Fundarnentals of Geotechnical DIEGo INocENcIo q,orrEseNn Civil Engineer BSCE, LIT - Magn a Cum Laude Sth Place, PICE National Students'Quiz, 1989 Awardee, Most Outstanding Student, 1989 3rd Place, CE BoardNovember 1 989 Review Director & Reviewer in all Subjects Gillesania Engineering Review Center ReviewerinMathemat*;;!rffiff;rili;:";::;:;,";ff ;:; Author of Various Engineering Books I E*U"-"; i t"- I Af" l/. ^ ' *"- .- -,r4 ..,;.1,:,,tl,i1,1itl''ii i| :;.:,IIii,,I I_r:! l1r, :r.l:, ,:ii:rlr, :.r: The cardinal objective of this book is to facilitate preparation lirr the Civil Engineering Licensure examination Siven- bythe l'r'crf'essional Reluhtiontommission (FRC)' Since this book irrcludes comp6fe discussion of the principles in geoiechnical (,n:{,ineering, ihis may also serve as a guide to the civil engineering lilldcrgraduates. The book is divided into 9 chapters. Each chapter presents tlrc formula s and prtnciples in Geotechnical Engineering, followed lry illustrative proLlems. Each step in the solution is carefully ,:xplained to ensure that it will be rcadlly understood' F\ndamentals of Geotechnic al Engineering Copyright @ Zoofi byDiego Inocencio Taparg Gilesania //l r@hts re:;crvc,cl. ,Yo p,ttt ct'tltis book nt:tv bc rcproduced, ,stored in a retrieual system, or tru1tsferrel, in any lbrm or by any means, without the prior perntissioi of ihe author. Most of the materials in this book have been used in my r.cview classes. The choice of these materials was Suided by their erl'fcctiveness as tested in my classes. I wish to thank allmy friends andrelatles who inspired me in writing my books, especially to my wife Imelda who is very strpportive to me. I will appreciate any errors pointed o1)t and will welcome illly sugSestion for further improvement. lsnNpTr -8614-33-8 ., ' '" '""t dc,.* iS n by t I tc, a u t I t or. '': "- ' l ,r,.t " c-ovct' ,:..:'i.i f'{, ' '-'.* "L't DIEGO INOCENCIO T. GILLESANI.A Cebu City, Philippines i osqst \r;. .l 'r. i l**. *f rl r'' , " -\.._{.:,i:.'S": Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Table of Contents my mother lluminada, my wife Imelda, and oar Children Kiru Deunice, Kc,tt Dainicl, and Karla Denise To 13 to 54 il Tabrle of Contents Fundamentals Geotechnical En gineering [:unclamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Table of Contents ilt lllustrativeProbIems'..'..'.'''......'...' Illustrative Problems 67 to 84 Illustrative Problems ."..."''"""""1" """""176 tol90 Chapter 06 - Compressibility of Soil (191 - 2L8) Setilement from One-Diirensional Prirnary Consolidation " " " " " " " " " " "' """" Basic Settlement Formula.'.,.,..'....'...,."' Normally of " " """" " " " Settlement " " " " " " " " " Consolidation Primary Consolidated Fine-Grained Soils Primary Consolidation Settlement of Overconsolidated """"""""""" Fine-Grained Soils - Overconsotidation Ratio (OCR) - Illustrative Problems 98 to 130 191 191 192 193 ...,.::... i;3 ...'...'."""""':' Index.'.... """""" 193 Skempton........:.'......'.... """"' 194 Rendon-Herreo............'... """"""""194 Nishida ""194 Index........... Swell """""""""194 Nagarajand Murty ' Settlement from Secondary Consolidation""""""""""""""';"""""""""". 194 -Compression IV Table of contents Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Table of Contents Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering V -Calculatio. of Consolidation Settlemen,, - Time Rate of Consolidation................... Illustrative Problems ............. 196 tllustrativeProblem .. ... '.'... ' "': ' "'""" """"":'zor ''61' rto284 - Bearing Capacity of Soils ('*t ]..l'nlru, .leA Definitions ,......'..'..'..."...".'.;:..""'1"""' """"""""r """:""' Chapter 09 """"""' 4uv Sr:il""""" Analys1s"""""':""""';"""":""""""'"':"" """' ?-87 """"""""':"""'""""""""'" 288 Capacity""" """"""""""""""' 289 Equations"" Various Types of Footing on Bearing Capacitv Ultimate Soil Bearing Terzaghi's Bearing iupu"ity """""""':""" Failure """"":"""""'',.:...,....;33 Failure'........'.."""""":"'r'r nol 1""""" a2L Allowable Bearin! Capacity and Factor of Safety""" """""""'291 Gross Allow"bl" B:;ti;; Capacity """""'"""':-'.""""""" Net Allowable BearingCapacity""""l':" iZ1 z2 L c"Ineri Shear Local Shear llespect to Shear ...,............... Gross Allowable tsearlng capacity with 292 Effect of Water Table on Se"aring Capacity"""""""""""""'. """""""""""' Equation).... ".................294 G";"rrt f,"rring Capacity li.y"*"frzuril; Hansen's Bearing Capacity Equation""" """""296 UltinrateLoadforShallowFoundationunderEccentricLoad....'.',,'.,.',..'298 penetration rest (sPr) "'""""" """""""'zee n**l,';;;;;-;r.* ild"'J Illustrative Problems """"""""""" """"" 307 to 334 ' 'opics and Chapter 10 - Miscellaneous T Additional Problems (335 - 406) """""""""" Piles ' " and n"ep fornautton """""""""""""""":"":':""i"" p,'" i"p".'i,y i-^iintr"s outu"""""' Formula"""' NavY-McKaY Formula Eytelwein Formula """""""""""' AASHTO Engineer News Record ..,..........333 aae JrJ """' """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 335 """ 335 (ENR) "':""" #;;;;N;''i' n"'o'a Modiried Danish Fofmula 335 11/ '"1i vt I::'|":L Capacity..,....._-:ThoAl^L^^^r1.,^-, Theoretical Pile Fundamentars or ' Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter """""""3.38 0l * Properties of Soil Chaptef Ol Pro erties of Soil I.I SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS e = void ratio n = porosity D, = relative density G = specific gravity of solids (usually in the range 2.67 t GI = group index LI = liquidity index LL Illustrative problems..... 362to 406 = liquid limit MC = moisture content H = plasticity index Pl = plastic limit S = degree of saturation V = volume of soil mass Vo = volume of air Vs = volume of solids V, = volume of water W = total weight of soil W, = weight olsolids W. = weight of water Ia,y = dry unit weight fn = unit weight of soil mass ys = unit weight of solids ysat = s&turated unit weight fw = unit weight of water I.2 DENSITYAND UNITWEIGHT OF WATER \ Density of water, p, = 1000 kg/ . pw = 1 *t kg/liter_= 1 gram/ Unit weigh t f water, T. = 9.81. kN/ma cc 0,05) Chapter of Soil 2 t.3 0l - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Chapter BASTC FORMUiAS Weight of substance , Ws = ls V" = G y* V" Specific gravity of substance, G,rus = 7"uus/T* Eq. 1.3 Eq. 1.4 1,4.3 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN eAND n e_nand e e 1,+ \*n Eq.1.10 1,4.4 WATER CONTENTOR MOISTURE CONTENT, MC OR W ];1-{ ,li+ 'l'hc ratio of the weight of water to the weight of the solid particles. MCar*= wu' xlao% ws l-i1 Note: - Eq. 1.11 0<MC<m Phase diagram of soil I.4.5 DEGREE OF SATURATION, The following relationships can be made from the phase diagram shown: Total weight of soil, W = W, + lA1, Volume of voids, Vo = Vo + l/. Total volume, V = Vr+ l/, r.4.t vorD Eq. 1.9 Note:0<n<1" PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL Figure 01.1 Properties of Soil V Eq. 1.1 Eq.1.2 0l - v' n= ""[:;fl:'"'lli;ru :';-=,:,'' I.4 Furrr.lamentals Grotechnical Engineering Eq. 1.5 Eq. 1.6 S l'he ratio of the volume of water to the volume of voids. s= v* ,L00 Eq. 1.12 V,, Eq. 1.7 I)egree of saturation varies from S = 0 for completely dry soil and S = 100% for ttrtally saturated soil. RATlo, e Void ratio is the ratio between the volumes of voids to the volume of solids of a soil mass. It is usually expressed in percent. I.4.6 REI.ATIONSHIP BET\YEEN G, MC, S AND E GxMC=Sxe V", Eq. 1.13 Eq. 1.8 vs Note:0<e<@ 1.4.7 UNIT WEIGHT IOR BULI( UNIT wElGHTl OF SOIL MASS, y- tnv t.4.2 POROStfi, n Porosity is the ratio between the volumes of voids to the total volume of a soil mass. It is usually expressed in percent. w G+Se f*= -=-f I+e * Eq. 1.14 Eq. 1.15 Chapter 0f Soii 4 ' 0l * Properties ,-. 1.4.8 DRY UNIT WEIGHT, Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering c\GMC , tu = Eq.1.16 1.+e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter For dry soils, S = 0 and MC = 0 Volumeof solid, G 1,+e - l+ 'lo Iror saturated soils, S = L, Y = J!- Weightof water, W*= nt . Eq.1.19 Mrc Weight of solid, Eq. 1.25 V Eq. 1.26 *-Vw \+e Eq. 1.27 1 W,= ,LV I+ e Weightof soil,W= y5ay (1 Eq. 1.28 G,,^l,u +9p #1'+ e Vy* Eq. 1.29 Vu= V* f,ar= C+e Tb Ot y' = |sat -,|ro , G-1' ylOf V = .+V-_ 1.+e'* Eq. 1.30 dfu Eq.1.2O 1;"tw 1.4"10 SUBMERGED OR BUOYANT UMT WEtG!-tT, I Eq. 1.24 L+e Dry unitweight, yr= I.4,I 5 Eq.1.1B - 1.4.9 SATURATED UNIT WEIGHT, V"= Volume of water, V* 1+ MC ^f €V = 1+ , e. Eq. 1.17 w,,= w,= ^ of Soil These formulas rnay not be memorized. These can be derived from the previous formulas. Volume of voids, V, '" v Properties 1.4.12 OTHER FORMULAS ya _w, _ -y,i-+;=-Tw 0l - I.5 To SPECIFIC GRAVlry OF SOME MINERALS Mineral OR 7' Specific Gravity Gvosum volcanic ash 2.32 Eq 1.21 Orthoclase Eq 1.22 Kaolinite Quartz 2.56 2.61 CRITICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIENT 2.67', Calcite 2.72 Dolomite Magnetite 2.87 5.17 Critical hyclraulic gradient is the hydraulic gradierrt that brings a soir (essentially, Coarse-grained soils) to static liquefaction (quick condition). I.6 Yb - G-1 ., lcr- - Tu - 1,+e Eq. 1.23 RELATIVE DENSITY OF GRANULAR SOILS The relative density, D. expresses the state of compactness ofa natural granular soil. D,= 'mar ' €mar orD,= - €min ,rOO Eq. 1.31 , 1/Y^in*1 /Ya 1/Y-i. -1/"/.rr^ Eq, 1.32 Chapter 6 of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals of Geofechnical Engineering where; I'Undamentals of Ccotechnical Engineering 0l - Properties of Soll 1.9 sotL tNDtcEs e-u, = void ratio of the soil in loosest state. €s1n = void ratio of the soil ih densest state. e o void ratio of the soil deposit (in-situ state) |dmar = dry unit weight in.densest state, ]dmin = dry unit weight in loosest state. Ta = dry unit weight (in-situ state) lndex Definition Plasticity PI=LL-PL Liquidity MC_ PI, Shrinkage I.7 Chapter DT SI=PL-SL DI Activity of DESIGNATION OF GRANUISR SOILS nc- clay' - LI Correlation Str-ength, conrpressibi I ity, comoactibilitv. ... Compressibility and stress rate Shrinkage potential Swell potential, and so forth tvhcrc p = percent of soil finer than 0.002 mm (clay size) 0-15 Very loose Activitu 15-35 35 -7A 70 -85 85 - 100 Loose Medium dense Dense Very dense A, < 0.7 0.7<4.,<1,.2 4,"> 7.2 Classification lnactivc clay Normal clay Active clay I.I O DESCRIPTION OF SOIL EASEP QN LIOUIDIry INDFX 1.8 coNsrsTENcY The consistency of a cohesive soil is greatly affected by the water content of the soil. A gradual increase of the water content may transform a dry soil from solid state to a semisolid state, to a plastic state, and, after further moisture increase, into a liquid state, The water content at the corresponding junction points sf these states are known as the shrinkage limit, rhe plastic limit, and, the liqui d timi t, respectively. Semisolid state - high strength, brittle (sudden) fracture is expected Plastic state - intermediate strength, soil deforms like a plastic material LI<U Consistency is the term used to describe the degree of firmness (e.g., soft, medium, firm, or hard) of a soil. 0<LL<1 Lrqutd stnte - low strength, soil deforms like a viscous fluid LI>1 I.I I DESCRIPTION OF SOIL BASED ON I'LASTICITY INDEX Liquid state Uquid limit, LL ,Plastiq statq I , Plastic limit, PL Semisolidrstater Shrinkage limit, SL Solid state Figure 01.2 : .. PI 0 1( 5-L0 n -20 20-40 >44 Description Nonplastic Slightly plastic Low plasticity Medium plasticity High plasticity Very hish plasticitv Chapter of Soil I I. I2 0l - Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter 0l - Properties of Soil 9 FALL CONE METHOD TO DETERMINE LIOUID AND PI.ASTIC LIMITS Fall cone test (cone penetration test) offers more accurate method of determining both the liquid limit and the plastic limit. In this test, a cone with apex angle of 30o and total mass of 80 grams'is suspended above, but just in contact with, the soil sample. The cone is permitted to fall freely for a period of 5 seconds. The water content .o.r"rpond:ing to a cone penetraiion of 20 mm s g o defines the liquid limit. B Thc Iiquid limit is difficult to achieve in just a single test. In this regard, four or more tests at different moisturg content is required. The results aie plotted as water content (ordinate, arithmetic scale) versos penetration (abscissa, logarithmic scale) and the best-fit straight line (liquid state line; linking the data points is drarvn (see figure below).' The liquidlimit is read irom thJplot as the water content on the liquid state line corresponding to a penetration of 20. Figure 01.4 20 mm. The plastic limit is found by repeating the test with a cone of similar geometry, but with a^mass af (tv/12) 240 grams. The liquid state line for this cone will be below the liquid state line for the SO-gram cone (M1) and parallel to it.. 30 Penetration (mm) lhe plastic limit is given - Typical - 40 50 50 60 logarithmic scale fall cone result as: PL=LL- 2^ry9 , lvt) log"Mt I.I3 CUP METHOD TO DETERMINE LIOUID.LIMIT fhe device used in this method consists of a brass cup and a hard brass cup is dropped onto the base by a cam operated by a crank. Figure 0'1.3 - Eq. 1.33 Fall cone apparatus Figure 01.5 - Liquid limit device and grooving tool rubber. The t o :iijl"t 0l - Properties Fundamentars or Geotechnical Fnoineerinn The soil paste is placed in the cup. a groove is then cut at the center of the soil pat with the standard grooving tool. By the use of the crank-operated cam, the cup is lifted and dropped from a height of 10 mrn. The moisture content required to close a distance of 1,2.7 mm along the bottom of the groov e after 2s blows is defined as the liquid limit. since it is difficult to adjust the moisture content to meet the requirbd closure after.25 blows, at least ihree tests for the same soil are conducted at varying moisture contents, with the number of blows required to achieve closure varying between 15 and 35. The results are plotted on a graph paper, with the moisture content along the vertical axis (algebraic scale) ana tne number of blows, N, along the .horizontal axis (logarithmic scale). The graph is approximated as a straight line (called the flow curae). The moisture content corresponding to N = 25 is the liquid limit of the soil. The slope of the flow line is defined as the flow index and may be written FIow index, p1 as: MCt - MCz = log(N2 / N1 Eq. 1.34 ) l-undamentals of Geotechnical En gineering I.I4 Chapter Nls20223036 48 45.5 44.7 MC 43.5 42.3 Properties of Soil ll ONE-POINTMETHOD TO DETERMINE LIQUID LIMIT 'l'lris rnethod may be'used when only one test is run for a cstablished by the U.S, corps of Engineers ASTM under designation D-4318 ,/ in soil. This is 1949 and was also adopted by rr\tanB Lr = MC"l-1r Eq.'1.35 l \2si where: N = number of blows in the liquid limit device for a 0.5-in groove closure MCN = corresponding moisture content tan p = 0.121 (but note that tan.B is not equal to 0,121 for all soils) 'l'his method yields good results for the number of blows between 20 and 30' I.I5 SHRINKAGE LIMIT Soil shrinks as moisture is gradually lost from where MC1 and MCz are the'moisture contents, in percent, corresponding to number of blows Nr, and N2, respectively. 0l - it. With continuing rrroisture, a stage of equilibrium is reached at which more loss <lf loss of moisture wiil rcsult in no further volume change. The moisture content, in percent, at which tlre volume of the soil mass ceases to change,.is defined as tl'e shrinkage liruit' 'l'lre shrinkage limit is determined as follows. A mass of wet soil, mt, is placed irr a porcelain dish 44.5 mm in diameter and 12.5 mm high,and then oventlried. The volume of oven-dried soil is determined- by using mercury to occupy the vacant.spaces caused by shrinkage. The mass of mercury is rletermined and the volume decrease caused by shrinkage can be calculated lrom the known density of mercury, The shrinkage limit is calculated from s C a co <r=ffi1-ffiz -vl-vznru) m2 m2 o = where: 20 30 40 ,50 Number of blows, N Figure 01.6 - Flow curve r,'rr = rnoSS of wet (saturated) soil m2= mass of oven-dried soil Vr = volume of wet soil Vz = volume of oven-dried, soil p,, = density of water Eq. 1.36 Chapter 0l * Properties t2 of Soil I.I5.I SHRINKAGE RATIO Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering e. r& SPECTFTC GRAVTTY 0l - Properties of Soil t3 Eq. 1.37 VzI PROBLEM Eq. 1.38 1SL sR OI.I A s,rmple of saturatecl soil weighs 588 N and has a volume of 0.03 m3. voids ratio of the soil is 0.75, determine the specific gravity of the solids, OF SOLTDS ^'l r-= If the 5OLUTION -It*= w, 100 I - I.I6 Chapter ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS sR= 1 ry' 1.15.2 I undamentals of Gcotechnical Enginebring s88 ,r=b* LIOUIDITY INDEX & CONSISTENCY INDEX y,, = 19,600 Liquidity index (L/) defines the relative consistency of a cohesive soil in the natural state. . Liquidity index, LI MC_PL LL_PL [T,= G+Se I f r Eq. 1.39 -Y,,] 19,600= where NIC = in situ or natural moisture content. If MC is greater than LL, Ll > G = 2.75 = N/m3 !o='=t) r,rro "r*' 1. + 0.75 7. lf MC<PL,Lt<0. Consistency index, C, = ## Eq: 1.40 PROBLEM OI.2 A clay sample has unit weight of 21,.1 kN/m: at moisture content of 9.8%. When completely saturated with water, its unit weight is 22.58 kN/m3. l)ctermine the porosity of the soil. If MC is equal to LL, CI is zero. If lvIC =PI, Cl = 1. Atterberg's limits are aiso used to asses the potential swell of a given soil. LL PI Potential swell classif icatibil, <50 <25 Low' 50-60 25-35 Medium >60 >35 Hieh I SOLUTION -L"l. = G +GMC I+ e -=.-t*) zr.r = G*9(o'oe8); 1,+e G=1..959+1,,959e - [Y"ut G+e = :L+e 22.58 = T*1 (1..959 +1..959e)+ 1+e e (e.81) l4 Chapter of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 2'302 + 2.302e = 7.959 + 2.959e e = 0.5221" = PROBLEM Chapter o522t 0r.5lCE MAY t9991 Solve for e: [y. = C+CMC ---:-y*j I+ PROBLEM Ot.3 {CE NOVEMBER t9981 17.3 = A specimen of moist clay has a mass of 183.4 grarns. After oven drying, the e mass is reduced to :157.7 grams. What is,the moisture content crf the sample: lG SOLUTION Moisture content, ,r= Moisturecontent, Wx 7YMC= # Moisture content, MC = MC= e 2.65 + 2.65(0.1,8) 1.+e (e.81) = 0.7732 S e) 2.6s(0.18) = 5(0.7732) S = 0.617 100% Total weight of soil mass, W = 1,83.4grams = W, + W, Weight of scilid (oven-dried weight), W, = 157.7 grams Weight of water, W* W, = 783.4 - 1,57.7 = i5.7 grams x100% S = 6'1.70/o PROBLEM OI.6 !i,rturated silty clay encountered in a deep excavation is found to have a water r r rrrtcnt of 28%. Determine unit weight of the clay in kN/m3. Assume G = 2.7. 16.30/o 'OLUTION PROBLEM OI.4 S = 1 (saturated) [GMC=Se] A sample of moist clay is found to have moisture content of 400% and degree of saturation of 85%, The specific gravity of the solids is2.T6. Determine-the 2.7(0.28) = e = 0.756 1,(e) voids ratio of this soil. fy* = G+GMC SOLUTION . IGMC=Sc] e ='1,2.99 t5 SOLUTION 1+0,522L n=0,343=34.3o/o 2'76(4) = 0'85 0l - Propetres A sample of moist soil has water.content of 18% and moist_ unit weight of 17.3 kN/m3. The specific gravity of solids is 2.65. Compute the degree of t,rturation of the soil. e I lr= "l+e' n Itrrrdamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ,,, = e 1,+ e v*1 2!)!p1+ 0.756 y* = tg.3't kN/ms p.at1 l6 Chapter of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering PROBLEM OI.7 A hand-carved sample of soft saturated clay weighs 350 grams and has a cc. After oven-drying, it weighs 240 grams. Calculate thel - G +GMC [y,=#y.l I+ e a) moisture content in percent. 131.1= &) specific gravity of solids. e - [ = SOLUTION w* | wr' 2.67 +2.67(0.1.a) 1,+e (62.4) = 0,449 c) porosity in percent. ' tl SOLUTION volurne of 200 following; IMC= Chapter0l * Propertrei, Fundamentals of Ccotechnical Engineering G+e :-I+ e 1*t= ' Y,rJ 2.67 +0.449 #(62.4) 1+ 0.449 . pcf Y*r -- 134,32 MC=W# PROBLEM OI.9 MC = 0.45833 MC = 45.830/a A soil sample has a bulk unit weight of 19 .6 kN/ m3 at a water content of 10% . Assuming G = 2.7; determine the percentage air in the voids (air voids). Sc] S = 1 (saturated) G(0.a5833) = 1 e G = 2."182 e [CMC= G+G MC [Y,,=#y,,] 1+e l" t= Wf V = 350/20A "1,* = "1.75 . lYoot gramsf cc 19.6 C+e = ;.--- l+e 7.7s= Yu, I -''--- 2.182e + e - e .^ (1) IG 1.+e L.75+1,.75e=3.1"82e e = 1,,222 .e n= L+e =0.55=55% G=2.182(1..222)=2.6, ) ) porosity specific gravity of solids 0t.8 (CE NOVEMBER 1999' 13. Nov 99: A soil sample was compacted. The result of the stanclard proctor test shows that at 100% compaction, the soil weighs 131.1 pcf with optimum PROBLEM moisture content of 14%. What is the saturated unit weight of the soil in pcf? G = 2.67 SOLUTION - 2,7 +2.7(0.1"0) L+e (e.8i) = 0.4865 MC* S el 2.7(0.10) * 5(0.4865) S = 55.5% Percentage of air in the voids = 100% - S Percentage of air in the voids = 100% - 55.5% Percentage of air in the voids = 44.50/o PROBLEMOI.IO 'lht' moist weight of 0.2 ft3 of a soil is 23 lb. Tlre moisture content and the ,.l)t't'ific gravity of soil solids are determined in the laboratory to be 11% and .r 7, respectively. t8 0l - Chapter Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering of Soil Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - a) What is the moist unit weight inlb/ft3? &) What is the dry unit weight in lb/ ft3? c) What is the degree of saturation in percent? soLuTtoN a) Moist unit weight: y, = W f V = 23 / 0,2 = 115 lb/ft3 b) Dry unit weight: - G +GMC [y,=#y,] l+e ,r, = 21 *?.7(0.71) 1'+e e G-1. -:-y*) L+ Ltu= e 2'71-1 (9.8u ,^= '" 1+0.8182' Y6= 9'23 kN/ms PROBLEM O I.I2 'l'he mass of a sample of saturated soil is 520 grams. The dry mass, after oven rlrying is 405 grams. Assuming G = 2.7, calculate the effective unit weight of the soii mass, in kN/m3? SOLUTION IMC= , .G w* | W,, Lya= 1. ya + 0.626 W _W, ws (62.4) MC= = 103.521b/ft3 MC= S el IGMC= 2.7(0,11) = 5(0'526) e . 405 Se] whereS= L (saturated) = 0.7667 G-1 #y.I L+e lyr= PROBLEMOI.II A specimen of sand has a porosity of 45o/o, and the specific gravity of its solids is 2.71.. Compute the specific weight of this soil in the submerged state, in kN/m3. * -n [e= - 21(0.284) = (1)e s=0.4744=47.440/o SOLUTION 520 405 MC = 28.4% c) Degree of saturation lG 0l .- propettrei q I 62.+1 = 0.626 =-y*l L+e 2.7 yd = _ Chapter 2.7 . 1, (9.81) 1+ 0.7667 ' yb = 9.44 kN/m3 '- = vu PROBLEM OT.I3 L-n --l e= 0.45 1- 0,45 e = 0.8182 - l.,rboratory tests on a soil sample yielded the following information: = 2.71,, G,,, = 1-.72, MC = 1,3%. Determine the foilowing properties: t) ,r) void ratio l) r) degree of saturation porosity \ 20 Chapter 0l * Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g of Soil Geotechnical Engineering SOLUTION q) b) ' Void ratio: ly,, = y. Grl . [y,,, = G+CMC ---- l"l. = ],j y1:2.7'L(0.13) c) lG MC= 2'67 + 2-'67(0'7583) 1,+e ,r, S el = S (0. 6065) s=0.697=69,70/o = 0.78 Ol.r5 (CE NOVEMBER r9?91 A soil sample was compacted. The result of the standard proctor test shows llr,rt at L00% compaction, the soil weighs 131.1 pcf with optimum moisture errntcnt of 1,4%. What is the maximum dry unit weight of the soil (at zero air vrrirls) in pcf? G = 2.67 PROBLEM lG MC= s el s=a.452=45.2a/o c [rr = ---:l*rl 1 0.78 1 _ 0.79 'OLUTION At zero air voids, Vo= Vr(S = 1) n=0.438=43.80/o lc MC= OI.t4 .G= Ya= 121,28 Pcf. PROBLEM 1,,=WfV="t8000/9350 a\ ty,tC = Yt: 'w" ^,n_ 1g-15.54 y,l :-* L+e 2'67 ,,, = '' L+0.3738'(62.4\ lya In its natural state, a moist soil has a volume of 9350 cc and weighs 18 kg. The oven-dried weight of the soil is 15.54 kg. Use G = 2.67. a) Determine the moisture content in percent. b) Determine the void ratio in percent. c) Determine the degree of saturation in percent. SOLUTION S el 2.67 (0.14) = 1e e = 0.3738 ,: PROBLEM = 2.67 (0'1583) ^. _ ^, ,1 n. 2.71,(0.13) = 5(0,78) c) L+e e*0.6066=60.6601o ffv*=v,(L.72) b) zt C+CMC -----:-l* I 1..925 -".'Jio "-/u'=)r'u'r' t+c e chapter 0l _ Propettrei Furrdamentals of O I. I6 compacted clay weighing t.62 kg weighs 0.88 kg when immersed (r'uspended) in water. Determine the bulk specific gravity of the clay. A SOLUTION Bulk sp. gr. 15.54 MC=0.1583=15.83% Bulk sp. gr, Weightinair . Weightinair - Weightinwater 1'62 =1.52-4.88 = 22 0l - Chapter of Soil Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering OI.I7 PROBLEM Fundamentals oF Geotechnical Engineerin g Chapter 0l - propertiei Zg SOLUTION A 50 cc of moist clay was obtained by pressing a sharpened hollow cylinder into the wall of a test pit. The extruded sample had an initial weight of 85 grams. After oven-drying it weighs 60 grams. If G = 2,72, determine the w'l IMC= ' ws' w MC= degree of saturation of the saurple. ^,n SOLUTION lvlu Given: W=85g -w: ws 17.5-1,4.2 _ - 1.4.2 MC=0.2324=23.24% V = 50 cm3; W,= 60 g t* trm=Wl vt ,ttilt =w,I V Tn, y,, = 7.7 g/ cc . [y*= w" 'lMg= w,' MC = . L'l,n = e lG S = 0.7254 S= 2.72 +2.72(0.4167),., 7+e \ - llt / 2(0.4767) = = O.*r, - S (1, .2667) Y"ut r A cubic meter of soil in its natural state weighs 17.5 kN. After oven-drying, the soil weighs 14.2 kN. Assume C = 2.7. the void ratio of the soil. the degree of saturation of the soil. the saturated density of the soil in kN/m3. ) degree of saturation G+e =89.5o/o Or.t8 a) Calculate b) Calculate c) Calculate 72.54o/o [y*,= ]y*J 1+e 2'7 *!!9 ,,0,= _il0.g65 = 1..2667 2.7 PROB|-EM G+GMC #t.1 l+e MC= S el 2.7(o.n)4)= s (0.86s) 1+e , = 17.5kN/m3 60 0,41"67 fc MC= S e) , 1' *t9.n2a)- 0811 1+e e = 0.865 = 86.5% ) void ratio -C+GMC --'l*l ., r./ -_ = 77,5 / 2.7 , 85-60 MC= - PROBLEM O 19.g11 = 18.75 kN/m3 r. t 9 (CE MAY 2OOO| A soil sample has a moisture content of 30% and degree of saturation of 45%. I'lrc solids have specific gravity of 2.61.. Determine the dry unit weight of the soil in kN,/m SOLUTION 'IGMC=Sel 2.61,(w) = 0.45 e \ 0l - Chapter of Soil 24 Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical Enqi e = 1,.74 .C = [y,r'y 1+ 1 .74 f (g,8t) -' '- '- = -;-^l kN/m3 4t r+e ,,,, = 2i7 *=0:?5 kN/m3 95%: G+Se 'l^= -=-'lw with a porosity of 0.387 is 1600 kg/ mr. void ratio of the soil, a sand L+e ,_ = ?.7.* ,, su specific gravity of the soil solids. effective density of the soil, in kg/m3. 1 + 0.85 kN/m3 y,, = 18.60 SOLUTION Given: .il rt) ' (, = = 1,600 n = 0.387 pa ,, 0) p,t 1-n LJ = 7I+C pw 1 . c) Pr, = 2.67 _ 18'8:i -18'60 x 100% 0I.22 A wet soil sample has a volume of 4.85 x LO-a m3 and weighs 8.5 N. After oven tlryirrg the weight reduces to 7.5 N. Use G = 2,7, Deterrnine the following: rr) unit weight, fr) moisture content, r ) degree of saturation. IOLUTION G-1 Pr= #p, L+e pr ' . 2.6'1. = 18.60 Percentage Error = 1,18Y0 more PROBLEM 9 \-""-/ 1,600 = r 0.63'I rrooot G= Percentage Error kg/m, r' = 0.631; 1 + 0.85 Actual S = t.ZO The dry clensity of a) Calculate the b) Calculate the c) Calculate the ,E Soil zr C+e sat Y,,t = 18.82 O of Assumed S = l.: , 2'61 ya.v = 9,34 PROBLEM 0l - Properties IOLUTION y,] ;1 I +c v.,.. '"') = Chapter Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 1 a) #(1000) 1, * 0.631 ' [y* - fft 8.5 lnt = 987.12kilm3 4.85 x 10-a 1,,-\7,526 N,/ml = 17.526 kN/mg PROBLEM OI,ZI The void ratio of a soil is 0.85. What is the percentage error of the bulk unit weight if the soil were 95% saturatecl and assumed to be totally saturated? b) IMC= w* w,.' MC- 1 8.5 - 7.5 - ." I Smtrt JL Fqqu^r 26 0l - Chapter of Soil Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical 0l - Properties of Soil 27 0I.24 - A sample of dry sand having a unit weight of I6.50 kN/m3 and a slrccific gravity of 2.70 is placed in the rain. During the rain the volume of the n,rrnple remains constant but the degree of saturation increases to 40%. MC = 0.1333 =13,330/o c) Chapter ILrndamentals of 0cotechnical Engineering PROBLEM tiiruation 4 Degree of saturation: Solving for e: - G if n, = --- +GMC -L+e 12.526 _ I Tu,l 2.7 + 2_7(0.1333) 7+e ,rsD )r,termine the following: rr) The voids ratio of the sample in percent. lr) The unit weight of the sample after being in the rain. t ) The water content of the sample after being in the rain. e = 0.7128 SOLUTION ICMC=Sel . PROBLEM g = (2.2 x 0,1"333)/0.7728 G = 2.70 S=0.505=50.5% ';skN/m3 G '*': a) [ya,v = ;:-y*l 'L+ e 21 1.6.5= 0t.23 (CE NOVEMBER 20OOl 1.+ A clay sample has unit weight of 20.06 kN/rns with moisture content of 8. The saturated unit weight of the sarnple is 21.58 kN/m3. Determine porosity of the soil. b) SOLUTION G - +1,.89e 2.70 + 0.40(0.6053) 1'+e = 0.45 ln=1.+e' ' I x 9.81 1+ 0.6053 y,n=17.98 kN/m3 c) ,r.rr', IGMC=Se] 210 MC = (0. 0)(0.6053) MC = 0,0897 = 8.97o/o , 2.2+2.2e=1..89+2.89e e =-'l*l l+e l1k #y"J = S = 0.40 l h-, = I+e 1'89+1'89e+c 60,530/o C+Se ltr,l G=L.89 G+e 21.58 = After being in the rain, t+e. c 9(o 082) " 20.06 = I+e . = 0.6053 e lT^= +GMC tl/r - ------- e *9.81' e PROBLEM 0I.25 lhe moist unit weights and degrees of satur;ition of Iollowing table: 0.45 1 + 0,45 rr=0.31 =310/d v (pcf) s (%) 705.73. 50 112.67 75 a soil are given in the 28 Chapter of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical a) Determine the void ratio of the soil in percent, &) Determine the specific gravity of the soil solids. c) Determine the porosity of the soil in percent IOLUTION Given W=7346grams G+Se [t' = ;;}'' L+e . First soil; .tos.7j Ws = 1076 grams V = 792 cm3 ' = G: .0.s, 1+e fu*=w114 Y* = 1346/7g2 1oz.+1 1..694 + 1..694e = G + O,Se G * t;694 +,1.194e + T* = 1.7 grams/cc Eq. (1) tu*'=ffl Second soil: 112,67=Gills, 'Y'*= #* 792 rcz.nt 1.806+1.806e =G+0.75e G = 1.805 + 1.056e + Eq, (2) 1.694 + 7.194e = 1.806 + 1,056e e = 0.8'j,2 = 81..2o/o void ratio MC= ) Porosity, n ' r"orosltv, ' Porosity, 1346 l -1076 7076 MC = 0.251. From Eq. (2) G = 1.806 + 1.056(0.812) = Z.6O =1'846grams/cc w,,,w' wc= 'wrw,ry+ = lG=GJ ) specific gravity of solids . lT* = * ' 1.+e 1+e G=1,.26+1..36e 0-812 1+ 0.812 n=0.448't.=44,81o/o G+CMC ----:-l+e l*l , (t) r.z = "n_G+C(0.251).-. r PROBLEM OI.26 In an experiment of determining the porosity and specific gravity of solids of a soil, a soil is dug out from the ground, t"igh"d, ihu.r oiu. dried, and then saturated with water. The weight of soil taken from the test hole is 1346 grams' lts was then oven-dried and weighed 1.026 grams. After saturating it t. Chapter 0l - Properties of Soil 29 lvillr water, it weighed 1.462 grams. The volume of the test hole was then trrt',rsured and found Determine the voids ratio of the soil. SOLUTION . Fttnclamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering . [T'at = + (1) C+e :-L+e Yu'] G*t (1) 1+e' G=L.846+0.846e )(2) 1.846= [G=G] 1.36 + 1,36e = 1,.846 + 0.846 e=0.946=94.6% e 30 0l * Properties Chapter of Soil Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineerin PROBLEM O1.27 ICE MAYZ00rl A clay sarnple has the following properties: PorositY = 0'35 (in situ) Maximum void ratio = 0.85 Minimum void ratio = 0.42 Specific gravity of solids = 2J2 Moisture content = 62% Determine the dry unit weight of the soil in its natural state, in pcf, Chapter Fundamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering 0l - Properties of Soil 3l G+CM( -[r,=fr,J L+e 1.772 = 2'72 + 2'72(0'43) L+e e=1.195 r'r, i SOLUTION tu -!-1 I - II = rr) water content of the soil in percent. t) void ratio inpercent. c) effective unit weight of the soil in kN/m3. (=---0.35 - 0.35 e = 0.538 1 ,C l1/, I ' lor) = _ -[+c Ilrl -"' Ya," I SOLUTION 2'72 '* = 0I.29 A sample of saturated clay was placed in a container and weighed' The wcight was 6 N. The clay in its container was placed in an oven for 24 hours rrt 105'C. The weight was reduced to a constant value of 5 N''The weight of llrc container is 1 N. G = 2.7, Determine the following: PROBLEM h2.4\ 1 + 0.538 ' y.1,u = LL0.36. pcf Weight of moist soil (saturated),W = 6 - 1 = 5 N Weight of dry soil, W' = 5 - 1 = 4 N a) Water content: PROBLEM 0r.28 (CE NOVEMBER 2OOr) r'--wc= ryrl w" 'o-o MC= " A 480 cc soil sample taken from the site weighs 850.5 grams. After o drying, it weighed 594.4 grams. If the specific gravity of solids is 2. deterrrrine thc void ratio of the soil. 1y,,, = w, _;_; V 'V'r f u, IMC ' MC = =0.25 250/o b) Void ratio; SOLUTION , 4 = lG MC= S el l 2.7(0.25) = (1)e 850,5 e=0.675=67.50/o 480 g/ cc = 1J72 - .[vo= #v,] c-l t+e wu' wr' c) Effective unit weight: I 850.5-- 594.4 MC= . MC= 0.43 591.4 2.7 -" -1- (9.81) v"= ' 1+0.675' Yb= 9.956 kN/m3 32 Chapter of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical E PROBLEM 0 t.30 (CE NOVEMBER Z00 t A 480 cc soil sample taken from the site ' weighs 850.5 grams. After ove drving, it weighed 594.4 grams. If the specific gravity of sorids is 2.7i , ll'' = of Soil Given: W= 56.7lbs Ws = 487lbs V = 0,5 ft3 G = 2.69 a) Density of the in-situ soil 7: - tnv l 850.5 4g0 "{* = 1.772 IMC = wu' lm= w 56.7 05 Y* = 113.4lbsf1s glcc b)Porosity: l 'w,= W* W,, *r* Moisture content, MC 850.5+594.4 XrtC = Moisture content,'ws 594.4 MC = 0.a3 Moisture content, . G -CMC __1_;;7,,,1 1Y,,, = 2.72 1t.//z_ 1_n _ _ + 2.72(0.43) ,", ,;l_trl c = 1.195 . lY= W -Wt *, ='u1;.)" G+GMC _T.l L+e _____ 2.69 +2.69$.1,643) 113.4 = (62.4) 1-+ e IGxMC=Sxel 2.72(0.43) = S(1 .1es) S = 0.979 PROBLEM Properties TOLUTtON W, ,,, ' 0l - treotechnical Engineering determine the degree of seituration of the soil. SOLUTION Chapter Frrrrdamentals of Or.3t e = 0.7234 Porositv. n = L+e ' 0.7234 l'orosrtv, (CE NOVEMBER 2OO2' Civen the following characteristics of a soil sample: Volume = 0.5 cubic ft. . Mass = 56.7 pound mass The solids have specific gravity of 2.69. After oven drying, the mass of the soil was 48.7 pounds. a) What is the density of the in-situ soil? b) What is the porosity of the in-situ soil? c) What is the degree of saturation of the in,situ soil? Porosity, n = "l + 0.7234 = 0.4198 41.980/o c) Degree of saturation [GMC=Se] 2.69(0.1,643) = S (0.723a) S = 0.611 S = 61.10/o = 0.1643 33 3r& 0l * Properties Chapter I.32 The saturatecl unit weight of a soiI is1.9.49 kN/m3, and the specific gravity PROBLEM f undamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri of Soil 0l - Properties of Soil 35 Unit weight: a) O Chapter o b= the soil solids is 2.7. a) What is the void ratio clf the soil. b) What is the dry unit weight of the soil in kN/m3, c) What is the effective unit weight of the soil in kN/mr. +I 224 ' = 500 - 382 o [G"' = J* = 1.898 e/cc ] Pw c,= i'9i8 =1.8e8 SOLUTION Ctc a) [1''.,'=t+e I",j fY*=Y*xG*l 7g.4g=''''"g.8r, l*e h) iY,r.u 1 .987 + 1.987c = 2.7 + e = 0,7226 = [y,, Void ratio . G+CMC [Y,, = = Yu.l 2;6 + 2'6(0'225) e*0.67g c) kN/mr 1'+e * r.r, Dry unit weight .G [ra = = y*, - y. ] vr=19.49-9.87 It= ----L+ e 18.62 ffi^P'8t) y.,y = 1,5.376 c) b) e G -:y,,,] w'= ' T. = 9.81 x 1.898 = 18.62 kN/ms y.] -l+e ,ffi"'u' Yr= - 9.68 kN/m3 Y7 = 15.2kN/m3 PROBLEM 01.33 (CE MAY 2003' I'he following data was obtained from laboratory tests for a iohesive specinren: moisture content, 7r), was 22.5%; G, = 2.60; and to determine th approximate unit weight, a sample having a tnass of 224.0 g was placed in a 500 cm3 container with 382 cm3 of water required to fill the container. a) What is the total unit weight of the soil sample in kN/rn3? b) What is the void ratio e? c) What is the dry unit weight of the soil sample in kN/m3? PROBLEM Ot.34 (CE NOVEMBER 2OO3) A fully saturated clay sample has a mass of 1526 grams. After oven-drying, its was reduced to 1,053 grams. The specific gravity soil particles is 2,7. nrass rr) Calculate the natural water content of the sample in percent, ll) Calculate the void ratio in percent. c) Calculate the porosity in percent. SOLUTION SOLUTION Given: Civu,n: MC = 22.5"., S=1 M = 1526 grams C = 2.60 M. = 1053 grams Mass,M=22-lgrams, y = 500 - 382 = 118 cc G=2.7 \ 0l - Chapter 36 of Properties fundamentals of Fundamentals c) lD,= o e^u"-e _o Water content, MC in '"u' IMC= it ' I " lVt- Void ratit-r Lrrntent of 1,4% and a porosity of 38%. In a laboratory test that.simulates field r orlditions/ it was found that at its densest state, its void ratio is 85% and at its Itrosest state its void ratio is 40o/.. Determine the relative of the san<i. e*1.213=121.30/o Porosity t,,= tL t+e ] SOLUTION u le= ' 1.-n' 1,.273 1 1+1.213 t1 = 0.5481 = 54.81a/o 0.38 1 e - 0.38 = 0.613 0I,35 A sandy soil has a naturai water content of 275% and bulk unit weight of kN/m3. The void ratios corresponding to the densest and loosest state are and 0.87" Assume G = 2.7. a) Which of the following gives the in situ void ratio of the soil.. I.) Which of the following gives the degree of saturation of the soil c) , " mln A sample of moist sand taken from the field was found to have a moisture 2,7(0.4492) = (7)e; PROBLEM 37 PROBLEM 0 r.36 (CE MAY 20001 ICMC=Scl c) Properties of Soil D,=0.308=30.8% 1,053 -=MC=0.4492*44.920/o b) max 0l - -0.759 ^ _ 0.87 "'ag7 -l,s:- 1,526 - 1,053 ivIL = Chapter Ccotechnical Engineering GeotechnicalEng Soil 19. " D,= in i Emax - s D,= 0.5 max 'mtn - 0.613 0.85 - 0.40 0.85 - D, = 0,527 natural state. Which of thr-, following gives the relative density of the soil. PROBLEM O 1,37 A test of the density of soil in place was performed by digging a small hole in tlrc soil, weighing the extracted soil, and measuring the volume of the hole. 'l'he soil (moist) weighed 895 g; the volume of the hole was 426 cm3. After SOLUTION r) 17,,, = C+C MC .l-C 7v.z= t € h) 2'7 Y" j "?](0'275) 1*c = 0.759 [GMC=Se] 2.7(0,275) = S(0.7se) 5 = 0.978 tlrying, the sample weighed 779 g. O{ the dried soil, 400 g was poured into 1o.st1 a vcssel in a very loose state. Its volume was subsequently determined to be276 cnr3. That same 400 g was then vibrated and tamped to a volume of 212 cm3. () = 2.7L. Determine the relative density of the soil. 38 Chaoter of Soit 0l - Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri l'undamentals.of Properties of Soil 39 l,irboratory moisture density test on this soil indicated a maximum dry SOLUTION rlr'rrsity of 120 pct at an optimum moisture content of 17%. What is the percent 1/y,t^i,. -1/ya 1lyan;n*1/l'a^* Ya=W / tr = 779 Y,r,,,n* It,r,.tr rornpaction of the fill. SOLUTION V / 426 = 1,8286 g,l cc Percent compaction = 400 / 21,2 ='l 8868 g/cc Dry density, ]d,in = L,4493 g/ 11 i.+,1c') ^ "'-'-r -t.++vr cc ,rr= Dry densiry, u = I xc6s Dry density, D,=A.8946=89.460/o I.38 For a sandy soil, void ratio at D, = en,.,* = 0.86, density of soil Maximum drydensity 1,20 pcf + y,r A! 478.55 c,,,,,,'= 0,43, and G, = 2.66 = 1.91 gram/cc = 119.18 pcf Percentcompaction = O - -Dry V = 0.0-169 ft3 x (123)(2J43) V = 478.55 cc il28r, I - Maximum dry density = Yrlni.