A COURSE IN ABSTRACT HARMONIC ANALYSIS Second Edition TEXTBOOKS in MATHEMATICS Series Editors: Al Boggess and Ken Rosen PUBLISHED TITLES ABSTRACT ALGEBRA: AN INQUIRY-BASED APPROACH Jonathan K. Hodge, Steven Schlicker, and Ted Sundstrom ABSTRACT ALGEBRA: AN INTERACTIVE APPROACH William Paulsen ADVANCED CALCULUS: THEORY AND PRACTICE John Srdjan Petrovic ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA Nicholas Loehr ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA, SECOND EDITION Bruce N. Cooperstein ANALYSIS WITH ULTRASMALL NUMBERS Karel Hrbacek, Olivier Lessmann, and Richard O’Donovan APPLIED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: THE PRIMARY COURSE Vladimir Dobrushkin APPLYING ANALYTICS: A PRACTICAL APPROACH Evan S. Levine COMPUTATIONS OF IMPROPER REIMANN INTEGRALS Ioannis Roussos CONVEX ANALYSIS Steven G. Krantz COUNTEREXAMPLES: FROM ELEMENTARY CALCULUS TO THE BEGINNINGS OF ANALYSIS Andrei Bourchtein and Ludmila Bourchtein DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: THEORY, TECHNIQUE, AND PRACTICE, SECOND EDITION Steven G. Krantz DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MATLAB®: EXPLORATION, APPLICATIONS, AND THEORY Mark A. McKibben and Micah D. Webster ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY James S. Kraft and Lawrence C. Washington PUBLISHED TITLES CONTINUED ELEMENTS OF ADVANCED MATHEMATICS, THIRD EDITION Steven G. Krantz EXPLORING LINEAR ALGEBRA: LABS AND PROJECTS WITH MATHEMATICA® Crista Arangala AN INTRODUCTION TO NUMBER THEORY WITH CRYPTOGRAPHY James Kraft and Larry Washington AN INTRODUCTION TO PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MATLAB®, SECOND EDITION Mathew Coleman INTRODUCTION TO THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND CONTROL WITH MODERN APPLICATIONS John T. Burns INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL LOGIC, SIXTH EDITION Elliott Mendelson INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PROOFS: A TRANSITION TO ADVANCED MATHEMATICS, SECOND EDITION Charles E. Roberts, Jr. LINEAR ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY AND TRANSFORMATION Bruce Solomon THE MATHEMATICS OF GAMES: AN INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY David G. Taylor MEASURE THEORY AND FINE PROPERTIES OF FUNCTIONS, REVISED EDITION Lawrence C. Evans and Ronald F. Gariepy QUADRACTIC IRRATIONALS: AN INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL NUMBER THEORY Franz Holter-Koch REAL ANALYSIS AND FOUNDATIONS, THIRD EDITION Steven G. Krantz RISK ANALYSIS IN ENGINEERING AND ECONOMICS, SECOND EDITION Bilal M. Ayyub RISK MANAGEMENT AND SIMULATION Aparna Gupta TRANSFORMATIONAL PLANE GEOMETRY Ronald N. Umble and Zhigang Han TEXTBOOKS in MATHEMATICS A COURSE IN ABSTRACT HARMONIC ANALYSIS Second Edition Gerald B. Folland University of Washington Seattle, Washington, USA CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20150522 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4987-2715-0 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. 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Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com Contents Preface ix 1 Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 1.1 Banach Algebras: Basic Concepts . . 1.2 Gelfand Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Nonunital Banach Algebras . . . . . . 1.4 The Spectral Theorem . . . . . . . . 1.5 Spectral Theory of ∗-Representations 1.6 Von Neumann Algebras . . . . . . . . 1.7 Notes and References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 5 13 16 27 29 33 2 Locally Compact Groups 2.1 Topological Groups . . . . . 2.2 Haar Measure . . . . . . . . 2.3 Interlude: Some Technicalities 2.4 The Modular Function . . . 2.5 Convolutions . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Homogeneous Spaces . . . . 2.7 Notes and References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 35 40 47 51 54 60 70 . . . . . . . . Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 73 79 83 93 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Basic Representation Theory 3.1 Unitary Representations . . . 3.2 Representations of a Group and 3.3 Functions of Positive Type . . 3.4 Notes and References . . . . . . . Its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group . . . . . . . . 4 Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 4.1 The Dual Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 The Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 The Pontrjagin Duality Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Representations of Locally Compact Abelian Groups 4.5 Closed Ideals in L1 (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Spectral Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 The Bohr Compactification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Notes and References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 95 101 109 114 117 127 130 132 vii viii A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 5 Analysis on Compact Groups 5.1 Representations of Compact Groups 5.2 The Peter-Weyl Theorem . . . . . . 5.3 Fourier Analysis on Compact Groups 5.4 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Notes and References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 135 138 144 149 161 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 164 172 175 179 187 195 201 209 219 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Induced Representations 6.1 The Inducing Construction . . . . . . . 6.2 The Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem . . 6.3 Pseudomeasures and Induction in Stages 6.4 Systems of Imprimitivity . . . . . . . . 6.5 The Imprimitivity Theorem . . . . . . . 6.6 Introduction to the Mackey Machine . . 6.7 Examples: The Classics . . . . . . . . . 6.8 More Examples, Good and Bad . . . . 6.9 Notes and References . . . . . . . . . . 7 Further Topics in Representation Theory 7.1 The Group C* Algebra . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 The Structure of the Dual Space . . . . . 7.3 Tensor Products of Representations . . . 7.4 Direct Integral Decompositions . . . . . . 7.5 The Plancherel Theorem . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 223 226 234 237 251 257 Appendices 1 A Hilbert Space Miscellany . . . . . . . . . 2 Trace-Class and Hilbert-Schmidt Operators 3 Tensor Products of Hilbert Spaces . . . . . 4 Vector-Valued Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 273 276 279 284 Bibliography 289 Index 301 Preface Preface to the First Edition The term “harmonic analysis” is a flexible one that has been used to denote a lot of different things. In this book I take it to mean those parts of analysis in which the action of a locally compact group plays an essential role: more specifically, the theory of unitary representations of locally compact groups, and the analysis of functions on such groups and their homogeneous spaces. The purpose of this book is to give an exposition of the fundamental ideas and theorems of that portion of harmonic analysis that can be developed with minimal assumptions on the nature of the group with which one is working. This theory was mostly developed in the period from 1927 (the date of the Peter-Weyl theorem) through the 1960s. Since that time, research in harmonic analysis has proceeded in other directions, mostly on a more concrete level, so one may ask what is the excuse for a new book on the abstract theory at this time. Well, in the first place, I submit that the material presented here is beautiful. I fell in love with it as a student, and this book is the fulfillment of a long-held promise to myself to return to it. In the second place, the abstract theory is still an indispensable foundation for the study of concrete cases; it shows what the general picture should look like and provides a number of results that are useful again and again. Moreover, the intervening years have produced few if any books with the scope of the present one. One can find expositions of various bits and pieces of this subject in a lot of places, and there are a few lengthy treatises in which one can perhaps learn more about certain aspects of it than one wants to know. But I have taken to heart the dictum propounded by R. F. Streater and A. S. Wightman in the preface of their book PCT, Spin, Statistics, and All That, that a book containing only Memorable Results is a Good Thing. The result, I hope, is a book that presents a rather large amount of important and interesting material in a concise and readable form. The prerequisites for this book consist mostly of a familiarity with real analysis and elementary functional analysis. I use Folland [45] and Rudin [123] as standard references for this material; definitions and theix x A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition orems in these books are used freely here, often without any specific reference. Rudin [123] also contains most of the material in Chapter 1, but the latter is included here because some of the concepts in it — especially projection-valued measures and the Gelfand transform — are an essential part of the fabric of ideas in later sections, and because I wished to include certain aspects of the spectral theorem that Rudin omits. Chapters 2–6 are the core of the book. Chapter 2 develops the basic tools for doing analysis on groups and homogeneous spaces: invariant measures and the convolution product. Chapter 3 presents the rudiments of unitary representation theory, up through the Gelfand-Raikov existence theorem for irreducible unitary representations. In particular, it introduces the connection between representations and functions of positive type (or positive definite functions, as they are often called), an amazingly fruitful idea that also plays an important role in later chapters. Chapters 4 and 5 are devoted to analysis on Abelian and compact groups. Here the Fourier transform takes center stage, first as a straightforward generalization of the classical Fourier transform to locally compact Abelian groups, and then in the more representation-theoretic form that is appropriate to the non-Abelian case. Chapter 6 presents the theory of induced representations, including a complete proof of the Mackey imprimitivity theorem (something that is remarkably scarce in the expository literature) following the ideas of Blattner. In all these chapters, a number of specific examples are included to illustrate the general theory; they are interwoven with the rest of the text in Chapters 2–4 but are mostly collected in separate sections at the end in Chapters 5 and 6. Chapter 7, on the theory of noncompact, non-Abelian groups, is of a somewhat different nature than the earlier chapters. To a considerable extent it is more like a survey article than a portion of a book, for many of the main results are stated without proof (but with references). To have given a complete treatment of the material in this chapter would have required the enlargement the book to an unwieldy size, involving a lengthy digression into the theory of von Neumann algebras and representations of C* algebras. (Indeed, many of the results are most naturally stated in this context, their application to groups coming via the group C* algebra.) The books of Dixmier [31], [32] already provide an excellent exposition of this theory, which I saw no reason to duplicate. Rather, I thought that many readers would appreciate a fairly detailed sketch of the Big Picture for noncompact, non-Abelian groups with the technical arguments omitted, especially since most of these results provide a background for the study of concrete cases rather than a set of working tools. The Bibliography contains three kinds of items: original sources for Preface xi the major results in the book, references for results stated without proof, and expository works to which readers can refer for more information on various topics. It makes no pretense of completeness. More extensive bibliographies can be found in Dixmier [32], Fell and Doran [40], [41], and Mackey [94], [98]. Chapters 2–5 are the embodiment of a course I gave at the University of Washington in the spring quarter of 1993. (The material of Chapter 1 was covered in a preceding course.) I wrote Chapters 6 and 7 while visiting the University of Colorado at Boulder for the fall semester of 1993, where I had the inestimable benefit of conversations with Arlan Ramsay and Larry Baggett. In addition, Baggett let me borrow some old handwritten notes by J. M. G. Fell, which were just what I needed to sort out many of the ideas in Chapter 6. Many of the ideas in this book are an outgrowth of the study of the classical Fourier transform on the real line, Z ∞ Ff (ξ) = e−2πixξ f (x) dx. −∞ Indeed, R is a locally compact group; the functions e2πixξ out of which F is fashioned are its irreducible representations; and F gives the Gelfand transform on L1 (R), the spectral resolution of the algebra of translationinvariant operators on L2 (R), and the decomposition of the regular representation of R into its irreducible components. When I first thought of writing a book like this, I envisaged it as an essay on the grouptheoretic aspects of the Fourier transform. The scope of the book as it finally turned out is a bit different, but the spirit of Fourier is still all-pervasive. Preface to the Second Edition The main new features of this edition are as follows: • In Chapter 1, I have added a short section (§1.6) on von Neumann algebras. • In §4.5, I have included Mark Kac’s simple proof of a restricted form of Wiener’s theorem. • I have rewritten part of §5.4 to explain the relation between SU (2) and SO(3) in terms of quaternions, an elegant method that also allows SO(4) to be brought into the picture with little extra effort. • In Chapter 6, I have added a discussion of the representations of the discrete Heisenberg group and its central quotients, which provides nice illustrations of both the Mackey machine for regular semi-direct xii A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition products and the pathological phenomena that occur for nonregular ones. In consequence, the “Examples” section has now expanded into two sections (§§6.7–8). • I have moved the background material on tensor products of Hilbert spaces and operators from §7.3 to a new appendix. In addition, I have added a few items to the “Notes and References” sections and a few entries to the Bibliography, clarified some obscurities, and corrected a number of typographical and mathematical errors. Of course, there may be some errors still remaining; as they are brought to my attention, they will be listed on an errata sheet linked to my home page: www.math.washington.edu/˜folland/Homepage/index.html. Some Matters of Notation and Terminology The notation and terminology in this book agrees, for the most part, with that in Folland [45]. Here are a few specific items that are worthy of attention. T denotes the multiplicative group of complex numbers of modulus one. χE denotes the characteristic function or indicator function of the set E. If π is a finite-dimensional unitary representation, χπ denotes its character. These two uses of the letter χ will cause no confusion. In a topological space, a neighborhood of a point x or a set E is a set whose interior contains x or E. Thus, neighborhoods need not be open sets. If X is a locally compact Hausdorff space, C(X), C0 (X), and Cc (X) denote the spaces of continuous (complex-valued) functions on X, continuous functions vanishing at infinity, and continuous functions of compact support, respectively. (Of course, these spaces coincide when X is compact.) A Radon measure on X is a Borel measure that is finite on compact sets, outer regular on all Borel sets, and inner regular on open sets. (Outer and inner regularity on a set mean that the set can be approximated in measure from the outside or inside by open or compact sets, respectively. σ-finite Radon measures are regular, that is, both outer and inner regular on all Borel sets.) The uniform norm is denoted by k ksup . (In [45] it is denoted by k ku , but I found that this led to an unsightly overuse of the letter u in some situations.) If X and Y are Banach spaces, the space of all bounded linear mappings from X to Y is denoted by L(X, Y), and the space of all bounded linear mappings from X to itself is denoted by L(X). In §§2.2–4, left and right Haar measures on a locally compact group Preface xiii G are denoted by λ and ρ. However, in §2.5 and for the remainder of the book, G is assumed to be equipped with a fixed left Haar measure, which is never given a name, and the symbols λ and ρ are freed for other purposes. The Haar measure of E ⊂ G is denoted by |E|, the Lebesgue spaces of the Haar measure are denoted byR Lp (G)R or simply Lp , and the Haar integral of f ∈ L1 (G) is denoted by f or f (x) dx. 1 Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory This chapter contains a brief exposition of that part of Banach algebra theory that will be needed in the rest of this book, including the spectral theorem for commutative C* algebras. Although these topics are not part of harmonic analysis as such, the Gelfand transform and the spectral theorem are embodiments of ideas that are also central to harmonic analysis: the conversion of operators into more transparent forms and the decomposition of operators into simpler pieces. 1.1 Banach Algebras: Basic Concepts A Banach algebra is an algebra A over the field of complex numbers equipped with a norm with respect to which it is a Banach space and which satisfies kxyk ≤ kxk kyk for all x, y in A. A is called unital if it possesses a unit element or multiplicative identity, which we denote by e. An involution on an algebra A is an anti-automorphism of A of order 2, that is, a map x 7→ x∗ from A to A that satisfies (1.1) (x + y)∗ = x∗ + y ∗ , (λx)∗ = λx∗ , (xy)∗ = y ∗ x∗ , x∗∗ = x for all x, y ∈ A and λ ∈ C. An algebra equipped with an involution is called a ∗-algebra. A Banach ∗-algebra that satisfies (1.2) kx∗ xk = kxk2 for all x is called a C* algebra. We do not require an involution to satisfy kx∗ k = kxk, although this holds for most of the examples we shall meet here. In particular it is true for C* algebras: the estimate kxk2 = kx∗ xk ≤ kx∗ kkxk implies that kxk ≤ kx∗ k, and then kx∗ k ≤ kx∗∗ k = kxk. If A and B are Banach algebras, a (Banach algebra) homomorphism from A to B is a bounded linear map φ : A → B such 1 2 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition that φ(xy) = φ(x)φ(y) for all x, y ∈ A. If A and B are ∗-algebras, a ∗-homomorphism from A to B is a homomorphism φ such that φ(x∗ ) = φ(x)∗ for all x ∈ A. If S is a subset of the Banach algebra A, we say that A is generated by S if the linear combinations of products of elements of S are dense in A. We now describe four examples of Banach algebras. These examples barely begin to indicate how many different sorts of interesting Banach algebras there are, but they and their generalizations are the ones that will be important for us later. Example 1. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. The space C(X) of continuous complex-valued functions on X is a unital Banach algebra with the usual pointwise algebra operations and the uniform norm. The map f 7→ f is an involution that makes C(X) into a C* algebra. Similarly, if X is a noncompact, locally compact Hausdorff space, C0 (X) is a nonunital C* algebra. If S is a set of functions in C(X) (or C0 (X)) that separate points and have no common zeros, the Stone-Weierstrass theorem says that C(X) (or C0 (X)) is generated by S ∪ {f : f ∈ S}. Example 2. Let H be a Hilbert space. The set L(H) of all bounded linear operators on H is a unital Banach algebra, with the operator norm, and the map T 7→ T ∗ (T ∗ being the adjoint of T ) is an involution that makes L(H) into a C* algebra. Here is the verification of (1.2): On the one hand, we have kT ∗ T k ≤ kT ∗ k kT k = kT k2. On the other, for any unit vector u ∈ H, kT ∗ T k ≥ hT ∗ T u, ui = hT u, T ui = kT uk2; taking the supremum over all such u we get kT ∗T k ≥ kT k2. Any subalgebra of L(H) that is closed in the operator norm and closed under taking adjoints is also a C* algebra. Example 3. Let l1P= l1 (Z) be the space of all sequences a = (an )∞ −∞ ∞ such that kak = −∞ |an | < ∞. l1 is a unital Banach algebra if we define multiplication to be convolution: a ∗ b = c, where cn = ∞ X ak bn−k . −∞ The unit element is δ, defined by δ0 = 1 and δn = 0 for n 6= 0. The standard involution on l1 is defined by (a∗ )n = a−n . l1 is not a C* algebra with this involution; we leave it as an exercise for the reader to find a counterexample to (1.2). Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 3 For k ∈ Z, let δ k ∈ l1 be defined by (δ k )n = 1 if n = k, (δ )n = 0 otherwise. (In particular, δ 0 = δ.) It is easily verified that δ j ∗ δ k = δ j+k . Hence δ −1 is the convolution inverse of δ 1 , and (by induction) δ k = δ 1 ∗ · · · ∗ δ 1 and δ −k = δ −1 ∗ · · · ∗ δ −1 (k factors) for any a = (an ) ∈ l1 we clearly have P∞for k k≥ 1. Moreover, 1 a = −∞ ak δ . Thus l is generated by δ 1 and its inverse δ −1 . k Example 4. The space L1 (R) is a Banach algebra when multiplication is defined to be convolution, Z (f ∗ g)(x) = f (y)g(x − y) dy, and as in Example 3 we can define an involution on it by f ∗ (x) = f (−x). L1 (R) is not unital, nor is it a C* algebra. For the remainder of this section we assume that A is a unital Banach algebra. In this case we can consider the elements of A possessing twosided inverses, which we call invertible elements. 1.3 Lemma. If kxk < 1 then e − x is invertible, and (e − x)−1 = ∞ X xn . 0 P∞ Proof. The usual proof that the geometric series 0 tn converges to 1/(1 − t) for |t| < 1 works equally well in any unital Banach algebra. 1.4 Theorem. Let A be a unital Banach algebra. P∞ a. If |λ| > kxk then λe−x is invertible, and its inverse is 0 λ−n−1 xn . b. If x is invertible kyk < kx−1 k−1 then x − y is invertible, and its Pand ∞ −1 −1 n inverse is x ) . 0 (yx c. If x is invertible and kyk ≤ 21 kx−1 k−1 then k(x − y)−1 − x−1 k ≤ 2kx−1 k2 kyk. d. The set of invertible elements of A is open, and the map x 7→ x−1 is continuous on it. Proof. Since λe − x = λ(e − λ−1 x), (a) follows immediately from Lemma 1.3. So does (b), in view of the facts that x − y = (e − yx−1 )x and kyx−1 k ≤ kyk kx−1 k < 1. (c) follows from (b), since k(x − y)−1 − x−1 k = x−1 ∞ X 1 (yx−1 )n ≤ kx−1 k ≤ kx−1 k2 kyk ∞ X 0 ∞ X 1 (kyk kx−1 k)n 2−n = 2kx−1 k2 kyk. Finally, (d) is a direct consequence of (b) and (c). 4 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition If x ∈ A, the spectrum of x is σ(x) = λ ∈ C : λe − x is not invertible . σ(x) is a closed subset of the disc {λ : |λ| ≤ kxk} by Theorem 1.4(a,d). For λ ∈ / σ(x), the resolvent of x is the element R(λ) = Rx (λ) = (λe − x)−1 . (We generally omit the subscript x when no confusion will arise.) R(λ) is continuous in λ by Theorem 1.4(d). We shall now show that R(λ) is an analytic A-valued function on the open set C \ σ(x). By this we mean that the complex derivative R′ (λ) exists (and is continuous); this implies in particular that φ ◦ R(λ) is an ordinary C-valued analytic function of λ for any bounded linear functional φ ∈ A∗ . 1.5 Lemma. R(λ) is an analytic function of λ ∈ C \ σ(x). Proof. If λ, µ ∈ / σ(x), we have (µ − λ)e = (µe − x) − (λe − x) = (λe − x)R(λ)(µe − x) − (λe − x)R(µ)(µe − x) = (λe − x)[R(λ) − R(µ)](µe − x). Multiplying both sides on the left by R(λ) and on the right by R(µ), we see that (µ − λ)R(λ)R(µ) = R(λ) − R(µ), and hence R(µ) − R(λ) = −R(λ)R(µ). µ−λ Letting µ → λ, we see that R′ (λ) exists and equals −R(λ)2 . 1.6 Proposition. σ(x) is nonempty for every x ∈ A. Proof. If σ(x) were empty, R(λ) would be an entire function of λ. As λ → ∞, kR(λ)k = |λ|−1 k(e − λ−1 x)−1 k → 0 since (e − λ−1 x)−1 → e. By Liouville’s theorem (applied to φ ◦ R(λ), for an arbitrary φ ∈ A∗ ), R(λ) would be identically zero, which is absurd. 1.7 Theorem (The Gelfand-Mazur Theorem). If A is a Banach algebra in which every nonzero element is invertible, then A ∼ = C. Proof. If x ∈ / Ce then λe − x 6= 0 for all λ ∈ C and hence λe − x is invertible for all λ ∈ C. But then σ(x) = ∅, which is impossible. Hence A = Ce. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 5 If x ∈ A, the spectral radius of x is ρ(x) = sup |λ| : λ ∈ σ(x) . We have ρ(x) ≤ kxk by Theorem 1.4(a). In fact, we can be more precise. 1.8 Theorem. ρ(x) = limn→∞ kxn k1/n . Pn−1 Proof. We have λn e − xn = (λe − x) 0 λj xn−1−j , from which it follows that if λn e − xn is invertible then so is λe − x. In other words, if λ ∈ σ(x) then λn ∈ σ(xn ), so |λ|n ≤ kxn k. It follows that ρ(x) ≤ lim inf kxn k1/n . On the other hand, if φ ∈ A∗ , φ ◦ R(λ) is analytic for |λ| > ρ(x), and P∞ by Theorem 1.4(a) its Laurent series about infinity is 0 λ−n−1 φ(xn ). By standard complex variable theory, this series converges for |λ| > ρ(x), so for any such λ we have |λ−n−1 φ(xn )| ≤ Cφ for all n. The uniform boundedness principle then implies the existence of a C > 0 such that |λ|−n kxn k ≤ C for all n, and hence kxn k1/n ≤ C 1/n |λ|. Letting n → ∞, we obtain lim sup kxn k1/n ≤ ρ(x). We conclude with a couple of elementary observations about inverses and spectra in Banach ∗-algebras. 1.9 a. b. c. Proposition. Let A be a unital Banach ∗-algebra. e = e∗ . If x is invertible, then so is x∗ , and (x∗ )−1 = (x−1 )∗ . σ(x∗ ) = σ(x) for any x ∈ A. Proof. The relation (xy)∗ = y ∗ x∗ shows that e∗ is another multiplicative identity and hence that e∗ = e; it then also shows that (x∗ )−1 = (x−1 )∗ . If x ∈ A, (λe − x)∗ = λe − x∗ by (a), and so (c) follows from (b). 1.2 Gelfand Theory In this section we study the spectrum (also called the maximal ideal space or structure space) of a commutative unital Banach algebra, a powerful tool that was first systematically exploited by Gelfand and his collaborators. Let A be a commutative unital Banach algebra. By a multiplicative functional on A we shall mean a nonzero homomorphism from A to C. The set of all multiplicative functionals on A is called the spectrum of A; we denote it by σ(A). (The relationship between this “spectrum” and the spectrum of an element defined in §1.1 will be explained in Proposition 1.15 below.) 6 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 1.10 Proposition. Suppose h ∈ σ(A). a. h(e) = 1. b. If x is invertible in A then h(x) 6= 0. c. |h(x)| ≤ kxk for all x ∈ A. Proof. (a): Pick x ∈ A with h(x) 6= 0; then h(e)h(x) = h(ex) = h(x), so h(e) = 1. (b): If x is invertible, h(x−1 )h(x) = h(x−1 x) = h(e) = 1. (c): If |λ| > kxk then λe − x is invertible by Theorem 1.4(a), so λ − h(x) = h(λe − x) 6= 0 by (b). Proposition 1.10(c) says that σ(A) is a subset of the closed unit ball B of A∗ . We make σ(A) into a topological space by imposing its weak* topology as a subset of A∗ , that is, the topology of pointwise convergence on A. In view of (a), for an algebra homomorphism h : A → C the conditions h 6= 0 and h(e) = 1 are equivalent, so σ(A) = h ∈ B : h(e) = 1 and h(xy) = h(x)h(y) for all x, y ∈ A . The conditions h(e) = 1 and h(xy) = h(x)h(y) are clearly preserved under pointwise limits, so σ(A) is a closed subset of B in the weak* topology. By Alaoglu’s theorem, then, σ(A) is a compact Hausdorff space. Multiplicative functionals are intimately connected with maximal ideals. We recall the terminology: if A is any algebra, a left (right) ideal of A is a subalgebra I of A such that xy ∈ I whenever x ∈ A and y ∈ I (x ∈ I and y ∈ A). I is proper if I 6= A. If A is unital, I is proper if and only if e ∈ / I, for if e ∈ I then x = xe = ex ∈ I for all x ∈ A. If A is commutative, we can speak simply of ideals rather than left or right ideals; in this case, a maximal ideal is a proper ideal that is not contained in any larger proper ideal. 1.11 Proposition. Let A be a commutative unital Banach algebra, and let I ⊂ A be a proper ideal. a. I contains no invertible elements. b. I (the closure of I) is a proper ideal. c. I is contained in a maximal ideal. d. If I is maximal then I is closed. Proof. (a): If x ∈ I is invertible then e = x−1 x ∈ I, so I = A. (b): If I is proper, it is contained in the set of nonivertible elements of A, which is closed by Theorem 1.4(d); hence e ∈ / I, and it is easy to check that I is an ideal. (c): This is a routine application of Zorn’s lemma; the union of an increasing family of proper ideals is proper since it does not contain e. Finally, (d) follows from (b). 1.12 Theorem. Let A be a commutative unital Banach algebra. The map h 7→ ker(h) is a one-to-one correspondence between σ(A) and the set of maximal ideals in A. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 7 Proof. If h ∈ σ(A), ker(h) is an ideal that is proper since h(e) = 1 6= 0 and is maximal since it has codimension 1. If ker(g) = ker(h) then g = h, for if x ∈ A we have x = h(x)e + y where y ∈ ker(h), so g(x) = h(x)g(e) + g(y) = h(x). Thus h 7→ ker(h) is an injection from σ(A) to the set of maximal ideals. On the other hand, suppose M is a maximal ideal, and let π : A → A/M be the quotient mapping. A/M inherits an algebra structure from A, and it is a Banach space with the quotient norm kx + Mk = inf{kx + mk : m ∈ M}. (Here we need Proposition 1.11(d).) It is an easy exercise to check that A/M is in fact a Banach algebra. It has no nontrivial ideals, for if I ⊂ A/M is an ideal then π −1 (I) is an ideal in A such that M ⊂ π −1 (I) ⊂ A; hence π −1 (I) = M or A and I = {0} or A/M. But then every nonzero element of A/M is invertible, for otherwise the ideal it generates would be nontrivial. By the Gelfand-Mazur theorem, A/M is isomorphic to C, and if we denote the isomorphism by φ then φ ◦ π is a multiplicative functional on A whose kernel is M. If x ∈ A, we define the function x b on σ(A) by x b(h) = h(x). x b is continuous on σ(A) since the topology on σ(A) is the topology of pointwise convergence on A. The map x 7→ x b from A to C(σ(A)) is called the Gelfand transform on A. We denote it by Γ or ΓA when necessary for clarity: Γx = ΓA x = x b. 1.13 Theorem. Suppose A is a commutative unital Banach algebra and x ∈ A. a. The Gelfand transform is a homomorphism from A to C(σ(A)), and eb is the constant function 1. b. x is invertible if and only if x b never vanishes. c. range(b x) = σ(x). d. kb xksup = ρ(x) ≤ kxk. Proof. (a) is obvious — for example, (xy)b(h) = h(xy) = h(x)h(y) = x b(h)b y (h), and eb = 1 by Proposition 1.10(a). For (b), we observe that x is not invertible ⇐⇒ the ideal generated by x is proper ⇐⇒ (by Proposition 1.11(c)) x is contained in a maximal ideal ⇐⇒ (by Theorem 1.12) h(x) = 0 for some h ∈ σ(A) ⇐⇒ x b has a zero. (c) follows from (b), for λ ∈ σ(x) ⇐⇒ λe − x is not invertible ⇐⇒ λ − x b(h) = 0 for some h ∈ σ(A). Finally, (d) follows immediately from (c). 8 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition If A is a ∗-algebra, one can ask whether the Gelfand transform takes the involution on A to the canonical involution (namely complex conjugation) on C(σ(A)), that is, whether c∗ = x x b (x ∈ A). This does not always happen (see the remarks following Corollary 1.18 for an example); when it does, A is called symmetric. 1.14 Proposition. Suppose A is a commutative Banach ∗-algebra. a. A is symmetric if and only if x b is real-valued whenever x = x∗ . b. If A is a C* algebra, A is symmetric. c. If A is symmetric, Γ(A) is dense in C(σ(A)). Proof. (a) If A is symmetric and x = x∗ then x b=x b, so x b is real. To prove the converse, given x ∈ A, let u = (x + x∗ )/2 and v = (x − x∗ )/2i. Then u = u∗ and v = v ∗ , so that u b and vb are real; also x = u + iv and c∗ = u b. x∗ = u − iv, so x b − ib v=x (b) Suppose A is a C* algebra, x = x∗ ∈ A, and h ∈ σ(A), and suppose x b(h) = h(x) = α + iβ with α, β real. For t ∈ R, consider z = x + ite. We have h(z) = α + i(β + t) and z ∗ z = x2 + t2 e, so by Proposition 1.10(c), α2 + (β + t)2 = |h(z)|2 ≤ kzk2 = kz ∗ zk ≤ kx2 k + t2 . Hence α2 + β 2 + 2βt ≤ kx2 k for all t ∈ R, which forces β = 0. Hence x b is real, so A is symmetric by (a). (c) If A is symmetric, Γ(A) is closed under complex conjugation. It contains the constants since eb = 1, and it separates points on σ(A) (trivially!). Hence Γ(A) is dense in C(σ(A)) by the Stone-Weierstrass therorem. The motivation for calling σ(A) the “spectrum” of A comes from the following result. 1.15 Proposition. If x0 ∈ A, x b0 is a homeomorphism from σ(A) to σ(x0 ) in each of the following cases: i. A is generated by x0 and e, or ii. x0 is invertible and A is generated by x0 and x−1 0 , or iii. A is symmetric and A is generated by x0 , x∗0 , and e. Proof. x b0 maps σ(A) onto σ(x0 ) by Theorem 1.13(c). Since σ(A) and σ(x0 ) are both compact Hausdorff spaces, it suffices to prove that x b0 is injective. But in each of the three cases, any h ∈ σ(A) is completely −1 determined by its action on x0 since h(x−1 in case (ii) and 0 ) = h(x0 ) ∗ h(x0 ) = h(x0 ) in case (iii). Thus if x b0 (h1 ) = x b0 (h2 ) then h1 = h2 . Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 9 We now identify the spectrum and Gelfand transform for the two examples of commutative unital Banach algebras discussed in §1.1, namely C(X) and l1 . 1.16 Theorem. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. For each x ∈ X, define hx : C(X) → C by hx (f ) = f (x). Then the map x 7→ hx is a homeomorphism from X to σ(C(X)). If we identify x ∈ X with hx ∈ σ(C(X)), the Gelfand transform on C(X) becomes the identity map. Proof. It is clear that each hx is a mutliplicative functional on C(X), and hx 6= hy for x 6= y since the continuous functions separate points on X. If xα → x then f (xα ) → f (x) for each f ∈ C(X), and this says that hxα → hx in the weak* topology. In short, x → hx is a continuous injection of X into σ(C(X)). Since these spaces are compact Hausdorff, it remains only to show that every multiplicative functional on C(X) is of the form hx for some x ∈ X. By Theorem 1.12, it is equivalent to show that every maximal ideal in C(X) is of the form Mx = {f : f (x) = 0} for some x ∈ X, and this amounts to showing that every proper ideal I ⊂ C(X) is contained in some Mx . Suppose to the contrary that for each x ∈ X there exists fx ∈ I such that fx (x) 6= 0. The open sets {y : fx (y) 6= 0} then cover X, so by passing to a finite we obtain Psubcover Pf1 , . . . , fn ∈ I that have no n common zero. Let g = 1 |fj |2 . Then g = f j fj ∈ I and g is invertible in C(X) since g > 0 everywhere. By Proposition 1.11(a), this contradicts the assumption that I is proper. Thus I ⊂ Mx for some x. Finally, since fb(hx ) = hx (f ) = f (x), if we identify hx with x we have b f = f. 1.17 Theorem. σ(l1 ) can be identified with the unit circle T in such a way that the Gelfand transform on l1 becomes b a(eiθ ) = ∞ X an einθ . −∞ Proof. Let δ k and δ = δ 0 be as in the discussion of l1 in §1.1. Then l1 is generated by δ 1 and its inverse δ −1 , so by Proposition 1.15, σ(l1 ) is homeomorphic to σ(δ 1 ). We claim that σ(δ 1 ) = T. Indeed, let us try to invert λδ − δ 1 for λ ∈ C. If a ∈ l1 we have [(λδ−δ 1 )∗a]n = λan −an−1 , so (λδ−δ 1 )∗a = δ if and only if λa0 −a−1 = 1 and λan = an−1 for n 6= 0. Solving these equations recursively, we obtain a−1 = λa0 − 1, an = λ−n a0 for n ≥ 0, a−n = λn−1 a−1 for n ≥ 1. P The condition |an | < ∞ forces a0 = 0 if |λ| ≤ 1 and a−1 = 0 if |λ| ≥ 1. Subject to these conditions there is a unique solution if |λ| 6= 1, namely 10 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition P∞ a = − 1 λn−1 δ −n if |λ| < 1 and a = 0 λ−n−1 δ n if |λ| > 1, but there is no solution if |λ| = 1. Thus σ(δ 1 ) = T. By Proposition 1.15, then, for each eiθ ∈ T there is a unique hθ ∈ 1 σ(l ) such that hθ (δ 1 ) = eiθ . But then hθ is given by P∞ hθ (a) = hθ ∞ X −∞ ∞ ∞ X X an δ n = an hθ (δ 1 )n = an einθ , −∞ −∞ so if we identify hθ with eiθ we have b a(eiθ ) = hθ (a) = ∞ X an einθ . −∞ As an immediate corollary, we obtain a famous theorem of Wiener concerning absolutely convergent Fourier series. P P 1.18 Corollary. If f (eiθ )P= an einθ with |an | < ∞, and f never P vanishes, then 1/f (eiθ ) = bn einθ with |bn | < ∞. Proof. We are given f = b a with a ∈ l1 . If f never vanishes, then a is 1 invertible in l by Theorem 1.13(b). Let b be its inverse; then 1/f = bb. We observe that the algebras C(X) and l1 are both symmetric. For C(X) this is immediate from Theorem 1.16, and for l1 we have X X ab∗ (eiθ ) = a−n einθ = an e−inθ = b a(eiθ ). (This is why we chose the involution on l1 as we did. If we define, for example, (a∗ )n = an , l1 becomes a nonsymmetric ∗-algebra.) We now return to a general commutative unital Banach algebra A. A is called semisimple if the Gelfand transform on A is injective, that is, if the intersection of all the maximal ideals of A is {0}. For example, Theorems 1.16 and 1.17 show that C(X) and l1 are semisimple. On the other hand, the algebra of 2 × 2 complex matrices of the form ( a0 ab ) is not: one easily verifies that it has precisely one nontrivial ideal, namely those matrices with a = 0. A condition stronger than semisimplicity is for the Gelfand transform to be an isometry. It is easy to see when this happens: 1.19 Proposition. Let A be a commutative unital Banach algebra. k k a. If x ∈ A, kb xksup = kxk if and only if kx2 k = kxk2 for all k ≥ 1. b. ΓA is an isometry if and only if kx2 k = kxk2 for all x ∈ A. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 11 Proof. If kb xksup = kxk then k k k k k kx2 k ≤ kxk2 = kb xk2sup = kb x2 ksup ≤ kx2 k, k k k k so kx2 k = kxk2 . Conversely if kx2 k = kxk2 for all k then kb xksup = 2k 1/2k lim kx k = kxk by Theorems 1.8 and 1.13(d). This proves (a), and k k (b) follows since if kx2 k = kxk2 for all x then kx2 k = kxk2 for all x and k (by induction on k). We now come to the most fundamental result of Gelfand theory. 1.20 Theorem (The Gelfand-Naimark Theorem). If A is a commutative unital C* algebra, ΓA is an isometric ∗-isomorphism from A to C(σ(A)). Proof. If x ∈ A, let y = x∗ x. Then y = y ∗ , so k k−1 ky 2 k = k(y 2 k k−1 )∗ y 2 k−1 k = ky 2 k2 . k It follows by induction that ky 2 k = kyk2 , so kb yksup = kyk by Proposition 1.19(a). But then kxk2 = kyk = kb yksup = k |b x|2 ksup = kb xk2sup , so ΓA is an isometry. In particular, ΓA is injective and has closed range. But by Proposition 1.14(b,c), ΓA respects the involutions and has dense range. Combining these results, we are done. We conclude this section with an application of the Gelfand theory to the study of spectra in general (noncommutative) C* algebras. Suppose A is a unital Banach algebra and B ⊂ A is a closed subalgebra containing e. If y ∈ B and y is invertible in A, in general y −1 will not lie in B. Hence, if x ∈ B, one must distinguish between the spectrum of x with respect to A and the spectrum of x with respect to B; we denote these spectra by σA (x) and σB (x). If λe − x is invertible in B it is invertible in A, so it is always true that σA (x) ⊂ σB (x), and we are interested in knowing when equality holds. We give one result along these lines for general Banach algebras and then a stronger one for C* algebras. 1.21 Lemma. Suppose A is a unital Banach algebra and x0 ∈ A is a boundary point of the set of invertible elements of A. If xn is invertible for each n and xn → x0 as n → ∞ then kx−1 n k → ∞. 12 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. If kx−1 n k 6→ ∞, by passing to a subsequence we can assume that kx−1 k ≤ C < ∞ for all n. For n sufficiently large we have kxn − x0 k < n C −1 . But then x0 = xn − (xn − x0 ) is invertible by Theorem 1.4(b), which is impossible since the set of invertible elements is open. 1.22 Proposition. Suppose A is a unital Banach algebra and B is a closed subalgebra containing e. If x ∈ B and σB (x) is nowhere dense in C, then σA (x) = σB (x). Proof. If λ0 ∈ σB (x), there is a sequence λn ∈ C \ σB (x) that converges to λ0 . By Lemma 1.21, k(λn e − x)−1 k → ∞. It follows that λ0 e − x is not invertible in A (otherwise k(λn e − x)−1 k → k(λ0 e − x)−1 k), so λ0 ∈ σA (x). 1.23 Proposition. Suppose A is a unital C* algebra and B ⊂ A is a C* subalgebra containing e. a. If x ∈ B and x is invertible in A then x−1 ∈ B. b. If x ∈ B then σA (x) = σB (x). Proof. Given x ∈ B, let y = x∗ x, and let C be the closed subalgebra of A generated by y and e; thus C ⊂ B ⊂ A. Since x is invertible in A, so is y, so 0 ∈ / σA (y). On the other hand, C is a commutative C* algebra since y = y ∗ , and σC (y) ⊂ R by Proposition 1.14(a,b) and Theorem 1.13(c), so σC (y) = σA (y) by Proposition 1.22. Thus 0 ∈ / σC (y), so y is invertible in C and hence in B. But then x−1 = y −1 x∗ ∈ B. This proves (a), and (b) follows by applying (a) to λe − x. 1.24 Proposition. Let A be a unital C* algebra. a. If x ∈ A and xx∗ = x∗ x then ρ(x) = kxk. b. If B is a Banach ∗-algebra whose involution is an isometry and φ : B → A is a ∗-homomorphism, then kφk ≤ 1. Proof. (a) Let C be the closed subalgebra of A generated by x, x∗ , and e. Then C is a commutative C* algebra, so by Theorem 1.13(d) and the Gelfand-Naimark theorem, ρ(x) = kΓC xksup = kxk. (b) φ is a bounded linear map, say kφk = C < ∞, so for any y ∈ B, kφ(y ∗ y)n k ≤ Ck(y ∗ y)n k ≤ Cky ∗ ykn ≤ Ckyk2n . But then by (a) (applied to x = φ(y ∗ y), which satisfies x∗ = x) and Theorem 1.8, kφ(y)k2 = kφ(y ∗ y)k = lim kφ(y ∗ y)n k1/n ≤ lim C 1/n kyk2 = kyk2 . Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 1.3 13 Nonunital Banach Algebras Let A be a nonunital Banach algebra. The results in the preceding sections that deal with inverses and spectra have no meaning in this situation, but a large part of the Gelfand theory still works. The starting point is the fact that a nonunital algebra A can always e be the algebra whose be embedded in a unital algebra. Namely, let A underlying vector space is A × C and whose multiplication is given by (x, a)(y, b) = (xy + ay + bx, ab). e is an algebra with unit (0, 1), and that the It is easily verified that A norm (1.25) k(x, a)k = kxk + |a| makes it into a Banach algebra. Moreover, A × {0} is a closed twoe (a maximal one, since it has codimension one). We shall sided ideal in A e identify A with A × {0} and thus think of A as a maximal ideal in A. The restriction of the norm (1.25) to A then coincides with the original norm on A. If A is a ∗-algebra, the involution on A extends uniquely to an invoe lution on A: (1.26) (x, a)∗ = (x∗ , a). e can often be realized in a more natural way. In concrete instances, A Here are two examples. Example 1. Let A = L1 (R). The map f 7→ µf , where dµf (x) = f (x) dx, embeds L1 (R) into the space M (R) of finite Borel measures on R, which is also a Banach algebra with convolution defined by Z ZZ f d(µ ∗ ν) = f (x + y) dµ(x) dν(y). M (R) has a unit, namely the point mass at 0 or Dirac measure δ. ^ 1 (R) is isomorphic to the subalgebra of M (R) spanned by L1 (R) L ^ 1 (R) of the usual and δ, and the norm (1.25) is the restriction to L norm kµk = |µ|(R) on M (R). Example 2. If A = C0 (X) where X is a noncompact, locally compact e is isomorphic to the algebra obtained by Hausdorff space, then A adjoining the constant functions to A, or equivalently to the algebra e where X e is the one-point compactification of X. However, in C(X) e this case the norm (1.25) is not the uniform norm on C(X). 14 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition e is Example 2 illustrates a general problem: if A is a C* algebra, A not a C* algebra with the norm (1.25). However, we can remedy this by choosing a different norm. 1.27 Proposition. If A is a nonunital C* algebra, there is a unique e that makes A e into a C* algebra with involution (1.26). This norm on A norm agrees with the original norm on A. e each (x, a) ∈ A e acts on A by left multiProof. Since A is an ideal in A, plication: (x, a)(y, 0) = (xy + ay, 0). We define k(x, a)k to be the norm of this bounded operator on A: (1.28) k(x, a)k = sup kxy + ayk : y ∈ A, kyk ≤ 1 . e that satisfies This clearly defines a seminorm on A k(x, a)(y, b)k ≤ k(x, a)k k(y, b)k. e satTo see that it is a norm, suppose (x, a) is a nonzero element of A isfying k(x, a)k = 0, so that xy + ay = 0 for all y ∈ A. Clearly x must be nonzero, and then a must be nonzero since xy 6= 0 for y = x∗ , so z = −a−1 x is a left unit for A. But then z ∗ is a right unit for A, so z = zz ∗ = z ∗ is a unit for A, contrary to assumption. Since kxyk ≤ kxkkyk with equality if y = x∗ , we have k(x, 0)k = kxk, so the new and old norms agree on A. In particular, since A is complete, e so the linear functional (x, a) 7→ a (which is essentially it is closed in A, e to A/A) e e is the quotient map from A is continuous. It follows that A complete: if {(xn , an )} is a Cauchy sequence, so is {an } and hence so e is a Banach is {xn }; and then lim(xn , an ) = (lim xn , lim an ). Thus A algebra with the norm (1.28). e is a C* algebra, suppose (x, a) 6= (0, 0) ∈ A. e For any ǫ > To see that A 0 there exists y ∈ A with kyk = 1 such that kxy + ayk ≥ (1 − ǫ)k(x, a)k. But then, since kzk = k(z, 0)k for z ∈ A and (xy + ay, 0) = (x, a)(y, 0), (1 − ǫ)2 k(x, a)k2 ≤ kxy + ayk2 = k(xy + ay)∗ (xy + ay)k = k(xy + ay, 0)∗ (xy + ay, 0)k = k(y ∗ , 0)(x, a)∗ (x, a)(y, 0)k ≤ kyk2 k(x, a)∗ (x, a)k = k(x, a)∗ (x, a)k. Since ǫ is arbitrary, k(x, a)k2 ≤ k(x, a)∗ (x, a)k. It follows that k(x, a)k2 ≤ k(x, a)∗ k k(x, a)k and hence that k(x, a)k ≤ k(x, a)∗ k for all x, a. But then k(x, a)∗ k ≤ k(x, a)∗∗ k = k(x, a)k, and so k(x, a)k2 ≤ e is a C* algebra. k(x, a)∗ (x, a)k ≤ k(x, a)k2 . Thus A The uniqueness of the norm follows from the fact that in a unital C* algebra, the norm of any element ξ equals kξ ∗ ξk1/2 and the norm of ξ ∗ ξ is its spectral radius (Proposition 1.24(a)). Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 15 Now suppose A is a nonunital commutative Banach algebra. As in the unital case, we define the spectrum σ(A) to be the set of multiplicative functionals on A, i.e., the set of nonzero homomorphisms from A into C. (The common term “maximal ideal space” for σ(A) is not appropriate here, as Proposition 1.11 and Theorem 1.12 are no longer valid.) Every h ∈ σ(A) has an extension to a multiplicative functional e h on e A, namely (1.29) e h(x, a) = h(x) + a. This extension is unique since e h(0, 1) must be 1 by Proposition 1.10(a). e Conversely, if H ∈ σ(A), then either H is the functional H0 whose associated maximal ideal is A, namely H0 (x, a) = a, or H|A ∈ σ(A). Moreover, H0 is the extension e 0 of the zero functional given by (1.29). In short, there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between σ(A)∪ e In particular, by Proposition 1.10(c), every h ∈ σ(A) {0} and σ(A). satisfies |h(x)| = |e h(x, 0)| ≤ k(x, 0)k = kxk. (This is true whether we use the norm (1.25) or the norm (1.28) in the case of a C* algebra.) Thus σ(A) ∪ {0} is a weak* closed subset of the closed unit ball in A∗ , and as such is a compact Hausdorff space. If {0} is an isolated point, then σ(A) is also compact. If not — and this is the more common case — then σ(A) is a locally compact Hausdorff space e whose one-point compactification is σ(A) ∪ {0}, or equivalently σ(A). The Gelfand transform on A is defined as before, ΓA x(h) = x b(h) = e by h(x), and it is related to the Gelfand transform on A x b(h) = h(x) = e h(x, 0) = (x, 0)b(e h). e with σ(A) ∪ {0}, x In other words, if we identify σ(A) b = ΓA x is just the restriction of (x, 0)b = ΓAe (x, 0) to σ(A). Moreover, the value of (x, 0)b e is obviously 0. This means that at the extra point H0 = e 0 in σ(A) when σ(A) is noncompact, x b vanishes at infinity for every x ∈ A. Thus, if we agree that C0 (σ(A)) = C(σ(A)) when σ(A) is compact, we can summarize our results as follows. 1.30 Theorem. Let A be a nonunital commutative Banach algebra. σ(A) is a locally compact subset of the closed unit ball of A∗ in the weak* topology. If σ(A) is noncompact, its weak* closure in A∗ is σ(A) ∪ {0}. The Gelfand transform on A is an algebra homomorphism from A to C0 (σ(A)), and kb xksup = lim kxn k1/n n→∞ (x ∈ A). 16 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. We have proved everything but the formula for kb xksup . But the discussion above shows that kb xksup = k(x, 0)bksup ; k(x, 0)bksup is the e by Theorem 1.13(d); and the latter equals spectral radius of (x, 0) in A n 1/n lim kx k by Theorem 1.8 since k(x, 0)k = kxk. Example 1 (continued). Let A = L1 (R). The Fourier transform Z fb(ξ) = e−2πiξx f (x) dx satisfies (f ∗ g)b = fbb g , so for each ξ ∈ R the evaluation functional hξ (f ) = fb(ξ) belongs to σ(L1 (R)). It is not hard to show that these are all the multiplicative functionals on L1 (R); we shall give the proof in §4.1 (see Theorems 4.3 and 4.6(a)). Hence we can identify σ(L1 (R)) with R by the map hξ 7→ ξ, and when this is done, the Gelfand transform is the Fourier transform. Example 2 (continued). Let A = C0 (X) where X is a noncompact, e∼ locally compact Hausdorff space. Then, as we have observed, A = e e C(X) where X is the one-point compactification of X. Combining Theorem 1.16 with the discussion leading to Theorem 1.30, it is easy to see that σ(C0 (X)) ∼ = X if we identify x ∈ X with the evaluation functional hx (f ) = f (x), and then the Gelfand transform is the identity map on C0 (X). Finally, we have a nonunital version of the Gelfand-Naimark theorem. 1.31 Theorem. If A is a nonunital commutative C* algebra, ΓA is an isometric ∗-isomorphism from A to C0 (σ(A)). Proof. This is simply a matter of combining our previous results. We e into a C* algebra according to Proposition 1.27. Then Γ e is make A A e to C(σ(A)). e A is a maximal ideal an isometric ∗-isomorphism from A e whose associated functional is e in A 0 defined by (1.29), and the corree is {f : f (e sponding maximal ideal in C(σ(A)) 0) = 0}. In view of the e correspondence (1.29) between σ(A) and σ(A) \ {e 0} and the relation x b(h) = (x, 0)b(e h), the result follows. 1.4 The Spectral Theorem In this section we use Gelfand theory to derive the spectral theorem for commutative C* algebras of operators on a Hilbert space. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 17 The finite-dimensional spectral theorem, in its simplest form, says that if T is a self-adjoint operator on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space H, there is an orthonormal basis for H consisting of eigenvectors for T . In this form the theorem is false in infinite dimensions, where self-adjoint operators need not have any eigenvectors at all. (For example, consider T f (x) = xf (x) on L2 (0, 1).) However, there are ways of reformulating the theorem that do generalize. Formulation I. Let Σ be the spectrum of T , and for λ ∈ Σ let Pλ be the orthogonal projection onto the eigenspace for λ. Then X X (1.32) Pλ Pµ = 0 for λ 6= µ, I= Pλ , T = λPλ . λ∈Σ λ∈Σ The first equation says that the ranges of the projections Pλ are mutually orthogonal; the second says that they span H, and the third gives the spectral decomposition of T . This can be generalized to infinite dimensions by replacing the sums in a suitable way by integrals. Formulation II. Let n = dim H, and let us regard Cn as the set of complex-valued functions on {1, . . . , n}. An orthonormal eigenbasis for T determines a unitary map U : H → Cn and a function φ ∈ Cn — namely, φ(j) is the eigenvalue for the jth eigenvector — such that U T U −1 ψ = φψ for ψ ∈ Cn , where φψ is the pointwise product of the functions φ and ψ. This can be generalized to infinite dimensions by replacing Cn by L2 (Ω, µ) for a suitable measure space (Ω, µ). A more sophisticated version of the finite-dimensional spectral theorem says that if T is a family of commuting self-adjoint operators on H (dim H < ∞), there is an orthonormal basis for H that is an eigenbasis for every T ∈ T. Both the formulations above work in this more general situation. In the first one, Σ is taken to be a list of the simultaneous eigenspaces for the operators in T, the Pλ ’s are the projections onto theseP spaces, and for each T ∈ T one has a function ΦT on Σ such that T = λ∈Σ ΦT (λ)Pλ . In the second, there is a unitary U : H → Cn and, for each T ∈ T, a function φT ∈ Cn such that U T U −1 ψ = φT ψ. (The functions ΦT and φT are of course closely related.) If T is as above, the algebra of operators it generates is a commutative C* algebra, and the simultaneous eigenbasis for the members of T will also be an eigenbasis for every element of this algebra. Hence one might as well consider commutative C* algebras to begin with, and this is the context in which we shall develop the theorem in infinite dimensions. Here is the notation we shall be using: i. H is a Hilbert space. ii. A is a commutative C* subalgebra of L(H) containing I. iii. Σ = σ(A) is the spectrum of A. iv. For T ∈ A, Tb ∈ C(Σ) is the Gelfand transform of T . 18 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition v. For f ∈ C(Σ), Tf ∈ A is the inverse Gelfand transform of f . By the Gelfand-Naimark theorem, this is well defined, and we have kTf k = kf ksup. vi. B(Σ) is the space of bounded Borel measurable functions on Σ. Like C(Σ), B(Σ) is a commutative C* algebra under the pointwise algebra operations, complex conjugation, and the uniform norm. vii. If {fn } is a sequence of complex-valued functions on a set S, we say that fn → f p.b. (for “pointwise and boundedly”), or that f is the p.b. limit of fn , if fn (s) → f (s) for every s ∈ S and sup{|fn (s)| : s ∈ S, n ≥ 1} < ∞. The key to all our results is the following construction. If u, v ∈ H, the map f 7→ hTf u, vi is a bounded linear functional on C(Σ); in fact, |hTf u, vi| ≤ kTf kkukkvk = kf ksupkukkvk. Hence by the Riesz representation theorem, there is a unique regular complex Borel measure µu,v on Σ such that Z hTf u, vi = f dµu,v (f ∈ C(Σ), u, v ∈ H), (1.33) kµu,v k ≤ kukkvk. The map (u, v) 7→ µu,v is a “measure-valued inner product” in the following sense. 1.34 Proposition. (u, v) 7→ µu,v is a sesquilinear map from H × H to M (Σ). Moreover, µv,u = µu,v , and µu,u is a positive measure for all u. Proof. Sesquilinearity is obvious. Since the Gelfand transform takes adjoints into complex conjugates, we have Tf∗ = Tf for all f ∈ C(Σ), so Z f dµv,u = hTf v, ui = hv, Tf∗ ui = hTf∗ u, vi = Z f dµu,v = Z f dµu,v . Hence µv,u = µu,v . Finally, if u ∈ H and f ≥ 0 ∈ C(Σ), let g be the positive square root of f . Then g ∈ C(Σ) and Tg∗ Tg = Tg2 = Tg2 = Tf , so Z f dµu,u = hTf u, ui = hTg∗ Tg u, ui = kTg uk2 ≥ 0. Hence µu,u ≥ 0. The map f 7→ Tf gives a representation of the algebra C(Σ) as bounded operators on H. We now use (1.33) to extend this representation to the larger algebra B(Σ). Namely, if f ∈ B(Σ), we have Z f dµu,v ≤ kf ksup kµu,v k ≤ kf ksupkukkvk. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory Hence there is a unique Tf ∈ L(H) such that Z (1.35) hTf u, vi = f dµu,v (u, v ∈ H), 19 kTf k ≤ kf ksup. This definition of Tf agrees with the previous one when f ∈ C(Σ). 1.36 Theorem. The map f 7→ Tf is a ∗-homomorphism from B(Σ) to L(H). It has the following additional properties: a. If S ∈ L(H) commutes with every T ∈ A, then S commutes with Tf for every f ∈ B(Σ). b. If fn ∈ B(Σ) and fn → f p.b., then Tfn → Tf in the weak operator topology. Proof. Clearly f 7→ Tf is linear. By Proposition 1.34, if f ∈ B(Σ), Z Z hTf u, vi = f dµu,v = f dµv,u = hTf v, ui = hu, Tf vi = hTf∗ u, vi, so Tf = Tf∗ . To see that Tf g = Tf Tg , we start with the fact that this relation is valid when f, g ∈ C(Σ). In this case we have Z Z f g dµu,v = hTf Tg u, vi = f dµTg u,v . This being true for all f ∈ C(Σ), dµTg u,v = g dµu,v for g ∈ C(Σ). Hence, for any f ∈ B(Σ), Z Z Z f g dµu,v = f dµTg u,v = hTf Tg u, vi = hTg u, Tf∗ vi = g dµu,Tf∗ v . This being true for all g ∈ C(Σ), f dµu,v = dµu,Tf∗ v . But then, for any g ∈ B(Σ), Z Z ∗ hTf Tg u, vi = hTg u, Tf vi = g dµu,Tf∗ v = f g dµu,v = hTf g u, vi, so Tf Tg = Tf g . If S commutes with Tf for every f ∈ C(Σ), we have Z Z ∗ f dµu,S ∗ v = hTf u, S vi = hSTf u, vi = hTf Su, vi = f dµSu,v , so µu,S ∗ v = µSu,v . Hence, for any f ∈ B(Σ), Z Z hTf Su, vi = f dµSu,v = f dµu,S ∗ v = hTf u, S ∗ vi = hSTf u, vi. R R This proves (a). Finally, if fn → f p.b., then fn dµu,v → f dµu,v by the dominated convergence theorem. In other words, hTfn u, vi → hTf u, vi for all u, v, so (b) is proved. 20 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition We shall obtain a stronger form of assertion (b) in Proposition 1.48 below. If E ⊂ Σ is a Borel set, let χE be the characteristic function of E and (1.37) P (E) = TχE . 1.38 Theorem. The correspondence E 7→ P (E) defined by (1.37) has the following properties. a. Each P (E) is an orthogonal projection. b. P (∅) = 0 and P (Σ) = I. c. P (E ∩ F ) = P (E)P (F ). S P d. If E1 , E2 , . . . are disjoint then P ( Ej ) = P (Ej ), where the sum converges in the strong operator topology. Proof. Since χ2E = χE = χE , we have P (E)2 = P (E) = P (E)∗ . The first equation says that P (E) is a projection, and the second one implies that its range is orthogonal to its nullspace. This proves (a); (b) is obvious, and (c) follows from the fact that χE∩F = χEP χF . (d) is true when the n sequence E1 , E2 , . . . is finite since χSn1 Ej = 1 χEj . For the infinite Sn S∞ case, let us write Fn = 1 Ej and F = 1 Ej . Then χFn → χF p.b., so by Theorem 1.36(b), n X 1 P (Ej ) = P (Fn ) → P (F ) = P ∞ [ 1 Ej weakly. But also F is the disjoint union of Fn and F \ Fn , so P (F ) = P (Fn ) + P (F \ Fn ). Hence, for any u ∈ H, since P (F \ Fn ) is an orthogonal projection we have k[P (F ) − P (Fn )]uk2 = kP (F \ Fn )uk2 = hP (F \ Fn )u, P (F \ Fn )ui = hP (F \ Fn )u, ui = h[P (F ) − P (Fn )]u, ui → 0. Thus the series actually converges strongly, and we are done. 1.39 Corollary. If E and F are disjoint, the ranges of P (E) and P (F ) are mutually orthogonal. Proof. For any u and v, hP (E)u, P (F )vi = hP (F )P (E)u, vi = hP (E ∩ F )u, vi = hP (∅)u, vi = 0. The situation described in Theorem 1.38 can be formulated in an abstract setting. Namely, suppose Ω is a set equipped with a σ-algebra M, and H is a Hilbert space. An H-projection-valued measure (or just a projection-valued measure if H is understood) on (Ω, M) is a Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 21 map P : M → L(H) that satisfies properties (a–d) of Theorem 1.38 (with Σ replaced by Ω). If P is an H-projection-valued measure on (Ω, M) and u, v ∈ H, the map (1.40) Pu,v (E) = hP (E)u, vi is an ordinary complex measure. The correspondence (u, v) 7→ Pu,v is a “measure-valued inner product” as in Proposition 1.34, and (1.41) kPv,v k = Pv,v (Ω) = kvk2 . If Ω is a locally compact Hausdorff space and M is the σ-algebra of Borel sets, a projection-valued measure P on (Ω, M) is called regular if each of the measures Pu,v is regular. Let B(Ω) = B(Ω, M) be the space of bounded M-measurable functions on Ω. If f ∈ B(Ω), one can define the integral of f with respect to a projection-valued measure P as follows. If v ∈ H, by (1.41) we have Z f dPv,v ≤ kf ksupkPv,v k = kf ksupkvk2 . Thus, by polarization (see Appendix 1), if u, v ∈ H and kuk = kvk = 1, Z f dPu,v ≤ 41 kf ksup ku + vk2 + ku − vk2 + ku + ivk2 + ku − ivk2 ≤ 4kf ksup. (As we shall see shortly, the factor of 4 on the right is superfluous.) By homogeneity, it then follows that Z f dPu,v ≤ 4kf ksupkukkvk (u, v ∈ H). Hence there is a bounded operatorR T on H such that hT u, vi = for all u, v ∈ H. We denote T by f dP : Z Z (1.42) f dP u, v = f dPu,v . If f is a simple function, say f = Z f dPu,v R f dPu,v Pn cj χEj , then DX E X X = cj Pu,v (Ej ) = cj hP (Ej )u, vi = cj P (Ej )u, v , 1 R P so that f dP = cj P (Ej ) as one would expect. Moreover, since every f ∈ B(Ω) is a uniform limit of a sequence {fn } of simple R R R functions, and since k f dP − fn dP k ≤ 4kf −fn ksup , we can obtain f dP as a limit (in the norm topology) of “Riemann sums” just as we do for ordinary integrals. 22 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 1.43 Theorem. If P is an H-projection-valued measure on (Ω, M), the R map f 7→ f dP is a ∗-homomorphism from B(Ω) to L(H). R Proof. The map f 7→ f dPPis clearly linear, and R Pmwe have seen that n k f dP k ≤ 4kf k . If f = c χ and g = sup j E j 1 1 dk χFk , then f g = P c d χ , so j k E ∩F j k j,k Z Z Z X X f g dP = cj dk P (Ej ∩ Fk ) = cj dk P (Ej )P (Fk ) = f dP g dP. R R R By passing to uniform limits,Rwe see that f g dP = ( f dP )( g dP ) R for all f, g ∈ B(Ω). Similarly, f dP = ( f dP )∗ . R It now follows from Proposition 1.24(b) that k f dP k R≤ kf ksup. It R is also easy to see this directly: if T = f dP then T ∗ T = |f |2 dP , so by (1.41), Z 2 ∗ kT vk = hT T v, vi = |f |2 dPv,v ≤ kf k2sup kvk2 . Let us now return to the case where (Ω, M) is the spectrum Σ of the algebra A equipped with its Borel σ-algebra and P is given by (1.37). Then Z Pu,v (E) = hP (E)u, vi = χE dµu,v = µu,v (E) for any E, so Pu,v = µu,v . In Rparticular, P is regular. Moreover, it follows from (1.35) and (1.42) that f dP = Tf for all f ∈ B(Σ). We have now arrived at the promised generalization of (1.32): 1.44 Theorem (Spectral Theorem I). Let A be a commutative C* subalgebra of L(H) containing I, and let Σ be its spectrum. There is a unique R regular projection-valued measure P on Σ such that T = Tb dP for all R T ∈ A, and Tf = f dP for all f ∈ B(Σ). Moreover, if S ∈ L(H), the following are equivalent: i. S commutes with every T ∈ A. ii. S commutes with P R (E) for every Borel set E ⊂ Σ. iii. S commutes with f dP for every f ∈ B(Σ). Proof. We have proved everything except the uniqueness and the final assertion. Uniqueness holds because of the uniqueness in the Riesz representation: the operators in A determine the measures µu,v = Pu,v through (1.33), and the measures Pu,v determine P through (1.40). As for the final assertion, (iii) clearly implies (i) and (ii), and we proved that (i) implies (iii) in Theorem 1.36. (ii) implies (iii) by Theorem 1.43 since every f ∈ B(Σ) is a uniform limit of simple functions, and the norm limit of operators that commute with S also commutes with S. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 23 We now give the generalization of the second reformulation of the finite-dimensional spectral theorem. Here, too, the crucial ingredient is the measures µu,v defined by (1.33). But first, a couple of lemmas. 1.45 Lemma. Suppose A ⊂ L(H) is a C* algebra, and X ⊂ H is a closed subspace such that T (X) ⊂ X for all T ∈ A. a. We have T (X⊥ ) ⊂ X⊥ for all T ∈ A. b. Let AX = {T |X : T ∈ A}, Σ = σ(A), and ΣX = σ(AX ). Then ΣX can be naturally identified with a compact subset of Σ, and when this is done, the Gelfand transforms on A and AX are related by (T |X)b = Tb|ΣX . c. We extend any Borel measure µ on ΣX (considered as a subset of Σ) to a measure µe on Σ by setting µe(E) = µ(E ∩ ΣX ) for all Borel X E ⊂ Σ. If v ∈ X and µv,v and µX v,v are the measures on Σ and Σ X X associated to A and A by (1.33), then µv,v = (µv,v )e. Proof. (a) If u ∈ X⊥ , v ∈ X, and T ∈ A, then hT u, vi = hu, T ∗ vi = 0 since A is closed under adjoints; hence T u ∈ X⊥ . (b) Any multiplicative functional λ on AX defines a multiplicative e on A by λ(T e ) = λ(T |X), and the quantities on the left and functional λ e and (T |X)b(λ). right sides of this equality are, respectively, Tb(λ) (c) The restriction map f 7→ f |ΣX from C(Σ) to C(ΣX ) is a surjection by the Tietze extension theorem, so it induces an injection on the dual spaces, M (ΣX ) → M (Σ). It is an easy exercise to check that this is the map µ 7→ µe. The desired result follows in view of (b): if f ∈ C(Σ) and Tf is its inverse Gelfand transform in A, Z Z Z X f dµv,v = hTf v, vi = h(T |X)v, vi = f dµv,v = f d(µX v,v )e. Σ ΣX Σ 1.46 Lemma. Suppose (Ω, µ) is a semi-finite1 measure space and φ ∈ L∞ (µ). If T ∈ L(L2 (µ)) is defined by T f = φf , then kT k = kφk∞ . Proof. Since |φf | ≤ kφk∞ |f | a.e., it is clear that kφf k2 ≤ kφk∞ kf k2, so kT k ≤ kφk∞ . On the other hand, given ǫ > 0, let E = {ω : |φ(ω)| > kφk∞ − ǫ}. Then µ(E) > 0, so there exists F ⊂ E with 0 < µ(F ) < ∞. But then χF ∈ L2 (µ) and Z 2 2 |φχF |2 dµ ≥ kφk∞ − ǫ µ(F ) = kφk∞ − ǫ kχF k22 , so kT k ≥ kφk∞ − ǫ. 1 A measure space is semi-finite if every set of infinite measure contains a subset of positive finite measure. 24 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 1.47 Theorem (Spectral Theorem II). Let A be a commutative C* subalgebra of L(H) containing I. There is a semi-finite measure space (Ω, M, µ), a unitary map U : H → L2 (µ), and an isometric ∗homomorphism T 7→ φT from A into L∞ (µ) such that U T U −1ψ = φT ψ for all ψ ∈ L2 (µ) and T ∈ A. Ω can be taken as the disjoint union of copies of the spectrum Σ of A in such a way that µ is finite on each copy and φT = Tb on each copy. Proof. First suppose there exists v ∈ H such that Av = {T v : T ∈ A} is dense in H, and let µ = µv,v as in (1.33). Then, for any T ∈ A, Z kT vk2 = hT ∗ T v, vi = |Tb|2 dµ. In particular, if T v = Sv then Tb − Sb = 0 µ-a.e., so T v 7→ Tb is a welldefined linear isometry from Av into L2 (µ), and it extends uniquely to a linear isometry U : H → L2 (µ). The range of U is necessarily closed, and it includes C(Σ), which is dense in L2 (µ) since µ is regular, so U is unitary. If ψ ∈ C(Σ) and T ∈ A then U T U −1 ψ = U T Tψ v = (T Tψ )b = Tbψ, and it follows that U T U −1 ψ = Tbψ for all ψ ∈ L2 (µ). For the general case, let {vi }i∈I be a maximal collection of nonzero vectors in H such that the subspaces Hi = Avi are mutually orthogonal; such a set exists by Zorn’s L lemma. Then each Hi is invariant under every T ∈ A; hence so is i∈I Hi . It follows from Lemma L L 1.45(a) that Hi to the set i∈I Hi = H, for otherwise one could add any v ⊥ {vi }. For each i ∈ I, let Σi be a copy of Σ, let µi be the measure µvi ,vi on Σi and let Ω be the disjoint union of the Σi ; moreover, let M be the σ-algebra of sets E ⊂ Ω such that P E ∩ Σi is Borel in Σi for every i, and define µ on M by µ(E) = Li∈I µi (E ∩ Σi ). Since each µi is finite, µ is semi-finite, and L2 (µ) ∼ = i∈I L2 (µi ). For each i, the algebra Ai = {T |Hi : T ∈ A} satisfies the conditions of the preceding paragraph, and the construction there together with the identifications of spectra, Gelfand transforms, and measures in Lemma 1.45(b,c) yield a unitary map Ui : Hi → L2 (µi ) such that Ui T Ui−1 is multiplication by L Tb. Let U = Ui : H → L2 (µ); then, if T ∈ A, U T U −1 is multiplication by φT where φT = Tb on each Σi . Since the Gelfand transform is a ∗homomorphism, and since kT k = kU T U −1k = kφT k∞ by Lemma 1.46, we are done. We remark that if H is separable, there can only be countably many summands Hi , so the measure µ is σ-finite. In fact, µ can P be taken to be finite: simply multiply the vi by small scalars so that i∈I kvi k2 < ∞. Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 25 In comparison to Spectral Theorem I, Spectral Theorem II has the disadvantage that the measure space (Ω, µ) and the unitary map U , unlike the projection-valued measure P , are not canonically determined by A. However, it is frequently more useful, because important properties of operators are often quite transparent when the operators are multiplication by bounded functions on an L2 space. As an example, we obtain a significant improvement on Theorem 1.36(b). 1.48 Proposition. If {fn } ⊂ B(Σ) and fn → f p.b., then Tfn → Tf in the strong operator topology. Proof. With notation as in the proof of Spectral Theorem II, it is an easy exercise (left to the reader) to check that for any f ∈ B(Σ), U Tf U −1 ψ = φf ψ where φf = f on each Σi . If fn → f p.b., clearly φfn → φf p.b. But then it is obvious from the dominated convergence theorem that kφfn ψ − φf ψk2 → 0 for any ψ ∈ L2 (µ). Taking ψ = U v, this means that kTfn v − Tf vk → 0 for every v ∈ H. Let us now reduce all this general theory to the case of a single selfadjoint operator, or more generally a single normal operator. (Recall that T ∈ L(H) is normal if T T ∗ = T ∗ T .) If T is normal, let AT be the C* algebra generated by T , T ∗ , and I. Then AT is commutative, and by Proposition 1.15 we can identify σ(AT ) with σ(T ) ⊂ C in such a way that the Gelfand transform of T is the function ι(λ) = λ on σ(T ). Once we have done this, Spectral Theorem I gives a projection-valued measure PT on σ(T ) such that Z T = λ dPT (λ). Pn k If p(λ) = j,k=1 cjk λj λ is a polynomial in λ and λ (or equivalently R a polynomial in Re λ and Im λ),R since the P correspondence f 7→ f dPT cjk T j T ∗k . In other words, Ris a ∗-homomorphism we have p dPT = p dP is obtained by formally substituting T and T ∗ for λ and λ in p. It is therefore natural to define the operator f (T ) for any f ∈ B(σ(T )) by Z (1.49) f (T ) = f dPT , and we obtain in this way a Borel functional calculus for the operator T . Its main properties are summarized in Theorem 1.51 below. In view of Spectral Theorem II, it is important to see what these constructions yield when H = L2 (Ω, µ) and T is multiplication by φ ∈ L∞ (Ω, µ). In the first place, the spectrum of T is the “essential range” 26 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition of φ, namely, the set of λ ∈ C for which {ω : |φ(ω) − λ| < ǫ} has positive measure for every ǫ > 0, or equivalently the set of λ for which (φ−λ)−1 ∈ / L∞ . From this it is easy to see that φ(ω) ∈ σ(T ) for a.e. ω, so by modifying φ on a nullset we can always assume that range(φ) ⊂ σ(T ). Clearly T n is multiplication by φn and T ∗ is multiplication by φ, so p(T ) is multiplication by p ◦ φ for any polynomial p in λ and λ. One is therefore led to guess that f (T ) will be multiplication by f ◦ φ for every f ∈ B(σ(T )); in particular, the projections PT (E) will be multiplication by χφ−1 (E) . It is not too hard to prove this directly from the definitions, but we shall give a somewhat slicker proof in the following theorem. 1.50 Lemma. Let K be a compact subset of Rn , and let B be the smallest algebra of functions on K that contains all polynomials and is closed under p.b. limits. Then B = B(K), the algebra of bounded Borel functions on K. Proof. B contains C(K) by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, and then by taking p.b. limits one can easily see that it contains the characteristic function of every open set. Let M = {E ⊂ K : χE ∈ B}. Then M is closed under complements since χK\E = 1 − χE ; it is closed under finite intersections since χE∩F = χE χF ; and it is then closed under countable intersections since χT∞ is the p.b. limit of χTn1 Ej . Hence 1 Ej M is a σ-algebra, and it contains the open sets, so it contains all Borel sets. But then B contains all simple Borel functions and hence (by taking p.b. limits once again) all bounded Borel functions. Since B(K) is an algebra that is closed under p.b. limits, we are done. 1.51 Theorem. Suppose T ∈ L(H) is normal. There is a unique ∗homomorphism f 7→ f (T ) from B(σ(T )) to L(H) such that (1) f (T ) = T when f (λ) = λ, and (2) fn (T ) → f (T ) in the strong operator topology whenever fn → f p.b. The correspondence f 7→ f (T ) has the following additional properties: a. If A is any commutative C* algebra containing T , Tb is the Gelfand transform of T with respect to A, and PA R is the associated projectionvalued measure on σ(A), then f (T ) = f ◦ Tb dPA . b. If H = L2 (µ) and T is multiplication by φ ∈ L∞ (µ) (with range(φ) ⊂ σ(T )), then f (T ) is multiplication by f ◦ φ for every f ∈ B(σ(T )). c. If S ∈ L(H) commutes with T and T ∗ , then S commutes with f (T ) for every f ∈ B(σ(T )). Proof. To prove existence, of a ∗-homomorphism f 7→ f (T ) satisfying (1) and (2), we define f (T ) by (1.49); the desired properties follow from Theorem 1.36 (or (1.43)) and Proposition 1.48. To prove uniqueness, suppose f 7→ fe(T ) is another such correspondence, and let B = {f : f (T ) = fe(T )}. Then B contains all polynomials in λ and λ, or Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 27 equivalently all polynomials in Re λ and Im λ, since the correspondences are ∗-homomorphisms. Also, B is clearly closed under sums, products, and p.b. limits. Hence B = B(σ(T )) by Lemma 1.50. Properties (a) and (b) follow from the uniqueness, since the maps R f 7→ f ◦ Tb dPA and f 7→ (mult. by f ◦ φ) have all the asserted properties. (This follows from Spectral Theorem I and Proposition 1.48 in the case (a), and by simple direct arguments in the case (b).) Finally, (c) is true by Theorem 1.36, since if S commutes with T and T ∗ , it clearly commutes with every operator in the C* algebra they generate. Let us observe that the finite-dimensional spectral theorem is an easy corollary of Spectral Theorem I. Indeed, if A is a commutative C* algebra of operators on H and dim H < ∞, then σ(A) is a set of cardinality dim A < ∞, say σ(A) = {σ1 , . . . , σn }. The ranges of the projections P ({σj }), 1 ≤ j ≤ n, are mutually orthogonal subspaces of H whose direct sum is H, and they are eigenspaces for every T ∈ A, viz., T P ({σj }) = Tb(σj )P ({σj }) for all j. We conclude by showing that for compact operators, the spectral theorem becomes a direct generalization of the finite-dimensional case. 1.52 Theorem. If T is a compact normal operator on H, there is an orthonormal basis for H consisting of eigenvectors for T . Proof. Let E0 = {0} and En = {λ ∈ σ(T ) : n−1 ≤ |λ| < (n − 1)−1 } for n ≥ 1, and let Hn be the range of the projection P (En ) = χEn (T ). The spaces L∞ Hn are mutually orthogonal and invariant under T , and H = 0 Hn . H0 is already an eigenspace for T (with eigenvalue 0), so it suffices to show that each Hn (n ≥ 1) has an orthonormal basis consisting of eigenvectors for T . Now, T |Hn is an invertible operator on Hn . (Use Spectral Theorem II: T is unitarily equivalent to multiplication by a function φ on a space L2 (Ω, µ). The subspace of L2 (Ω, µ) corresponding to Hn is L2 (Ωn , µ) where Ωn = {ω : φ(ω) ∈ En }, and 1/φ is bounded by n on this set.) But T |Hn is also compact, so the identity operator on Hn is compact and hence dim Hn < ∞. The proof is therefore concluded by applying the finite-dimensional spectral theorem to T |Hn . 1.5 Spectral Theory of ∗-Representations The object of this section is to derive a version of the spectral theorem that applies to ∗-homomorphisms from a Banach ∗-algebra A into the algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space. For this purpose, we 28 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition shall wish to apply the spectral theorem to C* subalgebras of L(H) that do not contain I, and there is one minor pitfall to be avoided. Namely, suppose H1 and H2 are Hilbert spaces and A is a C* subalgebra of L(H1 ) containing I1 , the identity operator on H1 . For T ∈ A, define T ′ ∈ L(H1 ⊕ H2 ) by T ′ (x1 , x2 ) = (T x1 , 0). Then A′ = {T ′ : T ∈ A} is a C* subalgebra of L(H1 ⊕ H2 ) that has a unit (namely I1′ , the orthogonal projection onto H1 ) but does not contain the identity operator on H1 ⊕ H2 ! To avoid this situation, we define a ∗-subalgebra A of L(H) to be nondegenerate if there is no nonzero v ∈ H such that T v = 0 for all T ∈ A. In this case, if A contains a unit E, E is an orthogonal projection (E 2 = E ∗ = E) and every v in the nullspace of E satisfies T v = T Ev = 0 for all T ∈ A, whence v = 0; it follows that E = I. In other words, if A does not contain I then A is nonunital. Suppose now that A is a nondegenerate commutative C* subalgebra e of A, given of L(H) that does not contain I. The unital augementation A e = A ⊕ CI. abstractly by Proposition 1.27, is realized concretely as A e with σ(A) ∪ {0}, and Then, as explained in §1.3, we can identify σ(A) e a regular projectionwe now do so. The spectral theorem associates to A e b valued measure P on σ(A). If T ∈ A we have T (0) = 0, so T P ({0}) = 0, and hence every v in the range of P ({0}) satisfies T v = 0 for all T ∈ A. Since A is nondegenerate, it follows that P ({0}) = 0, so we can think of P as a projection-valued measure on σ(A). As such it is clearly still regular, so we have the following extension of Spectral Theorem I: 1.53 Theorem. Spectral Theorem I remains valid if the assumption that I ∈ A is replaced by the assumption that A is nondegenerate. Now let A be an abstract Banach ∗-algebra. A ∗-representation of A on a Hilbert space H is a ∗-homomorphism φ from A to L(H). In this case the norm-closure B of φ(A) in L(H) is a C* subalgebra of L(H), and we say that φ is nondegenerate if B is nondegenerate, i.e., if there is no nonzero v ∈ H such that φ(x)v = 0 for all x ∈ A. Suppose now that A is commutative, and that φ is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of A on H. We first consider the case where A has a unit e. Then φ(e) is a unit for B = φ(A), so the nondegeneracy implies that φ(e) = I. φ induces a continuous map φ∗ : σ(B) → σ(A), namely φ∗ h = h ◦ φ. If φ∗ h1 = φ∗ h2 then h1 and h2 agree on φ(A) and hence everywhere, so φ∗ is an injection. Since σ(B) is a compact Hausdorff space, φ∗ is a homeomorphism onto its range, which is a compact subset of σ(A). Moreover, the spectral theorem associates to B a unique regular projection-valued measure P0 on σ(B) such that R T = Tb dP0 for all T ∈ B. The map φ∗ can be used to pull P0 back to a projection-valued measure P on σ(A), namely P (E) = P0 (φ∗−1 (E)), Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 29 and in view of the properties of φ∗ stated above it is easy to check that P is regular. Moreover, the Gelfand transforms R on ∗A and B are related R by (φ(x))b(h) = x b(φ∗ h), so we have φ(x) = x b(φ h) dP0 (h) = x b dP for all x ∈ A. Much the same thing works if A is nonunital. It may still happen that I ∈ B, in which case the preceding discussion goes through with no change. If not, φ can be extended to a nondegenerate ∗-representation of e of A in the obvious way, φ(x, a) = φ(x) + aI, the unital augmentation A e is B e = B ⊕ CI. As above, we have the map and the norm closure of φ(A) φ∗ h = h ◦ φ from σ(B) to σ(A), which extends continuously to a map e ∼ e ∼ from σ(B) = σ(B) ∪ {0} to σ(A) = σ(A) ∪ {0} by setting φ∗ (0) = 0. ∗ e e and φ is a homeomorphism from σ(B) onto a compact subset of σ(A), hence is a homeomorphism from σ(B) onto a closed subset of σ(A). By Theorem 1.53 there Ris a unique regular projection-valued measure P0 on σ(B) such that T = Tb dP0 for all T ∈ B, and just as above, this induces R a regular projection-valued measure P on σ(A) such that φ(x) = x b dP for all x ∈ A. In short, we have: 1.54 Theorem. Let A be a commutative Banach ∗-algebra, and let φ be a nondegenerate ∗-representation of A on H. There is a unique regular R projection-valued measure P on σ(A) such that φ(x) = x b dP for all x ∈ A. If T ∈ L(H), T commutes with φ(x) for every x ∈ A if and only if T commutes with P (E) for every Borel E ⊂ σ(A). In particular, suppose that A = C0 (S) where S is a locally compact Hausdorff space. Then σ(A) is naturally homeomorphic to S in such a way that the Gelfand transform on A becomes the identity map. We then have: 1.55 Corollary. Let S be a locally compact Hausdorff space, and let φ be a nondegenerate ∗-representation of C0 (S) on H. There isR a unique regular projection-valued measure P on S such that φ(f ) = f dP for all f ∈ C0 (S). If T ∈ L(H), T commutes with φ(f ) for every f ∈ C0 (S) if and only if T commutes with P (E) for every Borel E ⊂ S. 1.6 Von Neumann Algebras A von Neumann algebra is a C* algebra of operators on a Hilbert space that contains the identity and is closed in the weak operator topology. The theory of von Neumann algebras is a large subject; here we present only a few basic results that will be of use later on and discuss the connection with the spectral functional calculus. 