324-17-2 100 Gms 13810 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 46068 46068 46068 46068 85445 85445 85445 50389 50389 73698 38183-12-9 38183-12-9 38183-12-9 38183-12-9 38183-12-9 38183-12-9 38183-12-9 2321-07-5 2321-07-5 3326-32-7 25 Mg 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 500 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 1600 4100 9000 13250 1800 4400 10250 255 850 2200 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 29214290 32049000 32049000 32049000 3326-32-7 100 Mg 4100 Part B 32049000 18 0-4C 3326-32-7 250 Mg 9000 Part B 32049000 18 0-4C 3326-32-7 1 Gms 28000 Part B 32049000 18 0-4C 518-47-8 518-47-8 403-42-9 403-42-9 348-54-9 348-54-9 372-19-0 372-19-0 371-40-4 371-40-4 321-28-8 321-28-8 456-49-5 456-49-5 459-60-9 459-60-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 ml 100 ml 100 ml 500 ml 25 ml 100 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 69510 69510 69510 89465 89465 89465 22239 22239 54083 73698 73698 73698 55091 55091 92458 92458 57482 57482 61820 61820 62395 62395 55482 55482 45810 45810 51009 51009 Fluorescamine extrapure AR, 99% Fluorescamine extrapure AR, 99% Fluorescamine extrapure AR, 99% Fluorescamine extrapure AR, 99% Fluorescamine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Fluorescamine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Fluorescamine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Fluorescein Free Acid (C.I. No. 45350:1), 96% Fluorescein Free Acid (C.I. No. 45350:1), 96% Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Isomer I (FITC) extrapure, 98% Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Isomer I (FITC) extrapure, 98% Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Isomer I (FITC) extrapure, 98% Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Isomer I (FITC) extrapure, 98% Fluorescein Sodium Salt (C.I. No. 45350) Fluorescein Sodium Salt (C.I. No. 45350) 4-Fluoroacetophenone pure, 98% 4-Fluoroacetophenone pure, 98% 2-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 2-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 3-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 3-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 4-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 4-Fluoroaniline pure, 98% 2-Fluoroanisole pure, 98% 2-Fluoroanisole pure, 98% 3-Fluoroanisole pure, 98% 3-Fluoroanisole pure, 98% 4-Fluoroanisole extrapure, 99% 4-Fluoroanisole extrapure, 99% Page 172 of 321 Price 713 2825 12422 3226 7676 28923 1400 3800 616 303 962 1360 5154 1559 6725 3000 9800 1188 5184 3000 9500 2500 9000 1631 5118 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29420090 29420090 29420090 38249090 38249090 38249090 29331990 29331990 29151290 32049000 32049000 29147090 29147090 29214190 29214190 29214990 29214990 29214190 29214190 29093090 29093090 29093090 29093090 29093090 29093090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 90335 90335 88879 88879 88879 68427 68427 94304 94304 13212 13212 13212 11821 24245 24245 81015 81015 81015 67782 Product Name 4-Fluorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% 4-Fluorobenzaldehyde pure, 98% Fluorobenzene pure, 99% Fluorobenzene pure, 99% Fluorobenzene pure, 99% 4-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 4-Fluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 4-Fluorobenzonitrile pure, 98% 4-Fluorobenzonitrile pure, 98% 4-Fluorobenzylamine extrapure, 99% 4-Fluorobenzylamine extrapure, 99% 4-Fluorobenzylamine extrapure, 99% 5-Fluorocytidine (5-FCytd) extrapure, 99% 5-Fluorocytosine (5-FCtys) extrapure, 98% 5-Fluorocytosine (5-FCtys) extrapure, 98% 5-Fluoro-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 5-Fluoro-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 5-Fluoro-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 1-Fluoro-2,4-Dinitro Benzene extrapure AR, 99% CAS Number Packing 459-57-4 459-57-4 462-06-6 462-06-6 462-06-6 456-22-4 456-22-4 1194-02-1 1194-02-1 140-75-0 140-75-0 140-75-0 2341-22-2 2022-85-7 2022-85-7 50-91-9 50-91-9 50-91-9 70-34-8 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 1000 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 1 Gms 25 ml Date :16-04-2021 Price 1545 5356 414 1582 2710 800 2200 2204 7679 932 2096 6979 4000 2000 6500 1596 5002 30895 1494 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29130090 29130090 29033911 29033911 29033911 29163990 29163990 29269000 29269000 29214290 29214290 29214290 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29042090 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 67782 1-Fluoro-2,4-Dinitro Benzene extrapure AR, 99% 70-34-8 100 ml 4738 Part B 29042090 18 RT 67782 1-Fluoro-2,4-Dinitro Benzene extrapure AR, 99% 70-34-8 250 ml 11330 Part B 29042090 18 RT 179897-94-0 5 Gms 6979 Part B 29319090 18 RT 179897-94-0 10 Gms 12213 Part B 29319090 18 RT 350-46-9 350-46-9 703-95-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Mg 1780 Part B 6286 Part B 3780 Part B 29042090 18 RT 29042090 18 RT 29349900 18 -20C 703-95-7 1 Gms 12420 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 207291-81-4 250 Mg 3996 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 207291-81-4 1 Gms 12960 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 220141-70-8 250 Mg 3888 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 220141-70-8 1 Gms 12744 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1639 8482 3240 10992 3239 12359 907 2678 8240 29089990 29089990 29081900 29081900 29081900 29081900 29152990 29152990 29152990 68632 5-Fluoro-2-Methoxyphenyl Boronic Acid extrapure, 95% 68632 5-Fluoro-2-Methoxyphenyl Boronic Acid extrapure, 95% 78447 1-Fluoro-4-Nitrobenzene extrapure, 99% 78447 1-Fluoro-4-Nitrobenzene extrapure, 99% 78510 5-Fluoroorotic Acid (5-FOA) for molecular biology, 98% 78510 5-Fluoroorotic Acid (5-FOA) for molecular biology, 98% 50958 5-Fluoroorotic Acid Hydrate (5-FOA Hydrate) for molecular biology, 98% 50958 5-Fluoroorotic Acid Hydrate (5-FOA Hydrate) for molecular biology, 98% 11933 5-Fluoroorotic Acid Monohydrate (5-FOA Monohydrate) for molecular biology, 98% 11933 5-Fluoroorotic Acid Monohydrate (5-FOA Monohydrate) for molecular biology, 98% 66079 2-Fluorophenol pure, 98% 66079 2-Fluorophenol pure, 98% 47982 3-Fluorophenol pure, 98% 47982 3-Fluorophenol pure, 98% 41593 4-Fluorophenol pure, 98% 41593 4-Fluorophenol pure, 98% 10573 4-Fluorophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 10573 4-Fluorophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 10573 4-Fluorophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 367-12-4 367-12-4 372-20-3 372-20-3 371-41-5 371-41-5 405-50-5 405-50-5 405-50-5 Page 173 of 321 10 ml 100 ml 10 ml 50 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 86567 53933 96044 11280 11280 11280 54271 54271 54271 68733 68733 68733 68733 37042 15088 15088 15088 28329 28329 81073 o-Fluoro-DL-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% m-Fluoro-DL-Phenylalanine extrapure, 98% p-Fluoro-DL-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 2-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 2-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 2-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 3-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 3-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 3-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 4-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 4-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 4-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 4-Fluorophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 4-Fluorotoluene pure, 99% 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) extrapure, 99% 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) extrapure, 99% 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) extrapure, 99% 5-Fluorouridine (5-FUrd) extrapure, 98% 5-Fluorouridine (5-FUrd) extrapure, 98% HMBA Linker (4-(Hydroxymethyl)benzoic Acid) extrapure, 99% 81073 HMBA Linker (4-(Hydroxymethyl)benzoic Acid) extrapure, 99% 81073 HMBA Linker (4-(Hydroxymethyl)benzoic Acid) extrapure, 99% 84818 HMPA Linker (4-(Hydroxymethyl)phenoxyacetic Acid) extrapure, 98% 84818 HMPA Linker (4-(Hydroxymethyl)phenoxyacetic Acid) extrapure, 98% 53061 FMOC-L-Amino Acids Kit 97306 FMOC-S-Acetamido Methyl-L-Cysteine (FmocCys(Acm)-OH) extrapure, 98% 97306 FMOC-S-Acetamido Methyl-L-Cysteine (FmocCys(Acm)-OH) extrapure, 98% 77535 FMOC-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% 77535 FMOC-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% 77535 FMOC-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% 33213 FMOC-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 33213 FMOC-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 33213 FMOC-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 81433 FMOC-2-Aminobutric Acid extrapure, 99% 81433 FMOC-2-Aminobutric Acid extrapure, 99% 66725 FMOC-D-Arginine extrapure, 99% 66725 FMOC-D-Arginine extrapure, 99% 66725 FMOC-D-Arginine extrapure, 99% 88459 FMOC-L-Arginine extrapure, 98% 88459 FMOC-L-Arginine extrapure, 98% 88459 FMOC-L-Arginine extrapure, 98% 88459 FMOC-L-Arginine extrapure, 98% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 2629-55-2 2629-54-1 51-65-0 1993-03-9 1993-03-9 1993-03-9 768-35-4 768-35-4 768-35-4 1765-93-1 1765-93-1 1765-93-1 1765-93-1 352-32-9 51-21-8 51-21-8 51-21-8 316-46-1 316-46-1 3006-96-0 1 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 3006-96-0 5 Gms 12422 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 3006-96-0 25 Gms 28227 Part B 29181990 18 0-4C 68858-21-9 250 Mg 1808 Part B 29163990 18 0-4C 68858-21-9 1 Gms 4067 Part B 29163990 18 0-4C 86060-81-3 1 Kit 5 Gms 25784 Part B 2670 Part B 38220090 12 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 86060-81-3 25 Gms 10568 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 79990-15-1 79990-15-1 79990-15-1 35661-39-3 35661-39-3 35661-39-3 135112-27-5 135112-27-5 130752-32-8 130752-32-8 130752-32-8 91000-69-0 91000-69-0 91000-69-0 91000-69-0 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 601 2347 9755 495 2190 8045 3476 15812 2074 9209 41428 402 1396 5882 21135 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 Page 174 of 321 Price 7058 4199 7058 932 1892 8288 747 1631 6979 700 1631 5818 20934 2710 500 1600 5400 4000 9500 3050 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29379020 29379020 29379020 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29319090 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29181990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 23508 23508 23508 66815 66815 66815 49323 49323 30074 30074 59022 59022 24407 24407 52208 52208 31407 31407 22303 22303 61458 61458 65668 65668 86254 86254 68902 68902 90673 90673 90673 21323 21323 59874 59874 59874 27631 27631 27631 Product Name FMOC-D-Asparagine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Asparagine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Asparagine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% FMOC-N-Trityl-L-Asparagine (FMOC-Asn(Trt)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-N-Trityl-L-Asparagine (FMOC-Asn(Trt)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Aspartic Acid-4- Benzy Ester extrapure, 98% FMOC-L-Aspartic Acid-4- Benzy Ester extrapure, 98% FMOC-S-Benzyl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% FMOC-S-Benzyl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% FMOC-O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 98% FMOC-O-Benzyl-L-Serine extrapure, 98% FMOC-O-Benzyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% FMOC-O-Benzyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Citrulline extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Citrulline extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Citrulline extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Citrulline extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Cysteine extrapure, 95% FMOC-L-Cysteine extrapure, 95% FMOC-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% FMOC -L-Glutamic Acid g-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% FMOC -L-Glutamic Acid g-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% FMOC-L-Glutamic Acid 5-Tert-Butyl Ester (FMOCGlu(OtBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Glutamic Acid 5-Tert-Butyl Ester (FMOCGlu(OtBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Glutamic Acid 5-Tert-Butyl Ester (FMOCGlu(OtBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Glutamic Acid 5-Tert-Butyl Ester (FMOC-DGlu(OtBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Glutamic Acid 5-Tert-Butyl Ester (FMOC-DGlu(OtBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 108321-39-7 108321-39-7 108321-39-7 71989-16-7 71989-16-7 71989-16-7 132388-59-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 681 2855 11899 495 2190 8045 3338 132388-59-1 100 Gms 21136 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 119062-05-4 119062-05-4 86060-84-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 6521 Part B 11736 Part B 10858 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 86060-84-6 25 Gms 19000 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 53298-33-2 53298-33-2 83792-48-7 83792-48-7 71989-40-7 71989-40-7 200344-33-8 200344-33-8 133174-15-9 133174-15-9 135248-89-4 135248-89-4 121343-82-6 121343-82-6 123639-61-2 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 11567 20244 26497 46364 10864 19012 2906 4326 1153 9209 4269 14225 4744 9366 10989 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 123639-61-2 25 Gms 19228 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 71989-18-9 10 Gms 4506 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 71989-18-9 25 Gms 11261 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 71989-18-9 100 Gms 21337 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 104091-08-9 5 Gms 6521 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 104091-08-9 25 Gms 22404 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 112898-00-7 112898-00-7 112898-00-7 71989-20-3 71989-20-3 71989-20-3 500 Mg 2.5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 591 2400 21291 495 2190 8045 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 Page 175 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29242990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 21282 Na-FMOC-No-Trityl-L-Glutamine (FMOC-Gln(TRT)OH) extrapure, 98% 21282 Na-FMOC-No-Trityl-L-Glutamine (FMOC-Gln(TRT)OH) extrapure, 98% 18680 FMOC-Glycine extrapure, 99% 18680 FMOC-Glycine extrapure, 99% 17849 FMOC-L-Histidine extrapure, 98% 90688 FMOC-D-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% 22834 FMOC-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% 22834 FMOC-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% 22834 FMOC-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% 16515 FMOC-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% 16515 FMOC-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% 16515 FMOC-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% 99284 FMOC-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% 99284 FMOC-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% 20340 Na-FMOC-Ne-BOC-L-Lysine (FMOC-Lys(BOC)-OH) extrapure, 98% 20340 Na-FMOC-Ne-BOC-L-Lysine (FMOC-Lys(BOC)-OH) extrapure, 98% 20340 Na-FMOC-Ne-BOC-L-Lysine (FMOC-Lys(BOC)-OH) extrapure, 98% 67377 FMOC-N-e-Z-L-Lysine extrapure, 98% 67377 FMOC-N-e-Z-L-Lysine extrapure, 98% 77712 FMOC-L-Lysine extrapure, 99% 77712 FMOC-L-Lysine extrapure, 99% 23694 FMOC-D-Methionine extrapure, 99% 23694 FMOC-D-Methionine extrapure, 99% 23694 FMOC-D-Methionine extrapure, 99% 50606 FMOC-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% 50606 FMOC-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% 50606 FMOC-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% 95562 FMOC-D-Norleucine extrapure, 99% 95562 FMOC-D-Norleucine extrapure, 99% 35941 FMOC-L-Norleucine extrapure, 99% 35941 FMOC-L-Norleucine extrapure, 99% 73648 FMOC-D-Norvaline extrapure, 99% 73648 FMOC-D-Norvaline extrapure, 99% 31631 FMOC-L-Norvaline extrapure, 99% 31631 FMOC-L-Norvaline extrapure, 99% 24626 FMOC-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine extrapure (FMOC-LPhe(4NO2)-OH), 98% 24626 FMOC-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine extrapure (FMOC-LPhe(4NO2)-OH), 98% 47450 FMOC-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 47450 FMOC-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 47450 FMOC-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 47450 FMOC-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 39061 FMOC-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 39061 FMOC-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 39061 FMOC-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 132327-80-1 5 Gms 3338 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 132327-80-1 100 Gms 21136 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 29022-11-5 29022-11-5 116611-64-4 143688-83-9 71989-23-6 71989-23-6 71989-23-6 114360-54-2 114360-54-2 114360-54-2 35661-60-0 35661-60-0 71989-26-9 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 800 2600 3671 16336 591 2483 8760 591 2400 9981 2190 6180 2950 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29242990 71989-26-9 25 Gms 7000 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 71989-26-9 100 Gms 12500 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 86060-82-4 86060-82-4 105047-45-8 105047-45-8 112883-40-6 112883-40-6 112883-40-6 71989-28-1 71989-28-1 71989-28-1 112883-41-7 112883-41-7 77284-32-3 77284-32-3 144701-24-6 144701-24-6 135112-28-6 135112-28-6 95753-55-2 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 13572 23077 1335 5118 990 4119 17163 495 2190 8045 3628 16496 2566 11672 3628 16496 2876 13073 7767 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 95753-55-2 25 Gms 86123-10-6 86123-10-6 86123-10-6 86123-10-6 35661-40-6 35661-40-6 35661-40-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms Page 176 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 13584 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 591 2437 8521 30661 495 2190 8045 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 54836 54836 33014 33014 53412 12047 12047 12047 53534 53534 53534 18126 18126 13334 13334 56859 56859 64712 64712 64712 36877 36877 38217 38217 42366 42366 42366 70309 70309 70309 96532 96532 54034 54034 54034 79199 79199 79199 22292 22292 15917 Product Name FMOC-D-Phenylglycine extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Phenylglycine extrapure, 98% FMOC-L-Phenylglycine extrapure, 98% FMOC-L-Phenylglycine extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Proline extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Proline extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Proline extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Proline extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Serine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Serine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Serine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Serine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Serine extrapure, 99% FMOC-O-Tert-Butyl-L-Serine (FMOC-Ser(tBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-O-Tert-Butyl-L-Serine (FMOC-Ser(tBu)-OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Threonine extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Threonine extrapure, 98% FMOC-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% Na-FMOC-N(im)-Trityl-L-Histidine (FMOC-His(Trt)OH) extrapure, 99% Na-FMOC-N(im)-Trityl-L-Histidine (FMOC-His(Trt)OH) extrapure, 99% FMOC-O-Tert-Butyl-D-Threonine (FMOC-DThr(tBu)-OH) extrapure, 98% FMOC-O-Tert-Butyl-D-Threonine (FMOC-DThr(tBu)-OH) extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Na-FMOC-N(in)-BOC-D-Tryptophan (FMOC-DTrp(BOC)-OH) extrapure, 98% Na-FMOC-N(in)-BOC-D-Tryptophan (FMOC-DTrp(BOC)-OH) extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% FMOC-D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% FMOC-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% FMOC-O-Tert-Butyl-L-Tyrosine (FMOC-Tyr(tBu)OH) extrapure, 98% FMOC-O-Tert-Butyl-L-Tyrosine (FMOC-Tyr(tBu)OH) extrapure, 98% FMOC-D-Valine extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 111524-95-9 111524-95-9 102410-65-1 102410-65-1 101555-62-8 71989-31-6 71989-31-6 71989-31-6 116861-26-8 116861-26-8 116861-26-8 73724-45-5 73724-45-5 71989-33-8 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Mg 2.5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 7111 12440 6143 10744 4120 591 2483 8760 2211 9194 38313 1416 3067 3338 71989-33-8 100 Gms 21136 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 157355-81-2 157355-81-2 73731-37-0 73731-37-0 73731-37-0 109425-51-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 4339 20024 909 3833 13696 3338 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29242990 109425-51-6 100 Gms 21136 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 138797-71-4 1 Gms 4450 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 138797-71-4 5 Gms 10902 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 86123-11-7 86123-11-7 86123-11-7 35737-15-6 35737-15-6 35737-15-6 163619-04-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 2211 9194 38313 943 3919 7530 3894 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29242990 163619-04-3 5 Gms 112883-29-1 112883-29-1 112883-29-1 92954-90-0 92954-90-0 92954-90-0 71989-38-3 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 28121022 28121022 28121022 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29242990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 15018 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 990 4119 17163 1355 5706 20143 2003 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29242990 71989-38-3 100 Gms 18911 Part B 29242990 18 0-4C 84624-17-9 1 Gms 1288 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C Page 177 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 15917 15917 47834 47834 47834 79235 79235 79235 33866 Product Name CAS Number Packing FMOC-D-Valine extrapure, 99% 84624-17-9 FMOC-D-Valine extrapure, 99% 84624-17-9 FMOC-L-Valine extrapure, 99% 68858-20-8 FMOC-L-Valine extrapure, 99% 68858-20-8 FMOC-L-Valine extrapure, 99% 68858-20-8 FMOC-OSu extrapure AR, 99% 82911-69-1 FMOC-OSu extrapure AR, 99% 82911-69-1 FMOC-OSu extrapure AR, 99% 82911-69-1 Folcisteine (ATCA, NATCA) technical grade, 99% 5025-82-1/54323-50-1 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 33866 Folcisteine (ATCA, NATCA) technical grade, 99% 5025-82-1/54323-50-1 1 Gms 43164 43164 43164 24791 24791 17989 17989 17989 39520 39520 39520 64684 49244 49244 53870 53870 85925 35887 35887 35887 54704 54704 25760 25760 73212 73212 73212 76007 76007 76007 Folic Acid pure, 98% Folic Acid pure, 98% Folic Acid pure, 98% Folic Acid ExiPlus™, 98% Folic Acid ExiPlus™, 98% Folic Acid for tissue culture, 98% Folic Acid for tissue culture, 98% Folic Acid for tissue culture, 98% Folin & Ciocalteus Phenol (FCP) Reagent AR Folin & Ciocalteus Phenol (FCP) Reagent AR Folin & Ciocalteus Phenol (FCP) Reagent AR Folin’s Uric Acid Reagent Forchlorfenuron (KT-30, CPPU, N-(2-Chloro-4pyridyl)-N-phenylurea) extrapure, 99% Forchlorfenuron (KT-30, CPPU, N-(2-Chloro-4pyridyl)-N-phenylurea) extrapure, 99% 4-Formylphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 4-Formylphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% Fouchet's Reagent D-Fructose-1,6-Diphosphate Tetrasodium Salt extrapure, 99% D-Fructose-1,6-Diphosphate Tetrasodium Salt extrapure, 99% D-Fructose-1,6-Diphosphate Tetrasodium Salt extrapure, 99% D-Fructose-1,6-Diphosphate Octahydrate Trisodium Salt extrapure, 99% D-Fructose-1,6-Diphosphate Octahydrate Trisodium Salt extrapure, 99% D-Fructose-6-Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 95% D-Fructose-6-Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 95% L-Fucose extrapure, 99% L-Fucose extrapure, 99% L-Fucose extrapure, 99% D(+) Fucose extrapure D(+) Fucose extrapure D(+) Fucose extrapure 59-30-3 59-30-3 59-30-3 59-30-3 59-30-3 59-30-3 59-30-3 59-30-3 Date :16-04-2021 Price 5349 22294 390 1780 6675 744 2704 8798 8978 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 34707 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29251900 29251900 29251900 38089340 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C 38089340 18 8-25C 68157-60-8 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 250 ml 1 Gms 68157-60-8 5 Gms 87199-17-5 87199-17-5 23784-19-2 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 1 Gms 23784-19-2 5 Gms 3573 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 23784-19-2 25 Gms 17156 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 81028-91-3 250 Mg 453 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 81028-91-3 1 Gms 1187 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 26177-86-6 100 Mg 3019 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 26177-86-6 500 Mg 9035 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 2438-80-4 2438-80-4 2438-80-4 3615-37-0 3615-37-0 3615-37-0 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms Page 178 of 321 246 612 2337 334 668 473 1558 5006 393 875 1613 554 2893 HS code 29362910 29362910 29362910 29362910 29362910 29362910 29362910 29362910 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29333990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT 8-25C 7004 Part B 29333990 18 8-25C 1975 8223 167 1147 29319090 29319090 38220090 29400000 1447 2337 9456 7906 11293 55325 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 0-4C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 98-01-1 617-89-0 617-89-0 54-31-9 54-31-9 88-14-2 88-14-2 488-93-7 488-93-7 527-69-5 527-69-5 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 20 ml 100 ml 1069 433 1409 3390 9456 951 4293 3164 13551 1808 6325 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29122990 29223900 29223900 29241900 29241900 29321990 29321990 29321990 29321990 29329900 29329900 26214-65-3 26214-65-3 539-47-9 108321-42-2 108321-42-2 108321-42-2 108321-42-2 108321-42-2 108321-42-2 5535 17615 1921 1200 6000 28000 2114 7676 34763 284 409 2800 Part B Part B 13450-84-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 100 ml 5 Gms 29329900 18 8-25C 29329900 18 8-25C 2932199018.008-25C 29420090 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 28469090 18 RT 13450-84-5 25 Gms 5800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 19598-90-4 5 Gms 2800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 19598-90-4 25 Gms 5800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 12064-62-9 12064-62-9 12064-62-9 52093-29-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 52093-29-5 5 Gms 4000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 1772-03-8 250 Mg 550 Part B 29400000 18 RT 14725 D-Galactosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 1772-03-8 1 Gms 1800 Part B 29400000 18 RT 14725 D-Galactosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 1772-03-8 5 Gms 6000 Part B 29400000 18 RT 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 568 Part B 1780 Part B 8232 Part B 29400000 18 RT 29400000 18 RT 29400000 18 RT 86133 11049 11049 18641 18641 81309 81309 81294 81294 99124 99124 Furfural extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Furfurylamine pure, 98% Furfurylamine pure, 98% Furosemide (Frusemide), 98.5% Furosemide (Frusemide), 98.5% 2-Furoic Acid pure, 98% 2-Furoic Acid pure, 98% 3-Furoic Acid pure, 98% 3-Furoic Acid pure, 98% 2-Furoyl Chloride pure, 98% 2-Furoyl Chloride pure, 98% 90068 90068 79108 58327 58327 58327 87858 87858 87858 45734 94536 45781 3-Furoyl Chloride pure, 97% 3-Furoyl Chloride pure, 97% Furylacrylic Acid pure, 99% G-418 Sulphate (Geneticin) extrapure G-418 Sulphate (Geneticin) extrapure G-418 Sulphate (Geneticin) extrapure G-418 Sulphate (Geneticin) for tissue culture G-418 Sulphate (Geneticin) for tissue culture G-418 Sulphate (Geneticin) for tissue culture Gaby-Hadley Reagent A Gaby-Hadley Reagent B Gadolinium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Gadolinium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Gadolinium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Gadolinium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Gadolinium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Gadolinium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Gadolinium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Gadolinium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% Gadolinium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% D-Galactosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 45781 10438 10438 31353 31353 31353 52480 52480 14725 88176 D-Galactose extrapure 88176 D-Galactose extrapure 88176 D-Galactose extrapure 59-23-4 59-23-4 59-23-4 Page 179 of 321 Price 876 3193 11330 1800 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 28259090 28259090 28259090 28469090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 27146 B-Galactosidase (BGAL) ex. E. Coli, 500U/mg solids 9031-11-2 5 K.Units 36710 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 20096 ß-D-Galactose Pentaacetate extrapure, 99% 83055 Galantamine Hydrobromide extrapure, 98% 14101 Gallium (III) Nitrate Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% 4163-60-4 1953-04-4 69365-72-6 25 Gms 250 Mg 5 Gms 10053 Part B 10568 Part B 3505 Part B 29400000 18 RT 29420090 18 -20C 28342990 18 RT 14101 Gallium (III) Nitrate Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% 69365-72-6 25 Gms 13349 Part B 28342990 18 RT 23813 Geldanamycin (GLD), 98% 30562-34-6 5 Mg 62099 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 72394 72394 72394 72394 72394 53409 53409 37636 37636 37636 50827 50827 50827 95677 95677 95677 32614 71010-52-1 71010-52-1 71010-52-1 71010-52-1 71010-52-1 6902-77-8 6902-77-8 1405-41-0 1405-41-0 1405-41-0 1405-41-0 1405-41-0 1405-41-0 554-91-6 554-91-6 554-91-6 1310-53-8 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 25 Mg 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 1914 4486 8245 13852 64634 3338 10568 390 1558 5785 913 2281 7509 1759 7740 14050 906 13023900 13023900 13023900 13023900 13023900 29329900 29329900 29419040 29419040 29419040 29419040 29419040 29419040 29400000 29400000 29400000 28256010 1310-53-8 10 Gms 6777 Part B 28256010 18 RT 1310-53-8 25 Gms 13325 Part B 28256010 18 RT 32614 56397 38490 76052 76052 76052 40193 63878 61404 97968 97968 20378 84553 27429 Gelrite Gellan Gum Gelrite Gellan Gum Gelrite Gellan Gum Gelrite Gellan Gum Gelrite Gellan Gum Genipin extrapure, 98% Genipin extrapure, 98% Gentamicin Sulphate (GM) Gentamicin Sulphate (GM) Gentamicin Sulphate (GM) Gentamicin Sulphate (GM) for tissue culture Gentamicin Sulphate (GM) for tissue culture Gentamicin Sulphate (GM) for tissue culture ß-D-Gentiobiose extrapure, 99% ß-D-Gentiobiose extrapure, 99% ß-D-Gentiobiose extrapure, 99% Germanium Dioxide electronic grade ultrapure, 99.999% Germanium Dioxide electronic grade ultrapure, 99.999% Germanium Dioxide electronic grade ultrapure, 99.999% Gitoxin extrapure, 98% Glaucine Hydrobromide, 97% ß-Glucanase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 60U/g ß-Glucanase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 60U/g ß-Glucanase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 60U/g Glucobarbarin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 90% Glucocheirolin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 95% Glucoerucin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 95% D-Glucoheptonic Acid-1,4-Lactone pure, 98% D-Glucoheptonic Acid-1,4-Lactone pure, 98% Glucoiberin Potassium Salt Reference Standard, 85% Gluconapin Potassium Salt Reference Standard, 90% Gluconasturtiin Potassium Salt Reference Standard, 95% 4562-36-1 5996-06-5 9074-98-0 9074-98-0 9074-98-0 21087-78-5 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 5 Mg 293548 Part B 10 Gms 8900 Part B 25 Gms 2196 Part B 100 Gms 5611 Part B 500 Gms 20000 Part B 10 Mg 45000 Part B HS code % CAS Number 32614 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29389090 29420090 35079099 35079099 35079099 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 8-25C 2-8C -20C -20C -20C 0-4C 15592-36-6 10 Mg 55000 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 15592-37-7 10 Mg 56000 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 60046-25-5 60046-25-5 15592-34-4 5 Gms 10 Gms 10 Mg 7231 Part B 13905 Part B 34000 Part B 29329900 18 8-25C 29329900 18 8-25C 29420090 18 0-4C 245550-57-6 10 Mg 34000 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 18425-76-8 10 Mg 42000 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C Page 180 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing 45063 D-Glucono-1,4-Lactone pure, 85% 1198-69-2 50 Mg 57400 L-Glucono-1,5-Lactone pure, 85% 52153-09-0 25 Mg 74587 Glucoraphanin Potassium Salt Reference Standard 21414-41-5 10 Mg Grade, 90% 15546 Glucoraphenin Potassium Salt Reference Standard 108844-81-1 10 Mg Grade, 95% 73360 D-Glucorono-3,6-Lactone extrapure, 99% 32449-92-6 25 Gms 73360 D-Glucorono-3,6-Lactone extrapure, 99% 32449-92-6 100 Gms 73360 D-Glucorono-3,6-Lactone extrapure, 99% 32449-92-6 500 Gms 28453 Glucoamylase ex. Rhizopus Sp., 30U/mg 9032-08-0 1000 Units 45648 Glucosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 66-84-2 25 Gms 45648 Glucosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 66-84-2 100 Gms 45648 Glucosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 66-84-2 500 Gms 14810 Glucose Dehydrogenase ex. Microorganism, 9028-53-9 5000 Units 250U/mg 14810 Glucose Dehydrogenase ex. Microorganism, 9028-53-9 10000 Units 250U/mg 61788 Glucose Oxidase (GOD) ex. Aspergillus Niger, 9001-37-0 10 K.Units 100U/mg solids 61788 Glucose Oxidase (GOD) ex. Aspergillus Niger, 9001-37-0 25 K.Units 100U/mg solids 12419 a-D-Glucose Pentaacetate extrapure, 99% 604-68-2 25 Gms 65776 ß-D-Glucose Pentaacetate extrapure, 99% 604-69-3 25 Gms 65776 ß-D-Glucose Pentaacetate extrapure, 99% 604-69-3 100 Gms 23208 D-Glucose-1-Phosphate Dipotassium Salt Hydrate 6736-77-2 (anhy) 1 Gms (G1P.K2 Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 23208 D-Glucose-1-Phosphate Dipotassium Salt Hydrate 6736-77-2 (anhy) 5 Gms (G1P.K2 Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 62591 D-Glucose-1-Phosphate Disodium Salt 150399-99-8 1 Gms Tetrahydrate (G1P.Na2 Tetrahydrate) extrapure, 98% 62591 D-Glucose-1-Phosphate Disodium Salt 150399-99-8 5 Gms Tetrahydrate (G1P.Na2 Tetrahydrate) extrapure, 98% 62591 D-Glucose-1-Phosphate Disodium Salt 150399-99-8 25 Gms Tetrahydrate (G1P.Na2 Tetrahydrate) extrapure, 98% 32994 D-Glucose-6-Phosphate Disodium Salt Dihydrate 3671-99-6 1 Gms (G6P.Na2 Dihydrate) extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 6800 Part B 6200 Part B 32000 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 29181690 18 2-8C 29420090 18 0-4C 35000 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 2195 3291 9800 6708 713 1567 6521 23319 29420090 29420090 29420090 35079099 29211990 29211990 29211990 35079099 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C -20C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C -20C 45070 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 2060 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 4635 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 1200 1020 3400 1400 29153990 29153990 29153990 29400000 Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 6500 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 550 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 2000 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 9250 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 1263 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 32994 D-Glucose-6-Phosphate Disodium Salt Dihydrate (G6P.Na2 Dihydrate) extrapure, 99% 3671-99-6 5 Gms 5590 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 32994 D-Glucose-6-Phosphate Disodium Salt Dihydrate (G6P.Na2 Dihydrate) extrapure, 99% 3671-99-6 25 Gms 27664 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 74262 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase ex. Leuconostoc Mesenteroides, 400U/mg solids 74262 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase ex. Leuconostoc Mesenteroides, 400U/mg solids 9001-40-5 1 K.Units 7210 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-40-5 5 K.Units 19570 Part B 35079099 18 -20C Page 181 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 11997 r-Glucose-6-Phosphate-Dehydrogenase ex. Leuconostoc Mesenteroides, 500U/mg solids 75551 a-Glucosidase (Maltase) ex. Yeast, 100U/mg 75551 a-Glucosidase (Maltase) ex. Yeast, 100U/mg 88884 B-Glucosidase ex. Sweet Almonds (Type 1), 1000U/mg 13275 B-Glucosidase ex. Sweet Almonds (Type 2A), 10U/mg solids 41369 B-Glucosidase ex. Sweet Almonds (Type 2B), 10U/mg solids 70077 Glucotropaeolin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 95% 88229 D-Glucuronic Acid extrapure, 98% 88229 D-Glucuronic Acid extrapure, 98% 88229 D-Glucuronic Acid extrapure, 98% 74117 Glutamate Dehydrogenase (L-GLDH) ex. Bovine Liver, 10U/mg 61126 D-Glutamic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 61126 D-Glutamic Acid extrapure CHR, 99% 20655 g-L-Glutamic Acid 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin extrapure, 98% 20655 g-L-Glutamic Acid 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin extrapure, 98% 20655 g-L-Glutamic Acid 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin extrapure, 98% 76228 L-Glutamic Acid Benzyl Ester extrapure, 99% 76228 L-Glutamic Acid Benzyl Ester extrapure, 99% 98087 Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (GOT) ex. Porcine Heart, 50-300U/mg Solids 17632 D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% 17632 D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% 17632 D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% 12381 L-Glutamine extrapure CHR, 99% 12381 L-Glutamine extrapure CHR, 99% 12381 L-Glutamine extrapure CHR, 99% 12381 L-Glutamine extrapure CHR, 99% 31498 L-r-Glutamyl-p-Nitroanilide Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 31498 L-r-Glutamyl-p-Nitroanilide Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 37394 Glutaric Acid pure, 99% 37394 Glutaric Acid pure, 99% 87175 Glutaric Anhydride pure, 98% 87175 Glutaric Anhydride pure, 98% 94980 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) extrapure, 99% 94980 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) extrapure, 99% 94980 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) extrapure, 99% 41422 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) ExiPlus, 99% 41422 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) ExiPlus, 99% 22151 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) for molecular biology, 99.5% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 9001-40-5 5 K.Units 8010 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-42-7 9001-42-7 9001-22-3 10 Mg 100 Mg 10 K.Units 3050 Part B 27664 Part B 6452 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 35079099 18 -20C 35079099 18 -20C 9001-22-3 250 Units 3560 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-22-3 100 Mg 13127 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 5115-71-9 10 Mg 18000 Part B 29420090 18 -20C 6556-12-3 6556-12-3 6556-12-3 9029-12-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 1695 3894 13905 7787 29329900 29329900 29329900 35079099 6893-26-1 6893-26-1 72669-53-5 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Mg 600 Part B 1600 Part B 6483 Part B 29224210 18 RT 29224210 18 RT 29420090 18 2-8C 72669-53-5 25 Mg 12596 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 72669-53-5 100 Mg 35990 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 1676-73-9 1676-73-9 9000-97-9 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 K.Units 1979 Part B 8894 Part B 13349 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 35079099 18 -20C 5959-95-5 5959-95-5 5959-95-5 56-85-9 56-85-9 56-85-9 56-85-9 67953-08-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 500 Mg 2730 11620 20749 341 1063 5196 9711 2486 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29242990 67953-08-6 1 Gms 110-94-1 110-94-1 108-55-4 108-55-4 27025-41-8 27025-41-8 27025-41-8 27025-41-8 27025-41-8 27025-41-8 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 250 Mg Page 182 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 4179 Part B 906 4179 1814 8123 1224 3226 13905 1751 4120 1854 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 29242990 18 2-8C 29171990 29171990 29171990 29171990 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 22151 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) for molecular 27025-41-8 biology, 99.5% 74693 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) for tissue culture, 27025-41-8 99% 48938 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) extrapure, 99% 70-18-8 48938 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) extrapure, 99% 70-18-8 48938 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) extrapure, 99% 70-18-8 16111 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for tissue culture, 70-18-8 99.5% 16111 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for tissue culture, 70-18-8 99.5% 16111 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for tissue culture, 70-18-8 99.5% 77285 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) ExiPlus™, 99% 70-18-8 77285 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) ExiPlus™, 99% 70-18-8 11514 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for molecular biology, 70-18-8 99.5% 11514 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for molecular biology, 70-18-8 99.5% 11514 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for molecular biology, 70-18-8 99.5% 11514 Glutathione Reduced (GSH) for molecular biology, 70-18-8 99.5% 14210 D-(+)-Glyceraldehyde extrapure, 85% 453-17-8 62423 Glycerol Kinase (GK) ex. Microorganism, 30U/mg 9030-66-4 solids 36324 Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase ex. Rabbit 9075-65-4 Muscle, 15U/mg 36451 Glycidyl Methacrylate pure, 97% 106-91-2 36451 Glycidyl Methacrylate pure, 97% 106-91-2 63956 Glycine-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin 113728-13-5 Hydrobromide Salt extrapure, 98% 63956 Glycine-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin 113728-13-5 Hydrobromide Salt extrapure, 98% 56204 Glycine Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 2462-31-9 1 Gms 4532 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 100 Mg 1558 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 307 1236 4532 361 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 5 Gms 1648 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 25 Gms 6592 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 1854 Part B 6180 Part B 701 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 29309099 18 0-4C 29309099 18 0-4C 5 Gms 2040 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 25 Gms 7674 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 100 Gms 17819 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 1 Gms 1 K.Units 20629 Part B 9011 Part B 29121990 18 8-25C 35079099 18 -20C 500 Units 6564 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 100 ml 500 ml 10 Mg 635 Part B 2300 Part B 9503 Part B 29161400 18 RT 29161400 18 RT 29333990 18 2-8C 25 Mg 18475 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 5 Gms 2825 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 56204 Glycine Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 2462-31-9 25 Gms 10976 Part B 29379020 18 -20C 67536 Glycine Benzyl Ester p-Toluene Sulfonate extrapure, 98% 85055 Glycine Betaine (Betaine) anhydrous technical grade, 98% 85055 Glycine Betaine (Betaine) anhydrous technical grade, 98% 85055 Glycine Betaine (Betaine) anhydrous technical grade, 98% 85055 Glycine Betaine (Betaine) anhydrous technical grade, 98% 99993 Glycine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 1738-76-7 25 Gms 5760 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 107-43-7 5 Gms 792 Part B 29239000 18 2-8C 107-43-7 25 Gms 1357 Part B 29239000 18 2-8C 107-43-7 100 Gms 2261 Part B 29239000 18 2-8C 107-43-7 500 Gms 6889 Part B 29239000 18 2-8C 623-33-6 100 Gms 525 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C Page 183 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 623-33-6 500 Gms Glycyl Histidine Glycine extrapure, 95% Glycine-L-Histidine-L-Lysine extrapure, 98% Glycofurol extrapure, 99% Glycofurol extrapure, 99% Glycogen ex. Oyster extrapure, 85% Glycogen ex. Oyster extrapure, 85% Glycogen ex. Oyster for molecular biology, 85% 7758-33-0 72957-37-0 31692-85-0 31692-85-0 9005-79-2 9005-79-2 9005-79-2 100 Mg 100 Mg 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 49740 Glycogen ex. Oyster for molecular biology, 85% 9005-79-2 5 Gms 3900 Part B 35051090 18 2-8C 49740 Glycogen ex. Oyster for molecular biology, 85% 9005-79-2 25 Gms 18000 Part B 35051090 18 2-8C 50006 Glycolaldehyde Dimer extrapure, 98% 50006 Glycolaldehyde Dimer extrapure, 98% 50391 Glycoursodeoxycholic Acid (GUDCA) extrapure, 97% 50391 Glycoursodeoxycholic Acid (GUDCA) extrapure, 97% 97291 Glycyl-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% 97291 Glycyl-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% 11530 Glycyl Glycine extrapure, 99% 11530 Glycyl Glycine extrapure, 99% 11530 Glycyl Glycine extrapure, 99% 72998 Z-Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Arginine 7-Amido-4Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride Salt extrapure, 95% 72998 Z-Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Arginine 7-Amido-4Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride Salt extrapure, 95% 41675 Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Glycine (Triglycine) extrapure, 99% 23147-58-2 23147-58-2 64480-66-6 500 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 4519 Part B 8788 Part B 4450 Part B 29125000 18 8-25C 29125000 18 8-25C 29157090 18 2-8C 64480-66-6 5 Gms 16242 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 13115-71-4 13115-71-4 556-50-3 556-50-3 556-50-3 102601-58-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Mg 102601-58-1 25 Mg 37095 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 556-33-2 1 Gms 1558 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 41675 Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Glycine (Triglycine) extrapure, 99% 556-33-2 5 Gms 6953 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 41675 Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Glycine (Triglycine) extrapure, 99% 556-33-2 25 Gms 25586 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 69242-40-6 69242-40-6 14857-82-0 14857-82-0 20274-89-9 20274-89-9 19461-38-2 19461-38-2 869-19-2 869-19-2 103213-38-3 115035-46-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 10 Mg 4436 18259 4252 17999 6777 20324 1866 7206 1617 7143 15526 58088 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 29224990 99993 Glycine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 18308 47055 98803 98803 74078 74078 49740 27057 27057 70039 70039 29764 29764 82725 82725 96010 96010 27587 25952 Glycyl-Glycyl-L- Isoleucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-Glycyl-L- Isoleucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-Glycyl-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-L-Leucine extrapure, 99% Glycyl Leucine Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Glycyl-L-Proline-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrobromide Salt extrapure, 99% Page 184 of 321 Price Part 2065 Part B 8696 11620 3338 14462 2500 11000 950 1866 7454 894 1979 6225 8909 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Stor age 29379020 18 2-8C 29379020 29379020 39072090 39072090 29349100 29349100 35051090 29224990 29224990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 25952 Glycyl-L-Proline-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrobromide Salt extrapure, 99% 74329 Glycyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% 74329 Glycyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% 34601 Glycyl-L-Valine extrapure, 99% 34601 Glycyl-L-Valine extrapure, 99% 92245 Glyoxal 40% aq. solution pure 35657 Griess Reagent for Nitrite extrapure 53613 Guaiacol extrapure, 99% 53613 Guaiacol extrapure, 99% 44260 Guanine extrapure, 99% 44260 Guanine extrapure, 99% 44260 Guanine extrapure, 99% 44260 Guanine extrapure, 99% 37567 Guanine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 37567 Guanine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 48306 Guanine Sulphate extrapure, 99% 57892 Guanosine extrapure, 99% 57892 Guanosine extrapure, 99% 57892 Guanosine extrapure, 99% 95494 Guanosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (5GMP-Na2) extrapure, 96% 95494 Guanosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (5GMP-Na2) extrapure, 96% 95494 Guanosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (5GMP-Na2) extrapure, 96% 95494 Guanosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (5GMP-Na2) extrapure, 96% 70564 Guanosine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (5-GTPNa2) extrapure, 90% 70564 Guanosine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (5-GTPNa2) extrapure, 90% 11945 Guayule (DCPTA) for tissue culture, 98% 11945 Guayule (DCPTA) for tissue culture, 98% 11777 D-Gulono-1,4-Lactone extrapure, 98% 11777 D-Gulono-1,4-Lactone extrapure, 98% 97514 L-Gulono-1,4-Lactone extrapure, 98% 97514 L-Gulono-1,4-Lactone extrapure, 98% 37421 Gunzburg Reagent 95068 Haemoglobin Powder ex. Bovine Erythrocytes 115035-46-6 52293 99132 99132 99132 44424 44424 44424 44424 73322 73322 Harmaline pure, 98% HATU extrapure, 98% HATU extrapure, 98% HATU extrapure, 98% HBTU extrapure, 98% HBTU extrapure, 98% HBTU extrapure, 98% HBTU extrapure, 98% HCTU extrapure, 98% HCTU extrapure, 98% 658-79-7 658-79-7 1963-21-9 1963-21-9 107-22-2 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part 25 Mg 121017 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B % Stor age 29224990 18 2-8C 90-05-1 90-05-1 73-40-5 73-40-5 73-40-5 73-40-5 635-39-2 635-39-2 10333-92-3 118-00-3 118-00-3 118-00-3 5550-12-9 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 ml 100 ml 250 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5550-12-9 5 Gms 1160 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 5550-12-9 25 Gms 4838 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 5550-12-9 100 Gms 16551 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 56001-37-7 100 Mg 3671 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 56001-37-7 500 Mg 14462 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 65202-07-5 65202-07-5 6322-07-2 6322-07-2 1128-23-0 1128-23-0 2200 7500 2225 10680 5180 9337 583 1558 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 38220090 38220090 18 9008-02-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 100 Gms 304-21-2 148893-10-1 148893-10-1 148893-10-1 94790-37-1 94790-37-1 94790-37-1 94790-37-1 330645-87-9 330645-87-9 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 4625 350 1200 6000 421 1921 6267 27098 1075 2825 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 18 Page 185 of 321 1866 7454 2349 9718 409 3164 1002 3671 214 531 1775 16823 313 1335 269 668 1335 5118 309 HS code 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29121930 38220090 29095010 29095010 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C -20C RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 73322 HCTU extrapure, 98% 23315 HEDTA (N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) ethylenediaminetriacetic acid) extrapure, 99% 330645-87-9 150-39-0 100 Gms 25 Gms 10164 Part B 1603 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 29212100 18 2-8C 23315 HEDTA (N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) ethylenediaminetriacetic acid) extrapure, 99% 150-39-0 100 Gms 5810 Part B 29212100 18 2-8C 23315 HEDTA (N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) ethylenediaminetriacetic acid) extrapure, 99% 150-39-0 500 Gms 24897 Part B 29212100 18 2-8C Hematoxylin Monohydrate Hematoxylin Monohydrate Hematoxylin Monohydrate Hemin Chloride cryst. ex. Bovine extrapure, 98% 517-28-2 517-28-2 517-28-2 16009-13-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1654 7877 26749 1400 32049000 32049000 32049000 29349990 78372 Hemin Chloride cryst. ex. Bovine extrapure, 98% 16009-13-5 5 Gms 5000 Part B 29349990 18 2-8C 98457 Hemin Chloride cryst. ex. Porcine extrapure, 98% 16009-13-5 1 Gms 1400 Part B 29349990 18 2-8C 98457 Hemin Chloride cryst. ex. Porcine extrapure, 98% 16009-13-5 5 Gms 5000 Part B 29349990 18 2-8C 58389 Heparin Sodium Salt ex. Bovine Intestinal Mucosa, 150 IU/mg 58389 Heparin Sodium Salt ex. Bovine Intestinal Mucosa, 150 IU/mg 50661 Heparin Sodium Salt ex. Bovine Intestinal Mucosa, 150 IU/mg 50661 Heparin Sodium Salt ex. Bovine Intestinal Mucosa, 150 IU/mg 29768 HEPBS Buffer extrapure, 99% 29768 HEPBS Buffer extrapure, 99% 29768 HEPBS Buffer extrapure, 99% 63732 HEPES Buffer extrapure, 99% 63732 HEPES Buffer extrapure, 99% 63732 HEPES Buffer extrapure, 99% 63732 HEPES Buffer extrapure, 99% 48489 HEPES Buffer for tissue culture, 99% 48489 HEPES Buffer for tissue culture, 99% 16826 HEPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5% 16826 HEPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5% 16826 HEPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99.5% 