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Inorganic Ring & Chain Compounds: Silicates

• Occurrence in the earth crust.
➢ Out of 100% total of earth’s crust , about 95% of the earth’s crust is composed of silicate minerals,
alumino silicates, clays or silica.
➢ These makes up bulk of all rocks, sands and their breakdown products, clays and soils.
➢ Many building materials are silicates , granite, slates, bricks and Cement.
➢ Ceramic and glass are also silicates.
➢ The three most abundant elements are Oxygen(4,55.000ppm), Silicon (2,72,000), Aluminium (83,000),
Iron (62,000) and Calcium( 46,000).
➢ Together these three elements make up 81% of the earth’s crust.
➢ That is four out of five atoms are one of thes or universe. as awhole
➢ This is much higher abundance than in the earth.
➢ During the cooling of the earth , the lighter silicate minerals crystallized and floated on the
surfaces .
➢ This results in icrease in concentration of silicates in the earths crust.
• N.L.Bowen has summarized the sequence im whih these crystalline minerals appeared as the magma cooled.
• This is known as Bowen’s Reaction series.
• First ----
M2(II) SiO4
M7(II)(Al,Si)4 O11.(OH)2
Biotic Micas
(K,H)2(Mg, Fe(II))2(Al, Fe(III)2(SiO4)3
Orthoclose feldspars
Muscovite micas
• Last -------- Quartz
M2(II) (SiO3)2
• Several points are arises :
➢ 1. Simpler silicate units crystallized first.
➢ 2.Hydroxyl groups appear in latter minerals and F may be substituted instead of OH.
• 3.Isomorphous replacement; changing one method for another without changing the
structure occurs particularly in latter elements.
• 4. The orthoclase feldspars, muscovite, mica and quartz are the major minerals of Granite.
• 5.As the silicates cooled further , they shrank and cracked.
• The hydrothermal (hot water) solution moved through the cracks nearer the surface to
regions of lower temperature and pressure.
• Where the elements precipitated and then combined with Sulphur(S) forming veins of
• Silicates can be prepared by fusing an alkali metal carbonate with sand in an electric furnace at about 1400 0C.
• Na2CO3
1400 0C
+ SiO2
CO2 + Na2O ---------Na4SiO4.(Na2SiO3)n + Others.
• The product is a soluble glass of sodium or potassium silicate.
• It is dissolved in hot water under pressure.
• It is filtered from any insoluble material.
• The composition of product varies but is approximately Na2Si2O5. 6H2O.
• In 1991, 2.6 million tonnes of soluble sodium silicates were produced(measured in terms of SiO2 content)..
• They are used in liquid detergent preparation to keep the pH high so that grease and fat can be dissolved by
forming soap.
• Soluble silicates must not be used if the twater is hard ortherwise they will be react with Ca2+ ions to form
insoluble calcium silicates
➢ The majority of silicate minerals are very insoluble because they have an infinite ionic structures and great strength of the Si-O
➢ This makes difficult to study their structures and physical properties such as cleavage and the hardness of rocks originally
➢ The structural principles in silicate structures habe been only because of apparent since the structures have been solved by X-ray
crystallographic methods.
➢ 1. The electronegativity difference between Oxygen and Silicon is 1.7(3.5-1.8). This suggests bonds are almost 50% ionic and
50% covalent.
➢ 2. The structures therefore considered theoretically by both ionic and covalent methods.
➢ The radius ratio Si4+ : O2- :: is 0.29 which suggests that Si is four coordinate and surrounded by four atoms at the corners of a
➢ This can be predicted also be from the use of 3s and three 3p orbitals by Si for bonding.
➢ Thus silicates are based on (SiO4 4-) tetrahedral units.
➢ 3. The Sio4 tetrahedron may exist discrete units or may polymerized into larger units by
sharing the corners. I,e. sharing ‘’O’’ atom .
➢ 4. The ‘’O’’ atom are often close-packed ar nearly close-packed.
