2023 WOMEN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (WODI) Wau Western Bar El Ghazal State (WBGS) Email: womendevelopmentini@gmail.com Phone: +211921678978 WODI 1/1/2023 ORGANISATION OVERVIEW Women Development Initiative (WODI) is a National Non-Governmental Organization (NNGO) that was found in May 2020 with a core mission of strengthening network of women, living with HIV&AIDS, and the community surrounding the military barracks in creating livelihood opportunities especially for the marginalized and vulnerable in an eco-sensitive and responsive eco system. With its Headquarters in New site Juba, Central Equatorial South Sudan. WODI currently manages interventions in the sectors of Health, Agriculture, Livelihood and environment. WODI delivers holistic and community centered programs with particular emphasis on Index testing, Follow-up of lost clients and bringing the m back for care and Treatment, General HIV/AIDS, VMMC, & COVID 19 awareness use of condoms as one of the preventive methods, care support to its clients, agriculture and livelihood for the marginalized groups especially the women and the children as the social-good avenue for exponential and sustainable development. WODI has embraced a number of key stake holders such as government organs, traditional leaders, CSO’s, faith-based organizations, private sector players amongst others to champion and steer its mission in South Sudan. REGISTRATION STATUS: MINISTRY Relief And Rehabilitation Commission Gender, Child and Social Welfare CERTIFICATE NUMBER SSRRC: 2914 JS/SMOGCSW/102-/Juba Ministry Of Planning: Tax Certificate Of Registration (TIN No: 101318427 Finance & Economic VISION: Enhancing easy access to health, prosperous opportunities and sustainable development spearheaded by women and through strengthening agro productivity and its commercial viability also building an eco-responsive populace. MISSION Statement. Build resilience, reduce HIV stigma, and improve lives of the vulnerable groups to self-reliance through agriculture, livelihood through an integrated approach. Strategic objectives Objective 1: Increase access to economic and social opportunities for vulnerable women and girls. Target: Target: 5, 500 clients by the end of this year 2021 Equip women to advocate for their rights. Challenge social norms and perception around gender, disability and sexuality through media. Develop the capacity of women to have a vice in decisions and policies that shape their economic livelihood. Support women to have capacity to provoke conversation to influence policies. Build the capacity of women to access entrepreneurship Build the capacity of women to address the effect of violence on women and girls in the communities. Build the capacity of women on gender equality and peace Strengthen the capacity of women networks within the community settings so that they can have the voice to present violence and mitigate conflict Promotion of Livelihood for sustainable development. Provision of life-skills and relevant knowledge for proactive living Enterprise building and support especially for women, Farmer groups, street children and child soldier. Empower women to have capacity in environmental managment Build capacity of women for nutirtion management in the community Build capacity of women to response to child abuses and stop bad practices Carry out HIV/AIDS sensitizations TB, Cancer (by providing palliative care units) Conducting BCC/IEC Sessions Conducting Index testing and follow up clients who are lost and returning them back to care and treatment services. Conducting awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS, VMMC and any epidemic disease in the country such as Ebola, Corona, and Cholera among others. Support to Orphans and Vulnerable PLHIV Promotion of Agricultural production and Agribusiness WODI promotes Agricultural production and Agribusiness through the following ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Formation and strengthening of farmer groups, cooperatives and farmer associations. Selection and promotion of high value crops carrying out collective marketing and easing access to markets promoting value chain addition Promotion of food security through good agronomic practices Formation of VSLAs and SACCOs among the people living with HIV&AIDS. Emergency Relief and Disaster Response mechanisms. ▪ Creating an awareness matrix and early warning system for disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation ▪ Trainings on disaster preparedness ▪ Provision of Social protection to communities affected especially the most vulnerable groups Objective 2: Improve the health status of women living with HIV/AIDS (WLHIV) Target: at least 500 clients/beneficiaries were serviced in the past two month and we are planning to increase the number to 900 by the end of this year 2021 These targets also assumes a step- in wise rollout of our sexual reproductive health services at new site, wau and which are partly operational, however we intend to increase the capacity into a fully operation, gradual and thoughtful roll-out will be ignited to increase our target area within and outside juba. To achieve the planned coverage targets, WODI will focus on the specific geographical area that host beneficiaries catchment population especially in the areas that surrounds the facilities with-in or outside juba where this services will be provided by undertaking intensive intervention to both the new clients as well as old clients ,targeted advocacy to key opinion leader, peer influence and community organization and networks with services including couple counseling and testing, Antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive individuals identified ,generation of accurate data on HIVprevention and sexual reproductive health will emphasize to enable tracking of achievement towards the targeted threshold. ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Conducting women group meeting that will be used to identify the gaps and review the general performance of WODI and its service delivery policy to much up the demand, beneficiaries’ satisfaction. Conducting sexual reproductive health and HIV-prevention need assessment of within the locality of the target population especially women and other designated areas ran by WODI so as estimate the number of clients that are in dire need of assistance Carrying awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention strategies both at the facility within and other designated areas and unto the community of how to practice, observe the ABCD so as to curb the ever increasing infections in the community Mentoring the community focal individuals to insure that there is adherence, ethical conducts and continuous flow of information testing and teaching the community about sexual reproductive health and HIV/AIDS- prevention Ensuring inclusiveness of women in different trade (sex workers) and marginalized women through empowering them to take the challenge in fighting HIV/AIDS, be included in family decision making and assuming leadership roles in the community. Objective 3: accelerate agricultural productivity not just as food services safety net but improving income through farming as business especially the marginalized women. Target: 25 household were primarily targeted but as the program rolled on there was significant increase 40 households due to the increased and intensive awareness created by the initial women who were trained and equipped agricultural practices that were demonstrated in owinykibul and other designated site. Inclusive and intensive women participation especially people with special needs (PSNs) including the women living with HIV/AIDS and their partners through this we intend to encourage women to take up responsibilities activities include the following below Activities. Livelihood program, by encouraging and involving women to form saving groups that will see them save enough money to cater for their personal and family needs through provision of financial technical training to the new and old groups. Training the women in land use activities such kitchen garden farming to grow vegetables and other foodstuffs to compliment on their nutrition and improve on their health especially women under medication (women living with HIV/AIDS) and their families in the designated sites. Involving the community and other stake holders to assess people with special needs in the community who are in dire need of assistance and finding gaps that needs to me addressed Objective 4: spear heading the fight in curbing early girl-child marriages through promoting girl -child education WODI as women inspired organization we are working with the community to engage in the fight against early girl child marriages however we haven’t explored much in this avenue but we hope as funding increases we will holistically be implored to intensify our objectives and implement it so we divided the target population that include primary audience and secondary audience as seen below. Primary audience Girls WODI intends to include girls and encourage them to understand their right to education and train them on how to stand their ground and say a BIG NO! To early marriages Parents and Guardians Parents and guardians are primary target to stop early- girl marriage by creating awareness and teaching the impact of that activities that will impede the future, mental health and sexual reproductive health that may lead to complications resulting into death therefore we implore them, to understand why it’s important to listen, know the rights of their children especially girls in the home settings Secondary audience Opinion leaders Opinion leaders that is to say religious leaders, sultans and other local chiefs are to engage in the fight through their influence to curb the practice that is evident in many sites within our reach therefore we partner with them to create awareness in the community. By doing so they will be significant or drastic measure that will be put in place so that young girls can express their rights without compromise Community and other stakeholders Involving the community especially women and other stakeholders (women led organization) In the fight to curb early-girl child marriage through intensive campaigns to create a sense of general awareness to public about evil practice and mobilizing women who were victims to champion this operation and eradicate the practice in the designated sites as mentioned AREAS OF WORK/PROGRAMMES OF WODI WODI focuses on the promotion of country wide Index testing, LTF and VMMC campaign, agricultural production and agribusiness, livelihood enhancement, environment, responding to emergencies and disasters, health promotion, and human capital development. The following are the programs in detail. GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE Liaison office: NEWSITE, BILFARM ROAD. Contact: +211922-534336. WODI Organization Chart BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR M&E MANAGER DATA CLERK PROJECT MANAGER HIV/AIDS FINANCE MANAGER RESEARCH ASSISTANT PREVENTION HTS COMMUNITY LINKAGE ART COMMUNUNITY MOBILISER COMMUNITY RETENTION ASSISTANT GBV COOEDINATOR EDUCATION COORDINATOR GBV ASSISTANT EDUCATION ASSISTANT POLICY DOCUMETS 0 WODI Constitution. RRC corticated of registration Strategic Plan Policy 2020-2025 Human Resource Policy. Finance policy Procurement Policy. Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Summary of key staff qualifications and experiences Names Apai Charity Gender Designation Female Executive Director Ujwok James Male Clinical Manager Dure Emelda Female Finance Administration Clement Juma Male M&E Assistant MR EMMANUELOJJA Male M&E Manager Qualifications Diploma in HIV&AIDS Management Diploma in Health and clinical management And Diploma in accounting Degree in economics and statistics B.Sc. Economic & Social Studies. Experience 13 Yrs. 11 years 4 years 6 year 3 Yrs. Experience WODI –South Sudan, within One year of operation has implemented a number of projects, these include; S/N 1. 2. Project Description Donor/Partner Contact Details Conducting assessment meeting Maintenance In Juba, Owinyikibul, Maridi Wau and Malualchat Jonglei State. Agriculture intervention for the improvement of food security and livelihood of vulnerable communities in South Sudan in Owinyikibul Eastern Equatorial, 10 Farmer groups of 25 members benefited from Livelihood training mostly the youth aged 18-50 Yrs. johnwojae@gmail.com USA/DOD Through SSPDF Tel: +211923758706 HIV/AIDS SEC. Point Investment Ph. +211928-460720 Company Limited. Email: hf.africa.org@gmail.com hf.africassd.org@gmail.com WODI PARTNERS S/N 1 1 2 Partners. Resaerch Triangle International (RTI) HF-AFRICA Provided mentorship Support. SSPDF HIV/AIDS Secretariat Contact Person. Mr Habib Daffalah Email/ Phone: adaffalla@rti.org +211924003030 Executive Director: Ph. +211928-460720 Mr.Godi Swalleh Email: hf.africa.org@gmail.com hf.africassd.org@gmail.com Safi John Woja Elinana Project Activity Pictures johnwojae@gmail.com Tel: +211923758706 1.0 Annex Photo: Monthly meetings 1.2 Annex Photo: Orphans Living with HIV positive reporting for ARV during community refill. Home visit and index testing 1.0 Annex Photo: WODI Nutrion Feeding Program for Orphans and mothers living with HIV &AIDS. 1.2 Annex Photo: Livelihood SUPPORT Training For the PLHV. 1.2 Annex Photo: WODI garden. WODI Juba Central Equatorial group photo RRC CERTIFICATE OF THE REGISTRA