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English Position Paper Module: Writing Concept Paper Pt. 2

School Year 2020-2021
Topic: Writing The Concept Paper Pt. 2
Module Number: 1 - 2
Module Duration: 2 weeks
Most Essential Learning Competency
 Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes.
 Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly
cited factual evidences.
 Writes various kinds of position papers.
Learning Objectives
• Define a position paper
• Identify situations in which a position paper may be effectively
used in the present society.
• Gather manifestos and analyze the arguments used by writers.
• Defend a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by
properly cited factual evidence.
• Write various kind of position papers.
Learning Materials
• Powerpoint presenatation, recorded video of the lesson
• DWCC moodle
Learning Procedures A. Routinary Activities Prayer
May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the
Word and the Spirit of grace!
And may the Heart of Jesus live in every heart! Amen.
A. Checking of Attendance
B. Review of the Previous Lessons
C. Motivation
D. Lesson Proper
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a. Presentation of the Lesson
 Writing the Position Paper
b. Discussion
Lesson 1
Definition of Position Paper
A position paper is a composition in which the writer takes a side on a particular
controversial topic and defends his side by presenting supports in the form of facts,
statistics, and other evidence to convince the reader to take his position
The following steps are undertaken by a writer of a position paper.
1. Selecting a Topic. Your position paper must focus on a topic supported by research. Choose
a topic that interest you.
2. Conducting a Preliminary Research - Preliminary research is done to determine the
availability of supporting materials to back up your stance. If there are no materials available or
if the materials found are too limited to help you defend your position, the best thing to do is to
change your topic.
3. Challenging Your Own Topic. Try thinking of arguments opposed to your views. If you
challenge your topic, chances are you will know whether or not you stand the chance to defend
your stance convincingly such that the reader will favor your position.
4. Collecting Additional Supporting Evidence. Knowing that your position can face up to
challenges from opposing positions, you are still uncertain about the strenthg of your position. It
is important to gather more evidence from various sources (particularly primary sources) to
further strengthen your position. Include personal experiences to make your position
emotionally appealing.
5. Creating an outline. A position paper may follow the format below:
Introduction - Introduce your topic with a little background information. Build up to
your thesis sentence, which asserts your position
List possible objections to your position
a. Such labels would affect profits of major corporations.
b. Many people would see this as overreaching government control.
c. Whose job is it to determine which restaurants are bad?
Who draws the line?
d. The program would be costly.
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Support and acknowledgement of the opposing points
a. It would be difficult and expensive for any entity to determine which restaurants
should adhere to the policy.
b. Nobody wants to see the government overstepping its boundaries.
c. Funding would fall onto the shoulders of taxpayers.
Explain that your position is still the best one, despite the strength of counter
a. The cost would be countered by the improvement of public health.
b. Restaurants might improve the standards of food if warning labels were put into
c. One role of the government is to keep citizens safe.
d. The government already does this with drugs and cigarettes.
Summarize your argument and restate your position.
Guidelines for Writing the Position Paper
 Values Communicated
A. Logical Thinking
 Process of using a rational, systematic series of steps basedon sound mathematical
procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion\
 Logical Thinker
 Observe
 Analyze phenomenon, reactions and feedback
 Draw conclusions based on input
 Justify strategies, actions, and decisions based on facts gathered
B. Objective expression of ideas
 Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without:
 Distortion
 Personal feelings
 Prejudices
 Interpretations
C. Balanced assignments of conflicting ideas
 Use of language
 Shifting from the opposing argument to supporting argument
 Expressing both the arguments and the counter arguments
Modes of Reasoning
A. Inductive
B. Deductive
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Uses of Position Papers
Position papers are written to achieve a number of purposes, which include but are not limited to
the following:
1. Political - adherence or non-adherence to a political party, government program, etc.
2. Artistic - creation or abolition of an artistic movement
3. Scientific - acceptance or non-acceptance of a scientific theory
4. Educational - conformity or non-conformity with educational reforms
5. Religious - conversion to a departure from religous sects
6. Professional - commitment or non-commitment to professional organizations
7. Technology - application or non-application of a technological breakthrough
8. Business - patronage or boycott of business products and establishments
Kinds of Position Papers
Position papers are classified according to purposes they serve. Thus, the list under the uses of
position papers is the same list for classification of position papers.
Research Guidelines:
Develop supporting evidences for both sides including factual knowledge, statistical
evidence, authorative testimony.
Identify the issues and prejudices keeping in mind your audience. List these as
appropriate and anticipate counterclaims.
Assume familiarity with basic concepts, but define unfamiliar terms/conepts or state
meanings that define your point of departure.
Refer to those who agree with your position to assist you in developing your argument.
Familiarize yourself with those who disagree with you to prepare your defense.
Summarize their argument and evidence, then refute.
Writing Guidelines:
Consider your audience. Start with a topic sentence or two that attracts attention and
summarizes the issue. Inform the reader of your point of view.
Focus on the three main points to develop. Each topic is developed with:
1. A general statement of the position.
2. An elaboration that referernces documents and source data.
3. Past experiences and authorative testimony.
4. Conclusion restating position.
Establish flow from paragraph to paragraph
1. Keep your voice active.
2. Quote sources to establish authority.
3. Stay focused on your point of view throughout the essay.
4. Focus on logical arguments.
5. Don’t lapse into summary in the development - wait for the conclusion.
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1. Summarize then conclude your argument.
2. Refer to the first paragraph/ opening statements as well as main points:
a. Does the conclusion restate the main ideas?
b. Reflect the succession and importance of the arguments
c. Logically conclude their development.
3. Share a draft with others to better develop the paper and ensure that your
argument is clear.
4. Revise, spell-check, and succeed in building your case.
Learning Activities
Activity 1
Directions: Answer each of the following questions below. (2pts each)
1. What makes a position paper more or less persuasive?
2. Why is research important in taking a stand or writing a position?
3. How can you tell whether the sources the you have used in your paper are credible?
4. What is the danger when using the Internet as a resource? Why?
5. What is the societal value of the position paper?
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Write a position paper for one of the suggested topics/statements below.
 Human Rights must be strengthened in the Philippines
 Martial Law is good for the Philippines
 Physical punishment for children should be a crime
 Giving bigger incentives for Filipino Scientist and Inventors
The rubrics in the evaluation of your position paper is as follows:
 Argumentation (quality of logic, evidence, and explanation) = 25%
 Persuasion = 25%
 Language = 20%
 Organization = 20%
 Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) = 10%
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Second Edition (REX)
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Language Coordinator
English For Academics and Professional
Purposes Teacher
Recommended by:
Checked by:
Principal, Basic Education
Academic Coordinator
Approved by:
Director, Basic Education
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