*400/276 I'ROBLEM 0l - Chapter 0cotechnical Engineering W x10O% Percent compaction = 99,30/o What is the requi 56%? O r.4O (CE MAY 2OO'r I ,,oil A sample in its natural state has a wet density of 155.1 pcf and a moisture PnoBLEM SOLUTION 1o = -5r-1| -o "rnln 'ntax 0.56 = e 0.86 0.86 - rrrrtt'nt of 36%. After compaction, its maximum dry density is 118.5 pcf. 1 * I soii. G = 2.65. e TOLUTION 0.43 = A.6'].92 Percent compacrion PROBLEM 0 r.39 (CE MAY 20001 Fielci clensity test on a conipacter-1 \\'t'ight of rnoist soil ' )r't,'rrnine the percent compaction of the fill of sancly clav gives the following results: om tlrt,holc = I038 grams Oven-dried weight of tiie soil = 914 grams Volurne of test hole = 0.0169 ft-r lr = #ffifi|. G +CMC tv= yul t' 1+ c1.8 l5)'li = - 2.6!.19QlAL+e e = 0.45 62.a1 x 1oo?, 40 0l - Chapter of Soil .G = ly,,u ;l; Properties Fundamentals. Geotechnical En ya,u f a,v = 1;17, = 114'04 Pcf +# 118.5 'OLUTION Porosity, n=e/(1 +e) For the required soil: x10O% Percent compaction = 96.240/o n = o.i/ (t + o.z) n = 0.1.667 ='16.67% (% void) Percent solid = 1 - n =0.8333 = 83.33% Volume of solid = 10,000 x 0.8333 Volume of solid = 8,333 m3 I.4I An embankment for a highway 30 m wide and 1.2 m in compacted thickness to be constructed from a sandy soil trucked from a borrow pit. The wa content of the sarrdy soil in the borrow pii is 157o and its void ratio is 0.75. specification requires the embankment be compacted to a dry unit weight 18.2 kN/m3. Length of embankment is 1.5 km. Assume G = 21. Determ the volume of borrow material requirecl. For the borrow soil: rz = 0.8/(1+ 0.8) .n=0.4444=44.44o/o Percent solid = 100 '44,44 = 55'56% Volume of solid = Loose volume x %solid 8,333=%oo""X0.5556 SOLUTION Vroo," Volurne of finished embankment = (30X1.2X1500) = 54,000 Dry urrit weight of borrow rnaterial: = 15,000 m3 m3 Or: .C= [1,, ;-y,,] I +c )7 -" v., : ' 1-0.75'(9.8i ) [%oo"u=(1 +e)%aial Vroo," = (1 + 0.8)(8,333.33) Vtoo," = 15,000 m3 = 15'135 kN/rn3 Total cost = 15,000 mr x P320/m3 Total cost = P4,800,000.00 Y,i Volume of borrow rnaterial = (lf,bankmer.t 9+a (t ,t) ri, Volume of borrow material = +}]t (54,000) Volume of borrow material = 64,936 m3 L 0l - Properties of Soil 4l A building requires a 10,000-m3 fill at a void ratio of 20%. Material for earth flll was available from a borrow site at P320 per cubic meter. It was found that thc average void ratio from the site is 807o, Estimate the total cost of fill. (b/.4) Percentcompaction = PROBLEM O Chapter IROBLEM O 1.42 y,l I --E 2.65 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering PROBLEM O I.43 lrollowing are the results of a shrinkage limit test: Initial volume of soil in saturated state = 24.6 cc Final volume of soil in a dry state = 15.9 cc Initial mass in a saturated state = 44 g Final mass in a dry state = 30.1 g n) Determine the dry density of the soil in grm/cc. b) Determine the void ratio of the soil. \ 42 0l - Chapter of Soil Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineer Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering c) Determine the shrinkage limit of the soil d) Determine the shrinkage ratio e) Determine the specific gravity of the solids e) tc= = pa b) p"ut = M,utf V p*t = 44/24.6 = 1.7886 g/ cc PROBLEM O I.44 'l'he following results were obtained from a liquid limit test on a clay using the Casagrande cup device, Use the graph in Figure 01,7. The natural water content of this clay is 38% and the plastic limit is 21%. ,:-r,1 I+e [p,r C "l = 'l+e t.2236 Number of blows a) G+e = ;-1+e 1.7886 pru = "1.7886(1 0.565(1 h) cL. fr + * e) c) trl 1.2236(1 + e) + d) 20 28 32 47.1 42.3 38,6 37.5 52.5 is the liquid limit of this clay? is the plasticity index of this clay? is the liquidity index of this clay? is the flow index? e +e)=e 0'565+0.565e=e tl e=1.3 il c) sy=1",-*rl-[', -'r]"I t|l';10- Note:o., =1srm/ Note:P*=1grm/cc 24'6.-1's'9 - 44:-39'"1 30.1 - 30.1 ft\ = 0.1728 = 77.280/o Es0 o Itr oq5 lii i ;ir iir iitilliirili ii N B :l I irl I 1 d) [sR=-Lmz, u2 Pu r 30.1 sR= 1 _ 1 15'9 -r sR = 1.893 il :i, rii s I SL What What What What 12 6 Water content (%) G =7.2236(1+e) Psat 100 {cc = 1.2236 .C= --l1, _17,28 G = 2.813 P,l= 30..1/24.6 oa 100 1..893 M,/V 43 r - srl c= a) of Soil 1 sR SOLUTION 0l * Properties Chapter 20 30 ril; ill ;tr 40 50 Number of blows (logarithmic scale) Figure 01.7 60 44 Chapter of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri Chaprer Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g 0l = propertrei SOLUTION E;il.'imEEfrfi;,l'11;1;1ii1i11i;;l Test Number 9 , I Cone oenetration. mm weioht of wet soil + contarner. o weiqht ol IJrv :;0rl + uontatner, q vverqnt o1 uontatner. q Weiqht of Water, q Weiqht of Dry Soil, s Water Content, o/o illri ili;i iirli ri l, c .9 "v c I E45 E lli {l i l lOo/o : li Test Number ;]l 35.62 28.84 30.c1 29.69 12.33 31.42 45.70 33.69 11.74 11,45 1U.52 I 30 40 50 Cone penetration (mm) water uontent, % Averaoe. % Figure 01.8 The liquid limit is read from the graph as the water content on the liquid state line corresponding to 25 blows. rl Thus, LL = 40% Plasticity index, P/ * LL - PL Plasticity index, PI = 4A - Z, = ii s iil Es0 o c o U ,r- MCr-PL I ii .; b4s o DI il = ?Q_.)1 U="" 19 " il li 190/o =0.895 iii ;i Frow indcx, 61 = J!gr: 20 r49:- 30 PROBLEM O I.45 &) Determine the nearest value to the Plastic Limit of the soil. c) Determine the nearest value to the Liquidity Index of the soil. t I 01.8. Plot 40 Cone penetration (mm) Figure 01.9 Civen the laboratory results of the Atterberg Limits Test in Figure the water content versus the cone penetration in Figure 01,9. a) Determine the nearest value to the Liquid Limit of the soil. I .ZO iii iiiilll 50 JC Natural vvater Conient 2 Z 31.78 27.18 12.33 30.18 10.52 Weiqht of Container, g Weioht ol Water. o Weioht of Drv Soil. q 1 20 ) werqht oI wet sorl + uontatner, q Weioht of Dry Soil + Container, g l Liqrridity index, 2A Plastic Limit -"j Liquidity index, 2 l8 I B 4 1 16 27.77 25.39 11.t4 30.04 +S Chapter of Soil 46 0l - Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals of Chapter 6eotechnical Engineering SOLUTION Liquidity index, LI I est Number ) 2 penetralon werght ol wet soil + container. o werght of Dry soil + container, o 16 35.62 28.84 10.52 Weight of Contalner, q Weight of Water, g Weight of Dry Soil, S Water Content, % qI Ilqt[gl{nitrhnE t$elvieirWilrir qElieh!,, : i:.t i: 28 41.26 31.42 29.U9 Oi/t' 6..1/ 9.U4r' 1U.6tJ 37% 4U-/o bUY/o i,,l,riilm To ) b45 o I 25.76 2 / .1t3 :15.39 2/.23 tu,cz 't2.33 t1 t4 11.45 1.C4 4.60 2.d\ 15.t4 29% 14.65 2.38 13.65 31% 1t.40% li )./o 17.800/" 17.600/0 rl ti: ,] ll lrl 30 Averaqe, il t: 40 50 ..60 80 100 LL is the moisture content corresponding to 20 mm cone penetration. From the graph shown, LL x 420/o From the table above, the Plastic Limit is the average of the MC of the two tests, and is equal to 30% I I I 3r"- MCn - PL LL_PL 22.47 19.44 12.74 2 3 29 21.29 18.78 ZQ 13.24 21.2t 26.12 18.75 13.20 lt.1a 13.27 Natural water Content 2 23.20 20.42 12 90 7o Figure 0,1.10 t): Cone penetration (mm) Liquidity index, L/ = 38 Number, Weiqht of Container. o vvergnl ot vvater, o weight of Dry soil, g Water Content, % iti 20 .;,,.; wel 5oI + uonlalner. 0 werght ot Dry soil + conlainer, q iil 10 timjtii ; " ) vvergnt oI liil iillili A, [idiiid Test Number Number of Blows vverqnt oT vvet $ott + contatner. o vvelgnt oI Ury SOtl + Uontatner. q Weiqht of Container, q wetght of water, q Weiqht of Drv Soil. o Water Content, % Plastic Limit :,:lt"),1 tr/, -30 PROBLEM O1.46 ICE MAY ZOO+I Given the laboratory results of the Atterberg Limits Test in Figure 01.1.0. Plot the water content versus the number of blows in Figure 01,LL, c) Determine the nearest value to the Liquid Limit of the soil. b) Determine the nearest value to the Plastic Limit of the soiJ. c) Determine the nearest value to the Liquidity Index of the soil. Test :iii iti llii;i *30 B. Flastic Liinit and Natuial Watei.Content iiii liil iiii ,{, LL d (2o1o = 2 30.04 A co 2.0'l lZ:"24i: 54e/t /7 I tss0 o ,t J1. /U 3O1o I 33.69 1 1.45 l6 JU. vvergnr or_ vvater. q vvergnr or ury soil, q uonlenI, Average, % 2 1 4l 33 Naturat water Content Plastic Limit esl Number , wergnt ot wet sojl + container, q vvergnl ot ury sotl + container, g vverqnt or uontalner. q I 42 Propertres 15./u t.t4 12,33 7,02 17:56 17.60 -, Liquidity index, LI = -L,033 4 IE 36.91 = 0l 2 22.4O 20.1 I 12.95 17.53 14.84 9.bu 16.97 14.36 9.55 Chapter 48 0l * Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri of Soil Chapter Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 0l * Properties of Soil 4g Flow Curve 3 s Yso c o o ts .9 o- o +_ -n-s:35%-;-[i------- C B as o.- B E- = 50 60 70 80 90 Number of blows - 100 25 30 zo logarithmic scale Number of blows - 40 50 60 70 80 90 logarithmic scale Figure 01.1 1 Figure 01.11 (a) soLUfroN Test Number ) Number of Blows Weiqht of Wet Soil + Container, q Weioht of Drv Soil + Contarner, q Weioht of Container o Weiohi of Water. o \A/6idht ^f Dn/ Snil Water Content. % J6 29 22 47 19 44 12.74 3.03 6.7 21.29 14.74 13.24 2.51 5.54 45.310 45.22o/o Plastlc Limit Test Number ) Wei0ht of Wet Soil + Container. q Weiqht of Ory Soil + Contarner, q Weiqht of Container. o Weioht of Water o \Aiai^ht nrv C^il ^f W6ter Content. 7o Averaoe. o/o 3 4 20 21.27 14 26.12 t6.I )2 13.20 2.52 5.55 13.27 1t) 4.U2 22.80 2.ttl 2.61 I .52 7.24 36.050h v" 36.970k 36. Figure 01.10 (a) 20.19 12 95 flow curve in Figure - U.6J 45.414/o Natural Water Content 17 53 14 A4 o.v, 14.36 9.55 I 2.61 5.34 4.Ui 50.37o/o 54.ZA"h 52.32% 01'.11' (a),LL = 45.35% b) From Figure 01.10 (a) 36.97% +36.05% ut qo.?o 1 23.20 20.42 12.90 a) From the c) , PL = 36.510/o y1 = ^ MCn-PL - LL- PL 50.37 +54.26 _ ^,n,,2 - IYIV, MC,= 52.32% ,,_52.32-36.51 _anoa ='1"788 45.35 - 36.51 ."#fiii'i:]*rr .*{iif iS,".1-''' '' - ','"?}nltu ' '':'h ri+:r'It' l\ i, ''t 'w ', t 1oo 50 - !if5i",.or ProPerties Fundamentals Geotechnical Fundamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering PROBLEM 01.47 ICE NOVEMBER t9c)8,MAy 2OOt) The results of Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit tests are shown in Figure 01.12. a) Determine the Liquid Limit (LL) of the soil, b) Determine the Plasticity index Liquid Limit Test )A (s) a E E 24 c )) o 'F 128.6 o co a c o 20 t32.6 109.6 c 22 (lJ o U 20 ?, 1B / 16 74 o J I I o I oo t g 24 b 105.4 116.8 E E .o Soil (q) l4t.4 I 26 Weight of Oven Dried I I I o I 40 45 50 55 60 65 Moisture Content 1B U 16 14 r34.6 111.2 136.0 113.4 Figure 01.13 a 40 45 5Q 55 60 Plastic Limit Test Moisture Content Moist Soil Weight of Oven Dried (Mc) r28.6 105.4 22.01o/o 747.4 116.8 2r.06o/o t32.6 109.6 70.99o/o 134.6 111 2 27.040/o 135.0 113.4 19.93% Weight of Figure 01.12 (o) LL Soil (s) SOLUTION a) Liquid limit: The liquid limit of the soil is the moisture content corresponding to mm cone penetration, From Figure 01,"13, LL = 520/o b) Plasticity index: Plasticity Index, PI = LL * PL From the plastic limit test, PL is the average of all the tests. ,, = W,,,oi,t -W,lru ffi .' wo,, p7 = (22.01 + 21".06 + 20.99 + 21.04 + 19.93) PL = 21,.01.% PI = 52o/, - LL=MC=W" w, 21,.01,o/" 0l - Properties of Soil Liquid Limit Test Plastic Limit Test Weight of Moist Soil Chapter = 30.990/o / 5 5t 5Z 0l - Chapter of Soil Properties Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineer l'undamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering PROBLEM 0 t.48 (CE MAY 2000' PROBLEM Ol.+q The result of a Starrdard Proctor Test is as follows: I hc Water Content . Weight of moist soil in (%) 10 Proctor mold (grams) 1.2 1,,606 14 1,696 1,6 1,757 18 1.,741, 20 1.,651. 1,485 Chapter 0l - Properties of E2 Soil rr $E MAY2003l following data were obtained from the Atterberg Limits test for a soil: Liquid Limit = 41'.0 % Plastic Limit = 21'.1, % n) What is the plasticity index of the soil? a) u tire in situ moisture content of the soil is 30%, what is the liquidity index of the soil? c) What wguld The volume of the mold for this test is L/30 cubic feet (946,000 be the nature of the soil? SOLUTTON a) Plasticity Index: millimeters). Pl=LL-PL=41.-211 a) Determine the rnaximum dry unit weight of the soil in grams/cc: b) Determine the optimum moisture content in percent. PI = 19.9o/o b) Liquidity Index: SOLUTION tAt- "'- lorv Ll = W l+rvIC w, V MC_PL PI 30 -21,.7 Lt-- 19.9 LI = 0.447 w (1+ MC)V V=946cc c) Nature of soil: MC(%) W(grams) I ' dry =w+ MC)V (-l 10 7,485 1..4271. "12 r,606 1.5158 14 16 1,,696 1.5726 1,757 1.5993 1t 1.,741 7.5596 20 1.,657 1,.4544 From the table shown, the maximum dry unit weight is 1.5993 grams/cm3 and the optimum moisture content is'I..6a/o , Since Ll = 0.447, i.e. 0 < LI < 1, the nature of the soil is PLASTIC See Section 1.10 in pageT: 54 Chapter of Soil 0l - Properties Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engi Ciassification ' of Soil lrundamentals of Chaoter 02 (lcotechnical Engineering 55 Chapter Oz Classification of Soil ,. I TEXTURAL CLASSIFTCATION lrr this classification system, the soils are named after their principal r()nrponents, such as sandy clay,' silty clay, silty loam, and so on. There are a rrrrrrrber of ciassification systems developed by different organizations. Shown I'r'lorv is the one developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.(USDA). llris method is based on the following limits of particle size; size size (ilay size Sand : 2.0 to 0.05 Silt : 0.05 mm in diameter to 0.002 mm in diameter : smaller than 0.002 mm in diameter Percentage of sand' Figure 02.1 - USDA Triangular Textural Classification Chart Chapter 02 56 of Soil - Classification Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering I Llndamentals of (r('otechnical En Chapter 02 gineering - Classification Ea rt .€ (, (./) E*<--6-SX d.6. v i. f Ee a--- /a\ oo ^rv s5 l\nx I \"I\- =ss Example: 35% clay, 40% sand, 26% sand (clay loam.) ',', UNTFTED SOrL CLASSTFTCATTON SYSTEM (USCS' This system classifies soils into two broad categories: ttlt VYYV a@ao) = Coarse-grained soils that are gravelly .ancl sandy in nature with less than 50% passing through the No. 200 Sieve, the group symbols start with prefixes of either G or S. G for gravel or gravelly soil, and S for sand or sandy soil. 50% or more passing through the No. 200 sieve. The groups symbol start with prefixes of M, which stands for inorganic silt; C for inorganic clay, and O for organic silts and ' clays. The symbol Pt is used for peat, muck, and other highly organic soils. u lo W - well graded \i\/l P - poorly graded - low plasticity (LL < 50) \il-t oo t--Fai=:!-i- I ttt lil = < = \lt - {'l. @a rr rV ,4iAQaE ..e€€$s P€3EAA ?'iaa<. o9 ;q a= s e P-o e Pb r IV / o o+<9Y q.9<i-old + F- A / + =' ;- I \il \/t \tt ti e =L - \/l = ^ / \ ^ ^ V I A Y = - - <<<<6@60 ,A,A,ndd;dd j= -d9E ESsS!:!: E$59 dd= s oooo= € E 6 d = E E.==+= =. a q. = 35==asq =.E 3c =.+ kl 6o6@oq== g6 oil 6^ r a 9q 5€P s q 9 :eQ. oq qs L H \;a \i 6e 6< Other symbols used: A IA A l{lEE r?= 2. Fine-grained soil with /t \-- s, aS 1. "" ,t I '1 " v I J "J Y.+ qaa u) !, oc Qaooooo () () 7 '0E n n < TP€€ !€t F a) o,;664 99init \/ s O < //)2 I o <6X </1 lt /t // t=l ll (+ /l / /1 /A r t r' ll /l / v+ /l tt e+ t/* r{ &/{/l/{ r'! r'{ r'* r'v lr', tr', Eo 't{ V IV^IVA IVA]V ]VAIV^ Y1Y1 ,nooooo oo60 ,," .< ;e ;e:e +-:SS"<;e.Sd-ES :s ;s:s $s$s$$ 3S-:!$$$SS Y1IY1 s;s:ss ,J;dSdd d sqsqqq ddad.aa EqE{Sqs{ qqa q@ q@ q Luo6o6o aaaaaeaa'1,+., .rv'r+; v'l,vvv,l, .t+v,rvvvv vvvv a@oOa@ ggHdEEEE 33EF o dFBFFFFF EdFF=q €€3e"-eE ._ ;d-:-: < q-5.5€E aaaa=-== e g--*+ a lr 2.2 A \z \ ,1 \ ii. < qQ H -o < *-r rr oo Atr' \ v!/t \pfr wn T- - g\ oo ^v \, \ l\t\. -"zl Figure 02.2 ;9 ao l/ qo -o *-r - -\-\\ //- --l--T--\ v| s ;s Percentage of sand G) a< Ag ;s dd qo 70605040: Soil of rd e€ ol 65 5 d o d o@ oo6@Jdild @ @ c EQEE66A6 gsqq€=€€ -YE€ ESg8. H ae q d {.= EE.<.r+==+ Q.q5 =5S3ooo-oi-66E=' ,^._-_-a €<::-e^> ftr =a -q { sR? a€:B ds3 Y d 9.:1 qq 6< <F F@ -;c oS € -e g-a 6 g - high plasticity (LL > 50) Figure 02.3 - de q E^qP? yz9.q Flow chart for classification of coarse-grained soils (<50% passing No. 200 sieve) (USCS) !E z I 6 - Chapter 02 of Soil 58 Fundamentals ofl Geotechnical Engineering Classification chaprer 0z lundamentals of (icotechnical Engineering - Crassifi:l,l}l 59 Table 02.1 - UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) s --/ tr: r d az Eo ,C 3 3. IV (Jr O ?6 (rl o qq - /\ { v ? g ! ;e € -\ G6, o€ *a EJ -\ r /^\ ' ,\ / \ a"g,v8rv oooooo IV //\ \ A d- i\ N v\ ;e +_ I u ^,U lS""l | .no.nGX'Xll EE;e;e;eS5I g 5x B I I L I i I 6^il tod c)o@ormm r i Q I6ili; < g< < -d-d999 g < o <-a gga - a oouD=== tro3.4== 5o = od = oj 5 ao PE o q nia 6o ;; r'! AI r'* *sl ;s ;e ;e V :PPT *-qq I v * .l v +-I as==a! ==, A se +i a- aQ a- oor.:oo-.:oo€: :-E frA. ii+ +N 6 5 aH ,4 ,/t ,4 t/! t/{ t/* v\ tr\ :M n rv qS €:e s d l\ tllt ilil t r,l aa@@ ddgq q q<-<* ::sq il d< 3a =3., SQ Figure 02.4 - 9E.E a.qq E.= < ilE v ?d. 3; ;) J\ :!v- /\ rv ,ao ;e .< :rY :X rv :; ,E: GC I o SP iX E 0 ili 6 5 HB ^ool ddadkl'l 9>o oo@ == E i;= I Poorly graded sands and gravely sands, little or no E Clayey sands, sand-clay mixiures ML lnorganlc srlts, very fine sands, rock flour, silly or clayey flne sands ct lnoraanrc claYs of low to med'um plasiicity, gr3ysly ' clays, sandy ciays, siltv clays, lean clays OL organic silts and organrc sLlty clays oI low Plastrcrlv l\,4H lnolgan c sllls, micaceous or diatomaceous llne sands or silts, elastc silts @ @-- vE _q SC E = E ig ^ ^osl ;addkkl = qqggaqq s o i.r55 - 6Ee."ooo Q8rs5-5F 0 0 i i o o o A5e-'::: ,rli li ,E a6 o Atterberg limits plol below "A" line ol Plasticity index less than 4 A[erbero lim ls Dlol above'A" PLastrctiindex qreaier tnan 7 Qu : (D6olDr0) > 6 in.e ot CH 9 sE E9 OH Flow chart for classification of organic fine-grained soils (>50% passing No. 200 sieve) (USCS) llrll ly Organic Soi s Atterbero limits plotting in hatched area are borderline requiring use of dual symbols Qc = (0a)'?/(Dro x Dm) Between AR Nol me€tlnq both cfller s ni ajor SW Pe <R 6._zo Allerberg limits plot below "A" line 0r Plasticiiv index less than 4 AtLerbero llmrts olot above "A" l,n€ 0r Plasrciii rnder greater than 7 Atterberq limits plorting ;n halched area are horderline classifications requirinq use of dual symbols = Eso !) I 10 PT lnorganrc clays ol high olasticilv fal clat/S Organrc clays ol mediun to high plasticily )eal, milck, and olllor hlgnly ngan c solls 1& 3 ed 9o 1 :'C = sdsaoE &3 Nol meeting both criteria lor GW E Well qraded sands and sands, little or no pmvely Siliy sands, sand"sill mixluaes tS EE:sE{ EE?€tE* EE!ggt* 2 €€qqi :-: _:a A'r3o+; Clayey gravels, gravel-sand. clay mixlures SM @ ,ao ,E* 1 := ,q fo E"9 | A6e-'=,= Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures SW E3 E,S ot fft-a*a*?F' ffa*a***I il +_"+l*3| 3 i B B6laU 3'a $ $u"*l I A a B But*! r r rda 16; I I I I i 6.6 r| rI rtj_j.Et I rI II rddl I 6.Al J l.l'l v v,l'1, tr l J v,I"I t'i *t v*I qqggqaq GM ,:, I 14A-41 uAAAI A,4AI nr v u , ^,u ^ool a6ddkkl a J\ !* sl- ? Hi ;E E P tl8 E Fa o E o XB E-5 ,E* Poorly graded gravels and gravel-sand m xtures, litlle or no nnes B '; ^ Qs= (Da)'?/(Drox Dm) Between 8g .. 1, 4 E ES :X GP ; * B^r+N+N Qe = (D6s/Dio) > fines fnes u4000@ a 3g -- and oravefsand mi{tures, little ol io I S:*S:"F.:oENPO g3B8H8 /\NNANA\ J\ /\ GW = vi t* /\^ /\ / \ o = /t\.. *-- 6 g o ,q Classif ication Criteria Typical Names Well.graded qravels oc d ,/\ ,/\ //\ * Group Symbols M,rlor Divisions --- =\\ ___\* \\\- Visual-lVanual identification, See ASTIVl Designation D24BB Chapter 02 6A * Classification Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri of Soil Fundamentals of Grotechnical Engineering Chapter 02 - Classification 6l 'l'lrc following example shows the calculation procedure for sieve andlysis. LUmUlatlve Sieve Diameter No (mm) 4 4.76 2.38 x (J E 8 ,o 10 E ZU .b 40 60 d EO 100 200 mass retained above each sleve (percent finer) 5 45 65 92 5 5U 99.370/. ,3./ t70 85.53% ,2.UU u.2b l 115 207 359 474 IdU u.149 27? bE6 b.-t '/49 0.o/4 '1'.) 0.84 0.42 1.52 U, PAN IOTAL Figure 02.5 CL ) ) ) MH ) ) OH CL-ML ) ML OL CH 2,3 - Plasticity chart Inorganic; LL < 50; PI > 7; Atterberg limits plot on or above A-line Inorganic; LL < 50; PI < 4 or Atterberg limits plot below A-line Organic; (LL - ovendr ied) / (LL * not dried) <'0.75; LL < S0 Inorganic; LL>50; Atterberg limits'plot on or above A-line Inorganic; Ll > 50; Atterberg Iimits plot below A-line Organic; (Lt * ovendried)/(LL - not dried) < 0.75; LL > 50 Inorganic, Atterberg limits plot in the hatched zone PARTTCLE-StZE DtSTRtBUTION CURVE (STEVE ANALYStSI Sieve analysis consists of shaking the soil sample through a set of sieves that have progressively smaller openings, These sieves are generally 200 mm in diamcter. To conduct a sieve analysis, the soil is first oven-dried and then all lumps; must be broken into small particles. The soil is then shaken through a stack of sieves with openings of decreasing size from top to bottom. A pin is placed below thc stack, Percent Mass Retained (grams) ) \4 passing / 5.Yb 70 54.84% 40.38% '13./'l"k 781 5.79% 7.76% 795 0.00e/" 795 Sicve #4: Cumulative mass retained = 5 g Percent passing = (795 - 5)/795 x 100% = 99.37% Sicve #8: Cumulative mass retained = 5 + 45 = 50 Sicve #10: Percent passing = (795 - 50)/795 x"I0O% = 93.71% Cumulative mass retained = 50 + 65 = 115 Percent passing = (795 - 115)/795 x 100% = 85.53% Sieve #20: Cumulative mass retained = 115 + 92 = 207 Percent passing = (795 - 207)/795 x 100% = 73,96% A particle-size distribution curve can be used to determine the following four l),lrameters for a give soil: 2.3.I EFFECTTVE S|ZE, Dro - 'Ihis parameter is the diameter in the curve correspondin g to 1.0% finer. The r'[lcctive size of a granular soil is a good measure to estimate the hydraulic t'rrrrductivity and drainage through soil. ln the given example, Dro = 0.17 mm 62 Chapter 02 of Soil - Classification Fundamentals GeotechnicalE 2.3,2 UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT, Grain Size Curve Dog- Dro 90 Eq. 2. 80 ;{ zo .c o 60 o o ** 0.17 Classifi;,lff 6g 100 where Dro = diameter corresponding to 60% finer. In the example, Cu = - Eeotechnical Engineering CU c,1= chapter 02 Fundamentals of 4 o- ," =a I odn o- v00 0.5 0) o30 2.3.3 COEFFICIENT OF GRADATION OR COEFFICIENT OF CURVATURE. ttt =0i c=#* where D:o = diameter corresponding to 30% finer. ' *?:, In the example, C. = 2,3.4 SORTING COEFFICIENT, Dr =iq 7 ?1 10 |1 0 0.001 0.1 0.01 1 Particle Diameter, mm Figure 02.6 - Particle distribution curve for the above example = 0.509 I'hc particle-size distribution curve shows not only the range Of particle sizes of various-size particles. rrr,sent in the soil, but also the type of distribution Poorly graded soil is one where most of the soil grains are the same size. SO Sr= tr; 1/% where = diameter corresponding to V5% finer Dzs = diameter cortesponding to 25% finer Dzs 20 CC welt graderl soil is one in which the particle sizes are distributed over a wide range. A well graded soil has C, greater than about 4 for gravels and 6 for sands, and C, between i. and 3 for gravels and sands. Cap graded soil is characterized by two ore more humps in the grading curve. l'lre average grain size of the soil is Dso. Chapter 02 64 of Soil - Classification of Fundamenta GeotechnicalE Grain Size Curve Chapter 02 - Classificotion of Soil Engineering l'1p = percentage passing No. 200 sieve Lt. = liquid limit, pI = plasticity index 90 80 ;{ Table 02.2 - Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials for Granular Materials (MSHTO) zo o, c60 a o . {so Y r ir:i.,.:1:l.f :ii:ii.,::;, ",,, Qrdlularfialefl?ls' :,1, Grouo classiflcation 40 0) 20 A-1.a A-1-h A-3 No.10 No.40 5U JU max, 50 max 1 mln. No. 200 15 max. 2b ma)( 10 max. 10 Characteristics of fraction passing 0 N0.40 Figure 02.7 - Different types of particle-size distribution curve A-2-5 35 max. 35 max 40 max, 41 min A-2.6 A-2-7 .Jh max_ Jit max. 6 max. NP Usual types ol signiflcant constituent materials Stone fragments, gravel, and sand Fine sand According ln tlir_ systenr, soil is classified into seven major groups: Athrough A-7, soils classified under groups A-1, A-2, and A-3 ire gianula materials of which 35% ar less of the particres pass through the No. 200 sieve soils of 'which more than 35% puur throrgh the No.200"sieve are classifiec under groups A-4, A-5, 4-6, and A-7. These soils are mostly silt and clay_ty designation, example, A-Z-S(35). uit", g.orp o. iubgioup - 35X0.2 + 0.00S(LL -a0)l+ -1SXpr- 10) Eq.2.4 Silty or clayey gravel and sanQ Excellent to good Silt-clay materials (mors:than 35% of totdl Sample passlng No.:2Q0) A-6 A-5 A-4 A.I-5. 36 min. 36 min. 36 min 36min Liouid Iimit 40 max. 41 min 40 max 41min Plasticity index 10 max 10 max. Characteristics of fraction oassino No. 40 usual tvoes of sionificant constituent materials General subqrade ratinq a 0.0j.(Fz,o 11 rn;p, N0.10 N0,40 b (Fzoo | A.7-6b No. 200 parentheru, min. Sieve analvsis (oercentaoe oassino) the test data fit is the correct classification. soil. This index is written in 11 ' General dassif icatioil Group classiflcation To evaluate the quality of a soir as a highway subgrade material, one must also incorporate a number called the grouplndex with Jhe groups and subgroups of | Table 02.3 - Classification of Highway Subgrade Materials for Silt-Clay Materials (AASHTO) materials. To classify the soil using the tables below, one must apply the test data left to right. By process of elimination, the first grorp iro* the left into which { I mln. 40 max 10max. | 10max, Plasticity index General subgrade rating AASHTO CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM GI= A-2.4 max. Liquid limit Particle Diameter, mm the :' Sieve analysis fncrccnlaoe nrssino) LJU 2,4 i.Ii (350/" or less of total samole oasslno No. 200) 4"2 c 9i Genelal :iilirrtl; rf'.i :;lri;ia(;;rHr(r r',';,. For A-7-5, Pl s LL - 30 For 4-7-6, Pl > LL - 30 '1 1 min. Siltv soils 1 1 Clavev soils Fair to poor min. 65 Chapter 02 66 - Classification Chapter 02 ncntals of hnical Engineering Funda Geotechnical Engi of Soil - Classiflcation -'' "" ;;;,,, STRATIVE PROBLEMS / M OZ.l / of the sieve analysis is shown below: What percentage of the soil is retained in No. 200 sieve? Wt.rut is the effective grain size of the soil in mm? €) l)ctermine the uniformity coefficient. tt,sr,rlt o ! s40 'o E l) t) r-7-6 ts30 E A-2-6 A-6 A-2-7 A-7-5 \-2-4 \-2-5 A-5 A-4 t0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 - Diameter (mm) Mass Retained 4 4,76 2.38 2.00 0.84 0.42 0.25 0.180 0.1 49 0.074 25 B 10 100 20 40 60 80 Liquid Limit Figure 02.8 Sieve No Range of LL and Pl for soils in groups A-2, A-4,A-5, 4-6, and A-7 100 200 Pan The first group of F,q.2,4 is the partial group index determined from I limit. The second term is the partial group index determined from plasti index. always zero. When calculating the GI for soils that belong to groups 4-2-6 and Ause the partial CI {or PI, or GI = 0.01(Fzoo BO 110 160 180 220 380 590 110 B5 tolurtoru . lf Eq. 2.4 yields a negative value for GI, it is taken as 0. . G/ calculated from F'q.2.4 is rounded-off to the nearest whole number. r There is no upper limit for GI r The G/ of soils belonging to groups A-l-a, A-1-b, A-2-4, A-2-5, and A-3 . /orams) - 15)(Pf - 10) Cumulative Mass Retained Percent Finer 25 25 98.71Yo 80 105 94.59Yo BB.92o/o Sieve # Size, mm Mass Retained 4 4.76 8 2.38 10 2 110 215 20 0.84 160 375 80.670/o 40 0.42 180 555 71.39Yo 60 0.25 220 775 60.05% BO 0.18 380 1155 40.46Yo 100 0.149 590 745 200 0.074 '1'10 855 10.05% 4.3A% 85 940 Pan Total 1 940 From the table shown: Percent r€tained in No. 200 sieve = 100% - 4.38% Percent retained in No. 200 sieve = 95.620/o a) \ 67 68 Chapter 02 of Soil - Classification F GeotechnicalEng b) Effective grain size, Dro = 0.149 mm c) Uniformity coefficient, C, = Doo/Drc Uniformity coefficient, C, = A.25/0.1,49 ilnentals of t'chnical Engineering Chapter 02 l, * Crassifi:?tiffi 6q ='1.,68 /PROBLEM O2.2 A soil has the following particle-size distribution: Cravel = 20% Sand = 10% Silt = 30% ClaY = 4g"1 Classify the soii according to USDA textural classification system. SOLUTION 90 Modified percentages of sand, silt, and clay: Modified %sand* " %sand I00 -%graael = 10010 * 20 Modified % silt -%graael 30 100 o/o clay ' '4i - 70 60 s0 40 30 20 10 PercentaEe of sand 0 The lines eorrespond to each percentages interseci on the clay rep;iotr, thus, the soil is clay. %silt = L0Q Modified = 1,2*5% B0 'l - 20 1n co/ - Jl J to o/"cloY 00 -o/ograucl 100 - t,troBLEM 02.3/ { l,rssify the following soils by the AASF{TO classification system. 20 Description Percent finer than No, 10 sieve Percent finer than No. 40 sieve Percent finer than No. 200 sieve Liquid limit Plasticitv index Soil A Soil B Soil C B3 100 48 48 28 2A 92 86 20 7A q 1a 6 Nonplastrc SOLUTION To classify a soil according to this table, one must applv the test data from left to right. By process of elimination, the first group from the left into which the test data fit is the correct classification Soil \ A: Per"cent passing No. 200 = 20'/,< 35% TIrc soil is either A-1, A-3, or A-2 7A Chapter 02 - Classification Fundament of Soil Geotechnical Chapter 02 hnical Engineering E passing No. 10 = BZ'% > 50, it is not A-1-a % passing No, 40 = 48 < 50 % passing No. 200 = 20 < 25 Thus, the soil is {,-1.b, with GI = 0 Thus, the soil is A-1-b(0) - Classification of Soil % Soil B: Percent passing No, 200 =- SOy,, SSy" The soil is either A-4, A-5, A-6, or A-Z LL = 70 > 40, it is not A-4 PI = 30 > 10, it is not A-5 is not A-6 tt ' #:'10:it PI < LL .30, the soil is A-7-5 Gr = (86 -3s)[0.2 + 0,005(70 _ a0)] + 0.01(86 _ 1sx32 _ 10) GI - l0 t/0 f:, I; 33.47 use 33 Therefore the soil is ,4-7-5(33) Soil C: 0 Percent passing No. 200 = 6%< gS%, it is A-1, A-3, or A_2 % passing No, 200 = 6% < S0 % passing No. 40 = 28% < 30 % passing No, 10 48 < 50 = Thus, the soil is A-1:a and GI = 0 Thus, the soil is A-1-a(0) Particle Diameter, mm Size (mm) Weight Retained 0.25 0.1 49 33.1 0.074 45.03 0.052 0.02 0.01 0.004 0.001 Pan 18.96 I 54.51 42,66 1 1,85 4.74 4.74 21.33 Weight - Grain size curve Retained Accumulated Weioht Percent Finer 18.96 18.96 92% 49 33.1 8 52.14 78o/o o.074 45.03 97 17 59o/o 0.052 54.51 151 .68 36% 0.02 42.66 194.34 18o/o 0.25 The table below shows the laboratory results of the sieve analysis of a sam Plot the grain size curve of the soil in the attached Figure 02.i0. The soll h liquid limit of 35'/, and plasticity index of 26%. craisity the soil accordi a) USCS, b) USDA, and c) AASHTO. 0.1 Figure 02,9 Size (mm) lPROBLEM O2,4 01 0.1 0.01 11.85 206.1 I 13To 0.004 4.74 210.93 11Yo 0.001 4.74 215.67 9o/o 21.33 237 Pan Total 237.00 7l Chapter 02 of Soil 72 - I 80 70 of Soil D O) 60 & 50 o o L 40 / s o 0) o- Classification Percent sand (2.0 mm to 0.05 mm in diameter) = 100 - 33 = Percent silt (0.05 mm to 0.002 mm) = 33 - 1'0 - 23% Percent clay = 1gY D 90 '6 v) a - 6 u) o 30 0- 20 Deo = 0,08 10 I :o = 0,02 (,tt 0 0.001 Dn = 0.0022 0,01 c 0) o o I , 0- i L 33% 0.1 Particle Diameter, mm al 73 b)usDA 100 ;s Chapter 02 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Classification .10% 05 mm llt USCS: Percent passing No. 200 sieve (0.074 mm) = 59% > 50% Therefore, the soil is FINE GRAINED. 0.1 0.001 Particle Diameter, mm 0 LL = 35% < 50% (ML, CL, or OL) From the plasticity chart, with LL * 35o1, and PI = 26%, the soil is CL r00 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Percentage of sand From the chart shown, the soil is sandy loam I I I I 20 100 677o 74 Chapter 02 - Classification Chapter 02 Fundamentals Geotechnical E of Soil - Classification of Soil c) ASSHTO Percent passing No, 200 sieve (0.074 mm) = 59% > 35% "Silt-clay materials". Use Table 02,3. General classif ication ' ',,,, .' :,:',. Silt"clayrnaterials . (more than35o/tof total sample pasSing No. 200) A-7 Group classification A-4 A.5 A-0 A:7"5" A-7-6b Sieve analvsrs (oercentaoe oassinol No 10 No. 40 No. 200 36 min "/ Characlerislrcs of fraction passing No, 40 Liquid limit PlastioitV index Usual types 0f sionificant constituent materials 40 max. 10 max r' r r' 36 mln, 41 min, x 40 max. r 11 min, 36 min. 10 max. Siitv soils General suborade ratino 6 b r' 36 min r' 41 min. { 11min. Clavev soils Fair to pool For A-7-5, Pl s LL - 30 For 4-7-6, Pl > 11.30 o."Jv U) oc The soil cannot be A-4 because its P/ = 26% > 1,0%. The soil cannot be A-5 because its LL = 35% > 41,y". The soil is 4-6 Solving f or Cl: G/ = (Izoo * 35X0.2 + 0.005(LL - 40)l + 0,01(Fzoo - 15)(P/ - 10) Cr= (se - 3s)[0.2 + 0.00s(35 - a0)] + 0.01(5e - 15X26 - 10) ct= s70 o 60 ,s a 840 0) L30 10 0 0.01 0.001 11.24 0.1 Particle Diameter, mm Thus, the soil is ,4'-6(11) Figure 02,10 /PRoBLEM Oz.5IcE MAY 2003, ' size. &) Determine the nearest value to the coefficient, of uniformity, C,. c) Classify the soil according to the Unified Classification System, using Percent Passing, (or % Finer) Sieve No Diameter (mm) +.76 90 B 2.38 64 10 2.00 58 20 40 0.84 35 0.42 0.25 22 following: Table 02.1. Grain size curve SOLUTION The table below shows the laboratory results of the sieve analysis of a iimple; Plot the grain size curve of the soil in the attached Figure 02.1b. Determine the a) Determine the nearest value to the effective - 60 100 :t:il,r$ttg 200 4.074 15 ilrr:i 10:: 4 % 75 _ 76 Chapter 02 of 'rarrrtr' Soil a) - Classification damentals Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri, of Chapter 02 I".r."iiritrgineering Effective Size: The Effectiuc Size, Dro, is the diameter of the particles of whi 10% of the soil is finer. D16 is an important value in regulatir flow through soils and can significantly influence the mechani< behavior of soils, ^- (Dro oi )' From the graph, ^ :)-:::1 ::: C.= (0,63)2 Dao = 0,63 mm =1.21 (Betweenl&3) For this problem, Dro = 0.149 mm Since C, > 6, C, is between 1 & 3, the soil bI Hrlr[ 0rvisrons Coefficienl of rrniformitv: Group Symbols Typical Names GW Well-qraded gravels and gravel-sand mixtur6s, lrttle or no fines GP grave[sand mixtures, little o az I 85 o o) c60 ,6 Arn "" I 5S :n 3 fl c 40 Gl\,4 E >4 CC= {Dm)2/(OroxDm) Between 1 & 3 Nol meeting both criteria for GW or s I= p &go Clayey Oravels, gravel-sandclay mixtures 't 2A Co uz I o co Poorly graded sands and sands, liltle or no Fffily ,e E"E 3gi 0 u.ul u.r \o.r+s \,, '10 63 ' Particle Diameter, mm D,ro Dro Dn= 0.149 From the grain size curve shown , Dsa = 2.2 mm =14.8 Pait 3 Classification of soil: Percent gravel (retained in # 4 sieve) = 700% - 90'/o Percent gravel (retained in # 4 sieve) * 10% )zz ==.ig qo:€ 9O 6= a>E oo6 i = Alterberg limits plot bel0w'A'line 0r Plaslicily index less than 4 Atlerberg limits plol above "A" line or Plaslicily index greater than 7 Atterberg iimits plottinq in hatched area are borderline classifications roquirirg use of dual symbols '9.4 e oi\ 10 cq frE '6 IH ! a6 Silly gravels, gravel-sand-sill mixlures II o 0,1,49 "(DodDrc) :E Poorly graded gravels and 0 lt )) C,.= ''' Cu rE hp oo - '- Cla6silication Criteria no fines bE s70 9? SW (WelI graded sand) (, ,'ll-llll{ o- is Dso, I ta soir 77 Dro Doo 0.1.4e(2.2) Th,e Aaersge Grain Size diameter of the soil is - ' Classification - E 8 SM Silly sands, sand-sill mixtures SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures 3 E .9o d2 > 1sH a q9 *& b-z o =89 Not meeiing both criteria for SW Atterberg lrmits plot below "A'line or Plaslicilyindex less lhan 4 5 = Alterberg limits plol above "A" line ot Plaslicily index grealer than 7 Atlerberg limits plotling in hatched Br€a ar6 borderline classiflcalions requiring lse of dual symbols Chapter 02 -.Classification of Soil 78 Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineer Using Figure 02.3 q< AB __----l----- r Ia:th 3s[3 lr- lrL VV'lr a@o 2t/ ;lit, r'{ vv Y+ rV ^rV A,rt ^ ooooco aS;s"<EP:e.g c60@o6 d dd idt d qqqqqg <:.Eg gE.E q +€ € S $ -:i33= *E= €€: ;6 a ddd = a a^\ x \ /{ \en A /l\ /l\ /l\ JJJJ {I qcna.aa(,Qoooooo r€ IIFF 6i3? = ii5< a JJII ." ri. \/{ H ir E=r 80 \t l\ii lF l,Wn FiF < 9 s Po e Po 'r JIJ pp v ll/l\ \ 3 ll a"r\ x \ ", l\=": Wn \+l pI PJfF lP e = = rp=H g8g isiE l lol l,l ttt l,l I/t \/l VJ o.o .r€ i * elfs €oEi: 6Hs t o." o" E =@ ac- €= I I $+o / 0) troo ,,1c. I 20 I 1 / 10 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 Particle Diameter, mm EE9.g EfggE5 $;g;€€€6 EEES dqe€ EEEEE$$g BE$$ EEEBi- E€EEgE$E qq= P966 5 i=331ii? 5'F' ia='+=+== E.s s+se€e== s E 5 iidi*'r'gg <=;-F6:Pddo-e-==;;E Sqa E4e* ' rqi sI* EE.g Ess 8El ;Ee 3s €= I Alr 6 o \{h !o q :ll 70 o^^ c0u I / I 9t/ //// /) /t /,/,"4"4 .4/l/l el v* A/+,4A rv^,!^v^rv^ "{vv rv VA ylyAy1 ylyly1yA YlYA €-<9 ::€il< :",<F What is the classification of soil B? 90 3P =:p i. e io e = \/ i/ii II F-- 1F+; dsddaaaa ) Grain Size Curve $s" s$ee$ s-c$$ ss$-*S- $-$-s$$S-E ;S.<Ee;9 e+Ais{ sf,sBsssg EEEts ssBEssgE sEBE .r,rovv+ .rov+ v,l,vr+v+v !P=€ vvvvvv +vJ+JvJ,r. ;JJ; @@ao6u) <=6! 79 100 EE l\i. l\- i: \:n \:s F of Soil a -s;*ps EfiEI PP <qq Classification fr1 What is the classification of soil A? __,---i----_ '!--\-'"+ at/11/l\\/ x l\, ,.{ \rn , - llrt,grain-size curves for soils A and B is shown in Figure 02.11. lt is required tr e lassify the soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System. rt) Determine the value of the coefficient of uniformity of soil A, ?6 ,* ,t\ Chapter 02 PRoBLEM 02.6lCE NOVEMBER 20031 f$..--*-ff--.-$9 * oo eppp/l\ps, tdamentals of Eeotcchnical Engineering Figure 02.11 * Grain size curve 10 Chapter 02 of Soil 80 - Classification Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri chapter 02 - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Uniformity coefficient, C,= = S.Z ffi Coefficient of curvature, C. = Coefficient of curvature, C. = Ctassifi:T,i.J g l' Dro Doo 0.172 = 0.903 0.10(0.32) Classification: Retained on No. 200 sieve = 1.00% (more than 50%) Coarse-Grained Soil Passing No. 4 sieve SOLUTION - 100% (more than 50%) Ssnds Grain Size Curve 6; C. = 0.903 (not between 1 and 3) 100 C, = 3.2 < 90 Since the soil does not meet both criteria for SW, 80 * 70 oi '6 60 L 50 o o o o o 0 Soil B: Dro = 0.15; Dso = 0.66; Dr,o = 2.1' Uniformity coefficient, C,,= ?.1. # 0,15 Uniformity coefficient, C, = 14 40 Coefficient of curvature, r,= 30 2p m = ffi Coefficient of curvature, C, = 1.38 10 Classification: Retained on No. 200 sieve = 96% (more than 50%) 0 0.1 Particle Diameter, mm Coarse-Grained Soil Passing No. 4 sieve = 90% (more than 50%) Sands Soil A: The soil is either SW, SP, SM, or SC Prs = 0.10; Dn = A.77 D,,,, = 0.32 Uniformity coefficient, C = C,,=14>6 C. = 1.38 (between 1 and 3) :!q Dro Therefore, the soil is SW is SP - Chapter 02 82 Fundamentals of Classification Geotechn ical Engineering of Soil Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ut sA<G d- oo rvl ;e -----+ ------- o classifi:?rff g3 Using Figure 02.3 for Soil B; Using Figure 02.3 for SoilA; s(, $I chapter 0z - .