68744 HEPES Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% 68744 HEPES Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% 68744 HEPES Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% 32225 HEPES Sodium Salt for molecular biology, 99% 9041-08-1 20 K.Units 1236 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 9041-08-1 100 K.Units 3193 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 9041-08-1 100 Mg 1400 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 9041-08-1 1 Gms 6200 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 161308-36-7 161308-36-7 161308-36-7 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 75277-39-3 75277-39-3 75277-39-3 75277-39-3 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 32225 HEPES Sodium Salt for molecular biology, 99% 75277-39-3 100 Gms 3600 Part B 29335990 18 RT 32225 HEPES Sodium Salt for molecular biology, 99% 75277-39-3 500 Gms 12000 Part B 29335990 18 RT 39764 HEPES Sodium Salt for tissue culture, 99.5% 75277-39-3 25 Gms 1400 Part B 29335990 18 RT Page 186 of 321 Price 7048 9396 34053 500 1600 7000 13000 750 2000 800 2200 8000 900 2600 8800 1500 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 28394 28394 28394 78372 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing HEPES Sodium Salt for tissue culture, 99.5% Heptanoyl Chloride pure, 98% Heptanoyl Chloride pure, 98% Hexadecylamine (Cetylamine) pure, 96% Hexadecylamine (Cetylamine) pure, 96% 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-Propanol (HFIP) for UV spectroscopy, 99% 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-Propanol (HFIP) for UV spectroscopy, 99% 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane pure (HMDS), 98% 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane pure (HMDS), 98% 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane pure (HMDS), 98% 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane pure (HMDS), 98% (2S,5S)-2,5-Hexanediol extrapure, 99% (2S,5S)-2,5-Hexanediol extrapure, 99% n-Hexanol pure, 98% n-Hexanol pure, 98% n-Hexanol extrapure AR, 99% n-Hexanol extrapure AR, 99% Hexanoyl Chloride pure, 98% Hexanoyl Chloride pure, 98% Hexokinase ex. Saccharomyces Sp. 150U/mg Hippuric Acid pure, 99% Hippuric Acid pure, 99% Hippuric Acid OAS grade Hippuryl-L-Phenylalanine, 99% Hippuryl-L-Phenylalanine, 99% Histamine Dihydrochloride (HSM), 98% Histamine Dihydrochloride (HSM), 98% Histamine Dihydrochloride (HSM), 98% HOAT (1-Hydroxy-7-azobenzotriazole) pure, 98% 75277-39-3 2528-61-2 2528-61-2 143-27-1 143-27-1 920-66-1 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 ml 34338-96-0 34338-96-0 111-27-3 111-27-3 111-27-3 111-27-3 142-61-0 142-61-0 9001-51-8 495-69-2 495-69-2 495-69-2 744-59-2 744-59-2 56-92-8 56-92-8 56-92-8 39968-33-7 1 Gms 2.5 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 5000 Units 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 81240 HOAT (1-Hydroxy-7-azobenzotriazole) pure, 98% 39968-33-7 5 Gms 3164 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 81240 HOAT (1-Hydroxy-7-azobenzotriazole) pure, 98% 39968-33-7 25 Gms 13551 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 38653 38653 38653 38653 27645 27645 27645 27645 93864 93864 94194 2592-95-2 2592-95-2 2592-95-2 2592-95-2 123333-53-9 123333-53-9 123333-53-9 123333-53-9 121080-96-4 121080-96-4 82795-51-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 283 1000 4399 8619 283 1028 4106 7974 8131 27664 2261 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29224990 29224990 29224990 98573 28437 28437 28437 28437 79404 79404 56464 56464 98669 98669 68497 68497 69502 35696 35696 97843 98808 98808 83597 83597 83597 81240 HOBT Anhydrous extrapure, 99% HOBT Anhydrous extrapure, 99% HOBT Anhydrous extrapure, 99% HOBT Anhydrous extrapure, 99% HOBT Monohydrate pure, 99% HOBT Monohydrate pure, 99% HOBT Monohydrate pure, 99% HOBT Monohydrate pure, 99% D-Homocitrulline extrapure CHR, 98% D-Homocitrulline extrapure CHR, 98% D-Homophenylalanine extrapure, 97% Price 3200 1808 3390 2261 10164 3783 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 39764 18338 18338 28373 28373 98573 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29335990 29159090 29159090 29221990 29221990 29055900 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT 920-66-1 100 ml 9456 Part B 29055900 18 RT 999-97-3 25 ml 346 Part B 29420090 18 RT 999-97-3 100 ml 781 Part B 29420090 18 RT 999-97-3 500 ml 2373 Part B 29420090 18 RT 999-97-3 2500 ml 6098 Part B 29420090 18 RT Page 187 of 321 14654 36024 1057 4673 890 1725 1394 5056 6211 590 2317 162 2825 6664 1019 2825 11519 736 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29053990 29053990 29051690 29051690 29051690 29051690 29159090 29159090 35079099 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 29379020 29339990 29339990 29339990 29270090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 94194 78523 78523 78523 78523 58931 58931 69080 69080 69080 27698 75810 39678 89002 43384 98512 98512 36681 36681 40935 13542 28449 28449 25311 25311 17732 17732 82410 91893 91893 58245 58245 54564 54564 53993 53993 66616 66616 66616 85692 85692 78957 78957 59645 Product Name D-Homophenylalanine extrapure, 97% L-Homophenylalanine extrapure, 97% L-Homophenylalanine extrapure, 97% L-Homophenylalanine extrapure, 97% L-Homophenylalanine extrapure, 97% Homophthalic Acid pure, 98% Homophthalic Acid pure, 98% Homovanillic Acid extrapure, 99% Homovanillic Acid extrapure, 99% Homovanillic Acid extrapure, 99% Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt - Type 1 (600-1000 KD) extrapure, 90% Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt - Type 2 (1000-2000 kD) extrapure, 90% Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt - Type 3 (80-100 kD) extrapure, 90% Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt - Type 4 (40-50 kD) extrapure, 90% Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt - Type 5 (8-15 kD) extrapure, 90% Hydrazine Dihydrochloride pure, 99% Hydrazine Dihydrochloride pure, 99% 4-Hydrazinobenzoic Acid extrapure, 95% 4-Hydrazinobenzoic Acid extrapure, 95% Hydrazobenzene pure, 97% Hydrocortisone pure, 97% Hydroquinone pure, 98% Hydroquinone pure, 98% Hydroquinone extrapure AR, 99% Hydroquinone extrapure AR, 99% Hydroquinone extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Hydroquinone extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene pure, 99% o-Hydroxyacetophenone pure, 95% o-Hydroxyacetophenone pure, 95% m-Hydroxyacetophenone pure, 98% m-Hydroxyacetophenone pure, 98% p-Hydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 98% p-Hydroxyacetophenone extrapure, 98% 4-Phenylazophenol (Solvent Yellow 7, 4-HAB) extrapure, 98% 4-Phenylazophenol (Solvent Yellow 7, 4-HAB) extrapure, 98% m-Hydroxybenzaldehyde pure, 98% m-Hydroxybenzaldehyde pure, 98% m-Hydroxybenzaldehyde pure, 98% p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde pure, 99% p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde pure, 99% p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid pure, 99% p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid pure, 99% 4-Hydroxybenzophenone pure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 82795-51-5 943-73-7 943-73-7 943-73-7 943-73-7 89-51-0 89-51-0 306-08-1 306-08-1 306-08-1 9067-32-7 5 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 10 Gms 100 Mg 9067-32-7 100 Mg 11013 Part B 39139090 18 -20C 9067-32-7 100 Mg 9456 Part B 39139090 18 -20C 9067-32-7 100 Mg 9456 Part B 39139090 18 -20C 9067-32-7 100 Mg 9456 Part B 39139090 18 -20C 5341-61-7 5341-61-7 619-67-0 619-67-0 122-66-7 50-23-7 123-31-9 123-31-9 123-31-9 123-31-9 123-31-9 123-31-9 150-78-7 118-93-4 118-93-4 121-71-1 121-71-1 99-93-4 99-93-4 1689-82-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 464 1785 2990 8894 505 418 400 1600 500 1850 550 1975 1780 926 3914 535 1335 493 2025 800 29280090 29280090 29163190 29163190 29270090 29061390 29072200 29072200 29072200 29072200 29072200 29072200 29095090 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29270090 1689-82-3 100 Gms 2800 Part B 29270090 18 RT 100-83-4 100-83-4 100-83-4 123-08-0 123-08-0 99-96-7 99-96-7 1137-42-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 510 1470 6438 724 3226 290 904 3487 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29163190 29163190 29143990 Page 188 of 321 Price 9035 1695 2825 6777 21453 1367 4863 1109 3706 21458 11013 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29173930 29173930 29163400 29163400 29163400 39139090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 59645 29893 29893 29893 82739 82739 82739 12197 12197 56043 56043 58240 Product Name CAS Number Packing 4-Hydroxybenzophenone pure, 99% 1137-42-4 4-Hydroxy Benzyl Alcohol pure, 98% 623-05-2 4-Hydroxy Benzyl Alcohol pure, 98% 623-05-2 4-Hydroxy Benzyl Alcohol pure, 98% 623-05-2 2-Hydroxy-3,5,- Dichlorobenzene Sulphonic Acid 54970-72-8 Sodium Salt (HDCBS), 98% 2-Hydroxy-3,5,- Dichlorobenzene Sulphonic Acid 54970-72-8 Sodium Salt (HDCBS), 98% 2-Hydroxy-3,5,- Dichlorobenzene Sulphonic Acid 54970-72-8 Sodium Salt (HDCBS), 98% D-3-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (3-HBDH) ex. 9028-38-0 Pseudomonas Sp., 100U/mg D-3-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (3-HBDH) ex. 9028-38-0 Pseudomonas Sp., 100U/mg Hydroxypropyl-B-Cyclodextrin (HPBCD) ExiPlus, 128446-35-5 98% Hydroxypropyl-B-Cyclodextrin (HPBCD) ExiPlus, 128446-35-5 98% 2-Hydroxypyridine-N-oxide pure (HOPO), 98% 13161-30-3 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms Date :16-04-2021 Price 11827 1244 4406 16937 1300 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29143990 29062990 29062990 29062990 29041090 % 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 5 Gms 3240 Part B 29041090 18 RT 25 Gms 15018 Part B 29041090 18 RT 50 Units 9270 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 1000 Units 32960 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 25 Gms 2825 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 100 Gms 7906 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 25 Gms 4696 Part B 29333990 18 RT 29333990 18 RT 58240 2-Hydroxypyridine-N-oxide pure (HOPO), 98% 13161-30-3 100 Gms 17191 Part B 44923 Hydroxylapatite ~ 25% solids suspension (10g solids/40ml) in 0.001M 44923 Hydroxylapatite ~ 25% solids suspension (10g solids/40ml) in 0.001M 62953 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) extrapure, 98% 1306-06-5 40 ml 1879 Part B 28352690 18 2-8C 1306-06-5 100 ml 3585 Part B 28352690 18 2-8C 67-47-0 1 Gms 1669 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 62953 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) extrapure, 98% 67-47-0 5 Gms 6842 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 62953 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) extrapure, 98% 67-47-0 25 Gms 27254 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 77491 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) ExiPlus™, 98% 67-47-0 1 Gms 2336 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 77491 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) ExiPlus™, 98% 67-47-0 5 Gms 8144 Part B 29122990 18 2-8C 87199-15-3 1 Gms 2373 Part B 29319090 18 RT 87199-15-3 5 Gms 11235 Part B 29319090 18 RT 87199-15-3 10 Gms 20889 Part B 29319090 18 RT 63451-35-4 63451-35-4 63451-35-4 524-38-9 51-35-4 51-35-4 51-35-4 142-08-5 142-08-5 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 541 1049 1697 1200 397 1413 4969 3446 12422 32049000 32049000 32049000 29251900 29224990 29224990 29224990 29333919 29333919 79897 3-(Hydroxymethyl) Phenylboronic acid extrapure, 95% 79897 3-(Hydroxymethyl) Phenylboronic acid extrapure, 95% 79897 3-(Hydroxymethyl) Phenylboronic acid extrapure, 95% 93740 Hydroxynaphthol Blue 93740 Hydroxynaphthol Blue 93740 Hydroxynaphthol Blue 69399 N-Hydroxyphthalimide pure, 98% 26921 L-Hydroxyproline extrapure CHR, 99% 26921 L-Hydroxyproline extrapure CHR, 99% 26921 L-Hydroxyproline extrapure CHR, 99% 57803 2-Hydroxypyridine pure, 98% 57803 2-Hydroxypyridine pure, 98% Page 189 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 3-Hydroxypyridine pure, 98% 3-Hydroxypyridine pure, 98% 3-Hydroxypyridine pure, 98% 4-Hydroxypyridine practical grade, 95% 4-Hydroxypyridine practical grade, 95% N-Hydroxysuccinimide pure, 97% N-Hydroxysuccinimide pure, 97% N-Hydroxysuccinimide pure, 97% 3-Hydroxy-2,4,6-Tribromo-Benzoic Acid (TBHBA), 97% 88997 3-Hydroxy-2,4,6-Tribromo-Benzoic Acid (TBHBA), 97% 84688 3-Hydroxy-2,4,6-Triiodobenzoic Acid (HTBA), 97% 109-00-2 109-00-2 109-00-2 626-64-2 626-64-2 6066-82-6 6066-82-6 6066-82-6 14348-40-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 14348-40-4 5 Gms 3115 Part B 29163190 18 0-4C 53279-72-4 1 Gms 6711 Part B 29163190 18 0-4C 67941 67941 11056 11056 67317 67317 67317 63573 63573 63573 36693 36693 52106 52106 32328 32328 32328 46486 46486 31016 4350-09-8 4350-09-8 31282-04-9 31282-04-9 31282-04-9 31282-04-9 31282-04-9 68-94-0 68-94-0 68-94-0 3034-50-2 3034-50-2 606-23-5 606-23-5 615-13-4 615-13-4 615-13-4 860-22-0 860-22-0 22519-64-8 500 Mg 1 Gms 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 64675 64675 64675 87228 87228 47913 47913 47913 88997 5-Hydroxy-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% 5-Hydroxy-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Hygromycin B (HGR) for tissue culture, 90% Hygromycin B (HGR) for tissue culture, 90% Hygromycin B (HGR), 90% Hygromycin B (HGR), 90% Hygromycin B (HGR), 90% Hypoxanthine extrapure, 99% Hypoxanthine extrapure, 99% Hypoxanthine extrapure, 99% 4-Imidazolecarboxaldehyde pure, 98% 4-Imidazolecarboxaldehyde pure, 98% 1,3-Indanedione pure, 92% 1,3-Indanedione pure, 92% 2-Indanone pure, 98% 2-Indanone pure, 98% 2-Indanone pure, 98% Indigo Carmine extrapure AR Indigo Carmine extrapure AR Indium (III) Chloride Tetrahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Indium (III) Chloride Tetrahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Indium (III) Hydroxide ultrapure, 99.99% Indium (III) Hydroxide ultrapure, 99.99% Indium Metal Ingots, 99.9% Indium (III) Nitrate Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% Indium (III) Nitrate Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% Indium (III) Nitrate Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% Indium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Indium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Indium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Indium (III) Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure, 99% 22519-64-8 25 Gms 20661-21-6 20661-21-6 7440-74-6 207398-97-8 207398-97-8 207398-97-8 1312-43-2 1312-43-2 1312-43-2 13464-82-9 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 50 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 64331 Indium (III) Sulphate Anhydrous extrapure, 99% 13464-82-9 25 Gms 31016 52859 52859 84697 95867 95867 95867 43095 43095 43095 64331 Page 190 of 321 Price 685 2300 10434 1425 4863 721 2369 10815 668 1481 2658 2337 5674 1335 3226 12515 250 800 3000 2337 8232 2337 9456 2990 6797 19358 332 993 4500 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 9000 Part B 2500 7000 4600 2700 3800 18000 3605 5607 8240 2800 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 6250 Part B HS code % CAS Number 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29251900 29251900 29251900 29163190 29224990 29224990 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29349900 29349900 29349900 29335990 29335990 29143990 29143990 29142990 29142990 29142990 32049000 32049000 28273990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 28273990 18 RT 28259090 28259090 81129900 28342990 28342990 28342990 28259090 28259090 28259090 28332990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 28332990 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 75920 Indium (III) Sulphate Anhydrous ultrapure, 99.99% 13464-82-9 10 Gms 6000 Part B 28439019 18 RT 75920 Indium (III) Sulphate Anhydrous ultrapure, 99.99% 13464-82-9 100 Gms 29000 Part B 28439019 18 RT 96535 96535 19228 19228 69522 Indium Wire Ø 0.5 mm, 99.9% Indium Wire Ø 0.5 mm, 99.9% Indole crystalline extrapure AR, 99% Indole crystalline extrapure AR, 99% Indole-3-Acetic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 7440-74-6 7440-74-6 120-72-9 120-72-9 1912-33-0 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 69522 Indole-3-Acetic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 1912-33-0 10 Gms 8900 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 63661 Indole-3-Acetyl-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 98% 57105-50-7 1 Gms 32864 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 63661 Indole-3-Acetyl-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 98% 57105-50-7 5 Gms 98586 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 13550 60704 60704 97637 97637 69447 69447 69447 96553 Indole-3-Acetyl-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Indole-3-Acrylic Acid extrapure, 99.5% Indole-3-Acrylic Acid extrapure, 99.5% Indole-3-Propionic Acid pure, 98% Indole-3-Propionic Acid pure, 98% 3-Indolylaldehyde extrapure, 99% 3-Indolylaldehyde extrapure, 99% 3-Indolylaldehyde extrapure, 99% Indoxyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 57105-42-7 1204-06-4 1204-06-4 830-96-6 830-96-6 487-89-8 487-89-8 487-89-8 126787-65-3 25 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 2222 2758 13777 1046 3133 890 1793 6404 1709 38220090 29333990 29333990 29333919 29333919 29122990 29122990 29122990 29349900 96553 Indoxyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 126787-65-3 25 Mg 3572 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 96553 Indoxyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 126787-65-3 100 Mg 12414 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 39627 3-Indoxyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 98% 3318-43-2 25 Mg 3226 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 39627 3-Indoxyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 98% 3318-43-2 100 Mg 6119 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 39627 3-Indoxyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 98% 3318-43-2 500 Mg 21136 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 25670 3-Indoxyl Sulfate Potassium Salt extrapure, 98% 2642-37-7 50 Mg 2448 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 25670 3-Indoxyl Sulfate Potassium Salt extrapure, 98% 2642-37-7 250 Mg 5674 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 58-63-9 58-63-9 58-63-9 352195-40-5 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 590 1459 5535 1100 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 36051-67-9 25 Mg 2825 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 36051-67-9 100 Mg 5648 Part B 29349900 18 2-8C 87-89-8 87-89-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 240 Part B 680 Part B 77985 77985 98211 98211 Inosine extrapure, 99% Inosine extrapure, 99% Inosine extrapure, 99% Inosine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt Hydrate (5-IMP-Na2 Hydrate) extrapure, 99% Inosine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (ITP-Na2) extrapure, 97% Inosine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt (ITP-Na2) extrapure, 97% Inositol pure, 99% Inositol pure, 99% Page 191 of 321 Price 5000 9500 510 1437 1558 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 51113 51113 51113 19594 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 81129900 81129900 29333919 29333919 29333990 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 29061390 18 RT 29061390 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 87-89-8 87-89-8 87-89-8 87-89-8 87-89-8 11070-73-8 11070-73-8 9005-80-5 9005-80-5 9001-57-4 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 50 Mg 100 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 2 K.Units 51611 2-Iodobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 51611 2-Iodobenzoic Acid pure, 98% 55129 Iodocyclohexane (Stabilized w/ Cu) extrapure, 98% 88-67-5 88-67-5 626-62-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 816 Part B 2499 Part B 2800 Part B 29163190 18 2-8C 29163190 18 2-8C 29420090 18 8-25C 55129 Iodocyclohexane (Stabilized w/ Cu) extrapure, 98% 626-62-0 25 Gms 6000 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 55129 Iodocyclohexane (Stabilized w/ Cu) extrapure, 98% 626-62-0 100 Gms 9000 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 82104 1-Iododecane (Stabilized with Cu) extrapure, 98% 2050-77-3 25 ml 1550 Part B 29033990 18 RT 82104 1-Iododecane (Stabilized with Cu) extrapure, 98% 2050-77-3 100 ml 4950 Part B 29033990 18 RT 83441 5-Iodo-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 83441 5-Iodo-2-Deoxyuridine extrapure, 98% 40686 2(4-Iodophenyl)-3 (4-Nitrophenyl)-5-Phenyl-2HTetrazolium Chloride (INT) extrapure AR, 98% 54-42-2 54-42-2 146-68-9 500 Mg 5 Gms 1 Gms 1259 Part B 8702 Part B 2781 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 29349900 18 0-4C 29270090 18 0-4C 40686 2(4-Iodophenyl)-3 (4-Nitrophenyl)-5-Phenyl-2HTetrazolium Chloride (INT) extrapure AR, 98% 146-68-9 5 Gms 13238 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 6294 11765 408 1900 1448 3291 14799 680 2700 3129 7264 946 4450 1274 4628 6500 11000 1027 1400 29349900 29349900 29029050 29029050 29319090 29319090 29319090 29033920 29033920 29033930 29033930 29156010 29156010 29156010 29156010 29181520 29181520 29051990 29095090 99918 99918 63088 63088 34516 34516 34516 78521 78521 30671 30671 39634 39634 35853 35853 42615 42615 90189 60672 Inositol pure, 99% Inositol pure, 99% Inositol for tissue culture, 99% Inositol for tissue culture, 99% Inositol for tissue culture, 99% Insulin ex. Bovine Pancreas, 26IU/mg Insulin ex. Bovine Pancreas, 26IU/mg Inulin extrapure Inulin extrapure Invertase (Saccharase) ex. Candida Sp., 100U/mg 5-Iodouracil extrapure, 98% 5-Iodouracil extrapure, 98% Isobutyl Benzene pure, 98% Isobutyl Benzene pure, 98% Isobutylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% Isobutylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% Isobutylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% Isobutyl Bromide pure, 98% Isobutyl Bromide pure, 98% Isobutyl Iodide pure, 97% Isobutyl Iodide pure, 97% Isobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% Isobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% Isobutyryl Chloride pure, 98% Isobutyryl Chloride pure, 98% DL-Isocitrate Trisodium Salt, 94% DL-Isocitrate Trisodium Salt, 94% Isodecanol pure, 98% Isoeugenol (mixture of cis and trans) pure, 98% 696-07-1 696-07-1 538-93-2 538-93-2 84110-40-7 84110-40-7 84110-40-7 78-77-3 78-77-3 513-38-2 513-38-2 79-31-2 79-31-2 79-30-1 79-30-1 1637-73-6 1637-73-6 25339-17-7 97-54-1 Page 192 of 321 5 Gms 10 Gms 500 ml 2.5 Ltr 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 500 Mg 1 Gms 500 ml 100 ml Price 3100 6000 400 1200 5500 6515 9772 994 3348 11664 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 98211 98211 87114 87114 87114 31773 31773 53860 53860 61568 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29061390 29061390 29061390 29061390 29061390 29371200 29371200 11082000 11082000 35079099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C RT RT -20C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 33401 33401 33401 26731 26731 26731 94082 42021 88109 45433 94885 94885 68866 68866 68866 18018 67742 67742 36321 36321 61386 61386 58571 Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age D-Isoleucine extrapure, 98% D-Isoleucine extrapure, 98% D-Isoleucine extrapure, 98% L-Isoleucine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Isoleucine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Isoleucine extrapure CHR, 99% Isomaltose extrapure, 98% Isomaltotriose extrapure, 97% Isomaltotetraose extrapure, 95% Isomaltopentaose extrapure, 95% Isoniazid extrapure, 99% Isoniazid extrapure, 99% N6-[2-Isopentenyl] Adenine extrapure, 98% N6-[2-Isopentenyl] Adenine extrapure, 98% N6-[2-Isopentenyl] Adenine extrapure, 98% Isophthalic Acid pure, 99% Isophthaloyl Chloride pure, 98% Isophthaloyl Chloride pure, 98% Isopropyl Acetate pure, 99% Isopropyl Acetate pure, 99% N6-(2-Isopentenyl) Adenosine pure, 98% N6-(2-Isopentenyl) Adenosine pure, 98% N-Isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) extrapure, 99% 319-78-8 319-78-8 319-78-8 73-32-5 73-32-5 73-32-5 499-40-1 3371-50-4 35997-20-7 6082-32-2 54-85-3 54-85-3 2365-40-4 2365-40-4 2365-40-4 121-91-5 99-63-8 99-63-8 108-21-4 108-21-4 7724-76-7 7724-76-7 2210-25-5 58571 N-Isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) extrapure, 99% 2210-25-5 25 Gms 4744 Part B 29241900 18 2-8C 58571 N-Isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) extrapure, 99% 2210-25-5 100 Gms 15243 Part B 29241900 18 2-8C 45273 45273 45273 16390 16390 18346 38525 38525 52469 54110 80041-89-0 80041-89-0 80041-89-0 75-26-3 75-26-3 105-48-6 75-30-9 75-30-9 142-91-6 367-93-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 2825 12422 22018 330 1339 727 2654 6345 634 373 29319090 29319090 29319090 29033920 29033920 29153990 29033930 29033930 29157090 29389090 367-93-1 5 Gms 1695 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 367-93-1 10 Gms 3164 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 367-93-1 25 Gms 7679 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 367-93-1 100 Gms 28227 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 367-93-1 1 Gms 409 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 367-93-1 5 Gms 1854 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 54110 54110 54110 54110 67208 67208 Isopropylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% Isopropylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% Isopropylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% Isopropyl Bromide pure, 99% Isopropyl Bromide pure, 99% Isopropyl Chloroacetate pure, 98% Isopropyl Iodide pure, 98% Isopropyl Iodide pure, 98% Isopropyl Palmitate pure, 90% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan free), 99% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan free), 99% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan free), 99% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan free), 99% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan free), 99% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan-free) for MB, 99% Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan-free) for MB, 99% Page 193 of 321 250 Mg 26535 Part B 1 Gms 88065 Part B 5 Gms 179517 Part B 25 Gms 464 Part B 100 Gms 1662 Part B 1 Kg 10789 Part B 100 Mg 11620 Part B 25 Mg 11151 Part B 5 Mg 24276 Part B 1 Mg 49116 Part B 5 Gms 284 Part B 100 Gms 779 Part B 250 Mg 4461 Part B 500 Mg 5590 Part B 1 Gms 10164 Part B 500 Gms 368 Part B 100 Gms 1558 Part B 500 Gms 6007 Part B 500 ml 604 Part B 2.5 Ltr 2303 Part B 50 Mg 6777 Part B 200 Mg 15243 Part B 10 Gms 2825 Part B HS code Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29280010 29280010 29349990 29349990 29349990 29173960 29173990 29173990 29153999 29153999 29339900 29339900 29241900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Packing Stor age 367-93-1 10 Gms 3558 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 367-93-1 25 Gms 8244 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 67208 Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan-free) for MB, 99% 67208 Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan-free) for MB, 99% 67208 Isopropyl-B-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (dioxan-free) for MB, 99% 82202 IPTG Solution (20mg/ml) 86577 Isovaleraldehyde pure, 98% 86577 Isovaleraldehyde pure, 98% 86577 Isovaleraldehyde pure, 98% 51656 Isovaleryl Chloride pure, 98% 51656 Isovaleryl Chloride pure, 98% 51656 Isovaleryl Chloride pure, 98% 35798 Itaconic Acid pure, 99% 18443 Ivermectin (IVM), 95-102% 18443 Ivermectin (IVM), 95-102% 18443 Ivermectin (IVM), 95-102% 79238 Jasmonic Acid for molecular biology, 95% 98314 Jojoba oil extrapure 98314 Jojoba oil extrapure 99311 Kanamycin Monosulphate (KM) extrapure 99311 Kanamycin Monosulphate (KM) extrapure 99311 Kanamycin Monosulphate (KM) extrapure 76061 Kanamycin Monosulphate (KM) for tissue culture 367-93-1 100 Gms 30485 Part B 29389090 18 2-8C 590-86-3 590-86-3 590-86-3 108-12-3 108-12-3 108-12-3 97-65-4 70288-86-7 70288-86-7 70288-86-7 77026-92-7 61789-91-1 61789-91-1 25389-94-0 25389-94-0 25389-94-0 25389-94-0 1 ml 100 ml 250 ml 1 Ltr 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Mg 250 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 1921 811 1274 4745 1113 2337 5340 592 1019 1695 5648 15352 3685 6734 544 2174 8144 713 38220090 29121990 29121990 29121990 29159090 29159090 29159090 29171990 29420090 29420090 29420090 29183090 15159099 15159099 29419090 29419090 29419090 29419090 76061 Kanamycin Monosulphate (KM) for tissue culture 25389-94-0 5 Gms 2948 Part B 29419090 18 2-8C 76061 Kanamycin Monosulphate (KM) for tissue culture 25389-94-0 25 Gms 10290 Part B 29419090 18 2-8C 600-18-0 328-50-7 328-50-7 328-50-7 328-50-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 6452 579 2003 8343 724 328-50-7 100 Gms 2781 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 328-50-7 500 Gms 12793 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 305-72-6 25 Gms 2864 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 305-72-6 100 Gms 9587 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 305-72-6 25 Gms 2448 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 305-72-6 100 Gms 8010 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 22202-68-2 25 Gms 2781 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 22202-68-2 100 Gms 8677 Part B 29171990 18 8-25C 14259 93929 93929 93929 28386 28386 28386 22826 22826 18223 18223 90814 90814 2-Ketobutyric Acid pure, 97% a-Ketoglutaric Acid extrapure, 99% a-Ketoglutaric Acid extrapure, 99% a-Ketoglutaric Acid extrapure, 99% a-Ketoglutaric Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% a-Ketoglutaric Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% a-Ketoglutaric Acid (High Purity) extrapure AR, 99.5% a-Ketoglutaric Acid Disodium Salt Anhydrous extrapure, 95% a-Ketoglutaric Acid Disodium Salt Anhydrous extrapure, 95% a-Ketoglutaric Acid Disodium Dihydrate extrapure, 98% a-Ketoglutaric Acid Disodium Dihydrate extrapure, 98% a-Ketoglutaric Acid Monosodium Salt extrapure, 98% a-Ketoglutaric Acid Monosodium Salt extrapure, 98% Page 194 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29183090 29171990 29171990 29171990 29171990 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 61341 61341 61341 34154 34154 34154 83296 83296 19744 19744 19744 98158 98158 81662 69068 53110 53110 49363 49363 82334 82334 15932 56839 20351 20351 34032 34032 91288 91288 36917 36917 59415 59415 47835 47835 92044 92044 Product Name Kinetin extrapure AR, 99% Kinetin extrapure AR, 99% Kinetin extrapure AR, 99% Kinetin for tissue culture, 99% Kinetin for tissue culture, 99% Kinetin for tissue culture, 99% Kinetin Riboside extrapure, 98% Kinetin Riboside extrapure, 98% Kojic acid extrapure, 99% Kojic acid extrapure, 99% Kojic acid extrapure, 99% Kojibiose extrapure, 99% Kojibiose extrapure, 99% Kovac`s Reagent for Indoles Kraut's Reagent D-Lactate Dehydrogenase (D-LDH) ex. Microorganism, 400U/mg D-Lactate Dehydrogenase (D-LDH) ex. Microorganism, 400U/mg L-Lactate Dehydrogenase (L-LDH) ex. Rabbit Muscle, 400-600U/mg L-Lactate Dehydrogenase (L-LDH) ex. Rabbit Muscle, 400-600U/mg r-Lactate Dehydrogenase (r-LDH) ex. E. Coli (Thermostable), 200U/mg solids r-Lactate Dehydrogenase (r-LDH) ex. E. Coli (Thermostable), 200U/mg solids Lanolin anhydrous extrapure Lanosterol pure ~60% Lanthanum Chloride Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Lanthanum Chloride Heptahydrate extrapure AR, ACS, 99% Lanthanum Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% Lanthanum Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99% Lanthanum Nitrate 0.1M Lanthanum Nitrate 0.1M Lanthanum Oxalate Hydrate extrapure, 99% Lanthanum Oxalate Hydrate extrapure, 99% Lanthanum Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Lanthanum Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Lanthanum (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate Hydrate extrapure, 98% Lanthanum (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate Hydrate extrapure, 98% Lauric Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Lauric Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) CAS Number 525-79-1 525-79-1 525-79-1 525-79-1 525-79-1 525-79-1 4338-47-0 4338-47-0 501-30-4 501-30-4 501-30-4 2140-29-6 2140-29-6 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price % Stor age 9028-36-8 9028-36-8 5000 Units 7787 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-60-9 5000 Units 3809 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-60-9 10000 Units 7374 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-60-9 5000 Units 6675 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-60-9 10000 Units 12014 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 8006-54-0 79-63-0 10025-84-0 500 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 1980 Part B 4969 Part B 2104 Part B 15050090 12 RT 29061390 18 RT 28273990 18 RT 10025-84-0 500 Gms 8350 Part B 28273990 18 RT 10277-43-7 100 Gms 2100 Part B 28342990 18 RT 10277-43-7 500 Gms 8300 Part B 28342990 18 RT 10277-43-7 10277-43-7 312696-10-9 312696-10-9 1312-81-8 1312-81-8 34629-21-5 500 ml 1000 ml 10 Gms 50 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 34629-21-5 5 Gms 4200 Part B 28469090 18 RT 111-82-0 5 Gms 1751 Part B 29159090 18 2-8C 111-82-0 25 Gms 5665 Part B 29159090 18 2-8C 4450 8010 412 1545 2444 11636 1900 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 50 Mg 100 ml 100 ml 2500 Units Page 195 of 321 253 900 4500 550 2200 9000 3500 12000 195 519 1944 3024 10260 200 643 4061 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 38089340 38089340 38089340 38089340 38089340 38089340 38089340 38089340 29157090 29157090 29157090 29389090 29389090 38220090 38220090 35079099 38220090 38220090 29171190 29171190 28469010 28469010 28469090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT -20C -20C 2-8C RT -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 87444 L-Lauroyl-Rac-Glycerol extrapure (Imwitor 312), 99% 87444 L-Lauroyl-Rac-Glycerol extrapure (Imwitor 312), 99% 74090 N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt (Sarkosyl Sodium) pure, 98% 74090 N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt (Sarkosyl Sodium) pure, 98% 74090 N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt (Sarkosyl Sodium) pure, 98% 15448 N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt (Sarkosyl Sodium) for molecular biology, 98% 15448 N-Lauroylsarcosine Sodium Salt (Sarkosyl Sodium) for molecular biology, 98% 63645 Lavender oil extrapure, 30-60% LA 63645 Lavender oil extrapure, 30-60% LA 71707 Lead (II) Chromate pure, 98% 21854 Lead Metal Lumps, 99% 62603 Lead Metal Powder extrapure AR, 99.5% 59557 Lecithin ex. Egg, 60% 59557 Lecithin ex. Egg, 60% 59561 Lecithin ex. Soya, 30% 59561 Lecithin ex. Soya, 30% 64613 L-Leucinamide Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 61304 D-Leucine extrapure, 99% 61304 D-Leucine extrapure, 99% 99664 tert-DL-Leucine extrapure, 98% 47736 L-Leucine 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride Salt extrapure, 98% 47736 L-Leucine 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride Salt extrapure, 98% 40528 Leucine Dehydrogenase (LeuDH) ex. Bacillus Sp., 20U/mg 27029 L-Leucine-ß-Napthylamide Hydrochloride extrapure, 97% 11127 L-Leucyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 98% 37520 D-Leucyl-Glycine extrapure, 98% 37520 D-Leucyl-Glycine extrapure, 98% 23467 Levofloxacin (LVX), 98% 23467 Levofloxacin (LVX), 98% 60011 Light Green SF Yellowish, 65% 60011 Light Green SF Yellowish, 65% 13562 Linoleic Acid (Free Acid) Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 13562 Linoleic Acid (Free Acid) Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 49462 Linoleic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 49462 Linoleic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 142-18-7 1 Gms 3678 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 142-18-7 5 Gms 14821 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 137-16-6 5 Gms 334 Part B 29051990 18 2-8C 137-16-6 25 Gms 1440 Part B 29051990 18 2-8C 137-16-6 100 Gms 5590 Part B 29051990 18 2-8C 137-16-6 25 Gms 3800 Part B 29051990 18 2-8C 137-16-6 100 Gms 9800 Part B 29051990 18 2-8C 8000-28-0 8000-28-0 7758-97-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 8002-43-5 8002-43-5 8002-43-5 8002-43-5 10466-61-2 328-38-1 328-38-1 33105-81-6 62480-44-8 10 ml 25 ml 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 10 Mg 62480-44-8 25 Mg 16000 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 9082-71-7 100 Units 13551 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 893-36-7 100 Mg 2500 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 7298-84-2 997-05-7 997-05-7 100986-85-4 100986-85-4 5141-20-8 5141-20-8 60-33-3 1 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1457 2911 997 643 950 5207 18512 1678 3703 3200 600 1800 5000 8000 8964 2391 11329 2261 3954 1907 6861 1558 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 33019090 33019090 28415090 78041990 78042000 29181190 29181190 29232010 29232010 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29223900 29224990 29224990 29224990 29420090 29420090 32041216 32041216 29161590 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 0-4C 60-33-3 5 Gms 6500 Part B 29161590 18 0-4C 112-63-0 1 Gms 2500 Part B 29161590 18 0-4C 112-63-0 5 Gms 4500 Part B 29161590 18 0-4C Page 196 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 49462 Linoleic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 60770 Lipase (Steapsin) ex. Microorganism, 40-70U/mg 112-63-0 25 Gms 17000 Part B 29161590 18 0-4C 9001-62-1 25 Gms 750 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 60770 Lipase (Steapsin) ex. Microorganism, 40-70U/mg 9001-62-1 100 Gms 2200 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 60770 Lipase (Steapsin) ex. Microorganism, 40-70U/mg 9001-62-1 500 Gms 6500 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 15471 Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) ex. Pseudomonas Sp., 20U/mg solids 15471 Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) ex. Pseudomonas Sp., 20U/mg solids 92661 Lipoxidase ex. Soyabean, 100000U/mg 92661 Lipoxidase ex. Soyabean, 100000U/mg 68457 Lithium Acetate Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 68457 Lithium Acetate Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 68457 Lithium Acetate Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 86701 Lithium Aluminium Hydride extrapure, 95% 24966 Lithium Citrate Tribasic Tetrahydrate extrapure AR (High Purity), 99.5% 24966 Lithium Citrate Tribasic Tetrahydrate extrapure AR (High Purity), 99.5% 91740 Lithium Iodide Monohydrate pure, 98% 91740 Lithium Iodide Monohydrate pure, 98% 43904 Lithium Lauryl Sulphate extrapure, 99% 43904 Lithium Lauryl Sulphate extrapure, 99% 89141 Lithium Lactate extrapure, 99% 89141 Lithium Lactate extrapure, 99% 69375 Lithium Metal, 99.5% 23410 Lithium Oxalate extrapure, 99% 16350 Lithium Tetraflouroborate ultra-dry, 99.999% 29288 Lithocholic Acid (LCA) pure, 98% 29288 Lithocholic Acid (LCA) pure, 98% 52737 Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride (LMF), 98.5% 52737 Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride (LMF), 98.5% 50320 D-Luciferin ex. Firefly, 99% 50320 D-Luciferin ex. Firefly, 99% 58891 D-Luciferin Potassium Salt ex. Firefly, 99% 58891 D-Luciferin Potassium Salt ex. Firefly, 99% 58891 D-Luciferin Potassium Salt ex. Firefly, 99% 49982 Luminol extrapure, 98% 49982 Luminol extrapure, 98% 60445 Luminol - Peroxide Chemiluminisence Solution for ELISA 70795 L-Lysine 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Acetate Salt extrapure, 98% 70795 L-Lysine 7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Acetate Salt extrapure, 98% 72890 L-a-Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (Egg Lyso PE) ex. Egg, 99% 9004-02-8 10 Mg 2337 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9004-02-8 50 Mg 6675 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9029-60-1 9029-60-1 6108-17-4 6108-17-4 6108-17-4 16853-85-3 6080-58-6 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 6080-58-6 250 Gms 17023-24-4 17023-24-4 2044-56-6 2044-56-6 867-55-0 867-55-0 7439-93-2 553-91-3 14283-07-9 434-13-9 434-13-9 98079-52-8 98079-52-8 2591-17-5 2591-17-5 115144-35-9 115144-35-9 115144-35-9 521-31-3 521-31-3 2893 6341 900 1950 4200 16686 1027 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 2511 Part B 25 Gms 1100 Part B 100 Gms 3300 Part B 5 Gms 1827 Part B 25 Gms 7411 Part B 100 Gms 1370 Part B 500 Gms 5929 Part B 100 Gms 6465 Part B 100 Gms 629 Part B 5 Gms 167565 Part B 10 Gms 6675 Part B 25 Gms 13905 Part B 1 Gms 1200 Part B 5 Gms 3100 Part B 10 Mg 5083 Part B 50 Mg 22582 Part B 25 Mg 3894 Part B 100 Mg 7210 Part B 500 Mg 30900 Part B 5 Gms 1019 Part B 25 Gms 3954 Part B 100 ml 1808 Part B 35079069 35079069 29152990 29152990 29152990 28500010 29181590 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT 29181590 18 RT 28276090 28276090 29159090 29159090 29181190 29181190 28051900 29171190 29269000 29189900 29189900 29419090 29419090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29147090 29147090 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C RT RT 8-25C 201853-23-8 10 Mg 8446 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 201853-23-8 25 Mg 17277 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 97281-40-8 10 Mg 7725 Part B 29232090 18 -20C Page 197 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 72890 L-a-Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (Egg Lyso PE) ex. Egg, 99% 45822 Lysozyme (3x cryst) ex. Egg white (Muramidase) for molecular biology, 15000U/mg 97281-40-8 25 Mg 17510 Part B 29232090 18 -20C 12650-88-3 1 Gms 792 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 45822 Lysozyme (3x cryst) ex. Egg white (Muramidase) for molecular biology, 15000U/mg 12650-88-3 5 Gms 2938 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 45822 Lysozyme (3x cryst) ex. Egg white (Muramidase) for molecular biology, 15000U/mg 12650-88-3 25 Gms 13551 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 35355 35355 38894 38894 81889 D-Lyxose extrapure D-Lyxose extrapure L-Lyxose extrapure L-Lyxose extrapure Macerozyme “R-10” ex. Rhizopus Sp., 3000U/g 1114-34-7 1114-34-7 1949-78-6 1949-78-6 9032-75-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 500 Mg 81889 Macerozyme “R-10” ex. Rhizopus Sp., 3000U/g 9032-75-1 1 Gms 6494 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 81889 Macerozyme “R-10” ex. Rhizopus Sp., 3000U/g 9032-75-1 5 Gms 28793 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 66638 Macerozyme “R-10” ex. Trichoderma & Aspergillus Niger, 10000U/g 66638 Macerozyme “R-10” ex. Trichoderma & Aspergillus Niger, 10000U/g 40169 Malate Dehydrogenase (MDH) ex. Microorganism, 40U/mg 40169 Malate Dehydrogenase (MDH) ex. Microorganism, 40U/mg 87448 r-Malate Dehydrogenase (r-MDH) (Thermostable), 500U/mg 87448 r-Malate Dehydrogenase (r-MDH) (Thermostable), 500U/mg 84225 Maleic Anhydride extrapure AR, 99% 84225 Maleic Anhydride extrapure AR, 99% 84225 Maleic Anhydride extrapure AR, 99% 18808 Bis-Maleimide pure, 95% 55114 4-Maleimidobutyric Acid N-Hydroxysuccinimide Ester extrapure (GMBS), 99% 9032-75-1 500 Mg 4067 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9032-75-1 1 Gms 6777 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-64-3 1 K.Units 2575 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-64-3 5 K.Units 6077 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 5000 Units 7231 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 10000 Units 13349 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 55114 4-Maleimidobutyric Acid N-Hydroxysuccinimide Ester extrapure (GMBS), 99% 57096 57096 57096 43541 43541 26504 26504 32261 Malonamide extrapure, 98% Malonamide extrapure, 98% Malonamide extrapure, 98% Malonic Acid pure, 99% Malonic Acid pure, 99% Malonic Acid extrapure AR, 99% Malonic Acid extrapure AR, 99% Malononitrile extrapure, 98% 108-31-6 108-31-6 108-31-6 13676-54-5 80307-12-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 25 Mg 80307-12-6 100 Mg 108-13-4 108-13-4 108-13-4 141-82-2 141-82-2 141-82-2 141-82-2 109-77-3 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms Page 198 of 321 1800 5400 1400 8000 4293 246 401 3338 6521 7708 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 20749 Part B 358 991 4293 1057 2003 501 1169 566 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 35079099 29171990 29171990 29171990 29251900 29251900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT 8-25C 0-4C 29251900 18 0-4C 29241900 29241900 29241900 29171920 29171920 29171920 29171920 29171990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Malononitrile extrapure, 98% Maltotriose extrapure, 90% Maltotriose extrapure, 90% Maltotriose extrapure, 90% Maltotetraose extrapure, 97% Maltotetraose extrapure, 97% Maltopentaose extrapure, 95% Maltopentaose extrapure, 95% Maltohexaose extrapure, 65% Maltohexaose extrapure, 65% Maltoheptaose extrapure, 80% Maltoheptaose extrapure, 80% R-(-)-Mandelic Acid extrapure, 99% R-(-)-Mandelic Acid extrapure, 99% S-(+)-Mandelic Acid extrapure, 99% S-(+)-Mandelic Acid extrapure, 99% DL-Mandelic Acid pure, 99% DL-Mandelic Acid pure, 99% D-Mannosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 109-77-3 1109-28-0 1109-28-0 1109-28-0 34612-38-9 34612-38-9 34620-76-3 34620-76-3 34620-77-4 34620-77-4 34620-78-5 34620-78-5 611-71-2 611-71-2 17199-29-0 17199-29-0 90-64-2 90-64-2 5505-63-5 500 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Mg 25 Mg 10 Mg 25 Mg 50 Mg 100 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 94551 D-Mannosamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 5505-63-5 500 Mg 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 3458-28-4 104872-94-8 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 500 1100 4200 800 1400 5100 1600 5400 23885 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 18 73-31-4 73-31-4 73-31-4 7057-57-0 585-99-9 585-99-9 66009-10-7 66009-10-7 66009-10-7 10030-67-8 58-27-5 6147-37-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 566 1892 6452 3894 3558 13551 1256 4406 21453 18000 946 612 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29224990 29224990 29224990 29214990 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29362990 29362990 18 6147-37-1 100 Gms 2337 Part B 29362990 18 8-25C 95713-52-3 95713-52-3 50 Mg 200 Mg 5648 Part B 11856 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 29242990 18 2-8C 13735 13735 13735 58476 58476 58476 87875 87875 72002 70902 70902 70902 10030 92876 92876 77393 77393 77393 83709 61495 44111 44111 43804 43804 D-Mannose extrapure AR, 99% D-Mannose extrapure AR, 99% D-Mannose extrapure AR, 99% D-Mannose for tissue culture, 99% D-Mannose for tissue culture, 99% D-Mannose for tissue culture, 99% D-Mannose extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% D-Mannose extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% D-Mannose-6-Phosphate Barium Salt Hydrate extrapure, 98% Melatonin extrapure, 99% Melatonin extrapure, 99% Melatonin extrapure, 99% Meldolas Blue extrapure D(+) Melibiose anhydrous extrapure, 98% D(+) Melibiose anhydrous extrapure, 98% D(+) Melibiose Monohydrate extrapure, 98% D(+) Melibiose Monohydrate extrapure, 98% D(+) Melibiose Monohydrate extrapure, 98% D-Melezitose Monohydrate extrapure, 99% Menadione O/S (Vitamin K3) pure, 98% Menadione Sodium Bisulphite Trihydrate W/S (Vitamin K3 Sodium Bisulphite Trihydrate) pure, 95% Menadione Sodium Bisulphite Trihydrate W/S (Vitamin K3 Sodium Bisulphite Trihydrate) pure, 95% Marfeys Reagent extrapure AR, 98% Marfeys Reagent extrapure AR, 98% Page 199 of 321 Price 2486 4228 9456 26698 16937 28113 14350 26921 13551 24276 5760 15808 876 2678 876 2369 890 3671 1921 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 9147 Part B HS code % CAS Number 32261 43786 43786 43786 28083 28083 10450 10450 27607 27607 12894 12894 58199 58199 30727 30727 27072 27072 94551 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29171990 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29163990 29163990 29163990 29163990 29163990 29163990 29400000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 2-8C 29400000 18 2-8C 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 43804 Marfeys Reagent extrapure AR, 98% 26531 1-Thioglycerol (3-Mercapto-1,2-Propanediol) pure, 90% 26531 1-Thioglycerol (3-Mercapto-1,2-Propanediol) pure, 90% 26531 1-Thioglycerol (3-Mercapto-1,2-Propanediol) pure, 90% 56868 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid pure, 98% 56868 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid pure, 98% 18382 6-Mercaptopurine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 95713-52-3 96-27-5 1 Gms 25 ml 45163 Part B 1080 Part B 96-27-5 100 ml 3338 Part B 29309099 18 RT 96-27-5 500 ml 16130 Part B 29309099 18 RT 107-96-0 107-96-0 6112-76-1 100 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 1040 Part B 4100 Part B 618 Part B 29309099 18 RT 29309099 18 RT 29309099 18 2-8C 18382 6-Mercaptopurine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 6112-76-1 5 Gms 2124 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C 18382 6-Mercaptopurine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 6112-76-1 25 Gms 7708 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C MES Monohydrate Buffer extrapure, 99% MES Monohydrate Buffer extrapure, 99% MES Monohydrate Buffer extrapure, 99% MES Monohydrate Buffer for tissue culture, 99% 145224-94-8 145224-94-8 145224-94-8 145224-94-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 86751 MES Monohydrate Buffer for tissue culture, 99% 145224-94-8 100 Gms 3550 Part B 29333919 18 RT 26854 MES Monohydrate Buffer for molecular biology, 99% 26854 MES Monohydrate Buffer for molecular biology, 99% 43396 MES Hemisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% 43396 MES Hemisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% 69408 MES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 69408 MES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 69408 MES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 47062 MES1: D12 Standard 19278 MES2: Metals in Biodiesel Standard 55049 MES3: ICP Alkali’s & Alkaline Earths 25562 MES4: ICP Noble Metals 21551 MES5: ICP Rare Earth & Geo Elements 82634 MES6: ICP Non-Metals 18263 MES7: ICP Common Elements Mix 1 63924 MES8: ICP Common Elements Mix 2 58498 MES9: ICP Comprehensive Mix A 36719 MES10: ICP Comprehensive Mix B 76134 MES11: ICP 68 Element Multi Standard 1 97799 MES12: ICP 68 Element Multi Standard 2 45688 MES13: ICP 68 Element Multi Standard 3 53816 MES14: ICP Detector Calibration Multi-Element Mix 91353 MES15: ICP Internal Standard Multi-Element Mix 1 145224-94-8 25 Gms 1400 Part B 29333919 18 RT 145224-94-8 100 Gms 3700 Part B 29333919 18 RT 117961-21-4 117961-21-4 71119-23-8 71119-23-8 71119-23-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 31808 31808 31808 86751 51587 MES16: ICP Internal Standard Multi-Element Mix 2 Page 200 of 321 900 3300 11500 1100 5169 17615 2175 3113 9630 42340 97842 29582 32971 49229 25857 28227 44034 65487 64808 71131 30485 40647 95970 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 29309099 18 RT 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29349900 29349900 29349900 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 100 ml 94841 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 100 ml 94841 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 67084 MES17: ICP Internal Standard Multi-Element Mix 3 100 ml 94841 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 31805 MES18: ICP Internal Standard Multi-Element Mix 4 100 ml 94841 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 183 679 557 1586 6119 296 1160 4406 17163 483 1808 3502 3263 3587 2825 4744 13551 20324 579 2003 1257 29214233 29214233 29011000 29011000 29011000 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29304000 29304000 29304000 29309099 29309099 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29143990 29143990 29270090 76332 76332 20302 20302 20302 54322 54322 54322 54322 65309 65309 65309 40043 19485 86596 86596 86596 86596 91842 91842 81142 81142 Metanilic Acid pure, 98% Metanilic Acid pure, 98% Methane Sulphonic Anhydride pure, 97% Methane Sulphonic Anhydride pure, 97% Methane Sulphonic Anhydride pure, 97% D-Methionine extrapure, 99% D-Methionine extrapure, 99% D-Methionine extrapure, 99% D-Methionine extrapure, 99% DL-Methionine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Methionine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Methionine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Methionine Sulphone extrapure, 99% L-Methionine Sulphoxide extrapure, 99% Methotrexate Hydrate (MTR), 98% Methotrexate Hydrate (MTR), 98% Methotrexate Hydrate (MTR), 98% Methotrexate Hydrate (MTR), 98% p-Methoxyacetophenone pure, 99% p-Methoxyacetophenone pure, 99% 4-Methoxyazobenzene (4-MAB) extrapure AR, 98% 4-Methoxyazobenzene (4-MAB) extrapure AR, 98% 3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxy-5-Nitrobenzaldehyde pure, 98% N-Methoxymethyl-N-TrimethylsilylmethylBenzylamine extrapure, 98% N-Methoxymethyl-N-TrimethylsilylmethylBenzylamine extrapure, 98% 