Proceedings of ICAEEC-2019, IIIT Allahabad India, 31st May - 1st June,2019 Performance improvement of IEEE-30 bus system using UPFC and SSSC on PSAT Chandra Prakash Prajapati1 and A.K. Dahiya2 1 National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India 2 National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India Abstract. Due to rapid growth in industrialization and urbanization more capable transmission and distribution system is required to overcome the growing demand for electricity. So to meet up the demand of increasing power recent new technology, i.e., Flexible AC Transmission System devices (FACTS), has been developed in recent decades. The goal of the paper is to improve the voltage of a test system and compare the performance of two FACTS devices UPFC and SSSC. In this paper, we have used an IEEE- 30 bus as a test system and modeled it using PSAT software. First, we find the critical bus having a low voltage profile and then by trial and error method we searched for more efficient FACTS device at the appropriate location for maximum voltage enhancement of that critical bus. Keywords: IEEE - 30 buses, UPFC, SSSC, PSAT 1 Introduction A major concern of a power engineer is the instability in the power system due to voltage fluctuation. Voltage collapse is a serious problem which is undesirable at the customer side. For enhancing voltage in a network stability analysis is very important. Voltage profile of a network is getting affected day by day due to increment in load demand. Load flow analysis is very important to tackle this problem. Some of the modern advanced devices like FACTS are very handful in voltage profile improvement of a system. Continuous attention is required in the issued related to power quality. Due to the increment in the number of loads which is sensitive to power quality it has created a problem in power quality in recent years. So the changes in user requirements and equipment have made a new goal for an electrical engineer to work in the area for providing a good power quality [1]. When the reactive power demand is not met, our power system will have problems related to voltage instability and collapse. Continuous changes in the transmission system are happening worldwide to make the transmission system more flexible to load patterns and diverse power generation. In order to generate employment and support developing industries, it is necessary to invest in transmission in an optimized manner [2]. As power demand increas- Electronic copy available at: 2 es, the operation and control of power system networks become more complex. The control of an existing network is mostly mechanical. Recently, some devices such as computers and high-speed communication devices have emerged for controlling and protecting transmission systems. Although the control signal is sent from these electronic devices still the final switching action is done from the mechanical device only. Since these mechanical devices are slow in action so frequent control cannot be obtained from these mechanical devices. This slow action causes quick to wear out of these devices as compared to static devices. Because of such reasons FACTS technology was developed. The introduction of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) about thirty years ago has led to improvements in the power flow in transmission systems [3-4]. Some of the FACTS devices which have been running in operation are SSSC and UPFC comes under series and series-shunt family, respectively. Meikandasivam [5] referred a brief study of an SSSC device about the operation, reactance characteristic and resonance and also a degree of series compensation (K) brings an idea of selecting the SSSC. System parameters like impedance, voltage, and phase angle are controlled either simultaneously or individually by UPFC [7-8]. One open source software used in this article is PSAT based on MATLAB. Some of the operations like power flow, continuation power flow, etc. can be performed over a power system network in PSAT [9]. IEEE 30 bus used in this paper consists of six generators. Line generator and PV generator data of IEEE 30 bus system used in this paper. The main aim of this paper is to analyze such FACTS device on an IEEE- 30 bus system and there results are analyzed. The FACTS devices which are used for enhancement analysis are UPFC, SSSC. 2 FACTS Devices Recent developments in industrialization and the urbanization of modern lifestyles have brought about major changes in the global electricity industry. This huge change has resulted in the great complexity of the existing electrical system. This modernization has created enormous work for electronics engineers by providing them with effective ways to control voltage and power curves in an efficient and cost-effective manner. One solution is to install a new one Transmission line. However, setting up a new production line is a very difficult and very flexible task. The installation of new transmission lines is not economically or environmentally beneficial. The FACTS device used for extended analysis is the SSSC. A new technology called FACTS (AC Flexible Transmission System) has been introduced to transmit power more economically and efficiently [5]. To increase control-lability and transmission capacity, factual devices use power electronics and controllers. The adoption of FACTS facilitates the adjustment of the phase angle, voltage, series impedance, current, parallel impedance and serial impedance of the transmission line and allows a better distribution of voltage and power flow [2]. In the study of the voltage distribution of the IEEE- 30 bus system, this article uses the FACTS device: Electronic copy available at: 3 • Stationary Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) • Unified power flow controller (UPFC) 2.1 Stationary Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) SSSC (Stationary