Uploaded by Julie Cunningham

2nd Grade Math Lesson Plan: Counting and Using Money

Lesson Plan : A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned
Grade 2
Count and Use Money
penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar, change, save, spend,
exchange, greater than, less than, assess, income, save, spend.
Use money as a medium of exchange...etc. Students will create
simple tables and graphs and interpret their meaning. M2N2
Students will build fluency with multi-digit addition and
subtraction. M2P1 Students will solve problems M2P3 Students will
communicate mathematically. M2P4 Students will make
connections among mathematical ideas and to other disciplines.
M2P5 Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways. M1N2
Goals: Understand place value notation for the numbers between 1 and
100. M1N3 Students will add and subtract numbers less than 100 as
well as understand and use the inverse relationship between
addition and subtraction. M1N4 Students will count collections of
up to 100 objects by dividing them into equal parts and represent
the results using words, pictures, or diagrams. SS2E4 The student
will describe the costs and benefits of personal spending and
saving choices.
Students will develop the understanding of how money is an
intricate part of every day life. They will learn how to count
money, different ways money is earned, and how we spend money
for goods and services.
Play money,student piggy bank,incentives to earn money at the
Materials: end of the week. Chart to track how much money was earn the
entire week.
People earn income many different ways. Most of the time income
is earned by doing work. How do you get income? Do you earn
(work) an allowance? Do you baby-sit? Do you keep your room
clean? Do you wash dishes? What do you do with the income once
you have it? Do you spend it all immediately? Do you spend some
and save some?
You will learn how you can earn income. On each math question
you get right, on your own, on the daily math practice you will
earn a penny. For each word problem you get right, on your own
you will receive a nickel. At the end of the week, when we tally
our daily progress record, you will be given the money you earn,
play money, and put it in you piggy banks. The money can be used
to pay for sharping your pencils, going to the bathroom, getting a
drink of water, etc...The price list is by the door. If you do not
have any money, when you use these services, they will be
deducted from your weekly income.
Checking For
Continuous modeling of skip counting and prompting of coin
identification and value.
Bi-weekly tests
Was this lesson effective in teaching my students how to count
and use money? If not did the students learn anything that would
Teacher Reflections: help them to remember counting and identifying money? What
could have enhanced this lesson? What wasn't needed? What can I
do next time to help my students with this skill?