--tl +..s o il -----1--'- /l V ? $ ;s aR E q6 Ss o6 ,4 oi_ -o *--E= Ii YVv l (naa 9t^ a -0 €€aq€€ +.t ., '1, v 'taa60a@ €q3Y€= _'_dor.o 'lv aa U) a t .a ? /l A]V ;s ;e ;e ;e ;e a! aS:s:e il ddd dd il il a66.66 q q :q ., , vv+ JJ v,.,v r!n j= '1, g!=E ',3g ,6 r?= s9: o9. il q -od €a 5 {€ <-{ =. g_o*= e agq 9 2_. ae F6 f J9€ 6 x€Pq a'il- €q s q 6 ?, q'qqa €? ? €q 3 q \ o oo IV nlv i,, oo IT -rarI il aa-a-a €. .9. <.d= ,f,,,.E E',4 ; a t_It t/ lt 1/l ltt n E€! AI ll ll 9.t ll ll v{ Y1Y1 q3q3 ioi o e. -eissass<* 6@6@6A ef fE qa 9E a€ f q ii43€ e6 ! S as a<= qqgq-qq E = e F'- JJJJ = (t@a@ PT€€ 29,:nt) r/ s O < lv^rv^rv rv^ oooo sss.*.e"<saF oa@@ 6il6ilJ6ild. qq9qq.qqg vvv+.rv vvv.l,.rvvv PPPP===€ .e€Eeo€*s eq€QBS <<da= $S= q5 a a= €€2 ; oQ =@ F'* ,ll ll ll /{&4'/v ,4 ,:^YAYl oooqoo ES;S;<.s ,€5€+++5 = ?ttA 3 o e9 3 q9 io e Ho a(n@ o .r+vrr'r+v vv.r., sri.r. aq. q .9.P a ==*=i - - j,i,J q, 14 t\ t\ I \n' I \" EEAQB&*A A3 - .PCE r( 6), zlA '/l'l ;€.sle EEE il q 555 v vvv ! o!o!F 5Y€ :dQB o IA l\ r9 != o \xl \/l \/i VJ s rl =: lr ,,J J v', oo TT oT oc €: ooF o6) oc o< o< ? 1,4 f I I ;/t/) v* v* v* t t{' 9V{y9 t4 ,r' ,4 oo T€ ry <3.P{€€ qqi.i99 ge€€2P e€gPqe ooe-9{ dor 55+ *= EBab =a=. ! i€€== P :F pi8836q g d d € d arggE, -& :B P .^ qeq g E d od il 6 zq 9s €5 .q -{ .=.{.=.fg =E.q9q 2. =. t9 g a6 ,i ,6:P qa 9. F g F ia I q q ,q :9 _{. o a E o AA ,t{'l+ t E dPFF o dil9e 8BH6 E (a"rY4 '4 Y1Y1Y1 YlYA oooooo e;ss s llesssi{ i.e .s.SESA ESEEsS E SE aaaaaa a .t,vvv vv.LvvV v ,vv,vv -t,,],., .rvv+ ! ag99t2.e. r !r ,F€ q L5 \ ! I o- ln rI o el 82. ( I v 3 9Q o: E d< g a ! lrr vvv ooo E5 €ad =s 9* i/ @d d q o 5qP Iqd. ;3q eg e.= \/ oodd€€€{ aoi.aEd== d d = =< r^ r lrr/W PP=S *ebf -o)i \/ *r*rsEEE ss9 ggq9d.dd.d r=r5=-=E <,5 3o E -<o a - \a \i, \i YAY \"1 t\ \i IA PP <gE v,, ,1,'t+',+ ooooo .? 1r s, \xl \r qq= q I I 'r't FF=F E .e€.EE ee ddggEE66 <5q9 J$XX e.i.i t e€ € €q €€----eQQ€ ! Qq{P = 2 ETE-g **EE HH TEBEHHFB PXoo tr60u HT&3 :;68 a HEHES€-€,€d oq (-o r 6@doOe 6 *gs4 cP=. e ilildd;6f;6 EEBE qq€ dts= E.rS a 6asaiiaa wvvv I ] I ^o \P, rll aooc) <PP€= PEPc) i t L, l tQOoo I \) < ? fi/=/ ^ 11 ll a I / aA)'i y! y* vY v{ PV Y-V vV tLt vt v^rv^lv^rv^ Y.A.YA YAYA oqoq d6oo oooo sEE*Es;s EeEQ ;e:e+-SEsSasX 660@ qEqq SS EESqEqEq ail;il adao da dddad.a6-d 5*;5 ',P ,t"l I fr r'\ p 5, ^lv s5 \,t \./ {r41, ,/ \ F 1P iF F q q iro = Fo q lr vv oo C 3A =xoqoo ':.:adE Il\a\Ll\.n = €= @o o o< / & / /l vvil ^ v{ {+ v v ^rv ^ ^ oor6uo9 ;sIS.s;s;S;S :_T .I t\o^ \ rl o< ,- i I t\ \ p fr \A l\ss, \ fr v'z!! 90 o p t, IV a a EPEE qq€ E,' 1a g o zU 3 o 84 Chapter 02 or 50il - Classification Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri Ftrrrclamentals of Chapter 03 t,r'otechnical Engineering - Flow of Water 85 through Soil Chapter 03 Flow of Water throu h Soils ,.I DARCY'S LAW J Section a-a Outflow \ Figure 03. 1 - Flow of water through soil l),rrcy's law governs the flow of water through soils. Darcy (1856) proposed llr,rt the average flow velocity through soils is proportional to the gradient of llrt' total head. The velocity of flow is: \ u=ki \\ Seepage velocity, a, = uf Eq.3.1 n Eq. 3.2 \ tv l \ r,'rt' t= /, rr I HI "- I =,,hvdraulic L,/ ./ - c6efficient - porosity sradient of permeability or hydraulic conductivity, m/s or m/ day Chapter 03 - Flow of Water through soil 86 Fundamentals of' Geotechnical Engineering The flow of water is: Q=kiA Eq. 3,3 Chapter 03 _ Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Fl.* "r#ltfi gl 3,2.2 FALLING.HEAD TEST 'lhe falling head test is used for fine-grained soils because the flow of water through these soils is too slow to get reasonable measurement from the constant-head test 3.2 DETERMINATION OF THE COEFFICIENT OF PERMSABILITY 3,2. I CONSTANT.HEAD TEST The constant-head test is used to determine the coefficient of coarse-grained soils. perr": Porous stone Soil specimen Porous stone q\ \t V E tb€l H-{= Figure 03.3 - Falling-head permeability test Graduated flask . I t-_ ft_-_-_.-. Figure 03,2 - Constant head permeability VL ' . k= :: tAlt A(t) - t1) test where: Eq.3.4 d /rr = head at time = head at time where: / = duration of water collection /r- \ lnllr- I Eq. 3.5 \hz ) \ = cross-sectional area of the siqndpipe /r2 V = volume o[ water collected in time f /l = constant head A = cross-sr.ctional area of the soil L : length of soil sample aL fr fz \ \ I ) 3.2.2 EFFECT OF WATER TEMPERIITURE Ory 6 'I'lre hydraul'ic concluctivitV of solL4s a function of unrt weight of water, and tlrrrs, it is affected by r,vater;*<rr1f,erature. The relationship is given by: \ \ \ Fundamentals chapter of o: - rowoYltji Geotechnical Engineering gq Ground surface @ Direction of seepage . Impervious layer Figure 03.5 * Flow through permeable layer With reference to Figure 03.5, the hydraulic gradient is: Hydraulic gradient, i = sin ct Eq. 3.8 3.4 EMPIRICAL RELATIONS FOR HYDRAULIC CONDI.'CTIVITY 3.4.1 HAZEN FORMUIIA (for fairly uniform sand): k(cm/sec)=c(Dro)2 Eq. 3.9 where c = a constant that varies from 1 to1.5 Dro = effective size, rhm .... 3.4.2 CASAGRANDE (FOR FINE TO UM CLEAN SAND}: k=L.4e2 where t. hydraulic conductivity at void = k at void ratio of 0,85 - Eq.3.10 tio e Chapter 03 - Fldw of Water Fundamentals through Soil Geotechnical Engineeri kT, - vT, lu,T, kT, |rr, f u,Tz where: kT.,,krr= hydraulic conductivities at temperatures Tr andT2, respectively V"r,,Vr, = viscosity of water at temperatures Tr and T2l respectively T w'f, rT a,7, - unit weight of water at temperatures Tl and Tz, respectively 3.3 FLOW THROUGH PERMEABLE LAYERS I h rkl..J.. t, ,l; H Permeable layer F(--- li L ' >l r1 Figure 03.4 - I Flow through permeable layer 4 ,l With reference to Figure 03.4, the hydraulic gradient i. is: I t,l i I Hydraulic gradient, I = L cos ! Eq 0. 3.71 90 Chapter 03 - Flow of Water Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri through Soil 3,4.3 I(OZENY-CARMAN EOUATION l'undamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering Chapter o, - t,*",i#lH H = -z )_ (kr)rq " k" .3 Eq. 3.11 Eq. 3.15 HZtzo where k is the hydraulic conductivity at a void ratio of e z- (k"),q-_T-Tk,t anci Cr is a constant, k"z t. Azn 3,4.4 SAMARASINHE. HUANG, AND DRNEVICH 3.6 FLOW THROUGH I.AYERS OF AOUIFERS where C: and rc c' Eq.3.12 1,+ e are constants to be determined experimentally. 3.5 EOUIVALENT HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY IN STRATIFIED SOIL Impervious layer Figure 03.7 * Aquifers in horizontal layers ' kee (LD = k., Ht + kz Hz Flow per unit width, q = k,ri i= Dt-Dz L D. +D" _z n= _, (1) Figure 03.6 - 2 Equivalent hydraulic conductivity in stratified soil 'The equivalent pcrmeability in the:r-direction is (parallel flow): (k)*H=Zk,z (k').q l 'l'he equivalent permeability in the z-direction is (normal flow): "lr=C.' "'r.+e i( = Lt- g H = k,t 4 * k^zzz* ... * Eq 3.1 3 k,,,2,, L \,I 3.14 Figure 03.8 - Non- a Eq.3.16 q2 Chapter 03 - Flow of Water Fundamen through Soil Geotechnical Engineer[ LL"L" k"- k" . D.,' Equivalent -D,' L " q)3 k: H1+H2 ,H _-h, 'kea k' D. +D. .-. 2 FrowJJ#lf; i=ht/(fu+Hr1 L U- - hnical Engineering For the entire system: Total head = hr Total length of soil = Hl + H, k" Flow per unit width, 4 = k"qia l-: chapter 03 Fundamentals of Totalflow, I H. _ +f- H" 4k2 kq q=k,riA At point A: -l 3,7 CONTINUITY EOUATION Head, H = FOR SIMPLE FLOW PROBLEMS h2 Length, L = yr h=hz/yr Permeability = k1 Flow, qa = kt ia A Continuity Equation; qt = q At point B: Head, h = ht Length, L=H1 +y2 is = h/ (H1 + y2) Permeability, \*Yz krqB = Flow, k"q a: H-t k.t .,, lz k2 qs =k,, e ia A Continuity Equation; qB= qA= q 3.8 HYDRAULIC OF UTELLS Figure 03.9 Consider the one-dimensional calculations rnay br.' applied: flow problem shown, The followi Urrderground water constitutes an i-po)'ispource of water supply, The $tratum of soil in which this water is present is \own as an aquifer. On the lrirsis of their hydraulic characteristics, wells are d\ided into two categories; graoity or water-table utells, and qrtesian or pressu\e wells.If the pressure at the surface of the surrounding underground water i{ atmospheric, the well is of the grauity typr; if this pressure is above atmospheric because an impervious soil stratum overlies the aquifer, the well is artesian. Assume that the water surrounding a :;t;.rtic conditions. The lateral flow of / f well ha/a horizontal surface under well requires the watey.4oward the 94 Chapter 03 - Flow of Water Fundamentals Geotechnical Engi through Soil existence of a hydraulic gradient, this gradient being caused by a difference pressure. To create this difference in pressure, the surface of the surroundi water assumes the shape of an inverted ,'coneu during pumping of the well, shown in profile in the figure. This cone is known as the corc of depression, t cross section of the cone at the water surface is called the circle of irtJluence, the distance through which the water surface is lowered at the well is the dra7.L)clo7,Jr. The discharge corresponding to a drawdown of 1 m is cal specific capacity of the well. FUndamentals of Gt:otechnical Engineering Chapter O: - FlowoofYlte.f gS ARTESSIAN UTELL ',8.2 R2 iR, i i<--)i i i .; ;&* 1 ..l 3.8.I GRAVITY WELL Rz' R, Bottom of well Figure 03.1 1 - Artesian well Drawdown Cone of 0epressron < 1', .tt 2xkt(h7 -h1) ln(R2 l' / u / R, ) Eq.3.18 I Iv lrr.'rc: lb, Rr, Rz are in meters = coefficient of permeability in Itt. ( m/hr Q = discharge in m3/hr. Figure 03.10 ^ - Gravity well * luz\ In(R2 / R1 ) I., TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SOILS f ,q. r rLow Ners nk(h"2 Eq 3.1V -1.---- / Firt'prage losses through the ground or through ealdh darns and levees and the rrl,rtod flow pattern and rate of energy loss, or y'l'ssipation of hydrostatic head, grap-fcal technique known as flow net. nr(' lrequently estimated by means of a I'hrw net is a graphical representation of a flow field that satisfies Laplace's e'lr,rtion and comprises a family of flow lines and equipotential lines. q6 Chapter 03 - Flow of Water Fundamentals Geotechnical Engi through Soil Chapter 03 Fundamentals of 6cotechnical Engineering - Flow of Water oa soil ' ' through where: k = coefficient of permeability H = head N/= number of flow channels = Number of flow lines minus one Na = Na = N. =* Nd s*idP Figure 03.12 - Flow nets A flow net must meet the following criteria: The boundary conditions must be satisfied. Flow lines must intersect equipotential lines at right angles. 3. 'Ihe area between flow lines and equipotential lines must be curvili squares. A curvilinear square has the properry that an inscribed can drawn to touch each side of the square and continuous bisecti results, in the limit, in a point, 4. The quantity of flow through each flow channel id constant. 5. The head loss between each consecutive equipotential line is constant. 5. A flow line canrrot intersect another flow line. 7. An equipotentiaI line cannot intcrsect another equipotential line. 1, 2. Flout line is the path followed by a particle saturated soil mass. of water as it moves t Equipotential line is a line connecting points of equal potential energy. The flow of water through isotropic soil is: Nr q=kH ' , N., number of equipotential (pressure) drops Number of equipotential lines minus one is called the shape factor lf the soil is anisotropic: N, r q='H , "lk"k. V ^ NI L\d Eq. 3.20 g8 - Chapter 03 Flow of Water Fundamentals of through Soil $cotechnical Engineering ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS ( - ,,,)' rr= l,r) k, ratio 1.1 0.9 Void through Soil 1'* e, *A- n=5.1 b) Value of G: The hydraulic conductivity for normally consolidated clay is given by following equation: on [k = f3-:- L+e ] ^ 0.302xtOr=Crfr11 1.1s K en = L] _ 1+c is the void ratio, Cr and n are constants to be dctermi experimentally. b) c) c) Value of k when Determine the value of n. Determine the value of C:. Estimate the lrydraulic conductivity of the clay at a void ratio of 0.2s. a) 1.+e €7" C, '1.+e1 G- *_!_ " l+c2 kl k.L . cr" - = 7*rl,o-n "2 !75=t)= solve this ! given:'(Refer to Figure Figure 03,13) Length of specimery L = L0 inches Diameter of specimen = 2.5 inches Head difference, lz = 22 inches Vrrlues are oll kt _ *n, = 0.75 lrrrr,r constant head laboratory permeability test on a fine sand, the following Value of n: - ase e k= A.5'14- rO"';#;:: paoBLEM 03.2 SOLUTION 1 Cs=0.39x10-7 k= a) 99 (1"2222)'= 2.781579 n log (7.2222) = log 2.787579 k (cm/sec) 0302x707 0.12 x'L1r Flow of Water 0.302x t0-7 _ft.r)r t+o.o ni;nj- - [o.e] 1.1i1 PROBLEM 03. I For a normally consolidated clay soil, the following values are given: where e * Chapter 03 1- ''' -.' / Water collected in 2 min = 0.044 in3 ,/ llrc void ratio of the specimen is 0.34. / rr) Determine the conductivity, k, of the soil in in/m/n. lr) Determine the discharge velocity through the soifl in in/min. , ) Determine the seepage velocity in in/min. I \\ r oo il:ffil?3,, t'"* orwater Fundamentals Geotechnical Enqi Chapter 03 f undamentals of Gcotechnical En gineering Seepage velocity, u, = - Flow of Water through Soil rot a n n=e/(1+e) n = 03a/ (, + 0.34) n = 0.2537 seeoase velocitv. u.- o'448x10-z 0.2537 Seepage velocity, a, = 1.765x 10-2 iny'min PROBLEM 03.3 A soil sample 10 cm in diameter is placed in a tube 1 m long. A constant supply of water is allowed to flow into one end of the soil at A and the outflow .rt B is collected by a beaker, as shown in Figure 03,14. The average amount of water collected is 1 cc for every 1.0 seconds. The tube is inclined as shown, a) Determine the average velocity of flow through the soil in cm/s, b) Determine the seepage velocity (velocity through the void spaces) in Figure 03.13 cmf s. c) Determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil in cm/s. solve this ! SOLUTION Discharge, Q = 0.022 in3/min lQ= kiA), 10 +' k = 0.2037 x 10-2 iry'min Dischargevelocity, u=ki = I Disclrarge velocity,, {).022 = r,,;€ J) 4\1 Discharge velocity, u = 0.448 x 10-2 iry'min Figure 03.14 t az ,.,l:ffi13i,;''"* orwater Fundamentals GeotechnicalE lundamentals of Chapter 03 Ceotechnical Engineering - Flow of Water through Soil I03 SOLUTION a) w.s. El. 140 m Average velocity Q=Volume/time=1/10 Q = 0,1 cc/s Averagevelocitv, ,= Average velocity, ,= Q A 0'1 - +(10). Average velocity, a = A,$LLZZ cm/s b) Seepage velocity: Seepage velocity, U u.. n Figure 03.15 e 1,+e 0.6 n= ___ SOLUTION + 4.6 tt = 0.375 "I Seepage velocity, Q= kiA zr.. = 0.375 Seepage velocity, rr. = 0.00339 cm/s c) 'I Coefficient of permeability: IQ=kiA) ,_ h _. (2-0.8) i* k = 3.5 0.au27 m/ day i=h/L=20/110 A = 1.5(350) * 525 m2 Q = 3,5(20/110)(52s) Q = 334.t m3/day x 1000 Lit/ms Q= 232 Litlrnin 0.'l = /r (1.2) + (10), k = 0.001061. = 10.G1x 10a cmls day/24 hrs x t hr/60 min solve this ! L1, 1,.2 xl PROBLEM 03.5 A falling-head permeability test was run on a soil sample 9.6 cm in diameter cm. The coefficient of 1r'rmeability of the soil was found to be 5 x 10-6 cm/s. The diameter of the arrtl 10 cm long. The head at the start of the test was 90 el,rrrd pipe was 1 cm. PROBTEM 03.4 (CE MAY t9c)91 A sand layer having the cross-section area as shown in Figure 03.15 has been determined to exist for a 350-meter length of the levee. The coefficient of, permeability of the sand layer is 3.5 m/day. Determine the flow of water into the ditch in Lit/min? ,r) Deiermine the flow at the start of the test, in cm3/hr. f,) Determine how much head was lost during the first 30 min r ) Determine the flow after 30 minutes, in cm3/hr. t Chapter 03 a4 :,.}ffi133,;''"*orwater GeotechnicalE alEngineering - Flow of Water through Soil r05 hz= 82.84 cm Lost of head = 90 - 82.84 Lost of head = 7.76 cm Using the formula: k=A(t2o!hf&-'l - t1) lnz ) 5xL0-6= f, (e.6)2 (1800 t.'29 h2 99 Figure 03.16 h2 - = .90 ln_ + (1)2 (10) * 0) b2 o11zs r0.0,,, h2= 82.84 cm Lostofhead=h-hz SOLUTION Part Lost of head = 7.1.6 cm a: h=90cm Q = kia * S x 10-6(90/ 10) * (9.6), Q = 0.003257 cm3/sec Q = 11.72 cm3/hr Part Part c: Head,h = 90 -7.16 = hAl a = 5 x 10-6(82.84/ lQ = b: | Jtt, a A -X A,= i()2=n/q Q = k iA = 5 x 1,06(h/1"0) t e.6), Q= i1o.ooo04608h) /rr = 90 cm I: n, (n oo82s44= ln (h2) = @ / 4)(0.00004608h) 4.41686 (9.6), LEM 03.6 A l,t'rmeable soil is underlain by an impervious layer, as shown in Figure 1 17. For the permeable layer, k = 0.0048 cm/sec. H= 3 m and cr = 5o. in cubic meter. / a)dh frlr, l]'= L J/tr * rr) Calculate the hydraulic gradient? l,) Calculate for the flow of water per meter width in m3/hr. r ) Calculate the total amount of water percolated per day per meter width, ? t=30min=1800s 1800 = 10) Q = 0.002998 cm3/sec Q = 10.79 cm3/hr , 1t', A, dlr r- - hz= 82.84 ," (eo) - tn (/r,) iir t 06 f^?3lH ?i,; &i '''* of warer GeotechnicalEn of Chapter 03 ical'Engineering Ground surface ffi - Flow of Water through Soil t07 q = 0.000048(0,087 16) (2,99) q = 0.0000125L m3/ s per meter q = 0.045 m3/hr per meter H. ffi Hi EI E, F1 c) h iii ii Figure 03,17 Volume percolated per day: Volume = 4f Volume =0.045x24 Volume = 1.08 m3 03.7 tcr flows through the permeable layer as shown in Figure 03.18. Given H = ft, h = 4.6 ft, L = 120 fl, s. = '1.4o, and, k = 0.0016 ft/,sec. Consider 1 ft width prpendicular to the figure, SOLUTION rr) Calculate the hydraulic gradient in percent? lr) Calculate for the flow of water per ft width in fl3 /hr. e) Calculate the total amsunt of water percolated per day per ft width, in cubic ft. a) Hydraulic gradient: I = Head loss/Length i=Ltanu/ (L/cosa) l=sincr i = sin b) 5o = 0.087L6 Flow per meter width: fq = kiAl A=3cosg,xL A=3cos50 A = 2.99 m2 k = 0.0048 cmlsec k = 0.000048 m/sec Figure 03.'t8 rt tos f#:ffi ?3,;''o*orwiter lii tr SOLUTION m, &. a) fi chaprer 03 _ of Fun Geotechnical Frowooj*tr:l nical Engineering tr) If i = 0.70, determine the total flow 4'in cme/sec. Hydraulic gradient: .h ,= ,L il, iit $ . ,= ' -cos 0 4.6 120 -cos L4o i = 0,03719 i* b) 3,7N/o Flow per unit width [q * kiAj A=Hcoscrxl A=3.5cos14ox1 A = 3.396 tt2 q = 0.0016(0.0 37'tg) (3.396) q = 2.02078 x 10+ ft:/sec q = Q.tuft ftt/hr c) PROBLEM O3.8 {CE MAY 2OO3l Consider the stratified soil deposit shown in Figure 03.19. where; 1. hydraulic gradient is equal; Lq = ir = iz= ... = in 2. quantity of flow in each layer is added to make the total flow q Note:.Darcy's equation a = ki and, 4 = aA; kpy ks2, ks,... kar are the of permeability of the individual layers in the horizontal direction. Consider unit width. a) Derive the expression for the equivalent coefficient of permeability in horizontal direction. b) Iftherearefour layers,3 mthick each, and km=2x1A3,kuz= L x 106, - 2 x 10-a, kHe = 1 x 10-3 in cm/sec, determine the equivalent coeffici of permeability in the horizontal direction. km SOLUTION Pafi Volume percolated per day: Volume = 0.72T5(24) Volume = 17.46its solve this ! ' Figure 03.19 a: q = azt = k i a l unit width perpendicular to the figure: q= (1xFI)(k,*)i = (1xH)(kut)l+ (1x Hz)(kni)i +(l xHsxkrd, + ,,, + (1, H,)(kir.), Considering . k,* = 1 i (km Hr + kuz Hz + kffi Hs+ ... +.kan H^) v. L lOg I ro Chapter 03 - Flow of Water Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri through Soil Part I trndamentals of (icotechr:ical Engineering Chapter 03 & Hr= Hz= Hs= He = 3 m km=2 x 10-3cm/sec knz=1x 1O-scm/sec km= 2 x1,0a cm/sec kns=7x10:scm/sec 1. .. -. (kmHr+kuzHz+kuoHs + ... + knn . k,* = t="1- ^req i Hn) + x (300) ?7[66[2 x 10-s(300) 1x 10-5(300)+ 2 104 (3oo)l o.ooo8o2u;'/;10-3 k,q = 8.025 x 104 cm/s k,uo = Part III: i = 0.70 q=k'*iA Considering 1 cm width: H=3m x4=12m Figure 03.20 H = 1200 cm A=Hx1=(1200X1) A=L2AA cm2 q = (8.025 x 104 )(0.70)(1,200) q = 0.674 cm3/s Per cm width Equivalent k: UIJ = r't l7l Krq @arallel flow) ,K 500_ 159 * solve this ! PROBLEM 03.9 Figure 03.20 shows layers of soil in a tube that is 100 mm x 100 mm in c section. Water is supplied to maintain a constant head difference of 400 across the sample. The hydraulic conductivities of the soils in the direction flow through them are as follows: Soil A B C (cm/sec) L x 10-2 3 x 10'3 4.9 x10a k Porosity, tt k,, lc"o L0-2 150 n_:00_ 10-3 4.9 xL0'a 3x = 0.001057 cmf sec k", = 1.057x10^-3 0.1057 m/secm/s Flow rate: lQ= kiAj 25o/. i = h/r- g2% l=400/500=0.80 22% Q = 0.001052(0.80)(10 x 10) g = 9.63456 srnt/g a) Calculate the equivalent k in m/sec. D) Calculate the rate of water supply in cm3/hr. c) Calculate the seepage velocity through soil C in m/sec. e = 904.4 cm3/hr - Flow of Water through Soil llt tl2 Chapter 03 - Flow of Water through Soil c) Funclamen Geotechnical Enqi Seepage velocity through soil C; fa, = o^u.f nf l)ave = Q/ A Chapter 03 - FIow of VTater through Soil @ ! (,tt u,u"=0.08456/(10x10) uave = 0.0008456 cm/sec u,u" = 0.08456 m/sec vs lrundamentals of (lcotechnical Engineering t- t,avel tL u"= 0.08456/0.22 u, = 0.384 m/s PROBLEM 03. solve this ! IO Given the stratified soil shown in Figure 03.21. The properties of each soil as follows: Coefficient of permeability: kn = 6.25 cmf hr, ks = 8.15 crtf hr, ko = 3.60 Thickness: Figure 03.2'l cm/hr ": SOLUTION H =1..20 m, H: = 0.30 m FIa = 0.50 m, Hs = 0.40 m 0.31 v Length: Lr = 0.8 m, L2= Q.7 Lt = L.5 m, Lo = 0.9 ^ m, 0.s o Determine the total flow per meter b) Determine the equivalent coefficient of permeability I -+ o.[ s: i'ii!,,k,. ::' :':-: + ' o.Bm ' o.7m ' Head,ft=1.8m a) t H"=0.8+0.7+1.5+0.9 Ho=3.9m -. h. t,= 7l L=Lr+Lz+Ls L=0.8+0.7+1.5+0.9 L=3.9m . l= 1.8 -3.9 i = 4.461.5 l.5m .... v ,.... ' o.9m I lt3 lt4 Chapter 03 * Flow of Water Fundamen Geoteclrnical Engineer through Soil lIo _. H k^^ k .H^ b=u "ee L@/k) a) = b) h"ri a1l I t5 a2l . k' "z eq 3.9 o.8o o.7o 1.5 0.9 r-25- r75*-eN- to k2.q= 5.272 cm/hr k2.r= 0.A5272m/hr = 0.5(1) = 0.5 m2 42 A canal is cut into a soil with a stratigraphy shou,n in Figure 03.22. Assume lkrw takes place laterally and vertically through the sides of the canal and vr'r'tically below the canal. The values of k = k, = k. in each layer are given. rr) What is the equivalent permeability in the horizontal direction through the sides of the canal, in cm/day. /r) What is the equivalent permeability in the vertical directions through the sides of the canal, in cm/day. t) Determine the equivalent permeability in the vertical directions below the bottom of the canal, in cm/day. 1.0 m 1.5 m qs: - 3.9 , 0.70 1.5 0.9 ^3 6.25i rn r sl5 r57 k3"q =,5.7035 cm/hr eq 0.80 k3"q = 0.057035 m/hr ar = 0.4(1) = 0.4 m2 qt = 0.057 035(0.4615X0.4) ry= 0.010529 m3lhr /n J iiirirlii:;ii'llrrii,!ei 2.0 m 1.2 m lqt = kt "o i a3l solve this ! PROBLEM 03. I I = 4.0527 2(0.4615X0.5) qz= 0.01217 m3/hr Solving for k"r(0.4615)(7.2 x 1) 36 (0.4615X0.3) = 0.00648 m3/hr Solving for qz: fqz= kz"ri * 0.9 g * 0.04681 t. through Soil 3.9 L5 , o.8o o.7o (rzs- L75 - 4s - t = 4,68:l cm/hr k1"o = 0.04681" m/hr a = 0.3 x.1 = 0.3 m2 Qz Flow of Water k"r= 0.05269 m/hr k"r= 5.269 cm/hr 4r: k1 uq q1 - Equivalent coefficient of permeability for all layers: lq = k"ri al 4.029179 , k- e9 " Chapter 03 Total flow, q = qi + q2+ ry Total flow, q = 0.00648 + 0.01217 + 0.010529 Total flow, q = 0.029179 m3/hr Total flow: Solving for [q Fundamentals of Er,otechnical Engineering 3.0 m ir:; 'i' :,r ,';' T- :Ii:ifr{li,l:tiit,.rl",,'.il:,ii a, /t\ 0 t I l':i:' r:, :'i :,rairi:' k=0.3x10{cm/s k=0.8x10'rcm/s Figure 03.22 t t 6 f,.}:ifi ?i,; '''* or water F GeotechnicalE mentals of echnical Engineering SOLUTION k, Chapter 03 1.0 m k,@q) Z1 Zt i+3+...+r through Soil lt7 Z" kr,, 5./ 1.5 2"1,0-6 2.0 m Flow of Water Ho ("q) krt krz 1.5 m - 1.2 0.3 x 10-a 3 0.8 x 10-3 = 7.18 x 10-6 cm/ s k,Gqt= A.620352 cm/day k,@q) 1.2 m 3.0 m FROBLEM 03. r 2 (NOVEMBER 2OO3) solve this ! A lt'st is set-up as shown in Figure 03.23. A c1rlindrical motrd 4" in diameter is frllt'd with silt to height fi = 0.2 ft, whose coefficient of permeability k1 = 3.6 x a) Equivalent permeability in horizontal direction though the of the canal (H, = 3 m) .7t. k,(.q) = k,r"d = *11o (rrkr, 1 i tttZ.a * + z2k*2 + l{}rfrlmin. "' + znk*r) 10-s) + 1.5(5.2 x L0-6) + 0.5(2 x 10+)l k,r"ql = 10.6 x 10-6 cm/s k* ("q) = 0.91584 cm/day b) Equivalent permeability in vertical direction though the the canal (H, = 3 m) t--Ho: -:-------:------ nz (eg.) aat La L-a..-a_ Ln kzt krz ,3 k.(uq) = krn ---l-=f5 t--l_ 2.3 x 10-s 5.2 x -*--6:5* 10-5 Zx70-6 k.("q) = 5.16 x L0-5 cm/b k. ("q) = 0.445824 cm/day c) Equivalent permeability in vertical direction though the igure 03.23 of the canal H"= 1.5 + 1..2+ 3 = 5.7 m A second coaxial mold is placed on top of, the first mold whose inside rlr,rrneter is d = L.5" and whose height is Hz = 0.30 ft. Its thickness is negligibte. llr.'insi\e of this second mold is filted with the same silt, but the annulairing \ \ \, I l8 Chaoter 03 rhrouqh - Flow of Water Chapter 03 F GeotechnicalEn Soit outside the small tube and outer tube is filled with sand whose coeffici permeability is k2 = 2,7 x 10 3 ftlmin . The test set-up is a permeameter of constant'head. Water is placed in the and maintained at a level h = 1.25 ft. above the level of the outlet. It ma considered that,the system consists of a fictitious soil of thickness.H = Hr and coefficient of permeabitity kf. hnical Engineering i=h/L i=1".25/0.5=2.5 ' A= td2 .1= to,s/12)2 . A=0.012271t2 Q, = 3.6 x 1 0a (2.5)(0. 01.227) Q, = L.1045 * 16-s f1slmin The following general equations may be useful: kuuq= H / | (ru/ k"i + (Hz/ k,z) + ... + (H,/ k,,)l kt, (1 / LI)lknt Hr i knz Hz + ... + kn H,l Path b: "q= Q6= a) What is the total flow of water in ftr/min? b) What is the equivalent coefficient of permeability, k1, in ft/min? ' c) What is the total amount of water that percolated after 55 minutes. k.eiA t. n"q - 0'5 -Ti-----12-I- 2.7 x7O-3 3.6 x 10-a k"o= 7 '5 x 10-a ft/min .l SOLUTION i=h/L i= 1..25/ 0.5 = 2.5 A= t(D2 _ d2) . A= tU#Y-(f )?l A = 0"075 ft2 Qb= (7.s x 10a)(2.5)(0.075) eu_1.40625 x 10-+ ft3/min Sand,k=2.7x10'3ft/min Q= Q,+ Qo Q = 1.1045 x 10-s + 1.40625 x10'a Q = 1,.5167 * 16-+ f1lmin Silt,k=3.6x10''ft/min Part b: e=k!il._ i=h/L i=1..25/0.5=2.5 A= tD' A= t(+)' A = 0.08727 f0 Pafta: Q Path a: Qo=kiA k = 3.6 x 104 r 1,.51.67 x 104 ft3lmin x L0-a = kf (2.5)(0.08727) 6.9518 x 104 fVmin 1..51.67 ft/min 4= . - Flow of Water through Soil llq t zo ,t,lffil?3,, part t'o* or water Chapter 03 Geotechnical c: V = Q x t = 1.5167 x 10-4 ft3/min x 55 min V = 0.00834185 ft3 x (100 cml3.28 ft)r V = 236.4 cml PROBLEM 03.I3 Refer to Figure 03.24. Given that Hr = 300 mm, Hz = 500 mm, and h= 600 and ttrat at z = 200 mm, /.t = 500 mm. [t is required to determine h at z - , The following general equations may be useful: k,uq= H / | (fu/k,) + (H2/ k,z) + ... + (H,/k*)) kn = (1' / H)[ kn Ht + knz Hz + ... + knn H, I "q a) b) c) What is the ratio k1/ k2? What is the value of h atz = 600 mm? If k1 = 5 x 10-6 cm/s, what is the equivalent k of soils 1 and 2? Part a: For the entire system of soil: lq=k,qiAl rl, H =vh't Krq 0.9 K 0.3 * !g kq = kt k2 0.8 _ kq t_ _ '' 0.3k2 +0.5kr k$z 0.8k1k2 0.3k2 + 0.5k1 ,H Figure 03.24 . L 0.6 0.8 = 0,75 - Flow of Water through soit l2t 122 Fundamentals of Chaoter 03 - Flow of Water through soit a ' = * 0.8k:l2 0.3k1_ + 0.5k1 - Flow of Water through Soil 123 0.7143k{H/A.q A = 0.5 kl A t( t0.75)A H = 0.42 o.6k,k" ' Chapter 03 6cotechnical Engineering 0.6-h*0.42 h=0.18m h=180mm 0'3kz + 0'5kt At point A: Head, H = 0.1 Length of soil, L = 0.2 Part c: kr=5x10-6cm/s 1rr= la: /1.8 i=a/z ir = 0.1/0.2 kz= 2.778 x . D=E "el = 0.5 fi = kt (0.5)A Qt = 0.5ktA 11 t- Kcq But 4r = q (continuity equation) o.Sk,A " o'6k$2 = 0.3k2 + 0.5k1 0.3k2+0.5kr=L.2k2 0'5 kt = g'9 L' kr = 1.8 kz kr/ kz = '1"8 B: Head, H = 0.3k2 + 0.5k, 0.8(5 x 10*6 )Q.778 x to 6 ) 0.3(2178 xt0-5 ) + 0.5(5 x 10-6 ) k", = 3'33 x 10-6 cm/s A solve this ! PROBLEM 03.14 IMAY ZOO4I A confined aquifer underlies an unconfined aquifer as shown in Figure 03.25. ( liven the following: Dt = 59 m, Dz = 41 m, Hr = 45 m, Hz = 33 m, Kr = 35 m/ day, ? r) k'"0: _ 0.4667 k2 k"s = 1'2857k2 k'"s = 0'7143kt qz=k',qiL q= k"qi L in horizontal Calculate the flow of water from one stream to another per meter width. llte. kl kz 0.6_ 0.3 +0.3 k'", 1,.8k2 k2 0,6 permeability l,) Calculate the hydraulic gradient, q.6=0.3+0.3 ftiei of dircction. L=0.3+0.3 L=0.6 Solve for cm/s. l:=27mfday,L=2km. ri) Calculate the equivalent coefficient Part b: At point - 10-6 0.9k, k, Figure 03.25 t24 ,tl3i,,lil?3,; Flow of Water Fundamentals Geotechnical En gineer:i Frrrrlamentals of Chapter 03 (*,otechnical Engineering SOLUTION El 38m w.s. -,ffk El 28m Part a: K,, H = ZKlt K*(33 + 4s) = 35(4s) + 27(33) K,q = 37.6'1.5 rr{d.ay Part lmpervious &: - n/l= Figure 03,26 78/2000 = 0.00e Part c: IOLUTION Q = K*iA A=ho,ux1= \tr (1)=56*z Q = 31.615(0.009X50) = 14.227 m3/day PROBLEM 03. t s (NoVEMBER 2OOt) The section of a cofferdam is as shorvn in Figure 03.26. If the coefficient permeability of the soil is k = 5 x 10-3 m/s, determine the seepage into ditches per meter length of the cofferdam. El 0 Impervious N, ta=kH , N,. H=38-18 H=20m I N7= number of flow channels I - Flow of Vfater throuqh Soil l2s 126 Chaoter 03 through - Flow of Water Fun GeotechnicalE Soit rrlamentals of cal Engineering chapter 03 _ Frow#sYl:; 127 N.r= 3 Na = number of pressure drops Na=7 '? q = (5 q " 10 3)(20): / * 0.043 m3/s per rneter Since there are two identical sides: 4=0.043x2 q = 0.086 m3/s per meter 03.I6 The section of a sheet pile is shown in Figure 03.27. The coefficient PROBLEM permeability of the soil is k = 4.2 x 10-3 m/s. Determine the seepage into downstream side per meter length of the sheet pile. N. 1q=kH * /vd I k=4.2x103m/s Nr= + Na=8 H=7 -2=5m q = 4.2x 103(5)f 4 = 0.0105 m3/s Per meter 4 =fi.S as PROBLEM 03. I 7 masonry dam shown in Figure 03.28, k = 5 m/ day' n) Determin" th" ru"puge flow per meter width of dam in liters per minute,. &) Determine the uplift pressure at A and B in kPa' cj Determine the upliff force per meter of dam. Assume that the uplift presspre under the dam varies uniformly' Irrrr the Figure 03.27 I \ \ \\ t zs :,l3L1!3,; '''* or water Fundamentals Geotechnical Engi Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering Chapter 03 t. flow,q=kH: ,Nd Seepage flow, q= S1f S11 9 Seepage flow, q - 40 18m m3 f day per meter =40x$x$x1000 * 27.78 Litlmin I 1m {,' I .," I b) Pressure at A and B: Pressurehead drop = A Pressurehead drop = f; Nd Pressure head drop = 2 m per drop Pressure head, ht= 18 Pressure head, hs = 18 Figure 03.28 SOLUTION - 2(1) = 16 m - 2(8) = 2 m Pt=l*h=9.8L(1.6) pa = 156.95kPa 30 ll m ------ri PB pa c) 1m = nl, hs = 9.81(2) = 19.62kPa Uplift pressure per unit length of dam: I t- t' >z---r' ! \ '. )./ 'r u= Pe!!.!_(30)x u= a) Flow per unit width: Number of pressure drops, Na = 9 Number of flow channels, N7 = 4 1 L56.99:79,62 U = 2,548.7 eg1 kN Flow of Water throuqh Soil *+_' Seepage - t29 130 Chaoter 03 - Flow of Water throush Soil Funda GeotechnicalEn Fundamentals of err,otechnical Engineering Chapter 04 - Stresses in soil l3l Chapter 04 Stresses in Soil 4.1 INTERGRANULAR STRESS, p6 (EFFECTIVE STRESSI lll('rgranular or effective stress is the stress resulting from particle-to-particlc r r)ntact of soil. pr.=pr-p", 4.2 PORE WATER PRESSURE, p* Eq.41 {NEUTRAL STRESSI l\rre water pressure or neutral stress is the stress induced by water-pressLlres, pru = lru hru Eq.4.2 Nrrte: For soils above water table, p* = 0. 4,3 TOTAL STRESS, PT l'he sum of the effective and neutral stresses. Pr=PttP,u 4.4 STRESS IN SOIL WITHOUT SEEPAGE (lonsider the soil layer shown in Figure 04.1. Eq. 4.3 132 Chaoter 04 in soil - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Stresses 4.5 Surcharge, q (kPa) STRESS - Soil layers with surcharge sti;T;fr I SS lN SATURATED SOIL wlTH SEEPAGE 4.5.I UPWARD Figure 04.1 chapter 04 - SEEPAGE and without seepage Total stress, pr i y* hn + q Neutral stress, p, = 0 Effective stress, p6 = Total stress, pr = Effective stress, O.r Tsaa pE = p"r - p* Figure 04.2 h5 + y^ h1 + q pr - Hydraulic gradient, i = hlHz q At point A: pr= l*Ht Pw=f*Ht i At point C: Total shess, pr = lxtthx * lsatlh2+ y^h1 + Q Neuhal stress, p, = fwho At point otPt=*Tuzhz+^lnhz+\^ht+ 4 Pr= Pr'Pu = 0 B: Pr = lsat z1 * Yp Ht Effective stress, pE = pr - ?* ' Soil with upward seepage ht=ixs1=i(h/Hz) p, Pr*Yar.hs+Y*h1 + - Pr=Pr-P*=fuzt-\r,ht P,-f*(4+Hr+hi At point C; Pr = lut Hz + Y*.Ht Pe=Pr'9,r=yoHz-I*h P*=T,(Hz+fu+h) The seepage force per unit volume of soil is: F = iY'u Eq. 4.4 t34 Chapter 04 in Soil - Stresses GeotechnicalEng 4.5,2 DOWN\T/ARD SEEPAGE ntals of technical Engineering Chapter 04 - Stresses in Soir 135 EFFECT OF CAPILLARY RISE TO SOIL STRESS Eapillary rise in soil is demonstrated on the following figure. A sandy soil is plrrccd in contact with water. After a certain period, water rises and the Yariation of the degree of saturation with the height of the soil column caused by capillary rise is approximately given in the figure. :wT 1000/o Degree of saturation (o/o) Variation of degree of saturation with heiqht Figure 04.3 Hydraulic gradient, i = h/ hr= i x a= i(h/Hz) - Soil with downward Hz i i: , seepage Figure 04.4 - Capillary rise in soil 'l'ltc degree of saturation is about 100% up to a height ft1. Beyond the height &1, water can occupy only the smaller voids, hence the degree bf saturation is less tlran 100%. At pointA: Pr=l,Ht 'l'hc approximate height of capillary rise is given by Hazen as: P*=I*Hr Pt= Pr-P*=0 At point . hr= ,z: C ,pl B: P'r=lxt4+lpHt Pw=T,(4+Hr-hr) pE*pr-P**lozr+l,kr where D16 = effective grain size, e = void ratio, and C = a constant that varies flom L0 to 50 mm2. 'l'he pore water pressu re, pw, ata point At point Eq. 4.5 C: in the layer of soil fully saturated by r',rpillary rise is: pr = lsarH2 + Y* Ht ?.=|,(Hz+H1 -h) P*= -Y*h Eq. a.6 PE=Pr-Pt=YuHz+Y*h where h is the height of the point under consideration measured from the glound wa{er table. I \ \ 136 Chaoter 04 in soit - Fundam Stresses GeotechnicalE a partial saturation is caused by capillary action, the pore water can be approximated as: If P* = 'S Yrh where S is the degree of saturation at the point under consideration. Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter 04 - Stresses in Soil 137 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS PROBLEM O4.1 ICE NOVEMBER r998) 20. Nov 98: A clay layer 4m thick rests beneath a deposit of submerged sand 8 rn thick. The top of the sand is located 3 m below the surface of a lake. The rraturated unit weight of sand is 25 kN/cu. m and of clay 20 kN/cu. m. [)ctermine the total vertical pressure (P) at mid-height of the clay layer: Consider the soil layer shown in Figure 04.5: -r i' SOLUTION + I h Bm Sand, 25 KN/m3 Figure 04.5 lpr = Ly At pointA: pr720(2) + 25(8)+ e.81(3) Total stress, pr = yr hr + yzhz Pore water stress, pu = -51 Y6 h3 At point B: Totalstress, Pr=yht,+yzh Pore water stress, At point ' r*h + y. h*) p7 = 269.43kPa , pw = 0 C: Tothl stress, pr = y ht + Y2h + Wh4 PROBLEM O4.2 (CENOVEMBER 2OOOI A clay layer 25 feet thick is overlain with 50 feet thick of sand (G = 2.71). The water table is 20 feet below the sand (ground) surface. The saturated unit wcight of clay is 141 pcf. The sand below the water table has a unit weight of l2li pcf. The sand above the water table has average moisture content of 20%. Aftcr drying, the sand was found to have a dry unit weight of 92 pcf. Dctcrmine the effective stress at the mid-height of the clay layer. TOLUTION For the sand above the water table = C --f. l+c I Chapter 04 _ Stresses , Fundamentals of , Geotechnical Enqineerinq ih s.,it l3e i PROBLEM O4.4 ICE MAY 2OO2) I rhe soil shown in Figure 04.5 has a void ratio of 0.50 and G = 2.70. ht = 1 .5 m, [ /rz=3m. What is the effective unit weight of sand in kN/mr. I a) e) What is the effective stress at point A in kpa. I c) wnat is the critical hydrautic gradient rr:l (for quick condition). "t I . . solve this ! t ;Yu*i11'ti,,"',;'Uffi I I I l'"'r, I I II I II I I I Errec,ive uni, weigh, :::::, uni, weish,, yr) "'=,!fi'o, b).,,":::::::]'-^r1.,!,'r?riJ;!,iL,+ Ptor^r e81(15) = 77.499 kPa P, = 9.81(3 + 1.5) p*= 44.1,45kPa =-p.,t,t.- pu,l p-* = 77.499 ( ,. - 44.145 P*r=33'354kPa i - Chaoter 04 138 in Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri Stresses Soit s2= ' e - 62.+1 = 0.838 = lYsana lL l+e G +GMC --17-'{* r+e - lsano "-^-, I 2.7L + 2.71.(0.2),Ur.n, 1+0.g3g \--'-l T*na = 110'4 Pcf |a h)b"to, *ut", tuo," + (I' Yi' h)above watet table yr = (141 - 62.4\(12.s) + (128 - 62'4X30) + 110'4(20) Ye = 5158.5 Psf Yr = (I PROBLEM O4.3 (CE NOVEMBER 2OOll A !;round profile consists of '2 m of -silty sand underlain by 3 m of -clay: grJund water table is 3 m below the ground t"t'llu.'-The sqnd has a i,eight of 1.4 kN/m:. The clay has a unit weight of 16 kN/m3 above the w tabl; and 20 kN/m? below the water table. Determine the total stress at bottom of the clay laYer. solufloN ,i * |c h, + Y"h, +M(2) + QQ(2) 16(1) pT = |csat he1 pr= pr = 84kPa - Chaoter 04 l40 in Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri Stresses Soit c) Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering G-1 -. ll.