➢ Close packed structures have tetrahedral and octahedral holes and metal ions may
occupy either octahedral or tetrahedral sited depends upon their size.
• A convenient classification of many silicate minerals are based on the way in which the ( SiO4)4tetrahedral units are linked.
❖ 1.Ortho-Silicates(Neso-Silicates):
➢ A wide variety of minerals contain discrete ( SiO4)4- tetrahedra i,e. they share no corners.
➢ They have the formula M2II[SiO4]where M= Be, Mg, Fe, Mn or Zn.
➢ Or MIV[SiO4] e.g. ZrSiO4.
➢ Different Structures are formed depending upon the coordination number adopted by the metal.
➢ In Wilemite, Zn2[SiO4] and Phenacite Be2[SiO4] the Zn and Be atoms have a
coordination Number of 4 and occupy tetrahedral holes.
➢ In Forstevite Mg2[SiO4], the Mg has coordination number of 6 and occupy octahedral
➢ When octahedral sites ae occupied, it is quite common to get isomorphus replacement of
one divalent metal ion by another similar size without changing the structure.
➢ The mineral Olivine (Mg,Fe)2 [SiO4] has the same structure as forsterite.
➢ But about one tenth of Mg2+ ion in forsterite are replaced by Fe2+ ions.
➢ The ions have the same charge and similar radii.(Mg2+ -0.72A0, Fe2+ -0.78A0) and occupy the
same type of hole.
➢ This substitution of one metal for another does not change the structure.
➢ This mineral also have Mn(II) in some octahedral sites.
➢ Thus giving [Mg, Fe, Mn]2 [SiO4].
➢ These are all related to hexagonal close-packed.
➢ Zircon, ZrSiO4 is used as a germ stone as it can be cut to like a diamond. But it is much cheaper.
➢ Zircon is much softer than diamond.
➢ Zircon has coordination number 8.
➢ Structure is not closed packed.
• Two tetrahedral units are joined by sharing the ‘Oxygen’’ atom at one corner.
• This gives the unit ( Si2O7)6• This is the simplest of the condensed silicate ions.
• The name pyro came from the similarity in structure with pyrophosphates such as
• These were named because they can be made by heating Orthophosphates.
• Pyro silicates are rare.
• One example is Sc2[Si2O7].
• A number of lanthanide disilicates have similar formulae, Ln2[Si2O7].
Na4P O
2 7
• These are not quite the same as Si-O-Si angle is not 180 0 as in the Sc compound but varies
down to 133 0.
• The coordination number of the metal changes from 6 to 7 and then to 8 as the size of metal
• Hemimorphite Zn4(OH)2[Si2O7]. H2O is another example.
• But the structure studies show no difference in the length of bridging and terminal Si-O bonds.
• Thus the representation as a disilicate ion may be misleading.
• The structure may be better considered as [ SiO4] and [ ZnO3(OH)] tetrahedron linked to give
a three dimensional network.
➢ If two oxygen atoms per tetrahedron are shared, ring structure may be formed having general formula
➢ Rings containing three, four, six and eight tetrahedral units are known.
➢ But rings containing with three and six are the most common.
➢ The cyclic ions Si3O96- occurs in Wollastonite Ca3[Si3O9]
➢ and in Benitoite BaTi [Si3O9]
➢ The Si6O18 12- unit occurs in Beryl , Be3Al2[Si6O18].
➢ In Beryl the Si6O18 units are aligned one above the other, leaving channels.
➢ Na+, Li+ and Cs+ are commonly found in these channels.
• Because of these channels , the mineral is permeable to gases consisting of small atoms or
molecules .e,g. Helium.
• Beryl and emerald are both germ stones.
• Beryl is found with granite and usually forms pale green crystals which are six sided prisms.
• Emerald has the same formula as beryl except that it contains 1-2% Cr which gives it a strong
green colour.
➢ Simple Chain silicates or Pyroxenes are formed by the sharing of the Oxygen atom on two corners of each
tetrahedron with other tetrahedra.