30 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition One obvious way to obtain a von Neumann algebra is to start with any ∗-subalgebra of L(H) containing I and take its weak closure. Another is as follows. If S is any subset of L(H), its commutant or centralizer is the set S′ defined by S′ = T ∈ L(H) : ST = T S for all S ∈ S . It is simple to check that S′ is a unital algebra, and it is weakly closed because if Tα → T weakly then STα → ST and Tα S → T S weakly for any S. If, in addition, S is closed under taking adjoints, so is S′ , and hence S′ is a von Neumann algebra. We may then go a step further and consider the bicommutant S′′ = (S′ )′ ; this is a von Neumann algebra that contains the original set S. The following theorem is the most fundamental result about von Neumann algebras. To prepare for it, we need to make some remarks about direct sums that will also be useful elsewhere. Let H be a Hilbert space, and let J be an index set. For notational convenience we shall take J to be either {1, 2, . . . , N } (N > 1) or {1, 2, 3, . . .}, but this is notL really necessary. For each i ∈ J let Hi be a copy of H, and let HJ = i∈J Hi . Then every T ∈ L(HJ ) can be represented as a matrix [Tij ] of operators in L(H). That is, for x ∈ H, Tij x is the i-th component of T (0, . . . , 0, x, 0, . . .) where P x appears in the jth slot, so that for x = (x1 , x2 , . . .) ∈ HJ , (T x)i = j Tij xj . Next, for A ∈ L(H), let AJ be the direct sum of J copies of A acting on HJ : AJ (x1 , x2 , . . .) = (Ax1 , Ax2 , . . .). Suppose A is a subset of L(H); we set AJ = {AJ : A ∈ A}. It is an easy exercise to check that an operator T = [Tij ] on HJ belongs to (AJ )′ if and only if every Tij belongs to A′ . It follows that if S ∈ A′′ , then S J ∈ (AJ )′′ . 1.56 Theorem (The von Neumann Density Theorem). Let A be a nondegenerate ∗-subalgebra of L(H). Then: a. A is dense in A′′ in the strong operator topology. b. The following conditions are equivalent: i. A = A′′ . ii. A is a von Neumann algebra. iii. A is closed in the strong operator topology. Proof. For (a), suppose S ∈ A′′ . We must show that P for any ǫ >2 0 and any x1 , . . . , xN ∈ H there exists A ∈ A such that kSxi − Axi k < ǫ2 . First, consider the case N = 1. Given x ∈ H, let X be the closure of {Ax : A ∈ A}, a closed subspace of H. Since X is invariant under A, it is easy to check that the orthogonal projection P onto X lies in A′ . This Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 31 implies, first, that for all A ∈ A, A(I − P )x = (I − P )Ax = 0; since A is nondegenerate, we have (I − P )x = 0, that is, x = P x. But it also implies that SP = P S, so Sx = SP x = P Sx ∈ X. In other words, for any ǫ > 0 there is an A ∈ A such that kSx − Axk < ǫ. Now for the case N > 1, we simply apply the result for N = 1 to the algebra AJ with J = {1, . . . , N }. As we observed above, if S ∈ A′′ then J J J S J ∈ (AJ )′′ , so given x = (x1 , . . . , x N ) ∈ H there is an A ∈ A with P J J 2 2 kS x − A xk < ǫ; in other words, kSxi − Axi k < ǫ , as required. Part (b) is an immediate consequence. The implications (i) ⇒ (ii) and (ii) ⇒ (iii) are trivial, and (iii) ⇒ (i) by part (a). Commutative von Neumann algebras are intimately connected with the spectral functional calculus developed earlier in this chapter: In the notation of §1.4, the final assertion of Spectral Theorem I (1.44) says that if A is a commutative C* subalgebra of L(H) with spectrum Σ, the R operators Tf = f dP , f ∈ B(Σ), all belong to A′′ , which by Theorem 1.56 is the von Neumann algebra generated by A. This has the consequence that von Neumann algebras are rich in orthogonal projections. Indeed, any von Neumann algebra contains all the spectral projections of each of its self-adjoint elements. This contrasts strongly with the situation for C* algebras, which may contain no nontrivial projections at all. This is the case, for example, for any commutative C* algebra whose spectrum is connected, as follows easily from the Gelfand-Naimark theorem. When H is separable, the connection between the spectral functional calculus for a C* algebra A ⊂ L(H) and the von Neumann algebra A′′ goes both ways: 1.57 Theorem. Suppose H is a separable Hilbert space, A is a commutative C* subalgebra of L(H) with spectrum Σ, and P is the associated projection-valued measure on Σ. Then the von Neumann algebra generR ated by A consists precisely of the operators Tf = f dP as f ranges over the space B(Σ) of bounded Borel functions on Σ. The proof that every S ∈ A′′ is of the form Tf is easy when A has a cyclic vector v. In this case, by Spectral Theorem II (1.47) (and its proof), we may assume that H = L2 (Σ, µ) where µ = µv,v is a finite Borel measure on Σ, so that for f ∈ B(Σ), Tf is simply the operator of multiplication by f . Since µ is finite, the constant function 1 is in L2 (µ); let φ = S1 ∈ L2 (µ). Since S ∈ A′′ and A ⊂ A′ , for any f ∈ B(Σ) we have Sf = S(Tf 1) = Tf S1 = f φ. Since S is bounded on L2 (µ) we must have φ ∈ L∞ (µ), so we can take φ ∈ B(Σ); and since B(Σ) is dense in L2 (µ), it follows that S = Tφ . In the general case, H is the direct sum of cyclic subspaces Hi , and for 32 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition each i we can assume that Hi = L2 (µi ); the preceding argument yields a function φi on Σ so that S|Hi is multiplication by φi . What must be shown is that one can take the φi ’s all to be the same function φ so that S = Tφ . Since each one is determined only a.e. with respect to µi , and the µi ’s may have different sets of measure zero, this is not entirely straightforward, and indeed not always true when H is inseparable so that uncountably many cyclic subspaces are needed. We refer the reader to Dixmier [31, §I.7] or Pedersen [111, Corollary 2.8.8]; also Riesz and Sz.-Nagy [120, §129] for the case where A is generated by one self-adjoint operator. In the setting of Theorem 1.57, it follows that the von Neumann algebra A′′ is isometrically ∗-isomorphic to the algebra L∞ (Σ, P ). (Since the L∞ space of a Borel measure µ depends on µ only to the extent that µ determines which sets have measure zero, it doesn’t matter that P is projection-valued rather than scalar-valued.) This much carries over to the inseparable case: every commutative von Neumann algebra is isometrically ∗-isomorphic to an L∞ space. See Dixmier [31, §I.7]. Incidentally, suppose the algebra A in Theorem 1.57 is a von Neumann algebra to begin with. Then A = A′′ , so on the one hand, A∼ = C(Σ), and on the other, A ∼ = L∞ (Σ, P ), so every bounded Borel function on Σ — and in particular, the characteristic function of every Borel set — agrees P -a.e. with a continuous function! Since the support of P is all of Σ, it follows that the topology on Σ is extremely strong and, if not actually discrete, quite bizarre. The reader might enjoy exploring the pathologies of the case A = L∞ ([0, 1]), acting on L2 ([0, 1]) (with Lebesgue measure) in the obvious way. At the other extreme from the commutative von Neumann algebras (which satisfy A ⊂ A′ ) are the von Neumann algebras whose center is trivial, that is, which satisfy A ∩ A′ = CI. Such algebras are called factors. Note that since the condition A∩A′ = CI is symmetric in A and A′ , A is a factor if and only if A′ is a factor. The most obvious example of a factor in L(H) is L(H) itself. (The verification that L(H)′ = CI is an easy exercise.) More generally, with the notation introduced in the remarks preceding Theorem 1.56, for any index set J, L(H)J is a factor on the direct sum HJ of copies of H. Indeed, as we observed before Theorem 1.56, an operator T = [Tij ] on HJ belongs to (L(H)J )′ if and only if Tij ∈ L(H)′ — that is, Tij = tij I for some tij ∈ C — for all i and j. On the other hand, T ∈ L(H)J if and only if Tij = δij T0 for some T0 ∈ L(H). These two conditions are simultaneously satisfied only when T is a scalar multiple of the identity on HJ . This situation can be neatly described in the language of tensor products. As discussed in Appendix 3, the direct sum HJ can be naturally Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 33 identified with H ⊗ l2 (J) (Proposition A.18). The algebra L(H)J then becomes L(H) ⊗ I = {T ⊗ I : T ∈ L(H)}, and its commutant becomes I ⊗ L(l2 (J)) = {I ⊗ S : S ∈ L(l2 (J))} since linear operators on l2 (J) can be identified with matrices [tij ] with scalar entries. This result is presented more formally in Theorem 7.11. Factors are classified as type I, II, or III depending on the structure of their lattice of orthogonal projections. To describe this situation in detail would take us too far outside the scope of this book; we shall encounter no factors of type III in the sequel, and factors of type II make only a fleeting appearance in Chapter 7. However, we shall say a few things about factors of type I. There are several equivalent definitions of factors of type I, among which the following one will be most convenient for us: a factor A ⊂ L(H) is of type I if it is isometrically ∗-isomorphic to L(H1 ) for some (possibly different) Hilbert space H1 . For example, the algebra L(H)J is a factor of type I on HJ , for the map A → AJ is an isomorphism from L(H) to L(H)J . In fact, these are essentially the only examples; we state the result in terms of tensor products. 1.58 Theorem. If A is a factor of type I on H, isomorphic to L(H1 ), there is another Hilbert space H2 and a unitary map U : H → H1 ⊗ H2 such that U AU −1 = L(H1 ) ⊗ I and U A′ U −1 = I ⊗ L(H2 ). A proof may be found in Dixmier [31, §I.8.2, Corollary 3]. 1.59 Corollary. A factor A is of type I if and only if A′ is of type I. 1.7 Notes and References For more extensive treatments of Banach algebras and spectral theory, we refer the reader to Rudin [123], Reed and Simon [116], Dixmier [32], Rickart [118], Loomis [84], Pedersen [111], and Dunford and Schwartz [34]. The latter book is a good source for historical references. Banach algebras are sometimes called normed rings in the older literature, and C* algebras are sometimes called B* algebras. (The latter two names originally referred to distinct concepts, which were eventually proved to be essentially identical. The distinction between them has not been found to be worth preserving, and the name “C*” has won out. See Rickart [118, p. 248].) The Gelfand-Naimark theorem is the definitive structure theorem for commutative C* algebras. There is also a structure theorem for general C* algebras: 34 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 1.60 Theorem. Every C* algebra is isometrically ∗-isomorphic to a C* subalgebra of the algebra of bounded operators on some Hilbert space. The proof of this theorem — the so-called Gelfand-Naimark-Segal construction — can be found in Rudin [123] or Pedersen [111]. It consists of showing that every C* algebra A has a large supply of positive linear functionals (a bounded linear functional φ on a Banach ∗-algebra is positive if φ(x∗ x) ≥ 0 for all x), and then using the positive functionals to construct ∗-representations of A in much the same way that we shall use functions of positive type to construct representations of a group in §3.3. Halmos [58] defines a Borel projection-valued measure P on a locally compact Hausdorff space Ω to be regular if, for any Borel set E ⊂ Ω, P (E) is the projection onto the closed linear span of the ranges of P (K) as K varies over compact subsets of E. It is a fairly simple exercise to see that this condition holds if and only if the measures Pv,v are all inner regular, i.e., Pv,v (E) = supK⊂⊂E Pv,v (K). But inner and outer regularity are equivalent for finite measures, and the complex measures Pu,v are obtained from the Pv,v by polarization, so Halmos’s definition of regularity for projection-valued measures is equivalent to ours. Despite the non-uniqueness of Ω, µ, and U in Spectral Theorem II, there is a canonical form for these objects, given by the theory of spectral multiplicity. See Halmos [58] or Nelson [109]; the latter treatment is particularly elegant. In Theorem 1.51(c), the hypothesis that S commutes with T and T ∗ can be replaced by the apparently weaker hypothesis that S merely commutes with T . This is the Fuglede commutativity theorem; two quite different but equally entertaining proofs can be found in Rudin [123] and Halmos [59]. The classic reference for von Neumann algebras is Dixmier [31]. The theory has expanded considerably since it was written (the original French version was published in 1969), but it is still a very good source for the topics it contains. More recent books such as Pedersen [111], Takesaki [134], and Blackadar [12] include accounts of newer developments. 2 Locally Compact Groups This chapter contains the basic theory of the objects on which harmonic analysis is performed, namely the locally compact topological groups and their homogeneous spaces. The fundamental features, without which little else is possible, are the existence and uniqueness of a translationinvariant measure λ on any locally compact group and the endowment of L1 (λ) with the structure of a Banach ∗-algebra. 2.1 Topological Groups A topological group is a group G equipped with a topology with respect to which the group operations are continuous; that is, (x, y) 7→ xy is continuous from G × G to G and x → x−1 is continuous from G to G. If G is a topological group, we shall denote the unit element of G by 1. If A ⊂ G and x ∈ G, we define Ax = yx : y ∈ A , xA = xy : y ∈ A , A−1 = y −1 : y ∈ A , and if also B ⊂ G, we define AB = xy : x ∈ A, y ∈ B . (Note: we shall refrain from writing A2 for AA, as A2 might equally denote {x2 : x ∈ A}, which is in general a proper subset of AA.) We say that A is symmetric if A = A−1 . It is a useful observation that A ∩ B = ∅ if and only if 1 ∈ / A−1 B. The following proposition lists several basic properties of topological groups that we shall use, often without comment, in the sequel. 2.1 Proposition. Let G be a topological group. a. The topology of G is invariant under translations and inversion; that is, if U is open then so are xU , U x, and U −1 for any x ∈ G. Moreover, if U is open then so are AU and U A for any A ⊂ G. 35 36 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition b. For every neighborhood U of 1 there is a symmetric neighborhood V of 1 such that V V ⊂ U . c. If H is a subgroup of G, so is H. d. Every open subgroup of G is closed. e. If A and B are compact sets in G, so is AB. Proof. (a) The first assertion is equivalent to the separate continuity of the map (x, y) → xy andSthe continuity of theS map x → x−1 . The second one follows since AU = x∈A xU and U A = x∈A U x. (b) Continuity of (x, y) → xy at 1 means that for every neighborhood U of 1 there are neighborhoods W1 , W2 of 1 with W1 W2 ⊂ U . The desired set V can be taken to be W1 ∩ W2 ∩ W1−1 ∩ W2−1 . (c) If x, y ∈ H there are nets {xα }, {yβ } in H converging to x, y. −1 Then xα yβ → xy and x−1 , so xy and x−1 are in H. α →x (d) If H is open, so are all its cosets xH; its complement G \ H is the union of all these cosets except H itself; hence G \ H is open and H is closed. (e) AB is the image of the compact set A × B under the continuous map (x, y) → xy, hence is compact. Suppose H is a subgroup of the topological group G. Let G/H be the space of left cosets of H, and let q : G → G/H be the canonical quotient map. We impose the quotient topology on G/H; that is, U ⊂ G/H is open if and only if q −1 (U ) is open in G. q maps open sets in G to open sets in G/H, for if V is open in G then q −1 (q(V )) = V H is also open by Proposition 2.1(a); hence q(V ) is open. 2.2 G. a. b. c. Proposition. Suppose H is a subgroup of the topological group If H is closed, G/H is Hausdorff. If G is locally compact, so is G/H. If H is normal, G/H is a topological group. Proof. (a) Suppose x = q(x), y = q(y) are distinct points of G/H. If H is closed, xHy −1 is a closed set that does not contain 1, so by Proposition 2.1(b) there is a symmetric neighborhood U of 1 with U U ∩ xHy −1 = ∅. Since U = U −1 and H = HH, 1 ∈ / U xH(U y)−1 = (U xH)(U yH)−1 , so (U xH) ∩ (U yH) = ∅. Thus q(U x) and q(U y) are disjoint neighborhoods of x and y. (b) If U is a compact neighborhood of 1 in G, q(U x) is a compact neighborhood of q(x) in G/H. (c) If x, y ∈ G and U is a neighborhood of q(xy) in G/H, the continuity of multiplication in G at (x, y) implies that there are neighborhoods Locally Compact Groups 37 V, W of x, y such that V W ⊂ q −1 (U ). Then q(V ) and q(W ) are neighborhoods of q(x) and q(y) such that q(V )q(W ) ⊂ U , so multiplication is continuous on G/H. Similarly, inversion is continuous. 2.3 Corollary. If G is T1 then G is Hausdorff. If G is not T1 then {1} is a closed normal subgroup, and G/{1} is a Hausdorff topological group. Proof. The first assertion follows by taking H = {1} in Proposition 2.2(a). {1} is a subgroup by Proposition 2.1(c); it is clearly the smallest closed subgroup of G. It is therefore normal, for otherwise one would obtain a smaller closed subgroup by intersecting it with one of its conjugates. The second assertion therefore follows from Proposition 2.2(a,c) by taking H = {1}. In view of Corollary 2.3, it is essentially no restriction to assume that a topological group is Hausdorff (simply work with G/{1} instead of G), and we do so henceforth. In particular, by a locally compact group we shall mean a topological group whose topology is locally compact and Hausdorff. 2.4 Proposition. Every locally compact group G has a subgroup G0 that is open, closed, and σ-compact. Proof. Let U be a symmetric compact S∞ neighborhood of 1. Let Un = U U · · · U (n factors), and let G0 = 1 Un . Then G0 is a group (namely the group generated by U ); it is open since Un+1 is a neighborhood of Un for all n, and hence closed by Proposition 2.1(d). Moreover, each Un is compact by Proposition 2.1(e); hence G0 is σ-compact. With the notation of Proposition 2.4, G is the disjoint union of the cosets of G0 , each of which is closed and open in G and homeomorphic to G0 . Hence, from a topological point of view, G is just a disjoint union of copies of a σ-compact space. In particular, if G is connected then G is σ-compact. If f is a function on the topological group G and y ∈ G, we define the left and right translates of f through y by (2.5) Ly f (x) = f (y −1 x), Ry f (x) = f (xy). The reason for using y −1 in Ly and y in Ry is to make the maps y → Ly and y → Ry group homomorphisms: Lyz = Ly Lz , Ryz = Ry Rz . We shall say that f is left (resp. right) uniformly continuous if kLy f − f ksup → 0 (resp. kRy f − f ksup → 0) as y → 1. 38 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Warning: Some authors reverse the role of the words “left” and “right” in these definitions. The justification is that according to our definition, right uniform continuity of f has to do with the behavior of f (xy) − f (x) when y is in a neighborhood U of the identity; but the latter condition means that xy is in the neighborhood xU of x obtained by left translation of U . Our convention agrees with Weil [146] but not with Bourbaki [18], Hewitt and Ross [66], [67], or Reiter [117]. Fortunately, this issue will arise only in a couple of places. 2.6 Proposition. If f ∈ Cc (G) then f is left and right uniformly continuous. Proof. We give the proof for Ry f ; the argument for Ly f is similar. Given f ∈ Cc (G) and ǫ > 0, let K = supp f . For every x ∈ K there is a neighborhood Ux of 1 such that |f (xy) − f (x)| < 21 ǫ for y ∈ Ux , and there is a symmetric neighborhood Vx of 1 such that Vx Vx ⊂ Ux . The sets xV K, so there exist x1 , . . . xn ∈ K such that Sx (x ∈ K) cover T K ⊂ n1 xj Vxj . Let V = n1 Vxj ; we claim that kRy f − f ksup < ǫ for y ∈V. If x ∈ K then there is some j for which x−1 j x ∈ Vxj , so that xy = xj (x−1 x)y ∈ x U . But then j xj j |f (xy) − f (x)| ≤ |f (xy) − f (xj )| + |f (xj ) − f (x)| < 21 ǫ + 21 ǫ = ǫ. Similarly, if xy ∈ K then |f (xy) − f (x)| < ǫ. But if x and xy are not in K then f (x) = f (xy) = 0, so we are done. The locally compact groups that arise most frequently in practice are the (finite-dimensional) Lie groups. Examples include the additive group Rn and all closed subgroups of the group GL(n, R) of invertible linear transformations of Rn . The group T of complex numbers of modulus one, T = z ∈ C : |z| = 1 , will play a particularly important role for us. It is isomorphic to R/Z or R/2πZ, and we shall often not distinguish between T and R/2πZ. In addition, there are a few classes of non-Lie groups that are of considerable importance. One such class is the class of compact groups obtained by taking infinite products of compact Lie groups or finite groups. For example, the product of a countable number of copies of the 2-element group Z2 turns up in several contexts. In probability theory, it is the sample space for the simplest sort of stochastic process, an infinite sequence of coin tosses. In Fourier analysis, it is the basis for the theory of Walsh functions on the unit interval, as we shall see later. The other important class of examples is the local fields and the Locally Compact Groups 39 matrix groups associated to them. Here we shall work out the basic example, the field Qp of p-adic numbers. Fix a prime p. By the unique factorization theorem, any nonzero rational number r can be written uniquely as r = pm q where m ∈ Z and q is a rational number whose numerator and denominator are not divisible by p. We define the p-adic norm of r, denoted by |r|p , to be p−m , and we set |0|p = 0. The p-adic norm clearly satisfies (2.7) |r1 + r2 |p ≤ max |r1 |p , |r2 |p , |r1 r2 |p = |r1 |p |r2 |p . It follows that the p-adic distance function dp (r1 , r2 ) = |r1 − r2 |p is a metric on Q with respect to which the arithmetic operations are continuous. These operations therefore extend to the completion of Q with respect to the metric dp , yielding a field that is called the field of p-adic numbers and is denoted by Qp . Qp can be described more concretely as follows. 2.8 Proposition. If m ∈ Z and cj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1} for j ≥ m, the P∞ series m cj pj converges in Qp . Moreover, every p-adic number is the sum of such a series. P j Proof. The first assertion is easy: the partial sums of the series ∞ m cj p PN j −M are Cauchy, because | M cj p |p ≤ p → 0 as M → ∞. To prove P∞ the second one, we observe that the series m cj pj looks just like the decimal expansion of a positive real number in base p except that there are only finitely many digits to the right of the decimal point and perhaps infinitely many to the left. (If the sum is finite, it is the base-p decimal expansion of a rational number.) The usual algorithms one learns in grade school for adding, multiplying, and dividing positive real numbers in decimal form work equally well here, with the obvious modifications. In the present situation, however, subtraction is also possible: if cm 6= 0, − ∞ X m cj pj = (p − cm )pm + P∞ ∞ X (p − 1 − cj )pj . m+1 It follows that the set of series m cj pj forms a field. To see that it is all of Qp , we need only showPthat it is complete. Suppose then that xn = cjn pj and {xn } is Cauchy. Then for each kP there exists N such that |xn1 − xn2 |p < p−k if n1 , n2 > N . But since | cj pj |p = p−m , where m is the smallest integer for which cm 6= 0, this can only happen if cjn1 = cjn2 for j ≤ k. Thus the sequences {cjn } are eventually constant in n for each j. P In other words, cj = limn→∞ cjn exists for every j, and then lim xn = cj pj . 40 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition For r ≥ 0 and x ∈ Qp , consider the closed ball B(r, x) = y ∈ Qp : |x − y|p ≤ r . Since the norm | · |p takes on only the values pk , k ∈ Z, and 0, for any r > 0 there is some ǫ > 0 for which the condition |x − y|p ≤ r is equivalent to |x − y|p < r + ǫ. Hence the balls B(r, x), r > 0, are both open and closed. (It follows that Qp is totally disconnected but has no isolated points: it is a Cantor set.) Moreover, by (2.7), if |x − y|p ≤ r and |y − z|p ≤ r then |x − z|p ≤ r, so any point of a ball is a “center” of that ball, and if two balls intersect then one is contained in the other. By (2.7) again, B(r, 0) is an additive subgroup of Qp for any r ≥ 0, and for r ≤ 1 it is a subring. B(1, 0) is called the ring of p-adic integers and is denoted by Zp ; it is the completion of the ordinary integers in the p-adic metric. pZp = B(p−1 , 0) is a subgroup of Zp , and the quotient is the cyclic group Zp of order p. In particular, Zp is the disjoint union of p cosets of pZp , i.e., of p balls of radius p−1 . It follows easily that if m > n ∈ Z, every ball B(pm , x) is the disjoint union of pm−n balls of radius pn . In particular, these balls are totally bounded, so since they are closed in the complete space Qp , they are compact. We have therefore proved that Qp is a locally compact group under addition, and Qp \ {0} is a locally compact group under multiplication. 2.2 Haar Measure Let G be a locally compact group. We recall that Cc (G) is the space of compactly supported continuous functions on G, and we set Cc+ (G) = f ∈ Cc (G) : f ≥ 0 and f 6≡ 0 . Since the positive and negative parts of a real continuous function are continuous, the linear span of Cc+ (G) is Cc (G). A left (resp. right) Haar measure on G is a nonzero Radon measure µ on G that satisfies µ(xE) = µ(E) (resp. µ(Ex) = µ(E)) for every Borel set E ⊂ G and every x ∈ G. 2.9 Proposition. Let µ be a Radon measure on the locally compact group G, and let µ e(E) = µ(E −1 ). a. µ is a left Haar measure if and only if µ eR is a right Haar measure. R b. µ is a left Haar measure if and only if Ly f dµ = f dµ for every f ∈ Cc+ (G) and every y ∈ G. Locally Compact Groups 41 Proof. (a) is Robvious. As for (b), for any Radon measure µ one has R Ly f dµ = f dµy for all f where µy (E) = µ(yE), as one sees by approximating R R f by simple functions. Thus if µ is a Haar measure then Ly f dµ = f dµ, and if the latter condition holds for all f ∈ Cc+ (G) and hence all f ∈ Cc (G), one has µ = µy by the uniqueness in the Riesz representation theorem. In view of Proposition 2.9(a), it is of little importance whether one chooses to study left or right Haar measure. The more common choice, to which we shall adhere, is the left one. The first order of business is to establish the existence and uniqueness of Haar measure. The following existence theorem is of fundamental theoretical importance; however, one must admit that for most specific groups that arise in practice one can construct Haar measure in a simpler and more explicit fashion. We shall discuss a number of classes of examples later in this section. 2.10 Theorem. Every locally compact group G possesses a left Haar measure λ. Proof. Taking our cue from Proposition 2.9(b), we shall construct λ as a linear functional on Cc (G). The idea is as follows. Imagine a function φ ∈ Cc+ (G) that is bounded by 1, equals 1 on a small open set, and is supported in a very slightly larger open set U . If f ∈ Cc+ (G) is sufficiently slowly varying so that it is essentially constant on the left translates of U , f can beP well approximated by a linear combination of left translates of φ: f ≈ R cj Lxj φ. P If λ were a left Haar measure on G, we would R then have f dλ ≈ ( cj ) φ dλ. This approximation will get better and better as the support of φ shrinks to a Rpoint, and if we introduce a normalization to cancel out the factor of φ dλ on the right we will R P obtain f dλ as a limit of the sums cj . (Think of the case GP = R: φ is essentially the characteristic function of a small interval, f P ≈ cRj Lxj φ is essentially an approximation ofRf by step functions, and ( cj ) φ dλ is essentially a Riemann sum for f dλ.) We now make this precise. If P f, φ ∈ Cc+ (G), we define Pn (f : φ) to n be the infimum of all finite sums 1 cj such that f ≤ 1 cj Lxj φ for some x1 , . . . , xn ∈ G. (This makes sense because the support of f can be covered by some finite number N of left translates of the set where φ > 12 kφksup , and it follows that (f : φ) ≤ 2N kf ksup/kφksup .) The 42 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition quantity (f : φ) has the following properties: (2.11) (2.12) (2.13) (2.14) (2.15) (2.16) (f : φ) = (Ly f : φ) for any y ∈ G. (f1 + f2 : φ) ≤ (f1 : φ) + (f2 : φ). (cf : φ) = c(f : φ) for any c > 0. (f1 : φ) ≤ (f2 : φ) whenever f1 ≤ f2 . (f : φ) ≥ kf ksup/kφksup . (f : φ) ≤ (f : ψ)(ψ : φ) for any ψ ∈ Cc+ (G). All of these are obvious with a moment’s thought except P perhaps the last one, which follows from the observation that if f ≤ i ci Lxi ψ and P P ψ ≤ j bj Lyj φ then f ≤ i,j ci bj Lxi yj φ. We now make a normalization by fixing an f0 ∈ Cc+ (G) and defining Iφ (f ) = (f : φ) (f0 : φ) (f, φ ∈ Cc+ (G)). By (2.11)–(2.14), for each φ the functional Iφ is left-invariant, subadditive, homogeneous of degree 1, and monotone. Moreover, by (2.16), it satisfies (2.17) (f0 : f )−1 ≤ Iφ (f ) ≤ (f : f0 ). If only Iφ were additive rather than subadditive, it would be the restriction to Cc+ (G) of a left-invariant positive linear functional on Cc (G) and we would be in business. But this is not far from being the case: 2.18 Lemma. If f1 , f2 ∈ Cc+ (G) and ǫ > 0, there is a neighborhood V of 1 in G such that Iφ (f1 )+Iφ (f2 ) ≤ Iφ (f1 +f2 )+ǫ whenever supp(φ) ⊂ V . Proof. Fix g ∈ Cc+ (G) such that g = 1 on supp(f1 + f2 ) and let δ be a positive number (to be determined later). Let h = f1 + f2 + δg and hi = fi /h (i = 1, 2), with the understanding that hi = 0 wherever fi = 0. Then hi ∈ Cc+ (G), so by Proposition 2.6 there is a neighborhood V of 1 in G such that |hi (x) − hi (y)| < δ forPi = 1, 2 and y −1 x ∈ V . Suppose φ ∈ Cc+ (G) and supp(φ) ⊂ V . If h ≤ cj Lxj φ then fi (x) = h(x)hi (x) ≤ X cj φ(x−1 j x)hi (x) ≤ X cj φ(x−1 j x)[hi (xj ) + δ], because |hi (x)−hi (xj )| < δ whenever x−1 j x ∈ supp(φ). Since h1 +h2 ≤ 1, this gives X X X (f1 : φ) + (f2 : φ) ≤ cj [h1 (xj ) + δ] + cj [h2 (xj ) + δ] ≤ cj [1 + 2δ]. Locally Compact Groups Taking the infimum of all such sums 43 P cj , by (2.12) and (2.13) we obtain Iφ (f1 ) + Iφ (f2 ) ≤ (1 + 2δ)Iφ (h) ≤ (1 + 2δ)[Iφ (f1 + f2 ) + δIφ (g)]. By (2.17), then, we can reach the desired conclusion by taking δ small enough so that 2δ(f1 + f2 : f0 ) + δ(1 + 2δ)(g : f0 ) < ǫ. Now we can complete the proof of Theorem 2.10. For each f ∈ Cc+ (G) let Xf denote the interval [(f0 : f )−1 , (f : f0 )], and let X be the Cartesian product of all the Xf ’s. X is a compact Hausdorff space consisting of all functions from Cc+ (G) into (0, ∞) whose value at f lies in Xf ; hence, by (2.17), Iφ ∈ X for all φ ∈ Cc+ (G). For each neighborhood V of 1 in G, let K(V ) be the closure in X of {Iφ : supp(φ) ⊂ V }. The Tn Tn sets K(V ) have the finite intersection property, since 1 K(Vj ) ⊃ K( 1 Vj ), so compactness implies that there is a point I ∈ X that lies in every K(V ). This means that every neighborhood of I in X contains Iφ ’s with supp(φ) arbitrarily small. In other words, for any neighborhood V of 1, any ǫ > 0, and any f1 , . . . , fn ∈ Cc+ (G) there exists φ ∈ Cc+ (G) with supp(φ) ⊂ V and |I(fj ) − Iφ (fj )| < ǫ for all j. Hence, by (2.11)– (2.13) and Lemma 2.18, I commutes with left translations, addition, and multiplication by positive scalars. Any f ∈ Cc (G) can be written as f = g −h with g, h ∈ Cc+ (G). If also f = g ′ − h′ , we have g + h′ = h + g ′, hence I(g) + I(h′ ) = I(h) + I(g ′ ). It follows that the formula I(f ) = I(g)−I(h) gives a well-defined extension of I to Cc (G), and this extension is a nonzero positive linear functional on Cc (G). The desired measure λ is then the one associated to I by the Riesz representation theorem. Before proceeding to the uniqueness theorem, we point out a couple of important properties of all Haar measures that are true by construction for the ones produced in the preceding proof. 2.19 Proposition. If λ is a left Haar measure on G, then λ(U ) > 0 for R every nonempty open set U , and f dλ > 0 for every f ∈ Cc+ (G). Proof. Suppose U is open and nonempty, and λ(U ) = 0. Then λ(xU ) = 0 for all x, and since any compact set K can be covered by finitely many translates of U , we have λ(K) = 0 for every compact set K. But then λ(G) = 0 by inner regularity, contradicting the conditionR λ 6= 0. Next, given f ∈ Cc+ (G), let U = {x : f (x) > 21 kf ksup}. Then f dλ > 1 2 kf ksup λ(U ) > 0. 2.20 Theorem. If λ and µ are left Haar measures on G, there exists c ∈ (0, ∞) such that µ = cλ. 44 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. In view of Proposition 2.19, the R assertion R that µ = cλ is equivalent to the assertion that the ratio f dλ/ f dµ is the same for all f ∈ Cc+ (G). Suppose then that f, g ∈ Cc+ (G). Fix a symmetric compact neighborhood V0 of 1 and set A = (supp f )V0 ∪ V0 (supp f ), B = (supp g)V0 ∪ V0 (supp g). Then A and B are compact, and for y ∈ V0 , f (xy) − f (yx) and g(xy) − g(yx) are supported in A and B respectively, as functions of x. Given ǫ > 0, by Proposition 2.6 there is a symmetric neighborhood V ⊂ V0 of 1 such that |f (xy) − f (yx)| < ǫ and |g(xy) − g(yx)| < ǫ for all x when y ∈ V . Pick h ∈ Cc+ (G) with h(x) = h(x−1 ) and supp(h) ⊂ V . Then Z Z ZZ h dµ f dλ = h(y)f (x) dλ(x) dµ(y) ZZ = h(y)f (yx) dλ(x) dµ(y), and since h(x) = h(x−1 ), Z Z ZZ h dλ f dµ = ZZ = ZZ = ZZ = ZZ = h(x)f (y) dλ(x) dµ(y) h(y −1 x)f (y) dλ(x) dµ(y) h(x−1 y)f (y) dµ(y) dλ(x) h(y)f (xy) dµ(y) dλ(x) h(y)f (xy) dλ(x) dµ(y). (Fubini’s theorem is applicable since all the integrals are effectively over sets that are compact and hence of finite measure.) Therefore, Z Z Z Z ZZ h dλ f dµ − h dµ f dλ = h(y)[f (xy) − f (yx)] dλ(x) dµ(y) Z ≤ ǫλ(A) h dµ. In the same way, Z Z Z Z Z h dλ g dµ − h dµ g dλ ≤ ǫλ(B) h dµ. Locally Compact Groups 45 R R R R Dividing these inequalities by h dµ f dµ and h dµ g dµ, respectively, and adding them, we obtain R R f dλ g dλ λ(B) λ(A) R −R ≤ǫ R +R . f dµ g dµ f dµ g dµ Since ǫ is arbitrary, the ratio of the integrals with respect to λ and µ is the same for f and g, which is what we needed to show. The remainder of this section is devoted to some more explicit constructions of Haar measure for various important classes of groups. First, if G is a Lie group, Haar measure can be obtained by a simple differential-geometric construction. Namely, start by picking an inner product on the tangent space at 1; transport it to the tangent space at every other point by left translation, obtaining a left-invariant Riemannian metric; and then take the associated Riemannian volume element. Alternatively, start by picking a nonzero n-covector at 1 (where n = dim G); transport it to every other point by left translation, obtaining a left-invariant differential n-form ω; then Haar measure is defined R by the functional f → f ω. Either way, one sees that Haar measure on a Lie group is given by a smooth density times Lebesgue measure in any local coordinates, and the construction via differential forms leads to a calculation of this density as a Jacobian determinant. Here is a simple result along these lines that covers many cases of interest. 2.21 Proposition. Suppose the underlying manifold of G is an open subset of RN and left translations are given by affine maps: xy = A(x)y + b(x), where A(x) is a linear transformation of RN and b(x) ∈ RN . Then | det A(x)|−1 dx is a left Haar measure on G, where dx denotes Lebesgue measure on RN . (Similarly for right translations and right Haar measure.) The proof is an exercise in using the change-of-variable formula for multiple integrals, which we leave to the reader. The following examples, whose verification we also leave to the reader, are applications of this proposition. 1. dx/|x| is a Haar measure on the multiplicative group R \ {0}. 2. dx dy/(x2 +y 2 ) is a Haar measure on the multiplicative group C\{0}, with coordinates z Q = x + iy. 3. Lebesgue measure i<j dαij is a left and right Haar measure on the group of n × n real matrices (αij ) such that αij = 0 for i > j and αii = 1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. 4. | det T |−n dT is a left and right Haar measure on the group GL(n, R) of invertible linear transformations of Rn , where dT is Lebesgue measure on the vector space of all real n × n matrices. (To see that 46 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition the determinant of the map S → T S on matrix space is (det T )n , observe that it maps the matrix with columns x1 , . . . , xn to the matrix with columns T x1 , . . . , T xn , so it is the direct sum of n copies of T acting on Rn .) 5. The ax+b group G is the group of all affine transformations x → ax + b of R with a > 0 and b ∈ R. On G, da db/a2 is a left Haar measure and da db/a is a right Haar measure. If G1 , . . . , Gn are locally compact groups Qn with left Haar measures λ1 , . . . , λn , then left Haar measure on G = 1 Gj is obviously the Radon product of λ1 , . . . , λn , that is, the Radon measure on G associated to the linear functional Z Z f → · · · f (x1 , . . . , xn ) dλ1 (x1 ) . . . dλn (xn ). When the Gj ’s are σ-compact, this is an extension of the ordinary product λ1 × · · · × λn , and when the Gj ’s are second countable, it is equal to this product. (See Folland [45, §7.4], and also the next section. The technicalities implicit here are that if the Gj ’s are not second countable, the Borel σ-algebras on the factors do not generate the whole Borel σ-algebra on the product; and if the Gj ’s are not σ-compact, outer regularity is incompatible with the usual definition of product.) In the case of compact groups one can also allow infinitely many factors, provided that one normalizes the Haar measures to have total mass 1. Indeed, suppose {Gα }α∈A is a family of compact groups, and let λα be the Haar measure on Gα such that λα (Gα ) = 1. (As we shall shortly see, left Q and right Haar measures are the same on compact groups.) Let G = α∈A Gα , and let CF (G) be the space of continuous functions on G that depend on only finitely many coordinates. If f ∈ CF (G) depends only on xα1 , . . . , xαn , we set Z Z I(f ) = · · · f (xα1 , . . . , xαn )dλα1 (xα1 ) · · · dλαn (xαn ). This is well-defined: it does not depend on the order of the coordinates, and it is unaffected if we add in some extra coordinates on which f does not depend. I is thus a left-invariant positive linear functional on CF (G) such that |I(f )| ≤ kf ksup and I(1) = 1. It follows easily from the StoneWeierstrass theorem that CF (G) is dense in C(G), so I extends uniquely to a left-invariant positive linear functional on C(G), and the associated Radon measure on G is its Haar measure. An example of particular interest is the group (Z2 )ω , the product of an infinite sequence of copies of the integers mod 2, where Haar measure on each factor assigns measure 21 to each of the two points 0 and 1. Locally Compact Groups 47 The elements of (Z2 )ω are sequences (a1 , a2 , . . .) where each aj is 0 or 1. Consider theP map Φ : (Z2 )ω → [0, 1] that assigns to such a sequence the real number aj 2−j whose base-2 decimal expansion is 0.a1 a2 . . .. This map is not a group homomorphism. However, it is almost bijective — if x ∈ [0, 1], Φ−1 ({x}) is one point unless x = j2−k with 0 < j < 2k , in which case it is two points. Moreover, Φ is measurable and maps Haar measure µ on G to Lebesgue measure λ on [0, 1]. One can see this by the following steps: i. If I =Q[j2−k , (j + 1)2−k ] where 0 ≤ j < 2k , Φ−1 (I) is a set of the ∞ form 1 Ei , where Ei = Z2 for i > k and Ei is {0} or {1} for i ≤ k. Clearly λ(I) = µ(φ−1 (I)) = 2−k . ii. The finite disjoint unions of half-open intervals [j2−k , (j + 1)2−k ) form an algebra A1 that generates the Borel σ-algebra on [0, 1), and the finite disjoint unions of sets E as in (i) form an algebra A2 that generates the Borel σ-algebra on (Z2 )ω . If A ∈ A1 then the union of Φ−1 (A) and some finite set is in A2 , and λ(A) = µ(Φ−1 (A)). iii. It now follows that Φ−1 (B) is a Borel set for any Borel B ⊂ [0, 1] and that λ(B) = µ(Φ−1 (B)). (Cf. Folland [45, Theorem 1.14].) Finally, we show how to construct Haar measure λ on the p-adic numbers. With notation as in §2.1, we fix the normalization of λ by declaring that λ(Zp ) = 1. Then the measure of any ball B(1, x) of radius 1 must be 1. If m > 0, a ball of radius pm is a disjoint union of pm balls of radius 1, and a ball of radius 1 is the disjoint union of pm balls of radius p−m . It follows that λ(B(pk , x)) = pk for any k ∈ Z, x ∈ Qp . Any open set is a countable disjoint union of such balls, so its measure is the sum of their measures. Finally, the measure of any Borel set E is determined by outer regularity, so we end up with a formula like that for Lebesgue measure on the line: ∞ ∞ X [ λ(E) = inf p mj : E ⊂ B(pmj , xj ) . j=1 2.3 1 Interlude: Some Technicalities In order not to artificially restrict the generality of our investigations, we have not assumed that our locally compact groups G are σ-compact. In the non-σ-compact case, Haar measure is not σ-finite, a fact that results in certain technical complications in the measure theory. The purpose of this section is to point these out and to explain why they are not serious. 48 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The reader who is content to add a standing assumption that all groups under consideration are σ-compact can omit this material. Let G be a non-σ-compact locally compact group, with left Haar measure λ. By Proposition 2.4, G has a subgroup G0 that is open, closed, and σ-compact. Let Y be a subset of G that contains exactly one element of each left coset of G0 , so that G is the disjoint union of the sets yG0 , y ∈ Y . A moment’s thought shows that the restriction of λ to the Borel subsets of G0 is a left Haar measure on G0 . Moreover, this restriction determines λ completely, but not in quite the obvious way. In the first place, it determines λ on the Borel subsets of each coset yG0 , since λ(yE) = λ(E). OnePmight then think that for any Borel E ⊂ G one would have λ(E) = y∈Y λ(E ∩ yG0 ). But in fact, what happens is the following. S∞ 2.22 Proposition. Suppose E ⊂ G is a Borel set. P∞If E ⊂ 1 yj G0 for some countable set {yj } ⊂ Y , then λ(E) = 1 λ(E ∩ yj G0 ). If E ∩ yG0 6= ∅ for uncountably many y, then λ(E) = ∞. Proof. The first assertion is true simply by countable additivity. To prove the second one, by outer regularity it suffices to assume that E is open. In this case, by Proposition 2.19, λ(E ∩ yG0 ) > 0 whenever E ∩ yG0 6= ∅. If this happens for uncountably many y, for some ǫ > 0 there are uncountably many y for which λ(E ∩ yG0 ) > ǫ, and it follows that λ(E) = ∞. Here is a useful example to keep in mind: let G = R × Rd , where Rd is R with the discrete topology. Here we can take G0 = R × {0} and Y = {0} × Rd . To obtain Haar measure λ on G, simply take Lebesgue measure on each horizontal line R×{y} and add them together according to Proposition 2.22. In particular, observe that Y is closed and that λ(Y ) = ∞ although the intersection of Y with any coset of G0 , or with any compact set, has measure 0. (This is also true for Y in the general situation above, as long as G is not discrete.) This shows that λ is not inner regular on Y . It also shows that λ is not quite the product of the Haar measures on R and Rd . Indeed, the latter are Lebesgue measure µ and counting measure ν, and one has (µ×ν)(Y ) = µ({0})ν(R) = 0·∞ = 0 — unless one modifies the usual convention that 0 · ∞ = 0 to say that µ(E)ν(F ) = ∞ when E 6= ∅ and F is non-σ-finite. There are three fundamental theorems of measure theory that break down for general non-σ-finite measures: Fubini’s theorem, the RadonNikodym theorem, and the duality of L1 and L∞ . We shall need to deal with each of these, and the rest of this section is devoted to explaining how. We shall need Fubini’s theorem to reverse the order of integration in Locally Compact Groups 49 R R double integrals G G f (x, y) dλ(x) dλ(y). There is no problem in doing this as long as f vanishes outside a σ-compact set E ⊂ G × G. Indeed, in this case the projections E1 and E2 of E onto the first and second factors are also σ-compact, and E ⊂ E1 × E2 . We can therefore replace G × G by the σ-finite space E1 × E2 , to which the Fubini theorem for Radon products (Folland [45, Theorem 7.27]) is applicable. Moreover, this hypothesis on f is almost always satisfied when f is built up out of functions on G that belong to Lp (λ) S for some p < ∞, for such functions ∞ vanish outside some σ-compact set 1 yj G0 by Proposition 2.22. For example, in dealing with convolutions one is concerned with functions of the form f (x, y) = g(x)h(x−1 y). If g vanishes outside A and h vanishes outside B then f vanishes outside A × AB, and AB is σ-compact whenever A and B are. We shall therefore use Fubini’s theorem without comment in the sequel whenever the conditions of the preceding paragraph are satisfied, leaving their verification to the mistrustful reader. (We have already encountered this situation once, in the proof of Theorem 2.20.) As for the Radon-Nikodym theorem: Radon measures — or rather their Carathéodory extensions, which are complete and saturated — enjoy a property called “decomposability,” which implies a version of the Radon-Nikodym theorem that is adequate for virtually all purposes. (See Hewitt-Ross [66, Theorem 12.17], or Folland [45, Exercises 1.22 and 3.15]. For Haar measures, decomposability is an easy consequence of Propositions 2.4 and 2.22.) However, all we shall really need to consider are the following more restricted situations. The first one is that of two Radon measures µ and ν on a locally compact Hausdorff space X such that ν ≪ µ and ν is σ-finite. By inner regularity there is a σ-compact set E such that ν(X \ E) = 0. But the restriction of µ to subsets of E is σ-finite, so there is a measurable f : E → [0, ∞) such that dν = f dµ on E. If we set f = 0 on X \ E, we then have dν = f dµ everywhere. The second situation is that of two Radon measures µ and ν on a locally compact Hausdorff space X that are equivalent, that is, mutually absolutely continuous. In the cases we are interested in, we will not need to invoke the Radon-Nikodym theorem, R but will R be able to produce a continuous f : X → (0, ∞) such that φ dν = φf dµ for all φ ∈ Cc (X), and the following proposition completes the picture. 2.23 Proposition. Suppose µ and ν are Radon R measures R on X, and there is a continuous f : XR → (0, ∞) such that φ dν = φf dµ for all φ ∈ Cc (X). Then ν(E) = E f dµ for all Borel sets E ⊂ X. R Proof. Let νe(E) = E f dµ; then νe is a Borel measure on X. To show 50 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition that νe = ν, it will suffice to show that νe is outer regular and that νe(U ) = ν(U ) for all open sets U . Suppose E is a Borel set with νe(E) < ∞, and ǫ > 0. For j ∈ Z, j−2 let Vj = {x : 2S < f (x) < 2j }. The open sets Vj cover X, so we ∞ can write E = −∞ Ej where Ej ⊂ Vj . Since µ is outer regular and R µ(Ej ) < 22−j Ej f dµ = 22−j νe(Ej ) < ∞, for each j we can find an open Uj ⊂ Vj such that Uj ⊃ Ej andSµ(Uj \ Ej ) < ǫ2−2|j| . Then νe(Uj \ Ej ) < ∞ 2j µ(Uj \ Ej ) < ǫ2−|j| , so U = −∞ Uj is an open set containing E such that νe(U \ E) < 3ǫ. Hence νe is outer regular. Next, if U is open, R let Φ = {φ ∈R Cc (X) : 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1, supp(φ) ⊂ U }. Then ν(U ) = supΦ φ dν = supΦ φf dµ. But supΦ φf = χU f , so by the monotone convergence theorem for nets R of lower R semi-continuous functions (Folland [45, Prop. 7.12]), supΦ φf dµ = χU f dµ = νe(U ). If µ and ν satisfy the conditions of Proposition 2.23, we shall say that they are strongly equivalent. Lest the reader should suspect that our arguments here are more complicated than necessary, we point out that Proposition 2.23 is no longer true if we allow f to assume the value 0. For example, if λ is Haar measure on the group RR × Rd discussed above, and f (x, y) = |x|, then the measure ν(E) = E f dλ is not a Radon measure. Indeed, if Y = {0} × Rd then ν(Y ) = 0 but ν(U ) = ∞ for any open U ⊃ Y , by the argument in Proposition 2.22. Finally, we consider the duality of L1 (µ) and L∞ (µ). When µ is not σfinite it is generally false that L∞ (µ) = L1 (µ)∗ with the usual definition of L∞ , but when µ is a Radon measure on a locally compact Hausdorff space X the result can be salvaged by modifying the definition of L∞ . Here’s how. A set E ⊂ X is locally Borel if E ∩ F is Borel whenever F is Borel and µ(F ) < ∞. A locally Borel set E is locally null if µ(E ∩ F ) = 0 whenever F is Borel and µ(F ) < ∞. An assertion about points in X is true locally almost everywhere if it is true except on a locally null set. A function f : X → C is locally measurable if f −1 (A) is locally Borel for every Borel set A ⊂ C. We now (re-)define L∞ (µ) to be the set of all locally measurable functions that are bounded except on a locally null set, modulo functions that are zero locally a.e. L∞ (µ) is a Banach space with norm kf k∞ = inf c : |f (x)| ≤ c locally a.e. . We then have L∞ (µ) = L1 (µ)∗ . In more detail, if f ∈ L∞ (µ) and g ∈ L1 (µ) then f g is measurable since {x : g(x) 6= 0} is σ-finite, and it is then R integrable since {x : |f (x)| > kf k∞ } ∩ {x : g(x) 6= 0} is null. So g 7→ f g dµ is a well-defined linear functional on L1 (µ), and its norm is easily seen to be kf k∞ . That every element of L1 (µ)∗ arises in this Locally Compact Groups 51 way follows in general from the decomposability of the Carathéodory extension of µ. (See Hewitt-Ross [66, Theorem 12.18], or Folland [45, Exercises 6.23–26].) In the case of Haar measure λ on a locally compact group G (the one we shall be mainly concerned with), this can be established quite simply by the following argument, whose details we leave to the reader. In view of Propositions 2.4 and 2.22, and with the notation used there, it is easy to see that E ⊂ G is locally Borel ⇐⇒ E ∩ yH is Borel for every y ∈ Y ; E is locally null ⇐⇒ λ(E ∩ yH) = 0 for every y ∈ Y ; and f : G → C is locally measurable ⇐⇒ f |yH is measurable for every y ∈ Y . If Φ ∈ L1 (G, λ)∗ then Φ|L1 (yH, λ) is given by a bounded measurable function fy on yH since λ is σ-finite on yH. Define f : G → C by f = fy on yH. Then R f is locally measurable, kf k∞ = supy∈Y kfy k∞ = kΦk, and Φ(g) = f g for every g ∈ L1 (λ). Henceforth L∞ (µ) will always denote the space defined above. Of course, this coincides with the usual L∞ (µ) when µ is σ-finite. 2.4 The Modular Function Let G be a locally compact group with left Haar measure λ. We wish to investigate the extent to which λ fails to be right-invariant. If, for x ∈ G, we define λx (E) = λ(Ex), then λx is again a left Haar measure, by the associative law: y(Ex) = (yE)x. By the uniqueness theorem 2.20, there is a number ∆(x) > 0 such that λx = ∆(x)λ, and ∆(x) is independent of the original choice of λ. The function ∆ : G → (0, ∞) thus defined is called the modular function of G. In what follows, we denote by R× the multiplicative group of positive real numbers. 2.24 Proposition. ∆ is a continuous homomorphism from G to R× . Moreover, for any f ∈ L1 (λ), Z Z −1 (2.25) Ry f dλ = ∆(y ) f dλ. Proof. For any x, y ∈ G and E ⊂ G, D(xy)λ(E) = λ(Exy) = ∆(y)λ(Ex) = ∆(y)∆(x)λ(E), so ∆ is a homomorphism from G to R× . Moreover, since χE (xy) = χEy−1 (x), we have Z Z χE (xy) dλ(x) = λ(Ey −1 ) = ∆(y −1 )λ(E) = ∆(y −1 ) χE (x) dλ(x). 52 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition This proves (2.25) for f = χE , and the general case follows by approximating f by simple functions. Finally, R since y 7→ Ry f is continuous from G to Cc (G) (Proposition 2.6), y 7→ Ry f dλ is continuous from G to C, so the continuity of ∆ follows from (2.25). If we set y0 = y −1 in (2.25) and make the substitution x → xy0 , we obtain Z Z Z ∆(y0 ) f (x) dλ(x) = f (xy0−1 ) dλ(x) = f (x)dλ(xy0 ), which yields the following convenient abbreviated form of (2.25): (2.26) dλ(xy0 ) = ∆(y0 ) dλ(x). G is called unimodular if ∆ ≡ 1, that is, if left Haar measure is also right Haar measure. Unimodularity is a useful property that makes life simpler in a number of respects. Obviously Abelian groups and discrete groups are unimodular, but many others are too. Here are some classes of examples. 2.27 Proposition. If K is any compact subgroup of G then ∆|K ≡ 1. Proof. ∆(K) is a compact subgroup of R× , hence equal to {1}. 2.28 Corollary. If G is compact, then G is unimodular. Let [G, G] denote the smallest closed subgroup of G containing all elements of the form [x, y] = xyx−1 y −1 . [G, G] is called the commutator subgroup of G; it is normal since z[x, y]z −1 = [zxz −1 , zyz −1]. 2.29 Proposition. If G/[G, G] is compact, then G is unimodular. Proof. Since R× is Abelian we have ∆([x, y]) = [∆(x), ∆(y)] = 1, so ∆ must annihilate [G, G] and hence factor through G/[G, G]. It then follows as in Proposition 2.27 that ∆(G) = {1}. As a consequence of Proposition 2.29, one can see that every connected semi-simple Lie group G is unimodular. Indeed, the Lie algebra g of such a group is a direct sum of simple algebras, and it follows easily that [g, g] = g. But [g, g] is the Lie algebra of [G, G], so G = [G, G] since G is connected. More generally, one has the following result, whose proof may be found in Helgason [64]. (See Lemma 1.2 of Chapter 10 of [64], together with Proposition 2.31 below.) 2.30 Proposition. If G is a connected Lie group and Ad denotes the adjoint action of G on its Lie algebra, then ∆(x) = det Ad(x−1 ). Locally Compact Groups 53 It follows easily from Proposition 2.30 that every connected nilpotent Lie group is unimodular. Thus, Lie groups that are close to being Abelian (i.e., nilpotent) or far from being Abelian (i.e., semi-simple) are unimodular. The simplest example of a non-unimodular group is the ax + b group, which is solvable but not nilpotent; see the list of examples following Proposition 2.21. To each left Haar measure λ is associated the right Haar measure ρ defined by ρ(E) = λ(E −1 ). The modular function can be used to relate λ to ρ: 2.31 Proposition. λ and ρ are strongly equivalent, and dρ(x) = ∆(x−1 ) dλ(x). Proof. By (2.25), if f ∈ Cc (G), Z Z −1 Ry f (x)∆(x ) dλ(x) = ∆(y) f (xy)∆((xy)−1 ) dλ(x) Z = f (x)∆(x−1 ) dλ(x). R Thus the functional f 7→ f (x)∆(x−1 ) dλ(x) is right-invariant, so its associated Radon measure is a right Haar measure and hence equals cρ for some c > 0. By Proposition 2.23, c dρ(x) = ∆(x−1 ) dλ(x), so we need only show that c = 1. If c 6= 1, we can pick a compact symmetric neighborhood U of 1 in G such that |∆(x−1 ) − 1| ≤ 21 |c − 1| on U . But then λ(U ) = ρ(U ), so Z |c − 1|λ(U ) = cρ(U ) − λ(U ) = [∆(x−1 ) − 1] dλ(x) ≤ 21 |c − 1|λ(U ), U a contradiction. The formula dρ(x) = ∆(x−1 ) dλ(x) can be restated in the following ways, convenient for making substitutions in integrals: (2.32) dλ(x−1 ) = ∆(x−1 )dλ(x), dρ(x−1 ) = ∆(x) dρ(x). When G is not unimodular, the function ∆ is unbounded, so the spaces Lp (λ) and Lp (ρ) (1 ≤ p < ∞) are not the same. There are two ways of passing from one to the other. Namely, let us define fˇ(x) = f (x−1 ), Mp f (x) = ∆(x)1/p f (x). Then f 7→ fˇ and f 7→ Mp f are isometric isomorphisms from Lp (λ) to Lp (ρ), because dλ(x) = dρ(x−1 ) = ∆(x) dρ(x). By composing these maps, we get an interesting isometric linear isomorphism of Lp (λ) onto itself: (2.33) Mp−1 fˇ(x) = (Mp f )ˇ(x) = ∆(x)−1/p f (x−1 ). 54 2.5 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Convolutions From now on we shall assume that each locally compact group G is equipped with a fixed left Haar measure. Denoting this Rmeasure R by λ for the moment, we shall henceforth write dx for dλ(x), f for f dλ, |E| for λ(E), and Lp or Lp (G) for Lp (λ). The symbol λ is hereby freed to be used for other purposes. Let G be a locally compact group, and let M (G) be the space of complex Radon measures on G. We define theRRconvolution of two measures µ, ν ∈ M (G) as follows. The map I(φ) = φ(xy) dµ(x) dν(y) is clearly a linear functional on C0 (G) satisfying |I(φ)| ≤ kφksup kµk kνk. Hence it is given by a measure µ ∗ ν ∈ M (G) with kµ ∗ νk ≤ kµk kνk, called the convolution of µ and ν: Z ZZ (2.34) φ d(µ ∗ ν) = φ(xy) dµ(x) dν(y). (The order of integration in the double integral is immaterial. What matters is that the variables of integration for µ and ν are the first and second factors, respectively, of the product that forms the argument of φ.) Convolution is associative: if µ, ν, σ ∈ M (G) and φ ∈ Cc (G), ZZ Z φ d[µ ∗ (ν ∗ σ)] = φ(xy) dµ(x) d(ν ∗ σ)(y) ZZZ = φ(xyz) dµ(x) dν(y) dσ(z) ZZ = φ(yz) d(µ ∗ ν)(y) dσ(z) Z = φ d[(µ ∗ ν) ∗ σ]. Moreover, convolution is commutative if and only if G is Abelian. Indeed, if G is Abelian we have φ(xy) = φ(yx), whence it follows from (2.34) that µ ∗ ν = ν ∗ µ. On the other hand, if δx ∈ M (G) denotes the point mass at x ∈ G, we have Z ZZ Z φ d(δx ∗ δy ) = φ(uv) dδx (u) dδy (v) = φ(xy) = φ dδxy , in other words, δx ∗ δy = δxy . Thus δx ∗ δy = δy ∗ δx if and only if xy = yx. The estimate kµ∗νk ≤ kµk kνk implies that convolution makes M (G) Locally Compact Groups 55 into a Banach algebra, called the measure algebra of G. M (G) has a mulitiplicative identity, namely the point mass δ = δ1 at 1: Z ZZ Z Z φ d(δ ∗ µ) = φ(xy) dδ(x) dµ(y) = φ(y) dµ(y) = φ dµ, and similarly µ ∗ δ = µ. M (G) also has a canonical involution µ 7→ µ∗ defined by Z Z (2.35) µ∗ (E) = µ(E −1 ), or φ dµ∗ = φ(x−1 ) dµ(x). This is indeed an involution, because Z Z ZZ φ d(µ ∗ ν)∗ = φ(x−1 ) d(µ ∗ ν) = φ((xy)−1 ) dµ(x) dν(y) ZZ ZZ −1 −1 = φ(y x ) dµ(x) dν(y) = φ(yx) dµ∗ (x) dν ∗ (y) Z = φ d(ν ∗ ∗ µ∗ ), so that (µ ∗ ν)∗ = ν ∗ ∗ µ∗ . In many respects, the algebra M (G) is too big and complicated to work with easily, and it is preferable to restrict attention to the space L1 (G), which is a subspace of M (G) if we identify the function f with the measure f (x) dx. If f, g ∈ L1 , the convolution of f and g is the function defined by Z f ∗ g(x) = f (y)g(y −1 x) dy. An application of Fubini’s theorem shows that the integral is absolutely convergent for almost every x and that kf ∗ gk1 ≤ kf k1 kgk1 , for ZZ ZZ −1 |f (y)g(y x)| dx dy = |f (y)g(x)| dx dy = kf k1 kgk1 by the left invariance of the measure dx. This definition of convolution agrees with the preceding one when we identify f ∈ L1 with the measure f (x) dx, because ZZ ZZ φ(yx)f (y)g(x) dx dy = φ(x)f (y)g(y −1 x) dx dy Z = φ(x)(f ∗ g)(x) dx. 56 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The integral defining f ∗ g(x) can be expressed in several different forms: Z f ∗ g(x) = f (y)g(y −1 x) dy Z = f (xy)g(y −1 ) dy Z (2.36) = f (y −1 )g(yx)∆(y −1 ) dy Z = f (xy −1 )g(y)∆(y −1 ) dy. The equality of the integrals follows from the substitutions y → xy and y → y −1 , according to (2.32). To remember how to arrange the variables x and y in them, it may be useful to keep the following two rules in mind. (i) The variable y of integration occurs as y in one factor and as y −1 in the other. (ii) The two occurrences of the variable of integration are adjacent to each other, not separated by the variable x at which the convolution is evaluated. When G is unimodular, the factor of ∆(y −1 ) disappears, in which case these two rules always suffice to give the right answer. The involution on M (G), restricted to L1 (G), is defined by the relation f ∗ (x) dx = f (x−1 ) d(x−1 ), so by (2.32) it is given by (2.37) f ∗ (x) = ∆(x−1 )f (x−1 ). (Cf. (2.33).) With the convolution product (2.36) and the involution (2.37), L1 (G) becomes a Banach ∗-algebra, called the L1 group algebra of G. (This algebra coincides with the algebraists’ “group algebra” when G is a finite group.) Observe that Z Z (2.38) f ∗ g = f (y)Ly g dy = g(y −1 )Ry f dy. These equalities can be interpreted in two senses: either pointwise, in which case they are restatements of the first two equalities in (2.36), or in the sense of vector-valued integrals, where the expressions on the right are considered as integrals of L1 -valued functions of y: see Appendix 4. Thus, f ∗ g is a generalized linear combination of left translates of g, or of right translates of f . Since left translations commute with right translations (this is the associative law), it follows easily that convolutions have the following behavior under translations: (2.39) Lz (f ∗ g) = (Lz f ) ∗ g, Rz (f ∗ g) = f ∗ (Rz g). Locally Compact Groups 57 Convolution can be extended from L1 to other Lp spaces. Specifically, we have the following results: 2.40 Proposition. Suppose 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, f ∈ L1 (G), and g ∈ Lp (G). a. The integrals in (2.36) converge absolutely for almost every x, and we have f ∗ g ∈ Lp (G) and kf ∗ gkp ≤ kf k1 kgkp . b. If G is unimodular, the same conclusions hold with f ∗ g replaced by g ∗ f. c. If G is not unimodular, we still have g ∗ f ∈ Lp (G) when f has compact support. Proof. To prove (a), we apply Minkowski’s inequality for integrals to the first integral in (2.36), obtaining Z Z kf ∗ gkp = f (y)Ly g(·) dy ≤ |f (y)| kLy gkp dy = kf k1kgkp , p since the Lp norm is left-invariant. (The a.e. convergence of the integral for f ∗ g is implicit in this.) If G is unimodular, we apply Minkowski’s inequality to the fourth integral in (2.36) with f and g switched, Z Z kg ∗ f kp = Ry−1 g(·)f (y) dy ≤ kRy−1 gkp |f (y)| dy = kgkpkf k1 , p which proves (b). If K = supp f is compact, a similar argument works in the non-unimodular case: Z kg ∗ f kp = Ry−1 g(·)f (y)∆(y −1 ) dy ≤ Z p kRy−1 gkp |f (y)|∆(y −1 ) dy = kgkp Z K |f (y)|∆(y)(1/p)−1 dy ≤ Ckgkp kf k1 , where C = supK ∆(y)(1/p)−1 . 2.41 Proposition. Suppose G is unimodular. If f ∈ Lp (G) and g ∈ Lq (G) where 1 < p, q < ∞ and p−1 + q −1 = 1, then f ∗ g ∈ C0 (G) and kf ∗ gksup ≤ kf kp kgkq . Proof. The fact that |f ∗ g(x)| ≤ kf kp kgkq for all x ∈ G follows from Hölder’s inequality and the invariance of Haar integrals under translations and inversions. If f, g ∈ Cc (G), it is easy to check that f ∗g ∈ Cc (G). But Cc (G) is dense in Lp (G), and if fn → f in Lp and gn → g ∈ Lq then fn ∗ gn → f ∗ g and gn ∗ fn → g ∗ f uniformly; the result follows. 58 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition This result is not true as stated in the extreme cases p = 1 or ∞, because then f ∗ g need not vanish at infinity. However, it is still continuous, and even more can be said. To prepare for this result, and for other purposes, we need to establish the continuity of translations on Lp . 2.42 Proposition. If 1 ≤ p < ∞ and f ∈ Lp (G) then kLy f − f kp and kRy f − f kp tend to zero as y → 1. Proof. Fix a compact neighborhood V of 1. First, if g ∈ Cc (G), let K = (supp g)V −1 ∪V (supp g). Then K is compact, and Ly g and Ry g are supported in K when y ∈ V . Hence, kLy g −gkp ≤ |K|1/p kLy g −gk∞ → 0 as y → 1 by Proposition 2.6, and likewise kRy g − gkp → 0. Now suppose f ∈ Lp (G). We have kLy f kp = kf kp and kRy f kp = ∆(y)−1/p kf kp ≤ Ckf kp for y ∈ V . Given ǫ > 0 we can choose g ∈ Cc (G) such that kf − gkp ≤ ǫ, and then kRy f −f kp ≤ kRy (f −g)kp +kRy g−gkp +kg−f kp ≤ (C+1)ǫ+kRy g−gkp , and the last term tends to zero as y → 1; similarly for Ly f . 2.43 Proposition. If f ∈ L1 (G) and g ∈ L∞ (G), then f ∗ g is left uniformly continuous and g ∗ f is right uniformly continuous. Proof. We have Lz (f ∗ g) − f ∗ g = (Lz f − f ) ∗ g and Rz (g ∗ f ) − g ∗ f = g ∗ (Rz f − f ) by (2.39); therefore, kLz (f ∗ g) − f ∗ gksup ≤ kLz f − f k1 kgk∞ , kRz (f ∗ g) − f ∗ gksup ≤ kgk∞ kRz f − f k1 , and the quantities on the right tend to 0 as z → 1 by Proposition 2.42. When G is discrete, the function δ defined by δ(1) = 1 and δ(x) = 0 for x 6= 1 is the identity element in the algebra L1 (G): f ∗ δ = δ ∗ f = f for any f . When G is not discrete there is no function with this property. There is a measure, of course — the point mass at the origin — but in many situations one needs to remain in the realm of functions, so one uses an “approximate identity” instead. 2.44 Proposition. Let U be a neighborhood base at 1 in G. For each U ∈ U, let ψU be a function such that (i) supp ψU is compact and contained in U , R (ii) ψU ≥ 0 and ψU = 1. Then kψU ∗ f − f kp → 0 as U → {1} if 1 ≤ p < ∞ and f ∈ Lp , or if p = ∞ and f is left uniformly continuous. If, in addition, (iii) ψU (x−1 ) = ψU (x) for all x, Locally Compact Groups 59 then kf ∗ ψU − f kp → 0 as U → {1} if 1 ≤ p < ∞ and f ∈ Lp , or if p = ∞ and f is right uniformly continuous. R Proof. Since ψU = 1, we have Z ψU ∗ f (x) − f (x) = ψU (y)[Ly f (x) − f (x)] dy, so by Minkowski’s inequality for integrals, Z kψU ∗ f − f kp ≤ kLy f − f kp ψU (y) dy ≤ sup kLy f − f kp . y∈U Hence kf ∗ ψU − f kp → 0 by Proposition 2.42, or by the left uniform continuity of f if p = ∞. The second assertion follows in the same way, since under condition (iii), Z Z −1 f ∗ ψU (x) − f (x) = f (xy)ψU (y ) dy − f (x) ψU (y) dy Z = [Ry f (x) − f (x)]ψU (y) dy. A family {ψU } of functions satisfying conditions (i)–(iii) of Proposition 2.44 is called an approximate identity. Approximate identities exist in great abundance. For example, we could take the sets U to be compact and symmetric and then take ψU = |U |−1 χU , or we could use Urysohn’s lemma to obtain continuous ψU ’s. Sometimes we shall informally say, “Let g be an approximate identity”; what we mean is, “Let g = ψU and let U → {1}.” As a first application of approximate identities, we derive an important characterization of the closed ideals in L1 (G). 2.45 Theorem. Let I be a closed subspace of L1 (G). Then I is a left ideal if and only if it is closed under left translations, and I is a right ideal if and only if it is closed under right translations. Proof. Suppose I is a left ideal. If f ∈ I, x ∈ G, and {ψU } is an approximate identity, we have Lx (ψU ∗ f ) = (Lx ψU ) ∗ f ∈ I and hence Lx f = lim Lx (ψU ∗ f ) ∈ I. On the other hand, suppose I is Rclosed under left translations. If f ∈ I and g ∈ L1 , we have g ∗ f = g(y)Ly f dy by (2.38), so g ∗ f is in the closed linear span of the functions Ly f (see Appendix 4) and hence in I. Finally, we mention a couple of other extensions of the notion of convolution. First, if µ ∈ M (G) and f ∈ Lp (G) one can define the function µ ∗ f by Z µ ∗ f (x) = f (y −1 x) dµ(y). 60 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The argument used to prove Proposition 2.40(a) shows that µ ∗ f ∈ Lp and that kµ ∗ f kp ≤ kµk kf kp. When G is unimodular or when p = 1 one can define f ∗ µ similarly. In particular, L1 (G) is a two-sided ideal in M (G). Second, suppose G is unimodular. We have Lp ∗ L1 ⊂ Lp and Lp ∗ p′ L ⊂ L∞ where p′ is the conjugate exponent to p, by Propositions 2.40 and 2.41. An application of the Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem then shows that Lp ∗ Lq ⊂ Lr and that kf ∗ gkr ≤ kf kp kgkq whenever p−1 + q −1 = r−1 + 1. 2.6 Homogeneous Spaces Let G be a locally compact group and S a locally compact Hausdorff space. A (left) action of G on S is a continuous map (x, s) 7→ xs from G×S to S such that (i) s 7→ xs is a homeomorphism of S for each x ∈ G, and (ii) x(ys) = (xy)s for all x, y ∈ G and s ∈ S. A space S equipped with an action of G is called a G-space. A G-space is called transitive if for every s, t ∈ S there exists x ∈ G such that xs = t. The standard examples of transitive G-spaces are the quotient spaces G/H (where H is a closed subgroup of G), on which G acts by left multiplication. In fact, these are close to being the only examples. If S is a transitive G-space, pick s0 ∈ S, define φ : G → S by φ(x) = xs0 , and let H = {x ∈ G : xs0 = s0 }. Then H is a closed subgroup of G and φ is a continuous surjection of G onto S that is constant on the left cosets of H. Hence φ induces a continuous bijection Φ : G/H → S such that Φ ◦ q = φ, where q : G → G/H is the natural quotient map. The only additional thing needed to identify S with G/H is the continuity of Φ−1 . This is not always the case — for example, consider G = R with the discrete topology, acting by translations on R with the usual topology. But it is valid if G is σ-compact. 2.46 Proposition. With notation as above, if G is σ-compact then Φ is a homeomorphism. Proof. It suffices to show that φ maps open sets in G to open sets in S. Suppose U is open in G and x0 ∈ U ; pick a compact symmetric neighborhood V of 1 such that x0 V V ⊂ U . Since G is σ-compact, there is a S countable set {yn } ⊂ G such that the sets yn V cover G. Then ∞ S = 1 φ(yn V ). The sets φ(yn V ) are all homeomorphic to φ(V ) since s 7→ yn s is a homeomorphism of S, and they are compact and hence closed. By the Baire category theorem for locally compact Hausdorff Locally Compact Groups 61 spaces (Folland [45, Exercise 5.281]), φ(V ) must have an interior point, say φ(x1 ) (x1 ∈ V ). But then φ(x0 ) is an interior point of φ(x0 x−1 1 V ), and x0 x−1 V ⊂ x V V ⊂ U , so φ(x ) is an interior point of φ(U ). Thus 0 0 1 φ(U ) is open. We shall use the term homogeneous space to mean a transitive Gspace S that is isomorphic to a quotient space G/H — that is, one for which the map Φ described above is a homeomorphism — and we shall generally identify S with G/H. This identification depends on the choice of a base point s0 ∈ S. If we choose a different base point s′0 = x0 s0 , the −1 only effect is to replace H with H ′ = x0 Hx−1 0 ; and the map x 7→ x0 xx0 ′ induces a G-equivariant homeomorphism between G/H and G/H . Henceforth we consider homogeneous spaces G/H, where G is an arbitrary locally compact group and H is an arbitrary closed subgroup. The question we wish to address is whether there is a G-invariant Radon measure on G/H, that is, a Radon measure µ such that µ(xE) = µ(E) for every x ∈ G. The answer is not always affirmative. For example, the real line R is a homogeneous space of the group of affine transformations x 7→ ax + b of R. The only measure on R (up to scalar multiples) that is invariant under translations x 7→ x + b is Lebesgue measure, but it is not invariant under the dilations x 7→ ax. However, we shall obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant measure, and a good substitute result for the cases where the condition fails. In what follows, G is a locally compact group with left Haar measure dx, H is a closed subgroup of G with left Haar measure dξ, q : G → G/H is the canonical quotient map q(x) = xH, and ∆G and ∆H are the modular functions of G and H. We define a map P : Cc (G) → Cc (G/H) by Z (2.47) P f (xH) = f (xξ) dξ. H This is well-defined by the left-invariance of dξ: if y = xη with η ∈ H then R R f (yξ) dξ = f (xξ) dξ. P f is obviously continuous, and supp(P f ) ⊂ q(supp f ). Moreover, if φ ∈ C(G/H) we have P [(φ ◦ q) · f ] = φ · P f. We now show that P maps Cc (G) onto Cc (G/H), obtaining along the way a couple of lemmas that will be needed later. 2.48 Lemma. If E ⊂ G/H is compact, there exists a compact K ⊂ G with q(K) = E. 1 This is Exercise 5.32 in the first edition of [45]. 62 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. Pick an open neighborhood V of 1 in G with compact closure. Since q is an open map, the sets q(xV ) (x ∈ G) are an open cover of E, so subcover q(xj V ) (j = 1, . . . , n). Let K = q −1 (E) ∩ Snthere is a finite −1 (E) is closed, K is compact, and q(K) = E. 1 xj V . Since q 2.49 Lemma. If F ⊂ G/H is compact, there exists f ≥ 0 in Cc (G) such that P f = 1 on F . Proof. Let E be a compact neighborhood of F in G/H, and use Lemma 2.48 to obtain a compact K ⊂ G such that q(K) = E. Choose nonnegative g ∈ Cc (G) with g > 0 on K and φ ∈ Cc (G/H) supported in E such that φ = 1 on F , and set f= φ◦q g, Pg ◦ q with the understanding that the fraction is zero wherever the numerator is zero. f is continuous since P g > 0 on supp φ, its support is contained in supp g, and P f = (φ/P g)P g = φ. 2.50 Proposition. If φ ∈ Cc (G/H), there exists f ∈ Cc (G) such that P f = φ and q(supp f ) = supp φ, and also such that f ≥ 0 if φ ≥ 0. Proof. If φ ∈ Cc (G/H), by Lemma 2.49 there exists g ≥ 0 in Cc (G) such that P g = 1 on supp φ. Let f = (φ ◦ q)g. We have P f = φ(P g) = φ, and the other properties of f are obvious. We are now in a position to settle the question of the existence and uniqueness of invariant measures on G/H. 2.51 Theorem. Suppose G is a locally compact group and H is a closed subgroup. There is a G-invariant Radon measure µ on G/H if and only if ∆G |H = ∆H . In this case, µ is unique up to a constant factor, and if this factor is suitably chosen we have Z Z Z Z (2.52) f (x) dx = P f dµ = f (xξ) dξ dµ(xH) G for f ∈ Cc (G). G/H G/H H R Proof. Suppose a G-invariant measure µ exists. Then f 7→ RP f dµ is a nonzero left invariant positive linear functional on Cc (G), so P f dµ = R c f (x) dx for some c > 0 by the uniqueness of Haar measure on G. In view of Proposition 2.50, this formula completely determines µ, so µ is unique up to the arbitrary constant factor in Haar measure. Replacing Locally Compact Groups 63 µ by c−1 µ, we may assume c = 1, so that (2.52) holds. This being the case, if η ∈ H and f ∈ Cc (G) we have Z Z ∆G (η) f (x) dx = f (xη −1 ) dx G ZG Z = f (xξη −1 ) dξ dµ(xH) G/H H Z Z = ∆H (η) f (xξ) dξ dµ(xH) G/H H Z = ∆H (η) f (x) dx, so that ∆G (η) = ∆H (η). Conversely,R suppose ∆G |H = ∆H . We claim that if f ∈ Cc (G) and P f = 0 then f (x) dx = 0. Indeed, by Lemma 2.49 there exists φ ∈ Cc (G) such that P φ = 1 on q(supp f ). We have Z Z 0 = P f (xH) = f (xξ) dξ = f (xξ −1 )∆H (ξ −1 ) dξ Z = f (xξ −1 )∆G (ξ −1 ) dξ, so 0= Z Z G = φ(x)f (xξ −1 )∆G (ξ −1 ) dξ dx H Z Z H G φ(x)f (xξ −1 )∆G (ξ Z Z −1 ) dx dξ = φ(xξ)f (x) dx dξ H G Z Z = P φ(xH)f (x) dx = f (x) dx. G G R R This means that if P f = P g then R G f = G g. It then follows from Proposition 2.50 that the map P f 7→ G f is a well-defined G-invariant positive linear functional on Cc (G/H). The associated Radon measure is then the desired measure µ. 2.53 Corollary. If H is compact, G/H admits a G-invariant Radon measure. Proof. By Proposition 2.27, ∆G |H = ∆H = 1. When no G-invariant measure exists, a weaker but still useful result is available. Suppose µ is a Radon measure on G/H. For x ∈ G we define the translate µx of µ by µx (E) = µ(xE). 64 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition µ is said to be quasi-invariant if the measures µx are all equivalent (i.e., mutually absolutely continuous), and we shall call µ strongly quasiinvariant if there is a continuous function λ : G × (G/H) → (0, ∞) such that dµx (p) = λ(x, p) dµ(p) for all x ∈ G and p ∈ G/H. Thus, strong quasi-invariance means not only that the measures µx are all strongly equivalent but that the Radon-Nikodym derivative (dµx /dµ)(p) is jointly continuous in x and p. If G and H are Lie groups, so that G/H is a smooth manifold on which G acts by diffeomorphisms, the construction of strongly quasiinvariant measures is easy, and the derivatives dµx /dµ can be taken to be smooth. Indeed, the Riemannian volume density associated to any Riemannian metric on G/H will do the job; if G/H is orientable, so will the volume density given by any nonvanishing smooth n-form (n = dim(G/H)). We shall now prove that strongly quasi-invariant measures exist on an arbitrary homogeneous space and show how to construct all of them by modifying the proof of Theorem 2.51. The ideas in this proof will be needed again in Chapter 6, even for the case of Lie groups. First, we need a couple of technical lemmas. 