Last name ID number First name Due Date SMGR-HW2001 2 6 0 3 2 0 2 2 Submit by 4 April A typical Italian Primary Substation (PS) is shown in figure. Applying the per-unit method, with both transformers in service (CB11, CB12, CB21 and CB22 closed) and the bus-tie breaker (TB) open, you have to calculate: 1. at HV Bus-Bar level 1.1. the actual voltage level in kV; 1.2. the equivalent sequence circuits; 1.3. the phase-to-phase short circuit current in amps; 2. at MV Red Bus-Bar level and when the neutral is directly grounded (Rn=0 Ω) 2.1. the actual voltage level in kV; 2.2. the equivalent sequence circuits; 2.3. the three-phase short circuit current in amps; 3. at MV Green Bus-Bar level and when the neutral is compensed (Rn||Xn=587||57.75 Ω) 3.1. the actual voltage level in kV; 3.2. the equivalent sequence circuits; 3.3. the phase-to-ground fault current in amps through the impedance RF = 5 Ω with the busbar at no load (i.e., with all circuit breakers at the beginning of each line open); HV upstream network HV Bus-Bar CB11 CB21 TR1 MV Red Bus-Bar TR2 CB12 CB22 TB P1MV Q1MV P2MV Q2MV MV Green Bus-Bar HV upstream network U Net =132 kV I 3 ϕ sc =10.556 kA I 1 ϕ sc =8.458 kA X d / Rd =8 X 0 /R 0=4 Transformers (TR1=TR2) S=40 MVA k r=142.56 /21.6 Po =21.488 kW Pk =185.882 kW u sc %=15.5 % Ż o ,o =2.529+ j 7.590 Ω Rn =0 Ω or Rn∥X n=587∥57.75 Ω Loads U MV =20 kV P1 MV =20 MW Q1 MV =10 Mvar P2 MV =17 MW Q2 MV =8 Mvar