DEPARTMENT PROJECT PLANNING SYSTEM Proposed Automated System AGENDA 1 ABOUT THE IDEIA 2 MAIN OBJECTIVE 3 4 SYSTEM CYCLE CONCLUSION & FINAL RESULT 1 ABOUT THE IDEIA ABOUT THE IDEIA I want to shed light on how to manage and organize the projects that are being worked on during each quarter. We have a gap between knowing the projects at the beginning of each quarter and how to plan to work on them in an appropriate and orderly manner . Therefore, we are facing overcrowding of projects, causing some other projects to be halted due to the importance of unplanned projects or overwork to deliver projects at the same time to meet the needs of project requester. ABOUT THE IDEIA Applying the Agile Methodology to be able to fill the this gap. Agile Methodology is a people-focused, results-focused approach to software development . It's centered around adaptive planning, self-organization, and short delivery times. It's flexible, fast, and aims for continuous improvements in quality. The above will be implemented by building an automated system to enter projects with all their details, dividing them into millstones and starting work on them as follows: "planning, design, Implementation, testing and delivery". 2 MAIN OBJECTIVE MAIN OBJECTIVE Department project planning system is an application through which all departments are notified to submit required projects At the end of each quarter, a wave will be created to submit projects by other departments . This wave has a beginning and an end time after which no department can enter its projects. Projects start their cycle with the system until we finish with the final list of quarter projects, and we will know on what basis these projects will be selected later through the following system cycle. 3 SYSTEM CYCLE SYSTEM CYCLE 1SUBMISSION 6IMPLEMENTATION & TESTING 2TECHNICAL VALIDATION 5FINAL APPROVAL 3SEND EMAILS TO REQUESTERS 4REQUESTER REPLAY 1- SUBMISSION Each department fills out a project application for its projects as shown. 2-TECHNICAL VALIDATION Completion of project application . The Technical team revises all projects and begins to ask its inquiries or request a meeting from the requester if necessary . 3-SEND EMAILS TO REQUESTERS An email is sent to the project requester by the Technical team with all his inquiries to answer them. 4-REQUESTER REPLAY All inquiries from the information team are answered by the project requester through the system. 5-FINAL APPROVAL The decision to Approve - Reject - Postpone is taken by the team based on what has been submitted. (if postponed must write the reason and time clearly ) The team can divide the project into phases, change the entered time period, or the priority of the project according to the project requirements . An email is sent to the project requester with the final approval. 6-IMPLEMENTATION & TESTING Proceed to implementation, testing and publication of the selected projects . 4 CONCLUSION & FINAL RESULT CONCLUSION & FINAL RESULT The final result that we will end with, is that the projects have been organized and arranged based on the priority and divided into main stages to work on, and This leads to a better and organized workflow and obtaining the final project as the requester needs. The system will provide us with all the information about the projects and all their stages, through which we can know the projects that have been modified or developed continuously. THANKS