2.54 Lemma. Let V be a symmetric open neighborhood of 1 in G with compact closure. There exists a set A ⊂ G such that: a. for every x ∈ G there exists a ∈ A such that xH ∩ V a 6= ∅; b. if K ⊂ G is compact, there are only finitely many a ∈ A such that KH ∩ V a 6= ∅. Proof. By Zorn’s lemma there is a maximal set A ⊂ G such that if a, b ∈ A then a ∈ / V bH. (The condition a ∈ / V bH is symmetric in a and b since V = V −1 and H = H −1 .) For any x ∈ G, xH intersects some V a, for otherwise x ∈ / V aH for all a, contradicting maximality. Also, if K ⊂ G is compact and KH ∩ V a 6= ∅ for infinitely many a, there exist a1 , a2 , . . . ∈ A (all distinct) and h1 , h2 , . . . ∈ H such that aj hj ∈ V K for all j. Since V K is compact, the sequence aj hj has a cluster point z. Pick a symmetric neighborhood W of 1 such that W W ⊂ V . Then there exist two distinct integers j and k such that aj hj ∈ W z and ak hk ∈ W z, and hence aj hj ∈ V ak hk . But then aj ∈ V ak H, contradicting the definition of A. 2.55 Lemma. There exists a continuous f : G → [0, ∞) such that: i. {y : f (y) > 0} ∩ xH 6= ∅ for all x ∈ G; ii. (supp f ) ∩ KH is compact for every compact K ⊂ G. Proof. Pick g ∈ Cc+ (G) with g(x) = g(x−1 ) and g(1) > 0, let V = {x : g(x)P> 0}, choose A ⊂ G as in Lemma 2.54 for this V , and set −1 f (x) = ). By (ii) of Lemma 2.54, for x in any compact a∈A g(xa Locally Compact Groups 65 set there are only finitely many nonzero terms in this S sum, soSf is welldefined and continuous. Moreover, since supp f = a V a ⊂ a V a, for any compact K ⊂ G (supp f )∩KH is contained in a finite union ofSV a’s, which is compact. Finally, by (i) of Lemma 2.54, {y : f (y) > 0} = a V a intersects every coset xH. A rho-function for the pair (G, H) is a continuous function ρ : G → (0, ∞) such that ρ(xξ) = ∆H (ξ) ρ(x) ∆G (ξ) (x ∈ G, ξ ∈ H). 2.56 Proposition. For any locally compact group G and any closed subgroup H, (G, H) admits a rho-function. Proof. Let f be as in Lemma 2.55, and set Z ∆G (η) ρ(x) = f (xη) dη. ∆ H (η) H The properties of f easily imply that the integral converges for each x and defines a positive continuous function on G. Moreover, Z Z ∆G (η) ∆G (ξ −1 η) ∆H (ξ) ρ(xξ) = f (xξη) dη = f (xη) dη = ρ(x). ∆H (η) ∆H (ξ −1 η) ∆G (ξ) In conjunction with Proposition 2.56, the two theorems below give the existence of strongly quasi-invariant measures on G/H and a characterization of all of them. R 2.57 Lemma. If f ∈ Cc (G) and P f = 0 then f ρ = 0 for any rhofunction ρ. Proof. This argument is much the same as in Theorem 2.51. We have Z Z 0= f (xξ) dξ = f (xξ −1 )∆H (ξ −1 ) dξ H H for all x ∈ G. By Lemma 2.49 there exists φ ≥ 0 in Cc (G) such that 66 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition P φ = 1 on q(supp f ), and then Z Z 0= ρ(x)φ(x)f (xξ −1 )∆H (ξ −1 ) dξ dx G H Z Z = ρ(xξ)φ(xξ)f (x)∆H (ξ −1 )∆G (ξ) dx dξ H G Z Z = ρ(x)φ(xξ)f (x) dξ dx G H Z = f (x)ρ(x)P φ(q(x)) dx ZG = f (x)ρ(x) dx. G (The purpose of φ is to make the integrals absolutely convergent.) 2.58 Theorem. Given any rho-function ρ for the pair (G, H), there is a strongly quasi-invariant measure µ on G/H such that Z Z (2.59) P f dµ = f (x)ρ(x) dx (f ∈ Cc (G)). G/H G µ also satisfies dµx ρ(xy) (yH) = dµ ρ(y) (x, y ∈ G). R Proof. By Proposition 2.50 and Lemma 2.57, the map P f 7→ f ρ is a well-defined positive linear functional on Cc (G/H), so it defines a Radon measure µ on G/H. Next, the functional equation for rhofunctions implies that the quotient ρ(xy)/ρ(y) depends only on the coset yH, so it defines a continuous function λ : G × (G/H) → (0, ∞) by λ(x, q(y)) = ρ(xy)/ρ(y). Since the map P commutes with the left action of G, for any x ∈ G and f ∈ Cc (G) we have Z Z P f (x−1 p) dµ(p) Z Z Z −1 = f (x y)ρ(y) dy = f (y)ρ(xy) dy = f (y)λ(x, q(y))ρ(y) dy G G Z G = P f (p)λ(x, p) dµ(p), G/H P f (p) dµx (p) = G/H G/H since P [f λ(x, q(·))] = (P f )λ(x, ·). This proves the strong quasiinvariance and gives the desired formula for dµx /dµ. Locally Compact Groups 67 2.60 Proposition. If µ is a quasi-invariant measure on G/H, then µ(U ) > 0 for every nonempty open set U . Proof. Same as in Proposition 2.19. 2.61 Theorem. Every strongly quasi-invariant measure on G/H arises from a rho-function as in (2.59), and all such measures are strongly equivalent. Proof. Suppose µ is strongly quasi-invariant, so that (dµx /dµ)(p) = λ(x, p) where λ is positive and continuous on G × (G/H). For x, y ∈ G, since µxy = (µx )y , the chain rule for Radon-Nikodym derivatives implies that (2.62) λ(xy, p) = λ(x, yp)λ(y, p) for locally a.e. p. But both sides are continuous in p, so the set where they disagree is open, and it follows from Proposition 2.60 that (2.62) is valid everywhere. If f ∈ Cc (G) and y ∈ G, we have Z Z f (y −1 xξ)λ(xξ, H)−1 dξ dµ(xH) G/H H Z Z = f (xξ)λ(yxξ, H)−1 λ(y, xH) dξ dµ(xH) G/H H Z Z = f (xξ)λ(xξ, H)−1 dξ dµ(xH), G/H H since λ(yxξ, H) = λ(y, xξH)λ(xξ, H) = λ(y, xH)λ(xξ, H) R R by (2.62). Hence f 7→ G/H H f (xξ)λ(xξ, H)−1 dξ dµ(xH) is a leftinvariant positive linear functional on Cc (G), so there is a constant c > 0 such that Z Z Z (2.63) f (xξ)λ(xξ, H)−1 dξ dµ(xH) = c f (x) dx. G/H H G Let ρ(x) = cλ(x, H). Replacing f by f λ(·, H) in (2.63), we see that Z Z Z f (xξ) dξ dµ(xH) = f (x)ρ(x) dx, G/H H G 68 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition so that (2.59) holds. Moreover, if η ∈ H, Z Z f (x)ρ(xη) dx = ∆G (η)−1 f (xη −1 )ρ(x) dx G Z Z −1 = ∆G (η) f (xξη −1 ) dξ dµ(xH) G/H H Z Z −1 = ∆G (η) ∆H (η) f (xξ) dξ dµ(xH) G/H H Z = ∆G (η)−1 ∆H (η) f (x)ρ(x) dx. G This being so for all f , we have ρ(xη) = ∆G (η)−1 ∆H (η)ρ(x). Since ρ is continuous and positive, it is a rho-function. Finally, suppose µ and µ′ are strongly quasi-invariant measures with associated rho-functions ρ and ρ′ . By the functional equation for rhofunctions, the quotient ρ′ (y)/ρ(y) depends only on the coset of y and hence defines a positive continuous function φ on G/H. For f ∈ Cc (G) we have P (f ρ′ /ρ) = (P f )φ, so Z Z Z Z P f dµ′ = f ρ′ = f (ρ′ /ρ)ρ = (P f )φ dµ. G/H G G G/H Hence dµ′ /dµ = φ. Theorem 2.61 implies that all strongly quasi-invariant measures on G/H have the same null sets. (In fact, all quasi-invariant measures on G/H have the same null sets; see Bourbaki [18, §VII.2.5].) We conclude this section by relating these null sets — or, more generally, locally null sets — to the locally null sets in G. We begin with a result related to Proposition 2.22. 2.64 Lemma. Let µ be a strongly quasi-invariant measure on G/H. a. If E ⊂ G/H is Borel and µ(E) < ∞, then E is contained in a σ-compact set. b. If F ⊂ G/H is locally Borel, then F is locally µ-null if and only if F ∩ K is µ-null for every compact K ⊂ G/H. Proof. Let G0 be an open, closed, and σ-compact subgroup of G as in Proposition 2.4. For y ∈ G, let Oy be the G0 -orbit of yH in G/H, that is, Oy = q(G0 y) = {xyH : x ∈ G0 }. Since q maps open sets and compact sets to open sets and compact sets, respectively, Oy is open and σ-compact. Let Y be a subset of G such that the orbits Oy , y ∈ Y , are disjoint and comprise G/H. If µ(E) < ∞, there is an open U ⊃ E with µ(U ) < ∞. By Proposition 2.60, for each y ∈ Y either µ(U ∩ Oy ) > 0 or Locally Compact Groups 69 U ∩ Oy = ∅, so there is a countable set Z ⊂ Y such that U ∩ Oy = ∅ S for y ∈ / Z. Hence E ⊂ U ⊂ z∈Z Oz , which proves (a). (b) follows immediately, since if µ(F ∩ K) = 0 for K compact, then µ(F ∩ E) = 0 for E σ-compact. In view of Theorem 2.61, Lemma 2.64(b) implies: 2.65 Corollary. All strongly quasi-invariant measures on G/H have the same locally null sets. For the remainder of this discussion we fix a strongly quasi-invariant measure µ on G/H with associated rho-function ρ. We observe that the definition (2.47) of P f makes sense when f is any Borel measurable function from G to [0, ∞] and yields a function P f : G/H → [0, ∞]. 2.66 Lemma. Suppose f : G → [0, ∞] is lower semi-continuous. Then P f is lower semi-continuous, and formula (2.59) holds for f . Proof. If X is a locally compact Hausdorff space, let us call a family Φ of functions from X to [0, ∞] directed if for every φ, ψ ∈ Φ there is a χ ∈ Φ with χ ≥ max(φ, ψ). We then have the following facts (Folland [45, Props. 7.11 and 7.12]): A function f : X → [0, ∞] is lower semicontinuous if and only if f = supφ∈Φ Rφ (pointwise) for Rsome directed family Φ ⊂ Cc (G), and in this case, f dν = supφ∈Φ φ dν for any Radon measure ν on X. Now suppose f : G → [0, ∞] is lower semi-continuous, and let Φ be a directed family in Cc (G) such that f = supφ∈Φ φ. For each x ∈ G we have Z Z P f (xH) = f (xξ) dξ = sup φ(xξ) dξ = sup P φ(xH). H φ∈Φ H φ∈Φ But {P φ : φ ∈ Φ} is also directed since P (max(φ, ψ)) ≥ max(P φ, P ψ), and {φρ : φ ∈ Φ} is directed with supφ∈Φ φρ = f ρ, so P f is lower semi-continuous and we have Z Z Z Z P f dµ = sup P φ dµ = sup φ(x)ρ(x) dx = f (x)ρ(x) dx. G/H φ∈Φ G/H φ∈Φ G G 2.67 Lemma. For every compact K ⊂ G there is a constant CK > 0 such that |U | ≤ CK µ(q(U )) for every open U ⊂ K. Proof. Pick f ≥ 0 in Cc (G) with f = 1 on K, and let −1 cK = inf{ρ(x) : x ∈ supp f } , CK = kP f ksup cK . 70 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Since q −1 (q(U )) ⊃ U , we have Z Z |U | = f (x)χU (x) dx ≤ cK f (x)χq(U) (q(x))ρ(x) dx. G G But f (χq(U) ◦ q) is lower semi-continuous since U is open, so by Lemma 2.66, Z |U | ≤ cK P f · χq(U) dµ ≤ CK µ(q(U )). G/H 2.68 Theorem. A set E ⊂ G/H is locally null (with respect to any quasi-invariant measure µ) if and only if q −1 (E) is locally null in G (with respect to Haar measure). Proof. Suppose E is locally null in G/H and K is compact in G; we wish to show that |K ∩q −1 (E)| = 0. Choose an open set V ⊃ K with compact closure. Since q(K) ∩ E is null, for any ǫ > 0 there is an open set W in G/H such that W ⊃ q(K) ∩ E and µ(W ) < ǫ/CV , where CV is as in Lemma 2.65. Let U = V ∩q −1 (W ). Then U is open, U ⊃ K ∩q −1 (E), and by Lemma 2.67, |U | ≤ CV µ(W ) < ǫ. Since ǫ is arbitrary, |K ∩ q −1 (E)| = 0. Conversely, suppose q −1 (E) is locally null in G and K is compact in G/H; we wish to show that µ(E ∩K) = 0. By Lemma 2.49 we can choose f ≥ 0 in Cc (G) such that P f = 1 on K. Let A = q −1 (E ∩ K) ∩ (supp f ); then |A| = 0, so for any ǫ > 0 there is an open set U ⊃ A such that |U | < ǫ/kf ρksup. Then f χU ρ is lower semi-continuous, so by Lemma 2.66, Z Z P (f χU ) dµ = f (x)χU (x)ρ(x) dx < ǫ. G/H G But by the construction of U we have f χU ≥ f (χE∩K ◦ q), so P (f χU ) ≥ P f ·χE∩K = χE∩K . It follows that µ(E ∩K) < ǫ, and since ǫ is arbitrary, µ(E ∩ K) = 0. 2.7 Notes and References The theory of topological groups was developed in the 1930s. For second countable groups, the existence of Haar measure was first proved by Haar [57] and the uniqueness was first proved by von Neumann [144]. The first systematic treatment of analysis on locally compact groups using Haar measure was given by Weil [146], who showed that the countability assumptions were unnecessary. Weil also proved a theorem to the effect Locally Compact Groups 71 that essentially the only measurable groups possessing an invariant measure are the locally compact groups; see [146] for the precise statement. Our proofs of the existence and uniqueness of Haar measure follow Weil [146] and Loomis [84], respectively. H. Cartan [23] devised an argument that yields existence and uniqueness simultaneously and avoids the use of the axiom of choice, which enters our existence proof in the form of Tychonoff’s theorem. For more detailed information about topological groups and Haar measure, as well as extensive historical references, the reader may consult Hewitt and Ross [66]. Further examples of formulas for Haar measure on specific groups or classes of groups may be found in Helgason [64], Hewitt and Ross [66], and Bourbaki [18]. For more about the p-adic numbers and other local fields, see Koblitz [80] and Taibleson [132]. Proposition 2.40(a) and Proposition 2.43 can be restated succinctly as L1 (G) ∗ Lp (G) ⊂ Lp (G), L1 (G) ∗ L∞ (G) ⊂ Clu (G), and L∞ (G) ∗ L1 (G) ⊂ Cru (G), where Clu (G) (resp. Cru (G)) is the space of bounded left (resp. right) uniformly continuous functions on G. It is a remarkable and perhaps surprising fact that all these inclusions (except the first one for p = ∞) are actually equalities: 2.69 Theorem. On any locally compact group G we have L1 (G) ∗ Lp (G) = Lp (G) for 1 ≤ p < ∞. Moreover, L1 (G) ∗ L∞ (G) = L1 (G) ∗ Clu (G) = Clu (G) and L∞ (G) ∗ L1 (G) = Cru (G) ∗ L1 (G) = Cru (G). This theorem has a rather complicated history. The fact that L1 (G)∗ L (G) = L1 (G) was first proved by Salem for G = T and then by Rudin for G = Rn × Tm (m, n ≥ 0); for general G it is a special case of a theorem of Cohen concerning factorization in Banach algebras with approximate identities. Finally, Hewitt and (independently) Curtis and Figà-Talamanca generalized Cohen’s theorem to modules over such algebras, which yields the full results stated above. The proofs and references can be found in Hewitt and Ross [67, §32]; see also Ross [121] for an engaging and more detailed account of the history of this and related results. (Note, however, that these authors reverse the meanings of Clu and Cru .) The existence of quasi-invariant measures on homogeneous spaces G/H (with merely measurable rho-functions) was first proved by Mackey [88] under the assumption that G is second countable. Bruhat [22] and Loomis [85] showed how to obtain strongly quasi-invariant measures with no countability hypotheses. Our insistence on strongly quasi-invariant measures is motivated by our development of the theory of induced representations in Chapter 6. 1 72 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Formula (2.59), rewritten as Z Z (2.70) f (x)ρ(x) dx = G G/H Z f (xξ) dξ dµ(xH), H is clearly a sort of Fubini theorem relating Haar measure dξ on H, the quasi-invariant measure µ on G/H, and the weighted Haar measure ρ(x) dx on G. We have proved this formula for f ∈ Cc (G) (Theorem 2.58) and for f nonnegative and lower semi-continuous (Lemma 2.66). Although we shall have no need of further results here, it is evidently of interest to know if (2.70) remains valid for more general measurable functions f . The answer is affirmative for any f ∈ L1 (G) and for any f ≥ 0 that vanishes outside a σ-finite set; the details can be found in Reiter [117] and Bourbaki [18]. When G is second countable, these assertions actually do reduce to Fubini’s theorem. Indeed, in this case there is a Borel set Y ⊂ G that meets each coset of H in exactly one point. (See Mackey [88, Lemma (1.1)], or Baggett and Ramsay [5, Lemma 7]. The latter paper deals with Polish spaces; every second countable locally compact Hausdorff space is Polish.) q|Y is then a measurable bijection from Y to G/H, the map (y, ξ) 7→ yξ is a measurable bijection from Y × H to G. In short, G can be identified as a measurable space with G/H × H, and when this identification is made, (2.70) says that the measure ρ(x) dx on G is the product of the measure µ on G/H and Haar measure on H. 3 Basic Representation Theory In this chapter we present the basic concepts in the theory of unitary representations of locally compact groups and derive a few fundamental results: Schur’s lemma, the correspondence between unitary representations of G and ∗-representations of L1 (G), and the Gelfand-Raikov existence theorem for irreducible representations. The main tool in proving the latter theorem is the connection between cyclic representations and functions of positive type, an extremely fertile idea that will play a role in a number of places later in the book. 3.1 Unitary Representations Let G be a locally compact group. A unitary representation of G is a homomorphism π from G into the group U (Hπ ) of unitary operators on some nonzero Hilbert space Hπ that is continuous with respect to the strong operator topology — that is, a map π : G → U (Hπ ) that satisfies π(xy) = π(x)π(y) and π(x−1 ) = π(x)−1 = π(x)∗ , and for which x 7→ π(x)u is continuous from G to Hπ for any u ∈ Hπ . Hπ is called the representation space of π, and its dimension is called the dimension or degree of π. More generally, one can consider nonunitary representations of G, that is, continuous homomorphisms from G to the group of invertible continuous linear operators on some topological vector space. However, in this book we shall consider only unitary representations. Accordingly, although we shall sometimes add the word “unitary” for emphasis, when we say “representation” we shall always mean “unitary representation” unless the contrary is explicitly stated. We do not require a representation π to be continuous in the norm topology of L(Hπ ); norm continuity is too restrictive a condition to be of much interest. However, it is worth noting that strong continuity is implied by the apparently less restrictive condition of weak continuity, namely, that x 7→ hπ(x)u, vi should be continuous from G to C for each 73 74 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition u, v ∈ Hπ . This is because the weak and strong operator topologies coincide on U (Hπ ). Indeed, if {Tα } is a net of unitary operators that converges weakly to T , then for any u ∈ Hπ , k(Tα − T )uk2 = kTα uk2 − 2 RehTα u, T ui + kT uk2 = 2kuk2 − 2 RehTα u, T ui. The last term converges to 2kT uk2 = 2kuk2, so k(Tα − T )uk → 0. Unitary representations are likely to be found whenever the group G acts on a locally compact Hausdorff space S. In this case G also acts on functions on S, by [π(x)f ](s) = f (x−1 s). If S has a G-invariant Radon measure µ, then π defines a unitary representation on L2 (µ). (The continuity of π results from the argument that proves Proposition 2.42.) More generally, suppose G acts on S, and S admits a strongly quasi-invariant measure µ; that is, a Radon measure µ such that dµ(xs) = φ(x, s) dµ(s) for some positive continuous function φ. Then one can modify π to obtain a unitary representation of G on L2 (µ), as follows: [e π (x)f ](s) = φ(x, x−1 s)−1/2 f (x−1 s). This is easily seen to be unitary: Z Z φ(x, x−1 s)−1 |f (x−1 s)|2 dµ(s) = φ(x, s)−1 |f (s)|2 dµ(xs) Z = |f (s)|2 dµ(s). We have π e(xy) = π e(x)e π (y) because the chain rule for Radon-Nikodym derivatives gives φ(xy, s) = φ(x, ys)φ(y, s), and the continuity of π e follows as above. The most basic example of these constructions arises from the action of G on itself by left or right translations. Left translations yield the left regular representation πL of G on L2 (G); this is nothing but the representation [πL (x)f ](y) = Lx f (y) = f (x−1 y) defined by (2.5). The right translation operators Rx likewise define a unitary representation πR on L2 (G, ρ) where ρ is right Haar measure on G, or they can be made into a unitary representation π eR on L2 (G) (with left Haar measure) by the device described above: [πR (x)f ](y) = Rx f (y) = f (yx), [e πR (x)f ](y) = ∆(x)1/2 Rx f (y) = ∆(x)1/2 f (yx). Basic Representation Theory 75 πR and π eR are both called the right regular representation of G. Any unitary representation π of G on Hπ determines another representation π on the dual space Hπ′ of Hπ , namely π(x) = π(x−1 )′ where the prime denotes the transpose. This may seem a little confusing, as one normally considers a Hilbert space to be identical to its dual; but the identification of Hπ with Hπ′ is antilinear, and if we do not make it we are led to consider the transpose rather than the adjoint of an operator. Thus, if we choose an orthonormal basis for Hπ , so that π(x) is represented by a matrix M (x), then the matrix for π(x) is the inverse transpose of M (x), and since π is unitary this is nothing but the complex conjugate of M (x). π is called the contragredient of π. In some cases — for example, when there is a basis for Hπ with respect to which the matrices M (x) are all real — π is equivalent to π in a sense to be described shortly, but in general it is not. We now introduce some standard terminology associated to unitary representations. If π1 and π2 are unitary representations of G, an intertwining operator for π1 and π2 is a bounded linear map T : Hπ1 → Hπ2 such that T π1 (x) = π2 (x)T for all x ∈ G. The set of all such operators is denoted by C(π1 , π2 ): C(π1 , π2 ) = T : Hπ1 → Hπ2 : T π1 (x) = π2 (x)T for all x ∈ G . π1 and π2 are (unitarily) equivalent if C(π1 , π2 ) contains a unitary operator U , so that π2 (x) = U π1 (x)U −1 . We shall not consider any other equivalence relation among representations here, so we shall generally omit the adverb “unitarily.” Example: The right regular representations πR and π eR on L2 (G, ρ) 2 1/2 and L (G, λ) are equivalent, and f 7→ ∆ f is an intertwining operator. Moreover, πR is equivalent to the left regular representation πL , and U f (x) = f (x−1 ) is an intertwining operator. We set C(π) = C(π, π). This is the space of bounded operators on Hπ that commute with π(x) for every x ∈ G; it is called the commutant or centralizer of π. C(π) is obviously an algebra that is closed under weak limits; it is also closed under taking adjoints, for if T ∈ C(π) then T ∗ π(x) = [π(x−1 )T ]∗ = [T π(x−1 )]∗ = π(x)T ∗ . In short, C(π) is a von Neumann algebra. Suppose M is a closed subspace of Hπ . M is called an invariant subspace for π if π(x)M ⊂ M for all x ∈ G. If M is invariant and 6= {0}, the restriction of π to M, π M (x) = π(x)|M, 76 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition defines a representation of G on M, called a subrepresentation of π. We shall consistently use the notation π M for the subrepresentation of π on M. If π admits an invariant subspace that is nontrivial (i.e., 6= {0} or Hπ ) then π is called reducible, otherwise π is irreducible. their direct L If {πi }i∈I is a family of unitary representations, L P sum π is the representation π on H = H defined by π(x)( vi ) = i π i P πi (x)vi (vi ∈ Hπi ). (See Appendix 1 for more about direct sums of Hilbert spaces.) In this case the Hπi ’s, as subspaces of H, are invariant under π, and each πi is a subrepresentation of π. In fact, subrepresentations always arise as summands in direct sums: 3.1 Proposition. If M is invariant under π, then so is M⊥ . Proof. If u ∈ M and v ∈ M⊥ , hπ(x)v, ui = hv, π(x−1 )ui = 0, so π(x)v ∈ M⊥ . 3.2 Corollary. If π has a nontrivial invariant subspace M, then π is ⊥ the direct sum of π M and π M . We remark that this result is false for nonunitary representations. For example, π(t) = ( 10 1t ) defines a representation of R on C2 , and the only nontrivial invariant subspace is the one spanned by (1, 0). If π is a unitary representation of G and u ∈ Hπ , the closed linear span Mu of {π(x)u : x ∈ G} in Hπ is called the cyclic subspace generated by u. Clearly Mu is invariant under π. If Mu = Hπ , u is called a cyclic vector for π. π is called a cyclic representation if it has a cyclic vector. 3.3 Proposition. Every unitary representation is a direct sum of cyclic representations. Proof. Let π be a representation on Hπ . By Zorn’s lemma, there is a maximal collection {Mα }α∈A of mutually orthogonal cyclic subspaces of Hπ . If there were a nonzero u ∈ Hπ orthogonal to all the Mα ’s, the cyclic subspace generated by u would also be orthogonal to Lthe Mα ’s by Proposition 3.1, contradicting maximality. Hence H = Mα , and π L Mα π= π . We now give some results relating operators in C(π) to reducibility properties of π. The first of these is very simple, but the next is one of the fundamental theorems of the subject. 3.4 Proposition. Let M be a closed subspace of Hπ and let P be the orthogonal projection onto M. Then M is invariant under π if and only if P ∈ C(π). Basic Representation Theory 77 Proof. If P ∈ C(π) and v ∈ M, then π(x)v = π(x)P v = P π(x)v ∈ M, so M is invariant. Conversely, if M is invariant we have π(x)P v = π(x)v = P π(x)v for v ∈ M and π(x)P v = 0 = P π(x)v for v ∈ M⊥ (by Proposition 3.1). Hence π(x)P = P π(x). 3.5 Theorem (Schur’s Lemma). a. A unitary representation π of G is irreducible if and only if C(π) contains only scalar multiples of the identity. b. Suppose π1 and π2 are irreducible unitary representations of G. If π1 and π2 are equivalent then C(π1 , π2 ) is one-dimensional; otherwise, C(π1 , π2 ) = {0}. Proof. (a) If π is reducible, C(π) contains nontrivial projections, by Proposition 3.4. Conversely, suppose T ∈ C(π) and T 6= cI. Then 1 A = 12 (T + T ∗ ) and B = 2i (T − T ∗ ) are in C(π), and at least one of them — say, A — is not a multiple of I. A is self-adjoint, so every operator that commutes with A, and in particular every π(x), commutes with all the projections χE (A), E ⊂ R (Theorem 1.51(c)). Thus C(π) contains nontrivial projections, and so π is reducible by Proposition 3.4 again. (b) If T ∈ C(π1 , π2 ) then T ∗ ∈ C(π2 , π1 ) because T ∗ π2 (x) = [π2 (x−1 )T ]∗ = [T π1 (x−1 )]∗ = π1 (x)T ∗ . It follows that T ∗ T ∈ C(π1 ) and T T ∗ ∈ C(π2 ), so T ∗ T = cI and T T ∗ = cI. Hence, either T = 0 or c−1/2 T is unitary. This shows that C(π1 , π2 ) = {0} precisely when π1 and π2 are inequivalent, and that C(π1 , π2 ) consists of scalar multiples of unitary operators. If T1 , T2 ∈ C(π1 , π2 ) then T2−1 T1 = T2∗ T1 ∈ C(π1 ), so T2−1 T1 = cI and T1 = cT2 , so dim C(π1 , π2 ) = 1. 3.6 Corollary. If G is Abelian, then every irreducible representation of G is one-dimensional. Proof. If π is a representation of G, the operators π(x) all commute with one another and so belong to C(π). If π is irreducible, we therefore have π(x) = cx I for each x ∈ G. But then every one-dimensional subspace of Hπ is invariant, so dim Hπ = 1. The irreducible unitary representations of a locally compact group G are the basic building blocks of the harmonic analysis associated to G. Actually, this assertion is a bit premature at this point, for it may not be obvious that a given group G has any irreducible representations except the trivial one-dimensional representation π0 (x) ≡ I. But, in fact, G always has enough irreducible representations to separate points: this 78 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition is the Gelfand-Raikov theorem, the final major result of this chapter. Once one has this assurance, the basic questions of harmonic analysis on G are the following. i. Describe all the irreducible unitary representations of G, up to equivalence. ii. Determine how arbitrary unitary representations of G can be built out of irreducible ones. iii. Given a specific unitary representation of G such as the regular representation, show concretely how to build it out of irreducible ones. The answer to question (i) will, of course, depend strongly on the nature of G. We shall discuss a number of examples in later chapters, and in Chapter 6 we shall develop a general technique that can be used to classify the irreducible representations of many groups. As to question (ii), one might hope that every representation would be a direct sum of irreducible subrepresentations. This is the case if G is compact, as we shall see in §5.1, but not otherwise. For example, consider the regular representation of R on L2 (R), [π(x)f ](t) = f (t − x). This representation has no irreducible subrepresentations. If there were one, the space on which it acts would be one-dimensional by Corollary 3.6, hence of the form {cf : c ∈ C} for some f 6= 0 ∈ L2 . But then for each x ∈ R we would have f (t − x) = cx f (t) for some cx ∈ C of modulus 1, so |f (t)| would be constant. This is impossible for f ∈ L2 unless f = 0. Instead, the Fourier inversion formula exhibits π as a direct integral of irreducible representations. Namely, for each ξ ∈ R, πξ (x) = e−2πiξx (acting by scalar multiplication on C) is an irreducible representation R of R. If f ∈ L2 (R), we have f (t) = e2πiξt fb(ξ) dξ (with the integral suitably interpreted) where fb is the Fourier transform of f , and hence Z Z [π(x)f ](t) = e2πiξ(t−x) fb(ξ) dξ = πξ (x)[e2πiξt fb(ξ)] dξ. There is a general theory of direct integrals of Hilbert spaces, including direct sums as special cases, that allows one construct direct integrals of unitary representations in the abstract setting. It can then be shown that every unitary representation is a direct integral of irreducible ones. There remains the question of uniqueness of direct integral decompositions, which is more delicate than one might suspect at first. We shall address these issues for Abelian groups in §4.4 and for compact groups in §5.1, and we shall sketch the results for non-compact, non-Abelian groups in §7.4. Our concern with question (iii) will be largely limited to the regular representation. Its answer in this case, for a given group G, is called Basic Representation Theory 79 the Plancherel theorem for G. We shall prove the Plancherel theorem for Abelian groups in §4.2 and for compact groups (where it is part of the Peter-Weyl theorem) in §5.2, and we shall discuss the Plancherel theorem for non-compact, non-Abelian groups in §7.5. 3.2 Representations of a Group and Its Group Algebra If G is a locally compact group, we recall from §2.5 that L1 (G) is a Banach ∗-algebra under the convolution product and the involution f ∗ (x) = ∆(x−1 )f (x−1 ), where ∆ is the modular function of G. In this section we show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the unitary representations of G and the nondegenerate ∗-representations of L1 (G). Any unitary representation π of G determines a representation of L1 (G), still denoted by π, in the following way. If f ∈ L1 (G), we define the bounded operator π(f ) on Hπ by Z π(f ) = f (x)π(x) dx. We interpret this operator-valued integral in the weak sense, as explained in Appendix 4. That is, for any u ∈ Hπ we define π(f )u by specifying its inner product with an arbitrary v ∈ Hπ , and the latter is given by Z (3.7) hπ(f )u, vi = f (x)hπ(x)u, vi dx. Since hπ(x)u, vi is a bounded continuous function of x ∈ G, the integral on the right is the ordinary integral of a function in L1 (G). It is obvious from this formula that hπ(f )u, vi depends linearly on u and antilinearly on v and that |hπ(f )u, vi| ≤ kf k1 kuk kvk, so π(f ) is indeed a bounded linear operator on Hπ with norm kπ(f )k ≤ kf k1 . Example. Let πL be the left regular representation of G, πL (x) = Lx . By (2.38), πL (f ) is convolution with f on the left: Z (3.8) [πL (f )g] = f (y)Ly g dy = f ∗ g. 3.9 Theorem. Let π be a unitary representation of G. The map f 7→ π(f ) is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of L1 (G) on Hπ . Moreover, for x ∈ G and f ∈ L1 (G), (3.10) π(x)π(f ) = π(Lx f ), π(f )π(x) = ∆(x−1 )π(Rx−1 f ). 80 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. The correspondence f 7→ π(f ) is obviously linear. Formally, we have ZZ ZZ π(f ∗ g) = f (y)g(y −1 x)π(x) dy dx = f (y)g(x)π(yx) dx dy ZZ = f (y)g(x)π(y)π(x) dx dy = π(f )π(g), Z Z π(f ∗ ) = ∆(x−1 )f (x−1 )π(x) dx = f (x)π(x−1 ) dx Z = [f (x)π(x)]∗ dx = π(f )∗ , Z Z π(x)π(f ) = f (y)π(x)π(y) dy = f (y)π(xy) dy Z = f (x−1 y)π(y) dy = π(Lx f ), Z Z π(f )π(x) = f (y)π(y)π(x) dy = f (y)π(yx) dy Z = ∆(x−1 ) f (yx−1 )π(y) dy = ∆(x−1 )π(Rx−1 f ). Each of these calculations is justified by applying the operators to u ∈ Hπ and taking the inner product with v ∈ Hπ as in (3.7). In a couple of places we use the fact that integration of vector-valued functions commutes with application of bounded linear maps (see Appendix 4) to bring an operator π(x) into or out of an integral; details are left to the reader. This shows that π is a ∗-homomorphism and proves (3.9). To see that π is nondegenerate, suppose u 6= 0 ∈ Hπ . Pick a compact neighborhood V of 1 in G such that kπ(x)u−uk < kuk for x ∈ V , and set f = |V |−1 χV . Then Z 1 [π(x)u − u] dx < kuk, kπ(f )u − uk = |V | V and in particular π(f )u 6= 0. 3.11 Theorem. Suppose π is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of L1 (G) on the Hilbert space H. Then π arises from a unique unitary representation of G on H according to (3.7). Proof. The idea is that π(x) should be the limit of π(f ) as f approaches the δ-function at x. Thus, let {ψU } be an approximate identity in L1 , as in Proposition 2.44. If f ∈ L1 , we have ψU ∗f → f in L1 , so (Lx ψU )∗f = Lx (ψU ∗ f ) → Lx f in L1 for any x ∈ G, and hence π(Lx ψU )π(f )v → π(Lx f )v for all v ∈ H. Basic Representation Theory 81 Let D be the (finite) linear span of {π(f )v : f ∈ L1 , v ∈ H}. Then D is a dense subspace of H, for if u ⊥ D then 0 = hu, π(f )vi = hπ(f ∗ )u, vi for all v and f , whence u = 0 since π is nondegenerate. The preceding calculations show that the operators π(Lx ψU ) converge strongly on D to an operator π e(x) : D → D such that π e(x)π(f )v = π(Lx f )v. π e(x) is well-defined because X X X π(fj )vj = 0 =⇒ π(Lx fj )vj = lim π(Lx ψU )π(fj )vj = 0. Moreover, the operators π(Lx ψU ) satisfy kπ(Lx ψU )k ≤ kLxψU k1 = 1, by Proposition 1.24(b). Therefore, the operator π e (x) extends uniquely to H in such a way that ke π (x)k ≤ 1 and π e (x)π(f ) = π(Lx f ). We claim that π e is a unitary representation of G. First, π e(xy)π(f ) = π(Lxy f ) = π(Lx Ly f ) = π e(x)π(Ly f ) = π e(x)e π (y)π(f ), so π e(xy) = π e(x)e π (y) on D and hence on H. Next, π e (1) = I, so π e is a homomorphism from G to the group of invertible operators on H. Since kuk = ke π (x−1 )e π (x)uk ≤ ke π (x)uk ≤ kuk (u ∈ H), π e(x) is an isometry and hence a unitary operator. Finally, if xα → x in G then Lxα f → Lx f in L1 for any f ∈ L1 , so π e(xα )π(f ) = π(Lxα f ) → π(Lx f ) = π e (x)π(f ) strongly. Thus π e(xα ) → π e(x) strongly on D, and since ke π (xα )k = 1 for all α, a simple ǫ/3-argument shows that π e (xα ) → π e(x) strongly on H, so π e is continuous. It remains to show that π(f ) = π e(f ) for f ∈R L1 , where π e(f ) arises 1 from π e by (3.7). But if f, g ∈ L we have f ∗ g = f (y)Ly g dy by (2.38), where we interpret the integral as the integral of an L1 -valued function of y. Since π is a bounded linear map from L1 to L(H), it commutes with integration (see Appendix 4), so π(f )π(g) = π(f ∗ g) = Z Z f (y)π(Ly g) dy = f (y)e π (y)π(g) dy Z = f (y)e π (y) dy π(g) = π e(f )π(g). Thus π e(f ) = π(f ) on D and hence on H. Finally, suppose π b is another unitary representation of G such that π b(f ) = π(f ) for f ∈ L1 (G). It follows from (3.7) that hb π (x)u, vi = he π (x)u, vi for all x ∈ G and all u, v ∈ H, and hence π b (x) = π e(x) for all x ∈ G. Let π be a unitary representation of G. If G is discrete, the associated representation of L1 (G) includes the representation of G itself, since 82 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition π(x) = π(δx ) where δx is the function whose value at x is 1 and whose value elsewhere is 0. On the other hand, if G is not discrete and π is infinite-dimensional, the families π(G) = π(x) : x ∈ G and π(L1 (G)) = π(f ) : f ∈ L1 (G) are quite different. (For one thing, the operators π(f ) are rarely invertible.) In fact, the C* algebras generated by these two families frequently have trivial intersection. However, they are related: 3.12 Theorem. Let π be a unitary representation of G. a. The von Neumann algebras generated by π(G) and π(L1 (G)) are identical. b. T ∈ L(Hπ ) belongs to C(π) if and only if T π(f ) = π(f )T for every f ∈ L1 (G). c. A closed subspace M of Hπ is invariant under π if and only if π(f )M ⊂ M for every f ∈ L1 (G). Proof. (a) First, we claim P that if g ∈ Cc (G), π(g) is the strong limit of Riemann sums ΣE = g(xj )π(xj )|Ej |, where E = {Ej } denotes a finite partition of supp g and xj ∈ Ej . Indeed, given ǫ > 0 and u1 , . . . , un ∈ Hπ , by using the uniform continuity of the maps x 7→ g(x)π(x)um it is easy to find a partition E = {Ej } of supp g such that kg(x)π(x)um − g(y)π(y)um k < ǫ for m = 1, . . . , n when x and y lie in the same Ej , so that kΣE um − π(g)um k < ǫ| supp g| for m = 1, . . . , n. Thus every strong neighborhood of π(g) contains sums ΣE . Now, if f ∈ L1 (G), f is the L1 limit of functions in Cc (G), so π(f ) is the norm limit of operators π(g) with g ∈ Cc (G). These in turn are strong limits of Riemann sums, and these sums are in the algebra generated by π(G). On the other hand, the proof of Theorem 3.11 shows that π(x) is the strong limit of π(Lx ψU ) as U → {1}. Hence the algebras generated by π(G) and π(L1 (G)) have the same strong closure, and a fortiori the same weak closure. (b) If T ∈ C(π) then T commutes with every element of the von Neumann algebra generated by π(G), and in particular with every π(f ); and vice versa. (c) This follows from (b) together with Proposition 3.4 (and its analogue for representations of L1 (G), which has the same proof). Basic Representation Theory 3.3 83 Functions of Positive Type A function of positive type on a locally compact group G is a function φ ∈ L∞ (G) that defines a positive linear functional on the Banach ∗algebra L1 (G), i.e., that satisfies Z (f ∗ ∗ f )φ ≥ 0 for all f ∈ L1 (G). We have Z (f ∗ ∗ f )φ = = ZZ ZZ ∆(y −1 )f (y −1 )f (y −1 x)φ(x) dy dx f (y)f (yx)φ(x) dy dx, so reversing the order of integration and substituting y −1 x for x shows that φ is of positive type if and only if ZZ (3.13) f (x)f (y)φ(y −1 x) dy dx ≥ 0 (f ∈ L1 (G)). We shall prove below (Corollary 3.21) that any function of positive type agrees locally a.e. with a continuous function, and from that point on all functions of positive type will be implicitly assumed to be continuous. We shall set P = P(G) = the set of all continuous functions of positive type on G. 3.14 Proposition. If φ is of positive type then so is φ. R Proof. By examination of (3.13) one sees that (f ∗ ∗ f )φ is the complex R conjugate of [(f )∗ ∗ f ]φ. The last integral is nonnegative for all f ∈ L1 , hence so is the first. There is a beautiful connection between functions of positive type and unitary representations. The first ingredient is the following result. 3.15 Proposition. If π is a unitary representation of G and u ∈ Hπ , let φ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui. Then φ ∈ P. Proof. φ is clearly continuous. Also, φ(y −1 x) = hπ(y −1 )π(x)u, ui = hπ(x)u, π(y)ui, so if f ∈ L1 , ZZ ZZ −1 f (x)f (y)φ(y x) dx dy = hf (x)π(x)u, f (y)π(y)ui dx dy = kπ(f )uk2 ≥ 0. 84 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 3.16 Corollary. If f ∈ L2 (G), let fe(x) = f (x−1 ); then f ∗ fe ∈ P. Proof. Let π be the left regular representation: then Z hπ(x)f, f i = f (x−1 y)f (y) dy = f ∗ fe(x). Hence f ∗ fe ∈ P in view of Proposition 3.14. We now show that every nonzero function of positive type arises from a unitary representation as in Proposition 3.15. To begin with, if φ 6= 0 is of positive type, it defines a positive semi-definite Hermitian form on L1 (G) by Z ZZ ∗ (3.17) hf, giφ = (g ∗ f )φ = f (x)g(y)φ(y −1 x) dx dy, which clearly satisfies (3.18) |hf, giφ | ≤ kφk∞ kf k1 kgk1 . Let N = {f ∈ L1 : hf, f iφ = 0}. By the Schwarz inequality (see Appendix 1), f ∈ N if and only if hf, giφ = 0 for all g ∈ L1 . The form h·, ·iφ therefore induces an inner product on the quotient space L1 /N, still denoted by h·, ·iφ . We denote the Hilbert space completion of L1 /N by Hφ , and we denote the image of f ∈ L1 in L1 /N ⊂ Hφ by fe. By (3.18), kfekHφ ≤ kφk1/2 ∞ kf k1 . Now, if f, g ∈ L1 and x ∈ G, ZZ hLx f, Lx giφ = f (x−1 y)g(x−1 z)φ(z −1 y) dy dz ZZ = f (y)g(z)φ((xz)−1 (xy)) dy dz = hf, giφ . In particular, Lx (N) ⊂ N, so the operators Lx yield a unitary representation πφ of G on Hφ that is determined by (3.19) πφ (x)fe = (Lx f )e (f ∈ L1 (G)). In view of (3.8), it is easily verified that the corresponding representation of L1 (G) on Hφ is given by πφ (f )e g = (f ∗ g)e. 3.20 Theorem. Given a function φ of positive type on G, let Hφ be the Hilbert space determined as above by the Hermitian form (3.17), let f 7→ fe be the canonical map from L1 (G) to Hφ , and let πφ be the unitary representation of G on Hφ defined by (3.19). There is a cyclic vector ǫ for πφ such that πφ (f )ǫ = fe for all f ∈ L1 and φ(x) = hπφ (x)ǫ, ǫi locally a.e. Basic Representation Theory 85 ∗ Proof. Let {ψU } be an approximate identity. Then {ψU } satisfies con1 ditions (i) and (ii) of Proposition 2.44, so for any f ∈ L1 , hfe, ψeU iφ = R ∗ R 1/2 1/2 (ψU ∗ f )φ → f φ. Also, kψeU kHφ ≤ kφk∞ kψU k1 = kφk∞ . It follows easily that limhv, ψU iφ exists for all v ∈ Hφ , and hence that ψeU conR verges weakly in Hφ to an element ǫ such that hfe, ǫiφ = f φ for all f ∈ L1 . If f, g ∈ L1 and y ∈ G, we have he g , πφ (y)ǫiφ = hπφ (y −1 )e g , ǫiφ = h(Ly−1 g)e, ǫiφ Z Z = g(yx)φ(x) dx = g(x)φ(y −1 x) dx, and hence he g , feiφ = Z he g , πφ (y)ǫiφ f (y) dy = he g, πφ (f )ǫiφ . It follows that fe = πφ (f )ǫ for all f ∈ L1 . It also follows that if he g , πφ (y)ǫi = 0 for all y then ge = 0, so the linear span of {πφ (y)ǫ : y ∈ G} is dense in Hφ and ǫ is a cyclic vector. Moreover, Z Z hǫ, πφ (y)ǫif (y) dy = lim hψeU , πφ (y)ǫiφ f (y) dy = limhψeU , feiφ Z e e = hǫ, f iφ = hf , ǫiφ = φ(y)f (y) dy for every f ∈ L1 , and hence hπφ (y)ǫ, ǫi = hǫ, πφ (y)ǫi = φ(y) locally a.e. 3.21 Corollary. Every function of positive type agrees locally a.e. with a continuous function. 3.22 Corollary. If φ ∈ P then kφk∞ = φ(1) and φ(x−1 ) = φ(x). Proof. We have φ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui for some π and u, so |φ(x)| = |hπ(x)u, ui| ≤ kuk2 = φ(1) and φ(x−1 ) = hπ(x−1 )u, ui = hu, π(x)ui = φ(x). Proposition 3.15 and Theorem 3.20 establish a correspondence between cyclic representations and functions of positive type. (The representation π in Proposition 3.15 is not assumed cyclic, but hπ(x)u, ui clearly depends only on the subrepresentation of π on the cyclic subspace generated by u.) The picture is completed by the following uniqueness theorem. 1 It satisfies condition (iii) only when G is unimodular. 86 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 3.23 Proposition. Suppose π and ρ are cyclic representations of G with cyclic vectors u and v. If hπ(x)u, ui = hρ(x)v, vi for all x ∈ G, then π and ρ are unitarily equivalent; more precisely, there is a unitary T ∈ C(π, ρ) such that T u = v. Proof. For any x, y ∈ G we have hπ(x)u, π(y)ui = hπ(y −1 x)u, ui = hρ(y −1 x)v, vi = hρ(x)v, ρ(y)vi. It follows that if we define T [π(x)u] = ρ(x)v, then T extends by linearity to an isometry from the span of {π(x)u : x ∈ G} to the span of {ρ(x)v : x ∈ G}, and it then extends by continuity to a unitary map from Hπ to Hρ . Since ρ(y)T [π(x)u] = ρ(yx)v = T [π(y)π(x)u] we have ρ(y)T = T π(y), so T ∈ C(π, ρ). 3.24 Corollary. If π is a cyclic representation of G with cyclic vector u and φ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui, then π is unitarily equivalent to the representation πφ defined by (3.19). Remark : The proof of Proposition 3.23 shows that if π and ρ are arbitrary unitary representations of G, u ∈ Hπ , v ∈ Hρ , and hπ(x)u, ui = hρ(x)v, vi for all x, there exists T ∈ C(π, ρ) such that T u = v. Namely, if M is the cyclic subspace generated by u, the proof yields an isometric T ∈ C(π M , ρ), and one can extend T from M to Hπ by setting T = 0 on M⊥ . The set P of continuous functions of positive type is a convex cone. We single out some subsets of P for special attention: P1 = φ ∈ P : kφk∞ = 1 = φ ∈ P : φ(1) = 1 , P0 = φ ∈ P : kφk∞ ≤ 1 = φ ∈ P : 0 ≤ φ(1) ≤ 1 . (The equalities on the right follow from Corollary 3.22.) P1 and P0 are bounded convex sets, and we set E(Pj ) = the set of extreme points of Pj , (j = 0, 1). The extreme points of P1 are of particular interest for the following reason. 3.25 Theorem. If φ ∈ P1 , then φ ∈ E(P1 ) if and only if the representation πφ of Theorem 3.20 is irreducible. Proof. Suppose πφ is reducible, say Hφ = M⊕M⊥ where M is nontrivial and invariant under πφ . Let ǫ ∈ Hφ be as in Theorem 3.20. Since ǫ is a cyclic vector for πφ , it cannot belong to M or M⊥ , so ǫ = αu + βv where Basic Representation Theory 87 u and v are unit vectors in M and M⊥ , respectively, and α, β > 0. Let ψ1 (x) = hπφ (x)u, uiφ and ψ2 (x) = hπφ (x)v, viφ . Then ψ1 , ψ2 ∈ P1 , and ψ1 (x) − ψ2 (x) = hπφ (x)ǫ, α−1 u − β −1 viφ . Since ǫ is a cyclic vector and α−1 u − β −1 v 6= 0, there are x’s (an open set of them) for which this quantity is nonzero. Hence ψ1 and ψ2 are unequal, and since ψ1 (1) = ψ2 (1) = 1 they are actually linearly independent. Moreover, φ(x) = hπφ (x)ǫ, ǫiφ = α2 hπφ (x)u, uiφ + β 2 hπφ (x)v, viφ = α2 ψ1 (x) + β 2 ψ2 (x), and α2 + β 2 = φ(1) = 1. Hence φ is not extreme. On the other hand, suppose πφ is irreducible, but that φ = ψ + ψ ′ with ψ, ψ ′ ∈ P. Then for any f, g ∈ L1 , with the notations of (3.17)– (3.19), we have hf, f iψ = hf, f iφ − hf, f iψ′ ≤ hf, f iφ and hence 1/2 1/2 |hf, giψ | ≤ hf, f iψ hg, giψ 1/2 1/2 ≤ hf, f iφ hg, giφ . Thus the map (f, g) 7→ hf, giψ induces a bounded Hermitian form on Hφ , so there is a bounded self-adjoint operator T on Hφ such that hf, giψ = hT fe, geiφ for all f, g ∈ L1 . (Recall that fe is the image of f in Hφ .) By (3.19), if x ∈ G and f, g ∈ L1 we have hT πφ (x)fe, e giφ = hT (Lx f )e, e giφ = hLx f, giψ = hf, Lx−1 giψ = hT fe, (Lx−1 g)eiφ = hT fe, πφ (x−1 )e g iφ = hπφ (x)T fe, e giφ . Therefore, T ∈ C(πφ ), so by Schur’s lemma, T = cI and hf, giψ = chf, giφ for all f, g. In view of (3.17), this implies that ψ = cφ and hence ψ ′ = (1 − c)φ, so φ is extreme. R The condition (f ∗ ∗ f )φ ≥ 0 on φ is clearly preserved under weak* limits, so P0 is a weak* closed subset of the closed unit ball in L∞ . By Alaoglu’s theorem, P0 is weak* compact, and then by the Krein-Milman theorem (see Rudin [123]), P0 is the weak* closure of the convex hull of its extreme points. P1 is in general not weak* closed (unless G is discrete, in which case φ 7→ φ(1) is a bounded linear functional on L∞ ). Nonetheless, the conclusion of the Krein-Milman theorem holds for it too. 88 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 3.26 Lemma. E(P0 ) = E(P1 ) ∪ {0}. Proof. Suppose φ1 , φ2 ∈ P0 , c1 , c2 ≥ 0, and c1 +c2 = 1. If c1 φ1 +c2 φ2 = 0 then c1 φ1 (1) + c2 φ2 (1) = 0, which implies that φ1 (0) = φ2 (0) = 0 and hence φ1 = φ2 = 0 by Corollary 3.22. Thus 0 is extreme. On the other hand, if c1 φ1 + c2 φ2 = φ where φ ∈ P1 then c1 φ1 (1) + c2 φ2 (1) = 1, which implies that φ1 (1) = φ2 (1) = 1 and hence φ1 , φ2 ∈ P1 . Thus if φ is extreme in P1 it is extreme in P0 . Finally, no element φ of P0 \ (P1 ∪ {0}) is extreme, since it is interior to the line segment joining 0 to φ/φ(0). 3.27 Theorem. The convex hull of E(P1 ) is weak* dense in P1 . Proof. Suppose φ0 ∈ P1 . By Lemma 3.26 and the preceding remarks, φ0 is the weak* limit of a net of functions φα of the form c1 ψP 1 + ··· + cn ψn +cn+1 0, where ψ1 , . . . , ψn ∈ E(P1 ), c1 , . . . , cn+1 ≥ 0, and cj = 1. Since kφ0 k∞ = 1, kφα k∞ ≤ 1, and {f ∈ L∞ : kf k∞ ≤ 1 − ǫ} is weak* closed, we must have lim φα (1) = lim kφα k∞ = 1. But then, if we set φ′α = φα /φα (1), we have n φ′α = 1 X cj ψj , φα (1) 1 n 1 X φα (1) cj = = 1. φα (1) 1 φα (1) Thus φ′α is in the convex hull of E(P1 ) and φ0 = lim φ′α . Our next goal is to establish the remarkable fact that the weak* topology that P1 inherits as a subset of L∞ coincides with the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of G, or for short, the topology of compact convergence on G. In this topology, a neighborhood base at the function φ0 is provided by the sets N (φ0 ; ǫ, K) = φ : |φ(x) − φ0 (x)| < ǫ for x ∈ K , where ǫ ranges over positive numbers and K ranges over compact sets in G. The coincidence of these two topologies on P1 is the more remarkable when one observes that they are, in general, not the same on P0 . For example, the functions φξ (x) = eiξx belong to P1 (R). They converge to 0 in the weak* topology as ξ → ∞ (this is a restatement of the RiemannLebesgue lemma), but they have no limit in the topology of compact convergence on R (or in the weak* topology restricted to P1 ). The proof is based on the following general lemma. 3.28 Lemma. Suppose X is a Banach space and B is a norm-bounded subset of X∗ . On B, the weak* topology coincides with the topology of compact convergence on X. Basic Representation Theory 89 Proof. The weak* topology is the topology of pointwise convergence on X, so it is no stronger than the topology of compact convergence. On the other hand, if λ0 ∈ B, ǫ > 0, and K ⊂ X is compact, let C = sup{kλk : λ ∈ B} and δ = ǫ/3C. Then there exist ξ1 , . . . , ξn ∈ K such that the balls B(δ, ξj ) cover K. If λ ∈ B and ξ ∈ K then kξ − ξj k < δ for some j, so that |λ(ξ)−λ0 (ξ)| < |λ(ξ−ξj )|+|(λ−λ0 )(ξj )|+|λ0 (ξj −ξ)| < 2ǫ +|(λ−λ0 )(ξj )|, 3 Tn so the weak* neighborhood 1 {λ : |(λ − λ0 )(ξj )| < ǫ/3} of λ0 is contained in the neighborhood N (λ0 ; ǫ, K) for the topology of compact convergence. 3.29 Lemma. Suppose φ0 ∈ P1 and f ∈ L1 (G). For every ǫ > 0 and every compact K ⊂ G there is a weak* neighborhood Φ of φ0 in P1 such that |f ∗ φ(x) − f ∗ φ0 (x)| < ǫ for all φ ∈ Φ and x ∈ K. R f (xy)φ(y −1 ) dy = RProof. By Corollary 3.22 we have f ∗ φ(x) = (Lx−1 f )φ. Since x 7→ Lx−1 f is continuous from G to L1 (Proposition 2.42), {Lx−1 f : x ∈ K} is compact in L1 , and we can apply Lemma 3.28. 3.30 Lemma. If φ ∈ P1 , |φ(x) − φ(y)|2 ≤ 2 − 2 Re φ(yx−1 ). Proof. By Theorem 3.20 we have φ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui for some unitary representation π and some unit vector u ∈ Hπ , so |φ(x) − φ(y)|2 = h[π(x) − π(y)]u, ui 2 = hu, [π(x−1 ) − π(y −1 )]ui 2 ≤ kπ(x−1 )u − π(y −1 )uk2 = 2 − 2 Rehπ(x−1 )u, π(y −1 )ui = 2 − 2 Rehπ(yx−1 )u, ui = 2 − 2 Re φ(yx−1 ). 3.31 Theorem. On P1 , the weak* topology coincides with the topology of compact convergence on G. 1 RProof. If f 1∈ L (G) and ǫ > 0, there is a compact K ⊂ G such that G\K |f | < 4 ǫ. If φ, φ0 ∈ P1 and |φ − φ0 | < ǫ/2kf k1 on K then Z (f φ − f φ0 ) ≤ Z K |f ||φ − φ0 | + Z G\K |f ||φ − φ0 | < 21 ǫ + 21 ǫ = ǫ, so compact convergence on G implies weak* convergence. Conversely, suppose φ0 ∈ P1 , ǫ > 0, and K ⊂ G is compact. We wish to find a weak* neighborhood Φ of φ0 in P1 such that |φ − φ0 | < ǫ on K 90 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition when φ ∈ Φ. First, if η > 0 there is a compact neighborhood V of 1 in G such that |φ0 (x) − 1| < η for x ∈ V . Let Z Φ1 = φ ∈ P 1 : (φ − φ0 ) < η|V | . V Φ1 is a weak* neighborhood of φ0 since χV ∈ L1 . If φ ∈ Φ1 then Z Z Z (3.32) (1 − φ) ≤ (1 − φ0 ) + (φ0 − φ) < 2η|V |. V V V Also, if φ ∈ Φ1 and x ∈ G, we have Z Z −1 χV ∗φ(x)−|V |φ(x) = [φ(y x)−φ(x)] dy ≤ |φ(y −1 x)−φ(x)| dy. V V By Lemma 3.30, the Schwarz inequality, and (3.32), this is bounded by Z Z 1/2 √ [2 − 2 Re φ(y)]1/2 dy ≤ [2 − 2 Re φ(y)] dy |V |1/2 < 2|V | η. V V By Lemma 3.29, there is a weak* neighborhood Φ2 of φ0 in P1 such that |χV ∗ φ(x) − χV ∗ φ0 (x)| < η|V | for φ ∈ Φ2 and x ∈ K. Hence, if φ ∈ Φ1 ∩ Φ2 and x ∈ K, |φ(x) − φ0 (x)| is bounded by i 1 h |V |φ(x)−χV ∗φ(x) + χV ∗(φ−φ0 )(x) + χV ∗φ0 (x)−|V |φ0 (x) |V | 1 √ √ √ ≤ 2|V | η + |V |η + 2|V | η = η + 4 η. |V | √ Therefore, if we choose η so that η + 4 η < ǫ and take Φ = Φ1 ∩ Φ2 , we are done. We are almost ready to prove our final major theorem. First, we need one more simple result that will also be useful in the next chapter. 3.33 Proposition. The linear span of Cc (G) ∩ P(G) includes all functions of the form f ∗ g with f, g ∈ Cc (G). It is dense in Cc (G) in the uniform norm, and dense in Lp (G) (1 ≤ p < ∞) in the Lp norm. Proof. By Corollary 3.16, Cc (G) ∩ P(G) includes all functions of the form f ∗ fe with f ∈ Cc (G), where fe(x) = f (x−1 ). By polarization (see Appendix 1), its linear span includes all functions of the form f ∗ e h with f, h ∈ Cc (G) and hence all functions of the form f ∗ g with f, g ∈ Cc (G) (take h = ge). {f ∗g : f, g ∈ Cc (G)} is dense in Cc (G) in the uniform norm or the Lp norm because g can be taken to be an approximate identity, and Cc (G) is itself dense in Lp . Basic Representation Theory 91 3.34 Theorem (The Gelfand-Raikov Theorem). If G is any locally compact group, the irreducible unitary representations of G separate points on G. That is, if x and y are distinct points of G, there is an irreducible representation π such that π(x) 6= π(y). Proof. If x 6= y there exists f ∈ Cc (G) such that f (x) 6= f (y), and by Proposition 3.33 we can take f to be a linear combination of functions of positive type. By Theorems 3.27 and 3.31, there is a linear combination g of extreme points of P1 that approximates f on the compact set {x, y} closely enough so that g(x) 6= g(y). Hence there must be an extreme point φ of P1 such that φ(x) 6= φ(y). The associated representation πφ of Theorem 3.20 is irreducible by Theorem 3.25, and it satisfies hπφ (x)ǫ, ǫi = φ(x) 6= φ(y) = hπφ (y)ǫ, ǫi, whence πφ (x) 6= πφ (y). We shall give a simpler proof of the Gelfand-Raikov theorem for the case of compact groups in §5.2; see Theorem 5.11 and the remarks preceding it. It should be noted that when G is neither compact nor Abelian, the irreducible representations of G may be infinite-dimensional, and the finite-dimensional ones usually do not separate points on G. We shall see some examples of this phenomenon — the ax + b group, the Heisenberg groups, and SL(2, R) — in §6.7 and §7.6. We conclude this section by discussing a commonly-used variant of the notion of functions of positive type. A function φ : G → C is called positive definite if n X i,j=1 ci cj φ(x−1 j xi ) ≥ 0 for all c1 , . . . , cn ∈ C and x1 , . . . , xn ∈ G. (Here n is an arbitrary positive integer.) When n = 2, x1 = x, and x2 = 1, this condition says that the matrix φ(1) φ(x) φ(x−1 ) φ(1) is positive semi-definite. Therefore φ(x−1 ) = φ(x) and φ(1)2 − φ(x)φ(x−1 ) ≥ 0, which implies that |φ(x)| ≤ φ(1) for all x. In particular, positive definite functions are bounded. Positive definite functions need not be continuous: for example, φ(x) = 1 when x = 1, φ(x) = 0 otherwise. They need not even be measurable: if G = R and ψ is any automorphism of R as a vector space over Q then eiψ is positive definite. However, the continuous positive definite functions are nothing but the functions of positive type. 92 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 3.35 Proposition. If φ is a bounded continuous function on G, the following are equivalent: i. φ is of positive type. ii. φ R is positive definite. iii. (f ∗ ∗ f )φ ≥ 0 for all f ∈ Cc (G). Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii): Let {ψU } be an approximate identity. Given Pn c1 , . . . , cn ∈ C and x1 , . . . , xn ∈ G, let fU = 1 cj Lxj ψU . Then 0≤ Z (fU∗ ∗ fU )φ = n X ci cj i,j=1 ZZ −1 −1 ψU (x−1 y) dy dz. i y)ψU (xj z)φ(z P Since φ is continuous, the sum on the right approaches ci cj φ(x−1 j xi ) as U → {1}, so the latter sum is nonnegative. (ii) ⇒ (iii): If f ∈ Cc (G), the function F (x, y) = f (x)f (y)φ(y −1 x) is in Cc (G × G), hence is uniformly continuous. Let K = supp f , so that supp F ⊂ K × K. Given ǫ > 0, we can cover K × K by finitely many open sets of the form U × U such that the variation of F on each such set is less than ǫ. By discarding the overlaps, we can obtain a partition of K into disjoint sets E1 , . . . , En and points xj ∈ Ej such that |F (x, y) − F (xi , xj )| < ǫ when (x, y) ∈ Ei × Ej . But then Z ZZ X ZZ (f ∗ ∗ f )φ = F (x, y) dx dy = F (x, y) dx dy = (3.36) X = i,j X i,j i,j Ei ×Ej F (xi , xj )|Ei ||Ej | + R f (xi )|Ei |f (xj )|Ej |φ(x−1 j xi ) + R, where |R| = X ZZ i,j Ei ×Ej [F (x, y) − F (xi , xj )] dx dy < ǫ|K|2 . R The last sum in 3.36 is nonnegative, and ǫ is arbitrary, so (f ∗ ∗ f )φ ≥ 0. (iii) ⇒ (i): If f ∈ L1 there is a sequenceR {fn } ⊂ Cc (G) such R that fn → f in L1 . Then fn∗ ∗ fn → f ∗ ∗ f in L1 , so (f ∗ ∗ f )φ = lim (fn∗ ∗ fn )φ ≥ 0. Basic Representation Theory 3.4 93 Notes and References The theory of representations of finite groups was developed by Frobenius, Schur, Burnside, and others beginning in the 1890s. Representations of arbitrary compact groups, and finite-dimensional (possibly nonunitary) representations of the classical matrix groups, were studied by Weyl and others beginning in the 1920s; see Peter and Weyl [112] and Weyl [147]. The theory of (possibly infinite-dimensional) unitary representations of locally compact groups was initiated in the 1940s, although a few special cases had been known earlier. At that time, various researchers began looking at both abstract representation theory for general groups and concrete representation theory for specific groups, particularly those arising in quantum mechanics. Simon [129] has a good treatment of representations of finite groups from an analyst’s perspective. Other treatises in which various aspects of the theory of unitary representations are developed include Dixmier [32], Fell and Doran [40], [41], Hewitt and Ross [66], [67], Kaniuth and Taylor [71], Kirillov [77], and Mackey [98]; see also the survey article of Mackey [94]. Discussions of the connections between representation theory and other parts of mathematics and physics can be found in Mackey [96], [99], [100]. The material in §3.3 was first developed in the fundamental paper of Gelfand and Raikov [50]. The term “positive definite function” is frequently used synonymously with “function of positive type.” I find it unsatisfactory because functions of positive type are generally not positive themselves, and the positive linear functionals they define are generally not positive definite. I have therefore adapted the usual term in French, fonction de type positif, as the standard terminology for this book. 4 Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups The central idea of this chapter is the Fourier transform on locally compact Abelian groups, which provides a single theory that includes Fourier series and integrals on Rn , Walsh expansions, finite (or discrete) Fourier transforms, and many other things as special cases. The fundamental results about Fourier analysis on locally compact Abelian groups are developed in §§4.1–3. The rest of the chapter is devoted to three separate topics — classification of unitary representations (§4.4), the circle of ideas centering on Wiener’s general Tauberian theorem (§§4.5–6), and the Bohr compactification (§4.7) —that can be read independently of one another. Throughout this chapter, G will denote a locally compact Abelian group. Here left and right translations are the same thing, so we have our choice of notation: Ly f (x) = f (y −1 x) = f (xy −1 ), Ry f (x) = Ly−1 f (x) = f (xy) = f (yx). Also, G is unimodular and convolution is commutative: Z Z −1 f ∗ g(x) = g ∗ f (x) = f (xy )g(y) dy = f (y)g(y −1 x) dy. We shall continue to write the group operation as multiplication. One must keep in mind that in many of the common Abelian groups, such as R and Z, the group law is addition; the notation must be adjusted accordingly. 4.1 The Dual Group Let G be a locally compact Abelian group. By Corollary 3.6, the irreducible representations of G are all one-dimensional. Thus, for each such representation π we can take Hπ = C, and then π(x)(z) = ξ(x)z (z ∈ C) 95 96 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition where ξ is a continuous homomorphism of G into the circle group T. Such homomorphisms are called (unitary) characters of G, and the set b Since ξ(x) = hπ(x)1, 1i, Propoof all characters of G is denoted by G. b sition 3.15 shows that G is contained in P1 (G), the set of functions of b is the set of positive type on G of norm 1. In fact, by Theorem 3.25, G extreme points of P1 (G). For reasons of symmetry (which will become more cogent in §4.3) we shall use the notation hx, ξi = ξ(x) b (x ∈ G, ξ ∈ G). b determines a nondegenerate According to Theorem 3.9, each ξ ∈ G 1 ∗-representation of L (G) on C by Z (4.1) ξ(f ) = hx, ξif (x) dx. Here we identify L(C) with C; with this identification, such a representation is a multiplicative functional on L1 (G) as defined in §1.2. Conversely, every multiplicative functional Φ is given by integration against a character. This is not quite an instance of Theorem 3.11, because we do not assume that Φ(f ∗ ) = Φ(f ); rather, we have the following simple argument. First, Φ ∈ (L1 )∗ is given by integration against some φ ∈ L∞ . Thus, for any f, g ∈ L1 , Z Φ(f ) φ(x)g(x) dx = Φ(f )Φ(g) = Φ(f ∗ g) ZZ Z = φ(y)f (yx−1 )g(x) dx dy = Φ(Lx f )g(x) dx, so that (4.2) Φ(f )φ(x) = Φ(Lx f ) locally a.e. Fix f ∈ L1 with Φ(f ) 6= 0; we can redefine φ(x) to be Φ(Lx f )/Φ(f ) for every x, and then φ is continuous and (4.2) holds everywhere. Moreover, by (4.2), first with x replaced by xy and then with f replaced by Ly f , φ(xy)Φ(f ) = Φ(Lxy f ) = Φ(Lx Ly f ) = φ(x)φ(Ly f ) = φ(x)φ(y)Φ(f ), so φ(xy) = φ(x)φ(y). Finally, φ(xn ) = φ(x)n for every n, and φ is bounded, which necessitates |φ(x)| = 1, that is, φ : G → T. In short, we have: b can be identified with the spectrum of L1 (G) via (4.1). 4.3 Theorem. G Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 97 b is clearly an Abelian group under pointwise multiplication; its G identity element is the constant function 1, and hx, ξ −1 i = hx−1 , ξi = hx, ξi. b the topology of compact convergence on G, under which We shall give G the group operations are obviously continuous. By Theorem 3.31, this b inherits as a subset topology coincides with the weak* topology that G b ∪ {0} is the set of all homomorphisms from L1 to C, which of L∞ . But G is a subset of the closed unit ball of L∞ (by Proposition 1.10(c)) and is clearly weak* closed, and hence is weak* compact by Alaoglu’s theorem. b is locally compact. In short, G b is a locally compact Abelian Therefore, G group, called the dual group of G. When G is compact or discrete, we can say more about the structure b First, if G is compact, G b ⊂ L∞ (G) ⊂ Lp (G) for all p ≥ 1, and we of G. have: 4.4 Proposition. If G is compact and Haar measure is normalized so b is an orthonormal set in L2 (G). that |G| = 1, then G b then |ξ|2 ≡ 1, so clearly kξk2 = 1. If ξ 6= η there is an Proof. If ξ ∈ G x0 ∈ G such that hx0 , ξη −1 i 6= 1, and we then have Z ξη = Z Z −1 hx, ξη −1 i dx = hx0 , ξη −1 i hx−1 i dx 0 x, ξη Z Z −1 −1 −1 = hx0 , ξη i hx, ξη i dx = hx0 , ξη i ξη, which implies that R ξη = 0. b is compact. If G is compact 4.5 Proposition. If G is discrete then G b then G is discrete. Proof. If G is discrete then L1 (G) has a unit — namely, the function δ b is that equals 1 at the identity and 0 elsewhere. Hence its spectrum G compact. If G is compact then the constant function 1 is in L1 , so {f ∈ L∞ : R b we have | f | > 12 } is a weak* open set. By Proposition 4.4, for ξ ∈ G R R b ξ = 1 if ξ = 1, ξ = 0 if ξ 6= 1. Thus {1} is an open set in G, so every b is open and G b is discrete. singleton set in G b for The remainder of this section is devoted to the calculation of G various locally compact Abelian groups G. We begin by reviewing the classic simple examples. 98 4.6 a. b. c. d. A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Theorem. b∼ R = R, with the pairing hx, ξi = e2πiξx . b∼ T = Z, with the pairing hα, ni = αn . b Z∼ = T, with the pairing hn, αi = αn . bk ∼ If Zk is the additive group of integers mod k, then Z = Zk , with 2πimn/k the pairing hm, ni = e . b we have φ(0) = 1, so there exists a > 0 such that (a) If φ ∈ R RProof. Ra a φ(t) dt 6= 0. Setting A = 0 φ(t) dt, we have 0 Z a Z a+x Aφ(x) = φ(x + t) dt = φ(t) dt, 0 x so φ is differentiable and φ′ (x) = A−1 [φ(a + x) − φ(x)] = cφ(x) where c = A−1 [φ(a) − 1]. It follows that φ(t) = ect , and since |φ| = 1, c = 2πiξ for some ξ ∈ R. (b) Since T ∼ = R/Z via the identification of x ∈ R/Z with α = e2πix ∈ T, the characters of T are just the characters of R that are trivial on Z. The result therefore follows from (a). b then α = φ(1) ∈ T, and φ(n) = φ(1)n = αn . (c) If φ ∈ Z (d) The characters of Zk are the characters of Z that are trivial on kZ, hence are of the form φ(n) = αn where α is a kth root of 1. We can generate more examples from these by taking products. 4.7 Proposition. If G1 , . . . , Gn are locally compact Abelian groups, then b1 × · · · × G bn . (G1 × · · · × Gn )b ∼ =G Qn b Qn Proof. Each ξ = (ξ1 , . . . , ξn ) ∈ 1 G j defines a character on 1 Gj by h(x1 , . . . , xn ), (ξ1 , . . . , ξn )i = hx1 , ξ1 i · · · hxn , ξn i. Qn Moreover, every character χ on 1 Gj is of this form, where ξj is defined by hxj , ξj i = h(1, . . . , 1, xj , 1, . . . , 1), χi. b∼ 4.8 Corollary. (Rn )b ∼ = Rn , (Tn )b ∼ = Zn , (Zn )b ∼ = Tn , and G = G for any finite Abelian group G. Proposition 4.7 can be extended to infinite products L of compact groups. If {Hα }α∈A is any family of groups, we define α∈A Hα to be Q the set of all (hα )α∈A ∈ α∈A Hα such that hα = 1 for all but finitely many α. © 2016 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 99 Q 4.9 Proposition. If G = α∈A Gα where each Gα is a compact Abelian L b∼ bα . group, then G = α∈A G Proof. As the proof of Proposition 4.7, it is easy to see that every L in bα defines a character ξ on G by hx, ξi = Qhxα , ξα i (the (ξα ) ∈ G b determines an element (ξα ) product being finite), and that each ξ ∈ G Qb of Gα where ξα is the restriction of ξ to the αth factor. We need only show that in this situation, ξα = 1 for all but finitely many α. There is a neighborhood V of 1 in G such that |hx, ξi − 1| Q< 1 for x ∈ V . By definition of the product topology, V includes a set α Vα where Vα = Gα for all but finitely many α. If Vα = Gα then ξ(V ) ⊃ ξα (Gα ). ξα (Gα ) is therefore a subgroup of T contained in {α ∈ T : |α − 1| < 1}, and it therefore equals {1}; hence ξα = 1. Example. Let G = (Z2 )ω , the product of countably many copies of the 2-element group Z2 , as discussed in §2.2. For each n there is a unique character ξn on G that is nontrivial only on the nth factor, an namely h(aj )∞ 1 , ξn i = (−1) . The characters on G are then the finite products of the ξn ’s, together with the trivial character 1. If we identify G with [0, 1] as in §2.2, ξn becomes the nth Rademacher function rn , which takes on the values 1 and −1 alternately on the intervals [0, 2−n ), [2−n , 2 · 2−n ), . . . , [1−2−n , 1). The finite products of the Rademacher functions are called Walsh functions. There is a standard way of well-ordering the Walsh functions, as follows. If n is a nonnegative integer, let bk , . . . , b1 be the digits in its binary expansion (i.e., n = bk . . . b1 in base 2); then the nth Walsh function is wn = r1b1 · · · rkbk . From Proposition 4.4, or 2 by direct inspection, {wn }∞ 0 is an orthonormal set in L (0, 1). It is actually an orthonormal basis. This will follow from the Plancherel theorem in the next section, but it is also an elementary exercise to n verify it directly. (Hint: show that the linear span of {wk }20 −1 is the set of all step functions on [0, 1] that are constant on the intervals [0, 2−n ), . . . , [1−2−n, 1).) For our final example, we compute the dual of the p-adic numbers Qp . We begin by writing down one character ξ1 of Qp explicitly. Let us recall from Proposition 2.8 that each p-adic number x can be written P j uniquely as ∞ −∞ cj p where cj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p−1} and cj = 0 for j ≪ 0; moreover, x ∈ Zp if and only if cj = 0 for j < 0. We define ∞ DX −∞ −1 E X cj pj , ξ1 = exp 2πi cj p j . −∞ More simply, we can write hx, ξ1 i = e2πix , where it is understood that 100 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition P the terms with j ≥ 0 in the series x = cj pj contribute nothing because j e2πicj p = 1. From this it is clear that hx+y, ξ1 i = hx, ξ1 ihy, ξ1 i (recall that Qp is a group under addition, not multiplication!) and that ξ1 is constant on cosets of the open subgroup Zp and hence continuous. In short, ξ1 is a character whose kernel is Zp . Next, for y ∈ Qp we define ξy by hx, ξy i = hxy, ξ1 i. ξy is also a character, and its kernel is {x : |x| ≤ |y|−1 }. Our claim is that every character on Qp is of the form ξy . b p , there is an integer k such that ξ = 1 on 4.10 Lemma. If ξ ∈ Q B(p−k , 0). Proof. Since ξ is continuous, there is an integer k such that ξ maps B(p−k , 0) into {z ∈ T : |z − 1| < 1}. But B(p−k , 0) is a subgroup of Qp , so its image under ξ is a subgroup of T; hence it equals {1}. b p is completely determined by its values on the numbers Any ξ ∈ Q p , j ∈ Z, and by Lemma 4.10, if ξ 6= 1 there is an integer j0 such that hpj , ξi = 1 for j ≥ j0 , but hpj0 −1 , ξi 6= 1. Let us analyze the case j0 = 0. j b p , h1, ξi = 1, and hp−1 , ξi 6= 1. There is a 4.11 Lemma. Suppose ξ ∈ Q ∞ sequence {cj }0 with c0 ∈ {1, . . . , p−1} and cj ∈ {0, . . . , p−1} for j ≥ 1 Pk such that hp−k , ξi = exp(2πi 1 ck−j p−j ) for k = 1, 2, 3, . . .. Proof. Let ωk = hp−k , ξi; then p ωk+1 = hp−k−1 , ξip = hp · p−k−1 , ξi = hp−k , ξi = ωk . Now ω1 6= 1 = ω0 , so ω1 = exp(2πic0 p−1 ) for some c0 ∈ {1, . . . , p−1}. Pk Proceeding by induction, suppose ωk = exp[2πi 1 ck−j p−j ]. Since ωk+1 is a pth root of ωk , there exists ck ∈ {0, . . . , p−1} such that ωk+1 k h i hk+1 i X X −j−1 −1 = exp 2πi ck−j p exp[2πick p ] = exp ck+1−j p−j . 1 1 b p , h1, ξi = 1, and hp−1 , ξi 6= 1, there exists 4.12 Lemma. If ξ ∈ Q y ∈ Qp with |y| = 1 such that ξ = ξy . P∞ Proof. Let {cj } be as in Lemma 4.11 and set y = 0 cj pj . Then |y| = 1 Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 101 since c0 6= 0, and for k ≥ 1, k −1 h i h i X X cj+k pj hp−k , ξi = exp 2πi ck−j p−j = exp 2πi 1 = ∞ DX −k E −k cj+k pj , ξ1 = hp−k y, ξ1 i = hp−k , ξy i. It follows that hx, ξi = hx, ξy i for every x. b p is an isomorphism of 4.13 Theorem. The map y 7→ ξy from Qp to Q topological groups. Proof. The map y 7→ ξy is clearly an injective group homomorphism. b p . If ξ = 1 then ξ = ξ0 . If ξ 6= 1, by Lemma 4.10 there is Suppose ξ ∈ Q a smallest integer j such that hpj , ξi = 1. Then the character η defined by hx, ηi = hpj x, ξi satisfies the conditions of Lemma 4.12, so η = ξz for some z with |z| = 1. But then ξ = ξy where y = p−j z. The map y 7→ ξy is therefore a group isomorphism. To see that it is a homeomorphism, observe that the sets b p : |hx, ξi − 1| < j −1 for |x| ≤ pk N (j, k) = ξ ∈ Q (j ≥ 1, k ∈ Z) b p . But the image of the set {x : |x| ≤ are a neighborhood base at 1 for Q pk } under ξ1 is {1} if k ≤ 0 and is the group of pk th roots of 1 if k > 0, and hence is contained in {z : |z − 1| < j −1 } if and only if k ≤ 0. It follows that ξy ∈ N (j, k) if and only if |y| ≤ p−k , and we are done. 4.2 The Fourier Transform Henceforth it will be convenient to employ a slightly different identifib with the spectrum of L1 (G) than the one given by (4.1). cation of G b the functional Namely, we shall associate to ξ ∈ G Z −1 f 7→ ξ(f ) = ξ (f ) = hx, ξif (x) dx. The Gelfand transform on L1 (G) then becomes the map from L1 (G) to b defined by C(G) Z Ff (ξ) = fb(ξ) = hx, ξif (x) dx. 102 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition This map is the Fourier transform on G. (We denote the Fourier transform as an operator by F, but we usually denote the Fourier transform of f ∈ L1 (G) by fb rather than Ff .) 4.14 Proposition. The Fourier transform is a norm-decreasing ∗b (or C(G) b if G b is compact). Its homomorphism from L1 (G) to C0 (G) b range is a dense subspace of C0 (G). Proof. That F is a norm-decreasing ∗-homomorphism is simple to check b directly (cf. the proof of Theorem 3.9). That its range lies in C0 (G) is an instance of a general property of Gelfand transforms (Theorem 1.30). That its range is dense follows from the Stone-Weierstrass theorem as in the proof of Proposition 1.14(c), since the fact that F is a ∗-homomorphism means that L1 (G) is symmetric. Two points are worth emphasizing here. First, the fact that F(L1 ) ⊂ b is the abstract form of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma of classical C0 (G) Fourier analysis. Second, the fact that F is a ∗-homomorphism rather than just a homomorphism is equivalent to the fact that L1 is a symmetric algebra. The other basic operational properties of the Fourier transform are as follows: (4.15) (4.16) Z Z hx, ξif (y −1 x) dx = hyx, ξif (x) dx = hy, ξifb(ξ), Z (ηf )b(ξ) = hx, ξihx, ηif (x) dx = fb(η −1 ξ) = Lη fb(ξ). (Ly f )b(ξ) = The Fourier transform can be extended to complex Radon measures on G: if µ ∈ M (G), its Fourier transform (sometimes called the Fourierb defined Stieltjes transform) is the bounded continuous function µ b on G by Z µ b(ξ) = hx, ξi dµ(x). The formula (µ ∗ ν)b = µ bνb is still valid in this context: ZZ ZZ (µ ∗ ν)b(ξ) = hxy, ξi dµ(x) dν(y) = hx, ξihy, ξi dµ(x) dν(y) =µ b(ξ)b ν (ξ). R RR (The formula φ d(µ ∗ ν) = φ(xy) dµ(x) dν(y) that we have used here is true by definition of µ ∗ ν for φ ∈ C0 (G); it remains true for any bounded continuous φ since µ and ν can be approximated in norm by Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 103 b can be regarded as part of the compactly supported measures.) Thus, G spectrum of the Banach algebra M (G), and µ b is the restriction of the b Gelfand transform of µ to G. Of more interest to us than the Fourier transform on M (G) is a b Namely, if µ ∈ M (G) b we define similar construction for measures on G. the bounded continuous function φµ on G by Z (4.17) φµ (x) = hx, ξi dµ(ξ). 4.18 Proposition. The map µ 7→ φµ is a norm-decreasing linear inb to the space of bounded continuous functions on G jection from M (G) (with the uniform norm). Proof. The only nontrivial point is the injectivity. If φµ = 0 then ZZ Z 0= f (x)hx, ξi dµ(ξ) dx = fb(ξ −1 ) dµ(ξ) for any f ∈ L1 (G). But this implies that µ = 0 since F(L1 ) is dense in b C0 (G). b is positive, then φµ is a generalized linear combination If µ ∈ M (G) of characters with positive coefficients, and hence is a function of positive type on G. Indeed, if f ∈ L1 (G), ZZ ZZZ −1 f (x)f (y)φµ (y x) dx dy = f (x)f (y)hy, ξihx, ξi dµ(ξ) dx dy Z = |fb(ξ)|2 dµ(ξ) ≥ 0. The converse of this is one of the fundamental results of the theory. 4.19 Theorem (Bochner’s Theorem). If φ ∈ P(G), there is a unique b such that φ = φµ as in (4.17). positive µ ∈ M (G) Proof. The uniqueness of µ was established in Proposition 4.18. There are two nice proofs of the existence, one using the Krein-Milman theorem and one using Gelfand theory. We shall give them both. First proof : It suffices to assume that φ ∈ P0 , i.e., φ(1) ≤ 1. Let b such that µ(G) b ≤ 1; M0 be the set of positive measures µ ∈ M (G) b M0 is compact in the weak* topology of M (G). If {µα } is a net in M0 converging to µ in this topology, for any f ∈ L1 we have Z ZZ Z f (x)φµα (x) dx = f (x)hx, ξidµα (ξ) dx = fb(ξ −1 )dµα (ξ) Z ZZ Z −1 b f (x)hx, ξi dµ(ξ) dx = f (x)φµ (x) dx. → f (ξ )dµ(ξ) = 104 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Thus φµα → φµ in the weak* topology of P0 ⊂ L∞ . In other words, the map µ → φµ is continuous from M0 to P0 , and its range is therefore a compact convex subset of P0 . But the range contains every character b (take µ to be the point mass at ξ) as well as 0 (take µ = 0), and ξ∈G these are the extreme points of P0 by Theorem 3.25 and Lemma 3.26. By the Krein-Milman theorem, then, the range is all of P0 . Second proof : Without loss of generality, we shall assume φ(1) = 1. Applying the Schwarz inequality to the positive Hermitian form hf, giφ = R φ(g ∗ ∗ f ), we have Z 2 φ(g ∗ ∗ f ) ≤ Z φ(f ∗ ∗ f ) Z φ(g ∗ ∗ g) (f, g ∈ L1 ). ∗ identity. Then ψU ∗ f → f in L1 , so RTake ∗g = ψU , Ran approximate ∗ φ(ψU ∗ f ) → φf . Also, ψU ∗ ψU is again anR approximate Ridentity (if ∗ ∗ supp ψU ⊂ U then supp ψRU ∗ψU ⊂ U −1 U , and (ψU ∗ψU ) = | ψU |2 = 1 ∗ by Fubini’s theorem), so φ(ψU ∗ ψU ) → φ(1) = 1. Thus, Z 2 φf ≤ Z φ(f ∗ ∗ f ). The function h = f ∗ ∗ f satisfies h∗ = h, so if we set h(2) = h ∗ h, h(3) = h∗ h∗ h, etc., and apply this estimate successively to f, h, h(2) , . . ., we get Z φf ≤ Z 1/2 φh ≤ Z 1/4 φh (2) ··· ≤ Z φh n (2n ) 2−n−1 −n−1 ≤ kh(2 ) k21 , since kφk∞ = φ(1) = 1. But by Theorems 1.8 and 1.13 or Theorem 1.30, n −n−1 b 2 1/2 b lim kh(2 ) k21 = kb hk1/2 ∞ = k |f | k∞ = kf k∞ . R R Thus the map f 7→ φf induces a linear functional fb 7→ φf on F(L1 ), b it extends to a linear functional on and since F(L1 ) is dense in C0 (G), b of norm ≤ 1. By the Riesz representation theorem, there is a C0 (G) b with kµ̌k ≤ 1 such that µ̌ ∈ M (G) Z Z ZZ φf = fbdµ̌ = f (x)hx, ξ −1 i dµ̌(ξ) dx. R But this means that φ(x) = hx, ξi dµ(ξ) where dµ(ξ) = dµ̌(ξ −1 ). Fib ≤ kµk ≤ 1, so that kµk = µ(G) b and hence nally, 1 = φ(1) = µ(G) µ ≥ 0. Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 105 We now introduce some function spaces on G that will be useful below: b , B(G) = φµ : µ ∈ M (G) Bp = Bp (G) = B(G) ∩ Lp (G) (p < ∞), where φµ is defined by (4.17). By Bochner’s theorem, B(G) = the linear span of P(G). Proposition 3.33 therefore says that B(G) contains all functions of the form f ∗ g with f, g ∈ Cc (G) and that Bp is dense in Lp for all p < ∞. Our next step is to establish the Fourier inversion formula for functions in B1 . b is compact, there exists f ∈ Cc (G) ∩ P such 4.20 Lemma. If K ⊂ G b b b that f ≥ 0 on G and f > 0 on K. R Proof. Pick h ∈ Cc (G) with b h(1) = h = 1 and set g = h∗ ∗ h. Then gb = |b h|2 ; in particular, b g ≥ 0 and b g(1) = 1, so there is a neighborhood b such that b V of 1 in G g > 0Son V . K can be covered Pn by finitely many n translates of V , say K ⊂ 1 ξj Vj . Let f = ( 1 ξj )g. Then fb(ξ) = Pn b(ξj−1 ξ) by (4.16), so fb > 0 on K and fb ≥ 0 everywhere. Also, 1 g R g∈P by Corollary 3.16, and it follows that f ∈ P (in fact, f (a∗ ∗ a) = R P n g[(ξj a)∗ ∗ ξj a)] ≥ 0 for any a ∈ L1 ). 