BASIC EDUCATION SECTOR LEKGOTLA THREE STREAMS MODEL Dr M Simelane Department of Basic Education 27 January 2022 PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Strategic Direction Three Stream Model Academic Stream Vocational Stream Occupational Stream Partnerships Recommendation PURPOSE To present to DBE Sector Lekgotla Progress on the implementation of the Three Stream Model 3 STRATEGIC DIRECTION “The different parts of the education system should work together allowing learners to take different pathways that offer high quality learning opportunities.” (National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, November 2011) 4 5 THREE STREAM MODEL THREE STREAMS • Academic Stream • Vocational Stream • Occupational Stream 6 7 1) ACADEMIC STREAM NDP TARGETS ”The Department of Basic Education plan is to increase the number to 300 000 by 2024, with 350 000 learners passing mathematics and 320 000 learners passing physical science. The Commission proposes a target for 2030 of 450 000 learners being eligible for bachelors programme with maths and science. Action is required throughout the education system, but particularly in early childhood development given that the cohort that will enter university in 2030 started primary school in 2018. Consideration should be given to expanding the Dinaledi Schools initiative, which increases access to maths and science in underprivileged schools.” National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, November 2011 Maths Participation per Province against all learners 2018-2020 2018 2019 2020 Total Wrote Maths Total Wrote Maths Total Wrote Maths EC 36 449 35270 38 717 FS 9 722 9886 11 040 GP 35 279 35412 37 680 KZN 61 686 57882 56 506 LP 39 216 34148 38 447 MP 24 207 22621 24 663 NW 9 083 8783 9 232 NC 2 798 2613 2 708 WC 15 418 15419 14 322 National 233 858 222 034 233 315 Province Maths Participation per Province 2018-2020 Participation 70000 61686 57882 60000 56506 50000 40000 38717 36449 35270 39216 38447 34148 37680 35279 35412 24207 30000 24663 22621 20000 8783 9886 9722 11040 10000 9083 9232 2613 15419 15418 14322 2798 2708 0 EC FS GP KZN 2018 LP 2019 MP 2020 NW NC WC Physical Sciences Participation per Province against all learners 2018-2020 2018 2019 2020 Province Total Wrote Physical Sciences Total Wrote Physical Sciences Total Wrote Physical Sciences EC 24 939 23 703 25 870 FS 7 876 7 889 8 727 GP 26 763 25 765 27 096 KZN 40 643 39 499 40 402 LP 31 717 28 911 31 290 MP 20 387 19 679 21 794 NW 7 348 6 939 7 482 NC 2 259 2 111 2 186 WC 10 387 9 982 9 463 National 172 319 164 478 174 310 10 387 9 982 9 463 2 259 2 111 2 186 2019 7 348 6 939 7 482 2018 20 387 19 679 21 794 31 717 28 911 31 290 40 643 39 499 40 402 26 763 25 765 27 096 7 876 7 889 8 727 24 939 23 703 25 870 2020 172 319 164 478 174 310 Physical Sciences Participation per Province 2018-2020 PARTICIPATION RATE FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES 2018 -2020 FOCUS SCHOOLS • Finalise the audit on Focus Schools • Strengthen legislative and policy frameworks • Focus Schools Guidelines have been approved by CEM (09 March 2017). • Align the establishment to economic zones/ corridors/ sector 13 14 2) VOCATIONAL STREAM NDP TARGETS “One of the targets set for 2014 in the delivery agreement signed by the Minister of Higher Education and Training is to produce 10 000 artisans per year. This target can be met with concerted effort and adequate funding. We propose a target of 30 000 by 2030, subject to demand.” National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, November 2011) 15 SUBJECTS: VOCATIONAL STREAM –Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) –Civil Technology –Electrical Technology –Mechanical Technology –Technical Mathematics –Technical Sciences 16 SUBJECTS : VOCATIONAL STREAM –Technical Maths –Technical Sciences Civil Technology • Construction, • Woodworking, and • Civil Services. Electrical Technology • Power Systems, • Electronics, and • Digital Systems. Mechanical Technology • Automotive, • Fitting and Machining, and • Welding and Metal Work. 17 PARTICIPATION IN VOCATIONAL STREAM 2018-2020 THE NATIONAL PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE CIVIL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISATIONS CIVIL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISATIONS PARTICIPATION RATE: 2018-2020 1837 1946 2606 3582 NAT 2020 601 582 795 3492 NAT 2019 4350 NAT 2018 CIVIL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION WOODWORKING THE NATIONAL PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISATIONS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISATIONS PARTICIPATION RATE: 2018-2020 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS 4796 5173 NAT 2020 968 968 938 NAT 2019 1067 422 323 394 NAT 2018 POWER SYSTEMS THE NATIONAL PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISATIONS MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISATIONS PARTICIPATION RATE : 20182020 AUTOMOTIVE FITTING AND MACHINING 1684 1682 NAT 2020 1857 1914 2012 NAT 2019 2069 2840 2784 2911 NAT 2018 WELDING & METALWORK THE NATIONAL PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND DESIGN (EGD) 32280 32538 32619 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND DESIGN (EGD) PARTICIPATION RATE: 2018 - 2020 NAT 2018 NAT 2019 NAT 2020 THE NATIONAL PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS NAT 2018 9670 9870 10732 TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS PARTICIPATION RATE: 2018- 2020 NAT 2019 NAT 2020 THE NATIONAL PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE TECHNICAL SCIENCES 10377 10862 11659 PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE TECHNICAL SCIENCES: 2018 - 2020 NAT 2018 NAT 2019 NAT 2020 25 3) OCCUPATIONAL STREAM NDP GOAL AND OBJECTIVE “Provide inclusive education that enables everyone to participate effectively in a free society. Education provides knowledge and skills that people with disabilities can use to exercise a range of other human rights, such as the right to political participation, the right to work, the right to live independently and contribute to the community, the right to participate in cultural life, and the right raise a family. Ensuring that all children with disabilities have access to quality education will help South Africa meet its employment equity goals in the long run.” National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, November 2011) 26 27 SKILLS AND VOCATIONAL PROGRAMMES FOR GET SUBJECTS: VOCATIONAL STREAM No 14 Subjects Language Mathematics Life Skills SPECIALISATION/SUBJECT SUB SECTIONS General Subjects HL, FAL, Functional Maths, Creative Arts, Social Sciences, Life Skills, Physical Education and Sport, Natural Science, Computer Application Technology STATUS Completed Skills and Vocational Subjects 5. 6. Agricultural Studies Art and Crafts 7. Office Administration 8. Early Childhood Development 9. Mechanical Technology: Motor Mechanics Mechanical Technology: 10. Body Works Mechanical Technology: 11. Welding Mechanical Technology: 12. Sheet metal work Electrical Technology: 13. Electrical Service / Civil Technology: 14. Woodworking and Timber Plant production, Animal husbandry ,Gardening Craft production, Working in different Materials Office Practice Computer Application Technology, Client services and communication Child Development and Care, Resource Development (for learning) Completed Completed Motor Mechanics, Completed Panel Beating and / or, Spray Painting Completed Welding , Metalwork Completed Welding, Sheet metal work Completed Electrician Work, Air conditioning and refrigeration Completed Carpentry, Joinery, Shuttering Completed Completed Completed SUBJECTS: OCCUPATIONAL STREAM… No 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Subjects Personal Care: Hairdressing and Beauty Care Personal Care: Beauty and Nail Technology Service Technology: Maintenance Consumer Studies: Food Production Consumer Studies: Sewing Hospitality Studies 23. Wholesale and Retail 25. Civil Technology: Bricklaying and Plastering Civil Technology: Plumbing STATUS Hairdressing, Cosmetology Completed Beauty Care, Nail Technology Completed -Baby Care: Baby Care, First Aid, Cooking, Cleaning and Housekeeping , -Life Care: Personal Care: Adult/ geriatric care, First Aid, Cooking, Cleaning and Housekeeping, -Personal Care: Ancillary Health Care Disability Care, Technology, First Aid, Cooking, Cleaning and Housekeeping Service Technology: Upholstery; Leather work; Industrial sewing Upholstery 22. 