= - ^l Stresses in soit l4l Vertical effective pressure at A before lowering of the water table: a) - L+e 21'1. L, - - SOLUTION Critical hYdraulic gradient: . ' Chapter 04 lpo=Zyr,hl pa = (1.20 - 62.4)(12.s) + (135 pa = 4,350 psf 1+0.5 i, = 1,133 - After lowering of the water table: b) solve this ! PROBLEM 04.5 (CE MAY 2002l, - 62.4)(50) Ground surface ]-TI tr_ zsrt s0ft to20%. a) what is the vertical e{fective pressure at the midheight of the clay T- before lowering of the water table, in psf' I b) What is the veitical effective pressure_at the midheight of the clay la after lowering of the water table, in psf' 4 \4r1i;;,i.;r3-"i*r1rr".t** pr"rs,r." when there is nr: water in the 25ft layer, in psf. J Water table Ground surface Solving for y* (20% saturated) y,,= 116 + 0.2(135 y- = 119.8 pcf 50ft 116) a = (120 - 62.4) (12.s) + (135 Pa = 5530 Psf p c) I T_ 25ft Vertical effective pressure at A when there is no water in the sand layer: pa = (120 - Pa = 6,710 ]Figqre 04.7 FROBLEM - 62.4)(25) + 119.8(25) 62-.4)(12.5) +119,8(50) Psf 0+.6 ICEMAY 2OO3l Tlrc ground water li:vel in a thick, very fine sand deposit is located 2.0 m bekrw the ground surface. Above the free ground water line, the sand is 142 Chaoter 04 in soit - Stresses a) What is the total stress in kPa on a horizontal plane A located b) c) mentals of technical Engineering F GeotechnicalE 4.5 below the ground surface? What is the pore water pressure in kPa'at this plane? What is the effective vertical stress in kPa in plane A? SOLUTION x d16) ex dn C = 0.20 cm2 dio = 10 Fm drc=10x10-6m dn = 10 x cm 10-a e=0.4 , 0.20 0.4(10 x 10-4 ) Total stress in A: pr=20.3(2.5)+20.3(2) h=500cm pr=91.35kPa ft=5m r y' r' Pore water pressure in A: p* = ' 9.8L(2.5) : . kPa Ground surface S=50%;e=0.4 Yr c) Effective stress in A: lpr= pr+ p*) ' pr. = pr -- pu' \,l \$1 \i. ,st pr*91.35-24,525 * 66.825 kPa pr solve this ! PROBLEM O4.7 ICE MAY 2O03l A dense silt layer has the following properties: void ratio = 0.40, el diameter dto = 1,0 pm, capillary constant C = 0.20 cm2. Free ground water is 8.0 m below the $round surface, soil 143 f |,) Find the vertical effective stress in kpa at 5 m depth. Assume unit weight of solids = 26.5 kN/m3 and that the soil aboue the capillary action rise and ground surface is partialty saturated at5Oo/o. r) Find the vertical effeciive stress at 10 m depth. Assume unit weight of solids = 26.5 kN/mr and that the soil above the capillary action rise and ground surface is partially saturated at5A%. t-- p,, = 24.525 Stresses in 'OLUTION a) Capillary rise: a) - Find the height of c4pillary rise the silt. Capillary.rise is give n as h c = (e l Chapter 04 Aii *,." *."f* diskibution = 25.1 kN/m: Y$i *.26.5 kN/m3 144 ChaDter 04 - Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri Stresses in soit b) a) b) c) Vertical effective stress at 5 m depth Solving for yr and y.,,: First we solve G: [y, Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter 04 - Stresses in soit 145 Determine the density of the clay in kg/m3. Determine the total vertical stress at the bottom of the clay layer, in kpa. Determine the effective vertical stress at the bottom of the clay layer, in kPa. - y, G] 26.5=9.81xG SOLUTION G = 2.701 '' . = G'Sc lYr ,*;Y" Given: MC=0.57 S=1(saturated) G = 2.84 I z'zotir(3?(o'a) "= y1= 20.33 kN/m' [GMC = .''sr S e] 2.8aQ.57) = 1(e) e = 1.61,88 . [y,,= C re lyrut=.r_rV"l G+Se #y,,] I+e *'(''u'8t) ' = ''to1 + 1.6188 ,r.rr', y* = 16.7026 kN/m: (saturated .r,,, .r.,, "= 2'Zoi l9'4 , 9.s1 1+0.4 kN/m3 21'73 = Yunt a) Density, p = y/ b) Total stress, pr = T,,, h Total stress, pr = 16.7026(20) Total stress, pr = 334 kPa c) Effective stress = pr - p,, Effective stress = 334 - 9.81(20) Effec_tive stress = 137.85 kPa py= 21.73(2) + 20.33(3) pr = 104.45 kPa Pore water stress at A (within capillary rise): P* = '9'8L(3) p*= -29.43kPa l\r=Pr+P*l tO4.4S=p6+\-29.43) pr = 133.88 kPa Vertical effective stress at p r = (21.73 pe = 193.48 B: - 9.81X2) + 21'73(5) 16,702.6 /9,8L Density, p = 1702.6 kglm3 Vertical effective stress at A: Total stress at A: c) g= unit weight) PROBLEM 04.9 t solve this ! A borehole at a site reveals the soil profile shown in Figure 04.8. Assume G 2.7 for allsoil types. a) What is the unit weight of the soil in layer 1 in kN/ms? b) What is the effective stress at a depth of 2 m below the ground surface, in 20'33(3) kPa kPa? c) in kPa? PROBLEM O4.8 {CE NOVEMBER 2003) A 20-rn thick submerged saturated clay layer has Water content of specific gravity of the iolid particles is 2'84. What is the effective stress at a depth of 20.6 m below the ground surface, 57%. 146 Chaoter 04 - Chapter 04 Fundamentals Geotechnical Engir Stresses in soit icalEngineering Properties of each layer: 0 * 1 2.0 Layer 2 <* 3.0 Layer 3 Layer (1): " Verv.fine wet sand with silt uy = 5o1o,g = 1C'tttC=Sel 4Oo/o 2,7(0.05) = Q.4s = 0.3375 Fine sand saturated bY capillary action Fine sand, w = e . 120lo G+CMC lf* = ---:--l*l I+e 5,4 ,* ' = - 280/o * 2.7(0.05) +0.3375 20.7gkN/ms = y,n Soft blue clay, w 2.7 1 ) tg.g' Part Layers (2) and (3): IGMC=Sel 2.7(0.12) = 1(e) = 0.324 e . LT'ut = G+e ^l*l -:-L+e +032a 2.7 Y-,=frffi(e.81) Figure 04.8 y"u1= 22.405kN/ms Layer (4): SOLUTION Elevation (m) 0 lG MC= - Verv fine wet sand with silt *_1L7= 3.0 <* e Fine sand saturated by capillary action Finb sand, w S el 2.7(0.281 = t1s1 5o/o,S=4Oo/o 2.0 . [Y'ut = 0.756 = = 12% G+e L+e - ,.., = t Dc'[ 5.4 r,1 2.7 1, Tsat b) Soft blue clay, w = 280/o - * 0.7s9 + o.T56 =19.307 / / I 19.g11 kN/rf Stress at 2 m depth: Paar = 20.79(2) Pwtat =.41.58 kPa p* = -9.87(1) p* = -9.81" Stresses in Elevation (m) Layer - a Soil 147 148 Chaoter 04 in soit - Fundamentals of Stresses Geotechnical Engi * 51.39 kPa petr = (1g ,gO7 Pefr + 22.405(1) + 20.7e(2) = 238.567 kPa Pert PROBLEM 04.IO * 9.81) (20'6 - 5'4) + (22'405 - 9'81X5'4 - 3) solve this ! Consider the upward flow of water through a layer of sand in a tank shr Figure 0a.9. Foi the sand, the following properties are given: e = 0'40' G a) . Calculate the effective stress at point A b) Calculate the effective stress at point B c) Calcutate the upward seepage force per unit volume of soil 2.67 +0.4 .^ #(9.81) 1+ 0.4 y*,= ' !'* ,,h lr = = 21.51 . kN/m: --l 172 . 1.5 4 l= 2 i = 0.75 ,h'h = :: l\Ote:r= a) -zHz =Constant Effective stress at point A: pr- (21.51)(1) + 9.81(0.7) pr = 28.177.kPa Figure 04.9 - Stresses in SOLUTION = Ptotat'Pw P"tt= 41.58 - (-9'81) Peft ' Chapter 04 Geotechnical Engineering p* = 9.81. hA ' h,q,=1+0,7 +h' soil l49 l50 Chaoter 04 in soit - Stresses ll' Funda Geotechnical tals of Chapter 04 icalEngineering _ nn_ h'=0,75(D=4.75 fua=1./ +Q./$ ha = 2'45 m p. = 9.81.(2.45) p, = 24.0345kPa ps= 28.377 - 24.0345 pr = 4.343kPa b) Effective stress at point B: py = 21.51(2) + 9.81(0.7) pr = 49.887 kPa pa=9.81,(2+0.7+1.5) p. = 41..202kPa [pt=Pr'P,] pr= Figure 04.10 49.887 - 41..202 pr = 8.685 kPa c) Seepage Force per unit volume of soil = i 1* i=h/L=1..s/2=0.7s Seepage Force per unit volume of soil = (0.75)(9.81) Seepage Force per unit volume of soil = 7.3575 kN/ma PROBLEM 04. I I solve this ! Consider the downward flow of water through a layer of sand in a shown in Figure 04.10. For the sand, the following properties are give4: 0.48, G = 2.7 a) Determine b) Determine c) Determine the saturated unit weight of sand in kN/m3 the effective stress at point A in kPa the effective stress at point B in kPa Stresses in -, -=t=u./5 z [pt=pr-p.) - soit l5l . 152 Chaoter 04 in soil - Stresses Geotechnical h1 h, 1,.2 Soir t 53 L1 2.s pr = 58.581 -18.639 Pr = 39.942kPa I = 0.48 LEM O4.t2 Saturated unit weight - = llsat G+e :-l+c r,",= yr,1 0) in [w=pr-p*l LI ,- Chapter 04 'Stresses Engineering Y,j ffi{ = 21..078 kN/mr solve this ! soil profile consists of a clay layer underlain by a sand layers as shown in lure 38. A tube is inserted into the bottom sand layer ani the water level rs to 1.2 m above the ground surface. n) Determine the effective stress at point A lr) Determine the effective stress at point B. r') Determine the effective stress at point C. Effective stress at A: lhz= i Lzl hz = 0.48(0,8) hz = 0.384 m 0.6 + 0.8 lz= - Y*t' 18.5 kN/m3 0.384 lz = 1.016 m Y*t = 19 kN/m3 = 21,078(0.8) + 9.81(0.6) pr = 22.748kPa p7 lp, = l* yzl |ot = p* = 9.81,(1,.0L6) p* = 9.967 kPa lft= pr - p,1 pe=22.748-9.967 pr. Figure 04.11 = 12.78kPa Effective stress at point B: g=0.5+2.5-1'.2 lt =1.9 m * 21.078(2.5) +' 9.81 (0.6) pr = 58.581 kPa p y' [p* = y* yzl p* = 9.81'(1.9) p. = 18.639 kPa TION Hydraulic gradient (based at point U li = lLt ' L' . i=0.4 2.2 C) 17 kN/m3 154 ffffi" o4 * stresses Chapter 04 F GeotechnicalE Fn Gcotechnical gineering - Stresses in Soil 155 Effective stress, pE = 33.931 kPa H c) .2.2 ?.* - fet = Effective stress, pE = pr - pta Effective stress, p6 = 116 -75.537 Effective stress, p6 = 40.463 kPa = 17 kN/m3 PROBLEM 04. I 3 a) At pointA: 0.4=Ho 'li=Hnl LA', 2 Ha=0.8m Total stress, pr = 1.9(2) + 18.5(1) pr - 56.5 kPa C: Pore water stress, pr, = 9.81(5.5 + 2.2) Pore water stress, p,, = 75.537 kPa 19 kN/m3 1.5 m |*t At point Total stress, p r = 17(3.5) + 19(2)+ 18.5(1) Total stress, pr ='1"16 kPa 18.5 kN/m3 solve this ! A cut is made in a stifl saturated clay that is underlain by a layer of sand as rltown in Figure 04.12. rr) Calculate the total stress at point A as a function of /r. &) Calculate the neutral stress at point A. c) Calculate the height of water h, in the cut so that the stability of the saturated clay is not lost. To_tal stress, Pore water stress, pa = 9.81(2 + 0.8) Pore water stress, p@ = 27.468 kPa i Effective stress, p5 = pr - p,u Effective stress, p6 = 56.5 - 27.468 Effective stress, ps = 29.032kPa b) At point ti=I!-t ' LB B: 0.4= Hs 2+7.5 Ha= 1.4m Total stress, pr = 17(1.s) + 19(2) + 18.5(1) Total stress, pr = 82kPa Pbre water stress, p, = 9.81(3.5 + 1.4) Pore water stress, pe = 48.069 kPa Effective stress, p6 = pr - p* Effective stress, ps = 82 - 48.069 Saturated clay it*t = 19 kN/m3 Figure 04.12 IOLUTION a) Total stress at point A: Pr=)9(7-5)*s.erH pr /38 + 9.8'th I I I 156 Chaoter 04 - Chapter 04 Stresses - Stresses in soit b) in Neutral stress at A: P*=9.81(4.5) p*= 44.145kPa c) For lods of stability, pr * 0 pr= pr - Pw 0=38+981h-44.1,45 h = 0.626 m PROBLEM solve this ! 04.I4 For the system shown in Figure 04.13, L = 1.2 m, h = 2'3 m, and y = 1,9' What is the effective stress at point A where z - 0.7 m. ' _t- f- l llVn Y*t = 19.5 kN/m3 v I Porous stone I l- Energy grad'ient, i = T 2.3 1,2 '1 h =h, Lz hl 0.7 h=1.3417 m he=0.7+1..9-1.3417 ha = 1..2583 m = 19.5 kN/m3 Porous stone Figure 04.13 Total stress at A, pr = -tg.5(0.7) + 9.S1(1.9) Total stress at A,.pr = 32.289 kPa p, = f*ht Pore water stress, Pore water stress, pro Por! water p. ='l2.3MkPa stress, = 9.81(1.2583) Soil 157 158 ' Chaoter 04 in soir - Stresses Funda Geotechnical Engi Effective stress, pr = pr * pu Effective stress, pr = 32.289 - 12.344 Effective stress, p6 = 19.945 kPa tals of Chapter 04 -120 o, - Stresset in Soil nical Engineering kPa = t,o= 40 kPa (-120,40) | 5g :. ov = -300 kPa ro,= kPa (-300, -40) .l PROBLEM 04. I 5 A soil element shown in Figure 04.14 is subjected to the following ov = 300 kPa o, = 120 kPa r=40kPa -40 0=20o s Sign: Tensile normal stresses are taken as positive. .Shear stresses are considered positive if they act on opposite faces of the element in such a way that tend to produce clockwise rotation ! Calculate the normal and shear stress on plane AB in kPa. B lo, -tt From the Mohr's circle: Flgure 04.14 Jl= SOLUTION oo I 300 cr = 40/90 a*23.96 O=180o-40o:c[ tan *{- -r I 40 120 0 = 116.04" t, j""*..--'. = -(?tO - R cos $) oar = -253.23 kPa ,-,o..4! l = -R sin $ tes = -88.49 kPa iAB l60 Chaoter 04 in soit - Stresses GeotechnicalEng mentals of hnical Engineering Chapter 04 ' PROBLEM 04. I 6 For the stressed soil element shown in Figure 04,15: b) Calculate the minor piincipal stress. c) Calculate the normai and shear stress on the plane AE. 150 psi 6oesi i I ' r I so ost 60 psi B From the Mohr's circle: p= Figure 04.15 .ffi1J6 =62.082 Major principal stress = 120 + R Major principal stress = 187.08 psi SOLUTION Minor principal stress = 120 - R Minor principal stress = 52.92 psi tan cr = 60/30 a = 53.4349' - 90' 26.565' = 0 0 = 180o c) o' = -90 psi t*, = 60 psi (-90,60) o, = -L50 psi ryx* -60 psi (-150, -60) 63.4349o , Norrnal and shear stress on the plane AE: Normal stress: ' oa6 = -(120 - 67.082 cos 26.565') oAE = -60 psi Shearing stress: rar = -67.082 sin 25.565 t,qs = -30 psi - Stresses in soit 16l 162 Chaoter 04 in Soil - Stresses Chapter 04 of F GeotechnicalE calEngineering PROBLEM 04. I 7 For the soil element shown in Figure 04.16, determine the following: a) Maximum and minimum principal stresses b) Normal and shear stresses on plane CD Figure 04.16 a) SOLUTION Major and minoi principal stresses: Minor principal stress = 100 - R Minor principal stress = 55.279 kPa Major principal stress = 100 + R Major principal stress = 144.721kPa b) Normal and shear stress.on lan a a= o, = -80 kPa qr* -40 kPa (-8P,40) kPa :"y*=40kPa (-120,40) oy = 'L20 the plane CD: = 40f20 63.435 0 = 180' -70 '63.435" B = 46,565" Norrnal stress, oco = 100 : R cos Normal stress, o66r = i0fl- P 44.72X. Normal stress, oco = 59.253 kPa cos 46.565' - Stresset 163 in Soil 164 Chaoter 04 in soil - of Stresses Chapter 05 - Stress ,,r,r,1:,1"J E ngineering Geotechnical Engi l65 Shearing stress, tco = R sin P Shearing stress, rco = 44'72L sin 46.565" Slrearing stress, t6p = 32,474kPa Stress Distribution in Soil I STRESS CAUSED BYA POINT LOAD Point Load a Ground surface ,z 5, , Figure 05.1'- Point load on ground surface Boussinesq equations for the stresses due to concentrated load are: .*3Q23-Q*, ' Eq 5.1 Jr--....:-.:/VR 3Q lxzz 2rR5 22 t-zvl 1 (2R+z)x2 , ll " - T; "'' tot-, LntR.,)-nT(R;}"-^tjl I , _(2R+z)y2 _ ll !y2, *t-zv[ = "'-G lRrl 3 Lrr(R.r-RrC;;f-^tll q 3Q R= ,/ Fl7* Eq 5.2 Eq 5.3 Eq 6.4 166 where Chapter 05 * of Stress Distribution Chapter 05 - Stress Distribution hnical Engineering in Soil l6T VERTICAL STRESS CAUSED BYA FLEXIBLE STRIP LOAD (FrNrTE WrDTH AND tNFtNTTE LENGTHI Q = load F = Poisson's ratio Table 05.1 - Values of Boussinesq's Vertical Stress Coefficient, Ne Ne tlz 0:47746 0.41032 0.27332 2.50 2.75 3.00 tlz 0.c 0.2 o.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 z,t5 0.15645 0.08440 0.04543 't5 4.00 0 4.25 4.50 4.75 1436 00854 0.00528 rlz Ns 223 5.00 5.25 1151 s.50 0.00014 0.00011 0.00009 0.00105 0:00075 0.00054 0.00040 0.00030 0,00023 0.00018 5.75 6.00 6.25 Ns 0. 6:.75 7.25 I i zi ' r+ bi0-667 :.- 06 005 0,o0004 0.00003 0.00003 0.00002 Figure 05.3 - lop -.-,x 6 Flexible strip load - 22 -(82 / 4)l m=LI,u.r"[ l- B'{x2 ' ' l-,un-'[ ' nI lx'B/2) lx+B/2) lxz + z2 - pz 1 +11+ n2 zz ) 5.2 VERTICAL STRESS =ouu CAUSED BYA LINE LOAD When a line load of infinite length having an intensity of 4 ftN/m) acts surface of a soil mass, the vertical stress, Ap, inside the soil mass is given I.+ vTRTICNL ,,4.I t 2az3 a filx' STRESS CAUSED BYA RECTANGULARLY LOADED AREA INCREASE IN PRESSURE BELOW THE CORNER OF RECTANGUI.ARAREA 1.) + z- )- Tlrc increase in vertical stress below the "corner" width B and length L is given as: Lp=q,xI, of a rectangular area of Eq 5.7 wltere m = Bf z, n = Lf z, and z = depth of the point ,Ap '- x -. Figure 05.2 - Thc value of I, can be obtained I '---._oY he flom Figure 05.4, or from Table 05.2. It can also computed from the following equation: Line load on ground surface Eq.5.8 168 Chaoter 05 in soit - Stress Distribution Fun Geotechnical Fundamentals of chapter 05 6eotechnical Engineering - Stress D,r,r,l;,i.Jl l69 Table 05.2. Variation.of l. wrth m and n to be used in Eq S.7 1.5 mz 0.25 I, ll m 0.1 0,2 .:0;L,I 0,4 - -a0T' Ub 0.7 : 0.8 0.9 10 q,q047 0.00s2 0.0132 o.oroa - o-0198----d6rr-- o.ozss ---o-ozzo----I h 0.00e2 0.0179 0.049. 0.0328 0.0387 0.0435 O.Oqffi 0.0132 0,0259 0.0374 0.0474 0.0ss9 0n620-- 006s6 o.oz:r---oo%o -l6i d o.oroe o.o:zg o.oaz+ o.oooe 0.01e8 0.0387 0.0ss9 0.0i11 0 0840 0 0947 o.roil -o.fios -0115[---T 0.0222 0.0435 0.0629 0.0801 0 oetr 0.0242 0,a473 0.0686 0.0873 q!4! 0.0504 0.0731 00931 0.1103 0.1247 O.IOOS. 0.1461 0J537*--Tl1e80.0270 0,0528 0.0766 00911 o.rrseffi 0.0279 0.0s47 0,0794 o.rors - -l2oZ----dJI6d--oi59s . 01684--- 0r?s2 !!?93 0.0573 0.0832 0.1063 0.1263 O.urr 0.ffi o.olot o.osag o.oaso 0.rogl. o.r3 u.0J06 0.0s99 0.0871 0.1114 0.1324 0.1s03 016s2 afi74 il474 olsss 0 030e 0.0606 0.0a80 0 1126 0 1339 0 1521 o.i67z 0i797----0is9t--0 0.03'11 0.0610 00887 0.1134 0.1350 offi 0.0314 0.0615 0.0895 0.1145 _OI:OOffi 0.10 L--/ * 0,20 n1 l0 to infinlty 0.2a /< {, o' 15 0.30 0.8 040 0.50 0.6 0.80 0.70 0.10 , 0.05 '4. t 0.80 0.4 4 0.90 1.00 120 0.2 140 U.I r.60 1.80 0.00 0.1 2.0Q 2.50 1 o.osrs 3.00 m 9.01t6 0.0619 0.0901 0.1153 0.1372 OtSOOffi 400 0.0316 0.0620 0,0901 0,11,54 0.0620 0.0002 orrs+ 5.00 Fisure 05.4 - lnfluence "1"J ffi:,ftli,l"n [:r[-,.a| stress increase under To solve the stress at a point using Eq 5.7, divide the area into rectangles that the point is at the corners of each rectangle. qql! 6.00 m .6 0.20 0t 050 0.60 0.i 0.80 0.90 100 1.24 1.40 160 180 2.00 2 3.00 0.2172 _9,2?6 0.232 4.00 Suppose that - lncrease in stress under point A 1.8 2 1 5 5 0.0293 0.0301 0 0.0309 0.0311 00314 0.0316 0 0316 0.0316 0.0573_, 0.0589 0.059S 0.0606 o.ooi ffi 0,0832 0.08s6 0.087i _ ooee-- -ooee7---lod-0.a9a1 0n901 01662 0.1063 0.1094 0.1114 1126 0,1134 0.1145 0.1 1153 0,1154 0.11s4 0.1263 0. 1363 0.1368 0.1372 0.1374 0,1374 0.143i 0.1475 0.1503 o.rSi 0.15/ 0162 0 1652 0.1672 0.1686 0 17a4 4.1717 01718 A17 1714 0.1797 o,terz ous2 01si 4.1847 0.1849 0,185 0.1 836 1874 0.1899 0.1915 0.1937 0 194 0.1954 0.1956 0.1957 0.1851 0.1914 0 1981 0.1999 0.20 4 0.2442 0.2044 0 0 0 1958 0.2A28 0.2073 0 2103 oz 0.2028 0.2102 0.2151 o.Ztat 0,2073 0.2151 0.2202 ?237 0.2261 0.2294 02i 4.232 4.2324 0.232s 0.2103 0.2184 0.2237 0.22?4 02299 m 0.2124 - 0.2206 0.2261 O.leg! 151 0.2236 0.2294 0 ]4 0.2361 4.2401 0.242 0.2434 02430 O.zlt1 0.2163 0.225 309 0.235 0.2378 0.242 0 0 2455 0.246 0.10 0.30. Figure 05.5 o.tzlffi 175 5.00 0.2176 6,00 0.2263 0.2264 A.Xg? 6 0.2395 0.2439 0.2461 0.2479 0.2486 1325 0.2367 4.n97 0.2441 0.2463 A.2482 0.2489 0.2324 0.2489 o ztc2 it is required to solve the increase in pressure below point the 4 m by 6 m footing shown in Figure 05.5. The area can be divided into areas (Ar, Az, Ay and Aa). The values of Ap in the corner of each area is computed. The increase in pressure is the sum of Lp's of each area. 5.4.2 INCREASE IN PRESSURE BELOW THE CENTER OF RECTANGUI.AR AREA 'l'lrc increase in vertical stress below the "center" of a rectangular area of Il arrd lqngth L is given as: \ \ \ width l7O ChaDter 05 in Soit - Stress Distribution Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering F Geotechnical 5.5 VERTICAL Lp = q,x It STRESS chapter 05 - Stress o,r",T,1"":l CAUSEP BYA SOUAREAND CONTINUOUS FOOTING L>B L -T-I lt t) __1_ rt \ \- Sqrare footinE ; ,, 6t2 -:r* 3t2 -i ,,2 -| Figure 05.6 - 2D lncrease in stress below the center of a rectangular area th The value of /a can be obtained using Eq 5.10 or Table 05'3' /ll1 ll tr;fi5;1 )) where Eq mt=L/b, h=zfb,and b*B/2 Table 05.3 - Variation of la with filr ahd or to be used in Eq 5.9 - Pressure isobars based on Boussinesq equation for square and continuous footings used to find the pressures along line 1-1 Figure 05.7 ll I 172 Chaoter 05 in soil - Stress Distribution Fun mentals of Chapter 05 calEngineering Geotechnical 5.6 APPROXIMATE METHOD FOR RECTANGUI.AR LOADS or= - Stress ro,r,Tri""il t t _i r\, ttu*;rlaf Eq512 Lp=qx15 Table 05.4. Variation of zlR. lc zlR ls zlR 0 1.00000 0.99999 0.99994 0.9997S 2.6 2.7 2,8 2.9 5.6 5.7 5.8 0.04599 8.6 0.04445 0.042s9 5.9 3 0.5 0.6 0.91056 0.86381 0.04159 0.04027 0.03900 0.03779 0.03664 0.03553 0.03448 8.7 8.8 8.9 s 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.99S49 0.s9901 0.99246 0.97627 o.94877 8693 0.17537 0.1 6479 0.1 5509 0.14619 0.1 3793 0.1 Dispersion of load for approximate increase in vertical stress under a rectangle The approximate increase in vertical stress is: Lp= O (B+z)(L+z) 5.7 VERTICAL STRESS BELO\Y THE CENTER OF A UNIFORMLY L CIRCULAR AREA I ! I *'lAo 6 Figure 05.9 * lncrease in stress below the center of a circular area 3.2 3.3 0.13044 3.4 0.11702 0,11104 3.5 3.6 3,7 3.8 o.12347 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 0.70063 0.64645 0.59487 4.',| 2 0.54662 4.2 3 0.50203 4.3 ,4 0.46118 0.42397 44 o.ov276 7.4 4.5 0.06975 7.5 0.06692 7.6 0.7 0.81141 0.8 0.9 o.75622 1 3.9 q 7 0.39020 0.35964 .8 0.3320"1 4.6 4.7 4.8 I 0.30704 4.9 .6 ; a1 0.1 0550 0.1 0035 0.09556 0.09109 0.08692 0.08303 0.07938 0.07597 .5 Load per unit area = q with z/R be used in Eq 5.'13 ls 0.04 0.06 0.08 - Eq 5.13 zlR 0.02 Figure 05.8 ls 2 0.28446 5 2.1 0.26403 5.'1 2.2 2.3 0.24552 0.22873 5.2 2.4 0.21347 2.5 0.1 995S 5.3 5.4 5.5 0.1 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 ls . 0.01994 0.01950 0.0'1906 0.01864 s.2 0.41824 0.01784 o.01746 o2 0.01710 9.4 4.u674 9.1 9.5 0 01639 9.6 9.7 9.8 0.01606 0.01573 0.01542 v.v 0.0151 10 7 0.03347 0.03251 0.03158 0.03070 0.02985 7.1 0.02903 10.1 0.01481 0.01453 7.2 0.02825 10.2 0.01425 7.3 0.02750 0.02678 0 02609 '10.3 0.02542 0.02478 o 02416 10.6 0.01397 0.0 371 0.0 345 0.0 320 0.0 256 10.9 10.4 10.5 1 0.06425 7.7 0 061 74 7.8 0.05937 0.05713 7,9 I 0.02356 0.02299 0.05502 0.05302 8.1 0.02243 11.1 8.2 0.02190 11.2 0.0 205 0.0 184 0.051 12 8.3 0.0 163 8.4 0.02139 0.02089 o.02041 1'1.3 0.04932 0 04761 11 .4 0.01 143 1'1.5 o 01124 8. ll3 10.7 10.8 11 0.0 272 0,0 249 00 227 174 Chaoter 05 in soil - Stress Distribution Fundamentals Geotechnica I Engineeri Frrndamentals of Chapter 05 - Stress ,lsrr,?;,1:ll 6r,otechnical Engineering l7S 'l'hc procedure for obtaining the yalue of N to be used in Eq 5.14: S.A INTLUTNCE CHART FOR VERTICAL PRESSURE Newmark (1942) presented an inJluence chart based on Boussinesq's theQ that can be used to determine the vert'ical liressure at any point below uniformly loaded flexible area of any shape. This chart is based on Eq 5. number The influence value of the chart is 1/N, where N is equal to the is I = elements. The figure shows 200 elements; thus, the influence value 0 Eq 5. Lp = iqN 1. Determine the depth z below the loadecl area where the stress increase is desired. 2. Plot the plan of the loaded area with a scale of z equal to tlre unit length AB of the chart. (i.e. if depth z = 4m, then AB = 4 m) 3. Place the plan on the influence chart in a manner such that the point below which the stress is required is located at the center of the chart. 4. Count the number of elements (M of the chart euclosed by the plan of the ioaded area. If certain segments are noi fully covered, you can and N is vrhdre i is the influence value, q is the pressure on the loaded area, area. loaded of the plan the by enclosed the chart nrrmber of elements of I element I element Figure 05.10 - Newmark's influence chart for vertiqal pressure based on Boussineq's estimate what fraction is covered. l7 6 Chaoter 05 in - Stress Distribution GeotechnicalEn Soit Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering PROBLEM 05, I 1,500 - Stress ,,rrr,?;ri"J lll 3(1500) 2.53 2n 2.q55 AP = 53.17 kN ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS A concentrated load of Chapter 05 kN is applied at the ground surface at po Part c: x=1,.5; whose coordinate is (0, 0, 0). a) Determine the vertical stress, in kN, at a point 2.5 m directly below A. b) Determine the vertical stress, in kN, at a point whose coordinate is (1.5,0,2.s). c) Determine the vertical stress, in kN, at a point whose coordinate is (1.5,2,2.5). y=l; z=2.5 ii? n= Jt.i'if R = 3.5355 ., 3(1s00) A-n = -i-_ 2n AP = 20.26 2.s3 3.53S5s kN SOLUTION Point Load Q = PROBLEM 05.2 1500 kN il A- line load and a point load acting on the ground surface is shown in Figure 05,11. Determine the increase in vertical stress at point A. ;'*tir ,,rl*q* r.'f:'-.i ,:, tP tii ia Part a: loo v=0; !=0; z=2.5m R = Jo2 +02 +2.52 .R = 2.5 "r oo Figure 0S.i 1 3(1500) 2.53 An = ---I---------/- 21 AP = 11+.e -* 2.5s kN SOLUTION Using Eq 5.1 for point load and Eq 5.5: Part Lp* b: x=1.5; y=0; z=2.5 R = Jt.52 +02 +2.52 R = 2.915 m (Lp)rin"r;ua + (Ap)pointroaa tr= *3Q ' n(xz?4"== + zz12 2n I { R5 "= 178 - Chaoter 05 Stress Distribution in soit q = 150 Fundamentals Geotechnical Enoi Fundarnentals of Chapter 05 - Stress Distribution Geotechnical Engineering kN/m x=3m z=l-.5m 0=650kN r---;n= ,lt.zz az *Y5z R = 2.1656 m B 2(1so)(1.s)3 3(6so) r(32 +t.52)z 2n 1.s3 2.1.6565 Lp=2.5465+21..991, LP = 24'537 kPa L__ 3r, ___,1 PROBLEM 05.3 A reetangular concrete slab, 3 m x 4.5 m shown in Figure 05.12, rests on the surface o"i a soil mass. The load on the slab is 1620 kN' a) Determine the soil stress below the slab using Eq 5'7 bi Determine the vertical stress increase at point A using Eq 5'7 .1 iiiii iii'i:ii;ii 1j J m influence chart. h) Determine the vertical stress increase at point A using Newma at point B using Newma : r :, I .1 . .1 i ;. . .1 j.1r:ri.!.,tlit 1:,.,. .. . . i .1 I ;. i . 1r,1...:..,..r r'1.,.,i] . i . . i .1 i . . ., ijr';:j.,.,. .1- i r.,.11,,::.,,,.,.i, ji:,;I*Eililiigi .diiiiir#;irir:.: ''.i.,,-i,...1..,.1..,r.i,..r "- 1!r.rr r,1.ti.i.J.Jj:'r.J::: i.r' ::: ::: ::: iiiii:ili:iili:i:.:.:'.;.':.;.;,.:, :: !Figure 05.12 a) 1.620 Q"= 3(4.s) = 120 kPa :ti;ii',,,,.'' .:.: '..l.r;',r".r.'.:.'.:... ::...::r..::i..::r..'.tr.trl j,tr: 2.1 n j. :i: rii. 1ij....ii1.:tr. --4 jj,l I I I Ii 4,5 m +.s,. ffiiiiii;rii :ilrii:' j..f SOLUTION ,,.' 1..!,...4i,,,1,::riii;riiii6riii:i;:;i:.di :#i iiiiriiiiiiiiiii influence chart. I j.,.i,. .- ....:....:,,.r,1,.. ,:lr1lr:irji,jir:'.,. ....:.....r,,:l Determine the vertical stress increase .1 i .; .'+:ir,ri.',,''frtlir,ii;itii:#iiii:#ii;i:i# '-1, 8) .1_ .. .jr'..1.,11:1.jt]1.ji.ji1ir.'r,.,.,;.: :r.,.,: .ll1:i1ri:ri',ir+ i i Figure 05.7 r j..1,j.1, r I I I I I llq 180 Chaoter 05 - Stress Distribution in soit Fun Geotechnical b) Divide the area into small rectangles such that A is at the co of each rectangle. Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering c) Chapter 05 - Stress Distribution tgt q,lt b=B/2 b=3/2 Lp = b=L.5 m1 =Lfb mt = 4.5/1.5 mr=3 nt = z/b nt = 3/1..5 -nl -a -/ From Table A5.3,Ir = 0.5254 Lp=120x0.5254 AP = 63.048 kPa B = 2.25 = 1,5 t d) Divide the area into small rectangles such that point B is at the corner of each rectangle. z=3m n=B/z=0.75 n=L/z=0.5 rl .! From Table 05.2: For m =0.7 and n = 0.5,1. = 0.1034 For m = 0.8 and n = 0.5, /, = 0.1 103 N -'2 0.1034 + 0.1103 | = llilli----Jlji.Jl =n.1t\'7 B Lp=q,I,x4 Lp=t20x0.1,07 x4 +3,-; Ap = 51.36 kPa Note: Using Eq 5.8 for m = 0.75 and n = 0.5, I, = 0.1071 B=3m L = 2.5m z=3m m=B/z=1, n-L/z=A.75 182 Chaoter 05 in Soit - Stress Distribution Geotechnical From Table 05.2: For m = 1 and n = 0,7, I, = 0.1"491, For m = 1. and n = 0.8, I, = 0.1598 '2= ::::::::::::: O.1491+ 0.1598 l_ Chapter 0s Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering -t-- i----. = 0.1545 t; - ff- - stress D,rrr,?;tJ -*1 I ,I q,l"x 2 Lp=120x0.1545x2 Lp = IJ I t .i * l3l2*i ap = 37.08kPa I Note: Using Eq 5.8 for m e) t:U ' * L and n = 0'75, L' o = '-----i :---= (B + z)(L+ z) \- _ 1.620 (3+3)(a.s+3) AP = 36 kPa At point B: x=1",5/3=0.58 z=3/3=78 At point C: /3 = 0.98 z=4.5/3=1.58 x = 21 From the figure shown below: At point B: LP = o'4q LP = 0.4(120) AP = 48 kPa Atpoint C: LP = 0.25q tp = 0.25(1'20) AP = 30 kPa A.1547 cont'nou* j ' i- t'/2 'l tg3 l 84 ffffi"l.05 8) - stress Distribution Funda GeotechnicalE Vertical stress at'A using Newmark's influence chart. z=3m From the chart, the number of elements N is about 21..6 x 4 = 86.4 LP = iqv Ap = 0.005(1.20)(86.4) Ap = 51.84 kPa (very much close to the answer in part b) Chapter 05 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering h) - Stress Distribution in Soil Vertical stress at B using Newmark's influence chart. z=3m From the chart, the number of elements N is about 3L x 2 = 62 Lp = iqN Ap = 0.00s(120)(6,2) Lp = 37.ZkPa (very much close to the answer in part d) r85 186 Chaoter 05 in soil - Stress Distribution F Geotechnical of Chapter 05 - Stress Engineering PROBLEM 05.4 A square footing is loaded as shown in Figure 05.13. The center of the footing is at cooidinate (0, 0, 0). Deterrfline the increabe in vertical stress point whose coordinate is (3, 0, 4) using pressure isobars based on Boussi equation for square footings shown in Figure 05.7. | ',t I -1* I R I -J- " \-.o,u,u P=900kN Figure 05.13 SOLUTION 'q=P/A q=e00/(2x2) 4 = 225kPa At point (3,0,4): x=3m=1.58 z= 4m=28 From the pressure isobars shown below; Lp = 0.045q Lp = 0.045(225) Ap = 10.125 kPa tooting l-'o *i Distribution t oa ,Ot inSoit l88 Chaoter 05 in soil - Fundamentals of Stress Distribution Geotechnical PROBLEM 05.5 Determine the increase in vertical pressure at point 2 meters below point the loaded area shown in Figure 05.L4. The fOundation applies a vertical of 250 kPa on the soil surfaci. SOLUTION N=34.91 x3 N = 104.73 Lp = iqN Ap = 0.005(25q$04.73) AP = 130'9L kPa 6cotechnical Engineering Chapter 05 - Stress D '",T'iil t89 lqO ChaDter 05 - Stress Distribution in soit F chapter 06 _ Fundamentals of Geotechnical hnical Engineering compr"':iiy lg l Using Eq 5.2 divide the area into three rectangles 2 m x 2 m, Compressibility of Soil z=2m m=Bfz m = 2/2=1 u =f lz ati.-4 --. z/ zrL- I, lpaces. divided into three categories: 1. Immediate settlement - caused by the elastic deformation of d{)'moist, and saturated soils, without any change in moisttire contenf. 2. Primary consolidation settlement - caused by a volume change in saturated cohesive soils due to expulsion of water that occupies thJvoid ril settlement may be L From Table 05.2: . increase in stress caused by foundation and other loads compresses a soil laycr. This compression is caused by (t) deformation of soil particles, (2) relocations of soil particles, and (3) expulsion of water or air from the void * 0.1752 spaces. Lp=qxI,x3 Lp a 250(0.1752)(3) LP = 731.4kPa 3. Secondary consolidation settlement - caused by plastic adjustment of soil fabrics. It is an additional form of compression thai occurs at constant effective stress. i I SETTLEMENT FROM ONE DIMENSIONAL PRIMARY CONSOLIDATION I.I BASIC SETTLEMENT FORMULA *"^j-ffi];,ti I I lI I €Ht qJ .l, + I I I Hs <\ ol + I Original State Compressed State Figure 06.1 ( ffiI1 :E fl I - Chapter 06 of Soil tq2 P = lf,(l+ rt - Fundamen Geotechnical Enqi ComPressibilitY 6.I.3 e) H compr*:lgX lg3 PRIMARY CONSOLIDATION SEfiLEMENT OF OVERCONSOLIDATED FINE.GRAINED SOILS 1+e H' = H,(1+ TJ H'= It chapter o6 _ Fundamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering e') (1 W|tenp1< p,: I +e'\ AH=H C' lorL!u 1.+e nH=H-H' 1+ H fi+e'\ LH=H-1+e ' on= 11+e:J'l-+e) Vlhenpl> e,, p =r# ^H=H#,.sh - e'\= 1+en H(e^ ^LI= ---:-ll-----1 H- Eq. 6.3 p,, *H c' 6nU \+eo " p, Eq. 6.4 Le 1+eo where: C. = swell index pc = pr€consolidation pressure where: H = thickness of stratum = void ratio before the vertical load is applied e' = void ratio after the vertical load is applied eo 6,2 OVERCONSOLIDATION RATIO, OCR ocR= h Eq. 6.5 Po I,2 6. PRIMARY CONSOLIDATION SETTLEM IENT OF NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED FINE.GRAINED SOILS ' N7 = (_ H:-' log Pt L+eo -Po where: ' H = thickness of stratum C. = compression index eo = initial void ratio p, = initial vertical effective soil stress py = finalvertical effbctive'soil stress W= P,+ LP pc = pr€scohsolidation stress (past maximum vertical effective stress) p, = overburden effective stress (current vertical effective stress) lf OCR = 1., the soil normally consolidated soil. 6,3 COMPRESSION INDEX, CC: 6,3.I SI(EMPTON: For remolded clav: C,=0.007(LL-77,) Eq. 6.6 lg4 :ifj,l"'06 - comPressibiritY chapter 06 _ ntals of hnical Engineering For undisturbed clay: l95 -,_co u"ll-t-tp Eq.6.13 ^Ac L^= * _log t2 -Lop,t1 8q,6.14 C. = 0.009(tL ,- 10%) 6,3.2 RENDON-HERREOI compr*:li[X c.=0.141 G12(1+e0\238 \G) = secondary compression index change in void ratio h = time for completion of primary settlement fz = time after completion of primary settlement, where settlement Co Ae = 6.3.3 NISHIDA: All clays eo C. = 1.15(e, -0.27) is required = void ratio at the end of primary consolidation er=eo-Le H = thickness of clay layer 6.4 SWELL INDEX, C5: 6.6 CALCULATION OF CONSOLIDATION SETTLEMENT UNDER A The swell index is smaller in magnitude than the compression index. In FOUNDATION caseS, we have seen that the increase in vertical stress caused by a limited area decreases by depth. To estimate the onedirnensional settlement of a foundation, we can use the equqtions of this lt,ction. However, the increase in of str6ss Ap should be the average increase hr Chapter 05, load applied over a C,=+C.tofrC. ln pressure 6.4.I NAGARAJ AND MURTY: below the cent€r of the foundation. Assuming the pressure increase varies parabolica{ly, the average pressure may q*6.6463!!t *6 Eq 6. k'estimated as: . rt I a-^ * Lp, + 4Lpn, L9ou, = + Lp6 '6 r $ 6.5 SETTLEMENT FROM SECONDARY CONSOLIDATION Secondary consolidation can be calculated as: AH, = (lo "rrr(?) whereApr = increase in pressure at the top of the layer Lp^ = increase in pressure at the middle of the layer Apo = increase in pressure at the bottom of the layer Eq;6.15 196 :i;51"'06 - comPressibiritY Fundamenta Geotechnical Engi 6,7 TIME RATE OF CONSOLIDATION Eq.6.17 I 60%, (Ha,)2 To = 1..781, - 0.933 Iog (100 - U%) Eq.6.18 "Cu 'l'he time factor ?, provides a useful expression to estimate the settlement in lhe field from the results of a Iaboratory consolidation. I' where H7, = one-half the thickness of the drainage layer if drainage occurs at top and bottom of the layer (two-way drainage) i /ttot\2 0to60%, Tu='"1 "'" 4\100/ For U= For lL > L lgl lhe approximate values of time factor T, are: The time / required to achieve a certain degree of consolidation U is evalua as a function of the shortest drainage path within the compressible zone coefficient of consolidation C,,, and the dimensionless time factor 7,. ,- * l-t-.+ chapter 06 _ compr"r:iiH Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Ha, = thickness of the drainage layer only (one-utay layer) .. t ' t _ (H a, faa)2 1; $r;,,f if drainage occurs at the top or I Tnta I ' tr Eq.6,19 2 Also, 'l = -1 t^ tt-2 Eq. 6.20 u1 Table 06.1: Variation of T" with U I .:1.l% I T" i, 2 0.00008 3 0.00030 li lI 4 0.00071 iri 5 0.00 126 6 0.00196 7 0.00283 8 0.00502 I I 0,00636 i 10 0.00785 11 0,0095 i 1 ti { t UVo 1 ill : I 12 0.01 13 IJ 0.0133 14 0.0154 15 0.0177 16 0.020'l 17 0.a227 18 0.0254 i I i t 19 0.0283 20 0.0314 2t 22 0346 o o38o I ZJ 0.0415 I 24 0 0452 I 25 0 0491 I ] 0 I 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 UYo. rTt 0,0531 51 0.0s72 I, 0.204 0.212 0.0615 53 0.221 0,0660 54 0.230 0,0707 0.239 0.0754 s6 0.248', 57 0.257 58 0.267 0,0907 59 0.276 0.0962 60 0,286 0.102 61 0.297 0,107 62 0.307 0.0803 I 0,0855 0.113 0.318 0.119 64 0.329 0j26 65 0.304 0.132 66 0.352 67 0.364 68 0.377 0.138 0.145 . 0.152 40 0.390 0.159 70 0.403 0.417 71 0.417 0.173 72 0,43'1 0.181 73 0.446 0.188 74 0.461 0.'197 l5 0.477 A%,1 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8s 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 .,!i 0.493 0.511 0,529 where h = time to reach a consolidati on of Llr% fz = time to reach a consolidation of Uz% 0.547 0.567 0.588 0.610 'l'lre degree of consolidation at a distance z at any tinle is: 0.633 0.658 Llr=1' 0.684 0.712 Pwz n' ruo Eq. 6.21 0.742 4.774 0.809 0.848 'l he average degree of consolidation for the entire depth of layer at any time is: 0,891 0.938 0.993 1.055 1.129 AU lJ.- = ?i, Eq,6.22 ^frmal 1.219 1.336 1.500 1.781 infinitv where p*, = excess pore pressure at time I p,, o = initial excess pore rtrrater pressure AHr = settlement of the layer at time / primary consolidation .-..;;-..-;. .. * Chapter 06 198 - Fundarnentals Geotechnical Engineeri ComPressibilitY ofsoit lmmediate settlement 6.8 COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIDATION chaptero6-compr*:il$ Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering lgg of foundations resting on the ground surface of an clastic material of finite thickness is given by: 0.848 t" ar )2 t "'" -" rH,Root time method, 'Cr"* ' tgo Log time method, consolidation (r,[ curve) f56 = time for 50% consolidation (1og f curve) where 6.9 ,r= /e6 = time tor 90% COEFFICIENT OF VOLUME COMPRESSIBILIW, M, " tlii,= au - iri (en-e)/ 1-+err, LH; t^^-"' '? *#?O LP = oB1- P2 L Eq. 6.28 E) where: p = net pressure applied in kPa or psf B = width or diamgter of foundation in m or feet U = Poisson's ratio E = modulus of elasticity of soil in kPa or psf /J = influence factor (dimensionless) l-lre influence factor for the corner ofa flexible rectangular footing given as: 1,+eo* _.1 * Jr * ,a,2 r,=Ll*,r,1'.Wl*,,[,, ,I) | ,,L r P+e^ t' '' o -, = ----!Lau( 2 Eq. 6.2e ,i rii fi Itll The hydraulic conductivity of the layer for the loading range isr Table 06.2: lnfluence Factors for Foundations rlll tI k - Crmry* itjhd06.i ""i r dfiiArt:l!: Circle 1 where e, = initial void ratio ' e = final void ratio ' Lp = rise in Pressure Rectangle 6.t-0 IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT fl Imrnediate or elastic settlement of foundations occurs directly after applica of a load, without change in moisture content. This depends on the flexibi of the foundation and the type of material on which it is resting, q 1.5 2 3 5 10 1.00 u_64 4.12 1.36 0.56 0.68 0.77 0.89 '1 .53 20 50 1.78 2,10 2.54 2.99 3.57 100 4.01 where rer = length of foundation / 1.05 1.27 1.49 1.8 2,0 width of foundation. l' 0.79 0.88 1.07 1.21 1.42 1.70 2.10 2.46 3.00 3.43 2OO Chapter 06 of Soit - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ComPressibility Table 06.3: Values of Modulus of Elasticity psi ':rkPa, I 250 - 500 850 - 2000 1,500 - 4,000 1,725 5,865 10,350 34.500 . .5.000 *,10,000 I PROBLEM 06. I - 13,800 - 27,600 - 69,000 Tvpe of $oit, 'PoisBon's Ratlo Loose sand Medium sand Dense sand Siltv sand Soft clav Medium clav 02-0.4 0.25 - 0.4 'fhe soil profile shown in Figure 06.2 is to carry a surcharge of 60 kpa applied nt the ground surface The result of laboratory consolidation test eonducted on a specimen collected from the middle of the clay layer is also shown. calculate the settlement in the field caused by primary consolidation due to surcharge. 60 kN/m2 :. 0.3 * 0.45 0.2 - 0.4 0.15 - 0,25 0.2 - 0.5 Clay Y*t = 18.2 kN/m3 €o = 1'1 TOTAL SETTLEMENT OF FOUNDATION The total settlement of a foundation is the sum of the primary, secondary, and immediate settlement. 1.12 AHr = AH+ AH,+ AHr 20l r - 3,450 Table 06.4: Values of Poisson's Ratio 6.I compr*:il:X ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS fr Soft clav Hard clav Loose sand Densa sand Chapter o(: _ I-undamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Eq. 6.30 l..t 0 0 d .t.og u 1,06 E o \ \ 1.04 \ ,.;I 60 Pressure, p (kN/m?) Figure 06.2 ao {oo 2OZ Chapter 06 ofSoit - Compressibility Fundamentals GeotechnicalE PROBLEM 06.2 (CEMAY SOLUTION 1,+e, ,*irtl"g 1.1, t99ql If layer. Solving for e corresponding to p7 Initial effective stress at midheight of clay P" = Yb(3) SOLUTION p,= (18.2 - 9.81X3) p, = 25.17 kPa W= P"+ LP pf =25.U + 60 Pr= 85.17 kPa ,1.12 ,l.10 I- ,,itt ,iiii lllli lll ll itllrl iliI 4., l'oB I AC jj I p \ I r.oo e - I ii 1.047- 1.44 Unit weight of soil: F. ui @ {.00 ,l 2.4 40 Pressure, p (kNim'z) Sand above water table: G +GMC -[Y' = -_;- v.