1 b to B(G). In The correspondence µ 7→ φµ is a bijection from M (G) the next two arguments we shall denote its inverse by φ 7→ µφ . That is, if φ ∈ B(G), µφ is the measure such that φµφ = φ. 4.21 Lemma. If f, g ∈ B1 then fbdµg = b g dµf . Proof. If h ∈ L1 (G) we have Z ZZ Z b h dµf = hx−1 , ξih(x) dx dµf (ξ) = h(x)f (x−1 ) dx = h ∗ f (1). Replacing h by h ∗ g or h by h ∗ f and f by g in this calculation, we obtain Z Z b hfbdµg . hb g dµf = (h ∗ g) ∗ f (1) = (h ∗ f ) ∗ g(1) = b b it follows that b Since F(L1 ) is dense in C0 (G) g dµf = fbdµg . 4.22 Theorem (Fourier Inversion Theorem I). If f ∈ B1 then fb ∈ b and if Haar measure dξ on G b is suitably normalized relative to L1 (G), the given Haar measure dx on G, we have dµf (ξ) = fb(ξ) dξ; that is, Z f (x) = hx, ξifb(ξ) dξ. 106 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. We are going to manufacture a positive linear functional on b If ψ ∈ Cc (G), b by Lemma 4.20 there exists f ∈ L1 (G) ∩ P such Cc (G). that fb > 0 on supp ψ. Let Z ψ I(ψ) = dµf . fb If g is another such function, by Lemma 4.21 we have Z Z Z Z ψ ψ ψ b ψ dµf = gb dµf = f dµg = dµg , b b b gb f fb g fb g so I(ψ) depends only on ψ and not on the choice of f . From this it is easy to check that I(ψ) depends linearly on ψ, and it is clear that I(ψ) ≥ 0 for ψ ≥ 0 since fb ≥ 0 and µf ≥ 0. Moreover, if g ∈ B1 then by Lemma 4.21, Z Z ψ g dµf = ψ dµg . b (4.23) I(b g ψ) = fb R There clearly exist ψ and g so that ψ dµg 6= 0, so I 6≡ 0. b MoreI is therefore a nontrivial positive linear functional on Cc (G). b over, if η ∈ G, Z Z hx, ξidµf (ηξ) = hx, η −1 ξidµf (ξ) = hx, ηif (x) = (ηf )(x), so dµf (ηξ) = dµηf (ξ). Also, (ηf )b(ξ) = so that fb > 0 on supp ψ ∪ supp Lη ψ, Z Z ψ(η −1 ξ) I(Lη ψ) = dµf (ξ) = fb(ξ) Z = fb(ηξ) by (4.16), so if we pick f ψ(ξ) dµf (ηξ) b f (ηξ) ψ(ξ) dµηf (ξ) = I(ψ). (ηf )b (ξ) R Thus I is translation-invariant. It follows that I(ψ) = ψ(ξ) dξ where b Finally, if f ∈ B1 and ψ ∈ Cc (G), b by (4.23) dξ is a Haar measure on G. we have Z Z ψ(ξ)fb(ξ) dξ = I(ψ fb) = ψ dµf , b and that f (x) = so that fb(ξ) dξ = dµf (ξ). It follows that fb ∈ L1 (G) R b hx, ξif (ξ) dξ. We shall show in the next section that the Fourier inversion formula remains valid if the condition f ∈ B1 is replaced by f ∈ L1 and fb ∈ L1 . For the moment, we have the following simple corollary. Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 107 4.24 Corollary. If f ∈ L1 (G) ∩ P then fb ≥ 0. Proof. fb(ξ) dξ = dµf (ξ), and µf ≥ 0 by Bochner’s theorem. b When a Haar measure dx on G is given, the Haar measure dξ on G that makes Theorem 4.22 true is called the dual measure of dx. If the dual of dx is dξ, the dual of c dx is c−1 dξ. (Replacing dx by c dx has the effect of replacing fb by cfb; hence one must replace dξ by c−1 dξ in the inversion formula to compensate.) Henceforth, we always take the Haar b to be the dual of the given Haar measure on G. measure on G When doing Fourier analysis on specific groups, it is important to know precisely the normalization of the dual Haar measure, and this is usually accomplished by computing the Fourier transform of a specific function. b with R by the pairing hx, ξi = e2πiξx , Example 1. If we identify R then Lebesgue measure is self-dual. This by considerR can be seen 2 2 ing g(x) = e−πx . We have gb(ξ) = e−2πiξx−πx dx; differentiation under the integral followed byR integration by parts shows that (b g )′ (ξ) = −2πξb g(ξ), and b g(0) = g = 1. Solving the differential equationR shows that gb = g, and since g is even, this means that 2 g(x) = e2πiξx−πξ dξ. Hence the inversion formula holds with dx and dξ both equal to Lebesgue measure, thus: Z Z fb(ξ) = f (x)e−2πiξx dx, f (x) = fb(ξ)e2πixξ dξ. b with R via hx, ξi = eiξx , as is frequently done, If we identified R the dual of Lebesgue measure dx would be dξ/2π. With √ this pairing, the self-dual normalization of Lebesgue measure is dx/ 2π. b p with Qp as in Theorem 4.13, the Haar Example 2. If we identify Q measure on Qp such that |Zp | = 1 is self-dual. To see this, let f be the characteristic function of Zp . The restriction of any character ξy on Qp to the compact group Zp is a character on Zp . Hence, if |Zp | = 1 R and we identify ξy with y, by Proposition 4.4 fb(y) = Zp ξ y equals 1 if ξy is trivial on Zp and 0 otherwise. But by the construction of ξy , ξy is trivial on Zp if and only if y ∈ Zp . Hence f is its own Fourier transform, and this implies that the Haar measure chosen above is self-dual. We also have the following general result. 4.25 Proposition. If G is compact and Haar measure is chosen so that b is counting measure. If G is discrete and |G| = 1, the dual measure on G 108 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition b Haar measure is chosen to be counting measure, the dual measure on G b = 1. is the one such that |G| Proof. IfPG is compact, let g ≡ 1. Then b g = χ{1} by Proposition 4.4, so g(x) = ξ∈Gb hx, ξib g (ξ), which proves the first assertion. Similarly, if G R is discrete, let g = χ{1} . Then b g ≡ 1, and g(x) = hx, ξi dξ when dξ is b = 1. (This is another application of Proposition 4.4, chosen so that |G| b for each x ∈ G.) as ξ 7→ hx, ξi is a character on G Example 3. The groups T and Z are dual to each other; the natural dual measures on them are normalized Lebesgue measure dθ/2π on T and counting measure on Z. The Fourier inversion theorem for functions on T reads: Z 2π ∞ X dθ fb(n)einθ . , f (θ) = fb(n) = f (θ)e−inθ 2π 0 −∞ Example 4. If G is a finite cyclic group Zk , the dual of counting measure is counting measure divided by k (the measure such that |Zk | = 1), and the Fourier inversion theorem reads: fb(m) = k X 0 f (n)e−2πimn/k , f (n) = k 1Xb f (m)e2πimn/k . k 0 The factor 1/k can be relocated from the second sum to the first one if one wishes. We now come to the fundamental theorem in the L2 theory of the Fourier transform. 4.26 Theorem (The Plancherel Theorem). The Fourier transform on L1 (G) ∩ L2 (G) extends uniquely to a unitary isomorphism from L2 (G) b to L2 (G). Proof. If f ∈ L1 ∩ L2 then f ∗ f ∗ ∈ L1 ∩ P by Corollary 3.16, and (f ∗ f ∗ )b = |fb|2 , so by Theorem 4.22, Z Z Z 2 ∗ ∗ |f (x)| dx = f ∗ f (1) = (f ∗ f )b(ξ) dξ = |fb(ξ)|2 dξ. Thus f 7→ fb is an isometry in the L2 norm, so it extends uniquely to an b To show that it is surjective, suppose isometry from L2 (G) into L2 (G). 2 b ψ ∈ L (G) is orthogonal to all fb with f ∈ L1 (G) ∩ L2 (G). Then by (4.15), Z Z 0 = ψ(Lx f )b = hx, ξiψ(ξ)fb(ξ) dξ Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 109 b since ψ, fb ∈ L2 (G), b so for all f ∈ L1 ∩ L2 and all x ∈ G. But ψ fb ∈ L1 (G) b It then follows from Proposition 4.18 that ψ fb = 0 ψ(ξ)fb(ξ) dξ ∈ M (G). a.e. for all f ∈ L1 ∩ L2 , and Lemma 4.20 then implies that ψ = 0 a.e. b is an orthonormal 4.27 Corollary. If G is compact and |G| = 1, G basis for L2 (G). b is an orthonormal set. If Proof. We have seen in Proposition 4.4 that G R 2 b f ∈ L is orthogonal to every ξ ∈ G then 0 = f ξ = fb(ξ) for all ξ, so f = 0 by the Plancherel theorem. The Fourier transform has now been defined on L1 (G) + L2 (G). If 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 then Lp ⊂ L1 + L2 , so we can define fb for f ∈ Lp (G), and we have: 4.28 Theorem (The Hausdorff-Young Inequality). Suppose 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 b and kfbkq ≤ kf kp . and p−1 + q −1 = 1. If f ∈ Lp (G) then fb ∈ Lq (G) Proof. This follows by the Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem from the estimates kfbk∞ ≤ kf k1 and kfbk2 = kf k2. (See Folland [45] for the Riesz-Thorin theorem.) 4.3 The Pontrjagin Duality Theorem b are characters on G, but we can equally well regard The elements of G b More precisely, each x ∈ G defines a elements of G as characters on G. b character Φ(x) on G by (4.29) hξ, Φ(x)i = hx, ξi. bb Φ is clearly a group homomorphism from G to G. It is a fundamental fact that Φ is actually an isomorphism, so that every locally compact Abelian group is “reflexive.” Before proving this, we need a couple of technical lemmas. b then φ ∗ ψ = b 4.30 Lemma. If φ, ψ ∈ Cc (G) h where h ∈ B1 (G). In 1 p b particular, F(B ) is dense in L (G) for p < ∞. Proof. Let f (x) = Z Z hx, ξiφ(ξ) dξ, g(x) = hx, ξiψ(ξ) dξ, Z h(x) = hx, ξi(φ ∗ ψ)(ξ) dξ. 110 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition b Also, if k ∈ L1 (G)∩L2 (G), Then f, g, h ∈ B(G) since φ, ψ, φ∗ψ ∈ L1 (G). Z ZZ Z fk = k ≤ kφk2 kb kk2 = kφk2 kkk2 hx, ξiφ(ξ)k(x) dx dξ = φb by the Plancherel theorem. This implies that f ∈ L2 (G), and likewise g ∈ L2 (G). Next, ZZ ZZ h(x) = hx, ξiφ(ξη −1 )ψ(η) dη dξ = hx, ξηiφ(ξ)ψ(η) dξ dη = f (x)g(x), R so h ∈ L1 (G). Thus h ∈ B1 , so by Theorem 4.22, h(x) = hx, ξib h(ξ) dξ. On comparing this with the definition of h and using Proposition 4.18, we see that b h = φ ∗ ψ. 4.31 Lemma. Suppose G is a locally compact group and H is a subgroup. If H is locally compact in the relative topology then H is closed. Proof. If H is locally compact, there is an open neighborhood U of 1 in G such that the closure in H of U ∩ H — call it K — is compact in H. But then K is also compact and hence closed in G, so K is the closure in G of U ∩ H. Now suppose x ∈ H. Pick a net {xα } in H that converges to x, and pick a symmetric neighborhood V of 1 in G such that V V ⊂ U . Then x−1 ∈ H since H is a subgroup, so V x−1 ∩ H 6= ∅. Pick y ∈ V x−1 ∩ H. xα is eventually in xV , so yxα is eventually in (V x−1 )(xV ) = V V ⊂ U . Moreover, yxα ∈ H, and yxα → yx, so yx ∈ K ⊂ H. But then x = y −1 (yx) ∈ H, so H is closed. 4.32 Theorem (The Pontrjagin Duality Theorem). The map Φ : G → bb G defined by (4.29) is an isomorphism of topological groups. Proof. In the first place, if Φ(x1 ) = Φ(x2 ) then hx1 , ξi = hx2 , ξi for all b This implies that x1 = x2 since characters separate points on G ξ ∈ G. (the Gelfand-Raikov theorem), so Φ is injective. Next, suppose x ∈ G and {xα }α∈A is a net in G, and consider the following assertions: i. xα → x in G. ii. f (xα ) → f (x) for every f ∈ B1 (G). R R iii. hxα , ξifb(ξ) dξ → hx, ξifb(ξ) dξ for every f ∈ B1 (G). bb iv. Φ(xα ) → Φ(x) in G. Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 111 (i) implies (ii) trivially. On the other hand, if xα 6→ x, there is a neighborhood U of x and a cofinal B ⊂ A such that xβ ∈ / U for β ∈ B, and by Proposition 3.33 there is an f ∈ B1 with supp f ⊂ U and f (x) 6= 0. Thus f (xα ) 6→ f (x), so (ii) implies (i). (iii) is just a restatement of (ii) R R in view of Theorem 4.22. Finally, (iii) says that Φ(xα )fb → Φ(x)fb for bb b all f ∈ F(B1 ). Since the topology of G is the weak* topology of L∞ (G), 1 1 b kΦ(xα )k∞ = 1 for all α, and F(B ) is dense in L (G) by Lemma 4.30, it follows easily that (iii) is equivalent to (iv). In short, (i) is equivalent to (iv), which means that Φ is a homeomorphism of G onto Φ(G). It now follows that Φ(G) is locally compact, and hence, by Lemma bb bb 4.31, that Φ(G) is closed in G. Suppose there exists x ∈ G \ Φ(G). Pick bb a symmetric neighborhood V of 1 in G such that xV V ∩ Φ(G) = ∅ and bb pick nonnegative (and nonzero) φ, ψ ∈ Cc (G) with supp φ ⊂ xV and supp ψ ⊂ V . Then φ ∗ ψ 6= 0, supp(φ ∗ ψ) ∩ Φ(G) = ∅, and by Lemma b But then 4.30, φ ∗ ψ = b h where h ∈ B1 (G). Z Z 0=b h(Φ(x−1 )) = hξ, Φ(x)ih(ξ) dξ = hx, ξih(ξ) dξ for all x ∈ G. By Proposition 4.18, this implies that h = 0 and hence bb b h = φ ∗ ψ = 0, a contradiction. Conclusion: Φ(G) = G. bb Henceforth we shall identify G with G and omit writing Φ. Accordingly, we may write either hx, ξi or hξ, xi for the pairing between G and b The Pontrjagin duality theorem has several important corollaries: G. 4.33 Theorem (Fourier Inversion Theorem II). If f ∈ L1 (G) and fb ∈ b then f (x) = (fb)b(x−1 ) for a.e. x; that is, L1 (G) f (x) = Z hx, ξifb(ξ) dξ for a.e. x. If f is continuous, these relations hold for every x. Proof. Since Z Z Z fb(ξ) = hx, ξif (x) dx = hx−1 , ξif (x) dx = hx, ξif (x−1 ) dx, b and dµ b(x) = f (x−1 )dx. By Theorem 4.22, then, we have fb ∈ B1 (G) f −1 f (x ) = (fb)b(x) a.e. (fb)b is automatically continuous, so if f is also continuous we have f (x−1 ) = (fb)b(x) for every x. 112 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 4.34 Corollary (The Fourier Uniqueness Theorem). If µ, ν ∈ M (G) and µ b = νb then µ = ν. In particular, if f, g ∈ L1 (G) and fb = b g then f = g. b interchanged), µ is completely Proof. By Proposition 4.18 (with G and G determined by the function φµ (ξ) = µ b(ξ −1 ). 4.35 Corollary. M (G) and L1 (G) are semisimple Banach algebras. b is compact then G is discrete. If G b is discrete 4.36 Proposition. If G then G is compact. Proof. Combine Proposition 4.5 with Pontrjagin duality. 4.37 Proposition. If f, g ∈ L2 (G) then (f g)b = fb ∗ b g. b so that we can write Proof. First suppose f, g ∈ L2 (G) ∩ F[B1 (G)], −1 −1 b b b ∩ B1 (G). b Then, as in f (x) = φ(x ) and g = ψ(x ) with φ, ψ ∈ L2 (G) the proof of Lemma 4.30, ZZ (4.38) (φ ∗ ψ)b(x−1 ) = hx, ξiφ(ξη −1 )ψ(η) dη dξ = f (x)g(x). Theorem 4.22 applies to φ and ψ, so φ = fb and ψ = b g. Moreover, φ ∗ ψ ∈ L1 ∗ L1 ⊂ L1 and f g ∈ L2 · L2 = L1 , so Theorem 4.33 applies to φ ∗ ψ. Combining this with (4.38) yields fb ∗ b g(ξ) = φ ∗ ψ(ξ) = (φ ∗ ψ)b b(ξ −1 ) = (f g)b(ξ). b If f, g ∈ L2 (G), Finally, we remove the assumption that f, g ∈ F[B1 (G)]. 2 b that by Lemma 4.30 there are sequences {fn }, {gn } in L (G) ∩ F[B1 (G)] 2 1 converge to f and g in L . Then fn gn → f g in L , so (fn gn )b → (f g)b uniformly; also fbn ∗b gn → fb∗b g uniformly, so the desired result follows. The Pontrjagin duality theorem leads to a neat duality between subgroups and quotient groups of a locally compact Abelian group. If H is a closed subgroup of G, we define b : hx, ξi = 1 for all x ∈ H . H⊥ = ξ ∈ G b H ⊥ is clearly a closed subgroup of G. 4.39 Proposition. (H ⊥ )⊥ = H for any closed subgroup H of G. Proof. Obviously H ⊂ (H ⊥ )⊥ . To prove the reverse inclusion, let q : G → G/H be the canonical projection. If x0 ∈ / H, by the Gelfand-Raikov theorem there is a character η on the group G/H such that η(q(x0 )) 6= 1. Then η ◦ q ∈ H ⊥ and (η ◦ q)(x0 ) 6= 1, so x0 ∈ / (H ⊥ )⊥ . Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 113 4.40 Theorem. Suppose H is a closed subgroup of G. Define Φ : b ⊥→H b by (G/H)b → H ⊥ and Ψ : G/H Φ(η) = η ◦ q, Ψ(ξH ⊥ ) = ξ|H, where q : G → G/H is the canonical projection. Then Φ and Ψ are isomorphisms of topological groups. Proof. Φ is obviously a group isomorphism from (G/H)b to H ⊥ . If ηα → η in (G/H)b and K ⊂ G is compact, then ηα → η uniformly on q(K), so b Conversely, if ηα ◦ q → η ◦ q uniformly on K; hence ηα ◦ q → η ◦ q in G. b and F ⊂ G/H is compact, by Lemma 2.48 there exists ηα ◦q → η ◦q in G a compact K ⊂ G with q(K) = F ; we have ηα ◦ q → η ◦ q uniformly on K, hence ηα → η uniformly on F , so ηα → η in (G/H)b. Therefore Φ is a homeomorphism. b and H by H ⊥ , by Proposition 4.39 we have Replacing G by G ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ b (G/H )b ∼ = (H ) = H. More specifically, if x ∈ H, the corresponding b ⊥ )b is given by element η of (G/H (4.41) hη, ξH ⊥ i = hx, ξi. b ⊥ )b b b ⊥∼ b∼ Pontrjagin duality then gives an isomorphism G/H = (G/H = H, which in view of (4.41) is the restriction map Ψ. The surjectivity of Ψ yields a sort of Hahn-Banach theorem for locally compact Abelian groups: 4.42 Corollary. If H is a closed subgroup of G, every character on H extends to a character of G. Example. Consider the p-adic numbers Qp and the p-adic integers Zp . b p with Qp by the correspondence y ↔ ξy of Theorem If we identify Q b 4.13, it is easily verified that Z⊥ p = Zp . By Theorem 4.40, then, Zp is isomorphic to Qp /Zp . Moreover, the kernel of the character ξ1 is exactly Zp , so Qp /Zp is isomorphic as a group to the range of ξ1 , namely the union Up of the groups of pk th roots of unity, k ≥ 1. b p is discrete since Zp is compact (Proposition 4.5), so Z bp Finally, Z is isomorphic to the group Up with the discrete topology. We conclude this section by giving a general form of the Poisson summation formula. If H is a closed subgroup of G, the (suitably normalized) Haar measure on G/H is obviously the invariant measure on G/H called for in Theorem 2.51. Hence the Fubini-type formula (2.52) holds for functions in Cc (G), with dµ(xH) = d(xH) = Haar measure on G/H. 114 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 4.43 Theorem. Suppose H is a closed subgroup of G. If f ∈ Cc (G), R define F ∈ Cc (G/H) by F (xH) = H f (xy) dy. Then Fb = fb|H ⊥ , where we identify (G/H)b with H ⊥ . If also fb|H ⊥ ∈ L1 (H ⊥ ), then (with Haar measures on H and H ⊥ suitably normalized) Z Z (4.44) f (xy) dy = fb(ξ)hx, ξi dξ. H⊥ H Proof. If ξ ∈ H ⊥ we have hxy, ξi = hx, ξi for any y ∈ H, so Z Z Z b F (ξ) = f (xy)hxy, ξi dy d(xH) = f (x)hx, ξi dx = fb(ξ). G/H H G Hence, if fb|H ⊥ ∈ L1 (H ⊥ ) we can apply the inversion theorem 4.33 to F to get (4.44). Remark. The hypothesis that f ∈ Cc (G) can be weakened. Indeed, if f ∈ L1 (G) then F is well defined a.e. and belongs to L1 (G/H); we have Fb = fb|H ⊥ , and if fb|H ⊥ ∈ L1 (H ⊥ ) then (4.44) holds a.e. (See the remarks concerning formula (2.59), which generalizes (2.52), in §2.7.) The classical Poisson summation formula is the case G = R, H = b with R via hx, ξi = e2πiξx , Z. In this case H ⊥ = Z when we identify R and (4.44) becomes ∞ X −∞ 4.4 f (x + n) = ∞ X −∞ fb(n)e2πinx . Representations of Locally Compact Abelian Groups In this section we show how to express an arbitrary unitary representation of a locally compact Abelian group G in terms of irreducible representations, i.e., characters. The key to this result is the identificab with the spectrum of L1 (G), and for our present purposes it tion of G will be more convenient to return to the original identification (4.1) of b with the functional f 7→ ξ(f ) = fb(ξ −1 ) rather than f 7→ fb(ξ). ξ ∈G The precise theorem is as follows. 4.45 Theorem. Let π be a unitary representation of the locally compact Abelian group G. There is a unique regular Hπ -projection-valued measure Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups b such that P on G π(x) = (4.46) π(f ) = Z Z hx, ξi dP (ξ) for x ∈ G, ξ(f ) dP (ξ) for f ∈ L1 (G), 115 where ξ(f ) is given by (4.1). Moreover, an operator T ∈ L(Hπ ) belongs b to C(π) if and only if T commutes with P (E) for every Borel set E ⊂ G. Proof. By Theorem 1.54 and Theorem 4.3, there is a unique regular b such that π(f ) is given by (4.46) projection-valued measure P on G for all f ∈ L1 (G). Moreover, the assertion about commuting operators follows from Theorems 1.54 and 3.12(b), so it remains only to show that the formula for π(x) in (4.46) is valid. The proof of Theorem 3.11 shows that π(x) is the strong limit of π(Lx ψU ) where {ψU } is an approximate identity. By a slight modification of (4.15), Z Z π(Lx ψU ) = ξ(Lx ψU ) dP (ξ) = hx, ξiξ(ψU ) dP (ξ), so Rit suffices to show that the integrals on the right converge weakly to hx, ξi dP (ξ). If G is first countable, so that the net {ψU } can be taken to be a sequence, this is an easy consequence of the dominated convergence theorem since |ξ(ψU )| ≤ 1 and ξ(ψU ) → 1 for each ξ. For the general case we need a slightly more involved argument. 4.47 Lemma. If {ψU } is an approximate identity, then ψbU → 1 unib as U → {1}. formly on compact subsets of G b is compact. In view of Pontrjagin duality, the Proof. Suppose K ⊂ G topology on G is the topology of uniform convergence of the functions b so if ǫ > 0, the set ξ → hx, ξi on compact subsets of G, V = x ∈ G : |hx, ξi − 1| < ǫ for ξ ∈ K is a neighborhood of 1 in G. But then, if U ⊂ V and ξ ∈ K, Z b |ψU (ξ) − 1| = hx, ξi − 1 ψU (x) dx < ǫ. V Now we can complete the proof of Theorem 4.45. If u, v ∈ Hπ and b so there is ǫ > 0, µu,v (E) = hP (E)u, vi is a finite Radon measure on G, b such that |µu,v |(G b \ K) < ǫ. Moreover, a compact K ⊂ G Z Z π(Lx ψU ) − hx, ξi dP (ξ) u, v = hx, ξi ψbU (ξ −1 ) − 1 dµu,v (ξ). b G 116 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition R R We write the integral on the right as K + G\K . By Lemma 4.47, the b integral over K is at most ǫ if U is sufficiently small, and the integral b \ K is at most 2ǫ since |ψbU − 1| ≤ 2. Hence over G Z hπ(x)u, vi = limhπ(Lx ψU )u, vi = hx, ξi dµu,v (ξ), R which means that π(x) = hx, ξi dP (ξ). Let us examine the meaning of Theorem P4.45 a bit. First suppose the measure P is discrete, that is, P (E) = ξ∈E P ({ξ}) for any Borel b Let A = {ξ : P ({ξ}) 6= 0}, and for ξ ∈ A let Hξ be the E ⊂ G. L range of P ({ξ}). Then Hπ = ξ∈A Hξ , each Hξ is invariant under π, and the subrepresentation of π on Hξ is just ξ times the identity, a direct sum P of copies of the irreducible representation ξ. Thus the formula π(x) = ξ∈A hx, ξiP ({ξ}) of Theorem 4.45 exhibits π as a direct sum of irreducible representations. If P is not discrete, Theorem 4.45 can be thought of as exhibiting Hπ as a direct integral of “infinitesimal pieces,” the ranges of the projections dP (ξ), on which π acts as a sum of copies of the character ξ. We shall make the connection of this result with the general theory of direct integrals in §7.4. Example. Let π be the left regular representation of G on L2 (G), π(x)f = Lx f . Then Z Z F−1 (Lx f )(ξ) = hy, ξif (x−1 y) dy = hxy, ξif (y) dy = hx, ξiF−1 f (ξ). Comparing this with (4.46), we see that F−1 [P (E)f ] must be χE F−1 f , so that P (E) = F(multiplication by χE )F−1 . When G = R, Theorem 4.45 is equivalent to the classical theorem of Stone on the structure of one-parameter unitary groups (see Rudin [123]). Stone’s theorem, in its usual formulation, says that if π is a unitary representation of R on H, there is a self-adjoint operator A on H (usually unbounded) such that π(x) = e2πixA . If PR is the projectionvalued measure R on R associated to A, so that A = ξ dP (ξ), this says that π(x) = e2πixξ dP (ξ), which is Theorem 4.45. Conversely, if P is the projection-valued measure of Theorem 4.45 then π(x) = e2πixA R where A = ξ dP (ξ). Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 4.5 117 Closed Ideals in L1 (G) Suppose A is a commutative Banach algebra with spectrum σ(A). The Gelfand transform provides a natural correspondence between closed subsets of σ(A) and closed ideals in A. Namely, if I ⊂ A is a closed ideal, let ν(I) = h ∈ σ(A) : fb(h) = 0 for all f ∈ I . Then ν(I) is a closed subset of σ(A), called the hull of I. On the other hand, if N ⊂ σ(A) is closed, let ι(N ) = f ∈ A : fb = 0 on N . Then ι(N ) is a closed ideal in A, called the kernel of N . We clearly have (4.48) ι(ν(I)) ⊃ I, ν(ι(N )) ⊃ N for any I and N , so the obvious question is: when are these inclusions equalities? In other words, to what extent are ν and ι inverses of each other? The simplest case is that of a commutative C* algebra. In this case, by the Gelfand-Naimark theorem we may assume that A = C0 (X) and σ(A) = X, where X is a locally compact Hausdorff space, and the Gelfand transform is then the identity map. Here the situation is as nice as possible: the maps ν and ι are mutually inverse bijections. 4.49 Theorem. Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Then ι(ν(I)) = I for every closed ideal I ⊂ C0 (X), and ν(ι(N )) = N for every closed set N ⊂ X. Proof. If N ⊂ X is closed and x ∈ / N , by Urysohn’s lemma there exists f ∈ ι(N ) such that f (x) = 1; hence ν(ι(N )) = N . Moreover, if I is a closed ideal in C0 (X) and x and y are distinct points of X \ ν(I), there exist f ∈ I such that f (x) 6= 0 and g ∈ C0 (X) such that g(x) = 1 and g = 0 on ν(I) ∪ {y} (by Urysohn again). Then f g ∈ I and (f g)(x) 6= 0 = (f g)(y), so I separates points on X \ ν(I). But if N is any closed subset of X, X \N is a locally compact Hausdorff space and (by a simple argument that we leave to the reader) C0 (X \ N ) = f |(X \ N ) : f ∈ ι(N ) . Hence the Stone-Weierstrass theorem on X \ N , with N = ν(I), implies that I = ι(ν(I)). 118 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The remainder of this section is devoted to the study of the correspondences ν and ι for the algebra L1 (G) where G is a locally compact b as in §4.2 so that the Gelfand Abelian group. We identify σ(L1 ) with G transform becomes the Fourier transform. The simple part of the theory is that ν is a left inverse for ι. b is compact and W is a neighborhood of K, 4.50 Lemma. If K ⊂ G there is a neighborhood U of 1 such that U K ⊂ W . Proof. For each x ∈ K there is a neighborhood Ux of 1 such that Ux Ux x ⊂ W . Since K is compact there exist x1 , . . . , xn such that the T sets Uxi xi cover K. Let U = n1 Uxi . If x ∈ K then x ∈ Uxi xi for some i, and hence U x ⊂ U Uxi xi ⊂ W . In short, U K ⊂ W . b is compact and W ⊂ G b is a neighborhood of 4.51 Lemma. If K ⊂ G K, there exists f ∈ L1 (G) such that fb = 1 on K and supp fb ⊂ W . Proof. By Lemma 4.50 there is a compact symmetric neighborhood U b such that U U K ⊂ W . Then χU , χU K ∈ L2 (G). b Let g, h be of 1 in G the inverse Fourier transforms of χU , χU K (as given by the Plancherel theorem), and let f = |U |−1 gh. Then f ∈ L1 and fb = b g ∗b h by Proposition R −1 −1 b 4.37; thus f (ξ) = |U | χ (η ξ) dη has the desired properties. U K U b is closed, then ν(ι(N )) = N . 4.52 Theorem. If N ⊂ G b \ N in Lemma 4.51 to obtain Proof. If ξ ∈ / N , take K = {ξ} and W = G b f ∈ ι(N ) such that f (ξ) 6= 0. When G is compact, the other half of the correspondence is easily analyzed. First, a simple lemma that will also be useful elsewhere. b (⊂ L∞ (G)) then f ∗ ξ = fb(ξ)ξ. 4.53 Lemma. If f ∈ L1 (G) and ξ ∈ G Proof. For any x ∈ G, Z Z f ∗ ξ(x) = f (y)hy −1 x, ξi dy = hx, ξi f (y)hy, ξi dy = fb(ξ)hx, ξi. 4.54 Theorem. If G is compact, then ι(ν(I)) = I for every closed ideal I ⊂ L1 (G). b ⊂ L∞ ⊂ L2 ⊂ L1 . Suppose Proof. Since G is compact, we have G b f ∈ ι(ν(I)). Then f ∗ ξ = f (ξ)ξ by Lemma 4.53, and either fb(ξ) = 0 or ξ ∈ / ν(I). In the first case, f ∗ ξ = 0; in the second case, there exists g ∈ I such that gb(ξ) = 1, so that ξ = g ∗ ξ ∈ I by Lemma 4.53 again. In Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 119 either case we have f ∗ ξ ∈ I, and hence f ∗ g ∈ I for any g in the linear b The latter is dense in L2 by Corollary 4.27, so f ∗ g ∈ I for span of G. all g ∈ L2 since I is closed. Finally, we can take g to be an approximate identity to conclude that f ∈ I. When G is noncompact, the question of whether ι(ν(I)) = I is much more delicate. We now exhibit a simple example to show that the answer can be negative. 4.55 Theorem. Let G = Rn with n ≥ 3, and let S be the unit sphere in Rn . There is a closed ideal I in L1 (Rn ) such that ν(I) = S but I 6= ι(S). Proof. First we observe that if f and x1 f (= the function whose value at x is x1 f (x)) are in L1 (Rn ) then Z −2πi(x1 f )b(ξ) = (−2πix1 e−2πiξ·x )f (x) dx (4.56) Z ∂ fb ∂e−2πiξ·x f (x) dx = (ξ). = ∂ξ1 ∂ξ1 Hence ∂ fb/∂ξ1 exists and is continuous. Let I be the set of all f ∈ L1 such that x1 f ∈ L1 and fb|S = (∂ fb/∂ξ1 )|S = 0, and let I be the closure of I in L1 . Since (Ly f )b(ξ) = e−2πiyξ fb(ξ), I is translation-invariant, so I is a closed ideal by Theorem 2.45. Moreover, {fb : f ∈ I} contains all φ ∈ Cc∞ (Rn ) such that (supp φ)∩ S = ∅, so ν(I) = S. To show that I 6= ι(S), we shall exhibit a bounded linear functional on L1 that annihilates I but not ι(S). 4.57 Lemma. Let µ denote surface measure on S. Then |b µ(x)| ≤ C(1 + |x|)−1 for some C > 0. Proof. Given x 6= 0 ∈ Rn , let r = |x| and x′ = r−1 x. If ξ ∈ S, let θ = arccos(x′ · ξ) be the angle between x and ξ. Then Z Z π µ b(x) = e−2πix·ξ dµ(ξ) = cn e−2πir cos θ sinn−2 θ dθ, 0 where cn is the area of the unit (n − 2)-sphere. (We are writing the integral for µ b(x) in spherical coordinates with x′ as the “north pole” and θ as the polar angle. The portion of S where θ = θ0 is an (n − 2)sphere of radius sin θ0 , and its area is cn sinn−2 θ0 .) Integration by parts shows that µ b(x) equals Z π −cn −2πir cos θ n−3 π n−4 −2πir cos θ e sin θ 0 − (n − 3) e sin θ cos θ dθ . 2πir 0 (Note that this works only when n ≥ 3.) The quantity in square brackets remains bounded as r = |x| → ∞, so the result follows. 120 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Returning to the proof of Theorem 4.55, let φ(x) = −2πix1 µ b(x). By Lemma 4.57, φ ∈ L∞ . If f ∈ L1 and x1 f ∈ L1 , by (4.56) we have Z ZZ φf = −2πi x1 e−2πix·ξ f (x) dµ(ξ) dx Z Z ∂ fb (ξ) dµ(ξ). ∂ξ1 R From this we deduce two things. On the one hand, φf = 0 if f ∈ I and hence if f ∈ I. On the other hand, if f is the inverse Fourier transform of a function in Cc∞ (Rn ) that equals ξ1 (|ξ|2 −1) when |ξ| ≤ 2, we have fb = 0 R R on S and ∂ fb/∂ξ1 = |ξ|2 − 1 + 2ξ12 = 2ξ12 on S, so φf = 2ξ12 dµ(ξ) > 0. Hence f ∈ ι(S) but f ∈ / I. = −2πi (x1 f )b(ξ) dµ(ξ) = We now aim toward some positive results in the noncompact case. Before proceeding to the main results, we need some approximation lemmas. The proof of the first one contains most of the hard technical work in this chain of arguments; once it is accomplished, the others are rather straightforward. b fb(ξ0 ) = 0, and ǫ > 0. There 4.58 Lemma. Suppose f ∈ L1 (G), ξ0 ∈ G, 1 b exists h ∈ L (G) such that h = 1 near ξ0 and kf ∗ hk1 < ǫ. Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume ξ0 = 1. (If not, replace f and h by ξ0 f and ξ0 h.) Let δ = ǫ/(3 + 3kf kR1 ). Choose (i) a compact F ⊂ G such that G\F |f | < δ, (ii) a compact b such that |hx, ξi − 1| < δ when symmetric neighborhood V of 1 in G x ∈ F and ξ ∈ V V , and (iii) an open W ⊃ V such that |W \ V | < |V |. b such By Lemma 4.50 there is a compact neighborhood K of 1 in G that K ⊂ V and KV ⊂ W , so that |KV | < 2|V |. Let φ and ψ be the inverse Fourier transforms (in the L2 sense) of χV and χKV , and let h = |V |−1 φψ. We claim that h does the job. To begin with, by Hölder’s inequality and the Plancherel theorem, √ khk1 ≤ |V |−1 kφk2 kψk2 = |V |−1 |V |1/2 |KV |1/2 < 2. Next, by Proposition 4.37, b h(ξ) = |V |−1 χV ∗ χKV (ξ), which equals 1 when ξ ∈ K since V is symmetric. Finally, we estimate kf ∗ hk1 . Since R f = fb(1) = 0, Z Z −1 f ∗ h(x) = f (y)[h(y x) − h(x)] dy = f (y)[Ly h − h](x) dy, so kf ∗ hk1 ≤ Z F |f (y)| kLy h − hk1 dy + Z G\F |f (y)| kLy h − hk1 dy. Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 121 R The second term on the right is bounded by 2khk1 G\F |f | < 3δ, and the first is bounded by kf k1 supF kLy h − hk1 , so it suffices to show that kLy h − hk1 < 3δ for y ∈ F . But |V |(Ly h − h) = (Ly φ)(Ly ψ − ψ) + (Ly φ − φ)ψ. If y ∈ F , the Plancherel theorem gives Z Z b 2 dξ = kLy φ − φk22 = |hy, ξi − 1|2 |φ(ξ)| |hy, ξi − 1|2 dξ < δ 2 |V |. V Likewise, kLy ψ − ψk22 < δ 2 |KV |, so by Hölder’s inequality, |V | kLy h − hk1 ≤ 2|V |1/2 |KV |1/2 < 3δ|V |, and we are done. b fb(ξ0 ) = 0, and ǫ > 0. There 4.59 Lemma. Suppose f ∈ L1 (G), ξ0 ∈ G, 1 exists u ∈ L (G) such that u b = 0 near ξ0 and kf − f ∗ uk1 < ǫ. Proof. By means of an approximate identity we can find ψ ∈ L1 such b 0 ) = 0, so we that kf − f ∗ ψk1 < 21 ǫ. Then (f ∗ ψ)b(ξ0 ) = fb(ξ0 )ψ(ξ can apply Lemma 4.58 with f and ǫ replaced by f ∗ ψ and 21 ǫ to obtain h ∈ L1 such that b h = 1 near ξ0 and kf ∗ ψ ∗ hk1 < 21 ǫ. Then u = ψ − ψ ∗ h does the job. b and ǫ > 0. There exists 4.60 Lemma. Suppose f ∈ L1 (G), ξ0 ∈ G, v ∈ L1 (G) such that kvk1 < ǫ and fb(ξ) + vb(ξ) = fb(ξ0 ) in a neighborhood of ξ0 . Proof. By Lemma 4.51 there exists g ∈ L1 such that gb(ξ) = fb(ξ0 ) in a neighborhood of ξ0 . Apply Lemma 4.58 to g − f to obtain h ∈ L1 such that b h = 1 near ξ0 and k(g − f ) ∗ hk1 < ǫ. Then v = (g − f ) ∗ h does the job. 4.61 Lemma. Suppose f ∈ L1 (G) and ǫ > 0. There exists w ∈ L1 (G) such that supp w b is compact and kf − f ∗ wk1 < ǫ. Proof. By means of an approximate identity we can√find ψ ≥ 0 such b 2 = that kψk1 = 1 and kf − f ∗ ψk1 < 21 ǫ. Let φ = ψ; then kφk kφk2 = 1. Multiplying φb by the characteristic function of a large compact set, we can obtain θ ∈ L2 such that supp θb is compact, kθk2 ≤ 1, and kφ − θk2 < ǫ/4kf k1. Let w = θ2 . Then w b = θb ∗ θb by Proposition 4.37, so b b supp w b = (supp θ)(supp θ) is compact, and by Hölder’s inequality, kf − f ∗ wk1 ≤ kf − f ∗ ψk1 + kf k1 kψ − wk1 2ǫ < 21 ǫ + kf k1 kφ(φ − θ)k1 + k(φ − θ)θk1 < 21 ǫ + kf k1 = ǫ. 4kf k1 122 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition b we say Now suppose I is an ideal in L1 (G). If f ∈ L1 (G) and ξ0 ∈ G, that f is locally in I at ξ0 if there exists g ∈ I such that fb = gb in a neighborhood of ξ0 . 4.62 Lemma. Suppose I is an ideal in L1 (G) and f ∈ L1 (G). If fb has b then f ∈ I. compact support and f is locally in I at every ξ ∈ G, b choose gξ ∈ I such that fb = gb on an open set Proof. For each ξ ∈ G, Uξ containing ξ. By passing to a finite subcover of supp fb, we obtain b and g1 , . . . , gn in I such that fb = gbj on Uj and open sets U1 , . . . , Un in G Sn b supp f ⊂ 1 Uj . Next, each ξ ∈ Uj ∩supp fb has a compact neighborhood contained in Uj ; by passing to a finite subcover of supp fb again, we obtain S compact sets K1 , . . . , Kn such that Kj ⊂ Uj and supp fb ⊂ n1 Kj . By Lemma 4.51, there exist h1 , . . . , hn ∈ L1 (G) such that b hj = 1 on Kj and Qn b b b supp hj ⊂ Uj . Then 1 (1 − hj ) = 0 on supp f , so n h i Y fb = fb 1 − (1 − b hj ) . 1 If we multiply out the product inside the square brackets, each term of the resulting sum (except the 1’s, which cancel) is a product of b hj ’s, i.e., the Fourier transform of a convolution of hj ’s. Collecting terms, we P b j ⊂ Uj . But then see that f = f ∗ Hj where Hj ∈ L1 and supp H b b b (f ∗ Hj )b = f Hj = gbj Hj = (gj ∗ Hj )b, so f ∗ Hj = gj ∗ hj ∈ I, and hence f ∈ I. 4.63 Lemma. If I is a closed ideal in L1 (G) and ξ0 ∈ / ν(I), then every f ∈ L1 (G) is locally in I at ξ0 . Proof. Pick g ∈ I such that b g(ξ0 ) = 1. By Lemma 4.60, there exists v ∈ L1 such that kvk1 < 21 and vb + gb = 1 in a neighborhood of ξ0 . Let vn = v ∗ · · · ∗ v P (n factors); then kb vn k∞ ≤ kvn k1 < 2−n . Hence, if f ∈ L1 , ∞ the series f + 1 f ∗ vn converges in L1 to a function h such that b h= ∞ X 0 fbvbn = ∞ X 0 fb(b v )n = fb . 1−b v But 1 − vb = gb near ξ0 , so fb = b h(1 − vb) = b hb g = (h ∗ g)b near ξ0 . Since h ∗ g ∈ I, f is locally in I at ξ0 . We have now proved the most fundamental result of this subject: Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 123 4.64 Theorem (Wiener’s Theorem). If I is a closed ideal in L1 (G) and ν(I) = ∅, then I = L1 (G). Proof. {f ∈ L1 : supp fb is compact} is dense in L1 by Lemma 4.61 and is contained in I by Lemmas 4.62 and 4.63. We shall discuss Wiener’s theorem in greater detail below. Right now, we take the extra step needed to obtain a substantially more general result. If f ∈ L1 (G), we set b : fb(ξ) = 0 . ν(f ) = ξ ∈ G The assertion that ι(ν(I)) = I, for I a closed ideal in L1 (G), is then equivalent to the assertion that f ∈ I whenever ν(f ) ⊃ ν(I). We also recall that a perfect set in a topological space is a closed set with no isolated points, and we denote the topological boundary of a set S by ∂S. 4.65 Lemma. Suppose I is a closed ideal in L1 (G), f ∈ L1 (G), and b such that f is not locally ν(f ) ⊃ ν(I). Let D(f ) be the set of all ξ ∈ G in I at ξ. Then D(f ) is perfect. Proof. The complement of D(f ) is open by definition, so we must show that D(f ) has no isolated points. Suppose ξ0 ∈ D(f ) has a compact neighborhood W that contains no point of D(f ) except ξ0 itself. By Lemma 4.51, there exists h ∈ L1 (G) such that b h = 1 near ξ0 and b supp h ⊂ W . By Lemma 4.63, ξ0 ∈ ν(I) ⊂ ν(f ), so fb(ξ0 ) = 0. By Lemma 4.59, there is a sequence {un } ⊂ L1 such that u bn = 0 near ξ0 and kf − f ∗ un k1 → 0. Now, h ∗ f ∗ un is locally in I at every ξ ∈ W \ {ξ0 } since f is, and it is locally in I at ξ0 and at every ξ ∈ /W since its Fourier transform vanishes in a neighborhood of these points. b and supp(b Hence h ∗ f ∗ un is locally in I at every ξ ∈ G, hfbu bn ) ⊂ W is compact, so h ∗ f ∗ un ∈ I by Lemma 4.62. Since I is closed, h ∗ f ∈ I. But fb = b hfb near ξ0 , so f is locally in I at ξ0 , contrary to the assumption that ξ0 ∈ D(f ). 4.66 Lemma. If E and F are subsets of a topological space and E ⊂ F , then E ∩ ∂F = ∂E ∩ ∂F . Proof. The interior of E is contained in the interior of F , hence does not intersect ∂F . 4.67 Theorem. Suppose I is a closed ideal in L1 (G), f ∈ L1 (G), and ν(f ) ⊃ ν(I). If ∂ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ) contains no nonempty perfect set, then f ∈ I. 124 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. First suppose fb has compact support, and let D(f ) be as in Lemma 4.65. By Lemma 4.63, D(f ) ⊂ ν(I) ⊂ ν(f ), and D(f ) contains no interior point of ν(f ) since fb agrees locally with 0 near such a point. Thus, by Lemma 4.66, D(f ) ⊂ ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ) = ∂ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ). By Lemma 4.65, D(f ) is empty, so by Lemma 4.62, f ∈ I. If fb does not have compact support, by Lemma 4.61 there is a sequence {wn } in L1 such that supp wn is compact and f ∗ wn → f in L1 . Let fn = f ∗ wn . Then ν(fn ) ⊃ ν(f ) ⊃ ν(I), so by Lemma 4.66 again, ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(fn ) = ν(I) ∩ ν(f ) ∩ ∂ν(fn ) = ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ) ∩ ∂ν(fn ) = ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ) ∩ ν(fn ) = ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ) = ∂ν(I) ∩ ∂ν(f ). The preceding argument then shows that fn ∈ I, and hence f = lim fn ∈ I. 4.68 Corollary. If ∂ν(I) does not contain any nonempty perfect set, then ι(ν(I)) = I. The obvious situation in which this condition holds is when ν(I) is b discrete. It also holds when ν(I) is open, a common occurrence when G b is an is totally disconnected — for example, when G = Qp or when G infinite product of finite groups. 4.69 Corollary. If f ∈ L1 and fb = 0 on a neighborhood of ν(I) then f ∈ I. b ι(N ) is clearly the largest closed ideal I If N is a closed subset of G, such that ν(I) = N . There is also a smallest such ideal, and in view of Corollary 4.69 it is ι0 (N ) = closure of f ∈ L1 : fb = 0 on a neighborhood of N . By Corollary 4.68, these two ideals coincide if ∂N contains no nonempty perfect set. We conclude this section by discussing some of the ramifications of Wiener’s theorem 4.64. The first remark to be made is that Wiener’s theorem is a deep result only for noncompact, nondiscrete groups. Indeed, for the compact case we gave a simple proof of a more general result in Theorem 4.54. On the other hand, if G is discrete then L1 (G) has a unit, so every proper ideal is contained in a maximal ideal, and the latter are b this immediately implies all of the form {f : fb(ξ0 ) = 0} for some ξ0 ∈ G; Wiener’s theorem. Conversely, Wiener’s theorem can be restated as an analogue of this result for nondiscrete groups: Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 125 4.70 Corollary. Every proper closed ideal in L1 (G) is contained in one b of the maximal ideals ι({ξ0 }), ξ0 ∈ G. When G is nondiscrete, this assertion loses its validity if the word “closed” is omitted. For example, the set of all f ∈ L1 such that supp fb is compact is a proper ideal not contained in any ι({ξ0 }). Wiener’s theorem is frequently used in the following form: 4.71 Corollary. Suppose f ∈ L1 (G). The closed linear span of the translates of f is L1 (G) if and only if fb never vanishes. Proof. By Theorem 2.45, the closed linear span of the translates of f is the closed ideal generated by f . If fb(ξ0 ) = 0, this ideal is contained in ι({ξ0 }); if fb(ξ) 6= 0 for all ξ, it equals L1 by Wiener’s theorem. There is a corresponding result for L2 , but its proof is almost trivial: 4.72 Proposition. Suppose f ∈ L2 (G). The closed linear span of the translates of f is L2 (G) if and only if fb 6= 0 almost everywhere. 2 Proof. Let M be the closed subspace R of L spanned by the translates of f . Then g ⊥ M if and only if (Lx f )g = 0 for all x ∈ G. By the Plancherel theorem and (4.15), this happens precisely when Z Z 0 = (Lx f )b(ξ)b g (ξ) dξ = hx, ξifb(ξ)b g (ξ) dξ = (fbgb)b(x) for all x, and by the Fourier uniqueness theorem 4.34 this is equivalent to fbgb = 0 a.e. Thus there is a nonzero g ∈ M⊥ if and only if fb = 0 on a set of positive measure. Our proof of Wiener’s theorem is complicated to some degree by the fact that we are working on general locally compact Abelian groups, but even for G = R (the setting of Wiener’s original result) the argument is not easy. However, Mark Kac [69] has pointed out that a simple and elegant derivation of Corollary 4.71 for G = R is available if one is willing to assume that f has some extra decay at infinity. Here is Kac’s result and proof, generalized to Rn , where we identify (Rn )b with Rn via the pairing hξ, xi = e2πiξ·x : 4.73 Proposition. Suppose f ∈ L1 (Rn ), fb(ξ) 6= 0 for all ξ ∈ Rn , and R n+1 |x| |f (x)| dx < ∞. Then the closed linear span of the translates of f is L1 (Rn ). Proof. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, the conclusionRof the proposition is equivalent to the assertion that if φ ∈ L∞ (Rn ) and φ(y)f (y − x) dy = 126 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 0 for all x ∈ Rn , then φ = 0 (a.e.). To prove this, let φ be such a function, and let h belong to the space Ccn+1 of compactly supported functions on Rn that R possess continuous partial derivatives up to order n + 1. Let H(x) = h(ξ)e2πiξ·x dξ be the inverse Fourier transform of h. Integration by parts shows that xα H(x) is bounded for every monomial xα of degree at most n + 1, so |H(x)| ≤ C(1 + |x|)−n−1 and hence H ∈ L1 . Thus we have H ∗ f ∈ L1 and (H ∗ f )b = hfb ∈ L1 , so the Fourier inversion theorem holds for H∗f ; moreover, the function (x, y) 7→ H(x)f (y − x)φ(y) is in L1 (R2n ). Hence, ZZ Z 0= H(x)f (y − x)φ(y) dy dx = φ(y)(H ∗ f )(y) dy ZZ = φ(y)h(ξ)fb(ξ)e2πiy·ξ dξ dy. This holds for all h ∈ Ccn+1 . But the hypothesis on f implies that fb is of class C n+1 , and since it never vanishes, the map h 7→ hfb is a bijection on Ccn+1 . We therefore conclude that ZZ φ(y)h(ξ)e2πiy·ξ dξ dy = 0 for all h ∈ Ccn+1 . But this space is closed under translations, so for any η ∈ Rn , ZZ ZZ 2πiy·ξ 0= φ(y)h(ξ − η)e dξ dy = φ(y)h(ξ)e2πiy·(ξ+η) dξ dy Z = φ(y)H(y)e2πiη·y dy. By Fourier uniqueness, φH = 0 a.e. By taking h(ξ) = h0 (Rξ) where h0 ≥ 0 and letting R → ∞, we easily obtain H’s that are nonzero on any given ball about the origin. Thus φ = 0 a.e. on such balls and hence on Rn , as claimed. Wiener’s principal motivation for proving Theorem 4.64 was to obtain part (a) of the following theorem (part (b) was added by Pitt). Some terminology: suppose φ is a bounded function on G. We say that φ(x) → a as x → ∞ if for every ǫ > 0 there is a compact set K ⊂ G such that |φ(x)−a| < ǫ for x ∈ / K. We say that φ is slowly oscillating if for every ǫ > 0 there is a compact K ⊂ G and a neighborhood V of 1 in G such that |φ(x) − φ(y −1 x)| < ǫ whenever y ∈ V and x ∈ / K. (For example, if φ is uniformly continuous on G then φ is slowly oscillating, and one can take K = ∅.) Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 127 4.74 Theorem (The Wiener-Pitt Tauberian Theorem). Suppose φ ∈ R L∞ (G), f ∈ L1 (G), f = 1, fb never vanishes, and φ ∗ f (x) → a as x → ∞. Then: R a. φ ∗ g(x) → a g as x → ∞ for every g ∈ L1 . b. If φ is slowly oscillating, φ(x) → a as x → ∞. R Proof. The set L of all g ∈ L1 satisfying φ ∗ g(x) → a g as x → ∞ is clearly a linear subspace of L1 . RL is closed because if gn → g in L1 R then φ ∗ gn → φ ∗ g uniformly and gn → g. L is translation-invariant R R because φ∗(Ly g) = Ly (φ∗g), andR limx→∞ Ly (φ∗g)(x) = a g = a Ly g whenever limx→∞ φ ∗ g(x) = a g. L contains f by assumption, and hence L = L1 by Corollary 4.71. Thus (a) is proved. If φ is slowly oscillating and ǫ > 0, choose K and V so that |φ(x) − φ(y −1 x)| < ǫ when x ∈ / K and y ∈ V . Assuming, as we may, that V has finite measure, let g = |V |−1 χV . If x ∈ K then Z 1 φ(x) − φ ∗ g(x) = [φ(x) − φ(y −1 x)] dy, |V | V / K. Since φ ∗ g(x) → a as x → ∞ and ǫ so |φ(x) − φ ∗ g(x)| < ǫ for x ∈ is arbitrary, it follows that φ(x) → a as x → ∞. When G = R, the condition “x → ∞” can be replaced by “x → +∞” (or “x → −∞”) in the Wiener-Pitt theorem. Moreover, the condition of slow oscillation in part (b) can be replaced by slow oscillation at +∞ (or −∞), viz., that for every ǫ > 0 there exist A > 0 and δ > 0 such that |φ(x) − φ(x − y)| < ǫ whenever |x − y| < δ and x > A (or x < −A). 4.6 Spectral Synthesis The theory of closed ideals in L1 (alias closed translation-invariant subspaces, in view of Theorem 2.45) has a dual formulation as a theory of weak* closed translation-invariant subspaces of L∞ . We recall that if M is a subspace of a Banach space X, its annihilator M⊥ = ξ ∈ X∗ : ξ = 0 on M is a weak* closed subspace of X∗ ; reciprocally, if N is a subspace of X∗ , its annihilator ⊥ N = x ∈ X : ξ(x) = 0 for ξ ∈ N 128 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition is a norm-closed subspace of X. It is an easy consequence of the HahnBanach theorem that ⊥ (M⊥ ) is the (norm) closure of M, while (⊥ N)⊥ is the weak* closure of N. Hence the correspondences M 7→ M⊥ and N 7→ ⊥ N are mutually inverse bijections between norm-closed subspaces of X and weak* closed subspaces of X∗ . Now, when X = L1 (G), if M ⊂ L1 is translation-invariant then so is ⊥ M , and if N ⊂ L∞ is translation-invariant then so is ⊥ N, because Z Z Z Z −1 (Ly f )φ = f (y x)φ(x) dx = f (x)φ(yx) dx = f (Ly−1 φ). Moreover, these integrals are equal to fˇ ∗ φ(y) or f ∗ φ̌(y −1 ) where fˇ(x) = f (x−1 ). For this reason it will be convenient to modify the correspondence M 7→ M⊥ by composing it with the map f 7→ fˇ. Thus, if I and J are translation-invariant subspaces of L1 and L∞ , respectively, we define I⊥ = φ ∈ L∞ : φ̌ ∈ I⊥ = φ ∈ L∞ : f ∗ φ = 0 for f ∈ I , 1 1 ˇ ⊥ ⊥ J = f ∈ L : f ∈ J = f ∈ L : f ∗ φ = 0 for φ ∈ J . We then have ⊥ (I⊥ ) = I when I is norm-closed, and (⊥ J)⊥ = J when J is weak* closed, so I 7→ I⊥ and J 7→ ⊥ J are mutually inverse correspondences between closed ideals in L1 and weak* closed translation-invariant subspaces of L∞ . We shall call the latter spaces co-ideals for short. If M is any subspace of L∞ , we define the spectrum of M to be the set of characters in M: b σ(M) = M ∩ G. 4.75 Proposition. If I is a closed ideal in L1 , then σ(I⊥ ) = ν(I). b ξ ∈ ν(I⊥ ) if and only if ξ ∗ f = 0 for all f ∈ I. But by Proof. If ξ ∈ G, Lemma 4.53, ξ ∗ f = 0 if and only if fb(ξ) = 0. b let On the other hand, if N is a closed subset of G, τ (N ) = the weak* closed linear span of N in L∞ . τ (N ) is a co-ideal since each translate of a character is a scalar multiple of that character, and we have: b then 4.76 Proposition. If N is a closed set in G, Proof. As in the preceding proof, we have f ∈ fb(ξ) = 0 for all ξ ∈ N . ⊥ (τ (N )) ⊥ (τ (N )) = ι(N ). precisely when Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 129 A co-ideal J in L∞ is said to admit spectral synthesis if J = τ (σ(J)). By Propositions 4.75 and 4.76, this happens if and only if I = ι(ν(I)) where I = ⊥ J. Theorem 4.55 shows that not all co-ideals admit spectral synthesis, but Theorem 4.67 immediately yields the following positive results. 4.77 Proposition. Let J be a co-ideal in L∞ . a. If ∂σ(J) contains no nonempty perfect set, then J admits spectral synthesis. b. If σ(J) = {ξ1 , . . . , ξn }, then J is the linear span of ξ1 , . . . , ξn . c. If J 6= {0} then σ(J) 6= ∅. Proof. (a) is a reformulation of Corollary 4.68. (b) is a consequence of (a), and (c) is a reformulation of Wiener’s theorem. The motivation for the study of spectral synthesis is the desire to develop a theory of Fourier analysis for L∞ functions. When G = Rn , this desire is largely satisfied by the theory of distributions, which allows one to define the Fourier transform of an L∞ function as a tempered distribution from which one can recover the function by a generalized form of the Fourier inversion formula, but spectral synthesis offers a somewhat different point of view that does not depend on a differentiable structure. Its aim is to “synthesize” L∞ functions as weak* limits of linear combinations of characters. Specifically, if φ ∈ L∞ , let Jφ be the co-ideal generated by φ, that is, the weak* closed linear span of the translates of φ. Then Jφ admits spectral synthesis if and only if φ can be synthesized from the characters in Jφ . We define the spectrum of φ to be the set of these characters: b σ(φ) = σ(Jφ ) = Jφ ∩ G. σ(φ) may be regarded as the “support of the Fourier transform of φ” even though the Fourier transform is not defined on all of L∞ , as the following propositions show. b 4.78 Proposition. If φ ∈ L∞ ∩ L1 , then σ(φ) = supp φ. Proof. First we observe that f ∈ ⊥ Jφ if and only if f ∗ φ = 0. By Proposition 4.75, then, ξ ∈ σ(φ) if and only if fb(ξ) = 0 for all f ∈ L1 b so by the Fourier uniqueness such that f ∗ φ = 0. But (f ∗ φ)b = fbφ, b It is then theorem 4.34, f ∗ φ = 0 precisely when fb = 0 on supp φ. b immediate that supp φ ⊂ σ(φ), and the reverse inclusion also holds in view of Lemma 4.51. R 4.79 Proposition. Suppose φ ∈ B(G), so that φ(x) = hx, ξidµ(ξ) for b Then σ(φ) = supp µ, and Jφ admits spectral synthesis. some µ ∈ M (G). 130 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. We have f ∗ φ(x) = ZZ f (y)hy −1 x, ξidµ(ξ) dy = Z hx, ξifb(ξ) dµ(ξ), so by Proposition 4.18, f ∗ φ = 0 precisely when fb = 0 on supp µ. As in the preceding proof, ξ ∈ σ(φ) if and only if fb(ξ) = 0 for all f such that f ∗ φ = 0, and it follows that σ(φ) = supp µ. This proves the first assertion and shows that f ∈ ⊥ Jφ if and only if fb = 0 on σ(φ), so ⊥ Jφ = ι(σ(φ)). But also ⊥ τ (σ(φ)) = ι(σ(φ)) by Proposition 4.76, so Jφ = τ (σ(φ)) = τ (σ(Jφ )). 4.7 The Bohr Compactification In this section G will denote a noncompact locally compact Abelian b is then nondiscrete by Proposition 4.36, and we denote by G bd group. G b the group G equipped with the discrete topology. By Proposition 4.5, the b d is a compact group, called the Bohr compactification dual group of G of G and denoted by bG. By Pontrjagin duality, G can be regarded as the set of group homob to T that are continuous in the usual topology on G, b morphisms from G b while bG is the set of all group homomorphisms from G to T. Thus G is naturally embedded as a subgroup of bG. As such, G is dense in bG, ⊥ b d is the set of characters on G for if G is the closure of G in bG, G ⊂ G that are trivial on G, namely {1}; hence G = bG by Theorem 4.40 and Pontrjagin duality. The embedding of G into bG is continuous, for the topology on G b while the topology on bG is the topology of compact convergence on G b which is weaker. The is the topology of pointwise convergence on G, embedding is not a homeomorphism onto its range, however: if it were, G would be closed in bG by Lemma 4.31 and hence compact. (Thus bG is not a “compactification” of G in the usual sense of the word.) The correspondence G 7→ bG is a functor from the category of locally compact Abelian groups to the category of compact Abelian groups, and it has the following universality property. 4.80 Proposition. If K is a compact group and ρ : G → K is a continuous homomorphism, then ρ extends to a continuous homomorphism from bG to K. Proof. The closure of ρ(G) in K is Abelian since ρ(G) is, so we may assume that K = ρ(G) is Abelian. ρ induces a continuous homomorphism Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 131 b →G b by ρ∗ (η) = η ◦ ρ. Since K is compact, K b is discrete, so ρ∗ ρ∗ : K b to G bd . Dualizing again gives a continuous is actually continuous from K bb homomorphism ρ : bG → K = K whose restriction to G is easily seen to be ρ. The Bohr compactification is so named because of its connection with the theory of almost periodic functions, which was developed by Harald Bohr. A complete discussion of this matter is beyond our present scope, but we shall explain the principal link. A bounded continuous function f on G is called uniformly almost periodic if the set of translates of f , {Rx f : x ∈ G}, is totally bounded in the uniform metric. The justification for the name is as follows. The almost periodicity of f means that for any ǫ > 0 there exist x1 , . . . , xn ∈ G with the following property: for each x ∈ G there is an xj such that kRx f − Rxj f ku < ǫ, and hence kRx−1 x f − f ku < ǫ. If K is any compact j set in G we can choose x such that x−1 / K for 1 ≤ j ≤ n; hence there j x ∈ exist “arbitrarily large” elements z of G (namely z = x−1 j x for suitable x and j) that are “almost periods” of f in the sense that kRz f − f ku < ǫ. 4.81 Theorem. If f is a bounded continuous function on G, the following are equivalent: a. f is the restriction to G of a continuous function on bG. b. f is the uniform limit of linear combinations of characters on G. c. f is uniformly almost periodic. Proof. (i) implies (ii) because the linear combinations of characters on bG are unifomly dense in C(bG), by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem. Conversely, every character on G extends continuously to bG by Proposition 4.80, and it follows that (ii) implies (i). To see that (i) implies (iii), suppose f = φ|G where φ ∈ C(bG). Since x 7→ Rx φ is continuous from bG to C(bG), the set {Rx φ : x ∈ bG} is compact in C(bG). Moreover, the restriction map φ 7→ φ|G is an isometry in the uniform metric since G is dense in bG. It follows that {(Rx φ)|G : x ∈ bG} is a compact set containing {Rx f : x ∈ G}, so the latter is totally bounded. To complete the proof, we need a lemma. 4.82 Lemma. Suppose K is a compact metric space. Then the group Iso(K) of isometric bijections of K is compact in the uniform metric. Proof. The uniform limit of isometries is clearly an isometry (in particular, an injection), and the uniform limit of surjections is a surjection because its range must be both dense and compact. Hence Iso(K) is a closed subset of the metric space C(K, K) of continuous maps of K to 132 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition itself. Moreover, Iso(K) is an equicontinuous family simply because its members are isometries. That Iso(K) is compact therefore follows from the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem. (See Folland [45]; the statement and proof given there pertain to complex-valued functions, but they work equally well for functions with values in a compact metric space.) Returning to the proof of Theorem 4.81, suppose f is uniformly almost periodic, and let K be the uniform closure of {Rx f : x ∈ G}; thus K is a compact metric space. We claim that f is uniformly continuous. If not, there is a net {xα } in G converging to 1 such that Rxα f does not converge to f uniformly. Since K is compact, by passing to a subnet we can assume that Rxα f → g uniformly, where g 6= f . But this is impossible since Rxα f → f pointwise. Now, Iso(K) is a compact group by Lemma 4.82. The map x 7→ Rx is clearly a group homomorphism from G to Iso(K), and the uniform continuity of f easily implies that it is continuous. By Proposition 4.80, it extends to a continuous homomorphism (still denoted x 7→ Rx ) from bG to Iso(K). But then the continuous extension of f to bG is given by φ(x) = Rx f (1), x ∈ bG. 4.8 Notes and References The theory of the Fourier transform on locally compact Abelian groups is a generalization of classical Fourier analysis on R and T, which of course has a very long history. The abstract theory was first worked out by Weil [146]. §§4.1–3 are largely based on the elegant development of the theory by Cartan and Godement [24]. The Fourier algebra A(G) is the set R of continuous functions f on G possessing a Fourier expansion f (x) = Gb hx, ξiφ(ξ) dξ that is absolutely convergent for one, and hence every, value of x; in other words, A(G) = b By Proposition 4.14 and Pontrjagin duality, A(G) is a dense F−1 [L1 (G)]. subalgebra of C0 (G). It has been the subject of intensive investigations in the classical case G = T (see Kahane [70] and Zygmund [152]), and some parts of this theory generalize to other locally compact groups (see Rudin [122] and Reiter [117]). In particular, A(G) is equal to C0 (G) only in the trivial case where G is finite. To see this, one can begin with the observation that if A(G) = b C0 (G), the Fourier transform is a Banach space isomorphism from L1 (G) b to C0 (G). One consequence of this is an estimate kφk1 ≤ Ckφksup for b so one can prove that A(G) 6= C0 (G) by displaying φ’s with φ ∈ L1 (G), Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups 133 b sup ≤ 1. The Dirichlet kernel and related kφk1 arbitrarily large but kφk functions provide examples in the classical cases G = T and R; the general case can be found in in Hewitt and Ross [67, §37.19]. On the other hand, another consequence is that by duality, the Fourier transform also b This immediately proves gives an isomorphism from M (G) to L∞ (G). b is not essentially identical to the that A(G) 6= C0 (G) whenever L∞ (G) b and it is the basis of a space of bounded continuous functions on G, different proof of the result for general G; see Reiter [117, §5.4]. Bochner’s theorem was first proved for G = T by Herglotz [65], and then for G = R by Bochner [15] in a paper that established the importance of functions of positive type (or positive definite functions) in harmonic analysis. The general case is due to Weil [146]. The Pontrjagin duality theorem was proved by Pontrjagin [113] in the case of compact second countable groups and by van Kampen [137] in the general case. More extensive treatments of analysis on general locally compact Abelian groups can be found in Rudin [122], Reiter [117], and Hewitt and Ross [66], [67]. We shall also give a few references for the deeper and more detailed theory that is available on specific groups: Dym and McKean [35], Folland [44], Kahane [70], Körner [81], Stein and Weiss [131], and Zygmund [152] for the classical theory on Rn and Tn ; Golubov, Efimov, and Skvartsov [55] for Walsh functions; Taibleson [132] for Fourier analysis on the p-adic numbers and other local fields. One topic we have not covered is the structure theory of locally compact Abelian groups, which may be found in Hewitt and Ross [66] and Rudin [122]. We mention only the main result: 4.83 Theorem. Every locally compact Abelian group has an open subgroup of the form Rn × G where G is a compact group. Another topic we have omitted is the Fourier analysis of the measure algebra M (G). When G is discrete, of course, M (G) = L1 (G). In other b is cases, the full spectrum of M (G) is rather mysterious. In particular, G ∗ not dense in σ(M (G)), and the formula (µ )b(ξ) = µ b(ξ), which is easily b is not valid on all of σ(M (G)). In other words, seen to be true for ξ ∈ G, M (G) is not a symmetric Banach algebra. See Rudin [122] for this and other results concerning M (G). Theorem 4.45 was proved independently by Naimark [108], Ambrose [1], and Godement [53]. The correspondence between closed ideals in a commutative Banach algebra A and closed subsets of σ(A) is an analogue of the correspondence between ideals in a polynomial ring and affine algebraic varieties that lies at the heart of algebraic geometry. Namely, each ideal in the ring k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] (k a field) determines the variety V ⊂ k n on which the elements of the ideal vanish, and each such variety determines the 134 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition ideal of polynomials that vanish on it. In this context, the fundamental theorem that elucidates how these relations fit together is the Hilbert Nullstellensatz. Theorem 4.55 is due to Schwartz [124]. More generally, Malliavin [101] has proved that for every noncompact locally compact Abelian group G there is a closed ideal I ⊂ L1 (G) such that ι(ν(I)) 6= I. (The proof can also be found in Rudin [122] and Hewitt and Ross [67].) Theorem 4.64 was proved by Wiener [148] for the case G = R. Its generalization to arbitrary locally compact Abelian groups and to ideals with nonempty hulls (Theorem 4.67) is the result of the combined efforts of several people; detailed references may be found in Reiter [117] and Rudin [122]. These books, as well as Hewitt and Ross [67], contain much additional information on spectral synthesis, ideals in convolution algebras, and related topics. When G = R, there is a rather amazing result that interpolates between Corollary 4.71 and Proposition 4.72, due to Beurling [11]: 4.84 Theorem. Suppose f ∈ L1 (R) ∩ L2 (R). If ν(f ) has Hausdorff dimension α, where 0 < α < 1, then the linear span of the translates of f is dense in Lp (R) for p > 2/(2 − α). “Tauberian theorem” is a generic name for a theorem in which one assumes conditions on certain averages of a function and deduces corresponding conditions on other averages of the function or on the function itself. In the Wiener-Pitt theorem, φ ∗ f is a weighted average of translates of φ, and one is concerned with the behavior of such averages at infinity. (The originalP theorem of Tauber is a criterion for convergence of a numerical series ∞ c : if the averages an = n−1 (s1 + · · · + sn ) of P1k j the partial sums P sk = 1 cj converge to s as n → ∞ and if j|cj | → 0 as j → ∞, then cj converges to s.) For more about Tauberian theorems and their applications, see Wiener [148], [149], and Rudin [123]. A nice treatment of the classical theory of almost periodic functions on R can be found in Besicovitch [10]. The theory can be extended to non-Abelian groups, and there is an analogue of the Bohr compactification for an arbitrary locally compact group G — namely, a compact group bG with the universal mapping property of Proposition 4.80 — and an analogue of Theorem 4.81. (However, in general the canonical map G 7→ bG is not an injection, and indeed bG may be trivial.) This theory was initiated by von Neumann [143]; its elements are outlined in Weil [146] and Loomis [84], and an exhaustive treatment can be found in Maak [86]. 5 Analysis on Compact Groups In this chapter we present the basic theory of representations of compact groups and Fourier analysis on such groups, and we present as concrete examples four closely related non-Abelian connected compact Lie groups: SU (2), SO(3), SO(4), and U (2). Throughout this chapter, G will denote a compact group. Haar measure on G is both left and right invariant (Corollary 2.28), and we always normalize it so that |G| = 1. 5.1 Representations of Compact Groups We begin by establishing some basic facts about unitary representations of compact groups, the key to which is the following lemma. We recall from §3.1 that C(π, ρ) is the space of intertwining operators of the representations π and ρ, and that C(π) = C(π, π). 5.1 Lemma. Suppose π is a unitary representation of the compact group G. Fix a unit vector u ∈ Hπ , and define the operator T on Hπ by Z T v = hv, π(x)uiπ(x)u dx. Then T is positive, nonzero, and compact, and T ∈ C(π). (Observe that v 7→ hv, π(x)uiπ(x)u is the orthogonal projection of v onto the line through π(x)u; T is the average over G of all these projections.) Proof. For any v ∈ Hπ we have Z Z hT v, vi = hv, π(x)uihπ(x)u, vi dx = |hv, π(x)ui|2 dx ≥ 0, so T is positive. Moreover, if we take v = u, |hu, π(x)ui|2 is strictly positive on a neighborhood of 1, so hT u, ui > 0 and hence T 6= 0. 135 136 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Since G is compact, x 7→ π(x)u is uniformly continuous. Hence, given ǫ > 0, we can find a partition of G into disjoint sets E1 , . . . , En and points xj ∈ Ej such that kπ(x)u − π(xj )uk < 21 ǫ for x ∈ Ej . Then khv, π(x)uiπ(x)u − hv, π(xj )uiπ(xj )uk ≤ khv, [π(x) − π(xj )]uiπ(x)uk + khv, π(xj )ui[π(x) − π(xj )]uk < ǫkvk for x ∈ Ej , so if we set Tǫ v = n X 1 |Ej |hv, π(xj )uiπ(xj )u = n Z X 1 Ej hv, π(xj )uiπ(xj )u dx, we have kT v − Tǫ vk < ǫkvk for all v. But the range of Tǫ is the linear span of {π(xj )u}n1 , so Tǫ has finite rank. T is therefore compact, being the norm limit of operators of finite rank. Finally, T ∈ C(π) because π(y)T v = Z Z hv, π(x)uiπ(yx)u dx = hv, π(y −1 x)uiπ(x)u dx Z = hπ(y)v, π(x)uiπ(x)u dx = T π(y)v. 5.2 Theorem. If G is compact, then every irreducible representation of G is finite-dimensional, and every unitary representation of G is a direct sum of irreducible representations. Proof. Suppose π is irreducible, and let T be as in Lemma 5.1. By Schur’s lemma, T = cI with c 6= 0. So the identity operator on Hπ is compact, and hence dim Hπ < ∞. Now let π be an arbitrary unitary representation of G, and again let T be as in Lemma 5.1. Since T is compact, nonzero, and self-adjoint, by Theorem 1.52 it has a nonzero eigenvalue λ whose eigenspace M is necessarily finite-dimensional. Since T ∈ C(π), M is invariant under π; hence π has a finite-dimensional subrepresentation. But an easy inductive argument using Proposition 3.1 shows that every finite-dimensional representation is a direct sum of irreducible representations, so π has an irreducible subrepresentation. By Zorn’s lemma there is a maximal family {Mα } of mutually orthogonal irreducible invariant subspaces for π. If N is the orthogonal compleL ment of Mα , then N is invariant, and π N has an irreducible subspace by theL above argument, contradicting maximality unless N = {0}. Thus Hπ = Mα . b the set of unitary equivalence classes of irreducible We denote by G Analysis on Compact Groups 137 unitary representations of G, which is sometimes called the dual space b will of G. We denote the equivalence class of π by [π]. Thus, “[π] ∈ G” be a convenient shorthand for the statement “π is an irreducible unitary b is in essential agreement with representation of G.” This definition of G our earlier one in the case when G is Abelian, since a character of an Abelian group is nothing but a representation of the group on C. The decomposition of a unitary representation ρ of G into irreducible subrepresentations is in general not unique. (For example, let ρ be the trivial representation of G on a Hilbert space H of dimension > 1. Then any orthonormal basis of H gives a decomposition of H into irreducible [one-dimensional] invariant subspaces.) However, the decomposition of ρ into subspaces corresponding to different irreducible equivalence classes b let Mπ be the closed is uniquely determined. Namely, for each [π] ∈ G, linear span of all irreducible subspaces of Hρ on which ρ is equivalent to π. Then Mπ is invariant, and we have: 5.3 Proposition. Mπ ⊥ Mπ′ if [π] 6= [π ′ ]. If N is any irreducible subspace of Mπ then ρN is equivalent to π. Proof. Suppose Lπ and Lπ′ are irreducible subspaces on which ρ is equivalent to π and π ′ respectively, and let P be the orthogonal projection onto Lπ . Then P |Lπ′ ∈ C(ρLπ′ , ρLπ ), so P |Lπ′ = 0 by Schur’s lemma 3.6. It follows that Lπ ⊥ Lπ′ and hence that Mπ ⊥ Mπ′ . If N is an irreducible subspace of Mπ , by definition of Mπ there is an irreducible space L ⊂ Mπ such that ρL is equivalent to π and P (N) 6= {0}, where P is the orthogonal projection onto L. Again, P |N ∈ C(ρN , ρL ), so ρN and ρL are equivalent by Schur’s lemma since P |N 6= 0. Hence ρN ∼ = π. = ρL ∼ L In view of Theorem 5.2, it follows that Hρ = b Mπ . It also [π]∈G L Lα follows that Mπ can be decomposed as α∈A Lα where ρ is equivalent to π for each α. The latter decomposition is not unique if Mπ is not irreducible, but the following proposition shows that the cardinality of A is the same for all such decompositions (a result that is also an easy consequence of the finite dimensionality of π). This cardinality is called the multiplicity of [π] in ρ and is denoted by mult(π, ρ). 5.4 Proposition. mult(π, ρ) = dim C(π, ρ). (The proof will make clear what this means when the multiplicity is infinite.) L Proof. Let Mπ = α∈A Lα as above. For each α let Tα : Hπ → Lα be a unitary equivalence. Fix a unit vector u ∈ Hπ and let vα = Tα u. Then {vα }α∈A is an orthonormal set in Mπ ; let V be the closed subspace it 138 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition spans. We shall prove the proposition by showing that the map T 7→ T u is a linear isomorphism from C(π, ρ) to V. Every nonzero T ∈ C(π, ρ) is an injection because its nullspace is invariant under π (if T v = 0 then T π(x)v = ρ(x)T v = 0), so the map T 7→ T u is injective. Moreover, the range of T is a subspace of Hρ on which ρ is equivalent to π, and hence is contained in Mπ . Thus we may P write T u = uα with uα ∈ Lα . If Pα is the orthogonal projection onto Lα , then Pα T ∈ C(π, ρLα ) and so Pα T = cα Tα by Schur’s lemma. It follows that uα = Pα T u P = cα vα , so that T u ∈ V. Finally, if v = P c v ∈ V, the sum T = cα Tα converges strongly in C(π, ρ) since α α P |ca |2 < ∞ and the ranges of the Tα ’s are mutually orthogonal, and we have v = T u. We remark that the definition of Mπ and Propositions 5.3 and 5.4 do not depend on the compactness of G. However, if G is noncompact L it is usually false that Hρ = Mπ . It is worth noting that if ρ is a possibly nonunitary representation of the compact group G on a finite-dimensional space V, that is, any continuous homomorphism from G to the group of invertible operators on V, then there is an inner product on V with respect to which ρ is unitary. Namely, start with any inner product h , i0 on V and define a new inner product by Z hu, vi = hρ(x)u, ρ(x)vi0 dx. Then h , i is a ρ-invariant inner product, for Z Z hρ(y)u, ρ(y)vi = hρ(xy)u, ρ(xy)vi0 dx = hρ(x)u, ρ(x)vi0 dx = hu, vi. Hence the theory of unitary representations of G essentially includes the theory of all finite-dimensional representations of G, unitary or not. 5.2 The Peter-Weyl Theorem b is a set of continuous functions on G. The corWhen G is Abelian, G responding set of functions in the non-Abelian case is the set of matrix elements of the irreducible representations of G. If π is any unitary representation of G, the functions φu,v (x) = hπ(x)u, vi (u, v ∈ Hπ ) Analysis on Compact Groups 139 are called matrix elements of π. If u and v are members of an orthonormal basis {ej } for Hπ , φu,v (x) is indeed one of the entries of the matrix for π(x) with respect to that basis, namely (5.5) πij (x) = φej ,ei (x) = hπ(x)ej , ei i. We denote the linear span of the matrix elements of π by Eπ . Eπ is a subspace of C(G), and hence also of Lp (G) for all p. 5.6 Proposition. Eπ depends only on the unitary equivalence class of π. It is invariant under left and right translations and is a two-sided ideal in L1 (G). If dim Hπ = n < ∞ then dim Eπ ≤ n2 . Proof. If T is a unitary equivalence of π and π ′ , so that π ′ (x) = T π(x)T −1 , then hπ(x)u, vi = hπ ′ (x)T u, T vi; this proves the first assertion. We have φu,v (y −1 x) = hπ(y −1 x)u, vi = hπ(x)u, π(y)vi = φu,π(y)v (x), and likewise φu,v (xy) = φπ(y)u,v (x). That Eπ is a two-sided ideal now follows from Theorem 2.45; alternatively, it is easy to check directly that f ∗ φu,v = φu,π(f )v and φu,v ∗ f = φπ(fˇ)u,v where fˇ(x) = f (x−1 ). Finally, if dim Hπ = n, Eπ is clearly spanned by the n2 functions πij given by (5.5). Pn 5.7 Proposition. If π = π1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ πn then Eπ = 1 Eπj . (The sum need not be direct.) Proof. Clearly P Eπj ⊂ Eπ for Pall j (take u, v ∈ Hπj ⊂ Hπ ). On the other hand, if u = uj and v = Pvj with ujP , vj ∈ Hπj , then hπ(x)uj , vk i = 0 for j 6= k and hence φu,v = φuj ,vj ∈ Eπj . The matrix elements of irreducible representations can be used to make an orthonormal basis for L2 (G). The first main step in proving this is the following. Here and in the sequel we shall set dπ = dim Hπ , and we denote the trace of a matrix A by tr A. 5.8 Theorem (The Schur Orthogonality Relations). Let π and π ′ be irreducible unitary representations of G, and consider Eπ and Eπ′ as subspaces of L2 (G). a. If [π] 6= [π ′ ] then Eπ ⊥ Eπ′ . b. If {ej }√is any orthonormal basis for Hπ and πij is given by (5.5), then { dπ πij : i, j = 1, . . . , dπ } is an orthonormal basis for Eπ . 140 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. If A is any linear map from Hπ to Hπ′ , let Z e A = π ′ (x−1 )Aπ(x) dx. Then e Aπ(y) = Z π ′ (x−1 )Aπ(xy) dx = Z e π ′ (yx−1 )Aπ(x) dx = π ′ (y)A, e ∈ C(π, π ′ ). Given v ∈ Hπ and v ′ ∈ Hπ′ , let us define A by Au = so A hu, viv ′ . Then for any u ∈ Hπ and u′ ∈ Hπ′ , Z Z e u′ i = hAπ(x)u, π ′ (x)u′ i dx = hπ(x)u, vihv ′ , π(x)u′ i dx hAu, Z = φu,v (x)φu′ ,v′ (x) dx. e = 0, so Eπ ⊥ Eπ′ We now apply Schur’s lemma. If [π] 6= [π ′ ] then A ′ e and (a) is proved. If π = π then A = cI, so if we take u = ei , u′ = ei′ , v = ej , and v ′ = ej ′ we get Z πij (x)πi′ j ′ (x) dx = chei , ei′ i = cδii′ . But e= cdπ = tr A Z tr[π(x−1 )Aπ(x)] dx = tr A, and since Au = hu, ej iej ′ we have tr A = δjj ′ Hence Z 1 πij (x)πi′ j ′ (x) dx = δii′ δjj ′ , dπ √ so { dπ πij } is an orthonormal set. Since dim Eπ ≤ d2π by Proposition 5.6, it is a basis. We observed in Proposition 5.6 that Eπ is invariant under the left and right regular representations L and R. (We retain our usual notation Lx and Rx for left and right translation by x.) The question then arises: what are the irreducible subrepresentations of L and R in Eπ ? The answer is simple and elegant. We recall that π denotes the contragredient of the representation π, whose matrix elements π ij are the complex conjugates of those of π. 5.9 Theorem. Suppose π is irreducible, and let πij be given by (5.5). For i = 1, . . . , dπ let Ri be the linear span of πi1 , . . . , πidπ (the ith row Analysis on Compact Groups 141 of the matrix (πij )) and let Ci be the linear span of π1i , . . . , πdπ i (the ith column). Then Ri (resp. Ci ) is invariant under the right (resp. left) regular representation, and RRi (resp. LCi ) is equivalent to π (resp. π). The equivalence is given by X X X X cj ej 7→ cj πij resp. cj ej 7→ cj πji . Proof. In terms of the basis {ej } for Hπ , π is given by X X π(x) cj e j = πkj (x)cj ek . j kj P Moreover, π(yx)P= π(y)π(x), so πij (yx) = k πik (y)πkj (x). In other words, Rx πij = k πkj (x)πik , so X X Rx cj πij = πkj (x)cj πik . j jk Comparison of the two displayed lines proves the desired result for right translations. In the same way, for left translations we see that X X Lx cj πji = πjk (x−1 )cj πki , j jk and since π is unitary, πjk (x−1 ) = π kj (x); the result follows. Now let E = the linear span of [ Eπ . b [π]∈G That is, E consists of finite linear combinations of matrix elements of irreducible representations. By Proposition 5.7, E is also the linear span of the Eπ as π ranges over all finite-dimensional representations of G. E can be considered as the space of “trigonometric polynomials” on G. 5.10 Proposition. E is an algebra. b and πij , π ′ are as in (5.5), Proof. It suffices to show that if [π], [π ′ ] ∈ G kl ′ then πij πkl is a matrix element of some finite-dimensional representation of G. The appropriate representation is the (inner) tensor product of π and π ′ . Rather than refer to the general theory of tensor products in Appendix 3 and §7.3, we present the construction ad hoc. Via the choice ′ of bases for Hπ and Hπ′ implicit in the definition of πij and πkl , we ′ ′ n n ′ ′ identify Hπ and Hπ with C and C where n = dπ , n = dπ . We 142 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition ′ consider Cnn as the space of n × n′ matrices over C, and we define the ′ representation π ⊗ π ′ on Cnn by (π ⊗ π ′ )(x)T = π(x)T π ′ (x−1 ). ′ The matrices ejk ∈ Cnn whose (j, k)th entry is 1 and whose other entries ′ are 0 are an orthonormal basis of Cnn , and a simple calculation (using ′ (x)) gives the fact that π ′kl (x−1 ) = πlk ′ h(π ⊗ π ′ )(x)ejl , eik i = πij (x)πkl (x). We come now to the main technical lemma in the Peter-Weyl theory of representations of compact groups. This lemma is an immediate consequence of the preceding results together with the Gelfand-Raikov and Stone-Weierstrass theorems. However, it antedates these theorems by about fifteen years, and the original argument of Peter and Weyl is interesting and elegant. It also gives an independent proof of the GelfandRaikov theorem for the case of compact groups. Accordingly, we shall give both proofs. 