➢ This gives the formula (SiO3)n2n➢ A large number of important minerals form chains.
➢ But there are a variety of different structures are formed.
➢ Because the arrangement of the tetrahedra in space may vary.
➢ This affect the repeat distance along the chain.
➢ The most common arrangements repeats after every second tetrahedra.
➢ E.g. in Spodumene, LiAl(SiO3)2]. It is the main source of Li.
➢ Enstatite, Mg2((SiO3)2].
➢ Wollastanite, Ca3[(SiO3)3] has a repeat unit of three tetrahedra.
➢ Others are known with repeat unit of 4,5,6,7,9 & 12.
➢ Double chains can be formed when two simple chains are joined together by shared
➢ These minerals are called amphiboles and they are well known.
➢ There are several ways of forming double chains giving formula ( Si2O5)n2n-, (Si4 O11)n6n- ,
(Si6O17)n10n- and others.
➢ The most numerous and the best known amphiboles are the asbestos minerals.
➢ These are based on the structural unit
➢ In this structure, some tetrahedra share two corners while others share three
➢ Examples are tremolite, Ca2Mg5[((Si4O11)2] (OH)2
➢ Crocidolite Na2Fe3(II)Fe(III)[(Si4O11)2] (OH)2
➢ Amphiboles always contain hydroxyl groups which are attached to metal ions.
➢ Asbestos minerals come from two different group of silicates.
➢ 1. The amphiboles.
➢ 2.The sheet silicates.
• Though asbestos is chemically inert, it presents a serious health hazard.
• Inhaling asbestos dust causes asbestosis or scarring of the lungs.
• It also causes lung cancer.
• Blue asbestos appears to be the worst hazard.
• The disease may have latent period of 20-30years.
• The best control is to minimize asbestos dust and to handle asbestos wet if possible.
• When SiO4 units are shared there corners, the structure formed is an infinite two-dimensional sheet of
empirical formula (Si2O5)n 2n-.
• There are strong bonds within Si-O sheet, but much weaker forces hold each sheet to the next one.
• Thus these minerls tend to cleave into thin sheets.
• Structures with simple planar sheets are rare.
• A large number of sheet silicates are important and well known.
• These have slightly more complicated structure.
• These are made up of either two or three layers joint together.
• These includes
Clay minerals (Kaolinite, Pyrophyllite, Talc)
White asbestos (Chrysotile, Biotite)
Micas (Muscovite and Margarite)
Montmorillonites (Fullers earth, Bentonite and Vermiculite)
Let us see the formation of two layer structures:
• If we start with simple silicate sheet, then one side of the sheet contains all the unshared (singly
bound) oxygen atom.
• The pure hydroxides Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2 both crystallize with layer structures.
• Al and Mg are six-coordinate and occupy octahedral sites.
• The unshared O in the silicate sheet have almost the same relative positions as 2/3rd of OH groups
on each side of the hydroxide layer.
➢ If Si2O5 layer is placed alongside a layer of ϒ-Gibbsite , Al(OH)3 , then many of the
oxygen atoms will coincide.
➢ The OH group in Al(OH)3 can be removed and an electrically neutral two layer structure is
➢ These double layers stacked parallel give the mineral Kaolinite having formula
➢ It is a white solid formed by the decomposition of granite.
➢ The world production of Kaolinite was 22.5 million tonnes in year 1992(USA 41%, UK 11% and South Korea – 8%)
➢ China clay or kaolin is mixed in Cornwall.
➢ It is a high grade of Kaolinite
➢ When small amount of SiO2 and mica are removed, it can be mixed with water to give a
white or nearly white plastic clay.
➢Small amounts are used for making porcelain, china cups and plates, sanitary
wares and other ceramics.
➢And for chromatography as a treatment for indigestion and for poultices.
➢One Al(OH)3 layer has two equivalent sides.