= '' Y,.l t+e 2.()2+0 .. -:"-'" (9.81) 1+0.5' y"=77.13 kN/m3 From the graph, e = 1.047 _ 1..1-1.047 aH-6-- 1+ 1.1 AH = 0.1514 m AH = 151.4 mm compr*:il$ ZAI over the a 3-m thick land fill (Y = 17.3 kN/m3) is placed the clay of settlement ground surface, compute the consolidation (sand) surface. H= 6m = - with 3 m thick of sand A 2-m clay layer (e = 0.92, G = 2.72, C, = 1/3) is overlain m below the ground 1'5 ) is *ater table iuy". 1" ='0.5, G 2.a2.,.t4C = O1 tne Settlement,6ll=g?P-e e, chapter 06 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerih$ Sand below water table (submerged): -Lla' = G-1 L+e =-Trl 2.62 -1. ^,, tbs=. -.-- - (9.91) 1+0.5' Yo, = 10.59 kN/m3 - 204 :lfji:'ot comPressibiritY Fundamentals Geotechnical chapter o6 tundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g Clay: (submerged) . IIa, G-7 BH 15 = =-T*.1 L+e w.= yu, = 8.79 (- kN/m: L+eo " H =2m eo = 0.92 Yt = 17.5 kN/ml 1' oo 0r 1og2- aH=H:". m 4 ffiQ'81) t1.2 m 0 u po 10.4 kN/ml * 8'79(1) + 10.59(1.5) + 17.13(1.5) 50.37 kPa = Po P, " pf= P"+ aP LP = w = 40o/o LL = 400/o y, = 27,3 kN/m3 .g Yth' U 8.2 m Lp = 17.3(3) LP = 519kPa o 6 where 1, = unit weight of soil particles p1= 50.37 + 51.9 pf - 1.02.27 ty=2 1/3 kPa 1+0.92 Figure 06.3 ,,a1'0227 " 50.32 AH = 0.1068 m AH = 106.7 mm SOLUTION Part a: Io = G-1, =L+e n PROBLEM 06.3 ICE MAy 2OO4, NOVEMBER 2OO3l Given in Figure 06.3 is the borehole log in a project site. The building will exert a net stress of 12 Newtons per square centimeter. a) Determine the buoyant unit weight of the clay b) Determine the effective vertical stress at the mid-height of the clay layer c) Determine the average settlernent of the normally consolidaied -cla1 layer. Use compression index C. = 0.009(tt - 10) u= - l* Ts l* 27'3 9.81 G = 2.783 G MC= S e, whereS = 1 2'783(0'40\ = e = 1.113 vu = rs 2.783,1' (9.81) 1+ 1.113 ' y6= 8.27.8 kN/m3 ' '| - compr*:pl[{ ZOS zo6 firTl", - 06 compressibirity Fundamentals Geotechnical chapter 06 c: ap = s compr"':pl$ r p" = (8 + (10.4)(7.2) + 17 s(4) ?7.8)14!) p, = 1g0.42kpa part - hnicil Engineering +- -.=r_bsT_ l+eo " po C.=0.009(40_10) I C' = 0'27 en = 1..1I3 p" = Lg0.42 Pf= Po + LP p _1?!1: 2 Ap = 720,A00 pa Ap = 120kpa i,, iii llrll rrii ,,lir i,ttll ill ri i rrf ii i,," I I LI pf=L80.42+120 pf= 300.42 kpa At-1= g.2 0.27 t^-300.42 r +i.113'"6l8olt AH = 0.232 m AH = 23.2 cm Part a: (Norrnally consolidated clay) . ' i illll i x (100 cm/m)2 D'f ' logl--LH=H:"' L+eo Po PROBLEM 06.4 A soil profile is shown in Figure 06.4. Auniformly distributed load, Ap ground"surra.u G = c. Xl:::::::::"1T" * A,;; Determine the settrement of the cray layer clay is nor.mally.onrollJlr"f,"' fJ ll" &) The preconsolidatio .j rn" .;;; '"" ort ;;r'consoridation C.=0.009(Lt-10) C.*0.009(50'10)=6.36 - Compute the initial and final effective stresses at the midheight of clay: + (14)r".u ftsand sat + (|a.y)."na hsand ?o = (Ta)auy h.try po= (19 - 9.81X4) + (18.5 - 9.81X6) + 16(3) if: ;;;;;;;iiililXi,#:i:[ il8li:, Po- 136'9 kPa P7*Po+ LP W= \36.9 + 5A Pt'186.9 kPa AH=8x 0'36 los186'9 1+0.95 " 136.9 6p1=,0.2m AHf / 200 mm dry ZOI 208 Chapter 06 - Compressibility Fund Geotechnical of Soil Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering chapter o6 _ compr*:il$ Part b: (Overconsoli dated clay, p. = 210 kPa) p1* 786.9kPa < p, ( 0r Iog! " 1,+eo po LH = H:"' C,= 0.36/5 C,= 0.072 0.072loq-1.86.9 AH = tJ- 1+0.95 " 136.9 AH = 0.04 m AH=40mm rl Part 'll c (Overconsolidated clay, p, - 150 kPa) P7='186'9 kPa> P, rll :I ,'l AH = H:C, bgL!bglt * uJ, \+eo "po 1"+eo "p, aH = ^ 0.072los-150 E1+0.95 "136.9 LH= A.01172 + 0.141L i,t ;l $ + E- 0.36Ioe-185.9 1+0.95 " 150 AH = 0.1528 m AH = 152.8 mm rfil ffi ilr ild fi PROBLEM 06.5 Figure 06.5 It is desired to calculate the consolidation settlement of the 4-m thick clay shown in Figure 05.5 that will result from the load carried by the measuring 3 m x 1,5 m in plan. Assume the clay to be normally consoli and the load of footing results to an increase of pressure of 23.2kPa,12.22 and 6.1 kPa at the top, midheight, and bottom portiory respectively, oI the layer. Assume the pressure increase varies parabolically and use Simpson's ru solve for the average pressure increase. Lp= a) b) 4 Lprop*4Lp^ia+LPaot Calculate the overburden pressure at the base of the footing, in kPa. Calculate the initial effective stress at the midheight of the clay layer. Calculate the consolidation settlement of the clay layer. 'a a\ '", \ \'r .\ SOLUTION uur, i,= ro, q = 14.8(1..5) 4 = 22.2kPa Part &: p, = initial effective stress at midheight of the clay layer p"= (19 - 9.81X3 + 2) + (18.5 - 9.81X1.5) + 14.8(3 + 1.5) po= 93.42kPa ZOq Chapter 06 2lO ofsoir Part - Compressibility F Geotechnical Engi ls of chapter 06 nical Engineering rt -c nrl!_ AH_H"l+eo " po C'= 0'36 H=3m r fi= Le = 1'A po . Lpw +4Lp^i6 +Lpuot 6 itt rI ap= tI 23,2+4(12,22)+6,1 Le = 0.251on170 AP = 13'03 kPa ,il 'L25 Ae = 0.0334 py= 93;.42+ 13.03 lil , aa lffi py* LA6.45kPa =a 0.36 lds 1+1 " 1"06.45 93.42 AH = 0.0306 m AH = 30.6 mm itfll l|4 Or C,los' ' "pn/ Po= 125kPa W= Po+ LP pt= 125 + 45 p1= 170 kPa + a'p uy= [i AH, = 3 ' 1+ 0.8 Secondary consolidation settlement AH, = ' 0'0334 AH, = 0;05564 m AHp = 55.54 mm fiil C,H,"r[9] \11 , i PROBLEM 06.6 A normally consolidated clay layer, 3 m thick, has the following properties; ' AHprima.y + AH,".on6,r, L,Ho= C.=0.009(50-10) €o Total consolidation settlement, AH = Cc H Le ' 111,+ eolon\L " pn = 1,+ eo C. = 0.009(LL: L0) illtl compr*:iig c: For normally consolidated clay: rllil - Initial void ratio, e, = 0.8 Compression index, C. = 0.25 Average effective pressure, po = 125 kPa Expected pressure increase, Ap = 45 kPa Secondary compression index, C. = 0,02 Time for completion of primary settlement = 1.5 years What is the total settlement of the clay layer five years after the completion primary consolidation settlement? -,-Co l+ep eo= eo - Le er=0.8-0.0334 eo '- = 0,7666 0.02 "= T;oiG C'" = 0.01132 5 AH' = (0.01!32)(3) log j= Nf,= 0.01776 m LH,=17.76mm , Eq. 6.12: 2tt 2lz :i;ji"'o6 - ComPressibiritY Fundamen Geotechnical Engineer Total consolidation settlement, LH = 55.64 + 17,76 Total consolidation settlement, AH = 73,4 mm b\ ' /\ l. ' ilrrl ii't lrll 120 kPa itrll , ,11, CompressibilitY of Soil 2t3 p*o) p,, = initial exaess pore water pressure Pw= f*h P*,= (9'81)(12'232) P,o = 120 kPa P*, = 9.81(6) P*, = 58'86 kPa u,- = (t_ !!.891 roozo \ 120) l)o = llii - u, = [r _!-a.zlrcs"/" PROBLEM 06.7 A surcharge of 120 kpa is applied on the ground surface on n the soil pro shown in Figure 06.6. a) How high will th.e water rise in the piezometer immediately after application of the load? b) What is the degree of consolidation at point D when h = 6 m? c) Find /z when the degree of consolid.ation at D is g0% Chapter 06 Fundamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering 50'950/o c) u,=(t-'" \ ltoo% P"'" ) lh\ " 8o%=lL-r*'lToo% I ln,tl \ iilll,irt liirll 120i P*, = 24 kPa Pw' 11 = lllflll lw ,24 litiiiliii 9.87 h = 2.446 m PROBLEM 06.8 Under a given surcharge, a 5:m thick clay layer has a consolidation settlement of 305 mm, Assume C, = 0.003 cm2/sec. a) what is the average degree of consolidation for the clay layer when the settlement is 75 mm? b) How long will SOLUTION a) n=M lut ,n= _120 9.81 h = 1,2.232 m it take for 50o/o consolidation to occur if the layer is 50% consolidation to occur if the layer is drained at the top only? c) How long will it-take for drained on both.ends? 214 * comPressibiritY o6 :lfj,i"o Fun Geotechnical SOLUTION a) Fundamentals of chapter 06 . Cu U= T, = 0.848 (from Table 06.1) Ha, = 1/z(3.2) = 1.5 m Ha' = '160 cm t = 80 days x24 x3600 t = 6,9L2,000 sec -'" 30s U=0.2459=24.5go/o : Frorn Eq. 6.16: , -- 6.912.000 = 0.848 -'" - *-co (Hrr)? ' ,il I t = 0.197 .i|| il[ b) From Eq. 6.19: 5uu !t!- ttob 0.003 | ='1,6,41,6,667 sec x.ffi x $ ,1ffi tha . . ', IU From Table 06.1,, f or L) = S0%, : 0o /42 T, = 0.1,92 With single drainage, Ha,*1/z(5) = 2.5 m With single drainage, Ha, = 250 cm t = o.1g\ 1602 - = 6,750 sec fr"r = 1..875 hours C, frf (H a,nt)z frub 1= 7--\Ha')' N (Ha,fa)z 6,912.000 t = 190 days rll!| ".^? tbu cu C, = 0.00314 crn/sec From Table 06.1, for lJ = 50o/o, Tu = 0.197 With single drainage, Ha,= 5 m * 500 cm il c) 2502 0.003 ,,:liyi::"secxffixg PROBLEM 06. I O Urrder a given load (surcharge), a 3-m thick clay layer undergoes a 180-mm of total primary consolidation settlement. If it took 80 days for the first L00-mm trf settlement to occur, what is the estimated time for the first 50-mm of rcttlement? SOLUTION L PROBLEM 06.9 From Eq. 6.20, thick layer of saturated clay under a surcharge loading* I907o-?.2-* primary consolidation in 80 days with double drainage. a) Determine the coefficient of consolidation for the preisrre .ange &) For a 10"cm thick specimen of the said clay, how long wilt it take undergo 90% consolidation range? ZIS (Har)' ,. -_o AH, AH."" il$ tlrI Compr.r:il$ IOLUTION FromEq.6.22: tt- lll - Geotechnical Engineering in the laboratory for a similar rr 2 = u7 '-tz Ur' Degree oi consolidation @ fr = 80 davs. , Degree of consolidation, Ur = ll" = Mt AH-r" *180 Degree of consolidation, Ur = 0.5556 = 55.56% 2lb :ifi,i"'06 * comPressibiritY F GeotechnicalE '50 Degree of consolidation @ tz, Fundamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering l)2= .JJ- ( 180 . Degree of consolidatio n, 80 l-12 ll d ll il ,ll 'tr| 'tu Under normal loading condition, a 3.6-m thick clay (normally consolida has po = 190 kPa and eu ='1.22. A surcharge of 190 kia reduceslts void rati 0.98. The hydraulic conductiviry of the clay for the loading range is 6.1 x = 0.01034 nf/day ) roo = (0.286)-13:6f f6e = 358.5 ' Coeff. of consolidation 0.01034 days ) Time for 60% consolidation Fressure (kPa) .60 a; What is the coefficient of volume compressibility of the clay? b) What is the coefficient of consolidation of the cliy? c) How long will it take for this clay layer to reach 60zo consolidation if Void ratio Determine the coefficient of volume cornpressibility in m2/kN Determine the hydraulic concluctivity of the clay for the Ioading range. ilflt SOLUTION SOLUTION ,trd (Ho')' ,-, .C, ill L - k = Cu muy* lt)- C'= 7'(H -t rl Ha, = 3.6 m (single drainage) , From Table 06.1-, T, = 0.2{6 C,=ffiofR *,= @o_-4/ Lp L+eaoe eo . To = a')z Gq' 6'27\ 0,236 (Table 06.1) * 0.03/2 = 0.015 m (double drain) = Ha, (Eq.6.zT) - f = 3.2 min (o'9T)1 co= 0.286 @q.6.25) C, = 0.00002011 mz/min 1..22 r, \"o_e)/ M m,,L+ero, e=0.98 ' *"tu-_ (0.87 -0.72)/(1s0-60) < , rtaiiiiz 0av" = ,2 eur" IilD-a . = 1.1 ' -1.+7.1 mrlkN ) L+'*tt- m" = O.OOOI285 m2/l$tr (1.22-0.98\ /190 m, = 0.0006015 lr = 0.0000201 1 (0.00092S5) (9.81) Coeff. of compressibility (a) (%) Time tor 60% consolidation = 3.2 min a) illl (c) 87 72 150 b) ffi (&) PROBLEM 06. I 2 'l'he following data were obtained from h laboratory consolidation test on a 30 rrrnr thick clay specimen drained on both sides: m/day. drained on one side only? zl7 6.1x 10-s '' = ------------ C,, 55.562 T - compr*:il$ 0.000601s(9.81) = 0,2778 = 27.78% 4- r?w PROBLEM 06. I chapter 06 1 k=1.83xl0rm/min \ \ 218 :iii,i",.06 - comPressibiritY Fundamentals Geotechnical Enoi chapter 07 tals of echnical Engineering - shear t.ilS|fi 219 PROBLEM 06. I 3 A rigid column footing 1.2-m in diameter is constructed on unsaturated layer. The load on the footing is 170 kN. "Estimate the immediate Assume the clay has E = 6900 kPa and ir - Chapter 07 0.2. .: SOLUTION Shear Strength of Soil Using Eq. 6.28: L,Hi = 1) pB{t- 7, E o= i l]lh lrtlll ru i ' y = irfli A I'hc shear strength of soil may be attributed to three basic components: 1. Frictional resistance to sliding between solid particles 170 t0.2)' -_------; P = 150'31 kPa lrm B i',ttH rl i ur'u :,1 ' Q ='i,.2m From Table 06.2,4= 9.79 iilffi iilt$fl I tll rl rlt ruil urtl 2. Cohesion and adhesion between particles 3. tnterlocking and bridging of solid particles to resist deformation AHr = 150.31( 1.2\1-0'22 (0'79) AHr = 0.0198 m AHi = 19.8 mm 6,s00- 7.I MOHR - COULOMB FAILURE CRITERIA A material fails because of a critical combination of normal stress and shearing rtress, and not from either maximum normal or shear stress alone. This theory was presented by Mohr. Thus, a failure plane can be expressed as a function of normal and shearing stress as follows: lilfin v= f@) Eq. 7.1 lior most soil mechanics problem, Coulomb suggested that the shear stress on the failure pla4e can,be expressed as a linear function of normal stress. This written as: re lationship is'known as Mohr-Coulumb failure critetia and can be rl=c+otan$ where c= Eq.7.2 cohesion $ = angle of internal friction 'l'hese functions are ihown in Figure 7.1. The significance of the failure cnvelope is as follows, If the normal and shearing stress on a plane in a soil n,oss ui" suchTthat they plot as point X, shear failure will not occur along that plane. If it plpts at Y, shear failure will occur along that plane because it plots t \ \ 22a :lf5l""' - shear strensth Fundamen GeotechnicalE Chapter 07 Fundamentals of * Shear t,t:??fi Eeotechnical Engineering 221 Z cannot exist because it plots above the envelope and shear failure would have occurred already. along that plane. Point Figure 7.2 - Applied stresses on soil (a) Normal stress o Figure 7.3 - Mohr's circle (,l c 6 o 3 tn Eq. 7.3 .i Eq. 7.4 I L Normal Stress (b) Figure 7.1 - Mohr's failure envelope and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria ,\. r_r ll.Z Chapter 07 of Soil - Shear Strength ls Funda Geotechnical EnEi Chapter 07 of hnical Engineering - sheartrt:??S ZZg following equations can be delived from Figure 7.5: Air release valve r=otan0=Rsin20 Eq.7.5 R=th(q-<r:) =r,u, Eq. 7,6 or SlnQ= # Water -ol €q.7.7 01 +O3 pressure, 03 Platen 6*4go+g/2 flil9 Eq. 7.8 cylinder Radial grooyes for drainage h # T water Water supDly I ,2.2 COHESIVE SOIL To pore t. pressure transducer volume chanqe device I il Figure 7.4 1,F - Schematic of ,a Plane of'failure triaxial cell itil ill tr 7.2 il 7.2.1 $ Mohr's Strength Envelope TRLN<tAL SHEAR TEST {S|NGLE TEST' COHESTONLESS SOIL I Figure 7.6 - Single test on cohesive soil r=c+otan{=Rsin20 .ii l*',_ t! I' o, .-..>i<* Figure 7.5 - Deviator stress ,i -1..- " Single test on cohesionless soil where: or = Major principal stress at failure oz = Minor principal stress at failure r = Shear stress c = Cohesion of soil $ = Anglg of internal friction e= an[f{ that the failure \ \\ Eq. 7.9 plane makes with the major principal plane. 224 :lfflt,.07 - shear strensth 7.3 DRA'NEDANDUr,rffi F Geotechnical Engin tdamentals of echnical Engineering Chapter 07 For drained triaxial test o,r and o,3 are taken as the effective principal For undrained triaxial test, o1 and o.3 taken as the total principal str - Shear trr:?g:l or 225 -oq --f- Eq,7,10 o1-o3 -t -l - -_ _I__ ,., Eq.7.l1 - - 01+(Ia u1_-- Eq l.r2 "' = _ o'1*o'3 - -2 sln0= ' Eq. 7.13 Eq,7.l4 Cz'Ct ilnfri c=x'tan0 - iilut' . , itlrrilil ililrffil ffi x'=x-Cr Figu rel.7 -Drained and undrained condition rliffi c- where: {o = drained friction angle 0u = undrained friction angle 7.4 rq. z.tS pore Water pressure R1 and-=;il Eq.7.16 cos d - (C, - Rr sin $) tan $ Eq.7.l7 c = R2cos S - (C, - Rz sin {) tan $ Eq.7,18 R1 l ?,5 UNcoNFINED coMPREssIoN TEST (UNIAXIAL, TRLA)<LAL TEST {SEi?tEs, o:=0 03=0 Figure 7.9 - Unconfined compression test oi '=R=+ The following equations can be derived from Figure 7.g: qu=2C' tvlrt,re 4, = unconfined compression strerrgth \ Fq.7.19 Eq,7,2o 2zo :i;51" 07 - shear strensth Fundamen GeotechnicalE 7.6 DIRECT SHEAR TEST Direct shear test is the,simplest for of shear test. The test equipment cor of a metal shear box (see Figure 7.10) in which the soil ru*pt"i, placed. sizes of the sample used are usually 50 mm x 50 mm or tbO mm x 100 across and about 25 mm high. The box is split horizontally into halves. normal force is applied from the top of the shear box. sheai force is appl by moving half of the box relative to the other to cause failure in the Chapter 07 Fundamentals of 6eotechnical Engineering - Shear t.:?3|[ 227 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS PROBLEM 07. I is 50 l)irect shear tests were performed on a dry, sandy soil. The sPecirnen follows; rrrm in diameter and 25 mrn in height. Test results were as sample. Test No. Normal Force, N Shear Force, N 1 243 124 2 268 137 3 352 179 412 210 4 Determine the cohesion and angle of internal friction' SOLUTION Cross-sectional area of specimenl A= f (oos), A = 0.001963 m2 Figure 7.10 - Direct shear test arrangement Tesl No. shear stress, , 3 Cross - sectional area of specimen 4 = Cross Resisting shear force - sectional area of specimen 123.8 136.5 124 63.1 137 179.3 209.8 175 69.8 s1.2 210 106.9 243 268 352 412 2 Normal stress,6 = Shearing Stress. kPa Normal Stress. kPa 1 Normal force Force: N Normal Force. N Shear 120 a 100 o ai o Test 4 '":'1. 80 testz st 1 60 ^.."t' a 0 o a 40 20 Io o so 1oo 150 Normal Stress, kPa 2oo 250 22!B 5ii5f,.o7 * shear strensth F GeotechnicalEng The graph shows a straight line that purrur cohesion c = 0. Chapter 07 Fundamentals of Gcotechnical Engineering * Shear Strength of Soil 229 tn*rgt tf,Iffi MA Solving for S using the results of Test 1; 120 tan6= r flx o ui a 63.1 tan6= _ ' rn'i ii .i,,,p rt line a,60 Eao a 20 r' Aa + + j. . zo kn, PROBLEM O7.2 3:^f::.1: as follows: of four drained direct shear tests on an over consolidated clay 168 50 100 150 Normal Stress, kPa itnru jiffi { o N 80 0) 123.8 ,0=27" iiffit -/t 100 Test No. Normal Force, N Shear Force, N 1 120 114 2 220 179 3 320 239 4 420 286 Size of specimen = 50 mm x 50 mm Height of specimen = 25 mm From the graph, we draw the best fit straight line. Cohesion,c=20kPa Angle of internal friction: Using the result of Test 4 and the Y-intercept: xL4:4':20 tan $ r Determine the cohesion and angle of internal friction. SOLUTION Cross-sectional area'of specimen, A = 0.0S(0.05) Cross-sectional area of specimen, A = 0.0025 m2 168 O *29,38o PROBLEM 07.3 A direct shear test is performed on a specimen of dry sand. The shear box is circular in cross-section with a diameter of 50 mm. The normal force imposed on the specimen is 250 N. The shears when the shear force is 150 N. Determine the angle of internal friction of this sand. SOLUTION From Eq. 7.2: q= c+ c= o tan $ 0' (dry sand is cohesionless) zilo :i;51"'07 - shear strensth F Geotechnical Engi v - Shear Strength of Soil 6eotechnical Engineering 231 07.5 {CE NOVEMBER 19981 in a triaxial test, a specimen of saturated (normally consolidated) clay was Consolidated under a chamber confining pressure of 80 KiloPascals. The axial Itrcss on the specimen was then increased through the allowing the drainage from the ,p".i*".r. The specimen fails when the 1.20 KiloPascals, The pore. Wirter pressure (tI) at that time was 50 KiloPascals. What is the consolidated Tf= ,A _ 1s0 i1o.os;2 ry= 76,394Pa =i=# . Chapter 07 Fundamentals of runr.lrained friction angle (Phi): o = 127,324pa 'OLUTION For undrained condition, we use the total principal stresses 76,394 = 0 + (127,224) tan g tan 6 = 6'6 0 = 30'9e' r-:1!.---roo PROBLEM 07.4 i.- A7-m thick soil has water table ll" *?l:r 3 m berow the.ground surface. The boil abc table has degree of saturation of 4s%, void,ratio of the soil is 0.4 a the solids have specific gravity o{ 2.20, Tests show'th;ith" tlu" u.,gru internal friction of 32o and cohesion of 1-4.6 kpa. what is the potentiar shr strength on a horizontar prane at a depth of 2 m below the groriJr;.ru."z l.-- l_- ;;i ", = 80 r-----i40 ------l ._+1-- I +: = t2o 20 SlnQ= - 0 = 11'54o SOLUTION Potential shear strength, r = c + o tan 0 c = 14,6 6 =32 o = vertical effective stress " c = lt,h Y*= *&Y* t+e 0.45fi.40\ 7'=--ffi(9.81) 2.20 + Y*= 20'18 kN/ms o = 20.18(2) o = 40.36 kpa Potential shear strength, r = 1.4.6 + 4}.36tan 32o Potential shear strength, r = 39.g2 kpa PROBLEM 07.6ICE NOVEMBER z00tl Irr a triaxial test, a specimen of saturated (normally consolidated) clay was consolidated under a chamber confining pressure of 90 KiloPascals. The axial stress on the specimen was then increased allowing the drainage from the specimen. The ipecimen fails when the deviator stress is 60 KiloPascals. The pore water pressure (p*) at that time was 40 KiloPascals. What the consolidated drained friction angle (phi): SOLUTION Total principal stress, o: = 90 kPa Effective principal stress, o': = c't' Pw Effective principal stress, o'r = 90 - 40 fffective principal stress, o'3 = 50 kPa Qeviator \ \\ stress = 60 kPa 232 - Chaoter 07 Shear Strength Fundamen ofSoit GeotechnicalE Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering chapter 07 - shear r.:i?$ 1 LJ r60r stno= '80_ 30 6 = 22'024' PROBLEM 07.7 ICE NOVEMBER t9991 A triaxial test on a saturated soil has the following results: Cell pressure stress (kPa) Deviator , (kPa) 2oo 400 600 119 143 178 Pore pressure (kPa) 142.5 275.5 396 a) Determine the drained angle of internal friction of the soil.' b) Determine the cohesion of the soil in drained condition. From the figure: & = 119/2 Rr = 59.5 Rz="143/2 Rz= 77.5 cr=57.5+59.5 Cr ='117 (2= !)\.$ + /t.$ Cz= 195 fr) Drained angle of friction sin0=(Rr-R)/(Ce-G) sin$= (71.5-59.5) SOLUTION For drained condition: Effective stress, o'3 Deviator stress 200 =L42.5 = 57.5 119 143 4OO-275.5=t2q5 / (196-717) 6 = 8,737o b) Cohesion in drained condition: b=Ct-a b = 1.17 - 59.5 sin 8.737" b = 107.96 c=R1 cos$-d caRlcos$-btanQ c = 59.5 cos 8.737o - 107 .96 tan 8:737o c = 42.22kPa n,_n, Zgg 234 :if$it'07 - shear strensth Fundamentalsl Geotechnical Ehgi PROBLEM 07.8lCE NOVEMBER t9e9' 1. Sample 2 Sample kpa 25 kpa 14 o3 tests. The soil Plunger stress, 34 kpa 56 kpa What is the angle of internal friction of the soil in degrees. ll'$, 01 SOLUTION SOLUTION ilni ,.:, ,Rir:) ilffi Cz In triangle 34-14 Rr= 1: f2p$= 4200 6300 R1=10 0 = 33.69o Cr*14+10 Cr- 24 o =,lq+,zoo12 + (6,300)2 ^Xr= Ra a = 7,571,.66 56-2s In triangle 2: -T a=90o-0 cr = 90o -33.69' = 15.5 Cz=25+15.5 a = 56.31o Cz= 40,5 R - 7,577.66 tan 33.59' R = 5,047.76 sin$= sinQ= O R=atan0 Rz *Rr Cz -Cr 15.5 - 10 44.5-24 = 19,47o t,r:i?S Zgs A triaxial shear test was performed on a well-drained sand sample. The rrormaI stress on tlre failure plane and the shear stress on the failure plane, at f,rilure were determined to b; 6,300 psf and 4,200 pst, respectively. n) Determine the angle of internal friction of the sand? &) Determine the angle of the failure plane? c) Determine the maximum principal stress? r# t$ ffi chapter 07 - shear PROBLEM 07.9 ICE NOVEMBER 20021 A sample of moist sand,was subjected to a series of triaxial Cell pressure, tundamentals of En gineering Geotechnical C=asec0 C = 7 ,571..66 sec 33,69o C = 9,100 236 [ifj,i"'07 - shear strensth F GeotechnicalE Angle of failure plane, Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering b) 0: q,+20=180o 56.31o*20=180o 0 = 51.84o .:.- s, lt* lil rrRoBLEM 07.10 (cE MAY 2OO4t The results of, a consolidated-drained triaxial test conducted on consolidated clay, are as follows: Cha.mber confiniprg stress = 250 kPa Deviator stress at fiilu." = 350 kpa a) Calculate the angle of friction of the soil sample. b). Calculate the shear stress on.the failure flane. c) calculate the effective normal stress on the plane of maximum sheai, c) Effective normal stress at the point of maximum shear o=C , o=425kPa PROBLEM 07. I I A consolidated undrained (CU) compression test was conducted pressure recorded was 54 kPa. a) Determine the undrained shear strength of the clay friction angle: Cell pressure, os = 150 kPa Principal stress, or = 03 + plunger stress Principal stress, or = 150 + 160 = 310 kPa Angle of internal friction n = 35012 R=175 250 + 175 Q = ,1176 sinQ-175/425 a of 150 kPa and then incrementally applying loads on the plunger while kceping the cell pressurd'constant. Failure was observed when the stress cxerted by the plunger (deviator stress) was 160 kPa and the pore water a) Undrained sin on saturated clay soil by isotropically consolidating the soil using a cell pressure SOLUTION C* 237 24.3'16) &) Determine the undrained friction angle the drained friction angle C=425 Shear Strength of Soil c) Determine a) - Shear stress on the failure plane t=Rsin(90_S) r ='175 sin (90 t = 159.5 kPa Maximum principal stress, 01 =C+R Maximum principal stress, ol * 9,100 + 5,047.76 Maximum principal stiess, o1 = 14,'1.47.75 psf Chapter 07 . sin $ = R/nA R=230-150 R=80kPa q = 24.316' ( 159$lO = cen 23g :i;51"'07 - shea' strensth Fundamen Geotechnical ls of chapter 07 * Shear r,':ig$ hnical Engineering sin $,= 367230 +, ='i0.35'4' ZEg UTION b) Undrained shear strength: tr=R \,r t, = 80 kPa c) Drained a friction angle: '6 R:= 11S \a," \€-r 20 =. 1360 440,. \ "' tC ,i-. o':=150-54 40 -rl * -.--.-.--o-Y- l' 155 o's = 96 kPa o'r=310-54 -+ oi 270 o'r = 256 kPa 0=68o 1i In right triangle APC: 0=90o-44o 0 '46o .R SlnO= ,AC - s6+2s6 *-T= t/o R =176 sin 46o 256 AC * -96 R=BO - 115' 1.59.87 In right triangle AOQ: sin $,i = 80/176 0A=AC-155 0o = 27.03o OA = 4.869 .c tand'oA c = 4,869 PROBLEM 07.12 In a triaxial test for a soil sample, when the principal stresses are 270 kpa e 40 kPa, the soil fails along a plane making an angle of 6!o with the horizon What is the cohesion of the soil in kPa? : AC c tan 45o = 5.04 kPa IRoBLEM 07.13' a triaxial test. The critical state friction angle of the soil is 28o and the normal effective stress at failure is 200 A cohesionless soil sample is subjected to kl'a. n) Determine the critical state shear stress t ) Determine the plunger stress d) Determine thg cell pressure I I I /I 24O Chapter 07 of Soit - Shear Strength Funda Geotechnical Fundaqentals of Engineering c) SOLUTION chapter 07 - shear t.:ig:? Z4l Cell pressure, o: = C - R Cell pressure, oz = 256.54 - 120.44 Cell pressure, o: = L36.1 kPa PROBLEM 07. I 4 An unconfined compression test was carried out on a saturated clay sample, Thc maximum load the clay sustained was 127 N and the vertical displacement is 0.8 mm. The siee of the sample was 38 mm diameter x 76 mm lqrrlg. o) Calculate the axial strain of the soil sample tl) Calculate the major principal stress at failure c) Calculate the undrained shear strength of the soil sample *# i I a) b) Critical state shear stress, ta = o4 tan Q Critical state shear stress, ta = 200 tan 28o Critical state shear stress, ta = 106.34 kPa !OLUTION a\ Plunger stress oA cosd'oA oA _ b) cos 28o OA = 226.514 R xA tan6= ,OA = da 1,4634 226.51"4 200 R = 120.44 kPa ^oA cosg L= H -0'8 Axialstrain.e= -76 Axial strain, 200 R .AH s= Axial strain. 226.514 cos 28o C = 256.54kPa - Plungerstress,or=C+R Plunger stress, or = 256.54 +'120.44 Plunger stress, or = 375.98 kPa s = 0,010525 mm/rnm Sample area (initial), A, = t (0.0e4;r Saniple area (initial), A, = [.QQ]1J{ 6z Sample area at failure, A ' = A ="o 1':€--..-. o Sample area at failure, o = r 9or'r1'*, L - 0.010526 Sar-nple area at failure, A = 0,001146 *' - ^- 0.001146 Major principal stress at faiJure, or = 110,814 Pa Major principal stress at failure, {or)u = 110.814 kPa 242 Chapter 07 of soil Note: - og Shear Strength F Geotechnical mentals of Chapter 08 - Lateral Earth Pressure icalEngineering 243 :0 ax Lateral Earth Pressure h * It From the Mohr's circle shown, tlr = 55.4 kPa Chapter 04 was focused on the vertical stress caused by the weight of soil and ttructures above the soil surface. This chapter will focus on the lateral stress excrted by the soil mass on a structure, such as retaining walls, basement wrrlls, and bulkheads. Active. earth pressgre coefficient, Ko - the ratio between the lateral and vertical principal effective strebses when an earth retaining structure moves away (by a small amount) from a retained soil. Passive earth pressure coefficient, Kp - the ratio between the lateral and vertical principal effective stresses, when an earth retaining structure is forced against a soil mass. Figure 08.1 iDS "*j , 244 8,I Chaoter 08 pressure - Lateral Earth F GeotechnicalE Chapter 08 tals of * Lateral Earth . technical Engineering Pressure 245 th reference to Figure 08.1: EARTH PRESSUREATREST If pn= a retaining structure does not move either to the right or to the initial position, the soil mass will be in a state of elastic equilibrium, the horizontal strain is zero. The ratio of the horizontal stress to the stress is called the cofficient of earth pressure at rest, K* F KoY -lzK"y H Eq, 8,6 H2 Eq, 8.7 RANKINES THEORY llr k=:_A_=1_sin0 where $ is the drained friction angle. For dense sand backfill: K"=(1-sinQ). [#-r)rt Active where = actual compacted dry nit weight of the sand behind the wall |dmrn = dry nit weight of the sand in the loosest state yd case Passive case Ftgure 08.2 - Vertical Coefficient of activepressure: For fine-grained normally consolidated soils: K,= Ko= 4.44 + 0.42(pI%/tA}) face and inclined backfill , .o,i-..f,of,lIJo" Eq. 8.8 .or,*fiJi-*J4 . Coefficient of passive pressure: For overconsolidated clays: & loverconsolidi ted) OCR = Ke1no.-ullyconsolidated) m Preconsolidation pressure =c Presenteffectlve overburden pressure Kr= .ori*.',f,oJ ,-.*t[.ori - 16Jll.oJ 6 COS T Eq. 8.9 246 Chapter 08 - Lateral Earth Fundamentals Pressure f Chapter 0B rrrrdamentals of - Laterai Earth (ir:r:technical Engineering GeotechnicalEn 4.2.1 RAN|(NE',S THEORY (FOR HORTZONTAL BACKFILLI Pressure 247 8.3 COULOMB'S THEORY Normal to tr tl{ il ri Figure 08.3 - Vertical face and horizontal backfill T ,il,: i,13 - Wall sloping face (active case) When i = 0, Eq. 8.8 yields ,& Kr- 1-sing n ft t Figure 08.4 Coefficient of active pressure: 1+sin$ r4 . Coefficient of passive pressure: When i = Q, Eq. 8.9 yields Kp= sin$ sin0 - 1+ 1. Eq.8,1 Figure 08.5 - Wall sloping face (passive case) llecause of frictional iesistance to sliding at the face of the wall, F, and Fn is irrclined at an angle of 6 with the normal to the wall, where 6 is the angle of ruall friction \ 248 Chaoter 08 pressure 8.3.I ACTIVE - Lateral Earth GeotechnicalEng PRESS URE COEFFICIENT cos2 Ko* 0o (O - p) + tan,o = The effect of wall friction on & is small, and is usually neglected.. For 6 = K,- "or2 16 cor2 Kr= ,ft tt,* chapter oB - LatTire:il:: - p; T'hc 14 + p; Eq..8.17 inclination of the slip plane to the horizontal is: tan6,= '_ _:.6i" d."r s -tand Wheni=0and6=0: llor frictionless wall with vertical back face supporting granulal soil backfill with horizontal surface (i.e. $ = 0o, i = Qe and p = 0'), Eq. 8.17 yields Note that this is the same cor2 16 - B; Eq. B.18 cosS./sin($+6) 1+sin0 .. k=_ - 1-sin0 K,= z+9 3.3.2 PASSIVE PRESSURE COEFF.ICIENT The inclination of the slip plane to the horizontal is: tan Fundamentals of 6eotechnical Engineering Eq.8.19 with Rankine's value given by Eq. 8.11. 'l'he critical value of 0 is: .or'ofr.H)' 0=0.r=45r+O/2 Eq. 8.20 For wall with vertical back face supporting granulal soil horizontal surface (i.e. i = 0o.and 0 = 0"), Eq. 8.14 yields -.K,= -sin 0 1+sin0 1 - Note that this is the same with Rankine's value given by Eq. 8.10. 8,4 RETAINING WALLS A retaining wall may be defined as a structure whose primary purpose is to prevent lat"eral morement of earth or some other mateiial. Fo. some special cases, as in basement walls or bridge abutments, a retaining wall may also have a function of supporting vertica loads. : 25O Chaoter 0B pressure - Lateral Earth F GeotechnicalE ls of hnical Engineering Chapter 08 - Lateral Earth Pressure 251 shown in Figure 08'6 (a), is usually built of-plain conciete. Thislype of wall depends only on its own weight for stability, and hence, its height is subject to some definite practical limits' G*"tty t"trining wall, 8.4.I ryPES OF RETAINING WALLS Semi-gravity wall is in essence a gravity wall that has been given a wider base"(a toe or heel or both) to increase its stability. some reinforcement is usually necessary for this type of wall' T-shaped wall as shown in Figure 08'6 (b) is perhaps the most cgmlol .ur-,iilu,r", wEll. For this type. of wall, the weight of the earth in the back of,the stem (the backfiil) contributes to its stability' (a) Gravity retaining wall (b) T-shaped retaining wall L-shaped wall as shown in Figure 08'6 (c) is frequently used^when property line restrictions forbid the use of a T-shaped wall' On the oitr". t-ra"a, when it is not feasibie (due to construction limitation) to excavate for a heel, a rettersed L-shape may serve the need' Counterfort retaining wall, as shown in Figure 08'6 (d) consists of three main components: base, stem, and intermittent vertical ribes called counterforis, which tie the base and the stem together. These ribs, which acts as tension ties, transform the stem and heel into continuous and at the slabs supported on three sides - at two adjacent counterforts base of t-hl stem. (d) Counterfort retaining wall (c) L-shaped retaining wall BridgeabutmentasshowninFigure0s.6(e)isaretainingwall,generally shirt and typically accompanied by wing walls' Deck (e) Counterfort retaining wall Figure 08.6 of the Buttressed wall is constructed by placing the ribs on the front face compression. stem where they act in - Types,of retaining walls _tr_r z>z Chapter 08 - Lateral Earth Chapter 0B tals of Pressure GeotechnicalE 8.5 ACTIVE PRESSURE ON WALL - Lateral Earth Pressure nical Engineering 2s3 Soil: pt= KotfiHr Ft=lzptHt Surcharge, q (kPa) P+ = K,zfi Ht Fn= ptHz ps = Knzf azHz = 1/z ps Hz F5 Water: fu= !'' Hz Fo=1/zftHz Total active force, F, 9q Cohesion Figure 08.7 - Surcharge Total active moment, Mo* Ft Yt + *, = 1-tll1 t 1+sing Fz^Az+ Ft - Fs W+ t ct J/,r' t cz Fa yt+ Fs ls+ !,2 Soil Commonly assumed active pressure on retaining walls With reference to Figure - \ + Fs+ FriFr+Fs+Fo-Fcr-Fcz 8,6 PASSIVE PRESSURE ON WALL 08.7: (Rankine or Coulomb) Cohesion: Pd = 2q lKal ^ Fa=PaxHt p,z= ,, /1 2c2r$j Fs2= p4x ---n"{"- ,,,,/f r, I ll ',Til!{n P: H2 I{L]J' 9z Water Soil Pr Cohesion Surcharge: Pr*kaq F1 pz= = p1x Figure 08.8 * Commonly assumed passive pressure on retaining walls H1 K,zQ Ft=DtxHt With reference to Figure 08'8: KP _ 1+sin$ 1*cos$ (Rankine or Coulomb) Fr lr 254 Chapter 0B * Lateral Earth F Pressure Geotechnical Chapter 0B Fundamentals of 6eotechnical Engineering - Lateral Earth Pressure 255 Factor of safety against sliding: Cohesion: h=2c,[$ Ft=fiH ' rrs Resistine forces Active forces Eq, 8.21 Soil: P2= KpYbH For granular backfill, FS' > 1.5 For cohesive backfill, FS' > 2.0 Ft=1/zatH Water: Factor of safety against overturning about the toe: ft=Y,'H F, = 1/2p3 H Total passive resistance, Fp= Fr + Total passive moment, Mp = Ft 8.7 - rro Fz + Fs !t + Fzlz+ hlt - Stabilizine moments Overturning moments Eq. 8.22 For granular backfill, FS' > 1.5 For cohesive backfill, FS. > 2.0 FACTORS OF SAFETY The structural elements of the wall should be following safety factors are realized: so proportioned that 'rhe horizontal components of the lateral forces tends to force the wall to slide resisting force is povided by, fhe horizontal forces co*iosed of friction and adhlsion, and by passive resistance of soil in- front *"ir, The passive resistance is not to be counted on if there is a chance the life of "r,f,'a that the soil in front of the wall may be eroded or excavated during, the wall. .r""g iir b*", Tie The force F at the base of the wall consist of the frictio-n and cohesion. given by: F = pN + "'1.'T Figure 08.9 - l Forces acting on wall c1B It is Eq' B'23 base where N is the normal reactiohi p is the coefficient' bf friction, cr, is-the of p values assumed cohesion, and B is the base width of wall. Commonly and ca are as follows: (213)tan0 0.5c S cu 30.75c tanQ>p> , Eq'8'24 Eq' 8'?5' 2s6 oC[]?J::" - LaterarEarth Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering GeotechnicalE 8.8 pREssuRE DrsrRrBUTroN AT snsr oi wALL chapter ot ' *"n!:lJ[ 257 Whene> 8/6 The actual bearing pressure on the base of the wall is a cornbination of no forces and the effects of moments. Ro = LFo Eq. RrV=RM_Olvl e= B-2 - x Eq. Eq. where: I RM = righting or stabilizing moments OM = overturning moments Figure 08.11 Note that in computing RM and Rr, the passive resistance is not to be cou orr if there,is.a chance that_the soil in front of the wall may be erode excavated during the life of the wall. - e>B/6 Stress distribution at base of wall when e > 8/6 Considering L m length of wall: ' Whene38/6 Bl2 8.9 IjTERAL q*t* = 2R,, -;f PRESSURE ON RETAINING WALLS DUE TO POINT.LOAD SURCHARGE Figure 08.10 - Stress distribution at base of wall when e < 8/6 Considering I,m length of wall: 4^u* = min R, (', *6'\ s l'- s Eq. 8.30 ) Flgure 08.12 - Stress on wall caused by a point load 258 F[l?j::rr - LaterarEarth F Geotechnical The lateral stress on the wall induced by a point-load surcharge is given For m > 0.4 chapter Fundamentals of 6eotechnical Engineering o, - t"i1i,;:lJi: ZSq induced by a line-load surcharge is given by: ffiil For m> 0.4 Or 4a - 7.77Q m'n' H2 (m2 +n21? *2n 6,' = -J- ---------;---. nH (m'+n')" For m < 0.4 Eq.8.33 Fol m 30.4 ox. = 0.28Q ----;H' n2 (0.16 + 6r= n')' 0.2a3q H -.--.-;-;. whgre Q is the point load (kN or lbs), H is the height of wall (m or feet), where 4 is the line load a,1rtw Eq. 8.34 (kN/m,or lbs/ft), H is the height of wall (m or feet), is the stress (kPa or psf) Simpson's one-third rule. 