5.11 Theorem. E is dense in C(G) in the uniform norm, and dense in Lp (G) in the Lp norm for p < ∞. Proof. It is enough to show that E is dense in C(G). But E is an algebra (Proposition 5.10) that separates points (by the Gelfand-Raikov theorem), is closed under complex conjugation (because each representation has a contragredient), and contains constants (because of the trivial representation of G on C). The result therefore follows from the StoneWeierstrass theorem. Now, here is the original proof of Peter and Weyl. Given a function ψ ∈ C(G) that is real and symmetric (ψ(x−1 ) = ψ(x)), let Tψ f = ψ ∗ f for f ∈ L2 . The conditions on ψ imply that Tψ is self-adjoint on L2 . Moreover, by Proposition 2.41, T maps L2 into C(G), kTψ f ksup ≤ kf k2 kψk2 , and kLx (Tψ f ) − Tψ f ksup = k(Lx ψ − ψ) ∗ f ksup ≤ kf k2 kLx ψ − ψk2 . Thus, if B is a bounded set in L2 , {Tψ f : f ∈ B} is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous, so it follows from the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem that Tψ is compact as a map from L2 to C(G) and a fortiori as an operator on L2 . Hence, by Theorem 1.52, M Mα , Mα = f : Tψ f = αf . L2 (G) = α∈σ(Tψ ) Each eigenspace Mα is invariant under right translations since Analysis on Compact Groups 143 Rx (ψ ∗ f ) = ψ ∗ Rx f . Moreover, if α 6= 0, dim Mα < ∞. Let f1 , . . . , fn be an orthonormal basis for Mα and P let ρjk (x) = hRx fk , fj i. Then P fk (yx) = j ρjk (x)fj (y), so fk (x) = j fj (1)ρjk (x). But this means that Mα ⊂ Eρ where ρ is the right regular representation on Mα . In short, Mα ⊂ E for each α P6= 0. If f ∈ L2 thenPf = α fα with fα ∈ Mα , the series converging in L2 . Then Tψ f = α6=0 αfα , the series converging uniformly since T is bounded from L2 to C(G). By the result just proved, it follows that E ∩ Range(Tψ ) is uniformly dense in Range(Tψ ). But the union of the ranges of Tψ as ψ runs through an approximate identity is dense in C(G), so the proof is complete. If we combine Theorem 5.11 with the Schur orthogonality relations, we see that L2 (G) is the orthogonal direct sum of the spaces Eπ as [π] b and that we obtain an orthonormal basis for L2 (G) by ranges over G, fixing an element π of each irreducible equivalence class [π] and taking the matrix elements corresponding to an orthonormal basis of Hπ . The necessity of choosing a particular π ∈ [π] is a minor annoyance; it serves mainly to avoid certain abuses of language in the results that follow. We henceforth assume that such a choice has been made once and for all. We can now summarize all our main results in a single theorem. 5.12 Theorem (The Peter-Weyl Theorem). Let LG be a compact group. Then E is uniformly dense in C(G), L2 (G) = [π]∈Gb Eπ , and if πij is given by (5.5), p b dπ πij : i, j = 1, . . . , dπ , [π] ∈ G b occurs in the right and is an orthonormal basis for L2 (G). Each [π] ∈ G left regular representations of G with multiplicity dπ . More precisely, for i = 1, . . . , dπ the subspace of Eπ (resp. Eπ ) spanned by the ith row (resp. the ith column) of the matrix (πij ) (resp. (π ij )) is invariant under the right (resp. left) regular representation, and the latter representation is equivalent to π there. As an application, we give a representation-theoretic characterization of compact Lie groups. The proof naturally requires some Lie theory, for which we refer to Helgason [64]. 5.13 Theorem. Let G be a compact group. Then G is a Lie group if and only if G has a faithful finite-dimensional representation. Proof. If π is a faithful representation of G on Cn , then G is isomorphic to the compact subgroup π(G) of the Lie group U (n). But any closed subgroup of a Lie group is a Lie group. 144 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition On the other hand, if G is a Lie group, there is an open neighborhood U of 1 in G that contains no subgroups except {1}. (Take U = exp( 12 V ), where V is any bounded open neighborhood of 0 in the Lie algebra on which the exponential map is a diffeomorphism. If x 6= 1 ∈ U then xn ∈ exp(V \ 12 V ) ⊂ G \ U for some positive integer n, so no subgroup b containing T x is contained in U .) If [π] ∈ G, let Kπ be the kernel of π. Then [π]∈Gb Kπ = {1} by the Gelfand-Raikov theorem or Theorem T 5.11, so [π]∈Gb (Kπ \ U ) = ∅. By compactness of G \ U , there exist Tn Tn π1 , . . .T , πn such that 1 (Kπj \ U ) = ∅, or 1 Kπj ⊂ U . By the choice n of U , 1 Kπj = {1}, which means that π1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ πn is faithful. 5.3 Fourier Analysis on Compact Groups According to the Peter-Weyl theorem, if f ∈ L2 (G) we have (5.14) f= dπ X X cπij πij , b i,j=1 [π]∈G cπij = dπ Z f (x)πij (x) dx. The drawback to this decomposition of L2 is that it depends on choosing an orthonormal basis for each Hπ . However, it is possible to reformulate (5.14) in a way that does not involve such choices. Namely, if f ∈ L1 (G), b and π is the chosen representative of the class [π] (see the [π] ∈ G, remarks preceding Theorem 5.12), we define the Fourier transform of f at π to be the operator Z Z fb(π) = f (x)π(x−1 ) dx = f (x)π(x)∗ dx on Hπ . This agrees with our earlier definition in the Abelian case, where b If we choose an orthonormal basis for Hπ so Hπ = C for all [π] ∈ G. that π(x) is represented by the matrix (πij (x)), then fb(π) is given by the matrix Z 1 π b f (π)ij = f (x)πji (x) dx = c dπ ji where cπji is as in (5.14). But then X i,j cπij πij (x) = dπ X i,j fb(π)ji πij (x) = dπ tr[fb(π)π(x)] Analysis on Compact Groups 145 (where tr denotes the trace of a matrix), so (5.14) becomes a Fourier inversion formula, X (5.15) f (x) = dπ tr[fb(π)π(x)]. b [π]∈G (This must be taken with a grain of salt, as the series usually does not converge pointwise; it converges in the L2 norm if f ∈ L2 . We shall say more about this below.) Moreover, the Parseval equation kf k22 = dπ X X 1 π 2 |cij | d i,j=1 π b [π]∈G becomes kf k22 = (5.16) X b [π]∈G dπ tr[fb(π)∗ fb(π)]. The Fourier transform as defined above is more cumbersome to use than the Abelian Fourier transform because its values are operators on a whole family of Hilbert spaces. Nonetheless, it has a number of properties analogous to those of the Abelian Fourier transform. We observe that fb(π) = π(f )∗ ; it is then easy to verify the following variant of Theorem 3.9: (5.17) (5.18) (f ∗ g)b(π) = gb(π)fb(π), (Lx f )b(π) = fb(π)π(x−1 ), (f ∗ )b(π) = fb(π)∗ , (Rx f )b(π) = π(x)fb(π). We can express (5.14) in yet another way. If π is a finite-dimensional unitary representation of G, the character χπ of π is the function χπ (x) = tr π(x). Note that this depends only on the equivalence class of π, since similar matrices have the same trace; hence we could (and perhaps should) write χ[π] instead of χπ . We have Z Z tr[fb(π)π(x)] = f (y) tr[π(y −1 )π(x)] dy = f (y) tr π(y −1 x) dy = f ∗ χπ (x), so (5.15) becomes (5.19) f= X b [π]∈G dπ f ∗ χπ . 146 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition In particular, dπ f ∗ χπ is the orthogonal projection of f onto Eπ . If we apply (5.19) and the remark following it to the case where f is itself an irreducible character, we obtain the following useful convolution b then formulas: if [π], [π ′ ] ∈ G, ( d−1 if [π ′ ] = [π], π χπ (5.20) χπ ∗ χπ ′ = 0 if [π ′ ] 6= [π]. A function f on G is called a central function or class function if f is constant on conjugacy classes, that is, if f (yxy −1 ) = f (x) for all x, y ∈ G, or equivalently (by substituting xy for x) f (xy) = f (yx) for all x, y ∈ G. (In the case of Lp functions, these relations are to hold almost everywhere.) For example, the character of any finite-dimensional representation is central, because tr[π(x)π(y)] = tr[π(y)π(x)]. We denote the set of central functions in a function space by prefixing the letter Z to the name of the space: ZLp (G) = the set of central functions in Lp (G), ZC(G) = the set of central functions in C(G). 5.21 Proposition. The spaces Lp (G) and C(G) are Banach algebras under convolution, and ZLp (G) and ZC(G) are their respective centers. Proof. We have kf ∗ gkp ≤ kf k1 kgkp ≤ kf kp kgkp by Proposition 2.40(a) and the fact that |G| = 1, and likewise with the Lp norm replaced by the uniform norm. This shows that Lp (G) and C(G) are Banach algebras. Next, suppose f ∈ Lp . Then f ∗ g = g ∗ f if and only if Z Z Z f (xy)g(y −1 ) dy = g(y)f (y −1 x) dy = f (yx)g(y −1 ) dy for almost every x. This holds for every g ∈ Lp precisely when f (xy) = f (yx) for almost every x and y. Similarly for f ∈ C(G). Central functions play a crucial role in analysis on compact groups. Here are a few of the basic results concerning them. R b then dπ f ∗ χπ = ( f χ )χπ . 5.22 Lemma. If f ∈ ZL1 (G) and [π] ∈ G, π Proof. We have fb(π)π(x) = Z Z f (y)π(y −1 x) dy = f (xy −1 )π(y) dy Z Z −1 = f (y x)π(y) dy = f (y)π(xy −1 ) dy = π(x)fb(π). Analysis on Compact Groups 147 Hence, by Schur’s lemma, fb(π) = cπ I. Taking the trace, we obtain Z Z dπ cπ = tr fb(π) = f (y) tr π(y)∗ dy = f (y)χπ (y) dy, so by the calculation leading to (5.19), dπ f ∗ χπ = dπ tr[fb(π)π] = dπ cπ tr π = Z f χπ χπ . b is an orthonormal basis for ZL2 (G). 5.23 Proposition. {χπ : [π] ∈ G} Proof. We have already observed that the χπ ’s are central. They P are also orthonormal by the Schur orthogonality relations, since χπ = πii . They are P a basis because if f ∈ ZL2 (G), by (5.19) and Lemma 5.22 we have f = hf, χπ iχπ . If f ∈ L2 (G), the “Fourier series” (5.15) or (5.19) for f converges to f in the L2 norm. As we know from the classical theory of Fourier series (the case G = T; see Zygmund [152]), it usually does not converge uniformly when f is continuous, or in the L1 norm when f ∈ L1 , or unconditionally in the Lp norm when f ∈ Lp and p 6= 2. However, as in the classical case, there are “summability methods” that enable one to recover f from its Fourier series in these topologies. We now describe one such, for which we need a lemma. 5.24 Lemma. The neighborhoods of 1 in G that are invariant under conjugations constitute a neighborhood base at 1. Proof. Let U be any neighborhood of 1, and let V be a symmetric neighborhood Sn of 1 such that V VTVn ⊂ U . Choose x1 , . . . , xn ∈ G such that G = 1 V xj , and let W = 1 x−1 j V xj . If x ∈ G then x ∈ V xj for some S j, so xW x−1 ⊂ V xj W x−1 V ⊂ V V V ⊂ U . Hence x∈G xW x−1 is a j neighborhood of 1 that is invariant under conjugations and contained in U. P If f ∈ L1 and g ∈ L2 , then dπ (f ∗ g) ∗ χπ converges in L2 to f ∗ g P (Proposition 2.40(a)), and dπ g ∗ χπ converges in L2 to g. Now, if Φ is b we have any finite subset of G, hX [π]∈Φ = i hX i dπ (f ∗ g) ∗ χπ ∗ dπ g ∗ χπ X [π],[π ′ ]∈Φ [π]∈Φ dπ dπ′ (f ∗ g ∗ g) ∗ (χπ ∗ χπ′ ) = X [π]∈Φ dπ (f ∗ g ∗ g) ∗ χπ , 148 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition where we have used the fact that characters are central, Proposition P 5.21, and (5.20). By Proposition 2.41, it follows that the series dπ (f ∗ g ∗ g) ∗ χπ converges uniformly to f ∗ g ∗ g. This is the key to the summability method. For each neighborhood U of 1 in G, let us take g = |V |−1 χV where V is a central neighborhood of 1 such that V V ⊂ U — such a V exists by Lemma 5.24 — and let ψU = g ∗ g. Then {ψU } is an approximate identity consisting of central functions. Also, by Lemma 5.22, ψU ∗ χπ = cU (π)χπ for some scalar cU (π). Therefore X f ∗ ψU = cU (π)dπ f ∗ χπ , b [π]∈G where the series on the right converges uniformly by the result of the preceding paragraph, and f is the limit of f ∗ ψU as U → {1} in the Lp p or uniform norm P whenever f2 ∈ L (G) 2(p < ∞) or f ∈ C(G). We have [π]∈Gb |cU (π)| = kψU k2 < ∞, and cU (π) → 1 as U → {1} since ψU ∗ χπ → χπ . The constants cU (π) can thus be regarded as “summability factors” whose introduction into the Fourier series of f causes the series to converge uniformly; f is then obtained as the limit in the appropriate norm as these factors tend to 1 in a suitable way. As an immediate application of this construction, we have the following result. b is dense in ZC(G) 5.25 Proposition. The linear span of {χπ : [π] ∈ G} and also in ZLp (G) for 1 ≤ p < ∞. P Proof. If f is central, the partial sums of the series cU (π)dπ f ∗ χπ are linear combinations of characters by Lemma 5.22. They converge uniformly and hence in Lp (p < ∞) to f ∗ ψU , and f ∗ ψU → f in the appropriate norm as U → {1}. The spaces ZLp (G) and ZC(G) are commutative Banach algebras under convolution, so one naturally wishes to know their spectra. In fact, we have the following analogue of Theorem 4.3. 5.26 Theorem. Let A be any of the convolution algebras ZLp (G) R b let hπ (f ) = dπ f χ . (1 ≤ p < ∞) or ZC(G). For f ∈ A and [π] ∈ G, π b to σ(A) which is a homeThen the map [π] 7→ hπ is a bijection from G b is given the discrete topology. omorphism if G Proof. Each hπ is clearly a bounded linear functional on A. Moreover, by (5.20), Proposition 5.21, and Lemma 5.22, hπ (f ∗ g)χπ = d2π f ∗ g ∗ χπ = d3π f ∗ g ∗ χπ ∗ χπ = d3π f ∗ χπ ∗ g ∗ χπ = dπ hπ (f )hπ (g)χπ ∗ χπ = hπ (f )hπ (g)χπ , Analysis on Compact Groups 149 so hπ is multiplicative, i.e., hπ ∈ σ(A). Next, if h ∈ σ(A), 5.20 shows that ( ′ d−1 π h(χπ ) if [π ] = [π], h(χπ )h(χπ′ ) = 0 if [π ′ ] 6= [π]. It follows that h(χπ ) must be either d−1 π or 0, and that there can only be one [π], say [π0 ], for which h(χπ ) 6= 0. But then h agrees with hπ0 on the linear span of the characters, so h = hπ0 by Proposition 5.25. Finally, the topology on σ(A) is discrete because {hπ } = {h ∈ σ(A) : h(χπ ) 6= 0} is open for every π. We conclude this section with an amusing application of our general theory to the theory of finite groups. b 5.27 Proposition. Let G be a finite group. Then P the 2cardinality of G is the number of conjugacy classes in G, and [π]∈Gb dπ is the order of G. b and the set of charProof. In view of Proposition 5.23, {χπ : [π] ∈ G} acteristic functions of the conjugacy classes in G are both bases for the space of central functions on G; this proves the first assertion. The second P one is true since [π]∈Gb d2π is the dimension of L2 (G) by the Peter-Weyl theorem. 5.4 Examples In this section we describe the irreducible representations and the decomposition of L2 for the group SU (2), then use the results to obtain the irreducible representations of the closely related groups SO(3) and U (2). 1. SU(2). We recall that U (n) is the group of unitary transformations of Cn , alias the group of n × n complex matrices T such that T ∗ T = I, and that SU (n) is the subgroup of U (n) consisting of the matrices whose determinant is 1. We have T ∈ U (n) if and only if T T ∗ = I, which says precisely that the rows of T form an orthonormal set. When n = 2, we therefore have a b ∈ U (2) ⇐⇒ |a|2 + |b|2 = |c|2 + |d|2 = 1 and ac + bd = 0. c d Thus (a, b) must be a unit vector and (c, d) = eiθ (−b, a) for some θ ∈ R. 150 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition But then det T = eiθ (|a|2 + |b|2 ) = eiθ , so T ∈ SU (2) precisely when eiθ = 1. In short, if we set a b (5.28) Ua,b = , −b a we have SU (2) = Ua,b : a, b ∈ C, |a|2 + |b|2 = 1 . We observe that −1 ∗ Ua,b = Ua,b = Ua,−b , and that the action of Ua,b on C2 is given by a b az + bw z = , or Ua,b (z, w) = (az+bw, −bz+aw). w −b a −bz + aw The correspondence Ua,b ↔ (a, b) = Ua,b (1, 0) identifies SU (2) as a set with the unit sphere S 3 ⊂ C2 in such a way that the identity element is identified with the “north pole” (1, 0). We single out the following three one-parameter subgroups of SU (2) for special attention: iθ e 0 F (θ) = , 0 e−iθ (5.29) cos φ sin φ cos ψ i sin ψ G(φ) = , H(ψ) = . − sin φ cos φ i sin ψ cos ψ Geometrically, these are three mutually orthogonal great circles in the sphere that intersect at ± ( 10 01 ). 5.30 Proposition. Each T ∈ SU (2) is conjugate to precisely one matrix F (θ) as in (5.29) with 0 ≤ θ ≤ π. Proof. Every unitary matrix T is normal, so by the spectral theorem there exists V ∈ U (2) such that V T V −1 = α0 β0 where α and β are the eigenvalues of T . If T ∈ SU (2) then β = α, so V T V −1 = F (θ) for some θ ∈ [−π, π]. By replacing V with (det V )−1/2 V we can assume that V ∈ SU (2), and since F (−θ) = H( 21 π)F (θ)H(− 12 π) we can obtain θ ∈ [0, π]. Finally, if θ1 , θ2 ∈ [0, π] then F (θ1 ) and F (θ2 ) have different eigenvalues, and hence are not conjugate, unless θ1 = θ2 . 5.31 Corollary. If g is a continuous function on SU (2), let g 0 (θ) = g(F (θ)). Then g 7→ g 0 is an isomorphism from the algebra of continuous central functions on SU (2) (with pointwise multiplication) to C([0, π]). Analysis on Compact Groups 151 Proposition 5.30 has the following geometrical interpretation. The angle between the vectors (a, b) and (1, 0) in C2 is arccos(Re a). It is an −1 easy exercise, which we leave to the reader, to show that if Uc,d Ua,b Uc,d = Uα,β then Re a = Re α. Thus the set {F (θ) : 0 ≤ θ ≤ π} is a meridian joining the north and south poles, and the conjugacy classes are the surfaces of constant latitude. Next, we describe a family of unitary representations of SU (2). Let P P be the space of all polynomials P (z, w) = cjk z j wk in two complex variables, and let Pm ⊂ P be the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree m: m n o X Pm = P : P (z, w) = cj z j wm−j , c0 , . . . , cm ∈ C . 0 We define an inner product on P by regarding it as a subset of L2 (σ), where σ is surface measure on the unit sphere S 3 normalized so that σ(S 3 ) = 1: Z hP, Qi = P Q dσ. S3 (P is not complete with respect to this inner product, but each Pm is, being finite-dimensional.) We shall show that the monomials z j wk form an orthogonal set in P. In the following calculations, we employ the polar coordinate notation 1/2 (z, w) = Z = rZ ′ , where r = |Z| = |z|2 + |w|2 and Z ′ ∈ S 3 . We also denote Lebesgue measure on C2 by d4 Z and Lebesgue measure on C by d2 z or d2 w. Thus, d4 Z = d2 z d2 w = cr3 dr dσ(Z ′ ). Here c is the Euclidean surface measure of S 3 ; as the following argument shows, it equals 2π 2 . 5.32 Lemma. If f : C2 → C satisfies f (aZ) = am f (Z) for a > 0, then Z Z 2 1 f (Z ′ ) dσ(Z ′ ) = 2 1 f (Z)e−|Z| d4 Z. 3 2 π Γ( m + 2) C S 2 Proof. We integrate in polar coordinates: Z Z ∞Z 2 2 f (Z)e−|Z| d4 Z = c f (rZ ′ )e−r r3 dσ(Z ′ ) dr 3 C2 Z0 ∞ S Z 2 =c rm+3 e−r dr f (Z ′ ) dσ(Z ′ ) 0 S3 Z c 1 = Γ( 2 m + 2) f (Z ′ ) dσ(Z ′ ). 2 S3 152 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition If we take f = 1, we see that Z ∞ 4 Z c −|Z|2 4 −t2 = e d Z= e dt = π 2 , 2 C2 −∞ which completes the proof. 5.33 Lemma. If p, q, r, s are nonnegative integers, ( Z 0 if q = 6 p or s 6= r, p q r s z z w w dσ(z, w) = p!r!/(p + r + 1)! if q = p and s = r. Proof. By Lemma 5.32, Z z p z q wr w s dσ(z, w) = 1 π 2 Γ( 12 (p+q+r+s) + 2) Z 2 z p z q e−|z| d2 z Z 2 wr ws e−|w| d2 w. We do the latter integrals in polar coordinates too: Z Z ∞ Z 2π 2 2 z p z q e−|z| d2 z = ei(p−q)θ rp+q+1 e−r dr dθ 0 (0 0 if p 6= q, = 1 2π · 2 Γ(p + 1) = πp! if q = p, and similarly for the integral in w. The result follows. 5.34 Proposition. The spaces Pm are mutually orthogonal in L2 (σ), and (s ) (m + 1)! j m−j z w :0≤j≤m j!(m − j)! is an orthonormal basis for Pm . Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Lemma 5.33. SU (2) acts on P via its natural action on C2 , yielding a representation π: (5.35) −1 [π(Ua,b )P ](z, w) = P (Ua,b (z, w)) = P (az − bw, bz + aw). Clearly Pm is invariant under π; we denote the subrepresentation of π on Pm by πm . Then πm is a unitary representation of SU (2) on Pm with respect to the inner product in L2 (σ), since σ is rotation-invariant. (In the physics literature, πm is normally labeled by 12 m instead of m, because of its connection with particles of spin 12 m.) We shall show that πm is irreducible. Analysis on Compact Groups 153 5.36 Lemma. Suppose M is a π-invariant subspace of Pm . If P ∈ M then z(∂P/∂w) and w(∂P/∂z) are in M. Proof. If G(φ) is as in (5.29), then φ−1 π(G(φ))P − P lies in M for all φ 6= 0. As φ → 0, its coefficients approach those of (d/dφ)π(G(φ))P |φ=0 ; hence the latter polynomial also belongs to M because Pm has finite dimension and so M is closed in it. But d π(G(φ))P dφ φ=0 d P (z cos φ − w sin φ, z sin φ + w cos φ) dφ ∂P ∂P =z −w . ∂w ∂z = φ=0 Similarly, with H(ψ) as in (5.29), z ∂P 1 d ∂P +w = π(H(ψ))P ∂w ∂z i dψ ψ=0 ∈ M. Adding and subtracting these, we obtain the desired result. 5.37 Theorem. πm is irreducible for each m ≥ 0. Proof. Suppose Pm M is an invariant subspace of Pm and P 6= 0 ∈ M. Let P (z, w) = 0 cj z j wm−j and let J be the largest value of j such that cj 6= 0. Then J ∂ w P (z, w) = cJ J!wm . ∂z By Lemma 5.36 we see that wm ∈ M, and then applying z(∂/∂w) successively we obtain zwm−1 ∈ M, z 2 wm−2 ∈ M, . . . , z m ∈ M. Hence M = Pm . Let χm be the character of πm , and let χ0m (θ) = χm (F (θ)) as in Corollary 5.31. Since the orthogonal basis vectors z j wm−j for Pm are eigenvectors for πm (F (θ)), πm (F (θ))(z j wm−j ) = ei(2j−m)θ z j wm−j , we have χ0m (θ) = (5.38) m X ei(2j−m)θ = 0 = ei(m+2)θ − e−imθ e2iθ − 1 ei(m+1)θ − e−i(m+1)θ sin(m + 1)θ = . eiθ − e−iθ sin θ From this we can show that the πm ’s form a complete list of irreducible representations of SU (2). 154 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 5.39 Theorem. [SU (2)]b = [πm ] : m ≥ 0 . Proof. First, the πm ’s are all inequivalent because they have different dimensions (and different characters). Next, we observe that by (5.38), χ00 (θ) = 1, χ0m (θ) − χ0m−2 (θ) = χ01 (θ) = 2 cos θ, sin(m + 1)θ − sin(m − 1)θ = 2 cos mθ for m ≥ 2. sin θ ∞ Hence the linear span of {χ0m }∞ 0 is the linear span of {cos mθ}0 , which is uniformly dense in C([0, π]). By Corollary 5.31, the linear span of {χm }∞ 0 is uniformly dense in the space of continuous central functions on SU (2); in particular, the only such function that is orthogonal to all χm is the zero function. By Proposition 5.23, then, the χm ’s exhaust all the irreducible characters. We remark that by (5.38) and Corollary 5.31, the characters χm are all real-valued. It follows that πm is equivalent to its contragredient π m for every m, and in view of Theorem 5.2, the same is true of every unitary representation of SU (2). Let us compute the matrix elements of πm with respect to the basis given in Proposition 5.32, namely s (m + 1)! j m−j ej (z, w) = z w . j!(m − j)! To improve the aesthetics of the final result, we reparametrize SU (2) by replacing b by b. That is, we set πm (a, b) = πm (Ua,b ), jk πm (a, b) = hπm (a, b)ek , ej i, where Ua,b is given by (5.28) with b substituted for b. We then have s (m + 1)! (az − bw)k (bz + aw)m−k = [πm (a, b)ek ](z, w) k!(m − k)! s X X (m + 1)! jk jk = πm (a, b)z j wm−j . πm (a, b)ej (z, w) = j!(m − j)! j j Thus, (5.40) X j s k!(m − k)! jk π (a, b)z j wm−j = (az − bw)k (bz + aw)m−k . j!(m − j)! m Analysis on Compact Groups 155 jk To solve this for πm (a, b) one can simply multiply out the right side and equate the coefficients of z j wm−j on the two sides. Another method is to set z = e2πit and w = 1; then the sum on the left is a Fourier series, and jk one can compute πm (a, b) by the usual formula for Fourier coefficients: s Z j!(m − j)! 1 2πit jk πm (a, b) = (ae − b)k (be2πit + a)m−k e−2πijt dt. k!(m − k)! 0 When k = 0 we have s X m! j0 πm (a, b)z j wm−j = (bz + aw)m j!(m − j)! j = X j so j0 πm (a, b) = s m! bj am−j z j wm−j , j!(m − j)! m! 1 ej (b, a). bj am−j = √ j!(m − j)! m+1 j0 Thus the functions {πm : 0 ≤ j ≤ m} span Pm , the space that gave us πm originally. (The Peter-Weyl theorem predicts that we should get π m instead of πm , but we have p these representations √ observed above that are equivalent. The factor m + 1 is the factor dπm needed to normalize the matrix elements according to the Schur orthogonality relations.) jm Similarly, the functions πm , 0 ≤ j ≤ m, span the complex conjugate space Pm . jk We can also say something interesting about the linear span of {πm : jk 0 ≤ j ≤ m} for general k. First, if we use (5.40) to define πm (a, b) for jk all a, b ∈ C2 , it is clear that πm (a, b) is a polynomial in the variables a, b, a, b that is homogeneous of degree m − k in (a, b) and homogenous of degree k in (a, b); we say that it has bidegree (m − k, k). Second, jk as a function on C2 , πm is harmonic: it satisfies Laplace’s equation P4 2 jk 2 (∂ π /∂x ) = 0, where a = x1 + ix2 and b = x3 + ix4 . Indeed, it m n n=1 suffices to observe that the right side of (5.40) is harmonic as a function of (a, b) for all (z, w), since then the coefficient of each z j wm−j must also be harmonic. This is easy to check as it stands, and it becomes even more so if one writes the Laplacian in complex coordinates: ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 + 4 . + · · · + = 4 ∂x21 ∂x24 ∂a∂a ∂b∂b 3 In short, when we identify SU (2) with the unit L∞sphere in C via 2 Ua,b ↔ (a, b), the Peter-Weyl decomposition L = 0 Eπm is the usual 156 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition decomposition of functions on the sphere into spherical harmonics (see, e.g., Stein and Weiss [131]), and the further decomposition M jq Eπm = Hp,q , Hp,q = linear span of πp+q :0≤j ≤p+q , p+q=m yields a refinement in which the spherical harmonics are grouped according to their bidegree. 2. SO(3). SU (2) is intimately related to both SO(3) and SO(4), the groups of rotations of R3 and R4 . The most elegant way to explain these connections is via the algebra of quaternions, denoted by H in honor of their discoverer Hamilton. There are several ways of describing H; we shall begin as follows. As a real vector space, H is R4 ∼ = R × R3 ; we write elements of H as ξ = (a, x) with a ∈ R and x ∈ R3 . The multiplication in H is given by (5.41) (a, x)(b, y) = (ab − x · y, bx + ay + x × y), x · y and x × y being the usual dot and cross products. It is routine to check (although not obvious at first glance) that this multiplication is associative and that the Euclidean norm on R4 respects it: |ξη| = |ξ| |η|. The subspace R × {0} is the center of H. We identify it simply with R and think of it as the “real axis” in H, and we likewise identify {0} × R3 with R3 ; thus, instead of writing an element of H as (a, x) we may write it as a + x. Moreover, we denote the canonical basis vectors for R3 by i, j, and k, so that (5.42) (a, x) = a + x = a + x1 i + x2 j + x3 k. The multiplication law (5.41) is completely specified by giving the products of these basis vectors, which are as follows: i2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1, ij = −ji = k, jk = −kj = i, ki = −ik = j. The conjugate of the quaternion ξ = (a, x) is ξ = (a, −x). Conjugation is an anti-automorphism of H: ξη = ηξ. Also, just as in the complex numbers, if ξ = (a, x) we have ξξ = ξξ = a2 + |x|2 = |ξ|2 . It follows that H is a division algebra: every nonzero ξ ∈ H is invertible, with ξ −1 = ξ/|ξ|2 . In particular, if |ξ| = 1 then ξ −1 = ξ, so the set of elements of H of norm 1 form a group, which — for the moment — we denote by U (H): U (H) = ξ ∈ H : |ξ| = 1 . If ξ ∈ U (H), the operation η 7→ ξηξ −1 is an isometric linear transformation of H that leaves the center R pointwise fixed and hence also Analysis on Compact Groups 157 leaves the orthogonal subspace R3 invariant. The restriction of this map to R3 is therefore an element of SO(3) that we denote by κ(ξ): (5.43) κ(ξ)x = ξxξ −1 . (κ(ξ) belongs to SO(3) rather than just O(3) because U (H), the unit sphere in H, is connected, and κ : U (H) → SO(3) is clearly continuous.) We note that κ(ξη) = κ(ξ)κ(η), that is, κ is a homomorphism from U (H) to SO(3). We can describe the rotation κ(ξ) very explicitly. Each ξ ∈ U (H) can be written in the form ξ = cos θ + (sin θ)u for some θ ∈ [0, π] and some unit vector u ∈ R3 ; θ is uniquely determined, and so is u except when sin θ = 0, i.e., when ξ = ±1. Clearly κ(±1) = I, so we may assume that 0 < θ < π. Pick a unit vector v ∈ R3 that is orthogonal to u, and let w = u × v. Thus u, v, and w form an orthonormal basis for R3 , and by (5.41) their quaternion products are given by uv = −vu = w, wu = −uw = v. A simple calculation then shows that ξ(au + bv + cw)ξ −1 = au + (b cos 2θ − c sin 2θ)v + (c cos 2θ + b sin 2θ)w. In other words, κ(ξ) is a rotation through the angle 2θ about the u-axis. In particular, κ(ξ) = I only when ξ = ±1. Moreover, every rotation of R3 is of this form. Indeed, if T ∈ SO(3), the eigenvalues of T have absolute value 1, their product is 1, and the nonreal ones form a conjugate pair. It follows easily that 1 is an eigenvalue, of multiplicity one unless T = I, so T is a rotation about the u-axis where u is the corresponding unit eigenvector. To sum up, we have proved the following: 5.44 Theorem. The map κ defined by (5.43) is a 2-to-1 homomorphism from U (H) onto SO(3), and hence SO(3) ∼ = U (H)/{±1}. Now let us look at H from a slightly different angle. Using the representation (5.42), we observe that a + bi + cj + dk = (a + bi) + (c + di)j. Also, the algebra structure on H restricted to elements of the form a + bi coincides with the algebra structure on C, and j(a + bi) = (a − bi)j. We can therefore identify H with C2 , with the multiplication now given by (5.45) (z + wj)(u + vj) = (zu − wv) + (zv + wu)j (z, w, u, v ∈ C). 158 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Now, one further twist: the reader will recall that the correspondence a + bi ↔ −ba ab is an isomorphism from C to the algebra of 2 × 2 real matrices of the stated form. Likewise, (5.45) shows that the correspondence z w (5.46) z + wj ↔ −w z is an isomorphism from H to the algebra of 2 × 2 complex matrices of the stated form. In particular, if we compare this with (5.28), we see that the correspondence z + wj ↔ Uz,w identifies the groups U (H) and SU (2). Hence, Theorem 5.44 can be restated thus: 5.47 Corollary. SO(3) ∼ = SU (2)/{±I}. Another way to describe this relation between SU (2) and SO(3) is as follows. The vector subspace R3 ⊂ H is the set of z + wj with z purely imaginary. The correspondence (5.46), restricted to this subspace, turns R3 into the space of trace-zero skew-Hermitian 2 × 2 complex matrices, which (equipped with the Lie product [A, B] = AB − BA) is the Lie algebra su(2) of SU (2). With this identification, the action κ(ξ)x = ξxξ −1 of U (H) on R3 turns into the adjoint representation Ad(U )A = U AU −1 of SU (2) on su(2). From Corollary 5.47 we immediately see that the representations of SO(3) are just the representations of SU (2) that are trivial on ±I. Since the irreducible representation πm of SU (2) on Pm satisfies πm (−I) = (−1)m I, we have: 5.48 Corollary. [SO(3)]b = [ρk ] : k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where ρk (Ad(U )) = π2k (U ). In §6.2 we shall identify the irreducible decompositions of the natural representations of SO(3) on functions and differential forms on the unit sphere S 2 ⊂ R3 . 3. SO(4). In this section we shall identify R4 with H and SU (2) with U (H). In the preceding section we exploited the action of SU (2) on H by conjugation. We shall now exploit two other actions of SU (2) on H, by left and right translation: L(ξ)ζ = ξζ, R(ξ)ζ = ζξ −1 . Since the Euclidean norm on H is multiplicative, the images of SU (2) under L and R are both closed subgroups of SO(4). These subgroups Analysis on Compact Groups 159 commute with each other (this is just the associative law, ξ(ζη) = (ξζ)η), and they intersect only in ±1. Indeed, if L(ξ) = R(η) then ξ = L(ξ)1 = R(η)1 = η −1 , so L(ξ) = R(ξ −1 ). But this says that ξ belongs to the center of H, namely R; hence ξ = ±1 and also η = ξ −1 = ±1. 5.49 Theorem. If T ∈ SO(4), there exist ξ, η ∈ SU (2), unique up to a common factor of ±1, such that T = L(ξ)R(η). Hence, SO(4) ∼ = [SU (2) × SU (2)]/{±(1, 1)}. Proof. Let ζ = T (1), and let S = L(ζ)−1 T . Then S is an element of SO(4) that satisfies S(1) = 1 and hence leaves the real axis pointwise fixed, so it is in essence a rotation of the orthogonal subspace R3 . But we saw in Theorem 5.44 that every such S is conjugation by some η, i.e., S = L(η)R(η). Hence T = L(ζ)S = L(ξ)R(η) where ξ = ζη. The uniqueness and the fact that the map (ξ, η) 7→ L(ξ)R(η) is a group homomorphism follow from the preceding remarks. Remark. The fact that SO(4) has two rather large normal subgroups of which it is almost the direct product is a peculiarity of dimension 4. If n is even and > 4, SO(n) has no nontrivial closed normal subgroups except {±I}, and if n is odd, it has no such subgroups at all. We can use Theorem 5.49 to describe the irreducible representations of SO(4) in terms of those of SU (2) × SU (2), and the latter are given in terms of the irreducible representations of SU (2) by results that we shall prove in the next chapter. Indeed, recall the representations πn of SU (2) on Pn (n ≥ 0) from §5.4.1. For m, n ≥ 0, define the representation πmn of SU (2) × SU (2) on Pm ⊗ Pn (but retaining the quaternion notation for elements of SU (2)) by πmn (ξ, η) = πm (ξ) ⊗ πn (η). (See Appendix 3 for more about tensor products.) Then, by Theorems 7.12 and 7.17 and Corollary 7.14, the πmn ’s are irreducible and inequivalent, and every irreducible representation of SU (2) × SU (2) is equivalent to some πmn . Moreover, by Theorem 5.49, the irreducible representations of SO(4) are essentially the irreducible representations of SU (2)×SU (2) that are trivial on ±(1, 1). Since πm (−1) = (−1)m I, these are precisely the ones where m and n have the same parity. We have therefore proved: 5.50 Corollary. [SO(4)]b = {[ρmn ] : m, n ≥ 0, m ≡ n mod 2}, where ρmn (L(ξ)R(η)) = πmn (ξ, η). 4. U(2). In this section we revert to 2 × 2 matrix notation for elements of SU (2). The center Z of U (2) consists of the scalar multiples of the identity, Z = eiθ I : θ ∈ R , 160 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition since U (2) acts irreducibly on C2 . U (2) is almost the product of the subgroups Z and SU (2), via the map (eiθ I, U ) 7→ eiθ U. This map is onto, for if V ∈ U (2) we choose θ so that det V = e2iθ and take U = e−iθ V . Its kernel is ±(I, I) since Z ∩ SU (2) = {±I}. Hence, U (2) ∼ = [Z × SU (2)]/(±I) ∼ = [T × SU (2)]/(±I). From this we can easily determine the irreducible representations of U (2). Suppose ρ is such a representation. On Z, ρ must act as scalar b∼ multiples of I by Schur’s lemma, and hence (since T = Z) ρ(eiθ I) = einθ I for some n ∈ Z. By the same token, if M is a subspace of Hρ that is invariant under ρ|SU (2), it is invariant under all of ρ. Hence ρ|SU (2) is an irreducible representation of SU (2), so it is equivalent to πm for some m ≥ 0. In short, if T ∈ SU (2), (5.51) ρ(eiθ T ) = einθ πm (T ). Moreover, since −I can be expressed either as eiπ I or as ei0 (−I), we must have (−1)n I = πm (−I) = (−1)m I, so m and n must have the same parity. Conversely, if this is the case, (5.51) gives a well-defined representation of U (2). Different m or n give inequivalent representations, since their restrictions to Z or SU (2) are inequivalent. In summary: 5.52 Theorem. [U (2)]b = {[ρm,n ] : m ≥ 0, n ∈ Z, m ≡ n (mod 2)}, where ρm,n (eiθ T ) = einθ πm (T ) (θ ∈ R, T ∈ SU (2)). Another description of ρm,n is as follows. If we define ρ2k (eiθ T ) = ρ2k,0 (eiθ T ) = π2k (T ), ρ2k+1 (eiθ T ) = ρ2k+1,1 (eiθ T ) = eiθ π2k+1 (T ), then ρ2k,2j (V ) = (det V )j ρ2k (V ), ρ2k+1,2j+1 (V ) = (det V )j ρ2k+1 (V ). We conclude by giving the decomposition of the natural representation λ of U (2) on L2 of the unit sphere in C2 , namely [λ(V )f ](z, w) = f (V −1 (z, w)). In fact, this is nothing but the decomposition L2 (S 3 ) = L ∞ p,q=0 Hp,q that we obtained at the end of §5.4.1. We simply observe that if P is any homogeneous polynomial of bidegree (p, q) then [λ(eiθ I)P ](z, w) = P (e−iθ z, e−iθ w) = ei(q−p)θ P (z, w). Hp,q is equivalent It then follows that Hp,q is U (2)-invariant L∞ and that λ to ρq+p,q−p . Thus λ is equivalent to ρ , each summand q+p,q−p p,q=0 occurring with multiplicity one. Analysis on Compact Groups 5.5 161 Notes and References The theory in §5.2 was first developed in the classic paper of Peter and Weyl [112]. That paper deals with compact Lie groups, but everything in it applies without change to general compact groups once one has the existence of Haar measure. An extensive treatment of various topics in Fourier analysis on general compact groups can be found in Hewitt and Ross [67]. There is an analogue of the Pontrjagin duality theorem for nonAbelian compact groups, which we now describe. Suppose G is a compact group. Let V be the smallest set of Hilbert spaces containing Cn for all positive integers n and closed under formation of finite direct sums, tensor products (see Appendix 3), and duals, and let R be the set of all unitary representations of G on spaces in V. (We do not identify isomorphic spaces in V, nor do we identify equivalent representations in R. R is, in essence, the set of all finite-dimensional representations of G; the purpose of V is to make this a genuine set.) Let Γ be the set of all maps γ that assign to each π ∈ R a unitary operator γ(π) on Hπ , such that the following properties hold for all π, π1 , π2 ∈ R: i. If U : Hπ1 → Hπ2 is a unitary equivalence of π1 and π2 , then γ(π2 ) = U γ(π1 )U −1 . ii. γ(π1 ⊕ π2 ) = γ(π1 ) ⊕ γ(π2 ). iii. γ(π1 ⊗π2 ) = γ(π1 )⊗γ(π2 ), where π1 ⊗π2 is the inner tensor product of π1 and π2 (see §7.3). iv. γ(π) is the inverse transpose of γ(π), acting on Hπ∗ . Each x ∈ G defines a γx ∈ Γ by γx (π) = π(x). Define a multiplication on Γ by (γ1 γ2 )(π) = γ1 (π)γ2 (π), and impose on Γ the weakest topology that makes the maps γ 7→ hγ(π)u, vi (π ∈ R, u, v ∈ Hπ ) continuous. Then: 5.53 Theorem (The Tannaka Duality Theorem). Γ is a compact group, and the map x 7→ γx is an isomorphism from G to Γ. For the proof, as well as another formulation of the theorem due to Krein, we refer the reader to Hewitt and Ross [67]. There is much more one can say about the representation theory and Fourier analysis of compact connected Lie groups, because these groups and their irreducible representations are known quite explicitly. To begin with, the simply connected compact Lie groups are the finite products of groups from the following list: • the double covers of the rotation groups SO(n) (n ≥ 3), usually called Spin(n); 162 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition • the special unitary groups SU (n) (n ≥ 2); • the quaternionic unitary groups Sp(n) (n ≥ 1); • the five exceptional simply connected compact groups E6 , E7 , E8 , F4 , and G2 . The most general connected compact Lie group is then isomorphic to (G × Tn )/Z, where G is simply connected, n ≥ 0 (in particular, either factor G or Tn may be missing), and Z is a finite subgroup of the center of G × Tn . Since the centers of all the groups in the above list are all known explicitly (and are all of order ≤ 4 except for SU (n)), one has a rather complete picture of the connected compact Lie groups. See Helgason [64] and Simon [129]. Moreover, the theory of highest weights provides b when G is a compact connected Lie group. a concrete description of G See Bröcker and tom Dieck [20], Knapp [79], and Simon [129]. See also Boerner [16] and Weyl [147] for more information about the representations of the classical matrix groups, including their connections with Young diagrams and the representations of permutation groups. The theory of Fourier series on compact connected Lie groups has many connections with classical Fourier analysis and special functions. See Stanton and Tomas [130] and the references given there for studies of convergence and summability of Fourier series on compact Lie groups, and Coifman and Weiss [25] for an extensive discussion of analysis on SU (2). 6 Induced Representations The inducing construction is a way of manufacturing a unitary representation of a locally compact group G out of a unitary representation of a closed subgroup H. Geometrically speaking, these induced representations are the unitary representations of G arising from the action of G on functions or sections of homogeneous vector bundles on the homogeneous space G/H. Unless G/H is a finite set, the representations of G induced from H are always infinite-dimensional. In particular, when G is compact or Abelian, they are highly reducible. On the other hand, induced representations are the single most important source of irreducible representations of noncompact, non-Abelian groups. Indeed, for many such groups, the inducing construction (with certain generalizations and modifications) suffices to provide a list of irreducible representations that is complete up to unitary equivalence. One way in which this happens is via the “Mackey machine,” a body of techniques for analyzing representations of a group G in terms of the representations of a normal subgroup N and the representations of various subgroups of G/N . However, induced representations are also important for groups that have few if any normal subgroups, such as the semisimple Lie groups. In §6.1 we explain the construction of induced representations. §6.2 is devoted to the Frobenius reciprocity theorem for compact groups, which provides a powerful tool for finding the irreducible decomposition of an induced representation of a compact group. In §§6.3–5 we develop the notion of pseudomeasures of positive type (a generalization of functions of positive type) and use it to prove the theorem on induction in stages and the imprimitivity theorem, which is the deepest result of the chapter and forms the basis for the Mackey machine. In §6.6 we work out the simplest case of the Mackey machine, that of regular semi-direct products, and in §§6.7–8 we present some concrete examples. 163 164 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 6.1 The Inducing Construction Let G be a locally compact group, H a closed subgroup, q : G → G/H the canonical quotient map, and σ a unitary representation of H on Hσ . We denote the norm and inner product on Hσ by kukσ and hu, viσ , and we denote by C(G, Hσ ) the space of continuous functions from G to Hσ . If f ∈ C(G, Hσ ), we shall frequently wish to apply the operators σ(ξ) to the values f (x), and to avoid clutter we shall usually write σ(ξ)f (x) instead of the more precise σ(ξ)[f (x)]. The main ingredient in the inducing construction is the following space of vector-valued functions: F0 = f ∈ C(G, Hσ ) : q(supp f ) is compact and f (xξ) = σ(ξ −1 )f (x) for x ∈ G, ξ ∈ H . Here is how to produce functions in F0 : 6.1 Proposition. If α : G → Hσ is continuous with compact support, then the function Z fα (x) = σ(η)α(xη) dη H belongs to F0 and is left uniformly continuous on G. Moreover, every element of F0 is of the form fα for some α ∈ Cc (G, Hσ ). Proof. Clearly q(supp fα ) ⊂ q(supp α), and Z Z fα (xξ) = σ(η)α(xξη) dη = σ(ξ −1 η)α(xη) dη = σ(ξ −1 )fα (x). H H Hence, to prove the first assertion it remains to show that fα is left uniformly continuous. Fix a compact neighborhood N of 1 in G, let K be a compact subset of G such that q(K) = q(supp α) (Lemma 2.48), and let J = K −1 N −1 (supp α) ∩ H, a compact subset of H. Given ǫ > 0, by Proposition 2.6 there is a neighborhood Nǫ ⊂ N of 1 such that kα(yx) − α(x)kσ < ǫ for x ∈ G and y ∈ Nǫ . Then for x ∈ K and y ∈ Nǫ , Z kfα (yx) − fα (x)kσ = σ(η)[α(yxη) − α(xη)] dη ≤ ǫ|J|. J σ This remains true for x ∈ KH because fα (yxξ) − fα (xξ) = σ(ξ −1 )[fα (yx) − fα (x)] for ξ ∈ H. Since fα = 0 outside KH, fα is left uniformly continuous on G. Induced Representations 165 On theRother hand, if f ∈ F0 , by Lemma 2.49 there exists ψ ∈ Cc (G) such that H ψ(xη) dη = 1 for x ∈ supp f . Let α = ψf ; then Z Z fα (x) = ψ(xη)σ(η)f (xη) dη = ψ(xη)f (x) dη = f (x), H H so f = fα . G acts on F0 by left translation, f 7→ Lx f , so we obtain a unitary representation of G if we can impose an inner product on F0 with respect to which these translations are isometries. When G/H admits an invariant measure µ (necessarily unique up to scalar multiples, by Theorem 2.51), this is easy. If f, g ∈ F0 , hf (x), g(x)iσ depends only on the coset q(x) of x since σ is unitary, so it defines a function in Cc (G/H) that can be integrated with respect to µ, and we set Z hf, gi = hf (x), g(x)iσ dµ(xH). G/H This is an inner product on F0 (it is positive definite by Proposition 2.60), and it is preserved by left translations since µ is invariant. Hence, if we denote by F the Hilbert space completion of F0 , the translation operators Lx extend to unitary operators on F. It follows easily from Proposition 6.1 that x 7→ Lx f is continuous from G to F for each f ∈ F0 ; and then since the operators Lx are uniformly bounded, they are strongly continuous on all of F. Hence they define a unitary representation of G, called the representation induced by σ and denoted by indG H (σ). For example, let σ be the trivial representation of H on C. Then F0 consists of functions on G that are constant on cosets of H, so F0 can be naturally identified with Cc (G/H). The same identification makes F into L2 (G/H), and indG H (σ) is then just the natural representation of G on L2 (G/H) by left translations. In the general case, a similar interpretation of the elements of F as objects living on G/H rather than G is available; we shall explain it at the end of this section. When G/H has no G-invariant measure, there are two ways one can modify the preceding construction to obtain a unitary representation of G: one can replace the invariant measure µ above by a quasi-invariant measure in defining the Hilbert space F and modify the action of G to make it unitary, or one can modify the construction of F by adding a “twist” to F0 . We shall present both of these ways, as they each have advantages. The first is a little more straightforward, but the second has the pleasant feature of not relying on the choice of a quasi-invariant measure, and it is the one we shall use in the rest of the chapter. Here is the first construction. Let µ be a strongly quasi-invariant 166 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition measure on G/H. For f, g ∈ F0 , we define Z (6.2) hf, giµ = hf (x), g(x)iσ dµ(xH). G/H As above, this is an inner product on F0 , so by completing F0 with respect to it we obtain a Hilbert space Fµ . Let ρ be the rho-function associated to µ, and let λ(x, yH) = dµx ρ(xy) = (yH) ρ(y) dµ (x, y ∈ G) (see Theorems 2.58 and 2.61). We define operators Πµ (x) on F0 for x ∈ G by p [Πµ (x)f ](y) = λ(x−1 , yH) f (x−1 y). Then hΠµ (x)f, Πµ (x)giµ = Z λ(x−1 , yH)hf (x−1 y), g(x−1 y)iσ dµ(yH) Z = hf (y), g(y)iσ dµ(yH) = hf, giµ , so Πµ (x) extends to an isometry of Fµ which is actually unitary since Πµ (F0 ) = F0 . It follows from Proposition 6.1, as in the case of an invariant measure, that Πµ (x) is strongly continuous in x on F0 and hence on Fµ , so Πµ is a unitary representation of G. Πµ depends on the choice of µ, but its unitary equivalence class does not. If µ′ is another strongly quasi-invariant measure, and ρ and ρ′ are the rho-functions associated to µ and µ′ , then dµ′ = φ dµ where φ(xH) = ρ′ (x)/ρ(x), by Theorem 2.61 and its proof. The map f 7→ p ρ′ /ρ f is a bijection of F0 (here we are using the fact that ρ′ and ρ are continuous!); R Rit extends to a unitary isomorphism from Fν to Fµ since φ|f |2 dµ = |f |2 dν, and we have s p p ρ′ (x−1 y) [Πµ (x)( ρ′ /ρ f )](y) = f (x−1 y) = [ ρ′ /ρ Πµ′ (x)f ](y). ρ(y) p Hence f 7→ ρ′ /ρ f is a unitary equivalence of Πµ′ and Πµ . Any of the representations Πµ may be called the representation of G induced by the representation σ of H and denoted by indG H (σ). Remark 1. Our construction of Fµ as the completion of a space of continuous functions finesses most technical problems associated with the study of measurable vector-valued functions, but it is occasionally important to note that Fµ can be identified with a space of Hσ valued functions on G, in which two functions are identified if they are Induced Representations 167 ∞ equal locally a.e. Namely, if f ∈ Fµ , pick a sequence n }0 in F0 such P{f ∞ −ǫn thatPkfn − f k < C2 for P∞some C, ǫ > 0. Then 1 kfn − fn−1 k < ∞ 2C 1 2−ǫn < ∞, hence 1 kfn (x) − fn−1 (x)kσ < ∞ for every x except those in P a set of the form q −1 (E) where µ(E) = 0. But then the series f0 (x) + ∞ 1 [fn (x) − fn−1 (x)] converges in Hσ to an element f (x) for all x ∈ / q −1 (E). (If it converges for some x0 , it does so for all x in the coset x0 H.) Moreover, f (x) is independent of the choice of sequence {fn }, since any two such sequences can be combined to yield a third one; and q −1 (E) is locally null by Theorem 2.66. Hence we can identify f with the locally a.e.-defined function x 7→ f (x), and the formula (6.2) for the inner product continues to hold for such functions. Moreover, if R φ ∈RCc (G), the integral φ(x)f (x) dx makes sense: it can be defined as lim φ(x)fn (x) dx with fn as above. Remark 2. Suppose there is a Borel cross-section for G/H in G, i.e., a Borel set M ⊂ G that meets each coset of H in exactly one point. (This is always the case if G is second countable; see §2.7.) Then each x ∈ G can be written uniquely as x = xM xH with xM ∈ M and xH ∈ H; each f ∈ F0 is completely determined by its restriction fe = f |M ; and a quasi-invariant measure µ on G/H yields a measure µ e on M by µ e(E) = µ(q(E)). The map f 7→ fe gives a unitary indentification of Fµ with the space of Hσ -valued functions on M that are square-integrable with respect to µ e, and under this identification the representation Πµ turns into p e µ (x)]fe(y) = λ(x−1 , yH) σ((x−1 y)H )−1 fe((x−1 y)M ). [Π This gives another realization of induced representations that is often useful. We now give the second, “intrinsic” construction of the induced representation, which starts with a modification of the space F0 . Namely, let F0 be the space of continuous functions f : G → Hσ such that q(supp f ) is compact and s ∆H (ξ) σ(ξ −1 )f (x) (x ∈ G, ξ ∈ H), (6.3) f (xξ) = ∆G (ξ) where ∆G and ∆H are the modular functions of G and H. 6.4 Proposition. If α : G → Hσ is continuous with compact support, then the function Z s ∆G (η) (6.5) fα (x) = σ(η)α(xη) dη ∆H (η) H 168 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition belongs to F0 and is left uniformly continuous on G. Moreover, every element of F0 is of the form fα for some α ∈ Cc (G, Hσ ). Proof. Essentially identical to the proof of Proposition 6.1. We recall the canonical map P : Cc (G) → Cc (G/H) defined in §2.6: Z P φ(xH) = φ(xξ) dξ. H If f ∈ F0 , then x 7→ kf (x)k2σ satisfies all the requirements for a rhofunction on G except that it may not be strictly positive. Positivity is not needed, however, in the proof of Lemma 2.57, so that lemma together with Proposition 2.50 implies that Z P φ 7→ φ(x)kf (x)k2σ dx (φ ∈ Cc (G)) G is a well-defined positive linear functional Hence there is R on Cc (G/H). R a Radon measure µ on G/H such that P φ dµ = φkf k2σ for all φ ∈ f f R 2 Cc (G). Since φkf kσ = 0 if supp φ ∩ supp f = ∅, supp µf is contained in q(supp f ) and hence is compact. In particular, µf (G/H) < ∞. It now follows by polarization (see Appendix 1) that if f, g ∈ F0 , there is a complex Radon measure µf,g on G/H such that Z Z P φ dµf,g = φ(x)hf (x), g(x)iσ dx (φ ∈ Cc (G)), G/H G namely µf,g = 41 (µf +g − µf −g + iµf +ig − iµf −ig ). We define hf, gi = µf,g (G/H). It is an easy exercise to verify that (f, g) 7→ hf, gi is an inner product on F0 ; we denote by F the Hilbert space completion of F0 . For future reference we note that the norm of f ∈ F0 may be computed as follows: by Lemma 2.49 there exists φ ∈ Cc (G) such that P φ = 1 on q(supp f ); then Z 2 (6.6) kf k = φ(x)kf (x)k2σ dx. G For x ∈ G we define the operator Π(x) on F0 by [Π(x)f ](y) = f (x−1 y). Induced Representations 169 Then Π(x) is bijective on F0 , and since the map P commutes with left translations, Z Z P φ(p) dµΠ(x)f (p) = kf (x−1 y)k2σ φ(y) dy G/H G Z Z Z = kf (y)k2σ Lx−1 φ(y) dy = P (Lx−1 φ) dµf = P φ(xp) dµf (p). G G G Thus µΠ(x)f is the translate of µf by x, so kΠ(x)f k2 = µΠ(x)f (G/H) = µf (x−1 (G/H)) = µf (G/H) = kf k2 . In short, Π(x) is an isometry, so it extends to a unitary operator on F. The resulting unitary representation of G on F is the intrinsic version of the induced representation indG H (σ). (Note that if G/H has an invariant measure µ, then by Theorem 2.51, F0 = F0 and dµf (xH) = kf (x)k2σ dµ(xH), so the present definitions of F and the induced representation coincide with the ones given earlier.) To complete the picture, we show that Π is unitarily equivalent to the representation Πµ defined in terms of a strongly quasi-invariant measure √ µ. Let ρ be the rho-function associated to µ. Then f 7→ ρ f maps F0 onto F0 ; we claim that this map extends to a unitary map from Fµ to F that intertwines Πµ and Π. Suppose f ∈ F0 . By Lemma 2.49, we can choose Ψ ∈ Cc (G) such that P Ψ = 1 on a neighborhood of q(supp f ), and we can then choose φ ∈ Cc (G/H) such that φ = 1 on q(supp f ) and P Ψ = 1 on supp φ. Let Φ(x) = φ(q(x))Ψ(x) . P Ψ(q(x)) Then Φ ∈ Cc (G), P Φ = φ, and P [Φkf (·)k2σ ] = kf (·)k2σ (the quantity on the right being regarded as a function on G/H). Hence, Z Z kf k2Fµ = kf (x)k2σ dµ(xH) = Φ(x)kf (x)k2σ ρ(x) dx G/H G Z √ = φ dµ√ρ f = k ρ f k2F , G/H supp µ√ √ ρ f extends to a unitary map ρ f . Hence f 7→ since φ = 1 on from Fµ to F. Finally, p √ [Π(x)( ρ f )](y) = ρ(x−1 y) f (x−1 y) s p p ρ(x−1 y) = ρ(y) f (x−1 y) = ρ(y)[Πµ (x)f ](y), ρ(y) 170 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition √ so f 7→ ρ f intertwines Πµ and Π. In view of the remark following the construction of Πµ , the space F (defined as the completion of F0 ) can be identified with a space of Hσ -valued functions on G, in which two functions are identified if they √ are R equal locally a.e. — namely, F = { ρ f : f ∈ Fµ } — and the integral φ(x)f (x) dx is well defined for φ ∈ Cc (G) and f ∈ F. For later use, we now derive some facts about a useful subset of F0 , namely the set of functions fα obtained by taking α to be of the form α(x) = φ(x)v (φ ∈ Cc (G), v ∈ Hσ ) in (6.5). That is, if φ ∈ Cc (G) and v ∈ Hσ , we define Z s ∆G (η) (6.7) fφ,v (x) = φ(xη)σ(η)v dη ∆ H (η) H 6.8 Proposition. Let D be a dense subspace of Hσ . a. {fφ,v (x0 ) : φ ∈ Cc (G), v ∈ D} is dense in Hσ for all x0 ∈ G. b. The linear span of {fφ,v : φ ∈ Cc (G), v ∈ D} is dense in F. Proof. By the Tietze extension theorem, there is a family {ψU } in Cc (G) such that {ψU |H} is an approximate identity on H. If we then set φU (x) = ψU (x−1 0 x), it is easily verified that fφU ,v (x0 ) → v as U → {1}. This proves (a). To deal with (b), we first observe that for any compact K ⊂ G there is a constant CK > 0 such that supx∈G kfα (x)kσ ≤ CK supx∈G kα(x)kσ for all α ∈ Cc (G, Hσ ) supported in K, where fα is given by (6.5). Indeed, if x ∈ K, the integral over H in (6.5) can be replaced by the integral over the compact set H ∩ (K −1 K), which yields kfα (x)kσ ≤ CK supy∈G kα(y)kσ for x ∈ K. But then the same estimate holds for x ∈ KH since fα (xξ) = σ(ξ −1 )fα (x), and fα (x) = 0 for x ∈ / KH. Now, to prove (b) it suffices to show that any f ∈ F0 can be approximated by linear combinations of fφ,v ’s, and by Proposition 6.4 and the above remarks it is enough to show that any α ∈ Cc (G, σ ) can be uniPH n formly approximated by functions of the form β(x) = 1 φj (x)vj where vj ∈ D and φj ∈ Cc (G) is supported in a fixed compact neighborhood N of supp α for each j. But this is easy: given ǫ > 0, a standard partition of unity argument shows that there φ1 , . . . , φn ∈ Cc (G) P exist continuous P supported in N such that 0 ≤ n1 φj ≤ 1, n1 φj = 1 on supp α, and kα(x) − α(y)kσ < 21 ǫ for x, y ∈ supp φj . For each j, pick xP j ∈ supp φj n and pick vj ∈ D such that kα(xj ) − vj kσ < 12 ǫ. If β(x) = 1 φj (x)vj , then X X sup kα(x) − β(x)kσ = sup φj (x)[α(x) − vj ] < sup φj (x)ǫ = ǫ, x so we are done. x σ x Induced Representations 171 For future reference we record the following simple but important observations, whose proof we leave as an exercise for the reader. 6.9 Proposition. If σ and σ ′ are equivalent representations of H, then G ′ indG of G. If {σi } is H (σ) and indH (σ ) are equivalent representations G L any family of representations of H, then ind ( σ ) is equivalent to i H L indG H (σi ). We conclude this section by giving a more geometric interpretation of the space F0 . This interpretation will not play much of a role here, but it is of great importance in applications because it is the way in which many induced representations arise naturally in practice. Define an equivalence relation on G × Hσ by (x, u) ∼ (xξ, σ(ξ −1 )u) for all ξ ∈ H, and let V be the set of equivalence classes. The projection (x, u) 7→ x of G × Hσ onto G induces a projection p : V → G/H. For each x ∈ G/H, let Vx = p−1 ({x}) be the fiber over x. Each Vx has a natural structure as a Hilbert space isomorphic to Hσ . Namely, if we fix x ∈ q −1 (x), the map taking u ∈ Hσ to the equivalence class of (x, u) is a bijection from Hσ to Vx , by means of which we can transfer the Hilbert space structure of Hσ to Vx . If we choose a different x, say x′ = xξ, we get the same Hilbert space structure on Vx since σ(ξ) is unitary. Moreover, if f ∈ F0 we have (x, f (x)) ∼ (xξ, f (xξ)) for all ξ ∈ H, so f can be regarded as a map from G/H to V whose value at any x ∈ G/H, namely the equivalence class of (x, f (x)) for x ∈ q −1 (x), lies in the fiber over x. Therefore, V is a vector bundle over G/H and F0 can be regarded as the space of compactly supported continuous sections of V . (We are glossing over one technicality, the question of local triviality, because it plays no role here; but see §6.9.) Conversely, suppose V is a homogeneous Hermitian vector bundle over G/H: this means that the fibers are Hilbert spaces and that the action of G on G/H lifts to an action of G as bundle automorphisms of V that are unitary on the fibers. The latter action, restricted to H, preserves the fiber V0 over the identity coset and defines a unitary representation σ of H on V0 . The preceding calculations, done in reverse, show that the continuous sections of V can be identified with continuous mappings f : G → V0 such that f (xξ) = σ(ξ −1 )f (x), and hence that the set of compactly supported ones can be identified with the space F0 . Finally, if µ is a strongly quasi-invariant measure on G/H, Fµ can be identified with the space of sections of V that are squareintegrable with respect to µ. Replacing F0 by F0 amounts to taking the tensor product of V with the bundle of “half-densities” on G/H, that is, the line bundle associated to the one-dimensional (non-unitary) representation ρ(ξ) = 172 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition p ∆G (ξ)/∆H (ξ) of H. When G/H admits an invariant measure, this is the trivial line bundle; otherwise, it precisely compensates for the absence of an invariant measure. In short: representations of G induced from H are the representations of G on sections of homogeneous Hermitian vector bundles over G/H. For example, if G is a Lie group and H is a compact subgroup, then H acts linearly on the tangent space V0 to the identity coset in G/H, and since H is compact there is an inner product on V0 that is H-invariant. This inner product can be transported to all the other tangent spaces by the action of G, thereby making the tangent bundle of G, or rather its complexification, into a homogeneous Hermitian vector bundle. The invariant inner product defines a unitary representation σ of H on the complexification of V0 , and indG H (σ) is the natural representation of G on the complex vector fields on G/H. 6.2 The Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem Suppose G is a locally compact group and H is a closed subgroup. Any unitary representation of G can be restricted to H, and any unitary representation of H can be induced up to G. There is a remarkable relationship between these procedures, which for compact groups is embodied in the following theorem. 6.10 Theorem (The Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem). Let G be a compact group, H a closed subgroup, π an irreducible unitary representation of G, and σ an irreducible unitary representation of H. Then ∼ C(π, indG H (σ)) = C(π|H, σ) and mult(π, indG H (σ)) = mult(σ, π|H). Proof. It suffices to prove the first assertion, as the second one then follows from Proposition 5.4 and the fact that the map S 7→ S ∗ is an antilinear isomorphism from C(π|H, σ) to C(σ, π|H). Let Π = indG H (σ). Since G/H admits an invariant measure (because ∆G = ∆H = 1) and dσ = dim Hσ is finite (Theorem 5.2), the simplest construction of Π will work. Namely, let L2 (G, Hσ ) be the space of square-integrable Hσ -valued functions on G. The space F on which Π acts is the subspace of L2 (G, Hσ ) consisting of those f such that f (xξ) = σ(ξ −1 )f (x) for x ∈ G and ξ ∈ H, and Π is a subrepresentation of the left regular representation of G on L2 (G, Hσ ). Moreover, the latter is just the direct sum of dσ copies of the left regular representation of G on L2 (G). If T ∈ C(π, Π), then, the range of T lies in the direct sum of Induced Representations 173 dσ copies of Eπ by the Peter-Weyl theorem, and the elements of Eπ are all continuous. Hence, if f is in the range of T it makes sense to evaluate f pointwise. Let E : C(G, Hσ ) → Hσ be evaluation at 1: Ef = f (1). We claim that the map T 7→ ET is an isomorphism from C(π, Π) to C(π|H, σ). First, if T ∈ C(π, Π), v ∈ Hπ , and ξ ∈ H, σ(ξ)ET v = σ(ξ)[T v(1)] = T v(ξ −1 ) = [Π(ξ)T v](1) = T [π(ξ)v](1) = ET π(ξ)v, so ET ∈ C(π|H, σ). Next, if ET = 0, then for any x ∈ G and v ∈ Hπ , 0 = [T π(x−1 )v](1) = [Π(x−1 )T v](1) = T v(x), so T = 0. Thus T 7→ ET is injective, and it remains to show that it is surjective. If S ∈ C(π|H, σ), define T : Hπ → L2 (G, Hσ ) by T v(x) = S[π(x−1 )v]. We claim that T ∈ C(π, Π) and S = ET . Indeed, if x ∈ G and ξ ∈ H, T v(xξ) = S[π(ξ −1 )π(x−1 )v] = σ(ξ −1 )S[π(x−1 )v] = σ(ξ −1 )T v(x), so T v ∈ F. Moreover, [Π(y)T v](x) = T v(y −1 x) = S[π(x−1 )π(y)v] = T [π(y)v](x), so T ∈ C(π, Π). Finally, ET v = T v(1) = Sv, so S = ET . The Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem, in connection with Proposition 6.9, furnishes a powerful tool for determining the irreducible components of an induced representation of a compact group. Here are a few simple examples. Example 1. If σ is the trivial representation of the trivial subgroup H = {1}, then indG H (σ) is the ordinary left regular representation b mult(σ, π|H) clearly equals dπ , so Frobenius reciof G. If [π] ∈ G, b procity recaptures part of the Peter-Weyl theorem: each [π] ∈ G occurs in the regular representation with multiplicity equal to its dimension. Example 2. Take G to be SO(3), H the subgroup that leaves the point (1, 0, 0) fixed, and σ the trivial representation of H on C. Then G/H can be identified with the unit sphere S 2 ⊂ R3 , and indG H (σ) is the natural representation of SO(3) on L2 (S 2 ) by rotations. To analyze this situation, let us replace SO(3) by its double cover SU (2). The calculations leading to Theorem 5.44, together with (5.46), show e of SU (2) corresponding to H is the group that the subgroup H 174 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition {F (θ) : θ ∈ R} given by (5.29). Moreover, with the notation of §5.4, e ∼ πm (F (θ))(z j wm−j ) = ei(m−2j)θ z j wm−j , so the characters of H =T that occur in πm |H are ei(m−2j)θ , 0 ≤ j ≤ m. Thus, the trivial representation occurs in πm |H with multiplicity 1 if m is even and does not occur if m is odd. Frobenius reciprocity therefore tells us that the natural representation of SU (2) on L2 (S 2 ) is the direct sum of subrepresentations equivalent to π2k , k = 0, 1, 2, . . ., each occurring with multiplicity one. By Corollary 5.48, this means that each irreducible representation ρk of SO(3) occurs in its representation on L2 (S 2 ) with multiplicity one. The subspaces Hk of L2 (S 2 ) on which these representations occur are the spaces of spherical harmonics of degree k on S 2 . (See, for example, Stein and Weiss [131].) Example 3. Let G and H be as in Example 2. H acts on the tangent plane to S 2 at the point (1, 0, 0) (essentially the yz-plane in xyzspace) by rotations, (6.11) (y, z) 7→ (y cos θ − z sin θ, y sin θ + z cos θ). Let σ be the unitary representation of H on C2 defined by (6.11); then, as explained at the end of §6.1, the induced representation indG H (σ) is the natural representation of SO(3) on the complex vector fields on S 2 . σ is reducible: the invariant subspaces of (6.11) are the spans of (1, ±i), with eigenvalues e∓iθ . Hence, by Proposition 6.9, indG H (σ) is the direct sum of the representations induced by the e in characters e±iθ of H. Since passing from H to its double cover H SU (2) amounts to replacing θ by 2θ, the same considerations as in Example 2 show that each irreducible representation ρk of SO(3) as in Corollary 5.48 occurs with multiplicity 2 in indG H (σ) — once for the character eiθ of H, and once for e−iθ — except for the trivial representation ρ0 , which does not occur at all. We can identify the irreducible subspaces as follows. First, the Euclidean metric allows us to identify vector fields on S 2 with differential 1-forms. The exterior derivative d maps functions to 1-forms and commutes with the action of SO(3), so by Schur’s lemma it is either zero or an isomorphism on each irreducible subspace. The only functions f such that df = 0 are the constants, corresponding to the trivial representation ρ0 . Hence, for k > 0, the image d(Hk ) of the spherical harmonics of degree k under d is a space of 1-forms on which SO(3) acts by ρk . Moreover, if ω is the 2-form on S 2 giving the Euclidean element of area, the map f 7→ f ω is a bijection from functions to 2-forms that commutes the action of SO(3), so Lwith ∞ the space of 2-forms decomposes as 0 Hk ω. The co-differential d∗ maps 2-forms to 1-forms and commutes with the action of SO(3), Induced Representations 175 and its kernel is H0 ω, so for each k > 0, d∗ (Hk ω) is another space of 1-forms on which SO(3) acts by ρk . The spaces d(Hk ) and d∗ (Hk ω) 2 are mutually orthogonal since d =0, so the irreducible decomposiL∞ tion of the space of 1-forms is 1 d(Hk ) ⊕ d∗ (Hk ω) . Similar considerations, together with a knowledge of the representations of SO(n), enable one to write down the decomposition of the spaces of differential forms on the unit sphere in Rn under the natural action of SO(n), for any n; see Folland [43]. 6.3 Pseudomeasures and Induction in Stages In §3.3 we explored the relationship between functions of positive type on a group G and unitary representations of G. We now present a generalization of these ideas that is useful for the theory of induced representations. Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space. If K is a compact subset of X, let CK (X) be the space of continuous functions on X supported in K; this is a Banach space under the uniform norm. The space Cc (X), being the union of these Banach spaces, inherits a natural inductive limit topology. The definition and properties of this topology can be found in Bourbaki [19, §II.4.4]. (See also Rudin [123], where the similar space Cc∞ (Rn ) is discussed.) All we need to know about it are the following facts concerning continuity of maps, in which X and Y denote locally compact Hausdorff spaces and the topology on the spaces CK (X) is that of the uniform norm. • A linear functional on Cc (X) is continuous if and only if its restriction to CK (X) is continuous for each compact K ⊂ X. • A linear map T : Cc (X) → Cc (Y ) is continuous if for every compact F ⊂ X there is a compact K ⊂ Y such that T maps CF (X) boundedly into CK (Y ). • A bilinear map B : Cc (X) × Cc (X) → Cc (Y ) is continuous if for every compact F, F ′ ⊂ X there is a compact K ⊂ Y such that B maps CF (X) × CF ′ (X) boundedly into CK (Y ). • A map φ : X → Cc (Y ) is continuous if for every compact F ⊂ X there is a compact K ⊂ Y such that φ maps F continuously into CK (Y ). We shall call a continuous linear functional on Cc (X) a pseudomeasure. (There seems to be no standard name for these functionals in the 176 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition literature except among the disciples of Bourbaki, who call them simply “measures.”) For example, every positive Radon measure µ on X deR fines a pseudomeasure by µ(f ) = f dµ, and the Riesz representation theorem says that every positive pseudomeasure arises in this fashion. More generally, if λ is a positive Radon measure and φ is a locally λR integrable complex function, µ(f ) = f φ dλ is a pseudomeasure. A similar but slightly more complicated description is also available for general pseudomeasures, as follows. Suppose that for each compact K ⊂ X we are given a complex Radon measure µK on K such that if K ′ ⊂ K, µK ′ is the restriction of µK to the Borel subsets of K ′ . Such a collection {µK } defines a pseudomeasure µ by R µ(f ) = f dµK for all f ∈ CK (X). Conversely, if µ is a pseudomeasure and K is a compact set in X, choose a compact neighborhood V of K. The restriction of µ to CV (X) can be extended via the Hahn-Banach theorem to a continuous linear functional on C(V ), which is given by a complex Radon measure on V . Let µK be the restriction of this measure to the Borel subsets of K. It is easily verified that µK is independent of the choice of V and the Hahn-Banach extension, and it is then immediate that µKR′ is the restriction of µK to subsets of K ′ when K ′ ⊂ K and that µ(f ) = f dµK for all f ∈ CK (X). In short, pseudomeasures can be handled much like measures, and such results as Fubini’s theorem can be applied, as long as one only integrates functions of compact support. We shall use the notations µ(f ) R and f dµ indifferently for the action of a pseudomeasure µ on a function f ∈ Cc (X). Now let G be a locally compact group. It is easily checked that the involution f 7→ f ∗ (where f ∗ (x) = ∆(x−1 )f (x−1 )) and convolution (f, g) 7→ f ∗ g are continuous operations on Cc (G), so they make Cc (G) into a topological ∗-algebra. A pseudomeasure µ is said to be of positive type if it is positive with respect to this algebra structure, that is, if µ(f ∗ ∗ f ) ≥ 0 for all f ∈ Cc (G). For example, if φ ∈ L∞ (G)Ris a function of positive type and λ is left Haar measure, then µ(f ) = f φ dλ is a pseudomeasure of positive type. (These are the pseudomeasures of positive type that extend continuously to L1 (G).) Another example is provided by the point mass at the identity of G. The construction that led from functions of positive type to unitary representations in §3.3 works equally well for pseudomeasures. Namely, suppose µ is a pseudomeasure of positive type. Then hf, giµ = µ(g ∗ ∗ f ) is a positive semi-definite Hermitian form on Cc (G). Upon factoring out Induced Representations 177 the nullspace {f ∈ Cc (G) : µ(f ∗ ∗ f ) = 0} one obtains an inner product space that can be completed to form a Hilbert space Hµ . Since Z ∗ (6.12) (Lx f ) ∗ (Lx f )(y) = ∆(z −1 )f (x−1 z −1 )f (x−1 z −1 y) dz Z Z = f (x−1 z)f (x−1 zy) dz = f (z)f (zy) dz Z = f ∗ (z)f (z −1 y) dz = f ∗ ∗ f (y), the map f 7→ Lx f induces a unitary operator πµ (x) on Hµ . One clearly has πµ (x)πµ (y) = πµ (xy), and x 7→ πµ (x) is strongly continuous because x 7→ Lx f is continuous from G to Cc (G) and µ is continuous on Cc (G). Hence πµ is a unitary representation of G on Hµ . When µ comes from a function of positive type as described above, this construction coincides with the one in §3.3. (The reader may verify that L1 (G) could be replaced by Cc (G) there without changing anything essential.) However, functions of positive type yield only cyclic representations, as Proposition 3.20 shows, whereas pseudomeasures can yield more general representations. For example, let µ be the point mass at the identity; then Z Z µ(f ∗ ∗ f ) = ∆(y −1 )f (y −1 )f (y −1 ) dy = f (y)f (y) dy, so Hµ = L2 (G) and πµ is just the left regular representation of G. By Proposition 4.72, this representation is not cyclic when G is Abelian and b is not σ-compact. G The reason for the suitability of pseudomeasures in the theory of induced representations is that one can easily relate pseudomeasures on a closed subgroup to pseudomeasures on the whole group. Namely, if H is a closed subgroup of G, any pseudomeasure µ on H defines a pseudomeasure µ e on G by µ e(f ) = µ(f |H). We shall call µ e the injection of µ into G. With this in mind, we come to the main result of this section. 6.13 Theorem. Suppose G is a locally compact group and H is a closed subgroup, with modular functions ∆G and ∆H . Let µ be a pseudomeasure of positive type on H, let σµ bep the associated unitary representation of H, and let ν be the injection of ∆G /∆H µ into G, i.e., the pseudomeasure on G defined by Z s ∆G (ξ) ν(f ) = f (ξ) dµ(ξ). ∆ H (ξ) H Then ν is of positive type, and the associated unitary representation πν of G is unitarily equivalent to the induced representation Π = indG H (σµ ). 178 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. If f ∈ Cc (G), define a continuous map U f : G → Cc (H) by s ∆G (ξ) f (xξ), [U f (x)](ξ) = ∆H (ξ) R and (by Lemma 2.49) choose h ∈ Cc (G) such that H h(yη) dη = 1 for y ∈ (supp f )H. We then have s ZZ ∆G (ξ) ν(f ∗ ∗ f ) = f (y)f (yξ) dy dµ(ξ) ∆H (ξ) s ZZZ ∆G (ξ) = h(yη)f (y)f (yξ) dη dy dµ(ξ). ∆H (ξ) Substituting yη −1 for y and then η −1 for η, we obtain s ZZZ ∆G (ξ) ∆G (η) ∗ ν(f ∗ f ) = h(y)f (yη)f (yηξ) dη dy dµ(ξ) ∆H (ξ) ∆H (η) ZZ = h(y) (U f (y))∗ ∗ U f (y) (ξ) dy dµ(ξ) Z = h(y)µ (U f (y))∗ ∗ U f (y) dy. This shows immediately that the positivity of µ implies the positivity of ν. Moreover, if we regard U f (y) ∈ Cc (H) as an element of the Hilbert space Hµ for the representation σµ , then: (i) its norm is given by kU f (y)k2µ = µ (U f (y))∗ ∗ U f (y) ; (ii) U f is an element of the Hilbert space F for the intrinsic version of the induced representation Π; (iii) in view of (6.6) and the fact that (supp U f )H = (supp f )H, we have Z ν(f ∗ ∗ f ) = h(y)µ (U f (y))∗ ∗ U f (y) dy = kU f k2F . In other words, U defines an isometry from the Hilbert space Hν for πν into the Hilbert space F. Also, we clearly have r ∆G U [πν (x)f ](y) = f x−1 y(·) = [Π(x)U f ](y), ∆H so U intertwines πν and Π. It therefore remains to show that U is surjective, and it is enough to show that the range of U is dense. Given φ ∈ Cc (G) and v ∈ Cc (H), define f ∈ Cc (G) by Z s ∆G (η) f (x) = φ(xη)v(η −1 ) dη. ∆ (η) H H Induced Representations 179 Then s Z s ∆G (ξ) ∆G (η) [U f (x)](ξ) = φ(xξη)v(η −1 ) dη ∆H (ξ) H ∆H (η) Z s ∆G (η) φ(xη)v(η −1 ξ) dη. = ∆H (η) H But this is [fφ,v (x)](ξ) in the notation of (6.7), with σ = σµ , so the range of U is dense by Proposition 6.8. As an immediate corollary of Theorem 6.13, we obtain the theorem on “induction in stages,” one of the fundamental results of the subject. 6.14 Theorem. Suppose H is a closed subgroup of G, K is a closed subgroup of H, and σ is a unitary representation of K. Then the repreG H sentations indG K (σ) and indH (indK (σ)) are unitarily equivalent. Proof. First suppose that σ arises from p a pseudomeasure µ of positive type on K. Let ν be the injection of ∆H /∆K µ into H. The desired result follows immediately from Theorem 6.13 and the obvious fact that p p the injections of ∆G /∆K µ and ∆G /∆H ν into G are equal. Now, any representation of K is a direct sum of cyclic representations by Proposition 3.3, and every cyclic representation is equivalent to one that arises from a pseudomeasure (in fact, a function) of positive type by Corollary 3.24. An application of Proposition 6.9 therefore completes the proof. 