24. SPECIALISATIONS/SUBJECT SUB SECTIONS Skills and Vocational Subjects Completed Completed Plumbing; Painting; Electrical; Mechanical; Glazing; Tiling and Flooring; Bricklaying and Plastering; Welding; Woodwork Completed Food production; Food and nutrition; Entrepreneurship; The consumer Completed Machine sewing; Soft furnishing and upholstery; Patchwork, Quilting and Embroidery, Knitting and Crocheting; The consumer Food and beverages services; Watering; Cleaning and Housekeeping, Client Service and communication Completed Completed Wholesale and Retail Studies Completed Bricklaying; Plastering, Brickmaking Completed Plumbing, Solar Systems Completed PILOT: VOCATIONAL & OCCUPATIONAL SUBJECTS AT GET Implementation in Schools of Skill Pilot ended in 2020 Full implementatio n started 2021 Piloting in Ordinary and Focus schools 105 schools Approved at provincial level Minimum of 10 schools per province 23 WC 12 Gauteng 10 in the remaining 7 Provinces 90 schools were Audited to determine their readiness for the pilot. Audit also looked at state of readiness at Provincial and District level NAMES OF PILOTING SCHOOLS: 80 PROVINCE EASTERN CAPE KWAZULU NATAL LIMPOPO SCHOOL Westview School Bergsig Special School Baysville Special School West Ridge Damarosa Newton Tugela Prevocational School General Pietjoubert Special School Suzan Strydom Special School Mahlasedi Special School Ratanang Special School NORTHERN Retlameleng CAPE Kimberley Training Centre Elizabeth Conradie School Learamele PROVINCE FREE STATE SCHOOL Maluti Hoogland Ladybrand Bohmer Orion School Nobilis School Johan Slabbert Fakkel School MPUMALANGA Ethokomala (CYCC) Jim van Tonder George Hofmeyr Vaalrivier WH de Klerk Platorand NORTH WEST Oom Paul Coligny Keurhof Die Wilge NAMES OF PILOTING SCHOOLS PROVINCE WESTERN CAPE SCHOOL Agulhas School of Skills Atlantis School of Skills Axios School of Skills Batavia School of Skills Bel-et Skool Vir Epileptici Bishops School of Skills Cafda School of Skills De Grendel School of Skills Breede Valley Florida Vaardiheidskool Lathi-tha School of Skills Mitchell's Plain School of Skills Olympia School of Skills Oudtshoorn School of Skills Paarl School of Skills Riebeeck Valley School of Skills Siviwe School of Skills Steinthal School of Skills Van Kervel School of Skills Wellington School of Skills Weskus School of Skills Westcliff School of Skills PROVINCE SCHOOL GAUTENG Actonville Training Centre Belvedereskool Kempton Panoramaskool Isipho Sethu School Kwa-Thema Skills School Olympia Parkskool Protem LSEN School Pro-Practicum School Randeorskool Gressworld Senior School Goudveld Vaardigheidskool Mezodo Vocational Skills Roodeparkskool Krugerlaanskool Die Ankerskool Sebokeng Technical High School Magalies Special School Kwaggasrandskool Springfield Secondary School Suiderberg School Dukathole Mofolo Primary School Sozizwe Primary School ARTICULATION FRAMEWORK PROGRESS: OCCUPATIONAL LEARNING PATHWAY Strengthen ing the pilot in Schools of Skills in 2017 • Training Manuals developed for each of the 26 subjects on 16-20 January 2017; • 261 teachers, district and provincial officials were orientated into the 26 subjects during 27 February to 3 March 2017; • PEDs have commenced orientation of schoolbased teachers – NW, LP and FS completed; • DBE is monitoring and supporting the orientation of teachers from Schools of Skill; • Partnerships are being established with corporates and industries to support implementation on an ongoing basis; • Concept Workbook and Textbook have been completed • Audit Report was finalised. 