'Ihe force F per unit length of wal1 gau,sef by the strip load can be obtained bY traPezoidal rule or approximating the area of the shaded portion using Simpson's one-third rule. 8.IO LATERAL 8.1 The force F per unit length of wall caused by the point load can be obtained approximating the area of the shaded portion using trapezoidal .rule PRESSURE ON RETAINING WALLS DUE TO LINE-LOAD SURCHARGE Figure 08,13 l LATERAL PREssUftE oN RETAINING wALLs DUE To STRIP:LoAD SURCHARGE - Stress on wall caused by a line load Figure 08.14 - Stress on'wall caused by a strip load 260 F[:,Pff:08 - LaterarEarth Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri The lateral stress on the wall induced by a strip-road surcharge is given by: or = 2a --r (B - sin B cos 2cr) Eq. 8.3 Chapter 08 approximating the area of the shaded portion using trapezoidal rule Simpson's one-third rule, or by integration of o, with iimits from 0 to H. Lateral Earth 26l ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS PROBLEM 08. I A 5-m tall cantilever The force F per unit length of wall caused by the strip load can be obtained - Ceotechnical Engineering retaining wall retains soil having the following properties: Cohesion, c = 0 Unit weight = 19.8 kN/m3 Angle of internal friction, 0 = 30o The ground surface behind the walt is inclined at a slope of 3 horizontal to 1 vertical, and the wall has moved sufficiently to develop the active condition, Use Rankine's Theory and consider 1 m length of wall. a) Determine the coefficient of active pressure b) Determine the total active force c) Determine the overturning mornent on the wall SOLUTION a) Coefficient of active pressure Inclined Backfill (Rankine Theory) co.2 i -.os2 4 Ko- cos I cosi+J.or2i*.or24 tani = 1/3 i= 1.8,43,5o .. = cos18.435',( cos K,= A,42 1 Jcos2 18.435" -.or2 30o 8.435' + Jcos2 1 8.435" - .or2 30o rnq18.435o 262 F[l!ff:" - LaterarEarth Fundamen Geotechnical Enoi b) Active pre$sure Fo Fundamentals of Geotechniqal Eng ineering Chapter 08 - Lateral Earth Pressure b&c) = t/2y lQ ll2 F, = lz(19.8) (0.42) (5), F, = 103.95 kN ' c) Overturning moment OM,= F, cos I (5/3) OM = 1"03.95 cos 18.435" (5/3) OM = 164.36 kN-m PROBLEM 08.2 A 3 m high vertical retaining wall is shown in Figure 08.15 a) What is the effective vertical stress at the base of the wall? b) What is the total active force acting on the wall? c) What is the total active moment on the wall? F*Pr---r i .t l+-pz --+leP t+l i 3.-*p:*-.--+i Soil 1-sin$ ,, -- :-----;---: nal l+slnQ ,, - 7-sin3Oo - lliil36i ^or K,t*1f3 ,, * 1- sin 26o 1 + sin 26o Koz= 0,39 pr* Kar! Hr n= $/3)(15.\(2) pt - 1A.467 kPa Ft \=lt$l'a6h?) Fr * 10.467 kN y+ 1. + 2/3 h*5/3 Figure 08.15 soLUTtoi{ a) Effective vertical stress at the bottom o.f wall: pe =(18.9 -9.81X1) +15.7(2) Pt = 4A.49 kPa * 1/2fu Ht pz- Kaz'T Ht : p, = (0.39)(15.7)(2) pz-12.26kPa Fz= pzHz Fz* 12.26(1) Fu = 12.26 kN az= 0.5 !pr-l 263 264 i[:!j::08 p'z= Laterar Earth Fundamentals GeotechnicalE Ko2y62H2 (0.39)(18.9 - 9.81)(1) p'z = 3.545 kPa Ft = 1/z p'z Hz width. on the wall per foot width. . !/t = 1/3 Pt = SOLUTION $) -2c P+='2Q)J6.u ,: To a:,1{0-.p61r. '' | :. :t', ,.t1.. : I lr"ili :r irllir:' r::..1 1tt= -2.498kPa r 14 rr -- r12 -- p4 l'l 1 Fs = -2.498(1) Fa - -2.498 kN = 0.5 y*,a,l2Qpcf Hz Yq Ps=f,Hz Ps = 9.81(1) ps = 9.81, Fs = Fs - Fs = Effectlve stress dlagram , kPa 1/z ps Hz 1/z(9.81)(1) = Tsat'nlw ybe 720 - 62.4 ya - 57.6 pcf ^la 4.905 kN Ys=1/3 1-sinQ Total active pfessure, F, =Fr + Fz+ Fs+ Fa + Fs Total active pressure, F, = 10.467 + 12.26 + 1,77 _2.49g + 4.905 Total active pressure, F, = 26.904 kN Total active moment: M, = F1 fi + F2lz+ 24.552 u _ 7K'= sin3So TllliF + FaAq + Fs ys M,= 10.467(5/3) + 12.26(0.5) + 1.7fi0/q ,:= &= 1+sin$ Ko= 0.271 fi fi kN-m ZOS b) Determine the location of the resultant pressure from the ground surface c) Determine the overturning moment caused by the active pressure acting Fz=rze.Saile) kN LateratEarl a) Calculate the total active pressure acting on the wall in pounds per foot p'z* Fs = 1.773 Chapter 0B _ Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering _2,4s8(O.s) + 4,905(1/g) Part a: Considering 1-foot length of wall: Pressure: 9't= PROBLEM 08.3 (CE MAY 2OO2) A vertical retaining warl retains 26-ft deep of soil. The soir has a dry unit weight of 110 pcf above water table uni tzo p.r ueto* *ui". ,rur". The ground water table is 10 feet berow the ground surface. rr-r" internal - --: u.rgl"'oi ' -^'o'friction of the soil is 35o. T hHr p1= 710$.271)(70) Pt = 298.1' Psf P2=ftKoHz P2= 57.6(0.271)(1'6) Pz= 249.75 psf Pore stress water Resultant diagram force - zbb F[]!f:" Ps LaterarEarth GeotechnicalE - Total pressure: Fr = 1/z pt Ht !, = lz(298.1)(1,0) Fr = 1490.5 lbs Fz=hHz Ft=VzpzHz Ft = 1/z(249.75)(16) F3 = 1998 lbs SOLUTION 1-sin$ a) Kr= 7---1+sin$ Fs=1/zptHz - Fs = 7987,21bs y2(ss8.4)(16) ,, - 1- sin33o ' j_:r-nin rr" 33o Total force, F= Fr + Fz+ Ft+ Ft F = 1490.5 + 4769.6 + 1998 + Tg87.z K,= y=pg Location of .F: y = (2/3)(1.0) y = 1600(9'81) Y = 15,696 Nlm3 yt = 20/3 ft, ' lz='10+16/2 Part 15.696o*/:l z=26-18.6 Overturning moment = F z = 16,245,3 (7.4) Overturni ng momen t = 120,2'15,22 ft-lb yr,: G ya7;-T"' ' l+e /?) | !76e 6(18) + ress12s.6.r, + 7987.2(20.664 z=7.4ft 5.696) (8)'? Solving for G and fI= \Y+Fzaz+Fsas+Fatu 1.6,24s.3 y 14e_0:l(29 c (1 b&c) Taking moment of forces about the top: ft o F, = /z(0.2948) F, = 148'1kN lt = As = 10 + (2/ 3)(1.6) lt = !+ = 20.667 ft. Y = 18.6 Y | yz= 18 ft. . _r A'2948 Fo- 1/zK,Y H2 F = 1,6,245,?lbs = Lateral Earth 26l soil is dry. &) Determine the thrust on the wall in kN per lineal meter if owing to to a 1evel 3.5 m below the surface. inadequate drainage, it is waterlogged "b-ase of th" wall ,where the thrust acts .1 n"t".ri i.e ttre nefftrt above fhe during the waterlogged condition. F: * 298.1(16) Fz= 4769.6\bs F4 - ' PRoBLEM 08.4 {CE NOVEMBER 2003, MAY 2OA4l ,having a dry density of soil cohesionless a supports A retaining wall B m high The 1600 kg/ri3, angle ,of shearing resistance is 33o and void ratio of 0,68. wall Neglect the:wall. of top the with level ftoriro"iuftnd soil surface of the ir friction and use Rankine's formula for active pressure of a cohesionless soil' a) Determine the total earth thrust on the wall in kN per Jinear meter if the l'u Hz pt = 62.aQ.6) Pt = 998,4 psf . Chapter 0B Fundamentals of Geotecfrnical En gineering 1.5.6e6= G = 2.688 :' ff* tr.rrl G*7 lo= a-1"' 1,+e' 2.688 - 1 (9.81) = Yb 1+ 0.58 y6= 9.857 kN/m3 268 F[:iff:" - LaterarEarth chapter Fundamentals of GeotechnicalEng En 6eotechrrical ot - gineering ,r,1i,":lJi: 269 Total thrust, Fr = Ft + F2 + F3 + F4 Total thrust, Fr = 28.34 + 72.88 + 29.421+ 99.33 Total thrust, Fr = 229,97 kN t Location: F7x ! =ZFy i = 28,34(5.667) 22s.s7 i + 7 2.88 (2.25) + 29 .421 (1 .5) + 99. 33 (1 s) . =2'251m PROBLEM 08.5 A frictionless retaining wall is shown in Figure 08.16. Consider 1 rn length of wall. a) .Determine the total horizontal passive Pressure on the backfilt at the bottom of the wall b) Determine the passive resistance on the backfill cj Determine thelocation of the resultant passive force from the bottom of o Soil Water the wall pr=KryH p t = 0.2948 (15.696X3.5) Pt = 16.195 kPa F r = 1/z(16.1.95X3.5X1) Fr = 28.34 kN Q = 10 kN/m2 lt=4.5+3.5/,3 Fr= lt = 5.667 m Fz = 72.88 kN y2 = 1/z(4:5) yz= 2.25 m Pz= KnytH pz = 0.2948(9.857) (4.5) Pz= 13,076kPa F3 = i/z(13.076X4.5X1) FE = 29.421 kN lz = 4.5/3 F+ = Vzy* H2 /:=1:5m h Fa ' = lz(9.81)(4.5)z = 99.33 kN la= 4.5/3 !a*1.5m Figure 08.16 27a Ffffff:" - LaterarEarth F Geotechnical Chapter 08 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering SOLUTION Location of , - Lateral Earth Pressure F: F *y=h(2)+Fr(4/3) 512y = 20a.8Q) + 307.2(4 / 3) y =7.6m PROBLEM 08.6 a) Deterr,nine the total active pressure before tensile crack occurs: &) Determine the total active pressure after tensile crack occurS: q r Pressure diagram ,, ].+sin25 l\-= ' Kp -7 - -sin26o 2.5e The passive pressure at any point is p KryH + Ko q + 2c = AtH = {G O: fi=2.56(70)+2(B).m - 51.2 kPa Pr @H=4m pz= 2.56('LS)(4) + 2.s6(10) + 2@) JTR pz= 204.8kPa Pz ^ Figure 08.17 Pt = 153.6 kPa h = s1.2(4)(1) Fr = 204.8 kN = 1/z(L33.6)(4)(1) Fz = 307.2 kN Fz F=F,+p, F=512kN soruTloN ,, - 1-sin$ o'- k* l;ffi 0.39 p,=KoyHaKo4-2rJ\ 15 kN/m2 271 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering orl -^' Chapter 08 - Later:al Earth Pressure lz(6'64x1'03x1) r, ='t\(t)' F,=76kN Active pressure after tensile crack occurs: F, = 1/z(31.97)(4'97X1) F, = 79'45 kN PROBLEM 08.7 in Figure 08'18' Analyze the stability of the frictionless wall shown Q. = 20 kPa Figure 08.18 SOLUTION ,' . With reference to Figure 08'19:wall' Note:9 = distanJe oFitt" fott" from the bottom of Active Pressure Pr=QsxKa , Kt, = 1 - sin 25o ;;;29 K'r = 0'40586 273 ztz F[13i::" - LaterarEarth GeotechnicalEng At H = 0 (at the ground surface) po = 0 + 0.3e(1s) - Z(10t JdB p, = -6.64 kN/r11z AtH = 6: p, = 0.3e(1 6.5)(6) P,= 31.97 * o.:s(rs) kNy'pz - 2(10) .fi3e , y=6 6.64 6.64 + 3't.97 y= 1..03 m 5-Y=4.97m Depth of tensile crack = 1.03 m Active pressure before tensile crack: Fo = l/zK^yLp + K,qH - Zc,tQ ru F, = Yz(0.3e)(16.s)(6)r+ 0.3e(1s)(6) F,=76kN - 2(10) Jo39 101 - 274 F[:rj::" LaterarEarth Fundamentals Geotechnical Engi Chapter 08 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g g = 20(0.40586) p = 8.L2kPa * Lateral Earth Pressure Pz= 201 pz= 6.67 kPa Fr= 6.67(4)(1) \*p1(2)(1) rr = 8.12(2X1) Fr = 16.24 kN kN Fz = 26.68 !z=2m th=4+1=5m P+ = \sutt p4 = Kaz Ht 1e(+)(2) pn= 12.67 kPa Ft= 12.67(4)(1\ Fa = 50'68 kN lt=2m : = 1tz Koz Ht ps= (20,9.81X+X4) Ps Ps pore $'ater ' fdir stress stress Passlve Pressure Figure.08.19 Ps = - = 13'59 kPa Fs = %(13.sex4x1) Fs = 27'18 kN ys=tm 'Pz P, Surcharge stress Active Presaurestress SoiPr stress Forces acting on the wall Fe pore water Pt=!,Hz = 9.81.(4) po= 39.24kPa po * lz(39.2a)$)(1) Fe=7848kN Ft Hl Y*t1K;nt yu=tm pt = 1,9(0.40586)(2) p3 = 15.42 kN Total active force: h=vz(1s.a2)Q)$) F: = 15.42 kN h=4+2/3 /e= pz= tm K"= Active morrient lvfo= QsKoz ,, K,r= Fo=Ft+Fz+F:+Fa+Fs+Fo t6,zq1 %.Ae + 15.42+ 50"68 + 27.18 + 78.48 F, = 214.68 kN i,= 1, - 1+ t - sin 30o M, - + FzAt + FsW + FtY 16-.24(5) + 2.6.68(2) + 15.42( Frlr ! l?y'* -p^uV' + 50'68(2) + 27.18(\) + 78.a8({ ) sin 30' M, = 448.76 kN-m +) 275 276 F[l?j::'n - LaterarEarth Fundamentals GeotechnicalEn .. L+sin30o 1 - sin 30o Kpz=3 Pz=(20-9.81X3X4) pz = 122.28kPa Fr = 1/z(122.2$$)(1) Fz = 244.56 kN az= * bj cj m Dete.mine the factor of safety against overturning' Surcharge Pe=Po=39,24kPa Fe = Fo = 78.48 ye= t I--- kN m I Total passive force: I I Fp*F7+fs Fp = 323.0+ ktl I 20ft Passive momeflts Mp=Ftyz+Fels Mp = 430.72 kN-m Ratio of - fo..". - tP Fa l(atro ott,torces = 323.04 214.68 Ratio of forces = 1.5 > 1 (OK) Ratio of moments = Ratio of momente . YL SOLUTION Md 430.72 448.76 Ratio of moments = 0.96 Lateral Earth Pressure 277 The fill behind the A solid concrete retaining wall is shown in Figure 08.20. pressure may be assumed ;rll;;;;it *uight of"110 pcf whoseperactivJsoil The passive pressure. may b1 ;;;;il i"-, n.,ii pressure ft eo ptf foot. psf per foot' rhq live load ;1il; ;;;;;1";i'to a fluid p'"i"'" ofto300an-additionat,?t feet of fill. ffih;;;";"r.,i"a ir,..*rll is equivalent ? " wall. of length ft. 1 *.igr.i"r.oi..",u =isp p.f. consider ;;ff;* 'wall in lbs, oi- Ou,"r-ine ihe total active p."rtui" acting on the in ft-lb' toe the Determine the overturning moment about "y62 Kp2 H2 x ^= _ Chapter 08 PROBLEM 08.8ICE MAY 2OO2l Passive Pressure pt = Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ( 1 (unstable) 7 = 30(2) Pr = 60 Psf pz= 30(20) p2= 500 pst Active Pressure: \= Pr(20) Fl = (60)(20) Fr = 1200 lbs 278 Flliff:" j LaterarEarth chapter mentals of nical Engineertng Fundamentals Geotechnical Enqineeri ot - *",,i!::J,,: Zlc) LVj = Ysoit ttl3=110(20*6*1) * 13200lbs W: x1 =!+1 =5ft =6ft' xt=L2-'h(6)=9fr' RM =Wt xt + Wzxt* x2=1/2(72) Wt RM = s400(5) + 3600(6) + 13200(e) RM = 167,4,00 ft-lb Factor of safety against overturning = Factor of safety against overturning = Pr 2ft (20) 1/z pz Fz= Vz(600)(20) Fz = Fz W ^^^ ffi Factor of safety against overturning = 3'22 Oz Active pressure diagram, 2O0ll located 1.2 m ties for the anchored bulkhead shown in Figure 08.21 are end of the The center'. on m 5 iro- an" top of the sheet piling and are spaced' earth The, active shown. as iakecl ;i;; ; ;.;ed to two ancho"red piles * meter per 5 kN./m2 of pressure fluid to a fr.rru." may be assumed equivalent m?y assumed equivalenl to a fluid .rrrd the maximum passive p."r,,to .be the compressive force in the Caiculate ineter. Oi f.Nl*z per ;;;r*. PROBLEM 08.9 (CE MAY ,l,he , = 6000 lbs Total active pressure, F = h + Fz Total active pressure, F = 7200lbs Overturning moment: y=20/2 Yr = 10 ItM "i anchor pile. ft. lz * 20/3 ft, OM = Fr yt + Fzlz OM = 1200(10) + 6000(2013) OM = 52,000 ft-lb Righting moment: ' , *yrV1 Wt=150(18x2x1) W1 Anchor piles Wr = 5400 tbs Wz='., Vz Wz=150(72x2x1) Wz= 3600lbs Figure 08.21 Laterar Earth 28o' F[:!ff:o' - F Geotechnical SOLUTION T.--r Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter 08 * Lateral Earth Pressure 281 From the diagram shown:. 0r = tan'' (4/i) il= _ 1.2m ,to *T-----T-- tt .it rml 75.96o = tan.l (5/1) 0z= 78.69" 0z lIF, = o1 Fr sin 0r = Fz sin 0z Fz = 0.989 Fr lIFs = 0l Ftcos0r+Fzcos0:=T Fr cos75.96'+ 0.989 Fr cos 78'69o = 134'3 Fr = 307.6 F, = 112(27)g.a)g) f, = 364.5 kN lIMe = PROBLEM 08. I O ; r;"";i"*"11 is a shown in depth d for stability' in a) Determine the minimum ,"rlrre of embedment 61 FP(3.8) Fp kN (comPression) meters. tension in the tie rod Per b) Using the minimum value of d, determine the = 364.27(2.4) = 230.2 kN meter length of Pile. Check for p,: vz(p,) (1,.2) (s) Po = 230.2 = 76.73kPa ,, Maximum p,= [IFa = 0] T+Fr=Fo T=364.5-230.2 T = 134.3 kN 65(1..2) = > 76.72 kpa (OK) zaz F[:!ff:" * LaterarEarth Fundamen GeotechnicalEn SOLU,TION m m T m ',, a Fel Fp d \i f 2d/3) + 47.O8B(1./3) * 23.544(6 + d)$ + d/21 +,,1452(36 + 12d r d1)(5't 2d/3) pressures: j,0fl.64 d2 + 9:68 d3 + 15.696 l * 23.544(24 + 7d + 0.5d2) *1.452(130 +24d+ 6Od+8d2+5dt +0.67 dt) g.n ez Note:,The water pressrire may not be included in the analysis. It , cancel out because it appeari at the same level on Uott, sia", of. wall. Active = 1/z(29.04 d)(d) = 14'52 O' L4.52 d2 (7 + .: ,, pr 283 Fra*Fo'r6-Po2c+Frtf , 7l F: Pressure a=7 +2d/3 <<;-. i Lateral Earth pt=29.04 dkPa l:.-\ ,,..iP'r - Passive pressures: fi= KpybH3 p = 3(9.68)(d) ,'',L,", lb vo Chapter 08 ndamentals of 6eotechnical Engi6eering Au + 7A.99 d2 - 28678d - 810.72 * q By trial and'error: d = 4.34? m ,j IIFH = 0l l=Fot+Fnz+F6-Fp r * s; .aaa * zl.ia+$ ). h=K'YHt + 4.347) + 1.452136 + 12(4.347) + (4 3a7J2) 14.52(4,54712 pt = 0.3(1e.62)(4) pt = 23.544 kPa T = 771,77 kN Fa=lz(23,54a)gx1) Fn = 4Z.0gg kN PROBLEM 08. I I b=4/3_7 b = 1./3 F,z= 23.544(6 + d) x c=1.*1/z(6+A1 L the back face of a 6A line load of 75 kN/m is located ata distance of 4 m from due to the line wall the on nigr,.*rining wall. Determine the lateral force ^load alone. c=4+d/2 pz= Koy6H2 SOLUTION rn- 4/6 pz=0.3(9.68)(6+d) Pz = 2,9A4$ + d) kPa Fa3 = lz[2.!}ag + 0.4 4o Stress, o, = * nH m = 0.667 > d)i$ + d) x 1 + d2) F,s = 1".452(36 + 12d f =1+ (2/s)(6+ . f=5+2d/3 d) Use Eq. 8.33 m2n 1m2 +n212 zs4 F[:ff:" - Lateral Earth F GeotechnicalEng Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter 09 * Bearing CaPacitY of Soils 285 Chapter Oq Bearing CapacitY of Solls 9.I 3.3903 Depth, 2 n=zlH 0 0 0 667 0.3333 0.5000 0.6667 0.8333 1 0000 5.2868 7.6394 7.3339 5.9683 0.1 1 2 e 4 5 6 load Foundation is that part of a structure which transmits the building are site the at directly into the underlying soil. If the soil conditions ',(Ir sufficientiyStronsanacap"auteofsupportingtherequired.load,tlren shallow spreud fo6tings or mats can be used to transmit the load' structure Footing is a foundation consisting of a small slab for transmitting the supporting slabs individual be can load-to the underlying soil. Footings or be a long single column, o, oo*li.,ed to support two or more columns ' it approaches i'e'' small' i$ L ratio lengtir to B ,t.l"p of concrete slab (width mat' a or wall, ,".o; trpporting a load bearing depth to the shallow foundation is one in which the ratio of the embec'lment minimum plan dimension, which is usually the width' isD/ts <2'5' 4.5446 3 3S03 F = Area of stress diagram (using trapezoidal rule) d F= i[oo +2ot+2o2+... +2os+oe], Embedmentdepth(D/isthedepthbelowthegroundsurfacewherethebase where d = L m (interval of computed stress) F = 1 ; of the foundation rests. soil can Ultimate bearing caPacitY (4,) is the maximum pressure that the t0 + 2(5.2868) + Z(7.6394) + 2(7.333e) + 2(s.9683) support. the soil can Ultimate net bearing capacity (4,n) is the maximum pressure that support above its current overburden pressure' + 2(4.s446) + 3.39031 F = 32.458 kN is.the working capacity Allowable -(q'\ collapse ";;"r;;;; bearing capacity or,safe bearilgsafety of the against of inut *i"ti un*ru a margin a usually is capacity bearing Itructtre from shear failure. The all,owable Or: F = !:$8@1r) + I F = 32.468 ry-$e1 7.333et5.e683 (f) + $) + z@a{e rgle$ero (r) * kN DEFINITIONS (1) Asefe (f) fraction of the uitimate net bearing capacity' removed to overburden Pressure 4, is the pressure (effective stress) of the soil place the footing. Note: The using d = 0.1. m, F = 33.049 kN of safety or safety factor (FS) is the ratio of the ultimate lret bearing maximum capacity to the allowable bearing capacity or to the aPPlied Factor 28b :i;ji:,. oe' BearinscaPacitY GeotechnicalEng ver1r5{ stress. In geotechnical. engineering, rr"t* and 5 is used to calculate the allowiblu beaiing capacity. , 9.2 VARIOUS orIffiilu""r, , __J Isolated footing .#i:iil Zgl ez immediately below and adjacent failure have been identified: to the footing. Generally three modes of General Shear Failure: {continuous failure surface develops between the edge of the footing and the ground surface, This type of failure is characterized by heaving at'the ground surface accompanied by tiltirig of the footing, It occurs in soil of low compressibility such as dense sand or stiff clay. ffi ffi L* Bearins 9.3 BEARTNG CAPACITY ANALYSIS 1.. |M - Bearing capacity analysis is the method used to determine the ability of the soil to-support the required load in a safe manner without gross distortion resulting from objectionable settlement. The ultimate bearing capacity (4,) is defined as that pressure causing a shear failure of the supporting soil lying TYPES OF FOOTING ON SOIL F: chaprer 0e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering [*'-J Wall footing L-r,J L-s,J Figure 09.2 - General shear failure Combined footing of the soil Tilting of the ground surfate. at the occurs but only slight heave occurs in highly failure occurs This type of foundation is not expected. 2.Local Shear Failure: a condition where significant compression compressible soil and the ultimate bearlng capacity is not well defined. Flgure 09.1 - Types of footing Figure 09.3 - Local shear failure 288 Chapter 09 ofsoils - Bearing Capacity Fun GeotechnicalE 3, Punching Shear Failure: a condition that occurs where there is relatively compression of the soil underlying the footing with neither heaving at ground surface nor tilting of the foundation. Large settlement is ex without a clearly defined ultimate bearing capacity. Punching will low compressible soil if the foundation is located at a considerable below ground surface. t .Depthoffoundationislessthanorequa1toitswidth . No sliding occurs between foundation and soil (rough Ioundation) r Soil beneath foundation is homogeneous sqmi-infinite mass . Mohr- Coulomb model for soil . General shear failure mode is the governing mode (but not the only , mode) . No soil consolidation occurs r Foundation is very rigid relative to the soil r Soil above bottom of foundation has no shear stength; is only a . surcharge load qgainst the overturning load Applied load is compressivb and applied vertically to the centroid of the foundation No applied moments Present + &Y, B N,, 9.5.I GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE: s.S.t.l LoNG FOOTINGS where: ' . ' 4, = ultimate bearing capacity ye = unit weight of soil in kPa or pcf B = width of footing in meter or feet c * cohesion of soil in kPa or psf N, = factor for unit weight of soil N. = factor of soil cohesion N, = factor of overburden pressure q = overburden pressure (effective stress) K,, K;, & K, = constant 28q I In general, the ultimate bearing capacity of soil is given by: K,cN,+ Krq N, Bearing CaPacitY of Soils Terzaghi's bearing capacity equations are based on the following assumptions: 9.4 ULTIMATE SOIL BEARING CAPACIry Qu= - 9.5 TERZAGHI'S BEARING CAPACITY EOUATIONS r Figure 09.4 * Punching shear failure Chapter 09 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Qu=,cNc+4Nq+ lzYrBN, Eq. 9.2 9.s.t.2 5oUARE FOOTINGS 9.5. r.3 * + qN{ + 0.4 Y. B lV, Eq. 9.3 q, = 1.3 c N, + qN4 + 0.3 Y, B Ny Eq, 9.4 4, 1.3 c N, CTRCUI.AR FOOTINGS Chapter 09 of Soils 290 - Bearing Capacity Geotechnical where: y, = unit weight of soil at base of footing in kpa or pcf B = width of footing in meter or feet c = cohesibn of soil in kPa or psf N, = factor for unit weight of soil N. = factor of soil cohesion N, = factor of overburden pressure 4 = overbrrrden pressure (effective stress) at base of footing D;= depth of footing in meter or feet See chapter oe Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearins.#i:iil Zgl The modified bearing capacity factors N'., N'4, and N'y are calculated using the same general equations at that (2/3 tan$) for for N., Na, and N, but by substituting 6 = tan't $, and using Table 09.1 or Figure 09.10, The values of bearing capacity factors for a local shear failure are given Table 09.2 and Figure 09.11. in 9.6 ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACIWAND FACTOR OF SAFETY Table 09.1 or Figure OS.fO for the values of N,, Ny, and N, The allowable bearing capacity, 4,, is calculated by dividing the ultimate bearing capacity, q,,by a Factor of safety, FS. The factor of safety is intended to compensate for the assumptions made in developing the bearing capacity equations, soil variability, inaccurate soil data, and uncertainties of loads, 9.5.2 LOCAL SHEAR FAILURE For local shear failure, it may be assumed that: 9.6.I r^-z-- 5" tan [ Eq. Qall = ftanQ Eq.9: P 4u FS Eq. 9.10 9.6.2 NET ALLO\T/ABIE BEARING CAPACIW: 9,5.2.1 LONG FOOTTNGS (STRtp FOOTTNG) qu= GROSSALLOWABLE BEARTNG CAPACITY: iN',+ qN'q+ lzy,BN', {all(neu ? 4u nete 4 unet Eq. 9.11 J3: Qu -4 Eq. 9.12 9,5.2,2 SOUARE FOOTTNGS . 9.6.3 GROSSALLOWABLS BEARTNG CAPACITYWTTH q, = 1,3aN'. + q N'q + 0.4 y. B N'r FS WITH RESPECT TO SHEAR The gross allowable bearing capacity using a factor of safety on shear strength of soll may be computed using the developed cohesion cl and values of N" Na, and 9,5.2.3 CIRCULAR FOOTINGS N,,, derived using.the developed angle of friction $a. 'f' q, = 1.3e N', + q N'q + 0.3 y" B N'y F,q.9.9 Developed cohesion, ca= c/ F$r Eq. 9.13 292 :|[jf' oe - BearinscaPacitY ls GeotechnicalE chapter 0e of - Engineering q * y(Dl- d*) + ya d* Bearine.*i:il Zg3 . Unit weight, yr*'fb For example, on strip footing, Qu = ca N, + qNtt + li y,BN, 7.2 GROUNPWATEN LEVELATTHE EASE OF FOOTING' Alternatively, if the maximum applied foundation stress, (f).u,, is -by factor of safety can be computed replacing q,by ffi)^*', 6=_J_u__; (f,)^u*-q' a < ffi)^* 1 9.7 EFFECT OF UTATER TABLE ON BEARING CAPACITY The unit weight of soil used in the equations for bearing capacity are.effec unit weights. With the rising water iable, the subsoil U".o."r ;ri;;;; the unit weight.of submerge? soil is greatly reduced. rn" ,"ar.tio,r*"oi unit weight results in a decrease in the;rtim;te bearing capacity ortn" ,oir. Figure 09.6 9.7.I GROUNDWATER LEVELABOVE BASE OF FOOTING. - Groundwater at the base of footing Overburden Pressure, q * Unit weight, y. = Y Dl Yu OF FOOTING' 9.7.2 GROUNDU/ATER LEVEL BELOWTHE BASE Oveiburden Pressure, 4 = \ Dr ':l , When d, < B ,. ,:,. y, = yr, (1 + Figure 09.5 - Groundwater above base of footing When d. ) d,/B) = aPProx. B ^lral 294 :ifji:'oe - Bearins caPacitY Fundamen Geotethnical Engineer chapter oe Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearins.#i:iil Zqs 9.8.3 BEARING CAPACITY FACTORS: Nq = etrtan0 *rr'tz (45o + O/ 2) Eq.9,18 N.=(Nr-1)cot$ Eq. 9.19 N, = (N, - 1) tan (1.4 $) Eq. 9.20 9.8.4 MEYERHOF',S FACTORS (shape s, depth d, and inclination i factorsf 9.8.+,1 SHAPE AND DEPTH FACTORS For$=go .:., Figure 09.7 - ,It,l;r.;!. Groundwater at the base of footing s,= 1+ g.2L Eq. 9.21 sr=s'r=1'0 Eq. 9.22 d,=l + D, O.r; Eq. 9.23 Note: If the problem does not provide or mention about the position of water table, use q a yDf afid qe = y. dr= dr=7.A Eq. 9,24 + ozKp:L Eq. 9.25 For g > 10" 9.8 MEYERHOF'S EOUATTON (General Bearing Capacity equation, 9.8.I VERTICAL LOAD: flu = c Nc s, d, + q s4 Nr s, dn+ 0.5 y B Nr s, d, = c Nc s, d, i, + q Nr 1+ OJKef' ;D' t d,=l+0.2r|K, dq= dr= 1 + 0.i 9.8.2 INCLINED LOAD: Qu = sr = su drh + 05 y B Nr s, d.,r, _Dr l- JI(e Eq, 9.26 Eq,9,27 Eq, 9,29 296 Chapter 09 of Soils - Bearing Capacity chapter oe _ Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering LOAD INCLINATION FACTORS 9.8.I SHAPE FACTORS: , r ir Z9l HANSEN'S FACTORS 9.8.I.I ,,..*,.'d,* Bearins.*i:l{ sr ..:,.ir.d s,=O.Zi,eBfL Eq. 9.33 sr=1+sin$Biqt/L Eq. 9,3a = 1 -0.4 (B rrB) / (Lirt) Eq, 9.35 For failure along base length L: Eq. 9.29 . i,= ' where: t/ cr [r_9] \ s, 12 Eq, 9.30, 6) Eq. 9.36 - 0.4 ('l- irt) / Eq. 9.38 (B i.,s) I BASE AND GROUND INCLINATION FACTORS: = angle of resultant measured from vertical axis. HANSEN',S BEARTNG CApACtTy EOUATTON (VES|C'S FACTORS' 2v = ii Bq = 8r = [1 wnere: = -c cot 0 + (4 + c cot S) N, s, d, irb, + g.5yg7'tr, s, v = base (of footing) inclination B = ground inclination drrrb, Eq. 9.32 Eq. 9.39 Eq. 9.40 ,-Z.7vtan$ 2P 6' r+2 In the special case of a horizontal ground surface, vo 147" h = .-2vtano y- qu B Eq.9.37 o'= 9.9 = 0.2 i,e I./ sr=1+sin$Lirt/B sr = 1 d\ 2) K, = tan2 I 45"++ \, r/ - Bo Eq. 9.41 1.47" 0.5 tan P]s Eq.9.42 ChaPter 09 ofSoits zq$ 9.8.I.3 DEPTH . For - Fundamentals Bearing CaPacitY Geotechnical Engi chapter 0e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearins.17i:;il Zqg FACTORS: DytB d, = 0.4 (Dt/B) dq =7 *2 tan $ (1 - Eq: Eq. 9. sin $)2 D7/ B Center of shaded area For D1> B Eq. 9: d, = 0,4 arctan (Dt/B) d.r= | + 2 tan $ (1 - sin $)2 arctan (4/B) - load (one-way eccentricity) Footinq under eccentric lo Footing Eq. 9 Eq. 9. dr=1 Figure 09.9 the latger value is The smaller value of x and y is the effective width (B') and Using the effective the effective length (L'), ani the effective area 'is B' x L" width, F:q.9.1.6 maY be rewritten as: Load inclination factors: Forv=0o i. = 0.5 -o.s ,q,= [1 JT-n 1 Qu a Eq. 9. Eq. 9.49 - 0.5H / (V + Ac cot $)]5 Ultimate load = qt, (B' i, = [1 - (0.7 - vo / 450")H / (V + Ac cot $)]5 t) Eq. 9.51 Eq. 9.52 by substituting B', for The values of the shape and depth factors are computed B andL'f'br Forv>0o = c Nc s, d, + q Nr s, dr-r 0.5 T B' N, q d, L. ' Eq. 9.50 g.ItBEARINGCAPACITYFRoMSTANDARDPENETRATIoNTEST|sPTl where: Allowable bearing caPacitY: base | =* foundalion load normal to the footing of H load parallel to the base q,= 0.41N.o, p, (kPa) N.o, = FOR SHALLOW FOUNDATION UNDER ECCENTI?|CITYI (ONE-UUAY ECCENTRIC LOAD 9.IO UL1IMATE LOAD Meyerhqf introduced the following procedures to calculate the bearing capacity of footings under eccentric load' The load is assumed to act at the center of the footing whose effective dimension is x by y, as shown in Figure 09'9' Ctrt cwN where: 't"N: ' Eq, 9.53 Eq. 9.54 to drive standard penetration number (the number of blows required mm) the rrrnPl"t an additional300 pressure cN = correction factor for overburden urY = f*l' ^ Io".J '' , r* 12 (Liao and whitman, 1985) 3oo :iij,i:'oe cN = 0.77,"t,, [#) Bearins caPacitY ] cN l-2,6',,) Fundamentals Geotechnical 24kPa (Peck, 1e74) o'ro = effective overburden pressure, kPa cw = corr€ction factor if the groundwater level is the base of the footing Ct"+= Table 09.1 . - Bearins.*i:il 301 Shear Failure Terzaghi's Bearing'Capacity Factors for General i."SP*+ within a depth B be 1,2 _-2 + 2(D1+B) chapter 0e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 0 5.70 1.00 t 6.00 1.10 't,,2, z = depth of the ground water table 3 D7 4 5 = depth of footing * B = width of footing cw = 1, it the depth Jf th" grorrldwater level if beyond B from the footing base. p, = allowable settlement in mm 1.22 0,01 , 0.04 27.05 14.21 9.84 27 29.24 15.90 11.60 28 31.61 17.81 19.98 13.70 16.18 1.35 0.06 29 6.97 1.49 0.10 30 34.24 37.16 22.46 19.13 7.34 1.64 0.14 31 40.41 25.28 22.65 28.52 26,87 6.62 6 7.73 1.81 0.20 32 44.04 7 8.15 2.04 0.27 33 48.09 32.23 31'.94 8 8.60 2.21 0.35 34 52.64 36.50 38.04 35 41.44 45.41 2.69 0.44 0.56 57.75 36 63.53 47.16 2.98 0.69 t7 70.01 53.80 54.36 65.27 3.29 0.85 38. 77.50 61.55 78.61 9 9.09 10 9.61 :17 l'a2 13 ,r 6.30 ',26 0.00 10.16 10.76 11.41 2.44 3.63 1.04 39 . 95.03 85.97 70.6tr 81.27 1 140.51 15.31 14 12.11 4.02 1.26 40 95.66 til:S, 12.86 4,45 1.52 41 I | 106.81 93.85 42 119.67 '108.75 171.99 ,,16 13.68 4.92 ,)t7 14.60 5.45 i','t 8i 6.04 2.18 43 134.58 126.50 211.56 2.59 44, 151.95 172.28 147.74 173.28 261.60 325.34 407.11 16.56 6.70 3.07 45 20 17.69 7.44 3.64 46: 196.22 204.19 21 18.92 8.26 4.31 47 224.55 241.80 512.84 20,27 o 40 5.09 48 258.28 287.85 6.00 49 298.71 344.63 24 21.75 23.36 10.23 650.67 831.99 11.40 7.08 50 347.50 415.14 1072.80 25 25.13 12.72 8.34 tg .ri 15,12 1.82 2L' 23 302 :l;5f',,' Bearing Capacity GeotechnicalEn looo900 400 iiiii,Nr,ii;i,, .ilri;Niu.lti,: 300 28 17.13 25 iri.4:iii:: 6.51 1.30 1.39 1.49 1.59 1.70 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.10 18.03 18.99 20.03 21.16 22.39 23.72 25.18 26.77 : :;:lilrLri: ii ii8. .6 ,..stl .,10 5 ' u3 o .' 9z (u ':,t,1 ':12:,' ,ll,Oll.1 6.74 6.97 7.22 7.47 7.74 8.02 8.32 8.63 8.96 ::,.t.1i/"t::ii,,, 9.31 '6{ l,,irlfllli; o ,l,l,liF-l*i 9.67 10.06 lJ- o_ oG rriiiilftiir;l i,lit;i;dlri: o.s r,.|2:l'r'' """2i'' 12.52 c .C ,,,;1,9,1:l 0) ':;,, 0,'.,' , r2$.:,,,, i,'.,|"4.,'r':, ,,:rl;?$ii;i Fisure 0e.10 - rerzashi ,",J::::Ii""]. t",-;",erar shear Fairure 10.47 10.90 11.36 11.85 12.37 C,) co 7.47 7.66 1.14 20 z4 2.59 r,:3i'rlll ',:1;il ;z :N', 6.05 6.54 ,27 l {o g r,Nlai, 15.53 16.30 0 trii"6-":i:li ;6 ,,:l\lli,:;, 0.01 ,1 f., :l5iil:i 30 26 1.07 oo90 80 70 60 50 ao ';.,:,l,fh9:: 1.00 , :,,,:2";; 7 Bearing CaPacitY of Soils 5.74 5.90 6.10 6.30 'Q:.', 200 .t - Table 09.2 - Terzaghi's Modified Bearing Capacity Factors N'", N'0, and N', for Local Shear Failure aoo 700 ooo 5oo ' Chapter 09 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 13.51 14.14 14.80 1.22 1,82 1.94 2.08 2.22 2.38 2.55 2.73 2.92 3.1p 3.36 3.61 3.88 4.17 4.48 4.82 5.20 5.60 0.'13 0.16 0.20 4.24 0.30 30 , .3i! 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 28.51 8.31 9.03 2.88 3.29 3.76 4.39 4.83 9.82 5.51 '10.69 6.32 7.22 11.67 12.75 8.35 13.97 9.41 15.32 16.85 18.56 20.50 22.70 10.90 12.75 41 30.43 32.53 34.87 37.45 0.67 0.76 0.88 1.03 .42 40.33 25.21 r,4q 1.12 ao 43.54 47.13 51.17 55.73 28.06 31.34 3s.11 39.48 1.35 1.55 1.74 1.97 2,25 47 60.91 44.54 49:30 48 49 66,80 73.55 50.46 50 81.31 65.60 59,25 71.45 85.75 0.35 0.42 0.48 0.57 ag 40 .',,44 45 57.41 14.71 17.22 19.75 22.50 26.25 30.40 36.00 41.70 303 3o4 ,tlijf'oe - Bearins CaPacitY \ Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering chapter oe _ Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Bearins.#i:iil .too 9(, ao 70 6(, Table 09.3 :'g:,, 3(, 2,O {o -6 z a L o o a 1.00 0.00 5.10 1.00 0:00 .2 5.63 1.20 0.01 5.63 1.20 0.01 4 6.19 1.43 0.04 6.19 1.43 ,0. 6.81 1.72 0.11 6.81 1.72 ,8 7.53 2.06 o.21 7.53 2.06 0.22 rQr.: 8.34 2.47 0.37 8.34 2.47 0.39 :::ijl': 9.28 2.57 0.60 9.28 2.97 0.63 0.92 10.37 '3"59 0.97 i:il14::, 7 6 5 4 3 tr '6 2 o o. o o o) .E o o co ,t.o o.8 4.34 1.37 4.34 1.43 'r3,10 5.26 2.00 13.10 5.26 2.08 14.33 6.40 2.37 14.83 6.40 2.95 16.88 7.82 4.07 16.88 7.82 4.13 :,t24'; 19.32 9.60 5.72 19.32 9.60 5.75 ,26 22.25 11.85 8.00 22.25 11.85 7.94 ,iif88, 25.80 14.72 11.19 25.80 14.72 10.94 iiEo 30.14 18.40 15.67 30.14 18.40 15.07 32... 35.49 23.18 22,02 35.49 23.18 20.79 il$i.*:;i:; 42.16 29.44 31.15 42.16 29.44 28,77 50,59 37.75 44.43 50.59 37.75 40.05 61.35 48.S3 64.08 61.35 48.93 56.18 75.32 64.20 93.69 75.32 64.20 79.54 93.71 85.38 139.32 93.71 85.38 ffiffi li#,fir li1itiffi t;:{4: Soit friction angte, g (deg) Figure 09.11 - Terzaghi Bearing capacity factors for Local Shear Failure 0.11 11.63 ##i!!*it+ o.6 3.59 10.37 0.05 . '11.63 :il20-:l! (0 :,Nn,,, 5.10 CD Z lNr;: iii,Nl;)irir., 40 -& Meyerhof & Hansen Bearing-Capacity Coefficients i.l$iliii,lriili! 5(, z . 13.96 165.58 1 118.37 1 15.31 211.41 118.37 115.31 ii46:,r 152.14 158.51 329.74 152.10 158.51 244.65 t4B 199.27 222.31 526.47 199.27 222.31 368.68 ,ri50r 266.89 319.07 873.89 266.89 319.07 568.59 3O5 Chapter 09 306 - Bearing Capacity Funda Geotechnical Engineer of Soils For intermediate values of $, the value of bearing coefficients may computed by iinear interpolation. No=N4r + lJ," - l'/,, #(Nor-No,)* Qz -Qr For example, to find the value of N, for 4 - )?.32, using Table 09.1: For $t = 22: Nrr = 9.19 For $2 (0-dr) * Bearing CaPacitY of Soils 307 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS PROBLEM 09.1 (CE MAY 20031 A footing 6 m square carries a total load, including its own weight, of 10,000 kN. The Lase of the footing is at a depth of 3 m below the ground surface. The soil strata at the site consist of a layer of stiff saturated clay 27.5 m thick overlying dense sand. The average bulk density of the clay isl,920 kg/m3 and its average shear strength determined from undrained triaxial test is 130 kN/m2 and $ = 0.. Given is Tgrzaghi,s ultimate bearing capacity for square footings: q,= = 23o: ru* = ro'ze Chapter 09 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 1.3 c N. + y DrNq + 0.40 yB Nr Determine the grosp foundation pressure in kPa. b) Determine the net foundation pressure. q) Thus, N, =9.19 + 1t-J'4-2:19 e232-Zz) 22-21 Nq= 9'5228 c) Calculate the factor of safety of the foundation against complete shear failure under the undrained condition (both gross and net). side cohesion on the foundation may be neglected' SOLUTION p = 1920 kg/m3 c = 130 kPa T_ d=0' Dr=3m Q, = 1.3 c N. + 1 Ds No + 0.4y B N, 308 Chapter 09 of Soils Parl - Bearing Capacity Geotechnical En chaprer 0e _ Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Bearins.Hi:i{ 3Og Net: a'. Gross foundation pressure,4s,= Gross foundation pressurE, 4s Y 10.000 Fsnu, b(b) - 4'n"' 4 = 277,8 kP a n"t Q,i'nut= Qun Qunet* Part. b: ff _ - Net foundation pressure , Qn = tls - y DS IJnor y=pg=1920(9.81) = 18,835.2 N/m3 y = 18.835 kN/ms Qu-fD1 t=1,019.8 - 18.835(3) 963.295kPa 963.295 221.3 FS.* = 4.35 , Net foundation pressure , qn = 277 .8 - (18.835X3) Net fourrdation pressure , q, = 22L.3 kPa PROBLEM 09.2 A continuous footing is shown in Figure 09.12. Use the Terzaghi's bearing Part capacity equation. c: q, = 1.3c N. + y D1N, + 0.a0 yB N, ulVen: c=130 y=p8 y -= 1e20(9.81) Y c* 500 psf 0=25o = 18,835.2 N/ma 18.835 kN/m3 ' D1=3m B=6 From Table 09.1, for Q = Q' N. = S.Z NY=0 q"=1,019.8kPa Factor of safety: Cross: ' ' Fsrror"= U qB FSgror" Factor of safety = 2 b) area that the footing can carry, in psf. Determine the net allowable bearing capacity with a factor of safety of 2, in psf, Deiermine the gross ailowable bearing capacity with a factor of safety of 2 with respect to shear failure, in psf. ,i { u til 4, = 1.3(130)(5.7) + 13.335(3)(x) + 0.40(18.835X6X0) , Dt'2ft B=2.5ft a) Determine the gross allowable load per unit c) Nq = 1'0 ' = 115 Pcf = ffi FSrror, = 3.G7 3I o :i;if,. oe - Bearins caPacitY chapter Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering (g,)n"t = 1,6,434 Psl ,- \ *- ({all)net = Bearins .*i:iI 3t t . (lu)ner \{all/net y = 115 pcf c = 500 psf 0e' fS 16,434 2 ({,rr)n", = 8,217 Psf 0=2s" Part c: Calculate the develoPed cohesion: c "FS - cd= cr= ") ca Figure 09.12 500 - = 250 psf Calculate the developed angle of friction of soil: . tanO/= SOLUTION Part a: qu=cN,+4Ns+0.5yBNl For O Nr=8'3 ' q=yDt q = 1'"15(2) q 230 psf - q, = 500(25.1) + 230(12.7) + 0.5(115X2.5) (8.3) q, = 16,664 ps( 4.. lu tlal _ - _jl t5 -t6,664 Qull = ---:2 qar= 8,332Psf Part b: (q,)^*=q"-q (q,)n"t=1.6,664-230 FS -tan 25o tan$a=: /. tan = 25o From the diagram shown below: N- = 25.1 Nq = 127 tand $a = 0.23315 From the diagram: N. = 11.4 N, = 3'7 Nx = 1'05 =c4 N. + { Nq + 0.5 y B Nr + + {"u = (250)(11 .4) 230(3.7) 0,5(11s)(2.5X1.05) 3,852 = Psf 4,u qu|t 3t2 :i;si:,,o' * Bearing Capacity Fundamen GeotechnicalEn chapter oe Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearins.17i:;il 313 PROBLEM 09.3 I A footing 1. m square carries a total load, including its.own weight, of 59,130 kg. The base of the footing is at a depth of 1 m below the grotnd-surface. The s&l strata at the site consist of a layer of stiff saturated clay 27.5 m thick overlying dense sand. The average density of the clay is'l',846k8/ mt' Civen is Terzaghi's ultimate bearing capacity for square footings: q, = 1'3 c N. + yD1 Ns + 0.40 yB Nr. See figure 09.13. a) Determine the gross foundation pressure. b) Determine the overburden pressure. OOO 900 aoo ?oo 000 500 400 too 200 loo 90 ao ?o 60 30 ao ' c) Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, d) As-suming local shear failure, determine the ultimate the soil. 30 20 Qar Z to. ;a 27 6s z1 = 59,130 kg 6 p = 1846 kg/m3 c = 1605 kg/m2 o3 o IH2 S=30o 'oa o o- (U O o.s O) ,.trG P*t o * 1965 kg/m3 m Qu = 1.3cNc + yD6Nq + 0.4 Figure 09.13 SOLUTION a) Gross foundation pressure: '" 0 {3.{ 25 59130x 9.81x '" 4e= Angle of Friction, g Load Area 1(1) q, = 580 kN/.m2 ffi 18N,}, bearing capacity of 314 :iiiJ:l. b) - oe Bearins caPacitY Fundamentals Geotechnical Engi OverburdenPressure: * Bearins .#i:il 3l 5 y* tt uy use Table 09.1 or Figure 09.10 using the modified value of g as follows: Or, 4=lDt y=pg y = 1.846(9.81) tan$={tang y = 181"09.26 N/ms Y = 18.11 kN/ms q = 18.1"t(1) tan $ = $tan30"; 6 *21.05" i = ra.rri'N7-2 c) chapter oe Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Ultimate bearing capacity: 4, ='1.3 c N. + yD1 Ne r c - L,605k9/mz By interpolation between 0 = 21o and $ = 22" in Table 09'1: For $ = 21t, N, = L8.92, N, = 8.26, Nr = 4.3t Ny * 5,09 For $ = 22o,N,= O.+O .20.27,Nr=9.19, y.B Nr. . 4# Nq = 8.26 . W(21.05 N, = 4 31 . 'i\:li' N. = 18.92 c = 15.745 kNTmz B=1m From Table 09.1, 4 = 3g'. N, = 37 '1-5 Nq = 22'4(' e.L.os -21) (21 0s =tl.rrrc - 21) = 8.gouu - 21) = 43!P N, =19.73 Note: This is case 2, the water table is at the base of footir"rg. For the third term, we will use ye = yb. Tt=fsat-^lw yb= (1965 x 9.81) |a Yr, q, = Qu d) N/ms kN/ma 9810 Cohesion-,c=50kPa Angle of friction = 10o Assume local shear failure and use Figure 09.14 to get the bearing capacity 9466.65 = 9,467 1 .3 (1 5 .7 4 5) (37 .1 6) + 8.71 (1) (22.a 6) + "1 = 1,242 kN/mz PROBLEM O9.4 ICE MAY 2OO4l A soil has the following properties: Unit weight, Y = 19.2 kN/mr s. 4 1s . a6n(1) (1s .7 3) factors. a) Calculate the net bearing capacity for a strip footing of width 1.25 m dt a ' Local shear failure: -1 I = depth of 4.5 m. The Terzighi's ultimate bearing capacity equation is given by: LF J Qu=cNc+YDrNq+7:18N, c =t1ts.zts!