6.4 Systems of Imprimitivity Let G be a locally compact group. A system of imprimitivity on G is an ordered triple Σ = (π, S, P ) consisting of: I1. a unitary representation π of G on a Hilbert space Hπ , I2. a G-space S, and I3. a regular Hπ -projection-valued measure P on S such that (6.15) π(x)P (E)π(x)−1 = P (xE) for all x ∈ G and E ⊂ S. (Recall that we have defined a G-space to be a locally compact Hausdorff space equipped with a continuous left G-action. One can increase the 180 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition generality here a bit by taking S to be a measurable space on which G acts measurably. However, we shall have no reason to consider extensions of this sort.) The definition we have just given is standard, but there is another equivalent one that is often technically easier to work with. The projection-valued measure P determines a nondegenerate ∗representation M of the C* algebra C0 (S) on Hπ , namely M (φ) = R φ dP . Since (6.15) can be re-expressed as π(x) dP (s) π(x)−1 = dP (xs), (6.16) we clearly have (6.17) π(x)M (φ)π(x−1 ) = M (Lx φ), where Lx φ(s) = φ(x−1 s). Conversely, suppose M is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of C0 (S) on Hπ satisfying (6.17). By Corollary 1.55, M determines aR regular Hπ projection-valued measure P on S such that M (φ) = φ dP for all φ ∈ C0 (S). This P satisfies 6.15. Indeed, if x ∈ G, E 7→ π(x)P (E)π(x)−1 is the projection-valued measure associated to the ∗-representation φ 7→ π(x)M (φ)π(x)−1 , whereas E 7→ P (xE) is the projection-valued measure associated to the ∗-representation φ 7→ M (Lx φ). Since these representations are equal, (6.15) follows from the uniqueness of the projectionvalued measure in Corollary 1.55. In short, a system of imprimitivity can be thought of as an ordered triple (π, S, M ) where π and S are as in (I1) and (I2), and I3′ . M is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of C0 (S) on Hπ satisfying (6.17). We shall employ whichever of these definitions seems more convenient, and we shall simply use the notational distinction between the letters P and M to indicate which one we are using. (This practice, while potentially hazardous, will cause no confusion for us.) A representation π is called imprimitive if it belongs to a nontrivial system of imprimitivity, that is, one in which S is not a single point. Every reducible representation is imprimitive. Indeed, let A be a commutative C* subalgebra of C(π) (e.g., the algebra generated by a self-adjoint element of C(π)), and let S be the spectrum of A. If M : C0 (S) → A is the inverse of the Gelfand transform on A, we have M (φ) ∈ C(π) for all φ ∈ C0 (S), i.e., π(x)M (φ)π(x)−1 = M (φ) for all x ∈ G. (π, S, M ) is therefore a system of imprimitivity if we endow S with the trivial G-action (xs = s for all x and s). More interestingly, every induced representation is imprimitive. Let H be a closed subgroup of G and let q : G → G/H be the quotient Induced Representations 181 map. If σ is a representation of H, the Hilbert space F for Φ = indG H (σ) is the completion of the space F0 of continuous Hσ -valued functions on G satisfying (6.3) and such that q(supp f ) is compact. If φ ∈ C0 (G/H) and f ∈ F0 , it is obvious that (φ ◦ q)f ∈ F0 and that k(φ ◦ q)f kF ≤ kφksup kf kF . Hence, if we set M (φ)f = (φ ◦ q)f, M is a ∗-representation of C0 (G/H) on F that is clearly nondegenerate, and Φ(x)M (φ)Φ(x)−1 f (y) = M (φ)Φ(x)−1 f (x−1 y) = φ(q(x−1 y))f (y) = M (Lx φ)f (y). Thus (Φ, G/H, M ) is a system of imprimitivity, called the canonical system of imprimitivity associated to Φ. It is clear what the associated projection-valued measure for this system of imprimitivity is: it is given by P (E)f = (χE ◦ q)f . From our definition of F as the completion of F0 , however, it is not immediately obvious that multiplication by χE ◦ q preserves F. (It certainly doesn’t preserve F0 in general!) Our use of the representation M rather than the projection-valued measure P neatly finesses this technical problem. Various notions associated to unitary representations have analogues for systems of imprimitivity. For example, two systems of imprimitivity (π, S, M ) and (π ′ , S, M ′ ) (with the same S) are (unitarily) equivalent if there is a unitary U : Hπ → Hπ′ such that U π(x) = π ′ (x)U for all x ∈ G and U M (φ) = M ′ (φ)U for all φ ∈ C0 (S). (This condition on M, M ′ is equivalent to the following condition on the associated projectionvalued measures: U P (E) = P ′ (E)U for all E ⊂ S.) If Σ = (π, S, M ) (or (π, S, P )) is a system of imprimitivity, a closed subspace M of Hπ is called invariant under Σ if it is invariant under all the operators π(x) and M (φ) (or, equivalently, under all the operators π(x) and P (E)). Also, if {(πi , S, Mi )}i∈I is a family of systems of imprimitivity, all with the same S, their direct π(x) = L L sum is the system (π, S, M ) where L πi (x) and M (φ) = Mi (φ), acting on the Hilbert space Hπi . Reciprocally, if (π, S, M ) is a system of imprimitivity and Hπ is the orthogonal sum of invariant closed subspaces Mi , we can regard (π, S, M ) as the direct sum of the systems (πi , S, Mi ), where πi (x) = π(x)|Mi and Mi (φ) = M (φ)|Mi . Just as unitary representations of G give rise to representations of the group algebra L1 (G), systems of imprimitivity (π, S, P ) on G give rise to representations of an algebra L(S × G) that we now describe. Let S be any G-space. As a vector space, L(S × G) is simply Cc (S × G). The 182 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition product is a type of convolution, Z f ∗ g(s, x) = f (s, y)g(y −1 s, y −1 x) dy, G and the involution is given by f ∗ (s, x) = f (x−1 s, x−1 )∆(x−1 ), where ∆ is the modular function of G. When L(S × G) is equipped with the usual inductive limit topology of Cc (S × G), the operations (f, g) 7→ f ∗ g and f 7→ f ∗ are easily seen to be continuous and to satisfy all the usual algebraic properties, so that L(S × G) is a topological ∗algebra. (The interested reader may also verify that the completion of L(S × G) with respect to the norm Z kf k = sup |f (s, x)| dx G s∈S is a Banach ∗-algebra. We shall have no need to consider this larger algebra, although it provides a more exact analogue of the group algebra L1 (G).) Suppose now that Σ = (π, S, M ) is a system of imprimitivity on G. If f ∈ L(S × G), M [f (·, x)] is a bounded operator on Hπ that is compactly supported and continuous in the norm topology as a function of x. If v ∈ Hπ , then, M [f (·, x)]π(x)v is a continuous, compactly supported Hπ -valued function of x, and we can integrate it to obtain a vector Z TΣ (f )v = M [f (·, x)]π(x)v dx. G If the projection of supp f ⊂ S × G onto G is contained in a compact set K, we have kTΣ (f )vk ≤ |K| sup kM [f (·, x)]kkvk ≤ |K|kf ksupkvk. x∈G Hence TΣ is a continuous linear map from L(S × G) into L(Hπ ). In terms of theR projection-valued measure P associated to M , we have M [f (·, x)] = f (s, x) dP (s), and hence Z Z Z (6.18) TΣ (f ) = M [f (·, x)]π(x) dx = f (s, x) dP (s) π(x) dx. G G S In view of (6.16), however, we also have Z Z M [f (·, x)] = f (xs, x) dP (xs) = π(x) f (xs, x) dP (s) π(x)−1 Induced Representations 183 and hence (6.19) Z TΣ (f )v = π(x) G Z f (xs, x) dP (s) dx. S (The use of the projection-valued measure P rather than M in (6.18) and (6.19) is mainly a convenience for keeping track of the variables.) 6.20 Theorem. TΣ is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of L(S × G) on Hπ . Proof. First, by (6.19), we have Z Z TΣ (f ∗ ) = π(x) f (s, x−1 )∆(x−1 ) dP (s) dx S ZG Z −1 = π(x ) f (s, x) dP (s) dx S ZG = π(x)∗ M [f (·, x)]∗ dx = TΣ (f )∗ . G Next, to show that TΣ (f ∗g) = TΣ (f )TΣ (g) we will need to apply Fubini’s theorem to the operator-valued integral defining TΣ (f ∗ g). To justify this, one can reduce to the scalar case by considering the scalar integral defining hTΣ (f ∗ g)u, vi for u, v ∈ Hπ ; we leave the details to the reader. We have Z Z Z TΣ (f ∗ g) = f (s, y)g(y −1 s, y −1 x) dy dP (s) π(x) dx. G S G Moving the y-integral to the outside and then substituting yx for x and ys for s, we obtain Z Z Z TΣ (f ∗ g) = f (ys, y)g(s, x) dP (ys) π(yx) dx dy. G G S Now an application of (6.16) yields Z Z Z TΣ (f ∗ g) = π(y) f (ys, y)g(s, x) dP (s) π(x) dx dy, G G S so by the multiplicativity of the spectral functional calculus and (6.19), TΣ (f ∗ g) Z Z hZ ihZ i = π(y) f (ys, y) dP (s) g(s, x) dP (s) π(x) dx dy G G S S Z hZ i = π(y) f (ys, y) dP (s) dy TΣ (g) = TΣ (f )TΣ (g). G S 184 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Finally, if v 6= 0 ∈ Hπ , we can choose g ∈ Cc (G) such that π(g)v 6= 0, and we can then choose h ∈ Cc (S) such that M (h)π(g)v 6= 0. Let f (s, x) = g(x)h(s); then TΣ (f )v = M (h)π(g)v 6= 0, so TΣ is nondegenerate. If S is a G-space, a pseudomeasure µ on S×G is said to be of positive type if it is positive as a linear functional on the algebra L(S × G), that is, if µ(f ∗ ∗ f ) ≥ 0 for all f ∈ L(S × G). For example, suppose Σ is a system of imprimitivity and TΣ is the associated representation of L(S × G) defined by (6.18). Then for any v ∈ Hπ the pseudomeasure µ defined by (6.21) µ(f ) = hTΣ (f )v, vi is of positive type, for hTΣ (f ∗ ∗ f )v, vi = hTΣ (f )∗ TΣ (f )v, vi = kTΣ (f )vk2 ≥ 0. Conversely, any pseudomeasure µ of positive type on S × G gives rise to a system of imprimitivity in much the same way that a pseudomeasure of positive type on G gives rise to a unitary representation. First, the sesquilinear form hf, giµ = µ(g ∗ ∗ f ) on L(S × G) is positive semidefinite, so by factoring out its nullspace and completing the resulting inner product space, we obtain a Hilbert space Hµ . Next, for x ∈ G we define the operator π(x) on L(S × G) by (6.22) π(x)f (s, y) = f (x−1 s, x−1 y). A calculation entirely similar to (6.12) shows that [π(x)f ]∗ ∗ [π(x)f ] = f ∗ ∗ f, so π(x) induces an isometry πµ (x) on Hµ . We clearly have πµ (x−1 ) = πµ (x)−1 , and the obvious continuity of the map x 7→ π(x)f from G to L(S × G) easily implies the strong continuity of πµ (x) in x. In short, πµ is a unitary representation of G on Hµ . Next, if φ ∈ C0 (S), we define an operator M (φ) on L(S × G) by (6.23) M (φ)f (s, y) = φ(s)f (s, y). 6.24 Proposition. For φ ∈ C0 (S), the operator M (φ) on L(S × G) induces a bounded operator Mµ (φ) on Hµ satisfying (6.17). Mµ is a nondegenerate ∗-representation of C0 (S) on Hµ . Induced Representations 185 Proof. We obviously have M (φψ) = M (φ)M (ψ). Also, (6.25) Z g ∗ ∗ [M (φ)f ](s, x) = g(y −1 s, y −1 )∆(y −1 )φ(y −1 s)f (y −1 s, y −1 x) dy = [M (φ)g]∗ ∗ f (s, x) and π(x)M (φ)π(x−1 )f (s, y) = M (φ)π(x−1 )f (x−1 s, x−1 y) = φ(x−1 s)f (s, y). From these relations it will follow that Mµ (φψ) = Mµ (φ)Mµ (ψ) and Mµ (φ)∗ = Mµ (φ) and that (6.17) holds, and nondegeneracy is obvious, so it remains to prove the boundedness. If f ∈ L(S × G), by (6.25) we have 1/2 kM (φ)f kµ = hM (|φ|2 )f, f i1/2 ≤ kM (|φ|2 )f k1/2 µ µ kf kµ , so by induction, n −n −n kM (φ)f kµ ≤ kM (|φ|2 )f k2µ kf k1−2 µ . But n Z Z n+1 f (ys, y)|φ(ys)|2 f (ys, yx) dy dµ(s, x) S×G G Z Z n+1 |f (ys, y)f (ys, yx)| dy d|µ|(s, x) ≤ kφk2sup kM (|φ|2 )f k2µ = S×G = so G n+1 Cf kφk2sup , −n kM (φ)f kµ ≤ Cf2 −n kφksup kf k1−2 µ , and letting n → ∞ we obtain kM (φ)f kµ ≤ kφksup kf kµ . In short, starting with a pseudomeasure µ of positive type on S × G, we have constructed a system of imprimitivity (πµ , S, Mµ ), which we shall call the system derived from µ. To complete the circle, we have the following theorem, an analogue of Corollary 3.24. A system of imprimitivity Σ = (π, S, M ) will be called cyclic if there is a vector v ∈ Hπ such that {TΣ (f )v : f ∈ L(S × G)} is dense in Hπ , where TΣ is defined by (6.18), in which case v is called a cyclic vector for Σ. (This is in a slightly different spirit than our definition of cyclicity for unitary representations of G; it corresponds to cyclicity of the associated representation of L1 (G). However, it is an easy exercise to show that the latter two notions are equivalent.) 186 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 6.26 Theorem. Suppose Σ = (π, S, M ) is a cyclic system of imprimitivity, with cyclic vector v. Let TΣ be the associated representation of L(S × G) defined by (6.18), let µ be the pseudomeasure of positive type on S × G defined by µ(f ) = hTΣ (f )v, vi, and let Σµ = (πµ , S, Mµ ) be the system of imprimitivity derived from µ. Then Σ and Σµ are equivalent. Proof. If f ∈ L(S × G) we have kf k2µ = µ(f ∗ ∗ f ) = hTΣ (f ∗ ∗ f )v, vi = kTΣ (f )vk2 , so the map f 7→ TΣ (f )v induces an isometry from Hµ into Hπ . Since v is a cyclic vector, the range of U is dense in Hπ , so U is actually unitary. By (6.19), we have Z Z TΣ (πµ (x)f ) = π(y) f (x−1 ys, x−1 y) dP (s) dy G S Z Z = π(xy) f (ys, y) dP (s) dy = π(x)TΣ (f ), G S from which it follows that U intertwines πµ and π. Moreover, if φ ∈ C0 (S), Z TΣ [Mµ (φ)f ] = M [φf (·, x)]π(x) dx ZG = M (φ)M [f (·, x)]π(x) dx = M (φ)TΣ (f ), G and hence U Mµ (φ) = M (φ)U for φ ∈ C0 (S). We therefore have a natural correspondence between cyclic systems of imprimitivity (π, S, M ) on G and pseudomeasures of positive type on S × G. These results apply to arbitrary systems of imprimitivity via the following result, an analogue of Proposition 3.3. 6.27 Proposition. Every system of imprimitivity Σ = (π, S, M ) is a direct sum of cyclic systems of imprimitivity. Proof. Since TΣ (f )∗ = TΣ (f ∗ ), the orthogonal complement of a subspace of Hπ that is invariant under all the operators TΣ (f ), f ∈ L(S × G) is likewise invariant. A routine application of Zorn’s lemma then shows that there is a maximal collection {vi } of unit vectors in Hπ such that the closures Mi of the spaces {TΣL (f )vi : f ∈ L(S × G)} are mutually orthogonal. We then have Hπ = Mi by maximality, and it remains to show that each of the spaces Mi is invariant under all the operators Induced Representations 187 π(x) and M (φ). But by (6.19), Z Z π(x)TΣ (f ) = π(xy) f (ys, y) dP (s) dy ZG Z S = π(y) f (x−1 ys, x−1 y) dP (s) dy = TΣ (fx ), G S where fx (s, y) = f (x−1 s, x−1 y), so Mi is invariant under π(x). Moreover, if φ ∈ C0 (S), Z M (φ)TΣ (f ) = M (φ)M [f (·, x)]π(x) dx = TΣ (φf ) G (where (φf )(s, x) = φ(s)f (s, x)), so Mi is invariant under every M (φ). 6.5 The Imprimitivity Theorem A system of imprimitivity (π, S, M ) on G is called transitive if S is a homogeneous space of G, that is, if S = G/H for some closed subgroup H of G. For example, the canonical system of imprimitivity associated with any induced representation is transitive. The principal object of this section is to prove that every transitive system of imprimitivity is of this form, and moreover to give a useful characterization of the operators that commute with the operators in a transitive system of imprimitivity. Since we shall need the latter result to prove uniqueness in the former one, we present it first. Let Σ = (π, S, M ) (or (π, S, P )) be a system of imprimitivity. The commutant of Σ is the set C(Σ) of all T ∈ L(Hπ ) that commute with all the operators π(x) and M (φ) (or equivalently, with all π(x) and P (E)). Just as with unitary representations, a closed subspace M is invariant under Σ if and only if the orthogonal projection onto M belongs to C(Σ) (see Proposition 3.4). Suppose H is a closed subgroup of G and σ is a unitary representation of H. Let Π = indG H (σ) be the intrinsic version of the representation induced from σ, and let Σ = (Π, G/H, M ) be the canonical system of imprimitivity associated to Π. As usual, we denote the Hilbert space on which Π acts by F and the space of continuous Hσ -valued functions of which it is the completion by F0 , and we denote the quotient map from G to G/H by q. If T ∈ C(σ), define the operator Te on F0 by [Tef ](x) = T [f (x)]. 188 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Te maps F0 into itself since T commutes with every σ(ξ), and Te extends to a bounded operator on F such that kTek ≤ kT k since kTef (x)kσ ≤ kT kkf (x)kσ for all x ∈ G. Moreover, it is obvious that Te commutes with left translations and with multiplication by functions in C0 (S); in other words, Te ∈ C(Σ). Our first main result is the following. 6.28 Theorem. With notation as above, the map T 7→ Te is an isometric ∗-isomorphism from C(σ) to C(Σ). Proof. It is trivial to verify that (ST )e = SeTe and that (T ∗ )e = (Te)∗ , and we have already observed that kTek ≤ kT k. We next show that kTek ≥ kT k, so that T 7→ Te is an isometry. Given ǫ > 0, we can choose a unit vector v ∈ Hσ such that kT vkσ ≥ (1−ǫ)kT k. By Proposition 6.8(a), there is an f ∈ F0 such that kf (1)kσ < 1 and kf (1) − vkσ < ǫ. Let U be an open neighborhood of 1 in G such that kf (x)kσ < 1 and kf (x) − f (1)kσ < ǫ for x ∈ U . Pick ψ 6= 0 in Cc (G/H) such that supp ψ ⊂ q(U ), and let g(x) = ψ(q(x))f (x). If x is such that g(x) 6= 0, there exist y ∈ U and ξ ∈ H with x = yξ. We have kf (y) − vkσ < 2ǫ, so kT f (y)kσ ≥ kT vkσ −kT kkf (y)−vkσ > (1−3ǫ)kT k > (1−3ǫ)kT kkf (y)kσ , and hence kT g(y)kσ > (1 − 3ǫ)kT kkg(y)kσ . But then, by (6.3), s ∆H (ξ) kT g(x)kσ = kT g(y)kσ ∆G (ξ) s ∆H (ξ) > (1 − 3ǫ)kT kkg(y)kσ = (1 − 3ǫ)kT kkg(x)kσ . ∆G (ξ) It follows that kT g(x)kσ > (1 − 3ǫ)kT kkg(x)kσ for all x ∈ G and hence that kTegkF > (1 − 3ǫ)kT kkgkF. Since ǫ is arbitrary, we have kTek ≥ kT k. Now comes the hard part: proving that every operator in C(Σ) is of the form Te. For this we shall need two lemmas, in which — for the first and only time — we need the fact that elements R f of F can be realized as measurable functions such that the integral φ(x)f (x) dx is well-defined for φ ∈ Cc (G). (See the paragraphs preceding (6.3) and (6.7) in §6.1.) 6.29 Lemma. If N is a closed subspace of F that is invariant under Σ, F0 ∩ N is dense in N. Proof. Let {ψU } be an approximate identity R in Cc (G), and for f ∈ N, consider ψU ∗ f . If we write ψU ∗ f (x) = ψU (xy)f (y −1 ) dy, we easily see that ψU ∗ f is continuous. On the other hand, since Π(y)f (x) = Induced Representations 189 R f (y −1 x), we can write ψU ∗ f = ψU (y)Π(y)f dy, interpreted as a Fvalued integral (see Appendix 4), whence ψU ∗f ∈ N since Π(y)f ∈ N for all y. Moreover, the usual arguments show that ψU ∗ f → f as U → {1}. Thus if f ∈ N and ǫ > 0 there is a continuous g ∈ N such that kg−f k < ǫ. But also there exists φ ∈ Cc (G/H) such that kM (φ)g − gk < ǫ (take φ = 1 on a sufficiently large compact set), and M (φ)g ∈ F0 . 6.30 Lemma. If M is a closed subspace of Hσ , let e = closure in F of f ∈ F0 : f (x) ∈ M for all x ∈ G . M e is a bijection between the set of σThen the correspondence M 7→ M invariant closed subspaces of Hσ and the set of Σ-invariant closed subspaces of F. e is invariant under translations and mutliplicaProof. It is clear that M tion by functions in C0 (G/H), i.e., invariant under Σ. In fact, when M e is just the Hilbert space for the induced representais σ-invariant, M G M tion indH (σ ). If M1 and M2 are distinct closed σ-invariant subspaces of Hσ , there is a vector v in one but not the other, say v ∈ M1 \ M2 . By Proposition 6.8(a) (with σ replaced by σ M1 ), there is a continuous e 1 with kf (1) − vkσ arbitrarily small, and hence f (x) ∈ f ∈M / M2 for x e e e is in some neighborhood of 1. Then f ∈ M1 \ M2 , so the map M 7→ M an injection. On the other hand, suppose N is a Σ-invariant closed subspace of F. If f ∈ N and φ ∈ Cc (G), let Z vf,φ = φ(x−1 )f (x−1 ) dx, and let M be the closed linear span of {vf,φ : f ∈ N, φ ∈ Cc (G)} in Hσ . For any ξ ∈ H we have σ(ξ)vf,φ = Z φ(x−1 )σ(ξ)f (x−1 ) dx = = Z Z −1 φ(x s φ(x−1 ) s ξ) ∆H (ξ) f (x−1 ξ −1 ) dx ∆G (ξ) ∆H (ξ) f (x−1 ) dx = vf,φ′ ∆G (ξ) p where φ′ (x) = ∆H (ξ)/∆G (ξ) φ(xξ), so M is σ-invariant. e On the one hand, if f ∈ F0 ∩ N and w ∈ M⊥ , We claim that N = M. we have Z 0 = hvf,φ , wi = φ(x−1 )hf (x−1 ), wi dx 190 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition for all φ ∈ Cc (G). This implies that hf (x), wi = 0 for all x ∈ G and e By Lemma 6.29, then, N ⊂ M. e On the other hand, w ∈ M⊥ , so f ∈ M. e by the if f ∈ N and φ, ψ ∈ Cc (G), we can form an element gf,φ,ψ of M prescription (6.7): Z s ∆G (ξ) gf,φ,ψ (x) = ψ(xξ)σ(ξ)vf,φ dξ. ∆ H (ξ) H By Proposition 6.8(b) (with σ replaced by σ M ), such functions are dense e so to prove that M e ⊂ N it suffices to show that gf,φ,ψ ∈ N. But in M, Z Z s ∆G (ξ) ψ(xξ)φ(y −1 )σ(ξ)f (y −1 ) dy dξ gf,φ,ψ (x) = ∆ H (ξ) H G Z Z = ψ(xξ)φ(y −1 )f (y −1 ξ −1 ) dy dξ H G Z Z = ψ(xξ)φ(y −1 xξ)f (y −1 x) dy dξ. H G R In other words, if we set h(q(x), y) = H ψ(xξ)φ(y −1 xξ) dξ, we have Z gf,φ,ψ (x) = h(q(x), y)f (y −1 x) dy = [TΣ (h)f ](x), G where TΣ is defined by (6.18). Since f ∈ N and N is Σ-invariant, TΣ f ∈ N, and we are done. Now we can complete the proof of Theorem 6.28. If M is a closed σ-invariant subspace of Hσ and P is the orthogonal projection onto M, e in the notation of Lemma clearly Pe is the orthogonal projection onto M 6.30. That lemma therefore shows that every orthogonal projection in C(Σ) is of the form Pe for some projection P ∈ C(σ). Moreover, every self-adjoint element of C(Σ) is the norm limit of linear combinations of such projections, by the spectral theorem, and C(σ)e is norm-closed since T 7→ Te is an isometry, so every self-adjoint element of C(Σ) belongs to C(σ)e. Finally, every T ∈ C(Σ) is a linear combination of self-adjoint 1 elements (T = A + iB where A = 12 (T + T ∗ ) and B = 2i (T − T ∗ )), so C(Σ) ⊂ C(σ)e. Now we come to the second major result of this section, and indeed the centerpiece of this whole chapter: 6.31 Theorem (The Imprimitivity Theorem). Suppose G is a locally compact group, H is a closed subgroup, and S = G/H. Let Σ = (π, S, M ) Induced Representations 191 be a transitive system of imprimitivity on G. Then there is a unitary representation σ of H such that Σ is equivalent to the canonical system of imprimitivity associated to indG H (σ). (In particular, π is equivalent to indG (σ).) Moreover, σ is uniquely determined up to equivalence by Σ. H Proof. Let us first establish the uniqueness of σ. Let σ1 and σ2 be unitary representations of H, let Πj = indG H (σj ), let Σj = (Πj , S, Mj ) be the associated canonical system of imprimitivity on the Hilbert space Fj , and suppose U : F1 → F2 is a unitary equivalence of Σ1 and Σ2 . Consider the direct sum Σ = (Π1 ⊕ Π2 , S, M1 ⊕ M2 ), the system induced from σ1 ⊕ σ2 . Define an operator V on F1 ⊕ F2 by V (f1 , f2 ) = (0, U f1 ). Then V ∗ (f1 , f2 ) = (U ∗ f2 , 0), so since U is unitary, V ∗ V is the orthogonal projection onto F1 while V V ∗ is the orthogonal projection onto F2 . On the other hand, it is trivial to check that V ∈ C(Σ), so by Theorem 6.28 there is an operator T ∈ C(σ1 ⊕ σ2 ) such that V = Te. Since T 7→ Te is a ∗-isomorphism, T ∗ T and T T ∗ are the orthogonal projections onto Hσ1 and Hσ2 respectively. But this implies that T0 = T |Hσ1 is a unitary isomorphism from Hσ1 to Hσ2 , and the fact that T ∈ C(σ1 ⊕ σ2 ) implies that T0 intertwines σ1 and σ2 . Thus σ1 and σ2 are equivalent. Before proceeding to the general proof of existence, we remark that a simple argument is available when S = G/H is discrete. In this case, the compact sets in G/H are finite, so the (inner) regularity of the projection-valued measure P of Σ implies that P ({s}) 6= 0 for some, and hence every, singleton set {s} ⊂ S. Let ι denote the coset of the identity on G/H. Then π(ξ)P ({ι})π(ξ)−1 = P ({ξι}) = P ({ι}) for ξ ∈ H, so the range M of P ({ι}) is invariant under π|H, and σ = (π|H)M is a unitary representation of H. Given v ∈ H, define a function fv : G → M by fv (x) = P ({ι})π(x)−1 v = π(x)−1 P ({xι})v. Then, for ξ ∈ H, fv (xξ) = π(xξ)−1 P ({xξι})v = π(ξ)−1 π(x)−1 P ({xι})v = σ(ξ)−1 fv (x), and X xι∈G/H kfv (x)k2 = X xι∈G/H kP ({xι})vk2 = kvk2 since Hπ is the direct sum of the ranges of the projections P ({xι}). It is now easy to see that v 7→ fv is a unitary map from Hπ to the Hilbert space F for indG H (σ) that defines an equivalence between Σ and the canonical system of imprimitivity for indG H (σ). (Obviously, counting measure is an invariant measure on G/H, so there is no need to worry about modular functions.) Equivalently, if one wishes to think of the elements of F as sections of a vector bundle over G/H, the bundle in question is the one whose fiber over each s ∈ G/H is the range of P ({s}). 192 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition When G/H is not discrete, P ({ι}) will normally be zero, so we must work harder to construct the representation σ. Here is the strategy: In the first place, since every system of imprimitivity is a direct sum of cyclic ones (Proposition 6.27), and inducing commutes with direct sums (Proposition 6.9), it suffices to assume that Σ is cyclic. But then, by Theorem 6.26, we may assume that Σ is the system of imprimitivity derived from a pseudomeasure µ of positive type on S × G (where S = G/H). We then proceed as follows. i. We shall define a positive semidefinite Hermitian form h·, ·iλ on Cc (G) and thence obtain a Hilbert space Hλ by factoring out the nullspace and completing the resulting inner product space. We shall also define an action of H on Cc (G) that will turn into a unitary representation σ of H on Hλ . ii. The Hilbert space for indG H (σ) is fashioned out of continuous functions on G with values in Hλ , and thus ultimately out of continuous functions on G with values in Cc (G). On the other hand, the Hilbert space for the system of imprimitivity derived from µ is fashioned out of the space L(S × G). We shall therefore construct a unitary equivalence between the two out of a linear map U from L(S × G) to C(G, Cc (G)). It turns out that we need the map U in (ii) to prove the positivity of the Hermitian form in (i), so the argument is a bit convoluted. But let us begin. Suppose then that µ is a pseudomeasure of positive type on S × G, where S = G/H. If F ∈ Cc (G × G), define Fe ∈ L(S × G) by Z e F (q(y), x) = f (x−1 yξ, yξ)∆G (yξ)−1 dξ. H It is easily verified that the map F 7→ Fe is continuous from Cc (G × G) to L(S × G) = Cc (S × G) (see the remarks at the beginning of §6.3), so we can use it to pull the pseudomeasure µ back to G × G. We denote the resulting pseudomeasure on G × G by λ: λ(F ) = µ(Fe ). We now define a sesquilinear form on Cc (G) by hf, giλ = λ(f ⊗ g) = Z = Z f (x)g(y) dλ(x, y) G×G S×G Z f (x−1 yξ)g(yξ)∆G (yξ)−1 dξ dµ(q(y), x). H This is the form described in (i); now we need the map U : L(S × G) → Induced Representations 193 C(G, Cc (G)) of (ii). It is given by [U f (x)](y) = f (q(x), xy −1 ). Again, it is easy to check that U f is indeed continuous from G to Cc (G). 6.32 Lemma. Suppose f ∈ L(S × G) and Rφ is a nonnegative function in Cc (G). Define φ′ ∈ Cc (S) by φ′ (q(x)) = H φ(xξ) dξ, and define g ∈ L(S × G) by g(s, x) = φ′ (s)1/2 f (s, x). Then Z φ(x)hU f (x), U f (x)iλ dx = µ(g ∗ ∗ g). G Proof. By definition of h·, ·iλ , hU f (x), U f (x)iλ ZZ = [U f (x)](z −1 yξ)[U f (x)](yξ)∆G (yξ)−1 dξ dµ(q(y), z) ZZ = f (q(x), x(yξ)−1 z)f (q(x), x(yξ)−1 )∆G (yξ)−1 dξ dµ(q(y), z). Therefore, Z φ(x)hU f (x), U f (x)iλ dx ZZZ = φ(x)f (q(x), x(yξ)−1 z)f (q(x), x(yξ)−1 )∆G (yξ)−1 dx dξ dµ(q(y), z) ZZZ = φ(xξ)f (q(x), xy −1 z)f (q(x), xy −1 )∆G (y)−1 dx dξ dµ(q(y), z) ZZ = φ′ (q(x))f (q(x), xy −1 z)f (q(x), xy −1 )∆G (y)−1 dx dµ(q(y), z) Since g ∗ (q(y), yx−1 ) = g(q(x), xy −1 )∆G (xy −1 ), this equals ZZ g(q(x), xy −1 z)g ∗ (q(y), yx−1 )∆G (x−1 ) dx dµ(q(y), z) ZZ = g ∗ (s, w)g(w−1 s, w−1 z) dw dµ(s, z) = µ(g ∗ ∗ g), by the substitution w = yx−1 . 6.33 Corollary. The form h·, ·iλ is positive semidefinite on Cc (G). 194 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. Since µ is of positive type, the lemma shows that Z φ(x)hU f (x), U f (x)iλ dx ≥ 0 G for all nonnegative φ ∈ Cc (G). Since hU f (x), U f (x)iλ is continuous in x, this implies that hU f (x), U f (x)iλ ≥ 0 for all f ∈ L(S × G) and all x ∈ G. But it is an easy exercise to see that, for any x, f 7→ U f (x) maps L(S × G) onto Cc (G), and the result follows. In view of Corollary 6.33, we obtain a Hilbert space Hλ from Cc (G) by passing to a quotient and completing it with respect to h·, ·iλ , as promised. Next, for ξ ∈ H we define a map σ(ξ) : Cc (G) → Cc (G) by s ∆H (ξ) [σ(ξ)f ](x) = f (xξ). ∆G (ξ) We have ZZ ∆H (ξ) hσ(ξ)f, σ(ξ)giλ = f (x−1 yηξ)g(yηξ)∆G (yη)−1 dη dµ(q(y), x) ∆G (ξ) ZZ = f (x−1 yη)g(yη)∆G (yη)−1 dη dµ(q(y), x) = hf, giλ , so σ(ξ) is an isometry with respect to h·, ·iλ . Moreover, it is clear that σ(ξη) = σ(ξ)σ(η), σ(x−1 ) = σ(x)−1 , and x 7→ σ(x)f is continuous from G to Cc (G) for each f ∈ Cc (G). It follows easily that the operators σ(ξ) yield a unitary representation (still denoted by σ) of H on Hλ . Now we can complete the proof of the imprimitivity theorem. We observe that if f ∈ L(S × G), [U f (xξ)](y) = f (q(xξ), xξy −1 ) = f (q(x), x(yξ −1 )−1 ) s ∆H (ξ) −1 = [U f (x)](yξ ) = [σ(ξ −1 )U f (x)](y), ∆G (ξ) so if we think of U f (x) as being an element of Hλ , we see that U f is an element of the Hilbert space F for the induced representation Π = indG H (σ). Moreover, if f ∈ L(S × G), let V be a compact set in S such that supp f ⊂ V × G, and choose φ ≥ 0 in Cc (G) such that R φ(xξ) dξ = 1 for x ∈ q −1 (V ) (Lemma 2.49). Then supp U f ⊂ q −1 (V ), H and g = f in the notation of Lemma 6.32. Hence, by that lemma and (6.6), Z kU f k2F = φ(x)hU f (x), U f (x)iλ dx = µ(f ∗ ∗ f ), Induced Representations 195 so U defines an isometry from the Hilbert space Hµ (on which the system of imprimitivity (πµ , S, Mµ ) derived from µ lives) to F. It satisfies [U [πµ (x)f ](y)](z) = [πµ (x)f ](q(y), yz −1 ) = f (q(x−1 y), x−1 yz −1 ) = [U f (x−1 y)](z) = [[Π(x)U f ](y)](z) and for φ ∈ C0 (S), [U [Mµ (φ)f ](y)](z) = φ(q(y))f (q(y), yz −1 ) = [[M (φ)U f ](y)](z), where M is the representation of C0 (S) in the canonical system of imprimitivity associated to Π. In other words, U intertwines the two systems of imprimitivity. It remains only to show that U maps Hµ onto F, and it is enough to show that its range is dense. Given φ, ψ ∈ Cc (G), define g ∈ L(S × G) by Z g(q(x), y) = φ(xξ)ψ(y −1 xξ) dξ. H Then [U g(x)](y) = g(q(x), xy −1 )= Z φ(xξ)ψ(yξ) dξ Z s ∆G (ξ) = φ(xξ)[σ(ξ)ψ](y) dξ. ∆ H (ξ) H H But this says that U g = fφ,ψ in the notation of (6.7), so the desired result follows from Proposition 6.8(b). 6.6 Introduction to the Mackey Machine The imprimitivity theorem is the foundation of a method, due to Mackey, for analyzing the representations of a group G in terms of the representations of a closed normal subgroup N and various subgroups of G/N . An exposition of this general theory is beyond the scope of this book, and we shall restrict ourselves to some special cases where things work out rather simply. Namely, we shall assume that N is Abelian and satisfies a regularity condition to be explained below, and we shall obtain definitive results only in the case where G is the semi-direct product of N and another closed subgroup H. We shall sketch the more general picture in §6.9. 196 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Suppose then that G is a locally compact group and N is a nontrivial closed Abelian normal subgroup of G. G acts on N by conjugation, and b , (x, ν) 7→ xν, defined this induces an action of G on the dual group N by (6.34) hn, xνi = hx−1 nx, νi b , n ∈ N ). (x ∈ G, ν ∈ N b , we denote by Gν the stabilizer of ν, For each ν ∈ N Gν = x ∈ G : xν = ν , which is a closed subgroup of G, and we denote by Oν the orbit of ν: Oν = xν : x ∈ G . b is never transitive (for one thing, O1 = {1}), and The action of G on N the structure of the orbits can be very complicated. We shall say that G b if the following two conditions are satisfied. acts regularly on N R1. The orbit space is countably separated, that is, there is a countb such that each orbit able family {Ej } of G-invariant Borel sets in N b is the intersection of all the Ej ’s that contain it. in N b , the natural map xGν 7→ xν from G/Gν to Oν is a R2. For each ν ∈ N homeomorphism. When G is σ-compact, (R2) is equivalent to b is relatively open in its closure. R2′ . Each orbit in N Indeed, it is an easy exercise to see that (R2′ ) holds if and only if each orbit is locally compact in the relative topology, and this is equivalent to (R2) by Proposition 2.46. Remark. When G is second countable, (R1) and (R2) are actually equivalent, and they are both implied by b that intersects each orbit in exactly one R3. There is a Borel set in N point. The former assertion was proved by Glimm [52] and the latter one by Mackey [92, Theorem 5.2]. We shall not prove them here, for in most cases it is easy to see directly whether (R1) and (R2) (or (R2′ )) hold. In §§6.7–8 we shall work out several examples, including some where (R1) and (R2) fail. Now suppose π is a unitary representation of G. By Theorem 4.45, b such that there is a unique regular projection-valued measure P on N Z (6.35) π(n) = hn, νi dP (ν) for n ∈ N. Induced Representations 197 b , P ) is a system of imprimitivity. If π is irre6.36 Proposition. (π, N b is a G-invariant ducible, then P is ergodic in the sense that if E ⊂ N Borel set then P (E) is either 0 or I. Proof. If x ∈ G, E 7→ π(x)P (E)π(x)−1 is the projection-valued measure associated with the representation n 7→ π(x)π(n)π(x−1 ) of N , whereas by (6.34), E 7→ P (xE) is the projection-valued measure associated to the representation n 7→ π(xnx−1 ). These representations are equal; hence so are the measures, by the uniqueness in Theorem 4.45. If π is irreducible and E ⊂ N is G-invariant, then π(x)P (E)π(x)−1 = P (E) for all x ∈ G, so P (E) ∈ C(π). By Schur’s lemma, P (E) = 0 or I. b , there 6.37 Proposition. If π is irreducible and G acts regularly on N b is an orbit O ⊂ N such that P (O) = I. Proof. Let {Ej }∞ 1 be a countable separating family for T the orbit space, as in condition (R1). If O is an orbit, we have O = j∈J Ej for some J ⊂ Z+ , so P (O) is the projection onto the intersection of the ranges of the P (Ej ), j ∈ J. Each P (Ej ) is either 0 or I by Proposition 6.36; hence either P (Ej ) = I for all j ∈ J, in which case P (O) = I, or P (Ej ) = 0 for some j ∈ J, in which case P (O) = 0. Therefore, if P (O) = 0 for every orbit O, for each O there is a j(O) such that O ⊂ Ej(O) and P (Ej(O) ) = 0. b = S Ej(O) , so P (N b ) = 0, an absurdity. Hence P (O) = I But then N O for some O. Suppose the conditions of Proposition 6.37 hold. The orbit O such that P (O) = I is of course unique, since P (N \ O) = 0. Fix an element ν of O. By the regularity condition (R2), O can be identified with the homogeneous space G/Gν . The projection-valued measure P can therefore b , and (π, G/Gν , P ) is be regarded as living on G/Gν rather than on N then a transitive system of imprimitivity. Consequently, by the imprimitivity theorem, there is a representation σ of Gν , necessarily irreducible since π is, such that (π, G/Gν , P ) is unitarily equivalent to the canonical system of imprimitivity associated to indG Gν (σ). 6.38 Proposition. σ(n) = hn, νiI for all n ∈ N . Proof. We can assume that (π, G/Gν , P ) actually equals the canonical system of imprimitivity for indG Gν (σ), acting on the usual space F. When R b we transfer P from R N to G/Gν , the formula π(n) = hn, ·i dP for n ∈ N becomes π(n) = hn, xνi dP (q(x)), where q : G → G/Gν is the quotient map. Now, from the definition of the canonical system of imprimitivity, R 0 for φ ∈ C0 (G/G ) and f ∈ F we have ( φ dP )f = M (φ)f = (φ ◦ q)f . ν R The formula ( φ dP )f = (φ ◦ q)f continues to hold for any bounded 198 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition continuous function φ on G/Gν , as one sees by unraveling the definitions in the spectral functional calculus, and in particular it holds for φ(q(x)) = hn, xνi. Hence, for f ∈ F0 , [π(n)f ](x) = hn, xνif (x) = hx−1 nx, νif (x). On the other hand, we observe that since N is normal in G and in Gν , the spaces G/N and Gν /N both possess G-invariant measures, namely, their respective Haar measures. Hence, by Theorem 2.51, ∆G |N = ∆Gν |N = ∆N (= 1, since N is Abelian). Taking this into account, if n ∈ N and f ∈ F0 we have [π(n)f ](x) = f (n−1 x) = f (x(x−1 n−1 x)) = σ(x−1 nx)f (x). Comparing the last two displayed equations, we see that σ(x−1 nx)f (x) = hx−1 nx, νif (x). In particular, σ(n)f (1) = hn, νif (1). But {f (1) : f ∈ F0 } is dense in Hσ by Proposition 6.8(a), so the result follows. We summarize our results so far in a theorem. b . If π is an irreducible 6.39 Theorem. Suppose G acts regularly on N b unitary representation of G, there exist ν ∈ N and an irreducible representation σ of Gν with σ(n) = hn, νiI for n ∈ N such that π is unitarily equivalent to indG Gν (σ). In Theorem 6.39, the orbit Oν is uniquely determined by π, but the choice of ν in this orbit is arbitrary. If ν ′ is another element of this orbit, say ν ′ = xν, the groups Gν and Gν ′ are isomorphic — in fact, Gν ′ = xGν x−1 . Moreover, the correspondence σ ↔ σ ′ , where σ ′ (y) = σ(x−1 yx), is a bijection between the representations of Gν and those of Gν ′ , and the map U f (y) = f (x−1 yx) defines a unitary equivalence G ′ between indG Gν (σ) and indG′ν (σ ). Hence the non-uniqueness of ν is of no essential significance. Now we prove the converse of Theorem 6.39: b . If ν ∈ N b and σ is an 6.40 Theorem. Suppose G acts regularly on N irreducible representation of Gν such that σ(n) = hn, νiI for n ∈ N , ′ then π = indG Gν (σ) is irreducible. If σ is another such representation G G ′ of Gν such that indGν (σ) and indGν (σ ) are unitarily equivalent, then σ and σ ′ are unitarily equivalent. Proof. Let Σ = (π, G/Gν , P ) be the canonical system of imprimitivity associated with π. We identify G/Gν with Oν and regard P as b by setting P (E) = P (E ∩ Oν ) for a projection-valued measure on N Induced Representations 199 E ⊂ N . (It is an easy exercise to check that this transferred P is still regular.) For n ∈ N and f ∈ F0 we have π(n)f (x) = f (n−1 x) = f (xx−1 n−1 x) = σ(x−1 nx)f (x) = hx−1 nx, νif (x) = hn, xνif (x), Rfrom which it follows as in the proof of Proposition 6.38 that π(n) = b hn, ·i dP . Thus P is the projection-valued measure associated to π|N N by Theorem 4.45. This implies both assertions of the theorem. First, if T ∈ C(π), T commutes with every P (E) by Theorem 1.44, and hence T ∈ C(Σ). But by Theorem 6.28 and Schur’s lemma, C(Σ) ∼ = C(σ) = CI. Thus C(π) = CI and π is irreducible. Second, any unitary equivalence between π and ′ π ′ = indG Gν (σ ) is actually a unitary equivalence between their canonical systems of imprimitivity, so if such an equivalence exists then σ and σ ′ are equivalent by the uniqueness in the imprimitivity theorem. These results are not yet satisfactory, because Gν may be rather large and its representations not much easier to analyze than those of G itself. In fact, it can happen that Gν = G, in which case the preceding results are vacuous except for the fact that π|N = νI. In particular, this happens when ν = 1; but in that case we actually can reduce the analysis to a smaller group, namely G/N . Indeed, if the orbit associated to π in Proposition 6.37 is {1}, it simply means that π is trivial on N and so factors through G/N . In many cases something similar happens even when ν 6= 1. b can be extended to a rep6.41 Proposition. Suppose that ν ∈ N resentation of Gν , i.e., that there exists a continuous homomorphism νe : Gν → T such that νe|N = ν. If ρ is any irreducible representation of Gν /N , the formula σ(y) = νe(y)ρ(yN ) defines an irreducible representation of Gν on Hρ such that σ(n) = hn, νiI for n ∈ N . Moreover, every such representation of Gν arises in this way. Proof. The first assertion is obvious. If σ is any irreducible representation of Gν such that σ(n) = hn, νiI for n ∈ N , let σ ′ (y) = νe(y)−1 σ(y). Then σ ′ is an irreducible representation of Gν that is trivial on N , so σ ′ (y) = ρ(yN ) where ρ is an irreducible representation of Gν /N , and σ(y) = νe(y)ρ(yN ). The most important case where the phenomenon in Proposition 6.41 is guaranteed to occur is that in which G is the semi-direct product of N and another closed subgroup H. We recall that, in general, a topological group G is the semi-direct product of two closed subgroups N and H if N is normal in G and the map (n, h) 7→ nh from N × H to G 200 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition is a homeomorphism; in this case we write G = N ⋉ H.1 Thus, when G = N ⋉ H every element of G can be written uniquely as nh with n ∈ N and h ∈ H, and when this is done the group law takes the form (6.42) (n1 h1 )(n2 h2 ) = (n1 [h1 n2 h−1 1 ])(h1 h2 ). b we define Returning to our situation in which N is Abelian, for ν ∈ N the little group Hν associated to ν to be Hν = Gν ∩ H. Since Gν ⊃ N , we then have Gν = N ⋉ Hν and Hν ∼ = Gν /N . The character ν always extends to a homomorphism νe : Gν → T by the formula νe(nh) = ν(n) = hn, νi. Indeed, by (6.42), −1 νe((n1 h1 )(n2 h2 )) = hn1 (h1 n2 h−1 1 ), νi = hn1 , νihh1 n2 h1 , νi, and since h1 ∈ Hν , νe((n1 h1 )(n2 h2 )) = hn1 , νihn2 , νi = νe(n1 h1 )e ν (n2 h2 ). The prescription of Proposition 6.41 then takes the following form. If ν ∈ b and ρ is an irreducible representation of Hν , we obtain an irreducible N representation of Gν , which we denote by νρ, by setting (νρ)(nh) = hn, νiρ(h), and every irreducible representation σ of Gν such that σ(n) = hn, νiI for n ∈ N is of this form. Moreover, since (νρ)|Hν = ρ, νρ is equivalent to νρ′ if and only if ρ is equivalent to ρ′ . b , the GOne further simple observation: since N acts trivially on N b is the same as its H-orbit, and if ν ′ = xν (x ∈ H) belongs orbit of ν ∈ N to this orbit, the little groups of ν and ν ′ are related by Hν ′ = xHν x−1 . In particular, they are isomorphic. To sum up, if we combine Theorems 6.39 and 6.40, Proposition 6.41, and the remarks following Theorem 6.39, we see that we have completely classified the irreducible representations of G = N ⋉ H in terms of the b ) and the irreducible representations of N (i.e., the characters ν ∈ N irreducible representations of their little groups Hν : 1 Some people write this as N ⋊ H. Either way, the notation is meant to recall the notation N ⊳ G, indicating that N is a normal subgroup of G. Our notation identifies the normal factor by putting the triangle in the product sign next to it but gives the triangle the wrong orientation with respect to it; the alternative makes the triangle point the right way but puts it on the wrong side. In any case, N is a normal subgroup of G, not H, so the parallel with “N ⊳ G” is inexact. Induced Representations 201 6.43 Theorem. Suppose G = N ⋉ H, where N is Abelian and G acts b . If ν ∈ N b and ρ is an irreducible representation of Hν , regularly on N then indG (νρ) is an irreducible representation of G, and every irreGν ducible representation of G is equivalent to one of this form. Moreover, G ′ ′ ′ indG Gν (νρ) and indGν ′ (ν ρ ) are equivalent if and only if ν and ν belong to the same orbit, say ν ′ = xν, and h 7→ ρ(h) and h 7→ ρ′ (xhx−1 ) are equivalent representations of Hν . 6.7 Examples: The Classics In this section we present several examples, or classes of examples, to show how the general theory of the preceding sections applies in some important specific cases. 1. The ax + b group. Let G be the ax+ b group, whose underlying manifold is (0, ∞) × R and whose group law is (a, b)(a′ , b′ ) = (aa′ , b + ab′ ). We have G = N ⋉ H where N = {(1, b) : b ∈ R} and H = {(a, 0) : a > 0}. We identify N with R via the correspondence (1, b) ↔ b, and then b with R via the pairing hb, βi = e2πiβb . Simple calculations identify N show that (a, b)−1 (1, b′ )(a, b) = (1, b′ /a), b is given by and hence that the action of G on N (a, b)β = β/a. There are only three orbits: (0, ∞), (−∞, 0), and {0}, so it is trivial to b. verify that G acts regularly on N The irreducible representations of G are therefore described by Theorem 6.43. The ones associated to the orbit {0} are the characters of G/N ∼ = H lifted to G: πλ0 (a, b) = aiλ (λ ∈ R). To analyze the orbit (0, ∞), we fix the base point 1 ∈ (0, ∞). The little group H1 is trivial, so up to equivalence there is only one irreducible representation π + associated to (0, ∞), the one obtained by inducing the character hb, 1i = e2πib from N up to G. Likewise, there is one representation π − associated to the orbit (−∞, 0), the one obtained by inducing the character hb, −1i = e−2πib from N up to G. 202 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Let us take a closer look at π + . The homogeneous space G/G1 = G/N ∼ = H admits a G-invariant measure, namely the Haar measure da/a on H. The Hilbert space F for π + therefore consists of functions f : G → C such that ′ f (a, b + ab′ ) = f ((a, b)(1, b′ )) = e−2πib f (a, b), (6.44) with norm 2 kf k = Z ∞ 0 |f (a, b)|2 da . a If we take b = 0 in (6.44) and then write b/a in place of b′ , we see that f (a, b) = e−2πib/a f (a, 0). Functions in F are thus completely determined by their values on H, and if we set f0 (t) = f (t, 0), the correspondence f 7→ f0 is a unitary map from F to L2 ((0, ∞), dt/t) whose inverse is given by f (a, b) = e−2πib/a f0 (a). Now, the representation π + is given on F by [π + (a, b)f ](c, d) = f ((a, b)−1 (c, d)) = f (a−1 c, a−1 (d − b)), and we have [π + (a, b)f ](c, d) = e−2πid/c [π + (a, b)f ]0 (c), f (a−1 c, a−1 (d − b)) = e2πi(b−d)/c f0 (a−1 c). Hence, if we conjugate π + by the map f 7→ f0 , we obtain an equivalent representation π e+ on L2 ((0, ∞), dt/t), namely π e+ (a, b)f0 (t) = e2πib/t f0 (a−1 t). We now make one final change of variables: s = t−1 , g(s) = s−1/2 f0 (s−1 ). The map f0 7→ g transforms L2 ((0, ∞), dt/t) into L2 ((0, ∞), ds) and π e+ (a, b) into [π+ (a, b)g](s) = a1/2 e2πibs g(as) (g ∈ L2 ((0, ∞), ds)). A similar analysis shows that π − is equivalent to the representation π− of G given by the same formula as π+ , but acting on L2 ((−∞, 0), ds): [π− (a, b)g](s) = a1/2 e2πibs g(as) (g ∈ L2 ((−∞, 0), ds)). Induced Representations 203 The interest of these representations is that their direct sum π b = π+ ⊕π− is given by [b π (a, b)g](s) = a1/2 e2πibs g(as) on L2 (R, ds), and conjugation by the Fourier transform F on R yields the representation π(a, b) = Fb π (a, b)F−1 that is given by π(a, b)f (x) = a1/2 f (a−1 (x − b)). This is just the representation of G on L2 (R) associated to the natural action of G on R. (x 7→ a−1 (x − b) is of course the inverse of the transformation x 7→ ax + b.) As an exercise, the reader may perform a similar analysis for the e in which a is allowed to be either positive extended ax + b group G or negative. The result is that there are twice as many one-dimensional e (a, b) 7→ |a|iλ and (a, b) 7→ (sgn a)|a|iλ , but that the representations of G, two infinite-dimensional representations π ± of G coalesce into a single e which may be realized as the natural irreducible representation of G, e on L2 (R). action of G 2. The Euclidean groups. Let E(n) be the group of rigid motions of Rn , that is, the group generated by translations and rotations. E(n) is the semi-direct product of the group of translations and the group of rotations, E(n) = Rn ⋉ SO(n), with group law given by (6.45) (b, T )(b′ , T ′ ) = (b + T b′ , T T ′). ∼ Rn and, as usual, we identify N b with Rn by the pairing Here N = 2πiβ·b hb, βi = e . It is then an easy exercise to see that the action of G b on N is given by (b, T )β = T β, so the orbits are the spheres centered at the origin, Or = β : |β| = r (r ≥ 0). b , so Theorem 6.43 applies. It follows easily that G acts regularly on N (For the countable separation property, one can take the G-invariant sets to be the annuli {β : s < |β| < t} with s and t rational.) As a base point on the orbit Or we can take the point r1 = (r, 0, . . . , 0); then the little group Hr1 is SO(n − 1) (considered as the subgroup of SO(n) that leaves the first coordinate fixed), except when r = 0, in which case it is SO(n). Hence the irreducible representations of E(n) are (i) the irreducible representations of SO(n) lifted to E(n), and (ii) the representations induced from products of nontrivial characters of Rn and irreducible representations of SO(n − 1). In short, one can describe all the irreducible representations of the Euclidean groups in terms of the irreducible representations of the rotation groups SO(k). We have determined the latter for k = 1 (SO(1) = {1}), k = 2 (SO(2) ∼ = T), and k = 3 or 4 (see §5.5), and of course they are also well-known for higher values of k (see, e.g., Boerner [16] or Weyl [147]). 204 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 3. The Poincaré group. Let us denote coordinates on R4 by (x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ). The set of linear transformations of R4 that leave invariant the Lorentz (pseudo)-inner product L(x, y) = x0 y0 − x1 y1 − x2 y2 − x3 y3 , or equivalently the set of 4 × 4 real matrices T such that T ∗ LT = L where L is the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries (1, −1, −1, −1), is denoted by O(3, 1) and called the (4-dimensional) Lorentz group. O(3, 1) admits two nontrivial homomorphisms into the 2-element group {±1}, namely T 7→ det T and T 7→ sgn T00 (where T00 is the (0,0) entry of the matrix T ). The intersection of the kernels of these homomorphisms, which is also the connected component of the identity in O(3, 1), is called the restricted Lorentz group and is denoted by SOo (3, 1). The (4-dimensional, restricted) Poincaré group P is the group formed from translations and restricted Lorentz transformations in the same way as the Euclidean group E4 is formed from translations and rotations: P = R4 ⋉ SOo (3, 1); (b, T )(b′ , T ′ ) = (b + T b′ , T T ′ ). As in the case of the Euclidean group, the normal subgroup N is R4 , b with R4 by using the Lorentz but this time it is convenient to identify N inner product rather than the Euclidean one: hb, βi = e2πiL(b,β) . With b is given by (b, T )β = T β as before. this convention, the action of G on N b , leaving the verifications to We sketch the analysis of the orbits in N the reader. The level sets Mλ = β : L(β, β) = λ (λ ∈ R) of the Lorentz form are G-invariant, but they are not all orbits. Instead, the situation is as follows. For λ < 0, Mλ is a hyperboloid of one sheet, and it is an orbit. For λ > 0, Mλ is a hyperboloid of two sheets, each of which is an orbit. For λ = 0, M0 is a cone; the origin {0} and the two connected half-cones in M0 \ {0} are each orbits. In short, the orbits are Oλ = Mλ (λ < 0), O± (λ ≥ 0), {0}. λ = β ∈ Mλ : ±β0 > 0 b. From this it is an easy exercise to see that G acts regularly on N (For S countable separation, start with the family of invariant sets Uab = a<λ<b Mλ with a and b rational, and elaborate it a bit.) As a representative point in the orbit Oλ with λ < 0 we may take (0, 0, 0, |λ|1/2 ), and the corresponding little group is SOo (2, 1), the 3dimensional restricted Lorentz group acting on (x0 , x1 , x2 )-space. As a 1/2 representative point in O± , 0, 0, 0), and λ with λ > 0 we may take (±λ Induced Representations 205 the corresponding little group is SO(3), acting on (x1 , x2 , x3 )-space. The little groups of the orbits O± 0 are not so transparent, but they turn out to be isomorphic to the Euclidean group E(2); we shall prove this shortly in Proposition 6.46. And, of course, the little group for the orbit {0} is SOo (3, 1). In view of Theorem 6.43, the irreducible representations of the Poincaré group can be described in terms of the irreducible representations of SO(3), E(2), SOo (2, 1), and SOo (3, 1). We have catalogued the irreducible representations of SO(3) in §5.4, and the irreducible representations of E(2) are obtained by another application of Theorem 6.43 as described above: they are the representations induced from nontrivial characters of the subgroup R2 , together with the characters of the quotient group E(2)/R2 ∼ = SO(2) lifted to E(2). The groups SOo (2, 1) and SOo (3, 1) have no nontrivial closed normal subgroups, so the Mackey machine cannot be applied to them, but the classification of their irreducible representations is well understood because of their intimate relation with SL(2, R) and SL(2, C). To be precise, consider the linear isomorphism M from R4 to the space H of 2 × 2 Hermitian matrices given by x0 + x1 x2 − ix3 M (x) = . x2 + ix3 x0 − x1 If A ∈ SL(2, C) and H ∈ H then AHA∗ ∈ H, so the map ρ(A)x = M −1 [AM (x)A∗ ] defines a linear action of SL(2, C) on R4 . It is not hard to verify that the kernel of ρ is ±I and that the image of SL(2, C) under ρ is precisely SOo (3, 1). (The key point is that L(x, x) = det M (x).) Moreover, if we identify SOo (2, 1) with the subgroup of SOo (3, 1) leaving the point (0, 0, 0, 1) fixed, the inverse image of SO o (2, 1) under ρ is pre0 1 cisely SL(2, R). (Use the fact that if J = −1 0 then J = iM (0, 0, 0, 1) and AJAT = J for all A ∈ SL(2, C).) Hence SOo (3, 1) ∼ = SL(2, C)/(±I), SOo (2, 1) ∼ = SL(2, R)/(±I), and the representations of SOo (3, 1) and SOo (2, 1) are essentially the representations of SL(2, C) and SL(2, R) that are trivial on −I. We shall describe the irreducible representations of SL(2, R) in §7.6, and the corresponding description for SL(2, C) can be found in Knapp [79]. At this point we can attend to a bit of unfinished business: 6.46 Proposition. The little groups of the orbits O± 0 are isomorphic to E(2). − Proof. We consider O+ 0 ; the proof for O0 is similar. As a representative + point in O0 we take the point p = (1, 1, 0, 0), so that M (p) = ( 20 00 ). It is 206 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition easy to check that if A = ac db ∈ SL(2, C), we have AM (p)A∗ = M (p) if and only if |a| = 1, c = 0, and d = a−1 = a. Let G be the group of such matrices. Thus, with z = ab, G is the set of matrices of the form a az m(z, a) = (z ∈ C, |a| = 1), 0 a and it is easily verified that m(z, a)m(w, b) = m(z + a2 w, ab). On comparing this with (6.45), we see that the map m(x + iy, eiθ ) 7→ (x, y), rotation through angle 2θ is a 2-to-1 homomorphism from G to R2 ⋉ SO(2) = E(2), with kernel {±I} = {m(0, ±1)}. On the other hand, the restriction of ρ : SL(2, C) → SOo (3, 1) to G is a 2-to-1 homomorphism from G to the little group of p, with the same kernel. The latter groups are therefore isomorphic. The Poincaré group is the group of transformations of space-time that arises in special relativity, and its representations are of importance in relativistic quantum mechanics. In particular, the representation derived from the orbit O+ λ and the representation ρk of the little group SO(3) (cf. Corollary 5.48) is connected with the description of particles of mass √ m = λ and spin k. (For particles of half-integer spin one must pass to the double cover of the Poincaré group, isomorphic to R4 ⋉ SL(2, C) as indicated above, where the corresponding little group is SU (2).) Likewise, the representation derived from the orbit O+ 0 and the character (b, Tθ ) 7→ eikθ of the little group E(2) (where Tθ is rotation through the angle θ) has to do with particles of mass zero and spin k. For more details, see Simms [128] or Varadarajan [138]. 4. The Heisenberg groups. For n ≥ 1, the Heisenberg group Hn is the group whose underlying space is Rn × Rn × R and whose group law is (6.47) (x, ξ, t)(x′ , ξ ′ , t′ ) = x + x′ , ξ + ξ ′ , t + t′ + 12 (x · ξ ′ − ξ · x′ ) . With the notation X = (x, ξ, t), it is easily verified that the sets N1 = X : x = 0 , N2 = X : ξ = 0 , K1 = X : ξ = 0, t = 0 , K2 = X : x = 0, t = 0 are Abelian subgroups of Hn such that Hn = N 1 ⋉ K 1 = N 2 ⋉ K 2 . Induced Representations 207 Theorem 6.43 can therefore be applied to determine the irreducible representations of Hn . We leave this as an exercise for the reader; instead, we shall give a different argument based directly on the imprimitivity theorem that yields a stronger result. For each nonzero real number h there is a representation ρh of Hn on L2 (Rn ) defined by [ρh (x, ξ, t)f ](y) = e2πiht+πihξ·x e−2πihξ·y f (y − x). (These differ from the representations called ρh in Folland [42] but are equivalent to them via the map U f (y) = |h|1/2 f (−hy). They are equivalent to representations of Hn induced from one-dimensional representations of the subgroup N1 , as the reader may verify; cf. the second remark preceding (6.3).) Let ρ′h (x) = ρh (x, 0, 0), ρ′′h (ξ) = ρh (0, ξ, 0). Then ρ′h and ρ′′h are representations of Rn on L2 (Rn ); in fact, ρ′h is the regular representation of Rn , and ρ′′h is the regular representation conjugated by the Fourier transform and rescaling by the factor h. Since (6.48) (x, 0, 0)(0, ξ, 0) = (x, ξ, 21 x · ξ) = (0, 0, x · ξ)(0, ξ, 0)(x, 0, 0), we have (6.49) ρ′h (x)ρ′′h (ξ) = e2πihx·ξ ρ′′h (ξ)ρ′h (x). These are the integrated form of the canonical commutation relations of quantum mechanics, in which h is Planck’s constant; hence the name “Heisenberg group.” (See Folland [42] or Mackey [99] for more details.) The crucial point is that the relations (6.49) essentially determine the representation ρh uniquely. 6.50 Theorem (The Stone-von Neumann Theorem). a. Suppose π ′ and π ′′ are unitary representations of Rn on a Hilbert space H that satisfy (6.51) π ′ (x)π ′′ (ξ) = e2πihx·ξ π ′′ (ξ)π ′ (x) (x, ξ ∈ Rn ) for some h 6= 0. Then there is a unitary isomorphism from H to a direct sum of copies of L2 (Rn ) such that U π ′ (x)U −1 = ρ′h (x) and U π ′′ (ξ)U −1 = ρ′′h (ξ) on each copy. b. If π is a unitary representation of Hn such that π(0, 0, t) = e2πiht I where h 6= 0, then π is unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of copies of ρh . 208 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. We first observe that assertions (a) and (b) are equivalent. Indeed, if π is a representation of Hn such that π(0, 0, t) = e2πiht I, then the representations π ′ (x) = π(x, 0, 0) and π ′′ (ξ) = π(0, ξ, 0) of Rn satisfy (6.51), because of (6.48). Conversely, if π ′ and π ′′ are representations of Rn satisfying (6.51), it is easy to check that π(x, ξ, t) = e2πiht−πihx·ξ π ′ (x)π ′′ (ξ) = e2πiht+πihx·ξ π ′′ (ξ)π ′ (x) is a representation of Hn , and it satisfies π(0, 0, t) = e2πiht I. Moreover, it suffices to consider h = 1. In (a) one simply replaces the representation π ′′ by the representation ξ 7→ π ′′ (ξ/h), and in (b) one replaces π by π ◦ α, where the automorphism α of Hn is given by α(x, ξ, t) = (x, ξ/h, t/h). Suppose then that π ′ and π ′′ satisfy (6.51) with h = 1. By Theorem 4.45, there is a unique regular projection-valued measure on R Rn such that π ′′ (ξ) = e−2πiξ·y dP (y) for ξ ∈ Rn . Then, for each x ∈ Rn , the projection-valued measures associated to the representations ξ 7→ π ′ (x)π ′′ (ξ)π ′ (x)−1 and 7→ e2πix·ξ π ′′ (ξ) areR E 7→ π ′ (x)P (E)π ′ (x)−1 R ξ2πiξ·(x−y) and E 7→ P (x+E) (since e dP (y) = e−2πiξ·y dP (x+y)). But these two representations are equal, so π ′ (x)P (E)π ′ (x)−1 = P (x + E). In other words, (π ′ , Rn , P ) is a transitive system of imprimitivity on Rn . By the imprimitivity theorem, it is equivalent to the system induced by a representation of the trivial subgroup {0} on some Hilbert space, necessarily a direct sum of copies of the (unique) representation τ of {0} on n n ′ C. But indR {0} (τ ) is just the left regular representation of R , namely ρ1 , and the associated projection-valued measure is Pτ (E) = multiplication by χE , so that Z e−2πiξ·y dPτ (y) = multiplication by e−2πiξ·y = ρ′′1 (ξ). This proves (a) for the case h = 1 and hence establishes the theorem. Remark. This argument also shows that the representations ρh are irreducible. Indeed, it is easy to check that C(ρ1 ) = C(ρ′1 ) ∩ C(ρ′′1 ). In the notation established above, we have C(ρ′1 ) ∩ C(ρ′′1 ) = C(ρ′1 , Rn , Pτ ), and by Theorem 6.28 this is isomorphic to C(τ ) = CI. So ρ1 is irreducible, and hence so is every ρh . This irreducibility can also be established by more elementary means, as can the Stone-von Neumann theorem itself; cf. Folland [42, Proposition 1.43 and Theorem 1.50]. 6.52 Corollary. Every irreducible representation of Hn is equivalent to one and only one of the following: i. ρh (h 6= 0), Induced Representations 209 ii. the representation πb,β (b, β ∈ Rn ) on C defined by πb,β (x, ξ, t) = e2πi(b·x+β·ξ) . Proof. We observe that the center of Hn is Z = {(0, 0, t) : t ∈ R}. If π is irreducible, by Schur’s lemma π|Z must act as scalar multiples of I, so π(0, 0, t) = e2πiht I for some h ∈ R. If h 6= 0 then π is equivalent to ρh by Theorem 6.50. If h = 0 then π factors through Hn /Z ∼ = Rn × Rn and so is of the form πb,β . Of course the representations ρh and πb,β are all inequivalent (the former are already inequivalent on Z). 6.8 More Examples, Good and Bad In this section we present some further examples to illustrate various phenomena, some pleasant and some pathological, that can arise in applying the theory of induced representations. 1. The Mautner group. The Mautner group M is the simplest example of a connected Lie group with a pathological representation theory. Its underlying set is C2 × R, and its group law is given by (z, w, t)(z ′ , w′ , t′ ) = (z + eit z ′ , w + e2πit w′ , t + t′ ) (z, w ∈ C, t ∈ R). From this it is easily checked that M is a semidirect product of C2 (the normal factor) and R. We identify (C2 )b with C2 via the pairing h(z, w), (ζ, ω)i = e2πi Re(zζ+wω) . (This is the usual identification of (R4 )b with R4 , written in complex coordinates.) A simple calculation then shows that the action of M on (C2 )b is given by (z, w, t)(ζ, ω) = (eit ζ, e2πit ω). The origin {(0, 0)} and the circles {(0, ω) : |ω| = r} and {(ζ, 0) : |ζ| = r} (r > 0) are orbits. The tori Trs = (ζ, ω) : |ζ| = r, |ω| = s (r, s > 0) are invariant under M , but they are not orbits: the orbits in Trs are curves that wind around Trs without ever closing up, each of which is dense in Trs . (If we identify Trs with R2 /Z2 in the obvious way, the inverse image of the orbit through (re2πia , se2πib ) in R2 is the union of 210 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition the lines with slope 2π and y-intercept of the form b − a + j + 2πk where j, k ∈ Z; this set is dense in the plane.) From this it is clear that the regularity condition (R2) or (R2′ ) fails. We can also see that (R1) fails, as follows. For simplicity we consider the torus T11 , which is just the standard 2-torus T2 , and we denote normalized Haar measure on T11 by µ. 6.53 Lemma. If f ∈ L2 (µ) is invariant under the action of M , then f is constant µ-a.e. Proof. We expand f in a Fourier series: f (ζ, ω) = X m n cmn ζ ω , where cmn = Z f (ζ, ω)ζ m ω n dµ(ζ, ω). The invariance means that eit(m+2πn) cmn = cmn for all t, and hence cmn = 0 unless m = n = 0. If E is an M -invariant Borel set in T11 , by applying Lemma 6.53 to χE we see that µ(E) is either 0 or 1. If there were a countable separating family for the orbits (in C2 and a fortiori in T11 ), the argument that proves Proposition 6.37 would show that there is an orbit O ⊂ T11 such that µ(O) = 1. But O intersects each circle ζ = const. in a countable set, so Fubini’s theorem implies that µ(O) = 0. Hence condition (R1) fails. Finally, it is easy to produce an irreducible representation π of M such that the projection-valued measure associated to π|C2 is not concentrated on an orbit. Indeed, let µ be Haar measure on T11 as above, and define the representation π on L2 (µ) by π(z, w, t)f (ζ, ω) = e2πi Re(zζ+wω) f (e−it ζ, e−2πit ω). We leave it to the reader to check that π is indeed a representation and that the projection-valued measure associated to π|C2 is just P (E) = multiplication by χE∩T11 , so that P has the same nullsets as µ and hence is not concentrated on an orbit. To see that π is irreducible, suppose T ∈ C(π). Since T commutes with π(z, w, 0) for all z and w, it commutes with multiplication by any g ∈ C(T11 ). But then T g = T (g · 1) = g · T 1 for g ∈ C(T11 ), and it follows that T is multiplication by f = T 1. But then, since T commutes with π(0, 0, t) for t ∈ R, Lemma 6.53 implies that f is constant µ-a.e., and so T = cI. 2. The discrete Heisenberg group and its central quotients. We begin by presenting a slightly different parametrization of the Heisene 1 be R3 berg group H1 from the preceding section. Namely, let H Induced Representations 211 equipped with the group law (x, ξ, t)(x′ , ξ ′ , t′ ) = (x + x′ , ξ + ξ ′ , t + t′ + xξ ′ ), (x, ξ, t)−1 = (−x, −ξ, −t + xξ). It is easily verified that the map (x, ξ, t) 7→ (x, ξ, t + 21 xξ) is an isomore 1 . The advantage of H e 1 is that the lattice of points phism from H1 to H whose coordinates are all integers is a subgroup. We call it the discrete Heisenberg group and denote it by H: (6.54) H = Z3 with group law (j, k, l)(j ′ , k ′ , l′ ) = (j + j ′ , k + k ′ , l + l′ + jk ′ ). e 1 , and one (Of course there are many other discrete subgroups of H can also consider discrete subgroups of higher-dimensional Heisenberg groups; see Folland [46] for more about them. But H will suffice to illustrate the phenomena that we wish to exhibit.) The center and the commutator subgroup of H are both equal to Z = (0, 0, l) : l ∈ Z . We shall also be concerned with the quotients of H by the subgroups of Z. Namely, for each positive integer q we have the group Hq = H/qZ = (j, k, l) : j, k ∈ Z, l ∈ Z/qZ . The group law is again given by (6.54), except that the addition in the last coordinate is computed modulo q, and the center and commutator subgroup of Hq are Zq = Z/qZ = (0, 0, l) : l ∈ Z/qZ . We wish to investigate the irreducible representations of H and Hq , the latter being essentially identical to the irreducible representations of H that are trivial on qZ. The first step in classifying these representations is the observation that, by Schur’s lemma, if π is an irreducible representation of H, its restriction to Z acts by scalar multiples of the identity; thus, π(0, 0, l) = χ(l)I for some character χ of Z, which we call the central character of π. More concretely, we have χ(l) = e2πiωl for some real number ω determined modulo Z. We regard ω as an element of R or of R/Z as convenience dictates, and we adopt the notation χω (l) = e2πiωl . The central characters of irreducible representations of Hq are of the 212 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition same form except that ω must be of the form p/q for some p ∈ Z determined modulo q. The Mackey machine is ideally suited to describing the irreducible representations of the groups Hq . Indeed, Hq is the semi-direct product of the Abelian subgroups N = (0, k, l) : k ∈ Z, l ∈ Z/qZ , H = (j, 0, 0) : j ∈ Z . b consists of the characters N νβ,γ (0, k, l) = e2πi[βk+(γ/q)l)) (β ∈ R/Z, γ ∈ Z/qZ). b is Since (j, 0, 0)(0, k, l)(j, 0, 0)−1 = (0, k, l + jk), the action of H on N given by [(j, 0, 0)νβ,γ ](0, k, l) = e2πi[βk+(γ/q)(l+jk)] , that is, (6.55) (j, 0, 0)νβ,γ = νβ+(γ/q)j,γ . Thus the orbits are finite sets (remember that (γ/q)j is taken mod 1), and it follows easily that the action of H is regular. Thus, by Theorem 6.43, the ingredients for constructing an irreducible representation of Hq are a character νβ,γ of N and a character of the corresponding little group in H. Given such a pair of characters, it is easy to see on a priori grounds — and will follow from the explicit calculations that we are about to perform — that the corresponding representation of Hq will have central character χp/q if and only if νβ,γ (0, 0, l) = χp/q (l), that is, γ = p. To find all the irreducible representations of Hq (for all q) it is enough to find the ones whose central character χp/q is faithful, that is, for which p and q are relatively prime, for the ones where gcd(p, q) = d > 1 are just representations of Hq/d lifted to Hq . If p and q are relatively prime, the little group of νβ,p is qH = {(j, 0, 0) : q|j}, and its characters are naturally parametrized by real numbers modulo rational numbers with denominator q: ρα (j, 0, 0) = e2πiαj (j ∈ qZ, α ∈ R/q −1 Z). The irreducible representations of Hq with central character χp/q (gcd(p, q) = 1) are therefore obtained by inducing a character ρα νβ,p of N ⋉ qH (this group is Abelian, i.e., the product is actually direct) (p,q) up to Hq to obtain a representation that we shall call πα,β . Since an element (j, k, l) ∈ Hq belongs to N ⋉ qH if and only if q divides j, we see (p,q) that N ⋉ qH is of index q in Hq and hence that πα,β is q-dimensional. Induced Representations 213 According to the definition at the beginning of §6.1, it acts on the space F0 of all functions f : Hq → C that satisfy f ((j, k, l)(r, s, t)) = e−2πi[αr+βs+(p/q)t] f (j, k, l) for r ∈ qZ by left translation. However, since (j, k, l) = (j, 0, 0)(0, k, l − jk), functions in F0 are determined by their restrictions to H, f (j, k, l) = e−2πi[βk+(p/q)(l−jk)] f (j, 0, 0), and the action on these restrictions is given by (p,q) πα,β (j, k, l)f (m, 0, 0) = f ((−j, −k, −l + jk)(m, 0, 0)) = f (m − j, −k, −l + jk) = f ((m − j, 0, 0)(0, −k, −l + mk)) = e2πi[βk+(p/q)(l−mk)] f (m − j, 0, 0). Moreover, these restrictions have the following quasi-periodicity property: f (j + mq, 0, 0) = f ((j, 0, 0)(mq, 0, 0)) = e−2πiαmq f (j, 0, 0) (m ∈ Z). They are therefore determined by their values f (j, 0, 0) with j = 0, 1, . . . , q − 1, in accordance with the fact that F0 is q-dimensional. (p,q) However, the description of πα,β is simpler if we do not make this last (p,q) reduction. Rather, we take πα,β — in its final version — to act on (6.56) q Hα = f : Z → C : f (j + mq) = e−2πiαmq f (j) for m ∈ Z (with norm kf k2 = (6.57) (p,q) PJ+q J+1 |f (j)|2 , independent of J) by πα,β (j, k, l)f (m) = e2πi[βk+(p/q)(l−mk)] f (m − j). (p,q) (It is curious that this formula for πα,β depends only on β, whereas the q α-dependence comes in the space Hα on which it acts.) (p,q) The representations πα,β (α, β ∈ R) give a complete list of irreducible representations of H or Hq with central character χr when r = p/q in lowest terms, up to equivalence. It is obvious from the defini(p,q) tions that πα,β depends only on the equivalence classes of α in R/q −1 Z (p,q) (p,q) and of β in R/Z. However, πα,β and πα,β ′ are also equivalent (although b . By not identical) when νβ,p and νβ ′ ,p belong to the same orbit in N ′ (6.55), this happens precisely when β = β mod (p/q)Z, that is — since 214 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition the map j 7→ pj is an isomorphism on Z/qZ (p and q being relatively prime) — when β ′ = β mod q −1 Z. (It is an easy exercise to check that (p,q) q q when β ′ = β + (p/q)j, the intertwining map T : Hα → Hα from πα,β (p,q) to πα,β ′ is given by T f (m) = f (m + j).) To sum up, we have proved the following: 6.58 Theorem. Given positive integers p, q with gcd(p, q) = 1, the map (p,q) (α, β) 7→ [πα,β ] defined by (6.56) and (6.57) is a bijection from the 2-torus (R/q −1 Z)2 to the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations of H or Hq with central character χp/q . This immediately yields a complete list of irreducible representations of Hq : 6.59 Corollary. Every irreducible representation of Hq belongs to an (p′ ,q′ ) equivalence class [πα,β ] for some divisor q ′ of q (including q and 1), some p′ ∈ Z/q ′ Z with gcd(p′ , q ′ ) = 1, and some α, β ∈ R/(q ′ )−1 Z. These equivalence classes are all distinct. It is of interest that even though Hq is neither Abelian nor compact, its irreducible representations are all finite-dimensional; indeed, their dimensions have a finite upper bound (namely, q). What remains is to analyze the irreducible representations of H with central character χω where ω is irrational, and here all hell breaks loose. For the remainder of this discussion we consider a fixed ω ∈ R \ Q. As with Hq , H is a semi-direct product N ⋉ H with N = (0, k, l) : k, l ∈ Z , H = (j, 0, 0) : j ∈ Z , b consists of the characters N νβ,γ (k, l) = e2πi(βk+γl) (β, γ ∈ R/Z), b is given by and the action of H on N (j, 0, 0)νβ,γ = νβ+jγ,γ . But this action is not regular. When γ = ω, the orbit {(β+jω, ω) : j ∈ Z} of β in the parameter space (R/Z)2 is a dense set in the circle γ = ω. An argument similar to the proof of Lemma 6.53 shows that these orbits are not countably separated; they are plainly not homeomorphic to H/N ∼ =Z or open in their closures; and not only is there no Borel cross-section for them, there is not even a Lebesgue measurable one. Indeed, crosssections for these orbits in the circle R/Z are essentially the canonical Induced Representations 215 examples of Lebesgue non-measurable sets. (The usual examples are the cross-sections for the cosets of Q in R/Z, but the cosets of ωZ work just as well; the crucial property that Q and ωZ have in common is that their images in R/Z are countably infinite.) Although the Mackey machine in the form of Theorem 6.43 breaks down, we can still use parts of it to construct irreducible representations of H. The little group of νβ,ω is trivial, so it is just a question of inducing νβ,ω up to H to obtain a representation that we call πβω . A calculation like the one leading to (6.57) shows that this representation can be conveniently realized on l2 = l2 (Z) by (6.60) πβω (j, k, l)f (m) = e2πi[βk+ω(l−mk)] f (m − j). 6.61 Proposition. The representation πβω of H defined by (6.60) is irreducible. Proof. Suppose V is a nontrivial invariant subspace of l2 , 0 6= f ∈ V, and g ⊥ V. Thus, for all j, k, l ∈ Z, X 0 = hπβω (j, k, l)f, gi = e2πi(βk+ωl) e−2πiωkm f (m − j)g(m). m P Since f (· − j)g(·) ∈ l1 , the function φ(θ) = m e−2πimθ f (m − j)g(m) is continuous on R/Z, and it vanishes at θ = ωk for all k. Hence it vanishes identically, so its Fourier coefficients f (m − j)g(m) all vanish. But f (m0 ) 6= 0 for at least one m0 , and by taking j = m − m0 we see that g(m) = 0 for all m. Hence V = l2 . Thus we still obtain a nice family of irreducible representations of H. However, there are two problems with it: 1. The representations πβω and πβω′ are equivalent if and only if β and β ′ belong to the same orbit {β + jω : j ∈ Z}. Consequently, there is no Lebesgue measurable way to parametrize the equivalence classes. 2. There are many irreducible representations of H with central character χω that are not equivalent to any πβω . Let us elaborate on these points. Concerning (1), if β ′ = β + jω, the map T f (m) = f (m + j) on l2 intertwines πβω and πβω′ . On the other b associated to π ω by (6.35) hand, the projection-valued measure Pβω on N β is supported on the orbit {νβ+jω,ω : j ∈ Z}, so by the uniqueness in Theorem 4.45, different orbits give inequivalent representations. Concerning (2), we now present a way to construct a much larger family of irreducible representations of H. First, some terminology. Define 216 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition S : R/Z → R/Z by S(t) = t−ω, and suppose µ is a σ-finite Borel measure on R/Z. (In what follows, all measures in question will be assumed σfinite. In fact, there is no harm in assuming that they are finite, as every σ-finite measure is equivalent to a finite one.) We say that µ is ergodic (under S) if for any S-invariant set E ⊂ R/Z, either µ(E) = 0 or µ((R/Z) \ E) = 0; and we say that µ is quasi-invariant (under S) if the measures µj (E) ≡ µ(S j (E)) = µ(E − jω) (j ∈ Z) are all equivalent. 6.62 Lemma. If µ and µ′ are ergodic and quasi-invariant, they are either equivalent or mutually singular. Proof. If µ and µ′ are not equivalent, there is a set E such that S µ(E) = 0 and µ′ (E) > 0, or vice versa; we assume the former. Let F = j∈Z S j (E). Since µ is quasi-invariant, we have µ(S j (E)) = 0 for all j and hence µ(F ) = 0; on the other hand, µ′ (F ) ≥ µ′ (E) > 0, so since µ′ is ergodic, we have µ′ ((R/Z) \ F ) = 0. Thus µ and µ′ are mutually singular. 