➢A Si2O5 layer was combined with one side in Kaolinite but a second
Si2O5sheet can combine with the other side , thus giving a three layer
➢This is made up of Silicate, Al(OH)3 silicate.
➢Pyrophyllite [Al2(OH)2] [ Si2O5)2] has this three layer structure.
➢ A layer of Brucite, Mg(OH)2, may be combined with Si2O5 layer to form two=layer structure.
➢ This gives the mineral Chrysotile, Mg3(OH)4 [ Si2O5](White asbestos) Which is considerable
commercial importance.
➢ Alternatively, Brucite may combine with two SiO2 layers , forming a triple sheet structure called as
talk or Soap stone, Mg(OH)2 [ Si2O5)4].
➢ These triple sheets are electrically neutral and there are no metal ions holding one sheet to the next
so that structure breaks very easily and is very soft.
➢ Soapstone has a slippery feeling . Hence it is as named.
➢ It is act as dry lubricant.
➢ In 1992, World production of talc was 8.4 million tonnes.
➢ It is mainly used in making ceramics, paper and mint. A small amount are used in Cosmetics.
➢ A talc can be ground into a fine powder and used as a talcum powder.
• A substitution of atoms may occur in the triple layer structures of the pyrophyllite types.
• If Si is partly replaced by Al(in tetrahedral holes), then the sheet becomes negatively charged.
• These charges are balanced by positively charged metal ions which are placed between the
• This give rise to the mica minerals.
• Muscovite has the formula KAl2(OH)2[AlSi3O10] and is called white mica,
• Margarite has the formula CaAl2(OH)2[ AlSi3O10].
• Micas are much harder than talc and other minerals because of the electrostatic attractin between
the negatively charged triple sheets and positive metal ions.
• World production of mica in 1992 was 214000 tonnes.
• The main sources are USA 40%, Soviet Union 16% and Canada 8%.
➢ Mica sheet is used as an electrical insulator and in electric heating elements(as electric
➢ It is also used in electric capacitors and for windows in furnaces.
➢ Finely ground mica is used as filter in plastics and rubbers.
➢ The clay minerals are formed from other silicates by weathering or by hydrothermal
process I,e by action of water under heat and pressure.
➢ They contain electrically neutral layers. E,g. Kaolinite and pyrophyllite.
➢ The clay minerals also include montmorillionites which have negatively charged layers.
➢ But number of charges is much lower than in the micas.
➢ Not all but some of the octahedral Al(III) in prrophyllite Al2(OH)2(Si2O5)] are
replaced by Mg(II) ions giving (Mg0.33Al0.67) (OH)2 (Si2O5)2.
➢ Sharing all four corners of a SiO4 tetrahedron, results in a three dimensional lattice of formula
SiO2(Quartz, tridymite, Cristobalite etc.)
➢ These contain no metal ions but three dimensional structures can form the basis of silicate structures
if there is isomorphous replacement of some of the Si4+ ions by Al3+ plus an additional metal ion.
➢ This gives an infinite three dimensional lattice and additional cations occupy holes in the lattice.
➢ Replacing one quarter of the Si4+ in SiO2 with Al3+ gives a framework ion AlSi3O8.
➢ The cations are usually the larger metal ions such as K+, Na+, Ca2+ or Ba2+.
➢ The smaller ions Fe3+, Cr3+ and Mn2+ which were common in the chain.
➢ Sheet silicates do not occur in the three dimensional silicates because the cavities in the
lattice are too large.
➢ Replacement of one quarter or one half of the Si atoms are quite common, giving
structures M(I)[AlSi3O8] and M(II)[ Al2Si2O8].
➢ Such replacements results in three groups of Minerals.
➢ 1.Feldspars
➢ 2. Zeolotes
➢ 3. Ultramarines.
➢ The feldspars are the most important rock forming minerals and constitute two third of the igneous rocks.
➢ E,g. Granite is made up of feldspars with some micas and quartz.
➢ Feldspars are divided into two classes.