=10.497 From Table 09.2, for 0 = 30o N'. = 18.99 shear failure only, calculate- the safe Ue111S pr€ssure on a footing 6 mlong by 1..25 m wide, using a load factor of 2'5' Given: b) ' Considering N'q = 8'3t N'Y = 4'39 q, = "1.37 N', + q N'q + 0.4 y" B N't q,, = 13Qs.7 4sX1B. 99) + 18.1 1 (1) (8.3 1) + 0.5(S.SO7X1X4.39) 4, = 555.81 kPa qu c) * c N,lL + 0.3(B / L)l + vD:.,^. Nq + 1/z v B Ny[1 - 0'2(B/ L)] ' 4'=q'"*fFS+YD1 What is the safe total load of the footing? 3t b :iij,i:'oe - Bearins caPacitY Fundamen Geotechnical ,loo Chapter 09 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearing CaPacitY of Soils SOLUTION 9(, Ito ?o 6(, 5l, 4(, 3l, Part a: Qu=cN.*yDrNs +lzYBN.t For local shear failure: ' qr= e N',+ yDyN'q + lzYB N't e= t, e= 3(so)=33.33 D1= 4.5 m Y = 19'2 kN/m3 B=1.25m ,to z 6 GI o 5 4 2 6 From the figure, for I al 7 O = 10o N'.=8 N,r=!.?! Mr = 0'25 q, = 33.33 (8) + 19.2(4.5) q,* 437.256kPa o o o lr- Part b: (1. 94) + r1r119.21(1.2sx0'2s) o qu= e N',11+ 0.3(B/L)l +yD1N'r!lhI-.l-ryltl .0.2(B/L)l q, = 33.33(8X1, + 0.3(1.25/ 6)l + 19:2(4.5Jq:?4) + 1/z(19.2) (7.2sx0.2s) [1 + 0.2(1.25 / 6\l c 4, = 454.05 kPa '6 o oo o) o o o Qu net = Qu '!D7 Qunet= 454.05 - 79.2(4'5) Q,n*= 367'65kPa q"= '" W 2.5 + D.z(A.s) q"=233.46kPa Part c Q= q,x Afts Q= 233.46(7.25 x 6) Q = 1750.95 kFll Soilfriction angte, g (deg) Figure 09.14 317 3 r I :ifs',;,o' - Bearing Capacity Fundamentals Geotechnical Enoi PROBLEM 09.5 0e' Bearing .#i:il 3tg SOLUTION General shear failure for'circular footing; A circular footing 2.5 m in diameter is shown in Figure 09.15. Assume shear failure and use a factor of safety of 3. Determine the folrowing: 4u ft" gross allowable bearing l) &) the ' c) Chapter Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering = !.3c N. + f w, + 0,3 Y. B N, From Table 09.1, fot 0 = 25o: capacity net allowable bearing capacity the safe load that the fogii.,g ca., car.y N' = 25'13 Nq=12'72 Nr = 8'ga c=80kPa { = effective vertical stress at base of footing q = (19.2- 9.81X1.8 - 1.1) + 18.s(1.1) r q ' Ground surface = 26'923kPa y, = lb - Ig.2 - 9.81 7,= 9.39 kN/m3 B=2,5nr y = 18;5 kN/m3 c=80kPa q, = 1.3(80X25.x3) + 26.923(12.7 2) + 0'3 (9'39) (2.s) q, = 3,074.72kPa 0=2s" I Dr=1.8m 7*t = 19.2 kN/m3 a) Gross allowable bearing caPacitY: o = {} f) (quttor)gror, 3,014.72 ({rtto*)g'or" (gutto*)s.or, = 1,004'9 b) kPa Net allowable bearing caPacitY: Qunet= Q"- Q ,"t = 3 ,014 .72 - 26 '923 q, net = 2',987 '8 kPa 4u ({uttow)nrt = (iiuuo*)net = 4 uiut r9 2,987.8 ({uuo*)n", = 995.9 Figure 09.'15 kPa Safe load: Qartow = ({ulto*).* x Area of footing Qalow=995.9xtQ5)'z Qauow = 4,888.8 kN (8' 34) zzo :l;ii:'o'- Bearing Capacity Fundamentals Geotechnical chapter 0e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearins.Hi:il 32t PROBLEM 09.6 A sguare footing is shown in Figure 09.16. The footing will carry a gross load, of 700 kN, Using a factor of safety of 3, determine the required value of B. Assume general shear failure Q 14u t 3 = Bzt 984.7 +378.38 1 382 - 700 378.383+984.782=2100 -1.2A7 m By trial and error, B = PROBLEM 09.7 Meyerhof A rectangular footing 5 ft x 2'5 ft is shown in-Figure 09'17' Use the load eccentric under equation"for the ulti-mate load for shallow foundation value of the ultimate load Q, in pounds. 1on"-*ay eccentricity). calculate the Figure 09.16 SOLUTION ^' -ttu- 4all - - 3 - Q An. "Ir8 Assuming general shear failure: q, = 1.3cN. + . 4& + 0.4T.BNy (Eq. 9.3) From Table 09.1: N. = 63.53 ' I ,/" N''= 47'76 N, = 54.36 q = 17.4(1.2) q = 20.88 kpa T,=T=17.4kN/ma q,, ='1.3(0))63-.53) + 2s.s1a7.16) + 0.4(17.4)B(s4.s6) q',=984.7 +378.38 Figure 09.17 t-r Location of load -,- -.- x 324 :iijf'oe * Bearins caPacitY Fundamentals GeotechnicalEn N=18 = 0.62 = 1 (the depth of groundwatrlr table was not specified) N,,,, = 0.62(1)(18) N.", = 1L.'16 p, = 2 inches p., = 50.8 mm cN crv q, = 0.41(L1J.6X50.8) ' chapter 0e - Bearins.*i:il 325 PROBLEM 09.9 For this problem: a, Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering = 232.44t pu, * 11'7Pti each 72" x 12" and A rectangular footing is to support two'square columns kips and the other of'40 load a curii*' spaced 12 feeton centers' One column carriesaloadofs0tips;Thefootingis2ftthickandits.lengthshouldextend load' rhe base of ;h";;;i-; of the colu;n carrying the 40-kip gravity.of ;.;'ilil; concrete specific i*i*g it S ft below tn" gto""a su^rface' .i;t*u \.7g, respectively. Determine the and soil above the rr"iiig t"'t. z.+ and psf. ;&il;i;h; is 2000 footing tf the lllowabte soil bearing capacity SOLUTION 101.325 kPa q, = 33.72 psi q, = 33.72 psi x 144 q, = 4,855.96 psf q, = 4,855.96 psf + 2,000 q, = 2.43 tons/sq" ft. Factor of safety: Qa .F.S. = 6n _"lDi o, = maximum applied foundation stress 5,200 ' 100(32) o, = 1.625 tons/sq. ft. r.J. the resultant footing load For the pressure in the soil to be uniform' should coinclde with the centroid of the footing' about the 40-kip load: Locate the resultant load by taking moment y Dr= 120(8) 90x=40(0)+s0(12) YDy-960psf+2000 x = 6'67 feet y D1= A.49.tons/sq. ft, 2.43 - 1,.625 -_ F.S. = 2.12 - 0.48 Frorn the figure L/2=2.5 + 6.67 L = 18.34 feet To compute the width of footing: Effective soil Pressure q, = 2OO0 - (62,4 x 2'$(2) - (62.4x 1.78)(5 . q, = 1367.254 Pst Total load = 40 + 50 Total load = 90 kiPs - 2) 3zo fifi,i:'oe' Bearins capacit, Fundamentals GeotechnicalE Total Ioad = 90,000 lbs A _ 90'000 nfootins " 1367.264 Arootins chapter 0e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering - Bearins.*i:il 327 SOLUTION q'= q'-27h q, = 250 - 23'5(0'72) - 17 'S(1'2 - 0;72) = 65.82ftz Qe= 224.536kPa L xW = 1,8.34xW 18.34xW=65.82 Pr = 560 + 850 = 1410 kN W = 3,59 feet Pz=720+ 880 = 1600 kN P =L410 + 1600 = 3010 PROBLEM 09. IO A trapezoidal combined_ footing is shown in Figure 09.1g. The base of the footing is 1.20 m below the ground and the allowable soil bearing pressure at that point is 250 kPa. a) Determine the effective allowable bearing pressure. b) Determine the required area of the footing in square meter, c) Determine the vaiue of a and b. kN Arts = P / q' = 3010 / 224'536 Arte = 13:405 mz Solving for A*e= s and b: a+h ff(4.S;=13.nou a'*b=5,958m )Eq.(1) with the resultant load: The centroid of the footing must coincide I t-4,tm I 4.5 m .J- l_ 3010x Figure 09.18 = 1410(0) + 1600(4.1) x = 2.-179 m x5=Q)+ x xc = 2.379 m g28 :i;i,i:'oe - Bearins capacitv Ar$ Xc = A1x1 + ! GeotechnicalEn 1.27, 9) = l/z(a) (4.5) (1.s) + 2b = 9.45 ) Eq. (2) 13. 405 (2.37 a Fundamentals % (bX4. 5X3) From Eq. (1): b=5.958*a a+2(5,958-a)=9.45 a=2.45m tr=J.5m chapter 0e Fundarnentals of Geotechnical Engineering SOLUTION Part a: E '\soilhsoil - Yconc hto"t - Surcharge zsa q,= - 18(0.6) - 24('2) - 4'B Qe = Qa q, = 245.6 kPa Part b; See Figure 09'20 Value of a: Pr: Solve for X by taking moment of force about Pr=760+580 PROBLEM 09. r I under service Ioads is uniform. ' a) Determine the effective allowable bearing pressure (allowable bearing pressure minus the weights of concrete, soil and surcharge). b) Determine the minimum dimensions of the combined footing. P2=1,100+890 P: = 1,990 kN p=p",+p2 r=i":+o it,ggo P = 3,330 kN [PX = P1 Y1+ P2x2l 3,330X=1,340(0)+ 1,990(5.5) l X = 3.317 m a=X+0.225 a=3.377+0.225 a = 3.542m,uf fo1m.,.the Such that the resulting pressure under the service of the footinS' resultant service load? must coincide with the centroid Thus, a = L/2 3.542= L/2 L=7.084m Areaof footing, At= Area of footing, O,= P n # Area of footing. A/ = 13.559 mz Figure 09.19 - : Pr = 1,340 kN (CE MAY 2OO3l An exterior column with service dead load = 760 kN and service live load + 580 kN, and an interior column with service dead load = 1,100 kN and service live load = 890 kN are to be supported on a combined rectangular footing whose outer end cannot protrude beyond the outer face of the exterior column, as shown in Figure 09.19. The allowable bearing pressure of the soii is. 290 kPa. The bottom of the footing is 1.80 m below grade and a surcharge of 4.8 kPa is specified on the surface. The footing thickness is 1.20 m. The uni weight of concrete is 24 kN per cubic meter and the unit weight of soil is 18 kN per cubic meter. The footing is to be designed such that the resulting pressure - Bearrns.Ti:|il 3Zq 3Bo :i;if'oe - Bearins CaPacitY Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering [Ar= L xltrl Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering chapter oe _ Bearins.Hi:il 331 PROBLEM OqJZ FE NOVEMBER 20OZl A line of four piles supporting a pier is shown in Figure 09.21. The vertical Ioad of 200 kips includes the weight of the rigid pile cap. The piles may be assumed to be fixed at the depth Hr = 3 ft below the bottom of sea. The height Hz from the sea bead to the bottom of the pile cap is 17 feet. a) Determine the axial force on pile D? b) Determine the shear force on each pile? 13.559 = 7,084 x W W = 7.97 m Therefore, the footing dimension is 2m x 7m c) Detgrmine the maximum moment in pile D, assuming point of contraflexure at a depth of 10 feet below the pile cap? u2 *----.._i 0,225 m Po= 760 kN Pi= 5BO KN -l I It Pr Surcharge = 4.8 kpa H lPo = 1,100 kN = 890 kN ,1,:: Y Pt- 1,8 m t --] Figure 09.21 Figure 09.20 332 :i;si:'"oe - Bearins CaPacitY Fundarnenta,s of Geotechnical Engineering' SOLUTION - Bearins [IFrr = 0l F, = 200 kips Fn chapter 0e Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 4H=20 H = 5 kips (shear force in each Pile) = 20 kips Maximum moment at D: Mo= H x70 MD = s(10) Mo = 50 kiP-ft Point of inflection . Axial force at D; 20' n- ' F Tr ' N.- i * 200 kips N=4 F I l T = 20(10) T = 200 kip-ft r=18ft I=Zxz l=(62+182)x2 I = 720 ftz 200 200(18) -Pn=-+> 720 4 r Po = 55 kiPs To solve for the other axial force: 200 4 'L 200(6) 720 Pc = 51.67 kips ^ 200 4 Ps = 48.33 ^ trt - P,r = 45 Check: 720 kips 200 4 = 200(6) 200(18) 720 kips ' LFv --.0 Pa+Ps+Pc+Pp-200=0 - 200 = 0 (oK) 45 + 48.33 + 51.67 + 55 .#i:iil 333 334 :iijf,-oe - Bearins caPacitv Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Topics & - Miscellaneous 22E AdditionalProblems rrr Chapter l0 I O.I I O. PILES I.I AND DEEP FOUNDATION PILE CAPACTTY FROM DRIVING DATA (DYNAMIC PILE FORMULASI ,,.,.,,I AASHTO FORMULA g,= Zh(W, ! A,P) s+0.1 ,16, Eq. lo.i Recommended factor of safetY = 6 lO.l.l .Z Navy-McKay Formula , 'rE, ..1b, ,[r*o.rlLl w,) Eq. 10.2 I Recommended factor of sa fety = 6 10.Lt.3 Eytelwein Formula ^r Q.=;0ffi7_,ta, Recommended factor of safetY = 6 Eq. 10.3 n_, 55O Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics & Additionalprobtems Chapter l0 Fundafnentals of Geotechnical Engineering F Geotechnical - Miscellaneous r' ??7 Topics & Additional Problems ' Driven weight > striking weight Where; ea = Efficiency of hammer Recommended values: Single-acting, €r, = 0.8 Eq. 10.8 Double-acting, el = 0.g5 Drop, en = 0,85 Where: Q, = ultimate Pile caPacitY, lbs Wr, = weight of hammer in lbs h = height of fall, ft Ar = tdfrt cross-sectiory inz p = pressure, psi Er, = rated hammer energy, s = average penetration of pile during the last few blows, inches W,, = Total weight of pile, pounds Wr = Weight of ram, pounds lO.l.l.4 Engineer News , = urr*irg" penetration during the last five blows E=energytransferredtothepileoneachstroke'ft-lb I O. I . 1.5 Recbrd {ENR or Engineering News) Modified Engineer News Record Drop hammer 1.25e1,Ey Qu= ' Single-acting steam hammer Driven weight < strit(ing weight Q,= s -r- Eq. 10.9 0.1 Where: eh= Efficiency of hammer Recommended values: Single-acting, an = 0,8 Double-actih g, en = 0'85 DroP, er, = 0'85 ffi,ro, n = Coefficient of restitution Driven weight > Recommended values: striking weight 2wt, \ Qu= h Ibs WoodPiles, n=0'25 Wood cushion on steel' n = 0'32 Steel-on-steel anvil, n = 0'5 Err = rated hammer energY, in-lb the last five blows, inches s = average penetration ii pile during Wp = Total weight of Pile, Pounds = Weight of rar4, Pounds Eq. 10,5 ,*o.r(wo,u',,\' ) lw,, Double-acting steam hammer Driyen weight < striking weight ^2E--1 Q, = ;;- , Ibs Eq.10.7 lO.l.l.6 Danish Formula one of the few formulae consiclered to have a reasonable precision, based on a be used of pile load tests, is the Danish formuli, which should 3, with a factor oi safetY of ,trtirti.ut study 338 fi#:1 F l%;,ffiT",il?",;;, . Vr, c "" Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering GeotechnicatE s.W"H = ;---* S+ ,jJ:ifili;,YI?ffHi Table 10.1 0.5S. Q, = u.ltimate dy.namic bearing capacity of driven pile driving,hammer efficiency (normally 1) l:WH pit" = weight of hammer ,H = ham,mer drop (note that Wi H = Hammer energy) S = Inelastic set of pile, in distance per hammer blow S. - Elastic set of pile, in clistance plr hammer blow L = Pile length Table 10.2 Cohesion 1. 6.3 7,8 2 8.5 >3 9 48 96 cl c One part is due to fric called skin friction or shait friction or side shear ei, and the other is due to bearing at the base or tip of the pile e1,. 1o.1.2.2 THE BETA 1.0 B In B-method, the friction caPacity is estimeited Table 10.3 Qt, = o s Qf=ac,PL Eq. 10,13 fi'Ar, = N, (c,,)r At, Eq. c,, s,, = !J!- os )') 10.t4 Eq,10.15 a fraction of the averagE Eq, 10.16 Qt=FP'u PL Qb The cr-method determines the adhesion factor, o,, as the ratio "" of fliction factor, f,, to the undrainecl shear strength " the (coi.rior,y, ,,. as pile). effective vertical stress (as evaluated halfway dorvn the Eq. 10. METHOD 0.56 0.43 METHOD Q1= skin/shaft friction or side shear (ultimate) Qr, = end bearing or point resistance (ultimatej q. 0.83 0.s6 - 0,96 0.34 - 0,83 0.26 - 0.78 Where: THEALPHA cr Average Range of values 144 IO.I.2 THEORETTCAL PILE CAPACITY Tl: tlltlTale load capacity e, consists of two parrs. t0.l.2.l values of the adhesion factor 24 E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material Qn - Typical (GPa) A = Pile end area + N. 0 Where Q1 Values of N, for driven piles LIB. EffirHL -- v--7F- Q,,= - sEs Driven Drilled - = N,1 (P*t)u Meyerhof values of No Eq. 10.U Aa foi driven and drilled piles 20' 250 28 300 320 34', 360 380 40' 42 450 I t2 20 25 35 45 60 80 120 160 230 30 40 60 80 115 4 5 8 t2 17 22 Table10.4-Typicalvaluesofpfordrivenpilesinsofttomediumclaywithc<96GPa Pile length, L (m) ? 3 40 Table 10.5 Pile type - Timber or Very soft concrete Soft Cohesion, c (GPa) 0 Adhesion, -12 -23 23 -36 36 :45 45-62 Very soft 0 -12 Soft 12 -24 28-48 48 -96 -12 - 22 22 -34 34 - 34.5 96 - 192 34.5 - 36 Medium stiff stiff Verv stiff r O.I.A r?d,l '' CAPACITY OF PILE GROUP approximately 4 to 3'5 times the pile Some piles are installed in groups, spaced c,q a concrete The pilestfunition as a group due to the use- of The weight of the cap load-transfer cap encasing all of the. piie heads' due to the pile qap ,rbnru.r, from ihe grom g"totlp capacity' The capacity ip'eud footing) is disregarded' ;;;il;"',1* (GPa) -12 - 24 24-48 48-96 96 - 192 1.2 Medium stiff stiff Verv stiff Steel Geotechnical Engi Recommended values of adhesion & cohesion for piles in clay Consistency of clay Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics&Additional Problems Fundarnentals of Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals fi;,?l1 f,;,IXi,T"i,[T,1,i., aiu*",", apart. 0 12 d;#.(us bi3sr+D 0 1.2 w=2s:+D Burland Formula (for clayf 0 = (1 - sin g) tan O JdCR I Eq, 10.18, Where: I = diameter of width of pile P = perimeter of cross-scction of pile L = length of pile, m = undrained shear strength (cohesion) (c,,)r = undrained shear strength of soil at base of pile 46 = cross-sectional area of pile base f, = base resistance N,. = capacity factor s11 ot Qu = unconfined compressive strength perr = average effective vertical stress at midheight of pile in a layer N,, = capacity factor c,, Figure 10.1 . Pile GrouP Note: The actual valucs of cr, p, and N,, are uncertain. pile group is taken as the For cohesionless (granular) soils, the capacity of a will be, greater. sum of the indiviJual capacities, although the actual capacity In-situ tests should be used to justify any increase z 42 fi;,?l1 l'.;,Hlij"F,?,iiii, Fundamentals Geotechnical ChaPter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Forcohesivesoils,thegroupcaPacltyi't,["@ the. individual capacitie-s u.,a 1r1'tn" capacity-assuming block action. The blc action capacity is calcurated assuming *rui *,e piles iorm a t"rj" pier wl dimensions are-the group's perimeter.*The broc[ depth, r, is the"diJtar,ce f, the surface to the depth of the pile points. fhe widih, ;,'";Ji;;;;; ;,;; pier are the length and width of the pile gfoup as measured fronithe outsi (not centers) of the outermost piles. Perimeter, p=2(b+sl1 Area, A, = (b + depth, the pressure - Miscellaneous il?4? r Topics & Additional Problems be negligible' Below the (2/3)L o.ut,lt a verlicil:horizontql rate of 2:1' aistrid'tio'' .sPleads. t'ii i'tilength is disregarded' The presence of tne rower See Figure 10'2' Eq.10.19 7p1z Eq. 10,20 The average undrained shear strength, c,,, along the depth of the piles is used to calculate the skin friction capacity. The averJge undrained shear - '--' strength at the pile tips, c,,i,, is used to calculate the end-beaiing capacity. The g.r1up capacity can be more or less than the sum capacities pile capacities. The pile group effciency, nc, is: .^ IO.I.4 = of the individual pile Figure 10.2 Pile Graup Group capacity, e,* I individual capacities, e, Eq. 10.21 IO.Z BRACED TENSTLE CAPACIry OF PILES Tension piles are intended to resist below water level may require. !3wev.T, tall buildings subjected pile pull-out. Unlike pires roaded does not include the tip capacity. - upward forces. Basement and buried tanks tension piles to prevent .O"rti"gto overturning moments arso need to"rffi resist in compressioir, the puil-out capacity of piles The puirout capacity incrudes tn" ir"igi-,i .? the pile and the shaft resistance'(skin frictlon). IO.I.5 - SETTLEMENT OF PILE GROUP Piles bearing on rock essentiaily'do not settre. piles in sand experience minimal settlement. piles in. clay may experience significant settiing. The settlement of a pile group can be estimaiecr by ussumi.j that the support (used to calculate the group capacity) extends to a deptir of onry 2/i block ofthe pile CUTS lines for( water' sanitarY' and other Bracing is used when temporary trenches earth active the in which are opened in soil. Abriced cut is an excavation bulkhead' The box' facing the support to used is pressure from one bulkhead 10'3' Fisure in or suppoit are shown ffi-il;;;;;;;;;;;;i;ethods active th" points' |']i:gular The loacl is transferred to the struts at various :" the as installed are iat*t develop'- Since struts pressure distribution the to "ot due little very deflects wall excavation go", do*r,,i;;-"Pp;. t"rt oithe considerably is wall the of part strut restraint. The p'*"t"*'on the uPper equations' ;,gh";;-h;;;s predicted by the active earth pressure Thesoilremovedfromtheexcavationisknownasthespolls'-spoilsshouldbe cut so that they do not produce a placed far enough fro*'tf'"tuage of the surcharge lateral loading' as the The bottom of the excavation is referred to line, and toe of the excat:ation' base of the cut, mudline:, tlredge s44 fl;[:1 l%;,Hii5"3,i,ii5,i,, Fundamentals Geotechnical Enoi Excavations below the water table should be dewatered prior to cutting. Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ,fJ:i$t?;,Y5?ffi#i s+s IO.2.I BRACED CUTS IN SAND The analysis of braced cuts is approximate due to the extensive bending of.the sheeting. For drained. sana, ine pressure distribution is approximately uniform with depth. Fma, = 0.65 KaYH (b) Tschebotarioff (a) Pecks pressure diagram Figure 10.4 * Pressure diagram for design of bracing system (a) Box Shoring IO.Z,Z BRACED CUTS IN STIFF CLAY For undrained clay, $ = 0', In this case, the lateral pressure- distribution depends on the a*rug* undrainqd shear strength (cohesion) of .the clay' If yi/ c <4, the clay is stiff and the pressure distribution is given in Figure L0'5' Figure '10.5 - Peck's pressure diagram for stiff clay (b) Close Sheeting Figure 10.3 - Shoring of Braced Cuts P^u,= 0.Z:YH to 0.4YH Eq. 10.22 z+ o fl;[l1 f,;,Hl,T"F,[1,1X,i,, Fundamentals Geotechnical Engin Except when the cut is underlain by deep, soft, normaily consolidated clay, maximum pressure can beapproximated as: ,ff:if;t:;,Y#1ffi:#i t+t Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering If 6 s yH / c < 8, the bearing capacity of the soil is probably sufficient to prevent shearing and upward heive.- Simple braced cuts should not be attempted is yH/c>8. prtar = lr-illrru ( yH,l ' Eq, 10,2 10.2,4 BRACED CUTS IN MEDIUM CLAY lf 4 < yH/c < 6, the soft and stiff clay cases should both be evaluated, the case that resuits in greater pressure shouild be used when designing the bracing. 10.2.3 BRACED CUTS tN SOFT CLAY lf yHlc ) 6, the clay is soft and the lateral pressure distribution shown in Figure 10.6. pmax = 1O.2.5 ANALYSIS OF STRUT REACTION Since braced excavations with more than one strut are statically indeterminate, sirut forces and sheet piling moments may be evaluated by assuming hinged (r-!t\,, I beam action rH]' The strut load may be determined by assuming that the vertical members are hinged at each strut level except the topmost and the bottommost ones. -!tN ,-'-lb) ;ffi R:r+R figure 10.6 - peck's pressure diagram for sofi clay For cuis underlain by deep, soft, normally consolidated clays, the maximum pressu re is: Pnax=\H-4c Eq. 10.25 Figure 10,7 - W D'etermination of strut loads 348 fiff:1f,;,Hffi"Fffi1fi GeotechnicalE IO.3 SLOPE STABILITY FS,= The maximum slope for cuts in cohesionless (drained) sand is the angle oj internal friction or angle of repose, $. In cohesive soils such as clay howevei, the maximum slope for cuts is more difficult to deteimine. a- otan$ +otafi$6 c+ # c7 progressive. FS'= *c'tr Eq, 10,30 Factor of safety with respect to friction: tan 6 fa,rJa- ._- ,, Extremely _ J slow ___,_ ---_. movements _--._.,." in ... soils Rapid rltvvrrrrgrrlD movements ut"l oi'; "":." are called soll creep. r\qyru intact or nearly intact soil or rock masses are called s/ldes. Rock or soil that'i, frorn a nearly vertical slope and descends mainly through the air byr/i 9:11.h*: falling, bouncing, or rolling is called afall.yery soft coheiive soils can fail by,, tan Relation of FSr, FS., and Eq. 10.31 Q7 FS6; Eq, 10,32 lateral spreading or by mud flows. The factors to be considered for stability of slope are the cohesion of the soil, c,, ,shear strength, r, soil stratification and its in-place shear strength parameters. failure When F. = 1, the slope is in a state of impending seepage through the slope and the choice of potential slip suiface add up to the complexity of the problem. SEEPAGE 10.3,2, STABILTTT OF INFINTE SLOPE WITHOUT firm soil or rock lies parallel to a slip surfaces are very long potential il;.hd;:rori". material and the when a rock '' surface is parallel to the compared to their a"pi-r.,. fhr gcculs the the rock' In this.analysis' slope and there is a tf,in iayer of soil overlying w"dg"s and the iesisting forces of the downhill Infinite IO.3.I FACTORS OF SAFEry The primary purpose of analyzing slope stability is to determine the factor of safety. In general, factor of safety is the ratio the average shear strength of soii t,totheaVerageshearstressdevelopeda|ongthepotentialfailuresurface,t7. T FS= Eq. 10.26 1,1 .c=c+otan$ 1t1= C,/ + O tan O,,t Eq, 10.29 Factor of safety witt-r resPect to cohesion: The soil or rock in a slope exist in a state of equilibrium between gravity forces, tending to move the material down the slope and the internal shearing resistance of the material. A slope failure occurs when the force tending toi cause rupture exceeds the resisting force. The overstressing of a slope or'l reduction in shear strength muy .urie displacements that *uy-b" very slow or, very rapid and l0 * Miscellaneous ?dO J'' Topics&Additional Problems ChaPter Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g Fundamentals l, slope, analysis is used when a layer of driving forces of th" ;hiil wedge is considered' wedgeg are ignored, ani only the remaining central Consider 1 m strip perpendicular to the paper, ---- --a Eq. 10.27 Eq, 10.28 Factor of safety with respect to strength: Figure 10.8 * Analysis of infinite slope 350 ffi:: Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineering li;,Hiij,,F,i1,li,i,, Normal stress; N,n/ ^= Area of base- (t)(tWcosB cos o - = yVcos0 L/cosB / Fundamentals of Normal stress: o = y*tH cos2 $i Effective stress: o' Tw = Wsin base (1)(L / IV sin B _ ytH(1)sin p L/cos} = f'Hcos2 p = (y*t - 1,)H cos2 p Eq. 10.40 Tangential stress: Tangential stress: " Eq, 10.39 B rtH_(1)cosB -7^*e o=YHcoszp Area of ,iJ:iffiX;,ffi??1ilffii ssr c"""rri.ritngineering r=]sarHsinPcosB B cos B) rC = L/cosp .. y.u, Fi cos2 B tan Eq. 10.34 FS,=---+---*t?to yH cos'B tan B r0.3.4 F|NTTE SLOPE v' tandr r ---1yru, tan Eq. 10.42 B - ----:-- r=yHsinBcos[i p Eq. 10.41 WlrH PLANE FAILURE (CULMANN'S METHODI Eq, !0,35 tan B Jf FS. = 1, H = critical depth, H., i=---l.-, yH.. cosz p tan B tanB-tan$ tan p ' tan0 tan B c rHGZBtr"B rL -C 1 qg. 10.36 I cos'B(tanB-tang) Figure 10.9 I0.3.3 STAB.'LIry OF INFINTE SLOPE UO/ITH SEEPAGE For, soils with seepage and ground water level coincides su rface: with the ground Eq. 10.37 LLI-Lia o IanQd Eq. 10.38 : Finite slope with plane failure Normal stress: o= T=c+o'tan$ - - [sin (B-0)llcos 0 *z,vH i -----:--;L stnp l Eq. 10.43 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics & Additional problems r2 rE,tz Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Critical angle of slip plane: I0.3.5 Eq. 10.45 can also be 2 SLOPES WITH WATER IN THE TENSILE CRACI(: -cos(F-0a)) *Y'Ir 4tLtt writien ,fJ:if;l?; ffi?[[i:#l rsE When tensile cracks are developed at the top of the slope and filled with water, the stability of such slope can be determined in the following manner. P*Oa 6,= ca= t Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering r,.B."rOr. ] N l\ LF as Fl Z*1w Cs 4 1 = l.l.l = yH - 4 cos (B sin B - 9,1) Eq. 10.46 cos g7 where m= stability number Figure 10.10 Based on Eq. 10.46, values of 1/ m for various and B 10.6. Qa are shown in Table - Finite slope with water on tensile crack z. = depth of crack z, = depth of water in the crack Table '10.6 - Stability Numbers Based on Culmann,s Analysis (Eq. i0.a6) X = length AB = (H - z,) / sin 0 0 = angle of failure plane tlr= r,rfiight of soil wedge ABCD 10 15 0 45.72 10 Z.btr 5 181.84 '15 56.70 0 30.38 20 123.71 67.89 25 0 q 20 25 30 When c,1 10 267.93 0 22.69 30 40 50 29.64 80 0 4.77 30 44.00 5 5t9 A O',r t0 5.90 476.34 0 5 8.09 15 6.59 10.99 10 9.55 20 7.40 14.16 15 11.42 25 8.37 60 E 40.00 10 18.90 20 13.91 10 88.68 lc 26.51 25 17.36 15 347.27 22.39 18,04 40.06 68.39 JU 0 20 .E 0 5.71 30 0 146.57 5 6.49 15 5.21 8.58 10 7.40 20 5.71 10.42 t5 8.51 25 6.28 12.90 20 9.89 JU 6.93 16.37 25 11.63 21.49 30 13.91 5 27,92 '10 48.86 50' 15 107.48 ( 20 417,45 10 4,93 0 1 5 21.27. 20 70 90 30 9.55 0 400 10 4.37 4.77 u _ 4c( sinBcosg - ."t1P - ) 6, J lole = ly*zr2 F2= ty*z,X = t^t,2,(H * z)/sin F1 Eq. 10.47 e Components of Wand Fr along AB: ,F=Wsine+F1 cos Resisting force to F: R =7X + (Wcos 0 - Fr sin 0 - Fz) tan Q Factor of safety with respect to strength: FS, = = c and 0,r = 0, then H = I-1,,, from Eq. 10.45: "" - 7[r Fr = force due to water in the crack water,Pressure along AB F2 = force due to R F cX + (W ios 0.- Fi :in 0 - Fz ) tan 0 Wsin0+F1 cos0 Eq, 10.48 The magnitude of FS, for various trial wedges can be calculated by varying the value of 0. The minimum value of FS, is the factor of safety of the slope' zs 4 I0.3.6 Fur'idamentals of i%;,Hi.,:,","i,1i1;i,, Geotechnical Engineering "i;ln:I. ANALYSIS OF THE FINITE SLOPES WITH CIRCULAR FAILURE SURFACES - GENERAL FAILURE SURFACES: Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnicat Engineering - Miscellaneous 355 Topics & Additional Problerns 10.3.7 MASS PROCEDURE (HOMOGENEOUS CLAY SOIL WITH $ * 0| Modes of Failure: Cenerally, finite slope failure occurs in one of the following diagrams: 1. Slope Failures Slope Circle Firm Base 2. 3. Shallow Slope Failure Figure 10.12 Base Failure LL iei<---ti I i o.l---1 ,/ ,1& - Stability analysis in homogeneous clay (Q = 0) Wr = (Area of FCDEF) y Wz= (Area of ABFEA) y Driving force about O to cause instability: Mo=WtLr-WzLz Developerl cohesion along the surface of sliding: Figure 10.1 1 - Modes of slope failure Two major classes of stability analysis procedure: 1. 2, - the soil that'formed the slope is assumed to be homogeneous and the mass of soil above the surface of sliding is Laken as a unit. Mass Procedure Method of slices * In this procedure, the nonhomogeneity of the soil and the pore water pressure can be taken into cons-ideration and the soil abovc the surface of sliding is divided into a number of vertical Mn = ca (arc AED)(1) r Ma=ca120 For equilibrium: Mn= Mo cl12Q=WtLr-WzLz n.= va w.L. 'z''z -w"L" "1"1 r'0 Factor of safety against sliding: f$,= t = c, c4 c4 parallel slices. Eq. 10.49 For critical circles cd=yHm arm= Cd yH Eq. 10"50 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics & Additional Problems J56 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering For critical height; F5. = 1, H = H,, and Hr, = where ca = c,,: !'- Eq. 10.51 ym m = stability number c, = undrained shear strength cd - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g ,ff:if;L?;H5?lili#l For saturated clay with 0 = 0o, the Taylot slope stability chart (Figure*L0.13) can. jafety against slope failure. The Taylor' be used to determine the factor of chart makes the following assumptions: (a) There is no open water outside the slope l (b) There is no surcharge or tension cracks (rj Snuur strength is deiived from cohesion onlv and is constant with depth (d) Failure takes place as rotation on a circular arc developed cohesion FS"=N, c Eq. 10,52 y'H ffi M' 5h-ear.strength,! Effective unit weight, 'y' '/rilil///////tr I rl ,l !t ti it ti!i -JJ FIRM SASE I Factor of safety: fS = N" c/(r' H) I SLOPE CIRCLES value of ( d0 The TaylOr chart shows lhat toe'circle t'ailures Occur i1 slopes steeper than 53o. For slopes less than 53, slope circle failure, toe circle failure, ot base circle failure may occur. I I !t I O = Orft I I I For B > 53o, all circles are toe circles. The location of the center of critical circle can be found using the graph shown in Figure 10'14. t ti Ni li r1 I c lln l) tl 8 0, \ 0.2 t' . FIRN1 BASE .'1 I m = 3.83 @0=90' lr \lot F:' 4 1. U,J ,l 0.5 2 x i d ol b lt tt 7 'u.r"l,') F o AqF ,'( ,'2t ICLES 6oo q) 'u UI E c(o -50 .,*'.,rt {/ 50 20 10 SLOPE ANGLE, p,'degrees Figure 10.13 - Taylor Slope Stability Chart (6 = g"; ssz 60 to Fisiure 10.14 - Location 70 gl[:n"]critical "r,r" 80 90 center ror p > 53' 3 s8 fi#:1 l%;,Hi,T"F,?,ili,i,, Chapter Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Consider the following examples on how to use Example (a): Toe Circle 9=70 d=18/36=0.s U (J CI (J From Figure'10.15: I E x' = -0'30 E lo = 1'6 d I o cu & & zF E o. = 0.3(36) = 10.8 m to the left of O Y,= 1'6(36) =57.6m. E q F z o g Example (b): Base Circle o F1 z F=45o d=20/20="t o z ' x From Figure 10.15: lo = 0'5 Y" = 7'65 6 o0 (J 6 ro X, = 0.5(20) Xo= 10 m to the right of O F z ) Y, = 1,65(20) = 33 m -1 I Figure 10'15 - center of criticar circre for homogeneous srope in cohesive soirs, 4 = g. Example (b): Slope Circle F=20' d=6/2A=0.3 From Figure 10.15: xo= 1'45 ., lo -11 X, = 1.45(20) X, = 29 m to the right of O Y" = 2.2\20) = 44 m l0- Miscellaneous Topics & Additional Problems 2qo Jil Figure 10.15. 3 60 ffi fl l%;,Hi,:"i",3[iii,i,, I0.3.8 METHOD OF Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals'of Chapter SLICES The method of slices was deveroped in the earry 1920s in sweden and was later refined- by Bishop to consider interslice fbrces to some degree. This analysis method' can accommodate complex slope.geometries, variable soil layering and strengths, variable pore water p."rrirr" internar reinforcement, and the infruence of external boundary loads, "o"Jiiio.,u, but it is onry applicable to circular slip surfaces. It accomplishes this by dividing a ,topl into a series of vertical slices for analysis, with llmiting uqrihbrir* clnditions ttl-r.t = COS CX," + $ sin cr, Eq, 10,54 Note that the IS is present on both sides of Eq. 10.53, Hence, a trial-and-error soltrtion or a programmable calculator is necessary to find the value of FS. tan $o = 1sn 6755 ,sg, -o."'' -t)' .' -ivs :1. - ..:.. 4., ,€)' ,e'. tan Problems FS evaluated for each slice, as shown in Figure L0.16, iq' lO- Miscellaneous,r- t 5g I Topics & Additional Geotechnical Engineering 'tnlq' - .: Qrl ai G/^ ^(' ' 411 y', Layel L , ,.yr;, 2 Layer 'tz, 62, cz di, Force Polygoh c1' \ Figure 10.17: Forces acting on the Layer 3: y:, rb:, c: Figure 10,16 * Typicar stope stabirily anarysis using the method of srices Each slice can have different layering, different strength, and different pore water pressure than the.other slices. If the condition of-equilibrium is satisfied for each slice, then it is considered that the entire mass is in inu force system on a single slice is shown in Figure 10.L7. "q"iliu.i,r*. n=p FS = F Gr, +w, tan6)-J/-r' ryd(n) n="1. n=p f w, ,,n o, /-r tt=1 Eq. 10.53 nrh slice in the Bishop simplified method of slices a6 z fi;H'l l',;,Hiij"i,?,ili,i,, Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS Chapter l0-Miscellaneous Topici & Additional Problems Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering SOLUTION PROBLEM Design load Q, = 360 kN Ultimate pile load capacity, Q, = Qo x FS Ultimate pile load capacity, Qu = = 360 x 2 = 720 kN A Q,= Qr+ t0.I (MAy ZOO5, NOVEMBER 2OO5l 0.36-m square prestressed concrete pile is to be driven in a clayey soil as sfovrin in Figure 10.18. The design capacity of the pile i, soO r.N,-*ith a factor of safety of 2.0. Given: Qo = Undrained shear streng th, q,, = 111 kN/mz nit weight of clayey soil = 1 g.5 kN/ m: ComputJthe enct tearing capacity Qol Part (a): fo Ao= N. (c,)6 ,46 N'=9 (c,)a' q,/2 = U 9) r -, 505 11'1 /2 = 55.5 kPa A6 = Q'J$z = 0'1296 m? pir" in if N, = 9 (b) Compute the skin friction expectea "rto develop along the shaft of the pile (c) Compute the length of the pile if frictional constantl 0.76 Qr = 9(55.5)(0.1296) Q6 = 64.74 kN = Part (&): Qo"',e, lQt= Q, - = 360 ktl Qtl Qr= 720 - 64,74 Qr = 655'26 { kN ,i a = 0.76 c,= q,f2=111/2 = 55.5 kPa p = perimeter = 0.36 x 4 ='t".44 m 655.26 = 0.76(55,5)(0 .36 x 4)L L = 10.79 m I I PROBLEM IO.2 A square concrete pile 0,3 m x 0.3 m is required to support a load of 175 kN with a factor of safety of 3, The soil strafification consists of 5 m of soft gray, I J Figure 10.18 normally consolidated clay (c, = 25 kPa, $ = 260,,]sat = tB kN/m3) underlain by a deep deposit of overconsolidated clay (c, = 80 kPa, 6 = 24", OCR = 4, T,ut = 18.5 kN/m3, N. = 9). Groundwater level is at 2 m below the ground surface. Assume the soil above groundwater level is saturated. Assume q. = 1 for soft clay and 0,5 for stiff clay. See Figure 10.19. 1a; Wfrat is the ultimate load iapacity due to skin friction in soft clay? (b) What is the valu,e of Lr? (r) Using the p-method, what is the value of Q, if Lr = Assume N, = 9.6' Use p = (1 5 - sin $)(OCR)' tan $ 2."1 m? z6 4 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering fi;[:1 li;,Hii5"ilT,X;i,, Part (c): aa=liskNl Qr= FP*P Y:iflilffi : os t Soft Clay (OCR = 1, normally consolidated) B = (1 - sin 26")(1)os tan26' P = 0'274 Soft Clay Y*t = 18 kN/3 ,*q:if!!?; ' perr = average effective vert' stress at midheight of pile perr = 18(2) + (18 in soft clay (Q/)sort cruy (Q7)sortclav - 9.81)(0,5) = 40.095 kPa = 0'27 4(40.095X1,2X5) = 65 92 kN Stlff Clay I.t = 18,5 kN/3 Stiff claY (OCR = 4) F = (1 pert = - sin 24")(4)0.5 tan24o = 0.528 dv? effective vert. stress at midheight of pile in stiff clay p"* = 18(2)+ (18 - 9,81)(3) + (18.5 - 9,81X1.05) p* Figure 10.19 SOLUTION Parts (a) and (b): ' Q,= 175 kN 'Q,=QrxFS Q,,=175x3=525kN IQ,,= (Ql)*r,.ror'+ (Qr),tirr.r," + Qr] . ' = 69,7 kPa = 0.528 (69,7) (1'.2) (2'1) Q).tirr "r,y (Q|),tirr.r,v = 92'74 kN ( Qr= N,t(P*r)a Aa (p*ia = effective vert. stress at the bottom o{ pile. (p"rit, =18(2) + (18 - 9.81)(3) + (18.5 - 9,81X2.1) (Paia = 78'82kPa Qu= e'6(78.82)(0.3 x 0.3) Qa = 68'1 kN (Q/"nr"ruv=QC,,PL (Qr),nrt.r,y = 1(25X0.3 x 4)(5) = 150 kN Q,, (Q/.,irr.r.,y = a c,, P Lt Q, = 75'5 (Q7)stirrcray Qr' = 0'5(80X0.3 x 4)Lr = 48Lr = N' (c')r' kN At' = 9(80)(0.3 x 0.3) = 64.8 kN ,Qr, 525 = 150 + 48L1+ Lt = 6.46 m = 65.92 + 92.74+ 6g.1 = 226.76kN e,= e,/FS=226.26/3 64.8 PROBLEM rO.3 (CE NOVEMBER zOOs) The pile group shown in Figure 10.20 consists of 12 piles, each 0.4 m in diameter, arranged in a 3 x 4 matrix. The pile penetrates a soft clay (L1 = 2m, ca = 20 kPa), a medium dense clay lLz = 6 n, cu2 = 60 kPa), and a stiff clay (L3 = 4micus = 95 kPa). Assume N. =,9 and use s = l for soft and medium dense clay, o. = 0.5 for stiff clay. 366 Chapter l0 : Miscellaneous Topics & Additional Problems Fundamentals Geotechnical Enqi (a) Determine the capacity of the pile group based on singre pile fail (b) Determine the capacity of the pile group based on block failure mode. Compute the maximum center-to-center. spacing of the piles for 1 mode, (c) Chapter t0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering d' = \rw Qr= 741.63 Qr, = N. - Misceilaneoui Topics & Additional Pt Wt is7) (2) + 1 (60) (1.2s7X6) + 0.5 (esx1'2s7) (4) kN (c,)1, Aa = 9(95)(0'1257) - 107'4735 kN efficiency. Q, = Qf + Q6 = 741.63 + 107 ,4735 = 849'1 kN Group load capacity = 12 x Qu = X'? x 849'1' GrouP load caPacitY = 10,189'2 kN Part Z;Block failure mocle; 3.6+0.4=4m Perimeter, p=2(4+2.8) Perimeter, P=13.6tn C,C C Area, Au = 4(2.8) Area, Aa = 11.2 mz C ^iI t occc Q/= q, cn p Lt * dt= + % cg P \r_.^_. 1(20x13.6X2) + 1(60)(13.6X6) f 0.5(e5)(13'6X4) s.z cuzP Lz Qa = ]Y. (c,fu Au= Qus= Qf 9(95)(11'2) = 9'576 kN + Q6=8',024+9,576 = 17.600kN Part 3: , Figure 10.20 SOLUTION Part 1: Single pile failure mode: Perimeter, p = nD = n(0.4) = 1.257 m A.rea, An= Q.f tDr= = o, Cn p L1 * t(0.