2-Methoxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 121-47-1 121-47-1 7143-01-3 7143-01-3 7143-01-3 348-67-4 348-67-4 348-67-4 348-67-4 59-51-8 59-51-8 59-51-8 7314-32-1 3226-65-1 133073-73-1 133073-73-1 133073-73-1 133073-73-1 100-06-1 100-06-1 2396-60-3 250 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 1 Gms 1 Gms 50 Mg 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 2396-60-3 5 Gms 4635 Part B 29270090 18 RT 6635-20-7 25 Gms 6974 Part B 29130090 18 8-25C 93102-05-7 5 Gms 9656 Part B 29291090 18 0-4C 93102-05-7 25 Gms 36202 Part B 29291090 18 0-4C 5720-06-9 1 Gms 1307 Part B 29319090 18 RT 51234 2-Methoxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 5720-06-9 5 Gms 5870 Part B 29319090 18 RT 40632 4-Methoxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 5720-07-0 1 Gms 815 Part B 29319090 18 RT 40632 4-Methoxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 5720-07-0 5 Gms 1582 Part B 29319090 18 RT 40632 4-Methoxyphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 5720-07-0 25 Gms 7679 Part B 29319090 18 RT 23438 2-Methoxypyridine-5-Boronic Acid extrapure, 98% 163105-89-3 1 Gms 1492 Part B 29319090 18 RT 23438 2-Methoxypyridine-5-Boronic Acid extrapure, 98% 163105-89-3 5 Gms 5421 Part B 29319090 18 RT 23438 2-Methoxypyridine-5-Boronic Acid extrapure, 98% 163105-89-3 25 Gms 16937 Part B 29319090 18 RT 105-45-3 500 ml 412 Part B 29183040 18 RT 81787 13573 13573 51234 88381 Methyl Acetoacetate pure, 98% Page 201 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Methyl Acetoacetate pure, 98% Methyl Acetoacetate extrapure AR, 99% Methyl Acetoacetate extrapure AR, 99% p-Methylacetophenone pure, 98% p-Methylacetophenone pure, 98% N-Methylaniline pure, 98% N-Methylaniline pure, 98% 3-Methyl-2-Benzothiazolinone Hydrazone HCl Monohydrate (MBTH) extrapure AR (High Purity), 99% 3-Methyl-2-Benzothiazolinone Hydrazone HCl Monohydrate (MBTH) extrapure AR (High Purity), 99% 3-Methyl-2-Benzothiazolinone Hydrazone HCl Monohydrate (MBTH) extrapure AR (High Purity), 99% 3-Methylbutylboronic acid extrapure, 95% 3-Methylbutylboronic acid extrapure, 95% Methyl Chloroacetate extrapure, 99% 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), 98% 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), 98% Methyl Dichloroacetate extrapure, 99% 3-Methyl-1,5-Di-p-Tolyl-1,4-Pentazadiene pure, 97% 3-Methyl-1,5-Di-p-Tolyl-1,4-Pentazadiene pure, 97% New Methylene Blue N extrapure, 70% New Methylene Blue N extrapure, 70% New Methylene Blue N Zinc Chloride Double Salt 105-45-3 105-45-3 105-45-3 122-00-9 122-00-9 100-61-8 100-61-8 38894-11-0 2.5 Ltr 500 ml 2500 ml 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 1 Gms 38894-11-0 5 Gms 3783 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 38894-11-0 25 Gms 16909 Part B 29309099 18 0-4C 98139-72-1 98139-72-1 96-34-4 3100-04-7 3100-04-7 116-54-1 41798-81-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 ml 100 Mg 500 Mg 500 ml 1 Gms 3433 16711 640 4228 10012 906 3954 29319090 29319090 29153990 29021900 29021900 29153990 29029090 41798-81-6 5 Gms 18631 Part B 29029090 18 RT 1934-16-3 1934-16-3 6586-05-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 2448 Part B 8677 Part B 1463 Part B 32041359 18 RT 32041359 18 RT 32041359 18 RT 28710 New Methylene Blue N Zinc Chloride Double Salt 6586-05-6 25 Gms 7052 Part B 32041359 18 RT 28710 New Methylene Blue N Zinc Chloride Double Salt 6586-05-6 100 Gms 26040 Part B 32041359 18 RT 73603 New Methylene Blue N Zinc Chloride Double Salt for tissue culture 84753 Methyl Eugenol extrapure, 99% 84753 Methyl Eugenol extrapure, 99% 84753 Methyl Eugenol extrapure, 99% 28409 N-Methylformanilide extrapure, 99% 28409 N-Methylformanilide extrapure, 99% 77007 Methyl Formate pure, 99% 49281 Methyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 99% 49281 Methyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 99% 37685 1-Methylindole pure, 97% 37685 1-Methylindole pure, 97% 37685 1-Methylindole pure, 97% 96595 Methyl Green Zinc Chloride Double Salt 96595 Methyl Green Zinc Chloride Double Salt 74916 Methyl Green Zinc Chloride Double Salt ExiPlus™ 6586-05-6 5 Gms 3338 Part B 32041359 18 RT 93-15-2 93-15-2 93-15-2 93-61-8 93-61-8 107-31-3 97-30-3 97-30-3 603-76-9 603-76-9 603-76-9 7114-03-6 7114-03-6 7114-03-6 100 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 ml 25 ml 100 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 29879 29879 23343 23343 39876 64426 64426 34428 45880 45880 31535 31535 28710 Page 202 of 321 Price 1669 557 2559 479 1113 612 3226 1169 1244 5309 24473 711 2884 642 2035 8186 1695 6438 21453 815 3804 890 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 88381 21392 21392 64330 64330 93149 93149 29879 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29183040 29183040 29183040 29143990 29143990 29214190 29214190 29309099 29095090 29095090 29095090 29242990 29242990 29151300 29420090 29420090 29333990 29333990 29333990 32049000 32049000 32049000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C RT RT RT -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 74916 Methyl Green Zinc Chloride Double Salt ExiPlus™ 7114-03-6 25 Gms 3940 Part B 32049000 18 RT 85544 1-O-Methyl-beta-D-Glucuronic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% 86720 2-Methylimidazole pure, 99% 86720 2-Methylimidazole pure, 99% 86720 2-Methylimidazole pure, 99% 15913 Methylisoeugenol (mixture of cis and trans) (1,2Dimethoxy-4-propenylbenzene) pure, 98% 134253-42-2 50 Mg 3614 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 693-98-1 693-98-1 693-98-1 93-16-3 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 ml 360 1426 2607 1200 29332990 29332990 29332990 29095090 15913 Methylisoeugenol (mixture of cis and trans) (1,2Dimethoxy-4-propenylbenzene) pure, 98% 93-16-3 100 ml 2950 Part B 29095090 18 RT 15913 Methylisoeugenol (mixture of cis and trans) (1,2Dimethoxy-4-propenylbenzene) pure, 98% 93-16-3 500 ml 8000 Part B 29095090 18 RT 74384 Methyl Methanesulphonate (MMS) extrapure, 99% 74384 Methyl Methanesulphonate (MMS) extrapure, 99% 42067 Methyl Methanesulphonate (MMS) for tissue culture, 99% 66960 Methyl 2-Naphthyl Ether pure, 99% 66960 Methyl 2-Naphthyl Ether pure, 99% 67915 1-Methylpiperazine extrapure, 99% 67915 1-Methylpiperazine extrapure, 99% 40610 2-Methylphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 40610 2-Methylphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 40610 2-Methylphenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 20622 3-Methylphenylboronic Acid extrapure (mTolylboronic Acid) extrapure, 97% 20622 3-Methylphenylboronic Acid extrapure (mTolylboronic Acid) extrapure, 97% 20622 3-Methylphenylboronic Acid extrapure (mTolylboronic Acid) extrapure, 97% 43322 Methyl-n-Propyl Ketone pure, 99% 43322 Methyl-n-Propyl Ketone pure, 99% 87964 Methyl Purple AR 29783 Methyl Salicylate pure, 99% 29783 Methyl Salicylate pure, 99% 41652 Methyl p-Toluenesulfonate pure, 98% 41652 Methyl p-Toluenesulfonate pure, 98% 44243 Methyltriphenylphosphonium Bromide pure, 98% 66-27-3 25 ml 927 Part B 29041090 18 RT 66-27-3 100 ml 3399 Part B 29041090 18 RT 66-27-3 10 ml 1500 Part B 29041090 18 RT 428 1189 412 1545 1502 2373 9881 792 29093090 29093090 29335990 29335990 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 93-04-9 93-04-9 109-01-3 109-01-3 16419-60-6 16419-60-6 16419-60-6 17933-03-8 250 Gms 1 Kg 100 ml 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 17933-03-8 5 Gms 2261 Part B 29319090 18 RT 17933-03-8 25 Gms 11997 Part B 29319090 18 RT 107-87-9 107-87-9 1340-02-9 119-36-8 119-36-8 80-48-8 80-48-8 1779-49-3 500 ml 2500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 1354 5326 771 946 4673 850 2486 1019 44243 Methyltriphenylphosphonium Bromide pure, 98% 1779-49-3 500 Gms 3446 Part B 29319090 18 RT 18040 18040 18040 13050 90-33-5 90-33-5 90-33-5 37067-30-4 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 490 796 2136 5141 29329900 29329900 29329900 29329900 ß-Methylumbelliferone extrapure AR, 99% ß-Methylumbelliferone extrapure AR, 99% ß-Methylumbelliferone extrapure AR, 99% 4-Methylumbelliferyl-N-Acetyl-ß-D-Glucosaminide extrapure, 99% Page 203 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29141990 29141990 38220090 29182310 29182310 29051990 29051990 29319090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 13050 4-Methylumbelliferyl-N-Acetyl-ß-D-Glucosaminide extrapure, 99% 13050 4-Methylumbelliferyl-N-Acetyl-ß-D-Glucosaminide extrapure, 99% 15208 4-Methylumbelliferyl Caprylate extrapure, 99% 37067-30-4 50 Mg 8568 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 37067-30-4 100 Mg 16279 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 20671-66-3 25 Mg 4412 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 15208 4-Methylumbelliferyl Caprylate extrapure, 99% 20671-66-3 50 Mg 6167 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 15208 4-Methylumbelliferyl Caprylate extrapure, 99% 20671-66-3 100 Mg 10582 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 21896 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-Cellobioside extrapure, 98% 21896 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-Cellobioside extrapure, 98% 34391 4-Methylumbelliferyl- ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure 34391 4-Methylumbelliferyl- ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure 48838 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-D- Glucopyranoside extrapure 48838 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-D- Glucopyranoside extrapure 92009 N-Methyl-N-Trimethylsilyl Trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) extrapure, 98% 92009 N-Methyl-N-Trimethylsilyl Trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) extrapure, 98% 92009 N-Methyl-N-Trimethylsilyl Trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) extrapure, 98% 83294 MSTFA+TMCS (99:1) 86338 4-Methylumbelliferyl-a-L-Iduronide Free Acid extrapure, 97% 49959 4-Methylumbelliferyl Myo-Inositol-1-Phosphate, NMethyl-Morpholine Salt, Biosynth patent(WO99/48899) 21400 4-Methylumbelliferyl Sulfate Potassium Salt extrapure, 99% 21400 4-Methylumbelliferyl Sulfate Potassium Salt extrapure, 99% 51504 4-Methylumbelliferyl-b-D-Glucuronide Trihydrate (MUG) extrapure, 99% 51504 4-Methylumbelliferyl-b-D-Glucuronide Trihydrate (MUG) extrapure, 99% 77337 5-Methyluridine extrapure, 98% 77337 5-Methyluridine extrapure, 98% 25828 Miconazole Nitrate (MCN)extrapure, 98% 25828 Miconazole Nitrate (MCN)extrapure, 98% 25828 Miconazole Nitrate (MCN)extrapure, 98% 67424 Miglitol extrapure, 98% 67424 Miglitol extrapure, 98% 15761 Molisch Reagent 64563 Mimosine extrapure 72626-61-0 25 Mg 3528 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 72626-61-0 50 Mg 6172 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 6160-78-7 100 Mg 1015 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 6160-78-7 250 Mg 2326 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 18997-57-4 100 Mg 1228 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 18997-57-4 500 Mg 5497 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 24589-78-4 5 ml 2662 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 24589-78-4 25 ml 12148 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 24589-78-4 100 ml 46721 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 24589-78-4 66966-09-4 10 x1 ml 1 Mg 6675 Part B 25000 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 29329900 18 2-8C 25 Mg 14453 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 15220-11-8 100 Mg 4392 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 15220-11-8 500 Mg 11978 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 199329-67-4 1 Gms 5873 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 199329-67-4 5 Gms 24276 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 1463-10-1 1463-10-1 22832-87-7 22832-87-7 22832-87-7 72432-03-2 72432-03-2 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 25 Mg 2003 6341 773 2559 7004 9035 24841 383 4339 29349900 29349900 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 38220090 29224990 500-44-7 Page 204 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 64563 55690 55690 37233 37233 75556 68078 68078 69824 69824 69824 85123 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 CAS Number Packing Price 500-44-7 22373-78-0 22373-78-0 1317-33-5 1317-33-5 7439-98-7 15574 2825 7340 1169 5562 24473 566 1866 950 2200 9000 4934 Part % Stor age Mimosine extrapure Monensin Sodium Salt (MSN), 90-95% Monensin Sodium Salt (MSN), 90-95% Molybdenum Disulfide pure, 98% Molybdenum Disulfide pure, 98% Molybdenum Metal Sheet 99.9% 10X MOPS Buffer for molecular biology 10X MOPS Buffer for molecular biology MOPS Buffer extrapure, 99% MOPS Buffer extrapure, 99% MOPS Buffer extrapure, 99% MOPS Hemisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 1132-61-2 1132-61-2 1132-61-2 117961-20-3 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 piece 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 85123 MOPS Hemisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 117961-20-3 100 Gms 15854 Part B 29333919 18 RT 57851 57851 38602 38602 66043 66043 82595 82595 24829 24829 14189 14189 14189 57868 71119-22-7 71119-22-7 68399-77-9 68399-77-9 1132-61-2 1132-61-2 79803-73-9 79803-73-9 480-16-0 480-16-0 526-99-8 526-99-8 526-99-8 50 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 50 Gms 250 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Mg 3055 5755 2003 7676 1300 3200 4728 21692 1082 4575 650 2100 7500 10164 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 32049000 32049000 29159090 29159090 29159090 38220090 57868 15358 15358 15358 45945 36459 36459 86442 86442 67415 MOPS Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99.5% MOPS Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99.5% MOPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% MOPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% MOPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99% MOPS Buffer for molecular biology, 99% MOPSO Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% MOPSO Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% Morin extrapure AR Morin extrapure AR Mucic Acid extrapure, 99% Mucic Acid extrapure, 99% Mucic Acid extrapure, 99% Myosin II (in 4% SDS) ex. rabbit skeletal muscle, 95% Myosin II (in 4% SDS) ex. rabbit skeletal muscle, 95% Myricetin cryst pure, 98% Myricetin cryst pure, 98% Myricetin cryst pure, 98% Myristic Acid pure, 95% Myristic Acid extrapure AR, 99% Myristic Acid extrapure AR, 99% Myristic Acid (High Purity) extrapure, 99.5% Myristic Acid (High Purity) extrapure, 99.5% Myristic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98%(GC) 2 Mg Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29224990 29420090 29420090 28257090 28257090 81029900 38220090 38220090 29333919 29333919 29333919 29333919 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT 2-8C 15808 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 2136 3678 11266 556 228 1019 284 1019 2500 29159090 29159090 29159090 29163990 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 529-44-2 529-44-2 529-44-2 544-63-8 544-63-8 544-63-8 544-63-8 544-63-8 124-10-7 10 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 67415 Myristic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98%(GC) 124-10-7 100 Gms 6000 Part B 29159090 18 RT 67415 Myristic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 98%(GC) 124-10-7 250 Gms 11000 Part B 29159090 18 RT 70718 Myristic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 70718 Myristic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 28136 Myristyl Alcohol (1-Tetradecanol) pure, 98% 124-10-7 5 Gms 2600 Part B 29159090 18 RT 124-10-7 25 Gms 9500 Part B 29159090 18 RT 112-72-1 100 ml 777 Part B Page 205 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT 29051990 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 112-72-1 389-08-2 389-08-2 120-18-3 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 120-18-3 100 Gms 604-59-1 604-59-1 604-59-1 1163-67-3 1163-67-3 1237-75-8 37-87-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 5 Gms 25 Mg 689 2515 11460 1357 4969 679 7906 37-87-6 100 Mg 24841 Part B 29071590 18 2-8C 13989-98-5 13989-98-5 1919-91-1 1919-91-1 2616-72-0 2616-72-0 1064-48-8 1064-48-8 521-24-4 250 Mg 500 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 7906 11066 3954 9035 4800 12985 504 1806 604 29071590 29071590 29071590 29071590 29071590 29071590 32049000 32049000 29042090 521-24-4 25 Gms 2413 Part B 29042090 18 RT 132-86-5 1 Gms 4005 Part B 29072990 18 RT 132-86-5 5 Gms 17799 Part B 29072990 18 RT 86-86-2 5 Gms 3320 Part B 29242990 18 RT 86-86-2 25 Gms 13042 Part B 29242990 18 RT 42383 1-Naphthyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure 2183-17-7 25 Mg 1736 Part B 29199090 18 0-4C 42383 1-Naphthyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure 2183-17-7 250 Mg 5207 Part B 29199090 18 0-4C 59523 59523 43036 43036 43036 43036 79388 79388 79388 79388 120-23-0 120-23-0 830-81-9 830-81-9 830-81-9 830-81-9 1523-11-1 1523-11-1 1523-11-1 1523-11-1 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 96676 57955 57955 57955 93051 93051 56061 70430 Myristyl Alcohol (1-Tetradecanol) pure, 98% Nalidixic Acid free acid extrapure, 99% Nalidixic Acid free acid extrapure, 99% Naphthalene-2-Sulphonic Acid Monohydrate extrapure, 98% Naphthalene-2-Sulphonic Acid Monohydrate extrapure, 98% a-Naphthoflavone extrapure AR, 98% a-Naphthoflavone extrapure AR, 98% a-Naphthoflavone extrapure AR, 98% Naphthol-AS-Acetate extrapure, 99% Naphthol-AS-Acetate extrapure, 99% Naphthol AS-BI extrapure, 98% Naphthol-AS-BI-b-D- Glucuronide extrapure, 99% 70430 Naphthol-AS-BI-b-D- Glucuronide extrapure, 99% 87408 87408 11401 11401 40688 40688 87791 87791 45838 45838 69911 69911 10150 Naphthol-AS-Phosphate extrapure, 95% Naphthol-AS-Phosphate extrapure, 95% Naphthol-AS-BI- Phosphate extrapure, 98% Naphthol-AS-BI- Phosphate extrapure, 98% Naphthol-AS-TR- Phosphate extrapure, 98% Naphthol-AS-TR- Phosphate extrapure, 98% Naphthol Blue Black B Naphthol Blue Black B 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4- Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4- Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% Naphthoresorcinol (1,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene) extrapure AR, 99% Naphthoresorcinol (1,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene) extrapure AR, 99% 1-Naphthyl Acetamide (NAD) technical grade, 98% 10150 1-Naphthyl Acetamide (NAD) technical grade, 98% 2-Naphthoxyacetic Acid (BNOA) pure, 98% 2-Naphthoxyacetic Acid (BNOA) pure, 98% a-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% a-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% a-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% a-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% ß-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% ß-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% ß-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% ß-Naphthyl Acetate extrapure AR, 99% Page 206 of 321 Price 1896 285 1249 1187 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B 3785 Part B 279 927 945 1719 3477 10813 945 1755 3019 10219 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 28136 20346 20346 96676 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29051990 29339900 29339900 29041030 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 8-25C 8-25C RT 29041030 18 RT 29420090 29420090 29420090 29071590 29071590 29071590 29071590 38089340 38089340 29153990 29153990 29153990 29153990 29153990 29153990 29153990 29153990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 11939 1-Naphthylacetonitrile pure, 97% 11939 1-Naphthylacetonitrile pure, 97% 61166 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride (NEDA) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 132-75-2 132-75-2 1465-25-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 4447 Part B 17251 Part B 724 Part B 61166 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride (NEDA) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 1465-25-4 10 Gms 1224 Part B 29212990 18 RT 61166 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride (NEDA) extrapure AR, ACS, 98% 1465-25-4 25 Gms 2392 Part B 29212990 18 RT 84942 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride (NEDA) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 1465-25-4 5 Gms 835 Part B 29212990 18 RT 84942 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride (NEDA) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 1465-25-4 10 Gms 1447 Part B 29212990 18 RT 84942 N-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride (NEDA) extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 98% 1465-25-4 25 Gms 2670 Part B 29212990 18 RT 27734 27734 27734 95956 95956 95956 93007 Naringin pure, 97% Naringin pure, 97% Naringin pure, 97% Naringenin pure, 95% Naringenin pure, 95% Naringenin pure, 95% Neocuproine (2,9-Dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) extrapure, 99% 93007 Neocuproine (2,9-Dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) extrapure, 99% 93007 Neocuproine (2,9-Dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) extrapure, 99% 35449 Neocuproine Hydrochloride Monohydrate(2,9 Dimethyl-1-10-phenanthroline hydrochloride)extrapureAR,99% 10236-47-2 10236-47-2 10236-47-2 67604-48-2 67604-48-2 67604-48-2 484-11-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 906 2204 6551 1335 3338 7787 1244 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29143990 29339900 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Stor age 29269000 18 2-8C 29269000 18 2-8C 29212990 18 RT 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 484-11-7 5 Gms 6098 Part B 29339900 18 RT 484-11-7 25 Gms 25969 Part B 29339900 18 RT 7296-20-0 1 Gms 1558 Part B 29349900 18 RT 35449 Neocuproine Hydrochloride Monohydrate(2,9 Dimethyl-1-10-phenanthroline hydrochloride)extrapureAR,99% 7296-20-0 5 Gms 7231 Part B 29349900 18 RT 23049 Neodymium (III) Chloride Anhydrous, 99.9% 23049 Neodymium (III) Chloride Anhydrous, 99.9% 78442 Neodymium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 78442 Neodymium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 37499 Neodymium (III) Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 37499 Neodymium (III) Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 37499 Neodymium (III) Oxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 86879 Neodymium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 10024-93-8 10024-93-8 13477-89-9 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 3727 Part B 9147 Part B 2486 Part B 28469090 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 13477-89-9 100 Gms 6211 Part B 28469090 18 RT 1313-97-9 1313-97-9 1313-97-9 16454-60-7 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 925 1950 7000 2400 28469090 28469090 28469090 28469090 Page 207 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 16454-60-7 100 Gms 6000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 34622-08-7 1 Gms 1500 Part B 28469090 18 RT 34622-08-7 5 Gms 3800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 1405-10-3 1405-10-3 126-30-7 15501-33-4 15501-33-4 56391-57-2 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 5 ml 25 ml 100 ml 100 Mg 72860 Nicotinamide extrapure, 99.5% 72860 Nicotinamide extrapure, 99.5% 26759 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) extrapure, 98% 26759 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) extrapure, 98% 26759 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) extrapure, 98% 19628 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) ExiPlus, 98% 19628 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) ExiPlus, 98% 19628 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) ExiPlus, 98% 87253 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) for molecular biology, 98% 98-92-0 98-92-0 53-84-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 369 Part B 1695 Part B 850 Part B 29362920 18 RT 29362920 18 RT 29349900 18 -20C 53-84-9 5 Gms 4123 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 53-84-9 25 Gms 19761 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 53-84-9 1 Gms 916 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 53-84-9 5 Gms 4406 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 53-84-9 25 Gms 20889 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 53-84-9 1 Gms 1335 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 87253 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) for molecular biology, 98% 53-84-9 5 Gms 5785 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 77268 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) extrapure, 98% 77268 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) extrapure, 98% 77268 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) extrapure, 98% 77268 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) extrapure, 98% 54941 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) for MB, 98% 606-68-8 100 Mg 251 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 500 Mg 1187 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 1 Gms 2148 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 5 Gms 9711 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 100 Mg 357 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 86879 Neodymium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 99080 Neodymium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 99080 Neodymium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 35282 Neomycin Sulphate (NMS) pure 35282 Neomycin Sulphate (NMS) pure 27309 Neopentyl Glycol pure, 98% 13607 Neopentyl Iodide extrapure, 98% 13607 Neopentyl Iodide extrapure, 98% 14678 Nessler's Reagent 60609 Netilmicin Sulphate (NTC Sulphate), 595ug/mg Page 208 of 321 Price 165 611 514 5150 16480 570 4000 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29419050 29419050 29053990 29420090 29420090 38220090 75040000 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C RT 8-25C 8-25C RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 54941 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) for MB, 98% 54941 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2, DPNH.Na2) for MB, 98% 44566 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Lithium Salt (Oxidized) (ß-NAD.Li) extrapure, 95% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 606-68-8 1 Gms 3004 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 5 Gms 13905 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 64417-72-7 500 Mg 2168 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 44566 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Lithium Salt (Oxidized) (ß-NAD.Li) extrapure, 95% 64417-72-7 1 Gms 4106 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 44566 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Lithium Salt (Oxidized) (ß-NAD.Li) extrapure, 95% 64417-72-7 5 Gms 10830 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 82819 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na, TPN.Na) extrapure, 98% 82819 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na, TPN.Na) extrapure, 98% 82819 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na, TPN.Na) extrapure, 98% 82819 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na, TPN.Na) extrapure, 98% 72970 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na) for MB, 98% 1184-16-3 100 Mg 779 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1184-16-3 500 Mg 2781 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1184-16-3 1 Gms 5674 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1184-16-3 5 Gms 19690 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1184-16-3 100 Mg 1558 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 72970 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na) for MB, 98% 1184-16-3 1 Gms 7398 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 57451 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2, TPN.Na2) extrapure, 95% 57451 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2, TPN.Na2) extrapure, 95% 57451 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2, TPN.Na2) extrapure, 95% 57451 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2, TPN.Na2) extrapure, 95% 56640 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2, TPN.Na2) for MB, 95% 56640 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2, TPN.Na2) for MB, 95% 24292-60-2 100 Mg 802 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 500 Mg 3115 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 1 Gms 5340 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 5 Gms 17243 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 100 Mg 1169 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 1 Gms 9790 Part B 29349900 18 -20C Page 209 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 99197 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Tetrasodium Salt (Reduced)(ß-NADPH.Na4) extrapure, 98% 99197 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Tetrasodium Salt (Reduced)(ß-NADPH.Na4) extrapure, 98% 99197 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Tetrasodium Salt (Reduced)(ß-NADPH.Na4) extrapure, 98% 57647 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Tetrasodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADPH.Na4) for MB, 98% 57647 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Tetrasodium Salt (Reduced) (ß-NADPH.Na4) for MB, 98% 55615 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monopotassium Salt (Oxidized) (ßNADP.K)extrapure, 95% 55615 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monopotassium Salt (Oxidized) (ßNADP.K)extrapure, 95% 55615 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monopotassium Salt (Oxidized) (ßNADP.K)extrapure, 95% 88991 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (ß-NAD.Na) extrapure, 95% 88991 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (ß-NAD.Na) extrapure, 95% 88991 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Sodium Salt (ß-NAD.Na) extrapure, 95% 95130 ß-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (ß-NMN) extrapure, 95% 95130 ß-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (ß-NMN) extrapure, 95% 95130 ß-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (ß-NMN) extrapure, 95% 35410 Enzyme Co-Factor Kit Type 1 (EK100) 75058 Enzyme Co-Factor Kit Type 2 (EK500) 29865 Enzyme Co-Factor Kit Type 3 (EKS100) 31537 Enzyme Co-Factor Kit Type 4 (EKS500) 73387 Niobium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 73387 Niobium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 73387 Niobium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 73387 Niobium Pentoxide extrapure AR, 99.9% 31162 Nitenpyram extrapure, 98% 31162 Nitenpyram extrapure, 98% 39180 m-Nitroacetophenone pure, 98% 39180 m-Nitroacetophenone pure, 98% 21254 o-Nitrobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% 21254 o-Nitrobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% 21254 o-Nitrobenzaldehyde extrapure AR, 99% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 2646-71-1 25 Mg 890 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 2646-71-1 100 Mg 2559 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 2646-71-1 1 Gms 21692 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 2646-71-1 25 Mg 2448 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 2646-71-1 100 Mg 5340 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 68141-45-7 100 Mg 2797 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 68141-45-7 500 Mg 4475 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 68141-45-7 1 Gms 8947 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 20111-18-6 500 Mg 2486 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 20111-18-6 1 Gms 2825 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 20111-18-6 5 Gms 10727 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1094-61-7 25 Mg 3004 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1094-61-7 100 Mg 5006 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1094-61-7 1 Gms 7787 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 1313-96-8 1313-96-8 1313-96-8 1313-96-8 150824-47-8 150824-47-8 121-89-1 121-89-1 552-89-6 552-89-6 552-89-6 Page 210 of 321 1 Kit 1 Kit 1 Kit 1 Kit 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 4236 19761 11575 31615 592 1216 4005 19245 2200 8000 567 2678 668 2337 11347 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28259090 28259090 28259090 28259090 29333990 29333990 29143990 29143990 29122990 29122990 29122990 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 -20C -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 17735 17735 17644 17644 17003 17003 17003 96144 96144 81431 81431 81431 79303 79303 27500 27500 27500 39996 39996 12790 12790 12790 97695 97695 11207 11207 11207 11207 48898 48898 48898 13001 15527 15527 90728 90728 18432 18432 18432 18432 Product Name p-Nitrobenzaldehyde extrapure, 99% p-Nitrobenzaldehyde extrapure, 99% m-Nitrobenzaldehyde pure, 98% m-Nitrobenzaldehyde pure, 98% m-Nitrobenzene Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 98% m-Nitrobenzene Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 98% m-Nitrobenzene Sulphonic Acid Sodium Salt pure, 98% m-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% m-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% m-Nitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% m-Nitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% m-Nitrobenzoic Acid extrapure AR, 99% p-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% p-Nitrobenzoic Acid pure, 99% 4-Nitrobenzoyl Chloride (PNBC) pure, 98% 4-Nitrobenzoyl Chloride (PNBC) pure, 98% 4-Nitrobenzoyl Chloride (PNBC) pure, 98% p-Nitrobenzyl Alcohol pure, 97% p-Nitrobenzyl Alcohol pure, 97% p-Nitrobenzyl Bromide (PNBBR) pure, 99% p-Nitrobenzyl Bromide (PNBBR) pure, 99% p-Nitrobenzyl Bromide (PNBBR) pure, 99% 4-(4-Nitrobenzyl)Pyridine extrapure AR, 99% 4-(4-Nitrobenzyl)Pyridine extrapure AR, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) extrapure AR, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) extrapure AR, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) extrapure AR, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) extrapure AR, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) for molecular biology, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) for molecular biology, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) for molecular biology, 99% Nitro Blue Tetrazolium Chloride (Nitro BT) (NBT) for tissue culture, 99% o-Nitrochlorobenzene (ONCB) pure, 99% o-Nitrochlorobenzene (ONCB) pure, 99% o-Nitrophenol extrapure AR, 99% o-Nitrophenol extrapure AR, 99% p-Nitrophenyl Acetate extrapure, 99% p-Nitrophenyl Acetate extrapure, 99% p-Nitrophenyl Acetate extrapure, 99% p-Nitrophenyl Acetate extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 555-16-8 555-16-8 99-61-6 99-61-6 127-68-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 127-68-4 250 Gms 679 Part B 29042090 18 RT 127-68-4 1 Kg 2373 Part B 29042090 18 RT 121-92-6 121-92-6 121-92-6 121-92-6 121-92-6 62-23-7 62-23-7 122-04-3 122-04-3 122-04-3 619-73-8 619-73-8 100-11-8 100-11-8 100-11-8 1083-48-3 1083-48-3 298-83-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 298-83-9 250 Mg 1000 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 298-83-9 1 Gms 3000 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 298-83-9 5 Gms 14000 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 298-83-9 100 Mg 800 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 298-83-9 250 Mg 1400 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 298-83-9 1 Gms 4400 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 298-83-9 100 Mg 1600 Part B 29270090 18 -20C 88-73-3 88-73-3 88-75-5 88-75-5 830-03-5 830-03-5 830-03-5 830-03-5 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 420 3449 346 1070 397 929 3164 8696 29042090 29042090 29071190 29071190 29153990 29153990 29153990 29153990 Page 211 of 321 Price 579 1505 658 2710 341 454 2022 389 1160 2543 352 1613 668 1335 3894 990 3101 458 824 3914 2670 12237 550 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29122990 29122990 29122990 29122990 29042090 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163990 29163990 29163990 29062990 29062990 29039990 29039990 29039990 29333919 29333919 29270090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 3740-52-1 3740-52-1 3740-52-1 104-03-0 104-03-0 104-03-0 104-03-0 3459-18-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 3459-18-5 1 Gms 18355 Part B 29329900 18 -20C 207591-86-4 25 Gms 9782 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 3482-57-3 100 Mg 10727 Part B 29400000 18 2-8C 83602 p-Nitrophenyl ß-D-Cellobioside extrapure, 98% 3482-57-3 500 Mg 27664 Part B 29400000 18 2-8C 38325 4-Nitrophenyl-4,6-Ethylidene-a-DMaltoheptaoside (pNP-G7, EPS), EPS 90% 38325 4-Nitrophenyl-4,6-Ethylidene-a-DMaltoheptaoside (pNP-G7, EPS), EPS 90% 66398 o-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galacto Pyranoside (ONPG) extrapure, 99% 66398 o-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galacto Pyranoside (ONPG) extrapure, 99% 66398 o-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galacto Pyranoside (ONPG) extrapure, 99% 66398 o-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galacto Pyranoside (ONPG) extrapure, 99% 64685 p-Nitrophenyl a-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 64685 p-Nitrophenyl a-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 96226 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside (PNPG) extrapure, 98% 96226 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside (PNPG) extrapure, 98% 96226 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside (PNPG) extrapure, 98% 92734 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 92734 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 92734 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 92734 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 12735 p-Nitrophenyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 12735 p-Nitrophenyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 96597-16-9 25 Mg 5006 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 96597-16-9 100 Mg 10568 Part B 29400000 18 0-4C 369-07-3 500 Mg 658 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 369-07-3 1 Gms 1244 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 369-07-3 2.5 Gms 2859 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 369-07-3 10 Gms 9487 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 7493-95-0 250 Mg 3390 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 7493-95-0 1 Gms 9599 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 3150-24-1 250 Mg 1101 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 3150-24-1 500 Mg 1991 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 3150-24-1 1 Gms 3587 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 2492-87-7 100 Mg 828 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 2492-87-7 250 Mg 1487 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 2492-87-7 1 Gms 3050 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 2492-87-7 5 Gms 13664 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 3767-28-0 100 Mg 1059 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 3767-28-0 250 Mg 1822 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 13463 13463 13463 68146 68146 68146 68146 72565 2-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 2-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 2-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% p-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% p-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% p-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% p-Nitrophenylacetic Acid pure, 98% 4-Nitrophenyl-N-Acetyl-B-D-Glucosaminide extrapure, 99% 72565 4-Nitrophenyl-N-Acetyl-B-D-Glucosaminide extrapure, 99% 72367 4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine Monohydrate extrapure, 99% 83602 p-Nitrophenyl ß-D-Cellobioside extrapure, 98% Page 212 of 321 Price 628 2206 7698 318 1120 3614 14680 3449 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29163400 29163400 29163400 29163990 29163990 29163990 29163990 29329900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing 12735 p-Nitrophenyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 3767-28-0 1 Gms 98% 92822 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucuronide (PNPG (Gus)) 10344-94-2 50 Mg extrapure, 99% 92822 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucuronide (PNPG (Gus)) 10344-94-2 100 Mg extrapure, 99% 92822 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-D-Glucuronide (PNPG (Gus)) 10344-94-2 500 Mg extrapure, 99% 27166 3-Nitrophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 13331-27-6 1 Gms 27166 3-Nitrophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 13331-27-6 5 Gms 27166 3-Nitrophenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 13331-27-6 25 Gms 82582 p-Nitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% 100-16-3 10 Gms 82582 p-Nitrophenylhydrazine extrapure AR, 99% 100-16-3 25 Gms 88485 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt 333338-18-4/4264-83-9 5 Gms Hexahydrate (PNPP) Crystalline Reagent Grade, 99% 88485 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt 333338-18-4/4264-83-9 25 Gms Hexahydrate (PNPP) Crystalline Reagent Grade, 99% 88485 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt 333338-18-4/4264-83-9 250 Gms Hexahydrate (PNPP) Crystalline Reagent Grade, 99% 90341 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt 333338-18-4/4264-83-9 5 Gms Hexahydrate (pNPP) for molecular biology, 99% 90341 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium Salt 333338-18-4/4264-83-9 25 Gms Hexahydrate (pNPP) for molecular biology, 99% 93413 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Ditris Salt crystalline (PNPP-d) extrapure, 99% 93413 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Ditris Salt crystalline (PNPP-d) extrapure, 99% 93413 p-Nitrophenylphosphate Ditris Salt crystalline (PNPP-d) extrapure, 99% 53456 4-Nitrophenyl trans-Ferulate extrapure, 98% 53456 4-Nitrophenyl trans-Ferulate extrapure, 98% 85173 3-Nitrophthalic Acid pure, 98% 85173 3-Nitrophthalic Acid pure, 98% 46384 4-Nitrophthalic Acid pure, 98% 46384 4-Nitrophthalic Acid pure, 98% 43713 Nitroso R-Salt extrapure AR 43713 Nitroso R-Salt extrapure AR 21872 3-Nitrotoluene extrapure, 99% 60944 5-Nitrouracil extrapure, 98% 60944 5-Nitrouracil extrapure, 98% 64659 2-Nonanone pure, 98% 64659 2-Nonanone pure, 98% 64659 2-Nonanone pure, 98% 56986 Norethindrone Acetate extrapure, 99% 56986 Norethindrone Acetate extrapure, 99% 43000 Norfloxacin (NFX), 98% Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 4112 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 2225 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 4450 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 12237 Part B 29095090 18 0-4C 1019 2035 9316 838 1413 620 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29319090 29319090 29319090 29280090 29280090 29199090 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT -20C 2800 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 25000 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 680 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 3300 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 68189-42-4 1 Gms 574 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 68189-42-4 5 Gms 1725 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 68189-42-4 25 Gms 6174 Part B 29199090 18 -20C 398128-60-4 398128-60-4 603-11-2 603-11-2 610-27-5 610-27-5 525-05-3 525-05-3 99-08-1 611-08-5 611-08-5 821-55-6 821-55-6 821-55-6 51-98-9 51-98-9 70458-96-7 25 Mg 100 Mg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms Page 213 of 321 4673 13551 815 2486 2195 7115 367 1111 302 2448 5006 500 1200 2800 3277 10727 2035 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29055900 29055900 29173990 29173990 29173990 29173990 29420090 29420090 29042030 29349900 29349900 29141990 29141990 29141990 29372900 29372900 29419060 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Norfloxacin (NFX), 98% DL-Norleucine extrapure, 99% DL-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Novobiocin Sodium Salt (NVB), 95% L-Norvaline extrapure, 99% L-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Nuclear Fast Red Nuclear Fast Red Nucleosides Kit I Nucleotides Kit II Nylander's Reagent Obermayor's Reagent Octadecylamine technical, 70% Octadecylamine pure, 97% Octanoyl Chloride pure, 99% Octanoyl Chloride pure, 99% Octyl a-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl a-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl a-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octyl ß-D-Glucopyranoside extrapure, 98% Octylphenyl Polyethylene Glycol (IGEPAL CA630®) for molecular biology Octylphenyl Polyethylene Glycol (IGEPAL CA630®) for molecular biology Ofloxacin (OFX), 98% Ofloxacin (OFX), 98% Oil Red O for molecular biology, 75% Oil Red O for molecular biology, 75% Oleandomycin Phosphate extrapure, 800U/mg 70458-96-7 616-06-8 616-06-8 1476-53-5 6600-40-4 6600-40-4 6409-77-4 6409-77-4 40427-75-6 40427-75-6 29781-80-4 29781-80-4 29836-26-8 29836-26-8 9002-93-1 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Kit 1 Kit 50 ml 100 ml 500 Gms 250 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 50 Mg 250 Mg 50 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 9002-93-1 500 ml 82419-36-1 82419-36-1 1320-06-5 1320-06-5 7060-74-4 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 23534 Oleandomycin Phosphate extrapure, 800U/mg 7060-74-4 1 Gms 70855 70855 30774 30774 30774 86848 8008-57-9 8008-57-9 1400-62-0 1400-62-0 1400-62-0 3184-13-2 500 ml 1000 ml 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 3184-13-2 25 Gms 668 Part B 7240-38-2 5 Gms 4120 Part B 29419090 18 2-8C 328-42-7 328-42-7 328-42-7 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 557 1335 5229 421 29171190 29171190 29171190 38220090 33910 62799 62799 23576 23576 23534 86848 98499 62704 62704 62704 76207 124-30-1 124-30-1 111-64-8 111-64-8 Orange Oil extrapure Orange Oil extrapure Orcein Orcein Orcein L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride extrapure CHR, 99% Oxacillin Sodium Salt Monohydrate (OXC.Na.H2O), 815ug/mg Oxalacetic Acid extrapure, 98% Oxalacetic Acid extrapure, 98% Oxalacetic Acid extrapure, 98% Oxidase Reagent (Gordon-Macleod Reagent) Page 214 of 321 Price 4744 3164 6834 8677 1695 3502 1907 8575 2093 2093 405 178 412 536 1169 3605 2018 7589 2136 8182 6167 14228 4127 16717 890 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 43000 49021 49021 27434 56221 56221 68547 68547 64390 77609 89249 56083 62339 51038 27703 27703 60507 60507 63777 63777 25253 25253 33134 33134 33910 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29419060 29224990 29224990 29419090 29224990 29224990 32049000 32049000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29221990 29221990 29159090 29159090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 34021900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C 8-25C 4010 Part B 34021900 18 8-25C 3164 5760 668 2114 2300 29419090 29419090 32049000 32049000 29199090 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 10200 Part B 2425 4445 1780 3305 8004 223 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 8-25C 29199090 18 8-25C 33011200 33011200 32049000 32049000 32049000 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT 29224990 18 RT 18 18 18 12 RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 91088 91088 29779 29779 55540 12455 12455 61799 61799 61799 13788 13788 13788 13788 82374 82374 57590 57590 42883 42883 42883 34262 34262 34262 77065 77065 83162 83162 74635 74635 37740 37740 41421 41421 95907 Product Name Oxolinic Acid (OXO), 99% Oxolinic Acid (OXO), 99% Oxolinic Acid Sodium (OXO-Na), 98% Oxolinic Acid Sodium (OXO-Na), 98% Oxytetracycline Dihydrate (OTC.2H2O) extrapure, 98% Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride (OTC), 95% Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride (OTC), 95% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 90% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 90% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 90% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 98% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 98% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 98% Ovalbumin ex. Chicken Egg White for molecular biology, 98% P11 (Phospho Cellulose) analytical grade P11 (Phospho Cellulose) analytical grade Paclobutrazol pure, 95% Paclobutrazol pure, 95% Paclitaxel (Taxol, PCXL), 99% Paclitaxel (Taxol, PCXL), 99% Paclitaxel (Taxol, PCXL), 99% Palmitic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Palmitic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Palmitic Acid Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Palmitic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Palmitic Acid Methyl Ester Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Pamoic Acid pure, 98% Pamoic Acid pure, 98% PAN Indicator (1(2-Pyridylazo)-2- Naphthol) extrapure AR, 99% PAN Indicator (1(2-Pyridylazo)-2- Naphthol) extrapure AR, 99% Pancreatin 3x ex. Porcine Pancreas, 75U/mg Pancreatin 3x ex. Porcine Pancreas, 75U/mg Pancreatin 4NF extrapure Pancreatin 4NF extrapure Papain 1x USP ex. Papaya Latex, 6000USP U/mg 95907 Papain 1x USP ex. Papaya Latex, 6000USP U/mg Date :16-04-2021 Packing 14698-29-4 14698-29-4 59587-05-8 59587-05-8 6153-64-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 2058-46-0 2058-46-0 9006-59-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 788 Part B 3626 Part B 1695 Part B 29413020 18 2-8C 29413020 18 2-8C 35021900 18 0-4C 9006-59-1 5 Gms 8470 Part B 35021900 18 0-4C 9006-59-1 10 Gms 15243 Part B 35021900 18 0-4C 9006-59-1 250 Mg 4519 Part B 35021900 18 0-4C 9006-59-1 1 Gms 6098 Part B 35021900 18 0-4C 9006-59-1 5 Gms 20324 Part B 35021900 18 0-4C 9006-59-1 10 Gms 28227 Part B 35021900 18 0-4C 76738-62-0 76738-62-0 33069-62-4 33069-62-4 33069-62-4 57-10-3 57-10-3 57-10-3 112-39-0 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Mg 50 Mg 250 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 7521 35865 1244 4519 1200 4800 9000 600 2500 8000 1800 39129090 39129090 29333990 29333990 29329900 29329900 29329900 29157010 29157010 29157010 29157010 112-39-0 25 Gms 5600 Part B 29157010 18 8-25C 130-85-8 130-85-8 85-85-8 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1335 Part B 4673 Part B 1272 Part B 29420090 18 RT 29420090 18 RT 29270090 18 RT 85-85-8 5 Gms 5444 Part B 29270090 18 RT 8049-47-6 8049-47-6 8049-47-6 8049-47-6 9001-73-4 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 9001-73-4 500 Gms Page 215 of 321 Price 8352 31315 2554 8700 390 959 4669 2756 11372 373 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 1639 Part B HS code % CAS Number 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29413020 35079099 35079099 35079099 35079099 35079099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 8-25C -20C -20C -20C -20C 2-8C 35079099 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 14049 Papain 2x USP ex. Papaya Latex (cryst), 25U/mg 9001-73-4 25 Mg 2261 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 14049 Papain 2x USP ex. Papaya Latex (cryst), 25U/mg 9001-73-4 100 Mg 4293 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 14049 Papain 2x USP ex. Papaya Latex (cryst), 25U/mg 9001-73-4 500 Mg 6211 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 80400 Papain 5x USP ex. Papaya Latex, 30000USP U/mg 9001-73-4 25 Gms 2486 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 80400 Papain 5x USP ex. Papaya Latex, 30000USP U/mg 9001-73-4 100 Gms 7906 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 59196 59196 27436 27436 27436 13684 90464 41991 41991 41991 40309 13585 13585 20895 20895 10610 10610 16165 16165 32212 32212 12647 16593-81-0 16593-81-0 1263-89-4 1263-89-4 1263-89-4 9046-40-6 9032-75-1 602-94-8 602-94-8 602-94-8 69-57-8 771-61-9 771-61-9 42075-32-1 42075-32-1 72345-23-4 72345-23-4 54-95-5 54-95-5 8006-90-4 8006-90-4 9001-75-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1000 Units 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 2.5 Gms 1 Gms 2.5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 9001-75-6 100 Gms 2200 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 500 Gms 10000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 25 Gms 1800 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 100 Gms 6400 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 500 Gms 29000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 25 Gms 2000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 100 Gms 7000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 500 Gms 32500 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 250 Mg 2000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 12647 12647 48062 48062 48062 11787 11787 11787 63364 PAR extrapure, 99% PAR extrapure, 99% Paromomycin Sulfate (PRM) Paromomycin Sulfate (PRM) Paromomycin Sulfate (PRM) Pectic Acid pure Pectinase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 3.5U/mg Pentafluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% Pentafluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% Pentafluorobenzoic Acid pure, 98% Penicillin G Sodium Salt (PNL), 98% Pentafluorophenol (PFP) extrapure, 99% Pentafluorophenol (PFP) extrapure, 99% (2R,4R)-2,4-Pentanediol extrapure, 99% (2R,4R)-2,4-Pentanediol extrapure, 99% (2S,4S)-2,4-Pentanediol extrapure, 99% (2S,4S)-2,4-Pentanediol extrapure, 99% Pentetrazole extrapure, 99% Pentetrazole extrapure, 99% Peppermint oil extrapure, 50% Peppermint oil extrapure, 50% Pepsin 1:3000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 0.8Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:3000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 0.8Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:3000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 0.8Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2.5Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2.5Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2.5Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa extrapure AR, 2.5Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa extrapure AR, 2.5Anson U/mg Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa extrapure AR, 2.5Anson U/mg Pepsin 2x cryst. ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2500U/mg Page 216 of 321 815 3502 2995 8470 32631 3523 2330 890 3115 7175 2373 1947 7565 31652 76709 26376 63960 1244 5196 878 3772 900 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29333990 29333990 29420090 29420090 29420090 13022000 35079050 29163190 29163190 29163190 29411010 29081900 29081900 29053990 29053990 29053990 29053990 29331990 29331990 33012400 33012400 35079030 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT -20C RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 63364 Pepsin 2x cryst. ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2500U/mg 63364 Pepsin 2x cryst. ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2500U/mg 63364 Pepsin 2x cryst. ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2500U/mg 28498 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 3.0 (HRP Type 1), 250U/mg 28498 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 3.0 (HRP Type 1), 250U/mg 28498 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 3.0 (HRP Type 1), 250U/mg 73292 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 2), 110U/mg 73292 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 2), 110U/mg 73292 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 2), 110U/mg 73292 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 2), 110U/mg 87913 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 3), 180U/mg 87913 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 3), 180U/mg 87913 Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 3), 180U/mg 65556 r-POD (Recombinant Peroxidase), 1500U/mg 65556 r-POD (Recombinant Peroxidase), 1500U/mg 30709 1,10-Phenanthroline Anhydrous extrapure, 99%, water 2% 30709 1,10-Phenanthroline Anhydrous extrapure, 99%, water 2% 30709 1,10-Phenanthroline Anhydrous extrapure, 99%, water 2% 65898 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 65898 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 65898 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 65898 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 81067 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 81067 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 81067 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% 81067 1,10-Phenanthroline Monohydrate extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5% CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 9001-75-6 1 Gms 6200 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 5 Gms 21000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9001-75-6 25 Gms 60000 Part B 35079030 18 -20C 9003-99-0 1250 Units 3670 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 5000 Units 6211 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 25000 Units 29357 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 5 K.Units 3050 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 25 K.Units 7679 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 50 K.Units 12985 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 100 K.Units 22582 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 5 K.Units 3050 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 25 K.Units 8921 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 50 K.Units 16937 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9003-99-0 9003-99-0 66-71-7 5 K.Units 10 K.Units 5 Gms 5083 Part B 9147 Part B 1011 Part B 38220090 12 -20C 38220090 12 -20C 29339900 18 RT 66-71-7 25 Gms 3383 Part B 29339900 18 RT 66-71-7 100 Gms 10724 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 5 Gms 533 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 25 Gms 2124 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 100 Gms 6230 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 500 Gms 30035 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 5 Gms 646 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 25 Gms 2317 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 100 Gms 6551 Part B 29339900 18 RT 5144-89-8 500 Gms 31704 Part B 29339900 18 RT Page 217 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 31888 1,10-Phenanthroline Hydrochloride Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 31888 1,10-Phenanthroline Hydrochloride Monohydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 55782 Phenazonium Methosulphate (PMS) extrapure, 99% 55782 Phenazonium Methosulphate (PMS) extrapure, 99% 13920 Phenazonium Methosulphate (PMS) for tissue culture, 99% 13920 Phenazonium Methosulphate (PMS) for tissue culture, 99% 13920 Phenazonium Methosulphate (PMS) for tissue culture, 99% 48914 Phenolphthalein Diphosphate Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR, 95% 48914 Phenolphthalein Diphosphate Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR, 95% 48914 Phenolphthalein Diphosphate Tetrasodium Salt extrapure AR, 95% 95444 Phenoxyacetic Acid extrapure, 99% 19630 L-Phenylalanine-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 98% 19630 L-Phenylalanine-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Trifluoroacetate Salt extrapure, 98% 79455 L-Phenylalanine Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 34351 L-Phenylalanine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 34351 L-Phenylalanine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 34351 L-Phenylalanine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 78586 L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 78586 L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 78586 L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 89311 Z-Phenylalanylarginine 7-Amido-4Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride Salt extrapure, 99% 89311 Z-Phenylalanylarginine 7-Amido-4Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride Salt extrapure, 99% 14059 N-Phenylanthranilic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 14059 N-Phenylanthranilic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 92890 Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 92890 Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 95% 70291 4-Phenyl Butyric Acid pure, 99% 70291 4-Phenyl Butyric Acid pure, 99% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 18851-33-7 5 Gms 691 Part B 29339900 18 RT 18851-33-7 25 Gms 2710 Part B 29339900 18 RT 299-11-6 1 Gms 769 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 299-11-6 5 Gms 3115 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 299-11-6 1 Gms 1002 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 299-11-6 5 Gms 4673 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 299-11-6 25 Gms 19467 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 68807-90-9 1 Gms 1709 Part B 29322090 18 RT 68807-90-9 5 Gms 4125 Part B 29322090 18 RT 68807-90-9 25 Gms 15854 Part B 29322090 18 RT 122-59-8 108321-84-2 100 Gms 25 Mg 432 Part B 11087 Part B 29153990 18 RT 29223900 18 2-8C 108321-84-2 50 Mg 16124 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 2462-32-0 25 Gms 11145 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 3182-93-2 1 Gms 951 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 3182-93-2 5 Gms 3914 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 3182-93-2 25 Gms 11620 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 7524-50-7 1 Gms 831 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 7524-50-7 5 Gms 3441 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 7524-50-7 25 Gms 11620 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 65147-22-0 10 Mg 15574 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 65147-22-0 25 Mg 33372 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 91-40-7 91-40-7 98-80-6 98-80-6 1821-12-1 1821-12-1 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms Page 218 of 321 1357 5083 2104 8010 3320 8583 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29224300 29224300 29224300 29224300 29156020 29156020 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 70291 4-Phenyl Butyric Acid pure, 99% 27644 o-Phenylenediamine free base (OPD) extrapure AR, 99% 27644 o-Phenylenediamine free base (OPD) extrapure AR, 99% 27644 o-Phenylenediamine free base (OPD) extrapure AR, 99% 73229 o-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (OPD.2HCl) extrapure AR, 99% 73229 o-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (OPD.2HCl) extrapure AR, 99% 59576 2-Phenyl Ethylamine pure, 99% 59576 2-Phenyl Ethylamine pure, 99% 27861 Phenyl-a-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 98% 1821-12-1 95-54-5 500 Gms 5 Gms 16711 Part B 3614 Part B 29156020 18 RT 29215110 18 2-8C 95-54-5 25 Gms 10276 Part B 29215110 18 2-8C 95-54-5 100 Gms 21453 Part B 29215110 18 2-8C 615-28-1 5 Gms 3614 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 615-28-1 25 Gms 10276 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 64-04-0 64-04-0 2871-15-0 250 ml 500 ml 250 Mg 1075 Part B 2035 Part B 10428 Part B 29211190 18 RT 29211190 18 RT 29420090 18 2-8C 77334 Phenyl-ß-D-Galactopyranoside extrapure, 97% 2818-58-8 1 Gms 6500 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 45754 45754 23116 23116 23116 23116 17083 17083 18962 Phenyl Glycidyl Ether (PGE) extrapure, 98% Phenyl Glycidyl Ether (PGE) extrapure, 98% L-Phenyl Glycine extrapure, 99% L-Phenyl Glycine extrapure, 99% L-Phenyl Glycine extrapure, 99% L-Phenyl Glycine extrapure, 99% Phenyl Isothiocyanate (PITC) pure, 98% Phenyl Isothiocyanate (PITC) pure, 98% Phenyl Isothiocyanate (PITC) extrapure AR, 99% 122-60-1 122-60-1 2935-35-5 2935-35-5 2935-35-5 2935-35-5 103-72-0 103-72-0 103-72-0 500 ml 2500 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 ml 18962 Phenyl Isothiocyanate (PITC) extrapure AR, 99% 103-72-0 5 x5 ml 2148 Part B 29309099 18 RT 18962 Phenyl Isothiocyanate (PITC) extrapure AR, 99% 103-72-0 100 ml 5727 Part B 29309099 18 RT 98152 98152 89793 89793 23358 23358 23358 87606 941-69-5 941-69-5 62-38-4 62-38-4 8003-05-2 8003-05-2 8003-05-2 329-98-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 329-98-6 5 Gms 2170 Part B 29041090 18 0-4C 329-98-6 25 Gms 7843 Part B 29041090 18 0-4C 329-98-6 1 Gms 850 Part B 29041090 18 0-4C 329-98-6 5 Gms 3614 Part B 29041090 18 0-4C 329-98-6 25 Gms 14680 Part B 29041090 18 0-4C 87606 84375 84375 84375 N-Phenyl Maleimide extrapure, 98% N-Phenyl Maleimide extrapure, 98% Phenylmercuric Acetate pure, 98% Phenylmercuric Acetate pure, 98% Phenylmercuric Nitrate (Basic) pure, 98% Phenylmercuric Nitrate (Basic) pure, 98% Phenylmercuric Nitrate (Basic) pure, 98% Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) extrapure, 99% Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) extrapure, 99% Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) extrapure, 99% Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) for molecular biology, 99% Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) for molecular biology, 99% Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) for molecular biology, 99% Page 219 of 321 Price 3115 12793 284 679 1582 7002 2990 12201 1660 1695 3277 3171 11681 1558 7231 27143 602 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 87606 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29109000 29109000 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29309099 29309099 29309099 29251900 29251900 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 29041090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Price Part Packing 90365 Phenylphosphate Disodium Salt Dihydrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 98% 90365 Phenylphosphate Disodium Salt Dihydrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 98% 90365 Phenylphosphate Disodium Salt Dihydrate (High Purity) extrapure AR, 98% 50478 Phenyl Salicylate (Salol) extrapure, 99% 50478 Phenyl Salicylate (Salol) extrapure, 99% 21726 Phenyl ß-D-Thioglucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 66778-08-3 25 Gms 2035 Part B 29199090 18 2-8C 66778-08-3 100 Gms 6098 Part B 29199090 18 2-8C 66778-08-3 250 Gms 15243 Part B 29199090 18 2-8C 118-55-8 118-55-8 2936-70-1 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Mg 979 Part B 3708 Part B 4288 Part B 29189900 18 RT 29189900 18 RT 29309099 18 RT 21726 Phenyl ß-D-Thioglucopyranoside extrapure, 98% 2936-70-1 50 Mg 7495 Part B 29309099 18 RT 16795 16795 69353 69353 99529 99529 95131 N-Phenylthiourea extrapure, 97% N-Phenylthiourea extrapure, 97% Phloroglucinol extrapure AR, 99% Phloroglucinol extrapure AR, 99% Phloxin B Phloxin B 1X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) for molecular biology 1X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) for molecular biology 10X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) for molecular biology 10X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) for molecular biology 10X Phosphate Buffered Saline Tween-20 (PBST) for molecular biology 10X Phosphate Buffered Saline Tween-20 (PBST) for molecular biology Phosphoenolpyruvate Monocyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP MCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 103-85-5 103-85-5 6099-90-7 6099-90-7 18472-87-2 18472-87-2 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 2035 3614 1120 3785 517 1791 501 29309099 29309099 29072990 29072990 32041213 32041213 38220090 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 95131 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT 500 ml 1224 Part B 38220090 12 RT 100 ml 623 Part B 38220090 12 RT 500 ml 1440 Part B 38220090 12 RT 200 ml 566 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 1000 ml 2373 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 10526-80-4 100 Mg 673 Part B 29189900 18 0-4C 40083 Phosphoenolpyruvate Monocyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP MCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 10526-80-4 250 Mg 1345 Part B 29189900 18 0-4C 40083 Phosphoenolpyruvate Monocyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP MCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 10526-80-4 1 Gms 3245 Part B 29189900 18 0-4C 40083 Phosphoenolpyruvate Monocyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP MCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 10526-80-4 5 Gms 15813 Part B 29189900 18 0-4C 31569 Phosphoenolpyruvate Tricyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP TCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 35556-70-8 100 Mg 1121 Part B 29190090 18 0-4C 31569 Phosphoenolpyruvate Tricyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP TCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 35556-70-8 250 Mg 1678 Part B 29190090 18 0-4C 31569 Phosphoenolpyruvate Tricyclohexylammonium Salt (PEP TCHA Salt) extrapure, 98% 35556-70-8 1 Gms 5033 Part B 29190090 18 0-4C 78529 78529 13435 13435 40083 Page 220 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 9001-87-0 200 Units 17100 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-87-0 400 Units 27359 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9012-69-5 643-79-8 643-79-8 88-96-0 10 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 89886 Phthalamide (Phthalic Acid Diamide) pure, 98% 88-96-0 100 Gms 2200 Part B 29242990 18 RT 62747 62747 45501 45501 26603 26603 44729 19971 19971 15187 85-41-6 85-41-6 87-41-2 87-41-2 550 5300 557 1836 1020 4650 4235 1735 7318 862 29251900 29251900 29420090 29420090 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 69400 Phospholipase D (Lecithinase D) ex. Streptomyces chromofuscus, 40U/mg 69400 Phospholipase D (Lecithinase D) ex. Streptomyces chromofuscus, 40U/mg 65312 Phosphorylase B ex. Rabbit Muscle, 50U/mg 27329 o-Phthalaldehyde (OPA) extrapure AR, 99% 27329 o-Phthalaldehyde (OPA) extrapure AR, 99% 89886 Phthalamide (Phthalic Acid Diamide) pure, 98% Price 8232 890 3838 1200 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B 35079099 29122990 29122990 29242990 18 18 18 18 Stor age -20C 2-8C 2-8C RT Phthalimide extrapure, 99% Phthalimide extrapure, 99% Phthalide pure, 98% Phthalide pure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L-Alanine extrapure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L-Methionine extrapure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L-Methionine extrapure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L- Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 5123-55-7 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 250 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 15187 N-Phthaloyl-L- Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% 5123-55-7 5 Gms N-Phthaloyl-L-Valine extrapure, 98% N-Phthaloyl-L-Valine extrapure, 98% Phthalyl Hydrazide pure, 98% Phthalyl Hydrazide pure, 98% Picloram extrapure, 95% Picloram extrapure, 95% Picloram extrapure, 95% a-Picolinic Acid pure, 98% a-Picolinic Acid pure, 98% a-Picolinic Acid pure, 98% Picrotoxin pure, 98% Pimelic Acid (Heptanedioic acid) extrapure, 98% 1445-69-8 1445-69-8 1918-02-1 1918-02-1 1918-02-1 98-98-6 98-98-6 98-98-6 124-87-8 160-60-0 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 25 Gms 1581 7318 1558 4450 2486 8131 39405 1002 2337 8677 2007 3133 90670 Pimelic Acid (Heptanedioic acid) extrapure, 98% 160-60-0 100 Gms 11087 Part B 29171990 18 RT 99487 99487 99487 31826 70375 70375 70375 49159 49159 48112 48112 76-09-5 76-09-5 76-09-5 2620-50-0 5625-37-6 5625-37-6 5625-37-6 5625-37-6 5625-37-6 5625-37-6 5625-37-6 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1695 4519 11293 5000 950 2950 10200 3300 11900 1400 4000 29053990 29053990 29053990 29329900 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 64073 64073 92486 92486 67432 67432 67432 41238 41238 41238 93418 90670 Pinacol pure, 98% Pinacol pure, 98% Pinacol pure, 98% Piperonylamine pure, 98% PIPES Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99% PIPES Buffer for molecular biology, 99% PIPES Buffer for tissue culture, 99% PIPES Buffer for tissue culture, 99% 340-90-9 Page 221 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 3015 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 29379020 18 2-8C 29379020 29379020 29280090 29280090 29339900 29339900 29339900 29333919 29333919 29333919 38089340 29171990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 58842 PIPES Dipotassium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 108321-27-3 25 Gms 55025 55025 55025 44033 PIPES Disodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Disodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Disodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Sesquisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 76836-02-7 76836-02-7 76836-02-7 100037-69-2 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 4575 11609 34004 3403 44033 PIPES Sesquisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 100037-69-2 100 Gms 11727 Part B 29335990 18 RT 44033 PIPES Sesquisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% 100037-69-2 250 Gms 28727 Part B 29335990 18 RT 94348 94348 94348 72328 72328 15861 15861 20924 10010-67-0 10010-67-0 10010-67-0 110-85-0 110-85-0 3282-30-2 3282-30-2 26763-19-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 25 Mg 2800 7500 15200 634 1109 595 2090 3500 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 29159090 29159090 29349900 26936-40-3 25 Mg 5000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 26936-41-4 10 Mg 5000 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 25513-46-6 1405-20-5 1 Gms 250 Mg 3300 Part B 2000 Part B 29224990 18 -20C 29419090 18 -20C 1405-20-5 1 Gms 4800 Part B 29419090 18 -20C 68412-54-4 100 Gms 2600 Part B 34021300 18 8-25C 22810 Polyoxyethylene (5) Nonylphenylether Branched (IGEPAL CO-520) for molecular biology 68412-54-4 500 Gms 5900 Part B 34021300 18 8-25C 20659 Polyoxyethylene (9) Nonylphenylether Branched (IGEPAL CO-630) for molecular biology 68412-54-4 100 Gms 2300 Part B 34021300 18 8-25C 20659 Polyoxyethylene (9) Nonylphenylether Branched (IGEPAL CO-630) for molecular biology 68412-54-4 500 Gms 5200 Part B 34021300 18 8-25C 47380 Polyoxyl 40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil extrapure 61788-85-0 500 Gms 2400 Part B 34021300 18 RT 14749 Polyuridylic Acid Potassium Salt (POLY U Potassium) extrapure 38610 Ponceau S 38610 Ponceau S 14092 Ponceau S Staining Solution 41186 POPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% 41186 POPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% 27416-86-0 25 Mg 6500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 6226-79-5 6226-79-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 62995 90347 83011 83011 22810 PIPES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% PIPES Sodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 99% Piperazine Anhydrous pure, 98% Piperazine Anhydrous pure, 98% Pivaloyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Pivaloyl Chloride extrapure, 99% Polyadenylic Acid Potassium Salt (POLY A Potassium) extrapure Polycytidylic Acid Potassium Salt (POLY C Potassium) extrapure Polyinosic Acid Potassium Salt (POLY I Potassium) extrapure r-Polyglutamic Acid technical grade, 20% Polymyxin B Sulphate (Aerosporin, PXNS), 6000U/mg Polymyxin B Sulphate (Aerosporin, PXNS), 6000U/mg Polyoxyethylene (5) Nonylphenylether Branched (IGEPAL CO-520) for molecular biology 68189-43-5 68189-43-5 Page 222 of 321 Price Part 8210 Part B 750 2900 1662 3508 12443 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 44196 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Stor age 29335990 18 RT 29335990 29335990 29335990 29335990 32049000 32049000 38220090 29335990 29335990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 81800 POPSO Sesquisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% 108321-08-0 5 Gms 2085 Part B 29335990 18 RT 81800 POPSO Sesquisodium Salt Buffer extrapure, 98% 108321-08-0 25 Gms 15347 Part B 29335990 18 RT 20883 20883 48320 48320 95056 28008 299-27-4 299-27-4 865-47-4 865-47-4 24634-61-5 19423-77-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 280 1200 840 3747 1620 4400 19423-77-9 100 Gms 9000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 15878-77-0 25 Gms 3200 Part B 28469090 18 RT 15878-77-0 100 Gms 11000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 52093-27-3 5 Gms 3900 Part B 28469090 18 RT 52093-27-3 25 Gms 14600 Part B 28469090 18 RT 12037-29-5 10 Gms 700 Part B 28469090 18 RT 63639 Praseodymium (III, IV) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% 12037-29-5 50 Gms 2800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 10693 Progesterone extrapure, 97-103% 10693 Progesterone extrapure, 97-103% 54236 Progoitrin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 75% 92825 Prohexadione Calcium technical grade, 95% 92825 Prohexadione Calcium technical grade, 95% 31651 Phosphocholine Chloride Calcium Salt Tetrahydrate pure, 97% 31651 Phosphocholine Chloride Calcium Salt Tetrahydrate pure, 97% 31651 Phosphocholine Chloride Calcium Salt Tetrahydrate pure, 97% 74152 L-Proline-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrobromide Salt extrapure, 98% 74152 L-Proline-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrobromide Salt extrapure, 98% 79380 Z-Proline-Arginine-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 57-83-0 57-83-0 21087-77-4 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Mg 1244 Part B 5083 Part B 42000 Part B 29372900 18 0-4C 29372900 18 0-4C 29420090 18 RT 127277-53-6 127277-53-6 72556-74-2 100 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 4950 Part B 26390 Part B 2408 Part B 38089340 18 0-4C 38089340 18 0-4C 29239000 18 RT 72556-74-2 25 Gms 5157 Part B 29239000 18 RT 72556-74-2 100 Gms 14896 Part B 29239000 18 RT 115388-93-7 10 Mg 4320 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 115388-93-7 25 Mg 7199 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 70375-23-4 10 Mg 67881 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 79380 Z-Proline-Arginine-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 70375-23-4 25 Mg 145447 Part B 29224990 18 2-8C 16110 L-Proline Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 16110 L-Proline Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 16652-71-4 5 Gms 3390 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 16652-71-4 25 Gms 11856 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 83218 83218 99350 99350 63639 Potassium Gluconate extrapure, 99% Potassium Gluconate extrapure, 99% Potassium tert-Butoxide pure, 98% Potassium tert-Butoxide pure, 98% Potassium Sorbate pure, 99% Praseodymium (III) Chloride Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% Praseodymium (III) Chloride Hydrate extrapure, 99.9% Praseodymium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% Praseodymium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% Praseodymium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% Praseodymium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% Praseodymium (III, IV) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% Page 223 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 28008 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29181690 29181690 29420090 29420090 29161990 28469090 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 73978 L-Proline-ß- Naphthylamide Hydrobromide extrapure, 99% 16680 Proline Specific Endopeptidase ex. Flavobacterium Sp., 5U/mg 31798 Propargyl Alcohol pure, 99% 31798 Propargyl Alcohol pure, 99% 31798 Propargyl Alcohol pure, 99% 90557 D-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% 90557 D-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% 35981 L-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% 35981 L-Prolinamide extrapure, 98% 57732 D-Prolinol extrapure, 98% 57732 D-Prolinol extrapure, 98% 57732 D-Prolinol extrapure, 98% 46457 L-Prolinol extrapure, 98% 46457 L-Prolinol extrapure, 98% 41622 Propiophenone pure, 99% 41622 Propiophenone pure, 99% 84215 n-Propyl Bromide pure, 98% 84215 n-Propyl Bromide pure, 98% 45799 Propylene Carbonate pure, 99% 45799 Propylene Carbonate pure, 99% 56082 n-Propyl Iodide extrapure, 99% 56082 n-Propyl Iodide extrapure, 99% 56082 n-Propyl Iodide extrapure, 99% 25034 Propyl Propionate extrapure, 99% 25034 Propyl Propionate extrapure, 99% 11195 Propidium Iodide (PI) for molecular biology, 95% 97216-17-6 100 Mg 4227 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 50 Units 8343 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 107-19-7 107-19-7 107-19-7 62937-45-5 62937-45-5 7531-52-4 7531-52-4 68832-13-3 68832-13-3 68832-13-3 23356-96-9 23356-96-9 93-55-0 93-55-0 106-94-5 106-94-5 108-32-7 108-32-7 107-08-4 107-08-4 107-08-4 106-36-5 106-36-5 25535-16-4 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 ml 5 ml 25 ml 5 ml 25 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 25 ml 100 ml 250 ml 250 ml 1000 ml 10 Mg 11195 Propidium Iodide (PI) for molecular biology, 95% 25535-16-4 25 Mg 4069 Part B 29339900 18 2-8C 11195 Propidium Iodide (PI) for molecular biology, 95% 25535-16-4 100 Mg 10084 Part B 29339900 18 2-8C 25535-16-4 9036-06-0 2 Mg 10 ml 25 Gms 11607 Part B 5902 Part B 4628 Part B 35040099 18 -20C 38220090 12 2-8C 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 25 Mg 3703 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 100 Mg 9719 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 100 Gms 695 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 500 Gms 3009 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 250 Gms 3703 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 500 Gms 2083 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 9036-06-0 100 Gms 3356 Part B 35079099 18 0-4C 79546 Protein A soluble 14887 Propidium Iodide Solution (1mg/ml in H2O) 84589 Protease ex. Aspergillus Oryzae (Fungal) (Type 1 Acidic, powder), 500kHUT/g 38207 Protease ex. Bacillus Licheniformis (Type 4 Neutral, powder), 10U/mg 38207 Protease ex. Bacillus Licheniformis (Type 4 Neutral, powder), 10U/mg 81525 Protease ex. Bacillus Sp. (Type 5 - Neutral, granules), 8kNPU/g 81525 Protease ex. Bacillus Sp. (Type 5 - Neutral, granules), 8kNPU/g 66789 Protease ex. Bacillus Subtilis (Type 2 - Alkaline, granules), 100kAPU/g 23434 Protease ex. Bacillus Subtilis (Type 3 - Alkaline, granules), 1000kAPU/g 84244 Protease ex. Bacillus Subtilis (Type 6 - Neutral, powder), 100kNPU/g Page 224 of 321 Price 906 1695 7792 4519 16937 2995 8470 1947 7620 13127 3115 10290 1308 4689 476 1912 562 2527 1288 2686 5817 1069 4032 2236 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29052900 29052900 29052900 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333990 29339900 29339900 29339900 29339900 29339900 29143990 29143990 29033920 29033920 29012990 29012990 29033930 29033930 29033930 29155000 29155000 29339900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 26309 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type B), 30U/mg 26309 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type B), 30U/mg 26309 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type B), 30U/mg 26309 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type B), 30U/mg 26309 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type B), 30U/mg 49936 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type A) for molecular biology, 30U/mg 49936 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type A) for molecular biology, 30U/mg 49936 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type A) for molecular biology, 30U/mg 49936 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type A) for molecular biology, 30U/mg 49936 Proteinase K ex. Tritirachium Album (Type A) for molecular biology, 30U/mg 36331 Proteinase K Solution (20 mg/ml) 36331 Proteinase K Solution (20 mg/ml) 36331 Proteinase K Solution (20 mg/ml) 32753 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type D Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 30U/mg 32753 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type D Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 30U/mg 32753 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type D Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 30U/mg 32753 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type D Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 30U/mg 32753 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type D Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 30U/mg 45073 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type E Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 40U/mg 45073 Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type E Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR, 40U/mg 66893 Pullulan (Polymaltotriose, PULL) extrapure 66893 Pullulan (Polymaltotriose, PULL) extrapure 66893 Pullulan (Polymaltotriose, PULL) extrapure 93909 Puromycin Dihydrochloride (PRM), 98% 93909 Puromycin Dihydrochloride (PRM), 98% 93909 Puromycin Dihydrochloride (PRM), 98% 85492 Putrescine free base extrapure, 99% CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 39450-01-6 10 Mg 499 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 25 Mg 1232 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 100 Mg 4434 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 500 Mg 20889 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 1 Gms 40194 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 10 Mg 533 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 25 Mg 1300 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 100 Mg 4575 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 500 Mg 22300 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 1 Gms 43018 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 1 ml 5 x1 ml 5 x5 ml 10 Mg 3390 6897 21453 736 38220090 38220090 38220090 35079099 39450-01-6 25 Mg 1695 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 100 Mg 6664 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 500 Mg 28227 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 1 Gms 54196 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 25 Mg 2003 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 39450-01-6 100 Mg 6953 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9057-02-7 9057-02-7 9057-02-7 58-58-2 58-58-2 58-58-2 110-60-1 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 25 Gms Page 225 of 321 6777 11293 21453 3115 6088 22357 1335 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29400000 29400000 29400000 29420090 29420090 29420090 29215990 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C -20C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Price Packing Putrescine free base extrapure, 99% Putrescine free base extrapure, 99% Putrescine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 99% Putrescine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 99% Putrescine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 99% Putrescine Dihydrochloride extrapure, 99% Putrescine Dihydrochloride for tissue culture, 99% 110-60-1 110-60-1 333-93-7 333-93-7 333-93-7 333-93-7 333-93-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 49270 Putrescine Dihydrochloride for tissue culture, 99% 333-93-7 5 Gms 3115 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 49270 Putrescine Dihydrochloride for tissue culture, 99% 333-93-7 25 Gms 8232 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 31412 31412 31412 32357 288-13-1 288-13-1 288-13-1 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Mg 1075 2261 5648 84679 Part B Part B Part B Part B 29331990 29331990 29331990 38220090 18 67000-89-9 67000-89-9 19694-02-1 19694-02-1 19694-02-1 93324-65-3 500 Mg 1 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 4236 8131 4179 7454 32744 3894 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29062990 29062990 29163990 29163990 29163990 29214990 18 93324-65-3 1 Gms 7120 Part B 289-80-5 289-80-5 7291-22-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 ml 2600 Part B 12000 Part B 15127 Part B 29339900 18 2-8C 29339900 18 2-8C 29333100 18 8-25C 1938 8076 35521 525 29319090 29319090 29319090 29333919 3560 15574 442 1357 5648 20324 890 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 85492 85492 81343 81343 81343 81343 49270 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29215990 29215990 29215990 29215990 29215990 29215990 29215990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 67172 67172 31129 Pyrazole extrapure, 98% Pyrazole extrapure, 98% Pyrazole extrapure, 98% Pyrene Actin (10%) ex. Rabbit Skeletal Muscle extrapure, 99% 1-Pyrenebutanol extrapure, 99% 1-Pyrenebutanol extrapure, 99% 1-Pyrenecarboxylic Acid pure, 97% 1-Pyrenecarboxylic Acid pure, 97% 1-Pyrenecarboxylic Acid pure, 97% 1-Pyrenemethylamine Hydrochloride (PyNH2) pure, 95% 1-Pyrenemethylamine Hydrochloride (PyNH2) pure, 95% Pyridazine pure, 98% Pyridazine pure, 98% Pyridine-d5 For NMR Spectroscopy, 99.5 Atom%D 73512 73512 73512 16539 3-Pyridineboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 3-Pyridineboronic Acid extrapure, 98% 3-Pyridineboronic Acid extrapure, 98% Pyridine-2,6-Dicarboxylic Acid extrapure, 99% 1692-25-7 1692-25-7 1692-25-7 499-83-2 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 16539 Pyridine-2,6-Dicarboxylic Acid extrapure, 99% 499-83-2 25 Gms 1553 Part B 29333919 18 RT 12644 Pyridine-3-Sulphonic Acid (P3SA) extrapure, 98% 636-73-7 5 Gms 1335 Part B 29333990 18 RT 12644 Pyridine-3-Sulphonic Acid (P3SA) extrapure, 98% 636-73-7 25 Gms 3783 Part B 29333990 18 RT 52928 Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 52928 Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 52928 Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate Monohydrate extrapure, 98% 88205 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) pure, 98% 41468-25-1 1 Gms 964 Part B 29362500 18 8-25C 41468-25-1 5 Gms 4406 Part B 29362500 18 8-25C 41468-25-1 25 Gms 14114 Part B 29362500 18 8-25C 58-56-0 10 Gms 193 Part B 29362500 18 8-25C 88205 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) pure, 98% 58-56-0 25 Gms 479 Part B 29362500 18 8-25C 39433 39433 81284 81284 81284 59503 59503 Page 226 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT 29214990 18 RT 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 88205 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) pure, 98% 58-56-0 100 Gms 1780 Part B 29362500 18 8-25C 47330 3(2-Pyridyl)-5,6-Diphenyl-1,2,4-Triazine (PDT) extrapure AR, 99% 47330 3(2-Pyridyl)-5,6-Diphenyl-1,2,4-Triazine (PDT) extrapure AR, 99% 16315 3-(2-Pyridyldithio)propionic Acid NHydroxysuccinimide Ester (SPDP Crosslinker) extrapure, 95% 16315 3-(2-Pyridyldithio)propionic Acid NHydroxysuccinimide Ester (SPDP Crosslinker) extrapure, 95% 16315 3-(2-Pyridyldithio)propionic Acid NHydroxysuccinimide Ester (SPDP Crosslinker) extrapure, 95% 77504 3-(2-Pyridyl)-5,6-di(2-Furyl)-1,2,4-Triazine-5,5Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt (Ferene Disodium), 99 77504 3-(2-Pyridyl)-5,6-di(2-Furyl)-1,2,4-Triazine-5,5Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt (Ferene Disodium), 99 77504 3-(2-Pyridyl)-5,6-di(2-Furyl)-1,2,4-Triazine-5,5Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt (Ferene Disodium), 99 77577 L-Pyroglutamic Acid extrapure, 99% 77577 L-Pyroglutamic Acid extrapure, 99% 36306 L-Pyroglutamic Acid-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin extrapure, 98% 36306 L-Pyroglutamic Acid-7-Amido-4-Methylcoumarin extrapure, 98% 75612 Pyronin G (Pyronin Y), 50% 75612 Pyronin G (Pyronin Y), 50% 71692 Pyrrole extrapure, 99% 71692 Pyrrole extrapure, 99% 71692 Pyrrole extrapure, 99% 91402 Pyrrolidine pure, 99% 91402 Pyrrolidine pure, 99% 88543 Pyrrolidine extrapure AR, 99.5% 88543 Pyrrolidine extrapure AR, 99.5% 73694 2-Pyrrolidone pure, 99% 73694 2-Pyrrolidone pure, 99% 73694 2-Pyrrolidone pure, 99% 63884 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase ex. Microorganism, 2.0U/mg 29986 Pyruvate Kinase ex. Rabbit Muscle, 300U/mg 59150 Pyruvic Acid pure, 98% 59150 Pyruvic Acid pure, 98% 71923 Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 71923 Quercetin Dihydrate extrapure, 99% 97899 Quinaldine Red 97899 Quinaldine Red 1046-56-6 1 Gms 2710 Part B 29333919 18 8-25C 1046-56-6 5 Gms 11856 Part B 29333919 18 8-25C 68181-17-9 10 Mg 6119 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 68181-17-9 25 Mg 11403 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 68181-17-9 100 Mg 22805 Part B 29333990 18 2-8C 79551-14-7 1 Gms 6720 Part B 29336990 18 8-25C 79551-14-7 2.5 Gms 11123 Part B 29336990 18 8-25C 79551-14-7 10 Gms 31615 Part B 29336990 18 8-25C 98-79-3 98-79-3 66642-36-2 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 597 Part B 1554 Part B 9529 Part B 29224210 18 2-8C 29224210 18 2-8C 29223900 18 2-8C 66642-36-2 25 Mg 18520 Part B 29223900 18 2-8C 92-32-0 92-32-0 109-97-7 109-97-7 109-97-7 123-75-1 123-75-1 123-75-1 123-75-1 616-45-5 616-45-5 616-45-5 9014-20-4 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 250 ml 250 ml 500 ml 2500 ml 10 Units 890 2566 850 3200 14000 432 1900 648 1188 612 1169 5841 9825 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 32049000 32049000 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29332990 29337900 29337900 29337900 35079099 18 9001-59-6 127-17-3 127-17-3 6151-25-3 6151-25-3 117-92-0 117-92-0 4000 Units 25 ml 100 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 7340 634 2035 1736 6364 1357 6325 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 35079099 29189900 29189900 29420090 29420090 29334900 29334900 18 Page 227 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Price Packing Quinic Acid extrapure, 98% Quinic Acid extrapure, 98% Quinic Acid extrapure, 98% Quinoline pure, 97% Quinoline pure, 97% D-Raffinose Pentahydrate extrapure D-Raffinose Pentahydrate extrapure Ramage Linker (FMOC-Suberol) extrapure, 98% 77-95-2 77-95-2 77-95-2 91-22-5 91-22-5 17629-30-0 17629-30-0 212783-75-0 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 21719 Ramage Linker (FMOC-Suberol) extrapure, 98% 212783-75-0 1 Gms 5755 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 10 Mg 9000 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 1075 3381 11406 1357 6325 1714 6471 2534 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 81076 81076 81076 32648 32648 51649 51649 21719 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29392190 29392190 29392190 29334900 29334900 29400000 29400000 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 0-4C 24527 Rapeseed Glucosinolate Mixture Reference Standard Grade, 90% 36474 Reactive Blue 19 (Remazol Brilliant Blue R) 95238 Reactive Blue 21 (Remazol Turquoise Blue G-133) 2580-78-1 12236-86-1 25 Gms 25 Gms 2369 Part B 2669 Part B 32049000 18 RT 32041650 18 RT 95238 Reactive Blue 21 (Remazol Turquoise Blue G-133) 12236-86-1 100 Gms 7624 Part B 32041650 18 RT 12176 Reactive Orange 16 (Remazol Brilliant Orange 3R) 12225-83-1 25 Gms 2669 Part B 32041610 18 RT 12176 Reactive Orange 16 (Remazol Brilliant Orange 3R) 12225-83-1 100 Gms 6608 Part B 32041610 18 RT 65637 Reactive Orange 107 (Remazol Golden Yellow RNL) 12220-08-5 25 Gms 3177 Part B 32041610 18 RT 65637 Reactive Orange 107 (Remazol Golden Yellow RNL) 12220-08-5 100 Gms 7624 Part B 32041610 18 RT 15034 15034 35832 35832 79740 79740 23176 23176 80539 Reactive Red 21 (Remazol Red BB) Reactive Red 21 (Remazol Red BB) Reactive Red 35 (Remazol Brilliant Red 5B) Reactive Red 35 (Remazol Brilliant Red 5B) Reactive Red 120 Reactive Red 120 Reactive Red 180 (Remazol Brilliant Red F3B) Reactive Red 180 (Remazol Brilliant Red F3B) Reactive Violet 5 (Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R) 11099-79-9 11099-79-9 12226-12-9 12226-12-9 61951-82-4 61951-82-4 98114-32-0 98114-32-0 12226-38-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 4447 9529 800 3000 3177 7624 3177 7624 3177 32041630 32041630 32041630 32041630 32041630 32041630 32041630 32041630 32041640 80539 Reactive Violet 5 (Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R) 12226-38-9 100 Gms 7624 Part B 32041640 18 RT 67074 Reactive Yellow 17 (Remazol Golden Yellow G) 20317-19-5 25 Gms 6353 Part B 32041610 18 RT 67074 Reactive Yellow 17 (Remazol Golden Yellow G) 20317-19-5 100 Gms 22865 Part B 32041610 18 RT 42650 42650 42650 42817 42817 42817 46861 46861 39798 62758-13-8 62758-13-8 62758-13-8 62758-13-8 62758-13-8 62758-13-8 50-55-5 50-55-5 108-46-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 906 4406 20889 1075 4689 23147 3277 12422 902 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29399900 29399900 29072100 Resazurin Sodium extrapure AR Resazurin Sodium extrapure AR Resazurin Sodium extrapure AR Resazurin Sodium extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ Resazurin Sodium extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ Resazurin Sodium extrapure AR, ExiPlus™ Reserpine extrapure, 99% Reserpine extrapure, 99% Resorcinol extrapure AR, 99% Page 228 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Resorcinol extrapure AR, 99% Resorcinol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Resorcinol extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 99% Resorufin Sodium Salt extrapure, 95% L-Rhamnose Monohydrate extrapure L-Rhamnose Monohydrate extrapure L-Rhamnose Monohydrate extrapure Rhenium Powder extrapure, 99.99%, -325mesh 108-46-3 108-46-3 108-46-3 34994-50-8 10030-85-0 10030-85-0 10030-85-0 7440-15-5 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 59652 Rhenium Powder extrapure, 99.99%, -325mesh 7440-15-5 5 Gms 8994 Part B 45165 Rhodium (III) Chloride Trihydrate pure, 98% 45165 Rhodium (III) Chloride Trihydrate pure, 98% 46729 Rhodium (II) Octanoate Dimer extrapure, 97% 20765-98-4 20765-98-4 73482-96-9 250 Mg 1 Gms 250 Mg 13000 Part B 50500 Part B 5000 Part B 28439019 18 RT 28439019 18 RT 28439019 18 8-25C 46729 Rhodium (II) Octanoate Dimer extrapure, 97% 73482-96-9 1 Gms 13000 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 34392 34392 34392 57443 4228 1002 4506 6000 612 1141 2559 1824 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29072100 29072100 29072100 29420090 29400000 29400000 29400000 81129900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT RT RT 81129900 18 RT 130-40-5 25 Gms 623 Part B 29362310 18 2-8C 9001-99-4 25 Mg 2225 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-99-4 100 Mg 4673 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9001-99-4 500 Mg 20024 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 63231-63-0 25 Gms 1662 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 62910 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Free Acid ex. Yeast, 85% 63231-63-0 100 Gms 6404 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 61866 Ribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (RNA Sodium, Sodium Nucleinate) ex. Yeast for molecular biology, 85% 61866 Ribonucleic Acid Sodium Salt (RNA Sodium, Sodium Nucleinate) ex. Yeast for molecular biology, 85% 48259 D-Ribose extrapure 48259 D-Ribose extrapure 76538 D-Ribose for tissue culture 76538 D-Ribose for tissue culture 72377 D-Ribose-5-Phosphate Barium Salt extrapure, 98% 73049-77-1 10 Gms 1500 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 73049-77-1 25 Gms 3100 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 50-69-1 50-69-1 50-69-1 50-69-1 15673-79-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 515 1442 330 927 4379 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 72377 D-Ribose-5-Phosphate Barium Salt extrapure, 98% 15673-79-7 500 Mg 19699 Part B 12310 Rifampicin (RFP) (Rifampin), 97-102% 12310 Rifampicin (RFP) (Rifampin), 97-102% 81319 Rifaximin (RFX) extrapure, 98% 13292-46-1 13292-46-1 80621-81-4 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 679 Part B 3107 Part B 2781 Part B 98915 98915 62910 Page 229 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 98915 301 718 2726 189 Part 83-88-5 83-88-5 83-88-5 130-40-5 57443 Riboflavin pure, 98% Riboflavin pure, 98% Riboflavin pure, 98% Riboflavine-5-Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 93% Riboflavine-5-Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure, 93% Ribonuclease A (RNase A) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 50Kunitz/mg Ribonuclease A (RNase A) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 50Kunitz/mg Ribonuclease A (RNase A) ex. Bovine Pancreas for molecular biology, 50Kunitz/mg Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Free Acid ex. Yeast, 85% Price % CAS Number 39798 22173 22173 13256 69040 69040 69040 59652 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29362310 29362310 29362310 29362310 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT 29400000 18 RT 29419011 18 2-8C 29419011 18 2-8C 29419011 18 -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 81319 Rifaximin (RFX) extrapure, 98% 23311 Rink Amide Linker (Knorr Linker) extrapure, 99% 80621-81-4 145069-56-3 5 Gms 1 Gms 11681 Part B 7906 Part B 29419011 18 -20C 29329900 18 2-8C 23311 Rink Amide Linker (Knorr Linker) extrapure, 99% 145069-56-3 5 Gms 13551 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 90780 90780 60549 60549 10641 10641 66412 66412 18325 18325 16281 16281 16593 16593 10673 10673 10673 57467 57467 57467 77386 45549 45549 45549 13464 13464 13464 71637 71637 71637 93538 p-Rosaniline Hydrochloride p-Rosaniline Hydrochloride Rose Bengal Rose Bengal Rose Oil extrapure Rose Oil extrapure p-Rosolic Acid p-Rosolic Acid Rutin Trihydrate pure, 95% Rutin Trihydrate pure, 95% Safranine 0.5 w/v Aq. Solution Safranine 0.5 w/v Aq. Solution Safranine O Safranine O D(-) Salicin extrapure D(-) Salicin extrapure D(-) Salicin extrapure Salicylaldehyde Azine extrapure, 97% Salicylaldehyde Azine extrapure, 97% Salicylaldehyde Azine extrapure, 97% Salicylamide pure, 98% Salt Mixture Bernhart Tommarelli Salt Mixture Bernhart Tommarelli Salt Mixture Bernhart Tommarelli Salt Mixture H.M.W Salt Mixture H.M.W Salt Mixture H.M.W Salt Mixture U.S.P. XIV Salt Mixture U.S.P. XIV Salt Mixture U.S.P. XIV Samarium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate pure, 99.9% 569-61-9 569-61-9 632-69-9 632-69-9 8007-01-1 8007-01-1 603-45-2 603-45-2 250249-75-3 250249-75-3 13465-55-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 ml 25 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 125 ml 500 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 10 Gms 1318 4795 590 1396 2021 4041 1454 4358 721 2678 90 501 501 1780 2373 10727 33873 902 2337 9567 1470 372 708 3209 411 778 3532 444 856 4028 3400 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 33012938 33012938 32049000 32049000 29381000 29381000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29280090 29280090 29280090 29182330 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 28469090 93538 Samarium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate pure, 99.9% 13465-55-9 50 Gms 11200 Part B 28469090 18 RT 92082 Samarium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.95% 92082 Samarium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.95% 31372 Samarium (III) Oxide ultrapure, 99.95% 31372 Samarium (III) Oxide ultrapure, 99.95% 54043 Samarium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 54043 Samarium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 68580 Scandium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 13759-83-6 5 Gms 1800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 13759-83-6 25 Gms 5350 Part B 28469090 18 RT 12060-58-1 12060-58-1 52093-28-4 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 1700 Part B 4950 Part B 2600 Part B 28469010 18 RT 28469010 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 52093-28-4 5 Gms 6000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 144026-79-9 1 Gms 1600 Part B 28469090 18 RT 477-73-6 477-73-6 138-52-3 138-52-3 138-52-3 959-36-4 959-36-4 959-36-4 65-45-2 Page 230 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 144026-79-9 5 Gms 7300 Part B 28469090 18 RT 8047-15-2 8047-15-2 9029-22-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Units 4870 Part B 9736 Part B 5648 Part B 13021990 18 RT 13021990 18 RT 35079099 18 -20C 9029-22-5 1 K.Units 10727 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 12060-08-1 12060-08-1 92-61-5 92-61-5 92-61-5 111-20-6 563-41-7 7446-08-4 7446-08-4 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 ml 25 Mg 50 Mg 100 Mg 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 3395 10857 684 5170 8369 14771 1024 629 3502 15808 3954 16499 5740 28469090 28469090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29172000 29280090 28112990 28112990 28049000 28049000 28049000 7782-49-2 100 Gms 18362 Part B 28049000 18 RT 55819-71-1 100 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 273 3330 14081 3330 14081 3586 16002 5250 21761 5250 21761 5506 23297 14940 38220090 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 13023100 29379090 17017 L-Serine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 17017 L-Serine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 17017 L-Serine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 18472 Sieber Linker (3-Hydroxyxanthone) extrapure, 99% 5680-80-8 5 Gms 906 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 5680-80-8 25 Gms 3954 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 5680-80-8 100 Gms 10727 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 3722-51-8 100 Mg 2486 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 18472 Sieber Linker (3-Hydroxyxanthone) extrapure, 99% 3722-51-8 1 Gms 5648 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 18472 Sieber Linker (3-Hydroxyxanthone) extrapure, 99% 3722-51-8 5 Gms 9035 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 68580 Scandium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 80967 Saponin extrapure 80967 Saponin extrapure 10147 Sarcosine Oxidase (SOX) ex. Recombinant E.coli, 20U/mg 10147 Sarcosine Oxidase (SOX) ex. Recombinant E.coli, 20U/mg 21032 Scandium Oxide, 99.99% 21032 Scandium Oxide, 99.99% 17386 Schiff’s Reagent 32380 Scopoletin extrapure, 99% 32380 Scopoletin extrapure, 99% 32380 Scopoletin extrapure, 99% 62330 Sebacic Acid pure, 98% 19182 Semicarbazide Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 44779 Selenium Dioxide pure, 98% 44779 Selenium Dioxide pure, 98% 90945 Selenium Metal Powder extrapure, 99.9% 51200 Selenium Metal Powder ultrapure, 99.999% 77855 Selenium Metal Granular electronic grade, 99.999% 77855 Selenium Metal Granular electronic grade, 99.999% 29815 Seliwanoff's Reagent 64088 Seralose®-2B 64088 Seralose®-2B 54540 Seralose®-4B 54540 Seralose®-4B 12585 Seralose®-6B 12585 Seralose®-6B 81862 Seralose® CL-2B 81862 Seralose® CL-2B 11974 Seralose® CL-4B 11974 Seralose® CL-4B 22264 Seralose® CL-6B 