6.63 Theorem. Given an ergodic, quasi-invariant measure µ on R/Z, define the operators ρµ (j, k, l) on L2 (µ) by q (6.64) ρµ (j, k, l)f (t) = e2πi(kt+ωl) f (t + jω) (dµj /dµ)(t). Then ρµ is an irreducible representation of H. Moreover, if µ′ is another such measure, ρµ and ρµ′ are equivalent if and only if µ and µ′ are equivalent. Proof. We leave it to the reader to check that ρµ really is a unitary representation, supplying only the hint that dµj (t) = dµ(t + jω). The proof of irreducibility is similar to that of Proposition 6.61. If V is an invariant subspace of L2 (µ), 0 6= f ∈ V, and g ⊥ V, then for all j, k, l we have Z q 2πiωl 0 = hρµ (j, k, l)f, gi = e e2πikt (dµj /dµ)(t) f (t + jω)g(t) dµ(t). By the Fourier uniqueness theorem and the fact that dµj /dµ > 0 µa.e., the complex measure f (t + jω)g(t) dµ(t) vanishes for all j, i.e., f (t + jω)g(t) = 0 for a.e. t (with respect to µ) and all j. Thus, if E = {t : f (t)S6= 0}, we see that g = 0 a.e. on S j (E) for all j and hence g = 0 a.e. on j S j (E). But since µ is ergodic, the complement of the latter 2 set has measure zero, so g = 0 a.e. on R/Z; hence p V = L (µ). ′ ′ If µ and µ are equivalent, the map f 7→ f dµ/dµ is unitary from L2 (µ) to L2 (µ′ ) and intertwines ρµ and ρµ′ . If not, then by Lemma 6.62, there are disjoint sets E and F with E ∪F = R/Z and µ(F ) = µ′ (E) = 0. But then it is easily verified that the projection-valued measures Pµ and Induced Representations 217 Pµ′ associated to ρµ and ρµ′ by (6.35) are supported in E × {ω} and F × {ω} respectively, so ρµ and ρµ′ are inequivalent (even on N ) by the uniqueness in Theorem 4.45. The immediate question is now: what are the ergodic quasi-invariant measures on R/Z? One obvious class of examples is the counting measures κβ on the S-orbits {β − mω : m ∈ Z}; these just give us the representations πβω that we obtained earlier. (The map m 7→ β − mω takes Z to the orbit of β and l2 (Z) to L2 (κβ ), and it intertwines πβω with ρκβ .) Another obvious example is Lebesgue measure; this gives us a representation of H analogous to the representation of the Mautner group discussed after Lemma 6.53. But there are uncountably many others that are pairwise mutually singular — see Keane [74], Katznelson and Weiss [73], and Moran [107] for three different constructions of uncountable families of mutually singular ergodic, quasi-invariant measures — and classifying all of them (up to equivalence) seems to be a completely hopeless task. Moreover, this is not the end of the story, for one can obtain many more representations via the following modification of (6.64). A cocycle or multiplier (for the action (j, t) 7→ t + jω of Z on R/Z) is a Borel measurable map σ : Z × R/Z → T (=U (1)) that satisfies (6.65) σ(j + j ′ , t) = σ(j, t)σ(j ′ , t + jω). If µ is an ergodic quasi-invariant measure, two cocycles σ and σ ′ are µ-cohomologous if there is a Borel measurable λ : R/Z → T such that (6.66) σ ′ (j, t) = λ(t + jω) σ(j, t) for all j and µ-almost all t. λ(t) This is easily seen to be an equivalence relation, and it depends only on the equivalence class of µ. 6.67 Theorem. For any cocycle σ and any ergodic quasi-invariant measure µ, let q (6.68) ρσ,µ (j, k, l)f (t) = e2πi(kt+ωl) σ(j, t)f (t + jω) (dµj /dµ)(t). Then ρσ,µ is an irreducible representation of H. Moreover, ρσ,µ and ρσ′ ,µ′ are equivalent if and only if µ and µ′ are equivalent and σ and σ ′ are µ-cohomologous. Proof. The first statement and the fact that ρσ,µ and ρσ′ ,µ′ are inequivalent when µ and µ′ are inequivalent are proved just as in Theorem 6.63. If µ and µ′ are equivalent, we may assume that µ′ = µ and that 218 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition µ is finite so that C(R/Z) ⊂ L2 (µ). Suppose then that there is a unitary intertwining operator T for ρσ,µ and ρσ′ ,µ . Taking j = l = 0, we see that T commutes with multiplication by e2πikt for all k, and hence (by taking linear combinations and limits) with multiplication by any f ∈ C(R/Z). Let λ = T (1); then we have T (f ) = T (f · 1) = f T (1) = λf for all f ∈ C(R/Z) and hence for all f ∈ L2 (µ), and |λ| = 1 since T is unitary. The fact that T intertwines ρσ,µ (j, 0, 0) and ρσ′ ,µ (j, 0, 0) then implies that σ and σ ′ are related by (6.66). Conversely, if (6.66) holds, the operator T f = λf intertwines ρσ,µ and ρσ′ ,µ . The simplest cocycles are the ones that are constant in t, namely, σα (j, t) = e2πiαj (α ∈ R). It is easy to check that σα and σα′ are µcohomologous with µ = Lebesgue measure if and only if α′ − α ∈ Z+ ωZ. (Note that as with counting measure on orbits, there is no measurable cross-section for these cohomology classes.) Another simple family is 2 given by σ(n) (j, t) = e2πinjt+πinωj (n ∈ Z), no two of which are µcohomologous with µ = Lebesgue measure. (One might think otherwise ′ 2 because σ(n′ ) and σ(n) satisfy (6.66) with λ(t) = eπi(n −n)t /ω , but this λ is well defined only on R, not on R/Z.) There are many others, and as with the ergodic quasi-invariant measures, the problem of exhibiting and classifying them up to µ-cohomology is quite intractable. It is even worse than it might at first appear because the conditions “for µ-almost all t” and “for µ′ -almost all t” as in (6.66) are entirely uncorrelated when µ and µ′ are mutually singular. There is yet one further generalization that yields even more new representations: instead of considering scalar-valued functions and cocycles, one can take the function f in (6.68) to take values in a Hilbert space H (that is, the space on which ρσ,µ acts is L2 (µ, H)) and the cocycle σ to take values in the unitary group U(H). The cocycle relation is still given by (6.65), but the cohomology relation (6.66) should be restated as λ(t)σ ′ (j, t) = σ(j, t)λ(t + jω), λ again being U(H)-valued. There is an additional condition for irreducibility of ρσ,µ : σ should not be µ-cohomologous to a direct sum (where, if σj is a U(Hj )-valued cocycle for j = 1, 2, the direct sum σ1 ⊕ σ2 is defined in the obvious way as a U(H1 ⊕ H2 )-valued cocycle). It follows from results of Ramsay [115] that this class of representations is, finally, exhaustive: every irreducible representation of H with central character χω is equivalent to one of them. We shall not insist on the details, as the main point should by now be abundantly clear: when ω is irrational, the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations of H with central character χω is, in a quite literal sense, incalculably large. Induced Representations 6.9 219 Notes and References Induced representations of finite groups were first studied by Frobenius [47]. For general locally compact groups, the notion of induced representation was formalized by Mackey [88], [90]; the “intrinsic version” we use in this chapter is due to Blattner [13]. The Hilbert space F or Fµ on which indG H (σ) acts can be precisely identified as the space of all Hσ -valued functions on G that are (in a suitable sense) measurable and square-integrable and that satisfy the appropriate covariance equation with respect to H. We have omitted this point since we have no need for the result, but see Blattner [13] or Gaal [48]. With regard to the realization of induced representations on sections of vector bundles: the usual definition of a vector bundle requires that the bundle be locally trivial, that is, that it be locally isomorphic to the product of the base space and the vector space on which the fibers are modelled. It is easy to see that this will happen for the homogeneous vector bundles over G/H on which induced representations live if the fibration of G itself over G/H is locally trivial, i.e., if the quotient map q : G → G/H admits a local continuous right inverse near some (and hence any) point of G/H. When G is a Lie group, the cosets of H form a foliation of G, and one easily obtains a smooth local inverse to q near q(x) by considering a submanifold of G passing through x that is transverse to the cosets. However, the following example shows that local triviality of G over G/H is false in general, even for separable compact groups. Let G = Tω be the product of a countable number of circles, and let H = {±1}ω be the subgroup consisting of points whose coordinates are all ±1. Since T/{±1} is isomorphic to T, G/H is isomorphic to G, and a continuous local inverse to the quotient map on an open set U ⊂ G is just a map from U to G that is a continuous branch of the square root function in each coordinate. Q∞ But this is impossible, for any open set contains a set of the form 1 Uj where each Uj is open in T and all but finitely many are equal to T, and there is no continuous square root function on all of T. (Nonetheless, see Appendix C of Fell and Doran [40], where it is proved that Banach bundles over locally compact spaces always have lots of continuous sections.) The Frobenius reciprocity theorem for compact groups is due to Weil [146, §23]. Mautner [103] and Mackey [91] have proved versions of the Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem for noncompact groups, but they are much more technical both to state and to prove since representations must generally be decomposed as direct integrals rather than direct 220 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition sums of irreducible components. A condition on groups G and closed subgroups H known as “weak Frobenius reciprocity” was introduced by Fell [39] and subsequently studied by several authors; see Fell and Doran [41] and the references given there. The theorem on induction in stages and the imprimitivity theorem were first proved by Mackey [88], [93], [98] for second countable groups. Loomis [85] extended the imprimitivity theorem to arbitrary locally compact groups by a proof involving functions of positive type. The arguments we have presented here, and in particular the ideas of using pseudomeasures of positive type and the algebra L(S × G), are due to Blattner [14]. Our exposition also owes much to some unpublished notes of J. M. G. Fell; in particular, these are the source for our proof of Theorem 6.28. Another proof of the imprimitivity theorem has been given by Ørsted [110]. There are also generalizations of the imprimitivity theorem to the settings of representations of C* algebras and representations of Banach ∗-algebraic bundles, due respectively to Rieffel [119] and Fell and Doran [41]. The historical genesis of the imprimitivity theorem is of some interest. Mackey was led to it by a threefold generalization of the Stone-von Neumann theorem (6.50), the two intermediate stages being the main theorems in Mackey [87]. Suppose G is a separable locally compact Abelian b respectively, on a group, and π and ρ are representations of G and G, Hilbert space H that satisfy (6.69) ρ(ξ)π(x) = hx, ξiπ(x)ρ(ξ). The first theorem in [87] is that π and ρ are simultaneously equivalent to a direct sum of copies of the representations π0 (x) = Lx (the left regular representation) and ρ0 (ξ)f = ξf . Moreover, if P is the projection-valued bb measure on G (= G) associated to ρ as in Theorem 4.45, (6.69) implies that (π, G, P ) is a system of imprimitivity, and the result just stated says that (π, G, P ) is equivalent to a direct sum of copies of the canonical system of imprimitivity associated to the left regular representation (= indG {1} (1)). The second theorem in [87] is that in this form, the result remains valid when G is an arbitrary separable locally compact group. The full imprimitivity theorem is obtained by generalizing this from systems of imprimitivity based on G to those based on G/H. See Mackey [97] for a more extensive account of these matters and of various applications of the theory of induced representations. The results of §6.6 appeared in Mackey [88], [98], and they were generalized by Mackey [93] to groups G with a closed normal subgroup N that need not be Abelian or a factor in a semi-direct product. We shall now briefly sketch how the general theory works. (A further generalization can be found in Fell and Doran [41].) Induced Representations 221 First, one can replace the hypothesis that N is Abelian by the much b is taken to be the weaker hypothesis that N is type I (see §7.2). N set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations of N , suitably b just as in the Abelian case — the topologized (see §7.2). G acts on N action of x ∈ G on a representation ν of N yields the representation (xν)(n) = ν(x−1 nx) — and one must assume that this action is regular just as in §6.6. There is an analogue of Theorem 4.45 that gives a decomposition of any representation of N as a direct integral of irreducibles (see §7.4), so as in Proposition 6.36 one can associate to each represenb , P ). If π is irreducible, tation π of G a system of imprimitivity (π, N the analogue of Proposition 6.37 holds, so as in Theorems 6.39 and 6.40 one obtains a correspondence between irreducible representations π of b) G and irreducible representations σ of the stability groups Gν (ν ∈ N such that σ|N is a direct sum of copies of ν. One now wishes to analyze these representations of Gν in terms of representations of Gν /N , and here is where the really new feature appears: one must consider not just ordinary representations of Gν /N but projective representations (also called ray representations or multiplier representations), that is, continuous homomorphisms from Gν /N into the unitary group on a Hilbert space modulo the scalar multiples of the identity. This complicates the picture considerably. The compensating virtue is that the whole theory of induced representations can be developed for projective representations, and it is then self-contained: one can analyze the projective representations of G in terms of those of N and those of subgroups of G/N . b , Proposition 6.37 breaks down, and If G does not act regularly on N so does all of the subsequent analysis. To analyze the representations of G in this case, one must consider not only transitive actions of G on subsets b (the actions of G on orbits) but ergodic ones — that is, actions of of N b equipped with ergodic quasi-invariant measures. This G on subsets of N leads to a description of the irreducible representations of G which, in the case of semi-direct products G = N ⋉ H where the G-action reduces to an H-action, is similar to the one we gave for the discrete Heisenberg group in the preceding section. This description can be recast in a form that emphasizes the analogy with induced representations via the notion of “virtual groups,” according to which an irreducible representation of G is induced from a representation of a virtual subgroup rather than the honest subgroup Gν . These ideas were developed by Mackey in the early 1960s; he explicated the concepts related to virtual groups in [95] and gave a lucid sketch of the results for semi-direct products in [96]. However, the theory was worked out in full technical detail only later by Ramsay [115]. The irreducible representations of the ax + b group were first deter- 222 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition mined by Gelfand and Naimark [49], and those of the Poincaré group by Wigner [150]. The first proof of the Stone-von Neumann theorem appeared in von Neumann [142]; it is reproduced in Folland [42]. A more extensive account of the theory of induced representations and its ramifications can be found in Kaniuth and Taylor [71]. For more about representations of the Mautner group, see Baggett [3], Kirillov [77], and Cowling [27], and for more about representations of the discrete Heisenberg group, see Baggett, Mitchell, and Ramsay [4] and the references given there. 7 Further Topics in Representation Theory This chapter is a survey of some general results about unitary representations of noncompact, non-Abelian groups, together with some discussion of concrete cases. The proofs of many of the theorems in this subject are lengthy and technical and involve ideas beyond the scope of this book. Hence, to a large extent we shall content ourselves with providing definitions and statements of the theorems, together with references to sources where a detailed treatment can be found. (In particular, the “notes and references” for this material are scattered throughout the chapter instead of being collected in a separate section at the end.) Our principal object of concern is the set of equivalence classes of irreducible unitary representations of a locally compact group G. This set is called the (unitary) dual space of G. As in Chapters 4 and 5, b and we denote the equivalence class of an irreducible we denote it by G, representation π by [π]. In this chapter most of the main results are subject to the hypothesis that G is second countable. This has, in particular, the following consequences. First, there is a countable base for the topology of G consisting of sets with compact closure. The linear combinations of their characteristic functions are dense in Lp (G) for p < ∞, and hence Lp (G) is separable. Second, G itself is separable, and it follows that if π is a cyclic representation of G, the Hilbert space Hπ is separable. (In particular, Hπ is separable whenever π is irreducible.) In view of Proposition 3.3, to understand the representations of G it is enough to consider those acting on separable Hilbert spaces. 7.1 The Group C* Algebra Let G be a locally compact group. In order to describe the structure of b we need to digress to construct a modification of the group algebra G, 223 224 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition L1 (G). If f ∈ L1 (G), we define kf k∗ = sup kπ(f )k. b [π]∈G Clearly k · k∗ is a seminorm on L1 (G) that satisfies kf k∗ ≤ kf k1 . 7.1 Proposition. Let r(G) be the set of equivalence classes of unitary representations of G (irreducible or not); let P1 be the set of normalized functions of positive type on G as in §3.3, and let E(P1 ) be the set of extreme points in P1 . Then for any f ∈ L1 (G), Z Z kf k2∗ = sup kπ(f )k2 = sup (f ∗ ∗ f )φ = sup (f ∗ ∗ f )φ. φ∈P1 [π]∈r(G) φ∈E(P1 ) Proof. Denote the four numbers whose equality is asserted, in the order given above, by A1 , . . . , A4 . Trivially, A1 ≤ A2 . If π is a unitary representation of G and u is a unit R vector in Hπ , let φ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui. Then φ ∈ P1 and kπ(f )uk2 = (f ∗ ∗ f )φ (Proposition 3.15), Rso A2 ≤ A3 . That A3 ≤ A4 follows from Theorem 3.27, for if φ ∈ PR1 , (f ∗ ∗ f )φ is a limit of convex combinations of numbers of the form (f ∗ ∗ f )ψ with ψ ∈ E(P1 ). Finally, if φ ∈ E(P1 ) then φ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui for some irreducible representation π and some R unit vector u ∈ Hπ by Proposition 3.20 and Theorem 3.25, whence (f ∗ ∗ f )φ = kπ(f )uk2 , so A4 ≤ A1 . 7.2 Corollary. f 7→ kf k∗ is a norm on L1 (G). Proof. k·k∗ is obviously a seminorm on L1 (G). If kf k∗ = 0 then π(f ) = 0 for every unitary representation of G by Proposition 7.1. But if we take π to be the left regular representation, then π(f )g = f ∗ g, and f ∗ g approximates f when g is an approximate identity; so f = 0. We obviously have kf ∗ gk∗ = sup kπ(f )π(g)k ≤ kf k∗ kgk∗ , b [π]∈G kf ∗ k∗ = sup kπ(f )∗ k = kf k∗ , b [π]∈G ∗ kf ∗ f k∗ = sup kπ(f )∗ π(f )k = sup kπ(f )k2 = kf k2∗ . b [π]∈G b [π]∈G Hence the algebra operations and the involution on L1 (G) extend continuously to the completion of L1 (G) with respect to the norm k · k∗ and make that completion into a C* algebra, called the group C* algebra of G and denoted by C ∗ (G). We shall denote the elements of C ∗ (G) by letters such as f even though they are not, in general, functions on G. Further Topics in Representation Theory 225 Example. Suppose G is Abelian. Then kf k∗ = kfbksup , so C ∗ (G) is b isometrically ∗-isomorphic to C0 (G). Any ∗-representation of L1 (G) extends uniquely to a ∗-representation of C ∗ (G), so by Theorems 3.9 and 3.11 there is a one-to-one correspondence between unitary representations of G and nondegenerate ∗representations of C ∗ (G). If π is such a representation, its kernel ker(π) = f ∈ C ∗ (G) : π(f ) = 0 is a closed two-sided ideal of C ∗ (G). Ideals of the form ker(π) where π is irreducible are called primitive ideals of C ∗ (G). The space of all primitive ideals of C ∗ (G) is denoted by Prim(G): b . Prim(G) = ker(π) : [π] ∈ G If U is a nonempty subset of Prim(G), we define U ⊂ Prim(G) by ( ) \ U = I ∈ Prim(G) : I ⊃ J . J∈U We also set ∅ = ∅. 7.3 Proposition. For any U, V ⊂ Prim(G), U ⊃ U, U = U, U ∪V =U ∪V. T T Proof. It is obvious that U ⊃ U and that J∈U J = J∈U J, so that U = U . Also, since U ⊂ U ∪ V and V ⊂ U ∪ V we have U ⊂ U ∪ V and V ⊂ U ∪ V ; hence U ∪ V ⊂ U ∪ V . To prove T the reverse inclusion, T suppose ker(π) ∈ / U ∪ V . Then there exist f ∈ J∈U J and g ∈ J∈V J such that π(f ) 6= 0 and π(g) 6= 0. Pick a vector u ∈ Hπ such that π(f )u 6= 0. Since π(g) 6= 0 and π is irreducible, T there exists h ∈ C ∗ (G) such that π(g)π(h)π(f )u 6= 0. But g ∗ h ∗ f ∈ J∈U∪V J, so ker(π) 6⊃ T / U ∪V. J∈U∪V J and hence ker(π) ∈ It now follows from a theorem of Kuratowski (Kuratowski [83, §§4–5], Folland [45, Exercise 4.12]) that there is a unique topology on Prim(G) with respect to which U is the closure of U , for any U ⊂ Prim(G). This topology is called the hull-kernel topology or the Jacobson topology. We observe that if I and J are distinct elements of Prim(G) then either I 6⊂ J or J 6⊂ I, and hence either I ∈ / {J} or J ∈ / {I}. In other words, the hull-kernel topology is always T0 . However, it may not satisfy any stronger separation properties, as we shall see below. 226 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Remark. One can consider primitive ideals in L1 (G) rather than C (G). The space PrimL1 (G) of all such ideals carries its own hull-kernel topology, and the map Ψ(I) = I ∩ L1 (G) is a continuous surjection from Prim(G) to PrimL1 (G). However, it need not be a homeomorphism. It is known that Ψ is a homeomorphism when G has polynomial growth (i.e., for any compact neighborhood V of the identity, the Haar measure of V V · · · V (n factors) grows at most polynomially in n), but not, for example, when G is a noncompact connected semisimple Lie group. See Boidol et al. [17]. Many of the results described below about representations of G can be rephrased as results about nondegenerate ∗-representations of C ∗ (G), and as such can be generalized to nondegenerate ∗-representations of arbitrary C* algebras. Indeed, this is the natural way of attacking many problems in representation theory; see Dixmier [32] or Pedersen [111]. ∗ 7.2 The Structure of the Dual Space Let G be a locally compact group. If π is an irreducible representation of G, the kernel ker(π) ∈ Prim(G) clearly depends only on the equivalence b onto Prim(G). class of π, and the map [π] 7→ ker(π) is a surjection from G b We can therefore pull back the hull-kernel topology on Prim(G) to G. b That is, we make G into a topological space by declaring the open sets to be those of the form {[π] : ker(π) ∈ U } where U is open in Prim(G). This b it was introduced topology is commonly called the Fell topology on G; in Fell [37]. To understand it more clearly, let us see what it means in some familiar cases. b is the 7.4 Proposition. When G is Abelian, the Fell topology on G b usual topology on G as defined in Chapter 4. When G is compact, the b is the discrete topology. Fell topology on G Proof. Suppose G is Abelian. As we observed in §7.1, C ∗ (G) is essentially b the primitive ideals of C0 (G) b are the maximal ideals {f : f (ξ0 ) = C0 (G); b b is just ν(ι(U )) 0} for ξ0 ∈ G; and the hull-kernel closure of a set U ⊂ G in the notation of §4.5. It therefore follows from Theorem 4.49 that the b are the hull-kernel closed sets. ordinary closed sets in G b let χπ (x) = tr π(x) be the Now suppose G is compact. If [π] ∈ G, character of π. It follows easily from the Schur orthogonality relations (5.8) that π(χπ ) is (dim Hπ )−1 times the identity operator on Hπ , and T that π ′ (χπ ) = 0 if [π ′ ] 6= [π]. Hence, χπ belongs to [π′ ]6=[π] ker(π ′ ) but Further Topics in Representation Theory 227 b \ {[π]}, and not to ker(π). This means that [π] is not in the closure of G hence that {[π]} is open. b is usually non-Hausdorff. When G is neither Abelian nor compact, G We shall see some examples below, but for the moment we give a heuristic reason why this phenomenon is to be expected. It often happens that one can construct a family of representations πt of G that depend continuously (in some suitable sense) on a real parameter t, such that πt is irreducible for all t 6= 0 but π0 is reducible. In such a situation, all the irreducible components of π0 (or rather their equivalence classes) will be limits of [πt ] as t → 0; to put it another way, every neighborhood of any of those components will contain [πt ] for t sufficiently small. In any event, the components of π0 will correspond to non-Hausdorff points of b G. b is available. Namely, let Another description of the Fell topology on G E(P1 ) be the set of extreme points of the set of normalized functions of positive type on G. E(P1 ) is a subset of L∞ (G) and as such is endowed with the weak* topology. On the other hand, for each φ ∈ E(P1 ) one has the representation πφ given by (3.19), and the map φ 7→ [πφ ] is a b by Corollary 3.24 and Theorem 3.25. It can surjection from E(P1 ) to G b is the one generated by the then be shown that the Fell topology on G b map φ 7→ [πφ ]; that is, U ⊂ G is open if and only if its inverse image in E(P1 ) is open. See Dixmier [32, §3.4]. Further information about the Fell topology can be found in Dixmier [32], Fell and Doran [40], and Kaniuth and Taylor [71]. b that is often more directly Another aspect of the structure of G relevant than its topology is its structure as a measurable space. Of course one can always consider the σ-algebra of Borel sets defined by the Fell topology, but for second countable groups there is another natural b that is sometimes more suitable. To define it, we need σ-algebra on G some terminology. For each positive integer n let Hn be a fixed Hilbert space of dimension n, and let H∞ be a fixed separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. (For example: take Hn = Cn for n < ∞ and H∞ = l2 (Z).) For n = 1, 2, . . . , ∞ let Irrn (G) be the set of irreducible representations of G on Hn (where we do not identify equivalent but distinct representations), and let Irr(G) be the union of all the Irrn (G). For each n we define the σ-algebra Bn on Irrn (G) to be the smallest σ-algebra with respect to which all the functions (7.5) π 7→ hπ(x)u, vi (x ∈ G, u, v ∈ Hn ) are measurable, and we define the σ-algebra B on Irr(G) by requiring that E ∈ B if and only if E ∩ Irrn (G) ∈ Bn for all n. 228 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Now suppose G is second countable. The map π 7→ [π] from Irr(G) to b is then a surjection, and we can use it to define a quotient σ-algebra on G b Namely, the Mackey Borel structure on G b (introduced in Mackey G. b b such that [92], [98]) is the σ-algebra M on G consisting of all E ⊂ G {π ∈ Irr(G) : [π] ∈ E} ∈ B. b Namely, One could use the same procedure to define a topology on G. one imposes on Irrn (G) the weakest topology that makes all the functions (7.5) continuous, on Irr(G) the topology for which U ⊂ Irr(G) is open b the quotient precisely when U ∩ Irrn (G) is open for all n, and on G topology induced by the map π 7→ [π]. This topology is less natural than bn = {[π] : π ∈ Irrn (G)} the Fell topology because it makes all the sets G closed, whereas (as we suggested above) one may wish to regard certain lower-dimensional representations as limits of higher-dimensional ones. However, it can be shown (Dixmier [32, §3.5]) that these two topologies bn for every n. It follows easily that induce the same relative topology on G the Mackey Borel structure includes the family of Borel sets for the Fell topology, but in general it is strictly larger. In particular, the Mackey b belongs Borel structure distinguishes points — every singleton set in G to M (Mackey [92], or Dixmier [32, §3.8]) — but the Fell Borel sets do b to Prim(G) is injective. so only when the map [π] 7→ ker(π) from G b is as a topological space It is of interest to know how well-behaved G or as a measurable space. On the topological side, the main questions b satisfies one of the separation axioms T0 or T1 . On the are whether G measure-theoretic side, the principal conditions to be considered are the following. Let (X, M) be a measurable space, i.e., a set equipped with a σ∞ algebra. M is countably separated if there Tis a countable family {Ej }1 in M such that each x ∈ X satisfies {x} = {j:x∈Ej } Ej . (X, M) (or just M) is standard if (X, M) is measurably isomorphic to a Borel subset of a complete separable metric space. (Two measurable spaces (X, M) and (Y, N) are measurably isomorphic if there is a bijection f : X → Y such that E ∈ N if and only if f −1 (E) ∈ M.) Standardness easily implies countable separation, and it is an even stronger condition than might at first appear. By a remarkable theorem of Kuratowski [83, §37.II] (see also Pedersen [111, Theorem 4.6.13] or the appendix in Takesaki [134, vol. I]), if (X, M) is standard there are only two possibilities: either X is countable and M is the σ-algebra of all subsets of X, or X has the cardinality of the continuum and (X, M) is measurably isomorphic to the unit interval [0, 1] with its σ-algebra of Borel sets. It turns out also that the topological or measure-theoretic structure b is closely related to certain types of behavior of the representations of G Further Topics in Representation Theory 229 of G. Before coming to the main theorems, we therefore need some more terminology. A unitary representation π of G is primary if the von Neumann algebra A(π) generated by π, or equivalently its commutant C(π), is a factor, i.e., its center consists of scalar multiples of I. (Primary representations are also known as factor representations.) By Schur’s lemma, every irreducible representation is primary. More generally, if π is a direct sum of irreducible representations, π is primary if and only if all its irreducible subrepresentations are unitarily equivalent. (We shall prove this in the next section as Theorem 7.15.) The group G is called type I if every primary representation of G is a direct sum of copies of some irreducible representation, or equivalently, if A(π) and C(π) are factors of type I for every primary representation π. (This uninspired terminology has unfortunately become ubiquitous. In view of the results we are about to present below, the reader might prefer to follow Kirillov [77] in calling type I groups tame and non-type-I groups wild.) Example 1. Every compact group is type I. This follows immediately from Theorem 5.2 and Theorem 7.15 below. Example 2. Every Abelian group is type I. Indeed, if π is a representation of an Abelian group G, A(π) is commutative. Hence, if π is b and a choice of primary we must have π(x) = hx, ξiI for some ξ ∈ G, orthonormal basis for Hπ then exhibits π as a direct sum of copies of the one-dimensional representation ξ. Example 3. The Heisenberg groups Hn discussed in §6.7 are type I. Indeed, the center Z of Hn is the set of elements of the form (0, 0, t), so if π is a primary representation of Hn , the operators π(0, 0, t) must be scalar multiples of the identity, so that π(0, 0, t) = e2πiht I for some h ∈ R. If h 6= 0, the Stone-von Neumann theorem says that π is a multiple of the irreducible representation ρh . If h = 0, π factors through Hn /Z ∼ = R2n and hence (as in Example 2 above) must be a multiple of one of the representations πb,β of Corollary 6.52. One more set of definitions. A C* algebra A is said to be CCR if whenever π is an irreducible ∗-representation of A, π(f ) is a compact operator for every f ∈ A. (“CCR” stands for “completely continuous representations,” “completely continuous operator” being a oncecommon synonym for “compact operator.” CCR algebras are also sometimes called liminaire or liminal, the former being a French synonym for “CCR” invented by Dixmier.) A C* algebra A is said to be GCR (or postliminaire or postliminal) if every nonzero quotient C* algebra of A possesses a nonzero two-sided ideal that is CCR. (These notions are 230 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition due to Kaplansky [72]; we refer to this paper or Dixmier [32] for a fuller explanation of the significance of the GCR condition.) The group G is called CCR (resp. GCR) if C ∗ (G) is CCR (resp. GCR). Since L1 (G) is dense in C ∗ (G), G is CCR if and only if π(f ) is compact whenever π is irreducible and f ∈ L1 (G). It is obvious that Abelian groups and compact groups are CCR, simply because their irreducible representations are all finite-dimensional. Finally we are ready to state the main theorems that give the equivab and the behavior lence of various “nice” conditions on the structure of G of the representations of G. 7.6 Theorem. If G is a second countable locally compact group, the following are equivalent: i. G is type I. b is T0 . ii. The Fell topology on G b to Prim(G) is injective. iii. The map [π] 7→ ker(π) from G b is countably separated. iv. The Mackey Borel structure on G b is standard. v. The Mackey Borel structure on G b coincides with the σ-algebra of vi. The Mackey Borel structure on G Borel sets for the Fell topology. b π[C ∗ (G)] contains all compact operators on Hπ . vii. If [π] ∈ G, viii. G is GCR. 7.7 Theorem. A locally compact group G is CCR if and only if the Fell b is T1 . In particular, every CCR group is type I. topology on G Theorems 7.6 and 7.7 are proved in a remarkable paper of Glimm [51]; some parts of them were proved independently by Dixmier and Kaplansky. The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) is obvious since Prim(G) is always T0 , and the implication (v) =⇒ (iv) is easy; the other implications are all more or less difficult. The proofs can also be found in Dixmier [32]. Measurable spaces that are not countably separated are pathological — the classic Lebesgue nonmeasurable subsets of R are typical — and the equivalence of (i) and (iv) is strong evidence that the irreducible representations of non-type-I groups are essentially impossible to classify in any reasonable way. The situation is even worse than that: even if one knows the irreducible representations of a group G, only when G is type I is there a reasonable way to classify arbitrary representations (up to equivalence) in terms of irreducible ones. We shall explore this point further in §7.4. It remains to address the question of which groups are type I or CCR. The following general results are known; see also Theorem 7.10 for the case of solvable Lie groups. Further Topics in Representation Theory 7.8 a. b. c. d. 231 Theorem. Every connected semisimple Lie group is CCR. Every connected nilpotent Lie group is CCR. Every connected real algebraic group is type I. A discrete group is type I if and only if it possesses an Abelian normal subgroup of finite index. (a) is due to Harish-Chandra [61]; see also Harish-Chandra [60] for a direct proof that such groups are type I. (b) is due to Dixmier [29] and Kirillov [76]; see also Corwin and Greenleaf [26]. (c) is due to Dixmier [28], and (d) is due to Thoma [136]. Example 4. Let us consider the discrete Heisenberg group H and its central quotients Hq (q ∈ Z+ ) discussed in §6.8. For each q, {(j, k, l) : q|j} is an Abelian normal subgroup of finite index of Hq , so Hq is type I. On the other hand, H is not type I, and it provides a good illustration of the failure of the conditions on the structure of b in Theorem 7.6. We have H b =S bω the dual space H ω∈R/Z H , where b ω is the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations H with central character χω , and we know from the results in §6.8 that b ω is a 2-torus when ω is rational and an enormous mess when ω H b ω that is irrational. In the latter case we exhibited small pieces of H are Borel isomorphic to classic Lebesgue nonmeasurable sets, which b is not standard or countshows that the Mackey Borel structure on H ably separated. Moreover, when ω is rational, the map [π] 7→ ker(π) b ω , but when ω is irrational, every representation of is injective on H H (irreducible or not) with central character χω has the same kerb fails quite dramatically to nel in C ∗ (G), so the Fell topology on H be T0 . In particular, this common kernel is the kernel of indH Z χω , whose intersection withPl1 (H) is easily seen to be simply the set of all f ∈ l1 (H) such that l f (j, k, l)e2πiωl = 0 for all j, k. This result follows from Proposition 5.65 of Kaniuth and Taylor [71], where one can also find an explicit description of the hull-kernel topology on Prim(H). Finally, as far as the actual “type I” condition goes, pick an irrational ω ∈ R and let [π(j, k, l)f ](t, m) = e2πi(kt+λω) f (t + jω, m + j), acting on L2 (µ) where µ is the product of Lebesgue measure and counting measure on (R/Z) × Z. Then π is a representation of H, and the von Neumann algebra it generates is a classic example of a factor of type II. (See Dixmier [31, Chapter I.9].) b for various specific types of groups G is an The determination of G 232 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition ongoing endeavor that has occupied the attention of many mathematicians over the past forty years. We briefly describe the situation for connected noncompact, non-Abelian Lie groups. (For compact ones, see §5.5. The only connected Abelian Lie groups are products of Rn and Tm , n, m ≥ 0.) For simply connected nilpotent Lie groups there is a beautiful and simple description of the dual space that we now give. First, a little background; see Helgason [64] for fuller explanations. Suppose G is a Lie group with Lie algebra g. First, there is a natural linear action of G on g called the adjoint action: Ad(x)Y is the velocity vector to the curve t 7→ x[exp tY ]x−1 at t = 0. This yields a linear action of G on the (real) dual space g∗ of g called the coadjoint action, given by Ad∗ (x) = [Ad(x−1 )]∗ . Second, if λ ∈ g∗ and h is a subalgebra of g such that λ = 0 on [h, h], then λ|h is an algebra homomorphism from h to R. If H is a Lie subgroup of G with Lie algebra h, we shall call a onedimensional representation σ of H such that σ(exp X) = e2πiλ(X) for X ∈ h a lifting of λ to H. If G is simply connected and nilpotent, there is a unique connected H whose Lie algebra is h, and every λ ∈ g∗ such that λ([h, h]) = 0 has a unique lifting σλ to this H: namely, H = exp h and σλ (exp X) = e2πiλ(X) . 7.9 Theorem. Let G be a simply connected nilpotent Lie group. Given λ ∈ g∗ , let h be a maximal subalgebra of g such that λ = 0 on [h, h], and let H and σλ be as above. Then indG H (σλ ) is irreducible, and its equivalence class depends only on the orbit of λ under the coadjoint action. The b map Oλ 7→ [indG H (σλ )] is a bijection from the set of coadjoint orbits to G which is a homeomorphism with respect to the natural quotient topology b on the set of orbits and the Fell topology on G. This theorem is due to Kirillov [76] except for the fact that the map [indG H (σλ )] 7→ Oλ is continuous, which was proved by Brown [21]. See also Moore [106] and Corwin and Greenleaf [26] for expositions of the Kirillov theory. The analysis underlying Theorem 7.9 also applies, with certain modifications, to solvable Lie groups. Indeed, for a solvable group G such that the exponential map exp : g → G is a diffeomorphism (such groups are called exponential solvable groups), the construction in Theorem 7.9 carries over with almost no change — except that one must be a little more careful in the choice of the subalgebra h — to give a one-to-one b and the space of coadjoint orbits in g∗ . For correspondence between G more general connected solvable groups G the situation is considerably more complicated, but suitable extensions of the Kirillov construction, involving an extensive use of the Mackey machine, yield necessary and sufficient conditions for G to be type I and a complete parametrization Further Topics in Representation Theory 233 of its dual space when it is. (The Mautner group discussed in §6.8 is the simplest example of a connected solvable Lie group that is not type I.) In particular, we have the following complement to Theorem 7.8. 7.10 Theorem. A simply connected solvable Lie group G is type I if and only if the space of coadjoint orbits is countably separated and every λ ∈ g∗ has a lifting to the group Gλ = {x ∈ G : Ad∗ (x)λ = λ}. Every exponential solvable group is type I. b alluded to above, is due This theorem, as well as the description of G to Takenouchi [133] and Bernat [9] in the exponential solvable case, and to Auslander and Kostant [2] in the general case. See Moore [106] for a very readable survey of these results. The study of representations of connected semisimple (or, more generally, reductive) Lie groups is an enormous undertaking that involves techniques far outside the scope of this book; we refer to Knapp [79] for a good exposition of (many parts of) the theory. The first major result was the determination of the dual space of SL(2, R) by Bargmann [8] in 1947; we shall describe his result in §7.6. The next three decades saw the discovery of large families of irreducible representations for general semisimple Lie groups (enough to decompose the regular representation; see §7.5), but the full dual space remained unknown except in a few cases. Only in the 1980s was the dual space determined for large classes of reductive groups, including groups of real rank one (SO(n, 1), SU (n, 1), Sp(n, 1), and F4,−20 ), the complex classical groups (SL(n, C), SO(n, C), and Sp(n, C)), and GL(n, F ) where F is R, C, or H. These results are due to Baldoni Silva and Barbasch [6], Barbasch [7], and Vogan [139]. The research of the last thirty years in this field has proceeded in some perhaps surprising directions that reveal deep connections with algebraic geometry. Vogan’s engaging expository paper [141] gives a sketch of these developments as well as an account of a computational tour de force relating to the representations of one of the real noncompact simple groups of type E8 . Finally, we mention that the correspondence between irreducible representations and orbits of the coadjoint action, which works so beautifully in the nilpotent case and to a large extent in the solvable case, has also been a very useful principle in the study of representations of other Lie groups. This principle was first elaborated by Kostant [82] in his theory of “geometric quantization,” and it has reappeared with various modifications in much subsequent work. See Kirillov [77] for an exposition of this philosophy, and Vogan [140] for a nice account of its role in the representation theory of reductive groups. 234 7.3 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Tensor Products of Representations In this section we discuss (outer) tensor products of representations. The main results are a characterization of the type I primary representations of a group and a recipe for constructing the irreducible representations of a product group out of representations of the factors. The necessary background on tensor products of Hilbert spaces and tensor products of operators is in Appendix 3. Suppose G1 and G2 are locally compact groups, and π1 and π2 are representations of G1 and G2 on H1 and H2 , respectively. By Theorem A.19(e), we can define a unitary representation π1 ⊗ π2 of G1 × G2 on H1 ⊗ H2 by (π1 ⊗ π2 )(x, y) = π1 (x) ⊗ π2 (y). π1 ⊗ π2 is called the Kronecker product or outer tensor product of π1 and π2 . When G1 and G2 are the same group G, the inner tensor product of π1 and π2 is the representation of G obtained by restricting π1 ⊗ π2 to the diagonal subgroup of G × G: x 7→ (π1 ⊗ π2 )(x, x) = π1 (x) ⊗ π2 (x). This representation is also commonly denoted by π1 ⊗ π2 . We have encountered inner tensor products at a couple of points in Chapter 5, but they will play no further role in this book, so we shall not trouble to invent a separate notation for them. The key to our results is the following theorem, which was already sketched informally in §1.6. 7.11 Theorem. Suppose H1 and H2 are Hilbert spaces, and S is a subset of L(H1 ) such that the only bounded operators on H1 that commute with every S ∈ S are scalar multiples of I. Then the bounded operators on H1 ⊗ H2 that commute with S ⊗ I for every S ∈ S are precisely those of the form I ⊗ T where T ∈ L(H2 ). Proof. Clearly (S ⊗ I)(I ⊗ T ) = S ⊗ T = (I ⊗ T )(S ⊗ I) for any S and T . On the other hand, suppose L ∈ L(H1 ⊗ H2 ). A choice of orthonormal 2 basis {vj }j∈J for H2 identifies L H2 with l (J) and hence identifies H1 ⊗H2 J with the direct sum H1 = J H1 as in Proposition A.18 (Appendix 3). As discussed at the beginning of §1.6, L is then represented as a matrix P [Lij ] of operators on H1 ; specifically, L(u ⊗ vj ) = P i (Lij u) ⊗ vi . For S ∈ L(H1 ), since L(S P ⊗ I)(u ⊗ vj ) = L(Su ⊗ vj ) = i (Lij Su) ⊗ vi and (S ⊗ I)L(u ⊗ vj ) = i (SLij u) ⊗ vi , L commutes with S ⊗ I if and only if all Lij commute with S, and this is the case for all S ∈ S if and only Further Topics in Representation Theory 235 P if Lij = tij I for some scalars tij . But then L(u ⊗ vj ) = u ⊗P ( i tij vi ), so L = I ⊗ T where T is the operator on H given by T ( 2 j cj vj ) = P t c v . T is bounded because if u ∈ H is a unit vector and v ∈ H2 , 1 ij ij j i kT vk = ku ⊗ T vk = kL(u ⊗ v)k ≤ kLk ku ⊗ vk = kLk kvk. We now return to the discussion of representations π1 and π2 of locally compact groups G1 and G2 and their Kronecker product π1 ⊗ π2 . 7.12 Theorem. π1 ⊗ π2 is irreducible if and only if π1 and π2 are both irreducible. Proof. If M ⊂ H2 is an invariant subspace for π2 , one easily sees that H1 ⊗ M is an invariant subspace for π1 ⊗ π2 ; similarly for π1 . Hence π1 ⊗ π2 is reducible if either factor is. On the other hand, suppose π1 and π2 are irreducible and L ∈ C(π1 ⊗ π2 ). Restricting attention to the group G1 × {1}, we see that L commutes with π1 (x) ⊗ I for every x ∈ G1 . By Schur’s lemma and Theorem 7.11, therefore, L = I ⊗ T for some T ∈ L(H2 ). But the same reasoning applied to {1} × G2 shows that L = S ⊗ I for some S ∈ L(H1 ). These conditions can only hold simultaneously if S and T , and hence L, are multiples of the identity. Hence π1 ⊗ π2 is irreducible by Schur’s lemma. If H1 and H2 are Hilbert spaces and π is a representation of G on H1 , we denote by π ⊗ I the representation of G on H1 ⊗ H2 given by (π ⊗ I)(x) = π(x) ⊗ I. (The Hilbert space H2 on which the second factor I acts is understood from the context. This construction is really a special case of the tensor product of two representations, in which G1 = G and G2 is the trivial group.) 7.13 Proposition. Let H1 and H2 be Hilbert spaces, and suppose π and π ′ are irreducible representations of G on H1 . a. If M ⊂ H1 ⊗ H2 is an irreducible subspace for π ⊗ I, then (π ⊗ I)M is equivalent to π. b. If π ⊗ I and π ′ ⊗ I are equivalent, so are π and π ′ . Proof. For (a), choose A0 ∈ M and v0 ∈ H2 such that A0 v0 6= 0, and define V : H1 ⊗ H2 → H1 by V A = Av0 . (Recall that A is an antilinear operator from H2 to H1 .) Then V (π(x) ⊗ I)A = (π(x) ⊗ I)A (v0 ) = π(x)A(v0 ) = π(x)V A, so V intertwines π ⊗ I and π. In particular, V |M intertwines (π ⊗ I)M 236 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition and π, and it is nonzero since V A0 6= 0. Hence V |M is an equivalence by Schur’s lemma. (b) is an easy consequence of (a). Pick a nonzero v0 ∈ H2 and let M = H1 ⊗ v0 . Clearly M is invariant under π ⊗ I and (π ⊗ I)M is equivalent to π. If U is an equivalence of π ⊗ I and π ′ ⊗ I, U |M is an equivalence of (π ⊗ I)M and (π ′ ⊗ I)U(M) . The former is equivalent to π and the latter, by part (a), is equivalent to π ′ . 7.14 Corollary. Suppose π1 , π1′ and π2 , π2′ are irreducible representations of G1 and G2 , respectively. Then π1 ⊗ π2 is unitarily equivalent to π1′ ⊗ π2′ if and only if π1 and π2 are equivalent to π1′ and π2′ , respectively. Proof. The “if” implication is obvious, and the “only if” implication follows easily from Proposition 7.13(b) by considering π1 ⊗ I and I ⊗ π2 as the restrictions of π1 ⊗ π2 to G1 × {1} and {1} × G2 . A choice of an orthonormal basis {vα }α∈A for H2 gives an isomorphism of H2 with l2 (A). In view of Proposition A.18, it is then easy to see that π ⊗ I is equivalent to a direct sum of copies of π, one for each α ∈ A. Hence, the condition that the group G be type I may be rephrased as saying that every primary representation of G is equivalent to a representation of the form π ⊗ I where π is irreducible. In this connection, we can now give the promised characterization of completely decomposable primary representations. 7.15 Theorem. Suppose {π Lα : α ∈ A} is a collection of irreducible representations of G. Then α∈A πα is primary if and only if the πα ’s are all equivalent. L Proof. If each πα is equivalent to some representation π then πα is equivalent to π⊗I acting on Hπ ⊗l2 (A). By Schur’s lemma and Theorem 7.11, the map T 7→ I ⊗ T is an isomorphism from L(l2 (A)) to C(π ⊗ I), and L(l2 (A)) has trivial center, so π ⊗ I is primary. On the other hand, if the πα ’s are not all equivalent, let Σ denote the set of theirL equivalence classes. If Hα is the spaceLon which πα acts, we L then have α∈A Hα = σ∈Σ Mσ where Mσ = πL Hα . Let Pσ be α ∈σ the orthogonal projection onto M . Clearly P ∈ C( π ). Moreover, if σ σ α L T ∈ C( πα ) and πα ∈ σ, Pτ T |Hα = 0 for all τ 6= σ ∈ Σ by Proposition 7.13(a) and Schur’s lemma. It follows that T maps each subspace Mσ into itself and hence that σ T for all σ. But this says that each LT Pσ = PL Pσ is in the center of C( πα ), so πα is not primary. It follows from Theorem 7.12 and Corollary 7.14 that the map (7.16) ([π1 ], [π2 ]) 7→ [π1 ⊗ π2 ] Further Topics in Representation Theory 237 b1 × G b2 into (G1 × G2 )b. If either G1 or is a well-defined injection from G G2 is type I, it is a bijection: 7.17 Theorem. If either G1 or G2 is type I, then every irreducible representation π of G1 × G2 is equivalent to a representation of the b1 × G b 2 to form π1 ⊗ π2 , and hence the map (7.16) is a bijection from G (G1 × G2 )b. Proof. Suppose G1 is type I (the argument is the same with G1 and G2 switched). Let π 1 (x) = π(x, 1) and π 2 (y) = π(1, y). π 1 and π 2 are representations of G1 and G2 on Hπ , and since (x, 1)(1, y) = (x, y) = (1, y)(x, 1), π 2 (y) ∈ C(π 1 ) for every y ∈ G2 . Thus if T is in the center of C(π 1 ) then T ∈ C(π 2 ) and hence T ∈ C(π). But then T = cI by Schur’s lemma, so π 1 is primary. Therefore, after performing a unitary transformation we may assume that Hπ = H1 ⊗ H2 and π 1 = π1 ⊗ I for some irreducible representation π1 of G1 . Then, by Schur’s lemma and Theorem 7.11, π 2 (y) = I ⊗ π2 (y) for some π2 (y) ∈ L(H2 ). It is easily checked that π2 is a unitary representation of G2 (necessarily irreducible by Theorem 7.12) and that π = π1 ⊗ π2 . When G1 and G2 are not type I, the conclusion of Theorem 7.17 may fail; see Mackey [86]. We shall present a concrete example of this phenomenon in §7.6. The Kronecker product and the inducing construction both give ways of manufacturing representations of a group G from representations of its subgroups. As ways of producing irreducible representations of G they apply in quite different situations; nonetheless, they are related. In fact, we have the following proposition, whose proof we leave as an instructive exercise for the reader. 7.18 Proposition. Let G = G1 × G2 , and identify G1 with the subgroup G1 × {1} of G. If π is a representation of G1 , indG G1 (π) is canonically equivalent to π ⊗ λ, where λ is the left regular representation of G2 . 7.4 Direct Integral Decompositions In this section we sketch the theory of direct integrals, to which we have alluded in a number of places. This theory is originally due to von Neumann [145], and another version of it was developed by Godement [54]. Our treatment more or less follows Dixmier [31], to which we refer for a fuller discussion. The theory works well only under certain countability assumptions; accordingly, in this section (except for Theorem 7.28) we 238 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition consider only representations of second countable groups on separable Hilbert spaces. First we must define the direct integral of a family {Hα }α∈A of Hilbert spaces with respect to a measure µ on the parameter space A. Roughly speaking, this space should consist of functions f on A such R that f (α) ∈ Hα for each α and kf (α)k2Hα dµ(α) < ∞. If the Hα ’s are all copies of a fixed Hilbert space H, there is no difficulty in this. From an abstract point of view there is no real harm in the assumption that Hα = H for all α (cf. Proposition 7.21 below), but it is unnatural and inconvenient for concrete applications. On the other hand, if the Hα ’s are all different, it is not clear what one should mean by measurability of such functions f , and there are certain pitfalls to be avoided. To come up with a workable definition will require a certain amount of toil, which we now undertake. Throughout this section, (A, M) will denote a measurable space, i.e., a set equipped with a σ-algebra. A family {Hα }α∈A of nonzero separable Hilbert spaces indexed Q by A will be called a field of Hilbert spaces over A, and an element of α∈A Hα — that is, a map f on A such that f (α) ∈ Hα for each α — will be called a vector field on A. We denote the inner product and norm on Hα by h·, ·iα and k · kα . A measurable field of Hilbert spaces over A is a field of Hilbert spaces {Hα } together with a countable set {ej }∞ 1 of vector fields with the following properties: i. the functions α 7→ hej (α), ek (α)iα are measurable for all j, k, ii. the linear span of {ej (α)}∞ 1 is dense in Hα for each α. Before proceeding further, let us examine some examples. Example 1. Let H be a separable Hilbert space with orthonormal basis {ej }. If we set Hα = H and ej (α) = ej for all α, we obtain a measurable field of Hilbert spaces over A, called a constant field. Example 2. Suppose A is discrete (i.e., M consists of all subsets of A) and {Hα } is an arbitrary field of Hilbert spaces over A. For each d(α) α let d(α) = dim Hα and let {ej (α)}1 be an orthonormal basis for Hα . If we set ej (α) = 0 when j > d(α), the vector fields ej make {Hα } into a measurable field. Example 3. Let A be a second countable manifold and V = {Hα } a vector bundle over A whose fibers Hα are Hilbert spaces. By the local triviality of V, a partition of unity argument gives the existence of a countable family {ej } of continuous sections of V whose linear span is dense in the fiber over every point. V then becomes a measurable field of Hilbert spaces with respect to the Borel σ-algebra on A. Further Topics in Representation Theory 239 Example 4. Let G be a second countable locally compact group, and let A = P0 \ {0} be the set of functions φ of positive type on G with 0 < kφk∞ ≤ 1. P0 is a compact Hausdorff space with the weak* topology, so A is a locally compact Hausdorff space. For each φ ∈ A let Hφ be the Hilbert space obtained by completing R L1 (G) with respect to the semi-inner product hf, giφ = (g ∗ ∗ f )φ as in §3.3. If f ∈ L1 (G), let fe(φ) be the image of f in Hφ ; then R hfe(φ), ge(φ)iφ = (f ∗ ∗ g)φ is a continuous function of φ for every f, g ∈ L1 (G). If {fj } is any countable dense subset of L1 (G), the vector fields {fej } then make {Hφ } into a measurable field of Hilbert spaces over A with respect to the Borel σ-algebra on A. The following proposition provides the crucial information about the structure of measurable fields of Hilbert spaces. 7.19 Proposition. Let {Hα }, {ej } be a measurable field of Hilbert spaces over A, with dim Hα = d(α) ∈ [1, ∞]. Then {α ∈ A : d(α) = m} is measurable for m = 1, 2, . . . , ∞. Moreover, there is a sequence {uk }∞ 1 of vector fields with the following properties: d(α) i. for each α, {uk (α)}1 is an orthonormal basis for Hα , and uk (α) = 0 for k > d(α) (if d(α) < ∞); S∞ ii. for each k there is a measurable partition of A, A = l=1 Akl , such that on each Akl , uk (α) is a finite linear combination of the ej (α)’s with coefficients depending measurably on α. Proof. First, define a sequence {fj } of vector fields inductively as follows: f1 (α) is the first of the vectors e1 (α), e2 (α), . . . that is nonzero; for j > 1, fj (α) is the first of the vectors e1 (α), e2 (α), . . . that is not in the linear span of f1 (α), . . . , fj−1 (α) if such a vector exists, and otherwise fj (α) = 0. Clearly {fj (α)} and {ej (α)} have the same linear span for each α. Claim: Suppose k is a positive integer. There is a measurable partition {Akl }∞ l=1 of A such that for all j ≤ k and all l, either fj (α) = 0 for all α ∈ Akl or fj (α) = em(j) (α) 6= 0 for all α ∈ Akl where m(j) is independent of α. We establish the claim by induction on k. For k = 1, let Nl = {α : Sl−1 el (α) 6= 0} and A1l = Nl \ 1 Ni . Clearly S f1 (α) = el (α) for α ∈ A1l . Since the ej (α)’s span Hα for each α we have l A1l = A. Also, ej (α) = 0 if and only if hej (α), ej (α)iα = 0, and since these inner products are measurable in α, it follows that A1l is measurable for all l. Hence the claim is proved for k = 1. Now suppose that k > 1 and that the sets Ajl have been constructed for j < k. It suffices to prove the claim with A replaced by B = Ak−1 l for an arbitrary integer l, as one then obtains the required partition of A by combining the resulting partitions of the Ak−1 ’s. Now, on B, either l 240 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition fk−1 = 0, in which case fk = 0 and we can take the trivial partition of B, or fj = em(j) for j < k and f1 , . . . , fk−1 are pointwise linearly independent. In the latter case, for each m the set Bm = {α ∈ B : fk (α) = em (α)} is given by Bm = α : D[em(1) (α), . . . , em(k−1) (α), el (α)] = 0 for l < m, D[em(1) (α), . . . , em(k−1) (α), em (α)] 6= 0 , where D[v1 , . . . vk ] = det(hvi , vj i)ki,j=1 . (We are using the fact that v1 , . . . , vk are linearly dependent if and only if D[v1 , . . . , vk ] = 0.) It follows that the Bm ’s are measurable, and they together with B0 = {α ∈ B : fk (α) = 0} make up the required partition of B. The claim is established. It follows immediately from the claim that {α : fk (α) 6= 0} is measurable for each k. Since α : d(α) = m = α : fm (α) 6= 0 \ α : fm+1 (α) 6= 0 , the first assertion of the proposition is proved. To prove the second one, simply apply the Gram-Schmidt process pointwise to the sequence {fk } to obtain the sequence {uk }. Then {uk } has property (i) by construction. Moreover, on each Akl , uk is a linear combination of em(1) , . . . , em(k) with coefficients that are continuous functions of the inner products hem(i) , em(j) i and hence are measurable, so (ii) holds too. Given a measurable field of Hilbert spaces {Hα }, {ej } on A, a vector field f on A will be called measurable if hf (α), ej (α)iα is a measurable function on A for each j. 7.20 Proposition. Let {uk } be as in Proposition 7.19. A vector field f on A is measurable if and only if hf (α), uk (α)iα is a measurable function on A for each k. If f and g are measurable vector fields, hf (α), g(α)iα is a measurable function. Proof. If f is measurable, it follows from property (ii) of {uk } that hf, uk i is measurable for each k. On the other hand, by property (i) of {uk } we have X hf (α), uk (α)iα huk (α), ej (α)iα . hf (α), ej (α)iα = k huk , ej i is measurable by (ii) again, so if hf, uk i is measurable P for all k, so is hf, ej i. Likewise, if f and g are measurable, hf, gi = k hf, uk ihuk , gi is measurable. Further Topics in Representation Theory 241 Finally we are ready to define direct integrals. Suppose {Hα }, {ej } is a measurable field of Hilbert spaces over A, and suppose µ is a measure on A. The direct integral of the spaces Hα with respect to µ, denoted by Z ⊕ Hα dµ(α), is the space of measurable vector fields f on A such that Z kf k2 = kf (α)k2α dµ(α) < ∞. (The integrand is measurable by Proposition 7.20.) An easy modification R⊕ Hα dµ(α) is a of the usual proof that L2 (µ) is complete shows that Hilbert space with inner product Z hf, gi = hf (α), g(α)iα dµ(α). Let us see how this works for the first three examples of measurable fields of Hilbert spaces discussed above. R⊕ Hα dµ(α) is 1. In the case of a constant field, Hα = H for all α, just the space of measurable functions from A to H that are squareintegrable with respect to µ. We denote this space by L2 (A, µ, H). R⊕ Hα dµ(α) 2. If A is discrete L and µ is counting measure on A, then is nothing but α∈A Hα . R⊕ Hα dµ(α) is the 3. If the Hα ’s are the fibers of a vector bundle V, space of sections of V that are square-integrable with respect to µ. R ⊕ We now make a few simple remarks about direct integrals. First, Hα dµ(α) really depends only on the equivalence class of µ. More precisely, if µ′ is another measure on A such that µ and µ′ are p mutually absolutely continuous, it is easily verified that the map f 7→ f dµ/dµ′ R⊕ R⊕ defines a unitary isomorphism from Hα dµ(α) to Hα dµ′ (α). ∞ Second, if {Am }1 is a measurable partition of A, there is an obvious isomorphism Z ⊕ ∞ Z ⊕ M Hα dµ(α) ∼ Hα dµ(α). = A m=1 Am Third, suppose dim Hα = d is independent of α. Let {uj } be as in Proposition 7.19; these vector fields furnish an orthonormal basis for Hα for each α and hence an identification of Hα and Cd (where C∞ = l2 ). Once this identification is made, the field {Hα } becomes a constant field, and by Proposition 7.20, the vector fields that are measurable with respect to the original measurable field become the vector fields that are 242 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition measurable with respect to this constant of R ⊕ field. In short,2 the choice {uj } yields an isomorphism between Hα dµ(α) and L (A, µ, Cd ). If we combine the last two remarks and Proposition 7.19, we obtain the following result. 7.21 Proposition. Let {Hα }, {ej } be a measurable field of Hilbert spaces over A, and let µ be a measure on A. For m = 1, 2, . . . , ∞, let Am = {α ∈ A : dim Hα = m}. Then a choice of vector fields {uj } as in Proposition 7.19 defines a unitary isomorphism Z ⊕ Hα dµ(α) ∼ = L2 (A∞ , µ, l2 ) ⊕ ∞ M L2 (Am , µ, Cm ). 1 At this point we can answer a questionRthat must have been in the ⊕ Hα dµ(α) depends on the reader’s mind, namely, the extent to which choice of {ej } in the definition of measurable field of Hilbert spaces. Evidently there is some dependence, for {ej } is used to specify the meaR⊕ Hα dµ(α) is made up. surable vector fields out of which Indeed, suppose {ǫk } is another sequence of vector fields that define a measurable field structure on {Hα }. On the one hand, if the inner products hej (α), ǫk (α)iα are all measurable functions of α, the sets of {ej }-measurable vector fields and {ǫk }-measurable vector fields coincide, and hence so do the direct integrals fashioned out of them. To see this, let {uj } be as in Proposition 7.19. If f is {ej }-measurable, the inner products hf (α), uj (α)iα and hǫk (α), uj (α)iα are measurable in α; hence so is X hf (α), ǫk (α)iα = hf (α), uj (α)iα huj (α), ǫk (α)iα , j so f is {ǫk }-measurable. On the other hand, the inner products hej (α), ǫk (α)iα need not be measurable, and in this case the sets of {ej }-measurable vector fields and {ǫk }-measurable vector fields will be quite different. For example, let E be a nonmeasurable set in A, let φ = χE − χA\E , and let ǫj (α) = φ(α)ej (α). Then the pointwise inner products of the ǫj ’s are the same as those of the ej ’s since |φ| ≡ 1, so {ǫj } defines a structure of measurable field on {Hα } just as {ej } does — but not the same one. More generally, one can obtain a new structure of measurable field by replacing ej (α) by U (α)ej (α) where U (α) is a unitary operator on Hα depending completely arbitrarily on α. However, Proposition 7.21 shows that up to an isomorphism that respects the direct integral structure (although not the identity of the R⊕ individual vectors in the spaces Hα ), Hα dµ(α) does not depend on the choice of {ej }: the spaces L2 (Am , µ, Cm ) and L2 (A∞ , µ, l2 ) are quite Further Topics in Representation Theory 243 canonical. Hence, we shall sometimes omit mentioning {ej } in referring to direct integrals of Hilbert spaces. We now consider direct integrals of operators. Let {Hα }, {ej } be a measurable field of Q Hilbert spaces over A. A field of operators over A is an element T of α∈A L(Hα ); T is measurable if α 7→ T (α)f (α) is a measurable vector field whenever f is a measurable vector field. 7.22 Proposition. Let T be a field of operators over A. Then T is measurable if and only if hT (α)ej (α), ek (α)iα is a measurable function on A for all j, k. Proof. “Only if” is obvious. If hT (α)ej (α), ek (α)iα = hej (α), T (α)∗ ek (α)iα is measurable for all j, k then T ∗ (α)ek (α) is measurable for all k; but then if f is a measurable vector field, hT (α)f (α), ek (α)iα = hf (α), T (α)∗ ek (α)iα is measurable for all k by Proposition 7.20, so T (α)f (α) is measurable. Suppose µ is a measure on A and T is a measurable field of operators such that (7.23) kT k∞ = ess sup kT (α)k < ∞. α∈A Then kT (α)f (α)kα ≤ kT k∞ kf (α)kα a.e., so T defines a bounded operaR⊕ R⊕ R⊕ T for T (α) dµ(α), or by Hα dµ(α) which we denote by tor on short: Z ⊕ R⊕ T (α) dµ(α) f (α) = ( T )f (α) = T (α)f (α). R⊕ T is called the direct integral of the field T . It has the obvious elementary algebraic properties: R⊕ R⊕ R⊕ T+ S= (T + S), (7.24) R⊕ R⊕ R⊕ R ⊕ ∗ R ⊕ ∗ T S= T S, T = T . (Note: If µ is not semi-finite — a case that could perfectly well be excluded from the beginning — the usual modification of the essential supremum is called for in (7.23): “kT k∞ ≤ λ” means that kT (α)k ≤ λ for all α except in a locally null set. We shall neglect this point in what follows; the reader may repair the resulting solecisms.) 244 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 7.25 Proposition. R ⊕ If T is an essentially bounded measurable field of operators, then k T k = kT k∞. R⊕ R⊕ Proof. Obviously k T k ≤ kT k∞ . If f ∈ Hα dµ(α) and φ ∈ L∞ (µ), Z |φ(α)|2 kT (α)f (α)k2α dµ(α) = k R⊕ T (φf )k2 Z R⊕ 2 R⊕ 2 2 |φ(α)|2 kf (α)k2α dµ(α), ≤ k T k kφf k = k T k from which it follows that (7.26) kT (α)f (α)kα ≤ k R⊕ T kkf (α)kα a.e.. In fact, (7.26) holds for any measurable vector field f , as one sees by applying (7.26) with f (α) replaced by kf (α)k−1 α f (α)χE (α) where E is an arbitrary subset of A of finite measure. Now, by taking linear combinations of the ej ’s with coefficients in a countable dense subset of C we can make a sequence {fj } of measurable vector fields such that {fj (α)} is dense in Hα for each α. On applying (7.26) to the fj ’s, we see that R⊕ R⊕ T k. T k for almost every α, i.e., kT k∞ ≤ k kT (α)k ≤ k R⊕ R⊕ S(α) dµ(α) then T (α) = S(α) T (α) dµ(α) = 7.27 Corollary. If a.e. R⊕ (T − S) = 0 then kT − Sk∞ = 0. Proof. If A simple but important special case of direct integrals of operators arises when the operators T (α) are all scalar multiples of the identity, R⊕ T is just the operator T (α) = φ(α)I with φ ∈ L∞ (µ), in which case R⊕ Hα dµ(α) diagonal operators. f 7→ φf . We call such operators on Now suppose that G is a locally compact group and that πα is a unitary representation of G on Hα for each α ∈ A, such that α 7→ πα (x) is a measurable field of operators for each x ∈ G; we shall call {πα }α∈A a measurable field of representations of G. Since kπα (x)k ≡ 1, we can form the direct integral Z ⊕ π(x) = πα (x) dµ(α). R⊕ π is a unitary representation of G on Hα dµ(α). Indeed, that π(x) is unitary for each x and that π(xy) = π(x)π(y) follows from (7.24), and the strong continuity of π follows from the strong continuity of the πα ’s together with the dominated convergence theorem. π is called the direct integral of the representations πα . Further Topics in Representation Theory 245 Example. Let A = P0 \ {0} and {Hφ }φ∈A be as in the fourth example at the beginning of this section. For each φ ∈ A let πφ be the canonical representation of G on Hφ . Then Z hπφ (x)fe(φ), ge(φ)iφ = (g ∗ ∗ Lx f )φ is a continuous function of φ for all f, g ∈ L1 (G), so {πφ } is a R⊕ measurable field of representations, and we can form πφ dµ(φ) for any Radon measure µ on A. We now consider the problem of expressing an arbitrary unitary representation of a group G as a direct integral of irreducible representations. When G is compact, the problem is solved by Theorem 5.2, and when G is Abelian it is essentially solved by Theorem 4.45. Indeed, we have: 7.28 Theorem. Let G be a locally compact Abelian group, and let π be a unitary representation of G on H. Then π is equivalent to a direct integral of irreducible representations. Proof. By combining Theorem 4.45 and the Spectral Theorem 1.47 (or the arguments leading to them), one sees that there is a measure space b and a unitary map (Ω, µ), where Ω is a disjoint union of copies of G, U : H → L2 (µ) such that U π(x)U −1 is multiplication by the function b In other words, each ω ∈ Ω determines ξ 7→ hx, ξi on each copy of G. b a character ξω ∈ G such that U π(x)U −1 f (ω) = hx, ξω if (ω) for f ∈ b is L2 (µ), and the map ω 7→ ξω (the identity map on each copy of G) obviously measurable. But this says that U π(·)U −1 is the direct integral R⊕ R⊕ C dµ = L2 (µ). ξω dµ(ω) acting on We now return to the general (noncompact, non-Abelian) case and present the main theorems on direct integral decompositions. We motivate the fundamental existence theorem with the following consideraR⊕ tions. If π = πα dµ(α), the diagonal operators f 7→ φf (φ ∈ L∞ (µ)) all belong to C(π). In particular, the operators f 7→ χE f , where E is a measurable subset of A, are projections whose ranges are invariant subspaces for π. The following theorem effectively asserts the converse, that for any projection-valued measure P with values in C(π) there is a direct integral decomposition of π with respect to which the P (E)’s are precisely the projections that are diagonal. However, if one has a commuting family of projections in C(π), the von Neumann algebra they generate will be a commutative subalgebra of C(π), and the theorem is phrased in terms of such subalgebras. 246 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition 7.29 Theorem. Suppose G is a second countable locally compact group, π is a unitary representation of G on a separable Hilbert space H, and B is a commutative von Neumann subalgebra of C(π). Then there is a standard measure space (A, M, µ), a measurable field {Hα } of Hilbert spaces on A, a measurable field {πα } of representations of G, and a R⊕ unitary map U : H → Hα dµ(α), such that: R⊕ −1 i. U π(x)U = π (x) dµ(α) for x ∈ G; R⊕ α ii. U π(f )U −1 = πα (f ) dµ(α) for f ∈ L1 (G); R⊕ −1 iii. U BU is the algebra of diagonal operators on Hα dµ(α). Theorem 7.29 is essentially due to von Neumann [145]; other proofs have been given by Godement [54], Segal [127], and Mackey [98]. The proofs of von Neumann and Mackey are highly measure-theoretic, while those of Godement and Segal are more functional-analytic. The complete proof of Theorem 7.29 is too long to give here, but it is impossible to resist the opportunity to sketch the ideas of the Godement-Segal argument, as they involve a beautiful interplay of techniques developed earlier in this book. Here, then, is an outline of the proof d’après Godement [54]. Proof. First, since H is separable, π is the direct sum of countably many cyclic representations, and it suffices to prove the theorem for each of these; hence we shall assume that π is cyclic. Let z be a unit cyclic vector for π; let ∆ be the spectrum of B; let µu,v be the measure on ∆ R associated to u, v ∈ H as in the spectral theorem (hT u, vi = Tb dµu,v for T ∈ B); and let µ0 = µz,z . Suppose S ∈ L(H) commutes with every operator in B. If T is any positive operator in B we have Z Z 1/2 1/2 1/2 b T dµSz,z = hT Sz, zi = hST z, T zi ≤ kSk kT zk = kSk Tb dµ0 . It follows that µSz,z is absolutely continuous with respect to µ0 with Radon-Nikodym derivative δS ∈ L∞ (µ0 ) satisfying kδS k∞ ≤ kSk. Moreover, since δS ∗ S dµ0 = dµSz,Sz is a positive measure, we have δS ∗ S ≥ 0 for all S. By taking S = π(x)∗ π(y) with x, y ∈ G and using the cyclicity of z, one easily sees that all the spectral measures µu,v are absolutely continuous with respect to µ and that supp(µ) = ∆. Hence, for every S as above, the spectral functional calculus yields an operator TS such R that hTS u, vi = δS dµu,v for u, v ∈ H. (The point is that δS is only defined µ0 -a.e., but it is then defined µu,v -a.e. for all u, v.) TS commutes with every operator that commutes with B, so the von Neumann density theorem 1.56 implies that TS is actually in B. But this means that after modification on a µ0 -null set, δS equals the continuous function TbS . In short, to each S ∈ L(H) that commutes with B we have associated Further Topics in Representation Theory 247 a unique continuous function δS on ∆ such that kδS ksup ≤ kSk and δS ∗ S ≥ 0. Now take S = π(f ) for f ∈ L1 (G). For each h ∈ ∆, the map f 7→ δπ(f ) (h) is a linear functional on L1 (G) such that |δπ(f ) (h)| ≤ kf k1 and δπ(f ∗ ∗f ) (h) ≥ 0, so it is given by integration against a function of positive type φh ∈ P0 . The map h 7→ φh (call it Φ) is continuous from ∆ to the closed unit ball of L∞ (G) with the weak* topology, and the latter is second countable since L1 (G) is separable. Let A = Φ(∆) \ {0}, and let µ be the push-forward of µ0 to A, µ(E) = µ0 (Φ−1 (E)) for E a Borel subset of A. Then (A, µ) is a standard measure space since Φ(∆) is compact and metrizable. For φ ∈ A, let Hφ and πφ be the Hilbert space and representation of G canonically associated to φ as in §3.3. The correspondence π(f )z 7→ fe(φ) = image of f in Hφ (f ∈ L1 (G)) R⊕ Hφ dµ(φ) that intertwines π and sets up a unitary map from H to R⊕ πφ dµ(φ). Finally, if T ∈ B, let νT be the push-forward of the measure Tb dµ0 to A. One checks that |νT | ≤ kT kµ, so that dνT = γT dµ for some γT ∈ L∞ (µ); then U T U −1 is the diagonal operator g 7→ γT g. Particular choices of the algebra B in Theorem 7.29 will lead to particularly interesting decompositions of the representation π. The following theorem gives the two most important cases. (The reader may find it an instructive exercise to prove this theorem for the special case where π is a direct sum of irreducible representations; Theorem 7.15 and its proof may be useful.) 7.30 Theorem. Let G, π, B, A, µ, and πα be as in Theorem 7.29. a. If B is the center of C(π), πα is primary for µ-almost every α. b. πα is irreducible for µ-almost every α if and only if B is a maximal commutative ∗-subalgebra of C(π). Part (a) is due (in essence) to von Neumann [145] and part (b) to Mautner [102]. Other proofs of part (b) have been given by Godement [54] and Segal [127]. Both parts of the theorem are proved in Mackey [98]and Dixmier [32]. Theorems 7.29 and 7.30(b) yield the existence of an irreducible decomposition of an arbitrary unitary representation of a second countable group. Remark : There is a temptation to try to give a simple proof of this result as follows. Let π be a representation of G; by Proposition 3.3 we may assume that π has a unit cyclic vector u. Let ψ(x) = hπ(x)u, ui be the associated function of positive type. By Choquet’s theorem there 248 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition R is a measure µ on E(P1 ) such that ψ = φ dµ(φ). We form the direct R⊕ integral πφ dµ(φ) as in the example preceding Theorem 7.28; each πφ is irreducible by Theorem 3.25. Moreover, the correspondence π(f )u 7→ fe R⊕ is easily seen to define an isometry V from Hπ into Hφ dµ(φ) that R⊕ intertwines π and πφ dµ(φ). The trouble is that the measure µ is not unique, and unless it is chosen carefully, the Hilbert space Hµ = R⊕ Hφ dµ(φ) will be too big, so that V is not surjective. (It can happen, for example, that dim Hπ < ∞ but dim Hµ = ∞.) The next question is the extent to which direct integral decompositions are unique. The answer requires a little thought. We have already observed that the measure µ can be replaced by an equivalent measure without changing anything, and in the preceding theorems there is no uniqueness in the measure space A, much less in the measure on it. Indeed, consider a simple example: let π be the trivial representation of G on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space H (π(x) = I for all x). R⊕ C dµ where µ is counting measure on Z We can think of H as l2 = R ⊕ C dλ where λ is Lebesgue measure on [0, 1]; thus or as L2 ([0, 1]) = R⊕ R⊕ π0 dλ where π0 is the trivial representation of G on π0 dµ = π= C, and µ and λ bear no resemblance to one another! To see what form a uniqueness theorem should take,L let us consider the case where π is a direct sum of irreducibles, π = πj . Here the answer is clear: the equivalence classes of the πj ’s and the multiplicity with which each class occurs are uniquely determined by π. This suggests that we should consider direct integral decompositions whose parameter b As one might suspect, this works well precisely when G b is space is G. measure-theoretically “decent,” that is, in view of Theorem 7.6, when G is type I. b as a measurable space with the Mackey Borel Let us consider G bn ⊂ G b be the set of equivalence structure. For n = 1, 2, . . . , ∞, let G classes of n-dimensional irreducible representations of G. If one fixes an n-dimensional Hilbert space Hn for each n, there is a canonical meab such that Hp = Hn for surable field of Hilbert spaces {Hp }p∈Gb over G bn , obtained by forming the appropriate constant field over each p ∈ G bn and putting them together. G b on which the Mackey Borel struc7.31 Lemma. Let A be a subset of G ture is standard. There is a measurable field of representations {πp } over b acting on the canonical field of Hilbert spaces over G, b such that πp ∈ p G, for each p ∈ A. This result is due to Mackey [93, Theorem 10.2]; another proof for the case where G is type I can be found in Dixmier [32, §4.6]. (The only Further Topics in Representation Theory 249 point is the measurable selection of πp ∈ p for p ∈ A; for p ∈ / A one can take πp to be the trivial representation on Hp .) b will be called standard if there is a set A ⊂ G b on A measure µ on G b which the Mackey Borel structure is standard such that µ(G \ A) = 0. R⊕ In this case, we may form the direct integral πp dµ(p) where πp is as in Lemma 7.31. This representation depends, up to unitary equivalence, only on the equivalence class of µ and not on the particular field {πp }. b in Lemma 7.31, and If G is type I, by Theorem 7.6 we may take A = G b is standard. every measure on G 7.32 Theorem. Suppose G is second countable and type I, and π is a unitary representation of G on a separable Hilbert space. Let {πp }p∈Gb be b There exist finite measures µ1 , µ2 , . . . , µ∞ as in Lemma 7.31 with A = G. b on G, uniquely determined to within equivalence, such that i. µj ⊥ µk for j 6= k, R⊕ πp dµn (p) ii. π is equivalent to ρ1 ⊕ 2ρ2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ ∞ρ∞ , where ρn = and nρn denotes the direct sum of n copies of ρn . For the proof, see Dixmier [32, §8.6], or Mackey [98, Theorems 1.21 and 2.15]. When G is Abelian, Theorem 7.32 follows from Theorem 4.45 and the spectral multiplicity theory for commutative C* algebras (for which, see Halmos [58] or Nelson [109]), and it is valid (when properly rephrased) without any countability assumptions on G or H. It remains to ask what happens when G is not type I. The answer is: terrible things. The uniqueness theorem 7.32 breaks down completely; more specifically, if σ is a primary representation of G that is not of the form nπ (in the notation of Theorem 7.40) where π is irreducible, there is generally no uniqueness in its direct integral decomposition. Such a representation can have two decompositions, Z ⊕ Z ⊕ ∼ πα dµ(α) ∼ σ ρβ dν(β), = = such that the πα ’s and the ρβ ’s are all irreducible and no πα is equivalent to any ρβ . In fact, one has the following theorem. 7.33 Theorem. If G is not type I, there R singular stanR exist mutually b such that ⊕ πp dµ(p) and ⊕ πp dν(p) (dedard measures µ and ν on G fined as in the remarks following Lemma 7.31) are equivalent primary representations. This result is due to Dixmier [30]. We shall present a concrete example of this phenomenon in §7.6; others can be found in Mackey [89], [98, §3.5], and Kirillov [77, §19]. 250 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition When G is not type I, one can do a little better by considering primary decompositions instead of irreducible decompositions. Indeed, Theorem 7.30(a) shows that there is a natural decomposition of any representation as a direct integral of primary representations. The only non-canonical thing here is the measure space (A, µ) on which the integral is based (the various proofs of Theorem 7.29 give quite different A’s), and this defect can be remedied. Some terminology: two representations π and ρ of G are called quasi-equivalent if there is no subrepresentation π ′ of π such that C(π ′ , ρ) = {0}, and no subrepresentation ρ′ of ρ such that C(π, ρ′ ) = {0}. Unitary equivalence obviously implies quasi-equivalence, and the two notions coincide for irreducible representations. More generally, if π and ρ are direct sums of irreducible representations, π and ρ are quasiequivalent if and only if exactly the same irreducible equivalence classes occur in these direct sums, perhaps with different multiplicities. Let Ǧ be the set of quasi-equivalence classes of primary representations of G; Ǧ is called the quasi-dual of G. There is a natural map from b to Ǧ taking each equivalence class of irreducible representations to its G quasi-equivalence class. When G is type I, every primary representation is quasi-equivalent to the irreducible representation of which it is a multiple, so this map is a bijection. However, when G is not type I, Ǧ is b larger than G. Ǧ is endowed with a σ-algebra just like the Mackey Borel structure on b (see Ernest [36] or Dixmier [32]), and one defines standard measures G b The refined form of Theorems 7.29 and 7.30(a) is on Ǧ just as on G. then the following. 