+;z= 0.1.257m2 c\2 c,,2 p Lz + az cn p Lt Efficiency, ,= eu ff: = 1009u' e,,q= n e, n Q., = 10,189'2 kN Solve for Q,, in terms of sPacing s: + Ao = (2s + 0.4)(3s + 0,4)-= 6s2 +,2s 0'76 + 1'6 + 10s + (3s 0'a)l = p = 2l(2s+ 0.4) + v N s6B fi;[:1 l'.;,Hi,T"F,1?#,i,, Fundamentals: GeotechnicalE (r) Determine the consolidation settlement Q,,x= Qt+ Qr, Qr = &t Cul P Lt + az cuzP Lz + se crt P Lz Q1= 1(20)(10s + 7.6)(2) + 1(60)(10s + i.5)(6) + 0,s(es)(10s + 1.6)(a) . + 1.6) = 5900s + 944 590(10s Qr= = N. (c,)o Ao = 9(95)(6sz + 2s t 0.16) = Qr, 5130s2 + 171.0s + 136.8 = Q,,s (5900s + 944) + (5130su + 1710s + 136.8) Q,s = 5130s2 +7610s + 1080.8 ,ff:ifilX;,Y]i?,$i:,xi roe Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering of the clay layer' SOLUTION Qr, Et. 0 Dry Sand l ra = 17.8 y, = 10.2 kN/m3 El. 3 [Q""'= n Q,,1 5130su + 7610s + 1,080,8 = 70,789.2 - 9708.4 = 0 5130s2 + 7610s Et. 5 t- -7,670 t,,l1Z,OtO12 * 4(5,130)(-9,108.4) Clay 1.5 m r,= 9.3 kN/m3 ', e = 0.54, C. = 0'3 ,pJJUL s=0.783m=783mm PROBLEM IO.4 The foundation shown in Figure 10.21 is supported by 9 piles. The founda rests on a sand layer underlain with 3 m thick of normally consolidated clay. i;;-! rf :;:;lillr -:r-!n:JI Figure 1O22 Part (a): Lp - 2400/ (6.5 x 5.5) oo oo oo Sand kN/m3 Dry Sand ya = 17.8 r = 10.2 kN/m3 Sand kN/m3 LP = 67.13kPa Part (b): p, = 9.3(L.5). +10.2(2) + 17.8(3) p,= 87.75kPa Part (c): f Clay = 9.3 kN/m3 = 054. Cr = 0,3 y, L+e Po pf =po+ Ap = 154.88 kPa H=3m=3000mm 15a'?9 o'3 aH = 3ooo , to* Et. 8 Figure 10.21 (a) Compute the effective siress at the midheight of the clay layer. (b) Determine the increase in pressure at the midheight of the tlay Dr LH = H;"' log!-!- 1+0.54 LH * 744.2mm layer. " 87.75 3r o *,:lt i'.;,Hi,'"i"F,i,i?i,i,, Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineeri Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering - Miscellaneous ?a tt il Topics & Additional Problems PROBLEM IO,5 pile weighin g 1.40 rb/ ft,40 feet long is driven I rt 1.UseI fta concrete soil. factor of safety of 6. a Given: Unconlined compression strength, N,=9 qu - - LU on a sand _ 1.25(0.85)(198,000) 2750+(0.5)2(5600) 0,2 + 0.1 2750 + 5500 P, = 348,525 lbs Po= PufFS P, = 348,525/6 = 58087.5 lbs P, = 58.09 kips 2,320 psf a = 0,76. (o) (b) (c) Determine the ultimate frictional resistance of the pile, Determine the allowable bearing capacity of pile. Determine the allowable pile capaclty usinj the Modified Engineering News Record formura. The average penet"ration during blows is 0,2 The hamme.l, beluec (CE MAYZ00sl the last five D-12 (;"il;;;;; weighing 2750lbs and rared energy of 16,500 ft_lb. Use *n = 0.5. r0.6 PROBLEM A braced cut in sand 7 m deep is shown in Figure 10'23' In the plan, the struts are placed at s = 2.0 m center to center. Use Peck's empirical Pressure diagram. Determine the load on each strut. O.SS und nZ SAND '0 SOLIJTION y Parts a & b: Q,= Qr+ er, Q,,=acuPL+N.(c,)uAr cu=1/zqu=t/z(2,320) c, = 1,160 psf Ql= a c,p L Q1= 0.76(1,,L60X1 x 4X40) Qt= 141,056Ibs = 141.06 kips , ) part a Q, = 141,056 + 9(1,160)(1) = 15"t,4961bs Q, = Q,,/ FS - 157,496/ 6 = 25,249 lbs Q, = 25.25 kips) part b BOTTOM OF CUT Figure 10.23 SOLUTION Part ., ,, _ l-sin$ _ 1-sin30o c: _1.25ct,E , Wr*nzWp s+ 0.1 W, +Wo W, = 2,750|bs = 40(140) = 5,600 lbs Et, = 76,500 ft-lb = 198,000 in_lb Wn s=0.2in et=0.85, n=0,5 r, -'r' ^'- t*rinq TllfrJ6 -" po ,u) = 0.65K, y H = 0'65(7 / 3)('tn (7) = 25.78i3 l,Pa = po s = 25.78 x 2* 51.57 kN/m = 30" = 17 kN/ml i__ te 5 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics&Additional Problems Fundamentals Geotechnical Engineering. Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous 4 2a2 r Topics & Additional Problems With reference to Figure 70.4 (a): Ps = 0.65K"YH I lm l* ll I H zm t+ l'i lr =',' - l ll- I 2m JI Section Figure 10.25 SOLUTION Figure 10.24 With reference to Figure 1,0.4(a), the pressure giug:1* is as shown in Figure 10.26, The irut loads may be determined by assuming that In Figure 10.24(a): llMar = 0l 2Rr = S1.57,rr,r.r,' lIMa = 0l 2Ril = 51.5713)(0.5); In Figure 10.2a Plan Section are hinged ai each strut level except the topmost and bottommost ones, thI vertical members Ra = 116.03 Rar = 38.68 kN kN (\: [xMc = 0] ZRaz= 51..57(\Q); [IMaz = 0] ZRc= 5L.57$)(2); 6 @ Rrz=0 Rc = 206.28 N kN Ila = Rsr + Rrz = 38.68+ 0 Rn = 38.68 kN (b) PROBLEM IO.7 The elevation and plan of a bracing system for an open cut in sand are shown in Figure 10,25. Assume /sancr = 110 pcf and $ = 36.. Use peck's empirical pressure diagram. Calculate the load on each strut, Figure 10.26 r Br 4 ffilt chapter l0 - Misceilaneoui ' Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineerin g l%;,Hiij",3,Xi,l|,i., Topics & Additional P p, = 0.65K,yH K, = (1 - sin 36.)/ (1+ sin 36o) = 0.2596 p, = 4.65 (0,2596X1 1 0X30) p, = 556.842 psf 'u)=paxs=556.842x10 w = 5568.421b/ft Figure 70,26(a) [LMnr, = rrFH Figure 10.26(b) Raz * rr r{^^=*r?,Zii.frflr^", or #:::?iii!:liyl-szz,z1z 3 = Rcz = 5,568.42(3.5) = 19,4g9,47 lbs Ra=Rar+Rsz R6 = 37,387.95 Figure 10.26(c) lbs sot-uTloN Rcr = 0 Rc=Rcl*Rce Part a; c l'5 = --'----------------.: yH cos' Rc=19,489.47 lbs B tan tan (r tan p r P +- tan 16 Ro = 5,568.42(.t4) R tan 20" 18.639(8) cos2 20o tan 20o o = 77,957.88Lbs 25o FS = 1.615 Partb:. H,,= PROBLEM IO.8 A infinite slope is shown in Figure 70.27. Theshear strength parameters at the interface of soil and rock are as follows: Cohesion,c=l6kN,/m2 (a) (b) Angle of shearing resistance, $ = 25o lt H = I m and F = 20", find the factor of safety against sliding on the rock surface. Assume no seepage. If P = 30., find the critical height H. Assume no seepage. (.) If there were seepage through the soil, and the froundwater table coincide with the ground surfJce, and H = 5 ffr, = 20", *f,ut B the factor of safety. Assume p,,r = 1900 kg/mt. *outJ Uu 76 1' 1C63g cos2 :O'itu,',a0" - tan 25') H", = 10.31 m Part c: y*t = 1900 x 9.81 = 18,639 N/m3 y,ut = 18'639 kN/m3 - 9'81 Y' = lsat. Y, = 18.639 y'=8,829 kN/m3 C l-5 = -_-----T-- t y.rrHcos'PtanB 16 , T' 1+ 18.639(5) cos2 20o tan 20o FS = LJ1,41' tan$ Yrr, tan B 8.829 tan25o +-.-- 18.639 tan20o ezs zt 6 r*lt 'I Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering fr;,[i,T"F,[il:,i., PROBLEM IO.9 A cut is to be made in a soil that has y 416.5 kNf m3, c = 15 kN/m2, and q = 26"' The side of the cut srope wiil make an angle of 45. with the horizontar. (a) What is the developed angle of friction? (c) Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous a77 Topics&Additional Problems r' ' PROBLEM IO.IO A cut slope is to be made in soft clay with its sides rising at an angle of the horizontal as shown in Figure 10.29' Given , c,, = 30'87 tN/l' andy = 17 '14 kN/m3, Stability number, rz1 0,219, Assume the critical circle is a toe circle. Use Figure 15.1.5 for the values of 0 and a. (a) betermine the maximum depth up to which the excavation can What is the critical angle of slip plane? (e) SOLUTION (c) c = 15 kN/m? Figure 10.2g 1 - cos(B -0r) ) ..i = 1 .,,,( a, ,,[_51np L Figure 10.29 *rO"-.,/ c15 f5=;-;c,t=+=5kN/m2 Ld tan FS= J Q tan $,i $a c,= s ) SOLUTION tan$a= lan0 FS = 9.230 c. 30.87 a" Hrr= L = ""'I't ' -' 17.1"4(0.219) Ym o- = 8'22m I.r/;it";-- I sinBcosg, ) cos (45d - 9,23") sin 45o cos 9.23o H=1.48m Critical angle of slip plane: o _ 0* 07 22 Part Part ,bz From'Figure 10.14, for F = 75o, u = 41.8' and 0 = 53o *vr[t*cost0-0r.) +r = + (16.s) = tan26o 45".9.23" = 27.\'1.5' be carried out? Find the radius, r, of the critical circle.when the factor of safety is equal to 1.. Find the distance BC. t = 16.5 kN/m3 d=26' . 75o to st I *rHt l'r;,Hi,',i"F,Xiii,i,, GeotechnicalEn In right triangle AFC: sin q, = H*l AC AC = 12.33 m SOLUTION [G MC = s sin(0/2)=CD/r r = 13.817 Part c: BC = - ln= 12'3? / e / (1 +e)l = 0'4995 IcENoVEMBER o=5x103(0.7273) p = 0.003636 cm/sec = 0.03636 mm/sec Part a; ZOO5I Part The apparatus Figure r0.31 maintains a constant head of 160 mm. The soil sample has a hydrauric conductivity of 5 x 10s cm/se. *rd., moisture Part Calculate the time required for the red dye to pass through tne soii, assuming that there is-no diffusion, or the ied dye does not J"utte, a"ii passes through the soil. u,= ! = T# = 0'1092 mm/sec b: Flowof content of 18.5%. Use G = 2.7. (a) Calculate the seepage velocity in. (&) Calculate the flow o] water. (c) (1 +O.4gg5) i=160/220=0.7273 Seepage velocfty, PROBLEM / n=0.4995 n = 0.333 q. _ H., cot 0 BC = H,^(cot cr - cot B) = g.22(cot 47.g _ cot75") BC = 6.99 m Topics&Additional Problems Iirr;rl!;:ll;,*0,. li = h/L) la = kil ryr - Miscellaneous r'' ?-rc, is saturated (s = 1) 2 r H* cot e] e In right triangle ODC: sin (53'12) Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals water, c: Time, I = L as = Q= Aa= +(100)'z(0'03636) 0 = 285.57 mm3/sec = 0.28557 cm3/sec 220 0.1092 = 2,01.4.6 sec = 33.6 min ,, .lcE MAY 2OO5l soils as A reservoir wlth a 3,400 m2 area is underlain- by layers of stratified 3'2 m' and ,ho*r, in Figure 10.32. The values af Lt, Lu and Ls are 2 0 m' 1'4 m' PROBLEM respectively. of permeability' ial What the average vertical coefficient velociiy of water moving (actual) ilnterstitial the n"t*r*ine iai soil if it has a void ratio of 0'60' PIug red of through the (c) Compute the water loss from the reservoir in one year' Assume that the pbre pressure at the bottom sand layer is zero' chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical En gineering 3Io fi;,!!"; li;,Hi,:,1"F,?,iii,i,, 6.6 - W 2 zsxlo-? cm/s @ , = 3.2 Kr = 1,1 x K, = @ -> -> l.! x 10-7 h = 5 + 3.2 + t.4 + 2 + = 26.6 m i=26.6/11.6=2.293 cm/s Sand Layer 1"5 L=5+3.2+1..4+2=11.6m cm/s 10'o cm/s 10"7 2.3 x70-' x (1 m/100 cm) x (3600 s/hr) i=h/L K, = 2.4 x 10-6 cm/s Kv 4 -------------; Average velocity of flow through soil, u = ki 10-6 cm/s 10-7 3.2 1,.4 3./x1o-7 (k/* = 2.54}gs x 10-7 cm/s it;i";= s.irs * 1o-6 m/hr K, = 1.8 x K, = ).$ x - Misceilaneoui gg I Topics & Additional Pr a = 2,54038 x 10t (2.29Q) = 5.8251 x 10' cm/ s Interstitial (or seepage) velocity, a,= -> -> n= ' = 0'6 L+e \+0.6 ffi Impermeable Laver ! =0.375 Interstitial velocity, u, = 5'8251 *19'z / 0'375 Interstitial velocity, c', = 1.55 x L0-6 cm/s Figure 10.32 soLuTtoN 15m e K, - l.g x 10'7 cm/s Kv = 3.2 , 10'7 cm/s k = 9.L45 x 10-6 m/hr i = 2.293 A = 3,400 m2 = g :t 45 x 10"6 (2.293) (3,400) Q - 0.07A5e2a9 Q = 625 m?/Yeat tf /ht = O.O772g 6249 *'/ h.t x (24hr / day) x (365 days/year) @ @ 11.6 m Kv @ > @ = 2.3 x 10-7 cm/s ..>.Sand Layer ->. -> Impermeable Layer PROBLEM footings Two footings rest in a layer of sand 2.7 m thick, The bottoms of the thick 1.8-m is a layer sand the Beneath are 0.90 m 6elow the ground surface. fuf"r. of Underneatfi the clay layer is solid rock' Water table is at a depth "iuy L,8'm below the ground surface. See Figure L0 33' (a) ComputJthe stress increase in kPa below footing A (1'5 m-x 1'5 m) at A of the clay layer. Assume that the pressure beneath footing (b) Y- = L h : H =2+1.4 +3.2= 6.6m ' (k1')rq "k,,"' 10.l3 {cE MAY 2OO5l (c) the center is spread at an angle of 2 vertical to L horizontal' De;rmine of footing B so that the settlement in the clay layer is the same beneath footings A and B' Determine the settlement in mm beneath footing A' 382 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics & Additionat problems Fundamentals GeotechnicalE lundamentrllof Chapter l0 . - Miscellaneous J(''' 2oI Problems Topics & Additional Geotechnical Engineering Part b: P,=450kN In order that the settJement in both footings are equal, the increase in I pressure at midheight of clay layer under each footing must be equal. 900 / B'2 = 25.51; B' = 5.94 m = B + 2.7 = 5.94; B = 3.24m Size of footing B = 3.24m x 3'24 m B', 0.9 m 0,9 m I = 18,5 kN/m3 Part c: p, = 18.5(1.8) + (20.8 - 9.81X0.9) + (18.8 - 9.81X0.9) po= 5't.282kPa 0.9 m 1.8 m y = 18.8 kN/m3 e = 1.03; C. = 0.3 ClaY Pr=P"+ LP=76'792kPa ' Cr Solid Bedrock Dr r^-Pf LH=H -3-logz 1+eo " po Figure 10.33 aH = 1800 0'3,, to*7-97-7?1.03 " 51,,282 1+ SOLUTION = 46.65 mm B' = B +Z(d/z) B'=B+d PROBLEM IO.I4 In the profile shown in Figure 10.35, steady vertical seepage is occurring. Part a; B'=1.5+2J) B'= 4,2m +1.2 Lp = 450/4.22 v 77//m7V7fr77777797777m. Ap = 25.51kpa Yt Soil'A 1 cm/sec 19'64 kN/m3 * k = ililo ild ll5 Soil B k = 0.5 cm/sec yt = 18.85 kN/ml Figure 10.34 Soil C k = 2 cm/sec rt = 20.42 kN/m3 Figure 10.35 l: 384 (a) Chapter 10 * Miscellaneous Topics & Additional Problems Compute the average vertical coefficient of permeabiflty and B. (b) Compute the (c) Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering A Problems (a) Calculate the equivalent coefficient of permeability in the horizontal l" fry"., a direction. hydraulic gradient for flow through - Miscellaneous rL'r 2oE Topics & Additional (b) Calculate the equivalent coefficient and. B. Compute the seepage in soil A per square meter. direction. (c) What is the ratio of (ks)"' to of permeability in the vertical (krz)"q? SOLUTION SOLUTION Equivalent K for layers A and B (Normal flow, series): Ha = 4.2m; Hs = 4.5 m I H _-h, ' Kut k', Part a: Parallel flow: 9.7 4.2 4.5 Kr, 1 0.5 [kriruq, H =Zklt] kHGo (12) kH(eq) Hydrauliccradient, i= H/L= 11.2- (-3.6)) Hydraulic Gradient, i = 0.SS1T / t1.2- (-7.5)l y1!". p"l square meter of area: = Q KiA = 0.006591(0.5517)(1) = 0.O03636 m3ls Flow^of Q = 3.635 Qs = Qa = Qa : i A layered soil is shown in Figure = 8'025 x 10'4 cm/sec Partb: Normal flow: H =rlr I'kvvq) k' 1233 kv(rq) 10 -3 'r, kYt.q) PROBLEM IO.I5 = (103)(3) + (2 x 10''t)(3) + (10-sX3) + (? * 103)(3) kri("q) = 0.0008025 cm/sec Part c: Ratio, +-+--.iJ 2x1O"a 1o*s 2 x 1o-3 = 3'756 x 10-s cm/sec /cs1.q1/k v@qs = 21,37 10.36. PROBLEM IO.I6 The setup shown in Figure 10.37 is 50 mm wide (perpendicular to the paper). The flow through the soil is known to be 4'08 liters per minute. Figure 10.36 386 fi#l1 (a) Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering l%;,Hi,'"i"i,?,ii5;* What is the hydraulic gradient? (o) (b) Calculate the equivalent (c) Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering hydraulic conductivity in Calculate the hydraulic conductivity kz. (b) G) SOLUTION ,iJ:if;:?;,Y:i7liffi1ll Eez Determine the.number of pressure dropo' Determine the seePage loss., Determine the total amount of water percolated in one year SOLUTION Q = 4.08 Liters/minute = 4,080 cm3/min i = h/ L = (7,2 - 0.1) / 1.7 = 0.647 A=60x50=3000cm2 [Q=K"riA] H Ii: ^14 =zh/k) 4,080 = K"q(0.647)(3000) K, = 2.1 crn/min 770 40 _=_+_+ 2.7 1.8 kz = 4.69 80 k2 ---[f---:. \\\\ '. \\\ 50 n ', .. cm/min PROBLEM IO.I7 Thc section of a concrete gravity dam with ir.s frow net diagram is shown in Figure.10.38; The coefficLnt of pur-"ubility of the soil in the vertical and horizontar directions are 0.25 m/day 1l-,istropig'm1aay, and o.sia respcctively. The length of dam perpendicular to the prp", i, FiEure 10.39 f ZO"rn. Nr 4= ^lK,Kt,, r, Number of flow channels, NJ= 4 Number of Pressure droPs, Na = 11 Head,H=10-2=8m Et2 q El 0 = 167sp58) (8)(4/:'L) = 1.108 m3/day per meter m3Ar Q = qL = 1 108(120) = \32.96 m3/day = 5'54 noprC In one year: Volum e = 1'32.96 x 365 = r[8,530 m3 PROBLEM IO.I8 IMPERMEABLE LAYER Figure 10.38 A bulkhead is to be constructed of stet,l-sheet piling and tie rocls as shown tn Figure 10.40. Consider 1 foot strip only of sheet piling' BBB fi#:1 (a) Determine the pile. Fundamentals of i%;,Hiiii'F,1ill,in, Geotechnical Engi nearest value"to the total active pressure acting on (b) Determine (r) the nearest value to the total passive resistance, What is the tension in the tie rod? !1, , o i,3oi \1;. p.t= K,4 ct= $/3)(500)= 500/3 Psf lr Fr=pr(+0) =6667lbs; KoYa (10) = 333 F3 Problems Fq = 20' zt = 15' psf yz* 33.33' yz=15' = (333)(30) = 9,990 lbs; pt = KoY'(30) = 660 Psf ,.oo - Miscellaneous rL" 2oo Topics & Additional Active Pressure: pz= 5i,r,i,yd,r;,ibO pcf Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnica I Engineering !+=1.0' = t/z(650)(30) = 9,990 'Ot p,=W(30) = (62.4X30) =L,872.Ps[ zz = 1.67' zz=20' tu=25' F* = 1/z(1,872)(30) = 28,080 lbs Total active force, Total active force, Total active force, Fo = Fr + Fz t F3 + Fa + f, Fo = 6667 + 1,667 + 9,990 + 9,900 + 28,080 1,, = 56,304 lbs Passive Pressure: Kp = (1+ sin 30")/(1 - sin 30') = 3 Ps= KpY'(15) = 2,970 Pst Fs,u, = Vz(?,970)(L5) Fs,nu, = SOLUTION 22,2751bs ls = S', zs = 30' Total Passive Resistance = F5 *u" * F, Total Passive Resistance = 22,275 + 28,080 Total Paspive Resistance = 50,355 lbs Note: The active anci passive water Pressures for this problem equal, hence it may be disregarded in the analysis. Solving for actual passive reaction Fs by taking moments about T: Fszs= Frh+ Fzzz+ Ft41 FtZs Fs(30) = 6567 (15) + 1,,6'67 (1'67) + 9,990 (20) + 9,900 (25) (OK) Fs = 18,336.3 lbs < F5 *u' [Ifn= p* Figure'10.41 0] Fs = Fr + Fz + Fe + F+ T = 6567.+ 1,667 + g,gga + 9,900 T = 9,887.7lbs T+ - 18,336.3 are 3eo fi;,?li i%;,H;:","il;?H, Fundamentals Geotechnical Enoi PROBLEM IO.I9 After,several years of service, the_retaining Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Topics&Additional Problems Fundamentals of Geotechnical EnEineering SOLUTION wal shown in Figure ro.+2 waii t1no1"a *u tu.,#,,1-d; r"" ;td, f.:jo':After }3:"^:::ggjl :'r i:fll"nl: T1,' l:"r :r level. perfor.ilg,l fietd. explorarion, taboratr;y1;;;;;: conducted on the backfiil soir. The difference in strength par'ameters were be negligible in comparison to the originai aJsign-conaitions. f"" t moist cohesionless backfiil y = 119;4 lblfts Coy1a1 only 1 ft length of wall perpendicular to the-paper, (a) Determine the totar active-force on the wilt'before the waterlog q,-Jr condition. gft (&) Determine the total active force on the (c) wal after the waterrog condition. Determine the resurting overturning moment about point A after the waterlog condition. ru = 107.6 lb/ft3 w= 76.70/o rrt = 125 57 lb/fF y'= 63.17 lb/ftr 7ft Figure 10'43 & = (1 Part - sin 31')/(1 + sin 31") = 0.32 the waterlog condition: 'a: before K, yHz * 1/z(0,32)(119'4)(15)'? = 4298'4 lbs Fo = 1/z Parts & & c: pr * KuyH * 0.3?(119.4)(8) = 305.664 psf =t/z{3A5.664)(8)=1222.661bs; yz= 3'5 ft F2 = 30b.664(7) = 2139.65lbs; Fr p2= Koy'H = 0.32(63.17)(7) = 141'5 Psf ' Figure 10.42 rrl 495,25lbs; lzgaL\(7) = Fa o y*Hz f 2 = 62.4(7)2 /2 = 1528.8 ibs w= y+ 2'33 ft = 233 ft = 1222.66 +'2139.65 + 495.25 + 1528'8 = 5,386'36 Ibs M, = 1222..66x9.67 + 2139.65 x3,5 + 495.25x2.33 + 7528.8x2.33 M, = 24,028 ft-lb Fo r'?o I' ss z r*lt l%;,H;T,,;[ii"" Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering, PROBLEM IO.2O A 1,8.-m.:{uare footing is shown in Figure 10.44. Use (o) Determine the overburden a factor of safety of 3. pressure at the base of footing. (b)Determinethegrossal]owablebearingcapacity. Using the value of 4o obtained above, determine the settlement of the k) soil. Assume average standard penetration resistance (spr) of N-varue of 18 and use a corrJction factor crv = 0.62. ,r = Nc 18.6 kN/ml B=1.8m Situation part a: Part b: Figure 10.44 SOLUTION Overburden pressure, q = Part = 1.3 c N, +(i N,7 + 0.4 y,.B N, 0 + 1,8.6 (1,.2) (1,2 .81) + 0.4 (18.6) (1.8) (13. Z) = Q,, q,, = 581 kPa {,,gross = 581/3 = 193.67 kPa 18.6(1, "Z) = 22.32 Part ' c: = = 18'05 kN/m3 Totr]_load R."ft _ 2.5x10s l--., ,*" = aoloq ==115.741kpa Depth for full comPensation: Total load 4= 6'4 m kpa Part &: p, N/mr yDr=lGit aGL8'0s04 q=115'7qt Part a: q,, c pn-\Dy= Qanet Q, = 1.15 c N. + yDr Nq for 0 = 0o' N' = 5'7' N' = 1' N' = 0 2= = 14.35 kPa + q, = 1..15(1.L35X5,4 18'05Dr c = Suf 28.7 /2 qu=94.06+18.05D7 Settlement from standard penetration test (SpT) Settlement, 4 S= 0.4"1 N .inmm ' Qu net = 4, - "lD1= 94'06 kPa q, n"t = cor 4 u net -!!- - 18.05 Dl= 4 = bearing capacity of soil, 115.74L Ncor = D1= 4.68m in kpa corr€cted SpT value (N value) Mor = corr€ction factor x N 193.67 )^ = -:-_-..---- x 18) = 42.3 mm Problems has ariaverage.unconfined compressive strength of 28.7 kPa. Neglect depth correction factors. Use a shape factor of 1.15. 0 = 0q. The bearing capacity factors are given in Table 09.1 Page 301. (a) Whit is the actual foundation pressure? ia) Wnut should be the raft depth for full compensation? iri What should be the raft depth for partially compensated foundation using a factor of safetY of 3? y = 1840(9.81) = 18050.4 = 31.61; Nq = 17.81 'N' * 13'70 - Miscellaneous il2oa r Topics & Additional PROBLEMIl0.2l A raft foundation is to be designed for a 36 m x 60 m building with a total loading of 2.5 x 105 kN, The clay specific weight is-18^49 kg/m3,.and the clay E[tr c=0 Chapter l0 Fuhdamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 94.06 3 - 3l .35 kpa 31.35 kPa 394 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous topics f nooirirnul Problems Fundamentats of Geotechnical Engineering PROBLEM I O.Z2 i SOLUTION 11040 A municipal storage tank is to be supported by a circular raft (mat) foundatiori placed on the surface of the soil. The diameter of the foundation is 12.2 m: Lo=- The maximum load exerted on the soil when the tafrk is full is 11,,040 LP = 94'44kPa kN. The following data was taken from a boring log and other soil tests from the proposed site. Elev.0.0: ground surface well-graded sand and gravel unit weight: 20,44 kN/m: allowable bearing pressure: 143 kPa Elev.1.5: encountered GWT soft, brown clay unit weight: 20.81 kN/m3 compression index: 0,34 unloaded, origipal void ratio: 1.15 coefficient of consoliclatiotr: 0.0093 m2 / day Elev.4.6: encountered thick, impervious rock layer What is the factor of safety in bearing? (b) If the total clay thickness is 3.1 m, what is the primary settlement? (.) How long will it take for 80% of the primary settlement to occur? Time factor of 80% consolidation is 0.567. (a) ,S:il"ltX; YI?lXffi:#i :os Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering ' Qa= +(1,2.2)' l43kPa Et. o 1.5 m Paft at FS= El. 1.5 b ClaY: Lp 743 f5= Sand: y = 3.1 m r I 94.44 FS = 1.51 - I y =.20"81 kN/m3 Q = 0'34 e=1.15 c, = o,oo93 m'z/day I lr,-,uffi ImPervious rock Part b: * g.81)(3'1/2) + 20'44(1.5) = 47 '71' kPa + pf = Po Lp = 47 .71 + 94.44 = 142.1"5 kPa p.= (20.8L 6P1= (I)r 51-i!-logz . l+e Po 1t1.15 " 47.7L AH=232.4mm Part c: Please refer to Page.196: t-----tt This is a single-drainage layer. Ha. =-Dl3'1 m - qt2 t = 0.567 "'' 0.0093 = 586 daYs PROBLEM IO.Z3 The earth dam shown in Figure 10.45 is to be compacted to a void ratio of 0'78 in place. A borrow pit neaiby contains soil having a void ratio of 1207o, attue" specific gravity of 2.65, and a moisture content of 15"/''--The total cost of moving ln" roit from the borrow pit to the dam site is P40.00 Per cu. tn.,,based on the original volume at the borrow pit. Chapter l0 3q6 - Miscellaneous Fundamentals of Geotechnical En Topics & Additional Problems What is the required loose volume of soil from the borrow pit? How many tons of water will be transportea wltfr the fill? ' what is the total cost of moving all the required soil to the dam site? (a) (lr) (c) - Miscellaneous a,,a il u Topics & Additional Problems PROBLEM IO.Z4 \ A 3,000,000 cubic meter earthen dam is constructed from borrow soil with the following original properties: t ' Lenqth of dam = 400 Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Void ratio ...,...,,.,,. .....0'70 Degree of saturation ......'...'.....'.....0.40 Solids specific gravity,...'..'...'... " "2'65 220 ft Figure 1o'45 soLUTroN _ 20+22o (50) x 4gg = 2,400,000 ft3 (loose volume) ,, vd.,nr = r 2 Required volume of solids: V = V,+ V,,; V = V, v i!vs = c; V,,= eV, * eV'= V'(1 + e) The borrow soil is compacted to a final specific weight of 17.29 kN/m3 and a 17% moisture content, The trucks used to transport the borrow soil from the borrow pit to the dam site each have maximum capacities of 10 cubic meters. (a) What is the weight of solids in 1 m3 of compacted fill? (b) What is the weight of water in 1 m3 of compacted fill? (c) Given a fluff factor of 10%, how many trips must the truck make to complete the'dam? SOLUTION For compacted fill: W* Part a: Required loose volume from borrow pit: V = 1,348,314.6 (1 + 1,2) = 2,966,292.1.3 ft3 V = 84,060.6 m3 . Part 1l: Volume of water; MC ' = 17.29 MC 1.+ ya = 74.78 2,400,000=V,(1+0.78) V, = 1,348,374.6 lt3 v* te "=-----.,!!-=- * 1+0.17 kN per 1 m3 17.29 - 1'4.78 = 2.51 kN per 1 m3 W, + C V" = (62.4 x 2.65)(1,349 ,314.6) W., = 222,957,302.256 lbs = MC x W, = 0.75(222,957,302.256) W,, = 33,443,595 lbs (2000) = 1.6,222 tons Wu, ) Part (b) *, V,+ l/.= s1/"+ l/, v v"= ' 1+e=3'ooo'ooo L+0.759 w, Part (a) 2.65+?.65(0.17.\ G +GMC \, -L"t_= _T;_,t*t ,rj=jlrr, lT.Zg _ ,r.r, \ , V= wu' i =L705,5'l4mj For the borrow material: V = %(1 + e\ = 1,705,51,4(1, + 0.7) = 2,899,375 m1 / Pa rt c: Cost= 84,060.6xp40 Cost = P3,362,424 Number of trips = ffid = 318,931 trips ) Part (c) B es fi;,::1 ' Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering i%;,Hi,T"E?,i1i,i., PROBLEM IO.25 A proctor test is performed on four samples. The mold volume and mass are r/30 ft\ and 4200 g for each sample. The following data are collected. Samole ' mold soil Mass of and 7 2 3 4 pRoBLEM t0.26 ICE NOVEMBER ZOO5' The fotlowing data were obtained from a triaxial test on 8.2% 6300 g LA1% 6425 g 1L,7% 6330 g 14.8% (a) Determine the normal stress at failure plane' (a) Determine the maximum normal stress (plunger (a) ft3 = Given: rma,=70kPa;d=28; c =30kPa g44 cc Mass of MC (g/ , PY"'. cc) 1900 q.2% 2.01,27 2100 10.1.% 2,2246 2225 1.1,.7% 2.357 21,30 14.8% 2.256 Pa,y soil 1. 2 3 4 = pwel (1 + MC) 1.86 2.021 2.1.1 1,965 In right triangle TEC: cos r[ = 70/ R; R = 70 cos28 R = 79.28 kPa tan $ = EC/70 EC=70 tan28o =37,22kPa / o* = P,rr # = 1.85 = r.rru B/ cc = 2256 kgtmt In right triangle OAF: tan 28o = 30/ OA QA= 56.42kPa B/cc= 1850 kgimi Relative compaction of sample 2: Relative compaction = p,lz f pa^u (sample 3) P,i,n, = 2.71, g/ cc Relative compaction - # x 100% In right triangle OTC; sin 28' = R/OC OC = 79.28/ sin 28o = L68.87 klra = stress) applied on the soil, Determine the minimum normal stress (confining pressure)' SOLUTION Volume, V = 1./30 a cohesive soil: Cohesion = 30 kPa SOLUTION (a) What is the wet maSs density for sample 4? (b) What is the dry mass density for sample 1.? (c) What is the relative compaction of sample 2? 399 Maximum shearing stress at failure plane = 70 kPa Angle of friction = 28o Water content 5100 g Chapter l0 * Miscellaneous Topics & Additional Problems Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering 95.78o/o AC = OC - OA = 1.68.87 - 56.42= 112.45 kPa 4a o ffi lt l'r;,Hi,T"F,ii?i,i,, Part a: . Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Chapter l0 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering * Miscellaneous Topics & Additional Problems (c) What is the expected settlement of the clay Normal stress at failure plane: o= AE= AC-EC=11.2.45-32,22 layer overconsolidated with OCR = 2'2? o'= 75.23 kPa Part &r Maximum normal stress (plung"r rfr"rr; or = AC + R = 11.2.45 + ZS.ZS =iSt.zS Uyu Part c; Minimum normal stress (confining stress) ' o"3 = AB = AC- R = 112.45 _79.28= 33,t7kpa SOLUTION Part a: /soil Vsoil = 3'200 (18.5) x t (10)'? D1= 3,20A; Dt* 2.2m Part b: PROBLEM IO.Z7 The tank shown in Figure 70.47 has an inside diameter of 10 m and is 6 m high' The tank is used for storage of oil having specific gravity .r osz. in" combiped weight of empty tank and the conciete footin! is gzoo kN. It is required to excavate an amount of soil such that it will comlensate to the dead weight of the tank and concrete Weight of oil = ]ol Vol = (9.81 x 0'82) '? (i0)'z(6) = 3790'74 kN Pressureincrease- w: = 3790.7^ -i{ (10)' =48'2652kPa or, Pressure increase =fohoit = (9'81 x 0'82)(6) = 48'2'652kPa Part c: = initial effective stress at midheight of clay layer p" = 77.2(1'4) + 18'5(3'5) = 88'83 kPa 'Lp = Pressure increase.due to oil = 48'2652kPa po " Note;Theweightofthetankwasnolongerincludedbecause it was com-pensated by the weight of soil excavated' OCR = P' = 2.2; p, = 195.426 kPa Po No pf - te'. pc = preconsolidation stress po+ Lp = 88'83 + 48'2652=T37'0952kPa Since p1< p,: Figure 10.47 (a) Determine the required depth of footing. (b) what pressure increase in the soil is eipected when the tank is filled with oil? AH = g-!' bg? 1,+eo " po au o'95 zsoo 1+0.45 " = nuYP'= 88'83 18.1e6 mm PROBLEM I0.28 The section of a retaining wall is shown in Figure 10.48. Consider 1 m length o wall and use Rankine's active state. (a) Determine the toial active lateral pressure at the bottom of the wall. 442 (b) (c) Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Topics & Additional probtems Determine total active force acting Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineer:ing o;ffi ps Determine-the location of the t6tar active force measured from the bottom of the wall. ,iJ:if ltX;,ffii?lx?i#l +o s = 0.271(18 - 9'81)(4.5) = 9.988 kPa Fs = 149.988)(4.5)(1) = 22'473 kN /r=1.5m Cohesion: P =2cr,!Q, pt= 2(5),[02?1 = 5.206 kPa Fs = 5.206(4.5)(1) = 23,422 'y+ tctrt = 2'25 m Water pressure Y*t': 0,= 351 c ps= 9.81(4.5) = 44|l'45kPa 18 kN/fni ='s'kP, Fq=1/z(44.145)(4'5)(1) = 99;33 r: kN /s = 1'5. m r , Active lateral Pressure at the bottom of wall: p = 24 + 19.512+ 9.988 - 5.206 + 44."145 ) Part a P = 92,44kPa Total active force, Fo= h + Fz+ Fr - Fq + Fs ) Part b Total active force, Fo = 240'18 kN r SOLUTION Location from the bottorn: 240,18V = 54(6) + 87.804(2.2s) 4.5 m + 99.33(1.5) t- n Lt-l ft I 4.5 m I Qz Qq Soil pressure For the upper soil layer: Cohesion For the lower soil layer: ,. - sin 30o ""'"" K-==l 1 +sin30o r 1. 6,= 1Ji"3Y l+sm35" =0.271. Soil pressure: P = Kolh fi = (7 h / 3)76(4.5) = 24 Part c Classify the following soils by using the unified soil Classification system' (a) What is the classification of soil A? (a) What is the classification of soil B? (a) What is the classification of soil C? Soil Sieve analysis, % finer Liquid Plastic No.4 No.200 limit limit A 95 7A B 15 42 C 60 4 48 32 39 24 16 8 Cu C, 4.8 3.2 2.9 4.2 yru. = 1/z(24)(4.s)(1) = 5a Pry yt=4.5+1.5=6m = 79.512(4.5X1) = 82.804 kN SOLUTION Using Table 2.01 in Page 59: pz= 0.277(16)(4,5) = 19.512 kpa Fz '23.427(2.25) PROBLEM I0.29 U p: ) V =2.713m I t_ * 22.473(1.5) lz * 2,25 m Soil A: %finer than No' 200 = 7'Oo/o > 507o (Fine-grained soil) 404 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Topics & Additional Problems * 48 < 50% (Silts and Clays, ML, PI=LL-PL=48-21=24 LL CL, or OL) Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Soil From plasticity chart, since the point plot a.bove A-line, the soil is CL ,S:iflt:;,Yf?lxl[Ti +os C: % Passing No. 200 = 4 < 50 (Coarse-grained soil) % Passing No. 4 = 60% (Sands) Since there is less than 5% fines, the soil is either SW or SP' Since C, < 6, the soil is SP PLASTICITY CHART g PROBLEM IO.3O :50 A footing rest in a layer of sand 6 m thick. The bottom of the footing is 1.5 m below the ground surface. Beneath the sand layer is a 4 m thick clay layer. undemeath the clay layer is solid rock. water table is at a depth of 4.5 m E i*o u, ai ABo P20 ts 0 <10 d LrourD LrHrT (LL) (%l CL ML OL CH MH OH CL * ) Inorganic; LL < 50; PI > 7; Atterberg limits pldt on or above A-line ) lnorganic; LL < 50; PI < 4 or Atterberg limits plot below A-line ) Organic; (LL - ovendried)/(tt - not dried) < 0.75; LL < 50 ) Inorganic; LL>Sl;AtterberglimitsplotonoraboveA-line ) Inorganic; LL>-50; Atterberg limits plot below A-line ) Organic; (LL - ovendried)/(Ll - not dried) < 0,75; tL > 50 ML ) below the ground surface. See Figure 10.49. Assume that the Pressure beneath the footing is spread at an angle of 2 vertical to t horizor\tal. Assume OCR = 1. (a) what is the vertical effective stress at the midheight of the clay layer? (a) what is the average pressure increase in the clay layer due to the load on footing? Use SimPson's rule. (a) Determin-e the settlement in mm beneath the footing. Inorganic, Atterberg limits plot in the hatched zone Soil B: %finer than No. 200;22% < 50% (Coarse-grained soil) Dry sand ta = 14.8 kN/m3 Since there is more than127, fines, the soil is either GM or GC. - _________.,g 1.5 m PI=LL-PL=32-"16=76>7 The point plots above A-line Therefore the soil tt Yot = Groundwater table 18.5 kN/m3 CLAY:1=19kNim3 e = 1.2; LL = 40olo [5.,r"rHARr 60 >r L. =s0 dr{ fr*o o , Figure'10.49 ALINL,: /Pt,o.tuw.2o', 330 Mt CL ts uzu OH SOLUTION tr u <10 c "0 .l Part t'rr-opr io 20 30 {0 50 fio 7s 80 g0 LmulD LrrlI {LLt {?|l a: p,- (19 = 9.81)(2) po 100 = 98.015 kPa + (18.5 - 9.81X1'5) + 14'8(4.5) 406 Chapter l0 - Miscellaneous Fundamentals of Topics & Addirional Problems Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering lndex APartb: 3p,."= * -4APr,+Ap, , At any vertical distance ft from the base of footing: T- . b=3+(7/2h)xl=i+11 d = 7.5 + (1/ 2h) x ) = r.g + 11 i \t f7,' ,Vi At,=(3+h)(-1.5+h) Lp= 1,100 245,248 Abtivity of clay, 7 Adhesion, 340 i (3+h)(1.5+h) AASHTO classification system, 64 AASHTO Fonnula, 335 Active earth pressure cqefficient, 243, Allowable bearing caPacitY, 297 gross, 291 net,291 At top of clay, (lt = 4.5): Lp.. = 1,100 = 24.44kPa (3+a.5)(1.5+4.5) 1,100 (3+6.5)(1.5+6.5) ='14.47 kPa At bottom of clay, (ft = 8.5) Lpu, = 1,100 (3+8.5)(1.5+8.s) 24.44+4(14.47)+9.57 '5 = ^ry:llrv:lyz Apo," Lpou" = 9.57 kPa 6 = 15.315 kPa Calcite, 5 Capillary rise, 135 pu o'27 98.015 nH = qool-I los All = 30.95 mm 4 Burland formula, 340 tH=H C, nrL 1+en " +7.2 Bearing capacity of soils, 285,287 allowable bearin;; caPacitY, 291 Beta B method, 339 Bishop simplified rnethod, 361 Boussinesq equations, 165 Box shoring, 343 Braced cuts,343 in medium clay,347 in santl,345 in soft ctay, 346 in stiff clay, 345 reaction of,347 Bulk unit weight, 3 Buoyant unit weight, Part r: C. = 0.009(LL -10) = 0.27 + 15.315 98.015 Continuity, 92 Correction factor,299 Coulornb's theory,247 Critical hydraulic graclient, 4 Culmannls method, 351 Cup method,9 Cuts, 343 Base circle, 356 At midheight of clay, (h = 6.5) 4P,,, = Alpha a method, 338 Angle of internal friction, 219 Consolidation coefficient ofl, 198 degree of, lg7 time of, 198 Constant-head test, 86 Casagrande, 89 Close sheeting, 343 Coefficient of curvature, 62 Coefficient of gradation, 62 Coefficient of permeabilitY, 85 Cohesion, 219, 340 Compression index, 193 secondary, 195 Compressibiliry coefficient of, 198 Consistency,6 index, 12 Danish formula, 337 Darcy's law, 85 Degree of consolidation, 197 Degree of saturation, 3 Density water, I Depth factor, 295,298 Developed angle of friction,292 Dcvelopcd cohesion, 291 Direct shear tesl,226 Dolomite,5 Drained triaxial test, 224 Dredge line,343 Drop hammer, 336 Dry unit weight, 4 Earth pressure At rest.244 Effective size,61 Effective stress, 131 Engineer news record, 33(l Equipotential line, 95 Eytelwein forrnula, 335 Factors of safety, 254,291,34s Fall,348 Fall cone method, 8 Falling-head test, 87 Flexible strip load, 167 Flow curve, 10 lndex Flow intlcx, I0 Fiow line. 9(.> I'low nrts, 95 Footing, 285 types of, 286 Foundation, 285 Friction skin, 3J8 ncr:rl bealing c.:rp:rcity cquation, 294 Genelal shear failure, 287, ZBg Ce Group inclex, 64 Cvp.surn, 5 Hanscn bcaring capaciry equation, 296 I Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Nagaraj, 194 Retaining wall,249 Root time method, 198 Nishida,.194 Normally consoliclated, 192 Kaolinite, 5 Kozc.ny-Carntan equation, 90 Lateral ealth pressr-rre, 241 Line-load, 166 Liquid limir, 6 Liquiditv index, 7, 12 Local shear failurc, 287,290 Log tirne rnerhod, 198 Magnetitc, 5 Mirss proceclurc,354 Meyerhol s cquurion. 29,r Molu-Coulomb fuilure crireria, 219 Moisture content, 3 Mud flow, 34fl Nludline, 343 Murty, 194 Submerged unit weight, 4 Surcharge, 252,257 Swell index, 194 Taylor chart, 357 One-point method, One-way. i96 Saturated unit weight, 4 Samarasinhe, 90 li Orthoclase, 5 Overburden pressure, 285 Ovcrconsolidated, 193 Oveiconsolidation pressure, 193 Overconsolidation ratio (OCR), 193 lolmr-ill, 89 Herreo, 194 Hyclraulic concluctivity, 85, 89 on stratifled soil, 90 Hyclrar-rlic graclient, 85, 88 Lrntediate settlement, 198 Inclination factor, 296; 297 I nllrrcncr- cltart, 77 4 Influencc valuc, 174 Intcrgranular stress, 13i Is()tropic soil. 96 Strut, 344 Remolded clay, 194 Rendon, 194 Nary-McKay fornrr.rla, 335 Neutral stress, 131 Newnrark, 174 lndex iii Fundamentals of Geptechnical Engineerin g Particle size distribr"rtion curve, 60 Passive earth pressure coefficient, 243, 245,249 Peck's pres.sure cliagram, 345, 346 Permeability coefficient of, 85 I,ile, 335 AASHTO formula, 335 Danish formula, 337 Engineer news record, 336 Eytelwein fornrula, 335 Nary-McKay formr,rla, 335 settlement of ,342 tensile capacity of, J4? tlreorerical crprrcity of, 338 Pile group capacity of ,341 efliciency ,>f , 342 Sieve analysis, 60 Skempton, 193 Slices method of ,354,360 Slide, 348 Slip plane, 352 Slope circle, 354 Slope stabiliry, 348 infinite slope,349 finite slope, 351 circular lailure, 354 Soil creep, 348 Soil indices, 7 Sorting coefficient, 62 Specific gravity of solids, 12 Plastic lirnit, 6 Plasticity cl.rart, 60 Plasticity inclex, 7 I']oinrload, 165 rario, 166 Pore watcl pressure, 1Jl Poi.s.son's of substance, Porosity, 2 Preconsolidation pressure, 193 Pressure clistribution, 256 5 Rankine's theory,245 Relative density of granqlar soits, Ram, 337 2 Spoil, 343 Stability number, 352 Standard penetration (SI,T), 299 Steam hammer,336 Stresses in soil effective, 131 neutra[, 131 Pr"rnching shear faih"rre, 288 QLranz, Seiondary compression inclex, 195 Scepage velocity, 85 Settlement, 191 immediate, 191,198 overconsolidated, 193 primary consolidation, 191 normally consolidated, 192 secondary consolidation, 191, 194 rota[, 200 Shape factor, 295,297 Shear strength, 219 Shrinkage index, 7 Shrinkage limit, 6, 11 Shrinkage ratio, l2 total, 5 131 with seepage, 133 without seepage, 131 Textural classification, 55 'Ierzaghi's bearing capacity equation, 289 Time factor, 197 Tirre ratb of consolidation, 196 Toe circle, 354 Toral stress, 131 Triaxial test, 222 Tschebotarioff, 345 Two-dimensiona{ flow, 95 Two-way drainage, 196 Ultimate bearing capacity, 2ti8 Unconfined compression test, 225 Undisturbed clay,194 Undrained triaxial test, 224 Uniformity coefficient, 62 Unit weight buoyant, 4 dry,4 saturated, 4 soil mass, 3 sul>merged, 4 water; 1 Upright, 344 USCS classificetion, 56 USDA classification, 55 Vesic, 296 Void ratio, 2 Vale,344 \trater content, .9ee moisture content \X/ells, 93 artesian, 95 gravity, 94 lndex Fundarnentals of Geotechnical Engineering