22264 Seralose® CL-6B 85165 DL-Serine Hydrazide Hydrochloride pure, 98% Page 231 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 77996 77996 46400 46400 31156 31156 68360 68360 28466 28466 39343 39343 20356 20356 45570 45570 78339 Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % Stor age Silica Cysteine-Functionalized extrapure Silica Cysteine-Functionalized extrapure Silica DMT-Functionalized extrapure Silica DMT-Functionalized extrapure Silica Imidazole-Functionalized extrapure Silica Imidazole-Functionalized extrapure Silica TAAcOH-Functionalized extrapure Silica TAAcOH-Functionalized extrapure Silica TAAcONa-Functionalized extrapure Silica TAAcONa-Functionalized extrapure Silica Thiol-Functionalized (STF) extrapure Silica Thiol-Functionalized (STF) extrapure Silica DPP-Pd Catalyst extrapure Silica DPP-Pd Catalyst extrapure Silica TEMPO Catalyst extrapure Silica TEMPO Catalyst extrapure Silica C18 (17%) Bonded monomeric extrapure 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 19011 31680 10686 44508 6340 26399 9141 38079 9141 38079 7639 31814 35987 59971 17626 29378 5006 78339 Silica C18 (17%) Bonded monomeric extrapure 25 Gms 14462 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 43139 43139 35228 35228 30753 30753 92868 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 8814 36725 5585 10902 5497 22892 7842 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 25 Gms 32665 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 9546 39772 668 279 946 1500 29319090 29319090 28046100 28046900 28046900 28432900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C Silica Carbonate Bonded extrapure Silica Carbonate Bonded extrapure Silica Cyano Bonded extrapure Silica Cyano Bonded extrapure Silica Diol Bonded extrapure Silica Diol Bonded extrapure Silica TMA Acetate Bonded non-endcapped extrapure Silica TMA Acetate Bonded non-endcapped extrapure Silica Tosic Acid Bonded extrapure Silica Tosic Acid Bonded extrapure Silicon Metal Flakes, 98.5% Silicon Metal powder, 98.5%, -200 mesh Silicon Metal powder, 98.5%, -200 mesh Silver Hexafluoroantimonate(V) extrapure, 98% 7440-21-3 7440-21-3 7440-21-3 26042-64-8 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 43800 Silver Hexafluoroantimonate(V) extrapure, 98% 26042-64-8 5 Gms 6000 Part B 28432900 18 RT 32422 Silver Metal powder, 99.9%, -400 mesh 32422 Silver Metal powder, 99.9%, -400 mesh 43491 Silver Methanesulfonate (Silver MSA) extrapure, 47.8%-58.4% Ag 43491 Silver Methanesulfonate (Silver MSA) extrapure, 47.8%-58.4% Ag 46241 Silver Proteinate extrapure, 8% Ag 46241 Silver Proteinate extrapure, 8% Ag 27821 Silver Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 7440-22-4 7440-22-4 2386-52-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 6000 Part B 22000 Part B 4380 Part B 71061000 3 RT 71061000 3 RT 28432900 18 RT 2386-52-9 5 Gms 16000 Part B 28432900 18 RT 9008-42-8 9008-42-8 2923-28-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 1800 Part B 6500 Part B 1000 Part B 28432900 18 2-8C 28432900 18 2-8C 28432900 18 2-8C 27821 Silver Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 2923-28-6 5 Gms 4100 Part B 28432900 18 2-8C 92868 50648 50648 30540 73081 73081 43800 Page 232 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 29319090 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 69717 Silver Vanadate pure 90677 Sinalbin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 98% 28945 Sinigrin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 97% 28945 Sinigrin Potassium Salt Reference Standard Grade, 97% 56226 b-Sitosterol ex. Rice Bran, 98% 13728 b-Sitosterol ex. Soyabean, 95% 13728 b-Sitosterol ex. Soyabean, 95% 89658 Sodium Bifluoride pure, 98% 53713 Sodium Biselenite pure, 98% 22308 Sodium Butyrate pure, 98% 22308 Sodium Butyrate pure, 98% 41059 Sodium Caseinate extrapure 41059 Sodium Caseinate extrapure 43624 Sodium Chromate pure, 98% 60947 Sodium Dihydro-bis- Methoxyethoxy Aluminate (VITRIDE) pure, 68-71% 60947 Sodium Dihydro-bis- Methoxyethoxy Aluminate (VITRIDE) pure, 68-71% 46288 Sodium Diphenylamine Sulphonate extrapure AR 13497-94-4 16411-05-5 5 Gms 10 Mg 3000 Part B 32000 Part B 28432900 18 RT 29420090 18 2-8C 3952-98-5 25 Mg 6000 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 3952-98-5 100 Mg 9800 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 83-46-5 83-46-5 83-46-5 1333-83-1 7782-82-3 156-54-7 156-54-7 9005-46-3 9005-46-3 7775-11-3 22722-98-1 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 22722-98-1 500 Gms 5000 Part B 29420090 18 RT 6152-67-6 10 Gms 592 Part B 29214410 18 RT 46288 Sodium Diphenylamine Sulphonate extrapure AR 6152-67-6 25 Gms 1382 Part B 29214410 18 RT 46288 Sodium Diphenylamine Sulphonate extrapure AR 6152-67-6 100 Gms 4961 Part B 29214410 18 RT 25818 25818 67516 67516 55083 5137-46-2 5137-46-2 5137-46-2 5137-46-2 25155-30-0 15 ml 10 x15 ml 15 ml 10 x15 ml 100 Gms 906 8470 1357 9937 623 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29041090 25155-30-0 500 Gms 1582 Part B 29041090 18 RT 25155-30-0 5 Kg 11519 Part B 29041090 18 RT 751-94-0 751-94-0 17013-01-3 17013-01-3 154804-51-0 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 8898 18732 326 2990 5351 29420090 29420090 29171990 29171990 29199040 154804-51-0 100 Gms 19668 Part B 29199040 18 2-8C 16564-43-5 100 Mg 2605 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 16564-43-5 500 Mg 5920 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 16564-43-5 1 Gms 10656 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 55083 55083 36511 36511 55655 55655 15331 15331 97971 97971 97971 Sodium Diphenyl Reagent AR Sodium Diphenyl Reagent AR Sodium Diphenyl Reagent ExiPlus™ Sodium Diphenyl Reagent ExiPlus™ Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) pure, 80% Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) pure, 80% Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) pure, 80% Sodium Fucidate (Na-FC), 97.5% Sodium Fucidate (Na-FC), 97.5% Sodium Fumarate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium Fumarate extrapure AR, 99.5% Sodium-ß-Glycerophosphate Hydrate extrapure AR, 99% Sodium-ß-Glycerophosphate Hydrate extrapure AR, 99% Sodium Glycochenodeoxycholate (SGCDC) extrapure, 97% Sodium Glycochenodeoxycholate (SGCDC) extrapure, 97% Sodium Glycochenodeoxycholate (SGCDC) extrapure, 97% Page 233 of 321 4673 4228 16575 1357 4123 861 3333 1400 5250 601 1200 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29061990 29061990 29061990 28261990 28419000 29156010 29156010 35019000 35019000 28415010 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 97971 Sodium Glycochenodeoxycholate (SGCDC) extrapure, 97% 97971 Sodium Glycochenodeoxycholate (SGCDC) extrapure, 97% 31287 Sodium Glycocholate Dried (SGC Dried) extrapure, 98% 31287 Sodium Glycocholate Dried (SGC Dried) extrapure, 98% 31287 Sodium Glycocholate Dried (SGC Dried) extrapure, 98% 31287 Sodium Glycocholate Dried (SGC Dried) extrapure, 98% 15556 Sodium Glycocholate Hydrate (SGC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 15556 Sodium Glycocholate Hydrate (SGC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 15556 Sodium Glycocholate Hydrate (SGC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 15556 Sodium Glycocholate Hydrate (SGC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 43453 Sodium Gluconate pure, 99% 54565 Sodium Malonate extrapure, 99% 54565 Sodium Malonate extrapure, 99% 18444 Sodium Metavanadate extrapure, 99% 18444 Sodium Metavanadate extrapure, 99% 18444 Sodium Metavanadate extrapure, 99% 85247 Sodium-2-Naphthyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% 85247 Sodium-2-Naphthyl Phosphate Disodium Salt extrapure AR, 99% 86766 Sodium Orthovanadate pure, 45% 86766 Sodium Orthovanadate pure, 45% 14215 Sodium Polyanethol Sulphonate (SPS, Liquoid) extrapure AR 14215 Sodium Polyanethol Sulphonate (SPS, Liquoid) extrapure AR 14215 Sodium Polyanethol Sulphonate (SPS, Liquoid) extrapure AR 23569 Sodium Pyruvate (Pyruvic Acid Sodium Salt) extrapure AR, 99% 23569 Sodium Pyruvate (Pyruvic Acid Sodium Salt) extrapure AR, 99% 23569 Sodium Pyruvate (Pyruvic Acid Sodium Salt) extrapure AR, 99% 19099 Sodium Rhodizonate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% Part HS code % Stor age 29157090 18 2-8C 25 Gms 182312 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 863-57-0 500 Mg 3508 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 863-57-0 1 Gms 6579 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 863-57-0 5 Gms 17540 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 863-57-0 25 Gms 83308 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 338950-81-5 500 Mg 3181 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 338950-81-5 1 Gms 5483 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 338950-81-5 5 Gms 15347 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 338950-81-5 25 Gms 76731 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 527-07-1 141-95-7 141-95-7 13718-26-8 13718-26-8 13718-26-8 31681-98-8 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 324 851 3133 700 2000 13000 926 29181690 29171990 29171990 28419000 28419000 28419000 29199090 31681-98-8 5 Gms 4508 Part B 29199090 18 2-8C 13721-39-6 13721-39-6 55963-78-5 10 Gms 50 Gms 1 Gms 3240 Part B 9720 Part B 476 Part B 28419000 18 8-25C 28419000 18 8-25C 29309099 18 RT 55963-78-5 5 Gms 2160 Part B 29309099 18 RT 55963-78-5 25 Gms 10368 Part B 29309099 18 RT 113-24-6 25 Gms 320 Part B 29189900 18 RT 113-24-6 100 Gms 980 Part B 29189900 18 RT 113-24-6 500 Gms 2900 Part B 29189900 18 RT 523-21-7 1 Gms 549 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 19099 Sodium Rhodizonate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 523-21-7 5 Gms 1306 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 19099 Sodium Rhodizonate Dibasic extrapure AR, 99% 523-21-7 25 Gms 6030 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 10102-18-8 25 Gms 735 Part B 16564-43-5 Page 234 of 321 5 Gms Price 40252 Part B 95335 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 16564-43-5 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 28419000 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 95335 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 95335 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous extrapure, 98% 80451 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 10102-18-8 10102-18-8 10102-18-8 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 2484 Part B 9720 Part B 778 Part B 28419000 18 RT 28419000 18 RT 28419000 18 RT 80451 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 10102-18-8 100 Gms 2808 Part B 28419000 18 RT 80451 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99% 10102-18-8 500 Gms 10584 Part B 28419000 18 RT 17169 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous for tissue culture, 99% 10102-18-8 25 Gms 908 Part B 28419000 18 RT 17169 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous for tissue culture, 99% 10102-18-8 100 Gms 2700 Part B 28419000 18 RT 17169 Sodium Selenite Anhydrous for tissue culture, 99% 10102-18-8 500 Gms 13392 Part B 28419000 18 RT 58529 Sodium Taurochenodeoxycholate (STCDC) extrapure, 95% 58529 Sodium Taurochenodeoxycholate (STCDC) extrapure, 95% 63703 Sodium Taurocholate Hydrate (STC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 63703 Sodium Taurocholate Hydrate (STC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 63703 Sodium Taurocholate Hydrate (STC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 63703 Sodium Taurocholate Hydrate (STC Hydrate) extrapure, 98% 57861 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Dried (STDC Dried) extrapure, 97% 57861 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Dried (STDC Dried) extrapure, 97% 57861 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Dried (STDC Dried) extrapure, 97% 40391 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Hydrate (STDC Hydrate) extrapure, 97% 40391 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Hydrate (STDC Hydrate) extrapure, 97% 40391 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Hydrate (STDC Hydrate) extrapure, 97% 40391 Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Hydrate (STDC Hydrate) extrapure, 97% 31102 Sodium Tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDCA Sodium) extrapure, 98% 31102 Sodium Tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDCA Sodium) extrapure, 98% 78786 Sodium Thioglycolate extrapure, 99% 78786 Sodium Thioglycolate extrapure, 99% 48950 Sodium Triacetoxyborohydride (STAB) pure, 98% 6009-98-9 250 Mg 10964 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 6009-98-9 500 Mg 21376 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 345909-26-4 1 Gms 2249 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 345909-26-4 5 Gms 8661 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 345909-26-4 25 Gms 19512 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 345909-26-4 100 Gms 68345 Part B 29242990 18 2-8C 1180-95-6 1 Gms 2376 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 1180-95-6 5 Gms 7830 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 1180-95-6 25 Gms 36720 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 207737-97-1 500 Mg 702 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 207737-97-1 1 Gms 1242 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 207737-97-1 5 Gms 6048 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 207737-97-1 25 Gms 29160 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 35807-85-3 1 Gms 4320 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 35807-85-3 5 Gms 15768 Part B 29157090 18 2-8C 367-51-1 367-51-1 56553-60-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 923 Part B 2742 Part B 972 Part B 29309099 18 RT 29309099 18 RT 28500010 18 8-25C 56553-60-7 100 Gms 2700 Part B 28500010 18 8-25C 48950 Sodium Triacetoxyborohydride (STAB) pure, 98% Page 235 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 48950 Sodium Triacetoxyborohydride (STAB) pure, 98% 56553-60-7 500 Gms 12420 Part B 69128 Sodium Trifluoromethanesulfinate (Langlois reagent) extrapure, 95% 99957 a-Solamargine extrapure, 98% 99957 a-Solamargine extrapure, 98% 53771 Solasodine extrapure, 98% 53771 Solasodine extrapure, 98% 89725 Solasonine extrapure, 98% 54281 Somatostatin Acetate extrapure, 97% 54281 Somatostatin Acetate extrapure, 97% 62468 L(-)Sorbose extrapure, 99% 62468 L(-)Sorbose extrapure, 99% 62468 L(-)Sorbose extrapure, 99% 17030 Spermidine extrapure, 99% 17030 Spermidine extrapure, 99% 17030 Spermidine extrapure, 99% 91710 Spermine Free Base extrapure, 99% 91710 Spermine Free Base extrapure, 99% 22310 Spermine Tetrahydrochloride extrapure, 99% 2926-29-6 5 Gms 4752 Part B 20311-51-7 20311-51-7 126-17-0 126-17-0 19121-58-5 38916-34-0 38916-34-0 87-79-6 87-79-6 87-79-6 124-20-9 124-20-9 124-20-9 71-44-3 71-44-3 306-67-2 10 Mg 25 Mg 10 Mg 25 Mg 25 Mg 5 Mg 25 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 22310 Spermine Tetrahydrochloride extrapure, 99% 306-67-2 5 Gms 8551 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 22310 Spermine Tetrahydrochloride extrapure, 99% 306-67-2 10 Gms 16443 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 22310 Spermine Tetrahydrochloride extrapure, 99% 306-67-2 25 Gms 29597 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 85187-10-6 10 Mg 7340 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 85187-10-6 25 Mg 11856 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 85187-10-6 100 Mg 38389 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 85187-10-6 10 Mg 7340 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 85187-10-6 25 Mg 16373 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 85187-10-6 100 Mg 42905 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 657408-07-6 1 Gms 2825 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 657408-07-6 5 Gms 12422 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 657408-07-6 25 Gms 50807 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 122341-56-4 5 Mg 19919 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 500 Mg 1 Gms 4958 Part B 8861 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 29420090 18 2-8C 26413 Sphingomyelin (Type I) (ex. Bovine Brain Spingolipids) extrapure, 99% 26413 Sphingomyelin (Type I) (ex. Bovine Brain Spingolipids) extrapure, 99% 26413 Sphingomyelin (Type I) (ex. Bovine Brain Spingolipids) extrapure, 99% 95852 Sphingomyelin (Type II) (ex. Bovine Heart Sphingolipids) extrapure, 99% 95852 Sphingomyelin (Type II) (ex. Bovine Heart Sphingolipids) extrapure, 99% 95852 Sphingomyelin (Type II) (ex. Bovine Heart Sphingolipids) extrapure, 99% 77061 S-Phos (2-Dicyclohexylphosphino-2,6Dimethoxybiphenyl) extrapure, 98% 77061 S-Phos (2-Dicyclohexylphosphino-2,6Dimethoxybiphenyl) extrapure, 98% 77061 S-Phos (2-Dicyclohexylphosphino-2,6Dimethoxybiphenyl) extrapure, 98% 63056 3-(2'-Spiroadamantane)-4-Methoxy-4-(3''Phosphoryloxy) Phenyl-1,2-Dioxetane (AMPPD) extrapure, 98% 67715 Spironolactone extrapure, 97% 67715 Spironolactone extrapure, 97% 52-01-7 52-01-7 Page 236 of 321 Price 6351 18360 6156 17280 17280 9325 29352 4934 15347 35078 1043 2029 8497 1645 3800 3291 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Stor age 28500010 18 8-25C 29309099 18 RT 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29420090 29420090 29400000 29400000 29400000 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 12590 20X SSC Buffer pH 6.9-7.1 for molecular biology 200 ml 306 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 12590 20X SSC Buffer pH 6.9-7.1 for molecular biology 500 ml 702 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 78305 20X SSPE Buffer pH-7.4 suitable for molecular biology 78305 20X SSPE Buffer pH-7.4 suitable for molecular biology 80268 StachyoseTetrahydrate extrapure, 98% 80268 StachyoseTetrahydrate extrapure, 98% 80268 StachyoseTetrahydrate extrapure, 98% 31384 Stearic Acid pure, 95 - 106% 73878 Stearic Acid extrapure, 99% 73878 Stearic Acid extrapure, 99% 73878 Stearic Acid extrapure, 99% 73439 Stearic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 73439 Stearic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 73439 Stearic Acid ExiPlus™, 99% 61609 Stearic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 99% 61609 Stearic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 99% 61609 Stearic Acid Methyl Ester extrapure, 99% 61600 STET Lysis Buffer 39895 Stigmasterol extrapure, 95% 39895 Stigmasterol extrapure, 95% 39895 Stigmasterol extrapure, 95% 39895 Stigmasterol extrapure, 95% 87610 Streptavidin (SA) ex. Streptomyces Avidinii for molecular biology, 15U/mg Protein 87610 Streptavidin (SA) ex. Streptomyces Avidinii for molecular biology, 15U/mg Protein 54224 r-Streptavidin (r-SA) ex. Streptomyces Acidinii in E.Coli - Type 1, 17U/mg protein 91014 Streptomycin Sulphate (STM) 91014 Streptomycin Sulphate (STM) 91014 Streptomycin Sulphate (STM) 62463 Streptomycin Sulphate for tissue culture 62463 Streptomycin Sulphate for tissue culture 62463 Streptomycin Sulphate for tissue culture 14653 Streptozotocin (STZ) extrapure, 98% 14653 Streptozotocin (STZ) extrapure, 98% 14653 Streptozotocin (STZ) extrapure, 98% 14653 Streptozotocin (STZ) extrapure, 98% 14653 Streptozotocin (STZ) extrapure, 98% 48142 Succinic Anhydride extrapure, 99.5% 48142 Succinic Anhydride extrapure, 99.5% 24088 Succinimidyl-4-(N- (N-maleimidomethyl) cyclohexane-1-carboxylate (SMCC), 98% 24088 Succinimidyl-4-(N- (N-maleimidomethyl) cyclohexane-1-carboxylate (SMCC), 98% 20721 Sucrose Heptasulphate Potassium Salt pure, 80% 200 ml 850 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 1000 ml 2373 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 10094-58-3 10094-58-3 10094-58-3 57-11-4 57-11-4 57-11-4 57-11-4 57-11-4 57-11-4 57-11-4 112-61-8 112-61-8 112-61-8 83-48-7 83-48-7 83-48-7 83-48-7 9013-20-1 25 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 5 Mg 9013-20-1 10 Mg 14214 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 9013-20-1 5 Mg 42272 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 3810-74-0 3810-74-0 3810-74-0 3810-74-0 3810-74-0 3810-74-0 18883-66-4 18883-66-4 18883-66-4 18883-66-4 18883-66-4 108-30-5 108-30-5 64987-85-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Mg 250 Mg 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 50 Mg 390 1280 2670 880 1770 3210 1921 4744 9035 16373 72260 702 1187 2486 29412010 29412010 29412010 29412010 29412010 29412010 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29171990 29171990 29420090 64987-85-5 250 Mg 10164 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 386229-69-2 10 Mg 18451 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C Page 237 of 321 2995 11856 27323 386 442 1866 6211 483 2090 6664 1959 8482 19692 3614 1110 5046 9847 17230 7725 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29400000 29400000 29400000 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 29157020 38220090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 35079099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 20721 Sucrose Heptasulphate Potassium Salt pure, 80% 386229-69-2 25 Mg 38019 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 47973 Sucrose Octasulphate Aluminium Salt (Sucralfate) extrapure 47973 Sucrose Octasulphate Aluminium Salt (Sucralfate) extrapure 69538 Sucrose Palmitate extrapure, 90% 67787 Sudan III 67787 Sudan III 16775 Sulfadiazine (SFD) extrapure, 99-101% 16775 Sulfadiazine (SFD) extrapure, 99-101% 69181 Sulfur Precipitated pure, 98% 86684 Sulphamethoxazole (SMX), 99% 86684 Sulphamethoxazole (SMX), 99% 72701 Sulpholane Anhydrous pure, 99% 72701 Sulpholane Anhydrous pure, 99% 31249 Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) ex. Bovine Erythrocytes, 3000U/mg 31249 Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) ex. Bovine Erythrocytes, 3000U/mg 47406 Syringaldazine pure, 95% 47406 Syringaldazine pure, 95% 41719 Syringaldehyde extrapure, 99% 41719 Syringaldehyde extrapure, 99% 41719 Syringaldehyde extrapure, 99% 71989 10X TAE Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 71989 10X TAE Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 83170 10X TBE Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 83170 10X TBE Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 51782 10X TE Buffer pH-8.0 for molecular biology 51782 10X TE Buffer pH-8.0 for molecular biology 89528 Tantalum Metal Sheet (Type 1), 99.9% 27101 Tantalum Metal Sheet (Type 2), 99.9% 70040 Tantalum Metal Sheet (Type 3), 99.9% 10964 TAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% 10964 TAPS Buffer extrapure, 99% 44194 TAPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% 44194 TAPSO Buffer extrapure, 99% 28682 D-(-)-Tartaric Acid extrapure, 99% 28682 D-(-)-Tartaric Acid extrapure, 99% 60301 L-(+)-Tartaric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.7% 60301 L-(+)-Tartaric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus, 99.7% 63904 DL-Tartaric Acid extrapure, 99% 15711 Taurine extrapure CHR, 99% 15711 Taurine extrapure CHR, 99% 15711 Taurine extrapure CHR, 99% 47064 TBTU extrapure, 98% 47064 TBTU extrapure, 98% 47064 TBTU extrapure, 98% 54182-58-0 5 Gms 7297 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 54182-58-0 25 Gms 17157 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 26446-38-8 85-86-9 85-86-9 68-35-9 68-35-9 7704-34-9 723-46-6 723-46-6 126-33-0 126-33-0 9054-89-1 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 50 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 20 K.Units 6438 180 463 2500 4750 210 2238 6098 700 3200 11856 29400000 32049000 32049000 29350013 29350013 28020020 29419090 29419090 29309099 29309099 35079099 9054-89-1 100 K.Units 14414-32-5 14414-32-5 134-96-3 134-96-3 134-96-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 200 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 7440-25-7 7440-25-7 7440-25-7 29915-38-6 29915-38-6 68399-81-5 68399-81-5 147-71-7 147-71-7 87-69-4 87-69-4 133-37-9 107-35-7 107-35-7 107-35-7 125700-67-6 125700-67-6 125700-67-6 Page 238 of 321 5 Kg 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT -20C 38389 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 3219 11856 595 1751 6211 557 984 623 1075 1200 4000 10289 15367 8987 1133 2987 2319 7684 510 1244 909 29280090 29280090 29122990 29122990 29122990 38220090 38220090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 81039000 81039000 81039000 29211190 29211190 29211990 29211990 29181200 29181200 29181200 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 7944 Part B 501 454 1357 11293 1270 3417 12804 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 29181200 18 RT 29181200 29224990 29224990 29224990 29420090 29420090 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 7446-07-3 7446-07-3 13494-80-9 13494-80-9 13798-24-8 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 13798-24-8 25 Gms 17500 Part B 28469090 18 RT 13451-19-9 2 Gms 3800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 13451-19-9 10 Gms 14000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 57584-27-7 5 Gms 4000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 57584-27-7 25 Gms 17500 Part B 28469090 18 RT 148980-31-8 1 Gms 3000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 148980-31-8 5 Gms 11000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 12037-01-3 12037-01-3 100-20-9 100-20-9 7365-44-8 7365-44-8 7365-44-8 70331-82-7 70331-82-7 58-22-0 58-22-0 315-37-7 315-37-7 57-85-2 57-85-2 18162-48-6 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 3500 9800 1105 5079 420 1900 7000 5611 17073 2148 3898 2589 8560 1582 7058 473 28469090 28469090 29173600 29173600 29211190 29211190 29211190 29211190 29211190 29372900 29372900 29372900 29372900 29372900 29372900 29319090 18162-48-6 100 Gms 1613 Part B 29319090 18 RT 18162-48-6 500 Gms 6180 Part B 29319090 18 RT 69739-34-0 5 ml 1447 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 52573 tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Trifluoromethanesulfonate (TBDMS triflate) extrapure, 98% 69739-34-0 25 ml 6191 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 52573 tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Trifluoromethanesulfonate (TBDMS triflate) extrapure, 98% 69739-34-0 100 ml 17354 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 67813 52633 52633 52313 52313 99186 99186 62369 62369 96104 96104 14676 14676 14676 51318 51318 19914 19914 83651 83651 71344 71344 39227 39227 39227 52573 Tellurium Dioxide ultrapure, 99.999% Tellurium Dioxide ultrapure, 99.999% Tellurium Metal powder, 99.9%, -200 mesh Tellurium Metal powder, 99.9%, -200 mesh Terbium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% Terbium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% Terbium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Terbium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate ultrapure, 99.99% Terbium (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure, 99.9% Terbium (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure, 99.9% Terbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% Terbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% Terbium (III,IV) Oxide ultrapure, 99.99% Terbium (III,IV) Oxide ultrapure, 99.99% Terephthaloyl Chloride practical grade, 95% Terephthaloyl Chloride practical grade, 95% TES Buffer extrapure, 99% TES Buffer extrapure, 99% TES Buffer extrapure, 99% TES Buffer Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% TES Buffer Sodium Salt extrapure, 99% Testosterone (free base) extrapure, 99% Testosterone (free base) extrapure, 99% Testosterone Enanthate extrapure, 99% Testosterone Enanthate extrapure, 99% Testosterone Propionate extrapure, 98% Testosterone Propionate extrapure, 98% tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Chloride (TBDMS.Cl) extrapure, 98% tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Chloride (TBDMS.Cl) extrapure, 98% tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Chloride (TBDMS.Cl) extrapure, 98% tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Trifluoromethanesulfonate (TBDMS triflate) extrapure, 98% Page 239 of 321 Price 2800 8500 1500 7800 4000 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 92481 92481 59479 59479 67813 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 28045020 28045020 28045020 28045020 28469090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 93831 1,2,3,5-Tetra-O-Acetyl-b-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 93831 1,2,3,5-Tetra-O-Acetyl-b-D-Ribofuranose extrapure, 98% 76333 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane extrapure AR, 99% 76333 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane extrapure AR, 99% 38614 Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC) 38614 Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC) 38614 Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC) 82175 Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC) for tissue culture 13035-61-5 5 Gms 2486 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 13035-61-5 25 Gms 9035 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 79-34-5 79-34-5 64-75-5 64-75-5 64-75-5 64-75-5 500 ml 1000 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 1662 3263 418 2058 7565 991 29031910 29031910 29413020 29413020 29413020 29413020 82175 Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC) for tissue culture 64-75-5 25 Gms 3805 Part B 29413020 18 -20C 82175 Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC) for tissue culture 64-75-5 100 Gms 10568 Part B 29413020 18 -20C 1191-50-0 1191-50-0 68-05-3 68-05-3 68-05-3 68-05-3 74163-81-8 100 Mg 500 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 1 Gms 1800 7029 1110 3079 13543 25855 2445 29159090 29159090 29239000 29239000 29239000 29239000 29334900 74163-81-8 5 Gms 9422 Part B 29334900 18 8-25C 14221-01-3 1 Gms 2470 Part B 28439019 18 2-8C 14221-01-3 5 Gms 9871 Part B 28439019 18 2-8C 2009 8111 637 3001 3019 29146990 29146990 29239000 29239000 29239000 58128 58128 64090 64090 64090 64090 23231 23231 55633 55633 76265 76265 19028 19028 82774 Tetradecyl Sulphate Sodium Salt pure, 95% Tetradecyl Sulphate Sodium Salt pure, 95% Tetraethylammonium Iodide extrapure, 99% Tetraethylammonium Iodide extrapure, 99% Tetraethylammonium Iodide extrapure, 99% Tetraethylammonium Iodide extrapure, 99% (S)-(-) 1,2,3, 4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline -3Carboxylic Acid pure, 98% (S)-(-) 1,2,3, 4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline -3Carboxylic Acid pure, 98% Tetrakis(Triphenylphosphine) Palladium (0) extrapure, 97% Tetrakis(Triphenylphosphine) Palladium (0) extrapure, 97% 1-Tetralone pure, 98% 1-Tetralone pure, 98% Tetramethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% Tetramethylammonium Chloride pure, 98% Tetramethylammonium Iodide extrapure, 99% 529-34-0 529-34-0 75-57-0 75-57-0 75-58-1 100 ml 500 ml 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT -20C -20C -20C -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 84821 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB) pure, 98% 54827-17-7 1 Gms 1852 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 84821 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB) pure, 98% 54827-17-7 5 Gms 6943 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 84821 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB) pure, 98% 54827-17-7 25 Gms 27766 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 69860 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB) extrapure AR, 98% 69860 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB) extrapure AR, 98% 69860 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB) extrapure AR, 98% 68738 3,3,5,5-Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 98% 54827-17-7 100 Mg 579 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 54827-17-7 1 Gms 2893 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 54827-17-7 5 Gms 8331 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 54827-17-7 1 Gms 4050 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C Page 240 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 55597 3,3,5,5-Tetramethylbenzidine Dihydrochloride anhydrous (TMB.diHCl anhy) extrapure AR, 99% 64285-73-0 100 Mg 2598 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 55597 3,3,5,5-Tetramethylbenzidine Dihydrochloride anhydrous (TMB.diHCl anhy) extrapure AR, 99% 64285-73-0 1 Gms 5535 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 55597 3,3,5,5-Tetramethylbenzidine Dihydrochloride anhydrous (TMB.diHCl anhy) extrapure AR, 99% 64285-73-0 5 Gms 18067 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 36746 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine Dihydrochloride Hydrate (TMB.2HCl.xH2O) extrapure, 98% 207738-08-7 500 Mg 2492 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 36746 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine Dihydrochloride Hydrate (TMB.2HCl.xH2O) extrapure, 98% 207738-08-7 1 Gms 5479 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 36746 3,3,5,5-Tetramethyl Benzidine Dihydrochloride Hydrate (TMB.2HCl.xH2O) extrapure, 98% 207738-08-7 5 Gms 18673 Part B 29215990 18 2-8C 64407 TMB Solution A 38783 TMB Solution B 99986 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Benzidine extrapure AR, 95% 366-29-0 100 ml 100 ml 100 Mg 1480 Part B 863 Part B 1447 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 38220090 12 2-8C 29215990 18 8-25C 99986 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Benzidine extrapure AR, 95% 366-29-0 1 Gms 4154 Part B 29215990 18 8-25C 88001 1,1,3,3-Tetramethyldisiloxane (TMDS) extrapure, 98% 88001 1,1,3,3-Tetramethyldisiloxane (TMDS) extrapure, 98% 53180 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidine extrapure AR, 99% 3277-26-7 25 ml 1169 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 3277-26-7 100 ml 3560 Part B 29319090 18 2-8C 80-70-6 100 ml 2000 Part B 29252990 18 8-25C 53180 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidine extrapure AR, 99% 80-70-6 500 ml 7800 Part B 29252990 18 8-25C 52300 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (Wursters Reagent, TMPPD) extrapure AR, 99% 52300 N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (Wursters Reagent, TMPPD) extrapure AR, 99% 91902 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPO) pure, 98% 91902 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPO) pure, 98% 91902 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPO) pure, 98% 91902 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPO) pure, 98% 33379 Tetramethyl Silane (TMS) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8% 33379 Tetramethyl Silane (TMS) for NMR spectroscopy, 99.8% 637-01-4 5 Gms 1176 Part B 29212990 18 2-8C 637-01-4 25 Gms 5332 Part B 29212990 18 2-8C 2564-83-2 1 Gms 228 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 2564-83-2 5 Gms 668 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 2564-83-2 25 Gms 2825 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 2564-83-2 100 Gms 9035 Part B 29333200 18 2-8C 75-76-3 25 ml 4673 Part B 29321100 18 -20C 75-76-3 100 ml 13349 Part B 29321100 18 -20C Page 241 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 77204 Tetrapropylammonium Bromide extrapure, 99% 1941-30-6 100 Gms 1158 Part B 29239000 18 RT 84990 Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide (TPAH) 10% aq. solution 84990 Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide (TPAH) 10% aq. solution 98078 Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide (TPAH) 20% aq. solution 98078 Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide (TPAH) 20% aq. solution 58146 Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide (TPAH) 40% aq. solution 58146 Tetrapropylammonium Hydroxide (TPAH) 40% aq. solution 75311 1-H-Tetrazole sublimed extrapure, 99% 75311 1-H-Tetrazole sublimed extrapure, 99% 75311 1-H-Tetrazole sublimed extrapure, 99% 92739 Tetrazolium Violet extrapure, 95% 62183 Tetrazolium Violet (high purity) extrapure AR, 98% 4499-86-9 100 ml 1500 Part B 38220090 12 RT 4499-86-9 500 ml 4000 Part B 38220090 12 RT 4499-86-9 100 ml 1900 Part B 38220090 12 RT 4499-86-9 500 ml 8000 Part B 38220090 12 RT 4499-86-9 100 ml 3650 Part B 38220090 12 RT 4499-86-9 500 ml 15500 Part B 38220090 12 RT 288-94-8 288-94-8 288-94-8 1719-71-7 1719-71-7 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 100 Mg 62183 Tetrazolium Violet (high purity) extrapure AR, 98% 1719-71-7 1 Gms 3914 Part B 29339900 18 2-8C 62183 Tetrazolium Violet (high purity) extrapure AR, 98% 1719-71-7 5 Gms 15244 Part B 29339900 18 2-8C 36610 36610 36610 98446 98446 44826 44826 83155 Thallium (I) Acetate extrapure, 99.9% Thallium (I) Acetate extrapure, 99.9% Thallium (I) Acetate extrapure, 99.9% Thallium (I) Sulphate extrapure, 99% Thallium (I) Sulphate extrapure, 99% L-Theanine extrapure, 99% L-Theanine extrapure, 99% 3(2-Thenoyl)-1,1,1- Trifluoroacetone (TTFA) extrapure AR, 99% 83155 3(2-Thenoyl)-1,1,1- Trifluoroacetone (TTFA) extrapure AR, 99% 82500 Thiamine Hydrochloride for tissue culture, 98.5% 563-68-8 563-68-8 563-68-8 7446-18-6 7446-18-6 3081-61-6 3081-61-6 326-91-0 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 2825 9711 29357 3560 12793 2136 8299 1200 29159090 29159090 29159090 28332990 28332990 29224290 29224290 29141990 326-91-0 100 Gms 9800 Part B 29141990 18 RT 67-03-8 25 Gms 950 Part B 29362210 18 RT 82500 Thiamine Hydrochloride for tissue culture, 98.5% 67-03-8 100 Gms 3500 Part B 29362210 18 RT 67-03-8 67-03-8 67-03-8 15318-45-3 15318-45-3 298-93-1 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Mg 350 780 2600 1600 4500 544 29362210 29362210 29362210 29420090 29420090 29270090 298-93-1 500 Mg 2200 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 298-93-1 1 Gms 4000 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C Thiamine Hydrochloride pure, 98.5% Thiamine Hydrochloride pure, 98.5% Thiamine Hydrochloride pure, 98.5% Thiamphenicol (TMP), 98% Thiamphenicol (TMP), 98% Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) extrapure AR, 98% 33611 Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) extrapure AR, 98% 33611 Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) extrapure AR, 98% Page 242 of 321 Price 279 1280 4839 2806 1236 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 71081 71081 71081 79903 79903 33611 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29331990 29331990 29331990 29339900 29339900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 33611 Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) extrapure AR, 98% 58945 Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) for tissue culture, 98% 58945 Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) for tissue culture, 98% 58910 Thiazolyl Blue Formazan (MTT Formazan) extrapure AR, 98% 58910 Thiazolyl Blue Formazan (MTT Formazan) extrapure AR, 98% 11652 Thidiazuron (TDZ) extrapure, 97% 11652 Thidiazuron (TDZ) extrapure, 97% 11652 Thidiazuron (TDZ) extrapure, 97% 88098 Thidiazuron (TDZ) for tissue culture, 97% 88098 Thidiazuron (TDZ) for tissue culture, 97% 88098 Thidiazuron (TDZ) for tissue culture, 97% 10083 Thioacetic Acid pure, 97% 10083 Thioacetic Acid pure, 97% 94066 Thiocolchicoside extrapure, 98% 94066 Thiocolchicoside extrapure, 98% 94066 Thiocolchicoside extrapure, 98% 46913 DL-6,8-Thioctic Acid extrapure (a-Lipoic Acid), 98% Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 298-93-1 5 Gms 13000 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 298-93-1 500 Mg 3000 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 298-93-1 1 Gms 5500 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 57360-69-7 250 Mg 3800 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 57360-69-7 1 Gms 9800 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C 51707-55-2 51707-55-2 51707-55-2 51707-55-2 51707-55-2 51707-55-2 507-09-5 507-09-5 602-41-5 602-41-5 602-41-5 1077-28-7 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 50 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 46913 DL-6,8-Thioctic Acid extrapure (a-Lipoic Acid), 98% 1077-28-7 5 Gms 2419 Part B 45487 Thiomalic Acid (Mercaptosuccinic Acid) pure, 99% 70-49-5 25 Gms 800 Part B 29171990 18 RT 45487 Thiomalic Acid (Mercaptosuccinic Acid) pure, 99% 70-49-5 100 Gms 1300 Part B 29171990 18 RT 45487 Thiomalic Acid (Mercaptosuccinic Acid) pure, 99% 70-49-5 500 Gms 5800 Part B 29171990 18 RT 85090 85090 85090 85090 27662 54-64-8 54-64-8 54-64-8 54-64-8 54-64-8 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 3240 6156 14580 54000 15660 54-64-8 100 Gms 60480 Part B 28521000 18 RT 6165-68-0 6165-68-0 6165-68-0 527-72-0 527-72-0 527-72-0 4090-29-3 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 767 2106 9504 1553 5170 15385 3296 29420090 29420090 29420090 29309099 29309099 29309099 29349900 4090-29-3 100 Mg 27662 40413 40413 40413 57589 57589 57589 39416 39416 Thiomersal pure, 98% Thiomersal pure, 98% Thiomersal pure, 98% Thiomersal pure, 98% Thiomersal ExiPlus™ (Suitable for Vaccine & Diagnostic Production), 98% Thiomersal ExiPlus™ (Suitable for Vaccine & Diagnostic Production), 98% Thiophene-2-Boronic Acid extrapure, 98% Thiophene-2-Boronic Acid extrapure, 98% Thiophene-2-Boronic Acid extrapure, 98% Thiophene-2-Carboxylic Acid pure, 98% Thiophene-2-Carboxylic Acid pure, 98% Thiophene-2-Carboxylic Acid pure, 98% Thionicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (ThioNAD) extrapure, 90% Thionicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (ThioNAD) extrapure, 90% Page 243 of 321 3942 12474 31860 5130 17280 41580 993 3837 6579 15347 27404 670 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 12360 Part B 29359090 29359090 29359090 29349900 29349900 29349900 29309099 29309099 29420090 29420090 29420090 29309099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 29309099 18 0-4C 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 28521000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C 29349900 18 -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 35020 Thionicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt Reduced (Thio-NADH) extrapure, 93% 1921-48-8 25 Mg 3090 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 35020 Thionicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt Reduced (Thio-NADH) extrapure, 93% 1921-48-8 100 Mg 9270 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 29808 29808 29808 14055 14055 28033 28033 28033 96768 96768 41862 41862 50444 50444 50444 75164 75164 75164 75164 88355 88355 88355 88355 62667 62667 62667 24815 24815 20724 20724 45764 1918-77-0 1918-77-0 1918-77-0 98-03-3 98-03-3 34592-47-7 34592-47-7 34592-47-7 141-90-2 141-90-2 3688-92-4 3688-92-4 632-20-2 632-20-2 632-20-2 80-68-2 80-68-2 80-68-2 80-68-2 72-19-5 72-19-5 72-19-5 72-19-5 72-19-5 72-19-5 72-19-5 44520-55-0 44520-55-0 50-89-5 50-89-5 33430-62-5 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 100 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 33430-62-5 250 Mg 3400 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 365-08-2 10 Mg 2826 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 365-08-2 25 Mg 6525 Part B 29349900 18 -20C 65-71-4 65-71-4 65-71-4 89-83-8 89-83-8 1913-93-5 1913-93-5 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 45764 48100 48100 57046 57046 57046 47110 47110 77675 77675 Thiophene-2-Acetic Acid pure, 98% Thiophene-2-Acetic Acid pure, 98% Thiophene-2-Acetic Acid pure, 98% 2-Thiophenecarboxaldehyde pure, 98% 2-Thiophenecarboxaldehyde pure, 98% L-Thioproline extrapure, 98% L-Thioproline extrapure, 98% L-Thioproline extrapure, 98% 2-Thiouracil extrapure, 98% 2-Thiouracil extrapure, 98% Thorin extrapure AR Thorin extrapure AR D-Threonine (allo-free) extrapure, 99% D-Threonine (allo-free) extrapure, 99% D-Threonine (allo-free) extrapure, 99% DL-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% DL-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Threonine extrapure CHR, 99% L-Threonine for tissue culture, 99% L-Threonine for tissue culture, 99% L-Threonine for tissue culture, 99% D-Threoninol extrapure, 98% D-Threoninol extrapure, 98% Thymidine extrapure, 99% Thymidine extrapure, 99% Thymidine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (TMPNa2) extrapure, 98% Thymidine-5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt (TMPNa2) extrapure, 98% Thymidine-5-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt (TTPNa3) extrapure, 98% Thymidine-5-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt (TTPNa3) extrapure, 98% Thymine extrapure, 98% Thymine extrapure, 98% Thymine extrapure, 98% Thymol Crystal pure, 99% Thymol Crystal pure, 99% Thymolphthelexone Thymolphthelexone Page 244 of 321 879 2852 9647 970 3500 1535 2631 6579 1000 3700 2160 7020 1709 6262 22768 479 1795 6695 64543 611 1822 4668 9108 152 746 2376 5832 10044 1645 6852 1600 599 1257 3825 742 2636 2900 11066 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29309099 29341000 29341000 29341000 29349900 29349900 29319090 29319090 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29349900 29071930 29071930 29420090 29420090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing Thymol Violet L-Thyronin extrapure, 98% Tiglic Acid extrapure, 98% Tiglic Acid extrapure, 98% Titanium Tetrachloride 1M in Dichloromethane 7512-38-1 1596-67-4 80-59-1 80-59-1 7550-45-0 5 Gms 100 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 87347 Titanium Tetrachloride 1M in Dichloromethane 7550-45-0 500 ml 7550-45-0 7550-45-0 125700-73-4 125700-73-4 32986-56-4 32986-56-4 7695-91-2 100 ml 500 ml 10 Gms 25 Gms 50 Mg 500 Mg 5 Gms 7695-91-2 25 Gms 1188 Part B 29362800 18 2-8C 7695-91-2 100 Gms 4536 Part B 29362800 18 2-8C 119-93-7 119-93-7 119-93-7 119-93-7 118-90-1 118-90-1 90-04-7 90-04-7 90-94-5 90-94-5 106-49-0 92-31-9 92-31-9 92-31-9 92-31-9 92-31-9 1576-35-8 1576-35-8 1576-35-8 75737-38-1 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 250 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Mg 650 2000 750 2400 468 845 638 1207 457 805 775 322 728 2530 864 1944 700 2000 7400 2214 29215990 29215990 29215990 29215990 29163990 29163990 29163190 29163190 29163190 29163190 29215990 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29309099 29309099 29309099 29335990 75737-38-1 100 Mg TOOS extrapure, 98% 82692-93-1 TOOS extrapure, 98% 82692-93-1 TOTU extrapure, 99% 136849-72-4 TOTU extrapure, 99% 136849-72-4 TPTZ extrapure AR (2,4,6-Tri-(2-pyridyl)-5-triazine), 3682-35-7 99% 25793 TPTZ extrapure AR (2,4,6-Tri-(2-pyridyl)-5-triazine), 3682-35-7 99% 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 83692 83692 84161 84161 56183 56183 59844 59844 59844 67593 67593 65954 65954 82897 82897 70097 70097 61421 61421 12358 22134 22134 22134 37699 37699 20611 20611 20611 68913 Titanium Tetrachloride 1M in Toluene Titanium Tetrachloride 1M in Toluene TNTU extrapure, 99% TNTU extrapure, 99% Tobramycin (TBM) Tobramycin (TBM) DL-a-Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate) for tissue culture, 98% DL-a-Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate) for tissue culture, 98% DL-a-Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate) for tissue culture, 98% o-Tolidine extrapure AR, 98% o-Tolidine extrapure AR, 98% o-Tolidine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 98% o-Tolidine extrapure AR, ExiPlus™, 98% o-Toluic Acid pure, 99.5% o-Toluic Acid pure, 99.5% m-Toluic Acid pure, 98% m-Toluic Acid pure, 98% p-Toluic Acid pure, 98% p-Toluic Acid pure, 98% p-Toluidine pure, 98% Toluidine Blue O Toluidine Blue O Toluidine Blue O Toluidine Blue O for tissue culture Toluidine Blue O for tissue culture p-Toluenesulfonyl Hydrazide pure, 98% p-Toluenesulfonyl Hydrazide pure, 98% p-Toluenesulfonyl Hydrazide pure, 98% meta-Topolin (mT) for molecular biology, 98% 68913 meta-Topolin (mT) for molecular biology, 98% 56521 56521 95595 95595 25793 Page 245 of 321 5 Gms Price 439 6740 1245 4393 1026 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 4752 Part B 1026 4752 3891 7653 1673 14340 335 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 7906 Part B 5798 20870 2000 4000 1331 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 4918 Part B HS code % CAS Number 86637 12558 90196 90196 87347 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 32049000 29224990 29161990 29161990 38220090 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT 8-25C 38220090 12 8-25C 38220090 38220090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29362800 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 29335990 18 2-8C 29214290 29214290 29420090 29420090 29336990 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 29336990 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 49011 Triacontanol (TRIA) technical grade, 90% 49011 Triacontanol (TRIA) technical grade, 90% 68084 trans,trans-Muconic acid (ttMA) extrapure, 98% 593-50-0 593-50-0 3588-17-8 500 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 8369 Part B 16615 Part B 2261 Part B 29061990 18 2-8C 29061990 18 2-8C 29171990 18 2-8C 68084 trans,trans-Muconic acid (ttMA) extrapure, 98% 3588-17-8 5 Gms 10616 Part B 29171990 18 2-8C 42618 42618 78411 99486 99486 76074 27740 27740 67490 1,2,4-Triazole pure, 98% 1,2,4-Triazole pure, 98% 1,3,5-Tribromobenzene pure, 98% 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB) pure, 99% 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB) pure, 99% Tribulus Terrestris Extract (Bulgarian), 45% FS TRICINE Buffer extrapure, 99% TRICINE Buffer extrapure, 99% Tricyclohexylphosphine (Cy3P) extrapure, 97% 288-88-0 288-88-0 626-39-1 108-70-3 108-70-3 90131-68-3 5704-04-1 5704-04-1 2622-14-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 550 2200 3520 3226 13905 8343 1389 5323 1357 29270090 29270090 29163190 29163190 29163190 29420090 29211190 29211190 29021900 67490 Tricyclohexylphosphine (Cy3P) extrapure, 97% 2622-14-2 5 Gms 3727 Part B 29021900 18 RT 67490 Tricyclohexylphosphine (Cy3P) extrapure, 97% 2622-14-2 25 Gms 14680 Part B 29021900 18 RT 63437 Tricyclohexylphosphine Tetrafluoroborate extrapure, 98% 63437 Tricyclohexylphosphine Tetrafluoroborate extrapure, 98% 80184 Triethanolamine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 99% 58656-04-5 1 Gms 2060 Part B 29319090 18 RT 58656-04-5 5 Gms 6180 Part B 29319090 18 RT 637-39-8 100 Gms 402 Part B 29221990 18 RT 80184 Triethanolamine Hydrochloride extrapure AR, 99% 637-39-8 500 Gms 1424 Part B 29221990 18 RT 75-89-8 75-89-8 10009-20-8 10009-20-8 1423-26-3 100 ml 500 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 926 3587 1558 3671 1267 29055900 29055900 29224990 29224990 29319090 1423-26-3 5 Gms 2373 Part B 29319090 18 RT 1423-26-3 25 Gms 11856 Part B 29319090 18 RT 70-00-8 70-00-8 2411-36-1 25 Mg 100 Mg 25 ml 2266 Part B 7828 Part B 6777 Part B 29349900 18 RT 29349900 18 RT 29211990 18 RT 38438 Triheptylamine (Tri-n-Heptylamine) pure, 98% 2411-36-1 100 ml 23712 Part B 29211990 18 RT 37758 35241 35241 14219 14219 14219 84217 88-82-4 6893-02-3 6893-02-3 538-24-9 538-24-9 538-24-9 538-24-9 5 Gms 100 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 1009 3914 23690 1339 3090 4532 1854 29163190 29420090 29420090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 12631 12631 79009 79009 38438 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol pure, 99% 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol pure, 99% N-6-Trifluoroacetyl-L-Lysine extrapure, 98% N-6-Trifluoroacetyl-L-Lysine extrapure, 98% 3-Trifluoromethyl Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 3-Trifluoromethyl Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 3-Trifluoromethyl Phenylboronic Acid extrapure, 97% 5-Trifluorothymidine extrapure, 99% 5-Trifluorothymidine extrapure, 99% Triheptylamine (Tri-n-Heptylamine) pure, 98% 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic Acid extrapure, 98% 3,3,5-Triiodo-L-Thyronine extrapure, 95% 3,3,5-Triiodo-L-Thyronine extrapure, 95% Trilaurin pure, 98%(GC) Trilaurin pure, 98%(GC) Trilaurin pure, 98%(GC) Trilaurin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Page 246 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 80058 80058 14428 14428 12631 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Price Packing Trilaurin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Trimesic Acid extrapure, 98% Trimesic Acid extrapure, 98% Trimesic Acid extrapure, 98% Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 98% 538-24-9 554-95-0 554-95-0 554-95-0 75-77-4 500 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 ml 20139 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 98% 75-77-4 250 ml 890 Part B 29319090 18 RT 20139 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 98% 75-77-4 1000 ml 3338 Part B 29319090 18 RT 66889 66889 18879 18879 66069 66069 41569 40017 N,N,N-Trimethylethylenediamine pure, 97% N,N,N-Trimethylethylenediamine pure, 97% Trimethoprim (TMP), 98.5% Trimethoprim (TMP), 98.5% 3,4,5-Trimethoxy Benzaldehyde pure, 98% 3,4,5-Trimethoxy Benzaldehyde pure, 98% 1,3,5-Trimethoxybenzene pure, 99% 3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% 142-25-6 142-25-6 738-70-5 738-70-5 86-81-7 86-81-7 621-23-8 118-41-2 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 40017 3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic Acid extrapure, 99% 118-41-2 100 Gms 3000 Part B 29189990 18 RT 6026 700 2500 4000 313 3727 16937 711 2837 1500 3500 2872 900 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 84217 57355 57355 57355 20139 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29159090 29173990 