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Calcium Food Log Assignment: Clinical Nutrition at UCF

HSC 4572: Clinical Nutrition
Department of Health Sciences at UCF
Calcium Food Log Assignment
NutritionCalc Plus in Connect
1. Visit the McGraw-Hill NutritionCalc Plus software in your textbook which can be found in the Connect software. The NutritionCalc Plus software is part of McGraw-Hill Connect as part of your Bundle.
2. In NutritionCalc Plus create an Account in the Account tab with your individual information. If you already
have an Account then you do not need to create another one
3. Visit the Intakes tab then input your total food and drink intake for 24 hours using the Search Foods database.
After you find the food you have eaten Add it to your food list and select the closest possible Amount or Size.
4. Continue to Add your entire food and drink intake for 24 hours until you are finished then Save your Food List.
5. You do not have to add Activities as part of this assignment but if you want to you can. To do this visit the Activities tab and Add your Activities in the Search Activities database, then Save your 24 hour Activities.
6. Visit the Reports tab and select the Single Nutrient Report. In the Single Nutrient Report select the date you
have reported on and Calcium as your Nutrient. Save your report as a PDF file by selecting View Report.
Completing Your Food Log
1. Using your Single Nutrient Report from Connect complete the Food Log for calcium by adding each food item
you reported for your 24 hour report. Remember that 1gm equals 1000mg of calcium.
2. Delete the example items currently listed in the Food Log and complete the Food Log to the best of your ability. Add the milligrams for each food item along with the totals for each meal or snacks.
3. In the Food Log attempt to provide the best amounts in the appropriate serving size as possible. If you are
struggling to estimate what the amount size is then consider reviewing the food item label for reference.
4. Once your Food Log is complete you will save your Food Log (separate from this document) in either Word or
PDF format. Remember that totals do not have to be exact but rounded to the largest number.
Answering Questions and Submitting your Single Nutrient Report in Connect
1. Using the assignment link in Webcourses visit McGraw-Hill Connect and the Food Log: Calcium assignment in
2. In the Food Log: Calcium assignment you will Submit your Single Nutrient Report for calcium by uploading it
using the Upload Tool in the Food Log: Calcium assignment.
3. In the Food Log: Calcium assignment you will Submit your completed Food Log for calcium by uploading it using the Upload Tool in the Food Log: Calcium assignment.
4. In the Food Log: Calcium assignment you will answer the questions related to calcium and your Single Nutrient Report or Food Log. You may also use your notes and textbook for this assignment.
5. You will then complete the assignment and await manual grading of the uploaded documents by your instructor. Grading may take up to 2 weeks but will likely be completed within a week of the due date.
Food Log For You to Complete and Submit in Webcourses as Part of the Food Log: Calcium Assignment - *Detach the Food Log From These Instructions
*delete example items before you submit your work and do not complete black boxes, (1gm = 1000mg)
Calcium (mg)
(max 1 decimal)
Oatmeal, plain (cooks up to 1 cup)
1/2 cup, dry
Milk, 1%
1/2 cup
Banana, medium
Breakfast subtotal
173 mg
(put each food on separate line)
Lunch subtotal
_______ mg
(put each food on separate line)
Dinner subtotal
_______ mg
Daily totals
_______ mg
*When submitting this Log in the Food Log: Calcium assignment detach it from the instructions