Synchronous Series Compensator) is a The FACTS device is a device based on a voltage source converter. A schematic diagram of the SSSC is shown in Figure 3. It can Provide inductance and capacitance compensation Independent of line current amplitude [3]. No external energy required Used for the operation of SSSC. So it is completely controllable Independent of the transmission line current. So it can Increase or decrease the overall voltage drop Transmission line to control power flow Transmission line. SSSC has the ability to exchange activities Reactive power and transmission line. 2.2 Unified power flow Controlled (UPFC) In 1991, GyuGyi proposed the idea of UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) [3]. In high voltage transmission systems, UPFC can easily provide high-speed pacing reactive power compensation. Since many parameters (phase angle, voltage, impedance can be controlled with the help of UPFC. Thus its capability to control all these parameters has got it the term “unified”. This is the latest achievement of FACTS technology. The functionality of the other two FACTS devices is being combined with the work for UPFC. The two devices are 1Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC). The two FACTS devices are connected by a common DC voltage link. With the help of UPFC, the transient stability of the power system network can be obtained because it can suppress the oscillation in the power system network [7]. 2.3 PSAT (POWER ANALYSIS AND TOOLBOX) A useful MATLAB toolbox is PSAT for control and analysis of power systems [9]. It's portable and open source. PSAT can run on some of the most common operating systems such as Windows, Unix, etc. PSAT includes low signal stability, optimal power flow, power flow, and continuous power flow. The most important of PSAT is the power flow algorithm. Once the operation is complete, the user can perform other analyzes. These analyses are - Electronic copy available at: 4 • • • • • Continuation power flow; Optimal power flow; Analysis of Small-signal stability; Phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement; Time domain simulation; Besides mathematical routines and models, PSAT includes a variety of utilities, as follows:• • • • • 3 Simulink library; GUIs for settings system and routine parameters; Construction and installation of user defined model; Filters for converting data; Command logs. Power Flow Analysis of IEEE-30 Bus System In the power flow analysis, the IEEE- 30 bus system was used and simulated with the PSAT toolbox. As indicated in [9], the modified model is compared to the reference model. It has been observed to follow the reference model. Figure1 illustrates a simulation model of the IEEE- 30 PSAT bus system. In addition, all input data such as PQ load data branch data, power generation data, PV generator data, transformer tap setting data, Simulink PSAT model of IEEE-30 bus. In the Table 1 voltage profile at bus 5 is in bold letters. It is found to be the least value in all buses. So in order to improve its voltage by FACTS device, i.e. UPFC and SSSC were placed on each line simultaneously and output Voltage magnitude of bus 5 is in Table 1. Fig. 1. PSAT simulation of IEEE -30 bus system Electronic copy available at: 5 Table 1. POWER FLOW RESULT OF IEEE- 30 BUS WITHOUT ANY FACTS DEVICES Bus No. Bus Voltage(pu) Phase Angle(pu) 1 0.90602 0 2 0.92323 -0.10703 3 0.92707 -0.16526 4 0.89698 -0.19002 5 0.84102 -0.27351 6 0.87602 -0.22110 7 0.85349 -0.25262 8 0.86110 -0.23230 9 0.89457 -0.29282 10 0.90602 -0.32947 11 0.89466 -0.29282 12 0.89198 -0.30548 13 0.89205 -0.30548 14 0.89525 -0.32572 15 0.88816 -0.33255 16 0.89007 -0.32249 17 0.89600 -0.33149 18 0.88249 -0.34580 19 0.88219 -0.34968 20 0.88739 -0.34584 21 0.90206 -0.34496 22 0.90539 -0.34673 23 0.90506 -0.35008 24 0.9363 -0.36503 25 0.90391 -0.33723 26 0.88671 -0.34545 27 0.89179 -0.31453 28 0.87217 -0.23396 29 0.87319 -0.33825 30 0.86241 -0.35500 Table 2. RESULT OF POWER FLOW AT BUS 5 WITH THE TWO FACTS DEVICES IN IEEE- 30 BUS SYSTEM From bus To bus UPFC SSSC 1 2 0.87533 0.86961 1 3 0.8566 0.85294 2 4 0.84249 0.84209 3 4 0.84419 0.84334 Electronic copy available at: 6 2 5 0.87211 0.86375 2 6 0.84609 0.84480 4 6 0.84423 0.84347 5 7 0.84510 0.84449 6 7 0.84662 0.84554 6 8 0.84081 0.84084 6 9 0.84138 0.84116 6 10 0.84137 0.84115 9 11 0.84099 0.84099 9 10 0.84117 0.84106 4 12 0.84166 0.84127 12 13 0.84099 0.84099 12 14 0.84101 0.84099 12 15 0.84113 0.84108 12 16 0.84107 0.84105 14 15 0.84101 0.84101 16 17 0.84101 0.84102 15 18 0.84102 0.84101 18 19 0.84100 0.84100 19 20 0.84096 0.84097 10 20 0.84086 0.84089 10 17 0.84094 0.84096 10 21 0.84097 0.84095 10 22 0.84100 0.84098 21 22 0.84100 0.84100 15 23 0.84107 0.84108 22 24 0.84104 0.84102 23 24 0.84103 0.84107 24 25 0.84111 0.84110 25 26 0.84096 0.84096 25 27 0.84106 0.84104 28 27 0.84127 0.84112 27 29 0.84094 0.84094 27 30 0.84089 0.84089 29 30 0.84098 0.84097 8 28 0.84098 0.84099 6 28 0.84097 0.84096 Electronic copy available at: 7 Fig. 2. Graphical Result of Voltage Profile of IEEE- 30 Bus System With FACTS Devices At Bus No 5 4 Conclusion The IEEE- 30 bus system model has been developed and simulated. The Power flow result of IEEE- 30 bus is revealed voltage magnitude 0.84102pu at bus number 5.The results have showed that the voltage profile on bus 5 has been improved significantly with FACTS devices. Further, it has been observed that the performance of UPFC is better than UPFC. It can, therefore, be concluded that UPFC provides better satisfactory results than SSSC for enhancing the voltage profile in IEEE- 30 bus system. References 1. M. R. Shaik and A. S. Reddy, "Optimal placement of STATCOM with ABC algorithm to improve voltage stability in power systems," 2016 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES), Paralakhemundi, 2016, pp. 648-652. 2. O. M. Abo Gabl, A. El-Deib and M. 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