7.34 Theorem. Suppose G is second countable and π is a representation of G on a separable Hilbert space. There is a standard measure µ on Ǧ, a measurable field of Hilbert spaces {Hp } over Ǧ, and a measurable field of representations {πp } on {Hp } such that πp ∈ p for µ-almost every p ∈ Ǧ; R⊕ there is a unitary equivalence U between π and πp dµ(p); and the R⊕ Hp dµ(p). center of U C(π)U −1 is the algebra of diagonal operators on If µ′ and {πp′ } also have these properties, then µ is equivalent to µ′ and πp is equivalent to πp′ for µ-almost every p. This result is due to Ernest [36]. The proof can be found in Dixmier [32, §8.4]; see also Pedersen [111, §4.12] for the C* algebra version. The R⊕ decomposition π ∼ πp dµ(p) in this theorem is called the central = decomposition of π. Further Topics in Representation Theory 7.5 251 The Plancherel Theorem The subject of this section is, roughly speaking, the explicit decomposition of the regular representation of a locally compact group G as a direct integral of irreducible representations. More precisely, let G be a unimodular locally compact group. (We shall consider the nonunimodular case at the end of this section.) We have the right and left regular representations of G on L2 (G), ρ(x)f (y) = Rx f (y) = f (yx), λ(x)f (y) = Lx f (y) = f (x−1 y). Since Rx Ly = Ly Rx for all x, y ∈ G (this is just the associative law), the representations ρ and λ can be combined to give a representation τ of G × G on L2 (G): τ (x, y) = Rx Ly = Ly Rx ; τ (x, y)f (z) = f (y −1 zx). τ is called the two-sided regular representation of G (although it is actually a representation of G × G). Assuming that G is second countable, we shall be interested in obtaining the decomposition of τ into irreducible representationsR σ and the corresponding decomposition of ⊕ Hσ dµ(σ). When G is type I, this will yield L2 (G) as a direct integral the decomposition of R and L into primary representations that are explicitly of the form R ⊕ π ⊗ I with π irreducible, and the isomorphism beHσ dµ(σ) will take the form of a “Fourier inversion tween L2 (G) and theorem” and a “Parseval formula.” This is the Plancherel theorem. To begin with, let us see how this works when G is Abelian or compact. In both these cases, we have already proved the essential results, and it is just a matter of interpreting them properly. When G is Abelian, the Fourier transform F is a unitary map from R b = b⊕ C dξ (where dξ denotes Haar measure on G) b such L2 (G) to L2 (G) G that Fρ(x)F−1 g(ξ) = hx, ξig(ξ) and Fλ(x)F−1 g(ξ) = hx, ξig(ξ). In other b words, when of RG, we have R ⊕ we regard elements Rξ⊕of G as representations ⊕ −1 −1 FρF = ξ dξ and FλF = ξ dξ, and hence Fτ F−1 = ξ⊗ξ dξ. This gives the decomposition of ρ, λ, and τ into irreducibles. 2 L When G is compact, we have the Peter-Weyl decomposition L (G) = b Eπ , and Theorem 5.9 says precisely that the restriction of the [π]∈G two-sided regular representation to Eπ is equivalent to π ⊗ π, so τ ∼ = L 2 b the π ⊗ π. We can be more explicit: if f ∈ L (G) and [π] ∈ G, b [π]∈G Fourier transform fb(π) as defined in §5.3 is a linear operator on the finitedimensional space Hπ . It can therefore be regarded as an antilinear map from the dual Hπ∗ = Hπ of Hπ into Hπ , that is, an element of Hπ ⊗ Hπ . 252 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition When this identification is made, 5.18 says that [τ (x, y)f ]b(π) = π(x)fb(π)π(y)∗ = π(x) ⊗ π(y) fb(π). In other words, the map f 7→ fb(π) intertwines τ with π ⊗ π. The Fourier transform on G can therefore be of Lregarded as the explicit realization L the unitary map U : L2 (G) → Hπ ⊗ Hπ that turns τ into π ⊗ π. (The normalization factors dπ are incorporated into the norm on the R⊕ L space Hπ ⊗ Hπ , which should be regarded as Hπ ⊗ Hπ dµ([π]) b The inverse of U is given where µ is dπ times counting measure on G.) by the inversion formula (5.15), and the unitarity of U is expressed by the Parseval formula (5.16). With this in mind, it is easy to conjecture the correct generalization to non-compact groups. Indeed, suppose G is second countable, unimodular, and type I. By Theorem 7.6 and Lemma 7.31, there is a measurable b such that the representation field of irreducible representations over G b belongs to the equivalence class p. We shall assume at the point p ∈ G that such a field has been fixed once and for all and identify the points of b with the representations in this field. If f ∈ L1 (G), then, we define the G Fourier transform of f (as in the compact case) to be the measurable b given by field of operators over G Z (7.35) fb(π) = f (x)π(x−1 ) dx. The basic properties (5.17) and (5.18) of the Fourier transform remain valid in this general situation. We wish to think of fb(π) as an element of Hπ ⊗ Hπ . However, when π is infinite-dimensional, Hπ ⊗ Hπ can be identified not with the full space of bounded operators on Hπ but with the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators (see Appendix 2). One of the things that must be proved, therefore, is that fb(π) is Hilbert-Schmidt for a suitably large class of f ’s and π’s. However, this turns out to be the case, and here is the resulting theorem. Let J1 = L1 (G) ∩ L2 (G), J2 = linear span of f ∗ g : f, g ∈ J1 . The elements of J2 are finite linear combinations of convolutions of elements of J1 . They are continuous functions since L2 ∗ L2 ⊂ C0 . J2 will play the role here that the space B1 (G) played in §4.3, and indeed J2 ⊂ B1 (G) when G is Abelian. 7.36 Theorem (The Plancherel Theorem). Suppose G is a second b uniquely countable, unimodular, type I group. There is a measure µ on G, Further Topics in Representation Theory 253 determined once the Haar measure on G is fixed, withR the following prop⊕ erties. The Fourier transform f 7→ fb maps J1 into Hπ ⊗ Hπ dµ(π), R ⊕ 2 and it extends to a unitary map from L (G) onto Hπ ⊗Hπ dµ(π) that R⊕ intertwines the two-sided regular representation τ with π ⊗ π dµ(π). For f, g ∈ J1 one has the Parseval formula Z Z (7.37) f (x)g(x) dx = tr fb(π)b g (π)∗ dµ(π), and for h ∈ J2 one has the Fourier inversion formula Z (7.38) h(x) = tr π b(x)b h(π) dµ(π) (x ∈ G). This theorem is due (in a slightly different form) to Segal [126], [127] and Mautner [103]; the proof may be found in Dixmier [32, §18.8]. Let us amplify the statement a bit. R⊕ Hπ ⊗ First, the fact that the Fourier transform maps J1 into Hπ dµ(π) means, in particular, that when f ∈ J1 , fb(π) is HilbertSchmidt for µ-almost every π and its Hilbert-Schmidt norm is squareb This being the case, if f, g ∈ J1 then (f ∗ g)b(π) = integrable on G. gb(π)fb(π) is trace-class for µ-almost every π and its trace is integrable on b (See Appendix 2.) It follows that the integral in (7.38) is well-defined G. for all h ∈ J2 . Second, (7.37) (which is just a restatement of the fact that the Fourier transform is unitary) is formally equivalent to (7.38). Indeed, (7.37) follows from (7.38) by taking h = g ∗ ∗ f and x = 1. On the other hand, (7.38) for x = 1 follows at least formally from (7.37) by taking f = h and g = an approximate identity, and (7.38) for general x follows from (7.38) for x = 1 by replacing h with Rx h. Third, if we restrict the two-sided regular representation τ to the groups G × {1} and {1} × G, we obtain the decompositions of the right and left regular representations into type I primary representations, Z ⊕ Z ⊕ ρ∼ π ⊗ I dµ(π), λ∼ I ⊗ π dµ(π), = = where the equivalences are given by the Fourier transform. (These are actually the central decompositions of ρ and λ, as follows from Theorem 7.39 below.) In conjunction with Proposition 7.21, they immediately yield the canonical decompositions of ρ and λ into irreducibles as in b n = {π ∈ G b : dim Hπ = n}. Then the Theorem 7.32. Indeed, let G b n ) in the measures µn of Theorem 7.32 are given by µn (E) = µ(E ∩ G case of ρ and µn (E) = µ(E∩Gn ) in the case of λ, where E = {π : π ∈ E}. 254 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The measure µ in the Plancherel theorem is called the Plancherel b When G is Abelian, Plancherel measure is Haar measure, measure on G. P and when G is compact, it is given by µ(E) = π∈E dπ . In both these b that is, there cases, the support of the Plancherel measure is all of G; b is no nonempty open U ⊂ G such that µ(U ) = 0. It may come as something of a surprise that this is not the case in general. Indeed, the b is equivalent to the amenability of the group condition that supp µ = G G, a condition that has many other characterizations; see Dixmier [32] and Greenleaf [56]. For connected Lie groups, amenability is equivalent to having a solvable normal subgroup with compact quotient; in particular, noncompact semisimple groups are not amenable. The determination of the Plancherel measure for non-compact, nonAbelian groups is a difficult problem. The Plancherel measure has been explicitly determined for all connected semisimple Lie groups by HarishChandra [62], [63]; see also Knapp [79]. (This was done despite the lack of understanding of the full dual space for many semisimple groups! The “unknown” representations form a set of Plancherel measure zero.) For connected nilpotent Lie groups, one has a fair amount of information about the Plancherel measure in terms of the Kirillov theory, and it has been explicitly determined in some special cases; see Corwin and Greenleaf [26]. Kleppner and Lipsman [78] have shown how to study Plancherel measure in terms of the Mackey machine; in many cases they are able to compute the Plancherel measure of G in terms of the Plancherel measures of a normal subgroup N and the various little groups in G/N . Some further insight into the Plancherel theorem is afforded by the following theorem of Segal [125]: 7.39 Theorem. Let G be a unimodular locally compact group with regular representations ρ and λ, and let R and L be the von Neumann algebras generated by {ρ(x) : x ∈ G} and {λ(x) : x ∈ G}, respectively. a. R = C(λ) and L = C(ρ). b. An operator T ∈ L(L2 (G)) commutes with every element of C(ρ) if and only if T ∈ C(λ), and vice versa. c. C(ρ) ∩ C(λ) is the common center of C(ρ) and C(λ). Proof. (b) follows from (a) and the von Neumann density theorem (1.56), and (c) is an immediate corollary of (b). Hence, since the situation is symmetric in ρ and λ, it suffices to show that L = C(ρ). On the one hand, since left translations commute with right translations it is clear that λ(x) ∈ C(ρ) for all x ∈ G and hence that L ⊂ C(ρ). To prove the reverse inclusion, suppose T ∈ C(ρ). If f, g ∈ L1 ∩ L2 we have Z Z λ(f )g = f (y)[λ(y)g] dy = f ∗ g = [ρ(y)f ]g(y −1 ) dy = ρ(e g)f, Further Topics in Representation Theory 255 where ge(x) = g(x−1 ). The operator ρ(e g ) belongs to R by Theorem 3.12, so it commutes with T . Hence, T λ(f )g = T (f ∗ g) = T ρ(e g)f = ρ(e g )T f = T f ∗ g. Suppose T f ∈ L1 : we then have T λ(f ) = λ(T f ), and hence T λ(f ) ∈ L by Theorem 3.12 again. An additional approximation argument, for which we refer the reader to Segal [125], shows that the same conclusion holds without assuming T f ∈ L1 . But λ(f ) → I strongly as f runs through an approximate identity, so T ∈ L. The Plancherel theorem admits various partial generalizations to groups that fail to be second countable, unimodular, or type I. We now discuss the most important of these. Suppose G is unimodular and second countable but not type I. There is little hope of obtaining a canonical irreducible decomposition for the left or right regular representation, but — a pleasant surprise — there is such a decomposition for the two-sided regular representation. InR⊕ τα dµ(α) be the central decomposition of τ as in Thedeed, let τ = orem 7.34. Since C(τ ) = C(ρ) ∩ C(λ) is Abelian by Theorem 7.39, this is actually a decomposition into irreducible representations by Theorem 7.30(b). It follows easily that the representations ρα (x) = τα (x, 1) R⊕ ρα dµ(α), and λα (x) = τα (1, x) of G are primary, and we have ρ = R⊕ λα dµ(α). These are the central decompositions of ρ and λ, by λ= Theorem 7.39. The difference between this and the type I case is that τα is usually not of the form π ⊗ π for an irreducible representation π of G, and ρα and λα are usually not multiples of irreducible representations. There is an analogue of the Parseval formula (7.37) here. Namely, one defines the operators fb(λα ) and fb(ρα ) as in (7.35), and then Z Z g (ρα )∗ dµ(α) f (x)g(x) dx = trρα fb(ρα )b Z = trλα fb(λα )b g(λα )∗ dµ(α), where trρα and trλα are the generalized traces associated to the von Neumann algebras generated by the representations ρα and λα . This result is due to Segal [126] and Mautner [103]; we refer the reader to Dixmier [31], [32] for a proof and an explanation of the generalized traces. (An important part of the theorem is that the only von Neumann algebras that arise in this situation are ones for which the appropriate traces exist; i.e., factors of type III do not occur.) The Plancherel formula for the Mautner group is worked out in a concrete fashion in Cowling [27]. One word of caution: for some groups the preceding results are essentially vacuous because ρ and λ are primary to begin with, and hence 256 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition (by Theorem 7.39) τ is irreducible. Examples include the rational ax + b group (defined like the usual ax + b group but with a and b rational and with the discrete topology) and free groups on more than one generator. We shall discuss the latter example in §7.6; see Mackey [98, §3.5] for the former. We now turn to the case of nonunimodular groups. Suppose G is second countable and type I but not unimodular, and let ∆ be the modular function of G. The definitions of ρ and τ must be modified to make them unitary, as follows: ρ(x) = ∆(x)1/2 Rx , τ (x, y) = ∆(x)1/2 Rx Ly . R⊕ π ⊗ π dµ(π) for a With this change, τ is still unitarily equivalent to b suitable measure µ on G, but the equivalence is not given by the Fourier transform (7.35). This can easily be seen by observing the effect on the Parseval formula (7.37) when f and g are replaced by Rx f and Rx g. The left side changes by a factor of ∆(x)−1 ; but since the trace is a unitary invariant and Z Z −1 (Rx f )b(π) = f (yx)π(y ) dy = f (y)π(xy −1 )∆(x)−1 dy = ∆(x)−1 π(x)fb(π), the right side changes by a factor of ∆(x)−2 . Hence (7.37) cannot be valid, i.e., the Fourier transform (7.35) cannot be unitary. The solution to this problem is to modify the Fourier transform. First, as a matter of convenience and adherence to convention, we shall replace π(x−1 ) by π(x) in (7.35), i.e., we consider the operators π(f ). This change has no effect on the difficulty just mentioned. (It could also be made in the unimodular case, where it would merely result in the relabeling of various things in the Plancherel theorem.) But suppose we b a (probably unbounded) self-adjoint operator can find, for each π ∈ G, Dπ on Hπ with the property that Dπ π(x) = ∆(x)1/2 π(x)Dπ (x ∈ G). If we then redefine the Fourier transform to be Z b (7.40) f (π) = π(f )Dπ = f (y)π(y)Dπ dy, we see that Z (Rx f )b(π) = f (y)π(yx−1 )Dπ ∆(x)−1 dy Z = f (y)π(y)Dπ π(x−1 )∆(x)−1/2 dy = ∆(x)−1/2 fb(π)π(x)−1 . Further Topics in Representation Theory 257 Hence, if we use this fb in (7.37), substitution of Rx f for f changes both sides by ∆(x)−1 , so there is some hope that the formula is correct. How can one construct such operators Dπ ? When π is induced from a subgroup H on which the modular function is trivial, this is easy. The Hilbert space Hπ is then a space of vector-valued functions on G, and one can set (Dπ f )(x) = ∆(x)1/2 f (x). (7.41) (Since ∆(ξ) = 1 for ξ ∈ H, Dπ does not affect the condition (6.3) in the definition of Hπ .) The domain of Dπ is the set of all f ∈ Hπ such that Dπ f ∈ Hπ . We now have the ingredients for a nonunimodular Plancherel theorem that works for all groups satisfying a couple of technical conditions. 7.42 Theorem. Suppose G is second countable. Let H = ker(∆), and b (in the sense suppose that H is type I and that G acts regularly on H b described in §6.6). There is a unique measure µ on G with the following b is induced from a representation properties. First, µ-almost every π ∈ G of H. Second, if for all such π one defines Dπ by (7.41), the map f 7→ fb R⊕ Hπ ⊗ defined by (7.40) gives a unitary isomorphism from L2 (G) to R⊕ π ⊗ π dµ(π). In particular, although Hπ dµ(π) that intertwines τ and G need not be type I, µ-almost all of the primary representations in the central decomposition of the regular representations are type I. This theorem is due to Tatsuuma [135] (whose notation is a little different since he uses right Haar measure instead of left Haar measure). Tatsuuma also obtains a more general form of the theorem that applies when H is not type I. Another extension of the theorem, including a clarification of the role of its hypotheses, has been obtained by Duflo and Moore [33]. For more about the Plancherel theorem for solvable Lie groups, see Pukanszky [114] and Moore [106]. 7.6 Examples In this section we present four examples to illustrate the ideas of this chapter. 1. The Heisenberg groups. The Heisenberg groups Hn defined in §6.7 are simply connected nilpotent Lie groups, so the Kirillov theory (Theorem 7.9) applies to them. We can identify both Hn and its Lie 258 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition algebra with Rn × Rn × R, with group multiplication given by (6.47) and Lie bracket given by (x, ξ, t), (x′ , ξ ′ , t′ ) = (0, 0, x · ξ ′ − ξ · x′ ). The exponential map is then merely the identity. A simple calculation shows that the adjoint action is given by Ad(x, ξ, t) (y, η, s) = (y, η, s + x · η − ξ · y) and hence that the coadjoint action is given by ∗ Ad (x, ξ, t) (b, β, r) = (b + rx, β − rξ, r). From this it is clear that the coadjoint orbits are the hyperplanes r = h, where h is a nonzero real constant, and the singleton sets {(b, β, 0)}. Theorem 7.9 together with Corollary 6.51 therefore yields the following results. (See also Fell [35].) b n can be identified with the quotient of Rn × Rn × R by the coadH joint action. The hyperplane r = h corresponds to the representation ρh of Corollary 6.52, while the singleton {(b, β, 0)} corresponds to the b n is T1 since the orbits are all closed, but it is not representation πb,β . H Hausdorff because the singleton orbits have no disjoint neighborhoods. See Figure 7.1. We now compute the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group. The Euclidean Fourier transform enters into this calculation in a decisive way, and we shall denote the Euclidean Fourier transform of a function f on Rn × Rn × R with respect to its first, second, and third arguments by F1 f , F2 f , and F3 f respectively: Z F1 f (b, ξ, t) = e−2πib·x f (x, ξ, t) dx, etc. We shall also use the easily verified fact that Lebesgue measure is a left and right Haar measure on Hn . Suppose f ∈ L1 (Hn ) ∩ L2 (Hn ). For the one-dimensional representations πb,β , we have ZZZ b f (πb,β ) = f (x, ξ, t)e−2πi(b·x+β·ξ) dx dξ dt = F1 F2 F3 f (b, β, 0). For the representation ρh on L2 (Rn ), fb(ρh ) is the operator on L2 (Rn ) Further Topics in Representation Theory 259 r+ πb,β r− FIGURE 7.1 The dual space of Hn . given by fb(ρh )φ](y) = = = ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ f (x, ξ, t) ρh (−x, −ξ, −t)φ (y) dx dξ dt f (x, ξ, t)e−2πih[t−ξ·y−(ξ·x/2)] φ(y + x) dx dξ dt f (x − y, ξ, t)e−2πih[t−ξ·(x+y)/2] φ(x) dx dξ dt. That is, fb(ρh ) is the integral operator on L2 (Rn ) whose kernel is ZZ f Kh (y, x) = f (x − y, ξ, t)e−2πih[t−ξ·(x+y)/2] dξ dt (7.43) = F2 F3 f (x − y, − 21 h(x + y), h). By a slight modification of Theorem A.17 (Appendix 3), the square of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of this operator is ZZ 2 |||fb(ρh )||| = |Khf (y, x)|2 dy dx. 260 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The substitution u = x − y, v = − 21 h(x + y) together with the Euclidean Parseval formula gives ZZ 2 b |||f (ρh )||| = |F2 F3 f (u, v, h)|2 |h|−n du dv ZZ |F3 f (u, w, h)|2 du dw. = |h|−n Therefore, by another application of Parseval, Z ZZZ |||fb(ρh )|||2 |h|n dh = |F3 f (u, w, h)|2 du dw dh ZZZ = |f (u, w, t)|2 du dw dt. But this is the Parseval formula for the Heisenberg group! In other words, b n is given by Plancherel measure µ on H dµ(ρh ) = |h|n dh, dµ(πb,β ) = 0, and the Fourier transform on Hn is a unitary isomorphism from L2 (Hn ) to Z ⊕ Z ⊕ n Hρh ⊗ Hρh |h| dh = L2 (Rn ) ⊗ L2 (Rn )∗ |h|n dh. If we identify L2 (Rn ) ⊗ L2 (Rn )∗ with L2 (Rn × Rn ) (see Appendix 3), this space becomes Z ⊕ L2 (Rn × Rn )|h|n dh = L2 (Rn × Rn × R, |h|n dy dx dh), and the Fourier transform, regarded as a map from L2 (Hn ) to the latter space, is just the map f 7→ fe(y, x, h) = F2 F3 f (x − y, − 21 h(x + y), h) of (7.43). These considerations also give a direct proof that Hn is CCR. Indeed, the preceding arguments show that fb(ρh ) = ρh (f )∗ is Hilbert-Schmidt for every h when f belongs (say) to the Schwartz class of rapidly decaying smooth functions; since these functions are dense in L1 and the norm limit of compact operators is compact, ρh (f ) is compact for all f ∈ L1 . (Of course, πb,β (f ) is compact for trivial reasons.) 2. The ax + b group. The Lie algebra of the ax + b group G is R2 with Lie bracket [(s, t), (s′ , t′ )] = (0, st′ − s′ t), and the exponential map is exp(s, t) = (es , s−1 (es − 1)t). (The easy way to see this is to think of Further Topics in Representation Theory 261 G as the group of 2 × 2 matrices of the form ( a0 1b ) and its Lie algebra as the algebra of 2 × 2 matrices of the form ( s0 0t ).) A simple calculation shows that the adjoint action is given by Ad(a, b) (s, t) = (s, at − bs), and hence the coadjoint action is given by ∗ Ad (a, b) (σ, τ ) = (σ + a−1 bτ, a−1 τ ). Thus the orbits of the coadjoint action are the half-plane τ > 0, the half plane τ < 0, and the singleton sets {(σ, 0)}. G is an exponential solvable group, so the Kirillov picture applies to b can be identified with the quotient of R2 by the coadjoint action. it: G (See Fell [38] for a proof that this identification is a homeomorphism.) The half-planes τ > 0 and τ < 0 correspond to the representations π + and π − constructed in §6.7, and the singleton orbit {(σ, 0)} corresponds b is T0 but not T1 , to the one-dimensional representation πσ0 (a, b) = aiσ . G for the orbits τ > 0 and τ < 0 are open but not closed. See Figure 7.2. We now consider the Plancherel theorem for G. We recall from §2.2 p+ p0 p− FIGURE 7.2 The dual space of the ax + b group. 262 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition that left Haar measure on G is da db/a2 and right Haar measure is da db/a, so we must use the nonunimodular version of the Plancherel theorem, Theorem 7.42. As in the case of the Heisenberg group, it turns out that the one-dimensional representations have Plancherel measure zero, so we concern ourselves only with the representations π + and π − , which (we recall) are the subrepresentations of π(a, b)g(s) = a1/2 e2πibs g(as) (g ∈ L2 (R)) on H+ = L2 (0, ∞) and H− = L2 (−∞, 0), respectively. According to the discussion preceding Theorem 7.42, we should look for operators D+ and D− on H+ and H− such that D± π± (a, b) = a−1/2 π ± (a, b)D± . (Here a−1/2 is the square root of the modular function on G.) In view of (7.41), one easily sees that the operators D± φ(s) = |s|1/2 φ(s) will work. We therefore define the modified Fourier transform according to (7.40): fb(π ± ) = π ± (f )D± . Explicitly, for φ ∈ H+ , Z ∞ Z ∞ da db + b f (π )φ (s) = f (a, b)e2πibs a1/2 (as)1/2 φ(as) 2 a −∞ 0 Z ∞ Z ∞ dt db = f (s−1 t, b)e2πibs s1/2 φ(t) , t −∞ 0 so fb(π + ) is the integral operator on H+ with kernel Z s1/2 s1/2 ∞ f (s−1 t, b)e2πibs db = F2 f (s−1 t, −s). K+ (s, t) = t t −∞ (Here, as above, F2 f is the Euclidean Fourier transform of f in its second argument.) Likewise, fb(π − ) is the integral operator on H− with kernel K− (s, t) = |s|1/2 F2 f (s−1 t, −s). |t| The Hilbert-Schmidt norms of fb(π ± ) (see Appendix 3) are therefore Z ∞Z ∞ s 2 |||fb(π + )||| = |F2 f (s−1 t, −s)|2 dt ds t2 0 0 Z ∞Z ∞ da ds = |F2 f (a, −s)|2 2 a 0 0 Further Topics in Representation Theory 263 and |||fb(π − )||| = 2 = Z 0 −∞ 0 Z −∞ Z 0 −∞ ∞ Z 0 |s| |F2 f (s−1 t, −s)|2 dt ds t2 |F2 f (a, −s)|2 da ds . a2 Therefore, 2 2 |||fb(π + )||| + |||fb(π − )||| = Z ∞ −∞ Z 0 ∞ |F2 f (a, −s)|2 da ds , a2 which, by the Euclidean Parseval formula, equals Z ∞Z ∞ da db |f (a, b)|2 2 = kf k2L2(G) . a −∞ 0 In short, the map f 7→ (fb(π + ), fb(π − )) is an isometry from L2 (G) into ∗ ∗ (H+ ⊗ H+ ) ⊕ (H− ⊗ H− ), and an examination of these calculations shows without difficulty that b is just counting it is actually unitary. Thus, Plancherel measure on G measure on the two-element set {π + , π − }. It is to be noted that the operators π ± (f ) are, in general, not HilbertSchmidt until they have been composed with the unbounded operators D± . This accords with the fact that G is not CCR. The latter assertion is b is not T1 , and it can also true on general grounds (Theorem 7.7) since G 1 be seen in a more concrete fashion. R ∞Indeed, if f ∈ L (G), the operators ± π (f ) are compact if and only if −∞ f (a, b) db = 0 for almost every a. This is proved in Khalil [75], which also contains some other interesting results concerning the harmonic analysis of G. 3. SL(2, R). SL(2, R) is the group of 2 × 2 real matrices of determinant one. Its representation theory has been well understood for a long time, but it would require far too much space to give a complete exposition of it here. We shall content ourselves with stating the results and giving some references. To begin with, we list some families of representations of SL(2, R). (i) The trivial representation ι, acting on C. (ii) The discrete series {δn± : n ≥ 2}. For n ≥ 2, let Hn+ (resp. Hn− ) be the space of holomorphic (resp. antiholomorphic) functions f on the upper half plane U = {z = x + iy : y > 0} such that ZZ (7.44) kf k2[n] = |f (x + iy)|2 y n−2 dx dy < ∞. U 264 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition The representation δn± of SL(2, R) is defined on Hn± by az − c a b , δn+ f (z) = (−bz + d)−n f c d −bz + d (7.45) az − c a b δn− f (z) = (−bz + d)−n f . c d −bz + d The representations δn± are unitary and irreducible, and they have another important property: their matrix coefficients hδn± (x)f, gi are square-integrable functions of x ∈ SL(2, R). It follows, as in the proof of Theorem 5.9, that the representations δn± occur as discrete summands in the decomposition of the regular representation into irreducibles; hence the name “discrete series.” (iii) The mock discrete series {δ1+ , δ1− }. Let H1+ be the space of holomorphic functions on the upper half plane such that Z ∞ 2 kf k[1] = sup |f (x + iy)|2 dx < ∞, y>0 −∞ and let H1− be the corresponding space of antiholomorphic functions. The representations δ1± of SL(2, R) on H1± are given by (7.45). The matrix coefficients of δ1± are not square-integrable, but these representations bear a number of family relationships to the discrete series; hence the name “mock discrete series.” According to a well-known theorem of Paley and Wiener (see Dym and McKean [35, §3.4]) the Hilbert spaces H1± can be naturally identified with certain subspaces of L2 (R), namely e + = f ∈ L2 (R) : fb(ξ) = 0 for ξ < 0 , H 1 e − = f ∈ L2 (R) : fb(ξ) = 0 for ξ > 0 . H 1 e ± simply takes a holomorphic or antiThe unitary map from H1± to H 1 holomorphic function on the upper half plane to its boundary values on R, and the inverse map is given by the Fourier inversion formula: if f is e + or H e − , the corresponding F ∈ H+ or H− is given by in H 1 1 1 1 Z Z F (z) = e2πiξz fb(ξ) dξ or F (z) = e2πiξz fb(ξ) dξ. When these identifications are made, the representations δ1± are still given by (7.45), but with x ∈ R replacing z ∈ U . ± (iv) The principal series {πit : t ∈ R}. These are the representations of SL(2, R) induced from the one-dimensional representations of Further Topics in Representation Theory 265 the upper triangular subgroup a b : a ∈ R \ {0}, b ∈ R . P = Ma,b = 0 a−1 Any one-dimensional representation of P must annihilate its commutator subgroup, namely {Ma,b : a = 1}, so it is easily seen that these representations are precisely (7.46) + ξit (Ma,b ) = |a|it , − ξit (Ma,b ) = |a|it sgn a (t ∈ R). The principal series are then defined by (7.47) SL(2,R) + πit = indP + (ξit ), SL(2,R) − πit = indP − (ξit ). + − πit and πit are known as the spherical principal series and non-spherical principal series, respectively. The Hilbert spaces for these representations consist of complexvalued functions on SL(2, R) satisfying certain covariance conditions on the cosets of P , and such functions are determined by their values on 1 0 N= :t∈R , t 1 since N intersects each coset (except for a set of measure zero) in exactly one point. Since N ∼ = R, it is not hard to show that the map f 7→ f |N sets up a unitary isomorphism from these Hilbert spaces to L2 (R), and ± that the resulting realization of the representations πit on L2 (R) is given by ax − c b ± a −1−it πit f (x) = m± (−bx + d)| − bx + d| f , c d −bx + d where m+ (y) = 1, m− (y) = sgn y. The principal series representations are all irreducible except for π0− , which is the direct sum of the mock discrete series δ1+ and δ1− (when all + − of these are realized on subspaces of L2 (R)). Moreover, π−it and π−it + − are equivalent respectively to πit and πit , and otherwise these representations are all inequivalent. (v) The complementary series {κs : 0 < s < 1}. The Hilbert space for κs is the set of all complex-valued functions f on R such that ZZ s f (x)f (y)|x − y|s−1 dx dy < ∞, (7.48) kf k2(s) = 2 266 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition and the action of SL(2, R) is like that of the spherical principal series: ax − c a b . κs f (x) = | − bx + d|−1−s f c d −bx + d (The significance of the factor s/2 in (7.48) will be explained below.) This completes our list of representations of SL(2, R). These repre± ∼ ± sentations are all irreducible and inequivalent except that π−it = πit and − ∼ + − π0 = δ1 ⊕ δ1 as mentioned in (iii), and every irreducible representation of SL(2, R) is equivalent to one of them. Hence, we may parametrize the dual space [SL(2, R)]b by identifying it with the following set of representations: (7.49) + − ι ∪ δn± : n ≥ 1 ∪ πit : t ≥ 0 ∪ πit : t > 0 ∪ κs : 0 < s < 1 . These results are due to Bargmann [8], and an exposition of them can be found in a number of places, including Knapp [79] and Howe and Tan [68]. It remains to describe the Fell topology on [SL(2, R)]b. This is more or less what one would expect from the preceding discussion, although there is a bit of a surprise at the end of the complementary series. The situation can be most easily understood by drawing a picture: see Figure 7.3. The meaning of Figure 7.3 is as follows. We identify [SL(2, R)]b with p− p+ κs d1− δ1+ FIGURE 7.3 The dual space of SL(2, R). δ2+ ι δn+ d2− dn− Further Topics in Representation Theory 267 the set (7.49). If the five points δ1± , δ2± , and ι are omitted from (7.49), the resulting set can be embedded in the plane as a union of line segments and isolated points as indicated in Figure 7.3. The five exceptional points are non-Hausdorff points for the Fell topology. If p is δ1+ or δ1− , the sets − {p} ∪ {πit : 0 < t < t0 } (t0 > 0) are a neighborhood base at p, and if + p is δ2 , δ2− , or ι, the sets {p} ∪ {κs : s0 < s < 1} (0 < s0 < 1) are a neighborhood base at p. These facts seem to have first appeared explicitly in Miličić [105]. They follow from two pieces of information: first, an explicit knowledge of the characters of the representations in (7.49), which can be found in Knapp [79, §X.2], and two results of Fell ([37, Lemma 3.4 and Corollary 2 of Theorem 2.3]), which allow the topology to be read off from the behavior of the characters. A few remarks are in order about the way the different series are − joined together. First, the fact that πit converges to both δ1+ and δ1− as − + t → 0 is to be expected since π0 = δ1 ⊕ δ1− . Second, the norm (7.48) on the space for κs converges to the norm of L2 (R) as s → 0, so that κs → π0+ . This can easily be shown by using the Fourier transform (e.g., see Folland [44, Exercise 4 of §10.2]) and is the reason for the factor of s/2 in (7.48). Third, one can replace it in (7.46) and (7.47) by an arbitrary complex number s + it to obtain a family of (generally nonunitary) representa± tions πs+it of SL(2, R), the so-called nonunitary principal series. The complementary series κs is obtained from πs+ (0 < s < 1) by renorming the space on which it acts. On the other hand, π1+ contains subrepresentations equivalent (on the Lie algebra level, not unitarily) to δ2+ and δ2− , and its quotient by their direct sum is the trivial representation ι. This accounts for the fact that κs converges to δ2± and ι as s → 1. (The other members of the discrete series, as well as the other irreducible [nonunitary] finite-dimensional representations of SL(2, R), can also be obtained as subrepresentations and quotients of certain members of the nonunitary principal series; see Knapp [79].) It should be emphasized that although the points δ2± and ι have no disjoint neighborhoods, they are attached to each other only through the complementary series: in the subset of [SL(2, R)]b obtained by omitting the complementary series, these points are isolated. A similar statement holds for δ1± . Finally, we describe the Plancherel measure µ on [SL(2, R)]b, where [SL(2, R)]b is parametrized by (7.49). The Plancherel measure of the complementary and mock discrete series and the trivial representation 268 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition is zero, and on the principal and discrete series it is given by + dµ(πit )= t πt t πt − tanh dt, dµ(πit ) = coth dt, 2 2 2 2 + − µ({δn }) = µ({δn }) = n − 1. (Of course this is determined only up to a constant factor, depending on the normalization of Haar measure on SL(2, R).) For the proof, see Knapp [79]. Two significant features appear here that have not occurred in our other examples. First, the Plancherel measure has both a discrete and a continuous part. Second, the support of the Plancherel measure (the smallest closed set whose complement has measure zero) is not all of [SL(2, R)]b: it is the union of the principal, discrete, and mock discrete series. 4. The free group on two generators. Let G be the free group on two generators a and b (with the discrete topology, and with counting measure as Haar measure), and let λ be its left regular representation. We shall illustrate the bad phenomena that occur in non-type-I groups by showing that λ is primary and that it admits two completely different decompositions into irreducible representations. 7.50 Proposition. λ is primary. Proof. Suppose T belongs to the center of C(λ); thus T commutes with all left translations (since T ∈ C(λ)) and all right translations (since the latter belong to C(λ)). Let δ ∈ L2 (G) be the function such that δ(1) = 1 and δ(x) = 0 for x 6= 1, and let φ = T δ. If f ∈ L1 ∩ L2 , we have T f = T (f ∗ δ) = f ∗ φ (since T commutes with left translations) and T f = T (δ ∗ f ) = φ ∗ f (since T commutes with right translations). Thus f ∗ φ = φ ∗ f for all f , and this easily implies that φ is constant on conjugacy classes (cf. the proof of Proposition 5.21). But every conjugacy class in G except {1} is infinite, so since φ ∈ L2 we must have φ = cδ. But then T = cI. Next, to investigate the decomposition of λ into irreducible representations, let us consider the cyclic subgroup A of G generated by a. A is isomorphic to Z, so each θ ∈ T defines a character of A, whose value at an is einθ . (Here and in what follows, we identify T with R/2πZ.) Let πθ be the representation of G induced by this character. Thus, the Hilbert space Hθ for πθ consists of complex-valued functions f on G such that f (xan ) = e−inθ f (x), and its norm may be described as follows. Each x 6= 1 in G can be written uniquely as x = x1 x2 · · · xn (n ≥ 1), Further Topics in Representation Theory 269 where each xj is either a, b, a−1 , or b−1 , and xj+1 = 6 x−1 for all j < n. j With this notation, let Ω = x = x1 x2 · · · xn : xn = b or b−1 ∪ 1 . Then Ω meets each left coset of A in precisely one point, so the norm on Hθ is given by X kf k2 = |f (x)|2 . x∈Ω For each z ∈ Ω, define ez (zan ) = e−inθ , ez (x) = 0 for x ∈ / zA; then {ez : z ∈ Ω} is an orthonormal basis for Hθ . 7.51 Lemma. The operators πθ (an ) (n ∈ Z) have a unique eigenvector up to scalar multiples, namely e1 , and the operators πθ (bn ) have no eigenvectors. Proof. Evidently [πθ (an )e1 ](x) = e1 (a−n x) = einθ e1 (x). The action of A on G by left translations, x 7→ an x, permutes the elements of Ω \ {1}, and this action of A on Ω \ {1} is faithful on every orbit of A. Hence the operators πθ (an ) act on {e1 }⊥ by permuting the basis vectors ez , and πθ (an ) is unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of copies (one for each orbit of A) of the shift operator {αk } 7→ {αk−n } on l2 (Z). But the latter operator has no eigenvectors. (By Fourier analysis, it is unitarily equivalent to multiplication by einθ on L2 (T).) For the same reason, the operators πθ (bn ) have no eigenvectors, as they act on Hθ by permutation of the basis vectors ez , z ∈ Ω. 7.52 Lemma. The representations πθ are irreducible and inequivalent. Proof. Suppose T ∈ C(πθ ). By Lemma 7.51, e1 is an eigenvector for T , say T e1 = ce1 . But then if z ∈ Ω, T ez = T πθ (z −1 )e1 = πθ (z −1 )T e1 = cez . Thus T = cI, so πθ is irreducible by Schur’s lemma. If θ 6= θ′ (mod 2π), then πθ and πθ′ are inequivalent because πθ (an ) and πθ′ (an ) have different eigenvalues on their unique eigenvectors. If f ∈ Cc (G) (i.e., f is a function of finite support on G), define feθ : G → C by ∞ X feθ (x) = f (xan )einθ . −∞ Then feθ (xak ) = X f (xak+n )einθ = X f (xan )ei(n−k)θ = e−ikθ feθ (x), 270 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition and the projection of the support of feθ in G/A is finite, so feθ ∈ Hθ . Moreover, by the Parseval formula for ordinary Fourier series, (7.53) kf k2L2(G) = X x∈G |f (x)|2 = = ∞ XX z∈Ω −∞ |f (zan )|2 XZ z∈Ω dθ |feθ (z)|2 = 2π T Z T kfeθ k2Hθ dθ . 2π From this we can easily seeR that the map f 7→ fe extends to a unitary ⊕ isomorphism from L2 (G) to Hθ dµ(θ), where µ is normalized Haar measure on T. In more detail: for z ∈ Ω let δ z be the function on G whose value at z is 1 and whose value elsewhere is 0. Then (δez )θ is the basis element ez of Hθ , so the vector fields δez determine the structure of a measurable family of Hilbert spaces on {Hθ }, and we can form its direct R⊕ Hθ dµ(θ). The formula (7.53) shows that the map f 7→ fe is integral an isometry from L2 (G) into this R space; it is unitary since its inverse is given by g 7→ ǧ, where ǧ(x) = g(θ, x) dµ(θ). Moreover, since the action of G in the representations λ and πθ is e given R ⊕ in all cases by left translation, the map f 7→ f intertwines λ with πθ dµ(θ). Thus we have obtained a direct integral decomposition of λ into irreducible representations. Now comes the crux of the matter: we can play the same game with a and b interchanged. That is, let B be the cyclic subgroup generated by b. By inducing the characters of B up to G, we obtain another family {ρθ } of irreducible, inequivalent representations of G such that R⊕ λ∼ ρθ dµ(θ). But no ρθ is equivalent to any πθ′ . Indeed, by Lemma = 7.51, the restriction of πθ′ to A has a one-dimensional invariant subspace, whereas by the analog of Lemma 7.51 with a and b switched, the restriction of ρθ to A does not. In short, we have proved: 7.54 Theorem. There exist irreducible representations πθ and ρθ (θ ∈ T) of G, no two of which are equivalent, such that Z ⊕ Z ⊕ λ∼ πθ dµ(θ) ∼ ρθ dµ(θ), = = T T where µ is normalized Haar measure on T. Theorem 7.54 and the arguments leading to it are due to Yoshizawa [151]. See also Mautner [102] for more about representations of discrete groups. Finally, we remark that these results also give a counterexample to Theorem 7.17 when the groups are not type I. Indeed, let τ be the twosided regular representation of G (actually a representation of G × G). Further Topics in Representation Theory 271 By Theorem 7.39 and Proposition 7.50, C(τ ) = C(λ) ∩ C(ρ) = CI, so τ is irreducible. If τ were of the form π1 ⊗ π2 , the restriction of τ to {1} × G would be I ⊗ π2 . But actually this restriction is λ, which is not a multiple of an irreducible representation. Appendices 1 A Hilbert Space Miscellany Sesquilinear Forms Let V and X be complex vector spaces. A map T : V → X is antilinear (or conjugate linear) if T (au + bv) = aT u + bT v for all a, b ∈ C and u, v ∈ V. A map B : V × V → X is sesquilinear if T (·, v) is linear for each v ∈ V and T (u, ·) is antilinear for each u ∈ V. A sesquilinear map from V × V to C is called a sesquilinear form on V. Sesquilinear maps are completely determined by their values on the diagonal, as follows. A.1 Theorem (The Polarization Identity). Suppose B : V × V → X is sesquilinear, and let Q(v) = B(v, v). Then for all u, v ∈ V, B(u, v) = 1 Q(u + v) − Q(u − v) + iQ(u + iv) − iQ(u − iv) . 4 Proof. Simply expand the expression on the right (Q(u + v) = Q(u) + Q(v) + B(u, v) + B(v, u), etc.) and collect terms. A sesquilinear form B on V is called Hermitian if B(v, u) = B(u, v) for all u, v ∈ V and positive if B(u, u) ≥ 0 for all u ∈ V. A.2 Corollary. A sesquilinear form B is Hermitian if and only if B(u, u) ∈ R for all u. Every positive sesquilinear form is Hermitian. Proof. The first assertion follows easily from the polarization identity and the fact that Q(au) = |a|2 Q(u) for a ∈ C, so that (for example) Q(u − iv) = Q(i(u − iv)) = Q(v + iu). The second assertion follows immediately from the first one. A.3 Theorem (The Schwarz and Minkowski Inequalities). Let B be a positive sesquilinear form on V, and let Q(u) = B(u, u). Then |B(u, v)|2 ≤ Q(u)Q(v), Q(u + v)1/2 ≤ Q(u)1/2 + Q(v)1/2 . Proof. The usual proofs of these inequalities for inner products do not depend on definiteness, so they apply to all positive forms. 273 274 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Direct Sums L Let {Hα }α∈A be a family of Hilbert spaces. The direct sum α∈A Hα Q is thePset of all v = (vα )α∈A in the Cartesian product α∈A Hα such that kvα k2 < ∞. (This condition L implies, in particular, that vα = 0 for all but countably many α.) α∈A Hα is a Hilbert space with inner product X hu, vi = huα , vα i, α∈A and the summands Hα are embedded in it as mutually orthogonal closed subspaces. If H is a Hilbert space and {Mα }α∈A is a family of mutually orthogonal closed subspaces of H whose linear span is dense in H, H can be L identified with α∈A Mα . When we speak of direct sums of subspaces of a Hilbert space, we always assume that the subspaces are mutually orthogonal unless the contrary is explicitly stated. Isometries and Unitary Maps Let H1 and H2 be Hilbert spaces and T : H1 → H2 a bounded linear map. The adjoint of T is the map T ∗ : H2 → H1 defined by hT ∗ v, ui = hv, T ui for all u ∈ H1 and v ∈ H2 . T is an isometry if kT uk = kuk for all u ∈ H1 . Since kT uk2 = hT u, T ui = hT ∗ T u, ui and kuk2 = hu, ui, the polarization identity implies that T is an isometry if and only if T ∗ T is the identity operator on H1 . Isometries are injective but not necessarily surjective; a bijective isometry is called a unitary map. If T is unitary then so is T −1 , so T is unitary precisely when T ∗ T and T T ∗ are the identity operators on H1 and H2 respectively, i.e., when T ∗ = T −1 . T is called a partial isometry if kT uk = kuk whenever u ⊥ N(T ). (Here and in what follows, N and R denote nullspace and range.) T is a partial isometry precisely when hT ∗ T u, ui = hu, ui for u ⊥ N(T ) and hT ∗ T u, ui = 0 for u ∈ N(T ); by polarization, this means that T ∗ T is the orthogonal projection onto N(T )⊥ . Since R(T )⊥ = N(T ∗ ), it is an easy exercise to see that T ∗ is also a partial isometry and that T T ∗ is the orthogonal projection onto R(T ). Decompositions of Operators Suppose H is a Hilbert space and T ∈ L(H). T is called positive if hT u, ui ≥ 0 for all u ∈ H. By Corollary A.2, every positive operator is self-adjoint, and it follows easily from the spectral theorem that a selfadjoint operator T is positive if and only if its spectrum σ(T ) lies in [0, ∞). In this case, one can apply the spectral functional calculus to the Appendices 275 √ function f (s) = s on√σ(T ) to obtain a positive operator whose square is T ; we denote it by T . Now suppose T is an arbitrary bounded operator on H. T ∗ T is always a positive operator, so we can define √ (A.4) |T | = T ∗ T . Since k|T |uk2 = h|T |2 u, ui = hT ∗ T u, ui = kT uk2, the correspondence |T |u 7→ T u extends uniquely to an isometry V from the closure R(|T |) of the range of |T | to the closure of the range of T . But R(|T |) = N(|T |)⊥ since |T | is self-adjoint, and N(|T |) = N(T ∗ T ) = N(T ). Hence, if we extend V linearly to all of H by setting V = 0 on N(T ), V is a partial isometry such that T = V |T |. The factorization T = V |T | is called the polar decomposition of T . Since V ∗ V is the orthogonal projection onto N(T )⊥ = R(|T |), it follows easily that V ∗ T = V ∗ V |T | = |T |. Thus: (A.5) T = V |T |, |T | = V ∗ T. A.6 Proposition. Every bounded operator on a Hilbert space is a linear combination of two self-adjoint operators and a linear combination of four unitary operators. Proof. If T ∈ L(H), then A = (T + T ∗ )/2 and B = (T − T ∗ )/2i are self-adjoint and T = A + iB. This proves the first assertion; for the second, it is then enough to prove that every self-adjoint operator of norm ≤ 1 is a linear combination of two unitary operators. But if S = S ∗ and kSk ≤ 1 then σ(S) ⊂ [−1, 1], so I −√S 2 is positive, and we have S = 21 [f+ (S) + f− (S)] where f± (s) = s ± i 1 − s2 . The operators f± (S) are unitary by the spectral functional calculus since |f± (s)| = 1 for s ∈ [−1, 1]. Topologies on L(H) If H is a Hilbert space, the set L(H) of bounded linear operators on H carries three useful topologies: • The norm topology is the topology induced by the operator norm kT k = supkuk=1 kT uk. • The strong operator topology is the topology induced by the seminorms T 7→ kT uk, u ∈ H. A net {Tα } in L(H) converges to T strongly if and only if kTα u − T uk → 0 for every u ∈ H. • The weak operator topology is the topology induced by the seminorms T 7→ |hT u, vi|, u, v ∈ H. A net {Tα } converges to T weakly if and only if hTα u, vi → hT u, vi for every u, v ∈ H. 276 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Thus, the norm topology is the topology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets of H, the strong operator topology is the topology of pointwise convergence on H, and the weak operator topology is the topology of weak pointwise convergence on H. Examples: Suppose {ek }∞ 1 is an orthonormal basis for H. Define operators Tn and Sn on H for n ≥ 1 by X X X X ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Tn ak e k = ak e k , Sn ak e k = ak ek+n . n 1 1 1 The sequences {Tn } and {Sn } are not convergent in norm, and {Sn } is not even strongly convergent; indeed, if n < m, √ k(Tn − Tm )en k = 2. However, {Tn } ken k = 1 and k(Sn − Sm )e1 k = ke − e k = m Pn P∞ 2 2 converges strongly to 0, for if u = ak ek , kT uk = |a | kP → 0; n Pn and {Sn } converges weakly to 0, for if u = ak ek and v = bk ek , X 1/2 ∞ ∞ X |hSn u, vi| = ak−n bk ≤ kuk |bk |2 → 0. n+1 2 n+1 Trace-Class and Hilbert-Schmidt Operators Let H be a Hilbert space, which for convenience we assume to be separable. Suppose T is a positive operator on H. We say that T is trace-class if T has an orthonormal P eigenbasis {en } with eigenvalues {λn } (necesP sarily nonnegative), and λn < ∞. In this case we set tr(T ) = λn . Note that every trace-class positive operator P is compact, for T is the norm limit of the finite-rank operators TN u = N 1 λn hu, en ien . A.7 Proposition. If T is positive and trace-class and {xn } is any orP thonormal basis for H, then hT xn , xn i = tr(T ). Proof. Let {ej } be P an orthonormal P eigenbasis for T with eigenvalues {λj }. Since xn = hxn , ej iej and n |hxn , ej i|2 = kej k2 = 1, we have X XX XX X hT xn , xn i = hxn , ej ihT ej , xn i = λj |hxn , ej i|2 = λj . n n j n j j Interchanging the sums is permissible since all terms are positive. A.8 Proposition. Suppose T is positive and trace-class,PS ∈ L(H), and {xn } is an orthonormal basis for H. Then the sum hST xn , xn i is absolutely convergent, and its value depends only on S and T , not on {xn }. Appendices 277 Proof. Let {ej } be an orthonormal eigenbasis for T with eigenvalues {λj }. Then X X hST xn , xn i = hxn , ej ihST ej , xn i = λj hxn , ej ihSej , xn i. j Now, XX n j j λj |hxn , ej ihSej , xn i| ≤ X j λj X n |hxn , ej i|2 = 1/2 X X j n |hSej , xn i|2 1/2 λj kej k kSej k ≤ kSk X j λj < ∞. P This implies that hST xn , xn i is absolutely convergent and that X XX hST xn , xn i = hhxn , ej iST ej , xn i n n = j XX j n hST ej , hej , xn ixn i = X j hST ej , ej i. An operator T ∈ L(H) is called trace-class if the positive operator |T |, defined by (A.4), is trace-class. A.9 Proposition. Suppose T is trace-class. Then P T is compact, and if {xn } is any orthonormal basis for H, the sum hT xn , xn i is absolutely convergent and independent of {xn }. Proof. Consider the polar decomposition T = V |T | as in Appendix 1. T is compact since |T | is compact and V is bounded, and the other assertion follows from Proposition A.8, with T and S replaced by |T | and V . If T is trace-class, we set tr(T ) = X hT xn , xn i, where {xn } is any orthonormal basis for H. This is well-defined by Proposition A.9. A.10 Proposition. The set of trace-class operators is a two-sided ∗ideal in L(H). Moreover, if T is trace-class and S ∈ L(H) then tr(ST ) = tr(T S). 278 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. Clearly if T is trace-class, so is aT for any a ∈ C. If S and T are trace-class, let S = V |S|, T = W |T |, and S + T = X|S + T | be polar decompositions as in Appendix 1. Then |S + T | = X ∗ (S + T ) by (A.5). In particular, |S + T | is compact, so it has an orthonormal eigenbasis {en } by Theorem 1.52, and we have X X h|S + T |en , en i = hX ∗ (S + T )en , en i X X = hX ∗ V |S|en , en i + hX ∗ W |T |en , en i. The sums on the right are absolutely convergent by Proposition A.8, so S + T is trace-class. Next, suppose T is trace-class and U is unitary. Then (U T )∗ (U T ) = T ∗ U ∗ U T = T ∗ T , so |U T | = |T | and hence U T is trace-class. Also (T U )∗ T U = U ∗ T ∗ T U = U −1 (T ∗ T )U , whence |T U | = U −1 |T |U . Thus |T U | has the same eigenvalues as |T |, so T U is traceclass. Moreover, if {xn } is an orthonormal basis, X X tr(T U ) = hT U xn , xn i = hU T U xn , U xn i = tr(U T ) since U is unitary and {U xn } is again an orthonormal basis. Since every S ∈ L(H) is a linear combination of four unitary operators by Proposition A.6, it follows that ST and T S are trace-class and that tr(ST ) = tr(T S). Finally, if T is trace-class and T = V |T | is its polar decomposition, then T ∗ = |T |V ∗ is trace-class since |T | is. An operator T ∈ L(H) is called Hilbert-Schmidt if T ∗ T is traceclass. Since T ∗ T is positive and hT ∗ T u, ui = kT uk2, P it follows from Proposition A.7 that T is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if kT xn k2 < ∞ for some, and hence any, orthonormal basis {xn }. Every Hilbert-Schmidt operator is compact. Indeed, if {en } is an eigenbasis for T ∗ T√ with eigenvalues λn , it is also an eigenbasis for |T | with eigenvalues λn . |T | is therefore the norm limit of operators of finite rank; hence |T | is compact, and so is T = V |T |. A.11 Proposition. If T is Hilbert-Schmidt, so is T ∗ . If S and T are Hilbert-Schmidt, then ST is trace-class. Proof. If {xn } is an orthonormal basis for H, we have X XX XX kT xn k2 = |hT xn , xm i|2 = |hT ∗ xm , xn i|2 n n m m = X m n kT ∗ xm k2 . This proves the first assertion. For the second, let ST = V |ST | be the Appendices 279 polar decomposition of ST . (ST )∗ (ST ) is compact and so has an orthonormal eigenbasis {en } by Theorem 1.52. {en } is also an eigenbasis for |ST |, and by (A.5) we have X h|ST |en , en i = X X hV ∗ ST en , en i = hT en , S ∗ V en i i1/2 i1/2 hX hX . kS ∗ V en k2 ≤ kT enk2 But each en belongs either to the nullspace of V or its orthogonal comple∗ ment, so the nonzero V en ’s are an set. Since P orthonormal P S and2 T are 2 Hilbert-Schmidt, it follows that kSV en k < ∞ and kT enk < ∞, so |ST | is trace-class. If H = L2 (µ) where µ is a σ-finite measure, the space of HilbertSchmidt operators on H can be identified with L2 (µ × µ), with 2 F R ∈ L (µ × µ) corresponding to the integral operator TF h(x) = F (x, y)h(y) dµ(y). We shall explain this in more detail, using the language of tensor products, in Appendix 3. 3 Tensor Products of Hilbert Spaces In the category of vector spaces over a fixed field, the tensor product of two vector spaces V1 and V2 is usually defined abstractly as a vector space V1 ⊗ V2 such that any bilinear map from V1 × V2 to another vector space factors uniquely through V1 ⊗ V2 . There are several ways of constructing concrete models of V1 ⊗ V2 ; one is as the space of linear maps of finite rank from V2∗ into V1 . We wish to modify this construction to obtain a tensor product in the category of Hilbert spaces. Let H1 and H2 be Hilbert spaces, and consider bounded linear maps from H2∗ into H1 , or equivalently, bounded antilinear maps from H2 into H1 . The terminology and basic theory of bounded linear maps applies also to antilinear maps, with obvious modifications. For example, the composition of two antilinear maps is linear, and the composition of a linear map with an antilinear one is antilinear. The operator norm of an antilinear map A is defined as in the linear case, kAk = sup kAxk. kxk=1 The adjoint of a bounded antilinear map is another such map, defined not by hA∗ u, vi = hu, Avi — which cannot be right since the left side is 280 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition antilinear in both u and v whereas the right side is linear — but rather by hA∗ u, vi = hAv, ui. Note that the map A 7→ A∗ is linear rather than antilinear. Suppose A is an antilinear map from H2 to H1 , and {uα } and {vβ } are orthonormal bases for H1 and H2 , respectively. Then by the Parseval identity, X XX kAvβ k2 = |hAvβ , uα i|2 (A.12) β β = α XX α β |hA∗ uα , vβ i|2 = X α kA∗ uα k2 . P This shows that β kAvβ k2 is independent of the choice of basis {vβ }, for P if {wβ } is another orthonormal basis for H2 we also have β kAwβ k2 = P ∗ 2 α kA uα k . We define the tensor product of H1 and P H2 to be the set H1 ⊗ H2 of all antilinear A : H2 → H1 such that β kAvβ k2 < ∞ for some, and hence every, orthonormal basis {vβ } for H2 , and we set X 2 |||A||| = kAvβ k2 . β A.13 Theorem. H1 ⊗ H2 is a Hilbert space with the norm ||| · ||| and associated inner product X hA, Bi = hAvβ , Bvβ i, β where {vβ } is any orthonormal basis of H2 . Proof. We first observe that if A, B ∈ H1 ⊗ H2 , X X |hAvβ , Bvβ i| ≤ kAvβ k kBvβ k ≤ |||A||| |||B||| < ∞ by P two applications of the Schwarz inequality. Thus the series hAvβ , Bvβ i is absolutely convergent, and an application of the P Parseval identity as in (A.12) then shows that hAv , Bv β βi = P ∗ ∗ hA uα , BP uα i for any orthonormal bases {uα } and {vβ } of H1 and H2 . Thus hAvβ , Bvβ i is independent of the choice of basis {vβ } and defines an inner product on H1 ⊗ H2 whose associated norm is ||| · |||. It remains to prove completeness. If A ∈ H1 ⊗ H2 and ǫ > 0, choose {vβ } to be an orthonormal basis for H2 of which one element v0 satisfies kAv0 k > kAk − ǫ. It follows that |||A||| > kAk − ǫ, and hence |||A||| ≥ kAk. Therefore, if {An } is Cauchy in H1 ⊗ H2 , it is Cauchy in the operator Appendices 281 norm topology, and one only needs to show that its limit A in the latter topology is also its limit in the topology of H1 ⊗ H2 . This we leave as an exercise for the reader. The preceding constructions are a slight generalization of the ones in Appendix 2 pertaining to Hilbert-Schmidt operators. Indeed, for any Hilbert space H the space H ⊗ H∗ (whose elements are antilinear maps from H∗ to H, or equivalently, linear maps from H to itself) is precisely the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on H, and the inner product and norm on H ⊗ H∗ are given by p hA, Bi = tr(B ∗ A), |||A||| = tr(A∗ A). |||A||| is called the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of A. If u ∈ H1 and v ∈ H2 , the map w 7→ hv, wiu (w ∈ H2 ) belongs to H1 ⊗ H2 ; we denote it by u ⊗ v: (u ⊗ v)(w) = hv, wiu. By picking an orthonormal basis for H2 of which v/kvk is a member, we see that k(u ⊗ v)vk hv, vikuk |||u ⊗ v||| = = = kuk kvk. kvk kvk Similarly, for any u, u′ ∈ H1 and v, v ′ ∈ H2 , (A.14) hu ⊗ v, u′ ⊗ v ′ i = hu, u′ ihv, v ′ i Next, if A is a bounded antilinear map of finite rank from H2 to H1 , letPu1 , . . . un be an orthonormal basis for the range of A. Then n Aw = 1 hAw, uj iuj . For each j, w 7→ hAw, uj i is a bounded antilinear functional on H2 , so there P exists vj ∈ H2 such that hAw, uj i = hvj , wi. But this says that A = n1 uj ⊗vj . In other words, the space of antilinear maps of finite rank from H2 to H1 is contained in H1 ⊗ H2 and consists of the linear span of the elements u ⊗ v for u ∈ H1 and v ∈ H2 . A.15 Proposition. If {uα }, {vβ } are orthonormal bases for H1 , H2 . Then {uα ⊗ vβ } is an orthonormal basis for H1 ⊗ H2 . Proof. It follows from (A.14) that {uα ⊗ vβ } is an orthonormal set in H1 ⊗ H2 . If A ∈ H1 ⊗ H2 we have X hA, uα ⊗ vβ i = hAvβ ′ , (uα ⊗ vβ )vβ ′ i = hAvβ , uα i, β′ so X α,β |hA, uα ⊗ vβ i|2 = X α,β |hAvβ , uα i|2 = X β kAvβ k2 = |||A|||2 . Thus the Parseval identity holds, so {uα ⊗ vβ } is a basis. 282 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition We point out a couple of simple and useful isomorphisms. First, by (A.12), the map A 7→ A∗ is a unitary isomorphism from H1 ⊗ H2 to H2 ⊗ H1 , and (u ⊗ v)∗ = v ⊗ u. Second, tensor products distribute across direct sums in the obvious way: H1 ∼ = H1′ ⊕ H1′′ =⇒ H1 ⊗ H2 ∼ = (H1′ ⊗ H2 ) ⊕ (H1′′ ⊗ H2 ). We leave it as an exercise for the reader to make this precise. Another interpretation of the tensor product is available when the Hilbert spaces in question are L2 spaces. Suppose (X, µ) and (Y, ν) are σ-finite measure spaces. If f ∈ L2 (µ) and g, h ∈ L2 (ν), we have Z (f ⊗ g)(h) = hg, hif = f (·)g(y)h(y) dν(y), so f ⊗ g is the antilinear integral operator whose kernel is the function (A.16) (f ⊗ g)(x, y) = f (x)g(y) Pn on X × Y . Similarly, the operator 1 fj ⊗ gj has the kernel P n f (x)g (y). We are therefore led to the following result. j 1 j A.17 Theorem. Suppose (X, µ) and (Y, ν) are σ-finite measure spaces. The identification of f ⊗ g ∈ L2 (µ) ⊗ L2 (ν) with the function (A.16) extends uniquely to an isometric isomorphism of L2 (µ) ⊗ L2 (ν) with L2 (µR× ν), whose inverse identifies F ∈ L2 (µ × ν) with the operator h 7→ F (·, y)h(y) dν(y). Proof. By (A.14), n X 1 fj ⊗ gj 2 = n X j,k=1 = hfj , fk ihgj , gk i ZZ X n 2 fj (x)gj (y) dµ(x) dν(y). 1 Hence the stated identification extends by linearity and continuity to an isometric embedding of L2 (µ) ⊗ L2 (ν) into L2 (µ × ν). To complete the proof, by Proposition A.15 it is enough to show that if {fα } and {gβ } are orthonormal bases for L2 (µ) and L2 (ν) then {fα ⊗ gβ } is a basis for 2 2 L R (µ × ν).2 If F ∈ L (µ × ν), there is a set N ⊂ Y with ν(N ) = 0 and |F (x, y)| dµ(x) < ∞ for all y ∈ / N . For every α the function Z φα (y) = hF (·, y), fα i = F (x, y)fα (x) dµ(x) Appendices 283 is well-defined for y ∈ / N , and Z Z 2 |φα (y)| dν(y) ≤ kF (·, y)k22 dν(y) = kF k22 < ∞, so φα ∈ L2 (ν). Moreover, ZZ hφα , gβ i = F (x, y)fα (x)gβ (y) dµ(x) dν(y) = hF, fα ⊗ gβ i. P Now, F (·, y) = φα (y)fα (where the series converges in L2 (µ)) for all y∈ / N , so by the Parseval identities on L2 (µ) and L2 (ν), Z Z X kF k22 = kF (·, y)k22 dν(y) = |φα (y)|2 dν(y) = X α,β α |hφα , gβ i|2 = X α,β |hF, fα ⊗ gβ i|2 . Thus the Parseval identity holds for the orthonormal set {fα ⊗gβ }, which is therefore a basis. In case ν = µ, this is almost the identification of the Hilbert-Schmidt operators on L2 (µ) with L2 (µ × µ) mentioned at the end of Appendix 2. To obtain the latter, one merely has to switch L2 (µ) with L2 (µ)∗ via the antilinear map h 7→ h. The Hilbert-Schmidt norm of an operator is then the L2 norm of the corresponding integral kernel. The proof of the following proposition is similar to the proof of Theorem A.17 but easier. We leave it to the reader. A.18 Proposition. Let H be a Hilbert space and A a set. For each α ∈ A let Hα be a copy of H, and define δα (β) = 1 for P β = α and δα (β) = 0 for β ∈ A \ {α}.LThen the map (fα )α∈A 7→ fα ⊗ δα is a unitary isomorphism from α∈A Hα to H ⊗ l2 (A). We now consider tensor products of operators. If S ∈ L(H1 ), T ∈ L(H2 ), and A ∈ H1 ⊗ H2 , define the antilinear operator (S ⊗ T )A from H2 to H1 by (S ⊗ T )A = SAT ∗ . We shall see shortly that (S ⊗ T )A belongs to H1 ⊗ H2 , so that S ⊗ T is a linear operator on H1 ⊗ H2 , called the tensor product of S and T . (Note that S ⊗ T depends linearly on T despite the occurence of T ∗ in the definition, for SA(cT )∗ = SA(cT ∗ ) = cSAT ∗ by the antilinearity of A.) A.19 Theorem. Suppose S, S ′ ∈ L(H1 ) and T, T ′ ∈ L(H2 ). Then: 284 a. b. c. d. e. A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition S ⊗ T ∈ L(H1 ⊗ H2 ), and kS ⊗ T k = kSk kT k. (S ⊗ T )(u ⊗ v) = Su ⊗ T v for all u ∈ H1 , v ∈ H2 . (S ⊗ T )(S ′ ⊗ T ′ ) = (SS ′ ) ⊗ (T T ′). (S ⊗ T )∗ = S ∗ ⊗ T ∗ . If S and T are unitary, so is S ⊗ T . Proof. To prove (a), first consider the T = I.P If {vβ } is an P case when orthonormal basis for H2 we have kSAvβ k2 ≤ kSk2 kAvβ k2 , so |||SA||| ≤ kSk|||A|||. Now, for T 6= I, by (A.12) and what we have just proved we have |||SAT ∗ ||| = |||T (SA)∗ ||| ≤ kT k |||(SA)∗ ||| = kT k |||SA||| ≤ kSk kT k |||A|||. Thus (S ⊗ T ) ∈ L(H1 ⊗ H2 ) and kS ⊗ T k ≤ kSk kT k. Next, if w ∈ H2 , (S ⊗ T )(u ⊗ v)(w) = S(u ⊗ v)T ∗ w = hv, T ∗ wiSu = hT v, wiSu = (Su ⊗ T v)w, which proves (b). If we choose u and v to be unit vectors such that kSuk > kSk − ǫ and kT vk > kT k − ǫ, it follows that kS ⊗ T k ≥ k(S ⊗ T )(u ⊗ v)k = kSuk kT vk > (kSk − ǫ)(kT k − ǫ), so that kS ⊗ T k ≥ kSk kT k, which completes the proof of (a). (c) is obvious. To prove (d) we use once again the fact that A 7→ A∗ is a unitary map from H1 ⊗ H2 to H2 ⊗ H1 : if {uα } and {vβ } are orthonormal bases for H1 and H2 , h(S ⊗ T )∗ A, Bi = hA, (S ⊗ T )Bi = hA, SBT ∗ i X X = hAvβ , SBT ∗ vβ i = hS ∗ Avβ , BT ∗ vβ i = hS ∗ A, BT ∗ i X X = hA∗ S, T B ∗ i = hA∗ Suα , T B ∗ uα i = hT ∗ A∗ Suα , B ∗ uα i = hT ∗ A∗ S, B ∗ i = hS ∗ AT, Bi = h(S ∗ ⊗ T ∗ )A, Bi. Hence (S ⊗ T )∗ = S ∗ ⊗ T ∗ . Finally, (e) follows from (c) and (d): if S and T are unitary, (S ⊗ T )(S ⊗ T )∗ = SS ∗ ⊗ T T ∗ = I ⊗ I = I, and likewise (S ⊗ T )∗ (S ⊗ T ) = I. 4 Vector-Valued Integrals There are several ways to develop a theory of integrals for functions with values in a topological vector space. We shall adopt the “weak” approach, Appendices 285 in which one reduces everything to scalar functions by applying linear functionals. Let V be a locally convex topological vector space, and let V∗ be the space of continuous linear functionals on V. Also, let (X, µ) be a measure space. A function F : X → V is called weakly integrable if φ ◦ F ∈ L1 (µ) for every φ ∈ V∗ . In this case, if there is a vector v ∈ V such that Z φ(v) = φ ◦ F dµ for all φ ∈ V∗ (such a v is necessarily unique since the continuous linear functionals separate points on V), v is called the integral of F , and we write v = R F dµ. Integrals commute with continuous linear maps,R in the following sense. Suppose F : X → V is weakly integrable, F dµ exists, and T is a continuous linear map from V to another locally convex space W. Since φ ◦ T belongs to V∗ for every φ ∈ W∗ , it is clear that T ◦ F is weakly integrable and that Z Z φ◦T F dµ = φ ◦ T ◦ F dµ (φ ∈ W∗ ), which means that R T ◦ F dµ exists and Z Z T F dµ = T ◦ F dµ. The following existence theorem is proved in Rudin [123, Theorems 3.27 and 3.29] (although stated there in a slightly different form): A.20 Theorem. Suppose V is a Fréchet space and µ is a Radon measure on the locally compact HausdorffR space X. If F : X → V is continuous and compactly supported, then F dµ exists and belongs to the closed linear span of the range of F . Moreover, if V is a Banach space, Z Z (A.21) F dµ ≤ kF (x)k dµ(x). Theorem A.20 is almost sufficient for our purposes, but the condition that F be in Cc (X, V) needs to be relaxed a bit. A.22 Theorem. Suppose V is a Banach space and µ is a Radon measure on the locally compact Hausdorff space X. If g is a (scalar-valued) function in L1 (µ) and H : X → V is bounded and continuous, then R gH dµ exists and belongs to the closed linear span of the range of H, and Z Z (A.23) gH dµ ≤ sup kH(x)k |g(x)| dµ(x). x∈X 286 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition Proof. gH is weakly integrable, since φ ◦ H is bounded and continuous and hence φ ◦ (gH) = g(φ ◦ H) ∈ L1 (µ) for any φ ∈ V∗ . Moreover, since µ is Radon, there is a sequence {gn } in Cc (X) that converges to g in the L1 norm. Then Z Z kgn (x)H(x) − gm (x)H(x)k dµ(x) ≤ C |gn (x) − gm (x)| dµ(x) → 0 R as m, n → ∞, so by (A.21), the sequence { gn H dµ} is Cauchy in V. Denote its limit by v; then for any φ ∈ V∗ , Z Z Z φ(v) = lim φ gn H dµ = lim φ ◦ (gn H) dµ = φ ◦ (gH) dµ, since Z Z |φ ◦ (gn H) − φ ◦ (gH)| dµ ≤ C |gn − g| dµ → 0. R R In other words, gH dµ exists and equals v. Moreover, since gn H dµ belongs to the closed linear span of the range of H for each n, so does R gH dµ. Finally, since (A3.2) holds with F = gn H, (A.23) holds with g replaced by gn , and it then holds for g by letting n → ∞. When vector-valued integrals arise in the text, X will generally be a locally compact group G and µ will be Haar measure on G. The following situations are the most important ones. 1. Convolutions. Let V = Lp (G), where 1 ≤ p < ∞, and let Ly and Ry be the left and right translation operators defined by (2.5). If f ∈ Lp (G), the function y 7→ Ly f is bounded (kLy f kp = kf kp ) and continuous on G, by Hence, for any g ∈ L1 (G) we can R Proposition 2.42. p form the integral g(y)Ly f dy ∈ L (G). By its definition, this integral satisfies Z Z ZZ g(y)Ly f dy (x)h(x) dx = g(y)f (y −1 x)h(x) dx dy for every h ∈ Lq (G), where q is the conjugate exponent to p. A simple application of Hölder’s inequality and the Fubini-Tonelli theorem shows that the order of integration can be reversed, and since h ∈ Lq (G) is arbitrary, it follows that Z Z g(y)Ly f dy (x) = g(y)f (y −1 x) dy = g ∗ f (x). In other words, we have g∗f = Z g(y)Ly f dy, Appendices 287 where the integral can be interpreted either as an Lp -valued integral or pointwise (a.e.) as a scalar-valued integral: Z g ∗ f (x) = g(y)Ly f (x) dy. If G is unimodular, the same arguments show that Z f ∗ g = g(y −1 )Ry f dy, with the same pair of interpretations. When p = 1, this is true even if G is not unimodular. Indeed, the integrand g(y −1 )Ry f is the product of the functions y 7→ ∆(y)−1 g(y −1 ) and y 7→ ∆(y)Ry f ; the former is in L1 (G) by (2.32), and the latter is bounded and continuous from G to L1 (G) by (2.25). 2. Unitary Representations. Let π be a unitary representation of G. We wish to form the associated representation of L1 (G), Z π(f ) = f (x)π(x) dx (f ∈ L1 (G)) (see §3.2). Since π is only assumed continuous with respect to the strong operator topology, and L(Hπ ) is not a Banach space (or even a Fréchet space) with respect to this topology unless dim Hπ < ∞, Theorems A.20 and A.22 cannot be applied directly to define π(f ). However, Theorem A.22 can be used to define π(f ) pointwise: that is, for each u ∈ Hπ , x 7→ π(x)u is a bounded continuous function from G to Hπ , so the R integral f (x)π(x)u dx exists for f ∈ L1 (G): it is the vector π(f )u ∈ Hπ determined by the relations Z hπ(f )u, vi = f (x)hπ(x)u, vi dx (v ∈ Hπ ). The map u 7→ π(f )u is easily seen to be linear, and by (A.23), Z Z kπ(f )uk ≤ |f (x)|kπ(x)uk dx = kuk |f (x)| dx, so π(f ) ∈ L(Hπ ) and kπ(f )k ≤ kf k1 . Bibliography [1] W. Ambrose, Spectral resolution of groups of unitary operators, Duke Math. J. 11 (1944), 589–595. [2] L. Auslander and B. Kostant, Polarization and unitary representations of solvable Lie groups, Invent. Math. 14 (1971), 255–354. [3] L. 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Index of a set of operators, 30 character central, 211 of a locally compact Abelian group, 96 of a representation, 145 class function, 146 co-ideal, 128 B and Bp , 105 cocycle, 217 Banach algebra, 1 cohomologous cocycles, 217 generated by a set, 2 commutant semisimple, 10 of a representation, 75 symmetric, 8 of a set of operators, 30 unital, 1 of a system of imprimitivity, Banach ∗-algebra, 1 187 bicommutant, 30 commutator subgroup, 52 bidegree, 155 compact convergence, 88 Bochner’s theorem, 103 conjugate of a quaternion, 156 Bohr compactification, 130 constant field, 238 contragredient representation, 75 C(π1 , π2 ) and C(π), 75 convolution C(Σ), 187 of functions, 55 C* algebra, 1 of measures, 54 CCR (liminaire), 229 countably separated space, 196, GCR (postliminaire), 229 228 group, 224 cyclic representation, 76 canonical system of imprimitivity, cyclic subspace, 76 181 cyclic system of imprimitivity, 185 CCR algebra, 229 cyclic vector, 76 CCR group, 230 for a system of imprimitivity, central character, 211 185 central decomposition, 250 central function, 146 degree of a representation, 73 centralizer diagonal operator, 244 of a representation, 75 dimension of a representation, 73 action of a group, 60 regular, 196 adjoint action, 232 adjoint operator, 274 antilinear map, 273 approximate identity, 59 ax + b group, 46 301 302 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition direct integral of Hilbert spaces, 241 of operators, 243 of representations, 244 direct sum of Hilbert spaces, 274 of representations, 76 of systems of imprimitivity, 181 discrete Heisenberg group, 211 dual group, 97 dual measure, 107 dual space, 137, 223 E, 141 Eπ , 139 E(P0 ) and E(P1 ), 86 equivalence of measures, 49 strong, 50 of representations, 75 of systems of imprimitivity, 181 ergodic measure, 216 Euclidean group, 203 exponential solvable group, 232 factor, 32 of type I, 33 factor representation, 229 Fell topology, 226 field constant, 238 of Hilbert spaces, 238 of operators, 243 of representations, 244 Fourier algebra, 132 Fourier inversion theorem, 105, 111 Fourier transform on a compact group, 144 on a locally compact Abelian group, 102 on a noncompact non-Abelian group, 252 Fourier uniqueness theorem, 112 free group, 268 Frobenius reciprocity theorem, 172 function of positive type, 83 G-space, 60 GCR algebra, 229 GCR group, 230 Gelfand transform, 7, 15 Gelfand-Mazur theorem, 4 Gelfand-Naimark theorem, 11, 16 Gelfand-Raikov theorem, 91 generators of a Banach algebra, 2 group ax + b, 46 CCR (liminaire), 230 discrete Heisenberg, 211 dual, 97 Euclidean, 203 exponential solvable, 232 free, 268 GCR (postliminaire), 230 Heisenberg, 206 locally compact, 37 Lorentz, 204 Mautner, 209 Poincaré, 204 topological, 35 type I, 229 unimodular, 52 group algebra, 56 group C* algebra, 224 Haar measure, 40 Hausdorff-Young inequality, 109 Heisenberg group, 206 discrete, 211 Hermitian form, 273 Hilbert-Schmidt norm, 281 Hilbert-Schmidt operator, 278 homogeneous space, 61 hull of an ideal, 117 hull-kernel topology, 225 Index ideal, 6 maximal, 6 primitive, 225 proper, 6 imprimitive representation, 180 imprimitivity theorem, 190 induced representation, 165, 166, 169 intrinsic version, 169 injection of a pseudomeasure, 177 inner tensor product, 234 integral of a vector-valued function, 285 intertwining operator, 75 invariant subspace for a representation, 75 for a system of imprimitivity, 181 invertible element, 3 involution, 1 irreducible representation, 76 isometry, 274 partial, 274 Jacobson topology, 225 kernel of a closed set, 117 Kronecker product, 234 left Haar measure, 40 left regular representation, 74 left uniform continuity, 37 lifting of a linear functional, 232 liminaire (liminal) algebra, 229 little group, 200 locally almost everywhere, 50 locally Borel set, 50 locally compact group, 37 locally in an ideal, 122 locally measurable function, 50 locally null set, 50 Lorentz group, 204 restricted, 204 303 M (G), 54 Mackey Borel structure, 228 matrix element, 139 Mautner group, 209 maximal ideal, 6 maximal ideal space, 5 measurable field of Hilbert spaces, 238 of operators, 243 of representations, 244 measurable vector field, 240 measure dual, 107 equivalent, 49 ergodic, 216 Haar, 40 Plancherel, 254 projection-valued, 20 quasi-invariant, 64, 216 Radon, xii regular, xii semi-finite, 23 standard, 249 strongly equivalent, 50 strongly quasi-invariant, 64 measure algebra, 55 modular function, 51 multiplicative functional, 5 multiplicity, 137 multiplier, 217 neighborhood, xii nondegenerate C* algebra, 28 nondegenerate representation, 28 norm topology, 275 normal operator, 25 outer tensor product, 234 P, 83 P0 and P1 , 86 p-adic integers, 40 p-adic norm, 39 p-adic numbers, 39 304 A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Second Edition partial isometry, 274 p.b. convergence, 18 perfect set, 123 Peter-Weyl theorem, 143 Plancherel measure, 254 Plancherel theorem, 108, 252, 257 Poincaré group, 204 Poisson summation formula, 114 polar decomposition, 275 polarization identity, 273 Pontrjagin duality theorem, 110 positive definite function, 91 positive form, 273 positive linear functional, 34 positive operator, 274 positive type, 83, 176, 184 postliminaire (postliminal) algebra, 229 primary representation, 229 primitive ideal, 225 projection-valued measure, 20 regular, 21 projective representation, 221 pseudomeasure, 175 of positive type, 176, 184 cyclic, 76 imprimitive, 180 induced, 165, 166, 169 irreducible, 76 left regular, 74 primary, 229 projective, 221 quasi-equivalent, 250 regular, 74 right regular, 75 ∗-, 28 unitary, 73 representation space, 73 resolvent, 4 restricted Lorentz group, 204 rho-function, 65 right Haar measure, 40 right regular representation, 75 right uniform continuity, 37 Schur orthogonality relations, 139 Schur’s lemma, 77 semi-direct product, 199 semi-finite measure, 23 semisimple Banach algebra, 10 sesquilinear form, 273 sesquilinear map, 273 Qp , 39 SL(2, R), 263 quasi-dual space, 250 slowly oscillating function, 126 quasi-equivalence, 250 SO(3) and SO(4), 156 quasi-invariant measure, 64, 216 spectral radius, 5 quaternions, 156 spectral synthesis, 129 Rademacher function, 99 spectral theorem, 22, 24, 28 Radon measure, xii spectrum reducible representation, 76 of a commutative Banach alregular action, 196 gebra, 5 regular measure, xii of a nonunital algebra, 15 regular projection-valued measure, of a subspace of L∞ (G), 128 21 of an element, 4 regular representation, 74 of an element of L∞ (G), 129 two-sided, 251 standard measurable space, 228 representation, 73 standard measure, 249 contragredient, 75 ∗-algebra, 1 Index ∗-homomorphism, 2 ∗-representation, 28 Stone-von Neumann theorem, 207 strong operator topology, 275 strongly equivalent measures, 50 strongly quasi-invariant measure, 64 SU (2), 149 subrepresentation, 76 symmetric Banach algebra, 8 symmetric set, 35 system of imprimitivity, 179 canonical, 181 cyclic, 185 derived from a pseudomeasure, 185 equivalent, 181 transitive, 187 Tannaka duality theorem, 161 tensor product of Hilbert spaces, 280 of operators, 283 of representations, 234 outer, 234 theorem Bochner’s, 103 Fourier inversion, 105, 111 Fourier uniqueness, 112 Frobenius reciprocity, 172 Gelfand-Mazur, 4 Gelfand-Naimark, 11 Gelfand-Raikov, 91 imprimitivity, 190 Peter-Weyl, 143 Plancherel, 108, 252, 257 Pontrjagin duality, 110 Schur’s (lemma), 77 spectral, 22, 24, 28 Stone-von Neumann, 207 Tannaka duality, 161 von Neumann density, 30 Wiener’s, 123 305 Wiener-Pitt, 127 topological group, 35 topology of compact convergence, 88 trace-class operator, 276, 277 transitive G-space, 60 transitive system of imprimitivity, 187 two-sided regular representation, 251 type I factor, 33 type I group, 229 U (2), 159 uniform continuity, 37 uniformly almost periodic function, 131 unimodular group, 52 unital Banach algebra, 1 unitary dual, 137, 223 unitary equivalence, 75 unitary map, 274 unitary representation, 73 vector field, 238 measurable, 240 von Neumann algebra, 29 von Neumann density theorem, 30 Walsh function, 99 weak operator topology, 275 weakly integrable function, 285 Wiener’s theorem, 123 Wiener-Pitt Tauberian theorem, 127 Zp , 40