❑ Orhoclase feldspars
➢ 1.Orthoclase K[AlSi3O8]
➢ 2.Celsian
❑ Plagioclase feldspars
➢ 1.Albite Na[AlSi3O8]
➢ 2. Anortnite Ca[ Al2Si2O8]
➢ The Orthoclases are more symmetrical than plagioclases.
➢ Because K+ and Ba2+ are just the right size to fit into the lattice.
➢ While Na+ and Ca2+ are being smaller allow distortions.
❑ 2. Zeolites :
➢ Zeolites have much more open structure than the feldspars.
➢ The anion skeleton is penetrated by channels giving a honey comb like structure.
➢ These channels are large enough to allow them to exchange certain ions.
➢ They can also absorb r lose water and outer small molecules without the structure breaking down.
➢ Zeolites are often used as ion-exchanger materials and as a molecular sieves.
➢ Natrolite, Na2[Al2Si3O10]. 2 H2O is a natural ion exchanger.
➢ Zeolites take Ca2+ ions from hard water and replace these by Na+.
➢ Thereby softening of water.
➢ The sodium zeolite natrolite gradually becomes a calcium zeolite.
➢ It eventually regenerated by treatment with strong soluion of NaCl, when the reverse process takes
➢ In addition to naturally ocuring minerals, many synthetic zeolites have been made.
➢ Zeolites also acts as molecular sieves by absorbing molecules which are small enough to enter the
➢ But they are not too big to enter.
➢ They can absorb water, CO2, NH3 and EtOH.
➢ They are also useful for separating straight chain hydrocarbons from branched chain compounds.
➢ Some other zeolites are neulandite, Ca[Al2Si7O18].6H2O, Chabazite Ca[Al2Si4O12.6H2O]
➢ Molecular sieves cn be made with appropriate size to remove small molecules selectively.
➢ The mineral Lapiz lazuli is a splendid blue colour and was highly prized as a pigment for oil paintings in
the middle ages.
➢ It contains ultramarines Na8[(AlSiO4)6] in which the colour is produced by the polysulphide ions.
➢ The ultramarines are a group of related compounds which do not contain water.
➢ But it contains cations such as Cl-, SO4 2- and S2-.
➢ Some examples of Ultramarines are
➢ Ultramarine
➢ Sodalite
➢ Nosean
➢ The ultramarines are now produced synthetically.
➢ Ultramarine itself is made by igniting Kaolinite, Sodium carbonate and sulphur in
the absence of air.
➢ The product may be green, blue or red depending on the particular polysulphide
species present.
➢ Typically it is used as a blue pigment in oil based pigments and ceramics.
➢ Before the days of detergents with artificial brightners, synthetic ultramarines was
used as blueing agent(Called dolly blue) to make domestic washings appear white
by masking any yellowness.
➢ Many silicates are used as a direct result of their physical properties.
➢ E,g. Clay minrals are used for absorbing chemicals, micas are used for electrical insulation
➢ Asbestos is used for thermal insulation, agate and clints are used as hard or sharp surfaces.
➢ In addition to this, a variety of germstones are used for ornaments and jewellary.
➢ Silicates are extremely important because cement, ceramic and glasss industries are based on their
➢ Metallurgical extraction processes often produce silicates as a waste products or slag.
➢ It is due to either because that minerals are silicates or because the minerals contain silicate impurities.
➢ Some of the main technological applications of silicates are :
❖ Alkali Silicates :
➢ These are mainly used as a glue.
❖ Cement :
➢ Both Portland and high alumina cement are of this kind.
❖ Ceramics:
➢ Ceramics are inorganic materials that can be made into a paste and shaped at normal temperature.
➢ The shape is then ‘fired’ at a high temperature.
➢ Firing gives the product strength either by sintering the crystallite together or partly
meetry the paste.
➢ A number of carbides, oxides and in particular clays are treated in this way.
➢ The process is important for making bricks, tiles and pottery.