29173990 29173990 29319090 29212990 29212990 29335920 29335920 29124940 29124940 29124940 29189990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 49601 N-(3-Trimethoxysilylpropyl) Diethylenetriamine (TMSPD) pure, 95% 90265 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 99% 35141-30-1 100 ml 10413 Part B 29319090 18 RT 75-77-4 25 ml 357 Part B 29319090 18 RT 90265 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 99% 75-77-4 100 ml 501 Part B 29319090 18 RT 90265 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 99% 75-77-4 250 ml 1057 Part B 29319090 18 RT 90265 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) extrapure, 99% 75-77-4 1000 ml 3671 Part B 29319090 18 RT 100 ml 3671 Part B 29319090 18 RT 67883 Trimethyl Chlorosilane (TMCS) 1M Solution in THF 41020 Trimethyloctylammonium Chloride (TMOACl) extrapure, 98% 41020 Trimethyloctylammonium Chloride (TMOACl) extrapure, 98% 68989 Trimethyl Orthoformate pure, 98% 68989 Trimethyl Orthoformate pure, 98% 49901 N-(Trimethylsilyl)diethylamine (TMSDEA) extrapure, 97% 49901 N-(Trimethylsilyl)diethylamine (TMSDEA) extrapure, 97% 45238 N-Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSIM) extrapure, 98% 10108-86-8 25 Gms 3100 Part B 29239000 18 RT 10108-86-8 100 Gms 8000 Part B 29239000 18 RT 149-73-5 149-73-5 996-50-9 500 ml 2500 ml 25 ml 979 Part B 4429 Part B 4860 Part B 29151300 18 RT 29151300 18 RT 29332990 18 RT 996-50-9 100 ml 13884 Part B 29332990 18 RT 18156-74-6 5 ml 840 Part B 29332990 18 RT 45238 N-Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSIM) extrapure, 98% 18156-74-6 25 ml 2200 Part B 29332990 18 RT 45238 N-Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSIM) extrapure, 98% 18156-74-6 100 ml 7578 Part B 29332990 18 RT 97039 3-Trimethylsilylpropionic Acid (TMSPA) extrapure, 95% 5683-30-7 1 ml 5207 Part B 29420090 18 RT Page 247 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 97039 3-Trimethylsilylpropionic Acid (TMSPA) extrapure, 5683-30-7 95% 39671 Trimethylsulfoxonium Iodide (TMSI) extrapure, 1774-47-6 99% 39671 Trimethylsulfoxonium Iodide (TMSI) extrapure, 1774-47-6 99% 39671 Trimethylsulfoxonium Iodide (TMSI) extrapure, 1774-47-6 99% 18779 Trimyristin pure, 95%(GC) 555-45-3 18779 Trimyristin pure, 95%(GC) 555-45-3 83676 Trimyristin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 555-45-3 83676 Trimyristin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 555-45-3 84050 Trioctylamine (Tri-n-Octylamine) pure, 95% 1116-76-3 84050 Trioctylamine (Tri-n-Octylamine) pure, 95% 1116-76-3 37958 Triolein Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 122-32-7 37958 Triolein Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 122-32-7 83203 Thiosalicylic Acid pure, 98% 147-93-3 83203 Thiosalicylic Acid pure, 98% 147-93-3 52885 Togni`s Reagent (3,3-Dimethyl-1-(trifluoromethyl)- 887144-97-0 1,2-benziodoxole) extrapure, 97% 5 ml 16776 Part B 25 Gms 730 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C 100 Gms 1624 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C 500 Gms 4028 Part B 29309099 18 2-8C 52885 Togni`s Reagent (3,3-Dimethyl-1-(trifluoromethyl)- 887144-97-0 1,2-benziodoxole) extrapure, 97% 59708 75700 75700 38015 24651 24651 24651 43068 1 Gms 5 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 500 Mg 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms Price 1736 4050 6695 10815 1000 3500 4635 8010 800 2100 7500 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number Stor age 29420090 18 RT 29159090 29159090 29159090 29159090 29211990 29211990 29161590 29161590 998718 998718 29362990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 0-4C 0-4C RT RT 2-8C 15000 Part B 29362990 18 2-8C 6386 2266 4308 18969 633 2070 3878 13370 29157010 29157010 29157010 29379020 29319090 29319090 29319090 28439019 Tripalmitin pure, 85%(GC) Tripalmitin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) Tripalmitin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) N-Triphenyl Methyl Glycine extrapure, 98% Triphenylphosphine pure, 98% Triphenylphosphine pure, 98% Triphenylphosphine pure, 98% Triphenylphosphinegold(I) Chloride ((Ph3P)AuCl), 98% 95474 Triphenylphosphine Hydrobromide pure, 98% 555-44-2 555-44-2 555-44-2 5893-05-0 603-35-0 603-35-0 603-35-0 14243-64-2 25 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1000 Gms 500 Mg 6399-81-1 5 Gms 1173 Part B 29319090 18 RT 95474 Triphenylphosphine Hydrobromide pure, 98% 6399-81-1 25 Gms 2956 Part B 29319090 18 RT 32098 Triphenylphosphine Oxide (TPPO) pure, 98.5% 791-28-6 25 Gms 618 Part B 29051990 18 RT 32098 Triphenylphosphine Oxide (TPPO) pure, 98.5% 791-28-6 100 Gms 1541 Part B 29051990 18 RT 32098 Triphenylphosphine Oxide (TPPO) pure, 98.5% 791-28-6 500 Gms 4120 Part B 29051990 18 RT 70874 Triphenylphosphonium Dibromide pure, 98% 1034-39-5 5 Gms 1110 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 70874 Triphenylphosphonium Dibromide pure, 98% 1034-39-5 25 Gms 2956 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 70874 Triphenylphosphonium Dibromide pure, 98% 1034-39-5 100 Gms 8002 Part B 29319090 18 8-25C 53730 1,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Formazan (TTC Formazan) extrapure, 90% 531-52-2 5 Gms 4326 Part B 29270090 18 2-8C Page 248 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 298-96-4 10 Gms 1695 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 298-96-4 25 Gms 4179 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 298-96-4 50 Gms 7849 Part B 29270090 18 0-4C 500 ml 1057 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 1 Ltr 1836 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 500 ml 1613 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 1 Ltr 3115 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 60804-74-2 1 Gms 13978 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 50525-27-4 250 Mg 3890 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 50525-27-4 1 Gms 8265 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 51805-45-9 1 Gms 2893 Part B 29211190 18 2-8C 51805-45-9 5 Gms 14239 Part B 29211190 18 2-8C 51805-45-9 25 Gms 46721 Part B 29211190 18 2-8C 51364-51-3 500 Mg 3900 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 51364-51-3 1 Gms 7500 Part B 28439019 18 8-25C 200 ml 792 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 1000 ml 2995 Part B 29420090 18 2-8C 200 ml 454 Part B 38220090 12 RT 57806 10X Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer for molecular biology 1000 ml 1019 Part B 38220090 12 RT 83471 10X Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) for molecular biology 63825 10X Tris Buffered Saline Tween-20 (TBST) for molecular biology 79091 1M Tris Hydrochloride Buffer (1M Tris HCl) pH-7.2 for molecular biology 79091 1M Tris Hydrochloride Buffer (1M Tris HCl) pH-7.2 for molecular biology 55904 1M Tris Hydrochloride Buffer (1M Tris HCl) pH-8.0 for molecular biology 55904 1M Tris Hydrochloride Buffer (1M Tris HCl) pH-8.0 for molecular biology 500 ml 1866 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 500 ml 487 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 100 ml 1057 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 500 ml 4450 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 100 ml 1558 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 500 ml 4673 Part B 38220090 12 8-25C 65599 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride (TTC) extrapure, 99% 65599 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride (TTC) extrapure, 99% 65599 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride (TTC) extrapure, 99% 98635 10X Tris Acetate-SDS Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 98635 10X Tris Acetate-SDS Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 47804 20X Tris Acetate-SDS Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 47804 20X Tris Acetate-SDS Buffer pH-8.3 for molecular biology 65421 Tris(2,2-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) Hexafluorophosphate ((Ru(BPY)3(PF6)2), 97% 26055 Tris(2,2-bipyridyl)dichlororuthenium (II) Hexahydrate (Ru(BPY)3), 98% 26055 Tris(2,2-bipyridyl)dichlororuthenium (II) Hexahydrate (Ru(BPY)3), 98% 55664 Tris(2-carboxyethyl) Phosphine Hydrochloride (TCEP) extrapure AR, 98% 55664 Tris(2-carboxyethyl) Phosphine Hydrochloride (TCEP) extrapure AR, 98% 55664 Tris(2-carboxyethyl) Phosphine Hydrochloride (TCEP) extrapure AR, 98% 79175 Tris(dibenzylideneacetone)dipalladium(0) (Pd2(dba)3) extrapure, 22-25% Pd 79175 Tris(dibenzylideneacetone)dipalladium(0) (Pd2(dba)3) extrapure, 22-25% Pd 87326 10X Tris-Glycine pH-8.3 Tank Buffer for molecular biology 87326 10X Tris-Glycine pH-8.3 Tank Buffer for molecular biology 57806 10X Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer for molecular biology Page 249 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 37852 10X Tris-Tricine-SDS Buffer for molecular biology Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 500 ml 1143 Part B 38220090 12 2-8C 62850 Tris(Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane Acetate extrapure AR (Tris Acetate Buffer), 99% 6850-28-8 100 Gms 1328 Part B 29211190 18 RT 62850 Tris(Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane Acetate extrapure AR (Tris Acetate Buffer), 99% 6850-28-8 500 Gms 6211 Part B 29211190 18 RT 34969 Tris(Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane Acetate for molecular biology (Tris Acetate Buffer), 99% 6850-28-8 100 Gms 1808 Part B 29211190 18 RT 34969 Tris(Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane Acetate for molecular biology (Tris Acetate Buffer), 99% 6850-28-8 500 Gms 8470 Part B 29211190 18 RT 23017 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Carbonate extrapure (Tris Carbonate), 99% 32119 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Maleate extrapure (Tris Maleate), 99.5% 25913 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Nitrate extrapure (Tris Nitrate), 99% 55088 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Oxalate extrapure(Tris Oxatlate), 99% 68353 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Phosphate Dibasic extrapure (Tris Phosphate Dibasic), 98% 68123-29-5 100 Gms 1964 Part B 29211190 18 RT 72200-76-1 100 Gms 1471 Part B 29211190 18 RT 41521-38-4 100 Gms 1880 Part B 29211190 18 RT 108321-13-7 100 Gms 1375 Part B 29211190 18 RT 108321-11-5 100 Gms 1554 Part B 29211190 18 RT 6992-39-8 100 Gms 1554 Part B 29211190 18 RT 85169-32-0 100 Gms 1554 Part B 29211190 18 RT 6992-38-7 100 Gms 1033 Part B 29211190 18 RT 555-43-1 555-43-1 555-43-1 2799-07-7 72-57-1 72-57-1 72-57-1 72-57-1 9002-07-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 50 ml 250 Mg 2266 8240 4635 4293 1006 3177 1581 1307 1120 29157020 29157020 29157020 29379020 32049000 32049000 32049000 38220090 35079099 9002-07-7 1 Gms 2266 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9002-07-7 5 Gms 10094 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9035-81-8 25 Mg 1617 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 9035-81-8 100 Mg 4100 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 43235 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Phosphate Monobasic extrapure (Tris Phosphate Monobasic), 98% 63291 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Succinate extrapure (Tris Succinate), 99% 47952 Tris(Hydroxymethyl)- Aminomethane Sulphate extrapure (Tris Sulphate), 98% 50615 Tristearin pure, 90%(GC) 50615 Tristearin pure, 90%(GC) 11085 Tristearin Reference Standard, 99%(GC) 48445 S-Trityl-L-Cysteine extrapure, 98% 58026 Trypan Blue 58026 Trypan Blue 31591 Trypan Blue for tissue culture 12788 Trypan Blue 0.4% Solution 60484 Trypsin (3x cryst.) ex Bovine Pancreas, 7500BAEE U/mg (2500NF U/mg) 60484 Trypsin (3x cryst.) ex Bovine Pancreas, 7500BAEE U/mg (2500NF U/mg) 60484 Trypsin (3x cryst.) ex Bovine Pancreas, 7500BAEE U/mg (2500NF U/mg) 42657 Trypsin Inhibitor ex. Soyabean, 10000 BAEE U/mg 42657 Trypsin Inhibitor ex. Soyabean, 10000 BAEE U/mg Page 250 of 321 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 42657 Trypsin Inhibitor ex. Soyabean, 10000 BAEE U/mg 9035-81-8 250 Mg 8198 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 12094 Tryptamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 12094 Tryptamine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 67654 L-Tryptophan Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 67654 L-Tryptophan Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 53032 Tungsten Disulfide extrapure, 99.9% 53032 Tungsten Disulfide extrapure, 99.9% 51335 Tungsten Metal Powder, 99.9% 51335 Tungsten Metal Powder, 99.9% 17472 Tungstic Acid pure, 98% 17472 Tungstic Acid pure, 98% 55401 Tungstic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 55401 Tungstic Acid extrapure AR, 99% 98328 Turpentine oil extrapure 98328 Turpentine oil extrapure 33541 Tyramine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 33541 Tyramine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 33541 Tyramine Hydrochloride extrapure, 98% 94870 Tyrosinase (Polyphenol Oxidase) ex. Mushroom, 1000U/mg 94870 Tyrosinase (Polyphenol Oxidase) ex. Mushroom, 1000U/mg 46121 Umbelliferone (7-Hydroxycoumarin) extrapure, 99% 46121 Umbelliferone (7-Hydroxycoumarin) extrapure, 99% 46487 Undecylenic Acid extrapure, 99% 46487 Undecylenic Acid extrapure, 99% 23622 Uracil extrapure, 99% 23622 Uracil extrapure, 99% 23622 Uracil extrapure, 99% 81405 Uranyl Acetate Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 81405 Uranyl Acetate Dihydrate extrapure, 98% 70780 Uranyl Magnesium Acetate extrapure, 98% 74495 Uranyl Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 98% 74495 Uranyl Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure, 98% 64807 Urease ex. Jack Beans, 200U/mg 64807 Urease ex. Jack Beans, 200U/mg 64807 Urease ex. Jack Beans, 200U/mg 64807 Urease ex. Jack Beans, 200U/mg 64632 r-Urease (Thermostable) ex. E. Coli, 150U/mg 90739 Uric Acid extrapure AR, 99% 90739 Uric Acid extrapure AR, 99% 95410 r-Uricase (Thermostable) ex. Yeast, 3U/mg 62205 Uridine extrapure, 99% 62205 Uridine extrapure, 99% 62205 Uridine extrapure, 99% 343-94-2 343-94-2 7524-52-9 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 574 Part B 2677 Part B 2035 Part B 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 29379020 18 2-8C 7524-52-9 25 Gms 8808 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 12138-09-9 12138-09-9 7440-33-7 7440-33-7 7783-03-1 7783-03-1 7783-03-1 7783-03-1 8002-64-2 8002-64-2 60-19-5 60-19-5 60-19-5 9002-10-2 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 ml 2500 ml 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 K.Units 9002-10-2 100 K.Units 30658 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 93-35-6 10 Gms 2448 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 93-35-6 25 Gms 6230 Part B 29329900 18 2-8C 112-38-9 112-38-9 66-22-8 66-22-8 66-22-8 6159-44-0 6159-44-0 20596-93-4 13520-83-7 13520-83-7 9002-13-5 9002-13-5 9002-13-5 9002-13-5 69-93-2 69-93-2 9002-12-4 58-96-8 58-96-8 58-96-8 Page 251 of 321 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 3000 Units 10000 Units 25 K.Units 100 K.Units 10000 Units 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Units 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms Price 5535 25969 2149 10418 1214 2915 1425 6897 634 2832 397 1007 4293 8331 612 2670 223 401 1469 4326 12793 4900 6119 17510 906 2261 6211 10727 12510 2200 8500 6180 820 3359 12208 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 28309020 28309020 81011000 81011000 28259090 28259090 28259090 28259090 38059090 38059090 29224990 29224990 29224990 35079099 29161910 29161910 29349900 29349900 29349900 28443090 28443090 28443029 28443029 28443029 35079099 35079099 35079099 35079099 35079099 29335990 29335990 35079069 29349900 29349900 29349900 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C RT 8-25C 8-25C -20C -20C -20C -20C -20C 2-8C 2-8C -20C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing 20964 Uridine 5`-Diphosphoglucose Disodium Salt 28053-08-9, 117756-22-6 25 Mg Hydrate extrapure (UDPG.2Na Hydrate), 98% 20964 Uridine 5`-Diphosphoglucose Disodium Salt 28053-08-9, 117756-22-6 100 Mg Hydrate extrapure (UDPG.2Na Hydrate), 98% 20964 Uridine 5`-Diphosphoglucose Disodium Salt 28053-08-9, 117756-22-6 1 Gms Hydrate extrapure (UDPG.2Na Hydrate), 98% 48301 Uridine 5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt Hydrate 3387-36-8 1 Gms (5-UMP-Na2) extrapure, 98.5% 48301 Uridine 5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt Hydrate 3387-36-8 5 Gms (5-UMP-Na2) extrapure, 98.5% 48301 Uridine 5-Monophosphate Disodium Salt Hydrate 3387-36-8 25 Gms (5-UMP-Na2) extrapure, 98.5% 56613 Uridine-5-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt Dihydrate 19817-92-6 25 Mg (UTP-Na3) extrapure, 96% 56613 Uridine-5-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt Dihydrate 19817-92-6 100 Mg (UTP-Na3) extrapure, 96% 56613 Uridine-5-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt Dihydrate 19817-92-6 500 Mg (UTP-Na3) extrapure, 96% 50178 Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCS) extrapure, 99% 128-13-2 1 Gms 50178 Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCS) extrapure, 99% 128-13-2 5 Gms 50178 Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCS) extrapure, 99% 128-13-2 25 Gms 24436 (+)- Usnic Acid, 95% 7562-61-0 5 Gms 24436 (+)- Usnic Acid, 95% 7562-61-0 25 Gms 44762 Valeraldehyde pure (Pentanal), 98% 110-62-3 100 ml 44762 Valeraldehyde pure (Pentanal), 98% 110-62-3 500 ml 31477 n-Valeric Acid pure, 99% 109-52-4 500 ml 31477 n-Valeric Acid pure, 99% 109-52-4 1000 ml 22128 Valeronitrile (Butyl Cyanide) pure , 99% 110-59-8 100 ml 22128 Valeronitrile (Butyl Cyanide) pure , 99% 110-59-8 500 ml 80634 Valerophenone pure, 98% 1009-14-9 100 ml 80634 Valerophenone pure, 98% 1009-14-9 500 ml 95091 Valeroyl Chloride pure, 98% 638-29-9 100 ml 95091 Valeroyl Chloride pure, 98% 638-29-9 500 ml 21562 D-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 640-68-6 5 Gms 21562 D-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 640-68-6 25 Gms 21562 D-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 640-68-6 100 Gms 14159 DL-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 516-06-3 25 Gms 14159 DL-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 516-06-3 100 Gms 14159 DL-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 516-06-3 500 Gms 14159 DL-Valine extrapure CHR, 99% 516-06-3 1 Kg 83185 L-Valine Benzyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 2462-34-2 25 Gms 98% 38052 L-Valine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 6306-52-1 1 Gms 99% 38052 L-Valine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 6306-52-1 5 Gms 99% 38052 L-Valine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 6306-52-1 25 Gms 99% 38052 L-Valine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride extrapure, 6306-52-1 100 Gms 99% 40652 Valinomycin, 95% 2001-95-8 10 Mg Page 252 of 321 Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 1854 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 4841 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 22357 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 612 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 2337 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 6897 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 1335 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 3226 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 10902 Part B 29349900 18 0-4C 900 4200 8500 3956 12793 442 890 1002 1892 557 1669 2538 10553 915 4044 817 2578 7725 1244 4519 21453 40647 10012 29419090 29419090 29419090 29142990 29142990 29121990 29121990 29156020 29156020 29269000 29269000 29143990 29143990 29159090 29159090 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 341 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 906 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 2710 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 7906 Part B 29379020 18 2-8C 9599 Part B 29241900 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 40652 40652 45344 45344 61078 61078 61078 72241 72241 72241 11547 11547 96011 96011 77472 77472 77472 56437 56437 54911 54911 50342 50342 23761 23761 40996 40996 66532 66532 66532 76374 13111 13111 72465 52714 20748 20748 39607 Valinomycin, 95% Valinomycin, 95% Vanadium Metal Powder, 99.7% Vanadium Metal Powder, 99.7% Vancomycin Hydrochloride (VNC), 90% Vancomycin Hydrochloride (VNC), 90% Vancomycin Hydrochloride (VNC), 90% Vanillylmandelic Acid extrapure, 99% Vanillylmandelic Acid extrapure, 99% Vanillylmandelic Acid extrapure, 99% n-Veratraldehyde pure, 98% n-Veratraldehyde pure, 98% Veratrole pure, 98% Veratrole pure, 98% Vitamin B12 for molecular biology, 97% Vitamin B12 for molecular biology, 97% Vitamin B12 for molecular biology, 97% Vitamin B12 for tissue culture, 97% Vitamin B12 for tissue culture, 97% Vitamin K1 extrapure, 98% Vitamin K1 extrapure, 98% Vanadyl Acetylacetonate pure, 98% Vanadyl Acetylacetonate pure, 98% Vanadyl Sulphate Hydrate pure, 97% Vanadyl Sulphate Hydrate pure, 97% Voglibose extrapure, 98% Voglibose extrapure, 98% Wang Resin 100-200 mesh 1% Wang Resin 100-200 mesh 1% Wang Resin 100-200 mesh 1% Weinreb Linker extrapure, 98% Wright Stain Wright Stain WST-8, 95% X-Gal Solution (20mg/ml) Xanthine extrapure CHR, 99% Xanthine extrapure CHR, 99% Xanthine Oxidase Suspension ex. Butter Milk, 1-4 U/mg protein 39607 Xanthine Oxidase Suspension ex. Butter Milk, 1-4 U/mg protein 62965 Xanthine Oxidase ex. Microorganism, 15U/mg 94623 Xanthohumol ex. Hop (Humulus Lupulus), 94% 62630 Xanthurenic Acid extrapure, 96% 55962 XantPhos (4,5-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)-9,9Dimethylxanthine) extrapure, 98% 55962 XantPhos (4,5-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)-9,9Dimethylxanthine) extrapure, 98% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 2001-95-8 2001-95-8 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 1404-93-9 1404-93-9 1404-93-9 2394-20-9 2394-20-9 2394-20-9 120-14-9 120-14-9 91-16-7 91-16-7 68-19-9 68-19-9 68-19-9 68-19-9 68-19-9 84-80-0 84-80-0 3153-26-2 3153-26-2 123334-20-3 123334-20-3 83480-29-9 83480-29-9 201058-08-4 201058-08-4 201058-08-4 247021-90-5 68988-92-1 68988-92-1 193149-74-5 69-89-6 69-89-6 9002-17-9 25 Mg 100 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 100 ml 500 ml 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 500 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 50 Mg 1 ml 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Units 27098 62099 2003 9345 2575 4223 10815 1233 4148 14890 1011 2305 624 2709 724 2781 12237 1391 3671 1502 6800 1088 3475 1955 9122 4635 15450 3053 14940 52281 7906 568 2225 8900 2035 779 3115 5785 9002-17-9 25 Units 12360 Part B 35079099 18 2-8C 9002-17-9 250 Units 13905 Part B 35079099 18 -20C 6754-58-1 5 Mg 17799 Part B 29145000 18 2-8C 59-00-7 161265-03-8 500 Mg 1 Gms 6897 Part B 2261 Part B 29420090 18 8-25C 29329900 18 0-4C 161265-03-8 5 Gms 9035 Part B 29329900 18 0-4C Page 253 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29241900 29241900 81122900 81122900 29420090 29420090 29420090 29189900 29189900 29189900 29124991 29124991 29029090 29029090 29362610 29362610 29362610 29362610 29362610 29362990 29362990 29420090 29420090 28332990 28332990 29420090 29420090 38220090 38220090 38220090 29221990 32049000 32049000 29339900 38220090 29349900 29349900 35079099 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 27540 X-Phos (2-Dicyclohexylphosphino-2,4,6Triisopropylbiphenyl) extrapure, 98% 27540 X-Phos (2-Dicyclohexylphosphino-2,4,6Triisopropylbiphenyl) extrapure, 98% 91186 Xylan from Beechwood 91186 Xylan from Beechwood 91186 Xylan from Beechwood 30565 Xylan from Corn Cob, 95% 30565 Xylan from Corn Cob, 95% 30565 Xylan from Corn Cob, 95% 30565 Xylan from Corn Cob, 95% 13814 Xylanase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 60MU/g 13814 Xylanase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 60MU/g 13814 Xylanase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 60MU/g 64949 Xylitol extrapure 64949 Xylitol extrapure 64949 Xylitol extrapure 84974 D-(+)-Xylose extrapure 84974 D-(+)-Xylose extrapure 29426 D-(+)-Xylose ExiPlus™ 29426 D-(+)-Xylose ExiPlus™ 98468 L-(-) Xylose extrapure, 99% 98468 L-(-) Xylose extrapure, 99% 31832 Yohimbine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 31832 Yohimbine Hydrochloride extrapure, 99% 36744 Ytterbium (III) Chloride anhydrous, 99.9% 24099 Ytterbium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 24099 Ytterbium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 20435 Ytterbium (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 20435 Ytterbium (III) Nitrate Pentahydrate extrapure, 99.9% 58985 Ytterbium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% 58985 Ytterbium (III) Oxide extrapure, 99.9% 61813 Ytterbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate Hydrate extrapure, 98% 61813 Ytterbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate Hydrate extrapure, 98% 61813 Ytterbium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate Hydrate extrapure, 98% 63190 Yttrium (III) Chloride anhydrous ultrapure, 99.99% 564483-18-7 1 Gms 2261 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 564483-18-7 5 Gms 9599 Part B 29420090 18 0-4C 9014-63-5 9014-63-5 9014-63-5 9014-63-5 9014-63-5 9014-63-5 9014-63-5 37278-89-0 37278-89-0 37278-89-0 87-99-0 87-99-0 87-99-0 58-86-6 58-86-6 58-86-6 58-86-6 609-06-3 609-06-3 65-19-0 65-19-0 10361-91-8 10035-01-5 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 10035-01-5 50 Gms 9500 Part B 28469090 18 RT 35725-34-9 10 Gms 5000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 35725-34-9 50 Gms 9500 Part B 28469090 18 RT 1314-37-0 1314-37-0 252976-51-5 10 Gms 50 Gms 1 Gms 5000 Part B 9500 Part B 900 Part B 28469090 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 28469090 18 RT 252976-51-5 5 Gms 3400 Part B 28469090 18 RT 252976-51-5 25 Gms 11000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 10361-92-9 10 Gms 3800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 63190 Yttrium (III) Chloride anhydrous ultrapure, 99.99% 10361-92-9 50 Gms 11000 Part B 28469090 18 RT 63390 Yttrium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99.9% 63390 Yttrium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99.9% 10025-94-2 5 Gms 1100 Part B 28469010 18 RT 10025-94-2 25 Gms 2300 Part B 28469010 18 RT Page 254 of 321 Price 3390 6551 15243 1357 3614 9599 27098 1169 4116 19467 196 670 2266 400 1700 480 1900 800 1800 3000 9000 6800 5000 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 35079099 35079099 35079099 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29400000 29399900 29399900 28469090 28469090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT -20C -20C RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 63390 Yttrium (III) Chloride Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99.9% 51515 Yttrium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99.9% 51515 Yttrium (III) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapure AR, 99.9% 21412 Yttrium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 21412 Yttrium (III) Trifluoromethanesulfonate extrapure, 98% 37482 Z-L-Amino Acids Kit 68280 Z-b-Alanine extrapure, 99% 68280 Z-b-Alanine extrapure, 99% 68280 Z-b-Alanine extrapure, 99% 15701 Z-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% 15701 Z-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% 15701 Z-D-Alanine extrapure, 99% 24368 Z-DL-Alanine extrapure, 99% 24368 Z-DL-Alanine extrapure, 99% 24368 Z-DL-Alanine extrapure, 99% 46096 Z-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 46096 Z-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 46096 Z-L-Alanine extrapure, 99% 30211 Z-2-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% 30211 Z-2-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% 30211 Z-2-Aminobutyric Acid extrapure, 99% 94475 Z-D-Arginine extrapure, 99% 94475 Z-D-Arginine extrapure, 99% 94475 Z-D-Arginine extrapure, 99% 60020 Z-L-Arginine extrapure, 99% 55237 Z-L-Arginine HCl extrapure, 99% 55237 Z-L-Arginine HCl extrapure, 99% 92873 Z-D-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 92873 Z-D-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 92873 Z-D-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 60164 Z-DL-Asparagine extrapure, 98% 60164 Z-DL-Asparagine extrapure, 98% 13328 Z-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 13328 Z-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 13328 Z-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 13328 Z-L-Asparagine extrapure, 99% 32899 Z-D-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 32899 Z-D-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 32899 Z-D-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 84275 Z-DL-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 84275 Z-DL-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 84275 Z-DL-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 63143 Z-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 63143 Z-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% 63143 Z-L-Aspartic Acid extrapure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 10025-94-2 100 Gms 5200 Part B 28469010 18 RT 13494-98-9 25 Gms 1200 Part B 28469010 18 RT 13494-98-9 100 Gms 3300 Part B 28469010 18 RT 52093-30-8 5 Gms 3800 Part B 28469090 18 RT 52093-30-8 25 Gms 12600 Part B 28469090 18 RT 2304-94-1 2304-94-1 2304-94-1 26607-51-2 26607-51-2 26607-51-2 4132-86-9 4132-86-9 4132-86-9 1142-20-7 1142-20-7 1142-20-7 42918-86-5 42918-86-5 42918-86-5 6382-93-0 6382-93-0 6382-93-0 1234-35-1 56672-63-0 56672-63-0 4474-86-6 4474-86-6 4474-86-6 29880-22-6 29880-22-6 2304-96-3 2304-96-3 2304-96-3 2304-96-3 78663-07-7 78663-07-7 78663-07-7 4515-21-3 4515-21-3 4515-21-3 1152-61-0 1152-61-0 1152-61-0 1 Kit 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 24631 546 1407 5586 565 2313 10551 484 2287 10915 508 2111 7584 897 3994 19355 5782 19269 70058 4005 4978 18660 1033 4273 17812 1442 4738 287 942 2466 8211 604 2531 10548 664 3155 15065 437 814 1954 38220090 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 Page 255 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 78064 Z-L-Aspartic Acid-4-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% 3479-47-8 10 Gms 12914 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 78064 Z-L-Aspartic Acid-4-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% 3479-47-8 25 Gms 22593 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 97300 Z-L-Glutamic Acid-5-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% 5680-86-4 10 Gms 13453 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 97300 Z-L-Glutamic Acid-5-Benzyl Ester extrapure, 98% 5680-86-4 25 Gms 23537 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 73971 73971 45851 45851 67271 67271 67271 83309 83309 83309 44096 44096 44096 86632 86632 86632 21793 21793 57156 57156 57156 14088 14088 14088 34913 34913 46817 46817 46817 76353 76353 85612 85612 39218 39218 54420 54420 54420 71691 63648-73-7 63648-73-7 1155-62-0 1155-62-0 1155-62-0 13139-52-1 13139-52-1 13139-52-1 2650-64-8 2650-64-8 2650-64-8 1138-80-3 1138-80-3 1138-80-3 19728-57-5 19728-57-5 14997-58-1 14997-58-1 14997-58-1 13504-85-3 13504-85-3 13504-85-3 3160-59-6 3160-59-6 28862-79-5 28862-79-5 28862-79-5 3588-60-1 3588-60-1 2018-66-8 2018-66-8 70671-54-4 70671-54-4 2212-75-1 2212-75-1 2212-75-1 2212-76-2 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 721 2531 3931 18721 339 1383 4970 1167 4863 20254 712 2466 8211 662 1345 4107 3313 15765 1140 5162 20267 1328 6024 23537 1906 5974 1033 4295 17900 1741 8280 1447 4120 9034 36125 1213 5612 23099 5665 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29224990 28862-80-8 28862-80-8 4434-61-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms Z-D-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 98% Z-D-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 98% Z-DL-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-L-Glutamic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Glutamine extrapure, 99% Z-Glycine extrapure, 99% Z-Glycine extrapure, 99% Z-Glycine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Histidine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Histidine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Histidine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Histidine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Histidine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Hydroxyproline extrapure, 99% Z-L-Hydroxyproline extrapure, 99% Z-L-Hydroxyproline extrapure, 99% Z-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 95% Z-L-Isoleucine extrapure, 95% Z-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Leucine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Leucine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Leucine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Leucine extrapure, 98% Z-L-Leucine extrapure, 98% Z-D-Lysine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Lysine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Lysine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Lysine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Lysine extrapure, 99% Z-N-e-Lysine Dicyclohexyl Ammonium Salt extrapure, 98% 91642 Z-D-Methionine extrapure, 99% 91642 Z-D-Methionine extrapure, 99% 11751 Z-DL-Methionine extrapure, 99% Page 256 of 321 Price Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 2266 Part B 6180 Part B 700 Part B HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C 29379020 18 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Packing 4434-61-1 4434-61-1 1152-62-1 1152-62-1 1152-62-1 21691-43-0 21691-43-0 21691-44-1 21691-44-1 3304-51-6 3304-51-6 2448-45-5 2448-45-5 2448-45-5 3588-57-6 3588-57-6 1161-13-3 1161-13-3 35909-92-3 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 500 Mg 2.5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 27486 Z-L-Phenyalanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 35909-92-3 25 Gms 20390 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 41739 Z-Phenylalanine-p-Nitroanilide extrapure 16881 Z-L-Phenylalanine-4-Nitrophenyl Ester extrapure, 98% 16881 Z-L-Phenylalanine-4-Nitrophenyl Ester extrapure, 98% 12399 Z-D-Phenylglycine extrapure, 98% 12399 Z-D-Phenylglycine extrapure, 98% 74157 Z-L-Phenylglycine extrapure, 99% 74157 Z-L-Phenylglycine extrapure, 99% 24037 Z-D-Proline extrapure, 99% 24037 Z-D-Proline extrapure, 99% 24037 Z-D-Proline extrapure, 99% 24037 Z-D-Proline extrapure, 99% 31688 Z-L-Proline extrapure, 99% 31688 Z-L-Proline extrapure, 99% 63273 Z-D-Serine extrapure, 99% 63273 Z-D-Serine extrapure, 99% 63273 Z-D-Serine extrapure, 99% 63273 Z-D-Serine extrapure, 99% 19647-71-3 2578-84-9 1 Gms 10 Gms 6899 Part B 10011 Part B 29379020 18 0-4C 29224990 18 0-4C 2578-84-9 25 Gms 17518 Part B 29224990 18 0-4C 17609-52-8 17609-52-8 53990-33-3 53990-33-3 6404-31-5 6404-31-5 6404-31-5 6404-31-5 1148-11-4 1148-11-4 6081-61-4 6081-61-4 6081-61-4 6081-61-4 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 7043 12316 6180 10813 879 1491 5750 28736 1200 3600 2072 3199 13357 55662 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 Z-DL-Methionine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Methionine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Methionine extrapure, 99% Z-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-4-Nitro-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Norleucine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Z-D-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Z-L-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Z-L-Norvaline extrapure, 99% Z-L-Ornithine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Ornithine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Phenylalanine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Phenyalanine Methyl Ester extrapure, 98% 15027-14-2 15027-14-2 15027-13-1 15027-13-1 39608-30-5 39608-30-5 Page 257 of 321 Price 3313 16039 652 2711 8896 9853 17243 4389 19712 1757 8474 3932 17890 2652 12051 2194 9980 2652 12051 4767 21675 604 2531 10511 2194 9980 2124 7529 11655 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code % CAS Number 11751 11751 55768 55768 55768 21200 21200 66829 66829 12185 12185 90175 90175 34201 34201 21693 21693 75427 75427 72850 72850 24317 24317 24317 32900 32900 42182 42182 27486 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 29379020 29379020 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29224990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code CAS Number Packing Z-L-Serine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Serine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Serine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Threonine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Threonine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Threonine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Z-D-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Z-D-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Z-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Z-L-Tryptophan extrapure, 99% Z-D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 99% Z-O-Benzyl-L-Tyrosine extrapure, 98% Z-D-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-D-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-DL-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-L-Valine extrapure, 99% Z-Isonipecotic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-Isonipecotic Acid extrapure, 99% Z-Nipecotic Acid, 95% Z-OSu (Z-ONSu) extrapure, 99% Z-OSu (Z-ONSu) extrapure, 99% Zeatin mixed Isomers for tissue culture, ~95% 1145-80-8 1145-80-8 1145-80-8 80384-27-6 80384-27-6 19728-63-3 2279-15-4 2279-15-4 2279-15-4 7432-21-5 7432-21-5 64205-12-5 64205-12-5 1164-16-5 1164-16-5 1164-16-5 16677-29-5 1685-33-2 1685-33-2 1685-33-2 3588-63-4 3588-63-4 1149-26-4 1149-26-4 1149-26-4 10314-98-4 10314-98-4 78190-11-1 13139-17-8 13139-17-8 13114-27-7 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Mg 81055 Zeatin mixed Isomers for tissue culture, ~95% 13114-27-7 100 Mg 67299 67299 80440 80440 80440 25910 25910 56814 56814 86849 86849 52049 52049 13114-27-7 13114-27-7 6025-53-2 6025-53-2 6025-53-2 7699-45-8 7699-45-8 62625-22-3 62625-22-3 62625-22-3 62625-22-3 1314-23-4 1314-23-4 25 Mg 100 Mg 10 Mg 25 Mg 100 Mg 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 75675 75675 75675 52287 52287 11228 39868 39868 39868 57591 57591 59268 59268 31078 31078 31078 39463 74556 74556 74556 17520 17520 73743 73743 73743 92186 92186 88291 70443 70443 81055 Product Name Zeatin mixed Isomers, ~95% Zeatin mixed Isomers, ~95% Zeatin Riboside extrapure, 99% Zeatin Riboside extrapure, 99% Zeatin Riboside extrapure, 99% Zinc Bromide Anhydrous, 99% Zinc Bromide Anhydrous, 99% Zincon Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% Zincon Sodium Salt extrapure AR, 98% Zincon Sodium Salt extrapure AR, ACS, 98% Zincon Sodium Salt extrapure AR, ACS, 98% Zirconium Oxide pure, 99% Zirconium Oxide pure, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Price 379 1312 6803 1236 4944 1236 3474 13357 55608 1236 3296 2448 8065 927 1854 4738 7210 1251 5213 20045 2652 12615 890 2337 4450 5831 10196 6161 799 3192 2800 Part Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B 8000 Part B 2052 6852 6000 12000 40000 1043 2303 600 2750 630 3100 800 2100 Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B Part B HS code 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29224990 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29379020 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 38089340 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 2-8C 38089340 18 2-8C 38089340 38089340 38089390 38089390 38089390 28275990 28275990 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 28259090 28259090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT Part B1 - Animal Cell Culture 52937 Acid Fuchsin for cell culture 75250 L-Alanine for cell culture, 99% 75250 L-Alanine for cell culture, 99% 3244-88-0 56-41-7 56-41-7 Page 258 of 321 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1600 Part B1 1050 Part B1 2490 Part B1 32041214 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 96409 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for cell culture (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 96409 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for cell culture (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 96409 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for cell culture (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 96409 Albumin Bovine (pH 6-7) fraction V for cell culture (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA), 98% 31539 Alcian Blue for cell culture 31539 Alcian Blue for cell culture 68860 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 68860 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Dodecahydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 15875 Amphotericin B (AMT) Solution (250ug/ml) for cell culture 15875 Amphotericin B (AMT) Solution (250ug/ml) for cell culture 20969 L-Arginine (free base) for cell culture, 99% 20969 L-Arginine (free base) for cell culture, 99% 33468 Bacitracin (BCT) ex. Bacillus Licheniformis for cell culture 33468 Bacitracin (BCT) ex. Bacillus Licheniformis for cell culture 36884 BES Buffer for cell culture, 99% 36884 BES Buffer for cell culture, 99% 92370 Blasticidin S Hydrochloride for cell culture, 98% 92370 Blasticidin S Hydrochloride for cell culture, 98% 84483 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) for cell culture, 99% 84483 Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) for cell culture, 99% 97900 Cholesterol for cell culture, 99% 97900 Cholesterol for cell culture, 99% 97900 Cholesterol for cell culture, 99% 70553 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate (CPFX) for cell culture, 98-102% 70553 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Hydrate (CPFX) for cell culture, 98-102% 81395 Concanavalin A (Con A) Lectin ex. Canavalia Ensiformis (Jack bean) Type 1 for cell culture, 64ug/ml 81395 Concanavalin A (Con A) Lectin ex. Canavalia Ensiformis (Jack bean) Type 1 for cell culture, 64ug/ml 68722 Concanavalin A Lectin (Con A) ex. Canavalia Ensiformis (Jack bean) Type 2 for cell culture, 20ug/ml Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 9048-46-8 5 Gms 900 Part B1 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 25 Gms 3500 Part B1 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 100 Gms 11500 Part B1 38220090 12 0-4C 9048-46-8 500 Gms 51000 Part B1 38220090 12 0-4C 33864-99-2 33864-99-2 7784-24-9 5 Gms 25 Gms 500 Gms 5500 Part B1 24000 Part B1 1350 Part B1 32049000 18 RT 32049000 18 RT 28333030 18 RT 7784-24-9 1 Kg 12000 Part B1 28333030 18 RT 1397-89-3 20 ml 1854 Part B1 38220090 12 -20C 1397-89-3 100 ml 5356 Part B1 38220090 12 -20C 74-79-3 74-79-3 1405-87-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 50000 Units 1150 Part B1 3550 Part B1 1400 Part B1 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 29420090 18 0-4C 1405-87-4 250000 Units 4500 Part B1 29420090 18 0-4C 10191-18-1 10191-18-1 3513-03-9 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 1650 Part B1 5400 Part B1 6119 Part B1 29214290 18 RT 29214290 18 RT 29419090 18 -20C 3513-03-9 25 Mg 14462 Part B1 29419090 18 -20C 57-09-0 25 Gms 2500 Part B1 29239000 18 RT 57-09-0 100 Gms 6000 Part B1 29239000 18 RT 57-88-5 57-88-5 57-88-5 86393-32-0 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 86393-32-0 5 Gms 2300 Part B1 29419030 18 0-4C 11028-71-0 25 Mg 3671 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 11028-71-0 40 Mg 5451 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 11028-71-0 25 Mg 2670 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C Page 259 of 321 2400 10500 30000 690 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 29061310 29061310 29061310 29419030 18 18 18 18 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Packing 68722 Concanavalin A Lectin (Con A) ex. Canavalia Ensiformis (Jack bean) Type 2 for cell culture, 20ug/ml 67133 Cresyl Violet Acetate for cell culture 29751 Crystal Violet for cell culture 29751 Crystal Violet for cell culture 70134 L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate for cell culture, 99% 70134 L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate for cell culture, 99% 54676 Dextrose for cell culture 54676 Dextrose for cell culture 28525 DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for cell culture, 98% 28525 DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) for cell culture, 98% 81614 Eosin Yellow (water soluble) for cell culture 81614 Eosin Yellow (water soluble) for cell culture 74516 Ethylene Glycol Monophenyl Ether for cell culture, 99% 74516 Ethylene Glycol Monophenyl Ether for cell culture, 99% 11324 Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 98131 Fluorescein Sodium Salt (C.I. No. 45350) for cell culture 76611 Folic Acid for cell culture, 98% 76611 Folic Acid for cell culture, 98% 20596 Fuchsin Basic for cell culture 20596 Fuchsin Basic for cell culture 77469 Giemsa Stain for cell culture 77469 Giemsa Stain for cell culture 75931 L-Glutamic Acid Monosodium Salt Monohydrate (MSG) for cell culture, 99% 75931 L-Glutamic Acid Monosodium Salt Monohydrate (MSG) for cell culture, 99% 80952 L-Glutamine for cell culture, 99% 80952 L-Glutamine for cell culture, 99% 65542 Glycerol anhydrous for cell culture, 99.5% 34268 Glycine for cell culture, 99.5% 39149 HEPES Buffer for cell culture, 99.5% 39149 HEPES Buffer for cell culture, 99.5% 39149 HEPES Buffer for cell culture, 99.5% 16509 L-Histidine (base) for cell culture, 99% 16509 L-Histidine (base) for cell culture, 99% 86877 L-Histidine Hydrochloride for cell culture, 99% 11028-71-0 100 Mg 10510-54-0 548-62-9 548-62-9 7048-04-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 7048-04-6 100 Gms 3250 Part B1 29309040 18 RT 50-99-7 50-99-7 3483-12-3 3483-12-3 17372-87-1 17372-87-1 122-99-6 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 100 ml 500 1450 2000 7000 2250 4500 2400 17023031 17023031 29309099 29309099 32049000 32049000 29094900 6007 Part B1 10000 1750 5800 1150 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 HS code % CAS Number Stor age 35079099 18 -20C 32049000 32049000 32049000 29309040 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT 0-4C 0-4C RT RT RT 122-99-6 500 ml 4500 Part B1 29094900 18 RT 7782-63-0 500 Gms 1200 Part B1 28332910 18 RT 518-47-8 100 Gms 2500 Part B1 32049000 18 RT 59-30-3 59-30-3 632-99-5 632-99-5 51811-82-6 51811-82-6 6106-04-3 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 6106-04-3 500 Gms 56-85-9 56-85-9 56-81-5 56-40-6 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 7365-45-9 71-00-1 71-00-1 5394-29-2 10 Gms 25 Gms 500 ml 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 86877 L-Histidine Hydrochloride for cell culture, 99% 5394-29-2 100 Gms 3500 Part B1 29224990 18 RT 54661 N-Hydroxycytidine (EIDD-1931) for cell culture, 98% 54661 N-Hydroxycytidine (EIDD-1931) for cell culture, 98% 3258-02-4 10 Mg 7000 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 3258-02-4 25 Mg 14000 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C Page 260 of 321 750 3250 2200 8000 4000 15500 900 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 2750 Part B1 950 1800 1300 1700 1950 6400 26500 1250 3500 1100 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 29362910 29362910 32049000 32049000 32049000 32049000 29224220 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT 29224220 18 RT 29224990 29224990 29054500 29224910 29335990 29335990 29335990 29224990 29224990 29224990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Price Packing Imiquimod for cell culture, 98% Inositol for cell culture, 99% Inositol for cell culture, 99% r-Insulin ex. Human for cell culture, 25 USP U/mg 99011-02-6 87-89-8 87-89-8 11061-68-0 250 Mg 25 Gms 100 Gms 50 Mg 72828 r-Insulin ex. Human for cell culture, 25 USP U/mg 11061-68-0 100 Mg 19440 Part B1 29371200 18 -20C 72828 r-Insulin ex. Human for cell culture, 25 USP U/mg 11061-68-0 500 Mg 79920 Part B1 29371200 18 -20C 11894 L-Isoleucine for cell culture, 99% 11894 L-Isoleucine for cell culture, 99% 95793 Jenners Stain (Eosin-methylene blue) for cell culture 95793 Jenners Stain (Eosin-methylene blue) for cell culture 95173 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous for cell culture, 98% 95173 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous for cell culture, 98% 29011 Lysozyme (3x cryst) ex. Egg white (Muramidase) for cell culture, 15000 U/mg 29011 Lysozyme (3x cryst) ex. Egg white (Muramidase) for cell culture, 15000 U/mg 29011 Lysozyme (3x cryst) ex. Egg white (Muramidase) for cell culture, 15000 U/mg 22352 Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous for cell culture, 98% 36502 Magnesium Sulphate Dried for cell culture, 62-70% MgSO4, 99% 12493 D-Maltose Monohydrate for cell culture 12493 D-Maltose Monohydrate for cell culture 20490 2-Mercaptoethanol for cell culture, 99% 20490 2-Mercaptoethanol for cell culture, 99% 55311 MES Hydrate Buffer for cell culture, 99% 55311 MES Hydrate Buffer for cell culture, 99% 42125 L-Methionine for cell culture, 99% 42125 L-Methionine for cell culture, 99% 13908 MOPS Buffer for cell culture, 99% 13908 MOPS Buffer for cell culture, 99% 13908 MOPS Buffer for cell culture, 99% 69599 Neomycin Sulphate (NMS) for cell culture 69599 Neomycin Sulphate (NMS) for cell culture 64257 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) for cell culture, 98% 73-32-5 73-32-5 62851-42-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 1300 Part B1 4300 Part B1 3100 Part B1 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 32049000 18 RT 62851-42-7 100 Gms 9800 Part B1 32049000 18 RT 56-87-1 25 Gms 4000 Part B1 29224100 18 2-8C 56-87-1 100 Gms 12000 Part B1 29224100 18 2-8C 12650-88-3 1 Gms 3000 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 12650-88-3 5 Gms 13500 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 12650-88-3 25 Gms 40000 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 7786-30-3 100 Gms 1800 Part B1 28273100 18 RT 7487-88-9 500 Gms 1750 Part B1 28332940 18 RT 6363-53-7 6363-53-7 60-24-2 60-24-2 145224-94-8 145224-94-8 63-68-3 63-68-3 1132-61-2 1132-61-2 1132-61-2 1405-10-3 1405-10-3 53-84-9 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 ml 250 ml 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Mg 13500 1000 3200 10260 1000 4000 1300 2650 3800 8500 1100 4000 3200 7800 17000 800 1900 1002 Part Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 HS code % CAS Number 75054 77379 77379 72828 Product Name Date :16-04-2021 30042099 29061390 29061390 29371200 29400000 29400000 29309099 29309099 29333919 29333919 29304000 29304000 29333919 29333919 29333919 29419050 29419050 29349900 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C RT RT -20C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C -20C 64257 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) for cell culture, 98% 53-84-9 1 Gms 4673 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 64257 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Oxidized) (ßNAD, DPN) for cell culture, 98% 53-84-9 5 Gms 17243 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C Page 261 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name 10581 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt(Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2,DPNH.Na2) for cellculture,98% 10581 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt(Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2,DPNH.Na2) for cellculture,98% 10581 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Disodium Salt(Reduced) (ß-NADH.Na2,DPNH.Na2) for cellculture,98% 88722 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2,TPN.Na2) for cell culture,95 88722 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Disodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na2,TPN.Na2) for cell culture,95 28771 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na) for cell culture, 98% 28771 ß-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Monosodium Salt (ß-NADP.Na) for cell culture, 98% 93517 Nicotinamide for cell culture, 99.5% 93517 Nicotinamide for cell culture, 99.5% 63509 ß-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (ß-NMN) for cell culture, 99% 50275 Nicotinic Acid (Pyridine-3-Carboxylic Acid) for cell culture, 99% 50275 Nicotinic Acid (Pyridine-3-Carboxylic Acid) for cell culture, 99% 16828 Nystatin (Mycostatin) for cell culture, 85% 16828 Nystatin (Mycostatin) for cell culture, 85% 16828 Nystatin (Mycostatin) for cell culture, 85% 17565 Nystatin (Mycostatin) Solution (10000U/ml) for cell culture 56341 L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride for cell culture, 99% 56341 L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride for cell culture, 99% 30917 Oxalacetic Acid for cell culture, 98% 30917 Oxalacetic Acid for cell culture, 98% 79311 Phenol Red Sodium Salt (water soluble) for cell culture, 95% 79311 Phenol Red Sodium Salt (water soluble) for cell culture, 95% 68793 L-Phenylalanine for cell culture, 99% 68793 L-Phenylalanine for cell culture, 99% 77839 Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) for cell culture, 99% 77839 Phenylmethane Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF) for cell culture, 99% Date :16-04-2021 Packing 606-68-8 