34 35 PARTNERSHIPS THREE STREAM MODEL MASTER PLAN • The NECT provided technical support to the DBE, facilitated several workshops for development of the TSM Master Plan • The workshops were attended by representatives from relevant DBE divisions and their inputs led to a detailed draft Three Stream Model Master Plan with 10 key points. • The draft plan was presented for input at various platforms of DBE structures and stakeholders which included: CEM HEDCOM TSM Reference Group and ETAO Steering Committee (Multi-stakeholder structures established in collaboration with the NECT and coordinated in the office of the DG. • Various Working Groups have been established to drive implementation of the TSM Master Plan. THREE STREAM MODEL MASTER PLAN … The following 10 points were agreed upon to constitute the key objectives of the TSM Master Plan: 1. Research to strengthen conceptualization and roll out of the TSM; 2. Technical Advisory Support in areas of need; 3. Vocationally Oriented Curriculum for GET Phase; 4. Vocational & Technical and Occupational FET Curriculum; 5. General Education Certificate (GEC) Dashboard and Plan; 6. Teacher training and development; 7. Advocacy, Change Management And Communication; 8. Building partnerships; 9. HR and Funding Mobilisation; 10. Piloting the TSM (Vocational and Occupational Streams) in Schools. EDUCATION FOR EMPLOYABILITY (E4E) PROJECT • • • • The E4E action is being implemented as a programme under the SA-EU Budget Support: Sector Reform Contract. The Sector Reform Programmes have a sectoral focus and have the purpose of supporting sector policies and reforms, improving governance and service delivery. The key objective of the E4E budget support programme is to contribute to policy development, testing and implementation with the target beneficiaries as illustrated in the adjacent diagram. Lessons learnt in the pilots are expected to influence departmental policy development/implementation in the E4E result areas viz. policy development, pilot and testing, programmes design and implementation, improved collaboration between DBE, DHET and DEL for youth education and employability. Support cross departme ntal piloting Leading and to testing of improvedpolicies design and and actions implemen Improved tation ofcollaboratio sectoral n in critical policies policy areas and for youth education and employabilit y. DBE-DHET-DEL PARTNERSHIP AND COLLABORATION • The Education for Employability Budget Support Sector Reform Programme (E4E-BSSRP) is the platform for the three departments to work collectively towards a “more inclusive, equitable and quality education and employment prospects for South African youth”. DBE : Building a differentiated/inclusive education system with diversified learning pathways and early access to education leading to employment. DEL : DHET : An improved youth education and employment "value chain" is established through public labour counselling, partnership between education institutions and workplaces. Transitioning Youth to opportunities for conversion from education to employment. E4EBSSRP PARTNERSHIPS • The following SETAs are in collaboration with DBE on the Three Streams Model: MERSETA W&RSETA Mining and Qualification SETA in process • Other Partnerships: Ford SA – 240 engines donated UNICEF – Coding and Robotics Sasol Foundation – Technical Mathematics and Technical Sciences Mobile Network Operators DBE – DHET – DEL Collaboration – E4E Project IMPLICATIONS FOR TVET COLLEGES Pathways: In TVET Colleges, pathways should exist to allow students to build towards their educational destinations; Articulation: Systemic articulation: a clearly laid out philosophy and set of policies and procedures that guide the construction of an articulated system. Programmatic versus institutional articulation: Programmes must articulate and not institutions. Curriculum articulation: Broad curriculum guidelines on a programmeby-programme basis so that articulation is optimized. NB: Programmes should be designed with horizontal, vertical and diagonal articulation so as to ensure that they do not become ‘dead-ends’. KEY CHALLENGES Challenge 1. Budgetary constraints Mitigation Strategy EU Funding and the Development of the Funding Model 2. Teacher supply for specialised Presented the TSM Concept Paper and subjects Implementation to the Education Deans Forum in May 2021. 3. Delay in completion of Curriculum Workshop to integrate Umalusi feedback and LTSM for Grades 8 and 9 pilot and public comment into final CAPS and due to Covid-19 impact. finalise LTSM planned for January 2022. 4. Capacity at school and other levels Finalisation and implementation of the for implementation. Master Plan. RECOMMENDATION The DBE Sector Lekgotla to consider and discuss the progress on the implementation of the Three Stream Model. 43