➢ A porosity of product depends on the temperature reached.
➢ If the firing emperature is high, the product does not absorb liquid.
➢ The presence of Fe3+ in the clay imparts red purple colour.
➢ A clay with a high proportion of CeO gives a yellow or buff coloured products.
➢ Most ceramics except bricks and floor tiles covered with a glassy coatings called a
➢ Pigments may be applied either before glazing(underglaze colour) or after firing and on
the top of the glaze when second firing is required.
➢ A small amount of glass is made up of Silica.
➢ This has excellent properties.
➢ But a very high temperature are needed to produce it. Silica glass is too expensive for general use.
➢ But it is used in Scientific instruments.
➢ The temp.required for melting can be reduced by adding various oxides to the melt.
➢ Thus it produce Silicate glass.
➢ A number of oxides may be used includes Na2O, K2O, MgO, CaO, BeO, B2O3, Al2O3, PbO and ZnO.
➢ Glass is a solid solution and hence its composition may vary.
➢ The amount of oxide added is not very large. Hence SiO4 tetrahedra have a
significant role in the structure.
➢ If Na2O or K2O were used, the glass would be water soluble.
➢ Normal domestic glass for windows is a Calcium alkali silicate glass by fusing the
alkali metal carbonate, CaCO3 and SiO2.
➢ If Na2CO3 is used, soda glass is produced. It is used for cheap laboratory
➢ By using K2CO3 potash glass is produced.
➢ Most of the CaO may replaced by PbO giving lead glass which has higher
refractive index.
➢ It is used for making optical parts and glass ornaments.
• If Al2O3 is used, Al3+ may be present in the structure as a free metal ion or
• It may replace Si4+ in SiO4 skeleton.
• Borosilicate glasses containing Boron and sometimes Aluminium also are important.
• They have low Coefficient of expansion.
• They can withstand heat changes without cracking.
• They contain less alkali and hence are less prone to chemical attack.
• Such glasses are widely used for laboratory equipment as in pyrex glassware.
➢ The mineral mica is abundantly used in items that you use everyday like Cosmetics and electrical
➢ Since mica has excellent dielectric strength, it is used in many electrical components like capacitors.
➢ Uses of Ground Mica :
❖ 1. Ground mica is used in Gypsum wall board as a wadding to remove its imperfection and enhance
its work ability.
❖ 2. In paints to improve the quality and add shine.
❖ 3.It is added to plastic products to strengthen their mechanical properties.
❖ 4. It is added to rubber products like tyres as it serve anti-sticking agents.
❖ It is added to product like eye liners, nail polish, lipstic, foundation etc.
❑Sheet Mica :
❖1. Mica sheet are useful in electric appliances due to their dielectric and insulating property.
❖2. Heating appliances like hot plates, soldering, iron etc.
❖3.Control devices like regulators.
❖4. Lighting equipment like neon lights., incandescent lamp etc.
➢ The sand that glass makes uses to create glass, are hundred percent containing quartz.
➢ Quartz is the main material of glass maker and an important mineral and inorganic compound.
➢ In the wristwatch, the material of the glass is always made from quartz.
➢ Quartz has precious solid and durable material.
➢ Hence it is ideal material for creating glass of watch .
➢ It is also used as material of the glass in clock.
➢ It is used as good material for germstone jewellary because they have beautiful colors and are
more affordable.
➢ It is used as abrasive material. Quartz sand is good for sand blasting, sand
sawing and grininding. Quartz is also anti corrosive material materials.
➢ Quartz is also sturdy and not get attacked by chemical corrosion. It is durable
material for household.
➢ Quartz can be used as a Research material as a outstanding isolator . Product
made from quartz are more resistant to electricity than thse with others.
➢ Quartz can endure any temp. as well as weather conditions.
➢ Due to hardness, quartz used to sharpen other materials. Sharpening tools for
knives and cutting tools.
➢ It is used in UV prisms and lenses.
➢ Ideal material for household furnitures.