100 Mg 2003 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 1 Gms 10290 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 606-68-8 5 Gms 37822 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 100 Mg 3671 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 24292-60-2 1 Gms 21136 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 1184-16-3 100 Mg 3560 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 1184-16-3 1 Gms 13349 Part B1 29349900 18 -20C 98-92-0 98-92-0 1094-61-7 100 Gms 500 Gms 25 Mg 1250 Part B1 3750 Part B1 6452 Part B1 29362920 18 RT 29362920 18 RT 29349900 18 -20C 59-67-6 100 Gms 950 Part B1 29362920 18 RT 59-67-6 500 Gms 3000 Part B1 29362920 18 RT 1400-61-9 1400-61-9 1400-61-9 1400-61-9 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 20 ml 668 2337 8900 1236 29419090 29419090 29419090 38220090 3184-13-2 25 Gms 1600 Part B1 29224990 18 RT 3184-13-2 100 Gms 4500 Part B1 29224990 18 RT 328-42-7 328-42-7 34487-61-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 1224 Part B1 3894 Part B1 1100 Part B1 29171190 18 RT 29171190 18 RT 32049000 18 RT 34487-61-1 25 Gms 4000 Part B1 32049000 18 RT 63-91-2 63-91-2 329-98-6 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1100 Part B1 3000 Part B1 1300 Part B1 29224990 18 RT 29224990 18 RT 29041090 18 0-4C 329-98-6 5 Gms 4400 Part B1 29041090 18 0-4C Page 262 of 321 Price Part Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 12 Stor age 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C -20C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 52819 Polymyxin B Sulphate (Aerosporin, PXNS), 6000U/mg for cell culture 52819 Polymyxin B Sulphate (Aerosporin, PXNS), 6000U/mg for cell culture 67209 Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) for cell culture 47425 Potassium Chloride for cell culture, 99.5% 65897 L-Proline for cell culture, 99% 65897 L-Proline for cell culture, 99% 82361 Puromycin Dihydrochloride (PRM) for cell culture 1405-20-5 250 Mg 2200 Part B1 29419090 18 -20C 1405-20-5 1 Gms 4870 Part B1 29419090 18 -20C 9005-65-6 7447-40-7 147-85-3 147-85-3 58-58-2 500 Gms 500 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 10 Mg 3000 3450 1050 3350 3500 34021900 28273990 29224990 29224990 29420090 82361 Puromycin Dihydrochloride (PRM) for cell culture 58-58-2 25 Mg 7000 Part B1 29420090 18 2-8C 14050 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) for cell culture, 99% 14050 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) for cell culture, 99% 77387 Riboflavin for cell culture, 98% 77387 Riboflavin for cell culture, 98% 46143 Rifampicin (RFP) (Rifampin) for cell culture, 97102% 46143 Rifampicin (RFP) (Rifampin) for cell culture, 97102% 31904 Safranine O for cell culture 31904 Safranine O for cell culture 59260 L-Serine for cell culture, 99% 59260 L-Serine for cell culture, 99% 89360 Sodium Chloride for cell culture, 99.9% 89360 Sodium Chloride for cell culture, 99.9% 89360 Sodium Chloride for cell culture, 99.9% 66003 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous for cell culture, 99.5% 66003 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous for cell culture, 99.5% 16120 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 16120 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dihydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 27621 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous for cell culture, 99% 27621 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous for cell culture, 99% 68350 Streptozotocin (STZ) for cell culture, 98% 68350 Streptozotocin (STZ) for cell culture, 98% 68250 Sucrose for cell culture 68250 Sucrose for cell culture 68250 Sucrose for cell culture 88726 L-Threonine for cell culture, 99% 88726 L-Threonine for cell culture, 99% 53073 Ticarcillin Disodium Salt extrapure, 85% 53073 Ticarcillin Disodium Salt extrapure, 85% 24000 Toluidine Blue O for cell culture 58-56-0 10 Gms 1500 Part B1 29362500 18 8-25C 58-56-0 25 Gms 3500 Part B1 29362500 18 8-25C 83-88-5 83-88-5 13292-46-1 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 1150 Part B1 3500 Part B1 4200 Part B1 29362310 18 RT 29362310 18 RT 29419011 18 2-8C 13292-46-1 5 Gms 15000 Part B1 29419011 18 2-8C 477-73-6 477-73-6 56-45-1 56-45-1 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 7647-14-5 7558-79-4 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 500 Gms 5300 9500 2500 5300 2000 3900 12750 5000 32049000 32049000 29224990 29224990 25010090 25010090 25010090 28352200 7558-79-4 5 Kg 15000 Part B1 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 500 Gms 1700 Part B1 28352200 18 RT 10028-24-7 5 Kg 10000 Part B1 28352200 18 RT 7558-80-7 100 Gms 4000 Part B1 28352200 18 RT 7558-80-7 500 Gms 13500 Part B1 28352200 18 RT 18883-66-4 18883-66-4 57-50-1 57-50-1 57-50-1 72-19-5 72-19-5 4697-14-7 4697-14-7 92-31-9 100 Mg 1 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kg 5 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 2800 19000 3000 5500 22000 2500 7500 1944 8856 3300 29420090 29420090 17019990 17019990 17019990 29224990 29224990 29419090 29419090 32049000 Page 263 of 321 Price Part Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 HS code % CAS Number Stor age 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0 0 0 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 24000 Toluidine Blue O for cell culture 92-31-9 35416 Triptolide ex. Tripterigium Wilfordii for cell 38748-32-2 culture, 98% 12695 Tris Buffer for cell culture, 99.9% 77-86-1 12695 Tris Buffer for cell culture, 99.9% 77-86-1 65972 r-Trypsin - Type Standard ACF ex. Porcine for cell 9002-07-7 culture, 800U/mg 65972 r-Trypsin - Type Standard ACF ex. Porcine for cell 9002-07-7 culture, 800U/mg 65972 r-Trypsin - Type Standard ACF ex. Porcine for cell 9002-07-7 culture, 800U/mg 74055 Trypsin 1:250 ex. Bovine Pancreas for cell culture, 9002-07-7 1000BAEE U/mg 74055 Trypsin 1:250 ex. Bovine Pancreas for cell culture, 9002-07-7 1000BAEE U/mg 74055 Trypsin 1:250 ex. Bovine Pancreas for cell culture, 9002-07-7 1000BAEE U/mg 23560 r-Trypsin 1x with EDTA Solution in Phosphate Buffer for cell culture (AOF), 150U/ml 52682 Trypsin ex. Bovine Pancreas for cell culture, 9002-07-7 0.2Anson U/g (2000U/g) 52682 Trypsin ex. Bovine Pancreas for cell culture, 9002-07-7 0.2Anson U/g (2000U/g) 52682 Trypsin ex. Bovine Pancreas for cell culture, 9002-07-7 0.2Anson U/g (2000U/g) 20374 Trypsin ex. Porcine Gastric Mucosa for cell culture, 9002-07-7 0.2Anson U/g (2000U/g) 20374 Trypsin ex. Porcine Gastric Mucosa for cell culture, 9002-07-7 0.2Anson U/g (2000U/g) 20374 Trypsin ex. Porcine Gastric Mucosa for cell culture, 9002-07-7 0.2Anson U/g (2000U/g) 80149 L-Tyrosine for cell culture, 99% 60-18-4 80149 L-Tyrosine for cell culture, 99% 60-18-4 78168 Urea for cell culture, 99.5% 57-13-6 78168 Urea for cell culture, 99.5% 57-13-6 20451 L-Valine for cell culture, 99% 72-18-4 20451 L-Valine for cell culture, 99% 72-18-4 12540 Vitamin B12 for cell culture, 97% 68-19-9 12540 Vitamin B12 for cell culture, 97% 68-19-9 18681 XTT Sodium for cell culture, 90% 111072-31-2 18681 XTT Sodium for cell culture, 90% 111072-31-2 18681 XTT Sodium for cell culture, 90% 111072-31-2 30108 Zinc Chloride for cell culture, 98% 7646-85-7 92647 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 7446-20-0 25 Gms 5 Mg 6200 Part B1 15000 Part B1 32049000 18 RT 29329900 18 -20C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Mg 950 Part B1 4000 Part B1 5083 Part B1 29211190 18 RT 29211190 18 RT 35079099 18 -20C 1 Gms 16937 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 5 Gms 33873 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 25 Gms 1648 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 100 Gms 4326 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 500 Gms 17510 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 100 ml 3338 Part B1 38220090 12 2-8C 100 Gms 948 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 500 Gms 4635 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 1 Kg 8549 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 100 Gms 983 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 500 Gms 4575 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 1 Kg 8921 Part B1 35079099 18 -20C 92647 Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate for cell culture, 99.5% 7446-20-0 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 25 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms Price 1300 4800 2000 9500 850 3000 1570 4100 5421 15243 35003 2700 1600 Part Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 Part B1 3400 Part B1 HS code % CAS Number 29225090 29225090 29241900 29241900 29224990 29224990 29362610 29362610 29420090 29420090 29420090 29152990 28332990 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 2-8C 0-4C 0-4C 0-4C RT RT 28332990 18 RT Part C - Nanotechnology Products 75964 Alumina (Alpha) Nanopowder 75964 Alumina (Alpha) Nanopowder 75964 Alumina (Alpha) Nanopowder 1344-28-1 1344-28-1 1344-28-1 Page 264 of 321 25 Gms 100 Gms 250 Gms 2266 Part C 5664 Part C 10194 Part C 28182090 18 RT 28182090 18 RT 28182090 18 RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 25536 25536 96202 96202 18412 18412 41892 41892 29603 38818 38818 19158 19158 67801 67801 10842 10842 78768 Product Name Alumina (Gamma) Nanopowder Alumina (Gamma) Nanopowder Aluminium Nanopowder (Type 1) Aluminium Nanopowder (Type 1) Aluminium Nanopowder (Type 2) Aluminium Nanopowder (Type 2) Aluminium Oxide (Boehmite) Nanodispersion (50nm) Aluminium Oxide (Boehmite) Nanodispersion (50nm) Aluminium Titanate Nanopowder Aminated Graphene Amino-PEG covalently linked (GnAmPG) Nanopowder Aminated Graphene Amino-PEG covalently linked (GnAmPG) Nanopowder Aminated Graphene Octadecylamine covalently linked (GnAm18d) Nanopowder Aminated Graphene Octadecylamine covalently linked (GnAm18d) Nanopowder Antimony Trioxide Nanopowder Antimony Trioxide Nanopowder Barium Titanate Nanopowder Barium Titanate Nanopowder Bis(2',4'-Bis(Hexyloxy)Biphenyl-4-yl)Amine extrapure, 95% Bismuth (III) Oxide Nanopowder Bismuth (III) Oxide Nanopowder Boehmite Nanopowder Boehmite Nanopowder Boron Carbide Nanopowder Boron Carbide Nanopowder Boron Nitride (hBN) Aerosol Spray (13Oz/369g) Date :16-04-2021 Price Packing 1344-28-1 1344-28-1 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 1318-23-6 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1318-23-6 100 Gms 8608 Part C 38220090 12 RT 1204-39-6 7782-42-5 2 Gms 10 Mg 13456 Part C 5000 Part C 28419000 18 RT 25049090 5 RT 7782-42-5 50 Mg 16000 Part C 25049090 5 RT 7782-42-5 10 Mg 5000 Part C 25049090 5 RT 7782-42-5 50 Mg 16000 Part C 25049090 5 RT RT RT RT RT RT 9243 13864 12128 32524 12128 32524 2833 Part Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C HS code % CAS Number 28182090 28182090 76031090 76031090 76031090 76031090 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 1309-64-4 1309-64-4 12047-27-7 12047-27-7 1403674-49-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Mg 1323 3859 3150 8400 12791 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 28258000 28258000 29333200 29333200 29215990 18 1304-76-3 1304-76-3 1318-23-6 1318-23-6 12069-32-8 12069-32-8 10043-11-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 1 piece 6300 17850 2835 10710 12600 23625 12703 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 28259090 28259090 29051900 29051900 28499010 28499010 28500020 18 75454 Boron Nitride Nanopowder 75454 Boron Nitride Nanopowder 45882 Boron Nitride Nanotubes (C) Cylindrical structure 10043-11-5 10043-11-5 10043-11-5 25 Gms 100 Gms 50 Mg 3150 Part C 8400 Part C 32000 Part C 28500020 18 RT 28500020 18 RT 28500020 18 RT 74899 74899 74899 72893 12918 12918 69126 471-34-1 471-34-1 471-34-1 12049-50-2 12013-47-7 12013-47-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 10 Mg 1021 2730 13125 14487 14280 45582 21525 28365000 28365000 28365000 28419000 28419000 28419000 32065000 14683 14683 21772 21772 62554 62554 50943 Calcium Carbonate Nanopowder Calcium Carbonate Nanopowder Calcium Carbonate Nanopowder Calcium Titanate Nanopowder Calcium Zirconium Oxide Nanopowder Calcium Zirconium Oxide Nanopowder CdSe/ZnS Core Shell Quantum Dots, Fluorescence 560nm, (Hydrophobic) 33618 CdSe/ZnS Core Shell Quantum Dots, Fluorescence 600nm, (Hydrophobic) 15377 CdSe/ZnS Core Shell Quantum Dots, Fluorescence 630nm, (Hydrophobic) Page 265 of 321 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 10 Mg 21525 Part C 32065000 18 2-8C 10 Mg 21525 Part C 32065000 18 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 50439 CdTe Core Type COOH Functionalized Quantum Dots, Fluorescence 510 nm (Hydrophilic) 10 Mg 22050 Part C 28429020 18 2-8C 37909 CdTe Core Type COOH Functionalized Quantum Dots, Fluorescence 610 nm (Hydrophilic) 10 Mg 22050 Part C 28429020 18 2-8C 19960 CdTe Core Type COOH Functionalized Quantum Dots, Fluorescence 710 nm (Hydrophilic) 10 Mg 22050 Part C 28429020 18 2-8C 2625 12390 11500 11500 12340 31875 17950 25049090 25049090 28030090 28030090 28030090 28030090 28030090 37194 37194 28186 35210 59800 59800 73953 Carbon Porous Nanopowder Carbon Porous Nanopowder CNT Dispersant AC CNT Dispersant AQ TCNT Type 1- Carbon Nanotubes Thin Walled TCNT Type 1- Carbon Nanotubes Thin Walled SWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Single- Walled 7440-44-0 7440-44-0 308068-56-6 308068-56-6 308068-56-6 1 Gms 10 Gms 20 ml 20 ml 25 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 73953 SWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Single- Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 41026 Part C 28030090 18 RT 20770 SWCNT Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Single- Walled (Short) 20770 SWCNT Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Single- Walled (Short) 29129 SWCNT Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Single- Walled COOH Functionalized 18989 SWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 100 Mg 14252 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 250 Mg 31174 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 100 Mg 19002 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 50 Mg 9717 Part C 28030090 18 RT 18989 SWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 250 Mg 29150 Part C 28030090 18 RT 18989 SWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 84207 Part C 28030090 18 RT 55024 SWCNT Type 5 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 50 Mg 10689 Part C 28030090 18 RT 55024 SWCNT Type 5 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 250 Mg 29150 Part C 28030090 18 RT 27404 SWCNT Type 6 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 50 Mg 16195 Part C 28030090 18 RT 27404 SWCNT Type 6 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled 308068-56-6 250 Mg 62616 Part C 28030090 18 RT 95425 SWCNT Type 7 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled in aq. media pure 52710 SWCNT Type 8 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled in aq. media extrapure 42480 SWCNT Type 9 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled in aq. media pure 68069 SWCNT Type 10 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled in aq. media extrapure 81868 SWCNT Type 11 Carbon Nanotubes Single-Walled ultrapure 28989 SWCNT Type 12 Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes ultrapure 308068-56-6 20 ml 49554 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 20 ml 68014 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 20 ml 58298 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 20 ml 136027 Part C 28030090 18 RT 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 308068-56-6 50 Mg 81617 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 50 Mg 81617 Part C 28030090 18 RT Page 266 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 36078 DWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Double Walled 308068-56-6 100 Mg 21594 Part C 28030090 18 RT 36078 DWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Double Walled 308068-56-6 500 Mg 53981 Part C 28030090 18 RT 85143 DWCNT Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Double Walled (Short) 45565 DWCNT Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Double-Walled 308068-56-6 100 Mg 22622 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 50 Mg 11847 Part C 28030090 18 RT 69072 DWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Double-Walled 308068-56-6 50 Mg 11847 Part C 28030090 18 RT 69072 DWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Double-Walled 308068-56-6 250 Mg 37015 Part C 28030090 18 RT 34528 HMWCNT Type1- Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled Helical 34528 HMWCNT Type1- Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled Helical 57743 MWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 250 Mg 12340 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 16658 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 3570 Part C 28030090 18 RT 57743 MWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 12390 Part C 28030090 18 RT 57743 MWCNT Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 35700 Part C 28030090 18 RT 88440 MWCNT Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 5400 Part C 28030090 18 RT 88440 MWCNT Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 19433 Part C 28030090 18 RT 88440 MWCNT Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 68014 Part C 28030090 18 RT 68465 MWCNT Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 2700 Part C 28030090 18 RT 68465 MWCNT Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 8098 Part C 28030090 18 RT 68465 MWCNT Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 23751 Part C 28030090 18 RT 68465 MWCNT Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 100 Gms 75571 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41067 MWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 2377 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41067 MWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 6478 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41067 MWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 16195 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41067 MWCNT Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 100 Gms 53981 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41335 MWCNT Type 5 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 2161 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41335 MWCNT Type 5 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 4319 Part C 28030090 18 RT 41335 MWCNT Type 5 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 8639 Part C 28030090 18 RT Page 267 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 41335 MWCNT Type 5 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 100 Gms 21594 Part C 28030090 18 RT 96390 MWCNT Type 6 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 2161 Part C 28030090 18 RT 96390 MWCNT Type 6 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 4319 Part C 28030090 18 RT 96390 MWCNT Type 6 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 8639 Part C 28030090 18 RT 96390 MWCNT Type 6 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled 308068-56-6 100 Gms 21594 Part C 28030090 18 RT 35203 MWCNT Type 7 Carbon Nanotube Multi Walled (Graphitized) 35203 MWCNT Type 7 Carbon Nanotube Multi Walled (Graphitized) 73235 MWCNT Type 8 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 8018 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 26720 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 500 Mg 7020 Part C 28030090 18 RT 73235 MWCNT Type 8 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 10797 Part C 28030090 18 RT 46918 MWCNT Type 9 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 500 Mg 7020 Part C 28030090 18 RT 46918 MWCNT Type 9 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 10797 Part C 28030090 18 RT 58255 MWCNT Type 10 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 2400 Part C 28030090 18 RT 58255 MWCNT Type 10 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 7500 Part C 28030090 18 RT 29466 MWCNT Type 11 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 50 Mg 3240 Part C 28030090 18 RT 29466 MWCNT Type 11 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 100 Mg 4859 Part C 28030090 18 RT 29466 MWCNT Type 11 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 16195 Part C 28030090 18 RT 29466 MWCNT Type 11 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 48582 Part C 28030090 18 RT 82903 MWCNT Type 12 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 500 Mg 2700 Part C 28030090 18 RT 82903 MWCNT Type 12 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 4859 Part C 28030090 18 RT 82903 MWCNT Type 12 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 9717 Part C 28030090 18 RT 28658 MWCNT Type 13 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 500 Mg 2377 Part C 28030090 18 RT 28658 MWCNT Type 13 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 4319 Part C 28030090 18 RT 28658 MWCNT Type 13 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 8639 Part C 28030090 18 RT 28658 MWCNT Type 13 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 25 Gms 28071 Part C 28030090 18 RT 65875 MWCNT Type 14 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 50 Mg 10797 Part C 28030090 18 RT Page 268 of 321 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 65875 MWCNT Type 14 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 100 Mg 16195 Part C 28030090 18 RT 24968 MWCNT Type 15 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 500 Mg 2377 Part C 28030090 18 RT 24968 MWCNT Type 15 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 1 Gms 4319 Part C 28030090 18 RT 24968 MWCNT Type 15 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled 308068-56-6 5 Gms 8639 Part C 28030090 18 RT 33670 MWCNT Type 16 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 33670 MWCNT Type 16 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 33670 MWCNT Type 16 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 28174 MWCNT Type 17 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 28174 MWCNT Type 17 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 28174 MWCNT Type 17 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 28174 MWCNT Type 17 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 90797 MWCNT Type 18 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 90797 MWCNT Type 18 Carbon Nanotubes Multi-Walled Short 42927 MWCNT Type 19 - Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled (Conducting) 42927 MWCNT Type 19 - Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled (Conducting) 58908 MWCNT-Ni Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled, Nickel coated 58908 MWCNT-Ni Type 1 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled, Nickel coated 53105 MWCNT-Ni Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled , Nickel coated 53105 MWCNT-Ni Type 2 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled , Nickel coated 90500 MWCNT-Ni Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled , Nickel coated 90500 MWCNT-Ni Type 3 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled , Nickel coated 75288 MWCNT-Ni Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled , Nickel coated 75288 MWCNT-Ni Type 4 Carbon Nanotubes Multi Walled , Nickel coated 65468 Chitosan Nanopowder 65468 Chitosan Nanopowder 44316 Chromium (III) Oxide Nanopowder 64835 C106 Dye, 90% 35347 K19 Dye, 85% 308068-56-6 500 Mg 5400 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 8639 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 26990 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 500 Mg 4319 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 6478 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 23751 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 25 Gms 80968 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 5400 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 18354 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 19433 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 64775 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 11336 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 42104 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 11336 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 42104 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 11336 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 42104 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 1 Gms 11336 Part C 28030090 18 RT 308068-56-6 5 Gms 42104 Part C 28030090 18 RT 9012-76-4 9012-76-4 1308-38-9 1152310-69-4 847665-45-6 5 Gms 25 Gms 10 Gms 25 Mg 25 Mg 3399 10194 20386 9135 9240 29211990 29211990 28191000 32129090 32129090 Page 269 of 321 Price Part Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C HS code % CAS Number 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age RT RT RT -20C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 74373 74373 31570 31570 74613 74613 74343 73612 28954 28954 28954 19151 85476 91287 91287 91287 91287 51744 51744 51744 51744 16708 16708 16708 47223 47223 37461 37461 44170 44170 44170 84500 73225 73225 36848 36848 72123 72123 60974 60974 91082 Product Name Clay Nanopowder Clay Nanopowder Cobalt Ferrite Nanopowder Cobalt Ferrite Nanopowder Cobalt Zinc Ferrite Nanopowder Cobalt Zinc Ferrite Nanopowder Copper Nanopowder Copper Nanowires Cupric Oxide Nanopowder Cupric Oxide Nanopowder Cupric Oxide Nanopowder Diamond Nanopowder Diisobutyl 2,2-Bipyridine-4,4-Dicarboxylate extrapure, 95% Ferric Oxide (Alpha) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Alpha) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Alpha) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Alpha) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Gamma) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Gamma) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Gamma) Nanopowder Ferric Oxide (Gamma) Nanopowder Ferrous Ferric Oxide Nanopowder (Type 1) Ferrous Ferric Oxide Nanopowder (Type 1) Ferrous Ferric Oxide Nanopowder (Type 1) Ferrous Ferric Oxide Nanopowder (Type 2) Ferrous Ferric Oxide Nanopowder (Type 2) Fullerene C60 Fullerene C60 Fullerene C70 Fullerene C70 Fullerene C70 Gold Nanopowder Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU05), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU05), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU10), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU10), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU20), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU20), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU40), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU40), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU60), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS CAS Number Packing 1332-58-7 1332-58-7 12052-28-7 12052-28-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 10 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 1 Gms 100 Mg 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 1317-38-0 1317-38-0 1317-38-0 7782-40-3 1141011-53-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1309-37-1 1317-61-9 1317-61-9 1317-61-9 1317-61-9 1317-61-9 7440-57-5 7440-57-5 Date :16-04-2021 Price 6797 10194 6371 17329 6371 17329 29559 35000 1900 5437 9967 21698 12791 Part HS code Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 25120090 25120090 81052030 81052030 81052030 81052030 74061000 74081190 28255000 28255000 28255000 29215990 29333100 5 Gms 1906 Part C 25 Gms 5134 Part C 100 Gms 16513 Part C 250 Gms 23814 Part C 5 Gms 1578 Part C 25 Gms 4130 Part C 100 Gms 12172 Part C 250 Gms 21698 Part C 5 Gms 2100 Part C 25 Gms 4725 Part C 100 Gms 16800 Part C 25 Gms 3675 Part C 100 Gms 11025 Part C 250 Mg 11550 Part C 1 Gms 33600 Part C 100 Mg 16634 Part C 500 Mg 63002 Part C 1 Gms 110882 Part C 1 Gms 93620 Part C 10 ml 5500 Part C 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 28211010 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 29420090 28433000 38220090 % 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 Stor age RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 7440-57-5 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 10 ml 5500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 10 ml 5500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 10 ml 5500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-57-5 10 ml 5500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C Page 270 of 321 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 91082 Gold Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AU60), 0.05mg/ml Citrate, 0.1mM in PBS 27944 Single Layer Graphene (SLG) Nanopowder 27944 Single Layer Graphene (SLG) Nanopowder 73949 Single Layer Graphene Factory (SLGF) Nanopowder 73949 Single Layer Graphene Factory (SLGF) Nanopowder 89922 Graphene Carboxyl (GCOOH) Nanopowder 60703 Graphene Carboxyl (GCOOHW) Water Nanodispersion (5mg/ml) 88398 Graphene Film (Super Paper) (GFSP) 87185 Graphene Nitrogen-doped (GNdp) Nanopowder 7440-57-5 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 10 Mg 100 Mg 100 Mg 6000 Part C 18000 Part C 5250 Part C 25049090 25049090 25049090 5 5 RT RT RT 7782-42-5 250 Mg 13125 Part C 25049090 5 RT 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 25 Mg 20 ml 12000 Part C 44000 Part C 25049090 5 RT 38220090 12 RT 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 1 piece 150000 Part C 50 Mg 6090 Part C 25049090 25049090 5 5 RT RT 87185 Graphene Nitrogen-doped (GNdp) Nanopowder 7782-42-5 250 Mg 25200 Part C 25049090 5 RT 90251 Graphene Oxide Film (Super Paper) (GOFSP) 55093 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 1) 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 1 piece 112199 Part C 1 Gms 2315 Part C 25049090 25049090 5 5 RT RT 55093 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 1) 7782-42-5 5 Gms 9023 Part C 25049090 5 RT 55093 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 1) 7782-42-5 25 Gms 33545 Part C 25049090 5 RT 55093 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 1) 7782-42-5 100 Gms 108729 Part C 25049090 5 RT 36529 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 2) 7782-42-5 1 Gms 2315 Part C 25049090 5 RT 36529 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 2) 7782-42-5 5 Gms 9023 Part C 25049090 5 RT 36529 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 2) 7782-42-5 25 Gms 33545 Part C 25049090 5 RT 98585 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 3) 7782-42-5 1 Gms 2315 Part C 25049090 5 RT 98585 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 3) 7782-42-5 5 Gms 8098 Part C 25049090 5 RT 98585 Graphene Platelet Nanopowder (GPN Type 3) 7782-42-5 25 Gms 28917 Part C 25049090 5 RT 53927 Graphene Quantum Dots (1mg/ml) (GQD) 53927 Graphene Quantum Dots (1mg/ml) (GQD) 49888 Single Layer Graphene Oxide (SLGO) Nanopowder 7440-40-0 7440-40-0 7782-42-5 5 ml 25 ml 25 Mg 6788 Part C 25192 Part C 5250 Part C 38220090 12 RT 38220090 12 RT 25049090 5 RT 49888 Single Layer Graphene Oxide (SLGO) Nanopowder 7782-42-5 100 Mg 14700 Part C 25049090 5 RT 49888 Single Layer Graphene Oxide (SLGO) Nanopowder 7782-42-5 500 Mg 57750 Part C 25049090 5 RT 58531 Single Layer Graphene Oxide (SLGOE) Ethanol Nanodispersion (5mg/ml) 72536 Single Layer Graphene Oxide (SLGOW) Water Nanodispersion (5mg/ml) 72536 Single Layer Graphene Oxide (SLGOW) Water Nanodispersion (5mg/ml) 7782-42-5 10 ml 20821 Part C 25049090 5 RT 7782-42-5 10 ml 10284 Part C 38220090 12 RT 7782-42-5 25 ml 17480 Part C 38220090 12 RT Page 271 of 321 5 SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 68908 68908 85833 85833 69869 69869 38058 38058 39525 39525 39525 11934 69895 69895 13616 13616 66614 45974 45974 52726 52726 53768 53768 69667 69667 71829 71829 56176 85918 31562 31562 83005 83005 16806 30786 30786 30786 52716 35001 32293 73985 73985 69691 74380 Product Name Graphite Nanopowder (Type 2) Graphite Nanopowder (Type 2) Graphite Nanopowder (Type 1) Graphite Nanopowder (Type 1) Graphite Nanopowder Lubricant Grade Graphite Nanopowder Lubricant Grade Graphite Fluoride (Carbon Monofluoride) Nanopowder Graphite Fluoride (Carbon Monofluoride) Nanopowder Graphite Oxide Nanopowder Graphite Oxide Nanopowder Graphite Oxide Nanopowder Graphite Pyrolytic Micronpowder Hydroxyapatite Micronpowder Hydroxyapatite Micronpowder Hydroxyapatite Nanopowder Hydroxyapatite Nanopowder Indium (III) Oxide Nanopowder ultrapure Lanthanum Oxide Nanopowder ultrapure Lanthanum Oxide Nanopowder ultrapure Lithium Iron (II) Phosphate Micronpowder Lithium Iron (II) Phosphate Micronpowder Lithium Titanate (LTO) (Spinel) Nanopowder Lithium Titanate (LTO) (Spinel) Nanopowder Magnesium Aluminate (Spinel) Nanopowder Magnesium Aluminate (Spinel) Nanopowder Magnesium Oxide Nanopowder Magnesium Oxide Nanopowder Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanocrystals Powder Manganese (III) Oxide Nanopowder Methyl 4,4''-Dimethyl-[2,2':6',2''-Terpyridine]-4'Carboxylate extrapure, 95% Methyl 4,4''-Dimethyl-[2,2':6',2''-Terpyridine]-4'Carboxylate extrapure, 95% Molybdenum Disulfide Nanopowder Lubricant Grade Molybdenum Disulfide Nanopowder Lubricant Grade N3 Red Dye, 95% N719 Dye, 95% N719 Dye, 95% N719 Dye, 95% N749 Dye (Black Dye), 95% Nickel Nanopowder Nickel (II) Oxide Nanopowder Nickel Titanium Alloy Nanopowder Nickel Titanium Alloy Nanopowder Nickel Zinc Ferrite Nanopowder Perovskite Quantum Dots (pQD 450), Fluorescence 450nm (Hydrophobic) CAS Number Packing 7440-44-0 7440-44-0 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 51311-17-2 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 51311-17-2 5 Gms Date :16-04-2021 Price HS code % Stor age Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 25049090 25049090 25049090 25049090 25041090 25041090 25049090 5 5 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 7455 Part C 25049090 5 RT 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 7782-42-5 12167-74-7 12167-74-7 12167-74-7 12167-74-7 1312-43-2 1312-81-8 1312-81-8 15365-14-7 15365-14-7 12031-95-7 12031-95-7 12068-51-8 12068-51-8 1309-48-4 1309-48-4 73905-81-4 1317-34-6 247058-06-6 100 Mg 2625 Part C 500 Mg 6825 Part C 1 Gms 12075 Part C 5 Gms 8400 Part C 5 Gms 5775 Part C 25 Gms 12128 Part C 5 Gms 7875 Part C 25 Gms 15225 Part C 1 Gms 33040 Part C 5 Gms 3675 Part C 25 Gms 13125 Part C 5 Gms 4305 Part C 25 Gms 8610 Part C 5 Gms 11500 Part C 10 Gms 18000 Part C 1 Gms 4114 Part C 2 Gms 7198 Part C 5 Gms 2500 Part C 25 Gms 7500 Part C 20 Mg 119618 Part C 10 Gms 8400 Part C 50 Mg 11725 Part C 25049090 25049090 25049090 25049090 28352690 28352690 28352690 28352690 28259090 28259090 28259090 28429090 28429090 28419000 28419000 28419000 28419000 25199010 25199010 28211010 28209000 29333100 5 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 247058-06-6 100 Mg 18118 Part C 29333100 18 RT 1317-33-5 5 Gms 11246 Part C 28309020 18 RT 1317-33-5 10 Gms 21206 Part C 28309020 18 RT 141460-19-7 207347-46-4 207347-46-4 207347-46-4 359415-47-7 7440-02-0 1313-99-1 100 Mg 50 Mg 250 Mg 1 Gms 50 Mg 5 Gms 25 Gms 250 Mg 1 Gms 5 Gms 50 Mg 7875 5775 11550 33600 20790 28917 9500 18508 55521 15629 18900 28439019 28439019 28439019 28439019 28439019 75040000 28254000 75022030 75022030 28211010 28419000 Page 272 of 321 9833 37015 9872 29612 8098 33545 2625 Part Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C RT RT RT 2-8C RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 15360 Perovskite Quantum Dots (pQD 480), Fluorescence 480nm (Hydrophobic) 77345 Perovskite Quantum Dots (pQD 510), Fluorescence 510nm (Hydrophobic) 23300 Perovskite Quantum Dots (pQD 550), Fluorescence 550nm (Hydrophobic) 22116 Palladium Nanopowder (Type I) 22116 Palladium Nanopowder (Type I) 41341 Palladium Nanopowder (Type II) 14387 Platinum Nanopowder 65469 Polyethylene Nanospheres - Type 1 (740-4990nm) 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-05-3 7440-06-4 9002-88-4 65469 Polyethylene Nanospheres - Type 1 (740-4990nm) Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 50 Mg 18900 Part C 28419000 18 2-8C 50 Mg 18900 Part C 28419000 18 2-8C 50 Mg 18900 Part C 28419000 18 2-8C 100 Mg 500 Mg 100 Mg 250 Mg 25 Mg 12999 25998 42040 85794 7371 71102100 3 71102100 3 71102100 3 71101120 3 39019090 18 9002-88-4 100 Mg 17010 Part C 39019090 18 RT 50349 Polyethylene Nanospheres - Type 2 (200-9900nm) 9002-88-4 25 Mg 6691 Part C 39019090 18 RT 50349 Polyethylene Nanospheres - Type 2 (200-9900nm) 9002-88-4 100 Mg 15650 Part C 39019090 18 RT 64798 Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (pMMAC) Nanospheres (1500-11500nm) 64798 Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (pMMAC) Nanospheres (1500-11500nm) 28699 Selenium Nanopowder in aq. media 26112 Silicon Nanopowder 26112 Silicon Nanopowder 43362 Silicon Carbide Nanopowder 43362 Silicon Carbide Nanopowder 69294 Silicon Dioxide Nanopowder 69294 Silicon Dioxide Nanopowder 22806 Silicon Dioxide (Silica) Nanodispersion Type A (20nm) 22806 Silicon Dioxide (Silica) Nanodispersion Type A (20nm) 69337 Silicon Dioxide (Silica) Nanodispersion Type B (20nm) 69337 Silicon Dioxide (Silica) Nanodispersion Type B (20nm) 38475 Silicon Monoxide Nanopowder 38475 Silicon Monoxide Nanopowder 63338 Silicon Nitride Nanopowder 63338 Silicon Nitride Nanopowder 44416 Silver Nanopowder (Type I) 44416 Silver Nanopowder (Type I) 36214 Silver Nanopowder (Type II) 36214 Silver Nanopowder (Type II) 53941 Silver Nanowires 46912 Silver Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AG20), 0.02mg/ml in Citrate (5mM) 46912 Silver Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AG20), 0.02mg/ml in Citrate (5mM) 9011-14-7 100 Mg 4423 Part C 39061090 18 RT 9011-14-7 500 Mg 18144 Part C 39061090 18 RT Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C RT RT RT RT RT 7782-49-2 7440-21-3 7440-21-3 409-21-2 409-21-2 7631-86-9 7631-86-9 7631-86-9 2 ml 118754 Part C 1 Gms 5200 Part C 5 Gms 24000 Part C 25 Gms 5565 Part C 100 Gms 19433 Part C 25 Gms 2216 Part C 100 Gms 7020 Part C 25 Gms 1945 Part C 28049000 28046900 28046900 28500020 28500020 28112200 28112200 38220090 7631-86-9 100 Gms 5938 Part C 38220090 12 RT 7631-86-9 25 Gms 1945 Part C 38220090 12 RT 7631-86-9 100 Gms 5938 Part C 38220090 12 RT 10097-28-6 10097-28-6 12033-89-5 12033-89-5 7440-22-4 7440-22-4 7440-22-4 7440-22-4 7440-22-4 7440-22-4 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 10 Mg 10 ml 7440-22-4 25 ml Page 273 of 321 8505 33600 5100 16500 10100 19000 21318 34104 58026 5500 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 11500 Part C 28112990 28112990 28500020 28500020 71061000 71061000 71061000 71061000 71069290 38220090 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 3 3 3 3 3 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 2-8C 38220090 12 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 49241 Silver Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AG40), 0.02mg/ml in Citrate (2mM) 49241 Silver Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AG40), 0.02mg/ml in Citrate (2mM) 58322 Silver Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AG60), 0.02mg/ml in Citrate (2mM) 58322 Silver Nanoparticles Dispersion (Spherical) (AG60), 0.02mg/ml in Citrate (2mM) 15669 Stannic Oxide Nanopowder 15669 Stannic Oxide Nanopowder 27873 Tantalum Nanopowder 74708 Tectomer 2-Tailed (C8H16(CH2NHGLY4)2.2HCl), 90% 73330 Tectomer 3-Tailed (CH3C(CH2-NHGly7)3.3CF3CO2H), 90% 27570 Tectomer 4-Tailed (C(CH2-NH-Gly7)4.4HCl), 90% 72951 74629 74629 90885 90885 94632 40566 40566 35299 10161 86729 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 7440-22-4 10 ml 5500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-22-4 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-22-4 10 ml 5500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 7440-22-4 25 ml 11500 Part C 38220090 12 2-8C 18282-10-5 18282-10-5 7440-25-7 5 Gms 25 Gms 1 Gms 5 Mg 4200 12075 43002 13125 28259010 28259010 81039000 29420090 Part C Part C Part C Part C 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT -20C 5 Mg 13125 Part C 29420090 18 -20C 318286-59-8 5 Mg 13125 Part C 29420090 18 -20C Titanium Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Photocatalyst Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Photocatalyst Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Catalyst Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Catalyst Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Anatase Nanodispersion (15nm) 7440-32-6 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 9526 5100 13000 3400 10200 9500 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 81089090 28230010 28230010 28230010 28230010 28230010 18 Titanium Dioxide Ultrapure Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Ultrapure Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Rutile Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Rutile Nanopowder Titanium Dioxide Rutile Nanopowder (Hydrophilic) 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 25 Gms 100 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 25 Gms 4000 11200 3900 5500 3900 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 28230010 28230010 28230090 28230090 28230090 18 86729 Titanium Dioxide Rutile Nanopowder (Hydrophilic) 13463-67-7 100 Gms 11500 Part C 28230090 18 RT 64394 Titanium Dioxide Rutile Nanodispersion (30nm) 13463-67-7 25 Gms 7800 Part C 28230010 18 RT 13463-67-7 13463-67-7 25583-20-4 1392221-69-0 1392221-69-0 1346416-71-4 1346416-71-4 12500 12500 27962 3675 12600 4725 15750 3675 12600 2625 8925 10659 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 28230010 28230010 28500020 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333990 29333100 18 2057441-94-6 2057441-94-6 1197995-33-7 50 Mg 50 Mg 10 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 1 Gms 5 Gms 50 Mg 7440-33-7 7440-33-7 12070-12-1 12070-12-1 1 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 9254 34701 7140 26710 Part C Part C Part C Part C 81011000 81011000 28499020 28499020 18 16547 22091 52163 75513 75513 51632 51632 66142 66142 84076 84076 33139 88917 88917 51456 51456 Titanium Dioxide Nanowires (Type 1) Titanium Dioxide Nanowires (Type 2) Titanium Nitride Nanopowder FK 102 Co(II) PF6 Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(II) PF6 Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(III) PF6 Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(III) PF6 Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(II) TFSI Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(II) TFSI Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(III) TFSI Salt Complex, 98% FK 102 Co(III) TFSI Salt Complex, 98% Triethyl [2,2':6',2''-Terpyridine]-4,4',4''Tricarboxylate extrapure, 95% Tungsten Nanopowder Tungsten Nanopowder Tungsten Carbide Nanopowder Tungsten Carbide Nanopowder Page 274 of 321 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C RT RT RT RT SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name Date :16-04-2021 Packing 23882 Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) Aerosol Spray 12138-09-9 (13Oz/369g) 78519 Tungsten Disulfide Nanopowder 12138-09-9 78519 Tungsten Disulfide Nanopowder 12138-09-9 23851 Tungsten Trioxide Nanopowder 1314-35-8 23851 Tungsten Trioxide Nanopowder 1314-35-8 82874 Z907 Dye, 95% 502693-09-6 82874 Z907 Dye, 95% 502693-09-6 19366 Zeolite - Mesoporous Carbon Nanopowder (CMK-3 Type) 19366 Zeolite - Mesoporous Carbon Nanopowder (CMK-3 Type) 31755 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Molecular Sieve KIT-5 1 piece 16353 Part C 28309020 18 RT 1 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 50 Mg 250 Mg 100 Mg 3117 11422 2205 9450 5775 16275 13125 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 28309020 28309020 28418090 28418090 28439019 28439019 25049090 18 5 RT RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C RT 250 Mg 19950 Part C 25049090 5 RT 1 Gms 12600 Part C 28112200 18 RT 1 Gms 12600 Part C 28112200 18 RT 65276 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Molecular Sieve Kit-6 Price Part HS code % CAS Number Stor age 18 18 18 18 18 83881 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder (SBA-15 Type) 83881 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder (SBA-15 Type) 97621 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder (1DHexagonal SBA-41 Type) 97621 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder (1DHexagonal SBA-41 Type) 63876 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder (3D-Cubic MCM-48 Type) 63876 Zeolite - Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder (3D-Cubic MCM-48 Type) 79132 Zeolite - Molecular Sieve SAPO-11 52201 Zeolite - Ultrastable Y 74601 Zinc Nanopowder 50841 Zinc Ferrite Nanopowder 91148 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type I) 91148 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type I) 91148 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type I) 91148 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type I) 60345 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type II) 60345 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type II) 60345 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type II) 60345 Zinc Oxide Nanopowder (Type II) 64168 Zinc Oxide Nanodispersion Type A-Nonionic (70nm) 80467 Zinc Oxide Nanodispersion Type B-Anionic (70nm) 7631-86-9 250 Mg 3150 Part C 28112200 18 RT 7631-86-9 1 Gms 9477 Part C 28112200 18 RT 7631-86-9 250 Mg 14576 Part C 28112200 18 RT 7631-86-9 500 Mg 21377 Part C 28112200 18 RT 7631-86-9 250 Mg 14576 Part C 28112200 18 RT 7631-86-9 500 Mg 21377 Part C 28112200 18 RT 9713 10290 31364 12699 2182 4361 6542 27254 2182 4361 6542 27254 10176 28399090 28399090 79031000 28419000 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 28170010 38220090 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 1314-13-2 5 Gms 5 Gms 5 Gms 10 Gms 10 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 10 Gms 1314-13-2 10 Gms 9761 Part C 38220090 12 RT 74963 Zinc Oxide Nanodispersion Type C-Cationic (70nm) 1314-13-2 10 Gms 9761 Part C 38220090 12 RT 99997 Zinc Titanate Nanopowder 38501 Zirconium Oxide Nanopowder 38501 Zirconium Oxide Nanopowder 12036-43-0 1314-23-4 1314-23-4 1 Gms 25 Gms 100 Gms 16820 Part C 3500 Part C 9000 Part C 28419000 18 RT 28256020 18 RT 28256020 18 RT 7440-66-6 Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C Part C 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT Part D - Dehydrated Culture Media 38515 A1 Broth (A-1 Medium) 100 Gms Page 275 of 321 1289 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 38515 26408 26408 49025 49025 59235 59235 20605 20605 64773 64773 31257 31257 85514 85514 15126 15126 24729 24729 31047 31047 59640 59640 55418 55418 63013 34609 34609 77981 77981 77981 72439 72439 36191 36191 45712 45712 80501 80501 84893 84893 83863 83863 58784 58784 44860 44860 Product Name A1 Broth (A-1 Medium) AATCC Bacteriostasis Agar (FDA Agar) AATCC Bacteriostasis Agar (FDA Agar) AATCC Bacteriostasis Broth (FDA Broth) AATCC Bacteriostasis Broth (FDA Broth) Acetamide Agar Acetamide Agar Acetamide Broth Acetamide Broth Acetate Differential Agar Acetate Differential Agar Acetobacter Agar (Glucose) Acetobacter Agar (Glucose) Acid Broth Acid Broth Actinomyces Broth Actinomyces Broth Actinomycete Isolation Agar Actinomycete Isolation Agar Adams Agar Adams Agar A. K. Agar No. 2 (Sporulating Agar, Arret & Kirshbaum Medium) A. K. Agar No. 2 (Sporulating Agar, Arret & Kirshbaum Medium) Aeromonas Isolation Medium Base Aeromonas Isolation Medium Base Aeromonas Selective Supplement (2.5mg/vl) Aero Pseudo Selective Agar (GSP Agar) Aero Pseudo Selective Agar (GSP Agar) Agar powder BactoBio for microbiology Agar powder BactoBio for microbiology Agar powder BactoBio for microbiology Algae Culture Broth Algae Culture Broth Algae Culture Agar Algae Culture Agar Alicyclobacillus Detection Agar (Alicyclobacillus Agar) Alicyclobacillus Detection Agar (Alicyclobacillus Agar) Alkaline Peptone Water Alkaline Peptone Water Alkaline Peptone Water (I) Alkaline Peptone Water (I) Alkaline Peptone Water (B/S) Alkaline Peptone Water (B/S) Alkaline Saline Peptone Water (I) Alkaline Saline Peptone Water (I) AC Agar (All Culture Agar) AC Agar (All Culture Agar) CAS Number 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 9002-18-0 Page 276 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 5455 1224 3671 1017 3629 1002 3783 890 3449 1113 3616 1034 3855 954 3413 1002 3393 1113 3671 898 3448 1169 500 Gms 3984 Part D 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2.5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1335 4895 1076 1113 4450 1669 6452 31148 807 3616 880 3733 1908 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 13023100 13023100 13023100 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C RT RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 500 Gms 7057 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 612 2448 624 2503 624 2503 779 3071 779 3560 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 87091 AC Broth (All Culture Broth) 87091 AC Broth (All Culture Broth) 52023 Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (I/P)(U/P) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 724 Part D 3338 Part D 371 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 52023 Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (I/P)(U/P) 500 Gms 1310 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 39422 39422 98349 98349 24193 24193 90600 90600 78162 12213 12213 19422 19422 20911 20911 59821 59821 85198 85198 70197 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 464 1957 954 3146 941 3135 1061 5055 1228 974 4024 1131 4222 1131 4038 1034 3855 1057 3727 980 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 4450 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 980 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 4450 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 890 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3115 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 1145 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3603 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 890 Part D 4228 Part D 1002 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 4450 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 779 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 2781 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 70197 24301 24301 52812 52812 26751 26751 87878 87878 50741 50741 66729 66729 Alternative Thioglycollate Medium, Sterile Alternative Thioglycollate Medium, Sterile Amies Transport Medium w/ Charcoal Amies Transport Medium w/ Charcoal Amies Transport Medium w/o Charcoal Amies Transport Medium w/o Charcoal Ammonium Phosphate Agar Ammonium Phosphate Agar Ampicillin Supplement (10mg/vl) Anaerobic Agar Anaerobic Agar Anaerobic Egg Yolk Agar Base Anaerobic Egg Yolk Agar Base Anaerobic Agar (Brewer) Anaerobic Agar (Brewer) Anaerobic Agar w/o Dextrose Anaerobic Agar w/o Dextrose Anaerobic Tryptone Soya Agar Anaerobic Tryptone Soya Agar Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 5 (Streptomycin Assay Agar w/ Yeast Extract) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 5 (Streptomycin Assay Agar w/ Yeast Extract) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 8 (Base Agar w/Low pH) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 8 (Base Agar w/Low pH) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 9 (Polymyxin Base Agar) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 9 (Polymyxin Base Agar) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 10 (Polymyxin Seed Agar) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 10 (Polymyxin Seed Agar) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 1 (Seed Agar) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 1 (Seed Agar) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 2 (Base Agar, Penassay Base Agar)) Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 2 (Base Agar, Penassay Base Agar)) Antibiotic Medium No. 3 (U/P) (I/P) (Assay Broth, Penassay Broth) Antibiotic Medium No. 3 (U/P) (I/P) (Assay Broth, Penassay Broth) Page 277 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 10892 10892 12797 12797 26126 26126 31990 31990 22599 41524 41524 85908 85908 15577 15577 64778 88277 88277 26569 26569 75830 75830 53903 69318 69318 95670 95670 92301 92301 94692 94692 47479 47479 51747 51747 74664 74664 83141 50222 50222 24562 24562 21748 21748 26267 26267 97676 97676 69574 Product Name CAS Number Antifungal Assay Agar Antifungal Assay Agar APRY Agar Base APRY Agar Base APT Agar (APHA) APT Agar (APHA) APT Broth (APHA) APT Broth (APHA) Aqua Test E.Coli Medium Arabinose Agar Base Arabinose Agar Base Arginine Dihydrolase Broth Arginine Dihydrolase Broth Aseptic Commissioning Medium (Aseptic Packing Line Medium) Aseptic Commissioning Medium (Aseptic Packing Line Medium) Ascospore Agar Ashby’s Glucose Agar Ashby’s Glucose Agar Ashby’s Mannitol Agar Ashby’s Mannitol Agar ASLA Agar ASLA Agar Asparagine Nitrate Medium Asparagine Proline Broth Asparagine Proline Broth Asparagine Proline Broth BioVeg Asparagine Proline Broth BioVeg Ayers and Johnson Agar (Stock Culture Agar) Ayers and Johnson Agar (Stock Culture Agar) Azide Blood Agar Base Azide Blood Agar Base Bacillus Differentiation Agar Bacillus Differentiation Agar Bacillus Medium Bacillus Medium Bacillus Cereus Agar Bacillus Cereus Agar Bacteroides Selective Supplement (50mg/vl) Baird-Parker Agar, Base (U/P)(I/P)(I) Baird-Parker Agar, Base (U/P)(I/P)(I) Baird-Parker Agar, Base (B/S) Baird-Parker Agar, Base (B/S) Baird-Parker Agar Base w/Sulpha Baird-Parker Agar Base w/Sulpha B.C. Motility Medium B.C. Motility Medium B.C.P. - D.C.L.S. Agar B.C.P. - D.C.L.S. Agar Beef Extract Agar (ex. Buffalo) Page 278 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code % Stor age 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1057 3727 869 3572 1002 3783 946 3560 6800 1047 4367 890 3838 1002 500 Gms 3671 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 3727 1057 3950 1057 3950 956 3782 2758 1002 3783 1080 4200 1061 3968 1061 3855 1335 4561 707 3060 880 3894 936 779 3560 802 3616 1224 4561 846 3237 1022 4085 835 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 998718 998718 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38151290 38151290 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 69574 39359 39359 60856 Product Name CAS Number Packing Beef Extract Agar (ex. Buffalo) Beef Extract Broth (ex. Buffalo) Beef Extract Broth (ex. Buffalo) Beef Extract ex. Buffalo BactoBio for bacteriology 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 60856 Beef Extract ex. Buffalo BactoBio for bacteriology 5 Kg 57542 57542 29141 29141 49319 49319 66013 66013 66572 66572 34963 34963 79630 79630 64104 64104 50362 50362 18276 69577 69577 56175 79665 92875 65896 55785 55785 55785 55369 55369 48794 48794 90935 90935 90935 67644 67644 74999 74999 71476 71476 Beijerinckia Medium Beijerinckia Medium BIGGY Agar (Nickerson Medium) BIGGY Agar (Nickerson Medium) Bile Broth Base Bile Broth Base Bile Esculin Agar w/o azide (I) Bile Esculin Agar w/o azide (I) Bile Esculin Agar, Base Bile Esculin Agar, Base Bile Esculin Azide Agar Bile Esculin Azide Agar B.D.G.Broth, Hajna B.D.G.Broth, Hajna Bile Salt Agar Bile Salt Agar Bile Salts BactoBio for bacteriology Bile Salts BactoBio for bacteriology Bile Salts No. 3 BactoBio for bacteriology Bile Salts Brilliant Green Starch Agar Bile Salts Brilliant Green Starch Agar Bile Salts Mixture BactoBio for bacteriology Bile Tolerant Gram negative bacteria Test Kit Biochemical Test Kit - I Biochemical Test Kit - II Bio Peptone (Mixture of Casein & Meat Peptone) BactoBio for bacteriology Bio Peptone (Mixture of Casein & Meat Peptone) BactoBio for bacteriology Bio Peptone (Mixture of Casein & Meat Peptone) BactoBio for bacteriology Bismuth Sulphite Agar (I) Bismuth Sulphite Agar (I) Blood Agar Base Blood Agar Base Blood Agar Base (w/o sheep blood) Blood Agar Base (w/o sheep blood) Blood Agar Base (w/o sheep blood) Blood Agar Base No.2 (w/ 1.2% Agar) Blood Agar Base No.2 (w/ 1.2% Agar) Blood Agar Base w/ Low pH Blood Agar Base w/ Low pH BG-11 Broth (Blue-Green Medium) BG-11 Broth (Blue-Green Medium) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1 Kit 1 Kit 1 Kit 500 Gms Price 3505 668 3004 1633 Part Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 % 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 15180 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 1057 4295 918 3984 929 3940 2966 11470 2257 9409 1558 6119 954 3362 1669 5006 2900 14000 6007 1780 5006 3671 1000 2147 1996 2503 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 5 Kg 20024 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 10 Kg 38378 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 668 3115 668 3115 691 3149 30035 787 3120 779 3177 1216 4281 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms Page 279 of 321 Date :16-04-2021 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 85308 Bordet - Gengou Agar, Base (w/o rabbit blood) 100 Gms 1061 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 85308 Bordet - Gengou Agar, Base (w/o rabbit blood) 500 Gms 4277 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 15097 91661 91661 64944 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 994 1061 3869 2559 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 64944 94124 94124 94124 87864 87864 87864 82856 82856 82856 84560 84560 26671 26671 25357 25357 33355 33355 65774 65774 14980 14980 18545 18545 98383 98383 39284 39284 32445 32445 B.P. Sulpha Supplement (50mg/vl) BPL Agar (Brilliant Green Phenol Red Agar) BPL Agar (Brilliant Green Phenol Red Agar) Brain Heart Infusion Powder (BHI Powder) for bacteriology Brain Heart Infusion Powder (BHI Powder) for bacteriology Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified (BHI Agar, Modified) Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified (BHI Agar, Modified) Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified (BHI Agar, Modified) Brain Heart Infusion w/ 0.1% Agar (BHI w/ 0.1% Agar) Brain Heart Infusion w/ 0.1% Agar (BHI w/ 0.1% Agar) Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA and Agar (BHI Agar w/PABA) Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA and Agar (BHI Agar w/PABA) Brain Heart Infusion Broth w/6.5% NaCl (BHI Broth w/6.5% NaCl) Brain Heart Infusion Broth w/6.5% NaCl (BHI Broth w/6.5% NaCl) Brewer Thioglycollate Medium Brewer Thioglycollate Medium Brilliant Green Agar Brilliant Green Agar Brilliant Green Agar, Modified (I) (Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ Phosphates) Brilliant Green Agar, Modified (I) (Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ Phosphates) Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% (I)(B/S) Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% (I)(B/S) Brilliant Green Bile Agar Brilliant Green Bile Agar Brilliant Green Sulfa Agar (B.G. Sulpha Agar) Brilliant Green Sulfa Agar (B.G. Sulpha Agar) Bolton Broth Base Bolton Broth Base Page 280 of 321 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms Part D Part D Part D Part D 12 18 18 18 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 24473 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 668 2893 28255 668 2670 25586 835 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 500 Gms 3282 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 5 Kg 30591 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 890 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3338 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 1018 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 4060 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 824 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3193 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 547 2349 705 2936 705 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 2936 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1669 7565 1057 4450 802 3894 913 4116 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 55582 55582 66006 26384 49977 49977 19202 Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age Bolton Selective Supplement Bolton Selective Supplement Bordetella Selective Supplement (20mg/vl) Bromocresol Purple Supplement (15mg/vl) Bromocresol Purple Azide Broth Bromocresol Purple Azide Broth Bromocresol Purple Lactose Broth (BCP Lactose Broth, Yeast Fermentation Broth Base) 5 vl 5 x5 vl 5 vl 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1459 6682 1199 662 929 3489 779 19202 Bromocresol Purple Lactose Broth (BCP Lactose Broth, Yeast Fermentation Broth Base) 500 Gms 3216 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 53213 Bromocresol Purple Lactose Broth w/o Sodium Chloride 53213 Bromocresol Purple Lactose Broth w/o Sodium Chloride 46172 Bromothymol Blue Supplement (20mg/vl) 19814 B.T.B. Lactose Agar 19814 B.T.B. Lactose Agar 28540 B12 Culture Agar, (U/P) 79328 B12 Inoculum Broth, (U/P) 79328 B12 Inoculum Broth, (U/P) 21700 Buffered Glycerol Saline Base 72993 Buffered Peptone Water 72993 Buffered Peptone Water 88680 Buffered Peptone Water (I/O) (B/S) 88680 Buffered Peptone Water (I/O) (B/S) 12995 Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl 12995 Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl 22197 Buffered Peptone Water BioVeg 22197 Buffered Peptone Water BioVeg 93439 Buffered Peptone Water w/ Casein 93439 Buffered Peptone Water w/ Casein 85268 Buffered Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth 100 Gms 758 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3004 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 463 936 3783 1447 1384 6216 724 491 2448 557 2503 835 2503 557 2503 742 2967 865 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 85268 Buffered Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth 500 Gms 3287 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 70054 Buffered Yeast Agar 70054 Buffered Yeast Agar 89637 Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0,Harmonized 89637 Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0,Harmonized 73461 Burk's Medium 73461 Burk's Medium 32639 Bushnell - Haas Agar 32639 Bushnell - Haas Agar 14509 Bushnell - Haas Broth 14509 Bushnell - Haas Broth 16574 CAE Agar Base (Citrate Azide Enterococcus) 16574 CAE Agar Base (Citrate Azide Enterococcus) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 779 Part D 3338 Part D 557 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 2448 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1042 3472 835 3560 557 3004 898 3616 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Page 281 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 95845 95845 25867 25867 36198 36198 95160 95160 45568 92558 40071 54951 24715 24715 68806 68806 95305 95305 68211 68211 61796 61796 72689 49946 49946 79033 79033 13927 13927 91254 91254 18871 90465 90465 45470 45470 93927 93927 31199 31199 94532 Product Name CAS Number Calcium Caseinate Agar Calcium Caseinate Agar Campylobacter Agar Base Campylobacter Agar Base Candida BCG Agar, Base Candida BCG Agar, Base Candida Isolation Agar (Candida Agar) Candida Isolation Agar (Candida Agar) Candida Albicans Test Kit Carbohydrate Fermentation Test Kit - I Carbohydrate Fermentation Test Kit - II Carbon Utilisation Agar Cary - Blair Transport Medium, Base ( w/o charcoal ) Cary - Blair Transport Medium, Base ( w/o charcoal ) Casamino Acid (Asicase, Casein Acid Hydrolysate) BactoBio for bacteriology Casamino Acid (Asicase, Casein Acid Hydrolysate) BactoBio for bacteriology Casein Acid Hydrolysate (Asicase) Technical for bacteriology Casein Acid Hydrolysate (Asicase) Technical for bacteriology Casein Magnesium Broth (NZM Broth) Casein Magnesium Broth (NZM Broth) Casein Peptone BactoBio for bacteriology Casein Peptone BactoBio for bacteriology Casitone (Casitose) BactoBio for bacteriology Casitose Agar w/ 1.5% Agar Casitose Agar w/ 1.5% Agar Casitose Soya Agar, Modified (Casein Soya Agar, Modified) Casitose Soya Agar, Modified (Casein Soya Agar, Modified) Casitose Soya Blood Agar Base (Casein Soya Blood Agar Base) Casitose Soya Blood Agar Base (Casein Soya Blood Agar Base) Casman Agar Base Casman Agar Base CBI Supplement Cetrimide Agar Base, Harmonized Cetrimide Agar Base, Harmonized Cetrimide Agar, Base Cetrimide Agar, Base Cetrimide Agar BioVeg Cetrimide Agar BioVeg Cetrimide Broth (U/P) Cetrimide Broth (U/P) Cetrinix Supplement Page 282 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kit 1 Kit 1 Kit 500 Gms 100 Gms 1226 4190 1048 4264 1061 4024 1061 4024 1000 3220 6285 1924 865 500 Gms 3775 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3449 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 5 Kg 33242 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3090 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 5 Kg 28840 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 1145 4695 1659 15463 2003 3502 32960 1082 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 500 Gms 3582 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 1082 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3914 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 927 3585 1240 679 3004 646 2789 679 3004 668 2730 1536 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 94532 70984 70984 11507 11507 58323 58323 52057 52057 52665 52665 27880 27880 78355 78355 42436 Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age Cetrinix Supplement CFC Supplement CFC Supplement Chapman Stone Agar Chapman Stone Agar Charcoal Agar Charcoal Agar China Blue Lactose Agar China Blue Lactose Agar Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar BioVeg Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar BioVeg ChroMed™ Aureus Agar ChroMed™ Aureus Agar ChroMed Bacillus Cereus Agar ChroMed Bacillus Cereus Agar ChroMed Chromogenic Coliform Agar (CCA) (I) 5 x5 vl 5 vl 5 x5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 50 Gms 3869 1360 4238 890 3338 980 3616 921 3884 640 3027 1978 9173 1220 5072 2884 42436 ChroMed Chromogenic Coliform Agar (CCA) (I) 100 Gms 5356 Part D 38210000 18 2-8C 42436 ChroMed Chromogenic Coliform Agar (CCA) (I) 500 Gms 25419 Part D 38210000 18 2-8C 50 Gms 2281 Part D 38210000 18 2-8C 100 Gms 4116 Part D 38210000 18 2-8C 500 Gms 16242 Part D 38210000 18 2-8C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 3894 14935 2683 11996 1870 7954 1672 7100 1669 6897 2566 10978 4801 19467 3505 15463 9595 45152 1545 6180 2756 13265 824 3226 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 19440 ChroMed Chromogenic Coliform Agar w/ SLS (CCA w/ SLS) 19440 ChroMed Chromogenic Coliform Agar w/ SLS (CCA w/ SLS) 19440 ChroMed Chromogenic Coliform Agar w/ SLS (CCA w/ SLS) 96599 ChroMed ECC Agar 96599 ChroMed ECC Agar 75955 ChroMed™ E.coli Agar 75955 ChroMed™ E.coli Agar 46706 ChroMed Klebsiella Selective Agar Base 46706 ChroMed Klebsiella Selective Agar Base 45615 ChroMed Listeria Agar (I) 45615 ChroMed Listeria Agar (I) 38284 ChroMed Listeria Agar Base, Modified 38284 ChroMed Listeria Agar Base, Modified 65621 ChroMed MeReSA Agar 65621 ChroMed MeReSA Agar 75213 Chromed M-Lauryl Sulfate Agar (MLGA) 75213 Chromed M-Lauryl Sulfate Agar (MLGA) 90219 ChroMed OGYE Agar Base (I) 90219 ChroMed OGYE Agar Base (I) 92671 ChroMed™ Salmonella Agar 92671 ChroMed™ Salmonella Agar 52496 ChroMed TBX Agar (E.coli Agar modified) 52496 ChroMed TBX Agar (E.coli Agar modified) 42979 ChroMed™ UTI Agar 42979 ChroMed™ UTI Agar 80559 CHO Medium, Base 80559 CHO Medium, Base Page 283 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 28850 Chocolate Agar, Base 28850 Chocolate Agar, Base 14602 Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement (50mg/vl) 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 946 Part D 3583 Part D 986 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38220090 12 2-8C 14602 Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement (50mg/vl) 5 x5 vl 2960 Part D 38220090 12 2-8C 646 3115 835 3783 779 3115 779 3115 921 3813 1091 3270 1000 1402 906 3968 764 2982 724 3115 724 3115 2058 8700 1838 7904 824 3657 824 3657 979 3628 1386 5081 5407 1929 1057 3316 4512 779 3115 980 3671 1169 3205 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 60822 60822 93306 93306 55769 55769 88366 88366 40980 40980 93834 93834 12655 64078 19156 19156 52655 52655 21493 21493 45481 45481 97789 97789 23588 23588 16340 16340 26998 26998 60277 60277 73398 73398 45455 65165 48743 48743 70952 27793 27793 77853 77853 57485 57485 Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar (I) Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar (I) Christensen Citrate Agar Christensen Citrate Agar CLED Agar CLED Agar CLED Agar w/ Andrade Indicator CLED Agar w/ Andrade Indicator Clostridium Botulinum Isolation Agar, Base Clostridium Botulinum Isolation Agar, Base Clostridium Difficile Supplement Clostridium Difficile Supplement Clostridium Test Kit CNA Supplement Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base Coliform Medium (CM, Coliform Broth) Coliform Medium (CM, Coliform Broth) Columbia Agar Base, Harmonized Columbia Agar Base, Harmonized Columbia Agar, Base Columbia Agar, Base Columbia C.N.A. Agar Base Columbia C.N.A. Agar Base Conn's Agar Conn's Agar Corn Meal Agar w/ Dextrose Corn Meal Agar w/ Dextrose Corn Meal Agar Corn Meal Agar Corn Meal Peptone Yeast Agar Corn Meal Peptone Yeast Agar Cooke Rose Bengal Agar Base Cooke Rose Bengal Agar Base CPC Agar Base CPC Supplement Craigs Medium Craigs Medium CRAMP Agar Base Cystine Tryptone Agar Cystine Tryptone Agar Crystal Violet Agar Crystal Violet Agar Crystal Violet Lactose Broth Crystal Violet Lactose Broth 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 5 x5 vl 1 Kit 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms Page 284 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 91022 91022 29212 29212 93812 93812 74367 74367 95417 95417 61195 96640 96640 47129 47129 20023 20023 38695 38695 18752 Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age Crystal Violet Tetrazolium Agar, Base Crystal Violet Tetrazolium Agar, Base Czapek - Dox Agar Czapek - Dox Agar Czapek - Dox Agar Modified Czapek - Dox Agar Modified Czapek - Dox Broth Czapek - Dox Broth Czapek Malt Agar Czapek Malt Agar Dairy samples Testing Kit Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow) Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow) Deoxycholate Agar Deoxycholate Agar Deoxycholate Citrate Agar (I/P) Deoxycholate Citrate Agar (I/P) Deoxycholate Lactose Agar Deoxycholate Lactose Agar Dermatophyte Test Agar Base (D.T.M. Agar Base) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kit 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 902 3845 668 2781 946 3560 597 2437 735 3171 1688 784 3113 724 3338 1169 5340 1002 3671 946 18752 Dermatophyte Test Agar Base (D.T.M. Agar Base) 500 Gms 3894 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 68650 68650 22438 22438 15923 15923 64098 64098 83607 83607 98009 98009 11581 11581 87461 87461 44486 44486 50223 50223 78209 78209 73318 73318 66473 66473 27548 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 878 3287 604 2435 708 3261 568 2281 1082 3966 890 3327 921 3670 764 3045 937 3611 913 3449 954 3781 1166 4386 1002 3605 618 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 DEV Nutrient Agar DEV Nutrient Agar DEV Tryptophan Broth DEV Tryptophan Broth Dextrose Agar Dextrose Agar Dextrose Broth Dextrose Broth Dextrose Mannitol Agar (Gillies Agar No.1) Dextrose Mannitol Agar (Gillies Agar No.1) Dextrose Proteose Peptone Agar Base Dextrose Proteose Peptone Agar Base Dextrose Salt Agar Dextrose Salt Agar Dextrose Salt Broth Dextrose Salt Broth Dextrose Starch Agar Dextrose Starch Agar Dextrose Tryptone Agar Dextrose Tryptone Agar Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth Diamalt Agar Diamalt Agar Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth, Base Page 285 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 27548 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth, Base 500 Gms 2369 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 52978 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth, Base (I) 100 Gms 670 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 52978 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth, Base (I) 500 Gms 2730 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 88167 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth, Base BioVeg 88167 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth, Base BioVeg 63899 Dihydrolase Broth, Base 63899 Dihydrolase Broth, Base 14912 Diluting Fluid A 14912 Diluting Fluid A 23121 Diluting Fluid D 23121 Diluting Fluid D 53277 Diluting Fluid K 53277 Diluting Fluid K 82965 Disinfectant Test Broth, AOAC 82965 Disinfectant Test Broth, AOAC 82359 DNase Test Agar Base 82359 DNase Test Agar Base 78317 DNase Test Agar w/Methyl Green 78317 DNase Test Agar w/Methyl Green 88941 Drakes Medium 10 88941 Drakes Medium 10 53292 DRBC Agar (Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar) Base 53292 DRBC Agar (Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar) Base 84127 Drigalski Lactose Agar 84127 Drigalski Lactose Agar 56107 Drigalski Litmus Lactose Agar 56107 Drigalski Litmus Lactose Agar 49763 E. Coli Test Kit 25549 EC Medium (EC Broth) 25549 EC Medium (EC Broth) 66389 EC Medium w/MUG 66389 EC Medium w/MUG 54723 Elliker Broth (Lactobacilli Broth) 54723 Elliker Broth (Lactobacilli Broth) 11983 Eijkman Lactose Medium (Eijkman Lactose Broth) 100 Gms 721 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 2936 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1042 3472 645 2574 733 2809 773 2574 827 3261 3115 13349 3560 13905 1236 4378 1224 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 500 Gms 4617 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1 Kit 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1323 4266 1082 3786 1152 727 2982 1669 6007 827 3198 889 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 11983 Eijkman Lactose Medium (Eijkman Lactose Broth) 500 Gms 3034 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 95514 95514 46675 46675 51207 51207 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 646 2893 646 2893 612 2670 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 EMB Agar EMB Agar EMB Agar, Levine EMB Agar, Levine EMB Broth EMB Broth Page 286 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 65512 65512 85046 85046 81496 81496 95904 95904 33945 33945 71611 Product Name CAS Number Price Part % Stor age 1071 3642 691 2837 904 3340 624 3109 834 2499 890 500 Gms 4116 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 5 x5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 779 3393 724 3171 1388 4708 2337 8010 2337 916 2944 963 3841 954 3210 936 410 1841 424 1502 424 1502 424 1502 841 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 76037 FNA Medium (Fluorescein Denitrification Agar) 500 Gms 3505 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 46142 46142 33696 33696 37593 37593 52071 83831 83831 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 957 3905 969 4028 818 3572 1300 811 3340 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 58444 58444 64819 64819 47082 47082 60312 60312 27131 69404 69404 48357 48357 66070 66070 78507 93466 93466 93023 93023 42917 42917 46990 46990 76037 Forget Fredette Agar Forget Fredette Agar Formate Ricinoleate Broth Formate Ricinoleate Broth Fraser Broth Base Fraser Broth Base Fraser Selective Supplement Fuchsin Lactose Broth Fuchsin Lactose Broth Page 287 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 71611 Emerson Agar Emerson Agar Endo Agar Endo Agar Endo DEV Agar Endo DEV Agar Enriched Thioglycollate Broth Enriched Thioglycollate Broth Enteric Fermentation Media Enteric Fermentation Media Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth Mossel (EE Broth Mossel), Harmonized Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth Mossel (EE Broth Mossel), Harmonized Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar Enterococcus Confirmatory Broth Enterococcus Confirmatory Broth Enterococcus Selective Supplement Enterococcus Selective Supplement Esculin Iron Agar Esculin Iron Agar Esculin Supplement (0.5gm/vl) Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (E.V.A. Broth) Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (E.V.A. Broth) Eugonic Agar (B/S) Eugonic Agar (B/S) Eugonic Broth Eugonic Broth FGTC Antibiotic Supplement (2.5mg/vl) Fluid Sabouraud Medium Fluid Sabouraud Medium Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Clear (U/P) Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Clear (U/P) Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, (U/P) (I/P) Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, (U/P) (I/P) Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Harmonized Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Harmonized FNA Medium (Fluorescein Denitrification Agar) Packing Date :16-04-2021 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 68653 Fungal Agar with Low pH (Mycological Agar w/ low pH) 68653 Fungal Agar with Low pH (Mycological Agar w/ low pH) 62729 Fungal Broth (Mycological Broth) 90195 Fungi Cultivation Kit 94016 Gassner Lactose Agar 94016 Gassner Lactose Agar 72464 GC Agar Base 72464 GC Agar Base 10474 Gelatin Agar DEV 10474 Gelatin Agar DEV 23942 Gelatin Iron Agar 23942 Gelatin Iron Agar 75750 Gelatin Peptone BactoBio for bacteriology 75750 Gelatin Peptone BactoBio for bacteriology 43172 Gelatin Powder Special ex. Porcine (Type B), 120g Bloom BactoBio for bacteriology 24426 Gelatin Powder Special Clear ex. Bovine (Type B), 200-250g Bloom BactoBio for bacteriology 78334 50084 50084 39238 84905 15628 15628 68382 68382 35070 35070 58174 58174 17991 17991 79127 79127 30963 11266 11266 86016 86016 61655 61655 72275 72275 85012 85012 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 100 Gms 1018 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 4024 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 9000-70-8 500 Gms 1 Kit 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 9000-70-8 500 Gms 1780 Part D 35030090 18 RT 5 vl 5 vl 5 x5 vl 1 Kit 1 Kit 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 761 1334 3230 920 1152 1080 3439 733 2982 802 3727 935 3785 963 3785 635 2464 678 1002 3439 800 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 2700 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 890 3699 954 3375 718 3034 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Gentamicin Selective Supplement (20mg/vl) Genta-Oxy Selective Supplement Genta-Oxy Selective Supplement General Purpose Kit - I General Purpose Kit - II Giollotti Cantoni Broth Base Giollotti Cantoni Broth Base Gluconate Test Medium Gluconate Test Medium Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin Pack) Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin Pack) Glucose Yeast Extract Agar Glucose Yeast Extract Agar Glucose Yeast Peptone Agar Glucose Yeast Peptone Agar GN Broth, Hajna GN Broth, Hajna GTC Supplement (1.25mg/vl) Glutamate Starch Phenol Red Agar Base Glutamate Starch Phenol Red Agar Base Gluten Hydrolysate ex. Maize BactoBio for bacteriology Gluten Hydrolysate ex. Maize BactoBio for bacteriology Gum Listeria Medium Gum Listeria Medium H Broth H Broth Hartley's Digest Broth Hartley's Digest Broth Page 288 of 321 3708 1152 908 3783 671 2851 764 3219 807 3685 1972 18469 1224 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 35030090 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 41861 47704 47704 75134 75134 28551 28551 Product Name CAS Number Packing Haemoglobin Powder Heart Infusion Agar (HI Agar) Heart Infusion Agar (HI Agar) Heart Infusion Broth (HI Broth) Heart Infusion Broth (HI Broth) Heart Infusion Powder (HI Powder) BactoBio for bacteriology Heart Infusion Powder (HI Powder) BactoBio for bacteriology Hektoen Enteric Agar Hektoen Enteric Agar Hemmes Medium Base Hemmes Medium Base Hofers Alkaline Medium Horie Arabinose Ethyl Violet Broth Horie Arabinose Ethyl Violet Broth Hoyle Medium, Base Hoyle Medium, Base High Plate Count Agar High Plate Count Agar High Salt Nutrient Agar (I) High Salt Nutrient Agar (I) High Salt Nutrient Agar (B/S) High Salt Nutrient Agar (B/S) High Salt Peptone Yeast Extract Agar (I) High Salt Peptone Yeast Extract Agar (I) HS Medium (Hydrosulphite of Sodium Medium) 50 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms Price 1169 863 3848 814 3528 2138 Part Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 9559 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 1002 4673 1904 6216 1291 1091 4339 801 3421 969 4039 793 3318 793 3318 778 3261 835 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 77707 HS Medium (Hydrosulphite of Sodium Medium) 500 Gms 2726 Part D 26221 26221 79544 79544 21128 21128 36873 12139 12139 54336 Hugh Leifson Medium (B/S) Hugh Leifson Medium (B/S) HYA Agar HYA Agar Hydrolysate for bacteriology BioVeg Hydrolysate for bacteriology BioVeg IMViC Test Kit Indole Nitrate Medium Indole Nitrate Medium ISP Medium No. 1 (Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 1 Kit 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 54336 ISP Medium No. 1 (Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth) 500 Gms 3894 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 76920 76920 91875 91875 42882 42882 70916 70916 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1247 5218 1050 4175 1152 5323 787 3299 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 68100 68100 20852 20852 52740 67658 67658 46946 46946 79035 79035 64068 64068 37353 37353 39147 39147 77707 2.5 Kg Date :16-04-2021 ISP Medium No.4 ISP Medium No.4 ITC Broth ITC Broth IUT Medium, Base IUT Medium, Base Jensen`s Medium (Jensen`s Agar) Jensen`s Medium (Jensen`s Agar) Page 289 of 321 852 3671 1323 5407 2114 17243 1000 649 2639 890 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 87806 87806 55686 55686 44485 44485 60649 96343 96343 33613 33613 75772 75772 64342 64342 41924 41924 42820 11411 11411 21694 21694 29760 33943 33943 61860 61860 25844 25844 44000 44000 58578 58578 65373 65373 77760 77760 70663 52911 63026 24806 24806 37985 68888 68888 84282 39785 39785 79562 79562 Product Name CAS Number Jensens Broth Jensens Broth Jensen Seedling Agar Jensen Seedling Agar Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar Kanamycin Sulphate Selective Supplement (10mg/vl) Kaper's Medium Kaper's Medium Kenknight and Munaier's Medium Kenknight and Munaier's Medium Ketogluconate Broth Ketogluconate Broth KF Streptococcus Agar Base ( APHA ) KF Streptococcus Agar Base ( APHA ) Kimmig Agar Base Kimmig Agar Base Kimmig Selective Supplement King’s Medium A Base King’s Medium A Base King’s Medium B Base King’s Medium B Base Klebsiella Selective Supplement (25mg/vl) Kligler Iron Agar Kligler Iron Agar Kligler Iron Agar (I) Kligler Iron Agar (I) Kligler Iron Agar BioVeg Kligler Iron Agar BioVeg Kohn Two Tube Medium No. 1 Base Kohn Two Tube Medium No. 1 Base Kohn Two Tube Medium No. 2 Base Kohn Two Tube Medium No. 2 Base Koser Citrate Medium Koser Citrate Medium Kundrat Agar Kundrat Agar KV Supplement Lachica's Medium Base Lactalbumin Hydrolysate Lactic acid 10% solution Lactic acid 10% solution Lactic Agar Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar Lactic Supplement Lactobacilli Supplement (50mg/vl) Lactobacilli Supplement (50mg/vl) Lactobacillus MRS Agar (I) Lactobacillus MRS Agar (I) Page 290 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 1082 3966 869 3505 746 3216 1111 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 18 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 5 x5 vl 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 5 vl 5 x5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 954 4125 980 4050 954 3008 793 3600 958 4059 1845 724 3282 724 3282 1052 708 2908 739 3275 708 2908 2120 5770 5409 20291 656 2856 1082 3955 1402 3479 3712 886 2947 1339 935 3884 1118 1345 4206 807 3115 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 12 12 12 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 50871 50871 46812 46812 47192 47192 18659 18659 66749 Product Name Lactobacillus MRS Agar BioVeg Lactobacillus MRS Agar BioVeg Lactobacillus MRS Broth w/o Dextrose Lactobacillus MRS Broth w/o Dextrose Lactobacilli Agar, AOAC Lactobacilli Agar, AOAC Lactobacillus Selection Agar Lactobacillus Selection Agar Lactobacillus Selection Oxgall Agar Base (LBS Oxgall Agar) Lactobacillus Selection Oxgall Agar Base (LBS Oxgall Agar) Lactobacillus MRS Broth ( MRS Broth ) Lactobacillus MRS Broth ( MRS Broth ) Lactobacillus MRS Broth BioVeg Lactobacillus MRS Broth BioVeg Lactose Broth Lactose Broth Lactose Gelatin Medium (I) Lactose Gelatin Medium (I) Lactose Lecithin Agar Lactose Lecithin Agar Lactose Monohydrate sterile (gamma irradiated) 88539 Lactose Monohydrate sterile (gamma irradiated) 66749 49190 49190 27750 27750 97354 97354 77121 77121 24171 24171 88539 CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 825 3650 668 2948 1613 5006 980 4005 1057 500 Gms 3894 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 64044-51-5 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 727 2893 727 3096 427 2089 827 3349 1203 4085 802 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 17021110 64044-51-5 5 Kg 62367 62367 71135 71135 70637 70637 92343 92343 44956 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C RT 7899 Part D 17021110 18 RT 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Lactose Peptone Broth Lactose Peptone Broth Lactose Sulphite Broth Base (I) Lactose Sulphite Broth Base (I) Lactose TTC Agar (w/ Tergitol 7) (I) Lactose TTC Agar (w/ Tergitol 7) (I) Lauryl Sulfate Broth w/MUG Lauryl Sulfate Broth w/MUG Lauryl Sulfate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) (I)(B/S) 44956 Lauryl Sulfate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) (I)(B/S) 94906 Lauryl Tryptose Mannitol Broth w/Tryptophan 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 827 2959 779 3004 779 3171 1245 5709 557 500 Gms 2448 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 1017 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 94906 Lauryl Tryptose Mannitol Broth w/Tryptophan 500 Gms 3452 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 10517 10517 82632 82632 59326 28685 Lead Acetate Agar Lead Acetate Agar Leptospira Medium Base Leptospira Medium Base Letheen Agar Listeria Enrichment Medium Base (UVM Medium) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 890 3539 814 3362 4500 1250 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 28685 Listeria Enrichment Medium Base (UVM Medium) 500 Gms 5950 Part D Page 291 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 96310 96310 15650 76366 76366 90345 51864 72547 59797 59797 96658 96658 50037 50037 54004 54004 87566 Product Name CAS Number Packing Listeria Identification Agar Base (PALCAM) Listeria Identification Agar Base (PALCAM) Listeria Moxalactum Supplement Listeria Oxford Medium Base (Oxford Agar) Listeria Oxford Medium Base (Oxford Agar) Listeria Selective Supplement (PALCAM) Listeria UVM Supplement I Listeria UVM Supplement II Litmus Lactose Agar Litmus Lactose Agar Litmus Milk Litmus Milk Liquoid Broth Liquoid Broth Littman Oxgall Agar Base Littman Oxgall Agar Base Liver Extract Powder BactoBio for bacteriology 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 5 vl 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 87566 Liver Extract Powder BactoBio for bacteriology 5 Kg 81322 68861 68861 96453 96453 98858 98858 79612 69741 69741 27888 46502 46502 47436 47436 14593 14593 14593 29817 29817 29817 40826 40826 17320 17320 17320 97970 97970 22006 Liver Hydrolysate BactoBio for bacteriology Liver Infusion Agar (LI Agar) Liver Infusion Agar (LI Agar) Liver Infusion Broth (LI Broth) Liver Infusion Broth (LI Broth) Liver Meat Glucose Cysteine Broth Liver Meat Glucose Cysteine Broth LM Agar (Meat Liver Agar) Lowenstein - Jensen Medium, Base Lowenstein - Jensen Medium, Base LPM Agar Base Luria Bertani Agar, Lennox Luria Bertani Agar, Lennox Luria Bertani Agar, Miller Luria Bertani Agar, Miller Luria Bertani Broth, Lennox (Luria Broth) Luria Bertani Broth, Lennox (Luria Broth) Luria Bertani Broth, Lennox (Luria Broth) Luria Bertani Broth, Miller Luria Bertani Broth, Miller Luria Bertani Broth, Miller Luria Bertani Agar, Miller BioVeg Luria Bertani Agar, Miller BioVeg Luria Bertani Broth, Miller BioVeg Luria Bertani Broth, Miller BioVeg Luria Bertani Broth, Miller BioVeg Luria Bertani Agar w/o Sodium Chloride Luria Bertani Agar w/o Sodium Chloride Luria Bertani Broth w/o Sodium Chloride (LB Growth Medium w/o Sodium Chloride) 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 2 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms Page 292 of 321 Date :16-04-2021 Price 1400 6500 1350 900 4300 990 900 900 890 3560 706 2986 954 3542 1002 3671 1520 Part Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 13495 Part D 2503 812 3252 656 2701 946 3917 3605 646 2337 2750 779 3393 724 3226 668 2837 9345 668 2837 9345 724 3226 668 2837 9345 1057 3894 724 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 % 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Stor age 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 22006 Luria Bertani Broth w/o Sodium Chloride (LB Growth Medium w/o Sodium Chloride) 90769 Lysine Arginine Iron Agar (LAI Agar) 90769 Lysine Arginine Iron Agar (LAI Agar) 16624 Lysine Decarboxylase Broth w/o Peptone (I) 16624 Lysine Decarboxylase Broth w/o Peptone (I) 71125 Lysine Iron Agar 71125 Lysine Iron Agar 82502 M2 Agar 82502 M2 Agar 24415 M17 Agar Base 24415 M17 Agar Base 13297 M17 Broth Base 13297 M17 Broth Base 76875 MacConkey Agar 76875 MacConkey Agar 96871 MacConkey Agar BioVeg 96871 MacConkey Agar BioVeg 37775 MacConkey Agar, Harmonized 37775 MacConkey Agar, Harmonized 80302 MacConkey Agar w/ MUG 80302 MacConkey Agar w/ MUG 71117 MacConkey Agar (B/S) 71117 MacConkey Agar (B/S) 83870 MacConkey Agar, Base 83870 MacConkey Agar, Base 26823 MacConkey Agar Medium 26823 MacConkey Agar Medium 95199 MacConkey Agar, Modified 98384 MacConkey Agar w/ Bromothymol Blue 98384 MacConkey Agar w/ Bromothymol Blue 58370 MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile salts, C.V. and NaCl (U/P) 58370 MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile salts, C.V. and NaCl (U/P) 33759 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., w/ 1.2% Agar 33759 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., w/ 1.2% Agar 50372 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., NaCl w/ 0.5% Sodium Taurocholate 50372 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., NaCl w/ 0.5% Sodium Taurocholate 79447 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V. w/ 0.15% Bile Salts 79447 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V. w/ 0.15% Bile Salts 64300 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V. w/ 0.5% Bile Salts 64300 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V. w/ 0.5% Bile Salts 64024 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., NaCl, w/ 0.0075% NR, 1.2% Agar BioVeg 64024 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., NaCl, w/ 0.0075% NR, 1.2% Agar BioVeg 64030 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., NaCl w/ 0.5% Bile Salts Page 293 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 500 Gms 3226 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 668 2837 612 2670 724 2670 876 3605 890 3449 733 3263 602 2781 602 2781 608 2789 1780 6564 602 2781 602 2781 694 2820 2559 802 3115 635 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 3004 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 779 Part D 3338 Part D 949 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 3318 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 557 2448 637 2867 668 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 2781 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 637 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 64030 MacConkey Agar w/o C.V., NaCl w/ 0.5% Bile Salts 500 Gms 2867 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 72074 MacConkey Agar No.3 72074 MacConkey Agar No.3 74726 MacConkey Broth (MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red) 74726 MacConkey Broth (MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red) 44448 MacConkey Broth, Harmonized 44448 MacConkey Broth, Harmonized 54056 MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red (B/S) 54056 MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red (B/S) 20309 MacConkey Broth Double Strength w/ Neutral Red 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 935 Part D 3444 Part D 580 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 2400 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 580 2400 580 2400 550 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 20309 MacConkey Broth Double Strength w/ Neutral Red 500 Gms 2200 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 92933 92933 42944 42944 38989 38989 90084 90084 51545 51545 57608 M-MacConkey Broth M-MacConkey Broth MacConkey Broth Purple MacConkey Broth Purple MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP (I) MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP (I) MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP (I/P) MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP (I/P) MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP (B/S) MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP (B/S) MacConkey Broth Purple Double Strength w/ BCP 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 600 2800 560 2450 550 2200 550 2200 550 2200 650 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 57608 MacConkey Broth Purple Double Strength w/ BCP 500 Gms 2650 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 98664 98664 57340 57340 99130 99130 51517 51517 10054 10054 70317 50642 50642 87015 87015 66805 66805 57906 57906 33919 33919 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 1091 3671 1002 3560 827 2717 1017 3413 991 4089 1150 1002 4178 898 3439 974 3946 801 3325 801 3325 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (Sorbitol Agar) MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (Sorbitol Agar) MacConkey Sorbitol Agar, Base (I) MacConkey Sorbitol Agar, Base (I) Malachite Green Broth Malachite Green Broth M-Brilliant Green Broth M-Brilliant Green Broth McBride Listeria Agar Base McBride Listeria Agar Base McBride Listeria Supplement McClung Toabe Agar Base McClung Toabe Agar Base M-EC Test Agar M-EC Test Agar M-Endo Agar LES M-Endo Agar LES M-Endo Broth M-Endo Broth M-Enrichment Broth M-Enrichment Broth Page 294 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 52295 52295 76439 76439 51072 51072 14750 14750 21051 21051 51416 51416 99505 76507 76507 84980 84980 42936 42936 83358 83358 40828 40828 48330 48330 75485 75485 62331 62331 92493 92493 48939 48939 60062 60062 23626 23626 55066 55066 25511 25511 54174 54174 34832 34832 78784 78784 Product Name CAS Number M-FC Agar Base M-FC Agar Base M-FC Broth Base M-FC Broth Base M-HPC Agar, Base M-HPC Agar, Base M-Lauryl Sulfate Broth (I) M-Lauryl Sulfate Broth (I) M-Staphylococcus Broth M-Staphylococcus Broth MLCB Agar Mannitol Lysine Crystal Violet Brilliant Green Agar MLCB Agar Mannitol Lysine Crystal Violet Brilliant Green Agar Malonate Broth Malt Agar Malt Agar Malt Extract Agar Malt Extract Agar Malt Extract Agar Base, Modified as per Thom and Church Malt Extract Agar Base, Modified as per Thom and Church Malt Extract BactoBio for bacteriology Malt Extract BactoBio for bacteriology D-Mannitol Sterile (Gamma Irradiated) D-Mannitol Sterile (Gamma Irradiated) Mannitol Agar w/ Prilion Mannitol Agar w/ Prilion Mannitol Lysine Agar Mannitol Lysine Agar Mannitol Selenite Broth Base Mannitol Selenite Broth Base Mannitol Motility Test Medium Mannitol Motility Test Medium Mannitol Nitrate Motility Medium Mannitol Nitrate Motility Medium Mannitol Salt Agar (U/P) Mannitol Salt Agar (U/P) Mannitol Salt Agar, Harmonized Mannitol Salt Agar, Harmonized Mannitol Salt Broth Mannitol Salt Broth Marine Agar 2216 (Zobell) Marine Agar 2216 (Zobell) Marine Broth 2216 (Zobell) Marine Broth 2216 (Zobell) Maximum Recovery Diluent Maximum Recovery Diluent Meat Extract BactoBio for bacteriology Meat Extract BactoBio for bacteriology 69-65-8 69-65-8 Page 295 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part % Stor age 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 974 4095 954 3401 834 3632 954 3401 811 2970 1018 500 Gms 3968 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 3489 1175 4742 1002 4005 1091 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 4228 Part D 500 Gms 5 Kg 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 5 Kg 1013 9851 3004 28923 4085 16220 898 3796 1017 4060 916 3083 764 3072 612 2503 612 2503 676 2701 980 4061 915 3905 834 2871 2337 21136 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 38210000 29054300 29054300 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C RT RT 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 70117 70117 17585 17585 11980 91980 Product Name CAS Number Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price % Stor age 500 Gms 5 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 11828 Meat Peptone Type T BactoBio for bacteriology 500 Gms 3393 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 28238 28238 63261 63261 61200 61200 18789 18789 93957 93957 17595 17595 20767 20767 39821 39821 24911 24911 88736 Micro Inoculum Broth Micro Inoculum Broth Microbial Content Test Agar Microbial Content Test Agar Milk Agar Milk Agar Milk Agar w/ Cetrimide (I) Milk Agar w/ Cetrimide (I) Milk Medium With Reducing Agent Milk Medium With Reducing Agent Milk Salt Agar, Base Milk Salt Agar, Base Minimal Agar, Davis Minimal Agar, Davis Minimal Broth, Davis Minimal Broth, Davis Minimal Broth, Davis w/o Dextrose Minimal Broth, Davis w/o Dextrose MlO Medium (Motility Indole Ornithine Medium) 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 929 4441 1258 5278 1057 4561 1103 4617 834 3286 1059 3966 1057 4339 890 3115 890 3115 827 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 88736 MlO Medium (Motility Indole Ornithine Medium) 500 Gms 3362 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 46584 Mitis Salivaris Agar Base 16309 MIU Medium Base (Motility Indole Urea Medium) 500 Gms 100 Gms 3900 Part D 984 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 38220090 12 8-25C 16309 MIU Medium Base (Motility Indole Urea Medium) 500 Gms 3819 Part D 38220090 12 8-25C 79667 79667 62811 62811 85769 85769 82453 82453 89414 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 963 3545 954 3184 1057 3950 1401 4238 1076 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 500 Gms 4179 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 1768 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C Page 296 of 321 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code Meat Extract Powder for bacteriology BioVeg Meat Extract Powder for bacteriology BioVeg Meat Extract w/ Peptone Meat Extract w/ Peptone Meat Peptone for bacteriology Meat Peptone Type P BactoBio for bacteriology M-TEC Agar M-TEC Agar M-Nutrient Broth M-Nutrient Broth Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium Modified Skim Milk Agar Modified Skim Milk Agar Modified Tergitol-7 Agar, Base (I) (Tergitol-7 Agar, Base, Modified) 89414 Modified Tergitol-7 Agar, Base (I) (Tergitol-7 Agar, Base, Modified) 30066 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base (Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller) 2081 17243 857 3449 2503 3316 Part Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 30066 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base (Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller) 18124 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Lysine Hydrochloride 18124 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Lysine Hydrochloride 27510 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Ornithine Hydrochloride 27510 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Ornithine Hydrochloride 69483 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Arginine Hydrochloride 69483 Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Arginine Hydrochloride 34452 Monsur Medium Base 34452 Monsur Medium Base 68957 M9CA Medium 68957 M9CA Medium 23184 M9 Minimal Salts 5X 23184 M9 Minimal Salts 5X 42853 Motility GI Medium 42853 Motility GI Medium 90174 Motility Medium S, Base 90174 Motility Medium S, Base 21740 Motility Sulphide Medium 21740 Motility Sulphide Medium 64421 Motility Test Medium 64421 Motility Test Medium 17624 MPH Agar (Milk Protein Hydrolysate Agar) 17624 MPH Agar (Milk Protein Hydrolysate Agar) 14833 MR-VP Medium (Glucose Phosphate Broth, Buffered Glucose Broth) 14833 MR-VP Medium (Glucose Phosphate Broth, Buffered Glucose Broth) 14443 Multipurpose Test Kit 24756 Mueller Hinton Agar (MH Agar) 24756 Mueller Hinton Agar (MH Agar) 24756 Mueller Hinton Agar (MH Agar) 26351 Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth Base 26351 Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth Base 76135 Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth Base (MKTTn) 76135 Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth Base (MKTTn) 29465 Mucate Broth 29465 Mucate Broth 38800 Mucate Control Broth 49550 Mueller Hinton Broth (MH Broth) 49550 Mueller Hinton Broth (MH Broth) 49550 Mueller Hinton Broth (MH Broth) 24698 MUG EC Broth Page 297 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part HS code % Stor age 500 Gms 7230 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 2476 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 12048 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 2551 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 12493 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 2476 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 12048 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 801 3542 2284 9386 1539 5405 1970 8182 701 3034 827 3362 787 3198 1189 4871 546 500 Gms 2337 Part D 1 Kit 100 Gms 500 Gms 2 Kg 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 2 Kg 100 Gms 3373 735 3060 10200 1080 2334 926 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 3356 Part D 5684 26631 2987 700 2800 8500 2003 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 38210000 18 8-25C 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code Product Name CAS Number 24698 26834 37346 37346 93411 MUG EC Broth MUG Supplement (50mg/vl) Fungal Agar (Mycological Agar) Fungal Agar (Mycological Agar) Fungal Agar w/ low pH (Mycological Agar with Low pH) 93411 Fungal Agar w/ low pH (Mycological Agar with Low pH) 26706 Mycological Peptone BactoBio for bacteriology 26706 Mycological Peptone BactoBio for bacteriology 66739 MYP Agar, Base (B/S) (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar, Base) 66739 MYP Agar, Base (B/S) (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar, Base) 74997 MYP Agar, Base (I) (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar, Base) 74997 MYP Agar, Base (I) (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar, Base) 67124 Nalidixic Selective Supplement (15mg/vl) 77316 Neomycin Supplement (30mg/vl) 44697 Neopeptone BactoBio for bacteriology 79989 Neutral Red Chalk Lactose Agar 79989 Neutral Red Chalk Lactose Agar 65466 NIH Agar 65466 NIH Agar 23527 Nitrate Agar 23527 Nitrate Agar 48541 Nitrate Broth (I) (B/S) 48541 Nitrate Broth (I) (B/S) 44388 Nitrofurantoin Broth Base 44388 Nitrofurantoin Broth Base 34350 Non-Spore Anaerobic Supplement 31601 Novobiocin MKTT Supplement(40mg/vl) 18352 Novobiocin Supplement(5mg/vl) 18352 Novobiocin Supplement(5mg/vl) 63971 Nutrient Agar 63971 Nutrient Agar 18953 Nutrient Agar (I) 18953 Nutrient Agar (I) 73478 Nutrient Agar BioVeg 73478 Nutrient Agar BioVeg 18876 Nutrient Agar 1.5% (I) 18876 Nutrient Agar 1.5% (I) 84955 Nutrient Agar 1.5% 84955 Nutrient Agar 1.5% 48275 Nutrient Agar for Oxidase (I) 48275 Nutrient Agar for Oxidase (I) 75435 Nutrient Agar w/ Manganese 75435 Nutrient Agar w/ Manganese Page 298 of 321 Packing Date :16-04-2021 Price Part Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D HS code % Stor age 500 Gms 5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 5875 1753 990 4009 990 500 Gms 4009 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 2448 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 5 Kg 18355 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 990 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 4141 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 100 Gms 990 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 500 Gms 4141 Part D 38210000 18 8-25C 5 vl 5 vl 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 5 vl 5 vl 5 vl 5 x5 vl 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 100 Gms 500 Gms 936 936 2003 637 3841 608 3417 1131 5152 787 3439 913 3805 1228 1578 1111 3038 612 2781 724 2948 612 2781 848 3388 739 3235 921 3402 793 3318 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38220090 38220090 38220090 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 38210000 Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D Part D 38210000 38220090 38210000 38210000 38210000 18 12 18 18 18 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 2-8C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C 8-25C SRL - e-Catalogue 2021-22 (Excel Version) Prod Code 73153 73153 50427 50427 70955 70955 17137 17137 58561 58561 96434 96434 38009 38009 67948 67948 55427 55427 39905 39905 97327 97327 63679 63679 93063 93063 66363 66363 94007 94007 22583 22583 50540 50540 73438 73438 25916 83951 83951 13566 13566 14427 14427 57925 57925 57253 99455 Product Name CAS Number Nutrient Agar w/MUG Nutrient Agar w/MUG Nutrient Agar w/ 1% Peptone Nutrient Agar w/ 1% Peptone Nutrient Agar No. 2 (B/S) Nutrient Agar No. 2 (B/S) Nutrient Agar No. 2 Nutrient Agar No. 2 Nutrient Agar, pH 6.8 Nutrient Agar, pH 6.8 Nutrient Agar, pH 7.0 (I) Nutrient Agar, pH 7.0 (I) Nutrient Agar, pH 7.0 (B/S) Nutrient Agar, pH 7.0 (B/S) Nutrient Agar pH 6 w/ 0.8 % NaCl Nutrient Agar pH 6 w/ 0.8 % NaCl Nutrient Broth Nutrient Broth Nutrient Broth BioVeg Nutrient Broth BioVeg Nutrient Broth No. 2 Nutrient Broth No. 2 Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone (B/S) Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone (B/S) Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone (I/P)(B/P) Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone (I/P)(B/P) Nutrient Broth, pH 6.9 w/o NaCl Nutrient Broth, pH 6.9 w/o NaCl Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Yeast Extract Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Yeast Extract Nutrient Gelatin Nutrient Gelatin N Z Broth N Z Broth Oatmeal Agar Oatmeal Agar Oatmeal Powder BactoBio for bacteriology OF Basal Medium OF Basal Medium OGYE Agar Base (Oxytetracycline Glucose Yeast Extract Agar Base) OGYE Agar Base (Oxytetracycline Glucose Yeast Extract Agar Base) Orange Serum Agar Orange Serum Agar Orchid Agar Orchid Agar Oxacilli